Live Feed Which RV or Van Should I Buy? July 3, 2019

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I should be live now I hope and I hope a lot of you will be watching this after live my beer doesn't look its best does it and so welcome to later if you're not watching live and if you're watching live I'm glad you're here let's I always never ensure until until I've actually got some comments coming through hopefully someone's out there okay I think I just came on there's always a slight delay so I'm never hunter wasn't sure hi everyone we're live I'm glad you're here I'm glad I'm here I'm glad I'm living my life exactly the way I'm living it today I wouldn't change anything about my life if I found out I was gonna die in a year what would I change nothing this is the life I want to live in exactly the way I want to live it so I'm one of the very fortunate few and of course you can be one of the fortunate few you as well my goal is to share with you how you can be one of the fortunate few who would not change your life even if you could even if you had to so let's see who's on that should spend some time vagabond Rob clarification on my photo okay hi Alberta I just really can't see I'm looking into the Sun hello Bob from Ocala Florida I know Ocala Florida well my mom used to live just south of there Lady Lake it's a nice town I'm pretty familiar with Ocala National Forest I like I like it a lot it's a little hard to camp there but it's a nice place really really nice place okay and so I guess I should keep this say hi hi from Ohio hello Bob hello from PA greetings from Gulf huh good picture good we my friend cliff turned me on to aid a different kind of a hot spot and we have just found it to be a blazingly fast so we're using it now always and hopefully we will be getting better and better pictures because of it we had pretty good internet here and hopefully you won't have a lot of problems we'll be dropping out sometimes it drops out I don't know why there's just no understanding why let me go down to the lake and see if I can keep them falling over that would not be fun and show you late we're still at my lake this is one of my very favorite all-time camps out scant Speights let's see how do I turn this thing around I turn it around so I'm gonna get my finger in front of the camera camping in Lancaster PA hi from Reno hello from Vegas Doug Fisher I think Cheers all it's hard for me to read this same like yeah yeah same exact Lake as we were on before I'd reversed it so there's Casey's van she's here she's the brains of the outfit this is the lake some of you were thinking this looks like a swamp and I guess I can see that the truth is it's a it's a beautiful clear little lake and what you see on the surface of the lake is pollen in the spring here in Oregon I'm in Oregon still and the spring you get all this pollen in the I mean the salt my solar panels turned into a solid green I mean just literally solid green with pollen and so the whole Lake was literally green from pollen and it's all kind of bunched up but I don't know if you can see this but it's crystal clear you can see right to the bottom of this lake it is absolutely crystal clear and you just have some of this fallen logs and and and some of this paul and and then there's grass this is one of the prettiest lakes I've ever seen in fact there are fish in it we know there's a great big turtle we've seen a great big turtle in the lake it's a probably a foot across and we know there's fish we've actually had Ospreys fly over and pull fish right out of the lake let's see I'm on the maybe you can see it better it's just crystal clear I can see right to the bottom everywhere this is not a swamp it is a gorgeous gorgeous lake I don't know if you're gonna be able to see that in to the bottom or not I doubt it no they're pretty okay well go on okay so we have a topic for today today's topic is today and see there's my van so there's my van there's the lake I mean you can't park closer to a lake than that or I don't know how you can I could be in it but I really really am impressed with this great camping area all right yep so I got to distract it there let me show you something else some wonderful person and I we're not giving out names we will if you'd like us to let us know bought us this energizer mm I'll do a I've been doing reviews on one a guy gave us one from energizer and we've been doing it and we want to go up I've been doing an interview on the Energizer we need the Energizer for the RTR and so we put it on a wish list on Amazon and some nice person sent it to us okay let me turn you back around okay all right so let's get started today's topic is which RV to buy o RV versus van if you're gonna buy a van which fan if you're gonna buy an RV which RV just we're going to take your questions that's the way we always do this but I don't get any questions and I'll give you start giving you some answers I always have answers and of course we'll do announcements first I was a friends of ours they've been members of the car Caravan I think I did a video with them and their RV burned down that might factor into your decision RV or van RVs seem to burn down at an