Live Hoarder Treasure Unbox | i bought an abandoned storage unit and found money

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it's pirate time what's up ladies and gentlemen it is what day is it Thursday morning lost track of time lost track of days is always what's up Scott in the house hello all make sure to hit the thumbs up on this please hit the thumbs up that is one of the most important ways we ever get the videos shared is a thumbs up so it's always nice if you can hit a thumbs up more importantly than YouTube getting the videos promoted is um you guys sharing and liking a stuff so I appreciate when all you Pirates do that Alexis what's up glad to make it hello chat hope everyone is well I am well life's been a little hectic lately everybody I'm chasing dreams hello everyone CDL picker hi friends because she said says good morning what's up she said gypsy Alex in the house what up dude chasing dreams Delores Webb Cleopatra what up Lisa hi party else hopes all's going great blessings do you pirate in your family thank you Miguel what's up daddy warbucks what's up Rob lavoy Cheryl Miguel dieter van huh 'full landlord picker what's up with that like that name what's up Teresa kimberly peterson hype i love you and what you do thank you flipping adventures in the house are you able to go to auctions no see everything is being shut down right now it's kind of wild never in my life have I seen such a shutdown I'll write a read a meme the other day and I was talking about how I went oh our previous president I don't have to save names I feel like everything you say on YouTube they're gonna get mad at but our previous president had a similar epidemic with the h1 or whatever and we had 60 million cases we had the number of people terminally ill from it or whatever is through the roof compared to what's going on right now and yet for some reason we're in a pandemic over something not even near as strategy cuz that happen but I'm trying to prep financially for it because I don't think a lot of us are financially prep for this situation I've been doing nothing but bringing up home for eBay in case they have me on lockdown forever you know just filled up my whole truck full of lingerie and bathing suits I'm trying to get everything I can and worse comes to worst we run out of toilet paper we will be using these rags if that's what I got to do I ain't even trippin I went and got what's up pirate what's up Betty Webb how you doing what else who we got here I went I went and bought paper see if you guys do any eBay and stuff you can go to moving companies and you could buy this packing paper right here right this is a 30 pound roll of paper it's about two and a half feet wide almost and it comes in circles like this this cost me $85 this morning guy didn't have change so I just took the hundred and told him keep it because I've been wanting to get packing paper anyway it's hard sometimes you need an account but this place is kind of cool so I technically this is $85 for this six pounds or six rolls of 30 pounds paper this is the best stuff to use for packing it rolls out flat I've been doing anything I can to get that going I got all this left this is my last bit of stuff from the Train unit I'm gonna go through real quick here see what it is see there's anything I need to bring home for eBay and we're gonna start unpacking that in a minute oh yeah once again I have my tripod at home so uh I'm very ingenuitive where I grew up in my life we didn't have much we were lucky to have water and electricity which we didn't have half the time anyway so I'm prepared for these prep for these situations but nonetheless I got this beautiful tripod again I tell you guys I'm prepped for now if you guys ever if stuff hits the fan you want me on your team because I'll make things happen one way or another whoa okay let's see here what's up Theresa hi Kimberly Mary Smith what's up Vincent's a Kenner good morning Mike it's been a long time hope you all what's up that's bit I'm out here every day feel free to tune in I love you salutis desde Argentine shout out to Argentine Rob with man the myth the legend I love it morning bear hardcore picker Joe Williams Paul Johnson chasing jeans everybody shut down for one to two months possibly I need your help on something what's up Archie spit it do you think yard sales will be allowed I don't know landlord picker do you want to do a yard sale in this situation as of today they shut the last flea market down you guys saw me sell in Stockton cuz I'm a I'm gonna do what I got to do uncle Michael's already trying to line up move jobs next week literally he just called me he's like hey you want to do move move job it pays 200 bucks some things are gonna transpire so I might have to take my happy little pirate self out to move furniture but y'all know I hate doing with the passion it hasn't really hit yet well it hasn't the numbers are already there like like they're probably in the news the next day or two gonna feed you with a thousands of cases but the fact is that those cases already existed you just didn't know yet because they haven't been testing everybody and I also read somewhere that you can get the same symptoms as having the flu and being too close to a 5g cell phone tower so you know you got to be careful on what you believe remember thoughts become things do you think you're harder sales will be hard to sell stuff right now ain't it no gyms Jimmy's 49 I sold eight items on eBay yesterday that's more than I've been selling in the last weeks I saw more items yesterday on eBay that I have sold in about the last month I was the most one day sales I've had and it's been like that way every day the fact is people paid shopping is an addiction shopping is an addiction it is like a drug in my eyes shopping people that's why this last store Jean you saw me jack and Alex and Manny get existed because that person was addicted to shopping so people are gonna be stuck with stuck in the house and they're gonna be spending because they're gonna be bored they're gonna want things to arrive and stuff to open up things to play with so don't underestimate that I said this yesterday now is the perfect time for everybody out there who is wanted to start eBay wanted to start Macari wanted to start Amazon wanted to start start Poshmark now is the time because you're gonna have plenty of time so there's gonna be no excuses other than you just don't feel like doing it that's as simple as I can put it hi pirate and Krusty crew what's up Diana what's up Amanda Mary Smith Spring Break vid the kids will spread it Mary there's nobody no kids aren't going to school Trump is draining the swamp it's the deep state it hasn't really okay ash I wasn't far away from the UK either hard to sell stuff okay no hi hi Oh Betty says what's up Rob hey Mike and all from upstate South Carolina let's smash the but let's smash the like button guys there's a hundred of us on right now and forty-four likes let's get a few more likes before we get this party rolling hey my glad to hear you're prepared what's up simply since in shout out to simply since in check out her channel she bought one of my mystery boxes I believe there's a video on her channel feel free to check it out she bought a box and made a video about it I'm pirate MacGyver was there yep trust me I'm I'm telling you I'm ingenuitive for the fact that I grew up you have I've spent as much as three to four weeks of out having water when I was a child in like the ninth grade we used to have to go borrow five-gallon buckets out of the neighbors faucet outside to fill up the back of our toilet to flush it because my parents didn't pay the water bill I've lived weeks in weeks of our electricity I used to eat my Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners at the homeless shelter trust and believe I've spent most of my life preparing for these type of situations just for the fact of the way I grew up no lie thanks for your welcome Betty for the blue wrench you're a very uh faithful subscriber and I see you helping out a lot of channels um much love to you Elvira Brown what's up from Ontario hello because she said blessings to you from Miguel Betty web says it right share share share and hit that thumbs up button that's the best way to get videos out as a thumbs up or a share you guys help me spread the word get some my videos out there inspires me to want to make more or keep going sometimes what's up Highland Florida isn't on lockdown anywhere in the Panhandle starting today in Maryland all malls will be closed a lot of places are closed I'm telling you I was surprised to see the paper place open but I've been trying to get there eBay sales should work great the one thing that I've noticed about eBay this is a problem right now so I have a problem somehow somebody bought a train last night for like 200 bucks and they got free shipping the shipping cost $18 now I'm not gonna cry over to spilt milk but somehow they got free shipping I guess it turns out that I was in I put it in my ad but eBay is not open you have to email them to get a response you cannot make a phone call so be very wise on your eBay ads and your institution your problems and make sure you're doing things to the fullest because you cannot call eBay and say hey what up someone so is trying to cause a problem and I need your help not gonna work right now so be careful with that make sure you understand the process I will be doing