Live Feed July 24. Answering Your Questions on Stealth Parking

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see me we have gone live I should be live in front of you right now I hope I hope I hope hope we do this every time don't we I hope I'm live you do your part and then you never know for sure until people start popping up and then you know you are actually live wait wait wait are you there I think someone's there I'm getting some feedback and chat so we are live apparently thank you I'm thank you to the YouTube gods the gods of the universe almost aren't they Google and YouTube and all those big guys they're taking over the world something to be concerned about but that's a that's a topic for another day that I its bigger pay scale to mine I don't have any answers so here we are we're live I'm in Oregon you can see I'm in the whoops don't hold on to that you can see I am here in a beautiful forest National Forest in Oregon I'm on a I like to get Sun and so the van let me go and walk over around by the van so that I get Sun I'm parked in the field kinda but I am surrounded by trees and I could be in the middle of the trees if I wanted to be I just don't particularly want to be and let me find Cody there is Cody so all I know Lou I'll turn this around where do I have to turn this around Connecticut I had from illinois' okay so I turned this around and let's go see if Cody no you all want to see Cody I like seeing Cody Cody come on come on where's he at there's that go dog he's such a good so cars out running around in this field let's not do that okay there we go so let me turn around and show you the van it's a hot day so the Vans all opened up that's a lumen net I've got draped over the back I'm a big fan of illuminate it's it's aluminum we've kinda and it reflects that's the point and it's got a here you can see you can see that you can see the read through there so I get a complete airflow through there I'm doing a test on I'm comparing it to regular shade cloth and I'm just I just got it clamped on with uh with these see those yeah just regular old spring clamps clamp it on it's super simple and across my door I just put a sheet I hang a sheet over my door and use spring clamps and I like the tan color it's a cheap seat sheet I bought at at at a thrift store and so the door can be open I can get full air flow it's in the shade right now but in the morning it's in the Sun and I get full airflow and the Sun doesn't shine into the van that's what you gotta avoid is sun shining into the van okay let's turn this thing around what's the temperature there uh it's it's actually been up really good here it is July and I bet it'll get up to maybe 90 it'll probably hit 90 today and maybe 95 I think that's about where we are so pretty good pretty pretty good know I wanted 95 I'm not even sure it will hit 90 it's not all that unpleasant I'm usually running out of the Sun as soon as I can because the Sun gets so hot here but no I'm doing pretty good so far and let me adjust this you know we go it's a little better and let me adjust this oh my I always do it the wrong way first there we go that's better so uh all is good here today's is question answers so we're gonna do question answers as far as the note every Wednesday from now on today's topic is stealth parking yeah you all know me for doing boondocking that's what I do and that's all I've done for the last 11 years last 11 years I avoid cities like the plague and have not been in them but uh but for the first six years that I lived in the band it was in us big city city Anchorage Alaska which is a big city it's like 300 mm so I spent all that time stealth camping so I know stealth camping really really well and then I haven't done a lot on stealth camping because I don't do it anymore it's just not part of my life but I know it and so today we're going to talk about questions and answers on stealth parking next Wednesday will be questions and answers on boondocking because and that I know better because that's what I don't know better I know it as well I've been doing it for the last 11 years and it's a big big part of my life so basically today between this Wednesday and the next Wednesday we're gonna talk about working uo camp and working to go camp for free and that's the whole idea behind cheap Rd living is to spin next to no money okay so we have questions coming up and right now I'm going to do announcements the first announcement is I'm going to speak at the tiny fest Northwest that's in Salem Oregon the dates are August 17th and 18th and it's it's a big bear ground type thing and the people there will be it'll be tiny houses there and a lot of tiny houses there'll also be quite a few vans and on school buses there are always well represented and but mainly it'll be tiny houses and so you can come and take tours of the tiny houses the the lineup of speakers is very very impressive I'm not sure why there will have me there but I'm gonna talk about because I'm not a tiny house guy I don't live in a tiny house well my van is what is it it's 60 square feet so I guess that's the tiny house yeah it's on with tiny house on wheels isn't it but it's not a traditional tiny house like most people think of and so I didn't really feel qualified to address them but what I've given an enormous amount of thought to is the science and the spirituality and the psychology of living tiny whether the tiny is in a van a Prius the Prius a van or you know a traditional tiny house that most people are building I've given a lot of thought to the science and the psychology the why why do we do it why do we have a compulsion to do it why do we have it see feet I think that's an important important question and when people start attacking you and they will as soon as you tell someone you're gonna live in a car or a van and they're gonna start attacking you know that's a bad idea you'd sit on and on none have all the long long list of reasons why it's a terrible idea and you need to have an answer and you need to have thought it through and not just go wildly and blindly I think it's important that we have reasons in life for the things we do we apply the heart we always have to apply the heart but we also have to apply the mind and this is why I do things and I have to be able to do both I have to tell you the mind satisfy my mind this is why and my heart the this is a proper urge that I'm following and it's a good thing and so that's what we're gonna talk about mainly science anthropology and psychology and Carl Jung and what stuff okay that is August 17th and 18th and the the website is tiny ti NY fest F est North West spell them all out tiny fest North West calm okay and that will take you there and there's a schedule I'm not up on the schedule yet I've been in conversation with the organizer for quite some time and we just nailed it down and she said she hadn't gotten it posted my schedule but it will be and so go there and don't be worried if it isn't posted yet it will be and we also want to give you an update on on a van build we builded this minivan I bought a minivan homes on wheels Alliance bought this minivan and then a group of us and I did a blog posts on this and built this minivan it's entirely ready to give away we've we've got a webpage up and where we're taking applications we've gotten a bunch of applications now we're going through the applications coming to the process of finding the person most worthy of the van and most likely to make a success of it we think we're not doing anyone as service if we give them a van and and they're set up for failure because they don't have enough money they don't have enough knowledge and so we're doing that kind of vetting and once we've got that vetting done we will hand it out where to have it hand it out to distribute it and I'll do a video of course the person we give it to we're shooting for in July which is only a week left so it's got to be very very soon and if not it'll be the first week of the first week of August we're shooting for that also I think I've been authorized to go ahead and talk about a little bit about the rubber rendezvous well I can say this I'm getting a lot of questions when is it the date and the time and the location and I'm sorry to say we don't know yet we are dealing with the BLM and when you're d this is it's going to be on BLM land the only way we can do it for free or affordably is to do it on public land and we're also going to put ten thousand people I don't know it would have to be a huge state park or a state or a fairground bike thing to hold ten thousand campers and so we have to find a place we have found the place we've put in we've applied for the permit we're just waiting on all to get nailed down and then