HIDDEN MATHEMATICS - Randall Carlson - Ancient Knowledge of Space, Time & Cosmic Cycles

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The secret lies with 3, 6, 9.


👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/eyeknowwhodidit 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

10/10 I had long thought it all tied together somehow. Def worth the watch

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/supremeoverlord40 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Watching soon. Numbers are right up my street..... on houses to identify the address.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Encantaria 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello i'm randall carlson and i would like to  welcome you to a very special episode of after   school i'm a designer and builder by profession  but have for many years been an avid investigator   into the marvels and mysteries of this amazing  world we inhabit i would like to invite you   to join us here on a journey into the realm of  sacred number and symbol and the forms patterns   and cycles of both space and time in which these  numbers are embedded today thanks to the talented   team at after school we'll take a peek behind  the veil into the ancient symbolism of sacred   number that still exists as part of our everyday  lives the animation format employed here is a   powerful medium for conveying the essence of this  knowledge and so without further ado let us begin   so what is the universal language it's symbolism  it's it's number and symbolism and form and   number symbolism and form are universal regardless  of the spoken tongue uh which one happens to have   been brought up in and hopefully in the next  hour hour and a half i'm going to be showing   you examples of this so that you can see for  yourself what actually the universal language of   of geometry and symbolism actually means so we're  going to jump right into it here and talk about   sacred numbers embedded in everyday phenomena  these are the things that we all pretty much   think about and use on a daily basis without ever  really pondering the fact that there's actually   deep symbolism hidden within them we measure  our life in terms of days of 24 hours referred   to as a tropical or solar day and it turns out  that 24 of these hours are 1404 minutes this is   one of the key numbers within the ancient canon  of numerical cosmology that the ancients used   to basically design and create their world  the 440 minutes equates to 86 400 seconds   so if you just listen to these numbers look at  them and let them kind of soak into your brain   once you've gotten into this as a as a actually a  system a methodology of transmitting information   these numbers are actually carriers of information  because each number stands for meanings beyond   just the apparent ones so we see 1440 minutes  is equal to 86 400 seconds and a twelve hour   span of time which is usually represented  on the the clock uh 720 minutes which equals   forty three thousand two hundred seconds so  just look at those numbers you'll think that   obviously forty three thousand two hundred  is half of eighty six thousand four hundred   the fourteen hundred and forty we're gonna  we're gonna counter that number again   here momentarily so these are just examples of  some of the time measures how we think about time   in our particular culture space measure we talk  about a foot we talk about uh of 12 inches we   talk about a square foot you'll notice that the  square foot has the same repetition of digits 144   as the 24 hours does all we do is we tack a zero  on that we have the number of minutes in a day   we have a cubic foot equaling 1728 i want  to call your attention to the one square   yard which is 1296 inches as it turns out we  could stick a zero on the end of that we have   12 960 years which turns out to be an  awesomely important span of time in terms of   some of the great cycles that affect this planet  and and that's what we're going to be getting to   uh geometry everybody knows that a circumference  of a circle is divided into 360 degrees and that   360 degrees of arc because each degree  is subdivided into minutes of arc there   was then 60 times 360 as it says there  are 21 600 and then you'll notice the 21   600 minutes of arc equals 1 million 296 000  seconds of arc that's a mighty fine subdivision of   a circle that would be used mostly by astronomers  to measure the motion of distant stars but notice   that number one million two hundred ninety  six thousand and you'll see that it's the same   number just raised by three orders of magnitude  as the number of square inches in a square yard   okay now another thing you might notice about most  of these numbers from 1440 to 8640 43 200 144 1728   36 1296 is that they all kabbalistically  add up and reduce to the single digit 9.   notice that all of them pick any one of them  other than say with the exception of 24 but 1440   adds and reduces to a single digit nine 1296  you'll notice the same thing one and two and   nine and six is eighteen which adds to a nine  okay so have you if you're taking notes write   these down or make mental notes of these numbers  because these are the numbers we're going to be   encountering now as we go progress through  this through this journey here into the hidden   mathematics so we will start by looking at how  some of these same numbers and other numbers   are associated with the measures of geometry  and here we have what i refer to as the alphabet   of sacred geometry and these are the simplest  forms these are the polygons you have a circle   which is actually not a polygon but we have an  equilateral triangle a square and a pentagon   and each of these can be measured by the  number of degrees that determine the angles   of the sides so for example we look at a circle  which is just a special case of an ellipse with   eccentricity of zero we've covered this already  so let's go right to the equilateral triangle   and we'll see it's 60 60 and 60 which equals 180  degrees again notice that we've got the number 9   recurring we go to the square which is 4 times  90 degrees the total number of degrees defining   the square is 360 the same as the circle the same  as the measure of a circle and we measure the   polygons by essentially measuring the angles of  the vertices or the corners so then likewise with   the pentagon each of the angles between successive  edges is 108 degrees so you multiply the 108 times   5 and you get 540. again notice everything adds  up to nine for some strange reason 108 is going   to turn out to be a very important number  it's a lunar number as you're going to see   108 anybody know what metal has an atomic weight  of silver that i mean atomic weight of 108 yes   that's right it's silver very good all right  so let's get into some of the solid tetrahedron   is this form right here and it's composed of four  of the equilateral triangles so we have as it says   here there's four triangular faces four times 180  is 720 degrees that is the total angular measure   of this particular geometric form this is known  as one of the platonic solids or regular polyhedra   polyhedra means multiple faces and the regular  polyhedra is the family of five there's only five   that have the same shape or the same polygonal  face in this case the equilateral triangle and   then we will move on to the cube and the cube is  six faces and they're each square and we saw that   that each of those square faces had 360 degrees  6 times 360. the important thing is to grasp that   the total number of degrees in this form is 2160  2160 and we're going to find out that that number   actually turns out to be pretty significant in  the measure of other parts of time and space   then we'll go to the octahedron  and it has eight triangular faces   this is our octahedron right here and they're  all you'll notice that so far the the tetrahedron   and the octahedron are both composed of  triangular equilateral triangular faces   and essentially if you look at the difference  between the tetrahedron and the octahedron   you could just imagine that if we could take  the tetrahedron and split it along an edge   and insert a fourth triangular face it would cause  it to flatten out somewhat and it would give us   the top half of the octahedron and likewise we  could insert a fifth equilateral triangle in   here and it's going to give us the icosahedron  which i'll show you in a minute if we tried to   insert a sixth one though we discovered that the  whole thing flattened out into two dimensions so   that wouldn't work as far as enclosing  space so in any case notice we're seeing   a recurrence of this number that we saw  1440. remember we saw that number back right right here the number of minutes in a day so  let that that relationship sink in the number   of minutes in the time that it takes our earth to  spin exactly once on its axis relative to the sun   happens to be the same number of  degrees that define the octahedron and that's actually what we're talking about then  when we're talking about a tropical or solar day   we're talking about one exactly one rotation  of the earth on its axis relative to the sun okay then we have the icosahedron which is 20 faces all equilateral triangles  you can see if you look at the vertex of this   thing you see that there are five faces clustered  around each vertex so if we were to split an edge   insert another triangle what it would happen is  it would flatten out into a hexagon a flat hexagon   with six equilateral triangles about its center in  any case there are 20 of these triangular faces 20   times 180 is 3600 so again we have one of our  nines and then our final is our dodecahedron   my favorite shape this is what plato  referred to the dodecahedron as being   the the shape of the universe itself  the dodecahedron you'll notice has uh   12 faces 20 vertices whereas the icosahedron has  20 faces and 12 vertices so they're duals of each   other we could actually suspend this icosahedron  if the dodecahedron was hollow we could put it   inside we would discover that each corner  of the icosahedron coincided with the center   of the pentagonal face of the doe decahedron okay  each pentagonal face as we found out was a each   edge was 108 5 times 108 540 12 times 540 as it  says is 6480. so again we've got a the number nine   redundantly occurring over and over again  in these measures okay 6480 turns out to   be a critically important number as well as  you're going to see as we proceed along here oh and then we have the star tetrahedron which  would be two tetrahedrons interlaced and i don't   have one of those today but if you can picture  a tetrahedron like this and then one like this   interlaced it gives you this what's known  as sometimes the star tetrahedron or the   stellated octahedron it is composed of two  tetrahedrons each of 720 so here again now   you're seeing the repetition of this same  number 1440 being the measure of the of the uh   star tetrahedron okay so now we're going to talk  about time measures the first thing we're going to   look at is astrological time cycles i don't  know how many of you have studied astrology   but in this particular scheme of time the total  duration of the processional cycle which is 25   920 years this is the motion of the earth on its  axis like this or you could think of it like this   the axis of the earth actually forms sort of  an hourglass motion a long slow period of um   of rotation it's some you could consider earth's  third motion next to its first motion which is   the daily rotation of the earth on its axis  its second motion which is the orbit of the   earth around the sun and its third motion  which is the precession of the earth's axis   the daily the the diurnal or daily rotation of  the earth on its axis gives us the day-night cycle   which is obviously of critical importance to our  life down here on earth the orbit around the sun   also is likewise of critical importance because  that's the yearly cycle the third motion is what   the ancients refer to as the great ear and it's  been measured by astronomers at slightly over 50   seconds of arc of motion per year which actually  puts the astronomically determined number slightly   less than this one but we don't know that that's  necessarily constant for the whole cycle in any   case the the ancient number that was typically  attributed to this great year cycle was 25   920 years that great year was considered to  be analogous to our annual year and just as   the annual year was divided into four seasons  of spring summer winter and fall likewise the   