Enjoy God's Health Benefits

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well in healing school you know we go to the healing word amen what happens when you when you hear the word and receive it faith comes faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and the receiver out there has got to agree with it and believe it in faith columns amen so we always just go to the scriptures in healing school and feed our faith and then we let Jesus just heal our bodies lose glory to God and this is a wonderful marvelous place together this is a blessed building I'm telling you we can and I enjoy coming to this place and preaching and we we're glad you're here today so lord help us give us uh pterence today give us hearing and understanding we thank you for clarity of the word thank you for it Jesus we love you this morning Jesus thank you for bearing our sins bearing our sicknesses our diseases and taking the stripes so that we can all live in divine health in Jesus name hallelujah somebody says well how if I keep getting healed how will I ever die dying is no problem at all nobody's ever had any trouble doing that what happens well we you know I believe we'll get to go in the rapture which would mean we are changed in the twinkling of an eye on out of here but if you have your own rapture what happens to you your spirit you leaves your body and your body has no life about it you still have life you're still alive really when you think about it that body was a lot of trouble anyway it wanted to get fat if wanting to be lazy it had this stinks if you don't do something to it we'll just leave that old body and go glory to God and get a resurrected body hallelujah mmm-hmm these things are real and I always believe Jesus is coming soon and I'm gonna stay ready you know even if he doesn't come in the rapture soon well give us all another hundred years and we'll all be out of here anyway you might live 150 or so I don't know but but we have no fear of death that old man that had a fear of death dead he died that old man was crucified with Christ and we are new creatures glory to God hallelujah we've been born again the good things in the book belong to us Healing belongs to us bless the Lord we're not receiving something that we have to talk Jesus in the idea of doing this morning healings his idea healings in the Bible before Jesus was manifested in the earth God always has made a way for his people to be healed and all we have to do is just believe the word and receive it and we'll have it amen so that's what we're doing this morning now we're going to go to the word and first of all we'll I'll remind you that you know this but faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word you might be somebody who's thinking this morning well you know I've never had any faith in that stuff well you probably never did get here leader so what you need to do is listen to the word this morning and believe it that is faith faith is there when you do that and then when we pray will you just receive it like everybody else hallelujah so let's start with I think I'll start with Galatians three this morning we're just going to take our medicine today you know the Bible says that the word is medicine to our flesh so in Galatians 3:13 this key information we have that changes everything says Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us so we know that everything that was under that curse which included every bad thing there could be it was poverty poverty's under the curse he sicknesses under the curse all bad things is under that curse and you look it up and Deuteronomy 28 and and the scripture says that all these things are under the curse says all these things are under the blessing and the Bible teaches us that we're if we're in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham belongs to us how many of you know Abraham was rich and he was healed he didn't go around rich and sick he went around rich and healed hallelujah glory to God well we're blessed that's a big word it covers everything that's bad in this earth the whole curse it's something that we don't have to deal with because Jesus bore the curse for us so this is that Scripture this is a very important scripture in your finances in your body it says Christ this is a Galatians 3:13 well it says in 11 let's go up there the end of 11 says the just shall live by faith so there's no question about whether it's God's will for you to be a faith person or not what is a faith person a faith person is the one who believes what's in the word rather than what you see are experiencing at the moment and so today we're dealing with faith but it's and finances it's true in every area of your life you can and should be living by faith the just those who are right with God shall live by faith hallelujah versa and it sent law just read through 213 and the law is not a faith we're not under the law the man that doeth them shall live in them Christ has redeemed us that's you and me from the curse of the law now it says in the Bible all that curse it's everything bad you can't come up with a bad thing that you don't find a remnant and you don't find a symbolist of it in the curse every sickness every disease is under the curse Christ has redeemed us from it just the same way he redeemed us from sin same time same sacrifice he took sin and the results of sin which was the curse in his own self on the tree so that you and I could live in health and healing and prosperity and blessing Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles are the those without a covenant yet you know not other than the Jewish nation the Gentiles could come upon the Gentiles through Jesus Christ that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith now what it says we're under the blessing and we're delivered from the curse because Jesus took the curse for us and that is big that is big that means everything bad that you can think of that was threatened in the scripture about the curse I mean there was anything you could find you couldn't have anything bad you couldn't cover in that curse it was bad it was bad but you couldn't find any you can't run anything that you need our prosperity blessing healing health peace you can't find anything that you need that's not in the blessing I mean the curse was huge but the blessing was future it included everything bad we've been if you're in Christ Jesus and if you're not you that's your just one decision away that decision is to make Jesus the Lord of your life and then this blessing comes on you and you get born over again and that great how many of you glad you could get born again whoa are we to God man I wouldn't want to stay the way I was would you and you get born again the Bible teaches you that we become new creatures or the word would be new creations we're born over again when you got born again you you became a new creature that's never been before a creature that has that's like God the life of God eternal life this spiritual death was wiped away sickness disease was wiped away hallelujah glory to God and you were what a new creature aren't you glad you're not the old creature how many of you're glad you're not that old creature oh my my my now we are new creatures in Christ Jesus born again that means literally we our spirit man was born again in the likeness of God in righteousness and true holiness hallelujah now we live up to what's happened to us at the new birth and you know you can hardly do that without the Word of God and knowing God's will for things we grow up by faith we grow up believing what we read in the Bible that we are new creatures that we have been forgiven that we are healed that we do walk in love hallelujah we walk in love that's our commandment that's what new creatures do so well I don't know if I'm too good at that well you get good at it love is our commandment it's not our option it's not a choice you walk in love if you're gonna be walking in the kingdom freely and blessed and prosperous glory to God and you walk in faith that's how we got in there that's how we got warned again we made Jesus the Lord of our lives we were born over again then we keep walking by faith believe in what we see in this written word and that's why it's so important that you spend time in the word your whole wonderful future is in this Bible because you learn how to what is God's will and when you read the word faith comes and you get stronger and stronger and your mind gets white renewed it learns how to think in line with God instead of against God you don't even want to think about how you used to think Lori to God as brother Norville used to say it was ignorance gone to seed but we get barn over again we received the Holy Spirit that comes to dwell in us and teach us lives in us all the time direct our paths hallelujah whoo we got it made Church so we are new creatures you don't get born again and then live like everybody else talk like everybody else no you start walking by faith and that's when your faith when you start walking by faith your faith brings the blessing into manifestation a lot of people get born again and they never in hear enough word to know they're even supposed to walk by faith but that walking in the word is what causes the born-again creature that's new and marvelous and wonderful but if he doesn't know what God says he doesn't know how to live and so if he'll be sick like everybody else he'll be broke like everybody else he'll talk like everybody else but we're not those people no we've been born over again and we know we're in the word we stay in the word amen so in Galatians 3 it tells us that Jesus himself redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith everything we receive is through faith if you don't believe it you can't have it that makes sense though how could you receive it if you didn't believe it so most of you have been born again you've already made that transition but maybe you have it a lot of people are raised in churches that don't teach the new birth don't teach you how to be born again so that first decision that's the most important decision of your life is to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life take him as your Lord and Savior and you know I didn't know very much I knew only enough to get born he can tell me I got born again so I said Lord take my life I'm making my Lord take my life and do something with it and I had no idea that he would do this with it I never even had been to a spirit-filled meeting never heard of a spirit-filled Church didn't know any word much I just happened to find that by the spirit and a Bible Ken's mother had given him and she said Ken precious seek he first used the scripture Matthew seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you well you know God talks to you where you are things man that stood out to me I believed in Jesus but and I'd been baptized in water but I never made him the Lord of my life because I didn't know to so I ascended up on the thing through all these things and I could use a lot of things here I thought this is great I saw where he cared for the birds and I thought what he cares for Birds he cares for many I mean it was simple faith but it got the job done hallelujah