You Can Build A Fuzz Face (StewMac Fuzz Face Kit)

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[Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] hello welcome to Short Circuit show I've never done before one you've never seen before and when I'm super excited for I'm going to be working on teaching you how to build pedals how to modify pedals how to understand popular circuits um all kinds of good stuff so I'm here in my workshop where I've done many morning lives that you've probably seen and I'm actually sitting at my workbench so my bench uh I have a top-down view here we're going to be building this kit today I also here's a picture so if you were setting at my bench there's no camera view for this but this is where I play with stuff design things I built the 1966 series here etc etc and I'm really excited for this so let's just kick it right off this is a kit I will build this today Lord willing it works there's always potential for some error that's just how the world works and I'm gonna do it right in front of you kind of like jumping off a cliff and then on other episodes I'm going to be building breadboards I think what I'll do is I'll consider this a part one and then on part two I'll breadboard the fuzz face and then maybe part three which I've already done this if you go mod your fuzz face on our Channel I did one where I modified a Hendrix fuzz but I think doing it on the breadboard will teach you how to design and stuff I also want to give a huge shout out to the OG pedal DIY Guy Brian Wampler he's been doing these YouTubes for years and his sort his channel is a source of incredible information so if you like this kind of content go to Brian wampler's YouTube channel Wampler pedals um so let's I guess Dive Right In here just to show you what I'm building firstly um let's uh pull up the Stu Mac website so if you go to there's a link in the description directly to this pedal but we're building the sun fuzz and the sun fuzz is essentially a modified fuzz face and it's going to be something similar to like an analog man Sun King I think that's what it's called whatever it's called but these are like 79 you can buy a bear enclosure or a white enclosure I did not I bought this I just bought it they didn't even know I was doing this until we tagged them on Instagram last night so I paid you know with my own money bought this pedal uh to build for you and this is you know kind of the inside here um yeah and then if you really really like this stuff um there's a John Cusack of Cusack pedals he has a DIY site that's really amazing there's a link in the description for that you'll see tools that I'm using everything from soldering irons to solder to breadboards to pliers the whole thing so that's literally the soldering iron I've used he just so happens to sell that so yeah there's that and and obviously fuzz face when we type that in on reverb here um fuzz faces can be bought already assembled that's misspelled so this you know you can buy a fuzz face for around the same price as the kit and that's what a lot of you will say but that's not the point the point is you can build it yourself I mean fuzz faces go from a vintage one like some in my collection are worth three grand maybe maybe a little more but you know there's a thousand results they're all over the place and you can you can buy stuff like you know this for 149 and it sounds amazing um and then I'll also say if you like the sound of this when I'm done and if it actually works today my 3 Series fuzz is my favorite fuzz face I've ever made and it's a hundred bucks and that's just a little Shameless plug [Music] so that said let's uh let's do this uh thing where we like open the box up like Ryan's toy review um all right here we go so you'll see here um zoom in a little bit upgraded fuzzy faced classic so this is um kind of slides off and Stu Mac if you don't know about stew Mac they are an incredible resource for building guitars and such um and they got into pedal kits I did some with them earlier um when they first started this but this is the sun fuzz on the paper we use so these are some decal stickers that you can um obviously put on the pedal we'll get into that later and then when you reach in here I have the Box by the way oh it's not this Stinger's not working hold on hold on I have to know okay because I have I have the box and I I have to show that all right so inside of this enclosure the way they package it it's pretty straight ahead you flip it over and everything's kind of shoved in it screws for the bottom plate this is the circuit board so let's just start chomping in is chomping a word I don't need scissors yeah I do yeah I do I don't need no scissors let's see um there's our circuit board we'll be building on man that focuses that's hardcore let's see let's zoom out a little bit Yeah so there's our circuit board um my biggest advice on anything pedal related especially kits I learned on kits I used to buy from General guitar gadgets I learned so much from kits um is just take your time um and and you know this live I may go an hour and a half I don't really care this focus is going to be challenging isn't it that's okay though that's for the foot switch so the foot switch will kind of fit in this like that um and then we have the components they're in a Ziploc bag so I'm gonna pour them out on the back plate here um or better yet I have a little Parts 10 that I use I kind of keeps stuff together I'm just gonna dump everything in there so this is all of our parts um oh I see if I go wide I can zoom in funny funny lens okay then um we have this this is going to be considered like the hardware so to speak um jacks such as all that good stuff um cut it open let's see here and yeah everything that's like Hardware my goal today is to get this to work for you first and foremost so it may not even be the cleanest I'm going to shoot for an hour here but whatever here's wire here is an LED bezel I'm going to go ahead and open that up that holds the LED in the enclosure little bezel thing so I'm kind of kind of put this stuff I'm going to open everything up and put it in the enclosure that's the foot switch so this is what a foot switch looks like inside of a pedal when you click it we're going to wire it in such a way that it true bypasses you have knobs the fun thing is you can kind of do your own knobs if you wanted to you could put something crazy and then you have potentiometers and these are going to go in the circuit board like such um a potentiometer is essentially a resistor that moves so this is a250 is what it says so it's a audio tapered 250k meaning when it's down it's a zero resistance and as you turn it it's changing the resistance to 250k um so uh that's that's pretty straightforward so those pots we'll put them right here and then you have two Jacks these are obviously what you plug in and out of so no big surprises there and looks like we have some foamy stuff oh power jack that's what you plug your power into and again this this stream is for people who are very Noob to stuff because there's nothing wrong with being a noob I used to be Noob and I'm probably I've probably put in a hundred thousand hours setting I mean literally like over 15 years there's the Malcolm Gladwell rule if you spend 10 000 hours at something you're a professional or whatever um you know it's a hot take or an opinion but I've definitely spent my time in a bench and any of you could do the same thing uh any of you can build a pedal any of you could start your own Pedal company I say that to my own demise but you you really could it's a fascinating hobby it's a really beautiful Hobby and in a lot of ways it's been kind of my therapy like no joke it's been so good for me over the years even more than guitar I would say these stickers are nice they're rounded so you can actually it kind of mimics a fuzz face so we can pull these off whatever you can you can do whatever you want to do with that let's go through the instructions here and just kind of start it up I'm gonna turn my soldering iron on get it cranking over here all right so it kind of shows you tools that you might need really just a soldering iron I would highly suggest getting one that's good I know that sounds super logical um but if you go to like Walmart or somewhere some of those soldering arms just really suck so I would check out the pedal I would I would encourage you if you like this stuff spend what you would spend on a guitar pedal on the soldering iron because the payback is huge soldering Wick is really important I use a solder sucker so if you mess up or if you're modding you have to remove you obviously have to remove solder so I