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[Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so hello and welcome to the fifth and final round of the sro esports gt series for 2020 a pleasure to have you with us for the final two rounds of this five round competition that we started at silverstone a few months to go before that of course there was the charity race at monza but now it is title deciding day my name is jack nichols alongside me in the virtual studio is david addison as we get ready for the pro race and the silver race uh we will have a one hour race for both of those and it is louis delatraz who is leading the way in the pro class patrick selva is leading the standings in the silver class david the action today at kailami a track that was voted for by the fans and it's been a good choice because it's got a real mix jack of fast corners of challenging bits for the drivers uh and also variable weather and i suspect that it's going to be the silver drivers who cop for the worst of the conditions rather than the pros but we are going to have the championship leader for the pros louis delatraz starting on pole position uh he comes here with a good advantage in the championship but he also has to drop his worst score now there are four people that can win in pro louis delatraz lorenzo marcucci ben barnicoat and ivan pereiras of the four only delatraz has a score to drop the others have all got a zero but delatraz has to drop four points so the irony of this because of drop scores is he might end up being beaten by somebody with fewer points because of this drop score rule so he needs to try to make sure those four points as the drop score don't become a big factor at the end of the hour yeah he's been very consistent this year in the championship scored points in every round as we uh as you alluded to the only driver to have done that so he has 59 points which is 55 after the drop scores and uh marcucci has 49 ben barnico 43 ivan pereira's on 36 as david said those are the only drivers in contention for this race grid wise delatraz starts on pole dilorenzo is second jordan pepper is third and marcucci is in fifth position david and pereira's in ninth so i i'm gonna say the same thing i've said at the previous four rounds the championship leader standing on pole position looks to be in good shape but that is never how it ends up being well no you're right history over this championship has proved us wrong in that delatraz should be in the box seat he's on pole position he's got the inside line he's got the run all the way down to turn one uh and then the the actual proper first corner itself is a kink at turn one effectively and then you go sharp left at krothorn now if you can get through that without dramas yes he should be away but don't forget the car still has to lug round 25 kilos of extra weight given its results last time out at barcelona but you've got the weight you've got the pinch point of crow thorne all to be negotiated um if he can get through that and de la trousers proved to be a very canny driver so far in the championship i think he's going to be hard to beat but you're right jack history has not been kind to the pole man in the championship thus far no tenth on the grid for this race is going to be david perrell the uh regular gt world challenge racer he's got a new uh academy coach dave academy it's called it's running cars in this race and he's available for training in the sim and the real world let's take a look now it wouldn't be an sro gt race without the wonderful sounds of five-time grand prix winner john watson let's bring him in now watty good afternoon the final round of the championship all builds up to this at kyle army you excited very excited jaco anyway congratulations three years in the book many more to go i hope aside from all that uh yeah i'm looking forward to it 16 corners here at kylami it's a 4.5 kilometer circuit very tight now look teletras and pool position in the in the sort of the the best place you can be further back marcucci and the audi well fifth place third row of the grid just thinking back to the beginning of december in 2019 when we were here for the nine hours of calamity overtaking was the key or in fact and for many cases the lack of the key because nobody could actually open the door they couldn't find a way through so we will watch and see whether in a sim event overtaking is going to be any easier or more difficult i don't know we'll find out very soon yeah really looking forward to this let's bring in ben constanduras as well our uh sim racing correspondent uh ben this kylami circuit we we haven't seen it yet for you guys but you'll see it in a couple of moments it looks absolutely incredible on a set of corsa and there were of course a multitude of tracks that that could have been voted for yeah absolutely all the uh all the intercontinental tracks were available to vote for and this one of the least known i suppose uh only finished in 2015 in its present form i'm not so sure how many of these drivers will have huge experience the tracks we've visited before the likes of barcelona spa frankel shot we know them very very well uh from years and years of being simulated on loads of different platforms but kyle army i don't think appears on any different platform it's only on this particular acc platform it looks beautiful but i think track knowledge could also be a factor yeah i think that's going to be very interesting actually and uh louis deletera as the championship leader said that he asked all of his fans on twitter to vote for kailami because he thought it would suit his porsche best he didn't want to go to bathurst because there wouldn't be a huge amount of power at the end of the long straight so he tried to get all his fans to vote for kyla it looks as though they have managed to do the trick let's take a closer look at this circuit shall we with the fanatec track guide [Music] hey everyone i'm jody fannin i'm driving the bmw m6 for volcanoes motorsport and here's my guide to the kyle army grand prix circuit i actually grew up in south africa so it's quite cool to be here for the final round hope you enjoy it so here we go for a lap of the kailari grand prix circuit it's a really wide open run down to term one which could make for some interesting moves on the first lap of the race it'll be exciting to watch keep the car over to the right hard on the brakes down to first gear it's really easy to go in too quick here so you want to be patient don't let the car run too wide so you can keep it flat with us right and left avoid the yellow curb on the brakes and turn at the same time which makes it quite tricky run over the curb on the exit but not too wide it'll spit you into the wall on the left important to get a good run out of there as it's uphill all the way to sunset flip the car in be patient back on the power again you can use the curb but you don't want to run too wide because it's very very bumpy on the exit over to the right on the brakes pick the power up nice and early again use all the curb on the exit blind turn into the next one which makes it really tricky to know where to turn you can use a little bit of the kerb on the left but you don't really want to use too much on the right it'll spit you off use the kerb on the exit and then all the way up to the hairpin really tricky to see your turning point for this one and the exit as well pick the power up it's quite easy to run too wide and onto the grass so just be careful flat out left-hander down here there's a bit of a bump in the middle with some sparks flying off the cars at this time of day which will make it quite exciting hard on the brakes again down to first gear be patient on the power you can run quite wide here but not too wide and then keep to the left for the flip to the right just avoid the sausage curb on the inside life gets a bit too exciting and again it's bumpy on the exit on the brakes down to first gear on the power early for a good run down to turn one and that is the lap of the kailarami grand prix circuit [Music] enjoy so there's the fanatic lap tutorial then around this kylami circuit really interesting point that ben made there because uh while we're watching that video i was trying to remember if i'd driven this track in any game and i can't think of any you know you get monza spa silverstone in any sort of major racing title but uh yeah kyle army a little more niche formula one stopped going there in uh i've committed to this i think 1993 david was the last formula one visit to kyle army there certainly was a formula one visit then but the circuit has changed again anyway this is a different um iteration of kyla i mean it keeps reinventing itself it sort of moved away further down the mountain from the original capil army circuit i mean when john and i were there last year we were very very impressed with the facility inevitably it's going to be compared against the original circuit um and i think one of the reasons that everybody had such a good time there last year was because it was new to all of them and they've gone not knowing what to expect and discovering this very impressive facility it's got good pick garages it's a challenge for the drivers it may not be the original but as a modern day circuit it was a big hit yeah it certainly was uh the the nine hour was at the end of last a lot of rain i think wasn't there which uh which is something that we may see again uh today hopefully not as much rain as last year i'm sure there were red flags weren't there uh no they kept going although we had a little good hour or so of safety gold we had um rain late in the day which affected some of the qualifying and practice sessions but for the race um alain adam who was the race director kept everybody going behind the safety car and of course you had the team shouting we need to stop this well they were all the teams that were in a good position to score a win from where they were but alan kept it going into the last hour it just stopped raining enough to then start to dry so he did have a final hour give or take of racing and that started to shuffle what was the ultimate order in the intercontinental gt challenge so it was worth sticking with it absolutely we're looking now at uh louis delatraz and luigi de lorenzo's laps in in qualifying as they come out over the start finish straight down towards term one separated by barely anything at the line but john how important was this for louis delatraz to secure that pole position in his championship fight well the irony is he scored in every round but of course the rules for the championship mean that you have to drop your worst score so his worst scores are four points so that the importance of pole position was even more focused on that single four point drop that he's going to have to take and those that are around him who have had zero points uh results in some of their previous four events all they can do is thinking about going forward but as i said in that earlier comment it is a tough circuit to overtake on it's a very busy circuit it's not that great the length uh none of the corners are what i would call high speed corners other than the curve that you come down to through the kink down into crowthorne the next quickest corner in reality would be sunset one of the original circuit corners on this original kailami circuit which i raced on i hate going back guys i know you bore me but anyway it was a wonderful circuit what we have now got is a thoroughly modern uh version for kyle army it was altered about because the concern was it was a bit and they added a kink which is now yuksky's sweet and that was one of the army in the old circuit and that leads into barbecue another one of the old corner names and then from barbecue all the way up to the highest part of the racetrack those are the original corners and in fact the circuit is following the direction that those corners would have taken place back in the i can't remember how long ago was very long time ago i can tell you no we can believe it so across the line uh came louis delatraz then in the porsche to secure his pole position uh dilorenzo second on the grid jordan pepper third on the grid uh which was a good drive from pepper who's been a front runner on occasion david we're looking at the the top 12 here what else stands out to you uh anglers fender debut in the championship as a wild card uh he's part of the two seas motorsport team for mclaren because he's a wild card he won't score points and yet he's up there on the second row of the grid so that's something else just to factor in as we're thinking about who is scoring what you've got a driver who could be in that leading gaggle who doesn't score and therefore everybody would move up a place but he was very impressive indeed in that qualifying session this morning andy sutchek having a good run good to see him going well uh and it's looking pretty good for mclaren there's quite a lot of mclarens up within that top dozen also and ben barnicoat has got to make some progress in his mclaren up from 16th so there's a lot to look for depending on where delatraz is if he can get through turn two still in the lead i fear he's going to be away and gone then we have to get the calculators out and see what's going on behind him yeah the calculators i think are going to be even more important for the silver cup race that we will have after this first one hour uh we mentioned the weather last year ben in in real life kalami what are we expecting this afternoon for the pro cup and the silver cup well we'll have to wait and see what happens in the silvers but i can tell you that the race is set at 21 degrees light clouds but interestingly uh the time of the session is something like 4 30 in the morning so going to start in the in the dusk uh no not the dust the dawn oh and we're gonna have a nice sunrise which should be quite interesting not something you can do in real life but uh a quirk of sim racing yeah you could do it in real life but i don't think you'd get uh much love from the drivers would you if you said the race is starting none of you guys been to bath first when they start that 12-hour race starts in darkness really oh that starts at six o'clock in the morning i think okay well then there we go we have had it before uh the cars are now about to start their formation lap in a couple of moments time then louis delatraz is at the top of the championship standings 59 points 10 points clear of marcucci but he has a uh four points to drop so in essence he is six points ahead of marcucci benbaniko did in third but he starts down in 16th place on the grid ivan pereiras is technically him with a chance of winning the championship but he starts ninth on the grid so it's going to be tough for him to take you full through the full grid and around the formation lap they go it's time to hand over to the commentators ben constanduras former f1 driver john watson and of course the voice of sro gt racing david addison so here we go one last time in the sro esport gt series the pro championship [Music] mmm [Music] so [Music] so the race underway and it is louis de la tras then that's got the advantage as the cars wriggle their way around this opening lap of the race but he's coming under attack isn't he because he has got there queued up behind him luigi delorenzo delatraz has managed to avoid all the dramas at the first left but he's not yet getting away from the opposition and there right on his tail because they come up the hill is de lorenzo so this brings them around loyco they're ready to drop downhill through the mine shaft for the first time in third base is angus fender who remember does not score it's jordan pepper fourth and this leading quartet getting away we did have a few skirmishes on the opening lap and right now although delatraz leads he is under big big pressure and here up the inside gate for the race leaders so is he going to be able to do it they wriggled their way out of the crocodile towards cheetah still side by side delatraz gets roughed up runs wide that's going to cost him the race lead and it's the aston ahead as fender goes around the outside delatraz then in danger of losing place after place now as jordan pepper the south african eager for a win on a notional home circuit is right there behind it now but delatraz has just hanged onto second but he can ill afford what he to lose more places no he's struggling badly i don't know whether it's a lack of tower temperature it's certainly a lack of grip and he's been mugged by the aston martin now around the outside down at crew thorn and up the inside into yuckstree through the mclaren fender has pushed his way through he got on tagged from behind delatraz catches the back of the mclaren rotates it now that may also harm teletraz big time because that was a contact that was possibly avoidable we see fender has got going again but he's lost one place down to fourth there's the battle look about all of a sudden bentley has appeared from nowhere and have a look at bambaniko because he's up into uh fifth position if not better he's got andy suchet behind him scott malvin is next in the queue work that was a bit of a hip and shoulder as through k alex bunkum against uh nicholas hillebrand and elbowed him out of harm's way that gave alex punk in the place so the cars accelerate their way uphill apologies for missing the start of the race we had a technical glitch we're with you we're running for they are now and while we were having our little moment ben constanduras what was going on which accounted for one or two at the start of the race could you see from in-game yeah i was watching inside the game an amazingly poor start from debbie perel mr dave gaming uh i don't know what exactly happened to him but uh he was mid-pack spun around mid-pack before they even got to the kink let alone the first corner uh he's spun round he's been in the pits back out issa khalifa is also in trouble fontana so they're the race leaders accelerating their way up towards the timing line and as they come through then it is luigi delorenzo from the front of the grid now trying to build the lead over jordan pepper in second place did we deal with his third michael o'brien fourth now michael has not had a lot of luck in the championship this year but he's going really nicely now and he's on the back of delatraz and could well help the man in fifth place because ben barnicoat who started 16th it is now fifth remember that ben is third in the championship and a bit of help from that mclaren ahead of him taking points off de la trout would not go amiss here so barnacle out of nowhere in a sense john he's looking quite strong now i suspect what happened on the opening lap into dunwoon through the kink into kruthor has helped ben bonicle to remember in barcelona the last round he was in the middle of the pack once again and got rotated there on the opening lap so everything's turned around to benefit the young briton the mclaren in fifth place he's just 1.3 seconds behind o'brien in the system mclaren and then andela trials a little bit further up the road by three tenths of a second so that gap third fourth fifth basically covered by hank so louis trans here finding himself on the back foot he's going to try and score points if he can out of all of this but he's coming under attack from o'brien ben barney there in fifth and he's sue check sixth it's scott mulvaney in seventh romicio crestani in eighth evan pereira's in ninth and then he's been tusting at the moment rounding out the top ten as the cars currently work this third lap of the race but luigi de lorenzo now doing his best trying to build the gap over the opposition here we've already got penalties i fear sev morris has copped a drive through yeah david that was four uh his pit stop uh that was for his position at the start of the race same with nicholas nielsen they were both out of position at the start morris into the pits but has stayed in the pits as well so obviously felt no need to continue sadly okay race leaders working their way then towards us there is ben barney he's still got andy sue check behind him this is the turn two three four sequence isn't it through crothorn and it's where inevitably there are always incidents but right now ben barney coated the mclaren andy suck in the bentley running together what this isn't helping necessarily if ben is defending of course he's getting back onto the tail of michael o'brien in fourth and actually john over the last lap louis delatraz looking a little bit more secure in that third place yeah it looks the opening lap or the maybe the two opening laps for delatraz were little more than a nightmare because he was under pressure all the time from de la renzi and jordan pepper likewise has squeezed through into second place so de la tras beginning to consolidate he's 1.2 seconds behind jordan pepper remember when we were here in uh beginning of december porsche won this race this is a racetrack probably very much in a way favoring support with a lot of these corners coming up to the up the hill into the aircraft they're not these high-speed corners not the aerodynamic effect that maybe you'd get on high-speed corners it's more the mechanical effect down the hill down the mine shaft as the cars drop down into into the crocodile this is through mine shaft here on board with nicolas hildebrand going the long way around around crocodile can he make it stick a lot of rubber on the outside and he's going to be squeezed to the outside the bmw i think is just about managed to hold the ferrari back it has that's jody fanning in the bmw but he's out a little bit wide there is lorenzo marcucci behind them now remember that marcucci is the man second in the championship and he's 15th that means he is a long long way outside