LIVE: New and Notable Pedals (June 2021)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey everybody it's the 30th we're more than halfway through the year how does that feel addison that feels a little terrible i'm not gonna lie yeah it's a little crazy josh how you doing now that we're halfway through the year more than halfway no yeah yeah yeah yep you know how are you feeling i don't know okay cool i think first of all we have a fantastic program lined up for you today it's gonna be amazing uh pedalboard cam real quick we have a lot of new stuff we're gonna talk about it but first today feels kind of normal right it's just like a grind a little bit and i think a lot of the viewers indeed you're just grinding it out you're doing your thing and i just want to be the first to say not every day is exciting right so what i did because we need to be excited about today something's got to be i'm pulled up it's a thing i like to do sometimes today in history oh okay i wasn't expecting that well nobody was right you didn't i literally decided a second ago got it so today is normal and you're living your normal life but once upon a time today these things happen let's hear him montezuma 2 is murdered as a spanish conquistador flees the aztec capital of tenochtitlan during the night what year was that that was 15 20. that's old school do i look like i can pronounce anything no 1857 charles dickens reads a christmas carol at st martin's hall in london that's special was wait charles dickens kidding if you could say that right if how baller would it be to be like yeah i saw him read that was he charles dickens back in the day is my question he was always charles dick well that's like okay that's like saying with santa claus always santa claus okay okay you know what i mean in 1859 jean francios graveleta i don't know i'm not going to try egg i tried aka mla blonde his other name is impossible a french daredevil becomes the first man to walk across niagara falls on a tightrope have y'all been to niagara falls nope no it's horrifying when what you're resisting standing this is 1859. he walks across it on a tightrope i stood there and like peed on myself a little just looking at it it's so insane like are you sure it wasn't the like spot it was all in the water okay i didn't have a rain jacket outside i'm not sure got it 190 is this good this is great because i'm actually really interested we need to know that today wasn't always a grind right okay absolutely 1908 a mysterious explosion possibly there was i love this possibly was it 1908 right possibly the result of a meteorite levels thousands of trees in siberia with a force approaching 20 megatons yo you have i see something in your eyes yeah so i've read about this incident a few times um and the way that the like local villagers talk about it is really fascinating um possibly a meteorite possibly russian military experimentation possibly there's a lot of possibilities yeah we'll fly through these last one this this state this is not a normal day no day is a normal day no way today's a grind but it wasn't always a grind adolf hitler in 1934 purges his own party in the night of the long knives what kind of that's a that's a title to remember 1936 gone with the wind is published 1948 they invent and demonstrate they demonstrate the transistor for the first time what are the chances of that that's why today's special that's why because none of this would happen wow whoa man i'm telling you 38 1938 48 48 48 okay wow william shockley which bob meyer who we interviewed recently thanks to our patrons knew him and they actually had patent things anyway psycho alfred hitchcock opened today in 1960 and the last one 1971 three soviet cosmonauts died when their spacecraft depressurized during re-entry so today wasn't always not interesting so we're gonna do our part here yep and we're to show these pedals and make today interesting new and notable pedals on june 30th yeah new and notable let's uh with that said let's give away some hercules stuff uh you have it on you do i ever uh we're gonna do that ernie ball trivia time as always uh yeah let's go for it let's do it all right first two people to get the answer right to our trivia question in the comments joshua's gonna tag you we'll give you the answer in a little bit can you guys guess where the trivia is coming from no idea we've never done this before here's the question in the disney movie hercules what actor played the voice did you say disney of phil the character phil yes i did say disney in the disney movie hercules what actor played the voice of phil also known as well his real name is falctatis is that right joshua yeah that's good awesome thank you i got it right i was i was a little scared to say that name especially around joshua that's right he's a he's a linguist right correct yeah philologist whatever throw your answer in the comments all right what we're gonna do uh we're gonna give those away first let's go down to the board i'm gonna do this a little differently um i'm going to walk through and just show you each pedal and explain them briefly that way when we go to jams i can more freely use stuff i love it i've noticed that i kind of get i try to demo like a pedal and then i want to turn another one on and then i'm very like my brain goes into type a and i'm scared to play another pedal because i feel like it'll offend people which is the dumbest thing ever we're improving we're improving we're trying to work on ourselves this guy the triple graph uh this is a jack white collab he's a struggling unknown indie artist jack white um i think his record label that he's trying to start is called third man and he did this with a really cool company some of the most solid guys i know copper sound uh they had a little damn thing going where they bought pizza and had like a ninja turtle steam it was impressive so this is them this is also them so this is a treble booster called the broadway