and I said to the Lord take my life and do something with it now I had never I didn't know anything about Pentecostals I never heard of a Full Gospel Church I didn't know anything about anything in the spirit realm or about the reality of heaven days of heaven on the earth and so I just started reading that Bible oh man I I saw where God cares for the birds I thought if he cares for birds he cares for me man who did something for me hallelujah and I began to read and so my story went on then ken and I we received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and then things began to change then we got under the word and things really begin to change we began to listen to Kenneth Hagin Ken's mother was a real strong believer in her his dad and she had brother Hagins tapes and she had everything I mean she would after and Ken was her only child and and he was her great prayer pro not problem exactly but he was her great her great project that's a good bird it was her great project her only darling child and so she prayed so when when he married me she wasn't very happy well she didn't I'd never met her and he didn't and she didn't know he was married for a little while you know that just doesn't go over big with mothers if you know if you would just remember that children it doesn't go over big with mothers so when I met her I thought and she's the meanest looking woman I ever saw she she didn't portray that goose she kind of looked toward me but she was a fine wonderful woman and they were strong Christians and what they knew and and so it you know God there's help for everybody I mean you never know you might have been praying for those kids for years and think well it's just nothing nothing working but just say here's the deal you stay with it you keep praying you keep causing people to come across their pass by your prayers and one day they'll you'll get this call and that's a mom I guess what happened to me and I I just I don't know I I just I was in this church and it's like I just couldn't help myself I just went down to the front and I got born again hallelujah glory to God so we never quit on our prayer projects until they're finished so today we're talking about healing we know that faith comes by the Word of God we see already that we've been redeemed from the curse of the law and every sickness and every disease is under that curse so there's no question about whether the price has been paid for your healing the same way it was paid for sin for you too the same sacrifice that made a way for you to be born over again makes a way for you to be healed same same father same Jesus same love got you born again that heals your body but you know if you don't know about healing and you don't you haven't grown in your faith for it you're weak in that area in every area of prosperity if you've never if you've never gone to the Bible to find out that you're prosperous you're not gonna have any faith for it but the more we get in the word the more we put in our eyes and our ears that gets into her heart where it talks to us we begin to walk in the fullness of the blessing and you can see that in the Old Testament they had God gave them the blessing it was everything good but then he said there's this curse if you don't do this if you don't obey God and get the blessing then the curse is the Bible doesn't say automatic but I could say the curse is automatic because you haven't done anything to stop it in your life so if you think that's just a fable about people being born again you're mistaken it's more than joining the church when you get born over again you go from death into life in your spirit that old man dies and the new man is put in there a man in the likeness of God the righteousness of God that's born like and looks like Jesus on the inside hallelujah glory to God now what do we have to do well we have to learn how to walk in what happened to us have to learn to walk on the outside on what happened to us on the inside and that's when life gets good that's when you find out I'm going to take the Bible literally if it says the Lord meets my needs and the Lord meets my needs if it says I'm blessed then then I'm blessed glory to God if it says Abraham's rich and I'm his seed than I expect to be rich Oh glory oh you can't say that I just said it I expect to be rich glory to God hallelujah amen it is says my stripes I was healed and I'm going to receive my healing hallelujah glory to God for heaven healing today thank you Jesus so let's look at the healing scriptures and we will let's look at let's start with proverbs 3 1 and 2 I don't know if I read that yesterday or not but I'll read it again proverbs 3 1 & 2 this is a good verse it says my son forget not my law or teaching this amplified bible but let your heart keep my Commandments don't forget what you learn in the scripture and the only way not to forget is to keep putting it in there and you you let your heart keep then you do what you what it says and here's what you get for length of days and years of a life worth living and peace tranquility inward outward and continuing through now I get this part if you're getting known up there continuing through old age till death what is death this is when you leave this body it's not when you die never have life again though your spirit man leaves the body the body dies so this says that we're to have long life length of days and we're posed to have all those days be worth living that means we live out from under the curse hallelujah and we have peace in Word and out word continuing I just love this scripture I'm over 70 and I think this is a great scripture through all days well what if I were naughty it would still be working for me through my nineties well what if I was a hundred well it's still been working for me through 110 whatever 120 through so if you're still alive this is working for you if you'll put it to work if you're not alive what will cost somebody okay continuing through old age till I like the amplified says death I like to say departure until departure we either go by way of the grave and we depart to be with the Lord and then they take our body and bury it dressed it up and everything you look primed by your new outfit but you won't be there you'll be gone hallelujah amen and that funny somebody not might not had a new dress in 20 years and they die and they get a new dress might not had their hair done in 30 years but they die and they get your hair fixed but they're not fair I bet they might be in heaven looking down laughing look what they did they didn't buy me no new dress flowers and large they put her dress on me did you know these things are real glory to God I don't assume I assumed you wouldn't see your funeral in or heaven but I don't know since I've never had that experience but length of days and years of a life worth living peace or tranquility inward outward and continuing through old age hallelu must muster y'all are over fifty I'd say these shall they add to you through old age don't you like that I mean don't get me out just because I'm in my seventies I'm just going through something a man I'm going through my 72 my eighties then I'm gonna go through my eighties glory to God we're supposed to live by faith and not by sight hallelujah I like these scriptures about renewing your used and so forth continuing through old age till death these shall the word add to you tranquility and peace and blessing actually the older we get the more we ought to know about God and that would mean them and and the more we ought to obey God that would mean the better things get I wouldn't want to start over again then I was as normal hast used to say ignorance gone to seed I mean you know I didn't know anything about God when I got born again I didn't know I just do what I'd read in that Bible because where I came from they didn't give you much hope of anything here there so God is good and we don't we don't need to worry as we get older glory to God we're gonna live for eternity thank you Jesus but we won't we don't want to die young we don't want to die thick I should say we don't want to die young sick because sickness is under the curse I don't have to I don't have to be sick to die all you've got to do is just leave and your body's dead man they'll think look at him don't he look bad but you won't be dead where will you be gone you'll be in heaven glory to God if you don't Jesus is your Lord of your life so we don't have anything to fear but we do want to live healed while we're here and we do want to prosper while we're here we don't want to be living in the earth under a curse because Jesus has delivered us from the curse that the blessing come upon us so we will live under the blessing all the days of our lives we want to live out the full number of our days we want to live strong we want to live long we want to prosper so what are we going to do well we're going to operate financially like God says we're gonna be tithers we're going to be so errs we're going to believe when we sow and tithes we do it by faith and we believe to be blessed in every area of our lives and we believe to obey the Word of God did you know that living according to what the Bible says I'll help you live long and strong God doesn't tell you he doesn't give you any bad stuff he tells you what to do to be prosperous what to do to be healthy glory to God it's his will for us to be that way and if we're smart we do things his way for length of days and years say years long life in other words and years of a life worth living that's the long life that we get we don't want to live long and be unhappy sad broke living in the street no under a bushel basket somewhere no we're going to live long and strong the length of days forget not my law and teaching here's the key to doing that let your heart keep my Commandments you keep the Word of God and you'll live long strong for length of days and years of a life worth living and tranquility our peace inward and word that me and your circumstances continuing I just like this part right here continuing through old age till death are until you the spirit depart death is a departure through old age so when we get to be seventy eighty ninety a hundred we ought to be doing good through old age living in tranquility and blessing hallelujah and hell how do I ever die if I if I have been good health well you leave your body and your bodies kaput it's gone it doesn't have any life about it you are spirit you live in a body and you have a soul which is your mind your will and your emotions so when you leave the body the body's dead you know how they treat you really nice after you're gone and by your new outfit new suit to bury you you but you're not there you got a suit that looks better than anything then put on you already you and your body your glorious glory suit hallelujah glory to God thank you Jesus amen so that that we're gonna live long and live strong and 70 and 80 years it's not a timeframe it's 120 if you had to pick a Bible life you'd go for a hundred and twenty glory to God let not how do you do how do you live here it is let not mercy and truth but not mercy and kindness shutting out all hatred and selfishness and let not mercy and truth forsake