Ford Mach-E - Mustang or Mediocre? | In Depth

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hey i'm zach and i'm jesse and you're watching in depth on now you know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] brought to you by use our link in the show notes below to get a 30 day free trial and we're sponsored by with the best battery prices in the usa guaranteed if you've got something you need to power from homes to cars rvs to boats and much more has you covered offering the newest battery tech use the code now you know to save five percent off your purchase today at and you can help support our channel by heading over to where you're going to find new designs every week like fake ass and mars shot and many many more and you don't just have to get t-shirts we also have pillows and towels and bikinis everything that you could possibly imagine and we carbon offset the production the shipping and the life cycle of every product and we plant a tree for every order and we help cap a well for every order so it's very very carbon negative all right so jesse and i were lucky enough to have one of our viewers and now a new patron andrew let us borrow his brand new ford mock e first edition yeah andrew was so gracious he hadn't even had a chance to get it ceramic coated yet it only had about 1400 miles on the odometer andrew barely had it for about a week and then we swooped in and took away his baby for the day well we're so lucky to have andrew here today and he's letting us drive his ford machi that you just got this is your new baby that's my new baby uh tell me about it are you enjoying it i love it it's absolutely awesome my biggest thing is i had a model s uh 2014 model s and a 2019 model 3 performance okay so you know tesla's really well i know tesla's this is perfect because now we're comparing kind of a driver who knows what he's talking about so how would you compare how does this stack up to tesla very well i'm i i would say you know as a very good competition i don't think there's anything else out there right now that could even compete fit and finish is bar none is absolutely perfect um drive is awesome when it comes to tesla i'm very honest the charging network they have it um there's not the network yet but i figured that's a two-year problem gotcha so uh how about navigation how are you feeling about navigation because i heard from ev dave he wasn't like he wasn't glowing on the navigation but what do you feel about it i absolutely love it uh the ford navigation gives me elevation i'm a hiker so when i go up north i like to see where elevation i'm at you could always find dealerships you can always find chargers i know i think i know you're talking about because he said it didn't add the chargers i think there's a button you have to push but needless to say i haven't had any issues and then if you flip it to the android auto or apple carplay you've got different choices for maps in there so i tend to run waze but if i need to find chargers there's so many different options now how about um ford's version of autopilot or what they call um what did they call it um it's called copilot okay 360 i think so um like you know we're not supposed to wear it use it on back roads but the tesla did a great job this is not as good on back roads but get on the highway went up to tilton the other day and without a problem it just drove the highway the whole time just rusted my hand in the steering wheel now i mean because ford claims that they can't do back roads at all but you've experienced a little bit of backroads and it works a little bit yes oh okay cool that's cool yeah one one thing that i feel like tesla does a good job with is it auto restarts if you're in traffic and once you stop for a while you have to hit a button to actually restart it and i think those are little things that came from the older versions of stop and go and adaptive crews um and then what about one pedal driving do you feel like this has kind of equivalent to tesla in that sense but the regen 95 there okay so close it's very good it's more aggressive and unbridled so if you drive it unbridled you come to that complete stop in engaged i definitely feel like it's a good stop there are times i may have to stop using the brakes a little bit but it's not bad um the one thing is if you're in one pedal driving and you step on the brakes you're going to get like almost emergency braking and thank you for giving it to us with about a battery today because that's going to enable us to go really check it out at the charger absolutely thank you for just letting us drive it today this is going to be really exciting to check out and see like if we agree more on ev dave's side of andrew's side i think we're going to have like a meter today that's going to go like between you two no but i'm really excited to check it out thank you so much for this opportunity it's the best competition that i think tesla has right now and i i think it's just a different feel so awesome yeah all right thanks a lot all right so andrew has the first edition mock e which costs 58 300 it has 270 miles of range on an 88 kilowatt hour battery it is 0-60 in 4.8 seconds with 346 horsepower and 580 newton meters of torque has a top speed of 112 miles an hour 64 cubic feet of maximum volume which includes the front trunk and of course this is the first edition so it gets the stitched leather steering wheel the first edition scuff plates the brushed aluminum pedals and the red brake calipers all right so let's take it for a spin so i am lucky enough to be able to drive a mock e today um we're gonna take it out for my first time ever i think this might be my first time driving ford so i believe we're in unbridled mode for the time being i'm gonna listen to what andrew said i'm gonna switch to whisper all right no engage it's got pretty great pickup i'll be honest so yeah there's three drive modes there's engage whisper in unbridled uh you can kind of think of this as like normal chill and maybe you know sport or ludicrous mode okay yeah that's good that's pretty good uh pickup coming to a stop is