use this thing it's a suction device and it sucks it out but solder Wick somewhere over here next to my Gaff tape I have some of these I barely use this unless it's a tough spot this is basically a braid you lay it over the part and it heats up and absorbs the solder and it'll burn your hand off one time Nick burned his hand building pedals and I told him to put hand sanitizer on it that was my remedy because I was not qualified to be helping an injured employee multimeters which I'll show you I have two here I sometimes I have different settings on them but multimeters are great for measuring especially on a fuzz face I'll try to show you I'll try to show you some use of that parts list this is all the parts that we put in this thing I encourage you to read through that I have huge props to Stu Mack this manual is really really nice I'm a huge fan of how good it looks um yeah parts list again painting your pedal I considered doing this but I'm just I did I just wanted to chill um it just tells you how to paint it right so you can go paint it do whatever you want be creative and then you can put the logo decals over the paint and then you clear coat it so I say that's huge understanding components we won't get into that but over the series of this show you'll learn I mean it tells you what a capacitor is um our resistor is used in an electrical circuit to present opposition to current flow that's a really good descriptor capacitors they store electricity or to block the flow of DC current very good diodes diodes are where you want electricity to flow in Only One Direction transistors are an amplifier ICS are another type of amplifier but yeah it just goes through everything here how to solder I encourage you to watch some YouTube videos so let's let's Dive Right into this and um I'll also say on my soldering iron I didn't wet the sponge so you know actually let me just let me just show you real life here I'm going to pour water out of my jug onto this this is a bad idea but I really do need the sponge so um the sponge is good it keeps um it keeps your tip clean so the yeah this is a horrible idea but you know I'm committing yeah not not too bad I've done worse and then inside of that I also have this thing that it looks like a Brillo pad sort of um so the sponge I'm just pushing it down in here and getting it really wet and essentially the iron that listen to that noise ASMR but I can do that or I can stick it in this Brillo stuff so now that the tip is really clean you always want to make sure you have a clean tip on your soldering iron all right after almost ruining my manual let's look at what it says to do first so I'm going to experiment here remember this is this is kind of a prototype show um so I'm going to experiment with how this looks and review it later but it's looking good so far um as far as camera angles now there's the board it has the parts kind of printed on it and you put the parts there that sounds really simple and then you solder on the back side that has no printing so let's just go right into that the first thing we want to do I'm going to dump these right here and try not to confuse them with the other random Parts on my bench all right it says in the book install one diode and two transistors it shows on the board where they are so let's let's prep for that I'm going to definitely do the diode I'm going to put sockets in for the transistor and I'll show you that in a bit so notice on the diode there is a line so this is a polarized part it has a polarity meaning you definitely want to obey that polarity and put that stripe on the part there's a little silver stripe there you want that to line up with the circuit board so it's a polarized part really important I encourage you to have a nice little set of metal hands I call them you so you can pull stuff through so like on this I want to pull this through with the pliers evenly and that part is Big these dot these power that's that's a Power Protection diode if you plug in 18 volts it'll blow the part up and not the pedal that's a chunky little part so it stays in pretty well but I do kind of bend the legs ever so slightly so that it won't fall out and we'll clip those obviously um we'll solder and clip them off now on the transistors they Supply this is a silicon fuzz face and there are two types of transistor types for fuzz there's PNP and npn PNP is reverse polarity it's the Vintage fuzz face thing meaning like 1966 through 69 68 and then silicon comes along which is a much better part and silicon looks like this germaniums I have a bucket of germaniums they're usually pnps you know a classic fuzz face transistors like the AC 128 or something you know here's one of those um ac128 kind of vibe and then this is the smaller silicon so this you know these are really classic uh this is a bc108 type that they supplied which is loved by a lot of people I want to be able to play with that I don't want to solder it in immediately so what I'm going to do there is I'm going to put a socket in and sockets let you kind of Pop the part in I have one of these I'm going to have to rig um these as a socket for the other but to do that it's really straightforward you have the two transistor slots right here I'm just going to put a socket on this one I'll do it on this one right here ah that socket doesn't fit so I'm gonna make my socket on both it's really important that I do this because I want to use this to show you the different sounds I'm using this strip that I kind of found that's for something else but I'm breaking it off kind of three pieces per transistor because the transistor has three legs I broke that one um I love this if you're into this you're a special kind of nerd we could be friends I hope I hope you're having fun in the comments with Pokey and uh Belle did that break too okay so I have my kind of three sockets right here one two three one two three um this is going to be a little challenging normally the transistor socket fits perfectly but it's a little bit of a different part than what the sizing of this transistor is they intended for you to just plug that in so I'm gonna have to get creative here ah that one broke too again I'm doing this just because I want to demonstrate the sounds and show you how fun that can be you don't have to do this but it's it's worth me doing it there we go there's one more all right I'm gonna get real creative on how I hold this in here because you only have two hands so basically I am putting them in the transistor hole like that I'm going to use some painters tape I encourage you even if you're not a painter painters tape is where it's at you know what I'm saying painters tape is great for random stuff marking off cases to drill um all kinds of purposes but in this purpose it's going to hold this down so I can solder it um I'm just going to push those down and push the tape down so that's going to hold those loose Parts in for me that's a pro tip you can donate to my pedal fund that doesn't exist for that Pro tip same thing here painters tape push it down this is handy when you have parts that fall out so see now you can notice those are being held in there really well there's the legs so let's solder these parts that's what it says here in the book it says to basically solder that up um yeah so part two pretty much done all right I have an exhaust fan it's really loud but I don't want to breathe in fumes so let's do this together maybe it'll put you to sleep oh that's that's nice there's just people falling asleep right now all over so that fume extractor is pulling the smoke out of my face you can buy these on Amazon the one I have is k-o-t-t-o Koto it's yellow real small it has a carbon filter you can change out I think it's on Amazon it's like 50 bucks or something I'm not sure bulky can find it on there for you I think you can see it in this View yeah right here the Toto k-o-t-t-o I I recommend it my pedal building career was tainted with many sinus infections and I actually had bad nose bleeds early on because I didn't know the ventilate I knew nothing when I started I just need to reiterate how bad and how stupid I was um okay turn that fan off most of you have fallen asleep now so we have some really good solder joints here and I'm gonna move along you need Clippers as well some good wire clippers um so I just clip I keep a trash can right right basically between my legs under the bench um it's my little method you can see it right here no you can't you can almost see it but it's right there in the floor and then I just toss stuff immediately down those don't need clipped remove that tape now the beauty of that is now I have sockets right and I can I can follow