you in other words we're gonna live long we're gonna live in mercy and truth those two things go together you live in the truth you live by the word of God you give God a way to come into your life and help you take care of you keep your body healed prosper you let not mercy and truth forsake you binding them about your neck that is a that means you just keep it right there with your close relationship to mercy and truth if you want things to go well with you write them upon the tablet of your heart how do you do that well you put the Word of God in your eyes in your ears and it gets down in your heart and you keep doing them over every day word in doubt in my heart word in my eyes in my ears still in my heart and then what comes out of your heart life peace blessing glory to God spiritual blessing comes out hallelujah so that's the way we live and that's the way we're we're more made to live that way then in Proverbs let's see that I want to read more that three one through ten let's just keep reading there proverbs 3 and verse 6 says in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct and make straight your paths plain your path says in verse 5 lean on in trust and be confident in the Lord and do not rely on your own insight or understanding so don't rely on natural knowledge but rely on the Word of God and acknowledge God in all your ways and he will direct and make straight and plain your path now God is like this he knows everything he's got an answer for everything he's all-powerful but he will not force his way into your life you take him by choice you make Jesus the Lord of your life and then all through life you do what the scripture says as you will if you don't do that if you don't obey God the blessings not gonna be manifest but if you will obey God and all your ways acknowledge him he will direct and make straight and plain your paths verse 7 says this is amplified and reading be not wise in your own eyes you should have figured out but now you're not all that smart be not wise in your own reverently fear and worship the Lord and now this is for long life strong life turn entirely away from evil that is a key to your divine life if you're if you're not turning away from evil you're not obeying God if you're feeding on things that are not right in your life you're not obeying God and you know you see a lot of evil just don't television these days don't watch it just because it's up there you don't have to watch it just because it hasn't been censored I think all the sensitive sensors have gone somewhere else but just because it's on TV and uncensored doesn't mean that it's life you see trash turn it off we can't feed on those things we have to feed on the Word of God turn entirely away from evil it shall be turning away from evil what would that be well that'd be turning away from all the curse everything is under the curse every evil thing that would be gossiping back body our alcohol dope whatever immorality of any kind that would be evil and this says turn entirely away from it and it shall be it says in verse 8 it shall be turning away from that shall be health to your nerves and sinews and marrow and moistening to your bones so turning away entirely away from evil and not fellowshipping with it on any level would be health and blessing to your whole body amen glory to God and that's how you live in the blessing it's doing what God says it is it's against the Word of God it's not good and we need to change now we're word people that's our tab that's our tag people have given us and that's a great honor to be a word person hooyah glory to God I am a word person and I endeavor and you do too I know to obey God and to do his work now it might not be something you want to do but if it's in the Bible you do it amen honor the Lord with your capital and sufficiency and from rights from righteous labors and with the firstfruits of all your income so that means you'd be a toddler yeah but I don't have enough money to tithe I know that's why you need to be a toddler you know Todd because you got money you tithe because tithing puts the blessing on you and God said do it hallelujah glory to God honor the Lord with your capital with what you already have and sufficiency and with the firstfruits that's the tithe of your income now here's the result know really and truly this is serious if you're not a tither you're you're really missing it because increase in abundance comes as you get God involved in your income I mean it would be more more normal if God asked for 19 we got to keep 10 because he's the one that increases what we have he blesses what we do he blesses what we have so we put Jesus first and we believe God and we take him at his word and today we're going to receive our healing look at Psalm 105 it says in verse 37 he brought Israel for this amplified forth also with silver and gold and there was not one feeble tribe lame not one feeble person among their tribes so here were a bunch of slaves coming out of bondage and God was able to bring them forth with silver and gold hallelujah no doubt people let a gave them stuff no doubt you know I don't know how they managed to accept the blessing of God was on him and he manifested and they came out Laden down with silver and gold glory to God and they weren't sick not one feeble one among their tribes Halladay we all not have any sick among us in Jesus name Jesus himself bore our sicknesses and carried our diseases and by His stripes we were healed we are healed glory to God hallelujah and there should not be one feeble one among our tribes glory to God hallelujah we believe for healing you need to believe for healing when you're well and when you're sick and you need to say healing words talk healing don't talk sickness and disease don't walk in fear of things when they tell you on television there's just plague coming so we'll all never have it oh I think I'd be afraid to say that I might be afraid not to say that I say I never have it glory to God hallelujah I've been redeemed from the curse every sickness and every disease is under the curse Exodus 23 says you shall serve the Lord your God he shall bless your bread and water and I will take sickness from your midst now is that plain enough it's not God's will for his people to be sick it's accursed I will bless your bread and water and I will take sickness from your myths none shall lose her young by miscarriage or be barren in your land I God says I will fulfil the number of your days he says that to us and I take that God will fulfill the number of my days hallelujah isaiah 40:28 oh yeah I like this let's look at have you not known and have you not heard the everlasting God the Lord the creator of the ends of the earth does not faint or grow weary and there's no searching his understanding he gives power to the faint and weary whoa what a great scripture don't lose the scripture he gives power to the faint and weary and to him who has no might he increases strength causing it to multiply and making it abound even the youths shall faint and be weary and young men shall stumble feebly stumble and fall exalt are exhausted but listen to this but those who wait upon the Lord who expect look far and hope in him shall change and renew their strength and power glory to God they shall lift their wings and mount up close to God hallelujah they shall run and not be weary Jesus is the healer amen so we know if we're if we're spiritually with it at the first sign of a symptom of sickness or fever or any kind of bad feeling you say no you don't say you're not touching my body in the name of Jesus I'm healed by the stripes of Jesus I was healed and if you're smart you'll have a list of healing scriptures like you have medicine in medicine captain you have healing scriptures that you can go to and you begin to take your medicine one verse at a time or if it's your children you're praying for you do it the same way and then you lay hands on yourself if you're the one that's doing it you say I commend you to be healed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I'll not take that Satan I'm healed in Jesus name you have your own healing service you can have a healing service for your family glory to God hallelujah lay hands on him say take your Bible in there they're not believers if they're very sick they probably are now so so go in there and say I've come to pray for you would you like for me to pray for you and most of them if they're very sick they'll say yes please and then what did you do well you've got your healing scriptures and you read the scripture too to them and you say now this is what Jesus did he bore your sicknesses he carried your diseases and then he told the church to go lay hands on the sick and they would recover didn't say they might say that they would recover it and so then what do you do will you lay hands on them you know what - both old you do whatever the Lord leads you to do glory to God there's a healer in the house you're in sometimes amen and if you've had children you've had experience and he in in the healing ministry and that's just the way you do with other people you pray for you pray for them believe God for him read him the scripture how are you you say well I I don't know if I've always been a little timid about those things well get over it if you were laying up in the bed sick wouldn't you want somebody to pray for you absolutely so get over it it's I used to be timid but I got over it glory to God I couldn't imagine that I will ever preach ever or do anything on this platform but you know you just do what you're told glory to God the Lord so bugged me that I want you to teach healing school in every every meeting that was not my plan at all because at that time I stayed home when I wanted to no went when I wanted to but he put us to work hallelujah and he'll do the same in your life and will be the biggest blessing when you walk out the plan of God in your life you will enjoy the most magnificent blessings hallelujah so we know that sickness came because of sin there was no sickness in the garden and we know from Galatians 3 we read that we've been redeemed from the curse of the law and Jesus went about doing good healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him Hebrews 13:8 says that Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever glory to God hallelujah and in this scripture of course in Isaiah 53 let's look at it if we looked at earlier we're gonna look at it again surely this is the scripture you turn to this is the go to scripture surely he Jesus has borne our griefs and this is the amplified bible and it's if you don't have an amplified right this one out put it somewhere in the King James surely he has borne our griefs sicknesses weaknesses and de-stresses and carried our sorrows so sadness and sorrow is just like sickness and disease Jesus took care of it you may have lost a loved one and after after that would left it you just never have recovered from the sadness of it well you need to look at this in the Bible Manor sadness is part of the curse joy is part of the blessing it's not alright I mean you know I thought you you grief for a little while maybe a few days or whatever but you don't just go in your room