great year was divided into four great seasons  symbolized by the four fixed signs of the zodiac   the bowl the lion the eagle and the man or the  angel if you divide 25 920 by four to determine   the duration of each season you'll discover that  it's 6480 years which is interesting because four hundred 6400 eighty years as  you recall was the total measure   of the dodecahedron so here we  have this same number linking   the measure of space in terms of the dodecahedron  6480 degrees and the season of the great year   which was considered to be profoundly  important to ancient cultures all over the   world who had various ways of representing  this four-fold division of cyclical time all right then we have from the ancient  caldeans we have what was known as the   cerro cycle which was 3600 years so we see a  repetition of that number the 3600 if you re   recalling and are taking notes is the number of  degrees measuring the icosahedron then we have   the the decans you'll notice that a platonic month  which is 1 12 1 12 of the great year right there   you divide that number by 12 you get this number  2160 and that number you may recall depending on how good your memory is is the number of degrees  measuring the cube two thousand one hundred and   sixty and then you'll notice the two decans of  the ecliptic is or 20 degrees of the ecliptic   is fourteen hundred and forty the number of  degrees in the octahedron and one deckhand   or 10 degrees for any of you who've studied  astrology you know that the deckhands are   important to astrological determinations one  deckhand of 10 degrees then takes 720 years   and so here we have all five of the platonic  solids represented in these particular time cycles   and over here i'm going to mention that  ancient cultures all over the world used   to run two calendars successfully a secular  calendar which is typically like our modern   calendar of 365 and one quarter days and then  they would have a sacred calendar of 360 days   and in five days intercalated they would  call it typically they would do whether   it was the greeks or the egyptians or even the  mayans ancient cultures all over the world had   similar uh traditions of setting those five days  aside and they were considered to be unlucky   and so no really no work no activity nothing  nobody ever tried to do anything on those days   they would just take those days off five days off  then they would resume again and pick up their   sacred year of 360 degrees now the sumerians had a  belief that the year was once actually 360 days in   length and it's somewhere along as a result of  some cosmic catastrophe of some undefined sort   the day was the year was lengthened by five and  one quarter days and so the sumerians who are the   first known culture to mathematically divide the  circle into 360 degrees it is believed that one of   their motives for doing so was they believed that  that circle then could become a model of the year   and each degree then representing one day so what  we have now is a synchrony going on in that if the   year the idealized or sacred years 360 days then  what we have if you actually picture it is that   the earth is describing a circle in its orbit but  then in each degree of motion around that circle   it's turned once on its axis so what we have  there is a synchronization of this cosmic motion   representing these numbers so in any case the  ancient cultures would reckon time measure by   360 days according to the sacred calendar  and by doing so they could then divide   that 360 days of the sacred year into  subdivisions such as this right over here   and we'll just run through that very quickly  you'll notice that one deckhand turns out to   be 10 days within the sacred calendar and that's  exactly 14 400 minutes so here we have the same   numbers recurring again you'll notice though that  the number the symbolism of the number is not lost   or the system of the the symbolism of the  number is consistent irrespective of its   order of magnitude so in other words you could say  the square of 12 being 144 has the same symbolism   as 144 times 10 or 144 times 100 as you have right  here or even 144 times a thousand again referring   back to the book of revelations there's a verse  in there uh referring to the 144 000 redeemed of   the earth and we'll get to that uh here shortly  that's an interesting quote because they have   various ways of embedding these sacred numbers  into the into the various traditions you'll notice   that three decades or one platonic month in the  platonic year was 2160 years but in the sacred   year of 360 days again there's that 43 200. so and  go down here the one platonic season of 6480 years   129 600. so if you're taking notes and writing  these down you're going to find it you're   writing down the same numbers over and over again  simply raised to different orders of magnitude okay this is just a little graphic that depicts  this processional motion that i'm talking about   here this motion right here that is generally  assumed by most astronomers to be primarily   induced onto the earth by by the moon secondarily  by the sun and then also a contributing factor by   the planets so it's almost you could almost think  of this processional motion of the earth's axis   as being the uh the vector summation of  all the gravity forces of the solar system   acting on the earth causing it acting see when  the planet rotates on its axis and this is a   critically uh critical factor  as it rotates on its axis   it spreads out towards the middle its equatorial  diameter is greater than its polar diameter and   that in fact is critical to the earth  maintaining uh axial stability so that   it's not doing this in its orbit around the sun  because if it was doing that uh it's likely that   higher life would have never evolved in the  first place but due to the fact that it spins   it spreads out so that the diameter of the equator  is 26 miles greater than the diameter of the pole   the sum total of all the gravity forces impinging  upon the earth from moon sun and planets   acts upon that bulge as if it was a flywheel and  is actually pulling it around pulling it around   and it's that that that leads to the great year  and uh what it does is over a period of half the   great year one million or uh 12 960 years is it  reverses the seasons so that if we were able to   jump in a time machine and go back 12 960 or ahead  12960 we would find that everything was reversed   if we would keep the same gregorian calendar in  place the seasons would have been reversed so that   winter would be july and summer would be in fact  and then what we would see is that hemispherically   like we know that when it's winter in the northern  hemisphere it's southern it's summer in the   southern hemisphere well those seasons would be  reversed they flip it's a back and forth it's an   oscillation between uh the two hemispheres of  the earth over a period of of of 12 960 years   this shows that the wheel of the great year  with all of the ages the astrological months as   they're known and if we were to place ourselves  right at this position right here where it says   zero years bp bp means before present and it also  is 25 920 years so what has been happening is   that the vernal equinox the oppo a hypothetical  point in space occupied by the sun when day and   night or the exact same duration that vernal  point is moving through space as a result of   this axial motion of the earth and ancient  peoples would go to great lengths to try to   observe and predict that motion so they would set  up structures oftentimes on a very large scale   that would be oriented to certain points in space  so that one could from certain vantage points such   as the center of a ringed megalithic structure  for example or the center of a temple that had   an axial orientation to a certain point on the  horizon one could make my new observations of this   slowly shifting uh vernal equinox or for example  the solstices the vernal equinox and the solstices   are two lines in space that are right angles to  each other i'll show you a graphic in a minute   but in any case as we go around this wheel this  great wheel here this wheel of this cosmic wheel   what we're going to see is that each of these is  a zodiacal sign we have here pisces we have here   aquarius so now the vernal equinox is poised  it's it's moving out of the star constellation of   pisces moving into the star  constellation of aquarius   and so we say that roughly for the last  2000 or if we want to be precise 2160 years   the vernal equinox has been transiting the  constellation of pisces and therefore we've   been in the piscean age prior to that was aries  prior to that was taurus we find that the uh the   beginning of modern recorded history goes back to  the taurian age we can essentially express all of   recorded human history between the  the latter part of the taurian age   through the age of aries the age of pisces  and now into the age of aquarius right okay if we go back we'll notice though that  the numbers here are the same numbers the same   family of numbers we've been looking at here  2160 4320 6480 8640 10800 we saw the number   108 i called your attention to that when i was  asking you what was the atomic weight of silver   and which metal i mean which which  astronomical object is silver associated with   the moon yes 12 960 puts us  exactly on the opposite end of the   equinoctial axis and then we see it right angles  to each other we have this is the autumn spring   axis and this is the summer winter axis and  they're at right angles to each other and   the whole thing is rotating you've got a picture  that this propeller is rotating counterclockwise   so that in 6480 years taurus will be  have moved down to the zero point okay   we've seen this so this is just a recap of  those same numbers and you will notice 8640   the number of seconds in one day you'll notice  that in a half a day 43 200 well if you go back to   the dawning of the age of aries  three hundred and twenty years ago and these are just more interesting ways  that these numbers show up if you take   twenty five thousand nine hundred  twenty seconds and set each each   second corresponding to one year of the great  year you'll discover it's exactly 432 minutes   25 920 hours in turn is 1080 days and 25 920 days  is equal to 72 years in the sacred calendar which   is interesting because i think if you most uh  determinations of the average human lifespan   right now in history is about 72 years  so you could think of a human lifespan   as being equivalent to one day of the great year  there's an interesting proportional relationship   going on there between the total processional  cycle of 25 920 years and one human lifetime in the vedas they had various ways  of encoding uh references to numbers   let the brahman hear the praise we utter  this has the four-horned buffalo emitted   four are his horns three are the feet that  bear him his heads are two his hands are   seven in number notice four three two raised  to the seventh power gives you the number of   years in the ancient vedic time span the culpa  4 billion 320 million years which i find to be   suspiciously close to the modern estimate for the  age of the universe which is about four and a half   or the age of the earth rather which is about four  and a half billion years so this was one way they   had of encoding or embedding references to these  sacred numbers in the vedas and this is probably   some of the oldest writings that extent where  these this canon of numerology is is presented   in ancient samaria from the various writings of  historians like um barossas and others and from   the sumerian clay tablets were able  to find that there were references to   ten pre or anti-diluvian kings  what does uh pre deluvian mean   before the flood right so they had this belief  that there were ten kings raining before the flood   and you'll notice the numbers that they ascribed  to each of the kings the rain uh those numbers   now should all be becoming familiar to you you've  seen a bunch of them already there's forty three   thousand two hundred sixty four eight hundred  thirty six you'll notice sixty four thousand   eight hundred is uh presented twice actually three  times the total low forty four hundred and thirty   two thousand years um that's a long span of time  do you think they meant this literally or is this   strictly symbolic and figurative is it possible  that the king could have reigned for 36 000 years   i tend to think it was symbolical but you know it  is interesting that one of the again one of the   universal