(LIVE) Road Trip Through Utah In The Mustang Mach-E

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staying maki you can see we're at an electrify america station and i'm actually just pulling out so turning on the car and heading out i'm gonna pull up so i can see your chats here and uh waiting on the maki to charge up enough honestly this was a perfect charging session here at beaver utah at the electrify america station plugged in at 20 state of charge left the hotel last night uh everything was great and um yeah the maki's got a weird charging curve if you're interested in that head over to our outer spec reviews channel uh where i did a zero to 100 deep dive into the charging curve of this car and yeah pretty pretty interesting for sure so let me make sure i'm good enough to get to the next station i should have probably done that before i left but the charging tapered down to about 78 kilowatts at 57 state of charge and i said yeah let's just go so here we are in the grap hey guys hopefully you can hear me okay and and everything is good sorry for the delay there i was just receiving a phone call uh if you're watching this don't call me just text me so uh thank you guys for watching here in beautiful utah absolutely gorgeous uh views for sure looks like we have 101 miles to our next charging destination i'm trying to use the mustang maki's internal uh charging map thing here to get us to los angeles from colorado and it actually isn't as bad as i uh thought it would have been uh let's see what's the difference on charging the mustang from zero to eighty percent compared to the same thing in our model 3 uh yeah significant difference significant difference for sure um give me one second while i just get everything on copilot 360. so i have all the driver assist going i'll let you take a look at the road it is gorgeous here hey from nepal we have viewership all over that's so cool thanks so much for watching uh in nepal that is really really neat let's um let's see we are heading to an electrify america station in 100 miles we have 128 miles of predicted range so i think that's pretty good a little bit of downhill action going on here a little bit of loss in elevation as we go into vegas and then eventually into la you'll have to forgive me for this little black bubble here on the screen let me see if i can get rid of that and there we go if the screen starts to get a little too bouncy let me know please comment away and if i don't see you on the first comment you can definitely comment again because it just flashes up on the screen right here in my field of view for a half a second and of course i don't want to take my eyes off of the road too much although the mustang is on co-pilot 360. so i hope i have better charging than last night i really hope uh i do too yesterday was a terrible charging experience in this car and uh really difficult actually to get the communication protocols to match up to have uh the charging drop off but i think what what we really need to come down to here is this should have been certified to work with electrify america 100 or let's say 95 of the time uh and you know same thing with tycon that we recently uh showed and it's hard to say really if it's a charging station error or if it's a car error that's giving me troubles and i honestly think it's on the car side i think ea's been relatively reliable they're just uber conservative so if the car gives them any sort of weird signal they stop charging and show a fault and uh you know who knows but uh am i coming through the bay area no i am just going to uh los angeles i have to drive a car two cars and then i'm heading back home and i was gonna fly but i figured i need to get a road trip in for you guys in the mustang so here we are doing a road trip in the mustang evie dave is in the house and i want to say thank you to evie dick so this is evie dave's mustang he bought it with us basically to make content on all of our channels but he paid for it so say big thank you to ev dave and uh follow his youtube channel if you don't basically dave uh said and i we talked we said look let's let's get a mustang let's make some videos uh about this car it seems to have the most interest outside of tesla and uh yeah dave's just the man thanks for letting us use your car and uh yeah we're gonna have tons of tests to do with this thing over the next couple weeks and then he and i are gonna race to north carolina he in his model y performance and i'll be in this or or we'll switch it up who knows and we'll see a real world long distance trip between this and i would consider the gold standard tesla so that'll be kind of neat uh again you'll have to probably comment a few times because they just flash across the screen if you want me to get to something uh but how many years ahead is tesla in charging system and structure i i actually don't know how to measure that in years i think the infrastructure arguably is better for non-teslas they're 350 kilowatts at every single spot uh on major highways you know we set the cannonball record using electrify america uh there's tons of ccs charging the problem isn't necessarily the infrastructure uh being there it's getting the infrastructure to interface well and work well with the vehicle and that's where the problem starts so uh i think it's uh software stuff that can be solved i mean i was talking to dave about this last night it's not rocket science to get a car to charge uh but somehow this is having more failures than spacex rockets over here and it's just crazy to me that this is happening so there's not enough of a focus from automotive journalists from the media as to you know reviewing an ev properly the thing is they get the car dropped off with a full charge they drive it around for two three hundred miles they plug it in at home all looks good and then boom they get the stamp of approval that's a good car and yes that's where this mustang shines this is a fantastic hey i should be back i apologize bad service here in utah i don't know yep anytime it cuts out it's just because i'm going up the mountains here and uh yep so uh last seen somewhere in utah that's right is tesla's autopilot the gold standard not really you know i'm not super big on autopilot as everyone else um i think other systems do some things better like eye tracking or better driver monitoring i think autopilot has really bad messaging from the automaker as to the capabilities of the system i think tesla is not up front about what it can and can't do and they over promise and consistently under deliver that said i love autopilot i use it almost daily in my car and um yeah i mean yeah so a lot of people think autopilot's the gold standard that's great but honestly for what i do cruising down the highway like this it's the same thing as most of these other systems just staying in its lane it's not really doing anything fancy other cars do lane changes like toyota lexus and uh yeah have they not standard fit standardize the interface between ea chargers and vehicles good question so the interfacing between the chargers and the vehicles are a very long complicated list of checks basically and pilot signals to get the handshake to go through and i have a list of it somewhere the real detailed one uh it's unbelievably complicated and sometimes through this whole process things get confused especially now that we're adding plug-in charge and payment as part of that process it takes a full 60 seconds for the mustang to communicate with the charger on plug-in charge for it to start charging uh yeah brutal gotta say it's just and i've spoken to literally the guy who created the ccs protocol about this and he's very german and there's nothing he can do about it and this is the way it should be so i don't know it's just like this is not the way people want a road trip in the future waiting 60 seconds to start charging so uh yeah i would say while tesla may not have the fastest charging network out there uh and it may not be the fastest road trip across the country it's the easiest no question and it has probably a 98 99 success rate versus my less than 50 percent uh overall usage on third party networks so uh yep mustang maki long range all-wheel drive efficiency i saw someone ask i can let you know that uh let's take a look at the efficiency here so i have a nice screen i'm not gonna show you while i'm driving but maybe at the next charging stop depends on how long i can talk for i need to find a starbucks so if anyone knows of a starbucks between beaver utah and st george i'm on that stretch on i-15 let me know where to stop so let me go over to the trips menu i'm gonna let you know my efficiency uh right now for the entire trip from when i left home so i've been driving for 10 hours and five minutes i've traveled 590.3 miles and yikes um i've averaged 2.6 miles per kilowatt hour oh that's not so good but but in the maki's defense i have been climbing mountains like crazy i'm not even at low elevation yet so it's going to only improve from here because i'm still in high elevation uh climbed out of denver and now we're on our other side of the rockies and um yesterday driving to the mountains i got 3.2 3.3 miles per kilowatt hour driving normally on the highway uh someone asked what do i think about id4 model y mustang maki nissan aria all of these well guess what this is the year of comparisons on our out of spec reviews channel we have a whole dedicated channel to car reviews not just evs but you know me i love electric cars and um this week literally i'm going to la coming back we're reviewing machi versus model y versus id4 and that will be all this weekend all of the tests the range the charging the track test the efficiency all of the stuff you want to see the how much space can you fit in there how many dogs fit in the back you know all the stuff you want to know and uh what do you think optimi optimal vehicle ranges for day to day it depends on you i mean i think uh ah starbucks in cedar city hey you guys are coming in i really appreciate it um you guys are great the optimal vehicle range i think is probably 60 miles like i daily drive the electric everywhere and it's fine i'm a big fan of small battery evs as long as two things there's enough infrastructure that's reliable and they can charge deep into the pack relatively quickly i honestly think this hyundai ioniq 5 thing that we're seeing coming out being remarried and testing that's going to be a hot car just because you can get a small battery and it's still doing 157 kilowatts at 80 again we don't know what the production charge curve will be but everything is just pointing towards a really good charging curve not enough focus comes from automakers uh except for volkswagen group i think and from especially auto journalists on the importance of the road trip in an ev everyone focuses on total vehicle range but here's the thing you can just drive into the city and back and do whatever you're going to do in a day pretty much today i mean we drive our i3 around we take our model 3 around you guys know we drive it all the time and like 2 300 miles is nothing in the model 3. where the cars are really struggling right now or on these long distance trips that so many people seem to want to do with evs especially since covet people want to travel more they're working remote the importance of an ev road trip is increasing and that's what we highlight here that's what i do and uh yeah definitely uh interesting to to watch it all unfold for sure so i'm going to look for exit 57 and i'm going to find a starbuck you guys are legendary thank you so much it's just so cool of you to do that looks like this is the exit for bryce canyon national park awesome uh uh bryce canyon really beautiful i'm gonna just turn this around because you don't want to see me you want to see these views as strad men would say views on views and uh that is absolutely correct here in the rocky mountains we're in utah it's absolutely gorgeous uh why not use other charging networks other than electrify america great point and actually even the folks at electrify america are like why do you keep singling us out i'm like i'm not you're just the only network to provide a cohesive connection between metropolitan areas with relatively high level of success rate for charge activation and also high power levels these charge point units you have to understand oh sorry it's 480p view forwards i apologize that sucks ruining the view this needs to be 4k streaming we need um you know the thing is uh with with these electrify america stations they're all super super high charge rates so you can get there you plug in you're good and you know you're gonna get a fast charge and there's multiple stations so even if a couple have issues you can pretty much charge very i mean i really don't worry about showing up to an ea station and not being able to charge it's just like how many times you have to replug plug back in focus on charging all of these little things that's that's kind of where we're at today and um the the charge point units are great but there's usually only one or two of them and they're usually less than 100 kilowatts and i am annoyed charging at anything around 100 kilowatts i want 150 minimum especially in a car this heavy so uh you know let's see it uh oh 720p is available great i'll flip it back around for the views it's gonna get a little shaky this road's a little rough please bear with me and uh yep the bugs are pretty bad right now folks as with usual how's the ride comfort uh on my trip so far well i have to say phone is shaking like crazy the roads just really torn up um i have to say ride comfort from suspension is surprisingly good i have to say the seat comfort is surprisingly bad they're extremely flat on the bottom almost like a bolt flatness and then um there's no lateral support so i've already spoken to ford and confirmed in the gt with performance pack which is like two steps up from this car not released yet they will have a really good performance seat they say so we'll see how that that works out um let's see let me see if i can just pull up some comments there we go starbucks on the right at exit 57 charger across the street on the left awesome love it uh own a model y and can't complain at all that's the thing the model y i think is a very good across the board ev i actually don't like the steering i don't like the suspension calibration and i overall just don't like the the feeling of model 3 model y in terms of bank vault solidity when you get out of an s-class when you get out of a ticon when you get out of it even a 3 series i'm driving a new 3 series it's back home in the driveway this week and it just has this quality about it the intangible quality of solidity that tesla's don't have and and normal people most people driving a car even me two years ago doesn't matter i'm just very spoiled because i'm in and out of new cars all the time and i my personal bar of like a vehicle i want to drive every day has gone up this mustang actually hits that this mustang is solid it's quiet it feels robust and it feels super well engineered from a suspension standpoint and uh yeah i feel like i'm playing american truck simulator watching our videos from kenya i love american truck simulator i haven't had a chance to play it in years i've been so busy but uh man what a cool game and i remember i think back in college my friend ben had like a whole sim set up for american trucks it was pretty cool so yeah i'm glad that you get the same feeling watching our videos here in america this is what utah looks like we're sort of closer to the west coast here in the rocky mountains it's beautiful do i see a need beyond 350 kilowatt charging for passenger vehicles probably not i don't think i think for the most part 350 is about as as fast as you need to get uh for this stuff when can we expect this video edited up well you are asking the wrong person because alyssa is now our full-time editor kirk you're getting a shout out there you go you ask for it you can get it uh alyssa is editing the videos and um whenever i get the footage to her so probably end of this week or next we have another road trip video that's going up in a few days which is the road trip to go get this car in nebraska and so we drove the model 3 out from colorado dave drove the model y out from north carolina we met in nebraska and took it back to colorado and that was great so dave's up in wyoming right now working on some rio towers which is pretty cool so yeah thanks to alyssa for editing the videos she quit her job she works for out of spec full-time there's now four of us liam tymon alyssa and me that on this project every day all day and uh growing quickly of course really fun to watch everything expand and alyssa is the best yes she is how's the new puppy doing ah well he'll make it into both the videos of course coming up uh i'm leaning towards keeping the foster dog for those who haven't seen the last road trip uh we rescued a saint bernard uh 18 month old dog pretty rough situation turns out to be the sweetest boy ever and um i just i don't know i love this dog i think he's so cool so i don't know how all three of them are gonna fit in the model three i was actually talking to alyssa about this yesterday about what's our next car i've been thinking about getting a land rover defender uh but then they just released the v8 version and i want that and that doesn't come out for another year uh we're gonna always have an ev in the garage for road trips for this channel but uh we definitely need a a uh a big big vehicle that's i think not electric for the big adventures in the rocky mountains uh when are we getting a rivien well uh they'll have