alarming rate that would really concern me if I owned in an RV I don't know narvi but I know an awful lot about them because I you know a lot of people who do own them and so that would concern me but any rate bread and Kim their RV burned down they were driving long they had a trailer and a a travel trailer pulling with her truck they pulled over to have lunch and trailer caught fire and they were able to get disconnect the truck but they lost the they lost the the trailer and everything they owned they they all they managed to do was save themselves the cat and disconnect the truck so they didn't lose the truck as well that's all they have left in the world and so they need help and I have a go fund me and it's it's complicated to give the GoFundMe so what we're gonna do is we're gonna put a live link to their go fund me for Brett and Kim who's van caught fire down in the in the description and moderators if you would be so kind as to give out put out the live link in the chat they can drop in I believe they can drop in a live link I don't know why they couldn't so that you will have a live link in the chat as you go along also they have a PayPal and you can PayPal their money directly and they will put the drop that they will put the gmail address they have you just for PayPal you just use it the gmail address I'll give you that it's K B I ll so it's K Bill ie you K so i'ma say it again KB i ll ie you 2016 at so if you you can PayPal them that money and I'm already giving a donation and I really hardly recommend that we support each other in this way one day it can be you that's what we all have to bear in mind you'll be driving down the road someone could steal your van you could lose your van it's all kinds of ways that disaster can strike none of us are immune from disasters so the more we take care of each other the better off we are okay I'm nearing 300,000 subscribers I'd hoped I'd hit 300 thousand today bought balloons I bought the party hats will do a subscriber of 300,000 subscriber party but I'd hope to do it today live that would've been great I've got the balloons in the van hope they stay up there helium and so we'll be doing that soon thank you all I'll use subscribers if you haven't subscribed please do that it's that's the number one thing you can do to support my channel or any other YouTube channel is just to subscribe that's really a good thing we had talked about I've been mentioning doing another van build in August we've postponed it they're just too much going on we have a lot going on at homes on wheels Alliance dot homes on wheels Alliance the 501c3 that my friend Sue Ann and I have founded so much going on we've put off the the next minivan build until probably October we'll do a minivan build in October in Pahrump Nevada that's our home base I'm actually a primitive a tour resident and so we'll do a beanie van build there weather permitting it could still be really really hot in in in in in October in Pahrump I've got it so weather permitting I mean if it's 110 I'm not gonna go there and build a minivan and I wouldn't expect you to either we'll just wait and see it well let's play by your Oh Oh and so in in getting we're prepared for the minivan next minivan build we have a donor who is offering to match dollar for dollar every dollar that's raised for the next minivan build so up to five thousand dollars so if you will go to homes on wheels Alliance org and make a donation between now and October for the minivan build we have a donor that will match your dollar up to five thousand if we bring in ten thousand dollars with this matching donor then we can build two possibly three minivans we're just about ready we've got we did a manual we've created a manual how did we did the minivan build it will be a PDF on the website which anyone can download there's no charge so you can see the exact plans we'll do we'll do a video on the final video on the build and everything how we did it and so it's a great build it's kind of a u-shaped in the minivan we did it with the idea of absolute minimum skills you know you got to be able to handle a jigsaw jigsaw I shouldn't think we use the jigsaw maybe we did a skill saw or a jigsaw you could use a jigsaw instead if that's what you have and I drill if you can handle those two things you can do this minivan build it wasn't that hard okay so that's homes on wheels Alliance tour just go there and you can donate towards the minivan build and we have a donor that will match it dollar for dollar let me go back over by the lake I like you seeing the lake okay we had a contest we've been having a photo contest for the website the homes homes on wheels Alliance dot org website and so we've picked the winners and these are the big winners drumroll please that'd at a great domino huh and the winners are number one and in number one nè Calvo hi jolly in quartzite that's the photo name so annie each of you will be receiving an email because you had to send in an email address and we're giving each of you a t-shirt a homes on wheels alliance t-shirt will send one of those out we'll call it will email and make arrangements how to get that t-shirt the second one is Lacey Gibson a