Faith That is Always Ready

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we do love you and we thank you we worship you today we give ourselves to you today Lord we thank you today is healing day and we thank you that you never miss healing school you never miss us in the middle of the night when we need healing or when we're anywhere else in the world you're always there as our healer and we worship you today and we thank you we're just so blessed to be made whole and we thank you that every person in the need of lift up in healing today in the need of healing today will be healed because of your mercy here today we give you all the praise you're the healer you've never missed healing school glory to God not anywhere in the world whether it's us or somebody else you always come and always heal people and we give you all the glory for it in Jesus name give us uh pterence and hearing today of your word and we thank you amen hallelujah glory to God you may be seated where else could we be better than hearing the word of God amen so what we do as you know most of you how many of you this first time you've ever been in one of our healing what have you been we've got a lot of newcomers here glory to God hallelujah well welcome everybody and and all you old guys some of you do not miss very many healing schools even we just appreciate it so much and the Lord we just come together those of you've never been in one before we come together we go to the scripture and we see what the Bible says what God has to say about our healing and we find out that it's very good news scriptures like Jesus healed them all Oh hallelujah so we feed our faith and when you hear the word faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word and your faith rises up to receive and then things happen healings happen miracles happen Jesus the healer is always here I'm in so God give us utter us today and give us hearing we thank you for every person that's healed and we thank you for every person that's here this morning just to hear the word there's a lot of word people in this audience Lord we love your word we live by your word we esteem your word and we thank you for revealing more and more and more revelation to us as we walk with you day by day we give you all the praise in Jesus name Amen so in healing school those of you have never been in one we just go to the scriptures and find out what God's Word says about healing and it's awesome and this is the same way you can have a healing service when you're at home by yourself or with your family just get the word out take the Scriptures act on them receive them act on them and then pray and believe you receive your healing glory to God hallelujah really a lot of people and Ken and I of course started out learning how to pray for our children I mean it's awesome to have parents who know how to pray the healing anointing on their is our children are still in good health hallelujah and that's God's will now in in this let's just start today it's funny but I want to start with footnote because it says some things about healings been misrepresented a lot even in the church and so this is a footnote to Psalm 90 just because we haven't known for instance I was raised in a church what little raising I had I was raised in sugars that just stopped healing it passed away so I never knew it you know you're a kid you're growing up and the teachers and don't say healings passed away well you just assume it's true till you find out what the Bible says Healing is in full force listen to this footnote and this is an amplified on Psalm 90 footnote it says it's talking about long life which I believe in also this Psalm is credited to Moses who was interceding with God to remove the curse which made it necessary for every Israelite over 20 years of age when they rebelled against God this is where it says in Psalm 90 it says all of our days this is amplified all of our days out here in this wilderness says Moses pass away in your wrath we spend our years as a tale that's told for we adults know we are doomed to die soon without reaching Canaan the days of our years are threescore and ten seventy years in other words or even if by reason of strength for score 80 years now people think that if they don't know more I think many people think well that's 70 or 80 years that's you know that's your lifespan that's what you're supposed to that's what lifespan is if you lived out the full number of your days but as this footnote reminded us in the amplified those refer that was for the children who of Israel who could not now go into the to the blessed place because of their disobedience so that God was saying to them you're just you're not coming in you're gonna stay here and they didn't get to go into the to the promised land because they were disobedient so this gives us this number the 70 or 80 people think that this is a like a limit or a full life 70 or 80 years or if by reason of strength forced score in 80 years so which would be 80 years so I'm telling you I'm well over 70 I would have been gone about 12 13 years ago if this I believe you the scripture but I I interpreted it wrong so it's just that it's just for the people that were in the wilderness who wouldn't go forward with God they had to die there they died there 70 or 80 years old so if you ever want to look that up that's in Psalm 90 of the footnote it was intended to refer it was not intended in refer to anyone except those Israelites under the curse during that particular 40 years 70 years has never been the average lifespan of humanity when Jacob the father of the 12 tribes had reached a hundred and thirty years in Genesis forty seventy nine he complained that he had not attained to the years of his immediate ancestors in fact Moses lived to be a hundred and twenty Aaron 123 Miriam several years older and Joshua a hundred and ten years of age note as well that in the Millennium a person dying at 100 will still be thought of as a child besides their 6520 so we've got lots a long life ahead of us if we're word people if we walk with God if we obey God now there are things that even you know there things Christians to shorten their lifespan a lot of the how long we live depends on how we live I'll be light on that today because I don't want to hurt your feelings but it's true if you call you know those people were told in in the scripture they were told how what to eat and what not to eat and they couldn't eat catfish and different things of course they probably didn't even have catfish back there then but at any rate you get point but we're gonna live long and live strong and we want to live healthy don't we I mean who wants to live long and be sick long time that's no fun no we won't live long and live strong and we live healthy and we're going to live supernaturally in the Word of God and take it and believe it so today we're just going to I'm going to discover some things about divine health this is healing school we're going to talk about divine health today that belongs to us how come it does because Jesus himself bore our sicknesses and our diseases and by His stripes we were healed so we've already been healed now we have to receive that healing and you know you don't you receive all the things in the scripture by faith if you don't have the word on it you don't have strong faith about it so whatever it is whether it's healing or prosperity or whatever you need scriptures on it so in healing school and we know this faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God so in healing school before we pray for our healing and receive it we build our faith with the Word of God so let's go over some scriptures New Living Translation in proverbs 14 29 says a relaxed attitude lengthens life well natural people have figured that out haven't they that stress stress is not good for you stress will help you die young think of the difference in living by faith and living in stress if you live by faith you've got the word that tells you what you need gives you what you know you pray you believe you receive it you take that word and now you're not stressed because you've moved out of stress into faith we believe what the word says not what the test oh no what happened not how long my grandmother lived we believe what the word says Amen glory to God we're word people now some people don't think much about that but I'm telling you I remember what it was like before I was a word people it was sad no prosperity if sickness came you just didn't know any better than to say well okay I'm going to bed cover up your head no we didn't know any better in fact I was raised where they say their miracles had passed away so what chance did you have not much but I found out better glory to God I married a man whose mother was a strong believer and she also didn't know he married me until after it was over so that put me off on a bad start but she she chemist and mother knew the word and they knew it well and and they were up there but they were a blessing hallelujah she finally did let me in glory to God so a relaxed attitude lengthens life that's the opposite of worry so I would assume that if you were a worrier the opposite would be true because they know if you worry you're not intake you can't worry and being faith at the same time so we know that that you're either in one camp or the other now if you learn to be a word person and you get your mind renewed with the word and it tells you all the good things that belong to you and you believe that and you put those in your mouth and put those words in your eyes and it gets down in your heart and then it comes out your mouth faith you can expect to live long and strong and well I don't want to live long sick I want well hallelujah glory to God I just had my 73rd birthday and I have not glory to God I'm strong I'm energetic I'm not on any prescriptions I'm not sick I don't have you I'm just tailed that's all I can say just like the Bible says hallelujah I like that song just like the Bible says we can walk in healing and health ken's about five or six he's almost six years older than me so he's still the same way I mean he's he's healed he's strong he's well glory to God how many of you are healed and what no I don't want it I don't want to say that because I don't want you to have to make a bad concession about not being healed but many of you have been on the Word of God long enough and strong enough that you don't have any sickness or disease symptoms in your body glory to God hallelujah I'm seeing hands wait I didn't even ask for it but they're waving and they're saying that's me glory to God isn't it great and besides that think of the money you save I'm telling you you take the best vacation in the world for what you can get an operation for hallelujah this is better healings better faith is better amen so this is important a relaxed attitude lengthens life that's the new living of proverbs 4 29 and 30 we all will want to live under stress we don't want to live in strife if somebody does you wrong be quick to forgive them no get in strike because we if they do you're wrong and you don't forgive them they're still doing you wrong they're causing you problems so we're lovers we're forgivers we walk in love we're slow to take offense be slow to get offended it's a lot of trouble to get offended messes up your whole day could mess up your whole week could let in things in your life that you don't want hallelujah so we're quick different glory to God if we have aught against any what does the Bible say forget it if you have anything against anybody forgive that's the way to live a heal life hallelujah just don't be touchy don't be fretful if somebody does something to you