we'll have times and dates but we can't do it well I can't make any announcements whatsoever until I've got an official final word from the BLM were set to go I think we're really close and it will be soon but I can't do it until that moment because with the BLM anything can change in a heartbeat look at what's going on with Burning Man you know they've been there if they have every ten years they they have to renew their contract and so they're you new one is up next year and they're going back and forth then and so you just never know where the BLM and so I can't I don't want it I can't give you out not only do I not want to I cannot give you information till I know is an absolute that it's true and it's accurate and it's what's going to happen it will happen that's the one thing I can tell you there will be a rubber rendezvous if we run into too many snags we'll will do workarounds we'll we'll have space limits and we'll move them around and I don't know what we'll do but as of right now everything looks good we've got in an application we think that will be accepted we think we have a location that can be become a permanent location and almost all of our the issues of the BLM is had will be solved so and we can continue to either have it extremely either free or extremely cheap one way or the other talking about extremely cheap one of the things we're wanting to do is a van raffle at the RTR and so we are looking at buying a van and raffling it at the RTR so we aren't again we're well into it we're almost ready to make the announcement some folks have said given me the go-ahead and I'm not a hundred percent sure here's the way it looks right now we're going to buy a new chevy express van how we is how homes on wheels Alliance and we're going to raffle it and I don't think we have nailed down the exact cost of the tickets we want to make them cheap a lot of you don't have much money to spend on a raffle but you want to buy a ticket and so our goal is to make them very cheap I think right now I think we're looking at five dollars a ticket just so everyone we don't want to exclude people who don't have money nor do we want it you to go out and spend all your money on tickets but at any rate we're working on it none of us nailed down I'm just giving you an idea of what we're definitely are looking at we've approached fiber een fiber een is the company that makes some high-tops and installs them they make the very best I am a huge fan of fiber een we're not well I'm just an enormous fan if you're gonna buy a high top go to fiber een and get it I've known a bunch of people that did and every single one of them was delighted with fiber een with their service and with their high top it's it's expensive it's a lot of money but it's still the way to go I saved I saved a thousand dollars and went to someone else and it's the biggest piece of crap and it's going to end up in the landfill I'm not I'm not kidding that company has since gone out of business rightfully so they should and there's no question in my mind that once some point the top that's on my van will end up in the landfill it's just crap and that's just there is to it so go with fibrin go with fiber een fibre een I believe it's fiber ENCOM if you do a google search on fiber in california it'll come up they have told us they will install a 24 inch high-top on our Chevy Express we weren't going to give away a low top van our initial thought had been just to buy a Ford Transit with a high top Ford Transit however I am personally a fan of the Chevy Express of the motors and everything in the Chevy Express had they're cheaper I mean it's gonna be ten thousand dollars cheaper than transit but I wouldn't give away a low top man I don't think I just wouldn't give away a low top down so Phi brain has agreed to put a top on it and so we are going to do a raffle we are pretty confident for free they're going to donate the top and their time and support fiber in please whatever just the fact that they've agreed to do that please go out and support fiber ring and and so we are planning a raffle for the RTR none that we don't have any of the details yet we don't have a page set up we don't have the tickets in place we're going to go through a website there's a website that does this and it takes all the hassle it's a huge hassle to do and to make sure about the legality and the morality and the owns Perrin see we go we're going through a website and we'll set all that up so that we don't you know it's all done through them and and you don't have any questions and we're just going to rip you off although hopefully by now that's settled in your mind there's a few of you it's settled that I'm gonna rip everyone off and I and so on and so on but I won't go into that and so we're hoping that happens and we are hoping we have a final announcement on that very soon okay I think we're ready to do announcements and and now what I'm gonna do and you're gonna bring over questions right Brad now I'm going to read a letter I like to read a letter every week I get I get enough questions that I like read comments from readers that I like to read some of them and it lets you know what we're doing and working on okay great and this is a letter I'm gonna read to you I receive 848 soaps this page - okay here we go hello my name is and this person gives their name I'll tried really hard not to give you any information about this person I am 53 years old I recently started watching your videos I have always been an avid camper until my hut my height health got to the point I can't anymore due to those issues I lost my left leg above the knee and I am NOT able to wear a prosthetic I'm in a power wheelchair permanently so pretty bad you know problem is here so far my spouse died 15 years ago so it's just me so this woman is so much for that and so much for her anonymity and still don't know it is my spouse died 15 years ago so it's just me and I would love to be able to join your community I only receive eight 4006 a month from Social Security disability and I hate every day can you imagine that and I can I can easily imagine how you've you've lost your spouse you've lost a leg you've got limited mobility you're barely surviving on 846 a month that that is not a high quality the highest possible quality life okay so me back up here I lost my place here I would love to be able to join your community I think it can save my life as it has so many others in your community and I get those letters just every week that they write me and tell me they this finding this way life has saved their life do you think it would be physically possible for me meaning she's lost leg are then e others in wheelchairs that manage thank you for all you do if nothing else I will continue to watch your videos and dream so this lady again I'm just terrible to start like so this person is in a really bad spot in life lost lost her husband lost her leg got doesn't have enough money to enjoy life she's just surviving I don't know where she's living but she's you know she only has 846 a month it's not a high-class place it's not it's not a mansion she's barely surviving no extra money at the end of the month and her life she said she she hates her every day and so I so she's found hope and I've said so many times and I really believe this I am in the hope providing business this is a way out and cheap RV living isn't living in a car or a van or an RV or in a tent you know it's not it's not easy and a bundle of joy but it's going to be on am enormous improvement for this lady and for and for thousands and thousands of others and so I I'm just very grateful that I'm here and I have a video I wrote back and said yes you can do this and I wrote back and I have that video of Bob who lives has lost two also lost a leg and and lives and built a cargo trailer out and has a power wheelchair and does really really really well in his his cargo trailer and so I wrote her back and sent her the link to the video and said yes you can do this cargo trailers are cheap you can high find you can find someone to help you build it out you can build it for your mobility and moving the the wheelchair around in mind and you can do this and with the caravans and with the tribe and the community you won't be alone there will be Hill people to help you to support you to care about you just to just a shoulder to cry on sometimes sometimes that's well all we need you know we can get through life it's just those bad down moments when you've got to have someone to hold your hand or to give you a hug that we all have those days and and that and the knowledge that there is hope there is a light at the end of the tunnel it's not a train coming your way that there really is hope and a