their press fleet here and i think about eight to 12 weeks is what it sounds like and then we'll be running it through all the tests as usual so um let's see would this be a better eevee for a non-tech person i i assume you're asking about the mach e uh no this is like you need to be a tech person to figure all this stuff out tesla my mom drives a model i'm sure you've seen that video of her taking delivery and you know she doesn't even know how to turn her phone on she's getting better now that's just a joke mom if you're watching this uh you know i apologize but she can get her to get in her model wise she can charge it she can do whatever she wants no problem at all i'm gonna keep flipping around let me know if the flipping between the forward view and me gets annoying at all uh will i be getting my hands on the e-tron gt well actually they had a lunch event they're having one today in los angeles and uh you know i had signed up to go and then last minute they said hey if you don't live in california you can't come for covet reasons so who knows when i'll be able to get a chance to drive e-tron uh gt my friend michael at inside evs is driving it for us which is which is really great so uh how much kilometers am i going how many i don't know i'm doing 85 miles an hour i don't know what that is in kilometers switching back and forth is great good to hear uh is machi not having a heat pump a big issue no i don't think so it's got a big enough battery and honestly the heat pump thing is not like a make or break deal i mean i've seen heat pumps done well i've seen heat pumps done poorly i think just because tesla put in the model y everyone went crazy over heat pumps but i'm not sure that is the real real solution here folks i don't know just taking a drink of water real quick and uh how is the road noise oh it's so quiet here in the mustang very quiet uh really very well insulated not quite e-tron levels of quietness but it's got to be got to be close to uh yeah way way better than a tesla do you ever join the tesla clubhouse group for a chat session honestly i would love to but i don't really know how to use clubhouse that well i've gone on for a couple conversations now just for various things tesla uh or or even just a combustion vehicle related that i've been a part of but i don't know how to join something i'm not invited to so if you want me on there just invite me if i'm around in the car happy to it's nice to get this break on this road trip because we've been literally filming three videos a day or so for the last three weeks just pumping out as much content as we can uh i'm not a fan of the yolk steering wheel uh max if you're asking it just doesn't um just doesn't do it for me but i have to try it so we'll see i'm worried about the steering ratio but i'm excited to see how they've implemented it and that'll that'll be kind of neat personally though i like a round steering wheel for performance driving because i like to drift and i like to have full control over the steering wheel uh and not have to think about where two little posts are i don't know just kind of silly i know the bottom is i'm back i'm apologizing for that uh every time a phone call comes in it freaks me out and freaks the whole system out going for a pass here i need to keep an eye out for exit 57 i believe what evie would i buy today as a daily driver tycon cross turismo no question not even a thought that's the car for me all day long wagon fast great charging curve one of the best the fastest road tripper proven and uh everyone wants to know how fast i'm driving right now 83 miles per hour the speed limit's 80 miles per hour if you're wondering what vehicle got you hooked on evs back in the day i think it was actually the i3 back in the day when i worked for bmw did i see the drift competition on netflix no i didn't um any tips on getting into track driving for someone who's never done it but wants to sign up for an hpde day in your own car with an instructor just get on track it's not not too hard and uh you know really good to uh really good to go on good on track for sure how much sunlight does the glass roof let in good question that's why i've switched quite a bit but uh still quite shaded not once have i felt hot from the sunroof i feel a lot of sun coming in from the windows we need to tint this car dave come on yeah howdy from houston hey from uh let me see where i am somewhere in utah do you do a lot of work while on the road yeah pretty much uh emails uh editing filming most of the time i'm ever traveling somewhere it's to film a video for one of the channels um because keep in mind my full-time work our whole company is just cars filming cars and adventures so while it doesn't always feel like work to me it uh you know i guess is but certainly i wouldn't choose anything else to do so going for a pass that beautiful volvo vnl globetrotter behind us the maxed out big rig love that thing do i like american highways yes i do take a look let me flip it around here we go look at this beautiful roads the only problem with american highways are uh american speed limits and uh yeah really really good uh really good highways for sure but the cops will pull you over they uh they hide around and they'll get you if you're not careful so always good to be careful i just received a message i have a briefing in 10 minutes with volkswagen for id 4. should i skip that and continue the live stream and say sorry volkswagen our audience is more important not sure they can really tell us anything we don't know about id4 i've already driven it too so maybe i could just postpone that to another they have multiple sessions for all the journalists i think i'll just skip it and i'll try and sign up for one down the road because we're working right now uh interesting the the foreign version of autonomous driving so driver assistance system it is not autonomous at all uh is called co-pilot 360. and co-pilot 360 is a single camera level two lane centering adaptive cruise control functionality doesn't even do lane changes now they have a eye tracking sensor here just below the steering wheel that will track my eyes at some point in the future for driver monitoring but the system works identically today it just doesn't output uh it just makes me touch the steering wheel and tell it i'm paying attention the only thing that's changing is maybe a bit maybe they'll get the software a little bit better i don't know i think it's a good system and um it'll just do eye tracking so i won't have to touch the wheel which will be nice actually um but uh i just drove a car with supercruise last week the bolt euv and that review is live on spec revisa i drove that in detroit and uh yeah super cruise was was really good on the highway uh what is my dream car in evs a volvo wagon so give me like a v60 with all the pole star sporty bits only suspension and a really good battery electric drivetrain sounds weird but that's that's the dream eb i love fast wagons and uh right now there's nothing like it except for tycoon cross turismo uh what eevee am i most excited for him what do i think about volvo going all electric by 2030. honestly i'm really excited for rivian not for the technology but i'm excited for the adventures people are going to take with those cars you know ever since we started this channel it's been about showing the possibilities of places you can go in an electric car the journey in itself is uh you know sort of the destination here it is the fun so i think ribbian is going to embody that spirit which is just like driving down the highway is an adventure because am i gonna be able to charge where am i gonna charge i love that so that i'm most excited for what do i think about volvo going all electric by 2030 i think it's honestly too soon i don't know how normal people everyday users are going to get used to this charging experience uh and i think uh going too quickly from a legacy brand is going to hurt them to electric contrary to most eb enthusiasts and i also think uh right now it's early days i've yet to see a third-party network and a third-party vehicle operate communicate and charge properly once that can happen and once dc charging has a profitability case to it then i think we go all electric but there's something to be said about just filling a car up with fuel in five minutes and going four or five hundred miles it's just simple easy and honestly for most people the cost doesn't matter the environmental benefits impacts for one car isn't that huge you're not really saving the environment by buying one ev it's certainly a step forward it's great i'm not discounting the fact that it's a good thing but but for most average buyers i'm not uh totally convinced ev is the way to go right now uh will i cannonball a plaid model s probably not there's only 150 kilowatt stations across the country could you maybe beat our record sure but then we're gonna get into lucid territory aptera territory and that's just gonna wipe the floor so uh cannonballing is not a tesla game right now just because their chargers are too slow across the country if they had v3s across the hallway that would be a different story but they don't so let's see where are we up to now what do i think about volkswagen id bus oh that's gonna be so rad i love buses i think that's going to be really cool i know the man in charge of that project both here in the u.s for the u.s stuff and in germany and i can tell you not much but i can tell you they're very excited about it let's see but the industry that builds internal combustion engine relies on fossil fuels yes absolutely so you know have i tried a honda e no uh but i'd love to you guys know i love quirky weird electric cars and the honda e is almost the pinnacle so um we'd love to try that out and i think it's a great looking package uh the specs are nowhere you know it's got to be a third car but that would be like a cool smart car replacement if we got them here hello from denmark hello from utah uh thanks so much for watching appreciate it and uh good to see you out there great to see you commenting on our video thanks for watching i appreciate it hey it's fun i'm glad we were able to have a good enough connection for a pretty good live stream today it's uh sometimes pretty difficult but man is the wind kicking up out here it's pretty crazy oh it's my friend sean hey sean sean's been a friend for years i had no idea he even knew we did youtube can't believe uh you found us here thanks man appreciate that uh trevor from tesla owners online is here hey man great to see you thanks for joining not driving to tesla today driving a mustang monkey where am i driving to i'm actually heading to los angeles i probably shouldn't tell you but i'm going to tell you anyway i'm going to go drive a porsche tycon and rear-wheel drive that's been shipped over from germany and i'm going to go do some range testing on that car which will be kind of neat and maybe some other secret stuff that i really can't tell you about so maybe ever uh why not move to colorado it is look at the views around here it's pretty much the same in colorado absolutely gorgeous look we're reviewing cars uh every day and uh we were really uh having trouble in north carolina finding good roads we have our own track in north carolina as i mentioned north carolina center for automotive research our partnership and the the problem with north carolina was the scenery was bad the light was really arson ever it was really hard to film things and also a lot of manufacturers don't like their cars on track for example if it's a sporty car they don't mind but we're gonna take a toyota prius around the track yeah and then you know now we just have a whole week with that car we can't do anything interesting with it so in colorado we found a little uh uh test facility one mile long test track safe track tfl uses our friends over at boulder and uh great great scenario we can do the track stuff when needed we have amazing canyon roads great views good lighting colorado's just awesome and uh our town in fort collins has a ton of breweries a really good atmosphere sort of like a college town very dog friendly the people are great so that was the reason for the move to colorado plus for all of my traveling like we're doing now uh it's great to be right in the middle of the country i can go east or west coast relatively easily and honestly most of the ev stuff most of the car stuff in general is either happening in detroit or la and uh easy flights to both so that's always good uh come 20 30 20 the electric infrastructure will have improved great well i'd love to see it because i don't see any other automakers maybe rivien really putting a big effort into making that happen uh and so let's see uh someone here ben has the same exact mock e as we have here as evie dave's car and uh that's awesome man really appreciate you commenting and watching and we'll have tons and tons and tons of videos i'm actually shooting one right now i'm gonna click on the gopro for the scenery footage so let me know when you see the full video go live if you remember this clip from the live stream in the main video because right now we're recording one of those five second segment pieces of the road going by passing the honda odyssey people are moving today i'm doing like 85 87 and we're look at this truck he's doing almost 90 miles an hour freaking ripping it downhill love that thing yep definitely love the trucking spirit pretty cool yeah this guy in the truck oh and he's on the brakes i'm just gonna speed up go past so he can he can go for a pass on this honda here mustang doesn't have huge acceleration at the top end but uh yeah not not bad i will say what's my current one hour per mile i'll let you know since i left the charging station uh when i started this live stream and let's see we start we've driven 44.4 miles oh my god the efficiency is not good friends 2.1 miles per kilowatt hour uh yikes but i've been driving again pretty quickly so so to be expected the mustang monkey seems to be really affected by speed and wind mostly because of shape and weight and probably internal resistance in the battery pack um with with higher speeds so i think like 70 75 is the sweet spot for this car um what's my favorite ev good question uh yeah hard to say uh tycoon's gotta be my favorite evie i'm just i love that car because i'm a porsche guy and it's the porsche of evs i wouldn't say technically it's the best ev from a you know from a technical perspective but from a what car is you know the kyle connor approved i can spec it exactly how i want tycon love that uh let's see hi tons of people joining well that's cool thanks so much for joining everyone uh it sounds like we have some other tycon lovers in the group here um you know one thing we've been thinking about is uh our next vehicle because now if we're gonna keep oppa our rescue you know he's a 100 pound plus dog then we have blue who's 80 pounds then we have ellie who's 70 pounds three big dogs model three's not gonna cut it do we just get a combustion vehicle and uh you know that that might be the question oh look someone got pulled over here flipping around the kia soul not having a very soulful moment right there getting pulled over and uh you know we're kind of thinking maybe we just switched the model 3 for a model s but we don't like the model x and just the doors and alyssa won't drive it so that's out of the question and uh she really drives the tesla as her vehicle so we're thinking maybe we can get the new model s dual motor or a used uh i've already owned a p100d and honestly i don't need the performance because i just road trip a lot so so maybe we'll just get the new uh dual motor with the with the new screen and all that stuff we'll see we'll see don't get too excited yet um oppa can rescue us when we have trouble with the maki yeah i mean that breeds a rescue kind of breed he really does love to find people so uh yeah that's that's a good one for sure hello from india hey thanks for watching from india surprisingly we have a ton of people in india that watch our videos which is so interesting so we're at exit 62 we're gonna be rolling up to exit 57 i believe is where the starbucks was i know we've been doing this live stream for a while but uh have i cross-driven the bmw i8 yet i don't know what cross-driven is but yeah i've driven the i8 plenty of times and uh pretty interesting car three-cylinder engine plus electric drivetrain not that fast not that performance oriented but still a very unique experience to drive an i8 hello from london hello from utah uh why not come to nc sometime well i used to live in north carolina so we're basically just limited on where we can go based on proximity to the office now hi from your phone there you go good day from jamaica hey you guys are all over the place appreciate you watching that's pretty neat going through some of these small towns here in eastern utah pretty pretty quiet towns honestly salt lake city is just uh behind us about 100 miles i'd say 150 miles and uh pretty neat so yeah if you have questions let me know happy to answer you have a tesla model s that's cool model s is a great car really good car do i mountain bike well i have a road bike and i'm just starting to get back on it now that the weather is good and by starting to get back on it i mean i'm intending to get back on it so uh let's see oh our friends uh trevor and ian did their cross-country trip across canada their canadian cannonball if you will exactly one year ago today that's so neat and uh really cool and uh yep definitely going after your record one day trevor and hopefully you can join me for that be really cool let's see uh starbucks exit west