LIVE: Quilting Tutorial of FREE 3D POPSTAR PATTERN! - Behind the Seams

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys it's september 10th 2021 and today we have released a brand new free pattern called 3d pop star i'm going to first start out by talking about what it is how we came up with it and then we're going to do a full tutorial of the entire block and see how long it takes me to make one block and throughout that i'm going to try to give you tips on different things to get your block to be as accurate as our block and then at the end i'm going to show you seven different quilts made with this block and this pattern so that you can see maybe what you have in your stash and the different look it's going to give so i would go to fat quarter and download this free pattern it's called 3d pop star we made it to celebrate national sewing month and it's completely free so the pattern will always be free and when you look at our patterns it tells you the fabric requirement so for this background you need one and three quarter yards this aqua is the fat quarter you need 12 fat quarters this gray is your accent and you need one and a quarter yards and then and then if you want to use that as binding you can get that from the one and one quarter yards and then you're backing you need three and a third yards so i just brought this fat quarter bundle just to show you this is cozy up and we just pulled let's see we made the sample using this right here and we're going to cut this fat quarter so that's kind of what we're going to start we're going to just jump right in it's going to be a long tutorial so i don't want to waste too much time and i'm going to hopefully when we're done hopefully i'll have a block as nice as this so again this is your fat quarter this is your accent and your accent is the same in each block and then you have 12 different stars and what i've already done is i have cut what you need for the background and for the accent for one block but i am going to show you cutting for the fat quarters your fat quarter is d e f and g and this is an 18 inch design board by lori holt and these are alphabities to label so i'll put this kind of to the side and i'm going to cut one fat quarter now i if i was you and i was making this quilt i would cut and piece one fat quarter do the full block and then see if you want to make any changes before you do all of the blocks and we do have a fat quarter diagram so that you know the best use of how to cut your fabric you will have a little bit left over but not too too much so i'm going to pop this on the iron just real quick to get any creases out i have starched my fabric so it's nice and crisp and you have enough with the fabric requirements we've given you to starch so i'm going to put this kind of over here and i'm going to refer to it as i cut so again get your fabric nice and flat our little iron is having a little episode today he wants to pee on my fabric but we'll just let it go for today so the first thing i'm going to do is cut a straight cut and then d is four and a half by eight and a half and i can see that in my diagram that i want to cut four and a half wide so i'm going to cut that i'm not going to sub cut it yet i'm going to just set it aside my next cut is e and that's four inches wide so i'm going to cut that and when you're cutting this you could layer three fat quarters together and cut three at a time if you wanted to i probably wouldn't do more than that and then for f and g they both need to be two and a half inches so i'm actually going to cut a five inch strip and then go backwards and cut a two and a half inch strip now i'll set this aside in case you want to save it put it in your scrap bin strip scrap bin of strips or cut it down into squares so in summary we cut a four and a half inch strip a four inch strip and two two and a half inch strips so i'm going to move these out of the way and i'm going to go in order and i'm going to cut a four and a half by eight and a half and i'm going to start on the side with the salvage and i want to point out that when you're looking at your selvage we can kind of zoom in and i'll show you the um there are dots actually in selvage and right here you can see those little dots so you don't need to cut the white off you need to cut beyond the white and you need to get these little dots off because if you feel it it's a different texture down there so i'm going to cut that off but when i do i'm going to make sure that i got all these dots off and there's none here and then i'm just going to cut it eight and a half and i'm going to use this ruler so that i don't have the big big one everywhere and when i'm lining up i do line up one side two sides i guess this side and the side so this is eight and a half so this is going to be my d and then my e i'm going to cut three four by seven and a half so so that's my yeah i'm going to sub cut this down to four and then cut this into seven and a half and of course if you have any questions i'm happy to answer them now this i would definitely save this is enough to use in something else so this is e and then i have to cut two more e's and again those are four by seven and a half cutting is actually my favorite part i would just cut quilts for a living if i could i'd never piece them i just cut them maybe somebody could hire me for a lot of money per hour and i can come and just cut all their clothes cut all their quilts and then leave okay and then i'll save that piece that i accidentally just dropped on the floor so these are my e's for my f's i need two four and a half rectangles so i'll do that and so i'm just cutting cutting cutting four and a half four and a half so these are my f's and then i need eight two and a half inch squares so again i'm going to cut five inches go back down to two and a half and okay so save my rulers here if you're right