better day ahead if that's all I do and accomplish for people unfortunately it's not I do a lot more than that but if that's all I did that would be enough and I'm very very grateful to her for writing in to each of you for all your support and for watching the videos and subscribing and and passing on links to the videos and your social media that's how she found me was because of all of you the audience has given me an attraction that YouTube sends it out and so someone Google searches on what can she do with a wheelchair they come to me and that's all because of what you do so I'm grateful and I hope you'll continue to support me and and the the channel and that together we're gonna change lives we are changing lives we have changed you and I together I can't do it alone you and I have changed thousands and thousands of lives and I am tremendously grateful to each and every one of you for that okay thank you and so now let's get started I'm gonna get out of the Sun because I'm gonna burn up here I'm gonna walk over into some shade and and then we'll start answering questions what time is it how much time did I spend doing that 20 after 25 after thank you so I'll get in the shade try to avoid all these wildflowers we're in a patch of beautiful wildflowers I hate it when people disturb nature tear it up okay here we go I'll get a drink and I'll start answering questions all right oh let's drop that get that down of power right I guess that's about right didn't I don't get it away from me so you're not looking up my nose and I haven't imagined I haven't trimmed my nose hairs recently you don't want to look up my nose okay so next we'll start answering questions on stealth parking ok card number one David Abbott asks what is a good strategy for rotating parking areas to avoid being noticed I generally I'm going to recommend that you move you have at least seven you have seven planned out stealth parking areas where you got Sun okay so now there okay I suggest you have seven and you change every day so that way you are never more in one place without being a week apart and that's about the best you're going to do because then you'll you know people if you're there once a week four times a month that just isn't enough for people to really pay attention to notice you so my recommendation is that you go around town you find seven good spots and you rotate in between them you should always what I think of as getting there at the last you have a day camp and a night camp so if you're not working or if you're working question you're you're at work most er day and if you're on your days off you have a day camp on a night cap so you go to your day camp during the day and then at the last second if you're going to go to bed whatever your schedule is it's different for all of us I worked at nights once for a very long time and lived in my van and that worked really well it was an anchorage alaska so it wasn't hot bad i can't imagine doing it in a hot place that would be really awful and so i slept during the day and it was really really easy to stealth park and when you park during the day when you're sleep during the day so you have a day camp where you go during the day can be anywhere lots of places to be at the library it can be a bookstore I can be in the Walmart parking lot it could be almost anywhere and then you have a night camp and you never mix them up you spend your days at your day camp and you spend your nights at your night camp and you get to your night at the very pasta last possible second so you get there at let me get around here maybe we can get some some less blown-out so you get to your your night camp at the last possible second and too much so if you're gonna go to if you plan to get to sleep at 11:00 you get to your night camp at at five til eleven you get there your bed's ready to go your trip you never turn the light on you get out of the front seat you get in the back and you go to sleep if you're going to read or listen to some music first very low and very very low and and use a red light headlamp to see so that you're not making any noise no one hears you use your headphones no one hears you no one sees you no one knows you're there you're just you're your that's always the goal okay - Tom what is the best way to blackout windows so it does not look like reflectix well there's a number of good ways you can buy black poster board and just cut it - the black poster board and and slide that in I have known people who bought black spray paint and spray painted them and then of course they're just solid black you can spray paint one side of the reflectix so if you have two windows that are mirror images and one side can be reflecting and the other side can be one way to do it is to buy felt black felt and spray glue and sand and spray glue black felt onto one side so if at night you can put the black felt on this wall over here and no one will see you at all because it's black felt and then during the day you reverse them it goes over here and people will say the reflectix but it's during the day and no one really cares if it just seems reasonable that you have reflectix up during the day and so that is a really good solution if you have the two mirror images and/or you know you have a same thing usually with the back-to-back windows on your van you can mirror those very identical just mirrored and so you can have two of them one has black felt and one has reflectix and then you can reverse the sides each has either black on one side reflectance on the other and that's a good way to do it you can just put up curtains just a dark curtain I've known people who cut out a piece of insulation they had too many windows so they cut out a piece of insulation and they put glued black felt on one side or spray-painted on one side and then push that in too and then they really got insulation you know the heat didn't come through because it was insulated literally and so that's a really good way to do it all these are there's lots of choices a cardboard you can just buy a get a cardboard box and and cut it out and spray on glue and use plaque felt or get a dollar Walmart can of spray paint and spray paint it black and and stick it on there so real easy that's an easy one to solve Shawn which is better private lots or Street it depends on your vehicle if you have a commercial vehicle then uh then you wouldn't go on streets commercial vehicles look out of place so if you have a step fan you have a box fan even a cargo van to some degree looks a little out of place just a white little cargo van looks a little out of place and on on streets but that's the great thing about a cargo van it can really go and either you can be on residential let's call it that you're always on a street but let's call it residential versus commercial that's your question private Lots or Street oh maybe not maybe that's not your question maybe you mean private a lot like Walmart to be honest with you I'm not sure exactly which one you mean but if it's private versus commercial then a commercial vehicle looks great go into light industrial part of town with a step van or a box fan or even a cargo cargo van no one will notice go into a passenger van on a city street in front of a in front of a big and one of the very best choices is in front of a big apartment complex you know if you have a multi-story and multi building apartment complex no one knows who's parked where who no one news hope knows who has a friend who lives there who doesn't those are almost ideal they're sprawling messed up parking and you can be almost anywhere so that's a really really good choice and now if you mean private lots I would assume that you mean private Lots well both private Lots maybe Walmart you think of Walmart as a private lot ah yeah there's nothing wrong with that I tell you the private Lots assuming that you're talking about find him in a hard time let's see let's get behind it that might do it better if you mean a private lot one of the great great places to stealth Park is and I found these actually surprising number of places is I wish I could make that darker lighter okay that's a little better although you're looking up my nose again one of the places I love is to find a Denny's next to a motel or I've seen that pretty often and I've stated that pretty often so that's a private lot Denny's owns it though Motel owns it and yet you could be at either one and they're both 24 hours so that's a really good one another private lot that I like is 24-hour grocery stores again it's a price it's a private the store owns releases it and a private individual somewhere owns it and so I like those because they're people come in going all the time you could be an employee inside working 