um i actually wonder what the oc 44 transistors yeah okay anyway this is cool it's called the broadway it's a telecaster does anyone in our audience in the comments connect that broadway is the name treble booster and a telecaster look anybody in the comments addison do you know the connection is it the connection you said earlier because if it's not it's not the nashville broadway what is it okay cool my my first thing goes to broadcaster broadway broadcast but that's not you know it could be i don't know both it could totally be both who knows so we have those this triple graph um let me let's do this let's actually play these did you break your guitar am i muted uh something on is your is your amp uh off standby you know life's really hard let me look no no okay i'll come help what's happening everyone is saying broadcaster this is the first technical difficulty we've ever had on the show that's not true nope total meltdown hey this is what's good so the front's working this just shows the audience this happens to everyone it does it's never happened to me oh my sweat okay my switch was in the middle position like perfectly caught in between nothing all right travel booster so this guy it's a great idea because the three-way it's their input cap i believe on the treble booster so here's like your traditional [Applause] [Music] it's a great idea add a little slap so that's amazing i will set that back to full treble boost i'll try to use it on a grinding solo where we don't have a bass player so that everything completely drops out and it's just drums and like a bright guitar because that'll be fun can't wait for that because nick's still gone apparently having a kid means you need to spend time with the young baby or something i don't know whatever uh let's look dogman devices so this is a really cool fuzz pedal called the fire fuzz um basically it gets real gated which is real nice [Music] this is a small one-man operation he's making really cool stuff it's located in ohio in ohio this is like an etching process i believe on the case if you had to take a stab at what kind of a fuzz this is i mean any idea no clue i've never opened it so i would start [Music] it's tricky i always like with a with a three knob tone control fuzz i always think big moth gotta be this is not that i don't know it's a very mis-biased in a very perfect way you tune this in a way that's really cool i really love it so that'll be fun to jam on nice we have two new tc pedals uh good old tc has shrunken some things down you have the zeus and the magnus magus magus the zeus is a clone um replica variant clone whatever you want to call it so my con setting is always this pointed here treble straight up volume [Music] sounds right it has a fat toggle which is oh the fat was on oh so much better without the fat on in my opinion yep [Music] [Applause] then the magus what does that word mean anybody want to look that up magnus magician hey does it yeah i just love that you knew that insane that's my job gain filter volume this is a rat nailed it it's a wrap the copy refers to oh yeah the famous chip the coveted tone of the infamous lm308 opt up in your hands there's no way they're using that op-amp it doesn't exist that was a question the other thing is let's have a rat talk let's do it that's exciting i don't think the lm 308 is necessary i don't think it has much to do with the rat tone people think they want do you hear a difference that's my question no is there like is there like this much of a difference it's i'm what i'm about to say is very offensive i'm here for this is my strong opinion let's go i can put one of 10 op-amps in a rat circuit hand it to you you could shoot it out yeah literally right here we have a rat section yep you'd never know the difference because it's not the op-amp and i know that people hate that there's people matt people right now have unsubscribed yeah because people want to believe that that op amp is why the rat sounds like it sounds we hear what we want to hear we hear what we want to hear we attach stuff to what we've been told the lm 308 has what's called a really slow slew rate so that the slew rate is the operational speed of an amplifier it just it's just not what's magical about the wrap so that's my opinion i love that i just found something i want to do more about the rap because we should i'm not saying the throw it's not amazing right when you buy a vintage when there's not a feeling to it it's not the op amp sure don't get hung up on the outfit yeah it's the tube screamer thing yep well and i think to you could probably pull those off the wall and like part tolerances are going to be different or something like this that like will maybe maybe it'll affect something we've been working on a secret project that involves a possible i don't know not going to say too much oh so i have close to 35 rats all variations versions multiples and they all like yeah you can pick up the same year the op-amp's not the thing anyway it's just funny that even tc in their copy is because it's so important to people they felt the need to put it in there but they did say the tone of which i think is funny hmm well and that is like ultimately everything's in that ballpark right yeah every even uh things that are just a little bit differently or different are all going to be it's all in that ballpark yeah so here it is it sounds amazing and for 59 bucks you get fat rat classic and turbo so turbo should be led clipping classic will be one in four one four eight equivalent [Music] and fat what's interesting with fat is i guess i'm taking total guesses they have some type of relay switch in here where fat actually might not affect clipping it's probably the input capacitor instead of the diode tc's has the tech and knowledge to do that kind of switching so there's that can i can i shameless plug real quick you can do whatever you want yes so here it comes that is an amazing rat our three series