here it's going to make a difference if you're off a little bit that 16th or 32nd of an inch is going to make a difference so i always line up two sides so here i'm lining up the left and the top and when i'm making my first cut i don't line anything up i just kind of go with the straight of the edge so now i should have four g's but i dropped one okay so there's four g's and now i need four more g's so i'll cut those the same way and i'm not sure that cut was exactly straight so i'm going to cut it again and the fabric today we're using is cozy up by cory oder and mota fabrics the fat quarter bundle has arrived but the yardage has not but our purpose of this is to just give you a 12 piece fat quarter quilt now you probably have 12 fat quarters somewhere in your sewing room so you don't have to make this one or you could and you can just wait until the yardage comes and it will be within the next month or so okay so now we have everything cut i'm going to put my rulers away and it's all labeled so now it's super easy but what i am going to do is show you and there's not that much space here so we're gonna kind of wing it can i have one of the small design boards we're gonna kinda thanks we're use try to use a tiny design board now at home i would probably use something bigger and we're going to use a bigger one in a second but for now i'm going to do this so the first thing i do when i'm looking at any pattern is i look through my pattern become familiar with your pattern figure out how many units you need to make for each block just be don't just run into your pattern i like to sit and really read it now i obviously have already done that and so i'm familiar with where everything fits in the ending block what i'm going to do is i'm going to show you how to sew this block accurately but also efficiently so i'm going to be teaching you two different things today and what i'm going to do is there's a lot of things similar you can see you've got corner squares here here you got flying geese all of those are made the same way so what i'm going to do is be i'm going to take items lay them out on this board stitch them at the same time and then come back so i'm going to take one fabric b because i need one of these for each block you're going to make 12 total but i only need one for this block make sure you have your fabric right side up take your fabric j's and your fabric j's need a line on the wrong side so i'm going to draw that i'm using a friction pen that's my preferred method and it will disappear with heat later some people don't like the friction pen but i love it and what i'm going to do here is teach you how to use glue instead of pins you can use pins you can do whatever you want so i'm going to line it up just the way this is and just the way this is now what i want to do is we're going to sew that line and go over here so where do i want the glue i want the glue over here where i'm going to cut it off so i'm going to pop the glue that's probably too much glue but i'm going to glue this down and my when i'm doing this i want to make sure it's perfectly aligned on the left and the bottom and as i put it over here on my design board it's going to dry so that it won't move around now here i need to make two of these for each block so i'm going to take two fabric b's make sure my fabrics are right side up and take my fabric g's which i think all of the g's need to have lines drawn on them so i'll draw that real quick and you can draw a line with a big ruler i'm going to use the small ruler right now actually um let's see crafting a plan life is asking when i line up on the ruler do i cut to the inside of the black line or the outside when i line up the ruler that line is exactly on the fabric it's not to the left it's not to the right it's right on that fabric so any word on christmas morning layer cakes they're all sold out all gone bye bye if you want to make the quilt that we did with that called all the trimmings um red barn christmas would be similar but you could also buy two two um christmas two christmas morning jolly bars and you get the same thing so and i do think we do have some christmas morning jolly bars left probably after i say that they'll probably sell out just because i said it let's see so i'm going to make two of these so you can start on either side i will start i will just follow the pattern exactly so i do three dots i don't want that glue to be too close to my line so i'm going to put that there and put it over here and this is kind of what i've been doing lately i've been using this glue a lot you could also pin you can do either and then i'm going to skip this step go here from my b's i need to put a b and a g these are my g's i need to put a g on it but i think i already lost my g you probably don't need to put as much glue as i'm putting here and you see that it kind of just stays like even there it stayed and then i'm going to go here so i need an i i need a c now so and i need one of these and the reason i already kind of know all that is i kind of prepared before we showed up but i will say one thing that i thought about when i was thinking about this block and this quilt is sometimes i use uh it's so emma flying geese paper and sometimes i use the quick flying geese method i wouldn't do that on this quilt because there's just too many different sides that you're going on so i would i wouldn't do that for this quilt i would just use i would just do it the traditional method i would not try to do anything fancy on this one because i think that it's too much um it's just too much all over the place for that method to work what kind of pen am i using i'm using a friction pin it disappears with heat later and then let's see and i'm just following right here i'm just following and i'm doing all you see that i'm gluing all of them at one time i'm going to stitch all of them at