24-hour grocery stores always have please in working you can be an employee you could be a shopper and as long as you're moving them around every seven days the cop stops you're just another vehicle parked in front of a business so yeah yeah that's about the way it works Linda how about installing your vents on the floor to be stealth would you recommend it I've never done it the big issue will be and I have known people that did it and I think they all liked it great thank you and I have known people who did and I think they liked it the big the issue is mice and critters critters getting in particularly rodents but also bugs you know creepy crawlies crawling through mosquitoes getting in that way well and it's because it's on the floor it's not like a vent in the roof where you've got mosquito netting on it I just do not like not how can I get solve this I don't like being that dark I don't like seeing my face although my face should be hidden no question about that but so it's easy to have mosquito netting if it's on the roof but it's a lot harder if it's on the floor cuz you're gonna be walking on it and so there's some issues also the another big issue is carbon monoxide coming in exhaust fumes coming in you ever have a leak it's going right up in your Vantage of driving there big issues with it I've never done it because of those issues you can try give it a try and let me know what you think that would be the bout the best I can tell you know the ins and outs the positive negative is what will work and what won't and then make it make your own decision and try let me know it's okay you know that's how this thing works okay and I'm not doing anything so I'll just try to ignore it I'll just be dark RV travel crew is parking outside streets and industrial areas legal sure yeah it's legal it's a city street you can always park on a city street as far as I know how long can I park in RV now our V yeah it's still not illegal you might get chased away because people it might be in other words it's not illy I said let me back up a bit here it's not illegal because you're parked on a city street in an industrial area it might be illegal everywhere in your town now if it's illegal everywhere in your town it's the illegal there too and then you've got to worry about a cop chasing your way because you're you're doing something illegal so if it's illegal everywhere it will be illegal there if it's not illegal is there everywhere it won't be illegal there either it's not suddenly illegal in that part of town in fact usually the cops patrol it less they kind of figure that all the buildings in there have their own security patrols and their own security so they watch it a little less there's less there to steal it just warehouses and you know businesses like it really aren't a lot to steal and so you're less likely I believe in a light industrial area to run into security police police at least can you park there and yes in fact I know a number of our viewers that's where they go because that's where the its biggest there's the lowest amount of traffic now again we're talking about light industrial areas every town has one there'll be warehouses there that's where you know there there'll be a bottling bottle are there it's a light industrial it's zoned for light industrial so it's the traffic's lot less it's actually it's actually you know when people say should I choose a step van or a box fan I say yes because of the in light industrial areas you fit in well they're having a box van or a step ban and light industrial areas perfectly normal and natural you're making a delivery you're waiting to pick up a delivery in the next day the boss comes around and sees it there and he doesn't think anything how many's your someone who needs to do business in that area and they tend to sprawl out a little bit there's usually not enough parking so people Park on the streets a lot normal now if you're an RV there it's obvious what you're doing no one's no one just think God gets there and like what's this RVs here to do business there they think you're there to sleep but if you follow my advice of get there at the last second and leave it at the very first moment with as soon as you were awake you you pee if you just have to but then you get in there and you turn the key in your driveway you're you are not there an extra second that you don't have to be and if you follow that basic rule day camps night camps you're never at a night camp more than one second more than you absolutely have to be you do absolutely nothing to draw attention to yourself then you could probably it away with it and and in fact these cities where they make it really chase van dwellers around our viewers they will usually eventually they'll get tired of the fight and they will let them stay in light industrial areas because they do the no one complains you know the owner doesn't care if you get sarin there's an RV parked out front and you leave right away and you never do anything wrong he's not gonna care it's not worth hassling himself about it so there there's that using a car to get to work oh I didn't read old Paris sentence I have heard of people parking RV there and using a car to get to work no no no no no no then the boss gets there and you're there all day then the boss gets a little tired of that he's got customers coming he needs someplace where his customers department he's got employees where there are his employees barking no no no no no no no no you don't park there all day and drive your car to work you don't do that anywhere I'm sorry you do that only with extreme extreme caution and I can't that's not something I'm gonna get behind it all okay car 12 Commandments and I think I'm out of questions no question card number two okay let me get some of these cards out of here my life okay that one's done and that's done and that's done and that's okay please go down here they blow away I'll pick them up okay card number two Yvan asks do you recommend parking outside of a 24-hour business like IHOP or grocery store should I go in to purchase something first yes and yes I actually I worked in a 24-hour grocery store I worked in a grocery business all my life I mean literally all my life over thirty years I retired that's of my pitchin I have a I was a union clerk in a grocery store and so about half the time probably 2/3 of the time 20 years I work during the days and probably have about a third maybe ten years I worked at night so man I went to a grocery store every night and when I went into a rush store I went there you know five days a week I didn't know who was out there and if you were parking out there I didn't think anything of it I just thought you were a customer or you were another employee that I did know there were a bunch of departments in the store and I didn't know all those people in there the work there would produce there was the bakery Baker's come in real early produce comes in early sometimes they stay overnight the janitors were there all night we were stalkers we usually had a crew of a minimum of one occasionally there'd only be one but usually there were two three four five of us a bigger busier store would have even more so yeah there were people coming and going no I loved 25 that's my first recommendation to all of you as a 24-hour grocery store now we get cops in the store all the night of course they're out patrolling he wants to stop and get a Coke or he knows when the donuts come out of not be nice guys sounds kind of mean but if you know we're if you're out on patrol and you know when the fresh donuts come out wouldn't you stop and buy one I would guess coffee they got coffee out there in the delis and and so they stop in and get a sandwich and it's just part of their routine we had cops in all the time and all this to Russia store 24-hour grocery stores I worked you just got used to Santa and they don't you know they don't know they know there's a bunch of us working in there they go to the bakery and get a doughnut and they see us working and we got we got a clerk up Manning the the register and there's people in the there's a dozen people in there he doesn't know who's parked there so if you're one of them he doesn't know we're care 24-hour grocery stores and I know that I can tell you this when the boss came in the next day he didn't know it what any of us were driving he did he might have gotten some of the more observant ones might have noticed these people are always here they must be employees but he didn't associate them then with a name verse because they didn't care enough about us to associate us with a name but because he just couldn't I mean he's got 100 hundred 50 people in that store employees that store he doesn't know them all