man and his dog that was the name of the photo number three is vagabond Rob moonrise over the LaSalle mountains Utah Randy Hayden moon over the RTR and number five and I'm not exactly sure how to say it it's km m ec h at Ehrenburg arizona so those are the five winners each will get a t-shirt antique evallo lacy gibson vagabond rob randy headon and commit I hope you'll be receiving an email with instructions how you can get your t-shirt at homes on wheels Alliance dot org and you can go there and see all the winning photos really great photos really really really good phone is okay and one of the things I'm going to start doing is reading some of my email to you these are absolutely real and I know I could just be making them up and I can't prove it to you that I'm not you've you know you either trust me at this point you have been around long enough you either think I'm a lying scumbag or not and so hopefully you've concluded I am NOT a lying scumbag and if you've concluded that this is an email that I get it's really typical of the emails I get I will edit and out for anything they might identify this person as I go along okay I'm a 66 year old person I'll try not even to give you the sex so you can't even make a guess or lot of 66 year old beeper six years ago I got very sick I was in a lot of pain and still suffer from chronic pain I need to use a walker to get around outside I used to live in this large metropolitan city for seven years but my spouse met my spouse in another state the weather here is hard on me both physically and mentally I became severely depressed and looked at death as my only way out I'm going to be doing a video on depression coming up I hope real soon depression is such a serious issue for a lot of us I have suffered with depression for a chronic depression for quite some time now and so I I think I have some room to speak I'm going to be doing a video on depression and looked at death is my only way out I looked at death as my only way out suicide has been a viable option to me for several years oddly enough right now I is the first time in a very long time when it's not an option and I can't even tell you exactly how that happened but it did I became severely depressed and looked at death as my only way out I felt both hopeless and helpless I've been there and done that then I found you on YouTube that that's the sentence I love to read I felt both hopeless and helpless then I found you on YouTube that makes everything I'm doing more than worth the effort my world has opened up and now I am full of hope I think of myself in the hope providing business my world has opened up and now I'm full of hope and I don't feel helpless anymore I can live one of your videos showed a man in a wheelchair and he was making it work and happy he honestly was he was happy tears of joy Bob for what you have done and continue to do for me and others like me thank you and I tell you so I get letters from folks and they say Bob take care of yourself you're gonna burn out you're going to quit when I get a letter like this I can go a long long ways I just will tell you that when I get a letter like this I can go a long long ways I'm gonna do a little business I think I'm all done with those double check for me and we'll start on the questions first question now good that just fits right in perfectly with the topic okay all right so the first one is from Amy Jo what RV is best for someone in a power wheelchair well Amy I'm so glad you asked we just talked about we just talked about someone of this video I have of a friend and I'm sorry I don't remember names I'm so terrible with names I apologize to all of you all meet people are not just met him and I forgotten your name and I feel so terrible but it's not going to get any better I'm afraid it's a form of dementia it actually concerns me a bit I work I live my life and all my work around the idea of I don't know how much longer my brain is gonna be functioning so I better get everything I'd done today I can but that's okay I've been living my life that way for a while death has become my best friend and Ally in life and I would recommend it as a best friend so and now perhaps dementia will be my next Mex Nest my next best friend so I have a video about this guy whose name I can't remember and he he is in a power wheelchair he lost a leg he can get around with just one leg but it's not easy and he doesn't use a prosthetic and I don't know why yeah oh that's right how can I forget Bob his name is Bob now I remember instantly and so he's in a cargo trailer and that's what I recommend for anybody in a wheelchair is you get a cargo with a drop-down backdoor eye and then you get a blank slate inside get as big as enough as you need I would recommend 7 by 12 it's kind of a minimum has really a good-sized build this the get a friend I several of these people I've known have built the interiors themselves you can do it man once you've made the decision I'm going to live and this is how I'm going to live you can do an amazing amount of stuff and so you get a friend or hire on someone and build the interior go in with your wheelchair and find all the turning find where you have to get