says something to you forgive them and walk away and just praise the Lord Lord see that's powerful you we're we've got the power to forgive but we also have the power to hold and to being strong so we know that strife is unhealthy forgiveness is healthy so we choose to forgive that's what the Bible says we choose to be obedient to the Word of God and when we forgive even though somebody did us wrong when we forgive we go free we don't have to think about it anymore we don't have to be weighed down about it or mad about it I forgive I forgive them glory to God lord I just pray and bless you and I ask you to forgive that person for whatever it was I hold nothing against them then what happened you're free glory to God the Lord is wonderful in it I mean it just helps us to walk in freedom and blessing glory to God now then I'll just I'm gonna just read portions of scriptures that I have here in my notes a hundred the Psalm 109 7 through 20 says he loved cursing so let it come upon him that's what the Bible says sin stops the blessing cursing stops the blessing now we live in an atmosphere in the natural realm an atmosphere of foul language people talk cursing all the time you think some people don't even have a vocabulary they just use curse words well most of us are kin enough for instance we don't have friends like that so we don't around it much but you can just be out in the restaurant you whatever he loved cursing so let it come upon him it's just kind of thing they do in the world isn't it glory to God but we don't do that we're not gonna be cursors we're not gonna be Dammers we're not gonna say curse things and curse words we're gonna toss speak words that are pleasing to God we're gonna speak blessing words and I think you could probably say the opposite he loved blessing let it come upon him glory to God that's us church we love the blessing we love the way of God if you've been following the scripture very long you know that this is the best way that it'll fix anything that comes up in life as you like them if you know where it is and you'll act on the Word of God you can get deliverance that's the blessing working howl ouya glory to God increases in the blessing all good things are under the blessing all bad things are under the curse we're just taking good scriptures about our healing and about our life we don't have to be sick we don't have to be mad what's the answer to being mad at somebody forgive that simple is it I I forgive that I forgive that I forgive that so what happened when you forgave you went free glory to God you went free and and they're not your problem anymore hallelujah actually they're still doing you wrong if you hold it but if you forgive it and release it you're free so sin stops the blessing divine health is possible so inhaling school those of you have never been in one we would just go to the scriptures and find out what God's Word says about healing and it's awesome divine health is possible proverbs 3 1 through 8 let me read it in amplified my son forget not my law or teaching but let your heart keep my Commandments now this is a key to a long strong and healthy life and a prosperous life let your heart keep my Commandments for length of days and years of a life worth living and tranquility inward and outward listen to this those of you who are over 50 continuing through old age till death good blessing peace tranquility inward and outward continuing through old age till death or you could say through old age till your departure actually we're not gonna die our body dies we'll leave the body you'll die but we'll still we'll have more life than ever after our departure hallelujah to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord hallelujah so we don't have anything to fear and death yet we want to live out the full number of our days and accomplish whatever God's called us to do isn't that a great scripture for length of days and years of a life worth living a life worth living is a life I would say that's without curse without poverty without sickness without families being messed up and all the bad things that can happen to people a life worth living it's a peaceful good life and tranquility inward and outward continuing through old age till the death or till your departure so really I'm in old age but really know that I'm continuing in the scripture glory to God through through old age till departure these shall they the word the commandments keeping the commandments keeping the Word of God shall these add to you now I don't you know there are different people from different different backgrounds here but our group the Word of Faith group which we are grouped with and I'm happy to be there we're faith people you can't be a faith people and be a negative people if you're a face people you believe what God says in his word rather than what's happening in that you see with your eyes you know that's happening but you believe God's answer to it will fix it so we're not a negative people we're a faith people we're a happy people glory to God hallelujah I'm in the right crowd there's not any other crowd I'd rather be in than surrounded by people who believe God when hard times come and trouble comes we run to the Word of God hallelujah when sickness tries to come on us we run to the Word of God and we take those scriptures he bore our sicknesses and carried our diseases by His stripes I was healed I already was healed glory to God and I take my healing now if you haven't already you know you might be new at this and if you haven't already gotten your healing list whatever scriptures you want stand on when Satan tries to bring sickness on you you need to do that you need to know where to go in the Bible and take your medicine let's see the scripture does say that God's Word is his medicine it's medicine to all of our flesh glory to God and that a great thing to know that I got my medicine right here I got several versions of my medicine right here I don't have any little bottles or pills or anything but I got my medicine it's medicine to all my flesh they can come up with a new disease and you can find it under the blessing and under the curse if you can find it under the curse you know that you've been redeemed from it every bad thing you everything that every sickness they've came up with something new you could find it under that curse and you would know I've been redeemed for from it I'm not having that in Jesus name now a lot of it has to do with their lifestyle I mean we have to to have faith that's ready on the ready all the time in any situation if something tries to come on you you got the faith already going in your eyes the word already gone in your eyes and then years and down in your heart and it's there and it can instantly come out if you if I had a sudden pain I would immediately put my hand on my body and I'd pray and I'd say no you don't in the name of Jesus you're not coming on me if I knew what caused the pain I'd talk to it and I'd say no you're not coming on me I'll not have that I've been healed by the stripes of Jesus not you know I think I told you earlier in the week that faith is not for wimps I'm telling you if you're gonna be victorious you're gonna have to be able to stand and say no you're not coming on me no it's not gonna be that way devil get your hands off my money in Jesus name you've got to learn to speak two things and you got to learn to speak to the enemy in the name of Jesus but that name is above every name should they come up with should you look at the newspaper in the morning and there's this devastating disease and it's a name you've never heard of before it's a new devastating disease you could say I've already been healed of that in the name of Jesus glory to God hallelujah I mean you need to have a hailing mentality a blessing mentality you ought to be so full of the Word of God that when bad news of any kind comes that's where you go you know how you have it in your heart it comes up into your head and you say it with your mouth and you take your place in deliverance right there but if you don't know what it says you can't do that so it's worth your while I'm telling you I want to be well all the days of my life well you say if if I keep getting sick how am I ever gonna die well now that's nothing to worry about I'm just telling you you're spinning your wheels when you're worrying about that but the truth is we're not gonna die when we die when our body dies we'll be gone here's how you die you leave your body your body's dead and you won't you step into the more life than you've ever imagined before ever that's if Jesus is the Lord and Savior of your life if we never been born again you go down if you've been born again you go up and everybody ought to be born again because you're not going anywhere probably today and if you have Jesus as your Lord you can live days of heaven all the earth the Bible says but if you don't it's just gonna be hell why because Satan comes to kill to steal and destroy and until you move out from under his domain you'll have a hard time but how do you get out you turn and you say Jesus I receive you as my Lord and Savior say what I said I said take my life and do something with it that's why I said to him I had no idea would be this but that's what I said hallelujah oh man I went to church and when they didn't think anything ever happened I grew up in that church nothing you didn't have promise of anything except nothing so when I married Ken he changed my life of more than one way he knew but he wasn't all that good at doing he was the only son of a loving mother and prayed from him night and day and and he gave her some things to work with glory to God but what a guy now now he went sharply right after we married we got born again to fill its spirit and we've been having a good time ever since then we started out in debt ain't nothing you know enough driving an old car this is what we were when we've got born again driving an old car and they're glad to have one just glad to have a car and we'd pray believe God would have the gas to go somewhere and and we lived in a little project house but we began to hear the word of God about faith we got under brother Hagins ministry and we until so we were living in Tulsa and he had ten day seminars for a year we got it everything it's the only time he ever did he never did it again he just did it for us I guess and we got on that word I'm telling you it changed everything here in the Word of God will change everything about whatever you need in life so if you're new don't just wait til it's convenient for the word to come floating by you get you get the messages on DVDs CDs and get your Bible and you start finding out what belongs to you just like what we're doing today on divine health divine health belongs to us let's look at that Psalm 103 that's a great scripture of of healing that to go to it should be on your healing list to do Psalm 103 136 bless and praise the Lord O my soul and all that is deepest within me bless His Holy Name bless the Lord O my soul and forget not one of all of his benefits now that's a good Scripture right there that's a good thing to take hold of forget not one of all his benefits the benefits you forget are the ones you don't get to receive because all of them come by faith come by hearing and hearing by the Word of God which produces faith so if you forget that Jesus bore your sicknesses and carried your diseases you'll let sickness come in and take over but if you remember that you'll say it the first symptom no you don't come on my body in Jesus name you're not coming on me I rebuke that in Jesus name pain I rebuke that and I rebuke the source of pain off my body learn to be aggressive