pretty good you know i'm obviously fine tuned like most of my stops in the model 3 are done completely by the model 3. so i'm used to the model 3's you know stops um which you know come in feathery smooth and you you heart like it's very chauffeur style stop we're going to have to do a couple more of these and see how the stops feel on the ford first impressions pretty good you know i'm definitely gonna have to get used to the different layout of stuff the binnacle i haven't had a binacle in forever all right so i'm gonna take my petal fully off no feet comes in a little stiff and then it softens it up at the end um it's fine though totally fine i'll say right off the line it feels excellent it it feels like it's giving me a little bit more so now that we're off of city streets i'm going to uh put it into unbridled okay so now we have it in unbridled mode and i believe it's starting to pipe in sound there's a bit of a rumble that we weren't getting before and you can you can change this in the settings obviously i just haven't been in an electric car with uh fake rumble noise on the inside um so we're gonna see what that's like especially if we do any acceleration yeah that's good i mean that's pretty good acceleration i'm not gonna lie and i like the regen braking i do i really like the region braking it's nice and strong i like my regen braking strong so you really do get the one pedal driving i've hardly had to touch the brake at all which i'm used to it feels really nice and i'm just gonna do a little punchy punch i don't know i don't know i'm sorry uh there's definitely a delay from when my pedal went down um and we accelerated and we're in unbridled that one felt a little bit better i do not like the piped in sound [Music] that's funny it's it doesn't have much character to it which i mean i wouldn't want any more character i suppose but it just ah i don't know but you know what let's just take it to zero good breaking good breaking it's got a good punch that's okay i'm very picky i'm very picky i know i'm being very picky especially off of off of zero it feels very good um but of course once we get i don't know i want to say up to 30-ish miles an hour putting more pedal makes it feel like there's no like the the car doesn't have any more to give that doesn't mean that the acceleration is bad by any means it's pretty good um it just gives the impression i think and i'm so you know i am such a tesla snob when it comes to this um i'm used to there being more more more until you hit the you know the metal so to speak whereas this kind of feels a little bit more like a automatic style car where you know when you floor it it might downshift um but the more pedal you give the the less it doesn't doesn't really affect anything because the throttle is already wide open it kind of has that feel to it so i'm going to go ahead and switch over back to engage and just kind of see how that feels because i think what that's going to be is a little bit more rounded acceleration pattern from talking to andrew it sounds like you know the different drive modes change how the car behaves in terms of pedal response um but only um only in the lower end which is nice because it means that you're going to get faster speeds i i i feel like engage is honestly a better drive mode it doesn't give all the power at once so you have a little bit more precise a paint brush so to speak whereas i feel like with unbridled it just gave you as much power as it could about halfway through the pedal here you get about i would say two-thirds of the way through the pedal and it feels um feels powerful not too much response past that so i think it just kind of moved the the goal post so to speak a little bit further i do want to try whisper in a minute there is definitely a slight delay in pedal response um which is something that i notice more in a tesla at the lower speeds i'm talking you know sub 10 miles an hour kind of speeds there is a slight delay sometimes this delay is a little bit more pronounced it's not not too noticeable the one thing that i do like is the regen breaking in in the ford machi the takeoff is pretty nice i'll be honest oh my god it's the easter bunny easter bunny is just walking down the road all right so i'm going to get onto a smallish highway here um we haven't really seen what it can do at speed on a highway so we're going to see you know what that's like the over-the-shoulder visibility is actually quite nice on the highway it feels pretty good i mean we're going uh mid-60s so we're going about the speed limit it feels fine um it still has got a little bit of body roll a little bit more than i'd like um obviously it's a taller car that's gonna happen um the battery pack is still in the bottom so i think that that's all to do with suspension that's less to do with uh weight distribution i like the steering wheel um there are a lot of buttons on it it's very intimidating but i think i know what most of them are so i'm just gonna see what it does at 95. yeah oh that's good that's good response that's good speed and everything yeah i'm very happy with that that's definitely not bad so the first thing i noticed was this low grumbling noise when i was accelerating i didn't hear anything that's because it's on the inside of the car oh right i started on the outside filming you and uh so it's an option you can turn it on or off which is nice because ford had a million options by the way what do you mean there were so many different pages of menus of things you could turn on and off and switch it's true the ui was very uh option heavy detail let's go with that we'll talk about the ui later so yeah there's three different driving modes and you can turn on or off the driving sound for all three of them independently oh that's cool um so for unbridled mode when i was driving it um which is the fast mode yeah so all the modes are named after like horse related things unbridled is the equivalent of what would be like ludicrous or insane with the tesla um then there's engage which would be the equivalent of like sport mode in a tesla and then there is whisper so engage