distortion if you haven't played it and you want an affordable another affordable option yeah is so good it's a rat but it's it's amazing 41 more expensive right which might break the bank for some kids so buy this if you can't afford the three series buy the magus there's they're in all different it's a magician levels it's magical i do that right magical tone okay the excess by old blood noise endeavors 199 it's everything you need for your next ripping session in 1985 and beyond that's what the copy says so you have chorus slapback delay in a parallel signal path i think this is a play on the ibanez session man parallel not series i don't think it is but the concept is there cool so i have it in delay [Music] that's cool and you can put distortion in this which is [Music] and then if i go mod or so go to that's the chorus so this footswitch is between delay [Music] that's your fastest delay time and note i do not have a drive on this is inside this pedal then your longest delay time then you have modulation how do you hear the little yeah there's that slow that down [Music] turn the feedback that's flange city this is the only song that was a hit that has the word placenta in it and if you know what i'm talking about just drop it in the comments who what song is this and by what band so that's a cool pedal and then parallel i'm adding more distortion and then there's a tone [Music] whoa that's amazing yo turn it down so that's a super fun pedal i love that parallel series nascar delay by joyo i did an episode jo-yo's greatest budget line it's been highly viewed this is a true bucket brigade delay i'm gonna assume it's a cool audio 3205 chipset which is nice we use it in the cub behringer makes all those so there's humor in that um this is fast as you get now nascar this this is here's a question for us three and in the comments why would a company building these in asia where nascar does not exist by the way what does nascar mean number one to me it means i have no idea it means sunday you go to the track you got a case of beer sunscreen and the tires are rumbling around you right yup campers talladega i'm from alabama why would they name a delay nascar any thoughts well you know i was thinking about this and i feel like the reason why chinese pedal company would name never mind never mind i don't know i think it's because it only does fast times interesting fast times okay i was thinking maybe they're trying to appeal to people like yourself from the south that like nascar yes so a chinese company is marketing a bucket brigade towards people from the south it's a wonderful marketing plan do you think china thinks every american likes nascar maybe they do maybe they think all of america is like yeah yeah like i'm gonna go down to the nascar course get myself a beer you can have that people are here for this right now so i think it's because of the fast speed anybody in the comments let us know what you think moving on flamma or flamma what do we got here we still didn't decide flamma or flammable llama flamma i think it's flamma this line is blowing my mind i'm about to film an episode on the whole line and they don't pay me to do that let me clarify uh bought a bunch of them on amazon from jeff bezos himself he boxed them it's kind of amazing with your own money yeah uh this delay is so good it's like 79 ish am i right on that 79 nailed it might be something you can't even get breakfast for 79 all right well you have a big family so there's no problem listen to that that is a nice memory man sound i actually don't know uh the modes are on there six mode yeah yeah they're they're on the sheet inside no no sorry on the on the paper oh you've see addison tried to prep me with all this stuff because there's so many things to remember oh yeah that's it yeah first so mode two is liquid step phaser effect that is a beautiful delay that's really cool [Music] so mode three let's go through the modes i hope people are okay with it we're gonna jam later we don't have a bass player we're trying to show you pedals that might interest you if you have questions ask them in the comments rainbow ah is this some kind of take on if the rainbow machine you think hey pitch shutter unique delay like a trend oh yeah pitch thing that's beautiful that's pretty cool and you have a tweak one and a tweak too so come on [Music] [Laughter] i like that just do a drum groove i'm gonna turn my mic off we can do what we want we create our own destinies [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's cool so now this next mode galaxy delay with a post slow gear did i mention this is 79 are you telling me that for 79 i can get all of that i would put this on the board yeah that's really cool let's go here's what i like i don't know anything about this company i saw them and they they looked like they were just worth trying out but like if you watch 60 cycle home ryan he does all these affordable this is very much like i'm sure he's played these probably five videos for me it was like a lot of budget things don't catch my eye these looked really nice and the price was decent bought a bunch they did send me uh three minis they just gave me those i bought a couple of those as well but like the sounds are not basic they have like creative sounds in these you just don't really see that in budget pedals in my experience when there's nothing wrong with it usually a budget delay is going to be like this does tape i think the cool thing you just said is like there's creative sounds in it like i hear that on like as a part on a record which is listen cool [Music] so this next mode mode five is gonna be low bit [Music] again this is incredible or maybe this is mod verse yeah this plays back in inverted order so yeah then you have low bit [Music] again though very cool that's super cool [Music] [Applause] [Music] wild and then there's a looper which i don't care about so i just have to point out though yeah 80 second looper uh