about the curse trying to come into your life why is it called a curse because the curse is a curse it's bad it's come to steal kill and destroy but Jesus the Bible says redeemed us from the curse the whole curse so we stand against poverty the same way we stand against sickness and disease we don't believe and we don't believe in poverty we had a lot of it for a while but we found out we didn't have to live in it that it was a curse and we're under the blessing the blessing included all financial things good things so in in Psalm 103 it says 136 who forgives all over who heals each one of your diseases redeems your life from the pit and corruption who beautifies and dignifies and crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies did you know that you're beautiful dignified and crowned with loving-kindness and tender mercies when you look in the mirror and say oh no don't say all no say I'm crowned I'm don't forget um crown with beauty and dignity and tender mercies the Lord has blessed me it says in five who satisfies your mouth with good now this is that people over 25 who satisfies your mouth with good so that your youth is renewed our youth is renewed like the Eagles in the amplified says strong overcoming soaring hallelujah our youth is renewed thats great especially as you get older don't forget that one my youth is renewed as the Eagles glory to God believe God to stay strong stay mobile have a sound mind thank God for a sound mind when you pray say Lord I thank you for a sound mind I'll have a sound mind all the days of my life thank you for a sound body my body sound it'll work all the days of my life it's blessed it's healed it's strong but what do people say natural people say well I must be losing it I'm just losing it you know I can't remember anything my I just I'm just losing it or I'm just hurting I'm hurting you know you know my grandmother had the gal I don't even know what the gal is but my grandmother had gout and I guess I'll have it too I've been having a little pain here and there no no no at the first sign of the curse which is any symptom of sickness or any pain rebuke it and say you're not coming on my body in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ you're not coming on me you're not coming on my mind in Jesus man I have the mind of Christ in the name of Jesus I have thoughts from God eyes to have a sound mind he's got giving me a spirit of fear but of power of love and a sound mind well is it worth fighting the fight of faith to keep a sound mind and a strong body yes I don't want you to have to feed me or push me around or anything else I want a sound body I have a sound body I'm I'll tell you something else I'm doing - you'll have to do more than say you'll have to do what the Bible says about things see that's our protection that's where we leave no foothold the Bible says they leave no foothold for the devil so we don't walk I'm talking about you and me and all of us if we want to live long and live strong can't we can't live in disobedience we can't have a disobedient mouth we can't have disobedient actions we have to walk with God and let him be God you can't be living in sin and have the blessings the blessings are for people who are obedient so that would be nice church will read 'god will live long and live strong and he heals all this scripture says he heals each one and the others say other translations says he heals all of our diseases glory to God you start hearing about those things going around well you know pneumoniae is going around well just say it's not going around to hear because I'm I'm under the blood of Jesus and Jesus himself born pneumonia from me I have a I have an account I hadn't ever said that before but that's right we have an account we have a blessing account glory to God and we don't have to serve the curse and guess who filled our account Jesus it's not I mean he did it it's already been done all we have to do is receive what he says belong to us belongs to us keep it in our account where we act on it at the first sign of a symptom and say no you don't know you don't you're not coming on me no I had a little finger bothering me and this little finger it wanted to do this it was not lit was my index finger and I said no you're not doing that I'm not having that I didn't know what it was I thought well maybe it's arthritis turn to come on yeah I said I'm not taking any offer itis I'll not have arthritis in my body that's under the curse finger you're healed now you stay straight and you behave in Jesus name you stay straight talk to your body that's your body tone to it and tell it what to do hallelujah glory to God but you know it's pace to do right eat right and I don't think you can I don't think you know you also told us what how to eat and how not to course he he didn't have I mean he didn't say don't drink Coke colas because they didn't have Coca Cola's but everybody knows those aren't good for you so don't keep doing things that aren't good for you I don't even know how long it's been since I tasted a Coca Cola hallelujah but do things that are healthy live a healthy lifestyle and I'll tell you you can get used to eating healthy food I mean you can get used to it I don't even think about fried catfish very often unless I preach our hushpuppies there well I think about them sometimes but I know I can't eat that way and be healthy why because catfish you're scavengers that's why the scripture said don't eat them and hogs are scavengers that's why you don't eat pork what is a scavenger they eat dead things nasty things and then might be nasty and then we eat them no we're not gonna do that glory to God no wonder God said this is clean and this is dirty eat the clean glory to God hallelujah many diseases are self-inflicted really and truly by what we eat and what we do how we treat our body so we walk in love for one thing that's the spirit and then we do what we know is right and healthy but we're gonna live long and live strong and we want to live healthy don't we I mean who wants to live long and be sick long time that's no fun no we want to live long and live strong and we live healthy and we're gonna live supernaturally in the Word of God and take it and believe it so in healing school and we know this faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God so in healing school before we pray for our healing and receive it we build our faith with the Word of God so let's go over some scriptures doing the Word of God will give you a long line it'll it will help you in living long and doing the Word of God will make life worth living so word people we're just we just are blessed I saw you those of you who learned to read the word study the word take the word act on the word expect to be healed expect to live long expect to prosper that's the blessing working amen we're glass Church glory to God now we don't want to forget it now we can't undo that blessing by being negative and talking negative and because out of our mouth our heart speaks so to get your mouth right you got to get you Harr tried to get your mouth right and saying positive good things that agree with the word and the blessing you got to put the I of the word in your eyes and ears so it can get down in your heart and talk to you glory to God it's a great thing to be a word person hallelujah you're either gonna be a word person or an unbelief person because you can't be a word person in unbelief amen so we're word people and we feed on the word we you and me we spend time in the word we know what the word says but we read it over and over and over and over hallelujah look at first Peter 3 finally all of you should be this is amplified one of one and the same mind united in spirit sympathizing with one another loving each other as brethren of one household compassionate courteous tender-hearted and humble now that right there is just the one good scripture about how to live long and live strong and live well live in peace and blessing be a blessing never return evil for evil our insult for insult scolding tongue lashing berating but on the contrary blessing somebody says something bad about you bless them pray for their welfare and happiness and protection you know I don't want to do that you don't know what well I know what they're doing to you now they're messing you up because now you're in unforgiveness if somebody says something ugly about you forgive them if somebody says something ugly to you forgive them just bless them and say Lord bless them and help them I can't I take no account here's a good thing to remember I take no account of the evil done to me what happens when you're a quick forgiver you go free you don't have to think about it anymore it's a done thing as far as your concern i forgiving them lord help them I pray for their welfare help them reveal yourself to them and some just didn't walk away and there you are free you don't have to think about it you don't have to get depressed about it you want to get mad about it never return evil for evil or insult for insult scolding tongue-lashing berating but on the contrary blessing and praying for their welfare happiness and protection and truly pitying and loving them for know that to this you have been called we are forgivers you know if there are things in your life you might be holding something back something that happened to you years and years ago it could be a really bad thing and you've held that person in unforgiveness as long as you hold that person and unforgiveness he's holding you in a bad place let him out let her out forgive them forgive here's the only time you have to forgive forgive if you have all against any anything against anybody forgive it write it off bless them and go forward hallelujah that you yourselves here's what happens that you yourselves may inherit a blessing from God and that you may obtain a blessing as heirs bringing welfare and happiness and protection isn't that amazing that forgiving someone else brings you blessing welfare happiness and protection if and protections in there so it seems to me this could be said that if you hold things against somebody you're damaging your protective shield says that let him who wants to enjoy life this is you and me Church let him who wants to enjoy life and see good days that would be me keep his tongue free from evil and his lips from God I want to enjoy life and see good days don't you so it makes a difference what we say we walk in love with will walk keep our commandment of walking in love we'll be in a good place all the days of our long life let him turn away from wickedness and shine it let him do right let him search for peace and then I skip down to the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous those who are upright and in right standing with God and his ears are attentive to their prayer we this has to do with having your prayers answered but the face of the Lord is against those who practice evil to oppose them to frustrate and to defeat them glory to God hallelujah and on 2:16 it says and see to it that your conscience well let's read what it says here but in your hearts that Christ apart is holy in verse 15 acknowledge humans Lord always be ready to give a logical a defense to anyone who asks you to account for the hope that is in you but do it courteously and peacefully and see to it that your conscience is entirely clear unimpaired so that when you're falsely acute as evildoers those who threaten you abusively and revile your right behavior in Christ may come to be ashamed of slandering your good name so all of that could be covered by walking in love let's not touch the fretful or resentful pays no attention to a suffered wrong does not rejoice that injustice