in their name what they drive no one will know one care I think 24-hour grocery stores are the best with an IHOP it's a smaller operation they might know who's there the boss comes in he might care don't do it all the time if you only do it once a week I think you could do it fine at an IHOP if the high hop is next to another 24-hour business it's perfect if there's a like I said I've done this a lot especially with Denny's a Denny's behind a motet beside a motel or Diddy's beside a 24-hour grocery store then you never know which ones which and the employees and management of one don't know who's with the other yeah you can I love 24-hour grocery stores I would assume most 24-hour restaurants will work as well Julie McDowell how do I find stealth parking regulations for a particular City excellent excellent question the first thing you do is you go to Walmart and you ask them can i stealth park here and if they say yes then you know it's pretty lacks I'm not I don't particularly recommend that you park at Walmart's because if there is going to be enforcement in a city it will be at Walmart it may not be anywhere else in that whole town but it will be at Walmart but if it's not at Walmart it's nowhere other than an individual's manager or store keeper and that's unlikely as long as you're being reasonable and don't create a problem they're not gonna care you you get there at the last second you sleep you leave immediately you don't go you don't camp there and go part work somewhere else you don't set out your you don't set out your Levellers and set out your slides you'd be reasonable human beings no one's going to care so but if the efforts they do enforce at Walmart that's that tells you you have to be at least aware of it if they do not you know they don't enforce anywhere in the city they'll enforce there if they enforce anywhere and if they don't you still don't know you'll have to be noticeable you'll have to be noticing do people park there anyway and that happens a lot they've come around in a four so Walmart will tell you you cannot but people still park there and get away with it then you know you're pretty safe anywhere in town and if you've got a problem and it they do enforce real strictly at Walmart and it seems like they're enforcing everywhere else I have another really bizarre idea for you go to the local police station and ask them and I know how strange that sounds and we all think the police are the enemy thank you very much and and they're not the police are not the enemy for you know if you go in and tell them I'm still I'm working I've got a job this is where I work I'll show you my driver's license I need someplace I can't afford rent I'm working 40 hours a week and I can't afford rent can I park on the street somewhere now before you walk into the police station you've parked the van a long ways way you've walked two three four or five blocks no you watch no one's gonna follow you they're not gonna fall here the cops are busy they're not getting busy they're too busy to follow you around but you don't want to you know if you walk in the door you show them your ID and ask them a reasonable question and it reasonably explain yourself I think there's a really good chance that the cop will hand you his card and say if you have a problem have them call me I think there's at least a 50/50 chance of that unless the city is really tough and if the City Council and the mayor and all them are really tough then there see if that is control there's nothing he can do but he'll tell you that you'll find out you'll know when you walk out of there no I'm sorry the rules here are very clear you cannot park if you park here you'll be in trouble now you know at the very least you know what's going on with a little luck you could and I've seen this actually happen you can walk out with a cop's card in your hand and another dock cop knocks on your door you can hand him the card and say officer I've talked to this officer and he would like you to call him and a word will get out they don't like wasting their time and the word will get out and you know what those cops will be watching out for you not to get you but to take care of you I think we I think that's an idea that is missed out on way too much we just autumn and I'm not denying it do you what you can't watch the news without cops shooting people for no reason whatsoever and it creates this fear comps and it does in me too I'm I'm not gonna deny it I used to deny it there were a few bad ones but boy now they're just they seem to be everywhere I still would give them the benefit of the doubt and this would still be my advice to you you get into a town you want to know if it's if it's um if it's safe walk up to a police station show me your ID explain your situation I'm not a bad guy I want to get along I don't want to break the law I can't afford an apartment is there anything you can do I've heard of them letting you park in front of the police station the word gets out to all the cops there's a guy over there in a van he's alright it's why not you almost have nothing to lose as long as he doesn't see your van no one follows you out he doesn't know you're not gonna arrest you you're not doing anything wrong you walked into a police station ask the question you showed him your ID you're a good guy you're proving you're a good guy now the cop knows you're a good guy okay that's what I recommend and if they don't enforce it at Walmart they don't reinforce anywhere if they do enforce Walmart look carefully don't go to Walmart's there's lots of other places to go best place to self camp in Albuquerque I don't know you'll want to ask that best place is stealth camping Albuquerque I don't know Albuquerque in particular but they're all the same outside so I've given you a bunch some people try hospitals although hospitals usually have security and that could be a problem if you have a story if you actually have someone in there then it's easy they're not gonna chase you away if you have someone in there and you can say my mom like I've been going to hospital everyday my mom fell and broke her hip so I've been going to hospital everyday and so I can say my mom Jeanie Wells is up in 5b and so I'm going in to see her not gonna say anything about that and I say I drove down from some nearby town and I don't have anywhere to stay and so I'm just gonna stay here okay with that but so hospitals are possibility churches I don't generally recommend 24-hour grocery stores are my top recommendation of tomorrow my life I've watched it I know it's safe just know the businesses watch the businesses learn watch and learn and observe that's really the key outside a good one is outside garages if it's a garage that has you know when I say car garage auto auto repair shops that's what I mean and so you know they usually build up business now if they have an enclosed fenced yard that makes a little harder but sometimes they just kind of sprawl around and if you could fit in on the sprawl the boss comes in the next day anymore a lot of auto shops will let you drop off your keys so when he gets there and doesn't know the vehicle he doesn't care and you're leaving earlier right you're only gonna be there the exact time you're asleep you're gonna leave get there really late and you're gonna leave early and he's never even gonna see you so that's the rules you follow and you follow that everywhere you go and you never stay more in one place more than once you have seven places you rotate you follow those rules you can really kind of get away with it another one is they will enforce at Walmart but if there's a Sam's Club and I'm sure we'll Albuquerque has a stand on a Sam's Club go to the Sam's Club and I mean and a lot of times the Sam's Club is literally across the street from a Walmart and you can park at the Sam's Club no problem at all and they will chase you right out of the Walmart yeah it's a weird thing but uh a lot of it is just common sense and safety as I've said if you don't have a commercial looking vehicle out in front of big apartment complexes is really the best the bigger the kind of compartment complex the more sprawling the parking the more confusing the parking the better off you are yeah you can find a place in Albuquerque I'm sure I don't know in much about Albuquerque in particular if you caught if you are get caught parking overnight in a place that just said that does not say no overnight parking we get cited or just asked to move I'm not aware almost no one has ever cited I it would be ridiculous to say no one has ever been cited and in towns where you know it's an big issue you could potentially be cited but almost always you're just gonna ask you to move on it's just not worth it's such a