is a horse term i get horse whisperer yeah and unbridled i thought it was engaged from star trek click engage but it's not it's gonna be if you want it it's how you engage your horse um so anyway the the pumped in sound only applies when you're accelerating so it's not like at a stop light it's gonna be going which i appreciate but to me the tone wasn't that exciting it just sort of sounded like it didn't dynamically like increase in pitch or anything like that so you know because like the exciting part i think for uh people who like gas engines is the [Music] like all that kind of sound that's the exciting part um obviously an electric power train you're not shifting gears or anything so they just kind of put in like a grumble um i think that was just to make sure that you knew that the car was doing something right but you could shut it off in my opinion with it off the car felt faster which is a little bit less energy going into the sound and i know that this it's a very subjective thing so if you like car noise maybe you would like the sound i just feel like it wasn't exciting enough if you really like car noise i didn't like the unbridled uh mode it was a little bit too jerky for me i settled on engage which would be the equivalent of sport i also thought it was nice that they have whisper mode in case you're driving around some passengers just like in a tesla where they don't really want to feel that jerkiness and so it's like a chill relaxed mode but what is cool about this is if you do floor the pedal you do get all of that acceleration back which is nice if you're trying to get through a scary intersection but you happen to be in whisper mode right because in a tesla when you're in chill mode um you can floor it and essentially the car is not going to give you max power which is like great if you're a terrible terrible terrible driver who might accidentally floor the vehicle but very bad if it's like ah get me out of here i actually wish tesla would add that feature or at least have it be another option chill with emergency boost i think that a lot of people can't handle a tesla and so chill is their option to like i shouldn't be allowed to drive a car well and i want to discuss that because i think from my feeling of the accelerator pedal feels like ford gave it a very similar torque ratio that um you get in a gas car it felt like it felt like it would be very normal going from a gas car to a mock e whereas when you get into a tesla there is a little bit of a learning curve as to how that's going to respond yeah i mean the one pedal driving was nice so the regen was pretty good but yeah the acceleration was kind of strange i think that they put the torque at at the very start so going about 0 to 15 miles an hour felt very strong felt very torquey whereas in my model 3 at about 20 miles an hour it just feels like you've you've pulled the lid off the thing and it goes wow all the way up to 60. the maki felt more linear it felt a lot more linear it just sort of felt like it hit one particular acceleration and stayed there for the entire time but you know with a 0 to 60 of 4.8 it's roughly equivalent to the tesla i just think that it gets a lot of that 0 to 60 in the first little section of its acceleration um which i think is fine it's nice for driving around town because you feel very zippy um but then once you get you know onto faster roads and stuff like that it feels pretty normal like you're not gonna be uh i wasn't that impressed um going much faster than that okay so we put the maki through its paces with ford's version of autopilot they call it pro pilot 360. you engage pro pilot with a button on the left of the steering wheel it's very easy but here's the thing there's no audible sounds when you enter pro pilot there's just a double blue bubble on the binacle around your car and it takes a few seconds up to a few seconds for the car to enter that mode so in a tesla you go ding ding you're in right or it says no i'm not in and it'll go and you go oh okay i'm not an autopilot right with the mock e you say i want to go into propilot and no sound no sound so you gotta kind of look down at the binacle to see when the blue appears around your car now pro pilot 360 did a pretty good job of driving especially on the highway you know it accelerated fine it breaks for cars ahead of me and it kept me in the lane um and i mean i think that you you liked the response of the pro pilot uh in that regard yeah so once you're in pro pilot it felt like a 60 year old had taken over the steering wheel it felt very comforting the wheel moved very surely and slowly um whereas in a tesla it feels like a 16 year old has taken over and it feels a little bit jerkier i know i'm overdoing it but it's a nuanced point here and so what i want to stress is it's not that the maki is actually a better pilot it just feels like it's a better pilot and here's the problem because you have no audible warnings about when it can't handle something anymore and it's going to drop you out i would have my hands on the wheel but i couldn't tell when i was taking it over and when it was taking over because it felt so smooth like smooth and this is the weird part here is that you can take it out of propilot without touching any buttons or anything you just take the wheel do whatever you want with it and then if it's happy if it's happily centered in a lane it might engage pro pilot back again it won't make any noise or anything like that it won't let you know that you went out of pro pilot or anything like that no noise on the binacle it will show essentially the bubbles will disappear there'll be two green lines maybe a red line if you're going over uh the thing but the the the steering wheel you do have to pull the steering wheel a little bit it's not the same amount of torque that you need to pull a tesla out of autopilot and there's no cliff let me explain that so when you're in autopilot you can pull the wheel like i would say a quarter of a degree in either direction depending on your steering setup and then you and it feels like someone else is holding the wheel and