and unrighteousness but rejoices when right and truth prevail love love what love does something like love conquers and I forgot exactly the word now but love conquers and that that would be if you if you'll meditate on the amplified there in first Corinthians 13 about love and and get it really fixed in your being it'll help you not to be offended when people say things or do things when if we forget if we're quick to forgive we stay free if somebody says something to you it's just a little tacky say you don't have to say thing out loud but just smile and then the inside play I take no account of that I forgive that glory to God hallelujah we're walking in love amen that's the best place to be hallelujah love love prevails under over all things glory to God let's see Psalm 33 behold the Lord's eyes is upon his eye is upon those who fear Him who revere and worship Him who wait for him and hope in His mercy and loving-kindness to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine that's big to deliver them from death and keep them alive in family our inner selves wait for the Lord he is our help in our sealed for in him does our heart rejoice because we have trusted in his holy name let your mercy and loving-kindness oh Lord be upon us in proportion to our waiting and hoping in you now how dare have the depth of your protection has to do with the depth of your perception of what God has offered you in protection amen if you don't pay any attention to his to what His Word says about keeping you safe and keeping you in the shadow of the all under the shadow of the Almighty no power can withstand that then then your you know your little lacks in that area but get the 91st psalm in your heart get other scriptures in your heart about your protection and and don't let any fear in but you got to have faith you got to have faith in the word to - to combat fear so we don't have any fear of sickness and disease we don't have any fear of bad things happening we but we do believe God we pray and we believe God we believe that we're protected and we we live in the 91st psalm hallelujah what man in 3412 what man desires life and longs for many days that he may see good here's how it goes 13 keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking to secede now if you want to live long and many days that are good here's what you do keep your tongue from speaking to see depart from evil and do good seek inquire for and crave peace and pursuit and go after it for the eyes of the Lord or toward the righteous and his ears are open to their cry but fear comes on us or something we take authority over over the fear and over the situation that brought the fear we say no you're not doing that you're not coming here devil no you're not like if we were here there's a sickness going around people are having this terrible sickness that's an epidemic what well I talk back to the TV you should talk back to your television your news and say no you're not coming here no flu you're not coming here in the name of Jesus we've been healed and redeemed from flu will not have the flu I'll never have the flu guess what I've never had the flu glory to God hallelujah not since I've been an adult and on the work hallelujah so we have to be we have to be active we have to be persistent with our faith we can't talk negative and talk like the world talks act like the world acts and expect to have freedom from the curse bad things coming on us but we've been redeemed from the curse and if we're walking our redemption in the word of God we can live heal and live strong amen glory to God so the the healing divine health is that is given to us and we walk by the word we act on the word he heals all of our diseases but the Lord did tell Israel when he when he gave him the blessing the curse he did tell him what to eat and what not to eat so there were things they were supposed to do and we know that there are things that are done can be done to impair our health and to cut our life short so what do we do well we don't do those things if we don't want to die or and then Isaiah we're going to use this scripture in our in our receiving this morning this is a key scripture for you and your healing when you when you need healing go to the blessing in the curse and then we're going to pray and work on believe God surely he has borne our griefs talking about Jesus this is a work that's he's done already he has borne our griefs and in parentheses in the amplified it says sicknesses weaknesses and de-stresses and carried our sorrows and punishment of pain and yet we ignorant Lee considered him stricken smitten and afflicted with God as if with leprosy but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our guilt in iniquity and the chastisement needful to obtain peace and wellbeing for us was upon him and here's the one word right here with the stripes that wounded him we are healed and made whole we are healed Jesus bore the curse of everything for us and he bore the curse of sickness and disease for us by His stripes so when sickness tries to come on you and it says in the next verse all we like sheep have gone astray and have turned everyone to his own way and the Lord has made to light upon him Jesus the guilt and iniquity of us all so that's how we got saved that's how we both got born again Jesus bore the curse of sin for us and so we can receive him as Lord and Savior and be born over have our spirit man born over again from death into life glory to God how many of you can testify that you had a marvelous change in your life when you made Jesus the Lord of your life glory to God now where would you find that many people that would lie on one day you couldn't do it it's the truth it is the truth it changes you on the inside and then as you're changed on the inside you go to the Word of God and let it renew your mind and tell you what to think how to think and what to do and then you can you couldn't begin to hear from your spirit listen to your spirit if you're you know in business if in purchasing something and driving to work if you listen to the Lord to give you that inward witness he might sometimes just say don't go that way go this way well go that way be listening all the time for your spirit your spirit especially if you've been indwelt by the Holy Spirit if you receive the Holy Spirit inside what you certainly need to do it's like wearing breeches with only one leg if you don't have the Holy Spirit that's a deep thought I'd never have had that thought before but see it'd be really hard to do anything to get around and you don't have any help but he's our helper he's our comforter he's our standby hallelujah glory to God the Spirit of God will come and live in us to talk to us and teach us oh it's a great plan so if you've never received that what you want to do it you say well I don't know if I think those people that receive the Holy Spirit like that they're kind of fanatics yeah we are we are man are we fanatic but we're happy fanatics we're prosperous fanatics we're here for that it's that's why we're so fanatical glory to God Alleluia Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father hallelujah so if you've never made Jesus the Lord before will you want to do that today when we pray so what else do we want to talk about well all the sicknesses and diseases are under the curse Galatians three says we've been redeemed from the curse glory to God where we're out of poverty that was part of the curse so we're rich we're healed sick this was under the curse we're healed we're blessed Loree to God all is well thank you Jesus to God be the glory hallelujah glory to God and under that curse and Deuteronomy 26 61 in the amplified it says every sickness and every disease is under that curse they can't come up with anything new that's not under that curse every sickness and every disease remember if you get a bad report which I believe you won't but if you did remember the moment you hear that report that's under the curse that's under the curse I'm under the blessing I've been redeemed from the curse glory to God and if you hear something going around say that's under the curse I'm not under the curse I'm under the blessing thank God I'll never have the flu thank God I'll never have that in Jesus name Rory to God learned it if you're gonna watch the news talk back to it you have to say no you're not coming here no will not have that no talk back to say no don't take it some people's like you know they hear there's a flu epidemic and then the first thing that happens they don't know anything about God and the word that's I know I hope I don't forget the flu I had it last year in the year before and it was it was tough man it was bad I don't want oh so what happens now fear what happens when fear takes over fear draws the curse to you but when I believe it hears that about the flu going around when I hear it I say well I'll know I'm not have the flu it won't come on my house it won't come on my family it won't come on me I'm healed by the stripes of Jesus I'm healed I'm healed what I do I just took my flu shot right there Sam you're not coming on me I'll not have it it's flu season [Music] Marshall after commercial you know talk back to that television tell it no no no you're not coming here I've been healed and redeemed don't let fear ever end glory to God hallelujah thank you lord amen we want to live in divine health this is healing school we're going to talk about divine health today that belongs to us come 103 one through three says bless gratefully praise the Lord O my soul and all that is deepest within me bless His Holy Name so as we go and learn about the Lord and we go through the scriptures and we become what others call Word people sometime not affectionately but we hold to what we see in there we believe what it says about us we believe what God says about what we're to do to be enjoy life and to be blessed and strong and prosperous bless the Lord O my soul and don't forget one of his benefits we do if we forget his benefits and we don't get to enjoy his benefits because you can't forget something and take it by faith at the same time so he says he encourages us don't forget the benefits of God here's some of them who forgive who forgives every one of all iniquities what a benefit he forgives every one of all iniquities thank God I've met some of the nicest sweetest people who who were convicted murderers you know when I went - you know when I go to prison and minister and I've told you this I've said this before but one of them was an elderly lady and I thought she must have just had all of her husband's she could take one day because she'd killed she'd killed her husband I thought I was you know I thought she's so nice and sweet she she didn't just you know he just he just got on her last nerve that's all you say so I was giving her the benefit of the doubt and they let the girls in death row come into another little room and I was in there with them and they were talking one was a an axe murderer in fact this let's see this woman was the axe murderer I believe and she had cut up a lot of husbands and buried him under a tree but now she's born again she's a believer glory to God and serving the Lord there were about five of those girls on death row that that knew the Lord as I recall and they were serial someone were serial killers killed a lot of people but they let him come in we sat down we talked about the word and and we you know I ministered to them what it was the deal well they're not that same old person anymore now they're born again some of them spirit-filled serving God right there in Texas prison system death row they got prayer meetings going Lori to God hallelujah and ken has