cross hollow road i this is great why do i need built-in navigation here when we have our amazing viewers of our channel uh most of you are friends by now it's great to be able to connect and meet and uh you know what's so crazy is yesterday i was charging up in grand junction we had four separate people come by and uh and say hey and they watch our videos and surprisingly a lot of them watch new us from tick tock i'm like what we just started tick tock like four weeks ago but we're already becoming one of the larger automotive uh channels on there very little uh electric influence but that's a really neat platform i like that a lot let's see will we keep our latest rescue yeah we talked about that a little bit we're thinking about it and i'm thinking leaning towards yes so we'll see uh starbucks drink of choice well here's the leftover one from yesterday it is a trenta which is the large size strawberry acai with uh light ice which means you know they normally go like a quarter ice i just want a couple ice cubes in there uh no water so full concentrate and no uh strawberries no inclusions as they say and uh this is uh you know pretty much straight caffeine and it's really the only way i can function kind of why it's 10 30 a.m right now why i'm having a rough go at it rough go at the day so okay so we're at exit 59 here we have two more uh let's see range over speed i think both i want range while i speed what's a cup of coffee well uh i pay i think five dollars and 20 cents a day roughly depending on the state that i'm in for my drink which adds up to quite a bit of money out over a year and over the five years i've been having this it's good it's really a habit i do need to break i agree uh don't i don't need to hear it i know it's bad but right now it's really kind of one of the ways i eliminate getting migraines later in the day and keep keep my energy level high uh what's the larger suv we're considering well uh this channel on out of spec motoring is just uh focused on electric vehicles but um we're kind of in between the new defender with the v8 kind of like to get that or do we just get the v the uh inline six one now do we get a used range over to hold us over until the defender comes out i'm a land rover guy and i want to do off-roading so kind of in that we won't talk about much so i've spent ten thousand dollars in starbucks over five years the way i look at that is i've spent ten ten thousand dollars over the last five years to function i think that's a pretty good trade-off actually it doesn't seem bad no i'm cutting out sorry about that and uh here we go exit 57 folks do you want to join me for a starbucks run should we all do this together uh we're taking the exit let's see we're doing the uh taking the starbucks exit live streaming let's see i hope it's a drive-through it is a drive-through this sign over here in the distance says it's a drive-through so i'm going to get off and i'm going to turn right i believe someone commented so here we go getting off and making a right why is there a lighthouse in the middle of utah [Music] all right this looks like a really nice town wow everything's super cool panda express folks a little too early for lunch but that is the good sign all right which way to starbucks now i don't actually know starbucks starbucks starbucks uh looking for it looking for it can't find it can use my phone if someone knows where i'm supposed to go here let me know if i need to go right left or straight because i really can't find it maybe it's around this corner uh this right turn really okay this is fun we're on an adventure to find starbucks so you want me to make a right turn here i can do that no one's there maybe right right turn okay oh guys why didn't i see this it's right here it's like dora the explorer where is starbucks over there here we go i guess this is the line for it exit only and yeah here we are sitting in the starbucks drive-through line with a beautiful view behind a uh expedition limited very nice blackout trim as well so uh yeah just uh that was pretty fun i appreciate you guys sticking with me through starbucks normally i have my uh my little thing here full of water i already drank all that today so ready ready for some starbees that's for sure all right so what's special about the ticon this is difficult to explain because there's no metrics on paper that can convey how good the tycon is and this is why tesla owners generally don't understand the tycon because it is a it's an intangible vehicle to explain it is something where uh the overall feeling the way that the car turns into a corner especially with rear steering the way that the car breaks all of the inputs are just so precise and so immediate um especially for a car that heavy it defies physics no other car even combustion or gas can do things tycon can do it's truly uh extraordinary and i'm not just talking about evs i'm talking across the whole thing uh taikon journalist comes out here i am and i've just grown to love that car and i really wanted to tell the story that it's like the best ev road tripper you can buy the answer is it certainly is the problem is the infrastructure uh even though we were faster across the country than the model 3 that model 3 was a huge effort by the way we did not go slow um yeah just just difficult to deal with so uh yeah i'm getting my pink drink today folks yep uh let's see when bmw produced full electric for bmw 357. gosh i don't know what bmw's doing over there look i have been um pretty disappointed with bmw's electrification efforts for years now uh they started out strong with the i3 i've had three of them i love the i3 and then uh then i really started to dislike some of the decisions they were making for their combustion vehicles they were starting to go rubbery and soft and certain models were great i think two series has always been good but specifically like a seven series has always driven well and sharp and i think they were losing that character on the other side of germany though you know daimler is coming up with mercedes right now and they're making the best combustion mercedes ever so i think while bmw's at its weakest with electrification and with their combustion offerings mercedes at least has great combustion offerings and uh you know one of the things that i'm thinking might be happening here is some of these automakers may not be super into designing and engineering their full electric powertrains and i've been having these conversations with some engineers recently and personally if i was in bmw shoes today i would say let's just not engineer evs let's make our combustion vehicles plug in hybrids let's hold us over for a few years and then uh once someone like lucid will sell us their chassis we'll just buy the rolling chassis and put our body on it the thing is bmw has been known to uh basically curate their their driving experience with their engines and drive trains and noise and smoothness and great shifting and the thing is um with an electric powertrain i've yet to drive one that has an individual character it just moves the car so why go out of all of your way to develop a system that you could just buy off the shelf that someone already engineered that doesn't affect the end product bmw still has great suspension engineers chassis engineers and honestly i think that might be the move it's certainly up for debate but it's a thought at least nothing more than a thought but maybe this is why we're seeing some of these companies uh hold off on on huge uh efforts in electrification and then you have ford and gm battling as to who's going to spend more money to going to electrification what i'd rather see is here's how we're going to make the most efficient use of our money to make the best ev rather than just throwing money at big ass batteries and zero efficiency so uh you know this is just an interesting uh situation my cell phone provider interesting you ask a t and am i getting 5g right now let's take a look i have not 5g no just a full lte um waiting to hear kyle explain this drink through the speaker you guys are gonna love it uh the people by my house where i go to every morning they already know me and tyman one of our videographers gets the same exact drink and so you know i just they just see us pull up i start talking they can't recognize the car because i take a different car every day through starbucks and then they're like oh okay we got it just pull that up like okay that's how you know you have a bad addiction problem to starbucks i'm actually stopping on a road trip uh let's see i don't have a model y so i haven't had one very long but i have one coming up this weekend borrowing it from a friend for comparisons between the maki and the id4 let's see what are my interests what's my profession well i review cars for a living which is crazy to say um really have gone pretty much full time reviewing the last six months of of all vehicles starting different channels we're trying to grow all of the outer spec channels and and have them all operate in their own niche for example aspect motoring is just electric vehicle road trips adventures and pushing the technology then we'll have reviews which is just general uh talking about different cars and then of course we have electric performance which is electric vehicles on track so um yeah i mean uh youtube honestly is is doing really well for us we are you know sort of held off on a lot of these sponsorship deals but we're starting to do like branded ads and things but i'll never do like a ad for something i don't believe in for example we're doing a series with chargeway here and i actually think it's a cool service and so while it is a paid ad i put that in the beginning of the thing um you know you're still getting me and i'm never gonna like basically you can't pay me to change my views on something no matter how much you pay me so uh that at least you'll get the genuine content and that's i think the best way to keep providing the most amount of content for our growing audience let's see uh what have i learned about the automotive industry oh this could be a 10 hour long podcast uh so let's let's hold off on that we're going to start two weekly podcasts here um just in a few weeks and we'll be doing them on speaker spotify and a few other things so just stay tuned for that and if you'd like to be a guest on one of our podcasts email me kyle outspectstudios.com and we'll have you remote in uh do we earn enough by doing youtube but look it just depends on on views watch time retention how many ads you can pitch uh sponsored content but yeah youtube's been doing doing really well for us so far been been pleased more so than i would have imagined a couple years ago when i started um how do you get all these car connections i feel like you get more than any other youtuber here's the thing most auto journalists just get what gets dropped off in their driveway and they just review the car for the week and then it goes we certainly do that um i'll explain more in a second but yeah basically i just push really hard constantly stay in contact with automakers building relationships and really trying to become the resource sure thing we're up at the window now it's time to order our starbucks all right sorry to keep you all waiting this is a tense moment here sitting in line if anyone's local and wants to meet us on a charger i'm happy to pick you up some starbucks on the way if you wanted anything now's your chance to comment the moment we've all been waiting for that's right the people you know they have cameras they can see what i'm doing they're probably thinking i'm crazy talking to my phone most people think i'm crazy when i'm out filming but i've gotten over it i just filmed now i used to be like wait for people to move then pull up the camera now it's just yeah it doesn't matter can i deliver to san jose nope not going up to san jose sorry let's see let's see what happens here the one pedal driving in mustang maki grabs a little too hard when you come to a stop i don't know if you can see that but it uh you obviously can't but uh yeah definitely definitely grabs a little hard when you're inching the tesla i think has really good one pedal driving the bolt euv and bolt eevee had fantastic one pedal driving but they don't do any brake blending they hold their themselves on the permanent magnet motor something you cannot do with an sri motor you can only do it with a permanent magnet motor to hold yourself stopped i believe also one pedal driving i think blends breaks on highway speeds as well like it doesn't just do max regen so what i've been doing for all of the steep descents is i turn off one pedal driving put the car in l mode and then uh that way i know i'm just getting regen to the max hey may i please have a uh trent strawberry acai and can i have that with light ice no water and no inclusions please all right um that should do it thanks so much now i have myself in a little dilemma i usually use my phone to pay for starbucks because i have my app with points but i don't want to stop the live stream so i'm going to just pay for it with my regular card and that that'll work just fine also by the way alyssa got me a while ago an out of spec wallet i don't think i've ever shown this but uh yeah it's a wallet branded with our company name which i think is pretty cool what phone do i have uh a iphone 12 but the big one with the biggest storage because i shoot like 400 gigs of footage on this phone a week like i use it a lot and that's mostly just b-roll so uh yeah i got you know 12 pro max uh i should have gone to dunkin donuts i could have ordered in english the thing is i don't understand dunkin donuts and i think half the experience of going to starbucks is i just like having a nice pleasant interaction with someone through the drive-through in the morning you know the thing is everything we do is virtual so i basically film i'm by myself we don't really see that many people and um that sounds really sad doesn't it uh so it's great to come to starbucks and i know like the baristas and stuff and like that's that's just a great way to start the day it's a pleasant experience oh i should ask for an eye ice water to fill my uh fill my little thing here great idea i'll do that when i'm up at the window as long as it doesn't uh interrupt their operations too much uh what car do i love ferrari or lamborghini svj well svga is super impressive car but i i honestly am i'm not really fans or unfans of brands at least now that i'm really trying to think about the best way to approach my thoughts on reviewing cars going forward the next 10 20 years however long i'm lucky enough to do this it's really important to review cars individually and not total brands so um yeah how are the maki seats not good my butt hurts they're totally flat and my lower back hurts because the lumbar only goes in and out but you can't raise it up or down and i need it farther down there's an electrifying america station across the main road well i have 29 percent state of charge it's 47 miles to our next uh electrify america station that the car wants us to go to 62 miles of rated range and i'm pretty sure it's mostly downhill so i say let's do it out of spec style and run this thing out to zero right so what color maki are you driving i'll show you i am driving a grabber blue mustang maki so uh best color i think for uh youtube thumbnails you know again this car is purchased by dave but for us to use it's gonna be in youtube thumbnails i wanted the brightest color to capture the most amount of attention it's really a kind of a business decision to get it in grabber blue i think it will grab more attention than a red one like alex and otto's had great channel but you know he you know you have to differentiate yourself a little bit so that was the reason we went out of the way to find a first edition for sale um which car has the best seats i've sat in uh the volvo any of the new volvo inscription stuff is great with the massaging i think those are great uh mercedes-s-class has some of the best seats ever um probably those two let's see are we gonna do road trips in europe as well yeah so i think the whole month of september i wanted to take everyone to china the whole team all seven eight of us whatever it is and uh spend a month road tripping around china neo is gonna provide the vehicles and everything's good i say was the plan is still on but with kovid and travel restrictions and quarantining i'm not sure that's going to work out so well but eventually you know with great relationship with neo and and even xiaoping x-pang and they said look come on over take as many cars as you want go you know take them for as long as you need and make some videos so that's kind of our plan eventually um yeah we have a small team at out of spec it can't just be me doing all of this stuff we have a written editor liam he writes uh pretty much almost daily now car reviews we're trying to get to one post today yeah it's kind of fun let's see pull it up to the window here oh yeah and i shouldn't forget the ice water for the uh thermo thing whatever you call this hydro flask that was my christmas present from melissa or valentine's day present for melissa yeah valentine's day oh thanks so much donating money what you can do that thank you i appreciate that how is that possible um oh hey thanks so much you having a good day so far good thank you and could i have if it won't take you too long just an ice water thank you all right and what's this uh honestly just uh grande sounds good yep sorry super chat holy you can actually oh sorry i just cursed you can spend money and uh i knew this was a thing i didn't think i had turned it on but thank