pull up the covers over your head and stay in the dark no you trust God said well I don't know why why they were taken well that's exactly right you don't know why so why should you think any more about it you don't know obviously you don't know so you trust God that they're with him and you go on you say yeah but I'm pretty sure he wasn't born again you don't know that lots of things happen to people when they see they're about to die but sometimes they get real sweet and sometimes I get desperate and they say Jesus helped me come into my life and the Lord doesn't say you jerk he should have told me that 10 years ago no Jesus just comes in and blesses them get some born-again right there on the spot and out of here they go and heaven is your home that's called grace grace hallelujah you make him the Lord of your life but you receive him as your Lord and Savior and you can look at the way if that's true in your life you're probably not all that happy and satisfied with life because you're still under a curse only way out from under the curse that came in the Garden of Eden is when you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior so if you want to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior you think about it took all your sins all your sicknesses all your diseases all the bad stuff the whole curse Jesus was made a curse for us that we could be made the righteousness of God and you might have ignored him all your life but now you're thinking about maybe you're about through or you could be young and they've never done it and so today when we pray we're going to give you an opportunity to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior well what happens to you you get born over again I mean you may we might have somebody here this 99 years old today and never has made Jesus the Lord of her life or his life and that person just get born over again start a whole new life glory to God hallelujah well I wouldn't want to miss it with you when I think about what it was like before Ken and I made Jesus the Lord of our lives it was just the curse one bad thing as another no money didn't know how to pray I mean it was just terrible but thank God we got redeemed from the curse and I said Lord that little house in Tulsa we were in that's where we were the broke well that might not be our brokers time but it was mighty close and we didn't have anything we we had a few pieces from the Goodwill store and we had a table ken made dad know that was in Little Rock where he had that table and we but we this was there was a little rock and then there was Tulsa and so by now we're on the right track ken went to Tulsa because of brother Roberts and he was gonna go to oru and he did go to or au for one whole semester and he and so that's how we were going for it we were born again by then and we we just man we just i prayed lord take my life and do something with it but i didn't have any idea what he did hallelujah glory to God ken was the preacher in the house and I was just the mother but he had the Lord put me to work too so there you have it two for two for the price of one mmm glory to God hallelujah I'm so glad let's read this scripture if I've already read it up and read it to you again before we pray surely he has borne our griefs sicknesses weaknesses and de-stresses and carried our sorrows and pains so sadness is is something Jesus bore like sadness is accursed pain has occurred sicknesses of curse weakness is the curse the blessing does away with that Jesus took the curse in himself the Bible says in Galatians he took the curse in himself and he was made we know from Isaiah he was made sin for us who knew no sin he took the curse I mean that curse had to be dealt with Adam had changed gods and when he did men were not born out of the life of God anymore they were born under the curse somebody had to step up and there was nobody but Jesus that qualifies and he he went he came for us think about going from the right hand of the Father into this earth and and knowing that you're going to be crucified you're going to be tortured you're going to be scoffed at laughs that spit on and then on top of all that you're going to become a curse for us for the people what a what a sacrificing night the least we can do since Jesus did that for me and you and he would have done it for us if it we'd be the only ones it's to do whatever we can do that would please him in this life and when you do what pleases him you benefit you get blessed he knows he's got the best plan for you he's got things for you you never even dreamed of if you've never made him the lord of your life and when we pray today you and you you do it with your whole heart and make him the lord of your life and ask him to help you and teach you take you and you know somebody might have drugged you in here today and you might have come in saying oh they think I'm gonna be a Christian I'm gonna become a Christian they got another think coming I stupid not that's not stupid that's stupid since you tell you need help hallelujah dear me our life begin they improved when we made Jesus the Lord of our lives and it's still happening we're still growing we're still increasing we're still being blessed hallelujah glory to God hallelujah Ken just improves all the time he's it he I'm just kidding you know he's a sweet sweet man he's so good to me I'm telling you husband so you be good to your wives it pays off kid wouldn't care if I went down today and spin every nickel that he had in the world he would say well what did you get it's wonderful not to have a stingy husband I didn't call y'all stingy I just said it's wonderful not to have a stingy husband Lord we're so grateful to you today for this life and that we are born again and filled with the Holy Ghost and you reveal the word to us and it's your will for every person to be healed we thank you that you yourself bore our sicknesses and carried our diseases and by your stripes we were healed we were heal so we are healed and today we all come into agreement around the healing anointing around you Jesus as our healer we take you say I receive you Jesus as the healer of my body I receive you as my savior in every area of life I receive you as the Lord of my life and I'm asking you orde for wisdom to direct my path to guide me to help me to teach me how to obey you every aspect of life and I thank you Lord for healing my body today I know you yourself took my infirmities bore my sicknesses and I know that by your stripes I was healed and I agree with that Scripture I take that scripture and I am healed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ Jesus is the Lord of my life he is the healer of my body glory to God thank you Lord we praise you for that healing and warning today [Applause] the Lord he is good all the time and his mercy endures forever glory to God so what we're gonna do this morning is we're going to just go over some scriptures of healing and let our faith rise up let me see where I want to go this morning you know it's really the will of God for you and me if we're born again to live in divine hell and you should have a wall up against sickness and disease and your personal life and devotions and at the moment you have a symptom of anything come on your body you speak to it in the name of Jesus and say no you're not coming in here this is the temple of the Holy Ghost this is my temple and I'm not having sickness and disease in it Jesus name you know Satan's a thief he tries to steal what doesn't belong to him and so we have to tell him you get your hands off of my money devil take your hands off my body off my children wherever he appears you jump right in the middle of him with the name of Jesus hallelujah all right proverbs 3 and let's just start with verse 1 my son forget not my law teaching and that what he's saying just what I said don't forget what God says about you but let your heart keep my Commandments the way to live long and strong is to do what God says every day don't do those things that cut our life short let your heart keep my Commandments for length of days and years of a life worth living this amplified and tranquility peace inward and outward listen to this part continuing through old age when you know when you get 70 don't start quitting thinking well I'm no good nobody wants to do something worried to God continuing through old age till death are until your departure length of days and years of a life worth living and tranquility inward and outward continuing through old age till your departure these shall they the keeping of the commandments add to you that's the way to live long and live strong I'm in glory to God and then it says let not mercy and kindness shutting out all hatred and selfishness shut that out best way to live long is to walk in love our commandment is a live long helper to walk in love you know love's not touchy or fretful or resentful pays no attention to a suffered wrong does not rejoice that injustice or unrighteousness that cuts your life short a lot of people have died young because they've gotten hatred in their heart or are other things in their heart holding against people here's a way to live long and strong forgive if you have aught against any glory to God when you hold resentment bitterness hatred on loveliness toward anybody when you hold that you're cutting your life short and they're really having an effect on your life what they did wrong to you may not be so significant but when you hold it against them it becomes significantly bad for you amen so what do we do we're walking loved ones not touchy or fretful or resentful pays no attention to a suffered wrong glory to God hallelujah we're a blessed people we're not under the curse and the blessing you live long and you live strong and you speak right words and you walk in love hallelujah bind them bind the words bind the truth about your neck and write them upon the tablet of your heart so these things about walking in love how we should react how we should respond our healing our prosperity that ought to all be written right in here on your heart in your spirit in other words where it comes up to you when you need it how do you know if it's there the word that's in your heart talks to you it talks to you you know if you're watching television and the news starts talking about the terrible things that are going to happen financially and you know we don't know what's going to happen this is gonna fall that's gonna crash if fear comes up in you the words not there but if you watch the news and you think well I'm healed I'm prosperous I'm at either I'm a sower that's not talking to me I've got the blessing working power the blessing of hailing the blessing of prosperity the blessing was made to work in hard times it doesn't matter to the blessing what the government's are doing what anybody's doing that has control in the financial realm it has to do with what I'm doing what you're doing glory to God and I'm a tither and a sower glory to God if you're not tithing you're costing yourself you're costing yourself great blessing and well-being belongs to the tither that's the best investment you can drink with your money because you get a return like home nothing else