the orientation and just pop these in I'm not gonna do it right now but see I can just go bam and that's interchangeable without soldering so nice little hack especially when you're learning the sounds like I know what a bc108 sounds like I have bc109s up here in a drawer I have tons of npn transistors we can try and you might enjoy the cheap ones that people make fun of on the forums I usually do next up we're going to do the resistors [Music] um let's see here resistance is futile um so on the resistors you have little color codes and this kind of shows you the color codes so I encourage you to look at those and um get it right so first up we have a 470 Ohm resistor I'm going to leave this wide view it's a I think it's I'll zoom in a little bit we have a 470 Ohm resistor and it says it's Violet Violet black black brown now that means it's because there's a color code on here let me find it and I'll show you Violet Violet black black brown where is it I don't see it 'd be funny if they didn't have it in here Violet Violet black black brown black black violet yellow wow I read that but that was like full dyslexia on my part so like see even me I'm I'm having a good old time finding it and you might want a magnifier brown black black violet yellow so I found it let me show you I have a magnifying glass somewhere where is here it is it's Giant let me see if this actually works oh almost Ah that's not a good method like I said we're working through some stuff but you there is a color code there they're called color bands just trust me I don't want to zoom in anymore um yeah I'm zoomed in all the way but that's fine so that's the 470. so I'm going to fly through these um and wow there's a thousand people watching this is amazing okay that's a that's really encouraging maybe many of you will start a Pedal company and maybe you'll be able to know the biggest thing about this is and the reason I want to do it as an educator is to show you that there's like there's no magic like I know you want to believe in magic but like there aren't magical Builders it's just not a thing like this is a circuit right there's what this Tech is like from the 40s like literally the transistor was invented in 47. this is basically 40s technology that's my that's my kind of long short-winded um feelings about that next up uh we're gonna do this one so it's brown orange black black brown brown orange black black brown that's a 100k yep found it if you have trouble with this you can use your multimeter and put it on Resistance mode and hold your your two wires up you could do this like you can just put your resistor down and with your multimeter it'll read the resistance and you can see it on the screen and sometimes I do that like if it's late and I'm feeling wonky I'll just I'll just let the multimeter confirm but we're doing it live here you know it's what we're doing all right pulling these through like such um let's see here there we go next up we're gonna just keep going down the line This is a 4.7 yellow so it's brown brown black violet yellow brown brown black violet yellow that's this one here and my my fingers are huge too brown brown black yeah that's that one so building it building it I also I actually do talk to myself when I'm down I'm I love alone time I'm extremely introverted a lot of people think I'm an extrovert because they'll see me at Nam and I'm like I adapt or they'll see me on the show and think oh he's a super extroverted guy I'm actually not I want to cry usually when I get around people so when I'm down here this is like kind of my solemn safe space and I do actually talk to myself Nick and I we used to build together when I first started and we'd be in a room and we would just like make up songs and we created all these characters so talking while I'm building actually feels pretty natural I think it's like I'm slightly psychotic and I kind of turn into like you know maybe I have multiple personal like personalities when I'm building I'm talking to myself having full conversations it's pretty amazing next up we're going to do this bottom one here it's a 1K brown brown black black brown brown black that's it right there knock that out now when I do the breadboard I'm going to build the same circuit here I'm going to teach you how to read a schematic and I'm going to build this out on a breadboard like such I'm going to build it out and then we'll be able to to modify it and you'll hear it and I actually I'm really excited for that and in the live stream format I've never seen anyone do this stuff in a live format which kind of lets me adapt quickly and um I'm I'm super excited to see how that feels um and I'll be able to modify things and actually show you you know the sound in real time a 33k is this one that's the last resistor left so I don't even have to really look let's see here 33k that's a little guy there pull that out okay all right um if you if you um if you need to take a nap here's your white noise so soothing also here's the sound of the um the sponge that's so nice all right and when soldering there's a little bit of an art to it you don't want to overheat these pads and so but you have to get the part hot so everybody you know there's proper ways and then I kind of I just hold it on the pad and the solder will flow down through the uh the trace hole there so that one's done I remember keep the the iron clean it's really important um again just heating it up for like a Split Second then it goes down heated up a Split Second touch the solder to the PCB not the soldering iron and it'll just kind of work that just go down you want to make sure the joints are shiny I encourage you to find a YouTube maybe Joshua can find something on how to solder drop it in the description but you know how to use YouTube um all right you can wake up now man that white noise that just hits the spot let's see here uh there's some funny comments about background music I actually I can sit I really did consider background music but um I'm just so you know I'm clipping these off in the trash can here so it's really handy you just put your your Clipper and just clip them right down to the trash can I'm a huge efficiency nut so anything you have to touch twice is a waste of time don't clip your stuff let it fall and then have to clean it just clip it directly into the trash can and put the put it out out of the way that's our PCB so far looking good now let's flip over to part four polarized capacitors polarized capacitors um it says there's three I only see two in the kit that's a problem good thing I have a bunch here all right that's weird it is missing a part life happens all right not everyone's perfect so first up is a 22 UF so just like the diode was polarized it really matters which way you put this this capacitor it has a long and a short leg long leg and a short leg and you want to be sure that the long leg is on the positive side when you look at the board you'll actually see a plus sign or a plus symbol um so 22 goes over here and it actually says on the board so you put it through it stands up like that fits perfectly bend the legs so it stays in bend them out next up um we have the one UF which goes here bam one UF it's a little guy make sure you're positive and negative legs are proper and I'm missing the 47 UF but I have a Million Parts in front of me that you saw earlier 47 UF where are you at yeah 47 it just so happens to be in the worst spot ever which is almost reachable let's see here uh let's see I'm finding it there we go all right is this it 47 yeah okay all right so you know have a wall of parts at your disposal let me double check that's a 47 so I'll put that right here never never leave home without your parts kids all right positive in the positive the long leg is positive again put it down bend it back and let's solder this up if you need a nap you have a third chance here [Music] singing to myself it would be really there's an episode of Seinfeld where Kramer he when there's a certain uh there's a lady on TV it's like one of these TMZ shows or something when he hears her voice he has seizures like he has some kind of weird reaction to the sound and he like his falls out on the floor um I hope there's no one that when you hear White Noise it brings back some kind of traumatic experience and you can't cope with it I apologize if that is so all right I'm gonna again I'm just gonna clip these straight into the trash can so that's what I'm doing straight in the trash can we're looking good here Palmetto effects is an excellent how to solder videos from fuzzlord effects so yeah check it out go check that out um I saw someone ask do you recommend using a holder for the board