you that's so super nice of you now how do i i don't even know how to see what the super chats are let's see in minnesota we only have one electrify america station at a walmart they better start getting more stations totally agree uh let's see here's another one thanks so much this one's just money it doesn't even have a question guys you are freaking awesome i appreciate you that's so cool uh how is that possible uh two dollars hey you hey let's see there we go thanks so much appreciate that you have a good one all right got the water i didn't i should have gotten a bigger one but that was nice of them to hold up the line for a second all right ready to rock and roll got my starbucks the go-go juice if you will we got this honda crv trying to maneuver around and now let's head back to the highway shall we will i review a tesla model y well i already have check out our out of spec reviews channel uh i've done a model y versus rav4 prime and i'm going to be doing model y versus mach e versus id4 this weekend coming up wow beautiful town here this is gorgeous these views absolutely amazing next stop honestly don't even know the town and the maki is really hard at showing you the town you got an atlas cross sport right there as long as they turn into their own lane and we turn into ours we'll be good and we are and here we go getting on i-15 south i think yes the car says turn right here we go let's do a little wide open throttle shall we holding on to the phone and flooring it whoa pretty good good acceleration in the mustang big speed yeah i'm looking up the next stop for you hold on one second let me take a look just merging on and our next stop's in 45 miles from cedar city so i don't actually know the mustang doesn't tell me what town it's in i don't think it just says electrify america walmart super center it doesn't say what sound so if any of you know what what chargers next that's where i'm heading to and uh yeah 28 state of charge and it pulled really hard there got to say impressive acceleration here even at low state of charge uh is reviews get paid to review maki i noticed uh let's see something or other i don't know what that means we never get paid to review car and i'll never accept payment from an automaker for a review some outlet do by the way uh do like sponsor deals with big automakers i'll accept sponsored deals from related car products from uh you know windshield wiper companies i don't know but never from uh you know from ford uh what am i uh oh we're cutting out no i don't want to be cutting out hold on let's see let me know if we're back now hopefully we are should be good now dang i keep cutting out any rattles no this car is built solid uh really really well put together yeah really really well put together and uh wind noise is low it's extremely windy out right now i don't know if you noticed when i opened the window to get starbucks i was like and uh yeah yeah pretty let's see flipping the camera around look at those views off in the distance my signal's good great to hear awesome appreciate that guys yeah look at that truck you can see it's almost going sideways down the road the side wind is so strong um you see him getting pushed over on the side there hit the white line look at him almost crab walking pretty insane uh we're going to just get past him pretty quickly so he doesn't over correct it and put it you know push into us at all there we go nice spirited pass there i try not to pass truckers too quickly because you don't want to scare them when you come up but uh hey not bad low resolution area uh oh flip it back around blurry i'm sorry guys i apologize this whole live streaming thing is not uh not my forte but honestly from my side it makes the uh makes the trip go by how's the 0-60 on the mustang well guess what uh i did it with 0-60 on the mustang monkey for our tik-tok channel so go to tick tock out of spec studios i know a lot of you guys probably aren't on board with the tick tock thing i'm telling you it's the next big platform i really think and uh that is one of the last videos we've done all right that would be exit 13 washington utah sounds like it's my next stop uh i can confirm the exit 13 because it'll give me turn by turn directions let's see i'm going to take exit 10 uh to green springs drive that's where i'm getting off next but it sounds like it might be to washington utah but uh the car says i'm gonna need a 40 minute charge to 63 state of charge i'm thinking that sounds pretty long okay let's see does a does a better route planner do a good job of factoring in efficiency absolutely yes love a better route planner and can't wait for their systems to start getting baked into cars new eyes and uh from what i hear that might be happening sooner rather than later what are my thoughts on wind noise from mustang monkey really good super impressive almost none uh i mean certainly you're gonna get on a day like today you hear the wind coming around uh but uh yeah hey uh john i appreciate you uh spending money here with us i don't even know what to say i didn't think i had super chat on appreciate that what is the name of my red drink it is a uh i'll give you the full order again because our audience loves the uh loves the starbucks drink i think it's famous now it's a trenta strawberry acai with white ice no water and no inclusions and it's a great uh great drink for sure i don't think this mustang qualified for the recall at least we've never received anything i think there's only 75 cars that had the mustang monkey recall but i will say the plug-in charge has been working really well today uh the the ford gave us 250 kilowatt hours for buying a mustang monkey and all seems good all right coming up on the new hyundai elantra i believe which i think is one of the first ones i've seen out in the wild it looks like a rental car spec pretty base they're moving along at a pretty good clip let's get a little closer and check this thing out yep that is the new elantra hey it looks pretty good guys got a safe not a bad looking car in the back end it's got the sonata vibes hyundai's really killing it right now with their combustion and electric offerings uh what a good looking car she should not be just camping in the left lane though definitely should uh go look to the right i'm gonna flip the camera around hold on ah she just thought she was giving us a thumbs up there some random girl driving in elantra thumbs up uh that was very nice very cool what do i think about the ford bronco oh super rad can't wait to test one out can't wait to test it against defender and regular jl that's going to be really really neat uh let's see can i put alyssa in more of our videos sure she doesn't necessarily love to be on camera but she does love to road trip and so yes i will include her where i can let me just pull these up really quick that the comments went away for a second where am i headed heading to los angeles uh from colorado right now and uh let's see we're in utah going to washington utah it sounds like back wipers on thank you i just turned that off and uh i hit it by accident uh when i raised up to go check my phone there's a maki in arkansas and may have to go test drive one yeah you should every dealer's required to keep the cars that are test driven um to them or given to them for 4 000 miles right now they cannot sell a maki unless it has 4 000 miles they're compensated by ford for the mileage so go and drive it go put some miles on it it's in their best interest because they can sell the car sooner all right yeah you're right left lane does have less pot pot holes but i have a fan of driving in the right lane uh what's my miles per kilowatt hour right now let's take a look we are uh trip update uh since i left the last charger i'm going to tell you what my miles per kilowatt hour are 2.1 over 64 miles not good really windy and again speed limits 80 so we're we're cruising along at a pretty good clip here and uh that that's why and i'm just balancing the arrival state of charge with our predicted state of charge to get us there with uh you know somewhere around two to four percent state of charge arrival uh is the monkey reliable on the electrify american network if anything less reliable uh yeah not not been a great experience so far although the last two charging sessions have been okay uh do i like lucid yeah love lucid i know peter rollins of the ceo i know peter hawk holding her who's head of production i know their engineering team i've spent a lot of time with them really good uh solid company they're going to build a eevee that's really uh great to drive i think derek thanks so much for uh using super chat appreciate that he loves our channel and uh i appreciate you watching that's so cool it's really because of you guys that i get to go have fun with cars so um the way i look at this is you know it's all of you make up the channel so if you ever see me around or you ever just want to come visit like just let me know we the nice thing is because of this channel we have like friends wherever we go so we meet a lot of you and a lot of our viewers have turned into lifelong friends which is really a great thing for sure love that about this uh when's the lucid coming well lucid won't be here for another few months they delayed a bit i think it's really hard to get stuff right now because of covid um just just in terms of supply like chips and whatever have you so yeah that'll take a little while longer pretty sad because i i've been very much looking forward to driving in air i've done a full walk around review of the vehicle in person now and i want to drive a production one would i like to do a road trip to alaska yeah i actually want to take in a la uh a rivien to alaska which i think would be really good 10 to 15 mile an hour headwind here i definitely feel that totally agree uh this mustang's pushing hard through the wind for sure right now yeah and i would argue it's probably more than 15 mile per hour at least gusts so uh yeah big big win here we could probably see some of these trucks getting blown around up ahead uh what's my opinion on hydrogen-powered vehicles this is interesting it's been a topic of discussion recently i'm actually um going to la now but i have to come back because we have id4 coming but i wanted to grab a toyota mirai and live with a or drive around a hydrogen vehicle for a few days and fill it it's it's hard for me to accurately you know talk about a technology that i've never experienced and i've never experienced a high car i'll tell you my thoughts right now are why would i make use a whole bunch of electricity to then convert you know something into hydrogen storage take so much and then put that back into a car in a tank which then gets converted back into electricity which then drives an electric motor when i could just plug my car into the wall so i don't get the mentality but i do get the fast charging thing or the fast refilling but uh yeah that's all uh finding it hard to believe you can do a cannonball with no starbucks thanks for the super chat appreciate that super cool of you to donate and uh yeah that uh i think your donation was exactly what my starbucks drink costs so i wonder if that's a coincidence i appreciate that uh we did get starbucks on the cannonball maybe honestly can't remember did i ever visit charlotte north carolina oh a bunch of times i went to college in north carolina for a couple years i went i lived in north carolina i was in charlotte once every week or two yeah all the time yep he used to do that raleigh to charlotte stretch go over on i-40 and that road down to charlotte you can shred on those roads man i could put i think i hold the record from raleigh to charlotte the speed record in a nissan altima rental car that's a story only my best friend ben will know uh what college in charlotte well i went to high point university for a year and a half in two years in uh you know right outside of greensboro so i would go between raleigh and charlotte often [Music] all right let's take a look we got some interesting stuff going on up here we got a trailer towing a trailer it looks like so let's see what's going on here we have a trailer with a polaris side by side on it uh being towed behind a fifth wheel or sorry just uh yeah it is a fifth wheel being towed behind an old 2500 uh diesel nice truck too but that is the ultimate american thing right there just hook it up until she's 50 feet long love it uh does this mustang maki have autopilot well it's not called autopilot but yeah basically the same thing it's got co-pilot 360. it lane centers you really well almost every new car has this and uh honestly it's just as good on the highway as autopilot as i would like so uh yeah no problems here yep pretty neat i gotta say the maki is a pretty good car i'm really really enjoying this thing uh on the road like when the charging works and when they can fix their charging curve through software i really hope they do because it tapers down to 100 kilowatts way too quickly um then then it's a great it'll be a great road tripper the thing with the mustang is the hardware is all here everything that's kind of i'm having trouble with is uh all software related and it has over-the-air software updates to almost every single module on the vehicle so it can be improved over time let's see what do i think about the 2021 model x and s interior uh steering wheel i assume you're asking about the yoke i'm i i'm gonna wait until i drive it and see it in person but my initial impressions are not positive i just don't know how they're gonna make the steering ratio work be safe and have a controllable experience in an emergency situation what do i think about the chinese eevee manufacturers i think people are ignoring them and you can't i think these guys are getting it right they're doing a good job and building some interesting cars that's why i want to go over to china in september because we keep talking about china we keep hearing about it again it's something i want to experience uh first hand so we were planning as long as kovan lets us to spend the month of september in china reviewing chinese tv road trip in some in some neos or x-mags uh let's see uh you think the yolk steering wheel will come with cars with full self-driving that doesn't make sense because full self-driving doesn't exist um you know the beta is okay but you got to take over a ton so i i'm just that whole thing i think it's just blown out of proportion it doesn't do it for me personally i have very little interest in uh tesla but the full self-driving thing i just i just want to see them make some some really badass cars and they're doing a good job at that let's see really quick have i been have i driven a pole star 2 yes and i have a review on inside evs on that car and also a live stream somewhere back in this channel i drove a pole star to one with the performance pack one without thought it was a great car it's a really really good car the only problem with pulse r2 is it's charging but it's receiving a software update so i'll test one after the update rolls and there's uh again all of the press cars are typically in la so i'm going to be in and out of there would i like van life oh i dream about van life i would love to just get an electric tesla semi converted into an rv and just have that as our home base and go wherever id4 quietness versus machine i will uh test that with a instrumented meter here in just a few days so i'll let you know for sure because my hearing's not great it's not terrible but you know these nuances nothing guys you got to look at this view absolutely beautiful coming up over the hill here i'm surprised we have cell service man is this gorgeous this is the best part about living in the rocky mountains you get stuff like this it is unmatchable anywhere you know i've spent time in the swiss alps and the hills in europe of course and uh something about us out here in the western part of the us is super special because we come out of these mountains and then we're straight into uh straight into desert uh has ford told me they're gonna approve the charging curve no but around the bush basically yeah they basically like alluded to it they basically uh are like well just wait for the software update wait for the software update and they're like well just tell me what's in there then i'll wait uh well thanks so much for liking and subscribing to our channel that's super cool that you found us here appreciate that um you could get a speed record on these straight roads oh yeah where we're going now out in the desert you could just pick the thing at 180 miles an hour all day and honestly you wouldn't even see another car not to say i would ever do that uh i should have glimpsed position well actually we tried the glips thing this summer and it didn't work out so great uh we had people that were trying to like chase us to catch up to us that we would end up slowing down because we'd feel bad that they just drove two hours out of their way to come find us and it just slowed down on our trip so if we run into you out there great but no need to like have people trying to come meet up with us um have you have i driven in eye pace by jag oh yeah many times tons of time in eye pace i love the i-pace problems with the ips are efficiency charging curve peak charging rate uh the curve is actually not that bad mostly the peak charging rate and uh the interior space with the truck lit being flow but i love the eye pace and i'm constantly looking at them used as soon as i can like a really nice one for like 30 35 grand which won't be more than another year or two how do i just get one because they're so neat uh have i put beer in the front yet nope not the