Abandoned Mystery Storage Units... MASSIVE Box Stacks! #5

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you guys ready hey man whoa we hit the jackpot guys waiting with weights ventures and you're watching The Ventures YouTube channel a family channel we scour the state of Oregon and do this full time finding amazing storage units that we can make a ton of money on but more importantly share it with our YouTube family so buckle in we bought three massive storage units and we're ready to unbox them live in the warehouse to show you guys the treasures and the amazing stuff that we're finding here in the state of Oregon so get your popcorn ready hit the subscribe button and the like button and let's get into this all right Dave 100 yes we get her up and dive okay I want to warn you guys before I start opening boxes that I have a new assistant on the camera oh yes and his name is wade introduce yourself cameraman I'm Wade and show my my finger real quick try to outdo me so vote for me yes I am I want to read what's on here real quick it says no heavy on top singing Christmas moose and painted metal laundry can painted laundry can yeah and it was in this box too I'm sure so hasn't been open since 2011 all right really sharp knife because he had really good tape oh yeah and I didn't want to take as long as I did last time but I still feel like I'm curious about the laundry thing all right we have some packing they have some back packing is there anything else in here laundry camera Oh laundry chances okay got all our tools here so to go faster this moose feels fluffy oh it's a legit that's a fat lose a hand puppet we have to sing oh my oh somebody's been eating a little too much somebody's been quarantined too much [Laughter] what the heck I'm up close but I'm not quite sure and I won't sing I don't know but he's a big boy I don't know what kind of laundry they use cuz my baskets way bigger okay here is a laundry basket it does not have the handle that's kind of cute you could put laundry soap in it and you know dip it out and put it in here that's some that'd be kind of cute wouldn't it for a laundry soap basket yeah I've never seen one like that I'll go ahead and read it see what it says says old spreads two pair of high heels black pink oh those are the heels uh-huh bunny slippers 2006 this box was packed and I'm all for the bunny slippers I think that all right let's see what we got here I'm sure dalts box number two for today [Applause] I've already got my April Fool's joke ready for them I can't wait till the first [Laughter] but I thought of it this morning I gotta save it correct April Fool's Day that's weird oh my god you got a lot going on here I'm not sure if I want to pick up those bunnies that's I need to wash my hands I don't know what to show first [Laughter] okay you like selling that stuff it's it's pink okay a little pink scarf okay not everything can be 1970s bedspread that's actually for those what do you think somebody might want that hey I like the 70s okay we got some shoes here like we were told oh these are the sparkly ones Oh a lot of sparkle I mean yeah pretty bad shape I sell shoes but this is I'm not sure where this box came from oh hey we can't win them all it makes more interesting we show them everything everything nope anybody wants bunny slippers you know where to go hey I told them that put their vidiian on the comments a little cold artifices yeah there's the pink shoes okay oh there looks like they're Highlands and then these have a box oh those are actually good shape yeah I kind of like these and these are women's oh they look like they're brand new actually they are brand max I mean look at the back of the the other no no they're brandish their brand-new sweater concert t-shirts ooh neon t-shirt garden t-shirt and a sunflower t-shirt that was somebody's wow this could be good cotton shirts okay here's the sweater that actually may sell somebody would want that that's something I would say pretty right there had something I would sell it's an older vintage piece now what's that t-shirt pajama top is yonce is he he's dead on right now so far huh so far yeah you like your her description space Lowrey top shirt here come sunflowers now this may be oh that's not that concert well what is it oh the moon hold it up I like I like the moon yeah that's not bad it feels new it's like a new teacher it's not a bad box so far some Adam first some concert t-shirts and go for it oh well what is it oh my god show me it's the Woodstock Supercenter no no no that's really a store or they're trying to yeah I don't know it doesn't look like something they'd wear it Woodstock but that should have been tie-dyed smelly and some more flowers yes it's wide and short wide and short and the graphics are pretty good on the stove where's the concert I'm open this is it it's looking like it might be what is it I'm looking I don't know what concert wait wait just keep it there the long road under license of boom productions 1994 screenplay yeah it is brand new it's never been worn you can tell I mean just because we don't know maybe or something yeah oh that's kind of nice ones that Susan Ashton brand-new t-shirts I don't know who she is but I'm sure some of the viewers do yeah that's really good quality I mean the graphics are still good I'll put these right over here man there's like three bags tied together over this yeah it is pretty beautiful it's popular again yeah okay oh okay this is fragile it's breakable and it's dreamsicles so we know what that is we're gonna make it man oh it's got those peanuts where shall I jump the peanuts oh oh man there's a lot of dreamsicles in this thing it's so much in the unit in the boxes everything this is like two layers deep okay if I ever move I will I want to go to the coast and find this guy cuz he's the best is it in there I'm looking it's awful oh yeah it's in there okay every little thing it's a little I'm thinking tiger