a grab bar to get into the bed now to the bed and where's what's the height you have to have for the kitchen and and the toilet and all that stuff you just build the van around you and your wheelchair and with a blank space of a cargo trailer it's easy to do and almost anything with a big enough engine you know you're not going to do it with a smart car with a smart car you're not gonna or a Prius you're not gonna pull a 7 by 12 cargo trailer with those but almost any SUV with a bigger v6 or pickup actually a good choice might be a visa one of the small pickups of Tacoma or Ranger Nissan Frontier with a with a with a shell on it might be a really good choice lots of cargo room it would tow us a cargo trailer real easily and then that's that's the cheapest way I mean you can get a good 7 by 12 trailer probably for 4 grand I'm just I'm guessing I haven't done any research in a while I would guess 4 grand for a new one and it will last forever and not fail you and and that's one of the reasons I have a video on ten reasons you should be in a cargo trailer or not in an RV and that's right at the top you'll walk that roof on that trailer is never gonna leak it'll just never leak there's no reason it should wear as the roof on any RVs gonna leak and then you how are you going to get a rebuild the interior of an RV and for a wheelchair you'd have to tear everything out then rebuild everything new just by a cargo trailer put the plenty of room for solar on the roof get everything you need keep your battery charged on your wheelchair I just really I think we lock a cargo trailer is the way to go so I really recommend that and that we're now are you seeing it now I mean the wrong way oh I have to go I have to be behind them when I look at it I have to be behind them how about that I'll just be in the center of the frame okay Terry oh so I'm just now I'm going to start answering questions Terry can you talk about single single rear wheel box fans building easier do two square walls but suffer from fuel economy yes I am an enormous fan of box fans my first I lived into a box fan for six years in Anchorage Alaska they have very good stealth I could just Park in an industrial light industrial area of town fit right in no one knew no one thought anything about a box fan being there I should be making a delivery for the next day I could have been gotten there late I'm gonna make do a pickup for the next day I they have great stealth you can't go in residential areas you stand out in a residential area but you gained so much that I think is still more than worth it many lots of places you can stealth Park square walls that is so huge that you have just completely square walls and I think that's one a good reason to choose a box van a mine was an old boy it was old it was 80s I was in I moved into it 95 and it was probably an 85 so it's bright 10 years old when I was in it I got it for $1,200 but mechanically it was great but it was just all beat up it was in a little Anchorage Alaska so there was quite a bit of rust and I'm gonna move around here okay come back and so I got it really cheap because the owner didn't want it around it was so ugly around but he'd taken really good mechanical condition of it and ran ran really well and so and and I got terrible gas mileage this was it probably an eighty three eighty four something like that with a Chevy 350 and I would get five six miles to the gallon and he was really terrible but I didn't drive much you know I was stealth parking in a city I was going to work every night I was I worked for a gross a flea grocery store there in town in Anchorage Alaska and and so I drove in the morning I would drove to my my overnight spot and I worked nights when I say in the morning I drove my overnight spot I work nights I got off at 7:00 in the morning so I drove to my overnight spot slapped woke up had the rest of the evening to spend however wherever I wanted I did that went to work I didn't drive much I bet I didn't drive a hundred miles a week because they were all in two three four or five mile increments in Anchorage so in fact the reason I moved in let me give an example the reason I moved into that was because I was I owned a home up in connect if anyone of you know Alaska Anchorage connect Goose Bay is a an area north about 50 miles probably 60 by the time you got out there and I was driving 120 miles a day so I moved into the box fan to so I could eliminate that 120 mile commute I saved so much money by living in that box van and not commuting so love box fans highly recommend them same thing with a step van square long tall you can stand up it's easy to insulate easily to build all really really good things I have a big fan Sharon what do you think a box fan would just address that one - that was Sharon yeah I love box box fan step fans I highly recommend them I you can with the step fans well one thing you can do is get a with a box fan it's pretty easy to find a Ford with a 7.3 diesel great engine it's not going to get great mileage because of the aerodynamics I mean a box fan is just a great big brick going down the road you're not getting great gas mileage but you should be able to get 10 to 12 