Live with Rob Cosman: Angie's Bed Desk Build (Part 9)

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oh I guess I think we're live I don't know I'm sorry everybody my deepest apologies technical issues as usual I had two really good weeks so I was due so they they missed me doing my my Kenny Johnny Cash rendition yes they did okay I'm not doing that again I only sing once a night are we on yeah Ron hey folks this mean we get to go late welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome it's a lovely June night here in New Brunswick welcome to a Purple Heart for what do we call this live our live YouTube workshop substitute for date night during the coronavirus and tonight we're working on Angie's desk it's a bed desk with a side Han dovetail drawer never did that before we're gonna get to it tonight I'm actually in the process of cutting the dev tails so in addition to doing this for your entertainment and education we also do it as a means of raising money for our Purple Heart project I'll give it to you quickly six times a year keep your fingers crossed on this year we bring in six at a time combat wounded veterans along with six civilians who come to the classes paying students it's a six day class starts Monday morning at 8 o'clock goes until 11 p.m. every night for six days learn learn to literally be able to build a piece of furniture with just hand tools from rough lumber of course we've run into some hard times with the coronavirus we've had to move both our make class and our June class into later dates and we haven't officially made that announcement yet but it looks like July is gonna end up being moved as well because they're not opening the borders I guess mm-hmm August 2 I don't don't say that yes anyway we we bring them in we cover airfare hotel meals all expenses send each guy home each vet home with because we have had three females each that hope goes home with approximately thirty four thirty five hundred dollars it changes in tools and thanks to a Jack Lane and our bench Brigade every vet will end up with a beautiful bench to work on when they get home we are going to have Kevin smearer I started this a while back every time we do this we have Kevin's fine oh yeah right that is Kevin's bike we have one of our previous vets come on and tell you their experience with taking the class so you hear it firsthand and you know who it is it you're supporting so if you would like to participate you can do one of two things actually do one or both we can always use financial supports an expensive venture and we never let money stand in the way so we'll pay for it some way even if you want to be part of it we welcome you it's a great feeling to be able to do it go to our website Rob cosmic comm the link will be on there so that you can do and do it through the website any other means takes way too much YouTube takes over 30% so come out come on and explain his side of it this is Angie and Angie's who were building the desk for Angie works for us she's Ken's cousin and Angie is the one who does such a great job full upper packaging our t-shirts and you'll see her a little symbol with their a on there and speaking of t-shirts we have three now you can get one to help us spread the cause wood for good in army green wood is good and our Terkel are teal which is Andy's color wood doing good and I'm gonna take it a little farther Underwood is good tonight we're gonna introduce you to something that's really I think really cool now need to say thank you to Jake spin the camera around Jake they always like see your face come on what they'd like to see you there you go stop right there for a second working on the balancing of the cameras and the very back we have my oldest son Rex Rex is the Rex's in charge of security heaps prick safe be a lot of people after for tonight it's got my back right and alpha-1 Studios is the producer over here to the left is Megan Jake's wife she is tracking donations because at every thousand dollar increment we throw in another hundred or gift certificate that we draw for at the end of the night don't forget to register for the draw doesn't cost you anything you just register and you can cash out your hundred dollar gift certificate at our store pick up any tools that you need big shout out Colonel Luther who's out in Seattle watching Super Dave special hello to artists Benson up in Alaska Super Dave is in New York they'll be helping answering questions cannot be on a little bit later give questions ask them so quick quickly format is every second we could do a question answer so last week was QA next week will be Q&A will send out an email on Wednesday and you can submit your questions and we will address some of those and some of the live ones that come in don't forget to register for our newsletter the link will be on there that's how you get notified of this stuff it's always very content rich this week's this month's newsletter is on dust collection so we go through and talk to you all about ours and our experience and putting it in and what we used to have before and then on the opposite week's we work on Angie's desk until we get it finished I think I forget oh yes I'll hit this actually will come back then when we get a few more people on will talk to you about some of the things that have been donated that are up for auction that folks have generously provided so that we can raise additional funds for part and I yo that's talking about that too a little bit later okay so here we go any quiet keep the questions if something comes in and it's got everybody's reading the chat so if it's a really good question shout it out and finally by the way if you are a combat wounded vet that has been to one of our classes or is coming to one of our classes please say that in the chat so Meghan can spot it show tell me about it and we'll give you a show to love to be able to connect with you okay so here we go so there's our drawer front drawer back sorry top right designates the back top right designates the front last thing we did last week was get the the drawer fronts done now because these are half blinds what I'm going to do so here's there's how we are gonna put it together I'm gonna take the drawer front one at a time and with the help of some extra eyes we're actually do grab that it's no it's nice right down there on that on Ken's bench place my headgear what I want to do is I want to make sure I actually need these glasses are really stronger a mask question oh yeah go ahead they said trivia so what it this is from Erin Fannie says what is the name of the psychiatrist Sidney Freeman really give me a tough one come on and by the way it'd need ID not that long ago okay his famous quote ladies and gentlemen take my advice put it on your planet pants and slide in the ice he said that twice on the very last episode and somewhere and on his very first appearance okay so I'm right on the line on these but what I'm going to do is carefully go in there and just undercut a little bit on the inside of the joint so I'm working on the side you see I'm cutting under cutting on the inside and it's too difficult to explain right now why I do that but when you when we get there which we will you'll say oh right so that's that's the right side this would be the left now this has got a lot of fuzz on it because it was on the back side so I'm just going to scrape that off okay off with the people that we have here the vets from classes with Gary Burnett is here hi Gary Gary's always here with us it's great to have you brother Bob Abbott Robert and of course Kevin Kevin smear Kevin heat Kevin makes you get to makeup right Pete Ambrose yeah Dean Ambrose has become a fixture if he wasn't armed we wouldn't be on Shawn McDermott hey brother Shawn how are you and Angela don't forget Angela ray cool ray from Louisiana mm-hmm Kevin Buress Jacob and new Weatherhead huh we all never head and Jake have I told that story like me of a Kevin are Neil's Neil's the infamous half-pint of tails so for those of you who haven't heard hopefully that would be most so Neil's combat wounded vet army I thought it was marine if he hears I'm sorry anyway so Neil lost an eye as a result of shrapnel and because these guys were working so fast mophir come with me Jake we're working so fast in the class they were running out of stuff to do so I say well what will get you guys to do is make a tool tray for each bench so on this side of the bench we have a tool tray attached now I'd have to point in Moke tear cuz we don't have any on these they're some of them are up sitting up in there but it's a nice dovetail so it comes out here piece of wall and nut comes out here about six inches and then a piece of maple coming across here and then a piece of walnut so the dovetail really stands out and they would dovetail him up and then the guy said write a little note on there for future future vets so on Neil's and he did a through dovetail on Neil's he wrote the best half-blind dovetail in the West and I was back there on the last day spraying them and I saw that and I said now should I tell him it's a through dovetail not a half-blind so I finally did it was said a Neil I said I meant to point this out this said just so that you know I said this is the through dovetail not a half line he said Rob half-blind that's a such a sense of who which can I say that this into such a sense of humor okay Carlos coffin and John Beck that are coming to classes this year okay Carlos I remember talking to Carlos and John back John back both of you welcome gentlemen we're gonna get you here we will get you here no matter how long it takes have no fear all right so this is the back I'm putting them together so we can gang saw them just makes it a little bit faster now oh we're gonna do a little bit of math then I'll take an opportunity