traditions from ancient cultures is that  before the flood in all the cultures from all over   the world recognized that there was a great flood  or even floods that decimated humanity at various   times but they're all pretty much in agreement  that prior to the flood the human lifespan was   much longer than it is today which i find we've  all heard about methuselah living to be 969 years   right or lamech being 777. it seems that they had  in the biblical ages they seem to have lived about   an order of magnitude greater than our modern ages  which considering you know from my perspective   the things i'd like to get done in this  lifetime i would need at least that many years in the value piranha which is again one of  the vedas we find verses like this 360 years   according to the human calculation constitute  one divine year wise people know that there   are four yugas in bharata varsa the first  one is krata then follow trata devapara   and kali probably some of you have heard of the  kali yuga that we're supposedly in right now   and suppose the age of darkness  and the age of ignorance but you'll notice that they they reckon  time they have a they have another the   vedas recognizes a sacred year that they call  or a divine year which is 360 of our years   okay now here's a tabulation of the vedic ages  and you'll notice we'll look first at the total   in human years and we see that the  kali yuga the shortest is 432 thousand   then we go to 864 thousand one million two hundred  ninety six thousand one million seven hundred   twenty eight and four million three hundred  and twenty thousand you'll notice that the   total or the maha yuga the great yuga is  ten times the length of the kali yuga and uh   that's because you'll notice that that  the drapara is twice the trade is three   times and the sake is four times so taking the  original term doubling it then tripling it then   quadrupling it adding those together will give  us 10 times the number we started with but again   notice the number that the vedic ages  begins with 432 000 is the same number   that the sumerian king list ends with so it's  almost as if we have two different traditions but   one system and we see that the sumerians preserve  knowledge about the the um subdivisions of this   yuga time of 432 thousand years and symbolize  these subdivisions by the reigns of these these 10   uh prediluvian kings and then we can see that once  we get to 432 000 years at that point the vedic   cycles kick in and then we have these that follow  and using the divine year of 360 years yields   these this column of numbers and then when we put  the duration into human years it's interesting   each each of the yugas such as the kali yuga  they were all believed to have a a period   of transition into the age then the age itself  and then a period of transition out of the age   and so basically what they did was they took the  the total age you'll notice here the relationship   between the kali yugas the 360 thousand and  the sanja which was the transition in the   sun yamsa which was the transition out are each  one tenth of that adding up to the total of 432   but you'll notice that we we're we've got the same  recurring numbers again now there's 144 000 right   there and then we have that raised by another  order of magnitude so you see how these same   numbers are recurring over and over again uh and i  would suggest that there's a pattern emerging here   and i know that for a lot of people first time  they are confronted with this kind of information   sometimes it's almost too mind-boggling you're  going what the heck is all these numbers mean   uh you know it's just too many numbers to  sort out but what you realize once you start   studying them is that each one of them is  kind of a mnemonic because each number has   a whole collection of phenomena that's associated  with it and it's still in use today i mean how   many people i mean everybody should know that  you know a square foot is 144 square inches i   mean anybody who's a builder a craftsperson an  artist should know basic rules of measurement   the mayan world ages now you notice there  do we see similar numbers the buck tune   144 000 days so it's almost like they took the  same they had the same numbers but they're now   representing smaller cycles but it's the same  numbers representing the cyclical periods within   nature a tune is 360 days and that was the  typical that was the sacred calendar that we   find all over the ancient world and then they had  the five days added to that the five unlucky days   so again we see the same numbers being repeated  redundantly throughout these various traditions sacred numbers embedded in solar  system architecture i'm only going   to show you a few examples of this to  convey to you the idea the solar orb well if we measure that we discover its   radius is 432 000 miles which of course  means that its diameter is 864 000 miles   so notice that we measured the sun according  to the human measure of miles and by the way um   what is the origin of the the mile unit  that we use anybody know origin of the mile   origin of the mile it comes from the  latin word mill which means a thousand   so it's talking about a thousand something  what would it be talking about a thousand what   a thousand paces that average 5.28 feet in length  it actually goes back we know that romans were   using a mile there were a thousand paces and they  would lay out rome for example had a city center   and everything was measured outwards from that  city center according to paces and those paces   were um a thousand of them gave the roman  mile the roman pace was a little bit shorter   than the british pace which is where we get our  mile from our mile in fact interestingly and   i'm going to show you a diagram of this shortly  uh stonehenge is 105 the the outer ring of the   sarsonstone circle measures right at about 105.6  feet which makes its one-fifth of a mile or one   150th of a mile i'm sorry that and several other  numbers that we find in megalithic structures in   ancient england suggest that the mile was actually  a unit of measure that was being used as long ago   as four thousand years or longer and we're still  using it today the same unit of measure that   could have been used 4 000 years ago and for that  reason um you know i there and once you begin to   get into and understand um the sacred basis of  our ancient meteorological or measuring systems   you'll realize that if we convert completely over  to the metric system we're going to lose something   very very profound all right remember what was  the length of the kali yuga 432 000 years what   was the length of the dopara yuga 864 000 years  what was the length of a platonic month 1 12th of   the great year anybody remember 2160 years right  the same number of degrees that measure the cube all right what are we looking at here  anybody recognize that look familiar the moon has a radius of 1080 miles which gives  it a diameter of 2160. remember i said that   1080 or 108 and it's double 2160 was a lunar  number see this is a clue to you now there are   several references for example um in the sumerian  tradition describing the ark built by zizithrus   which is being described as a cube that makes no  sense you think what kind of a ship is it that   would be described as a cube you know it wouldn't  be very seaworthy a cube right but it's not   referring to an actual ship as we think of it it's  referring to the cubing of the sphere and in this   case the sphere that it's referring to is the moon  which was symbolically considered to be an arc   to many of the ancient cultures that believed  that the earth was periodically destroyed by great   catastrophes so we have the number 1080 and we  have the number 2160. and then we have the earth you know that's the earth and again because  of the spinning of the earth on its axis   we have this difference between the polar diameter  78.99 or just thinking round number 7900 miles   and the equatorial diameter 7926 so that  creates a 26 mile difference and thank   thank you for that 26 mile difference because  life on earth would be a very chaotic affair   without that bulge we see that the diameter of  a sphere with the same surface area as earth is   7920 miles and also the diameter of the earth  when you take it from if you slice it through   the tropic of cancer through to the tropic of  capricorn that diameter also is about 7 920   so we use 7920 as the sacred number  to represent the earth because   even though the earth varies considerably  between equatorial and polar diameters   we find that at a very significant piercing  through of the earth's diameter from one tropic   to the other tropic turns out to be 7900 miles  we also find that if we take a perfect sphere   that has a the same area the same  surface area as the earth actually has   its diameter would be 7920 miles so  that's the number we use for the earth which means that its radius is half  that or 3960. and in most books you read   astronomy and so forth when  they're talking in round numbers   about the radius of the diameter of the earth  these are the numbers they use 79 20 and and 39.60 okay now what i've got here is  evidence for advanced geodetic knowledge   in archaic times what is geo what is geodesy or  geodetic knowledge geodesy is the determination   of the size and the shape of the earth early  in the 19th century such knowledge was acquired   by extensive land surveying and triangulating  over large tracts of the earth's surface since   the 1970s orbital satellites have provided the  most accurate picture of the earth's exact size   and mass distribution any advanced comprehension  of the larger picture of our planet as a suitable   abode for the evolution of higher life requires  knowledge of its size and shape the total mass   of course determines g the gravitational constant  the equatorial bulge is an integral component of   the forces acting to impose rotation and orbital  stability on earth as it wheels about the sun   the relevance of these two basic factors to  the evolution of life cannot be underestimated   ancient master builders understood earth's  fundamental geodetic parameters on a level   not equaled until the advent of modern satellite  surveys how do we know that well probably the most   salient means we have of knowing that is the  great pyramid of chiops itself and there's been   lots and lots of speculation about what the form  or what the function of the great pyramid was some   of it to me is is pretty pretty out there some  of it i think is pretty abstract and speculative   what i've always thought does make the most  sense and has the greatest credibility is the   pyramid is essentially a model of the earth the  northern hemisphere and i'll show you how here   the thing you have to understand when you're  looking at the measurement of the earth in   terms of its size and shape is that we have lines  everybody knows latitude and longitude latitude   is measured north and south of the equator  longitude is the measure around this way parallels are lines that run  hor the parallel to the equator   and traveling along one of the parallels we  would be displacing ourselves longitudinally   but parallels actually measure you can see the  this parallel here this is probably the arctic   circle it looks to me like about 66 and a half  degrees north so it is parallel to the equator   right so depending on what parallel you are  every line of latitude north and south has   a corresponding parallel and you know that from  the equator to the north pole is going to be 90   degrees and likewise from the equator to the south  pole is going to be 90 degrees of arc then in turn   we have meridian lines which are lines that run  north south but actually measured distances east   and west so that if you travel from one meridian  to the next to another meridian you would have   traveled from east to west every point on the  surface of the earth has a local meridian we   have a local meridian here and it's basically the  way you would find it is if you walked out here i   believe this is generally south isn't it this way  so if we went out here and we looked exactly south   and exactly north and then the zenith overhead  the point 90 degrees up from a flat horizon   and we struck an arc from the south point through  the zenith point to the north pole that arc would   be our local meridian and as the earth turns under  that local meridian we measure all astronomical   motion relative to our point on the surface of  the earth with respect to that local meridian now   you'll notice that as you go