some live eBay with me videos something of that nature because I only have so many videos in my phone might even have to do a moving vlog of mobile Michael gets me out of work out to work I don't know hi from Martinez California what's up - Mary you're in California so am I now - non-essentials Leslie yeah like for instance people gonna need underwear and they ain't gonna be able to go to the store I got like 1,000 pairs of underwear trust to believe I'm going I'll be able to supply your needs if you need some fresh panties ladies in you're trying to look sexy for your man or whatever I will be able to come through for you i yester I think was yesterday before I order like 200 boxes from the post office USPS priority they're free you just got to use priority shipping which is a little bit costly compared to a Parcel Post like a dollar - more a little bit more expensive than FedEx but they supply you with free boxes that is golden to have boxes delivered to your home and uh etc etc so I ordered tons of boxes I told Alex and Jack I've been trying to prep them they probably are irritated with me now because the way I am but I look at Jack and Alex like family there's like my Alex is my little brother and Jack is my big brother and I tell them things that they might not like hearing or knit or choose to hear but it's what I'm doing and I like to spread that information so I've been telling them order packages bring all your stuff home get ready to get ready to prep it for eBay if you're stuck at home don't not make money you know you work is going down the tube Wow press the button it felt good awesome Robin if you haven't subbed - she said please do yes everybody please sub to because she said very strong in the community she said helps out in a lot of channels as well makes videos please check her channel out although I don't know my Pickers warehouse have a channel or a moderator shouts a Pickers warehouse one of my good friends you've seen him in many videos I call him axel because he's a he looks like Axel Rose but back in the 80s and I just call him that and shout out to him for having a positive attitude and laughing about it some people get frustrated when you give him cute little nicknames Rockstar just did a video mic that eBay has auto click and free shipping when you list on phone apps sometimes he caught some of his oh I better go through my channels my Frick how many people didn't pay on my stuff yesterday I'm have to call them again and email him pirates linger II to go yeah we got a full it's gonna be like Frederick's of Hollywood in my garage for the next couple weeks I don't wear any I go commando uncle Michael says well shout-out to you Uncle Michael cuz like I said if we run out of toilet paper I'm using panties period I don't know if that wasn't sounded right Uncle Michael doesn't wear panties Tina Pontiac Michigan hi I've locked myself down so I can watch your live video let's get started if we hit a hundred likes if you guys didn't get me 21 more likes we'll start unboxing and I'll talk till then heads up to all the postal workers they just keep on moving the mail well here Elvira here's one thing that was the I noticed I went to the post office this morning it was it was dead there there was no poo usually when I hit the post office this early in the morning after dropping the kids off at cetera et cetera the post manor scurry in etc said there was no postman putting in stuff that I know was open I saw the door open all the back was empty I dropped my packages off because I had to get the auction stuff shipped out from last auction and I had to get all my eBay sales but it was it was pretty much out of there what's all the blue wrenches by peoples names in blue they're all over the page just wondering editing some videos during this downtime a Pickers warehouse you're gonna start putting out some storage videos for us sure you guys might want to subscribe to Pickers warehouse he has been buying storage units for a while he also owns a music studio he has like a 30 studio where you can go record music make tracks he'll help you out even for even more money he does music videos and other videos he buys storage units he has a store where you could buy stuff from he's on Instagram pickers warehouse check out his channel cuz I found like I feel like he's gonna start putting out some videos for us can I like more than once yes you may we are for likes away from getting started hello Mike hello locker nuts blessings to you is Jack on I didn't see Jack I did not see a jack oh yeah there he is what's up iris that's my that's there he is I woke up first thing this morning telling them I'm going to get paper you guys need anything I'm like a bit on top of it my Robin and I did my first live with you last night really liked okay moderators have blue names and wrenches by their name how to be a moderator for your channel I don't give out blue wrenches like heavily this last couple days I've been giving out a few more because as the channel grows and need more people to keep under control and I i watch you I watch people how they add when I give a blue wrench is because a you've been here for a long time I see how you treat everybody on other channels I see how you talk to me I look for fairness etc etcetera I don't just hand out wrenches for no reason don't feel offended if you don't get one may come in time you know they're there they're blue wrenches are earned they're not given this is I'm not Oprah I'm not not we don't do blue wrenches for everybody around here you have to have some order and people go a little bit nuts sometimes if a blue wrench I don't like every comment deleted I don't try to let I'm not trying to here to be here be drama but I also always believe in freedom of speech I always believe in things being real I always believe in honesty so I don't just silence everybody cuz they got an opinion outside of mine you got over honey yeah let's get going Thank You Jennifer Hayes let's get going let's see what we got here once again don't laugh guys but this is I didn't bring my tripod I came here to prep for everything this is what we're using so bear with me because this is not this is not OSHA approved the OSHA does not come down here and inspect my tripod okay let's see let's do the trunk believe it or not I have a somebody's at home for eBay these are kind of good little eBay items it's more of a decoration I think this one says lighted Train Set but I don't think this moves but there is Village Square lighted electrical train sets that are worth money I've got a few of those at home these things that's all Alec sell a couple of these last night I have not brought too many of these type of things home for eBay because they're kind of on the lower end market of eBay items and I usually have a rule of twenty bucks which I might start breaking here myself because things are a little tough 75th anniversary there's a cool little truck things aside for a later day there's two of them twins look we got a 34 Ford oh that's you know what guys this makes you want to say is we should try to manifest me finding one of these in a storage and we should use our powers and if everybody thinks 1934 Ford we will find one that's the way I my brain thinks that's how you make these fans what do we got here this stuff is cool for love this is also stuff that I will not be bringing home right now but it will go on eBay some point I don't know if any of this stuff was ever known this is this is scale here you see the difference G scale o scale this looks kind of cool this is probably worth some money here there's a marks a maybe in USA it is a train trestle believe it or not that is actually probably a good day item I'm doing lots of trains change the parts okey scale will go in one box all old scale is going another we're pretty full on stuff to keep us busy right now can we see this here yes figurine lay max this is actually well listen this might be a decoration of some form I forget but I don't know if that is an actual train decoration or if that is for Christmas imagine that guys see I'm talking about Nordstrom $46 pair of panties or bra $46 $22 these will be available soon on eBay oh look at this do you want to build a snowman two raccoons two sets of raccoons here we got lots of raccoons we're gonna buy all the raccoons look at that Christmas ornaments reindeer it's comment right that's comment no the little woman loves nutcrackers if you guys remember we went and saw the Nutcracker in San Francisco in the holidays Santa oh these are open I mean sealed when do these need to be eaten by these are so good I might have to take those home we got shred document cover all stretch I don't know what that for we got M&M Christmas train set right here leak the tape I don't know what they know whatever it is they did Christmas ornaments all right somebody said volume can you hear is there a problem with hearing does anybody have a problem with volume let me know right now in the comment when you hear or am i doing something wrong here we go miniature accessories for a train rank collectible miniatures uh oh look at that this is something I could see the girls liking for their little dollhouse their little dollhouse stuff they play with it's a wood-burning stove turn up the volume yeah I'm trying to not walk away so I apologize for that I'm trying to get it look at that popcorn machine who who doesn't know oh look at this coin collection look at