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[Music] [Music] the intelligent money british gt championship rolls into belgium and the magnificent spa franchise circuit for round number four of the 2021 season uh the sun is shining for now although there are grey scout uh grey clouds around and maybe a hint of rain forecast for the very near future is going to be a fascinating two hours of racing here as we move now into the halfway point of what is becoming immediately a thrilling 2021 campaign the track looks absolutely splendid the grid is starting to form now the atmosphere starting to build around this place that really does still capture that that same magic that people have spoken about for decades here at spa we really missed this place in 2020 when uh for fairly obvious reasons we weren't able to make it over here great to be back though in 2021 and let's hope that this once again continues to be a regular feature on the calendar qualifying yesterday has given us quite a few questions in fact there were quite a few questions even before we got to qualifying with drivers not able to get here accidents in practice sessions that have unfortunately counted a few cars out of the running but what we do have is a really competitive grid that i think is going to provide us with a brilliant uh couple of hours of entertainment here this afternoon it's a lamborghini on pole position the farwell motor sport number 63 and leo chitsky that he shares with dennis lind they were pretty unstoppable yesterday and uh leo machitsuki will be taking the start of the race from pole position uh his co-driver dennis linen is down on the grid though and with him is bryn lucas yeah dennis didn't hear me right now we saw yesterday just how happy leo was in the car when he came out in qualifying dennis seeing what your teammate did yesterday and qualifying and then you having to go out straight after the pressure was ready on but you're sitting on pole here and after the last round you really want to win obviously yeah i think it's it's pretty obvious we want to win soon uh leo did an amazing job in qualifying but he has been quite strong here during all practices so we were we were in good form for qualifying and and he just pulled it off and get a good job now no success penalty for you too which means you can really just get up the road yeah that's the plan i mean we made a plan with leo is that he just get out ahead and make a good gap and then we just cruise home basically is there any nervousness from leo about that first corner getting through it uh we had a small chat but no not really he's done many race starts he's been on international grits for many times so he's a very experienced starter so i'm sure he'll be doing just fine best of luck thank you thank you dennis leighton one of the stars of the show as always we didn't get to see him at donington no two weeks ago those of you who tuned in for our most recent round will know that it was eventful and uh unfortunately leo machitsu was out at the very first corner after contact with uh mike ligo who had himself been tipped into a spin let's hope they don't have a repeat of that here today alongside them on the front row are well is one of our joint championship leaders andrew howard with johnny adam shares the points lead after two podiums so far this year with the alma berman and ian loggie who have had unsurprisingly very similar results uh however not with andrew howard is johnny adam unfortunately johnny has not been able to travel over he's stuck back in the uk observing covert 19 protocols and so with him instead is ross gum who andrew has competed with on a number of occasions in the past and uh that car is still quick but of course for howard joint points leader with that car there the number six ram racing mercedes which starts third so we've got all of the big hitters really in the gt3 championship right at the pointy end this is another one of those adam ballen and sandy mitchell they start fourth for barwell motorsport and they are third in the championship is all remarkably tight at the front just 15 points covering the top four teams in the championship in gt4 it's been all about century motorsport though will burns uh dominating the championship with his teammate gus burton and willis down there with brim yeah will we're just introducing you saying dominating the championship it has been a huge story with this car hasn't it so so strong yeah well all the guys at century motorsports doing a fantastic job um we probably necessarily haven't got the best equipment but we just got a good driver pairing so we're just trying to stay out of trouble and just get along to the end of the race obviously at donnington there was a lot of accidents in that so i just stayed out of trouble and that's how we got that result so we got pole position now which is obviously an awesome result we got a bit of a big time penalty to try and make up so i'm going to keep my head down and go for it yeah what is the huge plan between you and gus is it a case of just get your head down get going up the track as fast as you can and then try and make up that 20 seconds is that all you can do yeah that's all i could do really i just try to keep on keep all the momentum sorry i got the radio going on inside here yeah keep the momentum and just try and pull the gap and hopefully there's no safety cars we saw a bit of a smash with your teammate not you into your teammate but your teammate yesterday going into the into the barriers there that's the other car your number nine car chris and andrew how was that car fairing at the moment do you know uh yeah it was all fine though the guys did a good job preparing it it was a bit of a hefty impact but they qualified well so they well they had a good qualifying result and it all seems good so i think they'll be um fighting from the wherever they are making their way up to the front great stuff we can't wait to see what happens it's always exciting gt4 and gt3 here at spa yeah good luck as cross uh yes it is spar is always one of the highlights of the season but century road sport much as i agree that will burns and gus burton have been doing a brilliant job so to have chris sulkeld and andre gordon colbrook in the sister car i can't agree with the fact that they don't have the strongest car because that bmw has been almost impossible to beat this year and they're looking to try and continue that form again here today back to the gt3 grid meanwhile fifth on the grid we've got balf motorsport and then this car sixth it's been another one of those weird weekends really where michael i go and phil keane for wpi motorsport just haven't really been at the races their sixth isn't bad but there are after all only the uh eight uh gt3 cars entered so we're phil keane they're giving some very last minute advice to mike ligo uh phil is is a very relaxed character at the best of times and he needs to try and instill some of that uh relaxed nature now into uh michael who has uh touched upon earlier on didn't make it round term one at donington last time out either in the gt4 championship uh century motorboat as i said are leading by quite some way with a one two in the championship we haven't necessarily seen the best of the rocket rjn mclarens though uh alan valance is at the wheel of one of them and bryn's got him now he's sort of at the wheel he's standing outside of the car at the moment alan now you've not had a great start to the season that with that uh that dnf in the last round and the eight in the previous round there so what are you hoping for this weekend i think we have a good starting position this time our race pace is looking good so i really hope that we can finish on the podium this time we really we really need a good result i think we deserve it now and the team deserves it so really hoping that all worked well so podium's the ambition we'll keep an eye on it good luck thanks yeah alan valentine one of the mclaren driver development program members really looking to try and turn their season around and the mclarens do look good in gz4 this weekend uh so andy mckeown then up here in the comms box we've met birthday boy brynn lucas who is uh celebrating his birthday at the uh the best place possible i think it's my frankenstein alongside me in the box though david addison and david uh a lot has happened since you last joined with one of these races at brands hatch at the season opener and i think a lot's gonna happen over the next two hours as well it's a circuit that always produces drama it is a weekend that has produced drama from the moment the entry list was first revealed as you've been saying with johnny adams travails we've had cars in the walls in the walls in the pits but what we do have is an ultra competitive grid at one of the best circuits in the world with the best beer on tap and the most pickle of weather conditions which always has a part to play and if you walk up and down the pit lane at the moment there are lots of team managers who when you say and what's the weather going to do they all get nervous and they all get edgy because they are desperate to get through this without yet another downpour and i'm not convinced that they will no there is quite a chance of rain at around one o'clock local time it is quarter to one now and then there's an even higher chance from two o'clock onwards so if we do get rain midway through the race um that will turn the race on his head because we have this mandatory pit stop window where everyone has to come in and make your driver changes and tire changes and whatnot for gt3 uh that is uh we're from 62 minutes into the race from gt4 is just before the one hour mark uh but of course if the weather changes and you look at that sky and you think would you like it that could happen that could very well happen uh that will require an extra pit stop and then there are a whole other set of regulations for the teams to get their head around what it boils down to though david is are you brave enough are you gonna gamble on staying out for an extra 10 minutes on slicks when it starts raining let's wait and see because part of the answer to that is where you are in the traffic where you are in the in the classification where your big rivals are and indeed where your pit stop is relative to the weather if you can get the rain to come round about the r mark so it coincides with your pit stop that makes life a lot easier but it's where you've got to think about an extra stop then it gets really difficult indeed leo machitsuki starts on pole position he knows this place like the back of his hand if he can keep out of trouble at turn one they are in a really confident mood down at barwell and they need to be because this car's got to be recycled as the number one for 24 hours of racing the testing on tuesday afternoon the last thing lemma's team now needs is any dramas whatsoever but leo machitsuki versus andrew howard versus ian loggie versus adam balon in the opening stint it's going to be good because they are quick it's wrong to call the mans in a sense but they are quick bronze grady drivers yes absolutely here is the grid then as we've said it's barbara motorsport on pole position leo machitsuki starts with andrew howard joint championship leader alongside him row number two then is where we find ram racing and ian loggie in the number six mercedes that will hand over to alma berman later his third on the grid adam ballen who had a crash here two years ago in the race hoping not to repeat that from four stuart proctor both of the proctors qualified well yesterday uh and uh stuart probably running into the back of adam ballon i think they've got the wpi card for company started by michael i go mia flew it had a spin in qualifying would have start seventh and richard neary will get into that story in more depth later but they come from the back of the gt3 gt3 grid again will burns on pole for century motor sporting gt4 john ferguson's toyota though has looked very very pacey all weekend their second on the gt4 grid silverstone winner matt topham is third for newbridge motorsport and then it's the mclaren of ashley marshall one of the standout performances from qualifying yesterday fourth on the gt4 field that is michael bennie and will moore they had an electrical issue a battery related issue in morning warm-up hopefully they've got that sorted in the academy mustang chris salkel lower down than you'd expect in the number nine century bmw moved up to a silver graded driver this weekend alongside him harry hayek for team rocket rjn and then at the back richard williams in the stellar motorsport audi and mark sansom in the assetto motorsport geneta g56 there are success penalties to be added on of course for those that were on their respective class podiums last time so gt3 winners last time team ava racing have 20 extra seconds to serve ram racing z and log in yelmer bourbon 15 and andrew howard 10 extra seconds in gt4 the 57 bmw on pole has 20 extra seconds to serve chris salkel and andrew colbert 15 seconds for them i mentioned the neres as well eighth on the grid for the number eight car well they came from tenth to win last time at donington park they have had an eventful weekend sam neary crashed in free practice one uh coming out of lake com so the left-hand side of that green mercedes is rather second hand then in qualifying richard neary qualified second in his portion of the session sam neary got in had one lap disallowed a quick lap at that as well disallowed four track limits and then david had this really old moment going into last source where there was a failure uh at the front of the car and off went sam no lap time set no and we were a bit confused at the time thinking why has it suddenly gone that direction but it was this wishbone that had failed pitched the car into a spin and he couldn't continue in the session we know that the nearing mercedes there it is the green car going through is a bit like rasputin whatever you do to it it always seems to bounce back you can't quite kill it off which is great and it's been a great showcase for sam neary's ability but they drive it hard and this let's face it is a two-hour sprint there's no think about a pace early on all the ants have to be absolutely flat out then all the pro drivers in stint two have to be absolutely flat out there are going to be a lot of cars fighting curbs and a bit of self-preservation would not be a bad thing in this race yes and then you factor in the chance of safety cars the chance of rain perhaps it's going to keep us on our toes this race i think there's your gt4 front row then the 57 bmw twice winners already this year uh but the last time they carried a 20-second success penalty at silverstone they didn't make the podium in fairness even over a three-hour race that toyota alongside one of the downsides in a sense to new drivers in that car is educating them into what you do in gt rating john ferguson is the start driver that's the way the regulation is written every race is so different for him from a 10 lap formula ford 1600 blast so don't worry about leading don't worry about battling on the first few laps drive your race do your lap times we'll worry about the bigger picture in the end and john's learning that all the time let's see what happens then for round number four of the intelligent money british gt championship through the chicane they come liama chitsky on pole andrew howard alongside him who really they both just want a clean start to this race they face the start finish line then the red lights will go out and we will be racing now for two hours in the belgian countryside some there are already near into the back of ian loggie richard neary spins in front of the gt4s he's collected again there is an enormous shunt me a fluid is involved in it so unfortunately is matt topham and it has all gone wrong right from the get-go loggy is wounded too and that will have unfortunately taken a number of very quick capable cars out of contention the rocket rjn number three car is out with damage as well that's michael bennie and michael igo looked like he was slow through the first corner too that is richard neary's car map top and reversing out of the way completely unnecessary that quite frankly but with a congested start everyone wants to be on the inside into last source you do often get early incidents it's a two-hour race there is no excuse is there for driving standards like that away from the line it is a two-hour race if somebody is slower ahead of you it's a formula one with circuit it's not a narrow autumn park brown's hatch type circuit there's plenty of room there's plenty of damaged cars now we've lost very definitely the nearing mercedes there is debris all over the road we've got the safety car as you see it would not be a surprise if the cars now came through the pit lane while the circuit is cleared uh but after donington peter daley said you know there isn't a driving standards issue it was just an accident at turn one these things happen we haven't even got to the start line wheels are ripped off cars there are damaged cars there's bits of car all over the road there are at least three involved in that there's the niri mercedes we've seen they are jm mclaren park there's another mclaren involved in that is it the near fluid car i think that was caught up in it and that's uh the darren turner and topham uh that's the martyr we've seen trying to reverse away so the safety car is called even before we get to term three and that is one of your joint championship leaders ian loggie with quite a lot of left rear damage that car's not going much further either he might at least be able to limit back to the pit and if they can get it back out later there are points to be scored because there aren't going to be that many gt3 cars left wow so but we didn't see that coming that is fair to say it must be said uh we will i'm sure in good time have a look at what happened exactly but it was initially contact between the two mercedes of richard neary and ian logging that seemed to triggered and near his car got a long way into the air i think it's his right rear wheel isn't it that had made it almost well a lot further to last source than the rest of the car did and you can see there what david was talking about the debris on the road is not going to be safe for the field to drive through the safety car is a pit in so i think you'll find in a moment as the cars come through here's the rather badly delayed michael i go but the field will be directed towards pitt in uh and they'll come through the hit road which is though that is exactly what is happening so excellent decision by the race officials so they will do that uh as the end of lap number one and then we'll try and piece together uh exactly what happened but we know that people are out of the cars but they're well we talk about the fact that that mercedes has been well used wheels ripped off suspension smashed as what you would say i don't know what to say because a two-hour race to have an accident like that even before they got to the first corner where the cars were accelerating somebody presumably was on their toes and somebody ahead wasn't but we need to have another look at that and try and piece together exactly how you can have so much damage in a straight line yes indeed uh of course after their win at domington the nearest were back into championship contention joint third in the points that is not gonna be the case now uh this is uh good news i guess for some of those that survive so you can see the order then it's machitsuki that leads uh andrew howard his second ship proctor is third uh with will burns in a gt4 bmw four but that's because the half of the uh gt3 field were delayed and a couple of them taken out altogether in that start line shunt so uh burns is fourth with igo in fifth the next gt3 car let's try and dissect all of this then and see what on earth happens so keep an eye to the pink mercedes second row and the green mercedes row four somehow these two come together the lights go out oh and richard neary was gone a long time before the rest of the field that's where unfortunately the number three mclaren got some damage let's see the lights go out in fairness i don't think he jumps it i think he's just a lot more on his toes than the rest it's hard to gauge i mean the officials will have a look because they'll have other cameras for that i mean yes it was a committed determined start but dare i say that gap was always going to close he went for a gap that was always going to narrow he could have gone left round the outside that might have done some difference but you know spur of the moment heat at the moment all that there's the mclaren number three after it's damaged now this is how the new bridge motorsport car saw it there's an airborne mercedes up the road and you've got a feel haven't you for uh michael bennier because he had nowhere to go in all of that and bob neville's already lost one car this weekend that was another one with lots of damage look back there's mercedes and others we just know where to go if you're on the outside