maki but that's a i've definitely done that in other other cars with front trunks beer runs in the front truck especially if it's cold outside it keeps it nice and cool losing some elevation my ears are popping here uh am i going to install full self driving well i don't have it optioned on my car so probably not uh but i'll try it out you know we'll see on a friend's car i've already driven it a couple times uh did i get an invitation to the over-the-air beta program from ford no i did not and uh i think it's probably them trying to protect themselves from bugs and issues because they know i'll report on it and i would never sign anything that says i can't report on updates to a car we bought to report on so unlikely that we'll get into that program just because of our youtube channels and uh yep that's interesting is the front insulated i don't think very much so in this car at least not in my tesla it's not let's see bye thanks for watching i know this goes on for a while you can leave whatever you want i'm just cruising down the road you stick around you head out doesn't matter to me i am enjoying the conversation for for sure i'll be back when you reach the charger well if i continue live streaming until then then yep i guess you'll be back that sounds pretty good we're just uh in a truck drag race here in front of us and i think the guy in front of us finally just won there we go finally just one am i on co-pilot right now yes i am and it's doing a really good job of lane centering especially this close to a truck i have the maximum speed set to let's say 87 miles per hour speed limit's 80. and here's how it uh accelerates on co-pilot 360. pretty hard acceleration it's a good system it gets on throttle and here's the wind pushing that truck over into us a little bit you go back over there buddy we don't need a crushed up maki this early on [Music] yeah nice day for sure guys beautiful out here in uh utah man love it i love the desert so cool maybe should we try and baja the mustang maki dave i hope you're not watching uh hey good to see you too really appreciate that daryl awesome dude uh can i adjust the response speed no but you can adjust the following distance on co-pilot 360. let's see model y or maki for first timer model y all day long it's easy you just plug it in you don't think about it it's good you know for all of the compromises you have to live with with owning a tesla the charging uh infrastructure totally makes up for it and the compromises are stuff that most people won't realize for me it's noise uh noise vibration and harshness it's driving dynamics it's things that they are super impressive don't get me wrong but things that i don't necessarily want my daily driver i much prefer like a luxo barge like i had a panamera back in the day range rovers like i like these big comfy cars to drive around in but the compromise for a tesla is worth it just for the charging infrastructure uh let's see clean ticks hey nice to see you hey i might lose you we're going through the hills here in utah so the service might be a little spotty just let me know if i cut out and i'll try and pick up where i uh start from it's 9 12 p.m in kenya it's 11 14 a.m here in utah right now uh what laptop do i edit on well i just got uh alyssa the new mac book with the alyssa does all of our editing with the new chip in it that seems to be shredding we also have a macbook pro and then we have a big you know mac at home that's really the powerhouse that just shreds through the the long road trip videos anything over like 40 minutes for our macbook pros like our summer road trip that computer was just living in thermal throttle world the entire time so uh yeah we we run through probably 10 terabytes a month of filming of data it's quite a bit uh let's see love the maki sadly not happening in our house yeah well i can certainly understand the reasons not to buy the maki i also understand the reasons to buy a maki there's still compromised vehicles these evs that aren't in tesla even teslas are compromised in some cases [Music] i have no warranty left on my model 3 after 80 000 miles you are absolutely correct however i have a battery and drive unit warranty for 120 000 miles basically anything that makes the car move uh will uh will be warrantied for 120 000 miles and surprisingly i checked with my friend who works at a service center my car is not red flagged for anything for all of the track use that it's had and all of the abuse we've thrown at it warranty still good did i order a model s platter plant plus i have not ordered a model s but i am thinking but i was talking to my dad last night about a model s dual motor a new one they're like 70 grand maybe 75 grand and i'm thinking maybe we get one of those um plaid if i'm going to spend 130 plus on an eevee like a plaid i'm getting a tiger so yeah that'll be the uh that'll be the move id4 mach e i don't know personally i like the id4 because it's got sort of the personality of a beetle it's kind of fun and quirky so i'm kind of thinking id4 but i think uh i will know at the end of this week because i'm putting the two head-to-head on our out-of-spec reviews channel uh am i gonna keep the maki gt reservation well we're getting enough maki content out of this car i don't i don't think so uh what is my name kyle counter not hard to find me just google it not not hard to find me if you guys ever want to reach out by the way if you interact with our instagram or uh yeah pretty much just all the instagram stuff on out-of-spec motoring out-of-spec reviews you're talking to alyssa uh if you message me directly at virtual kyle i will respond however um i'm not very good at responding on instagram yeah so for me bass s or bass thai god uh i don't like a bass tycoon i want one with options so probably a bass s but i'd rather spec out by taikon the way i want it and uh honestly i'm working with our local porsche dealer they've become really good friends and i'm going to put in my ideal build they're hopefully going to sell it to someone who will trade it in a couple years and then i'll buy that or who knows maybe you guys will really watch our videos and i'll go order across turismo now let's see we have some beautiful views coming up here in utah roads are a little bumpy sorry about the camera shake look at how the sun's hitting those peaks off in the distance right there uh best affordable ev for a first timer just get a used model three 30 grand 25 grand whatever they go for just get that [Music] gorgeous views through here man i can't believe they kept the 80 mile an hour speed limit through these twisties too these are some pretty good roads what's my favorite pizza topping the real questions are coming out folks pepperoni sausage all day long i already did a walk around for the id4 yes i did i even did a driving review i was one of the first ones to drive id4 in the country again we have a pretty good relationship with volkswagen group across all of the brands and i think good working relationship i respect what they're doing i think they love our channels even though we're small we're working hard and i think we're earning their respect more and more so we're getting more exclusive first drives and things like this which is really good really good to see i'm pleased with that i certainly want to be super open about all of this with you as well you know nothing to hide um it's just early days of what we're trying to do here let's see just ordered a model y and had it for about two weeks and which do i think is better hard to say if you're into driving the maki is probably better if you're into road tripping or long distance driving the model y is probably better that's probably the best way to make that determination beautiful views i keep saying that but every time i drive on this stretch on this time of day it's just gorgeous i love it out here it's so cool why the move to colorado beautiful views mainly mainly just the views and the people atmosphere work-life balance lots of good places to adventure one of my thoughts on the cyber truck just joined well hey thanks for joining no need to stick around the whole time but yeah cyber truck specs on paper can't deny it looks good but it's not a real vehicle so i'll reserve my judgment until i can touch one and feel one although i was at the launch so i did see the prototype but um yeah i'll wait till uh wait till i can drive one till i say anything really informative about the cyber truck i guess it doesn't really do it for me in terms of styling if you're if you're curious uh what do i normally do during 20 to 40 minute charging sessions well uh honestly i have enough enough work to get through through then it's mostly just emails phone calls um yeah just just a lot of that joking around normal boring day-to-day stuff that we all have to deal with i do as well what our leave behind see you later leaf that's a great choice big fan of id4 i think as long as they can get the charging road tripping and all that stuff to be right we'll test it out this could be the the beetle the new beetle for a volkswagen basically this could be the car to buy and it might be the car to buy over a model y price point range styling build quality features comforts you know everything about this car id4 just hits the nail on the head i'm a big fan and i've really enjoyed my time with it so far and i'm excited to drive uh not a prototype anymore but now that the real production version it's getting dropped off in my house on friday although i just missed the volkswagen briefing that i was telling you about you asked me to stick around so who knows maybe i won't make it there do i have a mobile hotspot no i'd use my phone for hotspot i would love the id4 but the quirks are weird yeah it's a volkswagen it's meant to be quirky the positive play buttons the rear switch all that stuff's got character i see i like that uh kind of quite a bit let's see how long is my ideal charging stop with alyssa and the dogs probably 12 to 14 minutes uh is my ideal like that's when i start getting antsy like we plug in we let the dogs pee we go get a snack and then we're like all right let's just go i don't like actually i love to charge because i like the adventure of how fast am i gonna get what's the speeds you know sharing this with you guys but i don't like to wait at chargers not a fan of waiting around so that doesn't sound great what do i normally charge the tesla to uh honestly 50 i i just drive that car around town so i never charge it past 50 i run it down to 40 percent plug it back in back to 50. although the guys full charged it today tymon liam drew our friend from martian wheels and alice they're all down at the racetrack this morning uh doing some track battles with it so i'm sure i'll get back and my car won't have any tires left but that's okay i got some new ones coming anyway we're doing uh some some deals and work with uh nokia which i'm excited about again i'll only work with uh manufacturers that i believe in and not auto makers but uh service providers and nokia's not an oem tire provider and uh yeah you're doing a little series with their tires that they're specifically engineering for evs which i think is cool how are the scenes in the mach e not great folks uh not not for me yeah i'm getting the new nokian r10 ev winter tires sent over for testing and we're going to do like a little road trip and highlight the things you can do with with these tires which i think will be interesting because it's genuine feedback from me and uh yeah really cool company that that supports us so we can keep making videos for you i think that's the most ethical way to fund our our video side of the business all right going for a pass of a boat right now here in the utah there's quite a few lakes that you can take a boat uh out on and so here's one we're going for a pass pretty exciting stuff here on the outer spec motoring live stream we pass a boat in a mustang let's see what office chair do i use at home wow you guys have the best questions ever honestly i don't know but uh i don't really fit that well and it's an excuse for me to go and start getting into shape wherever we are must be close to saint george i guess uh we're five miles from our charger i should probably pay attention and um yeah lots of cars merging on the highway here let me flip this back around yeah let's pull up the nav here on the screen i'm just looking to see exactly where i should be going boxers are briefs boxers let's see what do i think about sync 4 i it's really annoying because i hate the touchscreen beep i'm sure you guys can hear this take a listen i don't know if you can but i keep turning it off and it keeps turning itself back on so thoughts on sync 4 right now infuriating because of the beep uh yeah oppa's probably going to stay we'll see that's our foster dog we're thinking about keeping them is the torque the same as a tesla yeah this thing moves pretty good down to 10 state of charge right now and uh yeah moves good let's see hold on one second what is my favorite reptile i if turtles count as reptiles i love turtles uh so there that's probably how that that goes am i going to texas anytime soon yes we're going to go to the goodyear tire testing facility in texas here in a few weeks let's see okay is this our exit nope 2.6 miles two and a half miles more here in washington utah which i think is near st george but i don't know for sure what's my fourth favorite dog 209 john long time viewer of the channel john i appreciate all your support over the years of watching us um i don't know what my fourth favorite dog is i only have three favorites they're the ones at home and they're all equal how is oppa doing oppa is doing really well you know he was really scared when we took him home if you're curious who appa is this is from the last video we posted we picked up a foster dog the saint bernard 110 pound 18 month old dog 100 pound dog and uh yeah he's really settling in at home loving blue and ellie uh slept in the bed with us the other night he was so cute snuggling around um he got his first bath obviously in his life which was pretty sad and yeah he's really just seems to be opening up and being a really happy dog right now we really need to work on introductions with new people so alyssa is going to have friends come over and things like this so that he can be introduced to different uh people and animals because he was really quite mean when we first met him so moving on over here coming into washington utah been here many times dinosaur tracks at johnson farm sounds pretty cool how soon before i do another cannonball run probably not so soon you know my whole goal is not to be shredding across the country i don't necessarily like the image it portrays i think it hurts us honestly and gives everyone an impression that we drive very quickly and it could hurt relationships with automakers so i just want someone to be doing cannonballs the reason i took the tycon was because no one was telling the ccs story and i said look we just have to do this this is our place to do it but if people uh keep keep doing records as quickly as they have been then as long as someone is pushing the technology and doing it properly that's all i care about we're exiting right here for the electrify america charger so right now place your bets will it charge on the first go and will it fault out here we go this is the electrify america game show pulling up to the washington utah station i've been here many times and uh yeah i think the goal here is for a a you can you know put some money on the table between you two you no need to donate to super chat if you don't want to obviously that's not what i'm asking for i'm saying let's put some money out together and let's see if this thing will charge so uh who knows we might be all pleasantly surprised again the last charging session was about as good as it can get so sitting here at this beautiful underpass you know washington utah really does landscaping quite well you can see off the distance those trees are quite nice we have some ambulances coming through the amber lamps here he comes [Music] what's the max charging speed for maki i've seen 167 kilowatt peak but it doesn't stay there for more than five seconds all right now i need to pay attention i think it's at the walmart up here on the left if i remember [Music] all right it's also an in and out over here love in and out this is a busy town for sure mustang looks good in this uh in this grabber blue here in the daylight this first time we've had it really out in the harsh sunlight really really nice don't miss your turn yeah i know this this is pretty great uh let's see what is the mock e range well epa rachet rates it at 270 miles and i will run it through my 70 mile per hour test that i run every ev through for inside evs uh one of our partner sites so we'll uh we'll try that out here in a little bit love the uh jeep jk in front of us yeah it's in that pretty good blue color let's take a look have some adventuring whoa flip it around have some stickers of the places they've been uh don't see any moab stickers though that thing should be out at moab let's see fault out let's see yeah we'll see what happens here when we get to the charger if it works or not don't forget to place your bets and comment will we have a perfect charging session or will there be some kind of issue is the maki good when it comes to routing fast chargers on the nav i would say it's uh good sometimes and bad sometimes on the first try it tried to route me to a seven kilowatt charger i'm like oh that doesn't that's not starting off so well but since then since i've been on the trip it's been doing a pretty good job i'd have to say i can