that we just hit the mother lode of coins or do we just hit some some coins to our video stuff why do people do this it cracks me up two thousand five we got some Bicentennial quarters we got it looks like a number two at Taco Bell here five bucks ooh this one's wrapped in paper please be a gold point I haven't found a gold coin in a while no it's a susan b anthony o Sacagawea I called him Pocahontas last night of storage doctors live and we got a buck okay so we got we got a coin store video we should make we should make a coin to our video out of this would not be funny just a whole coin store video that you're not funny pirate oh who remembers these how many people on the chat right now have gone somewhere in their life tell me where you have gone and you have done this with the penny maybe one of these was one you been through if you if this was you at one point Gettysburg Gettysburg that's crazy cuz you can't recycle the money but you could put like if I was to go to the scrap yard and scrap copper which is more expensive than a penny by weight I would get fine but I can go put a penny in machine and flatten it and destroy that is a weird one always caught my attention look at that it is sheep trackside details see what I'm talking about that it's kind of cool basically are like this is probably a G scale decoration you want to make a farm etc etc let's get the lights up above 150 I like his attitude cuz likes are the only way we get to what is this is this how you make a mountain out of a molehill you put two on top of each other holy Toledo these are kind of these are just little pieces this is what builds your bridges and stuff so it's a whole thing look at that that goes on a lion-o train train car white over red missile I think these are all kind of what he's gonna use them for a little phone booth that is the weird one that says that somebody said they're retired good time says he heard one day they're gonna let you recycle penny I'm just saying it's weird because you some things are considered defacing currency but who that might come in handy the Jetsons meet George Jetson Jane his wife daughter Judy I like it do you go Betty look at that brand-new socks or will easily what do you call these leotards no they just go from your ankle your upwards I don't even know what I'm saying look at that is a woodblock print metal edge oh yeah look at that motley crue what was happening in January I don't know the year Metallica Ozzy Osbourne imagine that Victoria's Secret summer sale we're going to be having a spring sale with Victoria's Secret on the stores often pirate eBay just so you know it's gonna be a spring sale uncle Michael's gonna be begging for this here in a couple of weeks when he runs out it is chess Emmy and if you guys don't know I've been trying to push uncle Michael if everybody can help get Uncle Michael do a thousand subscribers you'll be going live for us tell me that would it be dope to have going live during lockdown to entertain us from Casa de Uncle Mike I think that will be tight Hoka my display confidence Coffee up when I said Aqua Net because he's picky and he only uses press setting look at this very Renaissance tea or something what do you call that after 6:00 my hips hurting right now don't know why celebrity formals okay it's a box of clothes woohoo now we might have some gold right here look at this look at this right here this is like gold flawless JC Penney's ace hat Magoo's pizza restaurant it San Francisco they still have some fans then you got the ace USS New Jersey this is new dead stock right here they call it one size fits all that is good money right there mountain air 84 and track is that like an N scale train thing that's a pirate you're stopping rep so we are not wearing that Los Angeles Rams this looks like new dead stock as well that's a good hat for eBay that right there is probably 20 30 bucks if I had to guess and somebody says a dollar I need to know whether or not I'm gonna wear it Hawaii I wish I can go there Holly are like 16 bucks to fly there western Pacific oh my look at this look at this oh we got it we got to do this one oh yeah look at that what's up oh look the world's largest bill right there I'm taking all the hats home for sure we have a hundred and sixty-three watching and only 33 likes chasing dream says yes that's a UH we need to get those likes up it's uncalled for all right let's put this back because no I will not wear that and this will probably be one lot on my ebay that's order like tom says an auction we could do an option on those because probably going to be doing a few auction but think Jack has won tonight shout out to LA cronuts my good buddy Jeff we will be doing an auction tonight Alex did one last night I heard I heard protective glasses were making a comeback lab safety holy Jebus are these your high heels I don't know if you're watching Jebus but are these your high heels what in the world look at that this is mystery box items here oh yeah so basically stuff like this I'll probably end up in a twenty five or fifty dollar mystery box these guys just like empty empty manufactured come train parts train sticks if you need sticks oh no these are railroad ties you want to make some railroad ties and make your just your track look like a pile of wood that you're building a train track we got you don't make us feel skinny I guess this is type of stuff I'll be putting out like I said I bringing all this type of stuff home and we'll all be on eBay soon probably should keep that box with any boxes Stanford University baggage sweaters anything this is basically a box I put together when the guys were Jack and Alex sorted everything out on the last day because I couldn't make it and they made equal piles and they took what they thought was equal and this left me what I was saying value oh joy oh joy personal paper work nice okay Jill these are all really cool vintage Navy shirts I believe because the gentleman was on the USS Kitty Hawk these are pretty cool I don't know what here the there's a weird patch it's like almost like a iron-on but it's vintage Pisces okay we got another one what size are they medium extra medium you got these bell-bottoms those are kind of cool look at this please be an extra large I'm gonna wear this nope machine wash 38 oh I probably will not fit my body one thing I don't really have at home as much of Christmas whoo-hoo there we go there we go we're talking gold right here I don't know if these are mushroom style they're not really mushroom stock I forget the word I learned in a day but right now if you guys have a chance go on eBay and type in vintage mushroom panties or vintage paint just type in vintage panties hits old highest first and just start scrolling down and look at the title granny panties and mushroom panties and look what this stuff sells for it if you guys don't believe me I want you to see for yourself the price that some of this stuff does this vintage underwear will blow your mind I'm talking and ass heavily sold at 300 bucks for a pair of vintage mushroom panties these are not take good de lastic steal those these are not necessarily mushroom panties but vintage panties whoo glad I found this little box before I head home this will all end up on my eBay or in the lock I don't know how I'm gonna do them this is a machine wash made in form these ones have some like stains because the coloration of other ones sitting up against them this is money that I I can honestly see this one little box right here be an easy hundred but this could go upwards of two three hundred bucks that one no exaggeration the older than Greece so high because they don't make them anymore hi Crocker's lockers what's up shout out to Crocker's lockers shout out to all hundred and seventy-six in the chat we're weird I think we should still least be at 150 likes right now this is a good piece of styrofoam it's vintage styrofoam styrofoam is that well making a comeback okay I'm just eating to see westpac 30th of May tonight oh this is cool families and friends say goodbye May 30th 1979 shout out to every single man and a woman in this book right here thank you for your service thank you for your time thank you for giving us the freedoms we have I appreciate you there's one weird Sears it's like a mechanic's vest or something for a suit if you remember I sold those patches the other day this is where you would see them shout out to Crocker's walkers cuz they bought one and read it read toy they bought one that's what you would see them on this is a expensive little bike rack for the back you bite if you ship on eBay a lot this is the most optimal box in my eyes to use it is called a ship a UPS USPS shoebox-sized I use those the most there's $20 made in America Hallmark Christmas ornament let's see what kind they are Oh No are they Radko are they department 56 they're probably the pieces that go in that one did we just pull it out Grace's hallmark department 56 look at that Santa and his little brother and these ones will probably take home I need to get some more Elfland North Pole series that's really right there elfin to the elves at a museum that is now that we got this for tamiya 1/2 racing so I didn't even remember seeing RC car parts for that maybe ended up collecting RC car parts at some point who remembers yard sticks I like it this unit definitely measured up Wienerschnitzel hmm America's Most Wanted hotdog I didn't even know if there was a thing