yeah it's a tiger I was gonna say sheep glad I didn't uh-huh Dreamsicle dreamsicles are angels I've noticed they're all angels yep okay another the lane Joe with the water thing we gotta keep sausage so when you put them fine just like a puzzle putting them back together yep all right not bad are you oh you're in a watery and somebody's gonna like this funny please oh they wanted 20 bucks back in the day for this guy you know there's so much in these boxes I feel like we're gonna be here like three years don't worry though guys we're gonna one look good once everything gets normal we'll get more units - so well Ashley got our house back since we got a bigger warehouse I know she don't want to give it up to me a beautiful Dreamsicle shirt a lot of these I've already hit a ton of them - oh man this one's cute with the birdhouse think it's a bird now open the top up of these things this is another they want 20 bucks for this there's a birdhouse over no you can yeah I think it's resin yeah they are this one's pretty cute my grandfather oh that is a they must have had a lot of these a lot of different types of sickles Oh I found out something on the way over here today if you guys want a little trivia I found out while I'm unboxing I found out Oregon gets to pump their own gas for two weeks Wow what is that sir it starts today and we get two weeks of pumping our own gas I'll never forget the time where I was in Washington sitting in the car waiting for my gas to be pumped for half an hour nobody was showing up and then I realized I was in Washington and that's saying something's I'm from California and you get to pump your own gas there but pretty cool I like it didn't got the lining in his unit and in these things because it just gives us that much more product to show you and you can put probably jewelry yeah you know this guy's this box here that she's opening there's the same one there right there oh [Laughter] [Laughter] oh this is cute remember those old-fashioned phones yeah they're called house phones landlines my mom still uses hers oh yeah well it makes sense because these were back in 99 right yeah Brown that area Oh 97 this was 97 so oh this is different okay something different you guys are gonna like that something different yeah who doesn't like elephants cuz there's musical elements to collect elephants I used to make elephants so I just assumed everybody loves oh wow look at this little guy big old ears cute so they make more than just angels then sounds like it looks like they make everything yeah big try to get a system to this and I'm not just hand me the empty file system not when there's this many boxes this is a little gardener angel Wow know somebody that loves the garden that would be a cute little angel look at that cute and there on really good shape there's no chips or cracks in these so 97 or right around there she probably pays these prices oh here's one that's celebrating somebody's birthday I think we could I mean whatever reason everybody could have their own reason for it oh there you go yep he's got a bunch of balloons on him hey folks were at our last one this is 95 whoa I want to break a nail have to get a band-aid to not work tomorrow oh I've already showed them mine let me show it again for those that are it's doing a lot better now we're so glad took a chunk out please give way to sympathy I need it and if your gladness that he is better look at the little angel with the mother in the rocking chair I love this one hold on one second Wow so yeah they do more than just that's a cool piece she's no she's pregnant yeah yeah yeah so this one's the number this one was 1997 maybe we should take a tiny little break all right we'll be back guys we got to get more boxes going I'll be right back okay this is a long list [Laughter] five drawer elastic container drawer one threads boon lips okay it's what it says I looked twice drawer two has hand needles sewing machine needles bobbin okay I'm catching a theme here it's it's this long they're gonna tell you it's also enough okay they were pretty thorough I bet he was a really really interesting yeah because just reading a label by finding interesting yeah this is gonna be all sewing huh what is it oh my god I mean oh my gosh take a look what no yeah there's no drawers in here there's just bottles with bottles in bottles with bubbles with bubbles this is this leftover from the bottle unit my cab who does this users they must be special bottles Old Spice bottles well they're good for collecting some bottles tape together yeah they even tape them together in plastic everybody's gonna really not believe all our tapes very few hits were marked wrong oh those are caps this our bottle caps in there okay here you go Oh little one there probably ten boxes in here maybe good okay this is lancaster hall is that a place in England yeah I think it Mary Ellen would know I think it's uh I wonder how many things he can fit in there I don't know okay baby baby I love this tissue paper okay Mary Ellen knows this one I know she does ruk people know this one we have a lot of UK fans and this one is can't see first off I the one thing I love about all his stuff is there's no chips I look remember we looked at the other one it was solved for 35 bucks so that's just the 60 bucks between the two of them I like that one houses that you see this is sell Barry end it's like a hotel maybe I don't know maybe maybe yeah something like that Mary Ellen we're counting on you let us know but it's in really good shape and these guys here they go for about 25 to 35 bucks and more so there's another one this looks like an original box or whatever it is but I could be very well I'm gonna guess it as a move I'm gonna guess it's a loose oh can you guess what it is loose yeah thought it was a bear for a bears moose angels it's been an interesting couple days I like the figurines I'd somebody look at the eyes on it it's got those cute little eyes yep