the points and he's also coming under attack because there is the ferrari of the recovering david perrell in and amongst all of this as well out of the kink at turn one down towards pro thought they come but up front dilorenzo is leading by nearly two and a half seconds now is there fannin just hands on to that 13th place but it goes wide ferrari should get the place here john and you do there's enough track space to make it through he did in fact good job by failing to allow that pass the third car in that group we're looking at magakuchi how he ended up back there he was on the third row of the grid he's not all the way down 15th place the equivalent of being on the seventh row of the grid and that is a massive disappointment to probably the driver i thought might be the one would walk away here this afternoon or this evening or this morning or tomorrow whenever the champ being well you're right he's on the back foot right now and louis delatraz as things have started to settle down he hasn't been losing any more paces he is still the best place of those fighting for the championship so he is still being able to control this he doesn't need to win the race he just needs to outscore the rest of them if he is third he will bag 70 points if barney coach is fifth there's his nearest opposition ben will bag 53 so it's still looking as though louis de la torrez is on target for the title but there's a long way to go still 51 minutes and change on the clock as we look there david perrell coming under attack from matt samuel as they head down towards the crocodile nobody ahead of de la tras is going to beat him in the championship so delatraz is in effect in control albeit in third place so all he has to do is ensure that he a doesn't make a mistake or b put himself in the position where another car could have coalition take him out so he's got that little bit of a gap it's not 2.3 seconds between second and third place but michael brown is well just a second behind the third place porsche looking at boards scott marvin and the bensley up through the sweeps of bjorksuke coming up into a barbecue i've been a lot of work in the steering wheel from the bentley driver normally i wouldn't have expected that to be the case but maybe different styles different car setups different driver preferences but scott malvin doing a good job here is he running in seventh place now scott has had a seventh as his best of the season came out of winning the british formula four championship many many years ago through gt4 into gt3 there is david peral he's on the attack he's going for 14th against lorenzo marcucci local time within the game is quarter past five question for ben here is what does the game do ben to change as the time of day changes here as we get closer to quarter past six for example at the race end how will the game take that into account is it just the light or the temperature as well what does it do the light will be better the track temperature will start to rise we'll get uh some sunlight on the track as well so better with a lack of tire by the end of the race it can be quite interesting to see how these cars react to that i don't know what actually would be the effect in real life john watson is [Music] starting so early with ball strap and then running later with a hotter track but it's time well i don't think it's going to get hot at this time of morning it'll get warmer in fact we could just see the sun rising as the cars came through leocop so it is early in the morning quarter past five probably the track temperature will be around the low low 20s maybe high teens it's not going to be a factor for this race it may be a factor for the silver cup but we are anticipating that mike could raccoon might do whatever be a race where rain comes into play yes the forecast is for rain isn't it for later in the day here carl i mean there was drama in the background we saw a moment or two ago coming through crocodile and cheetah which accounted for amongst others by the look of it uh the recovering gangas fender now i remember that he had qualified for got tangled up early in the race was trying to recover and has fallen a long way back andy su check is ahead now of ben barnico so that's even worse news for ben in the championship not only are fewer draw drivers getting ahead of did allatraz but he has now lost a place and therefore two more points uh because andy suture is up past him andy who is the subject of the next big interview in the pit lane the sro podcast coming out next week uh and the former formula three champion spanish formula three champion hangs on to a newly won fifth place as he now plunges downhill out of loycott yeah down the hill down through the mine shaft so ben barnacult will have been disappointed to have lost that place but andy sutchek he knows of the drive-through but that's something uh will come a little bit well might come sooner than later in fairness so that will be some kind of if you won't call it relief for the british driver in the mclaren the number two the turquoise and black now the mclarens certainly in the silver cup absolutely clobbered with ballast for the success that they had top four positions there but here not to penalize and uh leading mclaren currently michael brown in fourth place now that drive-through for andy suchek is because of causing a collision on the opening lap with lorenzo marcucci so we were wondering why marcucci was so far down the order having of course been fighting for the championship well andy snuck it is deemed has a case to answer here richard norbury the steward peter roberts the race director they have uh had a look at it and feel that andy suck is the man responsible to a drive-through he will get a quick word about our two officials here both peter roberts and richard norbury are part of the official team for the porsche super cup which kicks off in the not too distant in austria so at the end of the silver race they've got one hour to look at any evidence that they need to then they have to set off and drive to austria to make sure that they are there in time to go through all the local regulations due to cobia 19 and then tomorrow if they need to they'll carry on reviewing any evidence so it'll be very much a provisional result tonight an official one tomorrow once they've arrived in austria david am i missing something or where has uh angus fender gone uh he was remembered tagged into a spin early on and then we saw him tagged again a couple of laps ago coming out of the crocodile that was the one i was just mentioning and that dropped him way way down the order uh i had a picture of dropout so i missed the action that's why i'm looking for him yeah yes bad sorry about two laps down he must have had a long old pit stop to fix the car and decided rather than retiring he'd just carry on and get the car fixed and enjoy being part of this because if he has the pace sadly yeah two laps down from the nearest challenger he's hitting 19th position we've also got i don't think it's relevant anymore because he's still in the pit lane anyway but said morris was being given a 30-second stop and go for causing a collision with uh david perel now that and i suspect is the answer to why david perel had his spin on the king it makes sense because the penalty came straight at the beginning of the race but he'd already had a drive-through penalty from the automatic system right dictating where he wasn't he was in the wrong place at the start um and the game gives you a box to sit in you must sit in that box if you're outside of that box then you're given an automatic drive to penalty so seven morris already had that even before uh he then went into the pits retired and now has a drop another uh 30-second penalty all of which will be of academic interest but anthony suck of course now the cork in the bottle for ben barnacot and scott malvin has got to serve this drive-through but while he is out on track he's getting in ben barnicoat's way preventing ben from getting any closer to the top three this is scott malvin's view seventh but it's gonna become sixth once the leading bentley suburbs the drive-through penalty but of course up front ahead of them all luigi de lorenzo looking for the best result of the season it was a 19th but he's uh had a really good run here to get himself up the order he came here fifth in the championship as well so let's see what he can do uh in order to score a maiden victory of the season as the cars now turn their way once again out of crocodile is it just a are maintaining because delatraz has fallen back to five and a half seconds behind second place jordan pepper he is in effect holding up michael brown and the lead mclaren and those two checkers and who's going to make that drive through penalty ben barnacult who's in the hunt for the championship so has de la trout's got a problem is that something has arisen we're not aware of certainly from the minute the lights went out that porsche has not looked to be the car that we saw in previous rounds i just wonder though given delatraz we know he's a a canny driver he's a thinking driver whether he's doing just enough he's keeping out of trouble he's banking points he knows who is ahead he knows where his championship rivals are as you said a few laps back john he can just control it from where he is the porsche may not look that quick but don't forget of course also it is having to lug around an extra 25 kilos given the success we had in barcelona well the 25 kilos certainly has is a penalty particularly here we've got a fair amount of rise and fall also remember this race track is not at sea level it's actually at 5029 feet above sea level so all the cars are struggling but those that are let's say non-turbo the porsche is a non-turbo car probably it will suffer that little bit more cars can generate the additional because that's october uh an induction so maybe that's a function of those that are naturally aspirated rather than those that are terrible the mclaren there behind directly behind michael brown v8 twin turbo now we have lost andy suchet you look at the graphic you'll see that he has been excluded from the race for not serving the penalty so that's andy sutra gone having been running in a pretty impressive fifth place opens the door of course now for ben barnick go to thunder on in pursuit of michael o'brien who you're riding with right now this is coming out of ingway and michael o'brien is on the hunt just need to try and close up on the back here of louis delatraz as they come over the line if o'brien can take more points away from de la tras if he can force delatraz nearer to ben barnico he's all helping his stable mate michael o'brien running in the belf motorsport colours against the two seas colours of bambaniko but they are mclaren representatives none of that i think what you've just said david is is regarding delhi trousers probably because teletrouse has proven to me to be a smart uncanny race driver he knows what he has if he has got a problem or just typing the the additional battle but just balancing the set up the porsche as he would like it well if he can maintain third place he's going to walk away the champion so all he is doing as you pointed out is not letting michael bryan get too close gap there between third and fourth places as they come down through the esses then the hill the climb and that that's a much steeper incline and we're seeing here on the screen if you get to the top of the hill you've got to get on the brakes slow the car down two-part corner leo corp then the run down the hill and that's quite a steep decline now the other driver of course that came here thinking championship admittedly at the outside of ivan pereira's he's down in ninth and the audi is heavier than the porsche we're talking about the porsche with 25 kilos audi 27 uh because of the combined top three playlistings that they got in the barcelona race so the aud is struggling as in fact they did in real life here john last year for the igtc nine hour race yeah i mean it's porsche in the end dominated that race i mean weather dominated the race in total but nonetheless it was the porsche that came through this particular car um and again it's doing the to do it hasn't got the uh no time of the aston martin that's leading or the bentley that's in second place de la trousers now further 6.6 seconds behind second place jordan pepper and he's what 1.1 seconds he's actually stretched the gap fractionally between himself and o'brien in the mclaren in fourth place now a question for ben constandura is this about ben barnico did ben can go in the game and have a look uh now that there's no longer the su check bentley ahead of him can ben barney coats lap times ben c uh suggest that ben b could catch up with o'brien and delatraz ahead of him yes he's got about a gap of three seconds to michael o'brien greatly running where penalty in most of the starts of the races that we've had so far but always had the pace and always up front yeah barnacle's matching o'brien he's also matching louis delatraz but luigi delorenzo and jordan pepper are miles ahead in terms of pace per lap than the rest of the field lorenzo always in the 41s jordan pepper faster on the last lap but on the previous front of that he was slightly slower and just in the 42s so if you can get your lap times in the 41s you're laughing and at the moment there's only one man doing that and that's our leader okay thanks ben another bed ben tustin here he's crawling all over the back of fabricio crestani so again ben tusk thing historic single seater racer turn gt racer has been impressive over the course of this championship sixth place his best result for british and creston started the series with pole at silverstone but the results have not gone his way and he's in danger of losing another place here john tusting is all over the back of the number 27 mclaren certainly is coming out to turn 16 on to the relatively short hit straight through the kink and then all the way downhill into crowthor and a big break as you come out of the king ready you're only exiting the kink before you hit the brakes there you can see the markers on the right hand side you've got to be neat and tidy here because if you overrun on the exit of crew thought then this section of the circuit up through uh yorkscay and into barbecue you open yourself up to a challenge and right now trusting is trying all he can to make stoney's life particularly difficult but yeah i've got jack this time it's going to be david what is curious to me is four mclarens in the top well top eight in fact it is right now but unfortunately for them the lead one is michael brown who's not really in contention but ben bonacot and barnacult needs to go from fifth to first to give himself any chance at all of winning this race at the championship as well he does indeed i mean if he gets close enough to michael o'brien would he let him go thinking mclaren driver for the championship not sure but either way they are still as you rightly make the point behind delatraz so as long as louise stays ahead of van barnicote and lorenzo marcucci and evan pereiras it is mission accomplished but this is ben tustin who is still on the back of crestani seventh and eighth as they plunge their way downhill the sparks fly from christine's mclaren and now he has to set the car up out of mineshaft down towards the crocodile yeah and this is where testing one lap ago got himself players in the position he would like to be it's through the secret to corners this is through cheetah the right angle that leads down all of a sudden into the very tight and way unusual name for a corner but that's the choice of the circuit owners see how much closer he is to the back of uh of uh christoni but really can't translate it you've got the headlights the side that got headlights certainly and everybody mandatorily because this race started as the light was rising so running with third lights on so out of the growth board left hand up yes ingway is leopard i think from memory in afrikaans hence his name you've got all the animals the crocodile cheetah leopard at the end of the lap right now up through the sweep and heading towards bbq look back from crestani's car and there now on the run towards sunset is fantastic behind in ninth place you can just see it in the background is the audi the leading audi of ivan pereiras who came here fourth in the championship and alex barkum now in uh 10th place the second of the bentley's in this but it's scott mulvan upholding bentley on a running in sixth and crestana here darwin suggests john is the cork in the bottle tusting is a bit stuck a testing is stuck but as we historically this is a tough he's gonna try and make the move well he's gonna be very brave to do that because he would certainly be on sighted on the way up until your cop tries to push the nose of his mclaren up to the inside of christine's mclaren but easily defended then the run back down this hill and this is the nature of the circuit there's no really easy or obvious place where you can make an attack that isn't easily or obviously defended and look at the way that pereiras and indeed alex buncombe in 10th place are closing all the mclarens so ben testing definitely being held up by crostani as they come now down towards this is turn 16. it's a sharp corner it brings you on to the pit straight which is a long long long run all the way down through the king down towards krothorn now up front lauren luigi to lorenzo still leads the way one point three seconds to the good i'm telling you a lie when i say that scott mulvaney's upholding bentley honor because jordan pepper forgive me is second of course he's a bentley driver he's also a south african so he'd like to win this on virtual home soil but you're looking at the battle for seventh eighth ninth and tenth as the cars here sprint their way once again up through the uzky suite and then towards barbecue then tusting doing everything he possibly can to find a way or to force away past this similar powered car but just behind that the od yet well the bentley in fact it was um alex and i thought was going to try and make a move on pereira's as they came up into sunset and you can see the bentley actually looks like it's carrying more speed than the audi again the idea with that little bit of extra weight on board but what more can you do testing is over the back of course don't it like a rash absolutely right this is buncombe's view that's pereiras ahead of him the lead gap he's just coming down in certain sectors ever so slightly we'll come to ben in a moment to look at lap times just see whether it's on for jordan pepper but buncombe is all over the back of pereira this is for ninth place pereira's having to wave goodbye to any thought of the championship but he was the very much outside driver for that anyway but he is certainly under attack look as they drop down the hill the big bentley alex buncombe in the second generation continental gt3 closing but ben testing what else can he do other than give a tap in the tail of chris dani to dislodge him because he just can't find a way by john can he no and again all you have to do in the case of christianity is just place your car try not to overdrive do not react do not respond to the pressure that's coming from behind you because you know that overtaking here is tough and if anybody's going to make a move they could put themselves into jeopardy or if they touch you they will most certainly get a penalty so both mclaren drivers aware that it would not be good politics certainly for the future to get involved with one another all it would do is just open up the door and allow uh ivan pereiras and alex buncombe to take to oh this is not going to be contact i would love to see an overtake if it's possible from ben tusting on fabric certainly close enough at that moment to cab now we're riding on board with bunker uh ben constantius has been looking at this lead gap it's coming down ben isn't it jordan pepper is closing is that a blip from dilorenzo or is jordan pepper going to be able to string together an attack for the race lead you think that was his fastest lap of the race so far from jordan pepper 41-2 uh comparing to luenzo who would have seen how fast his compatriot was going and would have been able to pick up the pace and react to that because they have all of that information uh sector by sector mini sector by a mini sector so lorenzo did a 41-3 pepper did a 41-2 but that compares to delatraz on a 41.7 o'brien a 42-1 so nobody's anywhere near those lead two cars but the gap for the lead was 1.4 a couple of laps ago it is now just over a second so it is closing now jon has been making the point quite rightly that it's not that easy to overtake around here that ben tustin knows all about that so even if you do get the leaders together it's going to be hard for george pepper to find a way through but what about testing on crestani still no change chris starnley defends this is tustin's view coming onto the pit straight once more up through the gears now can he make the move john speed building well i had a frozen screen once again so waiting for the picture to return and just here it comes so looks down the inside finally finally finally puts himself in position and one would say certainly i would never show them an opinion don't laugh at your own jokes not very funny uh christianity i think decided look i'm going to give it up maybe it's in the interest of the of the brand mclaren let ben testing go through now let's wait and see whether testing has got that additional pace to pull away from christina not pass was made it was a relatively soft overtake in my opinion it doesn't matter for testing he's into seventh place and he can now look forward to chasing down scott marvin further 