through the parallels  the parallels form virtually perfect circles the meridian lines on the other hand are  not circles because of the flattening   of the earth because of the expansion of the  equator if you draw a line around it this way this way and cut the earth this way it is not  going to be a circle if you cut it this way it   will be a circle okay that creates very subtle  differences in geometry when you're measuring   a meridian line north to south what happens is  that as you travel north away from the equator   if you were going on a perfect sphere then  each degree of latitude north would have the   same distance but it's not a perfect sphere it's  flattened so as you're moving towards the north   pole the earth is actually flattening out the  earth's radius is shrinking so it's flattening   out what that means is that to to traverse a  degree of arc you have to travel further as   you get away from the equator towards the north  pole okay i'm i'm explaining this because you've   got to understand this to see how the ancients  actually understood how they demonstrated to us   that they understood the size and shape of  the earth with a high degree of accuracy   so again parallels are going to be in circles and  you're going to notice that the biggest circle is   going to be the equatorial circle and as you  travel towards the the poles those circles get   smaller in size so therefore if you took the  meridian lines which would be the dotted lines   the distance between say one degree of meridians  at the equator is going to be greater than that   distance between the same two meridians say at our  latitude here in atlanta which is about 34 degrees   north or further north as you travel further north  those meridian lines converge until you get to the   north pole and then they they meet each other and  have zero distance between them okay this is taken   out of the smithsonian meteorological tables and  what we're looking at here without belaboring this   is you'll notice latitude 0 degrees and you go  through up to 90 degrees and what this is showing   is if we look in the statute miles right there  this says length of one degree of the meridian   so this is the line from equator up to the north  pole well if you look at the first number which   let's see if we can zoom in a little here  you'll notice that at zero when you travel   leave the equator and go to the first degree  north latitude you've gone 68.703 miles   but if you look down here at the very last one  when you traverse that last degree from 89 and you   finally get to the north pole you've traveled 69.4  miles so those degrees have stretched out okay   now this is important to understand how  the ancients were able to demonstrate   to future generations that they understood  the size and the shape of the earth and then we have one length of one degree of the  parallel if you notice right there i don't know   if you can read it from out there but that says  69.172 miles so think of a circle going around the   earth's equator you've traveled one degree one 360  of that distance around you've gone 69.172 miles   let's go halfway up from equator to north pole  which would be 45 degrees and you see right there   you've gone 49 miles then when you get up  to the pole itself when you're one degree   away from the north pole you only have to go 1.2  miles because those meridian lines have converged   so now the thing to grasp here is that if we're  measuring the size and the shape of the earth   that's going to vary depending on where on  the earth we're making those measurements   this is important because what we  discover is that the ancient peoples   knew this and incorporated into their architecture  so that they would derive units of measurement   that were ultimately based upon the size and  shape of the earth where the structure was   being built now let's take the most prominent  one before we get to that this is geodetic data   and you'll notice here we've got going back  to 1830 which was the first attempt in modern   times to determine the size and shape of the  earth and let's go since that's meters let's go   to something we'll recognize miles  we're talking about the radius here   and you'll notice as you're coming down through  here we get to these last two world grid system   72 and geodetic reference system 80 are the two  that were determined by satellite measurements   and you'll notice that as we come through  here we've got a polar radius in miles and n   equatorial radius in miles and then we have  the difference in the two radii right here   and we assume that as we've come through  we're progressively getting better and   better at measuring the size and shape of the  earth and finally with satellite measurements   we're getting down here and we've determined  that the polar radius for example 3949.8934 3949.8948 what does that  translate into well let's see   in terms of feet that's a difference  of uh oh 250 feet roughly between um yeah between these two measurements in  other words between the first satellite   measurement and 72 in the second one in in  1980 the difference was about 250 feet safe   the history of man may be far longer and stranger  than we think the great pyramid may indeed not   fit in with what we believe about the past and  the nature of the world thousands of years ago   someone measured the earth with remarkable  accuracy and recorded this information in   the dimensions of the largest and possibly the  oldest stone building on the planet william r fix generally the age of the pyramid  is given around 4 200 years   it's roughly about the same age as the sphinx some of you are probably familiar with the however  the re-dating of the sphinx by several geologists   primarily robert shock from boston university  who has studied the weathering of the limestone   composing the sphinx and the surrounding quarry  that the sphinx is situated in and has determined   that the uh that the rock has been severely  weathered by water erosion and of course this giza   plateau has been desert for the last 4 000 years  so it's not likely you're going to find severe   water erosion on the sphinx if it's only 4 000  years old in fact so severe is the water erosion   that it's likely that the sphinx is probably tens  of thousands of years old however robert shock   in most of his public presentations  usually places it at seven to nine   thousand years but he's totally personally he  just uses that because he's deliberately being   very conservative because he's in the academic  community but he's perfectly willing to believe   that it is could be much older than that and i've  discussed the the extent of the water erosion   with him and discovered that he actually hasn't  looked uh in depth at the uh comparable studies of   rates of limestone weathering which i  spent a couple of months about 10 years ago   studying going around the various places  where there were limestones and where   you could see examples of limestone that  had been weathered and had looked at um   read the literature that had been done on  limestone weathering it had concluded that   you know would be a minimum of 20 000 years worth  of weathering and that's a minimum if you took the   sphinx and set it in a climate with rainfall like  say we've been having for the last three months   which would average out to about 45 inches a  year even with rainfall like we've been seeing   here in atlanta in the last three months it would  take the sphinx a minimum of 20 to 30 000 years to   get the level of erosion that raises the question  regarding the great pyramid could it be as old   and i see no reason why not problem here though is  you know that the great pyramid was once covered   in white limestone casing stones highly polished  and according to arabic traditions pretty much all   the arabic traditions and legends about the great  pyramid concur that the outside of the pyramid   prior to the stripping of the casing stones  was covered completely covered in hieroglyphs   and one it just boggles one's mind to contemplate  what might have been written here but clearly   i have a hard time imagining a greater act of  vandalism in all of history than the stripping   of those stones in fact there had been efforts  to get into the pyramid up until the time of   alma moon which was i think around 1200 a.d  but they were completely ineffectual and then   somewhere around the 12th century i forgot  the exact year there was a great earthquake   in northern egypt and it caused most  of the buildings in cairo to collapse   and it also loosened some of the casing stones on  the pyramid which allowed them to get in and pry   those stones loose from the top and all of the  stones were then stripped off and that high   indirect high quality limestone was stripped off  and recarved and used in buildings to rebuild   cairo so i've often thought there's probably  temples somewhere in cairo where maybe   some of those original stones are still to be  found with inscriptions intact of course i have   no idea but i oftentimes thought wouldn't that  be cool anyways they stripped off the stones   and as they stripped them off there  was a lot of rubble that fell down   and buried the bottom of the pyramid which  turned out to be a good thing because it buried   the bottom casing stones from those bottom and  preserved and so from those you know the various   researchers could determine what the original  exact angle of the pyramid was and according   to most calculations it was around 51 degrees 51  minutes 14 seconds i don't know if that level of   accuracy is is credible or not but 51 minutes  51 degrees 51 minutes would be and from there   we can then determine what the geometry of the  pyramid would have been and what its original   height would have been simply by taking the  tangent of of that angle 51 degrees 51 minutes   and knowing the base length one could calculate  what the original height would have been to a   high degree of accuracy so that's been done by  oh four or five different people over the years   j.h cole in 1925 did what's considered to be  the definitive survey of the great pyramid   he was a professional survey who did a very  meticulous survey after they had just cleared   away all of the rubble and he had access to  it he did it under contract to the to the   government of egypt the numbers that i'm about to  show you here are mostly derived from his survey   so what we have here is here's some of the  original casing stones and they sit on a   what's called a sockle which is this base which  was measured to be 55 centimeters in thickness   and of course you got to bear in mind that  this original slope casing stone there was   not it wasn't stepped like that originally it was  a smooth profile and let me okay so here you have   course here you see that the casing stones were  damaged by the rubble falling down but enough of   them were still intact that one could make this  accurate determination of the original angle   here's the sockle which is 55 centimeters thick  and it sits directly on bedrock so it actually   what it does is it creates two ways that one  could measure the height of the pyramid either   with or without the sockle there's also two ways  of measuring the base this is a reconstruction   from a 1991 work on uh pharonic stone masonry  and this shows that outside the corners   which was the the core masonry there are these  sockets and i found one picture showing a socket   this is showing one of the sockets that's  still there that sits outside the core masonry   but based on those sockets they were able to  reconstruct what the original base of the pyramid   would have looked like so here would have been the  51 degrees 51 minutes coming down sitting on the   55 centimeter thick sockle here like this well  what this did was it gave two ways of measuring   the perimeter of the pyramid's base one  could be measured from this point up on   top of the circle the other could be measured  from down here that included the saw so what   you ended up with was two ways of measuring the  pyramid's base well which one was the correct one   well they were both correct i think that they were  actually intending to embody in there that there   were two ways of measuring uh the pyramids base  so what we have is the length of the base on the   sockle which is the shorter of the two up there  it was varied from side to side you'll notice 755   at the smallest to 756 just over at the largest  so there was some variation there was probably   a reason for that variation actually but we won't  get into that because it just gets too technical   for what we're talking