has delay built in and an input output level control in addition to all the delay types like i can you buy another looper that cheap i don't know that you can like with that that much time and it's stereo through in and out it's crazy i don't know what the processor is so here's the tape delay i'm gonna we've spent a lot of time on this but i don't care i really like this pedal [Music] so here's a tape setting i'm gonna pick a sound and leave it [Music] that is a really great tape sound and the tweakability so [Music] cool wow and that's our show the flamma delay uh is that a memory man copy that sound i think no i think what they're doing on the mod verse but the problem is this sounds very memory man but it says tape i mean there's similarities in like the badness of quality is why a memory man's beautiful and why it tapes beautiful [Music] that's very that seems very it has a memory and tape yep yeah it's just a good sounding delay yeah again it just sounds really original as well this triple graph this thing took 28 years to make yep four years you know the story pretty well yeah somewhat yeah yeah we originally connected with them um so it is a collaboration with jack white uh was he who jack white oh he's i don't know he's a guy well you said he was like an upcoming indie he's like trying to break out yeah like getting that's cool so they made a pedal with this songwriter yeah a little artist which speaks volumes about who yeah they're really trying to help people right exactly which is very cool so uh it's entirely digital which is cool there's an octave up i believe on the right side there's an octave down on the left side the middle foot switch oh is an activation for like a loop and it can also be like a kill stutter switch so there is a send return effects loop you can put your favorite effect in that you can control it with that stutter switch um and then i believe any of the three foot switches can be uh either latching or just momentary uh based on how you set them so it's pretty sweet and they say it's an amazing like zero latency digital tracking feature on the pedal yeah he sent me a message we're just hanging out there's no pressure not at all hey there's a secret mode in this plus it has an effects loop i don't have this hooked up so you can like put things in the loop but there's uh just me to put some in the loop real quick no it's not okay um there's a hidden function by hitting two keys at once the kill switch in one of the octaves you get a fully wet octave so it removes the dry so let's show this now they had a pedal one of their first products which is a cool pedal it's just a kill switch now this is very mechanical and beautiful you're only seeing a top down this is like really well crafted there's nothing janky about this this feels like the government had it made and spent too much money they're 399 but the way it feels is like ah that's that's how it should feel for that so they i guess it's called the telegraph they have which is a stutter so obviously i can't lift my foot up on the table i'm not a gymnast so that's a very useful effect so if you take something like let's take the dog man you know you're jamming on a riff you got like [Music] josh how about you play this you wanna play the button while i play a riff [Music] are you mute me all together so there's that and then what they've done here you have a picture of a lock closed or open open means it's going to be momentary that means it's permanently down so if we go momentary and let's just add let's add the magus magus magus and i'm gonna do this this is high octave notice the arrows go up wonderful [Music] now if i latch it octave down [Music] so we found our bass player we don't even need a bass player nick he's gonna play drum we don't even need you anymore [Applause] let's let's play some stink rock here's a riff [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah [Applause] all right so what i did there [Music] that's your low and high and then i slept on the nascar delay i like a world where how much is a 400 pedal can jam with the nascar delay absolutely i almost took my shirt off [Laughter] same if i wasn't playing my shirt would be off hey speaking of your shirt maybe we should invent rock shirt doing the ambush shirts you can take off while you play guitar somebody buy that right now hey what is your safety third third what is first and second just have to think about it just google it let's look it up really okay dang what's more important than safety hey there's two things throw it in the comments if you know um should we uh announce the winner yes oh we never did that yeah hey also for this winner we have these really cool rhombo picks we're gonna give away a bunch of these to this winner as well so check these out rambo crisp rambo classic rambo waves these are again people send us stuff so we want to pass along we're not again we're not making anything here nope we don't need pick money honestly it's really fun to talk about other companies and give stuff away i keep disclaiming because people are like well they're good we're not getting rich out there we're just giving these away no way it's cool i think i love their packaging they're from germany they're very nice i talk to them a lot on email not everybody's nice that's right if somebody's nice i'm gonna give your stuff away for you yes uh i like them there's just all kinds of textures i tell you i'm gonna go crazy i'm gonna go absolutely nuts i'm good what are you gonna do i'm gonna give the winner of this hercules thing every one of these wait can we split them up because there's two hercules yeah sure whatever but you're gonna get a lot of stuff so yeah you are yeah and then here's the deal if you win it you got to just give your friends some be kind pass it along because that's what we're doing who's that winner z okay the winners winners of the hercules question in the disney movie hercules what actor played the voice of