then you can pull it pull it pull it and it goes junk and then it goes and then you're out of autopilot and it just told you that you went out of autopilot with pro pilot 360 the wheel just just keeps going oh i'm just oh right oh oh dear um and we we did this time after time after time and i know you're what you're saying you're like but jesse you were pulling the car in the wrong direction i want to point out if uh if a person is texting while driving which you shouldn't do or just doing some kind of media settings right or you know oh what what's that behind me in the in the rear seat what do you want child and you bump the steering wheel no sound and suddenly you're out of pro pilot 360 and the car is just moving in whatever direction you may as well be in cruise control yeah and we filmed this so like yeah like if i'm like i'm driving along you know and i'm not paying any attention can i pull myself off the road yeah i can pull myself off the road and i'm still in autopilot so i mean i would get a warning but i don't want a warning i want to not die okay so right lane is clear i'm going to pretend to be someone who's texting on their phone because the car is driving itself so light pressure on the wheel just the slightest pressure i'm drifting into the other lane i get the vibration i'm halfway over now i'm over i'm going to try and drift off the highway i kind of can i'm going to hit the rumble strips hit the rumble strips now i've taken my hands off the wheel when i shouldn't have it took it back over i don't know about this feature okay so i'm driving along right i rest my hand on the steering wheel i'm not paying attention i have very slight pressure and i drive just straight off the highway so i mean i can just just with light pressure i'm texting i'm not paying any attention now is when i get the warning and it's just the steering wheel the steering wheel vibrates a little bit and there's no like cliff so there's no spot where i know that i am pulling it out just bye oh oh no i seem to be leaving my lane i do not like it same i am look at this whoa and the thing is you tried it even with the radio on loud to see if you would get like a radio dip and there was none there's nothing like that also another thing pro pilot makes you uh put your hands on the wheel every 15 seconds i think in the future they're going to use the infrared cameras which are pointed at me but right now they don't have them turned on i did some tests where i wasn't looking at the road i was but you know just like out of the corner of my eye um to try and see if it would kick me out so those aren't turned on we know that those aren't turned on so it asks you about every 15 seconds which is about twice as often i think as a tesla to put your hands on the wheel and give it a little torque test so exactly the same as tesla in that regard but a couple times i gave it a little torque and i actually pulled it out of pro pilot 360. so i was driving along and went okay great and then the car just uh oh uh-oh i wasn't in pro pilot anymore didn't tell me anything it really freaked me out i don't understand why ford wouldn't just tell you it it makes no sense to not have an audible warning other than like i know that can be annoying for some people but here's what i'm worried about yeah you get your ford you get comfortable with it in the first couple weeks and then you're like okay i'm comfortable i've driven to work plenty of times and then you get overconfident and then you do something like you just said where you're messing with the sound dial or whatever and the car slowly drifts it's just going to be slow just slowly drifts out and you're in another lane now there's one uh notification that you are drifting over a lane and it's a completely different system from pro pilot which is that the wheel will jitter it'll rumble when you're about a quarter to a half way over a lane line um which is good if your hands are on the wheel but again like if like i said when you do the 15 second check and maybe you take your hands off the wheel for a second that rumble is going to nothing right and that happened to me i had it in pro pilot we're going around a pretty sharp right turn and i have my hands on the wheel and it's not going to make the turn like i'm having a nice comfortable experience driving but it's we're now going into another lane right and i had to take over before the rumble happened um but it didn't tell me that it was having a problem i just had to notice it had a problem and so to me i know that there's a flip side to this i know that driving in tesla autopilot can be a little bit nerve-wracking nerve-wracking sometimes because you put the car in autopilot and sometimes it'll be like hey i want to be over like one more foot in the lane because you weren't perfectly centered and it'll just do that you're like whoa slow down right then also when you pull it out of autopilot cause like sometimes you're like i just wanna scooch over to the left a little bit and then you go like clunk and it goes and you're like oh okay i'm driving i would i personally would prefer that as opposed to not knowing whether the car was in or not i know that some people get flustered they go like oh my gosh the car i don't like autopilot anymore i don't want everyone to use it again to me i would rather have my self-preservation instincts kick in because i am in a car that's traveling very fast i actually liked how ford handled the steering wheel i just wish they had the audible warnings if they had that i think i'd actually prefer ford's way of handling the steering wheel i think that that could be good yeah if it would just you know simple as that or you know whatever they want to do like right you are now leaving forward all right let's go on to the next big section here and this is charging and for me major points are lost for the maquis in the charging and the range section of this the maki has 150 kilowatts of charging which is equivalent to a 2018 tesla not bad but there is a problem we went to an electrify america fast charger and andrew was nice enough to give us the car with 50 