ministered to men and and and he's gone some of them asked him to come and he would he'd go down there when they were being executed you know but they were executed but they went to the right place glory to God they knew God this is real who heals each one of your diseases of all your diseases the amplifi says who redeems your life from the pit and corruption who beautifies and dignifies and crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercy who satisfies your mouth with good so that get hold of this all you over 30 so that your youth is renewed like the Eagles glory to God hallelujah I don't think old I don't act old because I believe my youth is renewed like the Eagles amen I have plenty of energy I rarely get tired I'm not sick hallelujah and neither should you be we don't have to be old and crabby let's be well as we get older let's look let's get sweeter ha ha yeah and if you think nobody loves me more in and nobody ever comes to see me there might be a reason for that hey man we've got to be sleep we can't be old and crabbing or nobody don't come see us howl ooh you glory to God thank you Jesus we're gonna be sweet Lord you heal each of all of our diseases you redeem our life from destruction who beautifies dignifies and crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercy who satisfies your mouth and your dissent your mouth your necessity and desire at your personal agent situation with good so that your youth is renewed like the Eagles strong amplified says strong overcoming soaring hallelujah that's a church young our o the Lord execute judgment and righteousness not up not for me only but for all who are oppressed glory to God hallelujah God but mercy and loving-kindness of the Lord are from everlasting to everlasting upon those who reverently worshipfully fear him in his righteousness to children's children our two grandchildren to such as keep his covenant that's us Church if you're a covenant keeper if you act on the word that's you hearing receiving loving and obeying it and to those who earnestly remember his commandments to do them imprinting them on their hearts hallelujah so the way we stay young and the way we stay healthy and the way we stay strong and the way we stays down minded is with the Word of God we feed on the word God what does that do when you put the word in your eyes in your ears and you believe it first of all it's good news it's good things about you glory to God God's talking about me when he says he bore my sicknesses and carried my diseases so we keep that word going in our eyes and our ears and it becomes faith down in our heart and then our faith comes up to take authority that's what we talked about yesterday faith faith comes up in us when we put the word in our eyes and ears now we obey what the scripture says and we talk right we don't talk sickness and disease we don't talk with weakness and bad news we talk word hallelujah amen that's why they call us word people that's a compliment glory to God that's a good thing hallelujah thank you Jesus so in our days we live long we live strong we finish strong glory to God okay Psalm 92 says 12 and 15:12 says so teach us to number our days that we may get us a heart of wisdom turn Lord from your anger how long revoke your sentence and compassion and be compassionate and ease toward your servants satisfies with mercy and loving-kindness in the morning hallelujah that we may rejoice and be glad all of our days and the amplified says satisfies with your mercy and loving-kindness in the morning now before we're older that we may rejoice and be glad all of our days hallelujah make us glad in proportion to the days in which this is a children of Israel in which they they went in the wilderness in other words let your works and the signs of your power be revealed hallelujah and here's where it says 70 or 80 today at 70 or 80 but our days are threescore and ten seventy or even if by reason of strength forescore are 80 years and it says down here in the footnote this numbers often been mistaken for a set span of life for all mankind it was not intended to refer to anyone except those Israelites during under the curse during that particular four years so that's the second time we read that but that's important that you understand that's not talking that 70 or 80 he's not talking about you Church it's talking it was talking to the people who were under a deadline they they couldn't go on and on and on and on and on and on because they they were messed up they were under they brought themselves under the curse and so they their life their life span was cut short by doing the Word of God will give you a long line it'll it will help you in living long and doing the Word of God will make life worth living so word people we're just we just are blessed I saw you those of you who learn to read the word study the word take the word act on the word expect to be healed expect to live long expect to prosper that's the blessing working amen we're blast Church glory to God now we don't want to forget it now we can't undo that blessing by being negative and talking negative and because out of our mouth our heart speaks so to get your mouth right you got to get your heart right to get your mouth right and saying positive good things that agree with the word and the blessing you got to put the I of the word in your eyes and ears so it can get down in your heart and talk to you glory to God it's a great thing to be a word person hallelujah you're either going to be a word person or an unbelief person because you can't be a word person in unbelief amen so we're word people and we feed on the word we you and me we spend time in the word we know what the word says but we've read it over and over over and over hallelujah so Galatians three tells us that we've been redeemed from the curse of the law now every sickness also as the scripture says every sickness and every disease is under that curse and even if it's not unwritten it's under the curse so if they come up something new it's under the curse every sickness every disease is under the curse Galatians three says you and I if we're believers if we're born again we've been redeemed from the curse that the blessing can come on us so we don't live in the sickness and the disease and the poverty we live in health and we live in prosperity because the blessing has come on us now if you're here today and you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life that's how you get out from under the curse that's the only way to get out from under the curse just to make Jesus the Lord of your life so if that's you today we'll give you an opportunity to receive the Lord Jesus Christ to save you our lives were totally totally I mean our outer lives of course we were instantly born again but our lives were totally changed on the outside as we began to after we got born again got filled with the spirit and then we begin to you don't see the word in a new light and new revelation and we became word people because we found freedom there we found deliverance there we found peace there we found prosperity there we found the answer to every situation when one of our grand well I think Ken mentioned this the other night one of our grandchildren was diagnosed with na Syrian meningitis and and went to the hospital she was just a young girl little girl and well I forgotten maybe eight or nine I forgotten exactly how well I tell you when when any of any of our group has a baby we fill up the waiting room we take over the hospital when anybody said we troop in there and we prayed well we don't have that very often but if we do like we did with this situation we went down and we prayed we believed God we laid hands on that child we believe God to heal her and she's been healed she's never had any recurrence of it anymore and you have to be aggressive in your stand against the curse sometime if you just let it go and you don't take authority and you don't really get your word on it get the word put the word on it then it'll stay and you and you know it can get worse and worse but that's the first sign of any symptom high jump on it and I say no you're not coming here you're not coming in my body I'm healed by the stripes of Jesus I'll not receive that in Jesus name glory to God and then I believe to stay strong all the days of my life I believe I'll have a sound mind all the days of my life a strong buddy and I don't just say I believe that I act on it and I stay with it amen cuz I don't want you to have to feed me pablum or something when I'm 90 years old I want to eat myself with the fork I want to get it myself and feeding myself amen and I sure don't want you to have to change my doctor so let's believe God to stay strong and well all the days of our lives and we can expect that because we got scripture on it he himself bore our weaknesses and carried our diseases and by His stripes we were healed hallelujah glory to God now we're gonna we're gonna have to pray for you in a few moments so when I see that out there's nothing else here I want to put here in Deuteronomy 26 it says and amplified every sickness and every disease is under the curse in verse 66 it says worry is under the curse in so many words as boils down to worry is under the curse some people are sick because they worry if you worry you cannot be in faith you can't worry and be in faith at the same time the next time you catch yourself worrying you say Lord forgive me for that and I am getting right back up on my faith and I say this and you say the scripture if it's worried about sickness you say the scripture about healing if it's worried about finances say the scripture about God meets all my needs according to his riches and glory and I refuse to fear I have a father glory to God and he prospers me and he blesses me and you know how you you should just have so much word in your eyes and your ears and your heart full of it that all somebody has to do is just poke you a little bit and out comes word you ought to have it in you you know you want to know where it is in the Bible but you also want to have it written on your heart so at the moment's notice you can you can bring it forth I was in a I was dinner in traffic one day and there was a woman in front of me the head of said look like she had number children in the car with her and something happened she hit something or did something and that car just here's the you know it was just going solid on the road and she did something it made it turn over like that I was right behind and spending years and years ago and I said you get back down there in the name of Jesus that car went say Church that's what we are we're believers we're helpers we're priors we're entertainers we can stop things from happening when we see it happening around us with the name of Jesus and the Word of God glory to God hallelujah life's exciting for us amen glory to God hallelujah thank you Jesus we're going to walk strong and live big all the days of our lives our choices determine the length of our lives and the quality of our lives Isaiah 53 which is go to scripture surely he has borne our griefs he has borne he has borne our griefs sicknesses weaknesses and de-stresses and carried our sorrows and pains of punishment yet we ignorant Lee considered him stricken smitten and afflicted by God as if with leprosy afflicted by God but he was he was not afflicted by God but he was wounded for our transgressions he was afflicted for us by God he was bruised for our iniquities and guilt the chastisement needful to appiy obtained peace our Shalom and well-being for us was upon him and with the stripes that wounded him we are healed and made whole we are healed it's already been done it's already