hallelujah glory to God amen we're talking about healing but we're talking about money but you know a lot of people are sick because they're worried about their financial situation so we need to we need to let God in on every area of our lives so divine health belongs to us glory to God and but proverbs 5:22 says this speaking about long life in the amplified what does it say his own a nick in verse 22 his own iniquities shall ensnare the wicked man and he shall be held with the cords of his sin this is the wicked he will die for lack of discipline and instruction and in the greatness of his folly will he go astray and be lost so the wicked man dies for lack of discipline and instruction now we're not the wicked we get the discipline and instruction out of the Word of God and we do what it says if we live like the wicked will die like the wicked but if we live like the godly we'll have blessing and increase all the days of our lives and I don't see anywhere where you have to be sick to dock when it gets time for you to leave just you'll split out of here glory to God you I've read a lot about people that have lived a long time and you know hundred 120 and and it's very interesting to do some research on them but but most of them are peaceful people good people enjoy life Michael they might be just sitting in their rocking chair at about a hundred and twenty a lot of people have lived to be that old in history and they would be sitting in their rocking chair and just take off what happened they left their body what happened to the body the body had no life in it left everything stopped but the person in that body didn't stop he left and he went up or down and up is better glory to God hallelujah it's interesting to do a study on people who've lived long time there have been a number of people who lived to be a hundred and twenty and over and some of them you just don't understand one of them was the French woman that lived to be I think she lived to be 122 and she didn't live a godly life she smoked and she still lived to be a hundred and twenty-two but that's not the way to do it she didn't enjoy life while she was here if she didn't live for God and live with him that's the thing we want to enjoy life while we're here and when we leave have everything ready to go glory to God so we'll live long and live strong hallelujah glory to God blessed happy is the man and fortunate is a man who finds skillful and godly wisdom and the man who gets understanding drawing it forth from the God's word blessed is the man who has understanding in other words the man who has a revelation of the truth of God's word for the gaining of that is better but the gaining of it is better than the gaining of silver and the profit of fine gold skillful and godly wisdom is more precious than rubies nothing you can wish for is to be compared to her length of days is in her right hand in understanding and wisdom of the scripture of what God is and what he says length of days is in her right hand and in her left hand our riches and honor that's pretty good you live long you live strong and you have plenty of money amen that's the blessing working glory to God hallelujah what a way to go her ways wisdoms ways are highways of pleasantness and all of her life's or peace wisdom she is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her and happy blessed and fortunate and to be envied is everyone who holds her fast by the Lord the Lord by skillful and godly wisdom has founded the earth and by understanding he has established the heavens glory to God so charge we've got advantages that normal people don't have nobody ever accused us of being normal anyway did they no glory to God we live in the blessing here and Hereafter hallelujah and we live long and we live strong you say well I don't know that I want to live that long well you must not be doing it right because last good when you do things God's Way life's good when you've got plenty to do and can do whatever you want to do and and your body's healed and well and and you can have fun the joy of the Lord is your strength you don't not be wanting to die but yet you ought to be ready amen glory to God and that's the marvelous wonderful experience that we have as what people call word people oh yeah sometimes I wrinkle up their nose oh yeah he's one of those right yes we're healed we're blessed we're prosperous we live in the blessing amen Laurie to God Psalm 92 in the amplified bible in 12 through 15 all right I'm looking I got a lot of writing on my Bible besides the reading alright it says listen to this the uncompromising Lee well let me just back up here the UH the uncut I'll start with let's look at 10 but my horn emblem of excessive strength and stately grace you have exalted like that of a wild ox he's talking to God my horn has been exalted I have strength in other words I am anointed with fresh oil my eyes look upon those who line wait for me those enemies my ears hear the evildoers that rise up against me that doesn't move this person verse 12 says the uncompromising ly righteous shall flourish like the palm tree glory to God and shall flourish like the palm tree be long-lived stately upright useful fruitful glory to god don't start bending over when you get older stand up straight you're the palm tree do you find yourself doing this how can do that under palm tree hallelujah they shall grow the righteous shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon majestic stable durable incorruptible planted in the house of the Lord they the righteous shall flourish flourish in the courts of our God verse 14 growing in grace they shall still bring forth fruit in old age they shall be full of SAP you and I ought to be full of SAP at every age hallelujah full of SAP of spiritual vitality and rich in the verdure of love and trust trust love and contentment that doesn't sound like any old folks that are out there in the world we're prosperous we're blessed we bring forth fruit and old age we're still useful glory to God here's what it says in verse 15 they those ain't growing in grace they are living memorials to show that the Lord is upright excuse me so your life is a testimony you'll not be dragging around complaining mumbling dropping you ought to be sowing the word so in faith believe in God if adversity comes our way what do we do we attack it with the Word of God and we say no you don't curse you don't come here I'm under the blessing the blessing is on me and I can't be cursed what is blessed can't be cursed they are living memorials to show that the Lord is upright those people around you you know they might make fun of me you know he talks in tongues they might say well you know he thinks God's gonna heal him he thinks is she thinks that no we're livin memorials God does heal us we do have strength and vitality all the way through our law why in the earth amen we are healed by the stripes of Jesus but you know what you can't be grumblers and you can't be complainers unbelieving talk coming out your mouth you can't live this way but if you'll speak Bible words if you'll say what belongs to you if you'll say to sickness and disease when it tries to come in know you don't know you don't know you're not coming on me I'm a living memorial to the Word of God I am healed from the top of my head to the soles of my feet glory to God amen and all the time we're living our long life we ought to be ministering to people that don't know the Lord and don't know how to how to live long and strong glory to God when you go to the hospital to pray for somebody give them word as well as pray for them Laurie to God they are living memorial say I'm the living memorial to show that the Lord is upright and faithful to his promise he is my rock and there is no unrighteousness in Him glory to God I have and then just say all kind of things from the Bible like I am strong in the Lord I have the strength of God how are they put good words in your mouth and don't you know don't think when you see all that medicine on TV maybe I should get some of that I don't have any pain glory to God we need to live in the blessing and not the curse and that's our that's our decision you know people a lot of people are negative and they live they don't live a full life but we live in the blessing and you know what you have to have to do that is a continual diet of God's Word because you can't live in the blessing without faith you can't have faith without the word so it's not what you heard 10 years ago it's what you're actually saying and doing right now and that's when we stay current in the Word of God amen glory to God and we're gonna be living memorials let's look at Psalm 92 the uncompromising ly righteous say uncompromising ly righteous shall flourish like the palm tree be live long be long-lived stately upright useful and fruitful that should be a description of our lives they shall grow in they shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon majestic stable durable incorruptible glory to God say that's me planted in the house of the Lord they shall flourish in the courts of our God growing in grace they shall still bring forth fruit and old age they shall be full of SAP of spiritual vitality and rich in the verdure of love and trust and contentment verse 15 says they are living memorials our lives ought to be a memorial to the goodness of God people ought to see that we're blessed they ought to see that yes there there age is great but they still have plenty of SAP and vitality and the joy they seem to have a certain joy about them or the world might say they seem to be glad all the time what is that that's the joy of the Lord that's our strength so we know we can't be sour and down and sad and expect to walk in the joy of the Lord and be it be strengthened we're living memorials hallelujah glory to God shouldn't we be a living memorial amen amen Psalm 103 says that he healer all our diseases now this is a directly applying to our healing school today bless the Lord am I reading the amplified bless the Lord O my soul and all that is deepest within me bless His Holy Name we ought to be saying good things about God all the time who forgives it says bless the Lord and forget not one of his benefits we ought to be in the word our eyes on our benefits are right here right hearing the word we can't forget our benefits if we forget our benefits we quit walking in that benefit so that's why we stay in the word that's why the scripture says meditate the word day and night don't let day go by a day go by that you don't spend some time in the word and when you do don't just read it apply it take it do what it says who forgives everyone here's a great benefit every one of your iniquities who heals each of all your diseases what a scripture how could you forget such a benefit at the first sign of anything coming on your body you say no you don't know no I have benefits Oh God first time the TV starts you hear I'm talking about your money's drying up and your goals rotting away and your dollars we don't know what happened to them oh you see you're gonna be broke no I got benefits glory to God hallelujah I'm living on my benefits and I don't mean social security glory to God you mean you know yeah I take