or maybe even better on on the freeways so it's going to be much better than I it's still not gonna be great just because they're the aerodynamics are so terrible on them step bands you can get the Cummins six in the Cummins for four bt 6 bt fantastic run forever engines the four bt the four cylinder gets remarkably good gas mileage will run literally forever so if you can find one with the four bt you can be looking into the high teens on miles per gallon so you get the best of both worlds all this huge amount of space and engine that will run forever and pretty darn good gas mileage Tim why don't you like for advanced because of the issue prior to 99 I was a Ford man my last truck was I owned a Ford f150 4x4 it was a 93 I owned it for a long time loved it loved loved it I'm a big Ford guy after 99 the the new ones the triton the 5.4 the v10 whatever their big v8 is beefy 6 I don't remember the sparkplug thing and what really made me think mad isn't so much that there was a sparkplug problem engines have problems and it wasn't Universal there was no guarantee that the problem went you'd have that problem but if you did have that problems for didn't stand behind it and that's what makes me mad about Ford not that they not that they it was bad engineering it was entirely their fault is bad engineering the original run of of the five fours and that whole series just didn't have enough threads on an aluminum head the the plugs would blow out and you never knew which fan would it do it which engine would do it some would run forever and never blow out some would you'd take them home and add 20,000 miles they'd all pop out and you never knew and when you they did pop out Ford did nothing to stand behind it and then at the same time they had the debacle with the Fords leader 6 litre diesel were staged you never made just you buy it you wait for it to blow up then you replace it and when they blew up you took it to the Ford dealer and you said this car only engine you made just blew up and they say well we'll sell you do one for $10,000 so a company that screws its customers like that that makes it really tough for me to support them Chevy got it right when they went to the new generation with the five three the six the four eight they have been virtually trouble-free fantastic engines since ninety nine when they retired the old series well for them was a little later it was more like 2003 that you see it could really get a 5-3 available and so they didn't have that problem but didn't have the issue of standing behind it because they never made a bad engine with bad engineering like Ford did the fact that they don't state they didn't stand behind it and they just screwed all those customers that left a bad taste in my mouth I still haven't gotten over that's why Darby what a Class C be a good rig for a beginner it's all a matter of your budget let me just I can't me say this enough an RV is not going to be cheap to run and maintain it's going to create problems you have all these extra systems that will fail and eventually they'll all fail eventually the roof will leak the windows will leak the water pump eventually will leak and then it'll break the fridge fortunately some of the fridges are lasting 1020 years but if you buy an 18 year old rig and it's already 18 years old you're on borrowed time and you don't know maybe the last ten more years maybe the last five more years maybe the last two more years sixteen hundred bucks for a new fridge if you gonna buy an RV have the money in your pocket to keep it running if you have three thousand and I got to say this over and over again I see I get this all the time Bob I've got three thousand dollars I got four or five thousand dollars which RVs should I buy don't buy an RV for five thousand dollars don't do it it's a money pit you've got to be putting money into that over and over it's the same engine in a standard van it might be a 351 Ford that's most likely it might be the 5-4 Ford with a little luck it be the the v10 which is a great engine other than the plugs blowing out on it and so yeah that engines works so much harder dragging around ten twelve fourteen thousand pounds and it does in a van where it's dragging around seven eight or nine it works harder the brakes where a car to the transmission works harder it fails earlier it's just all common-sense stuff have a big emergency fund for an RV if you have the money I do recommend class C's if you are mechanic and you blow an engine and you can buy a new engine and drop it in yourself buy it drop in a new transmission yourself they're the way to go I think class C's are your best choice the exception being the class B's the class B's are better made they're less likely to break you still have all those systems that will fail you know the pump water pumps going to go out just as soon hopefully you know the good fiberglass roof on the class B's don't break very often so yeah I'm a big fan of used class C's but only if you can buy a new one you know it's gonna be a pretty darn good shape and you've got the emergency fund to keep it running or you have the skills to repair everything that breaks then it's ideal if you don't have any