line you were lucky and if richard nearly would have gone that way it would have been very different but he went for the middle but that that gap was always going to close secondary contact there between uh the gt4 mclaren which got into the side of argo who i think then hits um the number one lamborghini's that's the onboard from igo he's quite slow away and then as he goes through la sauce he's gonna get an elbow out of the way i think uh by a gt4 mclaren wait for it wait for it there it is and that knocks him over into the number one car as well of adam and i mean uh it was all kicking off there well and truly [Music] just double checking the documentation about this event it definitely says on my grid sheet 120 minutes it's definitely meant to be a two-hour race i know everybody wants to try and get the best position they can but um with a two-hour race and knowing how gt3 cars don't like contact there's going to be quite a lot to discuss i think uh in the stewards room during never mind after this race bear in mind and i'm not offering this as an excuse for engineering by any means but the nearest one at donington because of richard neary's lightning start he went from tenth to second in the first corner now that was looking full because he went the right way when i go machitsuki came together but in his mind he's thinking right i've done it once i can do it again he went from tenth to third in his stint at silverstone as well so when you do that a couple of times and it works you kind of feel like god then don't you think oh i can do that every time but eventually your look runs out i guess i'm sure i'll have another look at it but it's it still strikes me that the gap was always going to diminish but you know richard thought it was worth a gamble it wasn't and he has come off badly not necessarily the worst because you could argue that uh the joint championship leaders ian loggy and elmer berman have come off really worse because they are effectively out of the race they've made it as far as the pit lane but there it is staying while work is done on the car so we remain with the pit lane as part of the racetrack so that the cars don't have to go over the debris system used here before in other races where we had a lamborghini super trofeo race for example one year with a start line accident and uh the cars come through the pit lane so it's a very sensible way of doing it to keep the race going tell you who was lucky out of all that john ferguson in the toyota because the accident was kind of encroaching his way he had to just be a bit evasive on the outside so that brings us effectively now down to 14 cars and taking a little bit of the sting out because two of the quick gt3 mercedes are no more and yeah it's a remarkable way to start a two-hour race it really really is leo matrix then is the race leader and uh let's keep an eye to how long it's going to take to clear all this up one of the cars in fact both of the cars are now on uh flatbeds so it's heading towards uh a restart but uh the cars for the moment are on the flatbed truck so they will be clear of the circuit the sweeping has almost been done uh and so shouldn't take too long to get the track clear and then we can be back in business um it might be that we have a a full safety car lap by which i mean over the start and finish line at a proper pace just to get tires up to temperature but uh number 15 the toyota supra running in gt four in the hands of john ferguson target up the road is will burns bmw so this takes us almost to the end of the first 10 minutes i'm intrigued to see how much damage michael i go picked up in all of that because he needs to fight back on the restart doesn't he yes it was the right front corner that took a whack but then i think the left side got into ballon as well not his fault but uh yeah that's the other luckiest man at spa i think uh matt topham because i thought at first he was involved in it his car was parked up directly behind me flew it's mclaren but from his on-board we saw earlier he never did make contact with anyone that i saw uh so he had lightning quick reactions there to hit the brakes pick the right line and uh somehow avoid driving into the accident because that's always the risk for the gt4s is that if something does go wrong for the gt3s ahead of them they're driving into whatever has occurred up the road and that's why peter daley does like them to where possible leave a bit of a gap to the gt3s and i i did notice that wasn't really what happened at the start of this race right richard neary unfortunately is out of the race his son sam i'm sure was a little concerned to see that for him it wasn't ideal sam we can't speak to your dad but tell us from your point of view what happened there yeah it's it's first of all it's a massive shame for the whole team you know they got the car back out after madison and uh you know it's just really not what we wanted to see from what i've seen from the replays it looks like uh rich got a really good start and caught the lights really well a few people at the front didn't so he went to the middle and uh when come up the middle it looked like uh ian just pulled out maybe didn't see rich and pulled out and that's when rich hit his uh his right uh right uh real left corner i think uh we sent him up into the air uh which is just a massive shame now we look at these races we saw it last time out as well we look at these races they're they're endurance races they're sort of two hours long it's so important that you make it around the first corner and get out on track so for you guys how do you assess and how do you move forward from here we're showing the replay right now by the way but how do you move on uh i think we carry on doing what we're doing uh donington it worked and here it would have worked you know he was in the middle he got a great start he was up already three places before in the first corner uh but it just looks like it's an unfortunate incident uh you know we need to look at it into it a little bit deeper uh but it's just one of those things i don't think rich needs to change anything i think he's doing on fire this season and uh that's another really good start from him uh it's just a shame uh what's happened but now we'll we'll look into it further and uh see what we can do all right thanks very much then thank you the incident is going to be looked at after the race by the stewards they've got a lot of angles and certainly one of them that forward-facing shot showed how much ian logging moved to try and find the gap between the front row cars there you could see why the gap uh suddenly shrunk on richard neary but to an extent you kind of expect that don't you everybody's going for the same bit of time to a degree if you'd have pulled it off you'd have been a hero yeah and we've been talking about it for years but um he didn't unfortunately you're right you have to expect that uh there's gonna be a bit of congestion up the road from you but uh anyway uh the end result is that niri is out the uh rocket rj and gt3 mclaren is out michael maddiah in the gt4 rocket mclaren is out rocket uh team rocket rjn came here with four cars and um unfortunately only two of them running now we lost one before the read the uh uh practice sessions even started when uh the number uh two car crashed in uh testing on friday and uh so that car was out before we even got going uh ian loki's in the pits as well by the way david and the safety car will be in as well this time so it'll be joining in logging in the pits we will go back to racing so we've had that sort of 12-minute hiatus really after the start line accident um so now we can start the race proper in a sense um so neary so far um earlier but we almost got going properly and we will be back in business this time so leo machitsuki leads the way andrew howard runs second stuart proctor third will burns fourth but all eyes on the red lamborghini i suspect now michael i go in fifth position and let's see what he can do to get himself back into that gt3 mix we know that michael is a rapid driver but he will be very brackets filled bracket's keen to get up through the order as quickly as he can two puns in two sentences david you're on fire today uh the first job for igor is to clear that 57 gt4 card the trouble is he's not allowed to do so before the start finish line and the gt4 car will not accelerate up to speed as quickly as the gt3s around it so will burns i'm sure enjoying being in fourth place outright at the moment uh but he's gonna have to watch his mirrors immediately upon restarting the race uh because that uh red lamborghini as you said will be wanting to get through at the first uh possible opportunity also a shout out to the uh ashley marshall driven mclaren that is second in gt4 we said they had a standout qualifying effort second place for all of the confusion for them also keep an eye to adam ballen he's stuck down in eighth place overall number one lamborghini and matt topham for 27 which we think is on damage but was seriously delayed in all of that uh schmozzle at the start right so the lights will be out yes bang on cube and we will go racing again so leo machitsuki leads andrew howard stuart props to third will burns he's going to get gobbled up with audrey deference by the michael i go lamborghini behind him and uh behind michael i go you've got actual ferguson's mclaren then uh adam balon one to watch there'll be a few sides of relief i suppose in that car as well as in number 18 lamborghini that at least they avoided the traffic and the carnage and they can now uh do battle there's another incident involving the number 15 toyota that is under investigation okay come back to you on that but we're about to go racing we are indeed into the pit lane comes the safety car out of the chicane goes leo machitsuki and that is a good restart for the balwa motorsport lamborghini he's already gapped andrew howard and stuart proctor who will battle for second over at a cement duster that's been laid down on the start finish line mike ligo can now pass will burns for position for fourth place there and uh adam allen trying to do the same now let's keep an eye then on the red lamborghini in fourth place we're on board with it now mike ligo we hope has not sustained any damage he'll have had a bit of a chance during that safety car period just to feel the car out weave around put some loads into the front suspension but now he attacks radion at speed for the first time not on the ideal racing line it must be said but touchwood all seems okay number 15 toyota quickly is being looked at for an out of position start so there's a lot going on at the start but that might have been out of position so that's being looked at however there are rather more dramatic fees such as michael i go having a go at stuart proctor here so the lamborghini was fifth on the restart it's fourth already it's about to go third is it michael i go then crawling all over stuart proctor as they come down towards brazil there's a gap on the inside line michael i go thinks about it doesn't commit to it and he likes to sit tight at least for one more corner i go was 1.3 seconds behind stuart proctor at the restart by the end of the camel straight he was underneath the uh fairly sizable rear wing of the mclaren looks to the inside there into speaker's corner that's not really an overtaking opportunity and indeed it didn't work he bails out of it loses momentum down the hill now he just needs to try and set himself up i think for a run up through blanchimal and into the chicane at the end of the lap it's not worth doing it as a risk is it because you've seen what can happen bank the points michael so with uh some of the grid all in strife there's a good chance here to get some points back now as the cars accelerate their way up through the pit path so michael i go crawling all over the back of the mclaren up front though liam michigan getting away from andrew howard and yes it's gonna be surely a move that starts about here to finish at the chicago yeah a good exit then through campus and into court paul freire is essential because now you don't even think about lifting off the loud pedal until you get right up towards the chicane a bit wide there for mike ligo but carries good momentum up the hill he's got a bit of a slipstream as well which will have a small effect on a flat out section as long as this he's in the draft in the wheel tracks then off stuart proctor who is running in third place remember the mclaren a bit quicker through the left hand of the turbulent air may be holding argo back and as a result i don't think he's quite close enough to have a go into the braking zone no he's not and again just has to wait for a slightly better opportunity he could really see there actually how much i go struggle to follow through the high-speed left-hander at blanchamont so is there a move coming up at la source let's see over the timing line they go half a second between the pair of them as they break for the hairpin now is there an opportunity for igo yes yes yes certainly under breaking he closes right up there stuart proctor hanging on then defending that place we've got track limits warnings coming as well and michael argo now gets really brave coming down towards rouge then up through radio if there is a gap at the foot of the hill he might well be able to pounce and then make the move up towards lake on through they come stuart proctor has a lift understandably because he doesn't want to be a hero and go off the road he wants to hang on and give sam lewis a good chance in the second stint and michael i go is right there behind him now the move potentially at le con not quite close enough though no i don't think he is they're very evenly matched in a straight line the mclaren maybe with a slight edge over the lamborghini which then looks better on the brakes as you said at last source he does the same thing into lake off closes in changes direction well peeks to the inside into the final part of lake off but those little half looks they do nothing the driver in front isn't going to just leap out of the way and all it does is kills your momentum off the corner and then you spend the next half catching back up again good fight going on here look because number four mclaren of harry hayek has got itself on the back of the toyota supra gr of john ferguson the speed works run car and the mclaren to the inside line down towards brazil makes his move john ferguson gives him racing room he does not want to get involved in any battles at the moment that could jeopardize the position they want to be fighting at the end of the second hour so for the moment happy with these lap times let's mclaren go uh andrew howard's team beats dean at reporting that because the start was slow as in the poll cardio michigan was a little bit slow away not only did that have an effect on keeping people stuck behind it but also there was a little bit of contact supposedly into the back of the aston martin ah interestingly why you've got a gap of 2.8 seconds interesting okay we'll try to get a look at the back of the bgd and aston martin then if we can for now gt4 battles raging on the academy mustangs still running which is uh positive they stopped in the warning war obsession with that uh low battery voltage that they were reporting after the session uh this group being led by the number four of harry hayek then uh who is running 10th place overall but that is one two three four fifth place uh in sorry uh yes fifth place in the gt4 category through the right hand they go then on board with will more the mustang and so to two cars that make their lap times in reasonably similar ways actually so it'd be interesting to see these were the two cars through practice at least that looked the strongest in the gt4 field leaders go through 2.8 now becomes 3.3 seconds third is uh senator props sorry stuart procter ahead of michael i go and adam balon has caught up now with the fastest lap of the race so number one lamborghini and adam balor becomes the next one to watch for uh the timing tower just had leo machitsuki dropping down the order that's all to do with uh transponder glitches so he's very definitely there and interesting that michael i go was plateaued now so having tried to get onto the tail of the mclaren he's effectively dropped back a little bit now and stuart proctor looking more secure in that third place yeah proctor's warming to the challenge now isn't he on the previous lap like you say he was a couple of tents quicker than i go and balan quicker than the pair of them there are the gaps at the front there machitsuki goes through very much still in the lead andrew howard's second 3.4 seconds back proctor then was 1.8 seconds back at the line that's third fourth fifth proctor i go ballon going through and then unfortunately that is it for the gt3s will burn still leads in gt4 as i go once again closes in on stewart procter abrasiles is a possible place to throw one of the inside but procter takes the nice early apex very early in fact gets a bit of dust thrown up then runs wide in the middle i go sees the gap on the inside but the exit speed for the mclaren is better and still i go cannot find a way through so he's getting frustrated now michael i go because in real terms the gap to the leading lamborghini is opening up to nearly six seconds and he's not able to stay on the table of mclaren this is one of the beauties of gt3 and the balance of performance that you can see where certain cars work do you need power do you need aero well ideally a bit of both but the mclaren then with that massive rear wing on the back of it looks good in a straight line fending off the attack of the lamborghini behind now in gt four you've got toyota versus ford versus bmw going on here john ferguson is under attack he's running in ninth place overall just ahead then of will moore chris sulkeld is not that far behind in the bmw and there's richard williams in the audi so show the great variety in the gt4 battle fourth place battle this is for then in gt4 and uh it is as you said toyota ford bmw audi and they are pretty evenly matched it must be said three front engine cars of course at the head of this group so they might have the slight edge through the high speed corners but through the technical sections and is where that audi which was so something stronger to silverstone a few weeks ago remember and it's where it will excel but uh as they make their way down down towards stavelo uh towards campus as it's now called the first of these right-handers over the curves nothing between them yes campus should be a good corner for an academy motorsport gosh isn't it see we did that yes indeed but right now it's the grunt coming out of the corner where it works for will moore john ferguson just fending him off as they make the run up towards blanchymal but all of those wild horses under the bonnet of the mustang pronouncing narrowly as he trying to get up alongside the supra but again you see the toyota's got bags of grunt just extends that margin by length but will more is on the limit coming through blanchima there's half a gap on the inside for the chicane john ferguson's got other ideas about this to the outside line goes the mustang john ferguson's not afraid to get out his elbows in a battle he's lining to the chicane ain't perfect and now will moore lines up on exit if he can't get the job done he'll be on the outside line and the car hesitates coming off the corner and all of a sudden he's in jeopardy from the bm uh yes which pulls alongside and then down to last source this is chris sulkeld on the outside line he's going to try and force the issue here and he does succeed in doing so he's very late on the brakes though dives to the inside for a horrifying moment i thought he was heading for the right rear corner of the toyota that's happened before remember those two have made contact but thankfully avoiding it on this occasion and of course the mustang last time out uh had contact with the toyota as well i think the audi is the only car in this group that john ferguson hasn't gotten intimate with yet well that's tournament isn't it really that's tempting richard williams in the stellar motorsport at the r8 in the back of the queue now chris sulkin is on his toes he gets the toe and so now pulls up gets the draft off the supra makes that move around the outside line here comes will more but he also follows the bmw that's punched a big hole for him through the air and that means that the toyota drops two places make that three places john ferguson almost driving on eggshells here trying to keep out of trouble he's i pretty much feel that he is so determined to make sure he gets to the end of a stint without any dramas he's almost being over cautious here but at least the car isn't getting involved in any contact it's not tumbling down the order with damage or with a problem yeah and it's back on speed again now as well so i don't think it was a problem i think you're right he just wanted to bail out a past situation as i said he had previous with a couple of these drivers and wasn't keen to