I have several holders I let me pull one out I just tend to never use it because it's clunky so like this is a holder um I mean it's it's not a it's not a horrible idea I mean you you put it in right you can kind of adjust this thing I I'm just so used to not using one I don't know that's pretty darn nice let's try to use it who said that somebody whoever said that thinks I'm going to try this I'm gonna try to use a holder I'm gonna try and it fell out let's keep trying I want to use the holder for a second you can teach an old dog new circuit tricks make sure it's tight that would be my recommendation you gotta push it's spring loaded so push that in there really tight and I mean yeah you can flip it over okay I'm gonna go for it I'm gonna go for it let's see here let's put this stuff over here's those transistors okay I'm gonna try this whoever recommended that I I just never use them it's really funny all right we now have the capacitors are soldered if we zoom in here we're fully fully engaged let's see all right next up we need to install one capacitor um this is a non-polarized capacitor this is going to be um right here on the board right above those resistors um let's keep it zoomed about right there I need more stuff on my bench you know there's just not enough stuff there we go that's a good angle look at us look at us doing this together so that red thing I'm going to flip it over bend it with my finger look at this look at this Joshua whoever recommended that I pull this out I saw it and I read it send him a free 3 Series pedal I'm dead serious cinnamon free pedal because a lot of people a lot of people would probably rather do it this way I'm indifferent it's working out nice for the visual so he's officially on staff today and he gets paid with a 3 Series pedal whatever he wants okay so that's in next up we have install trim pots so trim pots are important here and a lot of times you see on a fuzz type circuit the trim pots are actually external bias controls when you look at my 3 Series fuzz it has a bias control so I'm moving the Q2 trim pot out for you to use these are internal they call this clean and bias um I'd have to look at the traces here but clean clean seems to be attached uh what do we got well a transistor bias is attached to so hard to tell on this Trace I believe I believe clean is q1 and bias is Q2 when we look at this but that doesn't really matter right now all right let's put these trim pots in we're going to install these now a trim pot is essentially a small pot that is exactly what it is so you have the potentiometer like this remember it's a variable resistor you put the knob on it well the trim pot is just a really small of the same thing see there's a 50k and a 5k the 50k as labeled on the board and in the book goes at the top so I'm going to look on the trim pot and it says 503 that's that means 50. and um this one says 502 yeah that's a 5K so I'm going to put the 5K in right here and let's see ions guitar shocks as free pedals to everyone you know whatever it's it's not Oprah Bell's over there sweating she's like please God Josh don't don't say free puddles to everyone I mean it's only a thousand people that that would just put us out of business I feel like that's a good move if you think that's a good move just say so in the chat if you want to just see me give all of you a free pedal and go out of business let's do that let's let's maybe think about doing that again Belle is convulsing let's solder these in I gotta admit for filming this circuit holder is so much better he deserves that he deserves it he deserves it so much I don't even know your name you're like a you're like a beautiful stranger that changed my day okay we're look hey this is a boutique fuzz you know what I'm saying all right what's next wires um yeah look it says Stu Max PCB holder is perfect for holding your circuit board so they make one um yeah we're gonna solder these wires on here this is not going to be clean I'm not going to go like super clean with this I'm just going to get it done and I'm going to cheat instead of wiring four separate wires here to this um I'm actually going to let me double check this yeah I'm going to use a ribbon cable that I grabbed from our shop we use these on our pedals uh you can find these small bear Electronics probably has an uh yeah but the point is I'm going to use a ribbon cable I will need to wire a couple I'm going to use the four there's a four slot ribbon cable here and because these two outer wires they're they're not part of the switching you have like one two three four and then you have um some outer wires on this Breakout they actually go to a different place so I'm going to use this for pronged ribbon I'm going to place it right there I'm going to flip this over because I can flip it over now because this beautiful stranger told me to use this thing that works so well here we go um um Carol Bell says if I see this Carol thank you here we go Carol you want a free pedal just for being kind and helping me and suggesting something they're awesome and that I happen to look down and see that the chances are astronomical I'm just soldering this in and all right so we have that ribbon on now I'm going to use this stock wire they gave me I'm going to widen out here I want to use this stock wire and just begin to add some wires to the top section here move my lapel over a little bit for you it's making it's making hissing noises at me there we go so again just using these wire strippers stripping the edge off again straight into the trash can is the way that's how you keep your bench clean kids straight into the trash can um I'm just gonna put that's your positive voltage wire I'm just going to assume a length like that and then I'm going to put the ground wire I'm just going to wire this up I'm going to kind of stray away from the instructions for just a hot second so I can move a little faster but essentially the instructions are just telling you you know do this this and this so that's the plus voltage this is the negative voltage um I because I am this way I'm going to keep my ground wire black and I'm going to make my positive wire yellow I have some yellow wire that did not come with the kit but I need that for myself you know know yourself know thou self is that a is that a quote we'll put the positive in just a different color is this really helpful to me I am I know how my brain works and that would be a mistake I would pretty easily make because wire those backwards because I'm in a hurry here so bending these leads back wire is a little trickier because it wants to go all over the place solder it in so I've got the ribbon soldered the nine volt positive and now I'm soldering the ground wire and this ground wire will ground the circuit to the Jacks and such and I'm not worrying about exact length right now because I can trim this out when I put it in the case I'm just got those two wires going I've got that going um these other two positions um yeah I'm just going to wire those in I'm going to use black wire for that this is another ground so do that I am amazed that there are 1.1 000 people watching a person build a kit that's really cool very cool very very cool a and a to K what is a to K let me see what it says here I actually need to look because that's an odd oh it's not listed this a to k a uh looks like it's is that like a bias point oh that's the power supply okay all right I was like what the crap is that um I'm gonna wire this other ground as well let's see um all right I'm gonna flip this over that one fell out flip it over and bend the leg same thing here uh let's see smooth jazz would be good but it would drive me nuts because I don't have the brain capacity to switch it so just be really annoying um let's solder that in like I would be hearing the same song for like an hour that that would be bad so I encourage you put your own music on you might want to listen to slip knot Creed I don't know this lapel keeps bumping let's move it let's move it down down onto my shirt there we go all right flip that over um clip that and let's add that foot switch board they show it here little foot switchboard let me look carefully at this so you just slide it on like such let me zoom in for this so this fit switchboard I have a ribbon cable you would just all the ribbon cable is is contained normal wire just makes makes this a little easier yeah switch goes here switch goes here okay that's the writing on the board put these in let's see yeah so I'll bend those back now just a couple of these I gotta say it again Carol this makes this is so much better for filming I've Never filmed myself doing anything like this so yay