one time and i i'm just putting them on the board i'll figure out what they are later i don't need to have them in any kind of certain order for this but um and we can skip some steps in a second but i'm just trying to show you kind of i guess how my mind works and it's kind of fun to do all these at one time and then my eye my last i put my g up here let's see and i'm just i'm literally following the diagrams and the reason we do our pattern so awesome is so that you can visually just look you don't have to read if you don't want to i think we do the best patterns out there um and some and several people are asking about the pen so the pen is friction the glue i'm using on this quilt sometimes i use a pen but on this quilt i'm going to wipe this off on this quilt it's so much of the same stuff over and over that i just don't want to mess with pins today so sometimes i use pens sometimes i don't so now i'm going to go to the sewing machine and i'm going to have like a 1.5 now if you're new i would do a 2.0 but i'm going to do a 1.5 and i'm just going to draw i'm going to stitch exactly on these lines [Applause] i am using color 2000 aurifil when i said that the foundation pieces it's too all over the place what i mean is you're just you're not just making flying geese the traditional way you've got corners on all the different edges and some need two squares some don't it's just too much thinking and again this fabric all of this block is made with a cozy up collection including the background you could use a folded corner here there's a folded corner ruler i um okay right here you can see i didn't stitch right on that line i stitched to the right of that line so look it's going to be too fat so i need to go back and fix that i need a really stitch on the line so you can kind of see it here see how i'm a little bit to the right so i'm going to fix that and i'm just cutting a quarter inch away i'm going to show you how to iron iron these okay this one i'm way off also so i'm going to redo this one it's kind of hard to sew standing up can we use flying geese paper okay so you can i just think it's a lot of starting and stopping the glue is let's see the glue is used for piecing it's called acorn precision glue and um i use it anywhere that is not going to be in my quilt so i'm not sure if it i don't think it's permanent but i mean i can pull it apart but because the glue is on these pieces i'm throwing away it doesn't matter to me and again all the fabric for all the questions in the chat about the fabric for the accent for the background for the fat quarters everything is cozy up and it's not in stock yet but it will be soon and um ladonna is asking if i need to wait for the glue to dry i don't but you could okay so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to pull each of these and follow the pressing so let's see and i'm just going to find them as i go and then let's see so this one you press towards the gray so here i just set my seam for about 10 seconds the thread cutter on my machine is called a string blade and it is a new product that was 3d printed and we had it made for the so sampler box and the ones that we have left over we are selling and it's called string blade so and i just move oh my clapper i'm gonna put them over here and i'm gonna put my clapper on top and i'm just gonna follow as i go and just follow the pressing because the pressing arrows do matter especially in our patterns because we um we make the seams nest so let's see so like this one goes towards the white i'm going to do all these and then i'm going to show you how to do the second part and then we're going to skip to assembling the block so this is exactly what i do i just follow have my pattern on my cutting table press get it all flat let's see this is a lot of pressing let's see um someone is asking if i had lens replacement yet no i'm having it on monday i'm having the right eye on monday because they said that's my weakest die and then my left eye on the next monday um the weight of thread i'm using is 50 weight so when i'm piecing i always use 50 weight i have seen some things out there with some people suggesting a different weight and um i highly disagree with that so i would suggest that you stick with 50 weight i would also no matter what brand you use i would i would always use 100 cotton thread i think that's the most important part is the 100 cotton thread but i would not use 40 and i definitely would not use 80 for piecing i think if you use 80 for piecing your quilt will fall apart so from here you're going to finish by going back through and like for example on this one you're going to do the same thing you're going to finish by putting that second set on there with glue and then press according to the pattern the same thing so that's how you're going to do that if you have any questions i'm happy to answer if i keep going it's going to take forever to make the block so my next step at home would be to do this and what this is is i have laid out every single piece exactly how it goes according to this and i'm looking at the final diagram but if you look like right here this tells you which way to press this one this one tells you which way to press this one but to do that i've already lined everything up so it's easy and i can visually see it now what you'll do is you'll take this and attach it to one of your rectangles and then that's going to be combined so i've already skipped that step and then the same thing here these are already sewn together and then this one i think i still need to do so i'm going to sew this one together real quick and then everything will be kind of in a row and i'll show you how i do this now i'm going to use pins and you'll see like when i put these two together the seams nest so a pin right there and i'm going to switch my foot now to a quarter inch foot and i'm going to