Ken Block Rips Legendary Rally Machines From Audi's Secret Storage

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Ken has a new deal with Audi and they let him drive cars from the racing museum.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/aileio ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 01 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

He might very well be one of if not the only person to ever drive an RS200 and the RS002.

Iโ€™m fascinated how they compare, but the RS002 def wasnโ€™t full boost.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Herr_Quattro ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 02 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
is that something we could do i mean you got to go check with another boss or something could you picture driving this like on a gravel switch oh my god that's not necessarily so unnecessary so [Music] we're here at audi tradition this is like the secret museum a bunch of really really special cars that they keep in this like really non-descript office building like you wouldn't expect there to be priceless race cars here yeah it's uh logo and cars up here yeah yeah they let you know i don't know jeremy but i'm pretty sure that says you can only park here if you are from audi tradition there's a teemo so let's have timo how are you guys doing good to see you again see you again do you do tours of this to the public at all no no no this is kind of a hidden place more or less i mean some people know that they're that we are here but it's not open to public at all and that and that's the crazy part to me is that this is a workspace i mean they have spare parts they have well we're going to show them okay all right i'm just really excited for one is this okay i don't know let's just go inside who would know that do we have to blur that that's like the bat cave entrance [Music] oh look at this thing [Music] oh my gosh wow [Music] there's no words well look at that i mean these two together look at the side it says scca on the side wow all right so today because there's so much to see here i think we'll start with the rally cars timon you take us on the tour so we basically put the cars a little bit up in timeline so this is the first one we tried to go on the rally stages with with our daimud front wheel driven car mechanical injection 1.6 liters can we see under the hood on this one yeah of course this is like old school tech it's wild this is kind of the beginning of this this is pre-quattro ken's like cool show me the quattros where this science starts is where ken's interest starts i mean those are cute and it's great to see uh audi's history there but this is where this is where my knowledge of audi starts we start with a group b a1 basically it would be a two card hey hey i know the ultimate it's the real deal i love the livery the stig blumquist car i raced in the first year that i raced the championship yeah yeah yeah he raced uh rally america that that year that i started i think i beat him in one event it was only because there were night stages and he didn't drive very confidently at night because his eyes yeah i love seeing the variations in deliveries too from the red and brown gray to them mixing in the yellow over the years seeing the fenders grow i love to see some fenders the fenders grow and the cars shorten this is the beginning of the sport quattro so you can see the rear wheels actually line up but look how far they're back this wheel is compared to that wheel because quattro came out and basically audi just dominated on gravel but the lancios were still fast on the tarmac so they shortened the wheelbase hoping that they'd be able to just like pendulum through corners faster and it helped a bit but it also made such a weird looking shaped car because if you look at them it has a really really steep windshield right where this one has a more relaxed one and that was to give the drivers headspace in it you are such an audience i know timo and i text each other when we're not here okay i'm just planning my retirement i'm going to move to engleshdot i'm going to come work here under teemo just cleaning cars it's going to be great this is where the cars got ridiculous oh it might be ridiculous i mean in a very good way yeah they're like beautiful in a function over fashion way i mean can you think about like the engineers who are putting this together and they're like this isn't working i don't know just rivet something on the side add in like a knack you know that thing you use for the lip let's put it on the fender too so this is ultimate version without pike's peak right but riley this is what's ran in 86. this livery this setup this was the end of the era right here yeah so this is what i've dreamt about so this is the one you're gonna like ken drive right you know what how about both of these i don't even know what this is at some point the people who ran group b thought we need cars that are even faster and scarier than group b this was group s which was a prototype so the idea was that instead of production cars they were going to move to a more like le mans style prototype build we're supposed to build two cars at least but the first one never left the building so so this is the one which was existing and actually is now running everybody thinks of group b as like the golden era of rally but there was actually something beyond that that didn't happen the apex predator for the apex predator right yeah yeah and they're sitting right here together it's pretty wild to see that in between these two cars there was another car existing which was basically a sport quattro group b rally car with the engine moved into the rear what there are two pictures of something like this