for the circuit board holder I guess I learned something today that when you're filming it really helps and I shouldn't be stubborn I don't have the fan on I'm inhaling this feels really good it's a nutritious breakfast Frosted Mini fumes that'd be a good band name all right switch Let's uh let's solder this switch on again I'm kind of straying here to move through but you got these diagrams um kind of just shows you where to put the pots and such I'm going to put the pots on the board now and I will need to remove it from this it says so let's remove it and go back but man that was so handy for soldering those particular parts so good so good all right let's jump to let's just jump ahead I'm going to get out of order I'm going to put the switch on the board so the switch only goes one way if you like so you can't really mess that up and it holds it like such so let me solder that in sleep sounds 2.0 let's see I'm soldering the look of the switch it's gonna turn the pedal off it's gonna turn it on it's true bypass this is my song that was pretty good I should have written for Barney I feel like the Barney songwriters um they don't get the props that it is they deserve you know because they're I don't know if you've ever written a song about brushing your teeth or anything but it's not easy Barney songwriters were uh hands down some of the most talented Cats In The Biz I like to say cats and Biz when I talk about writing songs again I would be talking to myself like this even if you weren't here it's fine all right foot switch is on uh let's put the pots on so it has like a back this is a little weird a little kind of a strange way to instruct this but I get it um it shows like laying the pots like this I mean they don't go like that but they kind of do oh is it so hold on hold on oh that's actually clever that's clever I've never done this so they're saying when I first saw this I was like it'll be backwards so they're saying put your pots down oh here's the cap that they didn't include um it's just setting it's just setting on my bench under the book so Stu Mack you're awesome sorry but they're showing put the pots like this I'm gonna try it so 250k goes over here the 5K goes here the 1K goes here now on a potentiometer you have this little uh let me see if I can zoom in on this you have like this thing on the edge you have to break it off let me see yeah it's hard to get on camera right there right there see that see that thing I'm going to break it off you don't need that on there and it you can't uh get it in the enclosure if you don't do that so we're going to break those off put the 5K there like it says um 1K there actually I want to take the hardware off as well get that over with there's like a nut and a washer here um let's put those there go ahead and do all that I think that I'll have this working within an hour and then I can take a second and modify it we have 5K we have 250k break the little tab off straight into the trash kids don't throw it on your bench now this is actually genius so you take and you lay it down here and then when it's soldered it'll be proper and you can put it through on the other side of the case I have never seen that technique there are probably a hundred of you saying wow Josh you've been living in a cave I've never done that I feel I feel shame I feel shame that I've never tried that watch check this out let me zoom in for you all right so they're saying you put it down like this gonna line them up of course nothing's as easy as it looks but let's line these up there's the top two are in I just need that bottom one in come on come on let's see just so close such a good idea if it works well that's a little tricky I've never done this hold on hold on all three pots it's nine legs it's a lot of stuff to get there we go they're all in so now the tabs I know you can't really see it but that puts the the legs through and it's holding it for me man that is so cool I learned something today y'all solder this one in I'm soldering the 5K punch I'm soldering the tone pot right now Barney had pool writers they were super busts and awesome I don't know the hip language and I've tried to learn it my kids try to tell me what no cap and all this stuff means all I know is um this fuzz is on God for real for real bus and I want to make fun of that language but I also remember when I was a kid I would run around and say cowabunga so you know everything has its place I guess look at this Bell have you ever heard of such Joshua I know because I didn't teach you look at that it it like it did it this was The Jig this is The Jig amazing all right let's pop it in here so now you have your like assembled Buzz face and you just wanna pop it in and I didn't put the foamy stuff on the back of this pot you need to do that kids it says right here in the uh it says to put foam on the back because that's already touching so I'm going to bend this I do not advise you bend your pot that way but this foam is going to insulate from those parts that would have been a non-operational nightmare another great band name not a non-operational nightmare they were from the DC hardcore genre all right cool let's uh put these the nut and washer on this auto focus on the camera is like please save me let's see there we go um I'm amazed I've had no technical difficulties Mr Mac man says solder fumes are better than Febreze I agree Febreze is overrated I've had no um streaming can be very difficult it can drive you mad these are really handy I have these rocket sockets you can get these over at um The Stomp box Parts but they're they're sockets that you just use with your hand again early JHS we did stupid stuff like these are amazing these are ass that one's stripped out a little bit no it's not as good so these are really awesome so I'm going to put the foot switch in as well um where's that foot switch Hardware yeah I'm gonna uh I'm going to put this on here this is like a spacer so you can determine if you want your switch to set lower or higher I'm just going to kind of put it in the medium so I have a ribbon cable you won't have that but it does make it easier Stu Mac if I had one suggestion for your kits include a ribbon cable for the foot switch um it's just less wiring when you're learning to build wiring is so difficult um for most people so rocket socket for that so easy and nice look at that so go check those out I think the guy's from Australia but Bam Bam Bam I'll keep those out because I think I'm gonna need to put the power jack in let's go ahead and do all this other stuff um so we have like the LED bezel again I am skipping over some things just for the sake of time I am not worried about taking more time here you're all mine today um I'd like to not go two hours but you know this is if you're engaged whatever and you can um you can watch this later let's see yeah I should have put that in earlier there we go um what size rocket socket is that small one but not too small no no [Applause] do I have such rocket socket wait tada sort of it's one of these it's in a weird spot so I am just going to use these pliers and tighten this I would advise putting that led bezel in earlier it probably said that in the book and I ignored it I'm your typical guy I look at the instructions I respect them and I I go my own way I'm a I'm a journeyman I'm a I'm a Wanderer I'm a Frontiersman you know I see the instruction and I know it's good but I go hmm where's the adventure in that there's no Adventure that's really loose again should have done that earlier and because of that I really failed you all on the LED bezel holder that's going to be your status LED um everything's fine that's really bothersome I can't I can't not tighten that I just can't do that to you um let's see I have some actual sockets too big I don't have the size that is very odd is that the right one ah found it it's the 10 millimeter rocket socket all right that's tight now people just keep saying Carol um it's really funny all right look at that so we just gotta wire some stuff right you can use these on the other two it's unnecessary though um don't really have to do that all right let's look at this and solder on the wires where did they go I've skipped ahead so much let's add two wires here um you have wires that are necessary off these edges so let's put those in and solder it where did my wire go this is that part in the build where like things are disappearing here we go um should have put that in before I put the switch and see I'm I'm making mistakes but I'm letting you know that I'm human I'm just going to solder that from the top which I don't advise but if your lead is long enough you'll be fine um I'll