have a repeat of it so that frees uh sulkeld now then so sulkeld moves up two places in half a lap essentially he is now ninth overall fourth in gt4 ahead of bill moore fifth sixth place then for the um audi of richard williams and then behind them all now is the toyota so they work their way up towards piff path once again the team manager sorry to drop you the team manager of the number 15 toyota is being told to make contact with the race director i don't think that's to ask after health [Music] no okay that will be something to do with this outer position start you said he was looking to avoid the accident at the start and perhaps that was because he was where he was supposed to be uh anyway gt3 battle continuing still the same order here stuart proctor third i go four adam ballen in fifth position so bit stale matey this isn't it really i go rocketed up to the back of procter then did nothing ballon rocked it onto his tail and has done nothing so far and all the while andrew howard ahead of them has just set the fastest lap ian loggie back into the race he's heading down the pit lane and a drive-through penalty is coming for the toyota so john ferguson having tried to keep out of trouble has got himself in a bit of trouble from his start so it's an out of position start i have to confess on the replays i was rather more concerned about looking at gt3 calls than the supra but the stewards have had a look they feel he was out of position uh and so john ferguson cops the drive through but it's not the end of the world no exactly because again he should still score some points there is loggie uh being overtaken by the gt4 leader but that's just because ian probably doesn't fancy going into raleigh on flat out in a car that's had a fairly hasty rebuild done to the rear right corner and we're not even half an hour into this race and the car is back out on circuit that is a miracle stuff for ram racing and so important as we said at the time had to get out there had to score some points because they joined championship leaders let's just hope you can do enough distance yes exactly otherwise the point is but you're right being out there is essential plus the fact that you've paid your money it's a great circuit take from it what you can so yes the result will be disappointing but you never know what might befall others now andrew howard is starting to speed up his last lap was over a second quicker than leo machitsuki 226-6 plays 225-2 this battle pack is for third stuart proctor michael i go adam balon so michael's uh wpi lamborghini caught by the similar car from barwell's stable of adam bauer but neither of them can catch up or sorry get past the mclaren they have caught up but again michael i go has got a bit stuck that's allowed adam balon into the mix but the key thing here is the gap between the mclaren and the lamborghinis has come down yes and the frustration here for all three of these cars actually is that they none of them have success penalties to serve whereas andrew howard who's now 3.2 seconds ahead of them does so this is working nicely into his hands balance to the inside of i go more of a half look than a serious attempt to go through there though and so they stay where they are but yes that gap between howard and this trio is of significance his pit stop will be 10 seconds longer than these three cars he is 3.4 ahead with still half an hour or so before he has to pit that i'm afraid in the pit lane way too early is the ginetta mark sansom is in with the assetto motorsport car it's not really look that quick this weekend in fairness but sad to see that it's a hit some unreliability as well yes that's the asceto motorsport car isn't it which did so so well at brown's hatch for example and it looks like a longish stop this doesn't it so hopefully they can get that car through without losing too much ground relative to the class opposition and again it is worth being back out to try and pick up class points there's leo machitsuki the race leader now his last lap was a better one and he stretched the margin a little bit again out over andrew howard in second place so although andrew was done the fastest lap of the race the lead gap was just stretched up a little bit so mark lemmon may be just saying to leo get on that loud pedal again just uh be careful the aston's not that far behind and look at the gap there between the gt3 leading group and the traffic that's climbing the hill yeah absolutely they're about to come uh through uh radion are the gt four leaders loggy by the way stayed out he did that out lap but he's still going in fact he should be the next car that we'll see on this long shot down the camel straight it would have stayed with it because he could just hear him rumbling through actually out of shot this is the battle for the gt4 lead that is developing though ashley marshall not content with second place is chasing down will burns ahead the previous lap for marshall was six tenths quicker than him yeah so the mclaren with good arrow the bmw with lots of grunt and so 57 will burns then up towards the lycom sequence of corners is being reeled in isn't he now by that mclaren so coming into the right left right sequence the gap between them at the start of the lap was eight tenths of a second it looks even less than that now yeah absolutely so uh this is by far the best we've seen from this mclaren i'd go as far to say it's the best we've seen from any of the gt4 mclarens this year a car that a couple of years ago was uh up there as one of the cars to have in british gt4 and uh this year they uh haven't necessarily had the uh the outright pace just uh hearing that assetto by the way that ginetta that's in the pit lane may have had some contact earlier in the race it wasn't at the start start but earlier in the race at some point and that's why it is now well now in the garage not even just in the pit lane so that is going to be there for a while isn't it it is sad to say but again fingers crossed that if they can get it back out then it will be able to get some class points as long as it doesn't lose too many laps because if you can't do 75 percent of the distance then you are not classified as a finisher now here uh stuart proctor is still keeping michael i go at bay with adam balon right there behind him play this to stewart proctor for hanging onto the place as leo machitsuki now does the fastest lap of the race so the lead gap goes up again 3.3 seconds leo machitsuki trying to stretch that margin and he is stretching that margin over andrew howard great noise that as the tiles rattle over the curve real impression of speed i'm going to stand though if you can ever with a medium bit but it's utterly terrifying uh up the hill through radio along the camel straight he's looking back from stewart proctor's mclaren michael i go is getting closer and closer and closer but he can not find that last end to get past yeah he was a lot quicker well he was a bit quicker through radion but then that just seemed to peter out a bit as he went up the hill which tells me that mclaren is working better in a straight line but the lamborghini is carrying more speed through the corner and uh it's an interesting dynamic there because we do think of the campbell straight and indeed the whole first sector here as far as being all about horsepower but there is that not insignificant turn right in the middle of it throughout rouge and radion and if you've got a good chassis you can actually overcome a bit of a horsepower deficit by just being more committed through there as i go was but now he drops back again in the middle sector as the mclaren of stuart proctor starts to get away again i know we're limited on gt3 cars at the moment but this is a good performance for stuart he's running into third yes but he's keeping i go and balan at bay and reasonably comfortably remember i mentioned andrew howard's team saying that they've been a bit of contact with with the pole car being slow and all of that well it's a barwell car on pole it was a barwell car behind andrew howard uh barwell have said our data says no such thing good race controllers said no further action so moving swiftly on the lead gap is three point three seconds and andrew howard is hunting down leo machitsuki who's doing a very good job up front and as i say did the fastest lap of the race last time around this lap in the sectors he's quicker in one slower in the other but in real terms he's hanging onto that advantage and michael i go he's running out of ideas now as to how to get past stuart proctor who is doing a very impressive job here yeah i go again he's very close going into blossom but you don't necessarily want to be that close you can see he runs wide there and i go has just been warned for exceeding track limits for the second time up at radeon we saw him do it actually from this very view looking back from uh the rear of the bulk motorsport mclaren uh incident involving cars 56 and 27 will be investigated after the race as i go now does pull alongside proctor got a really good exit there from the chicane goes to the outside line door to door then for third place into the right-hander proctor hangs on but i go with the wide line in tries to get more speed out and we know david that he's committed through this next sequence of corners but he's got to be careful because if he tries and opens the door adam balon might be able to pounce now adam has dropped back a couple of legs which might be quite savvy driving really just waiting to see what kicks off ahead of him doesn't want to get him broiled in an incident he wants that to happen and he's to gain ground out of it but again look the mclaren is good at the hill stuart proctor stretches the margin and there's nothing here michael i go can do michael i got away because that gap is widened between the two of them right now stuart proctor extends the margin this is not seemingly the lamborghini's part of the circuit certainly up against the mclaren the mclaren is much the stronger of the two heading along the kennel straight stuart proctor did though take quite a shorter line over the top of the hill than he was supposed to i noticed he ran wide that time argo looks to the inside again at brazil there's no way through so stuart proctor defending now a little more busily than we've seen him have to defend so far of course if you can't find a way to overtake the car ahead the alternative is you force them into a mistake and that is what liko's trying to do here with these little sort of looks to the inside that flash of color can distract the driver ahead uh so far it hasn't worked but procter is watching his mirrors more now i think that he was but equally igo's got to watch his mirrors because adam balon is almost back with him so where has the gap had widened out of la source it's come right down again now this elasticated situation for third fourth and fifth places and i go goes wide at the pit path so a mistake comes from the red lamborghini now what does that do to the remainder of his lap does it throw a lifeline to add a balloon it does he's gone ahead so michael i go makes a little mistake and that means now that adam balon is up one spot and that's another drop is admit michael i go falls from fourth to fifth runs it out wide coming through the court paul freire heading up towards blochymon now and this is what happened coming down towards pif look he's closing a touch to the mclaren maybe that slightly distorted the air of his car but he's deep into the first part of the pit path and adam balon goes through contact avoided i mean that was close but adam was committed and i go didn't want to just let him through did he and he tried to sit there on the inside through the left-hander but uh yeah balan saw his chance adam of course spent a lot of his stint at donington stopped behind kelvin fletcher in the bentley so uh he wasn't really wanting to uh let that opportunity go begging to actually make a place up he didn't do a huge amount of overtaking last time the inside looks i go but it's now the similar lamborghini run out of the bar well stable though so by different teams these two cars but both lamborghini hurricane gt3 evos and so they go both will be very evenly matched now what can balon do about proctor then that i go couldn't has ballon got some new fresh ideas that might breach the defenses of the balf we're about to find out because half a second was the gap between them when they came onto this lap and now the run up the hill you're looking back from stuart proctor's mclaren and the the green frontier lamborghini about a ballot this is michael for you now he wants to get past ballon as much as balon wants to get past procter adam ballen then who we've seen as a stalwart in this championship from his gt4 mclarens up to gt3 lamborghini is the former cadrum racer with a little flash of the headlines there to try to unsettle stuart proctor to try to make him just look up at the wrong moment but it ain't working as they come now down towards brucell stuart proctor saying again has done a really good job he's lost the best part of nine seconds to the race leader but he's kept the traffic behind and that puts lewis proctor in a good position for the second stint and he's still matching if not a tenth or so quicker than andrew howard even though he's defending so uh he's keeping that gap to howard well within the ten seconds he needs to it's only three and a half at the moment between howard second and procter third and as you said less than 10 seconds off the lead balan though was really good through pujol there he's going to try and attack it into pitbull looks to the inside line that's a tough place to pass it doesn't work and does that now give mike ligo maybe the opportunity to build some momentum against the green lamborghini out of the left-hander down into the double right then through campus and corporal freyr but uh balan couldn't get a lot closer to the mclaren but he can't quite get to the inside of it then he makes a mistake argo goes up the inside into corporal freyr again not a place you're going to make an overtake and all it does is allow stuart proctor to sail off into the distance so mike ligo doesn't get the place and just holds them both up so the cars now make the run up through the fast left of blanchimo and towards the chicane they will come but stuart proctor is getting away because those two lamborghinis having their own little squabble have held each other up and that plays right into the hands of stuart proctor but again is it worth being a hero in this first stint you want to be in the mix for your gun for hire to do the second stint of the race you don't want to be coming in with damage because you've tried to move and it's not worked yes we don't want to be stuck there losing time but don't force the issue if it's not required i go by the way is now on his third warning for track limits at radion so he's getting dangerously close to penalty territory now uh gets a good run out of last source though balan was not good off the first corner and i go he's gonna think about sending it up the inside into a rouge this can be done but not from this far back surely there is an overlap though and balance lets him go so i go goes through sensible stuff that i think from adam adam had got through into that fourth place but immediately argo was darting around behind him trying to get the place back they're holding each other up and balan showing his experience there i think so michael i go then gets his place back so let's see what he can do second time around against stuart proctor confidence is up now he knows he can overtake he knows he can take the fight but stuart proctor has been a tough nut to crack so far plus he's also got quite a bit of real estate to gobble up before he can get back on the terms with the mclaren and interesting as well but having lost his place but ballon is first of all losing time but then way out wide coming out of the comment that will not have helped but i go now he's certainly on his toes isn't he we've uh of course after all of these dramas just to keep an eye on the clock we're 22 minutes away from the hour mark which means that we can start thinking in about 22 minutes time of pit stops we can indeed and as i've said none of these three cars will be carrying success time ah that is the 15 in now this is the toyota uh so john ferguson has had to bring the car in they're looking at the left front now we did here didn't we that uh no that it wasn't this car that had some contact earlier on was it so this was the other position it was yeah you're right so uh pass don't know what this is i'm sure will be on the case shortly but this uh it doesn't look promising does it well wheel goes back on but is that to swing the car around and put it in the garage there's no urgency to this which is the the disappointing thing so what has happened this time for the perennially unlucky toyota supra the gt4 battle between bmw and mclaren continues will burns hanging on by just seven tenths of a second just under seven tenths now over the mclaren that runs there in second spot but yeah big disappointment for the toyota team that yes left front issues for them also left front issues for the geneta remember we saw a set of motorsport working on that car uh front left suspension arm is being looked at slash replaced bring lucas tells us so um the ginetta in with uh having received presumably a knock on the left front corner right this it was the battle for the gt4 lead uh where is adam balon adam balon should be in this picture somewhere and he's not uh there goes stuart proctor there goes michael i go where goes adam balon he didn't register a sector two time so he's somewhere in that middle sector i think um stopped either having gone off or pulled off we don't know but adam ballon i'm afraid is uh not circulating at the moment we believe we've got a replay that might explain what happened to him we just don't know where he's got to subsequently so let's see what we can find adam ballard so this is down into uh campus and he gets sideways and the car snaps back the other way into the gravel and there's a barrier not that far away there isn't there there is but i think he has got out of the gravel from what i'm understanding so where he's gone to is the next question mark looks like he might be circulating again so on our tracker map abbott ballon is moving but has that cost him a lap against everybody else not quite it's cost him a massive chunk of time so adam balon self-induced that seemingly uh yeah and you can see the gravel pouring out of the back of the lamborghini but no obvious damage so he might not have quite made the barriers how he dug his way out of that gravel trap then is beyond me because this car is not known for its rallycross potential and uh on slick tyres and uh the low ride height as these gt3 cars have not easy to dig your way out so ballon survives a spin just a few hundred meters away from where he had a spin two years ago at blossom thankfully this one though does not end his race and he is able to continue as you said importantly still on the lead lap just ahead of the gt4 leaders then who we can get back to now will burns and ashley marshall just a very quick point on the gt4 toyota before this all kicks off david uh the car was pulling to the right apparently um and scott mckenna said that he had contact uh at the start and it just got worse so they're investigating the reason that the car was pulling to the right so that car is now two laps down as will burns continues to hang on to his advantage within gt4 then but it is a narrow gap of just over four tenths of a second every time we look at this not only does something kick off in gt3 but the gap has come down anyway uh between these gt4 cars it is a snapped damper on the toyota which is the reason that it's in the pit lane so a snapped damper a legacy of the dramas at the start of the race that's what's the uh word from the team as ashley marshall closes right up coming up towards la cong but again is this a mega fight for the lead or is this a joust ready for the pit stops it's hard to gauge isn't it with an hour and 18 minutes to go i'm sure the drivers will say we're absolutely flat out and battling but you know this hasn't got the urgency to it that the last couple of laps would have uh perhaps yes they're both silver graded drivers these so they are in theory going to be evenly matched don't forget the silver graded cars have to spend uh this extra 26 seconds in the pit lane compared to the pro-am gt4s uh we only have one proam gt4 still running that is matt topham and he's not really on the pace which makes me wonder if maybe the car did take a knock at the start after all he's 8.4 seconds behind the next gt4 car the sixth place car of richard williams is he within 26 seconds of the lead though i'm not convinced yeah i'm certainly not convinced he will be uh in another 18 minutes or so so this could be the battle for the race really for gt4 the minimum that you can do in gt4 before your pit stop is 58 minutes the minimum you can do in gt3 62 therefore to try to stagger the