iron this piece real quick off to the side just to get it done okay so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to remove my alphabites and i'm going to start pinning things together and i'm going to leave them on the board and then i'm going to sew them put them back on the board do i leave water in my iron so what i try to do when i am sewing at home is i try to put just enough water to get me through the project so that it so that it doesn't just sit there since i only sew on the weekends i don't want that water sitting there now do i always do that no not always i try to do i use 50 weight in the bobbin yes absolutely what is the ruler you're using to mark the small squares um creative grids we'll look at the name of it i don't know it off the top of my head seam creative grids at nine inch seam guide or creative grids 15 inch seam guide either one of those where was kimberly when i first started quilting because i used polyester thread and those quilts are now falling apart oh my gosh that is not good that is not good i think the polyester what happens is the polyester is made up of different material than cotton and so your thread resists meaning um i'm gonna go ahead and pin this one on too the i guess you know the the makeup of the materials is just too different um the ironing mat i'm using is called a steady betty matt but i like to use the june taylor mat better so we're trying we need to get one can i give you an idea for the celebrate the season's digitally printed quilt panels oh okay so i would go to the hoffman fabrics website and i think they have some free patterns on there but those are meant for you to just add a border and quilt i do starch before i start and i do steam and foxy roxy says thank you for the fat quarter diagram so you are welcome have you finally finished the harry potter quilt nope i haven't i my goal is once i get done with the last few quilts i need to do for the year for work i'm going to try to get um some of those done so um when i first showed us the acorn glue you weren't a big fan what changed your mind no i am a fan i really like it i'm not a fan of the pen the pin makes it lay flat but i don't think you need um i don't think you need that okay so the first three questions i've answered let's see so from here i'm just going to go to my machine and then place it back on and then we'll iron so i'm just going to use a quarter inch seam [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] okay so before i iron i'm gonna come here and lay this back out now i've got this whole row done right but this one's not all the way done so i'm going to kind of pin this one so i just get all my rows done and then we will iron and then i will put the star together and i'll show you how the seams nest um why not press open like i usually do i do everything i like to show you lots of things i don't ever want to get on camera and say this is the absolute way that you have to quilt and you always have to press open and you always have to do this i believe that i should show you lots of things so and and it depends what kind of mood i'm in at home whether i um press open or not so i'm just showing you different things and i think this one works well it's bigger so the bigger the block the less the less benefit you're going to get from pressing open with a six inch block you're going to get a lot of benefit because it's so small there's so many seams so that's kind of how i go about it we try to write our patterns where if they can be pressed to one side we show that because most people prefer that to pressing open [Applause] and i love all the questions today i'm so i'm so excited to have so many questions okay so now we're going to press just move this and to press i need to follow each of the diagrams um what brand of pins am i using i am using little house pins and i had a brand that i really liked years ago but it's discontinued so this one actually is pressed open so there are a couple of seams in here that are pressed open um let's see will there be a christmas line from urban chicks this year um i don't remember but if it's not online then no so i actually don't think there is what is a steady betty bridge okay let me think about that let me look on the website i at some point i knew what that was i don't think i know i haven't used it though seam allowance caught up in your machine the betty bridge is the solution to get flipped i don't i think you put it on your um you glue it or washi tape it down to your machine to see the lines on different um like it's basically like a seam guide that you can use down and then you don't have to use keep changing your feet on your sewing machine have i ever done a t-shirt quilt no actually i haven't my sister-in-law wants one made for my nephew and i referred her to somebody i've never made one of those um have i ever done okay yeah i've answered that do you have the halloween mystery quilt quilted yes i do um we've had it in a couple of videos um and if you emailed gina with thread graffiti she can tell you how she quilted mine and i'm just kind of following over here the harry potter quilt pattern can be found at seriously i think i need stitches dot com it's a free pattern okay i am using the sewing machine jukie tl 2010 q it's my favorite machine i like it because it's simple i don't like to have a lot of um fussy things um it was funny somebody emailed me and asked me if i embroidered i thought i don't have the patience to even learn how to use a regular sewing machine that's computerized i don't know how in the world i would learn how to embroider um gail was asking when i was cutting why do i line up on the top rather than the bottom um i think you could do either i really do i think you could do either i'm trying to figure out on this one which way to go okay yeah i think you could do either um that's just kind of habit