philos better known as phil the answer is do you know i've seen that movie it's danny devito so if your name is penguin yes he he's the last creepiest penguin in what oh yes he is michael keaton batman he was also in twins yo he wasn't twins batman returns he was in batman returns what's the show he's in the penguin penguin [Laughter] so if your name is louis charles i'm not gonna try your last name i'm very sorry even after i made fun of you it's fine penguin if your name is lewis charles please email us at vlog here's your three here's your three uh pick sets and if your name mate louis charles go to r-o-m-b-o type in rambo picks go check them out on google's google's alta vista hotbot ask jeeves here you go um so your sec our second winner i actually you ready i didn't realize we were doing two that's okay you only picked one it's fine i did pick a second one just now yeah but it's the very last person to have said danny and their name is t just the letter just the letter t t so kind of like prince was a symbol they're a letter so if you're you are lewis charles or t email me vlog at yeah i like i like that and here's your picks i'm gonna keep those two we'll pick your picks yeah there's your picks all right next up we have two more pedals on the board and we'll just do some jams we have ernie ball trivia time coming up after i go through this brand and you get a box of strings of your choice and something a little special today and some some more hot sauce on that and that's because ernie ball is kind it's good to give stuff away and be nice isn't it you know okay man lollygagger let's talk about lollygagger which by the way when i read the name i thought wow that's a great name i love it it's an awesome name so we have these two here the cherry box these these are wooden like as wood as wood gets very well crafted they're as beautiful as a nice piece of furniture yup they are it's like you see people do wood petals and it's like yeah this is i'm gonna guess talk about it the cherry box is made out of cherry i hope to god and i think the other one's made out of maple i know for sure the other one's made out of maple because i read it but the cherry box has got to be made out of cherry surely it is it says the beauty of the wood enclosure with the vibrant color of cherries that come only from northern michigan okay so that doesn't give us anything i don't know what that means did i get it right on the other one is it maple though are they from michigan he's such a nice guy we've talked on instagram quite a bit yeah he sent these in this i've had this a while and i keep wanting to do an episode called modern fuzzes or like some take on people think of fuzz like fuzz face or tonebender but there's so many builders doing really fun weird things so this is kind of like beauty and the beast here these two this is like beauty and this is beast okay let me demonstrate yeah what does fubar mean do you know have you seen the movie saving private ryan yeah like i believe it's a military term of some kind today that was created in world war ii do you know joshua no it's a it's a it's a a slang curse word it means something i don't i actually don't know the meaning i just know that much about it we're here to learn what's the what's the guitar looking pedal again the broadway the broadway copper sound guitar looking what's that don't ever make fun of me saying penguins that guitar because i said looking if i want to say penguin play the guitar hey you guys made fun of me earlier for a word i said we did yep that's fine everyone's got one oh that's that's easy that's a loud boy right i know what fubar means but i can't say it on life right okay so my it's a yeah let's just let it be then yep that's probably enough to know that it's [Music] all right it cleans up really cool just rolling my volume back back up then we have a tone control i believe tart control let's slam the fubar switch down so this is like an oscillating okay that kind of sounds like chaos and more a little red alert red alert red alert they have arrived this is not a test [Music] [Music] this thing's wild i love it more creative machines yeah like i like this and the concept i need to do this episode where it's like you don't have to have a normal fuzz for led zeppelin riffs you can have fuzz that is really creative this is super cool great price at 219. i don't know how he's making any money you might want to buy some before he needs to raise the price that's cheap but that enclosure and i know he's sitting there wiring them probably a one-man operation i just have that's a killer price i have to correct myself yeah i don't know what they're made out of they're not they're probably not cherry and maple i thought they were but they're not they're made out of something well it's wood we know that much and that matters even if it's laminate it's beautiful it's true and then we have this this is the habanero now i'm not a food scientist but i know that's a pepper right indeed it enhances the natural gold tone of the figured hard maple wood such as bird's eye flame tiger are quilted the flame comes through like a hot pepper does anyone know how to say the name that's on canegalia he's cnc this guy's doing amazing stuff yeah i he here's the deal some people make pedals like me and then some people play chess with pedals he's playing chess what an analogy that's a beautiful analogy it is there's some sophistication these are sophisticated there we go and you know let's stare at them everybody stare at them these are really beautiful attention to detail the circuits are so cool and a brand that's on point like i love seeing a smaller company sometimes people don't think about brand but like he's locked in this logo font type face on both the wood grain thing the knobs are on point it's just really well done good job here we go [Applause] that's spicy you know what i'm saying habanero habanero thank you so this is an over i don't know what