amount of traffic in the pit lane so the ams in gt3 having to make a real big contribution here of over half the race you can get away uh just a couple of minutes shy of that in gt4 but at the 58 minute mark anticipate the pit stops to come and everybody must be done by 70 minutes because that's the maximum that you can drive indeed so and we tend to see those programs coming in early don't we certainly within gt3 as i said though gt4 it's all about the silver cup here today now ashley marshall closes in is that mclaren better on the brakes than the bmw he thinks about the inside very very sideways under braking there for will burns does he get the car stopped he does the mclaren though is a bit more nimble a bit more agile comes off the corner as well and tries to get the run down to la source corner but the 57 bmw just about hangs on then so will burns twice a winner already ashley marshall looking for his first win goes to the inside goes to the outside at la source and again looks for the over under tries to get the switch back off the turn and get the run down to the bottom of the hill which he might just have done they are level then as they go past the old pits side by side towards o'rouge and it's going to be the nose ahead for the mclaren and if will burns is sensible he'll bail out of this which he does change them for the lead in gt4 and it is ashley marshall at the wheel of the number 90 valve motorsport car that goes through but then burns immediately gets the roof back on him heading up the camel straight and the grunt of the bmw will tell then so the former ginetta racer in the mclaren under attack from another former geneta racer and champion will burns on the outside line in number 57 bmw he's not quite going to be able to make that move because he's on the longer line you can see the way that the car has the grunts up the hill and how he got the toe as well but that mclaren normally with good arrow ultimately ended up helping the bmw to stay in the battle but now through the corners of brucell and down through speaker's corner turn 11 is that going to be an opportunity for that mclaren to edge away let us see as they go down through brazil well for the moment certainly will burns is not dropping away he's staying right on the tail of the mclaren best finish so far this year of seventh for this bath motorsport mclaren and they are leading now as we take towards half race distance here at spa and i do tend to agree with you i think through this middle sector it should be able to build a gap having said that he didn't look massively quicker than burns either it's not like he'd been hurrying in for laps the gap had been around eight tenths one second for a while uh maybe a mistake for burns allowed marshall to close in and ultimately pounce uh going down into the most famous part of the circuit and the mclaren now does try to make the move a reminder by the way that uh harry hayek is still third in gt4 9.1 seconds ahead of chris sulkeld and five seconds behind this pair there are some decent sized gaps actually throughout the gt4 field yeah indeed so the cars now accelerate up through the exit of the corps paul freire we're on lap 17 leo michigan leads by eight seconds from andrew howard stuart proctor is there in third place in fourth place michael i go and then in fifth number one lamborghini about a balance trying to fight back now there is the number four mclaren harry hayek at the wheel of it the surviving team rocket rjn entry and in theory he should be benefiting from that squabble ahead he has been lapping a little bit faster than the two ahead of him so this car should soon be coming into the fight for gt4 honors shouldn't it uh yes it should it was very wide out of bloodshed though uh not quite as many times it's done that though apparently as the academy motorsport 4 mustang because will moore is on his fourth warning now for doing just that through blind spot turn 19 uh at term four as well he's on his third warning turn my team's exit to the bus stop that last corner you can just see the background there where if you carry too much speed into the chicane you're going to run out wide and uh yeah at blossom you've got to have big what knots to go wide lap off the lap after that but yeah wilmore now about to be lapped up by andrew howard so with a big flash of the lights comes through the lassos hairpin and now the speed builds this is on board with the mustang makes a great noise doesn't it this car will grunt and go uh matt cowley to do the second stint who've never raced here before quite a few spark rookies this weekend just ride with him listen to the noise gets his foot back on the loud pedal lets the gt3 car go um not sure you can really ping him for track limits for that that was just one of those things but anyway he survived look at the speed differential though between gt4 and gt3 because that aston martin is a dot in the distance whereas here it's almost a fierce fight now that you've got the mclaren ahead of the bmw and very definitely harry hayek he's closing the gap yes because i think the bmw being better in a straight line means that that uh marshall is having to defend a little bit more into places like lacom and the chicane i would imagine so uh the dynamic will change as you swap these two cars around that will more save was quite a good one actually was now i think that was the aero wash almost as the aston martin swept through just as he was leading into the corner and uh it coincided perfectly with andrew howard sliding his way through there in second place overall down to the path they go they've got the leader coming up behind them yes i was about to say that because in the background that uh pack of highlight depends the masquerade as a lamborghini is closing in fast will burns up the curb and there look the multi-colored leading lamborghini has cleared harry hayek so he's just going to drop back a touch on this lap isn't he uh yes he is uh down through the right hand is there let's see uh what the middle sector time is for harry hopefully managed to get out of the way without having to really slow down and that is the difficulty for the gt4s you want to try and make life easy for the gt3s but if you're chasing down a pair of cars ahead as hayak is you don't want to hit the brakes and pull away offline and get loads of dirt on your tires get yourself on the wrong line into the corner you want to try and stay on the racing line if you can buchitsky then now catches will burns into the chicane goes to the inside leo machitsuki we haven't seen a lot of him he's nine seconds up the road now from andrew howard uh this race certainly an improvement on donington isn't it it is for some not for others inevitably what goes around comes around but leo machitsuki with the calming influence of matt lemma from barwell on the radio saying just do your laps whereas here look michael i go finally he's having a proper attack at stuart proctor and no he still can't do it coming off the last corner so try as he might stuart proctor has an answer to everything michael i go over the timing line the gap between those point three one nine of a second can michael i go send it up the inside at la source thinks better of it uh yes but can he get the better exit the mclaren is a bit wide but the lamborghini was a bit sideways i think and so they're pretty even coming off the turn uh this gap i noticed a lap ago was 1.8 seconds or so so i goes closed in rapidly left but how much damage is there if any on number 18 after that knock coming through la source is this an absolutely dead set flat out perfect lamborghini that can't get past a very quick mclaren or is this a 98 and a half percent okay lamborghini because it had that little whack at turn one we don't know no well we know other cars have pitted for repairs after apparently innocuous bits of contact at the start so it is possible these gt3 cars uh are designed to work in a certain way and if you do start knocking the steering out of fraction then yeah that could definitely be affecting him with effect straight line speed as well of course the steering's out or the camera's out so uh it is a possibility it's sadly something we won't know until michael's out of the car within the next 10 minutes or so but we will endeavor to get an answer for you on that he's been driving it well though must be said it's been an attacking drive this from michael but sensible at the same time he's not gone for any really silly maneuvers he's tried to show his nose a few times that was as you said really the first concerted effort to get through at the and i do get the feeling that he would be prepared to stay here for the next 10 minutes if a safe opportunity to get through doesn't present itself equally the option might not be presented to do anything but stay there because take my hat off stewart procter he's driven an excellent stint here he's done nothing silly he's not cracked under pressure he's not been dirty in his defense he's just driven his race on his lines he has made uh like a ligo and briefly adam balon make their own arrangements and they have not been able to find a way past the mclaren has its strengths at certain parts so does the lamborghini and stewart is maximizing those straight to where he can to stretch the advantage i go he's pushing his knee you can see him running wide again there out of court paul foreign now they're going to catch the rocket rj and mclaren here uh probably the worst point on the circuit into the left hander here at blonde shmont on board with proctor a little bit of a lift as he goes through the apex but not a huge amount and he does now go be inside you can see andrew howard isn't a million miles ahead of them either that gap was nearly four seconds at the start of the lap and i would venture it's not quite that big now as that is uh i go oh yeah something just gone through i thought we're on board with the mclaren for a second uh that is the number four mclaren it is a mclaren we're on board with but it is the harry hayek gt4 car going one lap down and in the background as well uh we should have had adam balon but his lap times have been coming down but i think he's lost another chunk of time on this lap so he's trying to bring the gap down against the third and fourth cars but he's still got a mountain to climb it's a big gap though there at oh rouge he's a pool so it's it's over half a lap that he lost digging his way out of the the beach down there at uh campus now procter delayed i think by a gt4 car over radion this is argo's chance now but proctor will always sit on the inside line surely yes he does he goes to the inside i go can't go to the outside because i think there might be another car around here somewhere there it was it was the 57 bmw i go look to the inside line and proctor having been delayed by the slower car actually then i think was able to use it to his advantage use it as a bit of a pick almost to stop argo slinging it off the inside line but again that mclaren we know he's so so good in a straight line igo has got to do this through the corners he's got to try to find a way through under breaking or wriggling his way around the twisty bits and here he comes to the inside line wheel-to-wheel contact just about avoided the car didn't suffer any damage early on according to phil keane but it very nearly did then that was a really brave effort by michael i go you could see the door closing and stuart proctor survives he keeps the place thanks to the traffic he pulls away but that was a real heart in mouth moment and now i go gets delayed by uh marshall who again couldn't really jump out of the way there exactly uh if michael i go hadn't bailed out of that i don't think either of these cars would still be in the race that's exactly the point you were making you know don't go for a silly move when we've still got over an hour to go and uh i don't think might be a bit frustrated at that he was fully at the inside property was being delayed by this car uh as far as i go was concerned that was his corner but uh the debate will rumble on uh infinitely i think about who's uh whose corner it is whether you're on the inside outside fully alongside or not here's the replay though you can see that proctor is delayed by sideways marshall i goes more than halfway up the inside and proctor just goes for the apex he does he's still having his nose ahead yes um we'll discuss that i suspect quite a lot over the next stint because both drivers when they get out of the car we'll have a view on it look i go goes for the inside there was contact that was a little rub wasn't there yeah and stuart proctor he was ahead might only be by inches but he was ahead anyway they survive and michael is ever more committed now because his stint is running out so what can he do before we get to the pit window the lead gap is up to nearly 16 seconds now proctor is only four seconds back from andrew howard who is not making the progress here ross gunn he's going to have to really be a star in his state to bring down the gap against the very very quick dennis lim well i mean he's going to drop behind these two cars at the moment as well isn't he so he's going to come out fourth as it stands uh so he'll have to overtake these two to then go after dennis lynn and that ain't gonna be easy and the way that i go has reeled in stuart proctor again so quickly tells me two things one he is genuinely quicker than stuart two he's not particularly happy with what happened half a lap ago and he is more determined than ever now to get this uh third place away but the mclaren is just so good down the straight the lamborghini good on the brakes but that's the trouble it's so hard to overtake a car that's quicker than you down the street because you're never close enough into the braking zones and by the time you can break late enough you've run out of real estate because you've got to turn into a corner this could be an opportunity for michael i go and again he thinks about it but he's not able to commit but can he force proctor to make a tiny error all he needs is that door to be a jar doesn't have to be open just has to sort of prize into a jar and then he will seize the opportunity but he can't do it this time down at speaker's corner through turn 11 they go stupid procter again look all he needs to do is get through that twisty section here it flows it's back onto the power all the way down the hill and around and the gap widened yeah it certainly seems to doesn't it also harder through these high-speed corners to follow in the dirty air for mike ligo there goes andrew howard just saw a glimpse of him turning into pif uh the mclaren and the lamborghini behind you do feel that if i go could clear procter howard would have some defending to do before the end of this stint because uh the fact these two are made are keeping pace with howard despite the battle they're having it does sort of tell you that andrew is struggling they've said this actually i think at donington andrew and uh and uh johnny adam that they both felt the car was driving brilliantly and they'd come in at the end of the stint so yeah it's absolutely perfect and the lap time just wasn't there and they do say that sometimes a car that's easy to drive isn't always a quick one i don't know if that's maybe the same sort of thing here well andrew had nearly 16 seconds back but ross gum will take it over they're going to lose time as you say in the pits but leo machitsuki has just gone through to start lap number 22 and is effectively six minutes away now from uh being able to think about pit stops because you've got to do a minimum of 62. so there is the gap coming down in gt4 now that bmw partly because of the gt3 traffic has lost masses of time in a very small number of laps so now harry hayek coming to the end of his stint there's only really two minutes before the pick window opens in gt4 he is catching that bmw that looks a little bit scrappy coming into the chicane yeah it does does it i'm coming off the chicane as well the mclaren perhaps has looked after its tyres a bit better as well and uh it is now a very familiar position here for wilbur's to be in looking in his mirrors seeing a mclaren attacking it is nice to see these gt4 mclarens uh running strongly here this weekend where can hayek make the move though because the bmw we know is going to be good down and back up the other side of this hill so nose to tail they plunge down the hill now and the lights are flashing on harry hex mclaren trying to force an error out of the bmw but will burns has come from the school of hard knocks hasn't he's been racing in uh ginetta's he's been racing for a season in the british touring car championship so things like that aren't going to faze him ashley marshall in the meantime is building that lead gap within gt and here the mclaren good with aero but the bmw with a bit more grunt may be in a straight line and that gap doesn't come down much only under breaking really yeah it didn't go up though either in fairness so i think uh the mclaren may be using the slip frame as you said was uh gaining a little bit and the bmw is a bit off line there through late cops the height will carry more speed down the hill is it good enough on the brakes into bracel to have a go no not on this occasion you can see the bumps there the ripples in the tarmac as you hit the brakes into what is already a difficult downhill slightly off camber right and that sideways on the exit that bmw i think has chewed through its rear tires but it hasn't it's not coming off the corner as well at all no it looks a lot more nervous doesn't it now it does look as planted as it did early on in the race we saw that at the chicane and we've seen it again they're coming out of turn 11 so down towards puang and you need the car to be planted here because it's got to be a fast committed run all the way around that left-hander doesn't look too bad there in fairness but the car behind the mclaren certainly looking quicker all the time now yep it is not going to overtake through here though you'd imagine unless there's a mistake for will burns who actually took a slightly defensive line there into the right-hander unnecessarily so i'd say we are uh nearly 58 minutes into the race by the way so pit stop windows will be opening very shortly for the gt forecast that was center fielding waiting to take over the gt4 uh audi that richard williams is driving at the moment in sixth place within the class and you can use this pit sequence can't you maybe to overtake a car that you can't clear on the track and that bmw is one because it gets an extra 20 seconds in the pits doesn't it so that car is uh gonna have a slow stop and second third and fourth are starting to bunch up we understand now andrew howard was only 2.4 seconds ahead of stuart proctor last time uh michael i go only 1.3 seconds further back this is the battle for second in gt4 second in gt3 is starting to take up attention as well as these cars drop to the chicane and again the bmw just goes deep almost like it's a breaking issue there that it doesn't slow down enough scrambles its way out of the chicane but now when the power kicks in it's fine it's bit like an old drunk out the pump sort of staggering around a bit when he's in a straight line and he's focused it goes it's fine it makes the right progress but it doesn't kind of come off the corner as well as it did early on in the race yeah again defends into last source this is how he lost the lead a few laps ago but actually this time comes off the corner really well so just as we said that car was struggling for traction it proves us wrong liam and chitsky by the way now the fuel has burned away a bit has just set the fastest first sector of anybody he's already 19.3 seconds ahead of the rest of the field he took six tenths out of the windows first sector alone possibly fuel as much as traffic because he's had a few back markers to play with for a few laps now that it's a light car as you say the traffic is clear income the first of the gt4 stops then so they're number 61 for will moore to give way to matt cowley the very quick northwestern x formula ford race suspects the time in america didn't be racing before the ford as well much underrated driver matt county very very quick driver indeed uh pit stop for number nine bmw if you're wondering why both drivers get out and run away where there is refueling the car must be empty so you do your refueling and then you do the rest of the pit stop it's a two-part pit stop if you like in british gt regulations now there is andrew howard being chased by stuart proctor michael i goes dropped off the back of the mclaren a little bit but those three as a group much closer than when we last saw them yeah procter is the quicker of the three at the moment too he did a 26-6 on the previous lap eight tenths quicker than howard ahead of him and about four tenths faster than i go behind the mustang and the out there now the refueling's done now you can touch the car this is where the tire change and driver change happens simultaneously you just can't touch the car whilst the fuel is going in as