3.3 seconds down the road for that sixth place so straight away that gap is building ben testing then who's been a very impressive addition to the gt ranks within this uh esports pro series over these last few months comes up now through uh like up now this is the lead battle it is developing because it is just and that's over one second between the aston martin and the bentley good british brands here italian driver leads south africa jordan pepper who was a one-mate volkswagen champion in his home country came to europe to win the sirocco cup that supported the dtm and was picked up by the volkswagen motorsport group and ultimately placed within bentley down he comes then towards turn two the gap is under a second john this is yeah you can see it a little bit by little small increments probably every corner around the circuit you're talking about a hundredth here maybe a tenth of a second in any corner wow that would be a massive massive gain but the momentum right now has gone to the south african driver jordan pepper has found pace in this middle part of the race just halfway through another 30 minutes to go and pepper has developed a charge he is closing down but he's not under well in fact it's just extended to just over a second but it's around that one second gap so between one corner and another the sea soaps in first and second is around a tenth of a second per corner now there is ben tusting seventh having a really good run in this he has been in the top six this year but he's had to really battle past crestani who now look he's falling back into the clutches of ivan pereira's who has got alex buncombe right up behind him yep alex buncombe caught up to the back of the audi pretty quickly but again usual story you catch but where are you going to make that pass so that group of cars bunk them in 10th place got hildebrand on the ferrari david perrell in the ferrari fluminelli in the ferrari three ferraris 11th through 13th so david perell 12 recovering after his dramas on the opening lap we'll try and catch up with daddy due course as this is the view of the race leader luigi de lorenzo then now on to the pitch straight rattles up onto the curb up through the gears you can see the display you can see his view clear road ahead of him bentley right behind in the gap he's .719 of a second it's less than ever now for the race leaders down towards turn two into krothorn goes the leader but jordan pepper can't think about a dive bomb there you'll catch a glimpse look in the screen there which actors the mirror so this is the run up through the sweep john heading to barbecue yeah so slow left hand corner onto one of the quicker parts of the racetrack then you go into that lovely fast right hander at sunset still a great corner after all these years who wrote that song anyway leader lorenzo through aston martin just about perfectly balanced but you can see in the mirror just alongside his right hand how close jordan pepper's bentley is closing the gap down to six tenths of a second and we're only halfway around the 19th lap to lorenzo hustling on now this steep climb up the hill and the double apex left at the top john yeah up the highest part of this race track the kyle i'm in circle all of 5 000 and 24 feet then you'd drop down flat out third gear fourth gear just probably grab fifth gear before you go through the match there it is through the mine shaft then you've got to get back to the left hand side of the circuit hard on the brakes because you're going to come into the crocodile what's the curb on the outside a lot of drivers will run very wide they're trying to maintain exit speed then another big break into cheating a tighter of the two corners again a lot of use of the curb on the exit then um anyway get your car in get the power on progressively don't slam it open you don't want to break fraction as we go back to this battle from 11th through 13th three ferraris chasing the bentley chasing and closing are they not because they're nicholas hillebrand taking south african another local hero david perrell with him for good company they're closing on the back of bentley number eight the lead gap though he's half a second it is coming down and down and down bunker he's under huge attack isn't he because the seventh and eleven ferrari he's open for business that is for sure hello brand right there on the back of the bentley as they come over the line now another lap goes in the book and can hillebrand make the move heading down towards turn two here through the kink pulls to the inside line he's gonna break late he'll go through gets the job done but does he go out wide yes he does alex bunker tries to get the undercut they just rub up the ferrari stays ahead again and jake hildebrand alex bunkum stayed well to the right-hand side of the track maybe he thought he could make the undercut coming up through yuksuki but what is interesting is alex buncombe a few laps ago was right on the rear wing of iran pereira's for that ninth place battle now in the last two or three laps his lap time has fallen away because the first of that train of three ferraris has made its way past alex buncombe so what the problem is well maybe we'll find out when this race concludes 26 minutes of it remaining and as far as the leaders are concerned the gap is less than ever once again point four seven seven of a second it certainly looks bent constant euros as though in the second half of the race jordan pepper has found something or is it that de la lorenzo is losing pace the pace is starting to slightly slow we're now in the 141 sixes from dilorenzo he was much faster than that before and pepper is being able to be just slightly more consistent from where he was before they match each other that last time through as buncombe now loses another place to the ferrari contact oh messi it was a message gone wasn't it yeah i mean it's very difficult to pass because you've got to be more than square alongside the car buncombe didn't want to give it up perel felt he had done enough it was difficult to see from this particular angle but both drivers needed to work together there's no point trying to force an issue where the immovable object is alongside you so alex bunker drops down at 12 david peralta still trying to work his way forward after his dramas on the opening lap number 99 ben barnico you'll notice he's up into fourth place at the expense of michael o'brien we didn't see the change whether that was a good mclaren decision or whether it was ben's pace either way it brings him closer to louis delatraz in terms of race position he's still got a huge gap to make up of over four seconds and even if he moves ahead of him by one place it's still not really going to be enough no i'm unfortunately not i mean but ben barnacult uh it's been a sort of a season a five-race season of what ifs and or but certainly the damage was done to his championship challenge with that outcome in barcelona three weeks ago absolutely and silverstone looked good didn't it until he and chris downey tangled early on and he had to make a good recovery but so lost some points there so bambanicoat has as you say had a smacks and ladders up and down type of season but he has been a race winner he and louis de la trail has argued over the former moreno nec title many moons ago and it was uh ben that took that but it looks like louis de la traz is going to be victorious as far as the championship is concerned unless there is a drama now this is the replay of the start which we can now bring you so let's try and piece it all together you see louis delatraz them in the porsche on pole position with alongside him luigi de lorenzo as i say the grid actually the two sides reversed from what we had uh for the igtc round the carl army nine hour last time so de la tras arguably on the worst side of the grid so the cars make their way up towards the timing line the indication given to get the race underway and louis delatraz storms away but it was behind him where we had dramas on the way down towards turn one you see jordan pepper they're trying to find a way through the traffic as well to get up past angus fender delatraz with about two lengths of an advantage going down towards turn two and then behind pereira's got a little tap from ben tusting and that forced him out wide and that was marcucci look being turned around in the pack andy suck named as the guilty party yeah and that really spoiled another championship potential uh makuta i thought was the one driver that could if he got himself in the position look this is the lead battle all of a sudden jordan pepper thinks i wanna have a little looked up the inside let's make my little mate here de la renzi uncomfortable and that's what by putting the car where he did suddenly you're gonna force the lorenzo to start driving looking in his mirrors or in some cases they've got a little video screen in the car just to realize that while we've got 20 minutes or 23 minutes of this race remaining hey garrison's gonna take the win well jordan pepper won the opening race at silverstone if you recall and could be the first double winner then of the championship let's see as he comes then now up towards the timing line to lorenzo who still has the advantage but it was four tenths last time they'll break the beam now and it's down to three tenths to lorenzo versus pepper then as they head towards the king speed still building down towards turn two the grunt and go of that bentley and then some late breaking getting jordan pepper even closer to the race leader job david faces a nine-hour endurance race and you spotted that in the pit stops and around one of the early rounds of pit stops that bentley were able to double stint a set of towers that tells me that bentley is very gentle on the stars here in kailami and i wonder is that what we're now seeing the benefit that jordan pepper is enjoying simply being able to run down the race theater put himself to be within what three four tenths of a second depending on which part of the racetrack they're on certainly jordan pepper is the more threatening of the two drivers to take the phrase victory but not obviously going to take the championship victory indeed he came here sixth in the title race but can he bookend the season with a win at silverstone a win at kyle army and indeed can he win on as i keep saying virtual home soil here the south african driver right on the back of the aston martin luigi delorenzo then leads the way 8.404 of a second at the last set to point and down the hill by plunge heading towards mine shaft now is jewel and pepper prepared to sit there or is he going to be darting about at the end of this next run to try to unsettle dilorenzo to force a mistake out of it because right now dilorenzo is doing a good job he's maintaining track position he is but what's noticeable just coming down through my handshaft into cheap valve was how much less race track jordan pepper was using indicating that he has probably got a lot more on hand but of course the problem is he's in that familiar situation you catch but how do you find a way around it gap as they come across the line well that's what there's five tenths of a second it's almost irrelevant because he can just run that gap down in the space of between the kink and coming into kruthorm sorry watty makes a very good point about tires as you well know there's a huge amount of work done between i said of course the competition and pirelli and pirelli just kind of opened their data book for snow core so to make sure that the tyre model in this game is as close to real life as possible it's a bone of contention in sim racing as to whether the tire models in different platforms are good or bad and you can't doubt that this is realistic because the amount of data that pirelli opened their books up and gave it to the courser real life results so if the bentley was good at kyle army uh on similar track conditions then it should be good today in this race well we're certainly seeing it thanks ben uh also are we seeing ben barney catching louis delatraz i fear the answer is no and there look jordan pepper tries to force a mistake out of dilorenzo as they went through lloyd kopp now that shows intent john doesn't it that says to dilorenzo i am here i am going to give you a hard time for the next 20 minutes again just watching coming down into crocodile now the bending gets up alongside and does jordan pepper who loses like i thought it might have been delaney in the aston martin but it was actually pepper so all that good yards that he'd been making up over the last five or eight laps suddenly goes down the inside and normally would be the car on the outside the aston martin that would be the loser this time as jordan pepper unexpected i mean i'm a move that never was going to be realistically achievable but just adding the to the pressure of the race leader who's now got a comfortable gap of a comfortable gap of 5.2 seconds where'd you hear that one before comfortable gap of 5.2 seconds well jordan pepper that was a salt and pepper wasn't it that was a bold old effort but certainly assault absolutely the bite a bit and all of that because jordan made the effort and it didn't work and so he's the one that comes off worst however he's kept second place delatraz hasn't even got close to him that shows you how far ahead the top two were but that given that he was losing time against the bentley is a massive get out of jail free card for luigi lorenzo because he dewine gone he's five and a half seconds clear now yeah i mean that's he'll be thinking well what was that all about the thing was i noticed every lap for the last three laps how much more racetrack the astra needed to use whereas the bentley was just tippy-toeing around using little more than half the racetrack coming through mineshaft under the crocodile now this is nicholas hillebrand who's in the points he's running in 10th place he's had a knife as he's best out of the championship he could get another one here because he's crawling all over the back of the ivan pereiras so the audi maybe the ballast again you can see just how much coming out of the sunset um other clubhouse how much more racetrack the rd having to use compared to the chasing hildebrand and the ferrari so it's just that the particular car other setup or the usage of the tire the ferrari up until ear cup just however it can run down the audi at will now out of this double right a left hander at least downhill to the scene of the incident one lap ago when the aston got tagged by the bentley will hildebrand try and do something as audacious in the ferrari isn't close enough but look he's lost it himself he's done almost he didn't touch the audio the back and the pendulum effect to go his challenge is gone and he will maybe find himself being challenged by alex bunkum who's a further five seconds behind in fact buncombe just got past him he has he has so hillebrand has a big big lose and up front luigi dilorenzo leads the gap he's coming down jordan pepper is on the hunt but he's gonna run out of time i fear here we've had four races we've had four different winning drivers four different winning brands as well and luigi to lorenzo for aston martin would be a fifth different driver fifth different brand just to show how open the pro series has been jordan pepper having brought the gap down by and that semi crotchet has now lost out again because it just nudged the other side of five seconds delatraz third kicking off the laps ticking off the corners banking the points for third place although ben barnico is a little nearer there in ninth is ivan pereira's and that audi all of a sudden looks a little bit at sea on that line you've got further up the road scott malvin's eventually coming under attack from ben tustin so the two british drivers here separated by just over a second and tustings had a really good run in this race i think he's had a pretty good season in general and he's doing a great job here trying to chase down sixth place scott melvin the gap well it was one second at the last timing sector so coming down the mine shaft through the little kink before you get into crocodile and then watch again just to see how much usage different car driver packages are making of the racetrack mclaren bentley probably not an awful lot in terms of how the cars react respond it's just really the nut behind the wheel that's going to get the job done between these two well the gaps down and what about the gap between the leaders the gap between the leaders is coming down as well this is the replay of nicholas hillebrow having a go against pereiras looking down from the heli camp talk us through this john well i said there's no way he's going to make a move and then all of a sudden where is it oh look he's just da in a plunge i don't know why he thought he would get away with it he was just so far behind there was no way and if he got to the apex well he was going to find a mclaren precisely that part of a racetrack this battle here going on testing running behind scott marvin that's closed down four tenths of a second so there could well be a chair he's got the mclaren almost hidden by the big ben clear the team parker racing colours stuart parker's eponymous team out through sunset they go that's turn six up to clubhouse and turn seven this narrow section and further up the road the lead gap 4.7 seconds pepper is on the attack again but he's not bringing it down quickly enough because we've only got 14 minutes to go i wonder what jordan pepper is saying under his balaclava under his helmet he had an opportunity he could have won this trace nothing wrong with trying but you don't want to fail in the course of it but he had 20 minutes didn't he just about still to attack and well maybe we'll get the chance to talk post-race and he'll find out he certainly in my opinion at the phase that he made his overtaking maneuver here coming into crocodile he was a little bit maybe ambitious certainly the outcome proved that to be the case but as you point out david he had 20 minutes he could have still applied the pressure and still could have forced an issue another one of the 16 corners to run the circuit now all that said ben constantius that lead gap is down isn't it it's just over four seconds and it was five and a half two laps back after the spin so the gap is coming down what we don't know i suppose is whether this is dilorenzo driving within himself but you might be able to tell us that jordan pepper is lighting up the timing screens in a moment when we've just had a look at testing not being able to get past uh scott marvin in the benchley so yes jordan pepper and his lap times what's he up to peppa's being as good as he ever was so 41-2 that last time through this lap is gonna be a bad one he's made a little mistake so he's three tenths down on this one but he's still over half a second faster than lorenzo he needs a bit more race to get back onto his tail uh but uh if dilorenzo's car keeps degrading those tyres more and more we have seen tyres drop kind of off a cliff at the end of some of these races so far so if that does happen in this one there is still a chance for pepper but this particular lap is not good okay and jordan pepper also has been given a warning for causing a collision which caused himself to spin same true for nicolas hillebrand a warning by richard norbury the championship steward one factor that we haven't talked about and that happened in barcelona i think it was alex bunker when he came across the line he was out of fuel i hope oh then we look at it again never ever ever was that going to be an overtake a a feasible over might want to put your the driver you're pressuring under even more pressure but he put himself in a position where there was going to be a collision and the outcome was that jordan pepper who could have gone on to win this race is probably going to go on to take second place gaps down 3.9 seconds but you're right yes fuel was an issue at the uh barcelona race is it going to be an issue here let's see you've got certainly a number of drivers really pushing jordan pepper is one of those that is really on the attack because he's got the gap down to 3.9 seconds so even though we were fearing that that last lap wasn't going to be a good one he still managed to bring the gap down so if he doesn't make mistakes jordan's got the pace here delatraz still third champion elect then barney coat fourth michael o'brien fifth and for michael that is going to end the season with a best finish more than six testing seventh you're looking at them both crosstalk is eight pereira's ninth alex bunker is intense ball so bad testing you're using bits of the racetrack trying to find grip trying to find really the momentum off all these what i would call medium at best speed corners this sunset the quickest actual corner on the racetrack so the gap between the bentley and mclaren just editing backwards and forwards there's no point running directly under the rear wing of a car you're following because that's going to dictate your pace so by dropping back that little bit more than testing we'll hope to get a run get a charge back up to the tail of scott baldwin's bentley up the hill up into lyrko and this double left-hander slow-ish and then you just generally pick up the throttle all the way through remember there's a second part there it is we're now in the second part bentley takes a different line to the mclaren mclaren hoping to pick up a little more speed with that different exit down the hill into the crocodile and the gaps more or less constant as far as the racing leaders are concerned the gap is being chipped away rather than tumbling but it is coming down 3.8 seconds but we've now just over 10 minutes on the clock luigi lorenzo is going to have to do something pretty