little it's not worth the hassle to them the cops or you know the people that own the store they can't cite you they don't have the power I don't believe all they can do is call the cops and ask tell you to and and have you removed under trespassing and a cop could cite you with trespassing but it's highly unlikely I just think it's really really really unlikely I don't think it's going to happen um okay Andy yeah I'll give you two and take four no I'm on three Andy I'm thinking of towing a mini mate camper behind my Prius can this still be stealth no I'm sorry it can't be you're towing a camper then you go for the just passing through look and if you stay near the freeways the major roads doing it out of town you go through the mate just passing through look and that's fine but that's not fine if you're gonna leave live there permanently if you're gonna live there for year after year and you're in something that looks like I'm just passing through what cops are captive smart you're not and this is a big thing I'm surprised no one's asked you're not really getting away with fooling people the cops are pretty smart you're rarely getting away with them you just gotta you're just not worth the hassle the the they're not under strict and orders to enforce but you know if you're there over and over in a camper you make it too obvious and you almost force him to take some kind of action so you know I'm sorry although I'd know people who the great example is what was his name Tioga George the original blogger RV blogger who started all of this long before me was a guy named the adventures that oh no I'm wearing the son The Adventures of Tioga George and he was the one that taught me about a day camp in a night camp and he lived in RV and stealth everywhere so it can be done and maybe I'm just being maybe I'm being sadistic I think that's a possibility but yes if you're in an RV and are be looking like with a camper boy it's tough it's really tough if the town doesn't care then you're gonna be fine if the town cares and they're really wanting to get rid of yes yeah they're gonna care they're gonna they're gonna cause a real problem for you and I don't have any solutions okay mmm does that yet once the stealth means leave no trash make no noise do some places not allow over an art parking because of this oh yeah yeah there are a lot of places where they've had problems with overnighters and and because of that they've eliminated they've made it an overnight parking that's that's the most common reason why places are no not it's not the most common usually it's the RV parks the most common reason is the RV parks hey they want the money that's all it is to it they don't want you going somewhere for free they want you to be forced to pay them so the RV parks throw us local citizens throw us businesses and that's why that's mostly why sometimes it's because like Walmart whoever owns the Walmart they lace a lot of times more at leases they don't own a lot I think probably most of times I don't know at any rate if the lease holder for the RV for the Walmart law it says no for insurance reasons for whatever reasons he's just a mean guy and that's why yeah so sometimes it is because people abuse surprisingly on probably a lot of times it's because people abuse but that's not the only reason fact yeah so yeah make sure you don't you're not camping you're never camping in fact the name of the video would be stealth parking you're never camping you're never camping in a city ever you're parking and you're just parking as as fact never get out of the rig would be ideal get there at the last second jump out of the front seat into the bed sleep jump out of the bat in your bed into the front seat turn the key drive away never even step lot never put out things never leave never will make a leave a mess trash you're just ruining it for everyone yeah that's really really important Deb young stealth means all I could just answer that ones in woman nice nice I like that Zen woman is it possible to stealth park in New York yeah actually there are a lot of people to do it I'm not I I I'm not the one to ask about that but if you're better if you do to Google search on stealth parking in New York you'd find a lot yeah I think there are people that do it and pretty successfully mark Bay Jack how about parking at an auto repair shop and leaving before they open the morning yes great idea some of them are are they're big enough and they have a fence and they lock the gate and but you can still be on the outside a lot of auto repair shops now have a gate have a box a one-way box you can drop your key in you've got and and you know in an envelope explaining what the problem is and ask them to check it out or if you've checked with them before and they want it there really really early and you can't get there really early and drop it off the night before and drop off the key that's pretty common and so you'll be the vehicle will be outside the owner will never have seen it the mechanics will never seen it before they won't think much of it yes auto repair shops work well for the most part they're exceptions I tell you where they're ideal an auto repair shop that's in a shopping mall and you're kind of parked a little bit in between the car shop and the mall and then you're not sure no one's exactly sure where you belong so that's a good one too huh Oh Casey once a Casey once applied a white window privacy screen to our windows how was that holding up Casey answered and says works awesome holds up great easy to clean yeah we did find they were not clear they were you can see right through them at night and if you have a light on so you you cannot think of that as the way that you're keeping the light in so you still have to put up at night to keep light in and not be obvious you still have to put up something in Casey if I'm wrong will you correct me you still have to put something up yeah Oh Oh the stuff yeah you'll still have to block the light from getting through blocked the window Boyd Lee asks how about parking in a hospital yes and no sometimes there is no parking and so there's security and they it's a big problem sometimes it's easy sometimes it's hard I can't I don't think I could even attempt to generalize about it I would just say maybe another one oh it's almost time okay okay it seems like there's a lot of people watching and there's a real interest in this so I might go over I don't mind going oh I don't um you know wind me up get me talking I'll never stop and you know that don't encourage me and if you're encouraging me you're on your own this is you're bringing it on yourself but yeah I'm glad to answer questions I love answering questions and I know you can't who are you gonna go ask these questions of and so I would like to be someone that you can have done all this stuff I've been chased out of I've gotten the knock on the door many times and so how about parking in a hospital yes and no and I it's really impossible for me to give you a good clean answer for for a hospital the problem is more and more security there's no room they're out and about and they'll question you and they make you leave again it's the worst gonna happen they're gonna make you leave you go for somewhere else that was number three number four John yang can you park at airdrop trailer in the city haven't and leave it for the day mmm I wouldn't and I no I don't think I would I know you can put up all the security around on the you know the I don't think I would so you can put a cable lock through the tire and then go through the tongue they have to cut the cable you can put the little ball there goes up in the ball the lock that goes up in the ball and then you have to break that so there's two you can put a thing that goes through the tire and becomes a boot so you could put up three locks then the guy has to get through three locks and a pro can get through all those locks without any problem but they take time when they draw attention so the odds are that a pro wouldn't ever bother stealing it I think it's more likely that the owner would come out and impound it and he'll put a boot on it that you can't remove and make you pay a fine and or cut worse have him call a tow company the tow company hauls it off you've got to pay hundreds that would be probably the worst thing that happened if you put all those safety measures a pro can get through all of them no problem but they're in the middle of a parking lot it's gonna draw a lot of attention really those cable locks are the only way to cut them is with a grinder and you're cutting through a cable and a grinder and a person alone it's pretty obvious I think the risk would not and worse comes to worst you could take them did you take the