you said harry hayek in the meantime he's all over the back of the number 57 wheel burns bmw does that have a hint of understeer the bm at the pith path you certainly get the feeling don't you that is a driver looking forward to uh either a new set of tyres waiting to stay in the car or at least bail and that car will pick up on a new set of rubber but it just does not look as easy to drive as it did when it was leading the class quite happily and was fourth overall after all the dramas at the start and we haven't really seen a lot of this from the century bmws they've been pretty relentless in their pace without the entire length of a stint and the race so maybe it's the warmer temperatures here this track is quite taxing on the tires because it's got lots of these uh long sweeping corners to negotiate now that is andrew howard in and uh i was under the impression he had to wait another minute or so to pit david yeah i think that's early isn't it a minute you've got to do a minimum of 62. and surely that's at the end of this next minute so that for me is a fraction early and then he sort of weaved strangely as he headed roscoe back out onto the segment is it ross corner has andrew howard gone back out again the transponder has not yet updated to ross gunn's name so was that did he come in and they waved him possibly well they already had this 10 second success penalty to serve and they were already under pressure from stuart proctor and mike ligo so that now does take them completely out of the podium places right gt4 pit stops continuing this is the leader ashley marshall in and he will hand over that number 90 car to jack brown uh now ashley marshall i seem to recall being a little more competitive in his gt4 session than uh jack was so will jack be able to retain the lead what pit stops are done we'll find out of course they do have the advantage that the 57 car with whom they were battling earlier and which is now battling with the number four car has that 20 second success penalty defensive line taken by burns intellecom to the outside goes the number four of harry hayek still cannot find a way past that big brute of a bmw which is going on a compromise line through the right hand runs a bit wider over the curve is higher going to be tempted to get up the inside line here no still the bmw stays ahead so battle is on between the pair of them then as they drop down through bracel and the bmw hangs onto the place harry hayek is there behind and andrew howard we understand was called into the pits too early so uh andrew how's the beach dean team getting the numbers wrong realizing it so he's lost that time he's got a slowish lap now and we'll have to come back in as here michael i go is determined to clear stewart proctor before the pit stops but they're imminent aren't they as they come down to the chicane then this is the end of lap number 24 leo machitsuki has come in by the way to the leader is in and so is proctor and so is i go so stuart proctor one of the standouts for me in that first stint oh yeah absolutely it didn't crack under the pressure and it was considerable pressure for the best part of 45 minutes there wasn't it after the safety car came in so uh down they come there and as i said these two cars don't have success penalties uh the proctors uh did finish uh the previous race at donington park they didn't make the podium places though of course i go never made it round one this has already been a much more successful afternoon's work he locks up the brakes slightly that won't matter because those tires are getting changed uh and out he gets he looks a little bit hot and sweaty it's been hard work out there uh he was up and down like a bit of a yo-yo there wasn't he with his battle with adam allen in particular and he vacates the car and they get the fuel done and then we will see what phil keane can do what's going to be interesting as well is to see how close by the end of this the number one uh lamborghini becomes to andrew howard no andrew's back in so i was just wondering whether whether adam balon might have a chance to catch scott mckenna is going to have a go in the toyota broken damper replaced and that is uh going to go back out so at least scott finally gets some miles under his belt because he's been really unlucky not getting a drive this year dennis lin takes over from leo machitsuki and that car will go back out without any extra time in the pits and once they've cycled that one through farwell can then receive number one which of course lost time early on after its trip through the gravel after adam lost his balance it was really worth the effort i enjoyed that one uh you're right ballon has continued he didn't pick that time because this car is in the uh pit booth so i did wonder whether maybe he was that far back that they could have double stacked them almost but now he's had to do another lap and there's andrew howard morphing into rottgun now so ross rushes around the side of the car and uh the aston martin factory driver will get on board and also now you've got phil keane replacing michael i go in number 18. so there are quite a few of the star drivers the pro drivers who have really got to go absolutely flat out here but there was still some big gaps they've got to make up yeah well howard uh lost a big chunk of time obviously through that unscheduled pit stop and then they have this 10 second success penalty so uh they are actually the only surviving gt3 car to carry the penalty now because ram racing and team aberrations mercedes are out since then what we have to worry about there is the aston martin is that a bit of damage to the back maybe the rear body work a bit skewed just above the diffuser hard to tell from that angle but we did hear reports didn't we that uh the one of the barbell cars so well i guess the number one car got into the back of him at the start of the race there though is dennis lind out on circuit now on his out lap enjoying a very comfortable race lead and the number 63 car then could be on course uh for its uh first victory of the season they were on the podium in the first two races they were looking like championship favorites potentially going to donington and there is definitely damage to the back of the aster the aston martin there beach dean carl that rear body work has been affected and on a circuit where it is quite aerodependent with all of these high speed sweeping corners damage to the rear body work like that there you get a good view of it as it heads down the pit lane that is going to potentially have an effect on lap times it might explain why andrew howard dropped 20 seconds plus to leo machita in the first hit which we did wonder early on didn't we because it didn't take long for leo to escape up the road after that uh safety car restart so dennis lind will lead lewis proctor phil keane there in number 18 the battle carries on doesn't it between the mclaren and the lamborghini so can phil keane do what michael i go couldn't and clear that pesky mclaren well if anyone can phil keane probably can there is uh ballon by the way this should be his in-lap to the pit lane then we imagine uh and he will uh well it will have to be really you could do one more lap technically uh he can't do any more than 70 minutes though at the start of the race but you need your gun in as soon as you possibly can so every lap that the slower am is driving it's time wasted for the pro sandy mitchell will take that car over and we know that sandy is another star ex-single seater racer but the uh oh so youthful looking scotsman um sort of belies his racing experience these days but a lamborghini factory driver which is a very very big accolade isn't it for him harry hayek is in uh that car hadn't stopped yet that's like i thought that might win a second stop for the four uh of course the gt4 cars because the majority of them are silver cup there's less of a peace difference between their two drivers so they can split the race a little bit more differently it's not like they're desperate to get the first driver out we shouldn't be surprised but just to make the point on their outlaps dennis lind lewis proctor they're doing absolute bests in sectors now of course they're the star drivers but they're fresh into the car they've no idea what it feels like they don't know what the track feels like but they are so much more committed on their outlaps it's amazing uh this is matt cowley the academy mustang andrew gordon-colbert the century of bmw now darren turner has leapfrogged these two remember i said that the silver cup cars the mustang of the bmw being two of them have this extra 26 seconds to spend in the pit lane darren turner though is part of a pro-am outfit for new bridge motorsports and they have been able to benefit there it is in fact the dark blue and ready orange aston martin which is ahead of the 57 of gus burn as well so they could be in second or third place in gt4 we'll know more once the number four car returns to the circuit at the end of this lap side by side then go gordon cobra to the outside cowley to the inside bmw versus mustang there's gonna be a squeeze on the apex and andrew gordon colbrook goes right round the outside that was good that was brave definitely wasn't it so the bmw and andrew gordon colbrook one of the few people you can talk about in gt racing that's been a monoposto champion uh the good single cedar racing club level championship he has developed over the last couple of seasons to a really good gt4 pedal every time he gets behind the wheel he looks better and he looks faster and that was a really impressive move and matt cowley he's not an easy bloke to get past uh no exactly because he's racing for before 1600 where you do learn to drive defensively and offensively as well it must be said he's trying to uh do some of that offensive driving now attacking driving down into pujon where gordon colbert makes a little mistake runs just a fraction wide of the apex but not enough to open the door for the ford mustang and the bmw then this number nine car sort of coming to the four now after the pit stops whereas their teammate after that 20 second success penalty have faded rather but they have quite a long stop anyway didn't they number nine even so that was uh a lengthy stop they had what 41 seconds so uh they just got on with the job haven't they have doing good solid lap times good pit work and assuming that the pit stop type was adhered to we'll wait to see from the uh timing data whether anybody was short on the pit stops and then that will be referred up to the stewards assuming all is well uh which we must then that's a good effort 11th overall now 10th overall uh yes so they head up the hill dennis linder just crossed the line to reclaim the race lead then now that all the pit stops have been done i think it's still going to be around 20 seconds the gap between lind and proctor but you wouldn't bet against lin hanging on to it here is lewis proctor in fact going up the inside of the academy mustang that's going to stretch the lead though isn't it because there's traffic to clear who's got past one then there's another then there's another and all this getting in the way of phil keane who needs to try and find some clear real estate they come now up over the line so he's done it he's got past one he'll get past two when he has to switch sides as the bmw tries to take its line for the corner and phil king goes through few right so what's he lost against the mclaren not that much he's still only a couple of legs back isn't he i said 19 seconds between lyndon proctor it's 29 seconds that is incredible so dennis lin with a new fastest lap 221.366 some three seconds quicker than these two on the previous lap the traffic had something to do with that i think dennis lind also had something to do with that that was a mega lap that and they head back up the hill once more yeah fastest lap of the race although ross guns got ideas about that as well as once more phil keane has to work his way through the traffic but uh ross gunn is on to uh a lap with an absolute best and a personal best as he's in fifth place but what about michael aigo's take on that earlier stint michael's with bryn lucas he is indeed and phil king currently third now out on track michael that was quite an eventful stint for you i know that um you want to choose your words carefully but tell us what you saw yeah we just were all rolling around the last corner of the start straight and nobody had even gone and actually just heard this noise and it was richard neary coming up the like the middle of the pack basically uh where everyone's two by two he come right up the middle the race hadn't even started it it was and then next thing i just seen him on top of like the back of ian loggie's car that was quite an event there was no damage to yours though even out of the source too yeah no we were okay um we did sort of got squeezed a bit on the first corner um heading down to a rouge but yeah no we we were okay and then a huge fight with stuart proctor couldn't quite get past him yeah no tough fight quite interesting on the balance of performance of the two cars we seemed quite quick in sector two but on the largest straights we just couldn't drag with the car so uh yeah it was a good battle good stuff thanks thank you well michael i go you can argue got away very lightly with all of that drama it doesn't look any better however many times you see the replay doesn't it it's still a mighty mighty moment that richard neary has and yeah sometimes you look at it anything it was a really optimistic start timed it perfectly in the gap narrowed and other times you look at it anything really should should you have gone for that in a two-hour race but you know adrenaline commitment determination all of those things factored in the stewards will come up with the answer later on check out the british gt website for the story because although it won't put people back in the race uh at least it will be interesting to see the opinion and of course you've got michael vergers in all of this who's the driving standards advisor who can be asked for his opinion uh if it is required uh i did try and make special effort there to look at the toyota start remember it's less relevant now because they've had their issues but uh john ferguson i think was ahead of will burns by several car lengths actually when the lights went down it looked as though he'd sort of gone a lot uh earlier than the rest of the gt4 field to mclaren together here and this is really not good news for lewis brother he gets badly badly delayed there by katy miller and phil keen arrives on the scene with a huge huge over speed and that is going to be one of the easier overtakes philippines ever had to make that was just bad timing in the traffic forced europropter but now the mclaren with all of that poke in a straight line tries to use the slipstream to get back alongside goes to the outside line but keem once he takes a place doesn't make a habit of giving it back does he no lewis propped him out of the mclaren having taken over from his dad so uh lewis in stewart out it was lewis that was delayed then the field comes out of brazil and a drive-through penalty he's gained the way of the academy motorsport mustang for exceeding track limits once too often so number 61 which had lost a place anyway on track is about to be given a penalty and um with matt cowley having only recently got into that car you know who has incurred the majority of those do we not will more having done the first stint so drive-through penalty track limited infringements number 61 mustang finally finally finally phil keane's car michael i go started it as clear the mclaren now lewis proctor can he get away but even if the answer is yes he can't make up half a minute against dennis lynn so now phil keane could only drive his own race flat out see what comes of it you never know with traffic you never know if there might be a safety car there might be a lifeline but at the moment dennis linda's got this in his back pocket uh yes he will need a safety car or a change of weather but uh there is a bit of a dark cloud heading our way i can see out of the window of the hell uh much of an issue that proves to me we should wait and see this isn't over yet either because lewis proctor is again gonna have a chance now to use the straight line speed of that mclaren to get back onto turns with phil keane heading up the hill towards blossom and then into the chicane he's not closing that rapidly though it must be said they both use copious amounts of that painted run-off area on the way into the corner the mclaren's better off the turn as well as he closed the dive will be inside looks to the inside can't get there of course the other thing that could happen is exactly what just happened to lewis catch traffic in the wrong place and field key might have no defense the mclaren is not dropping away is it it does show i'm not saying this as they lack the gt4 leading mclaren or the earlier leading car i'm not saying this as a spokesman for sro but it does show how the bop works doesn't it because they are so evenly matched flick the order around they're so evenly matched you know the battle rages on you've seen already in this race with an hour and a quarter gone where the lamborghini is strong where the mclaren is strong but that lamborghini now is ahead and phil keane doing his level best to stretch that margin you would put your money on phil given how good a gt racer he is but louise proctor may be less experienced but he's doing a decent job of staying with him there as best he can yeah he absolutely is and he's trying again to close now as they go up the kennel straight towards the braking zone at la com both breaking up pretty much the same point there i think though uh ross gunn by the way has just crossed the start finish line he is lapping considerably quicker than these two as in two or three seconds on the previous lap at least 42 seconds behind them after that extra pit stop and then subsequent success penalty so this is probably the battle now in gt3 barring any uh late dramas as we move now into the second half of the race gt4 still being led as you said david by jack brown now in the number 90 mclaren by 11 and a half seconds over katy milner now katie isn't matching him but darren turner of course who's right behind and how less than three less than uh yeah less than three tenths between them if he clears milner could he a works aston martin pro driver catch jack brown over the remaining three quarters of an hour bet against it so one of the gaps he's got two tenths of a second then he's gonna make up eleven and a half it's possible it is possible i mean darren is massively experienced he made his way around here a lot more than jack does but uh now lewis brockton dropping away he's going to end up in no man's land isn't he because i don't think he's going to be caught by ross gunn barring a safety car but equally he's not now being able to bring down that gap against phil keane he is starting to fall away a little bit further now however just in case you were wondering about lewis proctor's commitment ride with him watch his feet absolutely foot to the board tiff he comes through the sweeping left-hander coming up towards blochybot but he is through on the curve on the outside line and comes down towards the chicane now then but you can see the footwork now it starts to change as he goes onto the brakes left foot braking through the pedal shift box a bit of power just to drag it from the first part of the second to the chicane gentle application out of the corner now nail it over the line and that left foot constantly hovering over the brake it's not pressing it but he's not moving it away from the pedal so it's always there stands on it down towards that source eases off the break back onto the power and downhill the gap between the two of them is up to 1.3 seconds but lewis proctor underlining how much effort goes in driving a race car and there are two elements you're on the flat out or you're breaking you don't sort of think that's quick enough and lift do you it's either flat out or a break maybe a lift there you're allowed it going up through rally or just to avoid anything solid but largely look back with his foot nail to the floor heading up towards lake home and the gap between the two of them in this sector is down by a fraction uh yes it's it really is a work of art isn't it driving a racing car it's all about weight distribution weight and balancing the car through the corners darren turner knows a thing or two about that and he's moving to second place now in gt4 already past katie milner at two and a half seconds up the road now that is the car that he's chasing jack brown ten and a half seconds up the road so even with an overtake there darren was a second faster and this is where he did it interla sauce from quite a long way back commits to the inside and katie didn't really choose to fight that did she no not on the way in any racing room through the corner did tran stand the ground on the outside hoping that the inside line for a rouge would