cataclysmic to lose the race and louie delatraz likewise for the championship now uh it may not have been the most exciting drive of louie's life but he's done what was required going into this uh final sixth of it the last 10 minutes because he's there ready to win the championship you see lorenzo marcucci going through down in 13th place and that's jd fanning the quick brit in the big falcon horse bmw uh in 14th place jody who's been busy with lots of esports activity over these uh lockdown months and coming up towards the line running in 14th position here yeah he's running just a couple of seconds behind one of the potential champions but marcucci obviously in that opening phase and into proform got tagged and that took any opportunity away so purely academically the ben are they not the bentley the bmw doing its best in 14th space so clearly the circuit suits some brands more than others and a lot of that is to do with the degree of elevation that we have here at cal army uh the fact that the circuit itself has got elevation but 5000 feet above sea level will affect the various engine configurations slightly differently well there's the man of the moment that is luigi delorenzo bouncing off the curb oh well that if he repeats it john is just going to take time out of that gap and that's going to give renewed hope isn't it to jordan pepper seeing that the aston martin might be vulnerable after all yeah and it picked up a little bit of dirt on the left rear of the aston martin i don't know that he did that maybe a concentration maybe i don't know i can't imagine maybe he'll can we speak to him after the race little heart in the mouth for the less for the italian and for the aston martin brand but between timing points the gap went from 3.9 to 2.8 though suddenly jordan pepper thinks you know i might have a chance here he's throwing everything at it and dilorenzo almost threw it off now this is the sixth it's malvin versus tusting the mclaren now goes to the inside line down to turn two he should get the job done but no scott baldwin hands on on the outside line he's gonna run out of road is he not no he's just got it within the curvings and scott malvin powell's uphill bentley stays ahead of mclaren good clean racing job yeah but i thought ben had done enough coming into kruthor and i thought he just had to plant the mclaren on the apex and then make the bentley stop because it was going to have to the very long way around and he actually i think he actually had that position he actually had taken sixth place for about half a second and then you know it's got marvin to come back and you know the big bentleys but like a tonka troy at times it's that large so maybe he felt somewhat intimidated remember it's a little bit different in the virtual to the real world especially in this particular game it has a fantastic radar system that tells you exactly where the car is that you're trying to overtake so you've got awareness of exactly how far alongside that car is uh if he's only half a car length or a full car length how far away in terms of distance if he's right on the apex or closer to you so you know exactly where he is you you it's not like in a real world car where you're kind of sometimes a little bit restricted with your vision and i think scott being as we know a very very polite and kind man perhaps using that data gave the other car a little bit too much room whereas we didn't see that with lorenzo and pepper earlier on well certainly the bentley um i thought the i thought the mclaren had done enough if i had been driving the mclaren i would have made sure no way the bentley was coming back whether it's sim racing or rail racing that is racing at the end of the day i mean obviously there's certain differences between sim and real-time racing but one lap ago this mclaren was side by side door handle door handle there at that apex and for me that was a pass that should have been completed jordan pepper further up the road in the leading bentley two and a half seconds off the back of dilorenzo this is alex buncombe against pereiras he's on the outside line down into crow thorne and that is nicholas hillebrand in the ferrari trying to squeeze back up the inside bunker's a bit stuck behind the hour need the ferrari trying to find a way by as well as they power up the hill now this remember 9th 10th 11th tremendous battle three different brands all going at it and bunker is trying to attack and defend simultaneously here he's on the back of pereiras and fending off the ferrari well nicholas tildebrand we saw him dive down the inside i think into crocodile again and actually get the car completely sideways almost lose position but this battle going on pereira's buncombe that's this is probably what would be now the closest battle that's taking place with what five and a half minutes or five minutes and 54 seconds to go [Music] but still that leading gap i'm looking at because it's down to 2.3 now dilorenzo makes another mistake it could all change again as bunker mitch is up on the back of pereira's now and takes that ferrari with him i would be looking in my mirror a lot because having seen nicholas hildebrand one time make an error coming down here down the mine shaft and it was into crocodile he tried to dive up the inside and just got it all wrong so buncombe's focused on the back of the idea he's slow in the middle and almost to the point of having to make funko back out of it and that lad hildebrand does get his nose up alongside the right rear of the bentley so what's wrong with pereira's and that almost impacted on banking's position so the audi heavy with 27 extra kilos defending off the bentley then ferrari of nicolas hillebrand and it's david fulminelli next in the queue you'll just get a glimpse there as feminine 12 goes past us six no five minutes and counting the gap is two seconds jordan pepper's going to run out of time i fear after that half spin that cost him bob five seconds or so on board with hitler brand now that's bunker come ahead which way does the ferrari go tries the inside line up towards barbecue there's a face for the bentley yeah i mean it's not going to happen but what is clear to me is that pereiras is certainly not carrying middle corner speed in the audi and the bentley has almost overrun it in two occasions but look at hildebrand he is in a hurry and he's using he's trying to use some of that bentley goes the long way but it's the wrong part of the racetrack contact allows the ferrari to get up the inside of the bentley can he maintain it as a bang shoulder to hip to shoulder down into the s's oh and the ferrari again gets absolutely sideways but this time has managed to consolidate and got the position bentley ferrari it's almost like a pinball match it is and it's ferrari just ahead but alex bank have tried to open the door again on the inside line david firminelli is up with them as well now four minutes to go lead gap just over 1.6 seconds plunge downhill again you're on board with fuminelli wonderful racing we've had and nicolas hillebrand despite a half speed himself has gained the position and now he is closing on pereiras but he had to go to get past him early on and that's how he had the half spin let's see what happens in these remaining three and a half minutes as they come now up through crocodile on to cheetah so the bentley team m sport car alex bunker but the wheel of it now goes into inkway up towards the end of the lap the gap still hovering for the leaders at 1.6 seconds we're going to get certainly two more laps out of the rakes maybe three and nicholas tildebrand now he's got clear air between himself and alex buncombe the bentley will be focused on the back of the rd he will have seen where the audi has been slow in this group of what is now four cars he needs to be patient he doesn't want to throw away all the good work he's done through part of this race some of it he got slightly up the inside again looking can he force the way past the id has had to back out of it okay now we've done 33 laps we've got two and three quarter minutes the gap is now plateauing at one point six seconds uh bent constant jurors have spotted ben barnico it's had a moment somewhere we'll come to that in a moment ben looking at nicola tillebrand attacking pereiras let's just see whether he can get the move done as they sprint out of clubhouse the answer for the moment is no right quickly what did ben barnico do that we didn't see oh he's up to a half per second behind the louis de la trad so on course for third position just got a little bit wide and dipped himself into the grass which lost in the second and a half and that gap has gone back out again to one point three but barnacle mclaren much faster than delatraz in the porsche okay thank you ben as jordan pepper one point three seconds back from dilorenzo he's just gonna run out of time but he's throwing everything at it there is bunker ahead of feminelli nicholas hillebrand getting past that bentley put himself into the points remember so it could be one point for the 10th place but it's worth fighting for he might get another one he is glued to the back of pereiras now as they come towards us the ferrari on the attack john yeah and the audi's meandering literally all around the racetrack and what happened to hildebrand oh he lost it on the exit coming out of that political corner cheetah and i don't think he's even trying to make a pass but just suddenly the back end of this car snapped away and that has taken the pressure off alex buncombe back at the races he'll be looking what will be this will be the last lap approaching the last lap can he find a way past pereira's he's on the outside coming down to the crew thorn oh with the audi oh he's tagged and he's tagged it twice alex funko that's spared with no supper tonight for you my friend and it could well be the stewards have a look at that as well so the story might well rumble on there is a minute on the clock the gap between the leaders is 1.2 seconds jordan pepper would like them to try and get over the timing line before the clock hit zero to give him one more lap and one more chance they were in the one-minute 40s in the qualifying session now you're looking at bunker but where on the racetrack are the leaders in relation to the clock can they squeeze another lap out of this i would think they probably should be able to as here is bunker making the run out of the esses and then up the hill just to the line now watching barnacle by the way in fourth place three quarters of a second away from taking away that third place on delatraz it's all somewhat academic other than the pride of each other drivers who wants to be the final driver on the winner's podium so that's a race for position in the podium open for any championship battle the battle is de la trousers with 15 seconds of this race remaining to lose well we are on the last lap for the race leaders as ben said they just crossed the line but the gap is down to 0.6 of a second now this is the replay of what hillebrand did wrong then we need to get back to the top two because hillebrand either got a tap from buncombe or made a mistake himself but either way he bounced off the wall there is buncombe but as i say they're on the last lap and the race leaders are covered by 0.693 of a second over the line goes alex buncombe he is ninth david feminelli is in 10th position they go down towards crothethorn louis delatraz running third he's heading for the championship buncombe has just been given a drive-through penalty perhaps not surprising because we were talking about the contact but we need to keep an eye to the leaders and that gap at the next sector point to see whether it's come down at all uh buncombe versus feminine it's all about academic this anyway because of the drive through and alex let's david firminelli go he knows he's got the penalty he's going to be given as a time penalty post race the lead gap has gone up so luigi delorenzo is on target seemingly for the race whim he's on the final lap and the car working its way around the kyle army circuit for the final time as alex buncombe takes to the grass makes a little mistake and loses even more time but out of the last corner of ingway the lead gap has come down but not enough to deny luigi de lorenzo victory in the final round of the sro esport gt series but they're running third on the road under attack from ben barnick louis dalatras is set to make history by being the first champion in the sro esport gt series pro category flag at the ready up through the gears it's going to be a championship for louie delatraz the porsche driver takes the title with third place with his nearest rival ben barnicoate point two six one of a second behind him michael o'brien gets fifth his best result of the season brilliant job done and luigi lorenzo makes it five different winning drivers five different winning brands in pro at the end of an outstanding first championship still they come this is the hillebrand ferrari looking at down in third but to the inside line goes david perrell one more corner to go south african driver goes through on the inside line gets himself up ahead of the american so to the timing line they come and david parrell on the line bags 12th place that is al khalifa who will be the last one home in 17 spot well in a sense john luigi de lorenzo had a charmed life in all of that didn't he because he was able to benefit from jordan pepper's self-induced error absolutely and i mean he drove a faultless race he did what he had to do got the opportunity early to get her past libby delatraz who was on pole position the porsche never looked as if it was going to be a race winner here this afternoon but what louis delatraz has done i pointed out at the start of the season in winning championships it's about consistency con finishing scoring points he every single round and he finished here third today he's a worthy champion and of course i've forgotten the name of the brand he was driving for they didn't do a bad part those porsches you know there's not much they haven't won whether it's in real racing and now in virtual racing luigi de lorenzo takes the race win from jordan pepper and louis delatraz ben barney coat fourth ahead of michael o'brien good to see him having a good uh end to his championship same two for scott malvin sixth and best ben testing in seventh for riccio crestani eight from david fuminelli and lorenzo marcucci salvaged a point but it could have been so so different but for the contact right at the start of the race go to fannin 11th the best of the rest ahead of david perrell nicholas hillebrand ivan pereira's ending up 14th ahead of matt samuel the penalized alex bunkamp then issa al-khalifa ahead of the two wild cards of alex fontana and angus fender although they were effectively retirements the same true dan wells roman monty nicholas nielsen said morris and we know andy sucks travails he was excluded for ignoring the drive-through penalty but jack nichols what a way to end a championship drama from start to finish yeah just a bit a really really entertaining race that one wasn't it and congratulations to louis delatraz the champion in the pro class of the sro esport gt series of 2020 after the fifth round here at kailami and i think what he summed it up perfectly really as he always does but every point in every single round is mightily impressive and even if you think back to silverstone i think which was his worst result at the start of the campaign he was on for a better result until he ended up in a bit of a collision and only finished i think it was eighth or something so he has been a front-runner the whole way through the series and there's certainly no more a deserving victor than that um marcucci banaca pereira as i guess sort of uh stories of what what could have been for them and i think the same is true for example of jordan and pepper we saw him leading championships early on i think going to the nurburgring he was in front finished second again here but all these drivers had the pace they did not have the results that uh that de la tras had well yeah i mean in fairness you did for jordan pepper because you put him on pole position or at the front of the grid at the nurburgring and said you know we should win from poland of course he got wiped out at the first corner um which has been as we've been saying this this pole position problem the curse almost of being on pole um spar he was out of luck as well so he was effectively 43rd at spa 32nd at the nurburgring and 27th at barcelona so yeah jordan's been relying on that silverstone win for points ben barnico's hard luck tales go back to silverstone as well because remember he got involved with uh crestana he battled back to second place but then with a heavy car he was only 27 foot spar because the weight really went against him uh and then last time out of barcelona he was involved in the first corner skirmish so you've got two instances there for him where could've woulda shoulda uh and as you and i've been saying all the way through this a five-round championship doesn't give you much leeway for a bad score does it no absolutely especially well with one drop score it almost does but but with two then then you're going to be in trouble aren't you hopefully we are now going to speak to the champion of the sro esport gt series louis delatraz has joined us louis congratulations uh the champion after five rounds how does that feel thank you very much thank you i'm super happy it was a long championship and and today was definitely uh difficult because i knew quali pace was up there but the race pace with the 25 kg of bop was uh difficult really difficult so i had to stay up there and i'm very happy we made it so thank you to everyone how how worried were you when the race got underway because obviously you were slipping back from uh from dilorenzo and jordan pepper up at the front you had a bit of contact with fender in the in the early laps as well were you worried you might get penalized for that i definitely was a bit worried because obviously uh there was some sort of contact but i think the main problem there because from my screen i didn't really touch him i was super safe i wanted to i didn't mind losing the lead and suddenly it spawned around so there must have been contact in game but he had some trouble with connection all the week so maybe there was something like that happened and i really was worried to get a drive through but i'm happy that ray's direction so there was nothing on purpose obviously i feel sorry for him because there's nowhere never an intention to to to spin someone around yeah david how much of that race louis was few not having the outright pace and how much were you thinking about points just keep out of trouble and bank the points to win the championship uh well i just went this morning when we had quality i said i just do it as a normal race i push as much as i can i was really happy with my lap with paul but as i said i knew race pace was difficult so i think you saw on the broadcast i didn't take any risk in the opening laps uh if someone died for me i let the space in because i really didn't want to be in any trouble and after that i just did my pace and see where i ended up so i'm still quite happy with that even though i have big pressure from ben in the end yeah huge congratulations louie uh the sro esport gz series champion well done thank you very much thank you strong week for uh for louis because of course he won the uh le mans 24 hours last weekend as well so the accolades keep coming for louis delatraz uh we can now speak to uh jordan pepper who i believe who finished second in the race today pressuring luigi dilorenzo right to the end jordan how was that race for you hi yeah thanks guys um but unfortunately i got traffic from one of the ferraris in qualifying which maybe could have had a shot at front row and i think knowing the track so well i lived 10 minutes in the real world from from kailami my home back in south africa knowing it so well it's a amazing driver's track but overtakes quite difficult especially in gt3 cars and then the sim it's the exact same and i got to him the the aston's got a lot of bottom and power obviously there was the issue at the beginning with louis and fender again like louis said i think must have been a bit of a netcode issue which is a bit of a shame because i think it would have been would have been a good battle but once i cleared him i was a man on a mission because yeah this championship hasn't gone my way obviously one at the beginning and then got taken out three times in a row um once where yeah with ben which was a bit unfortunate with the same issue what happened with louis yeah um but yeah just my luck didn't fall my way and i thought you know what i'm gonna win it open it that was my attitude and i made a bit of a bold move on him um yeah i guess it didn't pay off i maybe should have stuck it in a bit further but uh in game with with this game when you when your nose gets touched you get spun around immediately so yeah it is what it is i made a late charge again and yeah he was just solid today made no mistakes and credits to him okay well congratulations anyway in your second place jordan and uh see you hopefully on the real track in the future yeah definitely we'll be there in himalaya hopefully hopefully pushing for the win with kpax great see you then uh yeah imp miller is the first race in the gt world challenge uh europe competition uh the 9th of july is the first gt world challenge race which is at the virginia international raceway in america we've also got the aforementioned ben barnico with us so we can have a little chat with ben uh you were outside contention for the for the title coming into this race ben but it looked as though qualifying