as the Most Wanted hotdog but apparently there is 185 in the chat right now what's up with dad I love y'all boom look at that I got tons of Hot Wheels right now for sale tons of them they'll be going up in lots or on the auction that's a cool fine right there tons of Hot Wheels a couple hundred couple hundred but Jeff Gordon nine ninety-five million dollar 895 okay this guy just had price list four days what is this railroad rail stocks booth number 343 this looks like a real railroad stock the pennsylvania railroad company the Cyrus J a Lawrence and son is the owner of 100 stocks interesting that might be worth some money so we will put that back in this envelope so we have something ship it in bring that baby home the apartment 56 suggested retail was $100 holiday home for the holiday that's what I feel like right now spirit of giving start a tradition set of 13 this has got to be a few dollars I'm gonna guess that this department 56 piece is at least 50 and should sell for upwards of a hundred or more I'm no no because I haven't had time to look it up but don't underestimate this brand a lot of people laugh when they think Christmas stuff but you see this department 56 that means bucks that means a fair amount of bucks good job baby Jesus first diploma well Mike that stock might be worth money Thank You Manny I meant to check that out okay what else we got here oh we got a trunk still right Oh chugga-chugga chugga-chugga choo-choo Chicka Chicka Chicka Chicka choo we got a trunk let's do it now before I forget before I forget I had we're gonna do the trunk here in a second before I forget we have good three four videos saved in our phone that we've recorded already of that train unit that I'm going to release over the period time here coming shortly but I don't think I had time to record this stuff again so I'm doing it this way and I'm saving those footage so I have stuff to come in but there will be a lot more stuff coming from this storage unit videos I'm sure jack has a lot to come on his channel I believe Alex may have some yeah one last trunk I don't know if this has been shown like I said I'm just I'm just showing what I got because there was no way for me to tell if the guys had actually so I just went ahead and I said we're gonna film them and we're gonna go like that and so here we are last trunk doesn't mean it's the last you're gonna see cuz there is more look at that we got the kiss lock kiss kiss this the whole set Peter Chris the the animal Wrangler Paul Stanley we've probably seen all these psycho clowns this probably end of home I don't know if that's really worth the eBay could somebody tell me what something like this goes for ace friendly kiss doll these definitely should go home I think these are 25 to 40 bucks apiece they're actual trains to section of metal track I have a whole set of these Christmas holiday Express so I'll definitely bring those home because I have a few more of them and a whole set Holiday Express train set brand-new in-the-box what else now that is a trunk well we got 162 likes we cracked 150 I don't know if it's possible there's a 180 form but if we can hit 200 I'll be so happy we can hit 200 before we end this this is a box I think I made of all the clothes on the ground so I'm not gonna go through the clothes it's military stuff that will end up somewhere soon the boat motor don't think I showed this in its entirety I figure that's 50 to 100 this is a pretty cool boat motor got to be a hundred then we got the rims I ended up with those and then there was some trivial stuff right here stuff that I didn't feel like we need to go through what's this woohoo let's go through this one I think this is gonna be a good box of panties let's see we got one more bag panties will become oh we almost knocked over the tripod aha Gor score look at that panties panties all brand new vintage panties look at the tag on that this this woman was the model for them back in the day secret hugs elastic still works you will see this on eBay soon enough I promise yet I didn't get a lot of pantyhose that's one thing I didn't get much up now we're ruining the pantyhose they've got panties falling on the ground this is welcome to my world A's and gentlemen welcome to my this looks like all vintage underwear Vanity Fair mushroom style oh this is gold right here I'm telling you don't underestimate the power of panties on eBay how many times tell me right now guys how many times in the comments section somebody tell me how many times have I said the word panties in this video so far I'd like to know that answer how many times the pirate say panties if anybody could tell me I'll give you a pair of panties if you can guess the exact number you in a pair of panties look at this okay that's money look at that that's money she's that she was a old it was a big model back then see those ones are kind of iffy because it feels like the stretching coming back see but I don't know I'm learning to check elasticity of panties because panties stretch now these ones are vintage this is good money right here believe it or not this it ends up Deb says 22 I don't think you're right on that Deb mushroom style mushroom stock oh these ones have a tag so we're gonna put the Olga's look at this this is sexy I don't know what this is for but it is sexy you know this is an old night game who used to own this if you used to own this night game I want to hear the one in the comment section big Negi is a big big Ronnie Nagle big right or Nagisa noodles get you a see-through pair I like it good attitude get a see-through pair your man will love it don't be shy babies don't be shy we've got panties little around support legs we're gonna throw those inside for now you don't need those yeah I can't - it's hard for you tell if this is coming back in the face I thought I'd be they're supposed to be kind of loose-fitting skimps camp hunt careful out your words that fire nobody's perfect they say they are watch out there's a cute little onesy there's a cute little onesy look at their Macy's this is the style the tot right now I don't get it more we're gonna get it home let's get it back cuz I'm running out of room here I try to stay organized it drives me bananas so we'll just make a bag underneath us here to start dropping them in that is a pillowcase that is another case huntys panties panties unisex freestyle unitard they used to call me back in school seriously some of mine went missing what is Tamara saying I'm telling you this guy was a laundry room thief someone with missing hi everyone I'm listening but not chatting because setting up for our auction coming coming up in an hour sorry if I haven't said I hope you see what an option show there's some great stuff I will be on Jack's auction bidding on everything because I can't go to a locks a live auction and I got an addiction to feel so I will be on Locker nuts this channel I will be bidding I like to buy I get a some people give me grief some people be like hey pirates gonna win this I don't I like to bid so it's fun if I can get a good deal and then I could turn around and flip it on eBay I'm gonna do it I was bidding heavily in Alex's auction last night I'm gonna bid heavily on debts often follow me look at that money use I like this person had a thing about only wearing panties once how many people out there balling so far out of control you only gotta wear your panties once let me hear you let me hear that in the comment section who only wears panties once anybody out there has a thing like this where you only wear one panties pantyhose I'm putting those all outside for now cuz I don't think I really got any pantyhose so I'm going to save those ooh this Tonya Harding's air painting therapy remember not to use a onesie in the listing why not why should I not use onesie in the listing I need to know the answer to this please this has a receipt one slim gate a belt large lady cameo top pants chemist seal 39 bucks if it's not a tag it goes home lots of those I might just open up a Jazzercise that's what I've been thinking about hosiery Corporation of America okay we got hosiery closer he posed me whole poser he is a good word to stay on youthful mountain I was probably on those words I'm gonna get in trouble for panties in bali bah-li slicing like 20 bucks to bali if anybody wants to go have lunch with me there I'm a game mmm more more more Bali all this will be on eBay soon I promise you Jeff you're gonna auction any panties off today you want to know who we got a hundred and seventy nine likes and a hundred and seventy eight people that is awesome that is awesome could we get two hundred likes I would I would love it we get two hundred likes before we end this let's go through some comments here going through closes so boring yes Diggs but we got to do it huh we're uh we can't even go to an auction and buy stuff this is the last bit of stuff I've had coming from this storage unit and it depends see you call a boring right if you say something's boring if each one of those pairs is worth five to ten bucks apiece and I got two hundred pairs sitting over there that's a lot of money is that boring is money boring I don't think so I have taken every pair this whole back of my truck is full of panties like you want you want to stay boring I'm excited look this is all brand new panties brand new leotards this is a used box we got panties everywhere coming home hoe back a truck is full of women's underwear