battery so we could get there with a low state of charge problem number one is that the nav stops telling you where to go about 500 feet before you get to the charger so you know it's like approaching charger and then the screen then some text appears over the screen and you're like whoa whoa i need to know where the charger is and we were about 500 feet away we were in a very busy parking lot and it was hectic because not only did the navigation go away a big screen came down with a bunch of text it was like would you like i couldn't read it because i was like ah where where do i go now luckily uh we figured out where it was and we were able to get there but um if it was like behind a building or something else like that there would be no way we would just have to drive around and figure out where it was yeah i mean and this is like tesla circa you know 2014 or something they they didn't have all the chargers perfectly mapped but then quickly they did so basically that dot is exactly where the chargers are and it would help you drive through a parking lot to get there which is weird because the navigation in the maki did navigate through parking lots it just stopped once you got within a certain radius as if you knew where it was problem number two is the charge curve so we got there we plugged it in uh everything was working great it got up to a nice you know happy you know 140 something kilowatts which was great because we were down at like 30 i would expect it to get to 150 if we were any lower state of charge um and it was charging great until we hit 80 state of charge so it's been about 26 minutes we're at 79 uh state of charge we've added 46 kilowatt hours um in this last uh 26 minutes so on average we've probably been around 90 kilowatts which is perfectly respectable okay now hang on a second so we just hit 80 percent and i don't know if you can read that that says 13 kilowatts we just jumped from 80 kilowatts down to 13 kilowatts i want to go in the car and make sure that that's correct okay so we're at 80 state of charge we have 219 miles of of range the charger has slowed down to 13 kilowatts which is slow um it was at 80 kilowatts and it was on average uh about 90 kilowatts through the the whole charge cycle the fact that it dropped down to 13 kilowatts is kind of strange um i don't know what it is the charging cable doesn't feel warm or anything um this is still making the awful hum that it's been making the whole time so i don't think that that's the problem um i think that that's just the charging rate that the car wants to do not the end of the world i have uh over 200 miles of range in the car right now as we speak but if i wanted to get to the full range of this car it would take over an hour of sitting at over 80 percent state of charge just to get to 100 in a tesla it's slow too but it's not 12 kilowatts so essentially you get to 220 miles of fast charging while paying in our case 32 cents a minute and then it drops to ridiculously slow charging speeds and you're still paying per minute so essentially the car has 220 miles of range and if you're looking for driving long distances on a road trip this is going to mean that there's either a lot more stops for charging or a lot more time spent sitting at chargers either way it's not good yeah i mean it's 20 21 and i expected first of all faster charging than 150 i'll be honest like 150 is not a bad speed but it's 20 21 i thought we could get 250 kilowatts um and then the second thing is the range the maki that we drove has 270 miles of range if you fill up the battery 270 miles of range again is what i would have expected back in like 2016 as a good range now i would want to have 300 plus i think so i mean like my car is about 260 ish miles of range so i mean it's definitely a workable range but i do get supercharging up to whatever speed i want granted the curve does taper off over time um which is weird here as well because the ford uh charged to i think it was at 79 percent state of charge it was charging at about 80 kilowatts as soon as it hit 80 dropped down to 12. um so that's clearly something that ford might update in the future um they or at least they should because there's definitely improvements to be made there yeah you should be able to squeeze in more than 12 kilowatts at 80 charge i mean that's something more like as you approach 95 i think what they were trying to do was protect the battery from either overheating or degrading i don't think they have enough data on the battery i think they're being super careful right now and i mean that's fine i get it you're new to this you have to be super careful but that means in the next year or so as you're going on you know road trips you're probably going to have to stop a lot more often now ford has what's called plug pass and we tried it and it worked it's really cool it's a lot like in a tesla which means that instead of getting out of the car and having to fumble with cards and all that you just get out of the car plug in and it starts the handshake the only problem was the handshake which is basically the time it takes for the car to talk to the charger and back and forth before the charging starts took about 60 seconds in a tesla it takes about 10. yeah and then it starts charging immediately um it's not a killer i think honestly being able to just plug in your car and walk away is fantastic obviously you have to make sure that it does complete the handshake which means you have to loiter around your car for a minute looking dumb um you know and you can check it on the ford app uh that it is charging you have to refresh it and then it'll tell you but many times you know plugged in my car at a supercharger and then just briskly walked away without you know worry because i knew that it was going to start charging now ford is relying on electrify america evgo and others for their charging experience and this is a different experience than you're going to get with tesla so if you're just looking at this map right now you'd be like whoa that looks a lot like the tesla charging network they're the same but they're not they're