was where it kind of started to not work out yeah well well firstly big world on fluid uh winning the championship he was you know the best all the way through he kept himself out of trouble and just picked up points every race so well done to him uh yeah to be honest qualifying was a big struggle for me uh i'm not really sure why um i've been sort of back on track in the real world this week which has been great so my preparation hasn't been as good i didn't have enough time to get the lapsed in and the mars that was needed um so yeah quality was was tough and i was thinking oh it's going to be a long a long hour in the race but the race pace was was super super strong a little bit off in the beginning but as soon as i had like 35 minutes left yeah it was it was great and uh managed to catch michael bryan he was very kind and sort of um was very generous slaying me faster so big thanks to him to help me in the championship then yeah caught lou at the end and i i had to go because i thought i didn't know where marcucci was for the championship i think i might have just got third i'm not sure um so yeah i had to go ahead and didn't quite pay it off but no still still really happy to get four from 16th on the grid yeah adders nearly but not quite then wasn't it i suppose there are hard luck stories you can pinpoint whether it was um barcelona or whether it was spa with the extra weight and we've been talking about what a short championship this is so you know you just can't afford to be out of the points can you with only five races really no exactly i mean when it when i had my good days you know they were really good like you know about a fourth second in the first year but then the bad spa was terrible we're really sure there and in barcelona i just kind of got caught up slightly in the aftermath of that turn one crash so you know but that's part of the game i i still really enjoyed it um you know and that's it's been a great feeling for why we've not been on track i mean the the pressure that you kind of feel in the qualifying in these in these sessions and the racing and and being consistent that's all stuff that's quite tough to replicate at the moment in the real world with what's happening so it's been great and yeah it's a shame that my bad days were a bit bit too bad uh in order to fight for the championship but yeah i've still enjoyed it and glad to have been one of the front runners throughout yeah well you certainly have been congratulations ben thanks for joining us thank you uh so great to hear from uh ben barnach out there jordan pepper and the champion in the pro class louis delatraz uh watty some final thoughts on on the pro cup for you i mean i think it's all about continuity and consistency i think louis delatraz expressed that on the racetrack and i mean bad bonercode i think that he would have been a much closer challenger obviously the additional weight was a penalty but that what happened in barcelona for me was the point at which i had to think that well his championship hopes have just begun to fade and i just wish we could rerun the start that opening lap into turns one and two and get a different outcome yeah indeed right let's turn our attention now to the silver cup because we have another champion to crown this afternoon and i have no idea where the champion is going to come from here because patrick stilver is at the top of the championship on 45 points two points ahead of either camera then uh silva is 13 points clear of david tonitzer in third and andrea kapocha in fourth but on the grid is camel francek on pole jack keithley in second uh jan marcel dietrich in third championship leaders 31st camera is 35th david tonitz is 11th what on earth is going to happen well basically jack you get a pin and you get introduced and you integrate part a into part b and i think because we're coming into this with seven drivers mathematically who could all win the championship um part of the problem you've just identified patrick silver and off the camera being well basically still at the airport they're so far away from the front of the grid um they are mclaren drivers now mclaren locked out the leading positions last time we raced that was at barcelona and you get wait for the brand for first and second and third and that means that all the mclarens basically need to go to weight watchers because they've all gained 52 kilos going into this race and that makes a massive amount of difference added to the fact as we can see it was wet wet wet wet for the qualifying session as well so you've got the wet to contend with and you've got a really lardy car to have to cope with the net result of that is that the top two in the championship as i say are way way back on the grid camille franchek the man who is on pole is the driver seventh in the championship now of all the days to get your best qualifying this is the one isn't it yeah an absolutely super black we're on board with camille franchik here in the uh in his onboard lap four pole position and uh ben we're seeing the the weather here that we've seen oh two wheels on the grass that's a bit risky um we've seen the weather in uh innocent course of competition before and uh it looks as though we're gonna have more wet action for the silvers which really does mix up the order doesn't it i guess like in real life absolutely we're at just 16 degrees track and air temperature and 50 rain and track conditions so this is actually worse than what we saw in the nurburgring it of course has the ability to change throughout the one-hour race so it's not fixed at all um but uh visibly it always looks a little bit worse than actually what it is in-game those are those big streaks across the screen looks like it's actually pouring down but 50 wet and 50 rain is is pretty bad yeah going to be fascinating to see what happens in the race whether it becomes a little bit more uh chaotic than we are perhaps expecting um we so it will be uh camel franchac on pole position and jack keithley in second spot and nyan marcel dietrich in third uh he's sicilian starting in fourth he's got to be a driver that's in with a shout out yes definitely um and he needs to be effectively five places up on selva to do it and that's that's certainly do a bull and of course cecilia is in an aston martin we've just seen aston martin win in the pros so yeah i think cecilia comes into this with a good chance it's not a definite it really is wide open really is and of course you've got the pinch point of turn two and you've got the weather to factor into all of this it's gonna be absolutely outstanding this but you've got to survive if you can survive the race suddenly you've got a chance yeah well the silver cup is the uh class for the drivers who are some of the top sim racers in the world you'll recognize some of their names daviton it's a two-time formula one e-sports champion in eleventh he's third in the standings he is going to need a good haul of points to uh to try and overhaul patrick silver up at the top i think he's another where it doesn't seem impossible for him to wrap up the title but he's been kind of mr consistent throughout the the season hasn't he's always qualifying in that seventh to twelfth bracket indeed uh i mean you've got andre apache as well who is another driver who could do it there are so many potentials in all of this amir hussaini incidentally just to quickly make a point about him he's been given a two-place grid drop because he kept stopping on the circuit and resetting in qualifying and the stewards did not like that jack okay so we are just a few moments away from the start of the rolling up formation lap in the fifth round of the sro esport gt series thank you very much for joining us throughout this five race campaign it's been a lot of fun it's been really cool to see top level gt competition with the real drivers from the gt world challenge powered by aws and in this silver class for the top sim racers in the world patrick selva is leading the championship coming into this final one hour race arthur camera is only two points behind him but they are starting 31st and 35th on the grid respectively no idea what's going to happen in the upcoming one hour except that it's pouring down with rain let's go to ben constant jurassian watson and david addison for the final it is the final race of the sro esport gt series the silver series in the reign it has been as jack rightly says an outstanding competition uh john and i have been welcomed into and educated into a whole new world known as sim racing uh i'm loathe to want it to end really because it has been great fun we've had great entertainment and there is more to come over the next hour before we get into it just a quick thought uh bearing in mind the horrible news that has been coming from italy this week about alex zanardi who of course was part of the sro family when he drove with them the gt world challenge of the sprint series and of course has been in the total 24 hours of spa in seasons past as well and the accident he had on his handbike a few days ago we of course all send our best wishes to alex and the rest of his family and hope for all the best in his recovery so john we're ready to go racing the heavens have opened the grid is full but it's a seven-way shootout for the championship what more could you ask for the rangers stop if you're a driver that's for sure interestingly if you're a mclaren driver you might as well just pack up and go home now because they're going to be well in the 16th 17th rows of the grid visibility david we know what visibility is like at this racetrack in these conditions but on the other hand if you're a fan of bentley well there are four benzies in the top eight and we saw how well jordan pepper could have arguably won that race maybe if it hadn't been a little bit quite as ambitious so it's an open anybody basically in the front half of the field could think i could win this race as far as the championship is concerned you'd have to think that it is still the mclaren drivers possibly jesus tequila might have a go but it's going to be dictated by the weather if it keeps raining conditions will be difficult if it starts to go wet to dry then you've got to think about your tires do i take the chance maybe having to make a tire change for slick tires or will we run the entire race in wet weather conditions and therefore stay on the wets that concentrate this is properly wet isn't it uh absolutely as i said a little bit earlier 16 degrees track temperature 16 degrees in the air uh and uh it is time of day uh quite early on as well still five o'clock in the morning so cold conditions will it dry up i don't think the rain is going to stop but of course by circulating this in a card we may well see a little bit of a dry line appearing as the race progresses great to see a lamborghini on the front we haven't really seen much showing from lamborghini since that first race in monza absolutely right and it's good that it is camille franchack there uh former uh ssro esports champion in fact he was last years on-site champion the uh pilot and instructor trained by the us air force and he's about to try and get the march on everybody else now on the run down towards turn one it is the final round of the sro esport gt series the silver category is about to be unleashed on a very wet road green lights on green flag is shown it is blast off and frank jack it is that gets the drop on the opposition as they head down towards turn one right there behind him look voted he's going to be jack keithley who finds a gap on the inside line has he got the grip no he's into the side of francek they both go out wide and that's going to give his sevilla the race lead so the aston martin driver up from fourth on the grid just gets himself ahead as the rest of the pack wriggles its way now up towards bbq it's a rather extinguished bbq with these conditions but for the first time of asking them through the gloom and the spray they turn along the short straight up towards sunset and there you've got jesus the philia who's managed to get the race lead job yes an absolute skating rink you can see a lot more cars on the sim race than we had in the pro race and therefore visibility is another factor is going to be virtually zero dis visibility as they all bunch together they're just so concentrated but at the front the aston martin has made that sort of mini break halfway around the opening lap giorgio zip menini they're running in third place so that simon has made a good start because he was eighth on the grid race leaders surged through and they're another of the quick lamborghinis is 630 gregor schill's car the grasser racing e team entry so camille franchak then came here as a possible champion starting on pole but with a bit of hit and shoulder from jack keithley of course it's all gone pear shaped for him he's dropped down the order and so franchac started at the front he's now fifth but hazel cecilia here leading the way and that is really good as far as he is concerned in the championship can he outscore the likes of stelva camera well the opposition to him for points is going to be david toniza but he right now is out of the points as they come to the end of the opening lap yeah well any of the mclaren drivers and ferrari drivers would have been a challenger but certainly right now here's just the philia again aston martin clear track he's got what the best part of was it coming across 1.2 seconds advantage but the big advantage he's got he's got virtually a clear windscreen other than the rain that's hitting it but he hasn't got spray from those other cars that are close to him and certainly those in this well even in the top 10 will be struggling to see where do they break and that was probably the issue that occurred going into turn one both front row drivers didn't want to concede break too late and that's what was a consequence now there you see 123 bentley on the attack that being mike nobel's car he went well in the charity monster race if you recall and he's on the attack here but fifilia leads the way jack keithley seconds simonini third but as franchette fence off the bentley bent constant jurors we've got a couple of drive-throughs already for murphy and desalvo drama in the background there but those drive-throughs are going to shuffle the order aren't they yeah we've got drive-through penalties for evan murphy and desalvo for um not the right position at the start seems to be quite an easy thing to pick up we also had a mercedes spin round at the back of the pack in turn two tim heinemann still in the pitch from that will trigger being picked up in problems on that first lap and adam pinchnesh shout out to jack keiki though because remember how good he was at the nurburgring where in the wet conditions oh another car around in the middle of the pack that's eamon murphy who's got to drive through penalty hasn't taken it and now he's catching up with other people [Music] so jack keithley having done well unaware of the nurburgring is going nicely here as well but for that hippa children the first corner might have been the race leader just wonder whether anything will come of that because of course uh yes it will come from that a drive-through for jack keithley for causing a collision at turn one so the second he is but the penalty looms then and that's gonna of course help those behind within the championship we ride on board the porsche here john you can see the rain you can see the spray but he's staying way way to the right-hand side of the racetrack so he's avoiding all that problem there you can see the contact that occurred between the bentley just simply couldn't slow down and quick enough hit the lamborghini fair and square in the rear and quite rightly in this instance sorry jack mate but you got to take a penalty now right now jesus cecilia leads the way david tonitz is in where 10th place that would be enough for cecilia to have the championship now where is cappuccio he is out of the points as well and nielsen doing 21st patrick silva 23rd live they've got a very long 55 minutes ahead of them to try to gain anything to get them into the point jack keaton's drive-through now confirmed look on the totem pole graphic on screen as mike nobel goes for a prize number 123 bentley he is currently eighth on the back of alexander vrom in the lexus although i sort of saying that the mclaren drivers might as well just stay in their hotel room and watch this on television they've done pretty well because they were starting back you know middle 30s in the grid they're not up to the low 20s okay it's easy in the opening laps to make up positions that's what you do in the opening laps of a race when you've got lots of cars around you it'll get more difficult as this race progresses but there's so many other factors which are beyond the control of the driver the biggest of course is just the rain it's still falling you will get eventually although you hopefully if the rain stopped you would have a drying line but as long as it's continuing to fall as it is there are parts of kailami which are prone to flood of which one is on the edge of the sunset so that's a corner you have to be very wary of as you go close to the curb and the exit don't catch the standing water and so bunny toe to the inside of the bentley contact mike nobel gets fired off the road i suspect the officials will want to look at that won't they bonito then forced out wide david tonitza gets up ahead of him and gains on another couple of points as a consequence but it's all kicking off john that was i would say pretty rude well i think mike nobel would agree with you no peace prize there was the mike nobel off the road in the meantime however jesus cecilia is getting away from simonini and then in third it's the porsche and mal salditra having his best showing of the esports championship doing a good job there yes indeed so the porsche again i'm ensuring strong in these conditions we see it coming into that lovely corner of my favorite corner at kawalami that's sunset a couple of ferraris in fact and the porsche then following through beginning to open up a little bit that packing that we saw and the opening lap that bunching that's all effectively whether conditional everybody's had to find space or they can actually see where they are and visibility there you can see on board not fantastic but at least there's a degree of visibility most in these occasions you're looking sideways to get your reference point particularly when you're coming up up the hill here into the earcup to know precisely where you are where will i break so there you see one five five ferrari enter the bonito he's got luca lacio behind him and then tarrick gamil in another of the bentleys proving the point about them being well suited to this circuit to parrot gamil in 10th place but the best he's had all year is 15. so good that he's going nicely here replay of the dramas this is what happened to mike nobel john oh there's just i mean there's never i thought he's going to go in the pit lane i mean the bentley was even squeezing coming down he was looking for his own track position ferrari launched itself down of course when he realized that the gap was closing nailed the brakes even with abs wasn't going to stop so right now you've got jesus cecilia in the lead of the race and it's a wet race and of course he was the winner at the nurburgring which was a wet race so car and driver seemingly well suited to these conditions and cephilia has really had it all fall at his feet hasn't he's got the conditions he's got the track and also he's got the mclarens all ballasted up way way way behind him and and you didn't mention that he's got two new finishes so whatever points he scores here or his he gets 25 points he is looking very strong indeed he will end up with 56 points that's we've got what 51 minutes remaining long wait to go but certainly right now jesus sicilia as long as he doesn't make an error and he's got 3.5 seconds advantage over some indie in the audi so he doesn't have to put himself under pressure he just doesn't need to put a wheel wrong exactly exactly the drop score rule incidentally is only or was only for the pros so the silver's abs they keep whatever they get sorry yes i should have said that at the start job but uh it's only for the pros interestingly however you're right about sephilia all he's got to do all is just not make a mistake in these conditions that might be easier said than done as you look there at chris sever number 333 heading up the hill trying to gain a place on the inside but he can't do it camille franczak is on the attack as well remember he was down to fifth he's up to fourth now in that pole sitting lamborghini riding here with jaroslav hotchick they come down the hill now question for ben that might throw him under the bus a bit it's not meant to ben do we know within the game whether the conditions are set like this for the hour or is there a chance of the weather improving or does nobody know there's variability in the setting so it is set to continue to rain but it does change the intensity throughout the throughout the hour and of course depending on the amount of running we'll see a a racing line progress or not yes we may as you say depending on just how heavily he continues to fall on board with yaroslav honchik now the former real world racer turned esports influencer fiestas and bmw 130i cup racer and here he is look on the back of axel petit as we go down towards turn two hard on the brakes can he find a way through here john he can try and make the undercut i don't think he's going to be giving an awful lot of space i don't know that was contact or not or whether just the the image flickering on chris is managing to hold the lamborghini back at that tony there was an