lingerie cetera cetera like I said worse comes to worse if I run out of toilet paper I'm using panties and second of all think about this think about this Oh Diggs those sexy little panties go on a woman and if they were going on your woman you would probably be happy so that's not boring it's not like I said I've been on a mission lately getting prepped I want you all to be prepped to and get ready to do some internet selling okay I went to the paper store this morning and I bought all of this paper 30 pound rolls cost me 85 bucks and I am gonna be eBay I've been stacking boxes everything you could possibly think of I've been setting up got to have one more shelf at home so I placed the store all this stuff and I've been doing everything I can to that nature to get ready for being stuck at home I had to come down here today and make your video you guys could laugh again one more time that is my tripod right there can't wait anybody got any comments any things to say about this storage units and want to ask any questions we're already at fifty nine minutes I've got a 182 on I'm out of things to unbox like you guys have seen everything this is a mass pile still I have a Christmas stuff we got Christmas stuff these videos are coming soon I'll have four or five videos from this unit that I will be releasing soon but this was the last one I filmed you wear that you'll be an instant legend who scores that's what I think he was a sniffer I think he was something Tamara scores it is fat ebay banned them though what did a babe and there's SUSE mate scores really reap reps too right I do then I wash them I go commando most of the time can said you like Uncle Michael the word onesie is copyrighted it is Hawaii is a onesie is how the onesie copyright copyrighted copy right word why I don't know oh my Tamera's comments are hilarious hi I'm Leigh what's up Angie nice you to join the party don't forget that the like button Benji if he just came in we're trying to hit 200 likes before we end this live hit the like and share thank you Betty hope everyone has a safe prayers for you all family members help the elderly and people that need specialty what did we got here hold on I think we got a message from the little woman ah apparently she's watching my video shout out little woman and your wiseguy comments about organized you call disorganized organization is a loose term let's discuss organization because everybody has a different belief on organization for me organization is what makes your mind comfortable to be able to find it and how you operate everybody has a different way of doing it I am a multitasker I always am doing or thinking like nine things at once so it's very if you're watching little woman you got a comment there from Mary Harris she loves you haha I lost my train of thought oh yeah organization is a loose term for me like well I what I started doing at the system is I have these plastic totes where they got a a they got a B they got a C etc etc now when you go I'm good at remembering like say for example if this was my shelves here at home I will remember everywhere I put a big item I can literally walk up to it and I remember because my brain remembers photos like that so I can walk up there but when it gets to be little items and they're stacked on top of each other and they're small on this big and etc etc it's hard to pull everything out so what I do is I put all little items in a plastic tote marked a and I put an A at the end of the title I do the same with BC one to whatever it takes that's my system for little items I'm talking something like this I'm talking something like this I'm talking something like this but when it comes to a bigger item say for example something like this something like this something like this that sits on my shelves because the end of the row like this is come over here will click it sits out here the edge so I could see that visually as I walk by I don't need to have a number to represent where I put that because my brain remembers useless facts non-stop drives me nuts half the time but that's how I try to stay organized it's it's different than most organized systems because um I'm like an organized chaos person I don't know how to explain it but we all have different levels of organization and I just had to touch on that because a little woman was giving me giving me heck because she saw the comment about organized and we just discussed the organization last night she was laughing at me because I have like packing boxes under my ebay boxes and it's just not all packing on one etc etc you get more hellos there if you're still much and push the bigger item stockpile to smalls for now I'm trying to list and evenly because here's the thing in a situation like this Mary one is obviously going to think list the hundred dollar bills list the 200 dollar bills but you have to think if you're only listing big expensive items you're only reaching your audience of purchasing power who spend bigger money now for twenty five dollar items is $100 bill takes you little less than 30 minutes to make for ads that is the same to me is putting up a one hundred dollar item as well because you got to also reach the people who are willing Michelle d/f says she's got a point listen to your lady I listen to her a lot I try to tell her this often she has probably no idea even still that I am a very stubborn individual I defy authority I hate being told what to do I don't do things people's way because it's what got me this far in my life is doing it my way she's the one purse person in the world who I just say okay I literally just let her be my boss not that she tries to be my boss but I am very passive when it comes to her I just sometimes you have different ways of thinking you know look at the mic smile talking about the little lady yes money from ours when I talk about my queen I lose train of thought I blush she makes me giddy it's just how I am I've been that way since day one - no in her and people who watch my channel have always been able to tell just from that simple fact when I'm speaking on her there's new stickers you could buy from duct tape so that a QR scanning could down laughs and scan the sticker and put the items are in the box so they searched at the s scores that's an easy way to do it too I just go with the letter or a number at the very end of the title because it's very easy when you go to print a label when you print a label it has very few facts about clicking on the ad I hate clicking on an ad and then reading the ad to figure out where I put it when I could the title boom goes right there and so it's simple that's the system I've designed because it's fast for me I try to be efficient that's the thing I think of downtime etc etc Betty Webb you're you're cute when Z is a baby t-shirt of snaps under the ball that's why they copyrighted you yes you definitely light up when you talk about her yes Jonathan I appreciate that I like that I like that people recognize that I like that y'all watch and know me so well that you could tell when I speak of this person who has captivated by heart because I I act just the way my face looks right now you are like my husband Mike but he loves me and gives in yes Michelle I give in to this woman all the time she gets to be the decision-maker in him because I just say okay I'm very passive when it comes to her whereas everybody else any woman I've been with the kids mom every person I've ever worked for anybody will tell you Mike don't give people their way are you gonna be able to hold out if this drags out three months more Gary Barnes that's a very important question are any of us really going to be able to or any of us prepared financially with food with everything else to handle this such a such a thing I know that financially I'm not rich I don't have tons of money in the bank the storage business which people don't understand is not you're rich you got a hundred grand two hundred grand the bank it is the constant process of running over the same amount of money over and over you buy a storage unit you sell it etc etc right now my business is halted I have a lot of merchandise set aside for the internet like Craigslist and Facebook which I will not be able to do much of and I have a ton for eBay so what I've done is I've made it to a possible that where I can list at home I've been stopped in I've been like a squirrel and hibernation is coming you know a squirrel be score will be building all the nuts I told another woman last night I said I am like I don't know his last night for us I'm a squirrel right now I'm a squirrel mode hibernation is coming I'm ordering boxes from priority USPS I'm bringing everything home that could possibly be I'm bringing shelves home to fill up I'm planning that I will be able to run a full on eBay business on queue in my house well they have be sitting there for a couple weeks and I suggest anybody else who can do the same thing even if you don't have a pile of inventory what you do is start thinking about getting rid of stuff in your closet you go to your hall closet and you just start looking oh look there's that board game I never open that's 20 bucks on eBay Kahn go in your garage oh I haven't touched this two on three years listed on eBay gone anything you can to get to get money flowing during this time is priceless in my eyes it is priceless and I'm going to teach you guys how to do that we're gonna do some live eBay and shows