tire off and that the guy if the owner came around said worried what are you doing I said oh I'm sorry I got a flat I can't drive it I'm gonna take the tire off take it to a so you could do that worse comes to worse no one's stealing it without the tire and you've got a plausible excuse you didn't go into the store and say hey man I got a flat I'm going to pull the tire and take off you know where you might you might can do that you might get away with that another place you might get away with it is auto parts store people repair auto parts they're autos outside auto parts stores all the time and they don't think anything of it they want that you're in there buying their parts you're there borrowing their tools or bringing their tools or or engine so they're okay with that so maybe you could drop it at a an auto parts store go in and take the tire off say man I've got a flat I'm gonna go fix my get this tire fixed and be gone all day I don't know I don't under any of these things I I'm not one that thinks if you're going after stealth go stealth and don't have an RV and don't tow a trailer I think a much better idea is it if that is in your long-term plans it's not just a one-time thing is a step ban or a box fan because you get the huge amount of space that you're looking for but you can build it out like an RV if you want it to be like an RV and yet you can park that thing in the light industrial area of any town and and no one will think a thing you're the safest you're gonna be because you just look like a guy who's li parked overnight to go and deliver the next morning or pick something up the next morning yeah that's so you can probably get away with an RV in a town or a trailer in a town so you can try it TJ abstinence is there a way to check if the city does not allow stealth parking yeah I like I've already answered this question I'll go through it really briefly go to the Walmart first if they don't enforce at Walmart you're safe anywhere in town there's always selective enforcement at Walmart if they enforce at Walmart they may or may not enforce anywhere else if they don't enforce at Walmart they're not going to enforce anywhere so it's a lacs town next go to police go to walk right into the police station ask them and I've covered all that watch this video again I'm not gonna cover it again so that is what I have to say about that camp goers asked is there a place to park in RV in California without being harassed well more and more the cities in in California are assigning an area because it's such an issue it's become such a huge problem in fact the state legislature is moving ever closer to making passing a state law that makes it its overrides the city's ability to make it illegal in fact I because the state's been sued a lot of times about for by the ACLU about and this is they're the ones who brings all these suits then it's discrimination against the homeless and so I'm thinking that eventually eventually the ACLU will accomplish its long-term goal which is to make it legal everywhere because it's just it's a it's you know you're basically taking away people's right to live right to you know you have the right to live in this country and if you don't have a home and you can't can't live anywhere they're taking away your right to live so yeah in a lot of cities they have designated areas and and they will be okay with RVs not usually good areas but there is an area I see Cody back there is there a place to park an RV in California of being harassed so well there's always dispersed camping you know I was going to the forests or the BLM land and dispersed camp that's always available and in towns you're just gonna look and I've explained several times you you go to the Walmart see if it's loud there if it's not allowed there you have to be more careful go to the police station and ask them alright I think I might be done I think I've answered a ball oh oh my missed one is there a way to check of a city does not allow stealth parking yeah we talked about that where if you live what if you live in a single parking spot for 24 hours and move on 24 hours a long time you'll draw attention to yourself I wouldn't stay 24 hours anywhere I would just stay I would stay have a again I'll go over the skin it was earlier I have a day camp have a night camp and go to your and go to your day camp during the day and then at night you go to your night camp and move your move them both around don't always go to the same day camp although you prom I could get away with that more likely its day camp you know one's you're not sleeping there and that's what's usually illegal to sleep in a place camp in a place but being there during the day is now almost every illegal and so then you go at night and you may have seven of those you move around and so on 24 hours the one spots a bad idea okay and I think that's all the questions I have so I'm going to I have 12 commandments I have a blog post on my website why do you don't even know I have a website they started with a website in 2005 it became real popular and then when I moved I mean it was pretty big website and and then when I moved to YouTube I stopped writing for and I just couldn't do both so I stopped writing for but there is a enormous everything I know is on my website and if you do Google searches on it you can find it so if you do it this Google search if you do a google search on cheap RV living calm 12 commandments of stealth parking I have them all wristed listed in a blog post I'll do this as of as a as a I've never done it as a a video I need to do it and I'm gonna read you my 12 commandments so that and we've covered nearly all of them I hope but in case that I haven't covered all of them I have another I have another blog post where I list out all the places you should think about going to to camp okay one learn the local attitude toward van doing have had this question come up several times it's very important you need to know to go to a police station ask for permission I covered that at length watch if you I'm not gonna cover it again if you're just joining us go back weary watch the video I cover that at great length 3 keep your vehicle neat and clean the number one thing about stealth is do not draw attention to yourself don't have anyone look twice but your bumper stickers your dirty your beat-up you're a mess you personally are a mess you draw attention people look people notice that they who see and what's he doing here and they notice you over and over again they call the police say hey there's a guy out here I'm worried about the cops will probably mostly ignore you but if they get a complaint they're coming out and knocking on the door period they get a complaint they're coming out knocking on the door stealth is about your neighbors not about the cops you rarely fool the cops the cops usually don't care it's the neighbor and so keeping your van neat and clean and never drawing attention yourself in any way is a way to keep the neighbors from calling and bye neighbor imeem residential or business the manager in the store the employees of the store a customer in the store so and so on keep your vehicle neat and clean that's number three number four try not to have anything outside of it milk vehicle just make you stand out that's wrong I put that wrong never have anything outside the vehicle just make you stand out never never have anything outside you're not you're not camping you're parking and people don't put things outside when they're parking keep yourself clean and clean and neat and you're going to be noticed you'll be say you do go to the Walmart you park at Walmart next morning you go in and you buy coffee well that's why Walmart loves us our veers and if it's legal there and you're safe parking there go in the morning but don't go in looking like a bum if you're going to look like a bum and the manager you just happen to catch the managers attention you're both coming in store at the same time in the morning he's coming to work or the assistant manager or the third fourth fifth the manager and he sees you walking in and he sees you knows you've been there before seen you before and you're a dirty and a mess and you've drawn attention to yourself negative attention don't do that your van is being clean you're neat and tidy your hair can be long and you could be a hippie I've done that I can I can vouch for that but if you're neat and clean and tidy and you're friendly and you see them you say hi how you doing and you go in and you're polite to people then the guy's got a positive impression he knows it's you cuz things just happened to work out and don't be surprised that it will work out but he's got a positive impression you want to be a person who gives a