been paid for Jesus paid for it himself we are healed now when sickness into duty tries to come on us we say no you don't by His stripes I was filled I'm not eligible for sickness and disease I was healed this is healing school we're going to talk about divine health today that belongs to us how come it does because Jesus himself bore our sicknesses and our diseases and by His stripes we were healed so we've already been healed now we have to receive that healing and you know you don't you receive all the things in the scripture by faith if you don't have the word on it you don't have strong faith about it so whatever it is whether it's healing or prosperity or whatever you need scriptures on it you know a lot of people a lot of people are sick because they worry worries under the curse you all not worry any more than you'd do drugs or drink alcohol watch pornography it's under the curse don't worry what do you do when you have well first of all if you have problems in life you get the scripture from the word that answers that situation you put it in your eyes and ears you get it in your heart and you pray it and you stand on it I'm standing on this word let's just stick with healing I believe I am healed I believe he bore my sicknesses and carried my diseases I commend my body to be I lay hands on myself when I need it I commend my body to be healed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ if something is out of whack or whatever this little finger this little finger right here decided it wanted to do something besides stand up straight I said finger you be healed in the name of Jesus you get up there and you stay up there here to go like that I said you can get up there and I had to pull it up you get up there and you stay there you're healed in Jesus name now I didn't know what that was but I thought it could be arthritis trying to come on me so I called it off the raucous author itis you're not coming on me in the name of Jesus I'll not have authorized anywhere in my body I'm healed by His stripes I was healed and I am healed now you stop it fingering you be healed glory to God see that it's working glory to God you get a pain somewhere pray over it if you think you're having appendicitis pray appendicitis she stop it in the name of Jesus if you need help get help but first of all pray and then stand on it if you had to go to the doctor pray while you go to the doctor pray when you get there you're still on the world but they stood on the word by His stripes I was healed then you stand on the word by His stripes I was healed until everything whatever it takes hospital doctor operation whatever you have to do until it's finished you standing on the word and say I'm healed Amen we have to be aggressive you know why because Satan's a liar he's a cheat he's a killer he's an enemy he's come to steal to kill and destroy we have to keep him off our money we have to keep him off our body cuz he don't know anything that's why he's such a thief he don't know anything he wants yours in mine he can't have it in jesus name because why because Jesus bore our sin in our sickness and our disease and everything Satan stands for and works for he's already been defeated but we have to stand for it sometimes we have to say no you know well how do I know that because the Bible says reduce that resist the devil and he will flee from you sometimes we have to resist and when I resist I resist I don't say devil just let me alone no I say devil you get out of here in the name of Jesus you take your pain and you go in Jesus name and don't you come back at me again I'm healed by His stripes I was healed I am healed and I'll always be healed I'm not even gonna be sick when I die I'm gonna leave well you don't have to be sick to dial you have to do is leave glory to God amen thank you Jesus so this morning we want to pray and believe God for your healing this is Tracy Harris who pastors in Texarkana Arkansas crazy job joy to God Hey hallelujah glory to God and brother conference here this is a big day come on here raise God not Jeff you will allow me to butt in for a little bit I have two things that the Lord brought up and we will from Matthew 9 and I have a report this will serve to demonstrate one it is so extremely vital to be listening to the Lord all the time about where you go what you do what you think what you say now we discussed this some last night and well in yesterday morning's service to things that maybe don't look all that important to you and me and they turn out to be really big I took off one morning we were headed to East Coast and so I got there for my my service and you know to fly that many miles and all that for one service yeah that's what Jesus was I'm gonna be there so we got there and and they called brother Winston up and he preached and then I was to follow him while he's standing there the word of the Lord came to me and he said I want you to eat attack that Ebola virus and kill it now we we also had gone to Bill crosses Church in California and the Lord gave me the same assignment there and he said I want you to preach to this church I want you to preach the authority of the believer and the power of my healing power and he said I want you to prepare that church and for these four days and at the end of that four day period the entire church is going to rise up against the Ebola virus and so we did that all right I got a message hold that for me and let me get over here to it this is from our man in Liberia he said I was just praying and God revealed to me and reminded me that I listened to to brother Kenneth a couple of days ago telling of he and bill Winston joining their faith to kill Ebola everyone was predicting a listeners everyone was predicting a million cases by this time this year in Liberia man praise God the country is Ebola free the borders are open people are returning to school the recovery has begun I know I'm living in the supernatural and all our US staff and Liberian staff are covered under our blood covenant and praise God again that no.10 staff both domestic and Liberian no one no one no one no one was taken by Ebola thank you Jesus we have a partnership and a covenant with with Kenneth Copeland ministries and you and all the supernatural we are and we are supernaturally untouchable that's a great that's a great phrase but let's write a book called supernaturally untouchable you got a mic I needed to be at a certain place at a certain time bill Winston needed to be at a certain place at a certain time bill Krause needed to hear God and set that meeting up at a certain place at a certain time that's the way we're supposed to live you cannot get so caught up in all that's going on without inquiring of the Lord you in the natural you are not gonna be at the right place at the right time all the time Jesus if you don't pay attention now you still make mistakes but when you're walking by faith and and your your your straight with God and when you do forget to inquire miss um you immediately repent say Siraj I shouldn't have done that not asking you and I back off here a little bit and and then when you if you do make a mistake under those conditions he can move in there and bump you back around where you need to be and and keep you keep you on the line that is so vitally important now this before we take action here and the let's go ahead and stand please the moment gloria first mentioned forgiveness you notice she went back to it and went back to it and went back to it and went back to it the Lord brought this up to me and directed me to come to what I'm about to do right now and our Father we thank you and we praise you we worship you come on up here and stand next to the uterus we thank you sir in the name of Jesus Matthew 9 1 and Jesus entered into a ship and passed over and came into his own City and behold they brought to him a man sick of the palsy lying on a bed and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy son be of good cheer yes thy sins be forgiven thee hallelujah and the whole certain of the scribes said within themselves this man blasphemes Jesus knowing their thoughts said wherefore thank you evil in your heart for whether is easier to say thy sins be forgiven thee or to say arise and walk but that you may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sin he said to the sick of the palsy arise take up your bed and go to your house he arose and departed to his house now this this is vital information Jesus proved that the same power the same spiritual force the same anointing from God that heals forgives forgiveness and healing are one and the same force they are one in the same power so you can't resist forgiving without resisting healing I come on grab hold of this now I'm telling you I in it we have a tendency to Center up on the on the big stuff dr. Caroline leaf made this statement and within her in her book and also on our broadcast she said it is proven now that the human brain is not wired for fear and unforgiveness and when it's functioning in fear and unforgiveness it the brain goes into a chaotic state and it actually damages itself you have brain damage from that and continuing toxic thinking fear unforgiveness negativism and so will you continue that the the brain functioning in a chaotic manner will inflict sickness and disease on your body and the word says be quick to forgive be quick to forgive be quick before it takes hold before we condemn instead but she said it's also a proven fact that meditating and speaking on forgiveness and on love and on the Word of God that you can completely repair your brain in 11 days 11 to 13 days the thing will go back to working like it's supposed to work Amen hallelujah it's time to get here folks praise God it's time right now it is time right now which one of these your amplified isaiah 53 surely surely say surely sure he has born he has borne my griefs my sickness my my weakness my witness my distresses and carried my sorrows and carried my soul and my pain and my pain of punishment so sickness weakness with grief great distress distress sorrow sorrow and pain and pain you're not mine Jesus bore mine Jesus for mine you're not I rebuke you I rebuke you I take authority over you I take authority over you I cast you out of this body I cast you out I cast you off on my mind I cast you off on my mind I cast you out of my presence I cast you out of our presence I forbid you to come back I forbid you to come back in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ sickness weakness sorrow grief and pain we rebuke you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we take a stand against you and by his power by his made by his blood the Internet you receive it you take it get up stand up on your feet I don't care what you have to pull yourself up [Applause] hallelujah glory glory glory glory glory glory to God glory to God glory to God [Applause] the chastisement of my being say it the chastise and my well-being was laid on my Lord Jesus mental torment me mental torment take your hand off the tackle loose my mind loose my brain loose depression depressant bow your knee to the name of Jesus to the name of Jesus yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] cancer bow your knee to the name of cheese that name of Jesus is above every name that's name both in heaven and in earth and at that name every knee must bow and every tongue must confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God [Music] are you feeling like you're running on empty the road was longer than you thought now you wished you'd kept your tank full the same thing goes with your spirit to have good health you've got to stay filled up with the Word of God the receive your healing