to teach on this so here's what when we're well actually it's a it's a half-blind so it's not quite as critical but we have to allow for a groove to hold the drawer bottom and I I would prefer to have the drawer bottom run between the pins because the tail is longer I can easily stop the groove stop the the groove in somewhere between year and year so it doesn't show all the way through but if you place it you don't want to put you don't want to place the groove so let me show you an example if I made my groove right here if I did a quarter-inch groove that was right here I would have to I would have to I would have to stop the groove in the half pin because if I if I ran it right through it would take out this part of the pin and you'd see it on this side so I would have to stop stop the groove somewhere around here so it didn't come all the way out and show here and I would have to stop it in this piece as well but if I just moved it up a little bit and have it run from here to say here then it'll run between the pins if you if you envisioned this piece of wood being this piece and this piece this piece and that piece I can run it in between the pins so I don't even I don't feel worried about this piece at all and I only have to stop it in one piece which is be the tail board now because this is a half-blind I'm gonna let it run all the way through because that will be tucked down into the joint you'll never see it anyway so the only thing I wanted to consider is I want to make sure that I keep it somewhere between here and here so I don't have to worry about taking out part of the pin that might be a little clearer when we actually do this another math question yeah what was her work gonna be a fun night for what reason did Frank Burns get his Purple Heart and that's from bobert he had a shell fragment in his eye really Frank an eggshell fragment well it happened in the war zone what happened to his Purple Heart it was given to a baby who ended up getting nicked by a piece of shrapnel walls than the womb of his mother Bob you really you really surprised me that's such a such a softball you think that was an interview question now you threw me off okay what are we doing Jake I'm gonna use the marking gauge to measure this does it have to be a quarter-inch booth no it's not going to because I don't want it doesn't need to be that heavy so I'm gonna set it right about there so if it's right there it'll definitely be inside of that one and I'll go over here and make sure well actually the same one I think because we we gang sawed them so if we take this back here and just put a mark on there what am i hearing so we put a mark right here so this is where our this is where our groove is going to be that's going to be the bottom of it I can actually I can put a heavier mark on that and what are we gonna use for a drawer bottom based on how wide it is how big it is that's another important consideration you don't want to really you don't ever want the drawer to be heavier than it needs to be in fact the reason why we you one of the reasons why we use dovetails if we made this any other kind of a joint you have to have a fair bit of meat in this piece and in that piece in order to give some strength and rigidity to the joint which means your drawer sides would have to be thicker and consequently the joints going to deport the job - pardon me the drawer is going to be a heavier be heavier but by we can shrink these dimensions to make a nice light drawer but when you glue that dovetail up front and back that goes a long way in strengthening these otherwise very thin drawer sites which makes it nice and light and airy and easy to move same thing with the drawer bottom the drawer bottom is going to be housed on four sides it's gonna be sitting into a groove here here and here and it's going to be screwed to the bottom so you don't have to have you wouldn't have to have a quarter of an inch we can easily get by have we got an eighth inch material hi-yah okay so we're gonna make the bottom out of a piece of maybe we should make it out let's make it out of a piece of solid wood you know we'll use some yellow cedar and you would love that I don't know we'll grow it up so we're gonna do we're gonna make this out of solid wood which was more fun and it'll it'll smell great we're gonna use yellow cedar and if you have not heard of yellow cedar this is I'm just gonna do something real quick and then we're gonna get this comes from British Columbia that would be BC to those Canadians on their yellow cedar is Alaska that's true maybe even in Washington State is extremely expensive it is a beautiful fine textured wood but like Kramer would say it's all about the surface area Jerry now we're gonna bring this over to Meghan what strong way how would you describe it special effects here really hurting free well is it what that is met from Meghan or that I see that caucus if you've never yep you've never smelled yellow cedar oh you need to get something I could I could sniff that all day beautiful wood gorgeous and super expensive unbelievably expensive so save it they cut home okay so I can get away with a much smaller guy can get away the groove that we're gonna custom so we'll probably cut that just an eighth of an inch so let's go ahead and lay that out now I need to move this along get these we're getting lots of mash questions maybe we should just save you oh god nobody I'm gonna bring him up bring him over going I love this what is the name of radars and racing mouse oh the mouse okay give me a minute his rabbit was Babette because Megan named hers Babette and his racing mouse oh shoot hold on Jake I'm not digging you out of this hole his racing mouse now the reason I know this is because Charles gave it some M feta means to make it run faster and he got hooked on them himself and this is the first time radar stood up to somebody in authority don't you ever Oh am I gonna have to cave on this one I don't remember hopefully they'll tell us okay so that's that's gonna be the bottom of the groove we're gonna go an eighth of an inch I had been stumped any more questions question from Chad he said is the dovetail Rob uses the best one if not why does he like that one over other ones pardon I'm gonna have to get some clarification yeah what is your main way well answer this what's your favorite type of don't you well favorite type of dovetail Oh probably yeah oh that's it and that's actually an interesting question because of course everybody gets excited about doing a through dovetail and when we teach the half-blind on that day that these really really get turned on by that I would probably say that the the standards through dovetail is probably my favorite I just think there's something about it the geometry of it that just turns my crank whoops wrong one I'm so thrown by radars Mouse shoot I can't believe I can't remember that was it oh yeah that sounds like him and the answer is Daisy Daisy can you tell him that might be the name of it in South Carolina Daisy okay now we need to have we could do this with dividers we need to have a little half pin on either side this is do this is by the way this is where the grooves gonna come through so we need to have a little half pin on either side of the groove and then up here we're going to we don't want to directly actually we're not gonna worry about that but we will anyway we're gonna come from the top a little bit no I can't do that I can't do that I gotta have a little more I need some meat I don't want to have that half been so close to the top that this becomes a fragile piece so I'm gonna go there and there and again this will make a little more sense when we actually get it drawn out and on this one we'll have the slope of the tail and then you know what I did Jake is this yeah I need to have this down here now which I did so that comes across here and comes up so just so that you know and I know this is actually going to be where our groove sits we got this piece sitting on top of it which is going to be flat because you don't want to cutting into the groove and then we just have that little space so really and they have room for two pins in here so what we can do is just take that space and divide it by whatever we want would be too much just to come up with you meant to say two tails and Tails yep let me let me do it and then explain it let's a get this drawn out first you know I can't tell where I was that one in that one house there count Frette 416 right now we didn't lost a bunch for their false start of course not yes okay so here let's take a look at this just top of the drawer bottom of the drawer we're gonna cut our groove right here to house the bottom then we've got a half pin here this half pin obviously has to stay by the perpendicular or a plumb cut on this side if you went down like that you'd be cutting into the groove then we have our slope we have our tail we have our interior pin slope on both sides we have our tail these are the same size and then the same half pin that we would normally call it if it was a it was a normal through dovetail same happen we have here we're going to have up here I always like to hold the drawer back down from the top so that it does not drag when you open your drawer okay so we'll go ahead and identify what is waist with an X so these pieces with identified with the X will all be removed I'll carry over here to the front as well which just helps us when we actually come to cutting okay we want to make sure this piece is standing plumb if it is it makes it easier to develop the skill of being able to make plumb cuts and angled cuts if that piece that you're working on is always standing plumb in the Vice so we'll go in here I'm using my new little experimental actually meant to get a new handle on that this week but I didn't get