not um so if we overlay uh the tesla charging network you see that you get all of canada you see that you get um you know just small things like uh the new jersey coast for example and all of you know the chesapeake area um also all of north carolina's coast or going down to mexico or up into canada right or just you know north and south dakota and most of montana and all of wyoming like all of those different and maine all the way up into nova scotia like you're missing a bunch of different spots um i know that electrify america is still expanding they still have some dieselgate money to spend the question is is it going to continue working after the dieselgate money runs out so let's talk about some particulars here with the charging infrastructure first is the number of stalls we went to an electrify america that had four stalls right in the same parking lot was tesla superchargers which had eight stalls now there's a lot more tesla's on the road right now in fact there were four of them at the supercharger there was no other evs at the electrify america but that's about to change as the number of evs go up there's gonna be a lot more eye paces and ford mockies and bolts on the road they're gonna take up those ea chargers and then you're gonna pull in and maybe have nowhere to charge or those chargers are gonna be broken we've heard from many people that they're gonna be broken um if you've heard us talk about ea before you know that none of this is new i just want to talk about it in regards to ford they don't have any protection for ford customers and you might be saying like from like what like burglars or attackers no i mean you know if if a ford owner gets to an electrify america station and there's no spots they're all taken up by bolts and leafs and uh you know other cars that aren't fords um you're gonna feel kind of crummy it's like oh why didn't ford do anything to help me whereas with the tesla we never have that experience the worst case is a bunch of teslas are there and you're like well level playing field well and also tesla has been known to add more chargers at a location or open up more charging stations forward since they're not in charge of that and they're like well that's ea's problem uh they're just gonna be like well wait for ea now our buddy andrew he's in new hampshire and he's only got a couple charging options and one of them is down in massachusetts in fact he only has one charging option in the entire state of new hampshire which is a pretty big state um and it's not in the center of the state or anything like that it's over on the you know the coast all right so in wrapping up here let's touch on some things let's talk about braking so i really like the regen i thought that it was plenty strong i i like me a car with some good regen i like feeling like i'm getting the energy back the brake blending was a little funky um so if the regen isn't enough or you just don't trust it you want to do a little bit uh faster they de-acceleration the brakes really kick in you're like um and for passengers it's really i think that you could get used to it but um you know bobby was filming me uh and he was getting sick i'm getting sick so that's my take because you know every time i touch the brake it was very strong i mean strong braking is not a bad thing but i think it could have been blended in a little bit nicer uh everyone talks about how the ford is better because it has better build quality what did you think about the build quality you know i don't care about gaps and stuff like that so i'm not going to comment on any of that uh i think i liked a lot of the different aspects of it i think that it was fine um except for the interior i thought that there was just too many buttons everywhere i know that i'm coming from a model 3 and there's like i think maybe three buttons in the whole interior of the car like including the horn but for me it was just overwhelming and the ui really really sucked we uh you know bobby and i were listening to music on our on our drive back to andrew's house um and we finally figured out how to connect the bluetooth when we were listening to it and we wanted to change you know the bass and the treble settings so i was like okay so we're in the music thing how do i change couldn't figure it out you have to go into the settings menu of the entire car which has every single type of uh thing that you can alter and change without the car and then you have to scroll through uh music oh per the sound system great then you could change the bass and treble settings it wasn't where i wanted it and that to me was such an eye opener because with tesla everything is close to the stuff that it needs it's not that the car has fewer options it does have slightly fewer options than the ford um but they're very well structured a lot of the things that you need are very close at hand and with the ford it's just like well if you want a menu here it is i want to talk about the nav system uh i just thought it was very rudimentary it felt like it was circa 2012 or something earlier than that yeah i think it was like 2006 feeling now you can sync it up with uh you know your phone to do uh you know android play uh we didn't do that i know that a lot of people are going to do that we just wanted to see what the car was like on its own there's also that knob on the screen which i mean i think is not necessary i think that first of all it feels flimsy also i didn't use it ever i mean maybe i could have maybe it was a faster way to do something but it's just a volume knob right it's the the volume knob oh that's all it was i think i think that when you have a touch screen the people at ford went where's the volume knob people want a volume knob damn it but why put it on the screen because they didn't have anywhere else to put it i don't know let's talk about another knob i didn't like which is the shifter knob and that is down here and it's not it's just it's not just on the maki they have it on their other models as well but uh first of all it felt very flimsy it felt very just like oh i'm in park oh i'm in drive um