still optimize better than it can so i kind of ignore it for the most part but again pulling in 10 state of charge that's that's about where you want to be with the mustang maybe even a little bit higher because again if you plug in at low state of charge it really limits the rest of the charging curve so we might do a plug and re-plug if it tapers too hard what if you don't know what i'm talking about watch my video on how to spec reviews on the charging curve of this car and it's time based it's not sensor based so you can trick it into plugging and replugging to go back up to max speed after it tapers uh southwest utah has palm trees yeah i guess so there's some palm trees over here in the distance and uh let's see we're just gonna flip the camera around where's the button there we go yeah will the ea stations benefit from the red wet rag trick probably not i think the connector's a little bit too big to make that uh cooling effect happen also they're thermally cooled all the way to the connector pins which i believe are silver plated copper connectors uh so they're really good at uh conducting heat um so whisking away the heat and um good conductors of electricity without losses i don't think it would help that much really do we need to find you a pandas man wouldn't that be the ultimate road trip a live stream with a panda and a starbucks no i'm actually feeling like something a little bit more healthy today though uh to be honest so let's go through the intersection this guy's pulling out don't crash into us here we go full throttle we're gonna get in front of them because i gotta turn right up here at uh walmart buick out of the way here we go multiple lane changes grand theft auto mustang maki style oh that's a good looking lexus gx right there blacked out with the thule roof box i like that okay now we look for the chargers and they're right there on the left so let's make a left turn in front of the murano heading over to the chargers this is a one-way [Music] going down the one way i should have just stayed on the main road can i pull through not really and now let's try not to run anyone over in the parking lot i am known to kind of not watch for pedestrians as much as i should so pedestrian safety tech is a needed feature for me on vehicles and let's plug into a spot where we have multiple charging options so i'm going to pull over here so i can use either station boom we've arrived so now what i'm gonna do is flip my phone let's just think about the best way to do this here so you can see we're gonna flip my phone so you can see the charger whoa uh can you see the charger you got we got something blocking you here now you can see right hopefully comment if you're all good here great now let's get it plugged in we're going to try plug and charge you know what i'm just going to take you with me i can take you mobily let's do this can someone screen record this right now so i use this in the youtube video because i'm not recording on a normal camera so and just email it to me that would be awesome if one of you can just start a screen recording immediately cool let's get this plugged in then plug and charge nice and toasty out here it's got to be 70 75 degrees ccs connection in it takes a full 60 seconds to connect and communicate and connecting to vehicle i'm not again this is the tesla-like experience that we've all been wanting where you just roll up and plug in you don't have to swipe any apps load any payment you just do it so uh let's see are we going to have a fault or are we going to be good and yeah well again we have to wait a full 60 seconds it's still connecting to the vehicle lots of communication i guess has to go through here once it communicates with the vehicle and everything's good then it figures out how you're going to pay for it which is through the ccs connection through ford's plug-in charge system and now yep so okay it's agreed with the vehicle and now it's processing payment cable cooling has just kicked on authorized initiating charging contactors are clicking we're at a 350 kilowatt station we've ramped up to high speed cable cooling so the cars requested more than 50 kilowatts i should say more than 125 amps i believe is when cable cooling ramped up to high speed and will it work will we work [Music] uh this screen takes a little while there we go thanks for choosing electrify america and [Music] it's working 144 kilowatts guys that's pretty sweet so uh ripping on through couldn't ask for an easier experience maybe a faster handshake but hey guys that just plugged and charged and worked and we're doing 153 kilowatts right now so the mustang maki doesn't have any sort of charging speed inside and so yeah that's good 153 kilowatts still ripping on through nice i'm glad it worked because i think there's potential here i just want it to work every time this is how you open the door in the maki by the way and you can see here inside this is the information that i have shown to me we have fast charging active and it says 80 percent by 12 16 it's currently 11 35 and we have no idea no idea how much speed we're getting so i'm going to have to keep my binoculars on watching that screen which i can't even see with the sun hitting it and now we look for our next charging stop so we're going to go to los angeles recents boom and yep that looks like a good route not too far away definitely we'll make it there by today by tonight all right so it says we're going to charge four times let's see here we're going to charge to 63 but it doesn't actually know that we're here in charging so it doesn't say when you're ready to leave which i think is crazy then we're gonna go to las vegas south then we'll go to i'll probably won't go to the evgo thing because i like plug and charge we'll just go to the baker electrify america site which is right down the street from there and then we'll stop here in barstow probably and then we're into la doing the cannonball route that we just did so the thing is this doesn't tell you the towns i just know where they are because i do this route but this is kind of annoying you know you can't click on any of these chargers and get more info so you re and you can't even zoom so you don't really know what charger is where in what town which i think is a pretty big uh pretty big bummer for sure yep so i'll take you on a tour of the mustang maki while it's charging up here's the back of it yeah it beeps by like that and it's super loud horn every time you get out and you leave the keys in it god little things like this bug me i have the out of spec motoring license plate on it uh because it's not registered yet it's on temporary tags opening up the trunk we have the uh level one you know nema 515 to j1772 connector i have my one suitcase with me closing the trunk here juicing up still pretty good let's keep an eye on the uh charging speed 108 kilowatts see that uh how it ramped down there now comment if you want me to unplug and re-plug and let's see if the time-based charging curve i'm pretty sure it will will let us go back up to 160 kilowatts for another couple minutes should we try this comment below while we're waiting for that comment i will um open up the front trunk and show you what's under there by the way really really funny thing here it says horsepower so yeah all right let's uh let's unplug and replug and then i'll show you the trunk so let's just take a look at our stats here for uh first settings okay we're at 108 kilowatts let's stop charging by the way this is a safety issue anyone can walk up to an ea charger and just hit stop don't really share that around because that would suck if people start doing it but i think that's kind of a bummer so now we stopped charging it says we've gotten seven kilowatt hours thank you let's finish this up there we go i have to wait for this screen to go away until i can plug in again okay now we will take it plug back in while this is doing its communication and handshake i'll show you underneath the front here really good sized front trunk i think you can take this partition out just with these few little pop rivets got cup holders built into the front trunk for tailgating which is kind of neat it's got mustang logos all over the place of course it even has the little i've locked a baby in here get them out okay front trunk closed look at all the bugs on this thing brutal all right we're ramping up yeah this handshake just takes so long that i i think it would be slower to do the unplug and replug but interesting test to see if we ramp ramp back up to max speeds let's continue here we're still using the free charging from ford the 250 kilowatt hours haven't used up all of that yet let's see and we are at 73 kilowatts and then give it one second to refresh for the next screen 146. so my theory is correct that way you can just unplug and replug and follow the max charging speed 156 kilowatts and again we were down to what 104 108 something like this so that's a real big difference for sure right there real big difference hey how's it going [Music] yeah yeah it's basically how you just plug it in and then it charges it up yeah so we're doing you can see here 157 kilowatts right there on the screen which is pretty good and now it's already started to taper down to 136 as you can see i don't think it's bad for the battery i think the battery can take it just fine yep now down to 111 so it only gives you a few seconds at max speed and then tapers down to the regular charging curve right here at the bottom which i think is pretty interesting let's see grab some starbucks [Music] i don't man i'm sorry we're just shooting a program right here i apologize have a good one yep alyssa always says don't give money give food and stuff and i guess i could have given them water but oh well anyway let's see yeah the honk is annoying right they should just figure out a way to turn that off when it's plugged in on a dc fast charger and the thing is if you shut the car off you get no screens so you can see everything goes away and you can't actually even see what state of charge you're at so if you want if you want to uh see your charge rate you have to keep the car on but then if you get out of the car it honks just these little bug things are really bugging me here with this car let's see i actually don't have any cash but even if he did if i did i think alyssa always says give him food i don't know you guys tell me was i right or wrong there let's hop back in all right alyssa is right okay yeah i think that is uh correct you can turn the honk off in settings oh maki vlogs in the house awesome youtube channel they just picked up the identical mustang maki uh friend of ours in denver and uh yeah he's gonna have a ton of youtube videos on mustang maki let's see all right let's see can i turn off the honk mustang maki vlog if you uh know exactly where the charger or i should charge what am i trying to say i'm all confused if you know where the honk setting is let me know i'm going to switch that off now and the screen beep is back on i keep turning the beep off which is super annoying hey i just got a text just got a text from my friend dan zero they're sending some bikes out to us so we'll have some zero electric bikes coming soon pretty exciting uh why didn't it charge faster it's got a weird charging rear charging curve 73 degrees nice and toasty we're at 27 state of charge right now it has a estimated 80 at 12 14 p.m it's currently 11 43. uh let's see and uh yeah pretty pretty good i just wish the charging was faster that's really sucks on the road trip let me i'm just going to step out for one second check our charging speed because i can't actually see it but i want to keep my phone on the mount one second yep just sitting at 110 kilowatts and uh not not bad um but not great this is 100 kilowatt hour battery pack 88 usable it should charge faster let's see uh let's see did you select a different profile and then back to yours and it'll reload my settings okay let's try that all right i've reselected my settings now okay and the beep is back hmm that didn't work but good try and maybe it didn't work because it was already back on let's try it the other way let's go back to touchscreen here's the thing now it works now it's off maybe it did work am i coming to phoenix anytime soon i don't really have any reason to go to phoenix i don't think so no plans to go there any time in the immediate future i will say um yeah we're at 30 state of charge still doing 110 kilowatts not bad does it for sound and toad let's see unlocking charge cord oh guys uh oh charge station fault here we go here's the fun starting charge station fault c manual let's see what the electrify america screen says here we go and stop beeping at me it says vehicle protocol error this is the issue i keep seeing here so here's what we're going to do we're going to unplug this one let's just use another station just because we'll use this one i hate to use the chatimo one because the leafs are the only you know that's the only chat about but i'll unplug for them if they come this one looks damaged but i think it's just the outer covering you can see they're built uh here's all the connection info for this handle all right i got to do two hands to get this one in one second there we go locked in sorry about that that must have been wild to watch on a computer you guys went upside down and now we are connecting here in the bright sun connecting to vehicle you probably can't even see it we'll let it connect and you'll be good to go yeah everyone on twitter thinks i don't have a tesla because i am driving this car it's like no i have a tesla i just want to report on the current state of non-tesla electric vehicle road trips i think this is really we're the only ones highlighting this stuff across multiple different ev makers as journalists and it's a really unique position for us to be able to do that and it's really important and no one's really getting it right yet no one's really getting it right again i'm not sure if this is an eea fault or the car my gut tells me this is a mustang issue not ea yeah and you know honestly i'm not even a tesla guy i love like i would prefer to own a non-tesla personally but but i love tesla for the charging network all right initiating charging let's see um man these screens get pretty dirty don't they continue let's see let's see what we're getting so we were down to 110 kilowatts it's another replug and unplug test i guess that's a good way to look at it yeah see i don't think ea's the problem for these things guys everyone's keep saying get ea get your together i don't i really don't think this is on ea i think this is on the mustang i think i've only had one ea specific fault this entire trip but i could be wrong look i i don't know i don't want to defend ea here if they're really at fault 125 kilowatts will we go any higher [Music] you know the ish the thing for me is now we're just sitting at 126. [Music] uh the thing for me right now with the charging networks with everything the way it is i have no question that i'll make it there as i'm saying that the cable cooling just stopped uh okay never mind forget what i was saying i was gonna say i have no question i'll make it there and now it says stop reason vehicle protocol error again just faulted again oh no we can't win blinking red okay let's go back to the 350 kilowatt station go over here we'll take another connector just because we can let's get this one plugged in here there we go and some people were saying you know hold it in for the communication the communication's fine it's plugged in there it's in you don't have to hold it up on mustang and um yep so far we're up to fault session number two guys look you know i don't want to make it up my goal is not to make cars look bad or look good my goal is just to report on the current state of electric vehicle motoring and like i said i hope someone's recording this because i want this to go in the youtube video so everyone can watch it later on oh pretty good converted van right there those things are pretty rad that's a brand new one too all right initiating charging glad you guys like the live streams i like doing them they're really fun great great to have the time going on a trip for sure are we keeping the dog yes i think we may keep the dog we don't know for sure up to 74 kilowatts here let's wait for the uh the tick up the refresh 109 kilowatts damn it's ripping 158 holy crap this thing is shredding right now for a mustang 159 kilowatts you know this is crazy and the uh i don't know if you guys can see this but the vents are open right here these just opened up and it's pulling air and it's cooling the battery pack so the thermal systems are running on the maki just fine 159 kilowatts holding steady i i really don't think the mustang has a problem taking this much charging speed at all the vehicle is on so it's running air conditioning and everything nice and cool in here here is our trip stats by the way we drove 100 miles at 2.4 miles per kilowatt hour and uh what's the temp outside it's 73 the car doesn't give me details about battery pack temp or anything so yeah this is welcome to uh road tripping non-tesla evs honestly i wish it was different i want it to be different i'm doing these trips to try and make them different than this but this is the sad reality it's it's a lot of unplugging and replugging and uh man i just it's you would think this is not rocket science i'm a car i'm a charger connect and charge just get through the protocols but this is just uh i guess really difficult stuff i don't know well at this rate we'll get two percent per minute that sounds about right yeah but here's the thing the charger is now gone to its