time to we've been a little on the busy side mask question yep go ahead what Canadian crop did Winchester heavily invest in that one comes from Bryan proper when a winter wheat I think pretty sure it was winter wheat keeping going where was Adam's ribs located Chicago I can almost remember the phone number two but not quite dear bull and Dearborn and something that was Henry and they never got these them you ordered the ribs and you forgot the coleslaw I'm an amateur really careful actually I don't think it was that only was wheat thinking there's sugar beet maybe that was a good question so tell me that somebody comes up with an answer really critical absolutely critical to the cut across the end of the board be perpendicular perpendicular to the face that means when you put a square on it it has to be square angled cut down the face is not nearly as critical not even critical actually because it is the template and it can be it simply has to be matched when cutting the second piece plumb cuts are important nor match that's a good question well we used to travel we didn't have TV we didn't have television from we got rid of that baby back in 1991 but we used to have a TV and VCR there video to back then and I used to love watching mash from university days and I got my kids hooked on it so they bought me they would buy me the series as they would come out and every time we traveled anywhere we would have that playing and we'd always do mash trivia so at least my older kids know it as well as I do and sometimes even better Rex has got a knack for remembering stuff like that okay so we got our we got our backs down we got our fronts done we were ready to go ahead and process the pins so I want to show you something give you a bit of an update so in our online workshop which by the way if you haven't signed up for I don't know what you're waiting for and you get a free month on your online workshop we're currently working on this what do we call this shake stand a standing desk left me and I just gonna give you a quick update because because we had major mistakes so many mistakes and this not even funny fact sometimes I think I did it on purpose but I didn't so it's not put together yet that's why that's not sitting down that's the last thing complicated piece so the bottom section is gonna be the bottom actually the top of the bottom section is already sprayed and finished the bottoms this will be masked off and the bottom section - the drawers will be sprayed and finished this top piece is not actually attached to this yet that was sprayed and finished separately this piece was sprayed and finished separately and this section was sprayed and finished separately then we can go in and assemble all the pieces if you tried to build something like this and spray it all at one time you'd be spraying up here whatever you're doing by the time you finished one end the other end this end already would be dry and you'd be dealing with overspray constantly so just point Oh coming to some of the mistakes I made the first big one was this yeah oh we had to do this one - I know but this side one was nicely staged it make so many can't remember them so if you look over here apologize those have you already seen this if you look over here it's well hidden but there's actually a little drawer in there and I'll see if I can get it to pop out like we're actually we're actually concocting a way of making this Jake what if I got that I can slap over that just puff it out I have to cover the whole Oh question from Edie and Eric they asked the same mash trivia question why do they not show radars hand or which one of radars hand do they never show and why uh his left hand is deformed it was deformed so the only reason they didn't show is because he wouldn't be he wouldn't have been allowed in the Army with it as a result so he always has that hidden but it's real small hand yeah I actually saw some episodes where somebody took us still and you could see it it's really quite small so there's the drawer okay so this is gonna be a pencil and pen drawer so that'll be closed like that customer won't even know for these ones you reach in underneath and and lift it like that so I'll pull this out and show you this is this is one of the coolest pieces we've ever built we've been at it for three years not quite there's a hole underneath here okay and there's a little wooden V that we put on here so when this is closed again we just decided that there was you know we if you look real close now this hasn't been sprayed yet and this is oxidized so you'll see that the it looks to different colors but when the color when it's all done up it'll hide because it's all one piece of wood so the idea is that to open up this little drawer you just puff wait a minute now sorry we have to were coming up with a way of creating a a airtight do you focusing on that when it came out yeah and then you have your drawer that'll close okay so over here we trying to keep everything remember everything and where it belongs if we built this one and accidentally got that drawer front turned inside out built the whole thing put it in as like oh my goodness why doesn't that look right and that's when we discovered that the problem that Jake had done so we had that one pops really yeah I know I noticed that so what we had to do is a little stop in here that that face should have been out here so we had to go in and remove 1/16 of an inch off of all of this remember this is already finished and here's the result so we took this piece of wood that piece out of here is this drawer front that was had to be glued back on there and glue that all back on and redo it and yadda-yadda there's a lot of work then we go in making the drawer front pardon me I'm making the drawer front over here I just have I have a little piece of brass that hangs down in there and that's how keep the drawer from coming out okay oh we were building this one and we screwed up on the drawer and it was twisted so I had to start over build a new drawer cut the drawer front off of that drawer proof haven't brought myself to throwing it away yet there's the drawer we screwed up on so we took to cut the drawer front off and glued it back onto this piece so we could salvage that drawer front and maintain that continuity along the front and then inside here so this is where you're you have this we have yet to make our little dividers that will be moved moveable and there'll be tea t-shaped so you can change them around has a wooden hinge if you notice when you open the lid see how the hinge goes and then in here this is really cool too same idea now these I wanted to be able to come out because I envisioned stuff in there that you would actually come out and have it so there's a little uh there's a little finger hole in here with a little V in the bottom I should stop I should just quit while I'm ahead but when these are closed they're as somebody said the hidden in plain sight and since we went through the work to do that we didn't mind interrupts it with the drawer front I bought me a drawer knob so that's why we we came up with this instead of doing it lots of dovetails everywhere through with your wedge Tenon's Holly is the secondary wood so the white that you see is Holly that's probably pretty rare they go very rare that Holly takes a back seat to something yeah and dren Holly for the drawer sides as well lovely piece absolutely absolutely lovely piece and I'm not boasting I said they over this the fun of doing it so here's what I want to show you we've had folks that have wanted to help with Purple Heart projects and they've been doing things like donating sending us stuff and saying here Rob this is for you washing it off so tell me his name Jake he's cool Keith Cole from Minnesota Michigan Battle Creek sent us this this is a shaker box this is a number 8 shaker box it's signed on the bottom this is made out of cherry and bird's-eye maple beautiful piece I just think it's fantastic and when you take the lid off if you don't know any of our oval boxes look it up it's really cool so it has a removable tray again shaker boxes with the swallowtails and I think the bidding is up to 250 on this oh yeah my wife did so please beat it Danny Bell got beat so if you're interested just put it in the chats in the chat section then you'll they'll tell you how to comment get ahold of us so that's up for sale actually let's stop there go back and do some more work I'm gonna come back introduce you to more things that you're gonna see well where's uh where's uh where where are we Frick for what numbers 476 okay so when are we gonna bring Kevin on okay what is the BJ stand for and BJ Honeycutt his mother's name was B and his father's name was Jay BJ and his Hawk I said nobody would name their kid that please somebody come up with something tough again except for radars Mouse's name and don't throw private lamb after me because I already know that one what are we doing Jake oh we're about to do the all right so if you haven't if you haven't follow along on this new dovetail technique watch closely because it is this technique has resulted in our average in our class going from three out of 12 students having great dovetails at the end of the day way which means eight or nine pardon what do you want to do we'll do the bags first okay so here we go get a good shot here so we understand I like to always bring this back around so that we know exactly what we're doing check and make sure top left top right top left top right so this is going to go on like that I need to have that nice and clean you'll remember if you don't remember we cut rabbets little Babette's in the end of our board so that when they come together like this they register and that holds that piece perfectly in place now we're going to register off the top