the topology is it's not normal like this is not a tube screamer um it feels loose on the edges it could be totally discreet transistor stages or something it feels really nice like cleans up really well [Music] there's like a perfect amount of low end which is cool [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] hey [Music] ah [Music] hmm if you're out there making film scores you better go buy that pedal right now yeah that's real nice i mean all of them but i know that was the it's amazing that was the lollygagger check out the lollygagger stuff for sure um i you smell that it smells like ernie ball trivia time welcome to ernie ball trivia time the time in our show where we give away a whole box of strings because well we don't give them away we give them away but then ernie ball really gives them because they've been given come on that's awesome ernie ball you guys are great we love you guys thanks for uh being a part of our show uh here's the question for those that uh would like to participate oh and a little extra bit of goodies today so this is a 10 pack yup of their brand new how many pedals can you chain together with 10 cables 11. you did it i did it's a trick question it is expect that at the christmas party okay all right i'll know okay here's a little bit hold on i'm gonna well it's not gonna focus doesn't matter maybe top down camera real quick we could show those uh those little there we go you see those they're white and when they said that they were making these i was like yo that's on brand for us so they sent us a bunch we're going to get a bunch away all right so here's the question if y'all are ready what jhs and ernie ball artist produced green day's 2020 record father of all throw it in the comments if you know it if you're first [Music] you're gonna get something we're doing record times on lives because we create our own destinies and uh i really like this record it is low double negative just check it out if you know about it in the comments let me know it is alternative hugh gazi different would i like it i think you would okay you're you're really hard with music i am yeah but if it's not the killers it's always hard with you but low double negative i like this record produced by bj burton it's a sub pop record um which means something to like 12 of you check it out low double negative um while we're also looking at who that winner is let's do a little hot topics all right so here's the deal we're going to take just a moment because the hot topic i think internally is uh the episode we dropped last week so there's there's some interest there's some interesting feelings that i deal with dropping certain like documentary style stuff because i know everybody wants to see pedal riffs and pedals but it's like super it's important to me the musicology aspect of guitar the stories and we're working really hard to put that stuff together in short digestible doses so this episode came from our patreon private talks we rebooted it and added a few you know pictures and made it a little more digestible but it's essentially it was a private talk where we flew into memphis and i'd been reading this book called escaping the delta i grew up in muscle shoals alabama my wife is from tupelo and the delta is about an hour and a half from there and i was just oblivious to this history as a kid uh even loving music so this book escaping the delta it was really great i read it twice and i just wanted to drive highway 61. and so to me it's this really interesting mostly lost narrative to guitarist and people who love music i love music so when i say that you need to understand as a teenager when i started buying cds i would i would sit on my bed and memorize the cast list of a cd and like music means a lot to me i think music in all without being corny music has always been my drug people joke about we must always be smoking pot on here because we're so chill music has just always been my drug i've never i've never done drugs i've never music has been absolutely my obsession and what has pulled me through everything from being a teenager on so these musical topics and stories aren't as important and probably more important to me than pedals and so you're gonna see more of this on the channel because i love it so much so this episode it's basically how black america created rock and roll right it's a simple subject and it's uh it's an inarguable subject historically yet some of the comments are just so um it's like people didn't quite watch the episode well now the majority of comments are amazing like some of the response we've seen it's so encouraging to know as we work towards documentaries and towards books i'm doing in certain things that people really love and connect with these stories but i wanted to read a few uh comments that feel misdirected or misunderstood towards what we're doing that's the hot topic we ready for this so ready yeah we can do this heck yeah it can be fun we can jam and make noise and then we can get serious for like a split second because i think to teach history properly it's small doses and it's in a commitment like for me the commitment form and so i just want our audience to know like where i'm at and why would we air an episode like that instead of uh best fudge pedals right yup i think that's part of it so uh this comment sister rosetta tharp just saying that's all the comment says so this is interesting um a lot of times we all know youtube comment sections can be the worst any youtuber will tell you this this is just one of those comments where it's like understand that sometimes when we air an episode not sometimes every time it has to be a very digestible pointed subject sister rosetta tharp is amazing um i'm working on a book with my research assistant kelsey and she's an entire chapter so i know all about her like i probably know more than you who wrote this but i didn't want to talk about sister rosetta because she's not related to