come back to her to keep the place but darren turner's got the grunt in a straight line so that's horsepower versus aero and the aston martin goes through equally darren turner has been around this place quite often and katie milner is new to gt racing this year she's a very quick driver of course but darren turner is one of the most experienced and accomplished drivers on this grid yeah katie came through geneta racing didn't she in the gt5 challenge where she was a podium finisher and a regular front runner so did that for a number of years now she's uh got into this mclaren driver development program and she hopes that will be the the real boost to her gt racing career that she's looking for so darren turner then ten and a half seconds as i said the gap to jack brown in the first sector alone on this lap he is half a second faster than this mclaren he's not going to get there in the next lap also but give him another 15 minutes and i think he could be right on the tail of the race-leading gt4 car for what could potentially be new bridge motorsports second gt4 victory of the season now that long finish at donington park coupled with the fact that they didn't race at brands hatch does leave uh darren turner and matt topham fifth in the championship on less than half the points that have been scored by will burns and gus burton the championship leaders but they're not looking that likely to finish on the podium here today uh so a win could turn turner and topping season back around yeah bearing in mind that they were delayed at the start yeah that uh fracar we saw the car reversing away from the melee and trying to get going again so the safety car brought them back into the mix ross gunn by the way has done an absolute best first sector as he tries to salvage the fastest lap of the race out of this but the second and third place cars not lapping as quickly but they're quite a long way up the road so they are so to speak not yet in guns sights but uh he is doing his best to bring down that gap so the aston martins plural gt4 and then in the background gt3 go over the line that is darren turner having rounded la source so his last lap was a 235 and a half and the last lap from jack round 237 so already the gap is eight and a half seconds on this evidence it's gonna be absolutely a downturn a win because he is much quicker than the mclaren driver uh yes indeed and uh yeah that's uh i think there is a sense of inevitability about it it will be a shame for uh the mclaren because as we've said a few times both motorsport in their gt4 ranks i'm just really sure to be fair haven't had the best of luck and uh they too were in fact they were involved in exactly the same accident that took out the new bridge road support aston martin at donington two weeks ago through comes ross gunn so ross is continuing to take small amounts of time out of keane and procter ahead of him but he's still too far back without a safety car or some raid or something like that to bring him back into podium contention on any other day though that mistake by the team of bringing andrew out howard in one laptop too early would have cost them i don't know 10 15 points today perhaps not so if you're gonna do it do it in a race where there are only five gt3 cars still running it's an odd one to do isn't it because this isn't a team that's just rocked up in british gt for the first time i know people can make mistakes yes of course but it's a strange thing for a team of that level of experience to do and it's clearly just a miscalculation on a minute effectively but you don't expect it to happen at that level do you no a miscalculation misreading of it you know 62 minutes could look a little like 60 i suppose if you're half concentrating but you should be fully concentrating i guess anyway mistake was made and uh they will i'm sure learn from that and uh be doubly sure to check in the future you want to anticipate that as you you were saying that with that pit stop where you get your am out and you're pro in you do try and get in at the first possible moment so if you calculate you're coming out of the chicane or into the chicane you know five seconds before the pit window opens you send your car in and so uh you know they are always thinking ahead of the ball if you like to try and uh get that pit stop don't as quickly as possible right now there is jack brown who leads in gt4 his sector times have been uh slower than those of darren turner so the gap is coming down all the while between them is up towards the timing line they come now and the mclaren goes by there's the accident in the background ignore the gt3 car of ross gunn for the moment because that is doing its best to bring down the margin to the third place mclaren of lewis proctor but he's doing comparable lap times so now jack brown to darren turner is six point six seconds it's about two seconds laplace and though therefore darren turner easily has enough time on his side in order to take the win uh it looks that way doesn't it he uh makes his way past the old pits then we'll ride on board again let's listen to uh whether there's much of a lift there would be a bit of one i'd imagine through the right hand up a lot of curve a lot of curve yes but then really that the more curve you take through the left the better the line is then through the right up through radial and that's what they do there is your gt4 leader then the gap is now what half the length of the kebab straight between these two through goes first place up towards us comes second place and there is third place katie milner now she is three and a half seconds ahead of gus burton who is three and a half ahead of andrew gordon colbrooks these century motorsport bmws bouncing back from their success penalties don't count them out of this yet either they might not be able to catch turner but certainly milner maybe brown could be within reach certainly katy milner because she is the slowest of the five in the leading ganglion gt4 so the lap times are not that sparkling at the moment as out of sequence it has come the ian loggie now yelmer berman car now that's an interesting one that he has done such a long stint because although they lost time in the pits he was in that car from the start of the race so even though the car was stationary i would say he's exceeded his drive time because he was put in at the start although the car has been in the pits whether this has the same regulation as well challenge europe of the stint uh being started when you cross the pit out stewards can uh dis discuss but uh there you have the car in the pits anyway and uh finally yama vermin gets a go to drive pink mercedes now this is the i go keen lamborghini and the rear view mirror for what music has he's hanging off now and it's all wobbly there it is it flicks around the only top of the mirror is it's a screen really uh so what's going on behind phil keaton's all a bit of a mystery for some of the lap because that screen is going to rotate but he doesn't want to come into the pits and have it sorted because that's a big loss of time so in a sense he just needs to make sure he's ahead of that mclaren so that he doesn't have to worry about what's going on behind any short of that thing falling off and hitting him there's no then concern we did have a car a gt4 car i think the toyota brands hatch had a similar issue didn't they as well so and also to clear something up for those of you who are watching uh our donington race two weeks ago johnny adam was fiddling around with something in the car which later turned out to be adjusting mirrors that were loose on the outside of the car the actual uh wing mirrors that uh the the glass was shifting around when he went through the corners so every time he went down a straight had to sit there and adjust it i noticed as well that that uh phil key car is missing one of its little winglets on the right front corner so there was a little bit of uh artificial damage if you like to the um front of the car and also andrew howard and ross gunn's car is under investigation for a pit lane infringement now whether that was the first time it popped in or the second for the proper pit stop we'll wait and see but certainly number seven which he's already struggling to make up lost time he's being looked at for a possible infringement in the pit lane yes as long as they didn't touch the car during the first visit to the pit lane they should be okay you are allowed into the pit lane i guess as long as you don't make that your mandatory pit stop right uh katie milder about to feel some pressure here i think from gus burton then because burton the championship leader in gt4 remember this gap was what three and a half seconds a lap ago it's one and a half now so he's two seconds a lap faster than katie who hops over the curb through lay comb and turns into the final right-hand element of that they've got sandy mitchell behind he once again is playing catch up he's had to do this a few times hasn't he after ballon was tipped into a spin at bran's hatch in the first stint bounced back from a success penalty last time at donington and wasn't really able to make a huge amount of progress through his stint and again here after balance spam mitchell is left with the thankless task of bringing the car home in a fairly lonely um fifth position he goes up the inside of gus burton he'll get stuck a little behind uh katie milner through tries to get up inside through the second part kt does not let him do that and chops the nose off the lamborghini i guess her speed through the corner was a bit more important than sandy mitchell sandy's not really battling anyone katie miller very much is as she tries to hang onto this third place andrew gordon colebrook's bmw the sister cars the one at the back of this gaggle has got a drive through now for track limit abuse so there are more opportunities in the longer race to top them all up aren't there and uh you kind of route what you sow another one now for traffic gt4 as well interesting that on board that we had from darren turner just showing how relatively slow a gt4 car was at rally on compared to a gt3 car but it's still a very very fast car the gt4 aston now here number four katie milner under attack from gus burton so this is the third gt4 it's about to change uh yes potentially into the very next corner because out of blochymon goes to bmw actually ran a bit wider though than katie who might choose to defend the inside she doesn't because she felt that the bmw was a car length or so too far back which it was tighter line though taken by gus burton tries to convert that now into a quicker line off the chicane milner this time is the one that runs a little wide and the 57 car which is about to lose its teammate car from behind it but i think the number nine car has already died for the pit lane uh yes it has andrew gordon colbrook in to serve that drive-through penalty milner defends into la source the bmw tries to get the exit speed but still can't quite get there there is uh the andrew gordon colebrook car in shame that because andrew particularly the first part of his stick was really impressive and looked as though he might be able to contend for a podium before the end but with now just over half an hour to go this becomes the key battle then really from the one for third in class and there the bmw on its toes coming out of radio so along the camel straight this is where the horsepower of the bmw takes on the arrow of the mclaren they're absolutely side by side the bmw towering over the mclaren as they head up towards lake on uh with uh gas bursting almost looking down on the mclaren he's on the outside line and he can't make the move so good effortless by katie milner to defend and keep the place going through lay cold now also the team manager of the beach dean aston martin being told to get in touch with the race director so that story is continuing to bubble away in the background uh yeah and of course a penalty for number seven could benefit sandy mitchell so he does have a reason to keep on it here does sandy his uh lap times on great it must be said he's the slowest of the gt3 car still circulating partly because he's no real inspiration to go any quicker housing with no one around him but he's racing for position with uh but he might have someone to play with if ross gunn is handed a penalty down through uh puhong goes uh katie milner who of course a lap or so ago did rather get in the way didn't he have uh she had first sandy mitchell through pouhom so uh that may well expect uh explain some of the loss of time oh burton again looking in some odd places but he does have his nose at the inside now through pitbull the next corner is a left hander though can he go around the outside looks like he can he's gonna have the inside line for campus and look who's catching them dennis lin the last thing he wants to see now with a 43.5 second lead is side by side gt4 cars but three goes to bmw then third place in class now for gus burton and dennis lid can at least with that amount of margin be a bit more patient and there the road opens up for him and of course in a much quicker gt3 car he can easily fly by so dennis lind clears the traffic goes through and now puts the move on the inside of gus burton who doesn't give it very much room it seemed all the way into the corner that was very close to the edge on the inside line for the lind lamborghini dennis got away with that but it did look as though all of a sudden that gap was shrinking on him got away with it and he's cleared the traffic hugh sigh of relief all round but dennis lin then being uncompromising he has the fastest lap of the race to his name and we have an eight-second stop go penalty being issued for the number seven aston martin it was briefly on the timing screen and has now gone off the timing screen but it's back on it was for speeding in the pit lane and eight seconds stop go penalty for the number seven aston martin for speeding in the pit lane whether it was on the way in or the way out doesn't really matter the penalty is the penalty when it's not your day it's not your day and so i'm afraid to say after andrew howard's team brought the car in early you can understand frustration on both parts of the drivers and uh an eight-second stop go for speeding is the result i've been intrigued to know which pit visit it was that the speeding uh took place on whether it was andrew howard in frustration at being waved back out of the pit lane he was a bit too heavy on the right foot or whether it was uh ross good and keen to use every second of his time in the car to regain some time we'll see if we can find that out right there battle for the lead in gt4 is imminent i think here uh darren turner is 2.4 seconds behind jack brown on the previous lap was only one second faster than the mclaren but uh mata's little he's got 27 and a half minutes and change left to try and get past the mclaren ahead he's catching quickly but catching is after all one thing getting past is going to be a little trickier and you can be sure that jack brown chasing down his and ashley marshall's first ever win in the championship he's not going to go down without a fight and darren will have to have that in the back of his mind but he's got the time in which he can sit there he can assess whether mclaren is strong and where it's weak and just plan the move can't he so he comes now down towards campus once more the gt-4 cars here are on lap number 33 and darren turner has done as you would expect a great job of chipping away bringing down the gap lap after lap and you want to feel a bit for jack brown haven't you because he's about to be monstered by a very very accomplished driver right back into the pit lane is the toyota so number 15 scott mckenna bringing it in and are they going to give john ferguson a bit more drive time now just to really maximize their time at spa and also it's useful data of course to keep running the car just to know what it's like around here for the future so the gap between the gt4 leaders and is virtually nothing now darren turner has almost got to the back of the mclaren uh yeah 2.4 seconds was the gap it's probably closer to 1.4 now as they come through to start their 34th lap of the race the leaders are on laps 36 there you can see just behind about 37 now for dennis lind because he is going to catch these two cars within the next couple of corners what sort of uh bearing that has on their battle we'll wait to see ross gunn by the way has been to serve that speeding penalty now so he returns to the circuit and uh i wonder how far ahead of sandy mitchell he is so the gap will have come down of course quite considerably uh because he's been up and down the pit lane so we'll try and get confirmation of that at the end of this lap blue flags busily waved to the traffic and now darren turner is about to think about where to make the move isn't he first of all he's got to let dennis lind go by and if the gt4 jack brown mclaren is delayed slightly by having to dodge out of the way of the quicker car that will bring darren turner yet closer to him but he's game on between those two it is when not if darren turner gets by isn't it now uh yes and we can afford to be patient as you said and i don't think he's going to go for the move straight away this is the first time he's been close enough to have a go but brazil's he decides he's not the point to do it how much of a defense will or indeed can jack brown put up here against a factory aston martin driver who goes on the inside line into uh speaker's corner and uh just bailed out a bit but darren defenders isn't showing a huge amount of patience here he wants to get through straight away but jack brown is doing exactly what i thought he'd do he's defending he's trying to keep turner at bay they are 20 seconds at least ahead of gus burns turner again doesn't have to worry about being delayed to the point that they catch him and they've also got the helmet berman uh mercedes now to try and allow through neither of them do so going into pitbuff turner is looking at every single corner here isn't he he's a pro driver he knows exactly how to race in traffic he knows exactly how to deal with quicker cars around you bearing in mind you know here he's in gt4 with a gt3 car around him it's a bit like being in his old gt days with lmp spec cars around i mean there's exactly how to behave with quicker cars how to get out of the way without losing time so darren turner doing exactly what we'd anticipate and staying with the mclaren at the start of the lap the gap was eleven tenths of a second it's down to what about three tenths four tenths max now as they come through blochy more it could even be that down to the chicane on this lap down turner is able to make a move and you've gotta feel a bit for jack brown the pressure is starting to come isn't it every time he's able to look at what's going on behind him not only is there a car very close behind it is driven by one of the best credential drivers on the grid yes who to my amazement had never won a british gt race until silverstone a month ago but uh he's got one now darren really nice guy darren turner as well really good to chat to him in the paddock on a couple of occasions and he's loving his british gt racing and now that he's getting to get back behind the wheel again here this weekend to spa so still hasn't made the move then he's been here now for a lap or so behind uh jack brown having sort of tested the waters almost and realized that jackie is going to try and defend this position uh he maybe has to sit back and reassess the situation he's got 23 minutes though still to do this and uh we know he's quicker so darren drops back cools everything down builds a bit of a mental up again he's in the slipstream up the camel straight and lacombe is probably the best place to try and do this jack brown knows it though goes to the inside and once we get halfway up the hill the mclaren actually starts to get away there is the advantage from that slippery shape in a straight line so the gap is down again under breaking more track limit warnings are coming now one for sandy mitchell one for ross gunn as they press on and use all of the real estate darren turner using all of the real estate as well uh sandy mitchell is almost up on the tail of ross gunn now there's going to be a change imminent for four there's a change imminent for the gt4 lead then as darren turner tries to force the issue at brazil but he can't do it there downhill they will plunge now he wants the inside line coming out of speaker's corner lined it up for poor so the move starts now is he gonna be able to dive up the inside no jack brown defends the inside line but darren turner is brave enough to have a go on the outside is this gonna work this is really really really brave stuff it's the longer line it's the slower line it's the braver line and then it'll become the inside line for the pith path and darren turner stands his ground right the way around the outside of the mclaren he's going to get the job done under breaking the piff fantastic that is how you take a place brilliant