of this so I got to make sure I keep this in proper order we have to on this one why well we can register off the bottom thank you that's right - that's right - we kept it full we're gonna cut it later so a good point so what they're on a drawer now mind you this is a side hug though it doesn't really apply but typically in drawer construction it's your bottoms that don't get messed with once once you've established the bottom and clean that off you never change the bottom again any fitting comes on the top so when it comes to this particular type of dovetail layout you always want a reference excuse me off of the bottom so I'm going to take this that's going just together like that I'm gonna put it like this put this in the vise prop it up so that the top of the board is flush with the top of the plane set that back now before I do and that's gonna sit on there just like that before I do anything we need to go in and we need to measure the thickness of our drawer saw kerf saw kerf includes the saw plate that's what this is and the set every tooth is bent and typically if the first tooth is bent to the left the next tooth is bent to the right left right left right so that when you cut into the wood you leave a groove or a curve a little bit wider than the blade so it will not Jam what we're going to do is measure that by setting it on a flat surface take my marking gauge this is the reason why if you place an order and I call and talk to you about marking gauges this has to be precise set my marking gauge on the saw I'm not resting it on the plane and on the saw just on the saw so all the weight is on my left thumb I like to hear it drop and touch so I know where it is lock that remove it now that blade is sticking up above the head of this tool by the thickness of one saw kerf which because I built these things is 24 thousands of an inch so I'm going to set this on here now I'm also using my dovetail marking knife so what we did this has been my dovetail martin knives have used for years we added to it you cut take it apart this is made out of metal if you take it apart there's a spot in there to keep the traditional blade but we now have what's called a sawtooth blade and that blade and set is exactly the same as the dovetail saw so when we do this by setting that blade in that kerf we don't have any slop alright so what we're going to do there's that registers the two pieces so it keeps them perfectly in line instead of me trying to feel it with my thumb I'm gonna set this first so that the head of the tool is resting on the bottom side excuse me of the drawer back this will go on here and I'm gonna slide it over until it touches now what its touching is the cutter Jake you're on the wrong side to see this you need to be over here I'm assuming as some people have never done this before okay head of the tool head bottom edge set that down the cutters up on the top I put the piece on I slide it over like that now when I remove that the distance difference right here is 1 SOT cut one saw kerf now I've done this for however many years I forgot and I still have to go through and do this so what I want to do right now and it's good thing that jig said do this one first because this is the confusing one we have to identify which of these pieces is a tail this is a tail when I'm gonna put a tee with a circle okay now if that's a tail this is a pin if that's a tail this is a pin then we're gonna call this a tail now if we go the other way if that's a tail pin tail pin we're gonna call this a tail you'll see why ok I just move my tail board this is the tail board so in case you don't know that your drawer sides are always going to be the piece should always be the piece that has the tails on it so we call that the tail board I've moved my tail board I've offset it to my right so I'm gonna go to the left side of each tail and Mark through the Cerf into the pinboard leaving a curve so we offset this to the right we go to the left so the left of this tail is over here so that doesn't matter the left side of this tail is going to be right here so reach down and pull through now I find it best that if you want to reach down that's why it's shaped like that so you can get right into that back corner and then drop it down because if you pick it through like that sometimes you'll pull pieces of wood off the face of the pin board I don't want to do that sometimes it'll happen regardless but I think you're better off if you drop this down so that it is parallel to the end meaning this parallel to the top of the pin board now this is a tail I just went to the left of that this is a pin this is a tail so the left of that is going to be right here now by the way just this week I saw a very in fact in a perfect set of dovetails cut by one super David Benson and I was thoroughly impressed soup Jake brought them in and showed them to me he said look what Michelle did and Dave put his name on it tail pin tail so we'll go up here now I'm doing this several times just you'll see why momentarily okay now we've got to do the other side so what I've got to do now the easiest way to do this is I'm going to balance that's not fairly large diameter cutter in fact on our marking gauges if you look we have several different size cutters how many in total for 3/8 7/16 half and 5/8 so that one's big enough you could use this one if you wanted to that's the 5/8 one but it's big enough that in this particularly awkward operation I can actually set it on there because I now want to move tailboard to my left and I need to register the cutter on the side of the tail bore the pin board so I can move this over and then moving it over it's going to go and over until it touches the head of the marking gauge which will offset it by one saw kerf to my left this is a little confusing don't worry I've been doing it for five years this particular method and it still confuses me but the results are worth it so since we move the tail board to the left we're gonna go to the right side of each tail so this is a tail so we'll go in this is actually where we're going to end up cutting off the bottom and this is a tail so we're gonna go to the right side of it we also reached our first 1,000 excellent so we're giving away at least $100 gift certificate alright this mask question comes from Dennis what cuties were listed on the sign in the mass yard that showed distance what cuties I don't that might be a type of eleuthera it doesn't make sense Oh cities well I know San Francisco was on there and Boston would have been on there because all the masked people have put there and crab crab apple Cove Maine I don't know if that was on there not but who else would have known Honolulu yeah cuz she just died to nurse Kelly she died young she's only early 70s um Frank was from where yeah Wow Indiana their boats I have customers from there I always asked Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Indiana yeah Chicago would have been on there and then clinger was from Toledo so that would have been on there I actually get to watching Mud Hens game last time we were in Ohio and radar was from Tombaugh Iowa okay so now what I'm gonna do is gonna remove that and you see what you got now if you're seeing this is the first time you should be saying oh cool because in the past we would have removed the waste taking a very sharp knife and traced around the tail in the end grain of the pinboard with a very very fine sharp knife and the problem was it is so hard to see and then you had to decide where should I be putting my saw in relation to that knife line to get this right and a mistake was deadly well we don't have to worry about that anymore because now we actually have the ability to set our saw right in the kerf and finish the cut now oh you know what I never put the gauge lines on there that was dumb of me so here's what I need to do I've got to come in and we're going to right here because we've reduced the thickness of the sides out here because of the rabbit I'm gonna come in and I'm going to measure the thickness of drawer side with my marking gauge Jake what's that set for why don't you set it off your pin of your drawer friend okay why don't you set this off of your drawer front why so that it's the same measurement as that well it's going to be you're not following me hold on hold on I didn't I haven't done the door front and then anything I have no nicer so what I'm gonna do here is I want that my marking is to represent just a slightly bit slightly less slightly slight bit less than the thickness of the drawer side but not out here right here at the joint so I'm gonna reference from the outside and I'm gonna set it so that the cutter is just a little bit less than the thickness I don't know if you can see that or not but it's probably 64th okay and you'll see why we do that now I forgot to do this so what I need to do with that setting I need to come in here and I need to scribe the two faces and the top edge you'll see why of the drawback so the new the ends no no inside top edge back side make this one nice and deep and then the only place this goes on the drawer front is on the inside now if you want to you want to you can actually come in here and you can just get rid of that fuzz you can put some reference lines on this that'll make it a little bit easier to follow but I'm gonna show you something when we start cutting why you really don't even have to do that so this is a big time-saver so I'm gonna use my gauge to come in here pardon it has a zero on it yeah I know I'm just think for a second what are we keeping we're keeping this piece so this is waste this is waste remember this is going to be the opposite so if you need take your drawer take your take your drawer side and set it up here and your waste is going to be opposite of the parts you're keeping