make it look clean for you let's see here ah there is a reason instructions exist but you know not everyone's building it on a live stream and attempting to do it in an hour so I've gone one hour I feel good about where I'm at and I know that a lot of you enjoyed this long form stuff so I'm not I'm not too concerned again if you can't hang for the whole thing watch it over a couple days you know what I'm saying so here we go solder that in that wire should be coming from the bottom but I installed the switch and no regrets no regrets I mean I have a little bit of regret same thing here let me put that in but I am showing you you can you can break the rules as long as you're confident with the new rules that you make and I just made some rules some people call it making choices you know I made a choice there we go Bell's cheering me on in the comments thank you Belle all right so we're fully wired here I need to put the power jack in where did that go there's the LED where is the power jack it's right here okay this feels good I would say the feeling I'm having right now is a real it's a it's a real thing a little bit of a dopamine hit here you know from building petals are my drug you know what I'm saying I don't need I don't need the drugs I have pedals um Power Jack is where you're obviously going to plug in power so let's put that right here it has a long and a short leg and then it has another nut here that goes on Wow again there are certain things that I feel like should have been done earlier and I'm pretty sure the instructions said to do that earlier but but did I listen that's my one hour timer I'm rolling here tightening this in a horrible fashion because I can't get the socket in there but we're good that is good enough for this demonstration yeah okay now let's put the Jacks in as well we have to have an in and out check I don't like in and out I prefer Five Guys but I do like in and out on pedals because if you don't have it in and out you can't hear the pedal such wisdom you know what I'm saying you really need that uh let's see here let's put the Jacks in McDonald's theme song let's see uh um we got this and this rock these rocket sockets again they're amazing very very handy just need to use the right ones obviously that one's a little off there we go they're all disorganized I had them out the other day had them organized but like that's so nice you don't need any pliers or anything you just go for it what says I'm loving it everybody's gonna eat McDonald's for lunch I think that's all I need for the rocket sockets so we'll put those back all right um let's wire up the power the power jack I did that thing where I should have um I should have soldered wires on the back end but you know I'm living I'm living an experience here and uh I'm just going to use the yellow wire for the Power Jack sometimes you win sometimes you lose I would say wiring is the most boring part of building the pedal it's not glamorous nobody's gonna applaud you you know solder that in again soldering on the top side is a No-No but I'm a professional and I don't want to pull the board out and it will be fine all right let's see last wire again professional do not advise soldering on the top side to you I just don't it's not smart people get hurt you know but I gotta do what I gotta do for you there we go ASMR okay um let's solder on the power wires so this is really straight ahead you solder this wire right here as shown in the booklet to the Long Leg of the power jack so I'm just gonna strip this wire off I'm going to put it in the long leg here bend it a little and I'm just going to solder that directly in like such all right now we're going to solder the other one I'm not worried about cleanliness of build but I don't want it to be horrible so I'm just going to stand that wire up out of the way now we're going to do what it says here the other wire to that Jack I'm gonna clip that off it's a little long this will go to the negative side of the power uh my giant fingers trying to go inside of the circuit that is really tough but there you go again I said this at the top take your time don't get in a rush I'm rushing with wisdom another great band name I am I kind of know what I should slow down on and this is the kind of stuff you don't want to rush through the wiring is a troubleshooting nightmare so you want to you want to get that right now we're on to the Jacks so this is the install the input jack so I already installed the Jacks I jumped ahead and um this is the ground wire and you want to send that to the ground lug so it's pretty straight ahead the ground lug if you look inside of a pedal it's touching the center you have two tabs so if I zoom out here so I can get close on a jack you have two lugs one is on the outside that's a stain song on the outside and then one is touching the center of the Jack that's your ground I have referenced Creed stained I've really gone for it today I really have all right let's put this in again I'm not measuring they have really good measurements for you and I encourage you to do that on your wiring but you don't have to do that so there's my ground wire going up to the the ground of the jack which we call the sleeve um I like to bend the wire on the Jack's back at like a 90 degree so that they're kind of hooked in there even without the solder I think that's something really handy to do I'm just going to solder these one at a time so stuff doesn't get moved I'm turning the VIN on for a bit it's getting it's getting smoky in here you know what I'm saying I saw a comment wait until he solders the LED backwards I might not put the LED in fuzz doesn't need an LED that's Child's Play and then um we're gonna solder this to the tip so the tip is the outer the outer ring of the jack not touching the center again this is all in the instructions I want to do a good job just talking you through this because a lot of you you're like man could I ever build a pedal how hard is it Etc so I am talking through and being redundant on purpose um and I I just want to show you like this is the practicality of building this pedal properly over the years when people have asked me stuff I am I'm always if they asked me about building them like just try it go slow try it don't be afraid to slow down etc etc all right let's let's um we're we're nearing the end this is amazing what are these for hold on what's going on what's going on oh that's I made my mistake I should have just looked at this I actually put the wrong wires on here those are those are let me double check this hold on oh my God that's the LED I did totally wire this wrong this is this is what you get for getting in a hurry you're about to see me I've wired the led to the power jack because I was not paying attention to the manual but you know this is real life that's actually the power incredible we're we're about to get real in here watch this I'm glad that I did this because you need to know that you might mess up and I'm being really serious um I wired every one of these wrong some of you probably caught this I was assuming what the board indicators were so right now I'm heating the joints and simply pulling out the parts I only wired three things so it's not not a big deal I'm going to use the solder sucker you might want to use this right here and you might want to pull this from yeah so that's just going to remove that solder I can tell you right now we will not do the LED because I don't want to pull the board out on that but we are going to do this um this this is actually the ground that we saw over here so this goes around to that edge I wasn't paying attention the drawing is really clear that was me rushing it's hilarious hilarious let's see here all right this won't take long um you're all wondering is this gonna work and I told you wiring is the part where you need to slow down and it's the part where I was not slowing down um but that's okay so that is definitely where that goes so I'm going to widen out here so I don't have to think about the camera so much there we go that's also going to be this side goes over I would advise page 29 if you're a visual person it kind of just shows where the wires go I should have just went to page 29 and just followed the grid lines that are drawn because it shows everything really well see this it shows all the wires touching the parts but I got all Hasty you know me getting all hasty um this outside lug goes to the tip over here I want to make sure foreign [Music] yeah that's the output Jack yep that's correct let's solder that in and let's see Bell you know what we're gonna we have a little staff lunch we're gonna move it to 12 o'clock that's what we need to