about today but the total  of those measured around the four sides would be 3023.139 feet if you're taking notes  that'd be a good number to write down   okay so now let's see what the measure is  around that includes the cycle or the base   and we see that it's each side is a roughly five  feet longer 760 to 761 each side again is a little   different but we get a total of 3043.43 feet okay  so i'm going to over here i'm going to write down   a few numbers that we saw through our radius of  the moon diameter of the moon radius of the sun diameter of the sun number of seconds in a day would be 432 000 43  200 uh number of seconds and a half a day number   of seconds in a full day 86 400 what were some of  our more other numbers oh yeah 14 40 was 1 79 20   diameter of the earth just so they're up  there in front of you we can refer to them   as we go on here all right so here is  profile the great pyramid with a 51 degree   51 minute angle i've just to make it easy i've  just rounded off the numbers 481 feet in height   that would be not including  the the sockle the base 755.85 i just picked one to use and there's our 51 degree 51 minute angle  and we find that when we measure measure it   this way it turns out to be almost exactly 11  over 7. there's some other interesting geometry   going on related to the golden section  which i don't intend to get into today   because it makes more sense if you're actually  studying sacred geometry and you're familiar   and you've made these drawings because in a sacred  geometry class just like in the old pythagorean   platonic lodges we draw we draw we draw and  then we eventually build models and that's   the way to really get familiar with this and  get these numbers as part of your consciousness   so i'm not going to get into the  connection with the golden section today   when we measure including the cycle this becomes  our height 482.7575 feet and the base 760.9 feet   okay those are the numbers we're  going to look at for a second here now if we look at these these are various  estimates we're we're looking at   this one right here the coal height estimate  plus the cycle at 21.6 inches gives a total   of the height above bedrock of  482.757 feet so now we're going to go   back to the earth so we can see how these  numbers link the two we take one square degree   of latitude and longitude at the equator pretend  we're standing at the equator okay we know   that the polar radius now is 13 miles less than  the equatorial radius so what that means is that   the circle this way is shorter than the circle  the biggest circle that defines the earth is   the equatorial circle so a degree of measure  on the equator is going to be the biggest   the longest of any degree we measure anywhere  on the earth the equator okay the north-south is   going to be a little bit shorter and you'll notice  right there we've got 68.7 miles north to south   and 69.17 east to west so it's not a perfectly  square unit is it it's a little bit distorted   well that distortion is totally  significant because it's that distortion   that is a measure of the earth's  departure from being a perfect sphere   and it's that departure of a perfect sphere that  is very significant to us because without that   again earth's orbital stability wouldn't be would  be non-existent okay so we're going to divide this   up a little bit if we take this square degree  of of latitude north to south longitude east to   west and we look very carefully down in the  lower right hand corner you're going to see   something a little square you see that little  square that represents one minute one sixtieth   of the degree this way 1 60 of the degree this way  so that's one minute of latitude and longitude all   right we're going to take a closer look  at that and we will see that one minute   then is 6045.881 north to south 6087 east to west  which is what we expect the east west should be   a little bit longer and that's one square minute  of latitude and longitude okay now we're going to   divide each of those lengths into two we're going  to divide our square minute into 1 4 sections and   here's what i want you to notice when we do  that we take one-fourth of a square minute of   latitude and longitude look at our dimension east  to west and look at our dimension north to south and look at these two numbers in fact here's here's an accurate calculation  we take the 482.755 feet which is the height   and what we discover is that if we multiply that  by the number 4 43 200 which is one of our sacred   numbers that we've seen right there forty three  thousand two hundred it shows up in the vedas   in the sumerian king lists etc etc if we multiply  the height of the pyramid by that number this is   what we come out with 3949.83 miles and notice  the difference between the pyramid which i call   the standard polar radius and world grid system 72  is only 313 feet over the entire size of the earth so we have essentially the pyramid being a scale  model of the earth the northern hemisphere at a   scale of 43 200 to 1. if we take the pyramid  enlarge it by 43 200 its height including   the sockle now becomes the polar radius of the  earth within 300 feet of our satellite surveys   then the two measures of the base are exactly the  difference between the east-west difference and   the north-south difference at a square minute at  the equator now the skeptic and the reductionist   would dismiss this and say ah it's just a  coincidence you're just playing with numbers   and i would say okay you know you can believe  what you want but it's there the numbers are   there you can take the surveys of egypt by coal  you can take the geodetic surveys i didn't make   those numbers up or i didn't fudge them and what  you discover is that when you expand it by 43   200 which you know if if the number was just some  arbitrary number but it turns out that the the   uh factor of expansion turns out to be one of the  critical sacred numbers within the ancient systems   and so here we have the pyramid now enlarged  by 43 200 times and another way to think of it   is if we go back to this diagram right  here you'll see that as the earth turns   every half second it's going to turn this far  so it means that every two seconds the earth if   you're standing on the equator in two seconds the  earth has turned 143 200 part of its total orbit   so if you're standing on the equator in  two seconds precisely the earth has turned   into a distance exactly equal to the distance  around the great the base of the great pyramid   now you can dismiss that as being  coincidence but the numbers don't lie they're there and so when william r fix was saying  that someone somewhere thousands of years ago was   able to measure the earth with great precision  and i haven't of course elaborated upon all the   details of this i just i'm trying to give you  the overall picture of how it might have worked referring back to our geodetic data if we look  at the various ellipsoids that give the polar   radius and then we take each of those polar radii  going from all of these ellipsoids down the clark   ellipsoid has been the one of 1880 has been  the one used in in the united states for all   non-military and non-nasa related measurements  we still use on the day-to-day basis if you   if you take a topographic map you know and you're  going out like a 7.5 quadrangle and you're going   out navigating with a topographic map put out  by the u.s geological survey they're using the   clark ellipsoid right there but you'll notice that  when we take these various polar radii lengths in   uh feet and divide them by 43 200. you can see the  numbers we get right here remember the height of   the pyramid is estimated at 482.7575 so looking  at this what you'd see on here which one would   be the closest well you notice it's come out  very very close to the to the satellite surveys   given that it's very pop and see when  you have you've got to ask yourself well   why is there a difference between this the  satellite survey of 72 and the satellite survey of   80. well if we did another one again with as high  a degree of accuracy we would discover there's   still going to be a discrepancy and the reason is  is that the earth spinning through space there are   various tidal forces working on the earth which  are constantly causing it to distort its shape by   up to two or three or four or five hundred feet  so we never would be able to get more accurate   than three or four hundred feet because the earth  itself is changing shape and if we were to measure   it every year for the next 10 years we would get  10 different numbers they'd all be very close   but they would deviate somewhat because the earth  itself there are tidal bulges you know where's the   moon relative to the earth that's going to affect  if the moon and the sun are on the same side of   the earth that will affect the shape of the earth  up to being several hundred feet measured over the   diameter diameter of the earth and so it is not a  miss to say that the pyramid enshrines a measure   of the earth that could be considered as accurate  as those determined by modern satellite surveys   that to me is a very profound insight  because it does suggest that somebody   once upon a time was able to measure the earth  size and shape with that level of precision and if   they were able to do that what's the implication  of that see that's that's the interesting part   because no primitive culture using the method  of eratosthenes in about 300 bc in greece   he measured the earth and was generally  considered to be quite accurate because   he was able to get the circumference of  the earth within about 500 miles of its   actual measured circumference by using the  methods available to the ancient greeks   you see and he was considered to be the first  to measure by by basically putting a stick in   the ground and measuring the angle of the shadow  uh on the longest day of the year over a couple   of successive years that's actually an exercise  we do in the sacred geometry class because it's   very interesting how he did that but he was  considered to be you know pretty proficient   because he was able to determine that the  uh size of the earth was the circumference   of the earth was you know 25 000 miles when  it's generally considered to be about 24 800   depending on where you measure so he was you know  maybe with maybe within 50 miles of the actual   dimension of the earth but nowhere near as close  as the pyramid would have been so again if the   even if the pyramid was built four thousand two  hundred years ago you know you gotta say who four   thousand two hundred years ago had the technology  to measure the earth with that degree of accuracy   now that we know of nobody 4 200 years ago did  or how they would have done it we don't know   but on the other hand if it turns out that  the pyramid could be much older it leads us   back to the you know going back 10 000 or 20  000 years this to me is one of those little um   oh sort of like the the little crack in the  dike that if you don't keep it plugged the whole   edifice of contemporary knowledge could get  swept away because we can't acknowledge that   somebody 10 000 or 20 000 years ago was  scientifically sophisticated that was the   days of cro-magnon man and alley-oop  living in the cave and so forth   cavemen which is a silly idea actually yes  i'm sure people did take refuge in caves   when uh things got really crazy out here  yes i think people did take refuge in caves   but see this is one of those things again that  if you accept that it's not just a coincidence   it opens up a whole can of worms that mainstream  science generally doesn't want to address   because we're the epitome of scientific evolution  right here and now right nobody before we built   satellites could have measured the earth to within  a couple of hundred feet of its actual dimensions so given two seconds of time one forty three  thousand two hundredth part of the daily rotation   a point on the equator will travel a distance  precisely equal to the perimeter of the great   pyramids base as measured with the sockle in one  half second of time a point on the equator will   rotate a distance equal to one side of the base of  the great pyramid pyramid measured with the cycle so here you have a time and  space measure integrated into one   the time measure comes in because it's  the span of time that the earth has moved   in two seconds the earth has turned and moved   a distance within a fraction of an inch being  the distance around the base of the great pyramid and so the height of the great pure measured  