highway 61. she's not related to robert johnson's linear timeline to where british rock came along like just understand that take an episode for what it is not for what it's not any thoughts on that no i think there's just because you moderate you're you're in the comments a lot i think a big thing on this issue or this topic this hot topic is um understanding a narrative and like when we're when you're getting into the nitty-gritties of history you can only talk about certain narratives like one at a time if you're gonna hit a narrative really narrowly right which you already said in a way that's understandable digestible in half an hour yeah we're not we don't have a 10 million dollar budget in ken burns level help even if we did though it still may not exactly so a lot of people don't know alison you worked on documentaries like these have been on espn and so forth like talk about it from your perspective of trying to help people digest a narrative yet there's comments of like you missed this it's like we didn't miss anything yeah we're just not talking about that yep there's always parts of a story so i got to be a part of some really cool stuff the the biggest thing i got to be a part of was a 30 for 30. we traveled all over we spent a ton of money on interviews there's all these story lines that we um that we you know learned from people their perspectives it was about the ufc so of course there's conflicting opinions and there's all kinds of crazy stuff going on and the two main characters ultimate well it's kind of ultimately it boiled down to three main characters but in the beginning of that it started out as one thing and as we kind of went on it was like oh it kind of turned into this other thing where we had two characters but now there's three because of the perspectives that that we've learned in the stories we've learned so what happens in these like really long form things is that that you gather so much information and you have to decide what's important to the story like you just said joshua the narrative that we're driving home in this particular thing and so for for jhs for us in this particular episode there was a very certain narrative that we were going hey this is applicable these things are applicable um yeah so that was that was a total choice i'll just read through some more of these it's just i just want to shine a light on and especially like our fan the people that watch lives i think you're like true fans so in a lot of ways help us communicate that's what i'm saying i think it's a team effort and especially our patrons who help like we travel in interviews hard drives full of stuff we're culling and working on it's it's we need your help to further push the fact that these narratives have to stay focused and really strong so you know a comment like okay what about how the music which preceded black america which by this racial lens nonsense would be white america like that's not what we're talking about so it's certainly a fact that rock is partially influenced by blues but not totally all of music is equally borrowed i never said any of that i think that's what's also interesting is sometimes we see in the comments like don't hear what i didn't say it was like i never got into that i literally am talking about i was 61 right and again it's like don't hear what we're not saying and understand that it's focused because that's that narrative it's a chap it's not even a chapter actually there is a chapter i'm working on about this you could do a whole book i've read 10 books on this books on this highway so it's like so focused um comments like you guys really screwed this up first you like everybody today had to turn it into race you claim it started with turner elvis and dylan in 65. i never said that that's nowhere in the video you didn't say that it ignores chuck berry from 55 because he's not involved in the highway 61 narrative it's just so interesting how people perceive what something this is not said any none of that said i think i can see really it's it's crazy because when you're teaching history it's so difficult to not have people put words in your mouth i think the another difficult thing that we're running into is just the cultural slash political climate that we're in at the moment right um because there was there was one comment that was like so woke good job and i couldn't tell it seemed sarcastic to me i don't know i think one important thing to understand is like at jhs we're trying to be aware of things but we're not necessarily trying to be woke in the sense that we're trying to like we're jumping on a political narrative and trying to ride that wave like we want to be educated ourselves and we also there's the simple fact of giving credit where credit is due yeah yeah like we we make pedals really good pedals and treat people well that's been the agenda and then i want to teach history and try to do it justice and let people tell their stories and help people tell stories there is no agenda so right it comes you know with the robert johnson thing some of the comments are amazing where it almost feels like like just to say that it almost feels like some people have a hard time just saying robert johnson went and learned to play guitar and became skilled they would rather just say he met the devil yeah that's like just give him credit i was spinning around on that one where it's like it's easier yeah at some level it became easier to believe that this young black man sold his soul to the devil and learned and that's why he was amazing instead of the fact that he went away for like 20 practices and practiced and so that's that's really difficult again more chuck berry comments it's like yeah it's not the story it's not the narrative um and if you're watching this this is helpful for we're trying and in the comments even dialogue with maybe how you perceive the episode it's also fun because that was never intended to be such a publicly seen