opportunity but there wasn't a big one the one thing i will say about camel franchise lamborghini currently in fourth place that's run by the fff esports team and if it's anything like their race car they've discovered something with these lamborghini huracans to understand how to make the car work both in wet and dry conditions so while the car is the minute backed up behind the lexus in third place there's still an awful lot of more time for franche to find a way through and you never know you never know that running a little bit wide look is hotchick his teammate yeah off the road and back on again and very nearly getting mugged he is being mugged by chris everett who goes around the outside you also got josh parker and philly simard in the mix as well as they plunge downhill once again but right now up front jesus cecilia looking oh so strong 49 minutes on the clock where are these mclarens getting themselves to silva still only 23rd uh niels neux though now he is the man that's sixth in the championship and it looks then as though noyoke's progress is good compared to the other mclaren drivers and he's a very experienced sim racer isn't he uh yes exactly nils is he the best of our mclarens by the looks of things as you said they're carrying all that horrible weight so uh uh very vocal coming into this race about why is it wet why is it dry you humans can choose uh whether it's gonna be wet or dry and uh i think the idea is to kind of mimic what we saw last year and and uh obviously the kyle army nine hours was a wet race and therefore that's why they decided to go he even got the stats out and said but there's only two days per month that it rains in kyle army most the time so why is it uh statistically 100 raining here he was uh getting very very uh statistically german about the whole thing but not in the points yet but pace is space is good as you say indeed i'm pretty sure all the days that john and i were there last year we got wet on every one of them never mind just two out of the month so there plays change hotchick back through on the inside of chris sever but niels neuek's 19th might not sound a lot but he is chipping his way forward bearing in mind that he started 32nd on the grid as you see 85 there young marcel dietrich he is on the back of simonini and he's got franchette behind him so suddenly john the battle pack for second third and fourth very close yeah i mean the lead's gone in effect i mean it's four and a half four point six seconds so the aston's cleared away but this battle for second place is gaining that's just getting closer and closer so whether the lamborghini which i think ultimately and that time potential is the quickest of these three cars can he get through and avoid that kind of unfortunate contact that he was a victim of on the opening corner virtually and that one well here they come over the timing line once more young marcel dietrich now having lost out to camille franchek sits in the spray down towards turn one but john's point about franchise lamborghini and the pace that in the real world the uh fff racing team headed by andre calderelli has found in these cars he's being born out in esports racing as well he's on the attack quickest in the wet in qualifying now where is he in relation to the race leader yes he is third on the road four point eight plus nine tenths of a second is what he's got to make up he's going to get past simonini and then could he catch sephilia do not yet against it yes it's my opinion because he's got the pace uh he got past the porsche relatively easily he's got now to find a way which i assume with 46 minutes remaining ought not to be a massive problem albeit they're both running fundamentally the same engine and not a massive difference in the actual mechanics of the cars just the aerodynamics the bodywork that is the significant difference between the audi and the lamborghini but back up the hill up into the cop the gap the first the second is just under five seconds and then it's a further one and a half seconds so let's say it's about six and a half seven seconds between third and first place well right now it would be jesus this video for the championship enzo benito gets a drive through now that's significant because it would bring andrea capuccia into the top 10. cappuccio is another of the magnificent seven here going for the title riding on board with franchette throwing everything at this as also is giorgio simonini just ahead of him franchise closing right up as they come to ingway turn 16 and now hustle the cars onto the pit straight once more so have a watch and see whether the lamborghini has got more fundamental bite both at the front and the rear identical power units in the audi and the lamborghini so no last no gain as they come down in to turn two at growth margin is quicker slightly quicker anyway through crew four and then this quick flick through yuck's kit then up the hill breaks into the left tander at barbecue now now but don't run so wide is that you'll lose some traction on these very wet slippery painted curbs at carl army and were franchette to be able to get ahead of simonini could he bring down that gap to the philia well on qualifying pace yes because remember he was on pole and philia was only fastest as they're going through is david toniza so he's up into seventh so he's scoring but he's being uh outscored clearly by the philia but that will be enough to give him second in the championship but equally tonight's a need to try and keep on gaining ground here and david you mentioned cappuccia he's uh dropped to position actually you mentioned him and that was uh husseini going past they're very very close but it was a very slow lap last time through from capuchia which has dropped him down to 12th and back out of the points again right well that kind of helps tonitz a little bit because it puts him slightly more comfortably although he was ahead of uh yes as a helicopter feature so fractionally more comfortable yeah turnipster needs to be building within that top seven and he just needs to keep on scoring because with facilia taking the maximum haul here that's enough to give the spanish driver the championship uh where are the mclaren selva is still 20th not even into the top 23 yet he's off of camera who we spoke to for the pit lane the uh sro podcast after the last round in baltimore and he was delighted with his win but really negative about his chances here and they're being born out especially with the reign as their turnipster another experienced esports racer goes over the line behind him enzo bonito with his drive-through and that is for causing the collision with mike nobel that we saw at engway a few laps back no surprise there john no i mean just going back to the minigame of mclaren the big penalty mclaren suffered was in qualifying in the race itself is a different matter but they're starting so far back meant on the 17th and 16th rows of the grid you're always going to lose out so much on those opening laps as runs wide and sunset just getting caught as the lamborghini slides up the inside and that was just an error uh at that that was sim and then so that gives franchac second place doesn't it now so the man who could yet take the championship well he's on for second place but if he can get ahead of uh philly yeah because it's 25 points for the win at 18 per second things start to change markedly within the title race and simonini is coming under attack from the porsche yeah marcel dietrich in the rover racing colors inching up on the back of the audi here but now we need to monitor franchise pace and that gap it starts at 6.3 seconds now against stefilia with 42 minutes to go it's game on isn't it it is i don't know whether cecilia needs to do any more presently he doesn't he's still got a very comfortable advantage over francek in second place 6.3 seconds but that starts to drop we've got 42 minutes of this race remaining if he starts taking half a second the lap here two thirds of a second a lap somewhere else that time will evaporate very quickly and it's still a long way to go so right now i would say francek is the favorite to win this race but sincerely it must be favorite to take the championship that is bonito serving the drive through penalty past all the bedraggled mechanics and marshalls on the pit wall and slowly slowly slowly makes his way of course down the pit lane but also down the order he will drop as a consequence of this right 6.3 is already down to six seconds for the race lead gap so as they come now out of the extinguished barbecue and down towards sunset francek is on an absolute mission and so is dietrich here to get third place in the porsche yeah so i think simone uh simonini is the one that is uh and third fourth place cars that is struggling the most there you could see the race leader just going into the esses there is second place francek and the lamborghini gap was 5.8 seconds winning for the second checkpoint around the lap to give us an indication as to whether the lamborghini has progressed even further certainly looks to me to be i haven't got a timing and scoring in terms of lap time but looks to me to be the quickest car currently of this leading group ben what can you elicit from within the game is franchi nailing his whatnots to the wall here throwing everything at it this is his best lap so far so he's in the green uh as he comes towards the last part of the lap and he should be um this should be his best lap of the race in fact uh cecilia did his best lap of the race last time through which was a franchise is going to be i think maybe even in the 46 nine so that lamborghini is flying right now blizzard really needs to clear of roma tinnitus has got way more pace than vromo and at the moment is being held up and the only way that he's going to get himself a championship here is if he gets past this lexus and gets himself to clear air alexis having a sort of bentley feel to it you know big front engine car we know the benches have gone well and the lexus is doing a solid job isn't it in sixth place lead gap then six point three they're down to five point three and if franchise wins and sithilia takes second francheck is championed by two points so it's not just the battle for the race lead it's the battle for the title pure and simple now well that's as close as you're going to get it and that's what it should be all about so the gap between sicilia and franche is going to be well both drivers are going to be on the edge of their driving seats the lamborghini should run it down the only issue i would have is if he runs it down can he make the overtake will there ever be the opportunity or will sicilia be able to do enough and manage to make the aston martin sufficiently wide all the way around there's two oh two and a half mile four kilometer four point five kilometers left also it depends how long it takes brad jack to catch because he's catching no question and we've still got just under 40 minutes of this wet wet wet race still to go gareth club honchick goes through chris eva next in the queue uh jack keithley 16th after his drive through penalty towards the rear of this little gaggle of cars ultra gurtha 25th after being delayed early on patrick selva 20th and that drive through the enzo bonito putting him down to 18th and there look a dive at the inside and contact chris eva elbows yaroslav hot chick out of the way jack keaton gets involved and off they go well i think that was a bit of cause and effect the the bentley got caught up unintentionally in that moment the lamborghini stepping sideways on the edge of the leo cop and uh there wasn't very much that he was able to do whether that will be viewed i suspect will be a a buy for keatley i don't think he could be blamed for any contact that would have occurred race leading gap 5.1 seconds still coming down 12 of them are in the book 38 minutes still to go simi third jan marcel dietrich fourth chris hooker having a good run he's fifth this is the fight for six then alexander vromwell just ahead of david tonitza now if tonita could if he could get past that lexus he might start making progress and might start gaining points and might get back into the mix for the championship but right now he's absolutely stuck isn't he well you got that lusty i think it's a v6 in the lexus against the more hyperactive high revving pin turbo v8 in the ferrari so whether it's all about drivability and certainly the lexus sort of mid-engine front engine gt car working pretty well and certainly able to you know restrain tanita directly behind them nothing he can do it was alexa second wasn't it in the wet at um the nurburgring al sabdi yeah so yeah but further proof you're right it's that kind of car in contrast the ferrari not ideal for these conditions which hurts tony just a little bit more as they're going through is jack keithley who's been yo-yoing up and down the order more contact putting him in 15th place now but hustling on in the bentley but disappointing given that he started right at the very front on the front row of the grid penalty and then an incident yeah i mean he was the he was the guilty party in that particular incident into turn one in these weather conditions it's always better to air on the verge of caution and rather than the verge of adventure and uh of course you're concerned that those that behind might be trying to do the very same thing that you're doing and they have that concertina effect but in fact there nightly was the one that clearly was at fault and the penalty has been served and he's got himself in the middle of this pack and uh what's that all about was that five for uh it was tobias pfaffer getting it all wrong and rotating so we've had a spin at that part of the circuit in the pro race from jordan pepper and now tomorrow having a similar moment meantime down towards the kink goes jack keithley he's got shill and sever battling just ahead of him for 13th and 14th places and through on the inside line goes gregor shield good move that yeah he had it all done it was actually alongside as they came through the king and all he had to do was make sure he got his breaking spot correct and that the lexus wasn't going to be able to do anything about going around the outside so the position has been made a clean good judged and executed overtake now ben the mclarens niels neux 17. i know they're still a taxi ride away from the point but they're creeping up the order possibly people's penalties and drive-throughs are helping here but they are creeping up the order and we've got to replay before we go back to the mclaren conversation of chris eva versus jaroslav honchik that was severe going for the gap and hot chick turning across and then jack heathly with almost nowhere to go getting involved but uh ben the mclaren's doing their best aren't they inching up the order i mean they're not massive uh pace as you would imagine they'll know what's his best lap is a 48.5 in comparison to 47-0 from kamil franchac so they certainly don't have the pace uh but as you say patience is key here and i think as more and more people get involved with each other and penalties are given out they will slowly move up the order maybe not enough to actually pick up a point or two but uh neux and selva running together in 17th and 18th and where are we up to with the lead gap it had been coming down we're looking at the leaderboard from third lower so is 5.1 being reduced much now uh so last time through franchac did a 47.6 and was matched by cecilia so it is 3.6 ish seconds the gap now okay so it's certainly come down from 6.3 which is what we had at that starting point uh when franchac bagged second place okay thanks ben so uh 3.6 oh it's now going up 4.6 so suggesting franchek has had a moment somewhere maybe there you've got david tonitz who is finally ahead of alexandra frommel so now tonita is up into six what does that do for the championship well it puts him equal on points with franchac but both of them behind the philia but the thing is for zonitza finally finally getting past the lexus now we can focus on those cars the porsche the porsche let's not replay and see where that move was made there's the lexus just ahead coming out of sunset down into the clubhouse this is uh up through the essence of following then fourth placed dietrich and hoyka as they could come up the hill so the ferrari made that pass now he's got to do it all over again once he catches up to the first of the two porsches that's the chris carr in fifth place yeah so now that he's ahead tonitza is on the move he's getting away already from vromalt lucolosio is eight tarik gamil's best of the season he's nineteen amir hosseini who we've talked about a lot but the results have never really come within the championship remember he came to prominence in the charity esports race we had from monza and amir hosseini with a two-place grid penalty he's up into the top ten ahead of andrea capuccia who is there for another driver waving farewell to championship aspirations in all of this david just watching some of the uh the stars particularly there tonitza coming out of the penultimate corner they're running a lot of curb now you do that in the drive because it's there to be used but in these conditions is it something that a driver has the same level of feeling through his sim doing it in the wet as he does in the drive or are they just running the curb and hoping to get away with it good question one for ben i think that was our expert what do you think man it doesn't look as though they're losing as much grip as you would expect in the real world when they ride those curbs does it they look like they've still got the traction and what the curb gives you is a sense of where you are on the circuit and the feedback through the steering wheel so you'll get the vibration as you run them but as we also spoke about in terms of a wet line and a dry line that classic thing of kind of running into a corner and running around the outside because there's less grip there uh in the draw in the drive but it's more grip in the wet again we kind of spoke about it in nurburgring not being so much of a factor here it is simulated if the track has already been gripped up oh that's contact for third yeah that was that was uh got contacted by the porsche so that will be a probably a penalty for the two rover racing porsches of now one way or the other elevated themselves up to third and fourth place absolutely right but i'm sure the stewards have a look at that the drivers would say oh well it's you know wet road just couldn't stop in time but the stewards may feel different about it all as there you've got tarrick gamil there on the back of lucolossio so that's eighth and ninth place is porsche versus bentley and tarik gamil having his best showing of the championship she's good to see yeah again has to be careful almost clipped the back of the porsche maybe the bentley in these conditions the slightly more easy car to manage he goes way to the right to make a better exit coming in way on to the start finish straight you can see the apparently using the different exit line to try and get the traction trying to get the power but to really no avail porsche has done the sufficient to be able to consolidate that eighth position as they make their way down into krothorn uh ben just have a look at jesus stefilia because more than others oh we've now lost the graphic just as we see the tap that puts simonini out of the way but on the graphic that little yellow bar after the driver's name in front of the brand means internet connection is poor and it's just a little bit greater for the philia than say franchac or dietrich if the failure were to have a disconnect that would be a really really cruel way to lose a championship wouldn't it absolutely i don't there's any problems with it at the moment i mean you have to look to severe there in 13th position for somewhere you might be a little bit more concerned about but you know anything can happen uh it's across an hour race somebody might decide to pull the plug on your machine or or the internet just might die in your area so it's totally possible it's totally random and it's one of those things that you know we don't have random things in sim racing that you would have in the real world but that is one of them that is kind of uh a mechanical failure for your rig or your setup i suppose you might have an eight-year-old who is obsessed with naomi's nightmares of nature which is another strain on one's internet he says in a loud voice they've been heard through the door uh so hey the the philia leads the way by three point nine seconds from uh cameo franchise and yam marcel dietrich now there david toniza in sixth place he's got a chance john hasn't he getting onto the back of the audi and gaining a place and gaining points before much longer yeah and they already remember covering from that tag in the rear up at leo cop so i would suspect that tonita will think oh maybe that's an opportunity for me just to get back onto the tail of another competitive car i.e the audi and do what i need to do turret gamil was bently there on the back of lucolosio as they could go by the lead gap interestingly went from 6.3 to 3.9 but it's not shown much in the way of coming down after that it's stabilized for the moment we've only just really tripped into the second half of the race but it's not being it's not plummeting in the way that franchac needs it to do this is lossio versus camille this is eight and ninth we're looking at with emmy hosseini behind them yeah and camille really all over the back of lucille's porsche he's had a couple of looks to try and find a way through coming up to sunset not a place you'd normally think to overtake you do your homework and get yourself positioned maybe get yourself over to