pyramid measured with the socket was 143   200 part of the earth's polar radius so therefore  the great pyramid is a model of one hemisphere   of the earth at a scale of one to forty three  thousand two hundred so if we took the great   pyramid and we created the duplicate and turned it  upside down and put the two together base to base   that would now give us the polar diameter one more  example the parthenon to show that this geodetic   knowledge was still extant down to the time of  the building of the parthenon about 2400 years ago   this is the east facade we've all familiar with  the parthenon it's almost as well known as the   great pyramid well if we measure its base in the  manner that i'm showing here it's 100 greek feet   so how long was a greek foot a little bit  longer than our modern foot of 12 inches   before we do that let's look at the dimensions  of the parthenon based upon our american feet   that we use the east facade is 101.2957 dot  dot dot feet so if we divide that by a hundred   we get the length of the greek foot which  would have been 1.0129 etc of our american   which are actually the in british feat okay i  better write that down so we don't forget it that's good enough right there there's the width  of the parthenon measured in our american feet and   uh also notice the latitude of athens where  the period where the parthenon is located is 37   degrees 58 minutes north and i'm going to write  that down 37 degrees 58 minutes so it's almost   almost 38 degrees north and here we have  based upon numerical and proportional   relationships augmented by extensive analysis  of ancient structures artifacts and texts   sticcini who was considered one of the preeminent  meteorologists of the 20th century he determined   various lengths of the foot he came  up with the greek foot of 1.0114064   now notice here we've got the width of the east  facade of the parthenon divided by a hundred   gives a greek foot of 1.1 1.0129 for a difference  of point zero eighteen inch in excess of the   length of the greek foot is calculated by stichini  it is acknowledged by architectural historians   that the parthenon was originally built to be 100  greek feet in width this would have made it equal   to 101.14 english feet when built now if we go  back to the length of one degree of the meridian   and we look right here at the latitude of  athens we find something very interesting   length of one degree of the meridian at the  latitude of athens is 68.962 miles or 364 121.647 feet   so if we take that number and divide it by 60  gives us the length of one minute of meridian arc   then we divide that meridian arc by 60 it gives  us one second of meridian arc and notice what   one second of meridian arc is 101.1449 feet so  one second of meridian arc at 38 degrees north   latitude given the international ellipsoid and the  clark ellipsoid you'll know here that it's exact   so in other words what we have there the total  difference in length of one second of meridian arc   at 38 degrees north latitude and the  east facade of the parthenon is .05 inch   but again that's for 38 north latitude and it's  actually at 37.58 so if we make that adjustment   of two minutes of arc south this point zero five  pretty much just disappears into nothing so what   we have is the parthenon again maybe coincidence  but here we have the parthenon being precisely one   second of arc of the earth's circumference at that  latitude that it's placed now again that implies   somebody was able to measure the earth with  incredible precision if this isn't a coincidence   and i think the burden of proof would be on  the person who tries to dismiss this as being   coincidental because the two examples i've shown  you here could be multiplied many times over   we haven't even talked about the gothic cathedrals  the fact that every gothic cathedral was built   with its own cubit and that cubit is based upon a  multiple or a subdivision of the meridian length   at the latitude that the cathedral was built so  you could take many examples of this and what   i'm suggesting here is not necessarily that the  gothic cathedral builders of 800 years ago were   able to measure the earth with that accuracy but  then again it does seem to imply that somebody was   that somebody was able to measure the earth that  maybe there has been a tradition going back to   who knows when from the building of the pyramids  coming down through the age of the greeks right   down to the building of the gothic european  gothic cathedrals 800 years ago a tradition   of very sophisticated geodetic knowledge well  again this this opens up a huge can of worms about   when people were supposed to what they knew  and when they were supposed to have learned it   so there's another dimension to this  as well and this is i'm only going to   show you a few examples out of hundreds of  possible examples i could be showing you ancient writings semitic writings for these  and i'm coming with two examples here the   hebrew ancient writings which would be kabbalistic  writings uh the the hebrew old testament the torah   the midrash all of those and then the greek  alphabet the new testament was written in greek   all of the pythagorean neo-pythagorean literature  written into greek was it turns out both of those   languages this was prior to the advent of  the hindu arabic numeral system the hindu   arabic numeral system is when we came up with  what we now have is we have our alphabet and   we have our set of numbers and there are two  different things right we use our alphabet for   the spoken language in written language and  we use numbers for calculating in mathematics   but they're different you know we don't but prior  to the advent of the hindu arabic numeral system   in the semitic languages the same symbols that  were letters were also numbers and the key   was what you see right here called the denery  system so aleph was one bet was two gimmel   was three dalet was four hey was five wow was  six zion seven and so on down to ray sheen and   tao 200 300 and 400 yid which was considered the  seed of the hebrew alphabet had the value of tan   okay so units tens and hundreds then there  was a symbolic component to each of the for   example aleph originally was the word for an ox  and uh bait was originally the word for house   gimmo originally the word for camel and so on then  we get to the greek system and it's also daenerys   system units tens and hundreds so alpha beta  gamma delta epsilon di gamma zeta eta theta etc   one through nine then yota kappa lambda mu news  i omicron pi copper 10 through 90 and so on row   through sampi wasn't actually a written letter it  was just simply included to get the value of 900.   okay so we have the same system units  tens and hundreds so how is this employed   well here's an example here's a lethal  which was the greek word for truth and if   you add up the eta the alpha the lambda  the eta theta epsilon iota and alpha   based on the values that i just showed you the  total value is 72 and that's one of our key   sacred numbers because most of the numbers that  i showed you here are multiples of 72 36 or 72.   catabola which means conception the first  moment of creation kappa alpha tau alpha   beta omicron lambda ada take the values again  directly from the historically authenticated   table that i showed you and they add up to 432  so there you see these numbers showing up here yerushalayim or jerusalem iota epsilon rho  omicron upsilon this would be the greek spelling   in the new testament sigma alpha lambda eta and mu  there's the values of the individual letters iota   which was tan epsilon 5 etc and  when you add those up you get 864.   again do we find that number on our list yes we do  these numbers again are showing up with redundancy   the temple of immortality honeos uh let's  see i forgot how to pronounce that uh athanasius or naos athanasius that's it the temple of immortality  so if we take that spelling add it up it also   is 864 and i'll work on my pronunciations for next  time ah the holy ghost tawaghian numa numa like   root of our words like  pneumatic means the holy ghost   or the holy spirit add up those the  value of those and you get 1080. the fountain of wisdom pegasuphias also adds  to 1080. so these are just a few examples of   then i heard another great voice from heaven  saying come out my people out of her lest you   take part in her sins lest you share in her  plagues a phrase from the book of revelations   and 1296 which is half of the great year  cycle so i mean these again these these   examples can be multiplied by hundreds literally  by hundreds and this is actually a one of the sub   subdivisions of the study of kabbalah which  is the the gamatria the study of the numerical   or mathematical basis of language and what you  discover when you go into the mathematical basis   of languages the whole thing is constructed  upon the same architecture of sacred numbers   that we've been looking at here for the last hour probably of all familiar with things like here  is wisdom let him that hath understanding count   the number of the beast where is the number of a  man 603 score and six you ever heard that probably   the most famous and controversial number out of  the bible 666 well if you want to understand what   that is actually referring to you have to peel  back the outer literal representation of these   tails and look at the underlying mathematical  architecture because that's where it's concealed   and it actually turns out that the orbit orbital  velocity of the earth around the sun is 66 600   miles per hour exactly and that's one of the first  astronomical connections and then there's many   many more connections with that number that we  find occurring in sacred geometry so all of this   there's a lot of silliness and accretion stuff  that's accreted to that the belief in that number   by basically fundamentalists and superstitious  people who don't look at the underlying science but we will take a couple of minutes  here and look at a few things   i lifted up this is from the old testament  zechariah i lifted up mine eyes again and looked   and behold a man with a measuring line in his hand  then said i withered goes thou and he said unto me   to measure jerusalem to see what is the  breath thereof and what is the length thereof   old testament prophet zechariah so here was the  beginning of his of his prophetic experience his   prophetic vision as he sees this man who's got  a measuring line in his hand and he says he's   going to go measure the holy city and when he  does see then what's the revelation it follows   the revelation is the sacred geometry that  that composes the the that is the basis of   the architecture of the holy city so the whole  revelation is really it's a geometric revelation   uh again from the book of revelations and  i looked and lo a lamb stood on the mount   of zion which to anybody whose verse knows that  that's a reference to the sign of ares the lamb   and with him a hundred and forty and four  thousand which is this number right here having   his father's name written in their  foreheads what does that mean well   it means that somebody who studies sacred  geometry eventually you've got these numbers   as such an integral part of your consciousness  in your forehead in your in your frontal lobe   your your waking consciousness that these numbers  literally become a part of the way you experience   reality and experience the world because the  numbers are all around us in the world it gives   a shape to the world it defines the periods  of time that governs the cycles of our life   and i heard a voice from heaven as the voice of  many waters and as the voice of a great thunder   and i heard the voice of harpers harping with  their harps and they sung as it were a new song   before the throne and before the four beasts  what are the four beasts the bull the lion the   eagle and the man divides the cosmic wheel into  periods of six thousand four hundred and eighty   years which i sure certainly should add because  that's an important number so there's a veiled   reference to that cycle of time six thousand  four hundred and eighty and no man could learn   that song but the hundred and forty and four  thousand which were redeemed from the earth now   when you get into kabbalistic studies you can you  can go to the english translations to kind of be   to lead you into the outer portals but if  you want to get into the inner teaching   you've got to go beyond that you've got  to go back to the original languages and   i'm not going to get too much into that but the  word redeemed is actually