instead of be making a video I'll have my camera set up and I'll just be going through at a time and showing you guys how I make a ad how I list it etc etc and running you through my process of making eBay ads because I do it in a simple manner I think it might not be simple to others but to me it's simple I'm about efficiency I'm about speed of service I'm about quality all at the same time I try to touch in a little bit on everything but make it um efficient I has to close his shop so his did Craig's this hundred a mother of one a lot of people are doing that hi Mike from Germany what's up Anita they will allow you to drive the store to have a lot of boxes yes I'm out of stuff scores galore when it comes to that it's all at home or it's been sold I've been doing everything I can don't forget the USP regional pros and flattery envelopes a lot of stuff will fit knees yes I got a bunch of those what's up Danny may that's a good analogy thank you now the squirrel man Tamara says yes I am a squirrel man the unicorn has pierced his heart and this is the most important thing yet you Michelle that's she did that the very first time our eyes make contact very first time pirate yes that smile loving and I love when a person's heart is happy so it's notable thank you happy more uni hope you liked the video he's a keeper [Laughter] you're too funny Danny Lisa Cozens I appreciate if you're talking about that video you sent me the other day I did send it to her just just so she could see what people say I have been watching for a while and you would smile but since you got with her you glow when you smile thank you Lisa I appreciate that happy looks good on you storage option pyre I love you John Crocker shoutout to Crocker's lockers if that is the same John I can't see the little photo uni I think you have your hands full FLL but mike is a keeper in my opinion Mary you're the best you're the best are you gonna be able to hold out if this drags out okay we're already got there the tidal spaces are golden though Mike okay yeah um so I'm prepping as you can see I've got this is the last load of eBay stuff I think I need people should have been in a squirrel mode as soon as it broke out in China nan Ali that's what what should have happened but we cannot it's like when you're driving down the road there's two types of drivers offense or defense are you the one who's swerving and people are scared that you're gonna react in a manner and smash into them or are you the one who's avoiding traffic and you're doing the things to keep getting to your destination while you're driving I'm a I'm a mainly a defensive driver with a hint of offense and that's where I'm at right now is I'm protecting my future because this might last a while and people are thinking people are thinking rice-a-roni they're thinking toilet paper they're thinking dis show but they're not thinking what happens when that runs out what happens when the money stops coming in because bill cycle I've say this all the time bill cycle comes around 30 days every day I used to teach my daughter this and my son it sounds cute that you're gonna pay your bills and you're gonna be all independent and you you might go get a job and you know the first few months are gonna sound fun but that 30-day process that never ends until the day you die it's the only time bill stop coming in is either you live in a forest in a tree with no electricity running water food etc etc and you're hunting deer to eat or you're dead that is the only way the bill cycle ends so I'm trying to think of that more importantly I've taken care as much as I can with the food and necessities of that nature but it's not my biggest priority because life has to go on that's what you have to think not just this moment but life must continue is always the process of life continuing so I'm trying to be on my toes so when Q ends I've kept busy and I can go right back to my in storage I'm talking today we're allowed to go back to work and storage and continue I'm ready to buy because I've put myself in that position you always want to position yourself where you want to be if you have the money part I would just give you a million dollar if I had the money I'll just give you a million dollars Antoine Shaw you're a beautiful person you're a beautiful person I would give you back a million after I turn out a million into a billion tell you that much hitting like and share Betty Webb we get rich together Antoine you just seem like a humble dude and deserve the best ABS I love you I love you I'm just trying to I'm trying to use this time that I have now before everything can possibly get worse because it's about just and Amaro might just be like haha guy psych we're done playing games go back to work you know it just could be like that way but very few are touching on the actual issue they're scared of hurting feelings getting people worried I just like to keep it real I don't give it I don't give a damn what the situation is I'm always trying to be 100 with y'all whether it hurts people's feelings whether it's offensive because I don't do it but intensely offensive but you always offend people no matter what you say I could say I love you and I could promise three out of a hundred people can be like why don't you hate me that's just the way life is you cannot impress everybody I'm just trying to keep it real and be a leader in these times and these times of life we this were leaders step up there's a lot of false leaders that tell you things that they're teaching you at cetera cetera but when it comes to hit the fan they're gonna worry about the wrong things or themselves I want to make sure I'm telling you guys prep for every possibility and that is keep money flowing in if you don't buy storages or resell on a regular now might be the time to dabble in it it is a good side job you could be a person who just hits the flea market and garage sales on Saturday and Sunday and you could spend a hundred bucks and pick $1,000 in eBay stuff and your eBay at nightly during the week while you're doing your 9:00 to 5:00 and keep that additional income flowing that is how to make extra money so this is a good time to prep for that system because uh like they say to be rich you need five streams of revenue one two three four five the average person will never get rich off of one job the average person will never retire off of one job I may say it but it's the truth unless you're a doctor or a scientist or a lawyer or somebody with a high revenue paying job the average human who works at nine to five at just over minimum wage will probably never see retirement that's the cold truth so this is a brilliant time to start focusing on resale because trusted believe there's a lot of money out there you watch some of these guys on on your on your social medias your instagrams your Facebook's and cetera said and they're making tons of money at Amazon FB which is shut down right now they're doing ebooks you got the people doing the Poshmark so you got people like me doing the eBay pay attention to it learn go on their lives if they have any videos on how to do it make money while you're on lockdown that people can survive on less food and they think in my opinion pots of beans and cornbread can last for days but it's in well that this is where you need to train yourself to be happy with you know many people are gonna be pissed off that they've eaten beans and cornbread for two weeks and they're gonna go nuts I'm fine a fit like I spent most of my when I was a kid we used to go down to the church if we didn't have food stamps you went down to the church cuz that's what I was raised on with food stamps and you get a paper bag like this paper bags called brown bags and you bring it home it came with powdered milk it came with peanut butter in a in a coffee can it came with a box of kicks you know what I mean like I used to eat powdered milk if you ain't lived and tell you if you ain't ate powdered milk for a month I bred for these moments I was telling the little woman yesterday or the day before went to the store you know a real good lesson for the children for my Kona girls let's get some powdered milk let's get a box of powdered milk we add the water and let's let them see what life could really be like that is that is funny to me because that is how I used to actually live don't drink the kool-aid Betty Webb says are you gonna keep that storage unit right now are you I don't have time to move everything out Gary I don't have time to move everything out it's 600 a month and another month and a half it goes up to seven hundred and nine and I've actually been thinking of getting out of this warehouse for a while and into an actual warehouse because public storage is 6:00 to 6:00 right now which I hate it's only half the day I get to work and I want a facility that's full time where people can just clock in list and go home and I just bring the stuff there but I can't afford it I'm not really wanting a business partner but it might be something in the future I need to think of because what I want to do is buy a building I would like to buy a warehouse for a million dollars because that's about what a MU warehouse costs around here and pay it off work work it for the next ten years I feel like I got 10 years or walking on my body before all the work I've ever done two catches up to me and pay that building off and sell it and that'll be my retirement because I don't have a