positive impression of you and your vehicle you're polite you're friendly you're helpful you're going buy things you don't go into take a shower in the bathroom the guy the guy happens to come back later and you're there and taking a shower why you're hurting us all buddy you're hurting us all don't do that so keep yourself neat and clean keep your heart neat and clean now that's an interesting one this has been so long I've read this I wonder exactly what that means I think I mean it's keep being polite and friendly and I just think that's so important you know if you have a smile and you're okay if you walk around talking to yourself and growling and and and you just give the impression to people that you're a mess your heart should be neat and clean actually that's a good way to put that have a smile have a grand have a say thank you in your mind and your heart and your voice in your mouth thank you just say thank you hi how you doing nice to see you today keep your heart and yourself neat and clean that's good really good advice I'm actually not kind of a smart guy I haven't read this a long time seven the longer you sit in one place the more noticeable you will be twelve hours I mean have a day camp have a night camp you only sleep at the night camp nothing else you don't do you don't read you don't want listen TV you don't watch TV that's a day camp day campers that stuff night camp is to sleep it's good advice arrive at your sleeping spot as late as possible drive away as soon as you awake you know don't brush your teeth don't change your clothes get in the front seat that's why you want a really a great thing to have a van you don't even have to get dry get out draw attention to yourself you just get in the van you fire it up you drive away stop at a convenience store change your clothes go in if you don't need to go in and brush your teeth or Burger comb your hair or get a cup of coffee stop at a convenience store there's always one around and town and do your things there 9 have at least seven camps to rotate between rotate often never be more place more than twice if you have 14 all the better 14 is better and 7 never be at one place more than every two weeks no one's gonna notice or care do follow all this advice and you're gonna be ok 10 be prepared to proof in your van you know like if you have a night camp and and now what happens in the city and I hear this a lot and I kind of did this myself there's always a public restroom so you get in the habit of pooping in in public restaurants or not in restaurants anywhere any public bathroom anywhere convenience stores you stop it convenes store you go in you buy a paper and you go to the bathroom and oh you all if you don't have a gym membership I'd be amazed so you have a gym membership you stop you go in the morning you go and take your shower you go to poop your wash a shave that's where you do all that stuff and and no one notices gives a thought to you going there every day they just think you're healthy you have a look you you have a work ethic which hopefully you do and so you almost never will poop in your van but be prepared so that in the middle of the night you've got you got diarrhea you got to go right now you don't have to jump up run out and run into Walmart pee draw attention people notice what's he doing in here why is he acting like that be prepared to poop and pee in your van if you need to I think that's good advice 11 moisture on your windows is a dead giveaway installing a vapor vapor barrier will help prevent this really really important so put up a plastic sheet in a van I don't even know a way to do this in the car I don't think it's possible but your windows will be shielded there'll be reflectix or card cardboard painted black or there'll be something around your windows insulation on your windows there'll be something so that you hopefully you're not getting um that needs to be pushed all right up against the window so the moisture can't get behind there and condense and we're at least the heat can't get behind there and then melt the condensation and so should be just your excuse me deep breath calm down how you guys doing today so if you're in a van I meant I suggest putting up a vapor barrier or some kind have a slit and then have the preferably a a Velcro so that you can Velcro velcro the slit tight together and so very little moisture goes up front that's about the only thing you can do to prevent frost on your front windshield if it's cold well the best thing is not to be where it's that cold go be a snowbird and go where it's warm I lived for six years in Anchorage Alaska and there was ice in my windshield every morning and this is the best I could come I had a box and I lived in a box fan and it had a door that slid across I had to pass through and a door that slid across and so I hung I hang hung a vapor barrier under it and that almost always worked I almost I rarely had frost on my front windshield but sometimes they did sometimes you just couldn't keep it from happening but you try to avoid it look for a way to avoid it 12:00 should you camouflage your van and this is a question I hear all the time ladders yes but you look out a place in a residential area so if you have a box van if you have a step band yeah the more you look like a business the better off because then you look normal in the light industrial areas but then you look really out of place in a residential area don't you but a lot of people owned businesses and operate their businesses and drive their vans home their cargo vans home so they're your cargo van is parked outside your home so that does happen it's not a dead giveaway but yeah I think camouflaging your van with Levante ladders ladder racks orange vests put a hat and a hard hat leave a hard hat and an orange vest on the on the seats we'll put a hard hat and a clipboard up on the dash those things help signs are another matter signs are a tough one signs are a tough question because then your commercial and you've claimed yourself as commercial and a cup might be watching you in thinking is he is he's running a commercial van but he doesn't have a commercial insurance or a commercial license plate or or if you're driving on the freeway and you have a business on your van and you don't stop at the at the weigh stations on you know the rest where the all the trucks are required to stop well cargo vans are required to stop also in a lot of states and so if you've got a sign up that says you're a business and you don't stop cops could chase you down and make you stop and so that's a pretty big issue and there's another issue the cop runs your plate oh that's what it is the cop runs your plate and you don't have a commercial but then a commercial plate but you have a sign up that says you're a commercial van then he might wonder why aren't you paying commercial and stop you and ask you why so there's the sign is more problematic much more problematic and you got to be careful it doesn't make you a target and so that's that's it okay I'm done I've had enough you've probably had enough that's a long long time I hope so it's a great shape no signs yeah someone else agrees no signs signs are problematic I'd give a lot of thought to the ins and outs and pros and cons of a sign before I hung a sign there are some real issues with hanging a sign when you're it's not your business when you're not a commercial vehicle and maybe you don't want to be recognized as a commercial vehicle okay okay so I am going to quit thank you all so much let's turn on the bubbles everyone loves bubbles bubbles I guess I can dance I haven't danced yet today let's go out here I don't how to dance so I'm not a very good modern dancer so I'll just pop bebop I guess that's what I'm doing just be bopping me and my I'm dancing with my camera that's that's uh the only one who loves me as my camera ok that's enough enough bubbles enough dancing where'd it go there it is couple stop okay folks thanks so much for watching the video a lot everyone know about it hit thumbs up on the below hit thumbs up please and tell your friends if you're interested in this living in a van finding hope I'm in the hope providing business get the word out on your social media and I'm going to quit and talk to you later see y'all later bite okay I'm gonna trying to quit there we go
Channel: CheapRVliving
Views: 118,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live, living, car, van, RV, Full-time, nomad, gypsy, camper, camp, boondock, travel, snowbird, caravan, tiny, house, tribe, RTR, adventure
Id: IHjWUcyb3Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 30sec (4470 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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