i guess okay so it look i think it's right i mean this might be amazing if i get it right the first time let's see so here i'm going to look i've got my star point and my star point i've got my accent so it looks right and then i'm going to pin these two together and these two together and then i'll pin the final seam in a second and if i press the right way which i was talking and pressing at the same time but if i press the right way these seams right here will will um nest um what is the recovery period for my lens replacement um i don't know i think i should be able to come to work the next day i just can't drive that day i think it should be no big deal why do i cut double then to size like cut five inches when you need two and a half okay so that's a great question so when i was learning to quilt youtube did not exist there was no thing as youtube so i used to watch simply quilts every morning before i went to work i'm trying to think of her name okay i've always remembered her name every time that we've had this video okay there was a lady that i used to watch and she she taught that method and that's where i learned it in fact when 9 11 happened i was watching simply quilts and had no idea that what was going on in the world and somebody had to call me to tell me um valeria about oh i want to give big thank yous to the super chats valeria bauer says i'm amazing she cracks me up but i love that she's always here and then kimberly culp says my live streams are the best so thank you and then last week we had stephanie smith who said i was amazing so thank you for that and val earl i can't even begin to thank you enough for your tips my piecing has improved so much yay i'm so glad to hear that i um my whole goal in this thing is just to show you different things i do and hopefully i just assume that some of these things you do not all of them but you learn something [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] okay so at this point you could press i'm gonna go ahead and do this last seam though i think i just stuck myself with some hot glue we have some hot glue attached to this thing that just stuck me in the stomach oh my word that really hit me that's like a pin um how do you pin when i have the seams pressed open i can't seem to get them to match i just do the same thing so if it's open let's see so like this one was open i just line up the middle here with the middle here kind of just do it the same way um in this block you know if you are somebody who likes to press open this block would work beautifully pressed open it's just pressing open is not something that some people like so again we try to write our patterns the more traditional way if we can because then people have an option because you can always press open you can ignore any pattern but you can't always figure out what will make it nest so that's why we do that would a jolly bar of a cozy up be enough no definitely not you definitely need fat quarters do i have a brick and mortar store no no no just online do i use the same bobbin thread as the top thread i actually always do um can anyone tell me if they like the larger clapper yes i do i love all the clappers and several of my customers have sent me clappers and i have like 12 now and my kids are like why do you have all these wood pieces and i'm like because all these ladies send me stuff it's so amazing so okay yeah it looks good i hope i have it right you think it's right i think it's right okay so i'm gonna move all this out of the way oops i accidentally threw my foot in the mach in the trash instead of my fabric okay so from this point i'm actually just going to press whichever way it doesn't matter at this point and then we'll trim up i'll keep this um the pattern says to press open i'm probably just going to press to one side and then i'll show you how i um i'm trying to think of the word how i trim that the block when it's done and then i'm going to take a little break and then i'm going to show you six amazing quilts what is the purpose of the clapper so the clapper the heat absorbs into the wood and the wood just makes it nice and flat it's not something i used you know three years ago and my quilts were just fine three years ago so you don't have to have a clapper it's one of those fun things to have and oh one thing that i think is so great about the clappers is so many of you have awesome husbands who do woodworking and so a lot of husbands have been making them and i think that's amazing um because if my dad was alive i know he would make me one many thanks from project linus for your generous support of our mystery quilt every year the prizes you have donated are perfect and we've been giving them away in our facebook drawings thank you kimberly and kate we love you thank you i'm wondering if you're making more than one of this block would you chain piece many blocks or do one block at a time okay that's a great question so what i would do and this is what i do in every quilt i would make one block first so that it is on my table as like an example of what else to do to follow and then i would probably do the remaining 11 all at one time in chain piece but i always do one block first it's just something i've always done could i use fat eights if you choose not to do a scrappy border um you will have half an inch left over so if you think you can um i would definitely if you're using a fat eighth and not doing the scrappy border because the fabric ease are your border i would definitely um not starch because you're not gonna have enough left over and then from here i'm gonna trim the sides and then i'm gonna show you the difference in my two blocks so here what i like to do and i always do this and some people don't and that's okay but i like to get the little edges off so just a little bit and then this helps me i don't have to look at the little little edges