retirement setup I haven't thought about that if you remember last year I was homeless and lost everything and now I'm just in the rebuilding process that's my next step is buying a building running I'm not gonna give up my ideas I got but I got a lot of a lot of good ideas for the process of keeping the money alive so if anybody wants to be a business owner and buying a building hit me up you got a million dollars laying around let's do it yes make the best peanut butter cookies ever no happy more I didn't I don't like that peanut butter in a car when you open up the can like a coffee can and there's this much oil on the top of the coffee who or the peanut butter that's not that's not the cat's meow that's not you have to mix it up like this you're mixing it mix it and never gets creamy it never gets soft who wants you know when you try to spread a peanut butter sandwich right and you take your knife like this and you get in there and you Whittle out some peanut butter that jar and you go to spread it and the bread is ruined no that's the worst thing when you make a peanut butter jelly sandwich and the bread rips a hole in it no viola says tell them powdered milk peanut butter and dried eggs I have I don't think I did dried eggs yeah exactly Cleopatra tears but don't get me wrong I loved it I loved kicks the few simple things we used to have back in the day was government she's a block of government cheese my favorite thing I would pay a hundred bucks for a block of government cheese right now because it does not exist like it did when I was seven years old you got peanut butter you got bread half the time it was a wheat wheat bread and you got kool-aid I love to me some kool-aid kool-aid like saved my life I swear I have some World War two Bobcat Boy Scout pins in a world war two military people I'm gonna give you I found the minister awesome Antoine me too best cheese ever eh men right now I wish I had a stockpile of government cheese I'm telling you right now but like I said my childhood prepped me for this like I don't believe my son's childhood has prepped him for this moment I don't think my daughter's childhood has prepped him for moments like this because I did everything I can to give them a life that I didn't have and so moments like this I feel like they're gonna kind of get a little stressed out because they're used to dad bringing home salami and cocoa puffs in and you know just nicer food that I didn't have it now on this little war now that we're on cue we got a bunch of mac and cheese we got a bunch of raviolis we got a bunch of things like that that you know are kind of boring to eat on a regular basis but it'll keep us alive and that's all that matters because like I said worst comes to worst all that truckload of panties you just saw is gonna become toilet paper and I'm gonna be taking my pee shooter out in the backyard in the golf course we're gonna be shooting rats for dinner if we run out of food and we can't leave our house trust and believe that we'll be eating rat and you'll be happy eating rat when you have nothing else to eat that's the mentality I have is why I'm not even trippin on that type of stuff I'd settlement toilet paper right now here new UK I've been holding this for a weekend already milk right now to the cow is gross to Lisa I don't know I've never drank milk out of a cow's tepee but I do dabble in some vitamin D whole milk and some almond milk housed in my refrigerator I have a friend that gives to me you're right Mike pirate which what what you know about a syrup sandwich Cleopatra I used to have syrup sandwiches with no bread that's what I know about serve sandwiches I'm an expert on pancakes that's what one of the things you only got back in a day when you when you were welfare and stuff with the church was pancakemix and I'm an expert on that because a little woman asked me to try to make some pancakes the other day and I had to show how to make pancakes because I'm an expert on whipping up the batter because I lived on pancakes like most of my life you know what you know about putting fruity pebbles in a pancake to make it a little more flavorful you know remember having pancakes of out syrup oh but what you know about that syrup sandwich we didn't have bread half the time I'm not even lying I'm down for breast milk Uncle Michael says Uncle Mike was looking for a gallon of breast milk if anybody could do him a favor got a fishing pole and a gun I Will Survive amen Tim freestone oh my god I'll call Mike for heaven's sake we used to eat pickles and cheese boiled broiled on bread ax I used to eat pickles and cheese on my peanut butter in JJ's cuz I was getting bored of PB and J's Uncle Michael gross sugar sandwiches yes sir Uncle Michael is hilarious patty I remember 1970s tracing paper bog roll ouch Uncle Mike make videos let's get Uncle Michael to a thousand subscribers and he'll go live Mary that is so I hope Jack if you're listening could you please give Uncle Michael a shout-out in your video today on your live and try to help get him a thousand because we're gonna need some entertainment one more on cue pancakes with Jam Malcolm absolutely haha pickles and catsup sandwiches I work in on it exactly guys I wish I could talk all day I wish I could talk all day I got to get home little woman needs to run some errands and I got to go home and spend some time with the kids make sure they're safe well she runs out and does such things so I can't sit here all day I gotta finish prep and I'm in squirrel mode like I said right now we could be on lockdown for two three weeks some people think months but I think that that's the hysteria that we need to not pay attention to I suggest don't watch the news I suggest turn the news off turn the radio off turn the computer on make some money pull out the board games do some things you would normally do because we're back in a different time right now and focus on making money don't let that stuff get you and prepare make sure you're hustling grinding and rewinding just because you're in Sidon okay that's all I got to say you know I'm on the mode where I'm trying to make money so when it's all blows over because the economy right now is in an upheaval there's little games going on if United States China etc etc China's dumping bonds trying to lower our dollar value we're over here spending trying to get locked down for once like stuff is a little haywire turn the news off and don't pay attention don't think about the remember thoughts become things what we want to focus on is a germ-free don't think anti c-word think germ-free think bacteria-free think sickness free don't focus on the actual thing just focus on the future also if you get bored I like that word simply since sin just said binge go to storage auction pirate binge watch old videos there's a one playlist you click the button entire storage auction pirate history start to finish you just hit play and let it rip I'm pretty sure you can also do the same unlock your nuts you could do the same on treasure hunting with Jebus you could do the same on storage stalker and there's a whole other rest of the community that you could go watch don't just watch me because I could probably be boring after a while and there's a lot of videos people dislike of mine so I'm saying keep it fair watch everybody my first videos I wish I marry I'm still shy you guys don't even everybody thinks I'm just some ball of electric energy and I have no shyness you guys have no idea same with Crocker's lockers that's what John says same with Crocker's lockers don't forget Crocker's lockers they're right there and a blue ranch you just go hit the button you can go and subscribe to their channel I like to spread everybody love just keep washing your hands regularly go watch what the hail is chasing dreamful says there's another channel you can watch as well what the Hales used to be a good friend of mine cam you aren't shy just in person you are yeah and I'm not shy in person or yeah thanks man if you go out Crocker's lockers irrational people don't like you it's alright Cleopatra like I said I could say I love you to a hundred people and three people are gonna just put two fingers down and give me the middle finger because they don't want to hear that it doesn't matter what you do you will always piss people off when you speak your mind you will piss people off when you keep it real you will piss people off when you tell it how it is and you don't just I'm not here to make fake fantasy realities because that's sets people up for failure basically so I know I pissed people off I say what people don't want to say I tell it like people don't want to hear it that's gonna piss people off I've accepted that long ago I thought I have people who hated me people how many times I've got a comment somebody's like you know pirate I watched one of your videos and I thought you were a cocky a ho I almost said the whole a word there but then a couple weeks later you camp my feet again and I watched a couple more videos and now I understand you and I get that a lot because I'm not cocky there's very few things in this world that I'm actually confident about and about the only thing that I'm truly confident and that I have actual confidence that I don't question without a shadow of a doubt is my ability to buy storage units the rest of the things in life I probably don't have a lot of confidence and I'm very shy and awkward about but when it comes to buy