do today or at least I'll be there at 12 Bell will probably be hanging here with me as well um we're not going to do the LED you can you can figure that out on your own that's fine and the power jack let's wire that up the power jack is actually this wire right here so now that we know yeah I soldered them wrong I love it I need to desolder the tip of this I think it's a it's an interesting thing I I'm imagining you know there's these people who are like oh he messed up but it's it's like this is part of the thing and also talk to me about that when you attempt to live stream building it in front of 1.1 000 people and you're conscious of time so there's an element here that's unrealistic for you and I really do think that most of you can build this pretty effort effortlessly um again give yourself a solid two hours and go slowly and you'll be fine I would say it's a two-hour build that that's kind of my instinct on what it feels like um I need to put there is one more wire this is the tip of the output Jack Wire right here let's put it right there solder that in um let's see here no exhaust just breathing it in all right we do need power so let's um I'm going to clip these here where I the this should just go straight to that but I'm gonna I'm gonna pull a classic just kind of make it work scenario because you won't do that you'll go a little slower you'll wire it exactly like this diagram says but I am going to just connect these and move on I'm going to actually just put them together um because I don't want to pull the board what I will do is put some heat shrink on it I have heat shrinker right here I'll show you how that works so heat shrink is just a really simple it's like a tubing that you can put over wires to bind like kind of insulate and and keep them apart and use I just use a cigarette lighter and it kind of it melts it down across the part so I'm going to slide heat shrink on right there and then I'm going to put these wires together like such I'm just gonna electrician and kind of twist them together Actually I don't even have to do that I can just kind of shove the braids together which works really well and then just dab a little bit of solder on and then the heat shrink will cover that up again this is unnecessary if you just took the time and actually built it like it said to build it let's see so all things considered without that error I would have been pretty close to like an hour 15 on the full build which I think that's really good I think if you've never built you're unfamiliar with everything three hours I think if you're good if you've soldered before you know I think you have a good two hour window the heat shrink I'm basically just going to roll it over those joints um smush that down a little bit and let's see here yeah it works pretty good so I want it to not fall apart that would be the goal so that's what I did I just joined those wires with heat shrink um and a little cigarette lighter action melt it down on there a bit all right so the pedal is wired no LED let's listen because I'm gonna just show you the trim pots it's telling you how to adjust the trim pots for the transistors but and it shows you how the controls work so you have a volume a tone and a fuzz so this is where this is where we find out if it works so I'm going to put my tools away because I need to pull this cable over and let's hook it up on my side over here I have a Switchback um I use it in the shootout videos but I just have like I'm using it as an effects Loop so here's the pedal and out in just like that and then turn the knobs down and plug in 9 volt power without melting it with my soldering iron I'm not I don't have the LED on because I just don't care and let's see here so Telecaster Nash Telecaster I keep it by my bench um [Music] no sound let's see here let's double check this this is fun that should bypass it should be bypassing let's see cables plugged in let me see if I get a let me try this all right that is the absolute bypass um from the Looper so I should have engaged sound right here so I don't so the thing here is what's going on um so looking at the book really quickly I should have a bypass sound because this is a true bypass pedal so what the first thing I'll do is I'm going to heat up the pads on the switch just in case something did not connect I'm just going to reheat drop a little solder on those and just let it like Reflow because there is no reason to not have a bypass signal I don't have the transistors in yet I do know that that has nothing to do with the bypass signal so no that is not working let's see here let's see what we got make sure all the you just kind of check your wires I promise my problem will be in the wiring that is like absolutely the case um so let's see is there like a bridged part um yeah it should absolutely be working it didn't it wouldn't even matter with the power if like the power wasn't plugged in or not it wouldn't matter um so no signal the ribbon cable soldered well this is soldered well and that doesn't matter for this ground oh I see the problem this Jack in the book is in a different orientation um then I put it in this is a really great example to show you so in the book they put their Jack with the ground here this the sleeve and the tip here but I actually put it in the other way so that means these wires are backwards and so if that's backwards then your input jack is backwards so what I'm going to do is I'm going to turn on my fan I'm going to remove I'm just going to switch these wires that's all I'm doing um and then we'll have a working pedal but I as I said I called it I said it'll be an issue in the wiring and that one that was a little tricky because I have I mean to be honest I have always put my Jacks in like that for 15 years so it's just a habit right I didn't look at their booklet and go oh I don't know I better do it like that I didn't really look at how they Orient their their Jack so that's on me but you know that's a that's a real thing it's like when you do something for so long that's that's just how it is so now let's switch these around if I had looked that clearly says ground right here and ground is sleeve but did I look not really because I just assumed that the drawing was oriented the way I had oriented the jacks all right I'm going to solder this on and this pedal is going to work I see people I don't know what's going on I can't watch the chat and I see them begging please or something what does it say please put transistors in your circuit that has nothing to do with what I'm doing right now I'll do that in a minute I'm firstly if I didn't explain even though I think I did I'm making sure I have a bypass signal and then we'll switch it over to the affected signal and insert the transistor so this problem this has nothing to do with [Music] hold on one second okay Belle text my wife for her to come down and tell me transistors it's not transistors I'm worried about the bypass signal so I'm not to the Circuit yet and I did say that so check this out my wife was like put the transistors in I was just staring like y'all y'all don't listen let's check this out here's the by here's here's our bypass signal so I fixed the problem now when I turn it on there's no signal because I don't have transistors that's what I was getting to there's your bypass off means the transistors aren't in and you don't hear it so to be super clear there are two things to test and that's what I was doing bypass signal has to work that wasn't working because I had switched the wires on the input jack now I need to go to the Circuit so not having bypass signal had nothing to do with transistors I know they're like freaking out in the comments and such um I love this I love they text my wife that's really funny all right here's the circuit ready we have the sockets that I installed and we're going to pop in the original transistors cool let's do that let's pop these in um here they are I'm just going to put them in these are bc108s and I'll I'll show you a couple I actually have a germanium that'll work in this a lot of people think germanium has to always be negative a positive voltage it doesn't and I have I have some japanese-made npns you want to use npn transistors so if you're on a parts place if you like on that stompbox or whatever you can look at anything that's in PN and you might see germanium so I'm going to actually show you a little bit of this uh with it with a germanium so now we have our bypass now I'm going to turn it on and we have the pedal now the knobs were down oh it's working so I'm going to turn the fuzz all the way up and I have not biased it though so keep in mind there's a comment that says