little beady eyes love that he just laying down he's got a human butt looks like a weird little moose all right let's go the next year a moose but that's all I'm saying look look so anyway comments all right there you go did you look at anything some of those were already open oh it's a globe that's our globe that's a globe to something maybe it goes like that or that I don't know what but it looks like a globe to me in my world that's a bull oh it's got a couple ships there I would imagine I'm willing to bet this is one yep this one matches that one ooh the chip I like there no is that one nope look don't take look vintage yeah they're beautiful actually let me get the other one so they can see both of them together I've gotta get that frosted glass not it [Laughter] you'll be fine oh we're missing oh that was a moose yep okay fragile dream stickers buckles I can't talk now cut cut cut Oh what is it is it in there yes oh it's in there I don't know if we had to open it up I think we can just it's a membership kit it has limited edition figurine value guidebook and angel hugs I think they probably had like a monthly subscription or something of this Dreamsicle thing you want this all impact I think we should just leave it in there okay what do you think I mean they get the idea yep this is Oh No yeah that's a beautiful dream so we don't want to dream six more gosh I'm saving all these bags yeah well everything in baggies you guys want some baggies now when people buy on Poshmark they get their stuff in a baggie okay them do sunflower yep this guy was 16 bucks what do we got I know you might have to I don't want to tear the box is it stuck in there well it's not coming out so I guess yeah another sickle kind of sickle is it what's the sickle do because they all do this and so holding up bird it opens yep a little trinket box and that's a little it's a sitting on like a watering thing pervert yep this one was 20 bucks just one seed out of this nickel we'll put this thing right back there Oh what do you got I have the Icicle for Halloween oh nothing came in here that's this one okay oh so they even this guy's probably one of my favorites I like it I think there's like a dozen boxes that say this on they may have the whole collection to be honest and we're picking boxes randomly guys so it's not like we're purposely picking I'd like to clear out the hallway by the bathroom so I can move my chair eventually eventually it's now I call it's a break room okay this is actually really cracking or that it's cute yeah oh hey remember how we like elephant okay we finally got something this one has a peanut oh this guy's is cute Wow he's going for little hairs back there and that's the end of the Icicle second one today single box 97 know what that fukk all right well that wraps her up should we show them the aftermath of the sickness let's do the show whatever they want to see oh they can't tell us they have they're stuck with whatever we do we're definitely not shown in the break room look how many sickles are over here guys Wow anyway alright that was today's video hopefully we have something a little more exciting for you tomorrow it was it was alright guys if the thumbs up button well thanks for the love see you guys me clean off the camera here alright guys how about a me ZD see you what's up guys and girls thank you so much for watching today's video if you want to see and support the ventures family a lot of people ask where can you do that so this is grandma ventures Poshmark guys she's got over about 1300 items that you find in storage units I'll put her link below if you want to shop her Poshmark you can find everything that we get in storage units and shop her Poshmark also this is my Poshmark over a thousand items you can go here and shop weights ventures Poshmark if you find anything that you like these are all from storage units so if you see something in a video you like you can go to these to posh marks also eBay we have quite a few items on this replica count 500 items everything that you finds in these storage units you can go to ebay and shop and all this stuff here will be available to you and then if you want to learn how to buy storage units $34 it comes up to 25 cents per video and I teach you everything you need to know about buying storage units so if you're at home and you want to buy storage units the link will be below it's a complete course you pay for the store the course for 34 bucks and then right away you can start watching 136 videos and I teach you how to buy storage units and then lastly if you go to youtube and you go to Wade's Ventures of youtube right below or she's me right beside the subscribe button you'll notice a join button if you click that joint button guys you can get extra footage footage that has never been released on YouTube between me grandma ventures and the family you can click that and get extra footage so there's so many ways you can with us thank you so much for the support and I shall talk to you on the other side hopefully you enjoy tomorrow's video [Music] thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from Wade's ventures click the videos on the left
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 28,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storage units, storage unit living, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, Self Storage, Storage, storage locker living, storage locker finds, storage locker auctions, storage wars full episodes, Storage Wars, abandoned storage units, abandoned storage, abandoned, abandoned storage unit, 2020 storage units, 2020 auctions, 2020, box, boxes, mystery box, mystery boxes, mystery unboxing, buy, sell, how to, make money online, Vintage boxes, old boxes, unboxing, wades ventures
Id: _QGKlZvXm3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 8sec (1988 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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