the right-hand side of the track as quickly as possible well lassie has done that very thing so that sort of cancel out any benefits that the bentley might have hoped to gain so really nothing lost nothing gained by this battle for eighth place nose to tail they run amir husseini inching up behind them lead gap 3.6 3.7 it's hovering around that area but he's not coming down the way that franchise needs it to do and he's fighting for a championship here if he can get the lead of the race he gets the lead of the title race as well and therefore will win the championship so there's a lot on the line here these next 27 and three quarter minutes very important for camilo franchaca's lossier plunges down the hill kicking the spray into the face of tarik camille here yeah he's totally found a bit of a pace here he's just done his fastest lap of the race and he's just matched that again that last time through this time franchac just a fraction faster but last time a fraction is slower so i think cecilia has found something over these last couple of laps that he couldn't find before okay interesting interesting john what about gamil here in the bentley can he get past his porsche or not he's had a look he's had to go on a number of occasions but the porsche seems to have enough squirt coming out of turn 16 on the start finish straight just to deny the bentley the opportunity and now here's a chance you might think that plunged down in the inside take the corner away from the porsche tamir agamil isn't prepared to do that he wants to be certain which is probably in these circumstances knowing if you do make a contact with the car you will be penalized so what he's doing is fundamentally correct we just want to see an overtake that's tall well there is one and that is yaroslav hanchik getting up on the inside to go through gains the place so that now puts him back ahead of patrick selva silva was briefly up into 19th place which had therefore been good going yes i think any of the mclarens in the norwex is up to 17th he's the lead mclaren and uh i mean if they can get into the top 15 in this these conditions today well they'll be disappointed overall but um that's the price of success back in barcelona top four positions won by mclaren in the previous round in barcelona and the penalty is you got to carry the the uh the put your color palace dallas and you began with b oh yeah wide the porsche driver in third has been given a drive-through yeah yeah because he tagged the back of simon nina's audi that's right that was almost almost an opportunity there for tunisia because siminelli ran wide coming through cheetah i think it was so little mistakes beginning to creep in whether it's just a function of driver error or whether it's a function of the pressure leading to the driver error and you can see that looks again to have the speed in the lap but not sufficient speed to make it on these ones on the few parts of the racetrack where you can make clean overtakes well tonita is creeping up the order is it too little too late he is at the moment set for second place in the championship behind jesus cecilia but cecilia is away and he's had a really interesting season hasn't he in terms of good results bad results it's really been a yo-yo season for him uh indeed cecilia last time out 41st didn't do the spa race at all so he's only done silverstone nurburgring and barcelona ninth a win and 41st and it could be another win and it could be the championship but he would be the first double victor out of either of the sro esports series pro or silver well technica just looking at the body language of his car i would say that's not looking too bad he needs to clear as quickly as possible and he's not being able to do that the idea of simulinini directly ahead of him and they are looking just to cut the glimpse of the third place porsche if he can get himself past the idea under the tail of the porsche then you could have a different outcome in this championship very true indeed but right now phillia is in the box seat isn't he's three seconds to the good and although that gap is coming down it's only by fractions it's not coming down by that much with still just under 24 minutes to go but tonitza well he could be the danger here if he can keep chipping his way up the order for as long as defilia leads the way though tonita can't do it because even if he's second he'll be two points behind phillia if cecilia wins the race so tonita has got to be the race winner just like franchek has got to be the race winner because it's 25 points for the win and 18 for second so what would happen if francek wins the race the cilia second and to nietzsche's third who's got the calculator for that one uh franchitt would be the champion and cecilia would be third in the point and tom meets uh no telling a lie tonita and franchette would tie on point but because franchette would have won the race he would win on the tiebreak yep it's reasonable the winner should always get the benefit in the tie break yeah so there is to coin a phrase everything to play for here john you might say that i wouldn't but you're right no it is it means it's a a very very difficult race and difficult conditions and the gaps between the leads three or certainly believe two's only two points then third and fourth and fifth place are covered by five points so it's a much more difficult equation but you have to think that patrick silva and arthur camera were planning to come here knowing that they're going to carry a 52 kilogram extra weight they didn't imagine was going to be able to get race as well yeah they've come here for the wine i think not for the release result now better whining after this race i can tell you you're not wrong ben what's going on in the lead the gaps down all of a sudden from over three seconds to 2.2 has cecilia had a moment somewhere what's going on yeah this is a slow lap for cecilia 47-9 that time through waiting for franchette to come over the line he did a 47-1 so he took about half a second last lap but that was a slow one from cecilia and we are going to have them squabbling over the same bit of track soon with 1.8 seconds now separating them it's uh it's looking very exciting now the difference between this wet race and the nurburgring wet waste remember nobody was only 30 wet so it was actually although it didn't look it uh on the edge between wet to dry tires and we used everyone had no grip this race is much wetter so i don't think we're going to get the kind of the overheating of the wet tires like we saw at nurburgring and therefore we won't see that massive change in performance if we get to the end of when we get to the end of the next sort of 15 minutes okay the lap times are still incredibly good okay interesting stuff thank you ben 1.7 seconds then from 6.3 which was our starting point between the philia and franchek the top two in the race and about to be of course fighting for not only the race win but the championship win as well and there is david tunnitzer who is also on his toes trying to get himself up the order yeah the idea simon has done a strong job he's not made a mistake the ferrari i still maintain is in a lap the quicker of the two cars but if you can't manifest it by finding your way through but there is the battle that is about to become a battle for final or before the victory as they franche in the lamborghini there's the aston just go so the cat was 1.9 at the last checkpoint and now you can see the franchise using every bit of the wet track and the wet curving on the exit of the penultimate corner to the line they come 1.9 seconds at that last timing point 1.7 so just as we saw in the pro race it's a catch-up job going on here catch-up races are always fantastic down towards turn two then goes camille franchit hunting down hazel cecilia chris hooker running third now ahead of georgia georgini tonitzer is fifth roman six velocio gamil hosseini and the penal eyes now recovered yan master tell dietrich round out the top 10. tonics are on the inside line had to think about it at turn two and then thinks better off but slots back in behind georgia simonina here but simonini goes why john yeah i mean well that's the opportunity to get through and he's done he's taken the so the ferrari's got through but you've got to look behind just the the lamborghini or something the lexus the third car in this group of three just all quietly quietly managed to maintain position so we're not going to see the lexus win this race but we're going to see the lexus still have a an input into the outcome of the top six positions on board with from all now down through the gears that's tonitzer so he is now in fourth place what does that do to the points that gives him 44 against the 40th franchise but the 52 that are going to head the way of the philia if things stay as they are we need to get down a little bit further 1.6 seconds there's still just enough time isn't that a franchise to do this there's certainly plenty of time in my view for him to catch up to the back of cecilia but whether he will ever manage to make a way through is the old question whether you catch and you can overtake or whether you just simply catch and you just get bogged down but it's the pace of tunica which is interesting because now i've got a 3.6 second gap so third place chris hoyker in the porsche hey doable against the same cedawberry catch but can you pass well there through the rain is cappuccia out of the point so one of the drivers who came here pitching for the title struggling to get through the pack he is on the tail of emir hosseini who is behind marcel dietrich whose impressive showing ultimately uh comes ready to naught because of the drive-through penalty but he suffered early on 1.4 seconds now look at that lead gap coming down and down yeah i beat the jack keithley look at the back of this little group could yet get himself into the points couldn't they well the money in 13th place you know i said well 17 for 18 minutes in real terms you never know just all you need is one little incident one sort of tag in the rear one car just set off a chain reaction and uh that's where it all goes andrea somebody who in my view fourth in the championship 31 points where he started in the grid ought to have had an opportunity slightly better than those in the mclarens that's for sure and copyright started in the 10th role of the grid he wasn't that much better off than they the group of mclaren but certainly starting 20th is a lot better than starting 32nd absolutely right so they're going through is the charging debut sir makes the climb up the hill the rebellion clock showing just over 17 minutes of the race to go whoops right into the back of the aston there goes tonitza well that will catch the eye of the uh race director when what that was all about i don't know that the aston was out of position yeah but nevertheless um whether that will be viewed in those terms or whether it'll be viewed as an avoidable incident and therefore needs the penalty i don't know got the asset out of the way no question about that brutal way of doing it mind you as there tarik gamil makes a look to the inside of allocio diving down through mine shaft into crocodile in the aston martin oh was it right okay it was a long way back therefore over the back of last lassie for all these laps still trying to go up the inside down the outside porsche managers always always to get off the corner that little bit better than the bentley this time maybe maybe because the bentley is closer now he's going to look there's a defense from nasser bentley is forced to go up the left hand side on screen sweeps to round the outside before he'll be run wide i would say that was an he didn't last you didn't need to be that um this courteous well the porsche hangs onto its place but will the stewards intervene we will find out keep an eye to the race direction channel in discord as luck colossians then hangs on to the place ahead of tarrick gamble for the moment young marcel dietrich's porsche is ninth and the leading gap is 1.3 seconds so franchise is still chipping away isn't it the race leader but all of those chips that he's been cooking um are bringing the time down we're down to only 15 minutes of change now and he really had half the race in which to bring the gap down when he got second place so he's taking his time about it as there you see losing camille climb the hill towards lakota yeah the bentley's going to make another footage going to try and do something on the run up into the air copy look feet up the hill goes to the outside of the porsche looking to maybe get up on the exit the second part of love their cop get alongside in the run down the munch death but not able to do it just go back to frank check he's managed to close that gap down to 1.36 but it's as if he hasn't got anything left he can't really well i say that he's taking two tenths out and that last sector is down to 1.1 seconds so maybe franche has got a little bit more pace but certainly it's not coming through as obviously as his pace initially to get down to that 1.1 seconds behind the aston martin well the contract conditions still nasty you might argue there's a dry line in places but it's still pretty foul out there but can we get this gap to less than a second it was 11 10. it's still 11 10 and you're on board with tarik gamil still running in eighth place staring at the back of louis colossia's car as they come over the timing line now down towards the left-hander at crowthorne could barely be any closer could he to the john o'leary esports entry no i mean bentley just runs the porsche right down into proform but it's off the corner that it's important into the corner is what you do your job and don't open up any gap but make sure in doing so that you've got the throttle and the traction off the corner and that's why we're seeing nasio able to consolidate for what's been the best part of 15 or so laps now bentley up the inside and sunset gets the job done steps the back of the tail steps out a little bit of a nudge now that was an opportunity the best opportunity it may also open up again this time up the inside and the porsche i think will be compromised into the asses so tarek gambill has finally done it yes through he goes on the inside line as glossier ran wide gamil does the job he goes through puts himself now up into seventh position ian masala dietrich in the porsche is catching as well amy hosseini 10th also doing his best to join the party and the league gap fractionally wider this time with 25 laps in the book as they head down the hill once again but tarrick gamil then now up into seventh spot there's the confirmation as they get to the next timing point um with 13 minutes to go franchette running out of time to go after philia for the race win and for the championship win it's strange that the gap between first and second one minute there's not a second and point nine six it was one point one something it's it's literally between the sectors on each lap that we're seeing little losses or little gains between cecilia and franche in the second base lamborghini waiting to see 1.122 with just 12 and a half minutes of this race remaining ben a point that john made very early in this was how many more cars we have in the silver race than we did in the pro now are we getting to a point and especially with lap times because of rain where traffic is a factor for the race leaders or is that not an issue yet i think the traffic was mainly down to people who had been caught out in big problems early donald school okay obviously we saw will trigartha he was caught up in an accident in lap one so he's a full lap down it looks to me as though uh most people are on the on the lead lap and uh sincerely doesn't seem to have too much traffic ahead of him okay so in other words camille franchot can't really hope for that there are the leaders and tonita fourth has got a drive-through look david turnitza another driver fighting for the championship he's given a drive through penalty there are the race leaders if anything the rain there looks to be getting heavier as cecilia finds the puddle on the outside of the road the gap is 1.2 seconds as the car just slithers across the curb and that's definitely losing time you can see just in those last two corners the lamborghini has almost halved the distance between them as they came down the mine shaft now aston van sicilia was he responding to pressure or she running simply out of grip well the gap's virtually halved now isn't it seven tenths and uh tonight's drive through is for hitting will trigger we saw that up at lake up so there are the leaders and cecilia now knows he's in a motor race although the aston still leads the race still leads the championship things could change as we are about to break into the last 10 minutes it's gonna go down to the wire isn't it yeah absolutely so the gap suddenly has become a gap which is going to make stand up in his toes it's under a second point i can't read between 0.84 or something of a second the gap between first and second place and now with clear road ahead of the aston martin there is clear sound of traffic that's going to become a factor in this battle for the lead and also the battle for the championship this just franchak's view climbed through the s's up the hill here under the gantry heading up towards the cup eight tenths of a second the margin last time closing under a breaking but the danger john is he's gonna go deeper the car washes out well that's a problem you're gonna just make your judgment on you can see the beginnings of a part of the racetrack that isn't stop drive but it is less wet so that means again what it's going to do to your center tires if you're already using the towers it takes away all those nice sharp edges you had when the race began when the red and the wet weather tower when they the grooves the edges of the grooves become rounded then the grip drops away pretty dramatically pretty quickly as well which i've also got come on i was going to say we have got the uh line of traffic just starting to appear further up the road as well so although it's not yet a factor by the end of 10 minutes might they have caught those back markers we will see uh aston martin and uh lamborghini um convenience and there's a big gap then there's a big gap okay so as the cars work their way then up now towards sunset that lead gap's gone up again hasn't it it's gone up fraction is up to just a second and a thousand or so of a second but clearly these two lead cars are going to catch up and that's what you're going to see what's in it did yeah well that was avoidable and uh we called it a time and the penalty has been uh so denise got a drive through for that but there is the that the gap hit first and second as they come down through the aces and that's just on the second up the hill up into leo so the gap between these two cars and the cars are about to lap where are they well they're out of sight right now the second part of the vehicle down the mountain shaft through the left-hander probably just about tipping towing through there not knowing if there's going to be any more standing water or not so eight minutes to go and there is the aston martin hey there race leader and behind him is the man fighting for the race win fighting for the championship win so camille franchat was .96 one of a second back at the last timing point through they go down to seven tenths of a second but now john it's all investigated isn't it one timing point it's down the next itself it's not a consistent catch by the lambo no it's been like that pretty much all the race been both drivers have had different sector times inconsistencies between the two cars but now with the battle being so close that's almost irrelevant but what is going to be relevant is those two cars here we see the mercedes and i think it's the lamborghini yes it is coming through sunset at these two lead castle it's just over seven minutes this race if i was in the car in the aston martin city i would be trying to modulate the my pace and at the face of franchise to ensure that i don't catch up to these two cars further down the road i don't want to get involved in finding our way through they may not know i'm there or in some cases they don't know who the hell you are so remember it's effectively who dares wins in all of this the first one across the line out of hethilia and franchette will be champion and camille franchac needs to find a way by here as they come through loyko but is he close enough to have a go no not yet he's not and he's running out of time this elasticated gap has gone up again 2.9 of a second as down the hill they come through the rain and they are closing a little bit further on to those two back markers up the road ahead how do you how do you balance your pace against the pace of the two cars directly ahead of you and at the same time not your friend check hope that that's what you're doing because when you're driving a racing car you're not just doing the driving bit you've got to think about what would happen when i catch these two cars six minutes to go they've got the best part of three in a bit laps i don't want to catch up to these cars but i don't want to give francheck the signal but that's what my plan is so there you've got them heading down through turn two but we're running out of time now we've got just under six minutes to go and if the phillier is thinking about trying to defend well and not get too close to that traffic uh franchick he's gonna have to make his own arrangements here he's gonna have to really dig deep and somehow trump prize open this door thus far cecilia has not made errors despite the foul weather conditions that are in game for carl army out of sunset he goes 30 laps completed eight tenths