and it's just in a weird place like you don't want to go hunting for this knob when you're it should be here-ish not here yeah and i mean it's not like you're going kachong chunka chunk it's there are detents but it's just like click click click click and then you can keep spinning it right so you're like oh i'm in drive i'm still in drive or oh so to get to reverse a lot of times i was just like putting it in park then oh i messed it up reverse right you know it's easy to go past yeah exactly yeah i i didn't particularly like it uh and you know i'm coming from my model 3 with the stock and also the nissan leaf which has that like weird shifter thing weird bulbous uh kind of shifter but at least you push it it feels like we just haven't settled on something like we used to have you know a stick shift and that was by necessity necessity and it feels like everyone's trying to come up with something i mean i guess tesla is coming up with the ultimate right with the new system in the refresh model s which is basically going to decide it by itself so next thing was the hood first of all it's a heavy hood it's physically heavy but also it's a hood heavy car so when you're in the driver's seat this isn't a forward cabin kind of design this is an old-school design and maybe you like that but it was a mustang zach it's a mustang but here's the thing uh i'm so used to the tesla's now and you know other cars that are cab forward where you're not seeing the hood so you're getting to see more of the road and when you're parking and stuff it's really nice then to go back to a hood heavy design where it's like oh i got to look past the hood i didn't like it yeah i noticed that you could see the hood and and yeah like in my model 3 you don't really notice it like it's i think it sticks out pretty much the same distance but it's sloped downwards so you can really have better awareness around again it's a mustang so you know you gotta keep that in mind it has a legacy to think about that's why they made a crossover now it's got thinner tires uh these are 225s versus the 255s which are on tesla so that's good news for cheapness right you're going to spend less on tires but it means less rubber on the road and i'm sure they did this to cut down on tire noise and also to cut down on the friction but that means that you know in rain or snow you're gonna have less rubber on the road which i don't think is a good thing yeah i mean teslas do feel like race cars and a big portion of that is because they have big huge tires um but they do get expensive so i don't know uh maybe a toss-up but you know when when you really need it you'd want it so let's talk about the rear seating this is important for a lot of people especially if you're going to be pulling families around i thought it was very comfortable a lot of leg room uh evie dave had said that uh you know he's a tall guy i think he's like six four or something and he said that it felt a little bit scrunched uh in the back seat i'm more of a medium-sized person i felt like it was pretty good size uh in the back seat how do you feel you're in in the middle of us yeah i uh i thought it was pretty good i didn't notice my head getting anywhere close to uh anything in the back seat and the the front seats are really like scooped so you have a lot more legroom i thought they did a a perfectly good job on that so no complaints there um i like the look of the frunk comes with like a divider which is uh smart really smart actually because i'm thinking back to all the times where like um oh let's put you know a bottle of wine in the front how fun and then you're like i don't want this to smash right and you have this big frunk and it could just go so you usually want to stuff it with like sweatshirts or something to prevent stuff from moving and then it's like now you don't have any room so i do like the divider that they came up with i think that's really smart um andrew was talking about how he was gonna use it for hiking to put like his muddy shoes into one section and speaking of which they have a drain port which is really smart as opposed to like a carpeted interior looking thing on a you know storage section of the car uh so i i did really like the frunk uh the rear trunk looked great it had an under section um oh but you did discover one thing about the rear so one of the things that i just figured out is once you open the door here okay great now you have your seats when you fold the seats flat you get the seat belt out of the way that's great you get a nice flat seat plenty of storage space i'm very happy with that so if you can see back here this is a little metal thing um which is what holds the door fits into this little groove right here um the problem is you folded down the seats quite nicely now you want to fold the seats back up and now your seat belt is trapped in the seat so to fix it you have to fold the seat back down get your seat belt out first then hook it over you can actually see you can see that they intended to keep it stayed right here but when you fold it down you don't want to have this seat belt flopping around so your first inclination is going to be to get it out of the way and what that's going to do is it's going to trap your seatbelt so if you're looking for like an overall rating of this car i kind of think of the ford machi as that private school high school kid uh who had his father the big ceo of a consulting firm help him on a multi-week research paper right so you get this assignment and uh the kid just waited weeks and weeks to start it and then the last day is like oh dad i get this research paper and he's like don't worry stone i'll help you and his dad pretty much wrote it all for him the kid just had to sign it he handed it in it wasn't a very good paper he gets a 70 on it that's the maki for me ford worked with borg warner they worked with lg who basically made the powertrain of this car and so that's fine i have nothing against that except that this car would have been awesome in 2016 it would have been right on par with what tesla was putting out i think but now fast forward four