X's represent the waste well I'm gonna keep them down here so this is going to be wasted and this is going to be wasted now when I come in to drop my reference lines I want to keep the references so they're these this has width this kerf has width so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna keep my line to the good side or the keeper side of that saw kerf if you want to get really technical anymore mash glad to hear I I mean I'm in the right age bracket to where he got the right age group out there what does Colonel Potter's horse's name Sophie I guess you only get stumped on some of the animals names yes horses should have been the one now Colonel Blake had two wives Mary had two had one wife but two different names season 1 season 2 okay let's let's go talk to keV well you get it I'm ready okay all right then come over here Jake I want to show you something else so we did we Sean Sean a happy friend of ours for a long time does our resin impregnating in case you don't know what that means our mallet heads are maple and they they dry it out they put it in a vacuum chamber and they replace the air that is naturally found in the wood with a resin they do it under a vacuum which really makes it heavy and hard I also have them he does some handles for us so I'll show ya just finished one for who died just finished this one for Jake Phillip boy Phillip Boyd and in Independence Missouri hands its independence Kansas sorrowful so this is a piece of maple that has been resin impregnated and when you buff it up it just turns into glass strong heavy well you can also add color so Sean got the color of the Purple Heart award and he did some resin impregnating so this is a piece of maple that has been purple infused resin impregnated and this is a dove desaad the first time we did this we sold two of these for $1,500 each so then the next time we did the online broadcast this is what we're doing right now we we decided to give this off this was drawn as one of the prizes and the fellow I wish I remembered his name sorry it's so nice of him maybe isn't he want to be recognized that way but anyway he was very generous he sent it back to me because we accidentally sent it to him and he said Rob I would like to I would like to donate that back as a fundraiser for the Purple Heart Project and I will start the bidding at $1,100 so this is a dovetail saw with purple infused resident pregnant now what's really nice about that unlike Purple Heart that color won't change and it'll be that purple until it's done okay so if anybody wants to up that bid let us know beautiful okay so Kevin was in class number of our back well he was in the class and we taught it in in Niagara Falls I'll let him tell you and we stayed in touch all this time and I asked him if he would come on tonight and just kind of give you his take on the Purple Heart project from his perspective he can tell you whatever he wants to tell you Kevin saw yours brother all right better yep all right so yeah so Rob and I reached out to each other gosh it's probably been about four and a half or maybe five years ago now I was inquiring about some tools from Rob at a veteran's discount or something and without hesitation Rob so we're you know I can do some two things for you but let me tell you about something else we just go on and so that's kind of how my introduction to the Purple Heart project with Rob and Jake and the rest of the group kinda started was that and you know as Rob said and everybody that's come on and said you know it's a it's a great trip for everyone involved it was really fun it was you know got good cool tools and everything out of it but it was just it's it's so much more than that and on the interview that Rob and I did gosh three years ago whenever it was he you know he asked me what were your expectations coming up here and what were you expecting to get out of this and and obviously got the standard answers of learning how to can cut it up tale or learning how does s4s a piece of wood or something those are all expectations you expect but what I didn't really realize that I was going to get out of it was camaraderie and friendship and just the overall sense of belonging in a group that was like-minded individuals that were really there for for one purpose and one purpose only and it had absolutely nothing to do with with woodworking that just happened to be the conduit that Rob chose to to get all the people together I think in my class there were there were 12 of us I think 11 of us were actually veterans or maybe wounded veterans there were obviously the six that were chosen but the other five were either veterans or wounded veterans as well so that made a big impact on my class and I can't speak the rest the classes either but it really just was a an eye-opening experience for me and for my family I did almost 20 years in the military service connected disabled that now got a couple of deployments Center my belt step foot on five of the seven continents thanks to the military and it's just you know a lot of the stuff that goes on behind the scenes that nobody ever understands or nobody wants to talk about those things go on in my head as well my roommate was a gentleman named Austin Reece Austin was a Navy guy decided that at some point in time as he was jumping out of an airplane he told his parachute that he didn't want it to work anymore and so he burned in the ground at guys I don't know more than about three miles an hour so Austin was say yeah I mean if it was paraplegic or quadriplegic and came remember it must've been pair of anyway Luther said he said hey will you will you Bruin with this guy I'd never met Luther either huh yeah it's not a big deal so soon as Austin shut up I started giving him a hard time about not being able to use this leg just you know one of those things that we just kind of stuck up and had a good friendship from the beginning so just bringing everything together and bringing all the people together was was really great and enjoyable you know I could sit here and say thank you to a bunch of different people but number one I don't know all the people that were involved in getting us there number two I wouldn't want to leave somebody out I will thank my family I know well think Rob and his family because of what they've done for me personally has been just just really good there's a lot of days that were dark and depressing and there were a lot of times that I wondered whether or not you know that it was worth continuing to go home not necessarily from a suicidal standpoint but if it was worth continuing just just doing what I was doing and Rob really kind of helped me open my eyes up to realize that there was there was more than just kind of what was going on in my head and the demons that I struggle with and said inside my own body I remember doing the class at one point in time one of the TAS scoop excuse me one of the tasks we're supposed to do is take this piece of rough wood and and surface it down and Rob said you know take it down there like three quarters or something like that and so I'm just deadly planing away it got the five and a half tuned up everything's good to go in and Rob walked body said you know you're down to about I don't know maybe a happy interest so right now I said yeah it just felt so good and calming to just continue to play and he's playing make all the same thing you want to we've got more wood and you know I probably can speak for quite a few of the other veterans at least from a mental standpoint that that putting a hand plane in your wood and watching something work in and come out of that throat that you've done and understand that you can control this it just gives you more of a sense of combining yourself with something else something big or something greater and it just it did a lot more for me than any kind of medication or any kind of therapy or anything like that ever did for me I wasn't necessarily in a bad place before I wasn't in a good place but I wasn't necessarily in a bad place but the prints hit the Rob and Jake and and I have struck up has been an really really instrumental to my well-being I don't want to say the same for Luther because Luther's just Luther me is what he is but I did tell Rob this morning itself that I wish that could find some bull peanuts here real quick so I could eat him in front of loser while he was on the computer but I couldn't find any boiled peanuts or not on short notice so probably a good thing probably so probably so anybody out there watching and wondering whether you're a veteran or whether you're a subscriber to Rob's channel or whether you're you know deciding whether or not you want to donate anything it takes a lot of money and and I know Rob always says it and he says we'll find the money somewhere and that's fine and I understand that and I appreciate Rob's willingness and stuff like that but just know that that whatever you decide to donate whether it be fifty cents or $50,000 whatever you decide to donate comes to help someone like me it goes to help someone like Danny Bell or Super Dave Benson or Kevin Burris or any of the other guys that Rob always mentions it helps us in ways that you have absolutely no idea what it does sure it gave me some tools sure it gave me a class where I can learn how to do something with those tools but it's so much more than that it's so much more than the physical tangible thing that you can get and you know I can't think Rob and his family enough or doing what I was doing you know a couple of people I would think my name is Jessica Redis without Jesse we probably I don't want to say we wouldn't have what we have now but without Jesse we wouldn't have what we have now from sure Rob would have found some other way to do something but because of Jesse we are where we are now I'm