of the fabric okay so this is my block and this is novus block and they look exactly the same but what i want to show you is at the end i decided to just press to one side she pressed open so this whole thing about pressing different ways do whatever you want to do because your block is still going to be beautiful if you put this into a quilt or something no one has a clue what you did back here so do whatever makes you happy you could do this whole thing pressed open you could do it the way nova did it you could do it the way i did it it really doesn't matter like here you could have even pressed that open if you wanted to but that's one of the reasons i like to that's one of the reasons i like to sew one block together first to figure out what i like best for pressing so that when i go to my remaining 11 blocks i can decide what's going to work best so i'm going to take a little two second break and um then we're going to come back and i'm going to answer all your questions and we're going to look at some beautiful quilts so i'll be right back [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey guys i'm back i didn't want to let you guys know that we do have the new 2022 charity pre-sell up and i'm gonna kind of show it to you a little bit later we're waiting on the sample to be made and next live stream we're gonna we're gonna flip through the fabric the fabric is by cory yoder and it is awesome and it's called heartfelt so i did want to let you know that if you're looking for 2022 charity that is online now and then i'm gonna answer all questions and then i'm gonna show you these quilts so carolyn said she has never quilted but she'd love to learn can i suggest a beginner pattern so i would start with our beginner baby series i mean our beginner quilt series but the book that i would recommend is fat quarter baby because those are very beginner friendly so that's where i would start um heidi asked if i'm going to teach at primitive gatherings i'm going to do a retreat there i need to figure out the day but yes um do you have any idea when lori holds home deck and hush hush yardage will be shipping to you um no i would go by the date on the website because we have been keeping those updated as manufacturers push things back they email us and we we update the site like within five minutes thank you for stressing do you as i get the impression that some people think if they cannot do it like you they are not good enough yeah the whole point of this channel is to just show you different tips and um i always want you to just see what i do some of it might work some of it might not now a lot of things i've learned have been from people who have been guests for me so like i've learned a lot from lisa bonjean aditya sitar lori holt i learn from people too and so the things i'm bringing you are just what i have pulled from each of those people that work for me the gray looks like it's textured is it a tiny print it is a polka dot would you consider selling an 8 12 by 11 pads of blank foundation paper okay we are working on that actually i don't have the details on how many are going to come in the pad and the size and all that but that is actually on our docket and when i use the glue can you use just the leftover triangles for okay when you use the glue can you still use those leftover triangles for scraps or future quilts so if you're using the glue no you can't so if you want to use those then i would just pin because my goal with the glue is to kind of i have found that it has sped me up to where because when i sew at home i'm trying to do like maybe 12 blocks at one time so i will have it on a design board put the glue it'll dry by the time i get all of my design boards stacked up i don't have to remove the pins it's just easy for me but i don't keep all those little leftovers when i sew my blocks together it always seems that one of the side corners ends up an eight inch shorter um i think that's fine my blocks aren't exactly 12 and a half never there if my block was exactly 12 and a half it would have been a block that i made bigger and trimmed down my blocks always come out like 12 and a 3 8 is about what they come out and i don't worry about it so um yeah don't worry about that is the charity quilt going to sell out before you show the quilt no we ordered more than last year and it is going to be shipping in january and we have bought enough to where what we try to do is buy enough to get through the end of january beginning of february something like that um so we have plenty size pieces of fabric do i start to prepare when i'm cutting a project so i usually buy exactly what i need and i just starch all of it so like for example i have two quilts to do for work my my thing when i get home from work today the first thing i'm going to do is starch both of those and i'll probably put one project on one side another project on the other i'll just starch whatever's in my kit how is piggy oh he's a mess he's mad the kids are back in school and he's been really bad and so i might because i can't get him to the daycare at eight o'clock like i used to because now i have kids in three schools and i have to be i've literally dropped emma off at 8 10 got here by nine that is 35 minutes away so um i had about 10 minutes to go um i don't have time to take piggy and they don't open until eight so yeah he's been going to he's been like doing more walks though but he's like looking at us like where are you going why are you leaving us here um i think corey yoder mentioned a mystery quilt along using beautiful day will you be sewing along or selling kits i'm going to look into that i'm going to email myself and i'm going to look into that right after this live stream so i need to figure that out i don't know um gretchen says she's making her first denim quilt i'm not too far along and i'm using polyester would nylon