extra money if you don't have any mechanical skills and you have five thousand to spend by a van by a van by a van by a van by a van the the RVs gonna kill you if that's all the money you have and you're not a mechanic yeah I'm a big fan of class C's they are easier to drive you said it in a more normal nose situation you have to be aware of the size that's something you learned pretty easily I am a big fan of the class C's lazy oil let's see if this comes up Sarah asks what are the main drawbacks of buying or living in an RV like I said it's that they the roof is eventually going to leak it just is and the windows eventually are going to leak the sealant is going to wear out if you buy it 20 years old it's wearing out now if it hasn't been repaired you'll be repairing it all all the systems are old I mean if you a 20-year old RV because that's all you can afford and that's a lot a lot of us can afford again if you can go buy a brand even if you go buy a brand-new RV you're going to have problems with it right off the lot and they may or may not work with you to fix it I've heard so many horror stories of people buying brand-new RVs and their crap and the dealer blames the manufacturer the blame manufacturer blames the dealer no one ever fixes it I had a friend that bought a brand new arctic fox the top of the line it had four slides they spent two days made two or three tips trips back to the manufacturer the first year they never got it fixed right they spent the next five or 10 years that they owned it and we're just fixing it over and over and over again then they dumped it you'd probably had it finally running halfway-decent fixed all the problems and they dumped it it was just a nightmare and it already Fox is one of the good ones and if you'd said woods a good brand name is sliding camper I said artic Fox but I have friends for whom it was a horror it was a nightmare they were mechanical both of the husband and wife and they just fix things and something just could never get fixed right it was always wrong the whole time so even if you go buy a brand-new one there's no guarantee you're gonna get a decent RV or trouble-free RV be ready to fix that thing fix that thing a lot I can tell you stories of people that bought good spent 10 grand 20 grand I have a friend who bought a $20,000 older a classy poured money and it poured money and it poured money and it finally it's running okay I have another friend that bought a $10,000 RV poured money into it fixed everything took his I was with her personally when it took it to an hour RV repair guys said here fix everything that's wrong with it we'd expected it to be 10 grand he charged like three said everything ran good everything else that she complained about was fine and then a year later it was literal trash she gave it away to an RV dealer because it was all shot it wasn't worth anything so that's why I don't like RVs and then of course there's to get terrible gas mileage everything the engine is working hard all the time the you know it's the same it-it's probably the same engine there might be in a van you might get that 454 in a van how much easier is that 454 working in a van were a 460 working in a van than it is working in a $15,000 RV it just doesn't make sense I'm not done with this one yeah I have two more questions on okay Cynthia can you discuss pros and cons of our pods of casitas love-love-love casitas it's an inherently intelligent design you know they're fiberglass they're eggs that's what's are commonly called fiberglass eggs and they're cut they're made in half and they're molded together and dropped on top of each other there's only one seam and then you have the windows in the openings but those are hard to keep repaired I think if you said to me I want the least trouble most trouble-free least problem RV I would tell you casita buy a casita you still have all the features but you know they're not that hard to fix you still will have to replace the are the fridge sometime the water pump will go out muscles things are no big deal water pumps really not I mean it's one hundred dollars will buy you a decent good decent water pump water heater goes out even the furnace goes out you know three three four hundred bucks then pay someone to repair it or put it in yourself you can put it on yourself it's not really all that bad so I'm a big fan of the casitas I don't know enough about the are pods to really comment I have known people who bought them and did not like them and got rid of them that isn't enough for me to condemn them in any way that's probably true of every vehicle type I can't really comment on the art pods I love all the fiberglass I would recommend the highest that you one of the fiberglass eggs the escapes are better they're out of Canada they're more expensive casitas if you can find a good casita buy it up I love the casitas the scamp's there's an older or some older ones things not heard of boro boro was an older fiberglass age all the fiberglass eggs are my favorites okay mark why do our RV burnt rvs burned down so much aged they've got full of propane systems electrical systems and then they get old they get and off I'm sure a lot of it is