a very interesting word   it's talking about the redeemed of the earth 144  thousand we discovered that the word was agarazzo   from agora and it means to go to market so  basically what it's saying is that those who   achieve salvation at the at the day of  judgment are those who go out and go shopping   what well didn't that and that what george bush  told us to do after the yeah see so george bush   he had his thumb on the pulse of but actually see why does it what's the  connection with going to market well as a place   probably the town square that should be the first  clue the square see there's your geometry uh   as a place of public resort by implication a  market of thoroughfare so the idea first is the   idea of a square because the marketplace  would be built around a square a literal   square so it it became associated with the idea  of people gathering within this square see uh   it's uh comes from well agarazzo comes from  uh yeah see here so to uh go to market by   implication to purchase especially to redeem  to redeem and it comes from this route agora   which is related to this aguero the idea of  collecting one's faculties this is the idea of   collecting within the square again right well this  thinking now about metaphorically collecting one's   faculties but also to awaken or to rouse literally  from sleep from sitting or lying from disease or   death or figuratively from obscurity or rune it  means to awake to lift up to raise up to rear up   so see all of these ideas are what you're led to  once you start going into the original kabbalistic   meanings of the language so what starts out like  go shopping go to the market means going to the   town square it means the gathering within this  square so here's the link with your geometry   but then one of the words that we we look at when  we study the the kabbalistic study of words is we   look at the original roots but then we act we look  at how did they bifurcate and how did they lead   because you can follow the evolutionary paths of  language to get back to what some of the original   meanings actually were to try to get to what  the authors of these sacred writings were really   trying to get to because you've got to remember  that all of these sacred writings have gone   through multiple layers of translation by people  who may or may not have understood the original   doctrines that were concealed in there  symbolically and mathematically also from the book   of rev oh the reference to the new song is very  interesting because uh and and i would defer later   to jeremy on this who's been studying the sacred  geometry of music but there is a phrygian mode of   of representing the octave that goes from 432  cycles per second to 864 cycles per second so this   the the reference to singing a new song suggests  to me that possibly we're talking about a change   in frequency involving life here on earth and that  those who change their consciousness accordingly   will be in harmony with the changing frequencies  and i believe that that is one of the core   teachings of this is that as earth goes through  its evolutionary journey through the galaxy   through varying geometric relationships with the  astronomical universe what is happening is that   the frequencies impinging upon the earth are  constantly going through an evolution as well   and part of understanding the ancient secrets  or methods of the master builders of old   was utilizing the sacred geometry and the  geodetic knowledge to create structures   that resonated with the earth because they were  harmonically attuned to the earth i think that's   part of what's going on trying to understand  the sacred science behind structures like the   parthenon and the great pyramid and many of the  other temples is this science of harmony of the   science of resonance and creating structures  that vibrated according to certain frequencies   and those frequencies would be attuned to the  slowly changing frequencies of the earth itself   as it goes on its cosmic journey  through through the universe   um i saw a new heaven and a new earth for the  first heaven and the first earth were passed away   and i john saw the holy city the new jerusalem  jerusalem is the 864 right 864. that's the   jerusalem coming down from god out of heaven  prepared as a bride adorned for her husband   and there came unto me one of the seven angels  saying come hither i will show thee the bride   the lamb's wife and he carried me away in  the spirit to a great and high mountain   and showed me that great city the holy  jerusalem descending out of heaven from god having the glory of god and her light was like  unto a stone most precious it had a wall great and   high and had 12 gates and at the gates 12 angels  and names written thereon now of course those   names are mathematical keys on the east three  gates on the north three gates on the south three   gates and on the west three gates and the wall of  the city had 12 foundations and in them the names   of the 12 apostles of the lamb and he that talked  with me had a golden reed to measure the city so   here again we have this idea of the measuring of  the city because the city is the repository of the   cosmic doctrine the gates thereof in the wall  thereof and the city lieth four square and the   length is as large as the breadth and he measured  the city with the reed twelve thousand furlongs   the length and the height of it are equal and  he measured the wall thereof a hundred and forty   and four cubits according to the measure of a  man that is of the angel and i find that verse   to be particularly potent in its meaning because  first of all we have to ask the question what are   we talking about when what is the bible talking  about when it refers to angels well you know the   counterpart to angels are found in all cultures  it's just in the bible they're called angels   uh who are the messengers right from this other  domain but in other cultures they were usually   referred to as the gods and basically in the  christianization of the ancient pagan traditions   the gods were replaced by the angels but their  function within the cosmic hierarchy is identical   and so uh the fact that the  measure of a man a human is the same as the measure of  the angel is very interesting   because it's saying that we're somehow linked  to the gods through a common system of measure   but notice the numbers 144 cubits of course you  got to ask what is a cubit and that leads us into   some interesting digressions there also the 12 000  furlongs well anybody know how much a furlong is   what is a furlong there's furlong  furlongs have almost fallen into disuse   it's a british or english unit of measurement  but it found its way into the king james bible   it was basically the british counterpart of  the greek stade which had various lengths but   basically the same length as the furlong what  was the furlock furlong where is a furlong used   today yeah who goes to the track horse racing  a furlong is 660 feet 1 8 part of a mile well   here's what's interesting about the furlong if  you multiply it by 12 to convert it to inches   you discover that the furlong is exactly  7920 inches where did we see that number   this is now a test of of your memory the  diameter of the earth remember i said the   diameter of the earth taken through the tropics  the sacred number that's representing the earth   the furlong is to the inch as the earth is to a  mile it's a proportion this is a sacred proportion   that was intentionally embodied into the units  of measurement so that we lay out a fur along   right 660 feet one inch which is derived  from our thumb the width of our thumb   right there you can check it out put your thumb  on there and you'll discover it's an inch wide   that's the digit so the thumb is to your foot  in this cosmic relationship of twelve to one   and when you pace like this is how pace was  generally considered you start from one point   put your heel against the point and  then every other step you count one two   three a thousand of those averaging 5.28 feet  gave us the mile right a thousand times 5.28   is five thousand two hundred eighty and  that was the origin of the buy the mile   is literally a mill a thousand human paces the  pace think about the pace what that is our foot   our pace our pace our foot is what anchors us  to the earth our pace is what moves us about the   face of the earth right the most fundamental  relationship we have with the earth our feet   right that ratio of pace to foot 5.28 now we have  the furlong is 12 000 of these things right 12 000   12 000 the holy city is 12 000 of these things 660  feet multiply that out you discover 7 million 920   000 feet so how big is that we'll divide  that by the number of feet in a mile   5280 and what you discover is it's precisely 1500  miles so what what would be 1500 miles in diameter   is there some some object out there  that could be 1500 miles in diameter   it's certainly described as being something  they see in the heavens right well i'll leave   this one an open-ended question for right  now but here's something that's interesting   if we take this number and divide  it into compare it to the earth to get a sense of scale earth 7920 holy  city 1500 so we put 79 20 over 1500   and if you quickly do that calculation in your  head you'll discover that 1500 goes into 79   20 exactly 5.28 times the relationship of our foot  to our pace so here's a very strange correlation   the earth to the holy city is the same as the pace  to the foot what are they trying to say there well   one of the implications of this it follows  from this truth the truth is that we humans   are ultimately designed according to the cosmic  measure we were created in the image of god   right and god is the ultimate cosmic measure and  we being created in the image of god embody the   cosmic measures so when protagoras said man is the  measure of all things what he was implying is that   we are the ultimate yardstick for the cosmos in  fact when one looks at the scale of phenomena   from the human up to the largest macro scale  that we know of and from the human down to   the smallest micro scale we know of where are we  within that hierarchy right smack in the middle   so there's as much above us as there is below us  there's as much greater than us as there is lesser   than us and i think that's one of the implications  of this is that when we begin looking at our   sacred geometry we realize it's the ultimate  fusion of all of these phenomena on all scales   and the ultimate component or the ultimate uh the  ultimate symbol of all that fusion is we ourselves   and then of course ultimately  it's our consciousness because   like i said with the with with his name  written in our forehead what that means   is is that we when you study sacred geometry  you're literally building an edifice in your   consciousness you're building a form out of your  own the the material of your own conscious mind   that reflects this order of nature  of cosmic nature that's all about us   and that's the power and why study of sacred  geometry can now ultimately be a key to accessing   lots of other things like the kabbalah and then  the alchemy and the hermetic wisdom and the   gnostic traditions and the traditions of the vedas  and so forth there it is 12 000 furlongs the city   lieth four square forty eight thousand furlongs  at a perimeter it's also described as cubicle twelve thousand furlongs equals seven million nine   hundred and twenty thousand feet  which equals fifteen hundred miles the total perimeter thirty one thousand six  hundred and eighty that has a profound mystical   significance which we will save for another  time so there it is a tabulation of some of   the stuff we've covered the diameter of the earth  at 79.20 one furlong 79 20 inches the diameter of   the new jerusalem and twenty thousand feet which  is fifteen hundred miles one mile is five thousand   two hundred and eighty feet or a thousand paces  of five point two eight feet one and a half miles   is seven thousand nine hundred twenty feet and  here's the pace to the foot equals the earth to   the holy city which equals 79 20 to 1500 there's  that magic ratio of 5.28 that links the earth   to this other cosmic entity for now going unnamed  that relates to our own scale exactly as our pace   does to our foot and what you discover is that  if you're taller or shorter it doesn't matter   because it's a proportional relationship if you're  tall or your pace i have a my pace is in excess of   six feet so 5.28 you know you're going to have  a somewhat shorter but you're going to discover   