or five years later in 2021 it doesn't feel like it's with the rest of the pack tesla on the other hand is that kid who worked really hard on the paper for the whole time got no help from anyone doesn't even speak english as a first language handed it in got an a plus that is tesla and i think the biggest takeaway i have with this car is that if you're a ford fan and you basically don't know much about evs but you've been waiting for this car and you get it you're probably going to be very happy with it the problem is when you go to compare it to other evs you won't know what you're comparing it to because you haven't driven other evs and it's a lot like what happened to a lot of chevy bolt owners they got their cars they thought they now understood evs but without comparing them to a tesla you don't get the whole charging experience and so i urge you if you're thinking about getting this car go drive your friends tesla for a couple days go on a long trip charge it a few times and get used to what that experience is then go try a ford mackie and do the same thing don't do a 20-minute test drive go for a one-day chest driver two-day test drive where you get to actually test out the charging because it's a comparison i don't even know how to give you an example of um i guess one example would be hdtv as hdtvs were coming out a lot of people are like i don't need one of those i got a tv i can see the game just fine and yeah you could um and if you were trying to explain to someone with a regular old tv how much better an hdtv was what would you say like well it's it's better yeah you can see more detail it's like well i know that's the whole point but i'm fine i can still see all the players and everything and so then you get it and you can't go back exactly with a smartphone you you one day you got your first smartphone right and you're telling all your friends and family about how awesome it was and you're like i can do banking on this and like i can go to a bank too i can order food on it and they're like i can go get i got a phone i can just call them up and like it you don't understand you don't understand it until you have it and then you're like oh my gosh how did i live without this the thing to me the weirdest part about this whole thing is if ford came out and they were like here is our ford electro mobile and they came out with some you know marketing name or whatever and it was just centered around electric and it looked electric and it was electric um that would be one thing they didn't do that they said this is our mustang mock e and so immediately uh they knew what they were doing obviously they were going to capture all the mustang fans because there's plenty people who love mustangs and you know rightly so it has this long heritage of beautiful cars okay it's a complete departure from a mustang i mean it has some stylings of a mustang but it's a crossover suv which no mustang has ever been right um so that's the first ding in my you know opinion why do that why not just take the powertrain oh i put it into a ford body just do that and for just for marketing purposes in my opinion they got so much more attention from the press from fans because of the name if they hadn't it would have been a flop it would have been a oh okay because i just want to bring back up the model y right here uh for 58 000 you're now in the close range of getting a performance model y right and you could get an even cheaper long-range model y which is no slouch either right and you get so many more benefits which maybe on you know on a quick screenshot you can't see them but when it comes to range when it comes to charging when it comes to uh the over-the-air updates like when it comes to the ui when all this stuff which is very hard for us to explain to you without experiencing it it's just a no-brainer so to me when i say like the ford is a 7 out of 10 the tesla's a 10 out of 10. like and so i agree with you giving it the mustang name is pretty much the only reason we're even talking about it right now and i think it's going to be a double-edged sword i think that a lot of mustang you know fans have first of all been turned away by this crossover suv and the ford fans who are going to get into it are either going to not be impressed or they will be impressed by the electric drive train but they won't fully understand what electric is go oh that's good and go back to their gas cars and my concern is that that is exactly what ford wants them to do yes i mean this does not make a compelling case for an ev it's an okay case and again five years ago it was a pretty good case if you want an ev right if you're like i want an ev and i'll do whatever i need to do to make it work it's a perfectly fine ev i don't want to you know say but if you're like on the fence and you're like oh i don't know about this electric stuff let me try out this i think you're gonna go yeah i think i'm fine with my gas yeah i'll wait you know and i think that's exactly you're exactly right first of all they can't make them fast enough and also they don't want to kill the rest of their brand this is the osborne effect in real life so there you have it folks there's our take on the ford maki i want to give a super shout out to andrew for letting us drive this car because otherwise we would have had no actual experience with the car yeah other than sitting in it at the la auto show yeah so thank you so much andrew and thank you so much for watching we really hope you enjoyed it please be sure to hit the like button and subscribe if you haven't already we'll see you next week now you know
Channel: Now You Know
Views: 99,883
Rating: 4.8345232 out of 5
Keywords: tesla time news, in depth, now you know, zac, jesse, TTN, Ford Mach-E, Mach-E, Ford Mach-E Mustang, Mach-E Test Drive, Tesla, Elon Musk, Ford, Ford EV, EV, EV Test Drive, Ford Mach-E Road Trip, New Ford EV, EV News, Mach-E Review, Reviews, Car Reviews
Id: DQwWzgU-Q6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 5sec (2885 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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