work or should i stick with cotton what weight so i've never done a denim quilt and if you're doing denim i would probably use polyester thread which is what you're using because it's thicker so i think i would stick with the polyester but i'm no expert in denim did kimberly talk about the spooky box any idea on when it may come out i don't actually know but uh it should come out before halloween unlike our patriotic box um so yeah uh did kimberly talk oh yeah okay is it okay that i use okay is it i okay that i use polyester thread for the cuff of a christmas shocking yes so if you've used different types of threads don't freak out i'm just giving you advice for the future um will a fat quarter or two be enough for the blocks what is the block size um so will a fat quarter be enough for two blocks no absolutely not unless you don't cut the fabrics that are used unless you don't use fabrics that are used on the border that's scrappy that you can see behind me or like right here if you don't use those it might work and the size of the block is 14 inches and it's a free pattern so download it and what you can do is like write it on a piece of paper and just kind of like plan it out and you can draw the numbers and see if you think it'll work um diane wants to know when i'm sewing pieces together do i lead with a few stitches or do i start directly on the fabric so some people use leaders and enders so doug lico does that and i believe ann sutton does that and lori holt does that i don't ever do that what is the name of the upcoming charity quilt along it is called heartfelt h-e-a-r-t-f-e-l-t we have a kit and a backing and we also have an arthel thread box that we're pre-selling for the cross stitch um can you start the layer cake for mystery christmas yes if i want to do the mystery block of the month starting now would my first delivery be the first three blocks at once or all at one time it would be all three blocks at once because we have to keep everybody on the same monthly um some monthly plan in my opinion would the quilt look too busy if i used a different accent for each star i have a lot of coordinating solids but not enough accent yeah i think so i would do something that has a strong accent though that's dark but yeah i think that would work will i be restocking lori holt's granny chic bundle yes and um so now i'm going to move and show you all of these wonderful quilts and we're going to show you tabletop so you can really see the quilting and the fabric and we'll kind of move them front and back so you can see the different looks each of them are different fabric collections and we mix different fabric companies different looks and the first one i wanted to talk about is the one behind me and that is cozy up by cory yoder and moda and that's the one that the pattern is written for and the fat quarter bundles are in stock and the yardage will be in stock in the next month this next one right here is um nova made it the fabric is called moonstone the designer is laundry basket quilts and mike at quilted it so i think we should go left to right first and then we'll go this way and so this right here is your fabric f i believe e it's basically the one we didn't use and if you don't use that you could maybe get more um make two blocks from one and then we'll just pull that way and then the backing i'm laughing so this is the backing and nova made this one if i forgot to say this is beautiful beautiful beautiful this next one is made by amanda baggin of quilts by critter she sewed this using lily put by sharon holland and art gallery so um this one is really awesome and i think she quilted it herself too and i think those are about a quarter inch wide do you think that's about a quarter inch away yeah i think the quilting is about a quarter inch away and then i'll show her backing before we pull it off the table and i'm going to actually have you zoom in to the stitches the quilting looks really amazing because she has she used a light body and you can really see the quilting the stitches and it is a quarter inch away we're looking it is a quarter inch so her name again is amanda baggin of quilts by critter and so if you have any questions on this quilting make sure to check her out on instagram so this quilt roberts her instagram name is m.o fabric nut this fabric is lady bird the designer is crystal manning and the manufacturer is moda and it is named after lady bird johnson and then we'll go across and um i'm not sure who quilted this one oh mike will oh no i don't know who quilted this one so you'd have to ask oh quilted by deb freeze of seven sisters quilting that quilting is amazing so what she has is she's got some custom quilting in here and then custom quilting out here it's all free motion and one thing that's beautiful that she did is she used yellow thread on yellow fabric so that your thread doesn't distract you and then white thread on white fabric and it's beautiful and this quilting is also really nice and her backing now that's a nice backing i like that that's beautiful and the next quilt okay this fabric collection i wanted to talk about um this collection has been out about five years it's called hello bear by art gallery and joyce ulm of eva mays custom quilts made this so we do have fat quarter bundles of this still in stock and it came in two colorways but this is one of the most popular art gallery groups that has been out because they've kept it in print for five years and um i think she quilted it this is a um this is a pantograph so a pantograph means the same design throughout and i think she used a really soft batting too it's nice you can really see the quilting with that soft batting and then oh she put okay this i believe is a 56 inch wide fabric um it might be 44 inch i see a seam right here oh my goodness okay look at this look okay we got to turn this whole thing