existing but the car got spotted pretty early in terms of testing and then they took it out of the way does this run it runs yeah it runs wow actually pretty well what engine is in it it's the same then the group e ends with the five seconds so this so this handle is better than that maybe actually i have to admit that it might be good comparison between the two cars how they handle and what the difference are you take these things out of here we take some things out of the area any of the cuatros like uh would be cool to drive but this would be my dream and i mean to compare it with that thing just to see what that would be like i mean complete one of one so i mean is that something we could do yeah i think so we can do because we take them out for demo runs and i mean you're going to go check with another business i know of course of course i know your regular stuff you're doing right if we all agree that we get a little bit smooth and more gentle to stuff that might work you're suggesting that you've seen our videos tell me tell me you haven't seen our videos without telling me you haven't seen our videos so just to be clear we're gonna take these out i think we take these two out one this is unbelievable this one yeah like this one i kind of but this is like how many people have driven this three five five people [Music] by the way by the way by the way by the way by the way now you shook his hand can you read what that says just ain't care that's the guy you're letting in the car no mechanical sympathy teemo you can come work for hoon again i got plenty of non-running audis you can work on i mean i've worked with some great manufacturers in the past uh and none of them have offered me to take their cars out of their museum yeah and go rip them around these are so special they don't even let people in the museum drool over them they keep them here yeah plebs don't get this all right man whoo so we get to do this today we do we can go drive these now [Laughter] [Music] all right so we're here at an air base outside of englishdot because these cars this and that are too loud to run at audi sport which is why i love this car [Music] are you excited i mean what's your excitement level right now uh i mean it's very very high i mean we're in germany in eaglestot with an actual car that was raced by walter all at monte carlo this you know was one of the dream cars granted it's detuned a bit to save it they were quick to tell us that the car was detuned yeah and they they gave us this reason that they wanted to last forever i think they just detuned it for ken i'll be quiet honest so ken try not to break that one but we'll start with this i don't think i've ever been more jelly than you rather right now like you've driven like 1400 horsepower cars this thing has like a whopping 300 but it was walter rawls which is kind of cool have fun [Applause] [Applause] um [Music] ah [Music] what a fantastic sounding car [Music] so one of one there's only one of these one of these this wow it's a prototype car so this is like two and a half million what is this worth much more than this one but i don't oh boy oh boy yeah good luck don't crash it fifth person to ever drive it what could go wrong [Music] he got that more sideways than the s1 just trying to make a turn [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right so i just got to watch ken drive two dream cars so you want to tell me if you could at least tell me about them well i mean this really is dream come true yeah i got to try that thing museum cards like actual pulled out of a museum yes you know just the fact of group b monster world championship winning it was just incredible incredible to be able to rip this thing around of course the ideal thing would be able to do it on an actual tarmac stage but this thing being two and a half three million dollars i wouldn't want that kind of responsibility but it would i mean at least here i got to kind of ex explore the you know the understeer oversteer and do it in a really safe and easy way and you only made you only made teemo like cringe like 37 38 times i think so and then he just stopped breathing and passed out on the last slide and that's just an open field yeah yeah yeah imagine actually going down a gravel stage with it they wouldn't let me do donuts so yeah that was incredible but this thing same engine so to feel that horsepower delivery but from a mid engine and a sort of more balanced car yeah that was really fun because this thing just understeers so badly but this has just more of a a nice turning balance and i started to get the feel of what i would do and i was like okay slow down i got near the edge of the grass once and i'm like nope i'm not not touching the grass could you picture driving this like on a gravel no frightening i i can't imagine that thing at full power on gravel that would just be insane yeah this is like the killer bees these are the suicidal s's like what would have this been called but man thank you audi starting off this relationship uh in a very good way so thank you so so once again audi's letting us take cars out of the museum all right so i kind of need one of these yeah this is kind of cool [Music] you
Channel: Ken Block
Views: 881,936
Rating: 4.9731989 out of 5
Keywords: Ken block, audi, Ken Black, Hoonigan, etron GT, Audi enron, E-tron GT, EV race car, Audi electric car, EV performance, gymkhana, gimkhana, Sport quattro, ken block audi S1, S1e2, s1 e2, electric dakar, EV gymkhana, hoonicorn, group b, rallye, quattro, audi sport, etron gt rs, E-tron gtrs, electrickhana, elektrikhana, electric gymkhana, Group S, prototype, RS-002, rs02
Id: oYU5HfG-TPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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