not gonna call anybody out by name except for George barber how we'll call George out my name I have the pleasure of meeting George and talking with George where George is a great guy if you ever find yourself in the Knoxville Tennessee area and they're real close to the wood craft on the monday through friday go go find George go tell him what he means to people like us because he is he's a big donor and a big supporter and he is very very special to rob his family as well I know there's a hundred thousand other people out there that I could thank my name but I really want like I said I don't want to get don't want to start leaving people off there's a lot of people out there that help rob there's a lot of people out there they call Tom Lee Nielsen's one hey Tom Lee yep no problem what do you need we'll do it so support the people that help support us so if your knots when you need something with crab go to wood craft and buy from crap yeah you can probably get on the internet cheaper you probably get it faster that matter possibly Nielsen tools I'm Lee Nielsen supports this program Wilson tools buy everything in Rob's shop it helps support the program I'm just telling you you have absolutely no idea what this does for us other than what you can see and what you hear from us that's all you can tell thanks keV that was fantastic appreciate you appreciate you putting that so very concisely and from the heart all right so sit back and enjoy and enjoy the rest of the show all right thanks yep I hope you guys I hope you guys enjoy getting to hear from these guys because I certainly do it's nice to be able to re get in touch with them again all right let's go in here and I want to make sure that this is standing plum which I already did so now what I want to show you is instead of having to struggle with a knife line all I have to do is set the saw in that kerf that was already started and if I have a light enough touch and more importantly if this if these cuts were made pardon me which one was it we did this one if these cuts were made perpendicular across the end then when you put the knife in there that's gonna continue plumb down the face of this one and that's why it's so critical one of the reasons why it's so critical that those cuts on the end of the tailboard be right on the money now you can also follow the paw of the pencil line if you want but I just like to have a really really light touch let that little saw curve guide that was actually gonna get cut off don't tide over power let's power it super light touch on the saw okay now I need my fret saw the green here and we'll remove to rethink it rethink it before you cut identify your waste you know you're removing the correct piece I'll do this one on the outside with a with a dovetail saw drop that down to the bottom come just off the bottom turn and try to use this fret saw to cut as close to that line as you can reduces the amount of work you have to do with a chisel okay so let's flip this over get the other side repeat the process I can do it a little bit quicker I don't have to explain it all the second time any questions for sure love them what fake company did Hawkeye and trapper convince Frank to invest it that's a good one oh shoot pioneer was it pioneer aviation pioneer aviation pioneer aviation that's I'm gonna go with that where are we top right so top left so here we are set this in place this one's a little bit easier because now I get to work on my right side there's my marking gauge this is a reason why if you're wondering why you need to why I'm always telling people to mark engages every time you have to reset that you have a chance for error set it once and if you got it right then they're all gonna be right if you got it wrong they're all gonna be screwed up but if that makes sense at least you're not having to switch back and forth referencing off of the bottom cutter in place now again we got to go in here and identify tail tail tail tail now this really isn't the tail that really isn't the tail but it has to be treated as such in order for me to think this through properly so we've offset to my left over the right side of each tail obviously there's nothing here this one will be right here now I'm playing this rather easily because that piece of wood is sticking up three inches above the Vice and it's not terribly sturdy so I don't want to cause it to bounce go to the right side whoops of the next one and said we call this a tail okay now on this one remember we're going to balance on the side got to keep the cutter down low so it's out of the way then we slide it over slide over till it touches the cutter head so now we've offset to my right so we're gonna go to the left side of each tail this is actually where it's going to be cut off so left side of each tail is this one and this fund okay now I'm not gonna bother because those cuts are deep enough so I'm just gonna simply remember this this one's gonna cut off anyway so I don't need to do it as a saw I'm just going to put my saw in there and make the cut to the bottom is Loretto tonight okay we made all these this one down yep okay yeah we'll go in here identify our waste this is waste this is waste waste waste identify on the front since that's the part that you tend to look at when your fret sawing drop our frets are down now remember when you use the fret saw we've twisted the blade in order to increase the capacity of this saw beyond the three inch depth of throat when you put the blade in you grab take a pair of pliers grab it right here give it a little twist right there we're at least a clamp same thing up here now when you make a horizontal cut the frame actually stays up like this because the blade has been twisted and you have no restriction so when you're putting it down this curfew don't want to mess up the sides of the curve you have to lay that over until that will now drop down get to the bottom come just off the bottom and turn it off Hey yeah finish processing this how about how our numbers work oh it is was that because of our snow there's it wasn't of course not okay so I'm gonna cut off these little these little pieces I'm gonna come in with my chisel and I'm gonna make a little trough we'll do both sides will I have my chisel in hand the trough starts in the waist and goes up to the line you gotta have a light touch you don't want to blow by it and then we're gonna cut this off now this is not a very deep cut so careful mom cut careful careful so that you don't end up blowing down into your both shins okay we'll cut the bottom off now I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna grab my 17 degree which is the ideal setup for dealing with softwood like this that's actually nice and clean so I don't have to worry about that one this now having a really interesting conversation today with a guy named David Briggs I'm gonna stop for a second and tell you about it I'll do some more of this first I'm gonna get my quarter inch this is my quarter inch 17 degree I need a backup block now when I mean when I'm working my 17 with my 17 degree chisels I make sure my backup block is something really soft I don't want to be slamming into a piece of MDF with this fragile edge because I'll lose my I'll lose the edge so I'm using a piece of very soft pine hi see ya this is bye oh it's a theatre yeah northern my feet are very soft cutting pine so what I'm gonna do a little bit excess there so I'm gonna cut back here get it started before I set the chisel right in the gauge line the reason why you want a good marking gauge there's no guessing where the chisel should be sitting because the gauge line holds it fast now before I split over I'll swoop around and do this side how are donations Megan we've had several Arden a lot of $100 donations so that's been really good how much are we giving away no so people can't give all the time pardon I just was thanking everyone for their donation absolutely now when I chop on these I'm I'm getting right in tight to the pin that's right here but as I started to chop I'm gonna angle the chisel forward so that I can follow the slope of the pin and it may eliminate necessity to go in and clean up any more if I get the slope right and it's usually just a bit of guests be surprised at how accurate you can get with that in time love working this would it's just so it is soft but it's so warm it's just dandy stuff speaking of wood as I was telling you about Briggs maple so back several years ago I decided as a nice gesture and a way to Canadian eyes our response to our customers that anybody placed an order we would include in that order a little bottle 40 mil bottle of maple syrup enough for one pancake unless you're Lutheran it lasted for about six months and the response we started doing it again just recently and the response was people loved it and some people will start going on there and telling you but it is the best tasting maple syrup it is the best tasting maple syrup it's dark so maple syrup that you typically buy is of the lighter variety so that it appeals to more people but if you're a real lover of wood maple in particular you're gonna find this is the best-tasting dark maple syrup you've ever had so we decided since so many people wanted that we would start offering it for sale and the response has been phenomenal Michael Cole - Microsoft name o co craft chugs it so look over here so this is our little display I made so here's maple so this is sugar maple also coned called hard maple this happens to be the bird's eye variety if you think about all the things that we get out of wood beautiful wood nice and white this has got some pretty good bird's eye but this one is a piece of triple a bird's eye that I got from Mel and if you look real close this is what it looks like in the rough and all these little swirly marks