um Y'all Gonna Get Zapped um okay this is I have not biased it in any way um it's just raw and nasty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay you are gonna hear my lapel and I'm fine with that because I don't want to mute it I'm gonna mess with these bias trim pots now they call this clean and they call this bias you can do this by ear absolutely and here's how you would do that put your little screwdriver there and let's use this one turn it [Music] so that's starving the voltage lower voltage and then the clean is really the other transistor so I'm going to turn the clean all the way up and I believe that gives it a little more A Little More Voltage I need to double check what these trim pots are in the schematic but I'm done I built it and I just biased it by ear let's um let's play just a second with it and I'll show you a couple other transistor options how about I mute my lapel for all of you I think you would enjoy that just so I can play so I'll I'll turn the lapel off and I'll just play the fuzz and then I'll switch transistors turn my I'll turn my lapel back on and show you one more set of transistors cool all right [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you okay so I'm going to put in a different set of transistors those sound fine and obviously I'm tweaking the controls but I can also mess infinitely with the two other trim pots inside so really this is a five control fuzz you could go as far as actually pull out the the trim pots and mount them externally you could drill more holes in the site like you could mod this those trim pots just put the same value actual potentiometer and you could wire it up and you would have five controls so I am going to remove these transistors and I have several different things here to show you um and then I'll we'll close out and part two will be a breadboard it'd be it'll be much quicker um as long as it's an npn transistor npn is what you need not PNP PNP would be a positive voltage fuzz positive ground and that's usually germanium but I do actually have these are germanium they are npn they're Japanese so that's a germanium that works in here I have all kinds of stuff these are some New Old Stock um uh eight eight twenty fours these are amazing I have boxes and boxes over here I have bags of I I bought out a I found this hoarder he had all these parts I have thousands of crazy transistors these are 29 30 19s um these are cool uh uh these are 2 in 1613 npns I mean it's kind of like an endless thing you can just go on and on I have sleeves this is a 29 50 38 bags of these let's try two transistor sets just to see I like these these are a 20 these are a 2 in 760a now gains are imported if you want to get really technical before I close this off the gains matter q1 I would recommend I would space the gains apart if you can by 20. it's called hfe you will look at this on the breadboard but you you might want to say this is 80 and make that a hundred gain you want to Cascade lower into higher gain and and you can do that in a few different ways you have to obviously measure them or have them pre-measured so this is a thing called an atlas DCA um and I can put a transistor in here so if I open these up I have a little rig here where the wires are touching on the breadboard um and I can hit this button testing and it says hfe on the bottom is 45 so that's a pretty weak transistor I would want to just go through these and find you know this is this is the thing where people are like you know anybody can do fuzz face well the problem is you can take the same schematic and a builder might wildly vary on his choice his or her choice of these so that's a 106. I'm going to put that in q1 I'm going to find something hotter than 106 and put it in Q2 this is just how I do fuzz and I and I I have some numbers I'm a little secretive on them because I I have a certain way that my ears love fuzz to sound so when you're playing like a 3 Series like there's a lot of thought in that this is a 53 pretty weak you can miss mismatch things as well you could put a different transistor in q1 than Q2 let's see what this comes out to be 45 so I could sit here all day I don't want to do that obviously um but I'm just going to show you for example I'm going to pull this I know that 108 is going to be pretty hot I know that this is going to be a cooler transistor so let's put that in that's the beauty of the socket that I installed now I can easily crank this back up totally different sounding fuzz immediately like the gain taper is way different I'm telling you a weaker transistor in q1 is the way to go thank you that sounds really different like very different I can adjust the trim pots [Music] so I think you see there wildly different and just for fun I'm going to show you this these are germanium um so you can do an npn standard voltage if you find npn germaniums you can search that on eBay so I'm popping that out and I'm going to put this transistor in out of curiosity nope I'm just going to put it in let's see here I'm not even going to measure it so we're putting it this will be a hybrid if you've ever seen the term hybrid fuzz face that means there's two different transistor types that's nuts so that the germanium that's because the bias is going to be wildly different but that lets me get all that farty yeah so that is wildly mismatched like crazy crazy let's see here that might actually be the orientation but you get the point so the point is we built the fuzz face kit from Stu Mack and that was my process and I think you saw I stuck with this really well until I didn't and I didn't pay attention to a couple wires and then you saw that process but the main thing is and I hope you saw me do this I just stayed calm and I knew my biggest tips on this it's always wiring I went back to the wiring and I wanted to make sure first that I got a bypass sound and this is where the confusion came in because Joshua and Bell were like the transistors are now I was saying I'm not ready to go there yet I just want the bypass signal so that meant that the ribbon cable was wired properly and that meant that my Jacks were proper I don't want to worry about the circuit until I hear bypass signal when I heard bypass signal I then turned on the circuit and worried about the transistor types and so this works it's a fantastic product again you can paint it put your decals on and such hour and 47 minutes with uh quite a few mistakes on my part but that's that's part of the game again if you enjoy this let me know in the comments I'm gonna continue this series um I'm gonna do a breadboard of a fuzz face next I'm gonna build a breadboard from scratch and show you this exact circuit but from scratch on a breadboard just like this and then we'll go from there and talk about modifying um it's really exciting if you and also Brian Wampler Wampler pedals he has a fantastic Channel about building so I would recommend that you go watch that I don't have anything else to say I would just say um oh there's one more thing I'm in Chicago in August uh the fretboard Summit it is August 24th through 26th I'm actually using the fuzz face and I have Robert Keeley and Heather Brown Heather Brown uh and Robert are going to be competing Iron Chef style I'm gonna I'm gonna lead this thing on a stage It's Gonna Be Live streamed I believe and I would love to see you at the event and you can go to fretboard Summit just Google fretboard Summit is the magazine and they host this event it'll be a live Iron Chef but for fuzz so I'm going to be bringing all the parts and they're going to build a fuzz face from scratch I think you'll love that it's super super fun um that's it I've had a wonderful time this was super fun I really love doing this and doing anything I can to teach you that petals are not magic um it just it's it's a creative thing um I often say it's like cooking once you learn a fuzz face circuit you can cook up your own I mean you can only make a cheeseburger A Million Ways and a fuzz face is like a cheeseburger it's gonna be a fuzz face topology but man you can do so much with it so I hope this is encouraging to you um I'll see you next time and we're going to do that breadboard but until then it worked it worked signing off have a great great day bye bye
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 52,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, boss pedals, compressor pedal, univibe, delay pedal, octave fuzz, reverb pedal, reverb, eq pedal, boost pedal, behringer
Id: UwFDkJjtCpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 27sec (6387 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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