that Social Security I've been I invested in Social Security since I was about 12 years old and I receive it you know what ken does with his Social Security he puts it in his airplane this airplane needs more help than eat I sleep do we take it sure we take it we invested in it doesn't mean I have to have it but it means I have it I can do whatever I want to with it amen that's pleasing to the Lord glory to God who redeems your life from the pit and from corruption who beautifies and dignifies and crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies not looking in the mirror and say oh you jerk why are you here again today say I'm crowned I'm crowned don't you see my crown I'm crowded with loving-kindness tender mercies hallelujah in other words the Spirit of God is on me and in me glory to God and he redeems my life from the pit and from corruption who dignifies and crowns you were crowned we're dignified hallelujah ain't it great to be a word person how many of you have have been endeavoring without your might and strength to walk on the word for say the last 10 years glory to God great how about 20 years look at that how about 40 years she'd been a word person walking on the Word of God glory to God in that something how about 50 years not too many hands there's some glory to God and she's a wavin I'm telling you and when you think back about before you knew about the word and acting on the word and walking in faith if you had to live fifty or a hundred years like that it wouldn't be any fun but when you're on the Word of God you walk in victory you walk in blessing and if ailments try to come on you say no you're not coming here I'm healed glory to God I'm healed from the top of my I say this whether I have a symptom or not I'm healed from the top of my head to the soles of my feet I am strength I have energy my brain is working glory to God hallelujah say good things about yourself what are you doing your blessing yourself I bless myself all the time hallelujah glory to God first Peter 3:8 finally be he all of one mind having compassion one of another and love is brethren now this is really a good admonition for us be pitiful that doesn't mean be pitiful as we know it be courteous not rendering evil for evil what'd he do somebody does evil to you forgive them railing for railing what if somebody rails it against you what do you do nothing what do they matter anyway railing against you you know you're not what they said you were but contrariwise on the opposite we don't do that we we bless blessing blessing knowing that you are there unto called that you should inherit a blessing now here here is this great scripture in 1st Peter this we need to keep this in our thinking for he that will love life and see good days that's us let him refrain his tongue from evil in his lips that they speak no God so do your words count yeah they do your words count we should speak no evil we should walk in love if we want to see good we don't put our tongue against other people and let him is too evil or turn away from it turn away from evil and do good now this is it only if you want to live a good blessed peaceful happy well life prosperous let him is too evil or turn away from it let him seek peace and ensue it the amplified says let him turn away from wickedness and shun it and let him do right that means we don't feed on the darkness and the trash of this world we turn away from it it might just jump up there on your television screen well don't watch turn over something else watch the voice of victory glory to go for the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous glory to God doesn't say the unrighteous there it says the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous and his ears are open to their prayers but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil so we want to do what's right we want to walk in love when we slip mess-up we repent amen and we do what we know to do we forgive if we have aught against any that leads nothing out glory to God if we if we want to see good days and enjoy life that's what we do our choices determine the length of our lives you know that's just absolutely in a agreement with the Bible how we live how we talk what we do the choices we make determine how long we live in how the quality of our life is mark 5 I'm there no I was looking at mark 4 that's what was thornmail all right now this was a certain woman a certain woman so actually this actually did happen Jesus was out people were thronging him that means there were people on every side pushing too here's the miracle man let's get close to him and a certain woman which had an issue of blood twelve years and it suffered many things of many physicians and had spent all that she had and was nothing bettered but rather grew worse she spent all of her money trying to get well and she just got worse when she heard of Jesus came in the press behind and touched His garment well now that was not an easy assignment for her there people were oppressing him thronging him on every side but she had she had something in her she said I'm gonna get there I'm going to get there far she said in verse 28 if I may touch but his clothes I shall behold you see what she did she released faith not knowing what she was doing probably scripturally she released faith I she knew it was a job she she said she'd was broke she had spent her last money I'm trying to get well she had no other options that we know about and she heard that Jesus was healing people and she got up her gumption so to speak she came in the press she worked her way up through the crowds to get to Jesus and she touched his garments that's where her faith was released she said for she said if I may touch but his clothes I shall be home now we can learn a lot from this woman see if you do the things she did you'll always be healed - I shall behold so she said it and immediately after she touched immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed she felt she had something go through her body and she knew that she was healed of that play didn't say she felt in her mind - her spirit but she had something going on in her body and she was healed of that plague and Jesus immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him turned about in the press and said who touched my clothes and his disciples said to him thou seest the multitude thronging me and saith thou who touched me and he looked round about to see her he ignored that dumb statement of the disciples and he looked round about to see her that had done this thing but the woman fearing and trembling knowing what was done in her came and fell down before him and told him the truth and he said unto her daughter thy faith has made the whole your faith hurt her her acting on what she believed and what she was doing and fighting to get there her faith made her whole of that plague go in peace and behold Jesus said glory to God hallelujah now the little woman with issue blood she acted on it she acted and she took it she fought she came in the press behind and she took her healing amen and that's what we're gonna do today we're gonna take healing take it we're gonna lay hold of it just see yourself like you were that little woman and when we pray over and we rebuke sickness and disease off of you you take your healing you take it you just say I've got it I take my healing I'm healed you quit when we pray you this is your action I'm healed from the top of my head to the soles of my feet I take my healing I rebuke whatever it is cancer off me I remove that spirit life and cancer to get off of me and I'm healed and I take it in Jesus name now that's what you do at home I have healing service at home by myself anytime I feel a symptom or a pain I say no you don't I'm taking healing I go to Isaiah 53 and I read that Jesus himself bore my sicknesses carried my diseases and by His stripes I was healed and if I was healed I am healed glory to God that's my go to scripture that settles it I've been delivered I've been healed if they come up with the new disease I've been delivered from it and I've been healed from glory to God don't wait two or three days don't call everybody and tell them you're sick that's the worst thing you can do why is that because Jesus said we can have what we say you calling you want a little sympathy a little Penton this morning and you said I just feel terrible no don't say that just say if you call anybody you call somebody that knows how to pray to pray with you glory to God amen so what do you do when you feel a pain or a sickness or disease you get the word you look in the scripture about healing I specifically like isaiah 53:4 and and you take it like you take medicine glory to God let's just read Isaiah I think I'll read it in the amplified bible this is an awesome scripture oh it comes in handy have it marked in your Bible where you can go right to it God is good to give us God is good to give us a Bible ending all right here's the amplified this is what we're acting on today of isaiah 53:4 surely he has borne our griefs sicknesses weaknesses and de-stresses and carried our sorrows and pain yet we ignorantly considered him stricken smitten and afflicted by God as if with leprosy but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our guilt in iniquity the chastisement needful to obtain peace and well-being for us was upon him with the stripes that wounded him we are healed and made whole I am healed I am made whole I'll not tolerate sickness and disease in my life ever again at the first sign of it our weakness disease I'll resist [Music] [Music] where's the Lord sister Gloria this is Sandra from right here in Woodbridge she said first of all four years ago she had a healing that took place right here in this meeting that was so powerful that it influenced her doctor who's now in church praise God Gloria this is Sandra she was ran over with a cleaning cart in 2005 had torn ligaments in her shoulders how to have surgery on her feet and was in therapy when you prayed today she feels now no pain she can bend her knees she can raise her feet she has not been able to do that she can bend and walk she feels totally restored she was run over by a cleaning cart at work I had a knee surgery I've never heard that testimony before three weeks he's been suffering from the scruciating pain in her neck going down into her back says she didn't have freedom of motion but this morning when you and pastor Tracy spoke to back spoke to next she said she felt the power of God come on her and now she's got free range of motion in the neck today the Holy Spirit don't mean that cuz I wouldn't move and be obedient and get up there and tell them what I've done for you you can just laugh and I said doc mr. bailiff here you see me I'm just moving it now because it feels so good every time I moved it was a constant pain what's the pain that wouldn't even let up from the top of the spine to right across my back and left shoulder right shoulder was pain pain like I've never experienced I mean I have been through some pain but this is something different and I couldn't bend my hand down I couldn't go back I teach 22 year olds and three year olds so it was hard each day and I had I prayed