that is the Birdseye so when this is surfaced this will be polluted with Birds ice well that same tree I had a long conversation with with Dave today that same tree in the spring usually in early March the SAP starts to run up the tree now it runs in the outer layer so there's heartwood in the middle SAP wood on the outside and SAP wood is the part that's still alive and that's where the nutrients go up into to fuel the growth of the tree and on if you have cold nights with warm sunny days the SAP runs and the SAP of a maple tree a sugar maple tree has a much higher sugar content in the water or the SAP than than other species sugar maples can be anywhere from one to three maybe even as much as four percent sugar and as a kid we used to my father used to tap trees just for the fun of it and there's nothing like drinking it right out of the can the cold SAP in the morning it was absolutely delicious you can actually buy SAP well so they they this Briggs Briggs maple which is Canadian company in New Brunswick I'll just hit some of the highlights they've been making maple syrup for six generations David Briggs great-great-grandfather Arthur McNutt Briggs born in 1852 he started the process of mapping maple trees blowing the syrup and selling it to customers and founded the business has carried on ever since its change that's incorporated and it's gotten bigger and today they actually sell maple syrup tapping products as well but he has this dark syrup not all of a syrup is dark but this stuff is these are the actually these are all sold so now we're carrying the 250 ml bottle and the 500 ml bottle and it's just fantastic so go on our site they put a Luther we'll put a link in there and you can get some of this and I promise you that if you don't like maple syrup you'll love this and if you like maple syrup you'll absolutely go nuts over this stuff it is it is to live for Luther quit why he'd get insulted all right he has a friend who's getting cancer treatments okay so I'm gonna leave this as it is the last thing we'll do is cut that piece off but I'm gonna wait on that we're gonna go in here and process the half-blind next so this is my top right corner same idea it's gonna be a little bit different though because now we're dealing with a half-blind I just put that on there so I could more readily get that and flush with the top of the plane if there's any any vets watching that have been to our class our scholarship and they would like a bench the bench brigade has some extra benches we're doing this the stages so we can outfit you with a bench that will be shipped to you no cost and the folks that are doing it are absolutely thrilled to be able to do it so if I haven't got to you yet please reach out to me so now we've got to make sure that our you want to make sure when you do this that you don't have any debris up against that little shoulder because it's important that that shoulder rest nice and tight against the inside corner of that pin board and you'll also remember that I undercut these so you see how these saw cuts came down lower well the reason is this when I set this in place this is going to allow me to get mine my dovetail marking knife in behind this edge so when we when you see though when I remove this you'll see this little saw curves have actually started right out here if you don't do that they end up starting in about 1/32 and now when you cut from this side you have to try to line it up at the saw it'll be more apparent shortly let's see if we can get through this one before their shows over so referencing off the side cutter on the top put that piece in there make sure it slides freely slide over touch and then set that off now well I take my dovetail mark made this one's a little bit tricky because I don't want to cross my end lap you don't want saw kerfs on your end lap and this tail pinboard known as the drawer front has already been cut and planed to lengths I can't take anything off of this to clean it up that's reason why we set the marking gauge to be a little less than the thickness of the drawer side so when we assemble this this will be proud of those pins and that allow us to plane it down and when we get down to where we touched the pins front and back then we're done so got to be really careful here and it's it's tricky so I've offset to my left I'm going to go to the right we'll go ahead and mark each tail with a tee so I'm gonna go to the right side I'm reaching in there so that I'm getting down in and and I'm just gonna work it and I find it in this case it's a little easier if I use my thumb my right thumb to anchor it and I just pull that back and forth or watching to make sure I don't accidentally cut into that end lap now go over to this one any more vets on Meghan I haven't heard patty Tac Paul and we also received a generous donation of $500 thank you that's $200 gift certificates we'll give away okay I did all three so I'm gonna move this off and see if I got the line over far enough if I didn't want to put this back okay so I really don't like this see I've stopped right here I've stopped way up here and wow this one is way way up here well that just means I when I start sawing from this side I really don't have a whole lot but you will notice that I'm all the way through out here what's gonna make it a lot easier but because that is not as far over as I want I'm gonna put this back on got to be really careful to make sure you do this right put that back in there and you just have to one of the advantages of wearing these these magnifiers is you can see even closer do this like this we're we're about to get some new dovetail mark add of the blades that are gonna be 22 TPI and I think it might just work in situations like this a little bit better funny it looks like I'm closer who I'm as close as I want to get on those I'm gonna stop there that's close enough okay so on this one we're gonna rest a cutter on the side I'm gonna move that all the way over wasn't down far enough move it all the way over until it touches so now we went to the my right we offset to my right we're gonna go to the left side of each tail this would be the left side remember any questions let us have them did I win the mass challenge for I guess gone quiet on that front okay so we're we're right to here on this one right to there so that's good okay so I'm gonna set this aside now when we do a half-blind you got to turn this around I also have to lift it up a little bit higher you'll see why I want that standing plumb lock it in place I'm gonna go in here and I'm gonna carry these lines down first thing I want to do is just get rid of this what's the matter with Jake nothing speak loud okay so let's make sure we understand what we're doing here this is waste waste waste my transfer it down here waste waste and waste now I'm gonna keep my line on the good side of the curve reason is as you cut down the board if you have your line in the middle of the curve you're gonna cut it off and you lose your reference but if you stay on the side of the kerf that you're keeping meaning I make my saw cut down here if this line is on this side of the curve I can follow it by cutting all the way down if I put it in the middle I'm gonna cut through it okay this requires a really really light touch so and again this is this is what I was telling you about if if I had not been able to get this saw kerf coming all the way down to here I'd be sitting here trying to line up because the kerf mark I would have made excuse me excuse me excuse me this is waste anyway my kerf mark I would have made no this is not working too well but my kerf mark would have been in here and I'd be over here trying to make sure that that saw started and continued in there but because it's all the way down the front I can now put the saw right in that kerf tip it forward so that it follows that line perfectly now and you're doing this you got you got to watch two things you got to watch the top line here and you got to watch the bottom line here I don't want to cut below I especially don't want to cut below here because that's gonna show that's gonna be on your end lap so set that in really like that you gotta let that little curve take over it hard to watch two things at once howdy BJ address Frank the right worst time left well he was drunk and he says how you die says how you doing how's it going ferret face and he fell down the front of him holding on to his legs and two of them were laughing and hot lips was flabbergasted where's mash stand for Mobile Army surgical hospital anybody have a hard question yeah but what's the name of radars raising their does all right we've only got well we just keep going let's I'm gonna go ahead and process this one now very what you're not done you want me to do this one too no want you to go back and finish that one what are you talking about Oh Jake thank you you little salesman I've trained you so well okay so big secret about to be revealed if I could find it where's my car fixed in Jake did you sell that too yeah I'll keep looking it's not there but there is one right there where in front your face I'm looking right two white tube so here's this this this will take the rest of the day to explain got to get the oil off of this oh we have some seconds well not anymore yeah we do dove tails that's over into mark and that's another oh don't tell sec yeah yeah marks on he said he was going to be it's the name of radars imaginary friend in school whoa ah you got me on that one you make that up no that's from Edie Dupree oh you got me oh oh I'll turn the crown over to you okay so mark hello mark see you here Monday morning brother we got lots of work to do marks but if it wasn't for mark we would never be ready for our classes in the summer Mark's doing all the construction for us okay so here's the