episode i would have refilmed so many things in a heartbeat we never showed much footage of clarksdale we didn't get to go to his grave we were in a rush it's such a beautiful story i really do recommend reading escaping the delta if you loved that narrative like this comment wayne says what is this i didn't make it past five minutes i expected chuck berry little richard muddy waters helen wolfe instead i got elvis barf and bob dylan this is so bad you're not getting the point of the episode like you're not you're not understanding that it's a mic it's a very small story exactly told and we're not trying to cover rock and roll history uh one of the first times i ever there's just so many more comments that also are like what about this what about this yeah i know about that but it's not part of the story one of the first episodes i ever saw this on was history of distortion which are we at a mill it's almost a million views maybe i don't know actually yeah goodies this is so it's funny because immediately a bunch a million views now the comments are friends like what about what about this guy it's like okay sure uh there's some need in the youtube world that people feel like they need to jump in and correct wrongness when there actually isn't it's not part of the story social media world yeah it's kind of a social day and age this is definitely a hot topic it is i don't want to bring this down but i think it's interesting to talk about and i'm interested to come back after this live i would love for you to chime in so i can i just i think the wednesday crowd is an important crowd and i wanted to bring this up to see what you think about it so in the comments let me know if you don't like any of it let me know tell me if you hate me tell me if it's not even about me tell me what you thought about that narrative and like going forward how was that communicated to you did you understand it um we're not here to make seven hour documentaries for a friday that's a quick narrative take it for what it is and that's the hot topic today who won those strings who did wins back around let's bring it around with the squawk of the eagle what jhs and ernie ball artist produced green day's 2020 record father of all the answer do you actually know this time i also know it is butch walker yes um and alex barthold bartol or barthold i'm not sure which uh how to say that but you win so please email us at vlog let's close off with like a final jam i also in the comments i would love to know what you think about this show so if you thought about a wednesday new and notable show do you like this do you like the way of going through so if we look at the top down i want to find a good way to communicate new stuff that's being overlooked by the big channels and people who are more interested in pedals for other reasons i really really like just showing a pedal like i love that i can show this which is 79 or i can show this amazing pedal by brady a friend or i can show this new like 400 and i i think it's just i want to share um from the perspective of like these are cool i don't care what they cost i'm not in it for any other reason than showing them so i like this format like a new and notable thing i think i want to start doing it more so i'm open to corrective criticism on better ways to demonstrate these um in the future i think we we crash out on a big jam here uh there's some other stuff i wanted to show this was fun this came with a letter sometimes we we have a bin out there of just like fan mail and like craft made stuff i just have one yeah yeah read it one why didn't you cover this uh comment sure you talk about pedals but what about the migration patterns of humpback whales josh this person gets it i like that humor this is from gear ant so apparently people have those pedal board tins you know like a what are they oh yeah they're altoids so he took a case and he magnetized and so it's padded inside and so it's pretty cool that's awesome check it i love that way better than an altoid tin so go to at gear underscore ant g-e-a-r underscore a n t on instagram maybe he'll make you one of these i thought it was really cool it's been setting in a bin of fan stuff for a while we also have this is an etsy shop these were sent in from a fan i believe from matt at the knobbery like knobs knobbery he made a bunch of like like eyeball knobs to the top down on this i don't know if you can see like that's these are really well made there's some jhs stuff so i'm assuming he can do he probably could do knobs like your face on him or like something whatever you want i don't know it kind of looks like yeah wait we should get knobs with your face on them and sell them we should oh look at that that's slick hey these are for your guitar pedal right yeah or it's i think it's any it looks like the pot shaft yeah like a typical shaft yeah the knobbery so if you go to shop there's a glare there we go you got this hold on hold on it's [Music] shop slash the knobbery1 [Applause] check out the knobbery this has been really fun i enjoyed it you know i didn't want to rant i wanted to discuss that we talked earlier like i never want to like rant because i'm fine yeah i like what i do i'm proud of what we put out i just wanted some feedback yeah that's all what should we jam on you call it you guys call it i really love the lollygagger yeah let's get get crazy with the lollygag you like the cherrybox one [Music] so so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] danger will robin danger [Music] foreign [Music] you
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 72,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, boss pedals, compressor pedal, univibe, delay pedal, octave fuzz, reverb pedal, reverb, eq pedal, boost pedal, behringer
Id: BjjZsgkd6s8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 50sec (4490 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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