that the ratio is relatively constant because as  you get taller presumably your feet get bigger   with some exceptions right i know some  little people with really big feet and here is the hebrew cubit which is 18 inches  remember 144 cubits according to the measure of   a man that is of the angel we have the egyptian  royal cuban of 1.727 feet the wall of the city was   144 cubits if we take the 144 cubits that are the  hebrew cubits it's 216 feet or 2592 inches add one   zero on the end of that and we have the great ear  cycle 25 920 years if we express it instead in   egyptian cubits which may have been the original  intent if not implic implying that either cubit   was was legitimate 144 egyptian royal cubits of  144 times 1.727 is 248.814 move the decimal over   two points you got twenty four thousand eight  hundred and eighty one point call that miles   and there's the circumference of the earth 24 881  miles so there's all kinds of information embedded   in here but you've got to have the key to begin to  unlock it okay and then also notice that the moon   2160 miles or 17280 furlongs we set the diameter  of the moon to the diameter of the holy city   there's our 1.44 ratio so what we have here  is this redundancy over and over again we have   these same numbers recurring over and over again  in the measure of time and space both in absolute   dimensions but also in the proportional  relationships that result from comparing   these various entities of time and space as  we've learned now the diameter of the moon is   miles the diameter of the sun is 864 thousand as  it turns out if you take the diameter of the sun   and multiply it by this number right here it gives  us the distance between the earth and the sun   and if we take the diameter of the moon which  is 2160 multiply it by the same factor of 108   we discover that we now have the earth moon  distance so it's this 108 factor this 108 spacing   this proportional relationship we could express it  this way solar distance to solar diameter equals   lunar distance to lunar diameter and the value  of that proportion is the sacred number 108.   as we see embodied right here in bakheng of  cambodia from the 12th century with its 108 towers   and there are many examples of how these  numbers were incorporated into the fabric   of sacred architecture that there has been some  kind of a universal system at use in the ancient   world and these various cultural groups whether  it was the egyptians or sumerians or mayans or   the hopewellians or the megalithic builders  had access to some universal system from some   source that was outside their own cultural  context and i suggest that the source of that   goes back into deep time that takes us back beyond  the threshold of known history into the realm of   mythical history which means we're going back like  into the ice age back into the pleistocene to use   the geologic geologist term back into the to the  deep recesses of the human tenure on planet earth   whose only memory has come down to us not in the  form of recorded history but in the form of myth   and epic story and legend and so forth because as  it turns out if we in this way this is again is a   is a good topic for the sacred geometry class  when we analyze plato's description of atlantis   plato basically gave the sink the date  of the sinking of atlantis as 9 000 years   prior to solon that the egyptian the the  the athenian poet and statesman solon   did a 10-year exile in egypt and it  was solon that brought back the tale   of atlantis and presented it to the to the greeks  and solon basically made that journey around 600   bc so if you had the 9 000 years to the 600 bc  we come up with a date of about 11 600 years ago   for plato's date for this the the demise of  atlantis well it's very interesting that the date   11 600 years has been independently discovered  by geologists looking at the tempo of various   catastrophes that have occurred on earth and to  those catastrophes is where i'm now going to turn catastrophes in the time of man the tempo of  global change what i've done here is i put   a time bar that goes from the present right here  this is us now this is today right here is may 3rd   at 4 o'clock is it 4 o'clock that's right here and  this is 150 000 years ago the reason i used 150   000 years is that some of the earliest skeletal  remains ever discovered of modern humans date   back to 150 to even to 180 000 years skeletons  that appear to be indistinguishable from a modern   skeleton which suggests that modern humans with  presumably equivalent intelligence to our own   were present on the planet at least this far  back so here we've got a 150 000 year time span   you'll notice this little red bar at the end that  red bar represents the span of recorded history   which is basically the advent of cine sumerian  uniform writing so if it turns out that there were   modern humans living through this whole span of  time why is there no history well now you got to   do is turn to these various things that i've put  on here these are events that have occurred and   i used a certain criteria for these events and  here's the criteria i used i began studying the record of geological change climate  change environmental change and i focused on   events that could be considered catastrophic   and catastrophic to the extent that were an  event of an equivalent magnitude to occur now it would basically end civilization as we know  it that's the criteria what would be what would   be the magnitude of an event that it would take  to terminate our modern industrial civilization   that's the criteria that i used then i began to  search through the record of all of the events   that would be of that magnitude or greater and  the events that i found so far have been entered   onto this graph and they're listed all here you  can see them and how many do we have here and this   is not complete necessarily but we have at least  one two three four five six seven eight nine 10   11 12 13 14 15 16 of them in 150 000 years so at  least 16 times in the last 150 000 years there   have been climate or environmental or geological  catastrophes powerful enough that where they occur   to occur today would essentially put us back into  the stone age but essentially if you think about   some of the small catastrophes we have seen in  the last few years from the the destruction of   new orleans to the great tsunami you know to  some of the big earthquakes that we've seen   you know new orleans is still not recovered but  you've got to imagine what would happen if an   event that was one order of magnitude greater than  katrina happened by that i mean 10 times worse   let's say that we had 10 cities decimated to the  extent of new orleans we could certainly recover   from that but it would be a major effort to do  so now what if we were talking about two orders   of magnitude let's say to put it into a rough  equivalency an event that could could cause the   decimation of a hundred major urban areas could  we recover from that questionable now let's go   three orders of magnitude and now we're talking  about the equivalent of a thousand major cities   completely decimated okay at that  level three orders of magnitude   that's what these are those are events that  essentially would be three orders of magnitude once you begin to ponder this it  becomes apparent why there isn't   a record an extant record of what's been going on  for the whole time that we humans have been here   now at this point you probably haven't tied  this in with what we've been saying before other   than i'll point out a few things to you that  should be onset of the late wisconsin ice age   26 000 years before present remember  the great year in the processional cycle add about 80 years to that we've got 26 000. of  course 26 000 you consider a figure plus or minus   a few centuries now you come through that cosmic  clock that i showed you right halfway to the   cusp of the age of leo twelve thousand nine  hundred years ago roughly and what happened   we have something that happened twelve thousand  nine hundred years before present on set of   the younger driest climate catastrophe  first phase of the megafauna extinctions let's now here what i've done is i've entered  some green dots now look at what the green dots   are the green dots are basically derived  directly from the model of the great year   based upon cycles of six thousand four hundred and  eighty twelve thousand nine hundred and sixty and   then twenty 25 920 and you'll notice how high of  a correlation there is between the tempo of events   the actual events that have been derived by  scientists without any reference to this great   year model at all and the timing of these ages of  the world remember the six thousand four hundred   and eighty years that was the uh the bull the  lion the eagle and the man and according to the   traditions each of those seasons of the great year  is inaugurated by some type of a great event a   transformative event a catastrophe if you will and  what i've done here is i have developed a data set   that shows the correlation it certainly  seems from a study of this graph that these   intervals these event nodes as i call them the  susceptibility of something happening goes up   exponentially for a short period of  time here's the analogy that i have used   you're out driving along a quiet country road  you've got it on you know cruise control you're   kicking back you're listening to some tunes you're  not paying much attention you know you're talking   on your cell phone not much traffic okay now  you come up to a major highway and cars are   like this well you're crossing that intersection  and while you're crossing that intersection   now suddenly you got to put your cell  phone down and start paying attention   because if you don't you're going to get t-boned  right well obviously you've got your whole journey   and each time you cross an intersection of a major  highway you know the potential of a catastrophe   increases considerably over what it  would be while you're out there on the   lonely country road well you see our planet is  on a cosmic highway around the galaxy and we're   now beginning to understand the fine structure of  the galaxy and we realize that there is a pattern   and an order to it and there's a tempo of these  orbital revolutions there's a tempo of the galaxy   and there's a wave pattern of the earth moving  up and down above and below the galactic plane   and within that there are sub-orbital cycles as  well and we also discover that there seems to be   a tempo in the delivery of cosmic matter to the  inner solar system it doesn't seem to be random   and this is going to be beyond  the scope of today's lecture   but what i'm getting at here is that  the evidence now supports the conclusion   that the delivery of cosmic material and energy  the energy pulses that would be affecting earth   are non-random that they're on some kind of  a cosmic timetable a cosmic tempo if you will   and i think this is one of the most important  insights we get from these ancient traditions is   the measurement of cosmic time and how it relates  to us here on earth you just got to know what to   look for and where to look for it once you begin  to become aware of it and you begin to see it   you begin to realize that the cosmic fingerprints  are everywhere about us we're in fact living in   and upon the wreckage of the former worlds the  rubble of these former worlds is all around us   but we haven't had the scale of perspective to  see it and that's where we're at now i'm i'm   completely thrilled with things like the emergence  of google earth because google earth is now   allowing us to just somebody all of us to sit at  our computers and see the cosmic perspective of   earth and when you look at it from you know from  the from the extraterrestrial point of view things   begin to show up that we don't see when we're  right down here immersed on it so close that we're   like ants walking under rubble and can't can't see  what's around us but we do see that we literally   have built our own world and our own social system  on top of and out of the wreckage of former worlds you
Channel: After Skool
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Keywords: randall carlson, graham hancock, ancient civilizations, sacred geometry, cosmic patterns, cycles of catastrophe, hidden number, geology, ancient wisdom, pyramid
Id: R7oyZGW99os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 29sec (7349 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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