and I prayed and I would have nor myself at all and I would tell the W alive I said I'm not gonna receive this and then my doctor that I was going to from my feet and hit me said well you know off the riders a certain end from your injury that you had when you got hit this morning as I don't receive that in the name of Jesus and he said you know what your faith is something he said you told me you're gonna get healing your feet and I did you know I'm just gonna keep on praying on it and keep trusting God I'm going to that convention and I'm expecting you Father that's what I said it's nice to father I'm expecting you to show up and take care of this in Jesus name you got to believe the word you have to act on it if you don't act on it it won't work for you when I was sitting there I felt like that warmth came over me and then it was like shooting through my feet and it just moved all the way on up every area that I've ever had a problem with that fire and it was like inhalation it was the next when she's like God kept my own hallelujah thinking this and then she put her hand on my back when I was thinking she saw me going and she put and she said oh my goodness and I say Who and I just couldn't sit still and then I was sitting there just praising God and he said well you need to get on up and tell them because I wasn't gonna get up I was a let the other people go I've got mine he doesn't know you gonna get up and tell them what I've done for you be obedient weak and you know what we need to obey when he tells us to do something because we never know who ain't be out there that we may be blessing and you want to give him all the honor and glory that's due him cuz he did so much for us no man on this earth has suffered as much as the Christ did for us and he counted a whole joy like that song they sound when he was on the cross he had me on his mind I thank you Jesus wave you know with 2,000 years ago I was even thought of he knew and he knew I'd be here today come to the southwest believers convention June 30th through July 5th at the Fort Worth Convention Center in downtown Fort Worth Texas join Kenneth and Gloria Copeland for a week-long conference that will change your life they'll be live Spanish interpretation pre-service prayer with pastor Terry Copeland Pearson's and exciting services for both children and teens come to a special partner meeting with Kenneth Copeland Friday morning then join Gloria Copeland for healing schools Saturday it's all free June 30th through July 5th at the Southwest believers convention for more information go to KCMG org slash Southwest [Music] since the glory got Devon from Upper Marlboro he's been dealing with chronic knee pain for some time but today during the service he received his healing he said the pain is gone I've been looking forward to coming to healing school for the last few days and then this morning I was like you know what Lord I'm just determined that by the time I walk in this building something's gonna happen I don't even have to hear anything else just me being here in the building that something's going to happen I'm believing you for it and that's what happened I just said it and believed it kept going I just realized that you know from just sitting out of the word that it was a manifestation that had taken place during praise and worship that that was actually the Lord just healing and restoring both of my knees just from the years almost almost ten years of knee pain limiting being able to what I can do or how long I could do what happens I couldn't walk up lots of steps sometimes would take a long time slow down standing too long you'll be causing pain and discomfort didn't sit too long because without being able to stretch my legs out because of it caused pain and discomfort I have the limits of the physical or be prepared to be in a lot of pain following them there were times early on where it would put me to sleep in tears waking me up out of my sleep in tears they got too cold I couldn't move too well so they're in praise and worship this morning just worshiping the Lord and I felt something in my knees I had been dealing with tendinitis in both knees since about 2004 and I just felt something like a warm feeling that's the best I could use to describe it but I started just moving a lot more freely and I could feel that something had happened so sitting through the word normally I have to shift and readjust my legs and move my knees so that they can pop or what-have-you and it wasn't until like towards the end of the word that I realized I hadn't moved I hadn't shifted I wasn't no pain I was a no discomfort so I was like really awesome and I was like dad that's that's what that was right that was the manifestation of the word it allows me to go back and get back in shape I want to go back and get back in the gym be able to start playing a little more basketball and I'm just hanging out a little bit more not having to worry about okay and my trust appropriately for this can I be able to how long is it gonna be am I gonna be fast and about people to go how long is the ride you know that's I would think do I have an ample leg room but I feel good I feel really good right now keep on believing don't stop I mean I like I put my knees I believe them believing and praying and for almost 10 years you know keep believing God and stand strong in faith and don't back up don't say anything that counteracts what the Word of God says cuz I've done that and it takes it even longer to manifest so just continue to believe the Word of God and just stand on it and don't say anything if you can't say the Word of God but Gloria this is angel and she's 16 years old and she said she's had migraine headaches for most of those years she even had one this morning when she came in but she says that after the prayer all the pain is gone praise God [Applause] mr. gore you're gonna be excited about this one luck every one of them this is awesome halleloo amen this is miss CVA from Maryland she came to the services barely coming in with the cane could barely walk even with the help of the cane when you declared strength and said take your strength she took that and she's been standing in the back ever since then walked down to get in the testimony line walked all the way up here totally pain-free no more cane [Applause] [Music] I see someone in their lung specially their right lung if you're something like in your right lung that's keeping the oxygen from going all the way in but it's legally literally sleazy that bucket uh that pours whatever it is the pneumonia the tube whatever it is coughing that it's bleeding sister Gloria this is Thomas II from Ashland Virginia she was diagnosed with a cyst on her lungs just a few days ago supposed to have some more tests but this morning when he prayed the prayer faith she said the power of God came on her she hasn't been able to breathe deep without discomfort show them how you breathing right now beep and I watched her I watched her run from the middle out she said she had been able to run will you demonstrate running for Laurie to God Oh God look at her she gave him high-fiber when I far don't worry the gun you must be the one I saw that moving out of your long story like God Jesus name several days ago because it's not it's been maybe two weeks I went to the doctor and for one thing and they took some chest x-rays and found something else they believed that it's a cyst on my lung I knew I could I was having problems breathing I was having problems walking you know especially if I did it fast couldn't run at all good night and um thank you Jesus and so they took the test and saw what they thought was a cyst so they're sending me for some tests on the 20th of November and my husband and I prayed together we believe in that when I go there it's gonna be gone whatever it was will be no more but we I normally come to feelings school I've been here since Thursday this time I was able to make it on Thursday and I felt so bad last night I mean sick I felt really bad and I thought this is not working you know I mean here it's not working but I don't accept the devil coming after me like that because I know that's what it is so I just we woke up this morning we had devotional service we were praise and die by the time I got here I was jacked up I really was when we pray and speak to it receive it and here's how you receive it you not only say thank you but you do what you couldn't do before if there was a knee joint and and you needed knee replacement and you couldn't run run if you couldn't bend if he couldn't climb stairs climb stairs and I knew that was me I knew it was me and so I just grabbed hold today let's just grab Jota and he said do something you couldn't do my girlfriend said she looked and and I was gone I'd start running and I ran all across the back and the side and I wasn't winded when I got up there and I'm still not windy I didn't know where you guys were gonna be I went out there looking for you I came back and I was breathing fine when I sat down I'm healed and I win [Laughter] [Music] [Music] I for more than 30 years Gloria Copeland has taught God's Word on health and healing and now she wants to help you learn how to receive your healing God wants you well and he wants you to experience life free from sickness disease and pain through the receive your healing package you can renew your mind as you learn what God's health plan is for you you can even discover how to override health issues that run in the family this package by Gloria Copeland includes a book God's will for your healing the six CD healing school series and healing confession CD to activate the healing power of God through the spoken word also included his brother Kenneth Copeland's prescription healing brochure to help keep God's prescription for health in front of your eyes you don't have to wait any longer take part in God's health plan today side-effects include a healthy body freedom from pain renewed outlook from God's Word that may also include joy peace restful sleep and boundless energy order the receive your healing package for $24.99 and enjoy a special savings of 45 percent simply log on to KCM org slash TV special and request your package today transform your overall health and well-being through the Word of God live out the full numbers of your days in health and peace for an additional 10% off order your package online for this and other products on healing by Kenneth Copeland ministries go to kcn or order today listen to this marvelous scripture surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows that we did esteem him stricken smitten of God but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with the His stripes we are healed hallelujah he took the he took the the cause he paid the price he did it for you and me he brought us through until when we make Jesus the Lord of our lives we can be born over again with be healed we can be blessed we can live free Jesus is the savior hallelujah receive Jesus into your heart if you've never made him the Lord of your life it will change everything in your life just say Jesus I receive you as my Lord and Savior take my life and do something with it glory to God I like that prayer