stuff and full credit to jack brown as well he didn't even consider squeezing darren over the curb on the exit pool and he realized that he'd lost the position he'd lost the fight there was no need to force the issue now we could switch to this then this is fourth place so i asked the question lap or so ago how much time would roscoe lose to sandy which well all of it is the answer because sandy is right on his tail now and ross gunn who's frustrated after the speeding penalty and the extra visit to the pit lane and he's being warned about track limits sandy mitchell needs to use all of that now to his advantage to try and find a way past the aston you asked another question as well which visit was the speeding offence committed first ah there we go the way out by any chance oh you might think that i couldn't possibly comment so ross gunn now uh has to make this as wide an aston martin as possible just as said and fielding has to make his audi as wide as possible to fend off andrew gordon-colebrook both of them stepping out over the curb considering the entry has been a small one and we lost cars in numbers on the first lap there's always been something to talk about in this it's been a really lively rate all things considered hasn't it yep same was true of donington two weeks ago as well we lost a lot of gt4 cars that time but gt3 was still entertaining kind of the other way around here the bmw then remember which came in to serve uh that stop go penalty earlier on is probably a bit better than the audi in a straight line so this is soul called sorry they're called coldbrook's uh chance excuse me to challenge center fielding for the place then into the chicane fielding will hover over that inside uh line into the braking zone to the outside goes to bmw it's done this before remember good on the brakes but center fielding gets his elbows out there made it clear to gordon colebrook that he wasn't going to just let him sweep around the outside there and manages to keep the place they've got matt cowley not a million miles wide and there you can see him in the background that gap was seven seconds it's now uh gonna be significantly less than that four seconds as once more audi versus bmw not that far from the german border here this is a very german flavor to this battle as still the audi hangs on but matt cowley on that previous lap was nearly four cent four seconds quicker than these two so a three-way fight in the offing here i think it's all building up nicely isn't it then with what have we got just under 20 minutes to go out of two hours of racing it's good to see the variety as well in gt4 because every battle we look at has got different cars in it uh and it does illustrate why gt4 is so popular and so successful as the cars now then make the run towards lake once more the mustang in the background trying to fight back after the drive-through for matt cowley so that car also in the mix and andrew gordon colbrook round the outside runs out of road because he break too late and agc now has to slalom his way through the chicane to stop people shortcutting they calm and then try to rejoin and he does so just ahead of the mustang i thought our camera operator had a bit bit out there as it uh appeared from the right of shot just in front of the ford mustang then uh so matt carly uh frustratedly he can't make the move stick yet and actually the fact that gordon colburn's dropped back from centerfield he means that their battle is put on ice a bit and it was their battle that was allowing cowley to catch so quickly right back to gun and mitchell then sandy mitchell in the wheel tracks of the aston martin as he makes his way up the hills and remember the number seven car is a joint championship leading car the car with which it's sharing the championship leaders had strived that was the number six car so actually their nearest rivals that are still running healthily in the race are the number one team from barbara motorsport there are uh some 15 points between these two cars but this could be uh the two uh the two cars that are top two in the championship at the end of the race it's been quite an important race for the championship situation hasn't it uh with course johnny adam not able to score by not being here uh now andrew howard's car that came here is the joint championship leading car in danger of losing yet another spot uh so we're not done yet the stories are still rumbling on certainly the stewards are busy with constant updates and requests for further uh evidence from them about what's been going on in the race thus far and sandy mitchell who is then taken over this car from adam balot right on the back of ross gunn ross finding his way back into gt racing in the british championship but he and andrew have shared many a car together of course it was for beach team that rosco won the gt4 title with jamie chadwick a few seasons back and for the moment he's fending off sandy mitchell who is there but not quite close enough to strike yet no but uh again sandy's a pretty patient driver and ross is very aware of the fact that this is not a regular gig for him he's standing in for johnny adams so he won't want to do anything silly looks really relaxed in the car doesn't he actually compare some that we've seen maybe it's just the way that he's sat but he looked relatively relaxed doing all of this yes which i'm fairly sure he's not but uh yeah has that uh has that uh sort of appearance of him doesn't he say shouldn't be relaxed really because sandy mitchell is asking all the right questions of him now i know i wouldn't be that relaxed if i was sat in the cockpit of the beach dean amar that's to martin vantage across the line again towards the hairpin atlas sauce and where is that lamborghini stronger than the aston martin well under breaking you would imagine through maybe some of those uh tighter corners up at lake calm or through the chicane a good run through radion would help him the gap then a car length or so as they drop down through the dip is the aston martin gonna be better though through the high-speed corners look maybe a little quicker out over the top of the hill and so mitchell now has to try and use the slipstream to close back in again and this is ross gunn hard at work ben all the attention he's behind him sandy mitchell then closing closing closing in this fight for fourth and fifth places and with the mission being to give as good a result as he can to andrew howard for andrew's championship hopes don't be a hero just bank points help your bill payer your am driver get the result required keep andrew howard in the hunt in the championship but he don't give away places so he needs to defend from sandy mitchell as there dennis lin who is almost a lap up seemingly comes towards lake home so he makes the run now into the right left right sequence and as he does so sprints off down towards brucell dennis linder's yet to have a british gt championship win uh leo machita's had four out right further four class wins but for dennis lind this could be his day in british gt he was confident pre-race and he's going to be like a number of the teams and drivers here in a week's time or less than a week's time because he's in the total energy's 24 hours of spa but in something different he's in a wrt audi and it's a very good combination of drivers that he's got so dennis lynn could be on a roll here uh and comes out of pual makes the run now up towards the piff path and utterly dominant i know that circumstances at the start shaped the way that the race has panned out but leo machinski did a great job instead one and there he is calmly watching what dennis is up to uh he'll be pretty happy to hear therefore that if we threw the checkered flag now which we're not there's another 15 minutes left at the race but if we did the points would put this car one and a half points up in the championship on everyone else this would be the championship leading car so we've had this almost every race this year haven't we someone that was quite a long way down in the points wins the race and suddenly they're right back in it as others uh hit some trouble so 37 and a half points for a race win at the moment in fifth uh sorry in a fourth position johnny adam well not johnny adam but andrew howard would score 18 points and that would put him a point and a half behind this one so for barwell motorsport and a circuit at which they've not always enjoyed the greatest of success uh this has been a good day for the 63 cars but a very good day they're on course to win by nearly a minute and with it take the provisional championship lead and there ross gunn is still hanging on to fourth place sandy mitchell charging along behind but what he's going to try and do and it won't be easy is to force a mistake out of the aston martin as andrew gordon-colebrook is having another go at seven fielding this time he's got the corner right but this time he's got the mustang right up there behind him so matt cowley now tries to wriggle past the m4 the r8 ahead hangs onto position center and fielding doing a good job here of keeping what is 10th place overall but there are just fractions of a second between the three of them here yes so um the bmw of andrew gordon-colebrook has reeled the audi back in again and brought with him uh matt cowley so this is that three-way fight that we were kind of hoping for they're some uh 19.6 seconds behind katie milner by the way so i think she's safe in third place now in gt4 and uh there are no other gt4 cars on the same lap as these three behind them so the fight there before fourth place in the gt4 category audi bmw ford mustang and the audi i don't think it's the quickest of these three uh but it is a pretty wide audi at the moment cena fielding a good little racer as well not just quick but he knows where to position the car and now that he's got the mustang on the back of this queue he can use that to his benefit look back up andrew gordon colbrook into matt cowley and cowley tries the outside line and guess what all of this is about to be encountered by the roster gun sandy mitchell battle the five cars together this will make a brilliant sight as they head up towards blanche mall but it's not the sight ross gun wanted matt county jumps out of the way ross gunn goes by sandy mitchell is closer than ever now hoping to take advantage of the traffic so ross gov is the pioneer he bulldozes his way through sandy mitchell goes with him easy peasy they've cleared the traffic within a couple of corners and now up towards glossy mall there actually the aston stretches its advantage once again but sandy mitchell got right under the rear wing in the traffic sandy running out of time here 12 and a half minutes to go matt cowley running out of time as there gordon colebrook has another go at the audi and he still can't find a way by and every time he goes offline he exposes himself doesn't he to matt cowley who gets a good exit there from the chicane he pulls alongside the bmw now which of these two cars is best in a straight line i think the bmw still came off the corner fractionally better on that wider line so it manages to just ease back in front of the academy car uh had that issue in morning warm up earlier on had an incident last time out remember with the john ferguson toyota and uh so far it looks as though they get a longer finish but this battle is far from over 12 minutes left in the race then they flash through our rouge the number 16 logging mercedes being warned about trap limits this is matt cowley fighting the mustang over the brow and then keep on climbing so ross gunn keeping sandy mitchell at bay for fourth place dennis linde has just started lap number 43 absolutely miles clear to the outside again goes gordon colebrook and he's tried this a few times now and it's not yet worked he gets back in line though just before counting got me inside and that was a an optimistic look at the inside i think it's the last part of lacombe that move often ends in contact we've seen it happen before and cowley decided better of it there but uh fascinating watching the gaps between the cars ebb and flow isn't it as uh gorham colbrook winds up for another go against field he goes for it doesn't work he drops back into the clutches of cowley uh the dynamics of this three-way fight are fascinating and all three cars making their lap time in slightly different ways which just adds to the uh very exciting nature of this fight before position the bmw much more competitive proposition over the last few years was very strong in the gt asia series that sro ran pre-pandemic as well but it's good to have them in this championship and century running very effectively the audi r8 you always think of as a gt3 color though we've never seen that many in british gt it's good to have the gt4 version on track in the background there you've got matt cowley trying to force a mistake and he has done so andrew gordon colbert who missed his breaking point fractionally there for campus and county tried to get up the inside couldn't quite do that but suddenly the whole dynamic of this has changed the audi is gone and now agc is very much elbows out having to defend that place yep carol he gets in that slipstream then headlights are blaze for all three of these cars as they head towards well shemot they head towards the final 10 minutes of the fourth round of the intelligent money british gt championship but that bmw is just so good up the hill look he's closer now to fielding than cowley is to him which was not the case at the bottom of the hill so uh it really is the definition of a grunt and go gt4 car fielding out breaks himself this time into the circade cowley doesn't know where to go he's watching the bmw he's trying to take advantage of it the race leader dennis lind is about to lap them as well somewhere around last source and he is going to be a little bit nervous now because even at this late stage even with a 50 odd second lead dennis lynn could still come unstuck in traffic traffic that is side by side again gordon cobra tries to go right around the outside of the hairpin that doesn't work and fielding somehow is keeping them all at bay so downhill they plunge there and through goes the lamborghini so the traffic now starting to be a factor dennis lin working his way through the gt4 battle pack up the hill they go then he's been caught by the mouse down there because he had to temper his pace because there's nowhere to go gt4 cars either side they're having their own battle but lamborghini is absolutely stuck dennis lynn trying to sort of shovel the audi along saying come on come on get out of the way but they are so busy battling now he has got time in hand he doesn't have to force the issue and in fact look the mustang unlaps itself there back through goes matt cowley so dennis lynn has a grandstand view of three wide adam lee calm round the outside goes the bmw round the outside goes the mustang the audi on the inside line is going to lose out here lynn still needs to get past them he's sat there stuck he's got past one he's on the outside line to get past the mustang and he's done it but andrew gordon-colebrook has finally got into the lead of gta of the gt4 battle and dennis lind now commits to the inside line uh dennis's take on this when you get to talk to him about it will be well worth listening i should think because that was very hearty mouth as he had to somehow wriggle his way through the traffic all of whom were absolutely going for it that all happened because gordon colebrook actually cleared set and fielding going into oh rouge he was ahead of him at the bottom of the hill but then he was slow through randy on and so fielding came back at him but they went side by side as you said the road was blocked then for lynn so but the move was made quite a long way a lot earlier in the lab and then fielding did his very very best to get the place back that was brilliant racing though at no point there was there any contact that was brilliant clean wheel-to-wheel gt4 racing and dennis linder as you say really enjoying the fact he was nearly a minute up the road he didn't have to force the issue himself darren turner is being studied intently for track limits the number that that car has clocked up seems to be on the increase now darren is saying to the team i'm not running wide at a given corner that's being looked at but there are reports that the number of offences is totting up so there might be a sting in the gt4 tail yet to come 5.7 seconds ahead of jack brown not enough therefore to survive a penalty if one were to come uh but we're late in the race as well so there is always the option isn't there to add time on at the end of the race if they can't give him a pit lane penalty beforehand um you know i said ian loggie was uh in the car for too long well the stewards agree so they're going to have a word with the team at the end of the race uh so no surprise perhaps that in a straight line the fastest cars are the aston and the mclaren both of which have proved pesky for lamborghinis to overtake 162.8 miles an hour on the climb up the hill towards uh lacombe ross gunn still doing a great job of keeping sandy mitchell behind him the next quickest cars of course lamborghinis and then the aston martin of andrew howard from earlier on fifth fastest car on that section of the circuit uh yeah so the um that does sort of back up what we've seen as you say the cars that have been the trickiest to overtake tend to be the ones with the strongest engines the aston martin has always enjoyed a strong power plant and uh enjoying that now as he uh succeeds for the time being on holding on to this uh fourth place so into uh piff off that pop the path they go uh the number seven car then fourth place for ross gordon sandy mitchell fifth if mitchell clears gunn by the way and takes fourth place away that will uh move him ahead of berman and loggie as things stand uh the number one car would be tied with bourbon and logging in the championship for what would be third place darren turner drive-through penalty for track limit so the gt4 leader gets a drive through told you there might be a sting in the tail here it comes so darren turner despite his protestations is being done and so it is a drive-through penalty for the gt4 leader for track limits now he's 5.7 seconds ahead line to line is 27.8 seconds in the pits which means he could lose second place as well to gus burn because gus is about 24 seconds behind darren turner so they'll still be on the podium if he does it now though he might might just have time to fight back but he didn't he's gone around for another lap exactly right and uh so the story ain't over yet in gt4 it's not over in gt3 is it for fourth place ross gunn versus sandy mitchell as they come into la source once again back out of the power so frustrating this for sandy he just can't find a way past that aston martin and ross gunn is doing everything that's required play to the strengths of that car and it's horsepower isn't it where just like the mclaren that we saw the lamborghini's struggle to clear earlier on uh he's so good on this section with all of that grunt getting through the traffic again now and that aston martin was the bane of sandy mitchell's life at donington as well because he as i say overcame that success penalty they were serving caught the battle between uh johnny adam and marcus clinton as it was for enduro motorsport they're not here this weekend unfortunately and they couldn't get past either of them then because again the aston martin and the mclaren were quicker in a straight line so uh different scenery here in spa but very much the same story for sandy mitchell and uh they need to try and make sure that they're not coming from behind in that second stint uh in future raiders if possible right back to gz4 matt cowley then on the tail of andrew gordon-goldbrook and that is katie milner off at the chicane then and getting out of the car at the chicane now that is going to be a non-finish and if that car's not in a dangerous position i don't know what is um it's too late for a safety car surely four minutes to go so it is all kicking off now in gt4 remember she was running in uh what fourth place wasn't she ahead of andrew gordon colbrook and matt cowley so these two both inherit a place and katie milner unfortunately that bad luck this week empathy rocket rjn continues it does indeed and as you suggest what can they do about that car with so little time left by the time you've scrambled i mean it doesn't take long to get it out of the way maybe a full course yellow could cover that just push it quickly out of harm's way unless the car can fire up again anyway uh on track it doesn't really matter for the race lead dennis lynn nearly 50 seconds ahead up front the real question mark he's over darren turner and his drive-through isn't it and where that's going to drop him too but third in class potentially as ross gunn booms past in the aston martin so gunn is currently fourth mitchell is fifth down turner has a lift and gets back on the power through blanchima and then down towards the chicane we've got three