problem you just witnessed that we were only able to saw on an angle like this that means we were able to get this cut started and take it from this line to that line which a sense of these the other half undone so if you were to look down here Jake if you're look down here this is what we need to remove right and we were only able to do this cutting on the corner so traditionally what we would do is now we'd hog out all this material with the chisel and we would go in and we would carefully carve away to finish right down to that that back wall and then along here on the base of the socket a lot of work a lot of time my saw kerf is 24 thousands of an inch our tool called a kerf x10 is twenty-five thousandths of an inch flattened off nuts nut sharpen to a point but actually flat and what that's going to allow us to do using a mallet is we're gonna be able to go in here like this and push that down in there and then tap it and then the process of doing that what her is it will actually finish the cut by forcing those fibers it's pretty amazing how it works now when I do an outside half pin I'll do it in three or four passes I'm looking carefully to make sure I'm going down to the line and then I'll go right to the back so I'm right at the gauge line now on the outside ones I'm careful to do it in three or four steps a little bit at a time on these interior ones I'll do it two steps because there's lots of wood supporting and you don't have to worry about causing a split and the very action of this tool means you doesn't cause the split anyway only time I've ever had a problem is if the grain right here at the edge was running sharply off to the side like that and that would almost always end up in the split and if you do have a situation like that it's best to run a clamp right here at the base while you're doing this and everything should be fine okay let's come this way I like to force it in by hand first before I start pounding on it to make sure it's where I want it to be radars imaginary friend and no uncle head I love the time he was writing his mother a letter and he said um I'm writing this slowly because I know you don't read very fast answers Shirley Shirley Wow no I make it a point to look that one up what was the name of the general that was also brought back a spotter Colonel Steele threes not all in a row a little crazy okay so look at that clothes Jake so they see nice and clean that is this is without a doubt now hey Fred taught me this principle and by the way this is a second if you want to buy it and the reasons the second is because when I was sanding them I sanded through the Canada so instead of what are these how much of these going 20 so instead of hot being 120 dollars this is only a hundred you want to speak for it speak for it and now uh I'll even sign the box and say he screwed up by Rob alright so anyway Ted hey Fred taught me that and what he would do was use a scraper blade but you can't always get a scraper blade the same size as what I had the rebut I liked about this is with a 24th hour and this being 25 it just leaves those sidewalls nice and clean and there's no remnant of that little shelf at little angled shelf that is left from the sauce stopping when you're cutting from mark and gauge line to mark and gauge line if you follow me on that now I'm gonna go ahead and process this so before I take that out what I need to do is decide which chisel I'm gonna use I'll use this one flip it over in the backside if we got a sharpie somewhere I know I don't have one in there have we sold any t-shirts today anybody getting t-shirts there's a red one right there so I just drew that line so I know how far down I can chop because when I do this I want to get right to the grate to that end lap it'll make it so much easier when it comes time to cleaning out that material so working on the X I'm gonna step in here just a little bit I'm gonna start chop what's going on here well that's okay I'm gonna start chopping but I'm gonna stop at about 2/3 to depths I'm not gonna go right to the line yet and I'll keep chopping now that I'm in here meaning I'm a proxy once you get 1/3 if you divide this in thirds once I get in by 1/3 then I start going all the way so I eventually end up right here at the bottom the problem is this if you try to go all the way initially the fibers break out ahead of the chisel the chisel point and you'll end up making a mess and cutting down below your gaze line now that's not cutting nice and clean so I need to put a quick edge on that let's do that I'm using the coarse stone in this case Jake's 500 grit now when you're doing these little narrow chisels it's best to just do a little resort forward and back strokes if you do circles like you're doing a larger just what'll happen is you'll find that it's very easy to skew it instead of having a square edge you'll end up having a skewed now I don't want to take off my line just watch the time for me I've got to put this back on so I'm right here at the baseline and then I'm right here at the back side of the board double-check that that's where I want to be so with each successive chop I'm gonna go a little deeper so that by the time I get to the baseline I'll be full depths so now I'm sitting in there when you're dealing with softwood like this this pine I just have to be really careful cuz it wouldn't take much to blow right through and end up coming out through your end lap reason why I like to use that small mouth on jobs like this and by taking these little tiny bites those wood that material just turns into it just crumbles so it's a lot easier to deal with this is an odd piece of wood Jake one well it keeps it keeps crumbling and breaking off and the chisel sliding forward even with that 17 degree how many more times kind of hit that light if I got time to clean these sockets no well that's let's what are we what time is it is it really okay we got to do our draw but let me just I just want to open up one of these so that you can see it now when it comes to doing this if you just take little pieces it takes a little bit a few more chops but your chisel doesn't get stuck and you don't risk blowing off that end lap stay away from the outside perimeter suppose not to mark it up anything any damage you do to that is going to show when you assemble your joint now I'm using my little half blind sizzle we now make these right Jake and this is going to allow me to get in there and cut right into the corner one chisel does both corners I'll just I'll just finish this one you know I'll get you I'll get have Jake come in and show you the the side of the tail we're the perfect-10 left is so nice and clean now you might want to have another backer board on there just so you can put something that's long yep this is just long enough now I just have to get into this corner I'll do this one first if I'm position for it Rick what are you typing so that's okay so I'll get out of here and I'll let Jake show you the bottom of socket looks terrible but it doesn't matter because it's sitting inside the joint it's not an effective glue service but I wonder I wanted you to see how nice and clean it left those sidewalls great yeah if I'm cutting devta 1/2 blinds I would not want to do them without those two tools anybody speak for that that kerbecs 10-second yet okay all right let's let's do our draw seconds okay how many draws or how many we doing to so we're gonna draw for $200 gift certificates don't forget your maple syrup you'll be sweeter for it oh Father's Day what a great idea make them bed megohm pancakes or french toast for breakfast with that on it you become his favorite daughter or son what's up Father's Day next Sunday all right already any final questions does it make a difference which oil you use on your tools what do you like about the Camellia or the jojoba well the Camellia is food safe it's edible so when you're spraying it or working on it you're not having to write you're not using a petrochemical on your skin so I'd much rather use that than any other oil we haven't we do work with it a lot or a lot of exposure to it all right we're ready so we're only doing two yeah all right Jake first one is Savio Cusco Italy Wow Salvio Savio Savio congratulations second John seriosuly New York hey John congratulations this episode has been brought to you by yellow cedar from BC gorgeous stuff someone actually recommended that you package whatever they know we'll do that okay thanks to Jake behind the camera Megan on this side Frick right there Rex back there Ken Luther Super Dave for gettin anybody yeah it wasn't on we're trying yeah we'll pull that back just a little bit less than Super Dave artists get on to him please next Saturday is our question-and-answer always like that never know what to expect the email will go out midweek and to give a chance to put your question in don't forget to subscribe hit the notification bell so we released two videos and you'll notice that their whole new look Luther's been working his butt off on that new thumbnails the whole bit trying to up our game with our YouTube channel so like subscribe share it with anybody that you think might be interested in this and we will see here next Saturday night six o'clock eastern have a good week happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there see you soon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 10,096
Rating: 4.9708738 out of 5
Keywords: live with rob cosman, live with rob cosman beddesk, live episode with Rob cosman, rob cosman, rob cosman dovetail, rob cosman live, dovetails rob cosman, hand cut dovetails, woodworking, woodworking projects
Id: qv6xNf6WTQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 15sec (6675 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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