home screen and i have no idea how fast we're charging because the mustang doesn't show you anywhere i just think that's a huge issue all right to turn off honk we're gonna go to settings this is good so let's think car settings vehicle locks vehicle locks let's see if i can find it locks boom okay uh audible feedback off okay there we go sounds good now let's try that out if i get out of the car and shut the door now it shouldn't honk right hey hey oh no never mind it honked what the hell thanks for the try but it didn't work live streams keep you awake on the road yes they do they absolutely do i really enjoy it and uh let's see they're like three places you have to turn it off well that seemed to be the only one i could find anyway it's fine doesn't really matter too much just going through uh comments real quick yeah this is an interesting experience look i love the maki i think it's a great driving car and i think the charging is letting down all of these other non-tesla ev's the cars themselves are fantastic all the same qualities you would expect from a really well road tripping car um or just a car to drive but then you get to the charger and it's like this just makes you never want to have one so this is why i keep saying i don't think evs are ready for the masses i think you should buy a tesla if you're gonna road trip personally i like this adventure but uh yeah there's nothing in the vehicle showing rate of charge charging is critical no one gets it just says driver door jar full accessory power active i don't care doesn't show anything here and there's nothing you can do in this screen to show charging power you go to your trips you go anywhere it doesn't doesn't show anything about your charging and even if i go into the charging settings for example charge it just shows our state of charge it shows when we're going to reach 80 percent but it doesn't show how fast we're gonna get there which i just think is ludicrous truly ludicrous so you have to get out even if it's pouring raining check your charge rate which you have to do because yesterday i checked and we were down to 30 kilowatts at this speed now what's interesting is the ford app for this car because i activate it with with plug-in charge is telling me to unplug because i'm going to get idle fees but it's charging why are you sending me real-time notifications about idle fees right now [Music] pretty funny anyway i don't want to be too hard on the mustang i really think that they need to work on their charging plan with ea the the fact that this car is advertised and certified to work on this network it's proven to me that it's not sometimes it works great sometimes it doesn't uh and i really think um you know if you're going to release a new ev and you just want someone to test it before media coverage goes let me know and we'll certainly do that because some of this these charging bugs are just uh insanely crazy that that we just keep finding from all of these automakers so let me know if you want it you want our help there let's see i need the the stick to keep in the car to push the button yeah well that's what i had when i did my zero to a hundred percent test i was reaching out the window with a giant stick pushing the uh pushing the buttons here to keep the screen up on the kilowatt rate [Laughter] which is there you go 111 kilowatts seems to like to sit around there so i think what ford did is they let it charge really fast just to say that they charge at 150 plus kilowatts but in actuality you're really gonna get 110 max consistently uh what is the blue color called grabber blue is this color yep and it's only available for the first edition or the gt which will be coming soon i'm the mustang guinea pig for charging yeah i think we are except someone one of our followers actually took one across the country and it sounded like he didn't have very many issues i believe his name's sergio anyway if he's watching or if any of you know who he is i'd love to just have a quick call with him chat with him about his experience because it sounded pretty positive rav4 prime awesome car for sure um yeah i think that that might be a great choice if you're road tripping plug-in hybrids make sense uh for that kind of stuff and uh you know i'm not really a fan of plug-in hybrids but i i certainly understand why people buy them so we're at 46 state of charge right now touch to return wait for the lag still waiting there we go 105 kilowatts do i think id4 will experience these uh these issues hard to say we're gonna test it it's a volkswagen product it should work on electrify america another volkswagen product so i hope it doesn't have that many issues let's see um did you do what is my favorite electric suv um hard to say i don't really have one i'm not really an suv electric kind of guy ribbian seems cool here we go just putting you back on the mount man at least it's quiet when you close the door and cool in here it's not hot man yeah see you i hope you guys understand why i'm not so hot on everyone driving electric cars right now it's great for your you guys and me as the guinea pig audience pushing the technology we'll look back in 10 20 years on these early days laughing about you know this charging issues and like wow can you believe that you know the cannonball record was 44 hours like you know now we're doing it in 30s like all these things but um it's just not for the masses but it won't get better i think unless we do this you know our our cannonball trips with the porsche working with the engineers has a direct improvement on that product uh no question and it will have in future updates and hopefully the same's here with the mustang so uh yep yep this is uh you know it's fun for me it's fun for us we're able to bring content to you about all this stuff but it's not easy it's not it's easy i mean you just plug and unplug but it's not not simple i should say same specific mustang you drove before different car that was a pre-production prototype i believe that i had in michigan and i shot a zero to 100 charging curve um on that car and i spoke to ford engineers about it because i was pretty weirded out by it and they said oh no that's early software stuff you know we'll we'll you know we're not sure and i'm like okay well how about this i just won't post that and then get me a production car soon and then they never dropped one off at the house so i talked to dave i said yeah we got to buy one of these things so that's why we have this uh anything in the works with rivie and yeah i've spoken to them a few times they're aware that i'm intending on um trying to take one of their vehicles up to alaska they seem to be pretty respect receptive to the idea um so if you guys want to see that too make sure you ping riven if you ever had the chance and say hey you'd love to see out of spec take one to rivien uh take one arubia take one to alaska and that would be pretty cool do you think there should be a standard port for all cars to have so many different standards there are it's just ccs or tesla chatamo's gone you could argue with me but no one's you just shouldn't put in any more chatimo stations yeah so you're either going to have tesla or or ccs which i think is is totally fine and acceptable i have some people over here next to the car staring at me and i don't really understand it and they're just looking at me yeah it's not a true mustang to you do you think we're shooting a little program here do you want to tell our audience that you don't think it's a true mustang right i well i don't necessarily disagree with you i certainly think uh the mustang culture with a big v8 and big smokey burnouts that that's what i truly love and uh that's not cool yeah yeah well great great for your feedback we're gonna share that here for sure so thank you for that so some walmart employees walked up to say they did not like the mustang maki which um uh cool i'd like to hear everyone's feedback i'm glad she was so honest um the thing is uh they she didn't like that they called it a mustang so um i get it a lot of people don't i'm a mustang fan look i just had gt500 on track uh i like regular mustangs personally it doesn't bug me that they called it a mustang it is the mustang of suvs um but uh some people disagree and that's really unforward i don't doesn't matter to me if they like it or not i don't care we're just providing content on it uh but i will say the overall well the overwhelmingly majority overwhelming majority uh of people who have come up to this car very positive thumbs up on the road everywhere people taking pictures um yeah so who knows seems pretty good uh but i do love that she just walked up on her smoke break it was like i don't like your car so funny i was like yeah we come on the program she didn't want to come on camera of course um is this the same mustang i reviewed prior as i was saying no it's not but it's the same spec that was a pre-production car this is a production version um yeah cool well i'm thinking maybe we should start wrapping up this live stream what do you guys think i don't know we've been going for 124 minutes i'm kind of getting tired of talking do a burnout it actually won't do a burnout but it will drift but i won't do a straight line standing burnout this one's the all-wheel drive uh can i show us the trunk funk in space if you actually go back which i believe is a feature i just uh when we arrived to this charging station showed the trunk and the front trunk so you should be able to see that um yeah i love that she just walked up literally just said i don't like your car it's not a true mustang that will go down in history as one of the best things that's ever happened at a charging station she's so cool um likelihood of tesla releasing a ccs adapter and uh hey thanks so much for the super chat i appreciate that uh i think it is unlikely for tesla to release it in the us market i don't think they want their customers to have this experience and i think it's purely experience based evgo is putting in tesla connectors themselves uh even though they're slow chargers 125 amp 50 kilowatt on the high pack voltage model uh three or s with the big battery and um i just don't think there's a need for it really at all they just get chatimo adapter and if you want it i see personally i would like it but i think you're going to have too many people like my mom that are going to buy that adapter show up to ea and then they're going to get frustrated and of course they're going to blame tesla for not helping them charge because it's so easy on a supercharged network in europe it works better i think people are more receptive to learning about new technology just the european culture in general and they're much more analytical specifically in germany here in the us we just want to plug this in and get it to charge i mean that's that's kind of what it comes to sorry for cursing i apologize um so yeah i'm not sure it totally works yeah you guys are welcome for the live stream i really uh appreciate you watching i guess we'll keep it going for a little bit longer if i cut out for a second i'm just gonna check my notifications i apologize give me one second let me just i hope you're not just seeing my hand go through here but let's see just have to make sure nothing important has come across doesn't look like anything crazy important i'm sorry if you're one of the unimportant people that i just said i'm not responding to right now on the live stream yep all looks good okay we'll keep it going sure next starbucks on me thanks man really appreciate that that's super super kind of you that that's awesome and uh now i'm just going through uh there we go no freezing yeah wow that's pretty amazing yeah just have to check some emails nothing no no major fires that i have to put out so yeah screw it we'll just keep the live stream going i may get a little tired though watching from the netherlands hey so cool we were just in the netherlands uh yeah last summer alyssa and i went over spent some time in amsterdam went east from there and then ripped up germany some autobahns which was really great what do i think about the cadillac lyric well not a production car so can't really say much uh the styling is actually starting to not seem as bad to me but i'm not a styling guy and yeah so john you bought a 450 dollar chademo adapter thanks for the super chat uh you claim it's a waste of money yeah i mean i don't think you should rely on it for everyday charging it's a great backup i've used mine probably 20 times in the 80 000 miles that i've driven my tesla recently but i've had mine for years and i've probably used it a total of 50 times i used to use it more when superchargers weren't as prevalent but then nor superchargers went in so why would i go to a paid station i get free charging and it's way faster at a supercharger can you charge a non-tesla tesla station in the u.s for destination chargers yes actually i only have tesla charging stations at home level 2 charges but at a supercharger no you cannot so yep cannot do that it does vin recognition even if you have an adapter and and i've yet to see a non-tesla successfully charged there matt thanks for the super chat man i really appreciate that that's super nice of you uh so given this experience and uh cannonball uh would you recommend a forest cross turismo as a road tripper or go plaid plus or non-ev entirely depends on your level of adventure i think tesla is going to give you the easiest charging experience tycoon is going to give you the coolest looking i mean i like if i see someone in a tesla and someone in a tight gun i'm like oh that dude got a tie gun he knows what's up um so there's a cool factor there there's also a ticon works pretty well on electrify america really fast charging you have access to higher power chargers so the titan's probably going to be faster to road trip but you may run into some bugs here or there so it depends on how open to that you are personally i would go 4s crosstarismo or just a 4 cross charisma i mean i'm gonna go drive the no maybe i shouldn't say anything never mind um let's continue talking about not porsche stuff [Laughter] let's see uh cool to see you talking and testing evs without being against ice look guys i have a whole channel dedicated to testing combustion vehicles i love v8s we just had the rand trx a 700 horsepower pickup truck that thing's badass i'm all about that um and but i love evs too i just love cars and technology and pushing them personally i don't care if people buy an ev or not honestly if they don't buy an eevee that's let one less person to block me at a charging station so um yeah it really doesn't matter to me what people buy as long as they're happy with their choices all i'm trying to do is provide the current true accurate state of a vehicle in its time you should get spoilers on live chat the problem is it saves on youtube and i don't want to say some cool pre-production stuff i'm going to be driving soon which will be super exciting the cross turismo has gravel mode 20 millimeters higher yes it does and that was a great car to drive that was a hard secret to keep i had to not tell anyone about that car for two months and that was really cool how's the new puppy doing we have the uh the foster dog oppa we've mentioned a few times he's great he's sticking around really good dog kyle's neighbor must be wondering what's going on with the trx and the vet and all the stuff and you guys only have seen like half the stuff in the driveway um our neighbors are so confused that we have multiple people a day driving past our house taking pictures of the driveway so i think we need to get like a little building to put everything in because we're starting to make a scene and we're also starting to get known around our town and like i can't go to like starbucks without like 10 people coming up and saying hey which is really wild i love to meet them but you know i love to talk about cars so much that it takes me forever to go anywhere so and and i think that's mostly because tick tock shares our videos around uh locally first i think it's a very localized audience so people recognize us from from our new tick tock channel which is pretty cool uh let's see do you recommend maki or id4 uh or mach e or mach 2 i don't know what a mach 2 is maybe model 2 i don't know what that is that's not really confirmed is it um yeah maki or id4 i don't know we'll uh we'll see for sure we're at 64 state of charge i think we might be able to actually get going out of here i wasn't paying attention very unlike me lacks road tripping while live streaming i hope you guys don't mind but i'm going to shoot a little segment for the youtube video if you can just hold on for one second talk about the charging bugs that we had here and then i'm gonna jump back in the car and we'll head out so no reason to unplug while i'm shooting a segment let me just go run around i'll be back in a minute if you'd like you i will flip you uh around this way uh wait this way and you can watch me film for the youtube video if if you're into that uh right out through this window i'm gonna stand over here oh there's a chevy bolt pulling up right now cool and there they go they're going past they just stopped looked at the mustang and rolled on by so all right let me let me film a bit for the youtube channel can someone remind me the name of the town that we're in washington utah right i think it's washington welcome to beautiful washington utah where we're charging up the mustang maki initially we plugged in we charged perfectly really good session initially we're doing a little live stream audience over here in the car we then unplugged uh plugged back in to test some charging