package is a set of resources to provide you with a word based first-aid kit start building your faith and receive God's healing for a strong body good mental attitude and positive relationships in the book God's will for your healing the CD series healing school and the book and CD healing confessions all by Gloria Copeland learn how to fill your spirit with the word engage your faith and take hold of God's promises use the Rx follow these orders brochure as a quick reference guide of healing scriptures so you can get well and stay well God wants you totally well the best you can be spiritually mentally emotionally and physically so don't wait until you're on empty fill up with God's Word and receive your healing start your journey to health and wellness today order the receive your healing package for only $24.99 build your faith and transform your health and wholeness go to KCMG org slash TV special or call eight hundred 676 lat and by the word of their testimony we've learned quite a bit on faith from listening to the Kenan Gloria teach and we have one incident in our lives where I was at home from work in bed in pain from what my doctor called the slip disc I couldn't walk the medications they had given me we're not working so I'm just kind of laying in bed and it was ours to get out of the bathroom to try to get to the bathroom and back and I had already been to the therapist I'd been to the doctor and one Thursday morning we had Gloria on and she was teaching and I laid there listening to what she was saying and finally she said claim your healing get up and do what you couldn't do before so after about 30 minutes I was able to get out of the bed and just kind of shuffle across the floor I couldn't pick my feet up and I went down the stairs and I crashed on our couch I slept for about four hours but when I woke up the pain was gone the the stiffness the soreness was gone and I said that to my physical therapist the next morning you know I'm healed the Lord healed me and she says yeah okay we'll see and she beat me up in that therapy session worked me over really hard and she says how about the pain now there's no pain I've been healed she says well if you can do the same thing on Monday up documented in your record for you for your doctor so I said okay so I went back on Monday and she beat me up again but again there was no no pain you know no limitations at all you know because of the teaching that Lori was giving out of the Psalms I put my faith in that word and I stood on that word and the Lord reminded me that my healing was performed 2,000 years ago a coward [Music] that's one of the many ways that Ken and Gloria have touched our lives every once in a while the adversary tries to bring it back but like he was saying in the meeting this morning when I recognized that I say get out you have no place here you know this is the dwelling place of God there is no lack there is no you know pain you don't belong it you're a trespasser this is where God looks my healing is already established no place get out I preached to you in the name of Jesus recovery of sight to the blind yesterday brother Copeland was talking about healing and he and he said that about the blind to see and so I had been sitting there in the service and I just felt led to ask her for her glasses and the Holy Ghost said you just use your faith for her and so I just began thinking God for Caitlin's healing that she wasn't gonna have to wear glasses and so at the end of the service I handed him back to her you know and I said you can hold these now and and and then brother Copeland said that about the blind to see and so I looked over and she had taken her glasses back off again and so I didn't say anything but after the service was over we went out to the truck and she handed me her glasses and she said I don't need these anymore I believe that I'm healed so I said okay well I'm standing with you and agreeing with you for your healing and so she said well I can start to see letters you know on signs that I couldn't see before so we're just standing in agreement with her and so she she's decided she's not wearing them anymore she's done she says hey what are you you yes do you believe it are you gonna stand on it amen we're gonna agree with you as well [Music] download your FREE copy of the BDO V broadcast study notes now at KCMO org slash notes use them to follow along with the broadcast during your personal time or for group Bible study now you can put your ears and eyes on God's message of victory to plant it deep in your heart we're believing this additional ministry tool will benefit you bless your study time and will help you to grow from faith to faith go to KCMG org slash notes today we are here for you they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb a year ago we were sitting in the service with Gloria ministering and it got to be a few different ones were saying different things as the ministry was progressing they said they called out for lungs being healed and then they said reach out and take it and about five years ago I'd been welding and I took my helmet up and the fumes from that it was paint and oil and grease and everything I lost my voice for three days and then I couldn't breathe right anymore and you know how you like to get a full deep breath well I wasn't getting it and when they said it I just said I reached out I received that and it was within a week I was getting a full expansion of my lungs my breath so it was pretty exciting because I was sucking air as you know once you start joining with somebody and you get that covenant agreement man things change just a lot better and that's I think a part of being able to be in a meeting like this the expectancy they knowing that God's gonna meet your needs and minister to you so yeah we're excited to be here what's the Lord done for you today I have struggled with floaters in my eyes for about 13 years and when brother Copeland told about his testimony and you know said we would be healed I took that that was a few days ago and the next morning I woke up right before this campaign I had really been struggling with it for about two weeks and a few days ago woke up and no more floaters yes and two more things I'm a hairstylist in my hands I could tell that I was I've been feeling arthritis and this morning it's if they were feeling more healed and every day I believe they're gonna keep getting better and last night I got really sick right before about 45 minutes before the service just really sick and I declared my husband prayed over me I declared that healed people go to church we came as soon as I got here I was healed the Lord actually has done two things for me in the a.m service brother you had said to receive your healing everyone that needed healing stand I've been battling menopause for the last five to six years I felt all my energy returned to my body because I've been real with RJ tired and everyone to do anything little on you know the depression side and I've felt a warmth come over my body and I've never felt that before and I've been healed over things and just felt energy immediately and joy and peace returned to my life and then this morning I've been having arthritic symptoms in my finger in this morning during healing school is completely gone hallelujah thank you lady has the Lord been doing in your life well he's great in October of 2015 I had a major car wreck and I broke two bones in my neck and three in my back and a minor brain injury and he has healed all of that but the most wonderful thing is that they they told me that I had lost five years of my life and my energy had gone down my everything had gone down and he has restored those five years to make it right we release our faith for the greatest Southwest believers convention in history we will never accomplish apart what we can accomplish together not even close [Applause] the 2015 Southwest believers convention at the Fort Worth Convention Center June 29th of July 4th in Fort Worth Texas one word from God can change your life for everyone they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony as somebody that walked in here and you had cancer in the marrow of your bones bone cancer the Lord said you'd be healed today and that's the spirit if you rebuke just go it's gone he's gone it's leaving we'll get her head amen liver livers are being healed liver cancer is he hallelujah bone cancers all forms of malignancies are being attacked by the word of the Living God and destroyed right now there was a word of knowledge that someone in the audience had just been healed of a bone marrow cancer and that is me [Applause] I just want to say five years ago I was diagnosed and when and if it wasn't for KCM the truth is I wouldn't be here the first words out of my mouth were my God's name is higher higher than cancer hallelujah and although I have rods in my back it doesn't matter I can I can walk they said I wouldn't be able to I'd lose 60% of my ability to bend over and I can bend over and touch my toes and have been able to and income I was I was in remission and then in October they said I you know I was then it came again and I just have been standing and I've told everyone I'm going to Branson to get my healing today give God praise thank you lord in 2010 I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma I didn't know that that was cancer prior to going to the emergency room I called your prayer line and the man that I got prayed with me and then I was going to the doctor in four hours that very day morning when I got there and they were doing all their testing the doctor said this is bad this is so bad this is so bad she's got cancer but I didn't hear the word because I had the word and so the the cancer had eaten my tailbone my sacrum and two vertebrae they did not know why I was not paralyzed and it's been a long journey but I just want to show you something they said that I would lose 60% of my ability to bend because I'm I'm the bionic woman in my back but I believed God our lives have been changed because of the anointing of the partnership that we have with with Kenneth Copeland ministries Tania gear Ambani now what's your name Avery and what has the Lord done for you today about three years ago I rolled my ankle and it hurt for three years enduring this morning when we were in healing school it's completely gone or done for you young man well back in December of 2008 I suffered a brain bleed when I was on the over Christmas vacation and on my birthday in 2009 that I had brain surgery I suffered two bleeds from an AVM which is assembling of an aneurysm and the doctors couldn't explain why but for some reason it's separated from my brain and they were able to take it out and I'm I am fully healed they said I'd be recovering my entire life but as far as I can see I'm feeling pretty well you look pretty rip ever does a man it's possible to live healed and whole it's possible if at any age if you're young or old to live healed and hold free from sickness disease fear pain because Jesus himself bore your sicknesses and carried your diseases the same way he bore your sins that's how you get born again and this is how you get healed he bore the whole curse for you every sickness every disease is under that curse now if you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life just right now give yourself to him say Jesus I receive you as my Lord and Savior say what I said to him I said take my life and do something with it in Jesus name hallelujah had no idea he'd called me to preach but the place that he has for you is the best place to be in this life it's a blessing to obey God if he's been telling you to do some things and you think I