of a second between them the news though is that those two back markers they will have a a leader board as part of their heads-up display and they'll be able to see cars in front and cars behind on what those cars are so they will have to be they will see that those two cars the next two cars on track behind them are first and second problem is they are kind of arguing over themselves as well aren't they they're having a bit of a fight so how much they're paying attention to that i'm not so sure they have the information though is there any question sorry remember in certain racing you haven't got a soul a lonely soul standing in a marshall's post waving a blue flag at them uh john you've taken the word i was going to ask ben if there was such a thing as a virtual blue flag on you on your display that's right absolutely yeah yeah yeah exactly so you'll see the blue flag come up and you'll also have a spotter in your ear telling you that the leaders are coming up behind you so in fact in a way the virtual world has a hell of a lot more information than you do in the real world what should i prove of that john what do you think well you know the real world is in a different world altogether this is sim racing and i'll tell you what i mean it's pretty amazing that in these extremely difficult circumstances and conditions that the drivers the pro drivers i call them the sim drivers but they are the professional sim drivers are doing actually a pretty outstanding job and they're managing to raise okay we've seen a couple of unnecessary incidents for example that was an avoidable incident but he got suckered into it he wanted to get past a back marker and he just ended up hitting the back of the car and consequently he's knocked himself all the way down well i can't even see him oh he's in the 13th 13th place and he had a chance to get on the podium indeed that was that drive-through that did for him uh uh somebody put a comment after one of the rounds about commentators being negative towards the simracing world i don't think we have been i think we've all been mightily impressed by the game by the graphics by the ability of the people doing it um and john and i as as total newcomers to the sim racing world we've certainly had our eyes open john haven't we and for the better i mean i think it's beyond imagination to have a race i mean if you walked into your living room or your friend's living room this is on television you would not know that this is a sim race it is yes the replication is so outstanding and the drivers you look this is what a racing driver does but these are sim drivers in fact i think jensen button pointed out the other day someone told me that they but he believes that now sim racers are being able to understand what racing cars do not necessarily in wet conditions that a racing driver a proper racing driver may not actually ever explore so there is going to be an even bigger crossover between sim racing and rail racing because these sim guys are exploring things that racing drivers haven't had the thought or imagination to look at fascinating isn't it i quite like andy merrick's story andy who's racing the gt world challenge asia uh later on this season and he was watching the charity race from monza and his wife walked in looked at the screen looked at him and said that's monster why aren't you there you're meant to be racing and was completely suckered in by the fact that the graphics were so good now we've got two minutes of the race to go there's time for this lap and one more i would offer you and it is game on for the race and for the championship jesus cecilia has done a masterful job thus far can he hang on for just under two more laps john and what we didn't quite see or maybe i missed it but we've got the two lead cars getting through those back markers cleanly so no gain one way no loss the other way the gap is just under a second at 0.9 of a second so this is the silliest race to lose and uh fran checks to win and i think at the minute everything's stacked up in favor of the aston martin and jose as sicilian and i would offer you that that is resilient yeah i i'd offer you that gap is widening again isn't it franchek almost as though he's giving it his best shot and hasn't been able to do it and now he's settling but cecilia looks like it's not really that it's actually that cecilia is kind of matching his pace he's actually placed the car behind and he's he's done his best lap just that last lap through franshack just thousandths of a second off his best lap so the two of them were just on a massive push and they've managed to get past traffic at the same time i think getting getting past the traffic was key to the outcome of the both this race and the championship and the fact that both those back marker cars and the insight that ben gave us about how you're advised cars behind which cars they are clearly played a pivotal role in the outcome of this race more battles lower down axel petit there who is the last of the scorers but he might get dislodged here because jack keithley the bentley is not that far behind him i'm just looking to see where the bentley is over there there's the third of these three four cars so you've got the lexus in between and that's petite oh that is petite i'm just looking at the audi charlie looking at uh capo capuccia so the potential championship winner in ninth place so that's not going to do him any favors as we go back down through the field simonini or up through the fields is like under a challenge from the lexus of their mom had a pit stop just a few moments ago that's the car that's now just ahead of our two leaders the next bit of traffic and straight back out again almost as though we did a pit stop and changed tires or i added fuel fuel i was just thinking on if it was fuel yes interesting well it's cost him a whole heap of time and it's given tarik gamil his uh best result of the championship potentially six this is vermont right the clock has hit zero where are the race leaders because the gap is going up again it's one point three seconds i think fethullia has done it you could argue deservedly so as well because he's dominated this race but jesus cecilia is the race leader it'll be the flag this time whereabouts are they on track then can you spot from within the game three seconds ago okay as we ride with remote and there they are heading downhill so hey therefilia is set to be the first sro gt esports silver series champion and camille francek has thrown everything at it but an absolutely exemplary drive by defilia managed to keep out of the trouble at turn two that crowthorn and since then has mastered the conditions controlled the pace and so jesus cecilia is gonna be the first double winner of either championship he's gonna become the first winner at carl army and he's gonna become the first champion in the silver series within the sro esport gt series over the timing line jesus cecilia wins camille franczak takes second and that's your top two in the championship with chris hooker on target for third to make sure that he is in the rover racing colours of his best finish of the championship [Music] the porsche blasts its way up towards the line and still they battle georgia simonini versus alexandre from all four fourth and fifth tarik camille is going to be good for six but roxy first of all cecilia's drive outstanding what was good about it was that he saw what happened to turn two on the opening lap he avoided that was able to stay clear of that accident incident between franche and keatley and he then once he had the lead he was he used his strength of his person as well and just drove a superlative race under pressure at the end from francek but nothing he could do francek was just powerless when it got to the last 10 minutes he couldn't run that one point or point whatever it was of a second never gotten positioned to try and make an overtake sicilia superb drive worthy champion absolutely i bet the garfield a little bit further back 21st on the tail of eamon murphy who i think we saw in strife early on in the race murphy is on the back of kvitniesky as they come over the timing line but it is jose cecilia what better way to win a championship than by winning the race and if you've enjoyed all of this incidentally uh acc the set of course of competition is available on ps4 and xbox one from this tuesday if you go to acc.505 and pre-order it from there you get the intercontinental gt challenge pack for free which includes the team's liveries and the circuits namely baphos suzuka kyle army and laguna seca so if you want the acc platform or the game rather on your ps4 or xbox one well done jesus cecilia what a drive he wins the last round of the silver series in the sro gt esports series from camille franch chris herker's best of the year that's the georgia simonini fourth ahead of alexandra romo and then tarrick gamil yan marcel dietrich seventh ahead of emmy hosseini ninth was andrea capuccia so he did get himself into the points but not enough to influence the title outcome and jack keithley from the front row to a drive through to a spin to tenth place he salvaged something out of a difficult and wet afternoon but hey does cecilia what an outstanding drive to be the first double winner of the championship he's the rainmeister that's for sure because he won in the wet at the nurburgring he wins again in the reign at kyle army but this time with it he wins a championship and jack nichols what better way to take a title than by winning the actual race brilliant performance by jesus cecilia yeah and what a great way to see a title decided as well the two protagonists in the end going head-to-head over the final few laps cecilia are holding on camel franchise will join that long list of drivers in the sro esport gt series who will think oh what if what if i didn't get hit at the start what if i didn't get muddled up in that uh melee at the first couple of corners and um what if i'd had that tiny bit more pace towards the end of the race so those are our two champions louis delatraz in the pro series uh jesus cecilia in the silver series and as you say great to see the champion crowned with a victory hopefully we'll be able to speak to some of our front runners before too long in the in the silver series and uh we will uh wait and see who we get in the room to speak to but watty impressive stuff from cecilia just strong in the rain to wrap up two uh wins in the rain to give you the title it's pretty impressive absolutely cecilia did everything he was required to do he didn't to me put a wheel wrong he okay a couple of corners towards the end of a lap he ran a bit wide but fundamentally he drove with his head and we have seen for example delatraz do that in the pro series so intelligence and not and your skill the two things go hand in hand and that was an outstanding drive there was pressure from franche a law was coming from a little bit behind nevertheless when franche closed down to the back of the aston martin he couldn't make any further progress and that was more i think to do with cecilia being able to adapt up his page when he needed to but not push sufficiently hard where he might put himself into areas of making an error ben what are your overall uh takeaways from this first uh sro esport gt series that we've seen here on asceto corsa i love the way it's been formatted the idea to equally show the sim races as well as our pro famous drivers if you like and just showcasing what is a stunning game platform whatever you want to call it uh in essendo i said corsa competizione it replicates real life so so well there are things that are obviously slightly different but it's a great immersive place to be if you want to go racing we've made the point adders uh after the first couple of races that you sort of commentated on and kind of understood it a bit more this whole esports thing you know because initially you're probably a little uh reluctant not reluctant to get involved that's not the right word but you know um apprehensive let's say what did you make of the for sniffing what did you make of the fire i've loved every minute jack and i have learnt um as well as enjoyed watching the racing um and i think part of it is you could argue that it's it's the responsibility or or it's it's been down to how sim racing has been offered to the outside world in the past quite often you might have a photograph of a lot of gamers sitting on a sim rig which might be impressive in itself but it's for me although i've been interested hearing what drivers have explained to me about that it's when you can see the real world grab the graphics that it starts to mean something and when you have people looking at a screen and thinking it's real world racing because the graphics are that good that's where sim rating needs to be sold i think to the outside world um we're lucky in this because we've had some fantastic entries certainly for the pro race and obviously a very high level of sim racer you've been talking about uh drivers that have won formula one esports championships we've got the reigning sro esports champion on the grid now some people have said to me not interested in that race because i don't know who they are they're not real world drivers i'm not interested but to me that's no different from the intake of formal afford 1600 drivers that you used to have every march going back 100 years um and they were all new to the circuit and you learned about them as the championship went on and we've had that as well so for me yes i've enjoyed the racing yes i've enjoyed learning about a new world um but it has been just outstanding and ben's touched on this i'm echoing what he said about the graphics because when you see the liveries the reality the the weather conditions that is when you appreciate how good sim racing can be well this is a replay of the start that we're that we're just seeing here if we want to have another look at what to happen with keithley goes to the inside loses it under braking can't slow the car down elbows franchek out of the way as it would be in the real world but i think jack you've got some drivers to go for yeah let's uh see i think we've got arthur cameron and camel francek to speak to in a couple of moments time just waiting for them to come into the interview channel but that was a replay of exactly what happened at the start we'll get uh camel's thoughts on it because he finished second in the race second then in the championship camille great to have you with us just uh unlucky today i suppose we've just seen a replay of what happened at term one what was it like from your point of view oh hi um at the beginning i just want to say that yeah as you've probably seen i was uh going fully defensive but but jack just wanted to be inside and it couldn't like finish in a different way so he pushed me away uh he pushed me off track but i worked my way through from b5 up to p2 but uh and and yeah i was able to um to catch the leader but that was not enough to overtake him but anyways uh yeah i had a chance for a championship lead but um it happened so i'm still happy with p2 yeah well you should be it was a very good drive congratulations uh camille we've got uh just see if we got arthur camera to join us as well because he was a title protagonist going into the final uh round we're getting a replay here on board of and these are the kind of visibility issues you have in the rain in the real world and also this is what it looks like in the game as well very difficult to pick up your uh breaking points and to figure out where other cars are around you so it always is going to be a bit more of a challenge in these wet conditions camel how difficult was the was the rain out there for you oh yeah so the truck was new for me i haven't practiced um before uh this around five so uh those completely new track for me also rainy conditions are not easy because it's very difficult to replicate um like conditions from session to session so everything changes everything is dynamic uh so it's not easy you have to focus and find yourself uh on track and work your way uh to improve uh your braking um points and so on so it's not easy it's not easy to go uh too wide through the corners because you're if you're offline you basically um lose a position so uh it was not easy but at the same time if you know how to drive on wet uh it's a big advantage for you yeah well congratulations anyway on that uh second position arthur camera i think is uh joining us now as well arthur second place in uh the standings coming into this race but qualifying saw you 35th was it just a balanced issue or did you struggle with the rain it was first of all high and it was definitely a balance issue i think if you look closely all the mclarens again were like in between one or two hundredths of a second and as we always did we all got everything out of the car and being 35th 31st 32nd is just where we ended up then due to the ballast i get yeah absolutely and so starting 35th what did you how how did your race unfold well sadly i got i found found myself looking at a mercedes uh facing my way after turn one i tried to take a voting action but the heavy hit into the side and went off track again and from there on i was already like pretty uh yeah not happy with how it went and tried to recover but i always found myself losing out in in conditions where other peoples were able to improve and i just was always facing people coming back on track and eventually forwards losing out on them on the straight yeah we've just seen a replay of what happened to you in those opening couple of corners absolute chaos in the uh in the wet conditions uh what have you made of this sro esport gt series have you enjoyed it how you know i guess you're disappointed not to wrap up the title but you've had a very strong year yeah considering this is my first international championship i have to say i think i think if i'm not if i'm not wrong i am ending it in third place which is definitely a good start for uh yeah something like this and well of course i knew um going for p1 wouldn't be possible with the with the weight um but yeah coming in p uh three now is very good and i'm very happy and also i say congratulations to jesus cecilia who i think has won the championship all around yeah yeah great well thank you very much for joining us arthur been uh great watching you race these last five or six event thank you so there we here from uh arthur camera second place man in the championship camel franchac i don't think we've got jesus cecilia to talk to unfortunately but uh great to have him crowned the champion uh closing thought spotty on your first venture into into esport i think coming from an era when racing drivers were still wearing cork helmets the viewer i have is don't have a closed mind because this has progressed this is what this is a big part of the future of motorsport we think of motorsport is going to our race track and standing out getting soaked getting frozen whatever but actually motorsport is now embracing digital technology and i have to say i think it has been absolutely fantastic and you know what my birthday was the other day i've managed to shave about 50 years off but i feel about 24. great great i'm very happy to hear that uh ben final thoughts from you i just hope that we continue uh moving forward with this kind of momentum that we've already had in the world of esports and the relationship between sim racing and real racing there's no reason to stop it yes we go back to real racing soon and i can't wait for that let's uh not forget these amazing period of time for the simracing world as well adders i go along with that i think sim racing will continue to have a big part but it might become a winter championship in quotes because as real world racing kicks off that's going to limit the ability certainly for the real world drivers to dedicate the time as barnacle was saying to you to concentrate on sim racing but we've certainly enjoyed these last few months it has given us a chance to enjoy motorsports in a virtual world but the only way we could uh and this championship particularly has delivered outstanding racing outstanding graphics outstanding realism uh and i have to say i can't wait for the next sro gt esports championship absolutely well the sro real world gt racing will begin soon the gt world challenge powered double powered by aws america begins on the 11th and 12th of july at the virginia international raceway and the european uh series gets underway on the 25th 26th of july weekend at imola so make sure you keep across the sro social media and youtube channels for all of that action and on tv as well of course where adaz and watty will be bringing you up to speed with everything that's going on a huge thanks to ben constand jurors to david addison and to john watson for joining us for these five rounds of the sro esport gt series everybody behind the scenes everybody in italy and bergamo and all spread around italy as well for uh putting this all down there is going to be a grand finale of the sro esport gt series so keep your eyes peeled for that we'll announce the date in due course so we have got more act to come from the so esport gt series but for now it's just a time to crown our champions in the silver series jesus cecilia two wins in the wet give him the victory and the title and in the pro series louis delatraz a very impressive drive he takes the championship in the pro cup we'll see you next time on the sro esport gt series thanks [Music] so so you
Channel: GTWorld
Views: 33,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BWMgW7_pBxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 13sec (11233 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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