minutes change on the clock the race leader is about to come through the end of the second sector then so coming into the uh approach to blanchimo now turner's still not pitting no i think they're trying to argue the case aren't they maybe but uh stay out they'll argue about it at the end that only tends to end one way though doesn't it and uh you can then end up with a bigger penalty for not serving the initial penalty uh there goes the 90 then so that is jack brown 9.1 seconds behind now two and a half minutes ago no sign of a safety car which is good news for turner the last thing he wanted was a safety car before he came in to serve the penalty that could cost him even more time uh but he's gonna have to pick shortly there are only two more laps left in the race yeah i'm trying to appear into the distance to see whether the katy milton the car has got going again or it's been pushed out of the way but there's still a yellow light down there so uh the car i think is still stranded but uh yes the race continues drivers if they respond to the yellow flag there it is if they respond to the yellow flag it should not be a problem should it just wonder whether that front left doesn't look a bit uh low maybe it's just the way that the sun is catching it but clearly that car ain't going anywhere but if the drivers respond as they should to a wave yellow and slow down it should be okay the fear is the car loses its brakes gets a puncture you know it is still very much in a vulnerable position that car but yes so close to the end maybe they'll chance it there is dennis lin then so a minute and 40 to go this should be the penultimate lap i think indeed news from bryn in the pits is that for katie milner the team say uh it is a puncture so maybe i wasn't uh having my old eyes deceive me but uh why the car has stopped rather than lift the pit lane uh disgust a drive-through penalty now for sandy mitchell for track limits to be converted to a 30-second penalty post race so because you can't serve the drive-through you have it as a time penalty applied at the end that might be what the um new bridge team are trying to do with darren turner because if you haven't served it at least you can argue and then it can be put as a time penalty but normally those penalties are unarguable against but um it's worth a punt yeah absolutely 30 seconds is slightly longer than uh they would have spent in the pit lane a pit a drive through the pit lane is less than 30 seconds so it's a bigger penalty for not serving it but well we'll see anyway dennis lind 44 seconds left on the clock then at that uh mitchell penalty by the way won't make a huge difference because he's last in gt3 anyway of those that are running on the lead lap but uh it does mean that ross gunn could sort of wave him by now if he wanted to uh doesn't have to fight the fight too hard 30 seconds on the clock though for dennis lind that comes out through corporal freya it's actually going to be touch and go this might even be the final lap i think uh for the barwon motorsport car it's going to be tight but i think with that milner car still in a dangerous position they're going to be in a bit of a hurry to get the checkered flag out so he could just back off couldn't he i mean yeah don't you don't need to go flat out take your time no exactly i think he me the time will just run out i think he's nice and early on the basics he's going very very cautiously uh through the yellow flag zone at the final chicane and so finally dennis lin is going to do it he's going to get a victory in the intelligent money british gt championship he slides in celebration out of the chicago and he and leo machitsuki we think are provisionally the championship leaders as they win at spa franka shop round number four of the british gt championship goes to barwon motorsports and leah machitsuki is delighted understandably so great character leo and uh finally dennis lind comes good i know i get excited about it but he's a spectacular driver to watch he's very very quick and he's a good character as well he's a a real asset to british gt no longer a lamborghini factory driver but mark lemmer uh decided he was exactly the right person to come into the championship for a full season and dennis has repaid the faith hasn't he darren turner still hasn't served this penalty he clearly isn't going to now so they're going to argue the toss after the race and that means that uh well jack brown here is going to not win on the road but might end up inheriting a victory uh afterwards once uh all is said and done with this penalty more cars coming across the line there goes matt cowley ahead of uh andrew gordon-colebrook so that is fourth and fifth in gt4 because burton has already been through to finish third and that for century motorsport is another good result for the 57 car they have been off the podium only once so far this year and they can now add a third place finish uh sorry yes a third place finish to their two wins they already have who'd be a steward oh at the end of this race because they've got a lot to look at now there are obviously penalties that have been applied and not taken there are things to review there's evidence to get from cars such as the uh onboard footage and uh data to be looked at so there are quite a few a few things that are still to be investigated there's a penalty that's been applied that's not been taken uh so this story could rumble on really what time do you fly um keep an eye on the british gt website i think for uh for more but yes certainly one question mark's got to be over the darren turner car now that is being shown now with the little penalty mark next to it suggesting they are going to as he hasn't taken it just apply it post race but seeing that the penalty could have been taken does that get him into more hock with the stewards there was time to serve it yes i'm trying to work out whether he's 30 seconds ahead of gus burton it's tight that isn't it uh 18 20 now yes i think he is just about 30 and a half seconds ahead of gus burton so the significance of that is that if they give him a 30 second penalty he'll only lose one place and that will be to this car the number 19 of jack brown and ashley marshall they're going to finish second on the road here at spa ahead of them darren turner has already taken the checkered flag but owes us a drive-through penalty that he never served so we think this will be the win for the number 90 both motorsport mclaren then uh as they head across the start finish line then a brilliant weekend all round really for this squad valve motorsports uh uh gt4 program finally starting to pick up a bit of pace and whilst the rocket rjn mclarens have also been quick they've been a bit more accident prone and a bit more unfortunate uh continuing there with katie milner retiring late in the race whereas valve have managed to avoid most of that trouble and uh may end up with a race win out of it wait and see story will rumble on won't it before they get to uh the end of the night so leo machitsuki and dennis lind the winners next week sandy mitchell is with leo machitsuki in the 24 hours here but dennis lin's first british gt win it's been in the post but finally he's made good and uh the bears will be on dennis tonight after that he'll be absolutely delighted the race win fastest lap from pole position triple whammy and uh an excellent effort it's a shame that we had all the dramas at the start which of course affected the shape of the race but uh equally we still had some very very good racing all the way through in some good battles and the provisional results underlying provisional look like this yes uh no doubt really about machitsuki and lind the winners then they get their first victory in british gt together uh and uh moved themselves into championship contention once more mike ligo and phil keem making the lamborghini 1-2 for wpr motorsport there in second with the proctors having a quiet second half of the race but managing to get themselves on the podium as well uh ross gun and andrew howard survived a penalty to finish fourth boss adam ballon and sandy mitchell were fifth and in gt4 it is provisionally jack brown and ashley marshall that take the victory for both motorsport darren turner and matt topham after that late penalty are second ahead of will burns and gus burton but not by a huge amount mcauley and wilmore fourth for academy then it was the second century car gordon goldbrick and chris sulkeld with richard williamson fielding the last car that was still running competitively at the end so there is dennis lind then and uh he will celebrate momentarily with leo machitsuki there underneath the podium while well motorsport then the 63 car that had such a disastrous time of it he had the two cars that came to blows at term one last time at donington end up first and second today they do still make a bit of contact they look because dennis has opened the door to the into the side of the wpi car that though i think they can live with i reckon so the only thing he's done wrong will race i think just uh and it does show how tight the parking is modern cars get wider you know it's the same in a supermarket car park there's always some gnome that parks next to you there's loads of spaces they always come and park next to you dennis lin brilliant job to win for the first time in british gt there in the background arriving is ross gunn who of course ends up fourth overall but third in the pro am element of the uh class so uh good job done by ross gum and the podiums will get underway shortly but dennis lin just scarfed up the road didn't he feel keen as you would expect metronomic in his pace with the uh wpi car so it is a win for leo machitsuki and dennis lind there is dennis lind and he can tell all to bring well first of all dennis your first ever win in british gt well done congratulations thank you it wasn't uh too much working leo did most of the work so i was just bringing the car back i tried to get the fastest lap in the first two laps and they didn't tell me if i got it or not so leo while you're here as well when you were watching dennis and he came up behind those three gt4 cars what were you thinking i wasn't watching i couldn't watch and i i did see that little moment he took his time i think obviously they had their own battle um possibly the mustang shouldn't have sent it down the inside again but here's what it is it's racing dennis what about you we're a bit bit worried at that moment or was it all room control i had first row seats to the action so i was pretty happy i saw the mustang coming so you know i didn't really want to interfere you know when you're alone on track and you don't really have to you know fight for anything i don't want to mess up good tv or good battles so uh yeah i saw him coming and i thought okay fair move you know if you want to go for it go for it well the last round deem has been put to bed well done thank you very much [Music] well very popular winners there i think dennis lind and leo machitsuki great to have leo back this year and uh dennis as you've said it's become a bit of a household name within the championship over the last few years and a flawless performance life has made a little easier for them by the fact that a couple of their expected rivals were out before we even got to the staff the race really but uh they still had to do the job dennis still had to stay out of trouble throughout his stint and he did yeah i mean he again knows his way around here he knows the car because he spent a lot of time in gt3 spec lamborghinis and he put all of that together perfect job done so gt4 uh celebrations for jack brown and ashley marshall if nothing else it's a podium finish it is a win because the timing screen is updated look right okay so that penalty has been uh added post race i guess newbridge are still intending to uh argue the fact if they can but that means that provisionally it is the win for jack brown and ashley marshall and brynn lucas is down there with them i'm sorry ashley why would we wait for for jack to take his crash on me off what about that a great win wasn't it really well earned but you had to fight for it really with darren yeah for sure i think obviously the prime cars are a little bit faster than us and i think i was from the opening student we suffered quite a bit of damage so that was a little bit tricky uh obviously we hit coming out of the sauce on that one from the lamborghini so the tracking was out and then yeah but yeah we're really happy i think how we pee one overall after the penalty i'm not sure so yeah jack just talking there quickly a bit of damage to the car early on how was it to drive yeah um the throttle was actually stuck open like 30 so it's really tough uh so definitely lost some time there really difficult to uh to take it home in the last 15-20 minutes really struggled so just trying to keep it hitting tightly so yeah overall really good job really please reverend sir thank you well done podium time well done guys back to you andy and david that's interesting then david because wpi were adamant that their car wasn't hurt in that contact and yet valve say it had quite a significant uh knock and the throttle was sticking open which ain't ideal no and to cope with all of that they did a very very good job because that was a quick car and it was on the attack and it was involved in battles you know they didn't bail out of it and come and pick they drove around the problems for relatively inexperienced drivers that's an excellent effort yes in this battle one of the highlights of the race as darren turner uh caught up to jack brown and we sort of expected him to get past him fairly easily but did not happen and jack really did put up a fight darren would eventually get through but then exceeded track limits once too often and was handed a penalty so it will be jack and ashley that take your gt4 race victory lots of hard luck stories though artwork for example you know the seto motorsport ginetta speedworks toyota irrespective of all the cars damaged at the start and you've got a feel for the nearest because it was a late decision to come and do this race because of the result at donington because of how well they were going in the championship and then it all unravels yes well the neres of course will not score which means they're going to be now once again 30 odd points off the championship lead so um yeah just as they fought their way back into contention after some bad look at the start of the season so they have it all to do again we've still got though uh we've had four races there are five still to go we're at snetterton next for the first of our two double headers then alton park for a double header and then a two-hour finale at donington so there is time for this to change i mean the amount of comers and goers that we've had in the first four events of the season you'd imagine could be replicated again in the final uh three events five races especially those sprint race formats that are coming up shortly they are always all action those one-hour sprint races aren't they absolutely and uh you have a bad first race pick up damage you're in stride for the second if there's not a massive turn around and snatterton is another circuit that there was good racing that switch back in field where you can be on the outside for one corner the inside for the next the outside for the one after that it does generate good racing so there the drivers will be making their way to the podium that they are and the podium ceremony about to get underway or ceremonies because there are of course lots of different classes even within the two divisions of gt3 and gt4 yes indeed we'll start with the overall gt3 podium plus the silver am winners as well um because they were in third place overall so that they'll get to two trophies on their trip up there onto the podium you can see the uh drivers gathered and lauren granville they're handing out the trophies the drivers have to take the trophies onto the podium themselves as part of kobe protocols but they do still at least get the moment to sit up on the stand upon the podium and celebrate so the proctors then lewis and stuart proctor third overall in gt3 they win the silver and category which is new for 2021 uh no uh this sort of move to a more pro am uh element in gt3 racing so we have a pro am and a silver ram class second place overall of course go to mike ligo and phil keem but it's dennis lind who gets his first victory in british gt paired up with leo machitsuki and they will move if not into the championship lead certainly very very close to it they will be enjoying this moment in the sunshine as well that rain david uh never did come did it no it never looked likely did it it was about the one thing that we didn't get out of all of that we had plenty of drama plenty of controversy plenty of talking points and a great drive by leia machitsuki and dennis linde yes so they have the belgian flag uh raised above them as mark respect to belgium which as we know has been suffering from some really adverse weather of late more heavy rain yesterday has affected certain parts of the country we believe quite lucky actually here in the spa frankfurt region the champagne shower though uh all together much more enjoyable shower and uh dennis lin sticks around to celebrate leo machitsuki had no intention of doing so i think he's saving that maybe for some celebrations later on this evening yeah as long as dennis doesn't do that to beer tonight that'll be absolutely fine you can do it with champagne but you don't want to waste good belgian beer we know that well done dennis great effort first british gt win and now soaking from that was the plan you see he was waiting till his teammate had got rid of his and uh that's a rookie error that from dennis he should know better so they vacate the podium then and it's prepared now for gt4 gt4 overall gus burton then of course uh is back on the podium once again with will burns uh having won twice already this year they were already comfortable championship leaders and they are still going to be comfortable championship leaders because the two cars that finished ahead of them was some way back in the points then there are uh your well first of all darren turner matt topham were up there on the second step of the podium and then jack brown and ashley marshall who win in gt4 after that post-race penalty in fairness turner and topham don't seem too aggrieved at that they're giving them a round of applause so uh although they may try and fight the penalty afterwards it looks as though they are sort of resigned to it i think they're just pleased to be in the results aren't they in part because at one point you thought that car was going to be a casualty because it was oh so close to being wiped out with some of the other carnage at the start of the race yeah how matt topham kept himself out of that accident i don't really know uh because he was arriving on the scene at some speed of course those at the back of the gt4 field are going quite quickly by the time they get to the start finish line and they're unsighted and visibility's low so yeah matt topham for that alone deserves a podium and then darren turner charging through benefiting from their slightly shorter pit stop of course were able to move through and uh get the uh second place finish in the end so we are hoping now to get the gt4 pro am drivers up there they go so that is john ferguson scott mckenna then making their way up onto the podium they didn't have a great race but they were at least able to get themselves on the podium and the gt4 pro am category that did lose one or two over the course of the weekend we uh still get a podium though for the top two teams so that is it then from another dramatic round of the intelligent money british gt championship here at the spa franchise circuit as i said we're more or less halfway through the season now the double headers begin next in another two weeks the 7th and 8th of august we're at the snetterton 300 circuit in the southeast of england and those double headers with two one-hour sprint races over the course of the day always really exciting and they always have a strong bearing on the championship outcome congratulations to our winners then here today barwell motorsport and balff motorsport getting the wins in gt3 and gt4 respectively it's been an entertaining two hours of racing here at spa we hope to see you back again next time as the british gt championship heads to at snetterton [Music]
Channel: GTWorld
Views: 157,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BlancpainGT, Blancpain, GT, GT3, Endurance, Sprint, Series, Cup, Motorsports, watch, FIA, driver, sportscar, racecar, car, events, Spa, 24h, team, europe, pro-am, pro, racetrack, LIVE, British GT, Donington Park, Intelligent Money British GT Championship, Gus Burton, Will Burns, two-hour race, GT4, Bryn Lucas, Andy McEwan, David Addison
Id: 25QweNfAkWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 30sec (9030 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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