don't want to do it I don't know how to do it just take the next step and Twenties called you to do and it'll and the rest of it'll manifest step-by-step a book called we're going to give you something a salvation package the book is called he did it all for you it's two brochures on how to read and enjoy your Bible it's absolutely free just request your free salvation package to get it go to KCM dot org and we'll send it to you free glory to god and postpaid Greg Boswell was a young husband father and associate pastor who also held a full-time job while tending to the heavy chores of his farm and livestock eventually the strain of long hours lack of sleep and constant stress began to impact every area of his life he had the weight of the world on his shoulders and he would often say I'm not doing anybody any good he would say that a lot he said I feel like I start one job and I have to stop it and go to another one and he said I'm not good to anybody and when he told me that he was passing blood I said what's probably a bladder infection that's probably what it is and we had no idea what was coming further testing revealed that you know I had some tumors and the doctor basically just took us into the his office he said it was cancer you know at the time I guess I was 36 years old he said we've only seen one other person at your age come in here with this same problem and he lived for six months and instantly the thoughts that went through my mind you're you're in your 30s you have two children we have our whole lives to spend together and he just told me that my husband has cancer but at that moment something clicked in me know I'm I refused to lose my husband and I said the Word of God says you are healed not that you're going to be where your will be that you are healed and I told him that we know that the doctor he knows medical science wise but he doesn't know the Word of God from this moment on we are not going to say you have cancer because you don't have cancer from now on we were gonna say you are healed in the name of Jesus and we won't accept anything but the Word of God in our lives a week later the diagnosis was confirmed and the doctor recommended immediate surgery to remove Greg's bladder Greg Andres inda refused to respond in fear and decided to take some time to seek direction from God so after the three days the Lord told us for Greg to do the treatments for them not to take that bladder out but at that point our lives completely changed we got up every single morning on a day went by that we did not get up and pray one whole hour together I typed all the healing scriptures we quoted them at breakfast at lunch and at supper I filled our iPods full of brother Hagins brother Copeland's and brother moore's teachings and we listen to them non-stop he took his iPod with him to work and listened to it I listened took non-stop when he would get home after we ate supper we would watch brother Copeland sister Copeland on TV or we would be reading the Bible but we went ahead and started went through the six weeks worth of treatments was able to work it out at work and at the doctor's office that I could go at the end of the day didn't have to take off any time there at work and went through the six weeks of treatments never missed a day of work once again never having the side effects that they said I was going to have you know feeling actually pretty good by January of 2013 Greg had completed the treatments and with rescind made a visit to his doctor to receive the results of his latest biopsy as the doctor you know he says that we had to have several pathologist he said look at this and I think they had taken about six my offices and he said you know biopsy was autopsy one is you know clear of cancer biopsy to clear of cancer by up to three clear of cancer biopsy for here if cancer till he went through although and you know my my instant reaction was I just started thanking God right there no more treatments thanks to Mitch Lord but still cancer-free gonna stay cancer-free according to God's Word Jeff and they can't find anything there except to help health care so very thankful I can stand behind the pulpit now and say I know that God is a healer and I confess God is my healer because he has healed me he has delivered me he is my deliverer you know not only is he the one that gives me my salvation but he is the God that still heals he is you know he saw that he says that he is in his word the Lord has blessed us so much words don't describe the love that he has for us and the things that he has done we are blessed that's really blessed they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony February 17 2014 yep I went to the hospital with the pain and I was diagnosed with stage four cans colon cancer which my TAS decides to my liver at first they thought they could do something with the liver and all that they went ahead and they um they tell me they're gonna go into the colon I would probably have a bag and I said my husband's a prayer we're all pretty so I'm not gonna have a bag they did my surgery they took the cancer out of there but I had over a hundred lesions in my liver they said they were gonna try chemotherapy they didn't know if it was gonna work there try so I had to go to MD Anderson for a second opinion when I went to MD Anderson the doctor over there he couldn't look me in the face he says one in 5,000 survive and I looked at him I said doc that's pretty bad you've been working all here all this Wow I said come on now you haven't seen not even two and you said let me tell you something the god of my side I'm gonna be your number three and you watch and he says I hope so well I prayed the word every day I spoke the word I just didn't say it in my head I did like the prayer thing with Gloria Copeland brother Charles Capps I spoke the word because the word is alive and I had to hear it and when the thoughts would come negative and say you're gonna die because that's what they said I was gonna die I said no I'm gonna live in not died for claim with the Lord instead of my life according to Psalms 1 18 17 and in Nahum what God has healed me of it will not come back went back in June to MD Anderson he says whatever you're doing is doing good my doctor that I doing chemo cuz I do chemo every other week three days a week my doctor comes running in the room dr. Dorian he says guess what I said what he says yeah your tumor count I said what he said it was a 97 I go yeah he goes it's 76 ago what does that mean he says it's working so my account went down to 18 went back to MDS in September they said they have no medical explanation what's going on according to his case studies and the people going through the same thing and I told him I said it's a god thing I told you my GP doctor he says you got a connection but I have my husband I've been teaching children in youth for 30-something years and all that word that's been planted that we would plant into others that grew inside of me and when this attacked us we had the word I'm shaking right now we had the word well I was so excited because I'm standing because I was healed at Calvary I knew my date I knew that we over here at the camp meeting my husband from Houma Louisiana which is far off so we're gonna come up here and we drove through that snowstorm I left the audience for a moment to go to the restroom I walked out when I got to the door brother Copeland says somebody's getting a new liver well you know what I said I've been standing on and my husband says you heard oh yeah while we were standing out standing up there while we were singing that I heard the Lord say I'm giving people new livers right now new livers so sat down to see to say god you're gonna have to tell them say it again and he was up there and all of a sudden he goes I got that again about liver new liver new new new liver right straight out of the box brand-new and brand-new lift glory to God hallelujah that's mine and you know what I take a PET scan March night and I just know it's just gonna be better and better but in the meanwhile like I say cancer will not kill me because I'm on a journey with God and when my journeys finished it's because Jesus says let's go home but in the meanwhile all those people I get to share the gospel with the chemo all those people that I want to know it's been it's been a blessing how can this be a blessing what the enemy meant for bad God has turned it around for good and that's my story and I'm sticking to it now what Debbie did is exactly what we need all need to do anytime sickness or disease tries to come on our body or when we get a bad report about something there's nothing too big for God to handle but when we have that bad report we have to take the Word of God the words got an answer for every situation you face that's why it's so important that you spend time in the word it's been a good week of teaching and testimonies on the broadcast and I know your faith has grown to receive more and more for God hallelujah today's offering day and the same thing that happens in your body to be healed will happen to your finances to be healed amen now why do I say that because when you sow you reap there is a spiritual law about sowing and reaping so I'm going to pray for your finances and I'm gonna pray for your body to father in the name of Jesus I pray over the finances of the people I thank you lord I pray for those that need a position a job show them where their job is the best job that they've ever had give them favor Lord an increase in every way in Jesus name be blessed in the name of Jesus in your finances hallelujah now we want to pray for your body father in the name of Jesus I command every sickness and every disease to leave your body in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and you be healed from the top of your head to the soles of your feet in Jesus name now begin to act on it do what you couldn't do before perk up believe God take your healing if you missed any of the healing broadcasts go back and watch them again on our go to them on KCMO org Southwest BC starts Monday come down and get in all the meetings that's here in Fort Worth you'll like it you'll grow you'll begin to take the victory in every area of your life there's nothing like spending the week in the Word of God listening to the faith messages from the scripture we all grow and you'll grow too so we look forward to seeing you there there's nothing more important that you can do join ken and David Barton next week on the believers voice of victory this is Gloria Copeland reminding you that Jesus is Lord thank you for joining us today on the believers voice of victory for this week's broadcasts on DVD or mp3 on CD go to KCMG org or call or write to us today remember this week's product offer these ministry tools are designed to help you get the word working in your life so you can experience all God has for you be sure to request your gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland it is designed to help you grow in the things of God receive it and make it a part of your life go to KCMG org and request your gift today if you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior today be sure to request your free salvation package this will help you understand who you are in Christ and how to start living your new life and victory [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 1,860
Rating: 4.0175438 out of 5
Keywords: youtube, healing, week@once, wao, kenenth copeland ministries, gloria copeland, kenneth copeland
Id: FrYK3kpHSbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 7sec (7447 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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