and storage units I know where I stand I know how it comes to that I know what's inside a storage unit before the Box even opens and I have the utmost confidence in that if you think that's cocky I apologize but I have spent most of my life prepping for this job I've taken it seriously and that's just the way it is outside of that I don't have a lot of confidence this is the way I am I've never been that super confident outgoing person like I was talking to Jebus and baby Jebus the other day because I'm usually a homebody and somebody there was a meme that says when you find out that your whole life has been described as quarantine which is basically a mockery of it's basically a mockery of the fact that a lot of us are homebodies and I've spent most of my life inside I work and I make videos but the fact is after that I'm home same with Jebus he's the same way and we thought it was funny because this is our life we've been basically prepping for a quarantine our whole life because that's what we usually do we make videos we go to work we come home when we sit in the house and we stay away from most people and I've been prepping for this most of my life storage hunters Vegas were saying awesome things about you there tonight they are there now the desert hunters a man Danny may have been friends if the UH with them since TV when we used to do storage hunters together etc said I've been friends of them for a long time pirate you and your fare and then if you remember correctly that kind of begged them to come do YouTube videos they were not really too heavy and a storage videos and I kind of brought them into the collab team and got them you know because I like them as humans they're good people normal people are weird you're blunt simply cincin says amen great time to list list list there is no normal when it comes to people I want a signed postcard from desert hunters last night that's awesome that's what's up Junior eight seven I talk too much can we possibly hit 250 likes to know that is that asking too much shelter-in-place is my life to work at home and go to the post box as they grow yeah that's an O guys this is awesome look at this thirty minutes from now the world-famous Jack and Janet aka Locker nuts will be live with a pop-up auction I think we should all be there oh hey didn't Danny see here there how you doing yeah it's it's been fun talking with you all I hope you guys enjoyed this unboxing hey I got a signed card and toothpick from oh yes you did uncle Michael sent you a toothpick berry and a signed letter Uncle Michael loves you Betty we don't have to do all the super chants I appreciate anybody ever super chats but uh I don't like I never asked for money like that I don't even like the super chat if you remember correctly when I went homeless last year and my kids and I were in a hotel for seven almost eight months and life hit the fan for me I had $2.00 my name I turned off super chat I didn't want help from anybody rebuilding my life because when you go to as a teacher and you're teaching people to make money you have to teach of a standpoint that that you only that they could follow and not everybody has a chance to get a super Chaddock cetera center so I don't even I'm thinking about turning my super chats off again just because they make me awkward super chat really makes me awkward I will be there love Locker nuts gods you love Locker nuts amen I love Locker nuts and Jannah I'll guess they're the same people it's their Jack and Janet Locker nuts Mary Harris owns uncle Michaels DNA oh yeah she's gonna call herself an uncle Michael watch Mary Harris is gonna come out of this with an Uncle Michael clone doll eBay sales have been going good for me Troy I sold seven eight items last night on eBay yesterday from sunup to sundown and that does a lot for me you know some people only care about the super chests and only interact with people that send super chests chasing dreams you're absolutely right there's a lot of people that emphasize that they say that if you want to be heard watching sin is super Chad the fact is I don't like that I don't like asking people for money I don't want people giving them if you want to buy some off me cool whoa exchange you get something and I get some money you want to go to my auction yeah but don't I don't want people to give send me 10 bucks for eBay to get six I get four and you're missing 10 bucks for nothing you work too hard for your money that's a ridiculous system I've had three sales we're just were watching a salty Pirate Day that's what's up see people are bored at home they got a shop Mike I follow you because you tell it like it is don't always agree but love honest that's what's up Gary as adults as human adult's we should understand that all my friends like you think you guys see me and Uncle Michael argue a lot and you see us get along you see me and Jack you see me and Alex so that I'm the three closest people to me probably we often disagree on so much stuff but that's what friendship and life is about you will not agree with everybody the ability to look at somebody and understand why see that's why they say never judge a man until you walk a mile in his shoes because you don't understand most people don't understand why I am the way I am they don't understand the struggle and childhood I grew up with what I fought through as an adults dealing with my emotional mess I used to be from the childhood dealing with my probably really backs I used to have a bad attitude I would think that my friend Andy always said have been a good name for my channel would have been been the recovering narcissist because at one point in my life I was kind of an a-hole I was a little bit different of a person because life had made me this more of a meaner tougher person until I've decided I don't want to be that person and it was never me it's just what life made me and that's what life is about you're gonna always disagree with everybody your bestest friend in the world you're gonna disagree with something at some point the ability to be able to hear ones words accept what they say and take no energy with you passion map that's priceless and these do you recover Danny says everyone who was the same life would be boring as Wes what's up I'm painting my dining room taking advantage of the time off when you're done I could use some painting in my dining room agree to disagree with respect keeps a thing called cool salty good job huh yeah anyway I gotta go we're 93 saying smash the like button smash the share button I love y'all videos coming we'll probably do I'll do a video tomorrow and I'll do a video Saturday those are both to be those will both be unboxings Sunday will be alive and I will probably do an eBay either a eBay with me or an auction my of from my channel or I might just say hey you guys tell me in the comments of this video don't type it here because I won't see it go in the comment section of this video not live chat and say would you rather have an auction live would you have to have an eBay live or would you rather have a me get all the gang back together on my channel on Sunday and we all talk at hangout deering q let me know in the comments section not the live chat please and I'll I'll know who seriously cuz you made it to the end of this video and you actually saw that and know and that's the opinions that matter if you know why should beginning my video and you're done and you didn't your opinion weighs a little less than those who are here right now in the very last minute at 94 minutes in this video who read this and know to say that not that you're irrelevant I'm just saying the people on right now watch through the Enna's video their opinions rank higher because you've made it through the full video and that's what's important loyalty loyalty is everything don't let the distract you from the fact that once I found five Corvettes in a locker in Petaluma Hot Wheels pickers warehouse blessings do you pay oh and don't forget Pickers warehouse we'll be putting out videos soon subscribe to they're my good friend Axl Uncle Michael will get the live videos for us as we get into a thousand subs Jax live is in a few minutes go to Jack Jana's channel bid if you want to buy me something you know my peel box is in the description you can send it to me just saying I'm just teasing don't buy me some throwback cowboy chasing dreams since she is doing a live auction in less than 30 minutes chasing dreams thank you jack is Jack Jack can you delete your comment thank you Jack was about to have everybody in his life I tried to save it as fast as I could so I could pop up there and scare Janna see everybody everybody log in to Jack's channel he just shared the link I love y'all I gotta go family's waiting on me
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 4,854
Rating: 4.8937063 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage, abandoned storage locker, storage lockers, storage hunters, storage wars, treasure hunt, how to make money, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage auction, auction hunters, extreme unboxing, locker nuts, what the hales, curiosity incorporated, storage auction pirate, storage wars full episodes, American pickers, pawn stars, storage pirate, storage stalker
Id: EmO5Jk0WaxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 3sec (5763 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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