curve stuff it ramped back up to max speed and then we started to have some charging faults moved around but we have a pretty solid session right now we plugged in at 20 same charge we're up to 66 and we'll be heading out here hey how's it going sorry i just had to film a little bit oh no you're totally fine oh did you guys have the bolt that just drove past oh congrats how are you oh that's so cool well you're more than welcome to take a look at it if you would like and uh we're just doing a little live stream program here so i'm sorry i have to hold my phone but um how are you enjoying your bolt so far very cool and what year is it that you purchased 20 leftover and uh i imagine you probably got a pretty good deal on it nice yeah that's so neat and uh yeah i've spent quite a bit of time with bolt i've driven them uh some distances have you gone on any trips yet uh not really we bought it about 300 miles from here they're coming home oh wow and did you stop and charge on the way yeah we did yeah cool and how was that experience [Music] i've been there before trust me well i think once you get used to the technology and you have charging at home now that that's really great that's the best yeah and we plan on using it oh cool yeah that's perfect evs are fantastic for daily drivers we're driving this mustang here to los angeles from colorado just outside of denver it's a first road trip that we've done in this car and just shaking it down and testing things out yeah so so uh we test cars for a living which is really great but this one's actually one that uh a friend of mine purchased that we're using to cover some videos with and um yeah so this is one of the first ones that have been sold magazines uh we're starting our own yeah we've been doing it for a couple years it's called out of spec studios and uh yeah similar to like a motor trend or a car we're just smaller since i was about 16. oh that's so cool yeah so we're basically doing the same thing but in video form yeah so there you go it should open it up so you think it looks better than the model y for example yeah that's cool to hear that is cool to hear i really like this particular color which is the grabber blue it catches the attention pretty well oh so you think this will really go after tesla then between this and i mean it's got so many in the pipeline right yeah well uh the ultim project's gonna be pretty interesting yeah right now i think it really comes down to just the ownership experience with public chargers i think is the key differentiation so once tesla can or once ea can offer a tesla like experience for example this is interesting it does payment when you plug in so i've created an account with the mustang and so when i plug in it just charges my credit card automatically i don't even need to fiddle with an app so that's a huge step forward yeah that's charge it to awesome card and then you got like credit kind of when you're going sure absolutely yeah charging stations the price is high though you know well i it's hot home charging yeah but i i totally agree i think two things i actually think it's a reasonable price because this is probably a million and a half dollar station and also the electricity costs at this level um has demand charges so they're probably losing money by charging your car yeah by quite a bit uh yeah i mean if you have like a porsche tycoon that plugs in midday that could be a 500 charging session for electrify america with demand charges yeah maybe more yeah so uh this station i believe has a battery bank in here that's supplementing that electricity rate so they don't get the big charges but it's a lot of money that goes into this and i think it encourages home charging too yeah yeah totally agree well hey guys so nice to meet you and uh thanks for checking out the mustang enjoy your bolt all right guys what do you say time to rock and roll i forgot that uh uh forgot i was with you guys no i'm joking uh seems like a really really good couple that just got their mustang and uh here we go let's unplug and rock and roll shall we 73 we way overcharged here let's stop unplug see everyone comes up and talks about the mustang again most people are like that where they like it some people don't which is kind of cool i'm glad they tell us [Laughter] all right we're loading back up putting you back on the little mount thing here we go super unprofessional here but i'm having a blast road tripping with you guys this is so great and let me get my charging cable plugged into the phone we plugged in the car now it's time for me to plug in the phone did i finish my youtube video uh did i finish yes i did i shot the segment thank you for checking uh ford pass charging bundle reduced by 38 kilowatt hours all right let's hit the road shall we into reverse backup camera is great on this car yeah they were super nice that couple here's their bolt by the way you can see them just in front of us they parked up here to say hey which was super cool all right now let's see recalculate for charging the car basically said hey you're charged up enough now do you want to recalculate the rest of the trip based off your current charge it should just do that automatically like obviously i wanted to recalculate and now we are going to go to 131 miles to our next charger which is to las vegas uh premium south outlets that's the correct next move i think that the route planning is doing a great job here in the mustang so far matt's off-road recovery i love that channel and i've always wanted to meet matt and he actually and he has reached out to me and invited me over to say hey so uh yeah matt's off-road recovery if you're into like weird recovery stuff off-roading in youtube that's that's the channel for you yep here we go just following a gmc envoy they're turning left we are turning right so let's rock and roll kind of a tight little uh metropolitan area here i have to say nice f250 with a solid lift kit nothing overly cranksy fancy i should say going on telegraph road [Music] see if we can find any cool cars usually around here i can see a see some nice hardware here there sorry about that little black thing in the top left bit of the screen just gonna move the phone over a little bit ah that didn't really help [Music] i said enjoy your bolt well i did but i meant it genuinely i want them to have a you know enjoy the car they just spent quite a bit of money on [Music] minnesota tiguan good road trip car that's for sure so uh what were you guys talking about while i was having my own conversation with them i apologize take a look at this uh let's see this uh jeep gladiator with the metal doors and the it's got like 35s on it give your wranglers and uh yeah dude that truck looks great that is a that's a nice uh build right there the comments were hilarious yeah i can only imagine and uh yeah they were super cool they were just like talking nice people really like them here we go into the left lane through the intersection and we're gonna jump on i-15 south can we make the green light it's a mustang of course we can make the green light maybe we'll run a couple people over crowd killer but uh here we go testing the handling limitations through here and big power that's how you drive a mustang right there someone's got stuff flying all over the road here not sure what's going on we'll duck in behind the uh explorer oh we have a house up ahead on wheels or a structure of some kind and it's disintegrating as it's driving hummer electric suv will will be revealed on april 3rd yes i know i actually think i have all the reveal details sitting in my email inbox but i can't share them with you until the time comes that is the downside of embargoes instant torque yeah evs are great for that that's for sure and you just get over and put your foot down yeah this house is literally disintegrating we just got this let's put our foot down and make some moves shall we mustang style [Music] shingles yeah i don't know look i don't know if you guys can see all this stuff flying literally everywhere but i i don't know how the oversized vehicle flagger behind it is not uh oh that honda just hit a big one oh that civic sport just rammed that siding piece they're laughing in the car i just looked over yeah here's the structure that's literally falling apart this should not be legal to tr like look at this thing it's it's old and decrepit and oh that is not safe for speed well there we go here's another one [Music] crazy crazy [Music] yeah uhb should stop that i mean that honda really hit a big board i don't know if anybody can go back and screenshot that but man destroyed that piece of siding hope dave has ppf dave does not have ppf which is why i tried to get around that because uh no no paint protection on this car yet but he is planning on either doing a matte or clear wrap i told him to do a clear wrap i think matt's a little too showy but you guys let him know what you want him to do and don't forget to uh hey that's me and the mobile hauler really i don't think so um cool rocking beautiful views here man i love this part of the state really cool i'm gonna enable copilot 360 now so now the car is on the uh lane centering and uh i'm just cruising at the closest following distance behind this jetta in the mock e yeah you guys love the long long road trip video i appreciate you sticking with me for two hours now we've been live streaming uh pretty incredible that we have an audience that likes this stuff because you guys know i love to road trip and it's really cool to have 400 people in the car with me at the at one time and the thing is uh these videos here have a long shelf life so i did one of these like three hour long live streams in a model s i think it has like over a hundred thousand views and really good retention good watch time too which is pretty amazing uh youtube really gives a lot of good stats as to what you guys are watching what other channels you're watching things like this so uh dream car don't have one um let's see watching from portugal neat never been to portugal would love to go how does co-pilot 360 compare to autopilot very different systems but on the highway they basically both do great lane centering let's see keep up the hustle kyle you're destined for greatness wow john you are so nice i don't know about that but definitely working hard to play with cars for the rest of my life is the gold so we'll see i do like to talk about cars which is uh why i like to meet so much of our audience because you guys share the same passion i do with electric vehicles and some of you are the same as our other channels with combustion vehicles and uh yeah definitely definitely enjoy talking about cars that's for sure talk to me about any other topic and i'm lost ah someone's getting a uh mustang maki that's watching so cool appreciate that and enjoy your mustang hopefully uh some of these charging bugs are worked out by the time you get your car let's see really quick let me just uh take a look happy you caught the stream happy you joined us here i have to slow down here for a second as this truck is really excited on uh moving over in front of us so always let the truckers over their job's hard enough you are nice to truckers they will be nice to you that is the way we are able to get through traffic so quickly on cannonballs by interacting pleasantly with the truckers and uh half of getting through traffic is a psychology game you need to figure out what people are driving completely judge them based off their vehicle choice and driving style at least that's how i drive well guys i think it's time to end the live stream maybe you let me know are we going on too long what else is there to talk about i think we've covered pretty much everything with the mustang maki that we need to know uh does the maki have a sun blind a roof sunblind no it does not unfortunately so it's just as open all the time and it's hot which means it's absorbing some some sun energy i guess but it's not uh not as dark as the tesla yeah i think my voice could use a break i have to film literally all day tomorrow and all day the next day multiple videos so i'm going to be talking a lot to myself it's so funny watching everyone's reactions to me filming at charging stations and stuff especially when there's a ton of people around everyone's like wow this dude's truly insane and uh totally get it that's right yeah i'm heading heading to uh through vegas off to los angeles i'll be in la uh for two days and then i gotta rip back because the id4 is arriving at home and i should have probably flown for this trip but i really wanted to uh road trip the mustang machi and the guys back at the office were really nice to uh take up some of the videos i had scheduled out to shoot for me yeah i have unlimited data so i don't worry about anything like that this uh just goes on on forever which is great hey what's in that starbucks cup hey maybe we should challenge our audience uh do any people who have followed our live stream long enough know what i get from starbucks and ken blaine to one of our viewers here that'd be an interesting one it was so cool for those of you who are joining new we went to starbucks maybe an hour ago crazy we've been doing this for so long and uh they were giving me real-time directions to the nearest starbucks based off my location and uh yeah jason you got it trent strawberry acai no inclusions light ice but one more thing no water so uh get full full concentrate on there trinta yep so a night nice work on that one you can't pronounce it yeah i know everyone even the starbucks people say a sai but i looked it up just to confirm a couple years ago it is acai because it has like an accent under the sea and an accent over the eye um pretty weird extra syrup it is very strong most people who try this cannot handle it uh when uh when you uh drink this for the first time it's really strong but honestly plenty of energy really good way to start the day and you know just i like the starbucks experience so something about just accomplishing that task at the start of the day wake up shower go to starbucks then i get to work it's kind of nice gets me out of the house get to try out a car for a little bit sometimes i take a back road over to starbucks and uh yeah good good good positive way to start every day yep well guys i think uh we're going past the weigh station here all vehicles uh that are commercial have to stop in there for checking for weight for uh other other types of scanning stuff and uh each state has the you know their own level of particularness about these things but now we're out in a desert environment out here it's crazy we just rolled off the mountains and now we have tumbleweeds everywhere so cool f in the chat for combustion engine vehicles yeah i know you know the thing is i've learned that uh you know we just can't do anything with combustion engines on out of spec motor our audience on this channel loves evs and uh and that's it and you know what i love evs too so that's fine but we had to create other channels for combustion stuff because there just aren't enough evs to only review plus i want to play around with cool things guys check this out we're going into arizona folks we got people taking pictures next to the sign posing for their ticket talks welcome to arizona the grand canyon state here we are cruising love it and i always try to get the state borders on the gopro for the for the full video when that goes live but um and i sort of run out of things to say i don't know what else you guys want to talk about the maki is a good car but it has four bugs and i think it comes down to that and it has over-the-air software updates so it has the capability to be completely fixed and to be i think a really competitive vehicle but right now it's just not for uh charging got to do more of these live streams yeah well hey that's good feedback for sure and uh definitely will will consider for sure watch for potholes in arizona there you go i know i've already gotten i think that video is on youtube i got a flat tire once in a bent wheel in arizona so uh there we go also in arizona no phone signal yeah so i think that's probably what we're gonna see going off into the desert here uh in the bright blue mustang maki man does this thing just stand out with everything else that's so brown around us uh really really kind of so we're gonna wrap it up here next next few minutes get your final thoughts questions in there if uh you need anything but i think i'm gonna start signing off and save my voice for more videos that i gotta shoot later today and tomorrow yeah someone said that live streams will help people find our channel i'm not totally sure if that's accurate or not but uh cool if it is that always works no bugs on the windshield i just got you in a good spot the windshield's covered in bugs [Music] it was fun to hang out yeah thank you guys for joining i really appreciate it can i make tesla autopilot videos and they're not that interesting so probably not anymore no maybe a handful if something crazy happens then sure uh check out this jeep guys this thing's decked out pretty well jk regular trailer heads got a rear diff cover on it it's got the nice roof box love that roof rack
Channel: Out of Spec Motoring
Views: 50,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tesla, Model 3, model s, model x, tires, drift, skid, track mode, Kyle Conner, Roadster, Elon, Rich Rebuilds, Road Trip, Cold, Weather, Range, ESP, Track, Mode, Performance, Standard, Short, Review, Comparison, Buy
Id: 57exjblJpmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 58sec (9118 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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