because that's the prayer I prayed when I got born again and if you prayed that with your heart and you receive Jesus as the Lord and Savior something happen to you on the inside in your spirit man you were born again and now you can go into that new life that's been put on the inside of you you can grow and and become strong in the word and become filled with the Holy Spirit and the scripture calls that being born again and it is a marvelous thing everything in my life changed when I received Jesus Christ as the Lord in my life we want to send you something if you have or if you if he did that or if you just would like to have this free salvation package to check it out we'll be glad to send it to you it's a book and to teaching brochures to learn more about who you are in Christ what happened to you when you're born again Jesus did it all for you so you can live free healed and prosperous request your free salvation package today to do that go to KCMO org begin to speak faith think faith walk in faith god has a great future for you [Music] this is Marybeth from Luray Virginia and about three weeks ago a dog attacked her and it bit her nose and both of her hands were so swollen this morning when she came in here she could not she could not close closed her hands and she said during worship that one over her right hand got where she could start closing in and then as you were teaching her other hand now she can open and close both on fellows I wasn't able to grasp anything I couldn't even touch my hands about three weeks ago our family dog went ballistic and attacked me and pinned me down and I I know it didn't last that long it felt forever but I finally God kept me calm through the whole thing and I finally got it together and I said stop and immediately he stopped I got up from the couch and it was over you can't hardly see the scars on my nose anymore my hands are working great the pains gone in my hands I just I give God glory because I haven't had any nightmares from it I saw this in the spirit lets take authority over the fear of that attack in the name of Jesus glory to God father in the name of Jesus we say there'll be no residual standing scar in her soul glory to God when I came in today my hands were still swollen and I couldn't close them and I couldn't really use them there was still a great deal of pain in them during the song my right hand began to close and God says make a fist and I did and there was no swelling and no pain and I was like yeah and during the prayer time my left hand began to tingle and so well I'm like well my right hands working let me try my left hand and it just closed and like the pain and my finger began to disappear and I was so excited through this whole process God never allowed me to have one nightmare I have not been able to go back and sit on the couch I'm determined I am NOT gonna let the devil scare me out of my own house his love casts out all fear his love is perfect I'm going home I am going to sit on my couch and I'm going to enjoy my own without fear I teach children Monday through Thursday the Word of God God has given me the honor of shepherding these children into his kingdom watching Kenneth and Gloria has given me a lot of courage to be able to speak truth to them without fear about a year ago we became partners with Kenneth and Gloria and as we received their material the warmth that comes through their letters is so moving and it's always the right thing at the right time and I'm so I feel so honored to be partners with them to know that I'm helping them further God's kingdom and the gospel of Jesus Christ so I just praise God I'm here I'm alive and I'm healed [Music] now this book does not contain the Word of God it is the Word of God and God's word has the power of God in it power enough to cause itself to come to pass when it is stood upon and received you won't want to miss these special broadcasts [Music] today yesterday I don't care how many times you've been to heating school I don't care how many times you free I don't care how many times you've been at the altar at church I don't care how many times hands have been laid on you [Music] [Applause] Jesus this is your now moment that time is Gloria this is Helen from Wytheville Virginia and she they are wanting to put her on kidney dialysis she's had a lot of fluid she had trouble with hearing in one ear and with her sight in her eye but she came in so weak that she was wheeled in in a wheelchair and she received that strength that you called out that strength and she's out of the wheelchair up would you lay your hand on her for the rest of this [Music] Lord we just thank you for completely healing her from the top of her head to the soles of her feet restoring her given her many many more good years and we thank you for it will you be healed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ being restored say I take it I take it in Jesus name I am restored I am feel I am real I'll live long live long and I'll live see draw how it's wrong in Jesus name I didn't either well I'm pretty close behind thank you Lord for your mercy today Mimi this is Rosalyn she's from Washington DC and she also received the word about strength with her liver and kidney she said that she had had liver damage but she believes when pastor Tracy was talking to her about those who came in week to receive strength she says that she feels that strength of God and her today straight home vitality in the name of Jesus she said she feels the joy in the Lord then coach that's a string hallelujah hallelujah praise God [Applause] I have Joan from New York and she said that she had a full body healing for Christ and she said she'd been guarding her legs and she ran over she said that she hasn't been able to do that her knees her ankles her intestines her heart everything in her body fully redone this is Lee from Cat harpin Virginia and the Lord just did an absolute overhaul in her heart all during the ministry of the word this morning one of the things that she came with though was very painful heel spur in her left foot she's had it over four months she said it literally felt like broken glass in her foot and she hasn't been able to run barely walk when you said you something you couldn't do before she began to stop and put all of her weight on that foot and all the pain is totally gone [Applause] Jesus people we thank you for every healing and every testimony we thank you for your word that tells us that we've been redeemed and that we're healed that we can have faith and live in faith and not doubt monthly we're so grateful Lord and we bless I bless all the people here and I pray for their increase their prosperity to increase was increase in every area of life for the Jesus name for favour great favours to go before them and we pray for them we stand with them we believe with you in Jesus name for the blessing manifested Oh hallelujah in Jesus name Amen the words that I speak to you they are spirit and they are life sometimes people ask if God's medicine works every time why are there so many believers who are still sick there are two reasons number one because they don't take the time to plant the word concerning healing into their heart number two because they don't do what the word tells them to do God's words are life and health to use don't wait until you get sick to start using them start now begin to put God's Word in you and abundance and it will become very hard for you to get sick today is offering day I want to read the word to you that this this portion of Scripture meant a lot to me and still does when it comes to financial things but we were believing God to come out of the hole we dug financially this was a great scripture for me in second Corinthians in verse 9 I mean chapter 9 verse 6 it says remember this see it doesn't do this any good if we don't remember what it says remember this he who sow sparingly and grudgingly will also reap sparingly and grudgingly see we thought we determined how we reaped by how we sow and he who sews generously that blessing may come to someone will also reap generously and with blessing let each one give as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart listen to your spirit about what to give not reluctantly don't give it reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion for God loves takes pleasure in prizes above all other things and is unwilling to abandon and do without a cheerful joyous prompt to do it giver whose heart is in his giving you know it's not so much a matter of amount that you give as is your heart in it whatever you give big or small put your heart to believe God so gladly it says in verse 8 in the Saint Corinthians 9 and God is able be a quick to do it cheerful Giver and God is able to make all grace every favor and earthly blessing come to you in abundance so that you may always under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work in charitable donation hallelujah and verse 10 says God provides seed for the sower so if you think well I just don't have any money we'll sell something so some seed you've got something you can sow can't so anything else so yourself go help people do what you can do to help others father I pray for all of the believers I pray for our partners and all the people listening today I pray for their finances I'm asking you Lord to manifest yourself in their finances in a great in a mighty way reveal to each one what that one should do and so and say over their offering and how to release faith when we sow in Jesus name glory to God so I'm saying to you partners and friends out there be blessed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ increase in Jesus name glory to God get in the word concerning finances and believe it and grow hallelujah Ken and I love and appreciate you if you've missed any of the healing school broadcast this week watch it or download it free on our website at KCMG org go to a good faith church this weekend one that preaches the word ken will be on the broadcast next week so be sure and join him this is Gloria Copeland reminding you that way love you and God loves you and Jesus is thank you for joining us today on the believers voice of victory for this week's broadcasts on DVD or mp3 on CD go to KCM org or call or write to us today remember this week's product offer these ministry tools are designed to help you get the word working in your life so you can experience all God has for you be sure to request your gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland it is designed to help you grow in the things of God receive it and make it a part of your life go to KCMG org and request your gift today if you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior today be sure to request your free salvation package this will help you understand who you are in Christ and how to start living your new life and victory you [Music]
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 8,310
Rating: 4.9189191 out of 5
Keywords: youtube, healing, week@once, wao, bvov-youtube, gloria
Id: DYHxA9970sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 7sec (7387 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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