over oh my goodness this is amazing okay so she put this on the backing but i want to show you this okay we're gonna zoom in she lined up the deer heads there is a seam right here and that is she's to line that up now i i would like to see how i want wanna like to have her on video to show us how she did that because i have never ever it's right here i have never been able to do that i've never even tried so this is a great idea you could do for the backing is add so what she has here is she has the 14 inch block two pieces this way they're they are directional now i did do a tutorial yesterday for our youtube members talking about directional backing so if you're not a member and you want to see that video you can join our membership and then go to the community tab and watch that video because i do talk about directional fabric and you can see she's got it all going the same direction and then she just used some more pieces from that same border size across i love this and this one this one is so awesome because this one is made by a moda designer lori simpson from dominican simpson sewed this and this is her fabric collection called belle isle and i love this quilting so this is the quilting pattern that i'm using on um this is the same quilting pattern that jean is using for me on my flag quilt by uh lisa bungie i love it oh my gosh it's so beautiful and then on the back she put the red star and look how amazing that looks that would look good it's just an all-over quilt it's so pretty and then this one kenna who is a fat quarter shop staffer sewed this and sincerely yours which i'm going to be sewing with that fabric this weekend and mike quilted this and mike is and this fabric is by sherry and chelsea and moda and you can see she made all of her hearts go the same direction so if you do that you'll have to really think it out and then her backing now okay she also has a piece backing so oh my gosh that's so cute so she did the same she did this block okay this is one of our free blocks this is a jelly roll free block that we have from shortcut quilts and then um she just added some extra fabric over here she did keep the direction the same and then these are the only ones with the piece backing out jelly roll um jelly roll hearts maybe or it's definitely one of our free patterns so even though the front has a star you can put any block on the back and just for example say you have a pattern right here that's fig tree on the front on the back you can put a lorry holt block doesn't matter you can mix and match anything to your heart's desire yay so thank you to everybody who made all of those vlogs i am going to have some iced tea because i am so thirsty the batting that i use is 80 20. if i didn't have 80 20 i would do 100 cotton if i want to make one of the previous benefit quilts like crossroads how do i donate for the patterns so our 2021 charity page is still up so you can still donate there that's where we always recommend people go is our current page make a wish is currently setting up our 2022 page and so when that is set up they'll take the 2021 page down will i put the pins i've been using in the sew sampler box um i will put that on the list i can't promise anything but that's that's actually a really good idea will the charity quilt be cut by fat quarter shop or moda asking for starchy purposes you will have plenty to be able to starch hi from sweden helsingborg sweden lucky me that i can see your show again i feel fell asleep in the sun it is afternoon it is 16 54. thank you for your wonderful tutorials thank you thank you for watching and um mary is asking i noticed when you trimmed you make sure you had a quarter inch seam allowance at your points rather than measuring the whole block do you do this even with smaller blocks i'm always concerned about cutting off points and the block size do i just need to relax and watch the points rather than the size i just i actually just pin and if i have cut accurately and and pressed accurately my point should match so that's kind of what i go with and if they don't match i usually um unstitch them and restitch them but i think that comes with experience um i want to thank everyone for the super chats twyla stone gave us ten dollars and said she loves our live streams so thank you vivian fitzpatrick says thank you for being you thank you and then the bethola gave us the super chat so thank you we do have some new members now for our new members we do have a coupon right now it is for ten dollars off a 50 order so if you want that coupon you got to sign up to be a member and we do have a new video in there that talks about different techniques i use when i am piecing a backing our new members are elizabeth bottineau mary harker laney silva gibson the bethola lisa najarian and um we are going to have a giveaway so i didn't want to miss that if you want to enter our giveaway share your 3d pop start quilt top on instagram for a chance to win three different gif gift certificates to fat quarter shops so we're giving away a hundred and fifty dollars a hundred dollars and seventy five dollars and just look on instagram and on our blog for information on how to to win all that and the day that all of our winners will be picked i hope all of you have a wonderful weekend and i will see you next friday [Music]
Channel: Fat Quarter Shop
Views: 43,373
Rating: 4.931663 out of 5
Keywords: fat quarter shop live stream today, quilting show off, quilting items for beginners, fat quarter shop, livestream, quilting tutorial, live stream, bats and boos, bats and boos quilt, all the trimmings quilt, christmas quilt, fat quarter shop tutorials, fat quarter shop live stream, fat quarter shop free patterns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 30sec (4350 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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