pilot error people are doing things right so they do burn down and they seems like they do burn down an alarming rate I think if you compared to the per 100,000 how many burned down it really isn't that bad it's just that you hear about them so much and you it just seems like they burned down every other day I don't think they do I think per 100,000 it's not really that bad but there's a lot going on in there and well I'll give you an example I had a mmm I don't have an RV system I don't have a propane system in my van of course because it's just a self-build dam but I did have a bulk tank and I ran a hose from the bulk tank to my stove and I had it for like five years one day I turned on the stove and it started spewing gas around the crimp where the crimped on to the connector and so it's a blowtorch and the good news was the the gap the propane tank was right below it so I just reached down turned off the the propane and we're than having to run outside turn off the propane wait for all the propane to burn out of all the line and having a blowtorch inside so I had no danger no fire of any kind other than the blowtorch of the of the thing what happened the crimp got old it just got old yeah it had have been attached and reattached and and since then I've replaced all those adapter hoses about every 2 or 3 years I'll never have one more than 2 or 3 year old in my van again they just get old and wear out and that's the same thing with all the hoses in your whole RV and they get old wear out and crimps go bad and and hoses get brittle and they wear out and they get a little leak and it becomes a blowtorch somewhere buried in a wall you can't see and then by the time you realize you've got a fire though rings gone I think that's why age I think it's simple age and pilot error probably both why not an SUV in which SUV there's a lot to be said I gotta go get some drink there's a lot to be said for SUVs in fact I was just talking to a friend well I'm gonna move I'm probably get out of the Sun I'm getting I'm burning up I'm probably will stay on the Sun here in a bit let me get a drink I have a friend who would just no don't do that come back come back okay where's my soda oh now I got sweating my eyes okay I got sweat in my eyes I don't have yeah uh can you get me a thank you you're you're really kind I'm still doing that one I think I want to go stand in the shade why you have mine okay Doug you don't that one okay I'm gonna go stand the shade huh pardon me uh yes thank you I do should have thought ahead nabbit chair out in the shade mmm okay thank you okay [Applause] I'm not I'm afraid I'm not doing very good at getting through all these questions I want to I wanted to answer as many questions I can I guess this is a topic about to do again Oh what did I just do I pulled on this by it's this is my cord on corded uh what was the last question Casey what was the last question I was answering oh I can't remember I can't remember I'm sorry I was gonna answer your question I'm sure I had something wonderful and profound to say you just know I did but I've forgotten what the question was how do I say I'm asked how do I find someone to do my conversion I wish I had an answer for you every so often people will write and say they want to do conversions for people and I I lose or forget their names in their list and I'm sorry that's not helping you any at all is it but there are people that do them it's that's a tough one that I don't have a good answer for I think I did I think I'm right dead center now how about now according to Twitter I'm according to dead center in the frame okay how about that was that the right direction wrong direction how about that that's exactly where I started no well you're what you're behind me I think there's a delay okay about that how about that I moved okay yeah you gotta wait till I move because we're okay I'm gonna good uh how do i oh su v--'s that was the question I got didn't answer I'm glad you asked because I'd say good question I'm a huge fan of SUVs uh I particularly like the big ones oh I just ran into a guy who had a four-door Jeep and he had put on a a pop top and I was in love I mean I was in love oh no that's that's my dream vehicle a four-door Jeep with a pop top oh man I'd live in there in a heartbeat or I'm not a big fan of rooftop tents but I don't think they're gonna last used day after day after day for years after years not like a van will and they're so expensive I mean a couple grand those things are a couple grand and so I'm not a big fan of the rooftop tents for a number of reasons that's discussion for another day I guess yeah I like the Suburbans I like the expedition I buy it you know an expedition is a great rig especially an older one that doesn't have the five four or if you're you have the money set aside I'm going to blow some spark plugs and so I'm prepared to buy to replace the spark plugs in my five four or mighty ten or the whatever the big v6 is and there anything is a four seven or six of them I don't know yeah any of them I like all of them I think so the big problem in SUV's is the low height they're not as tall as a van you get four-wheel drive so to my mind it's all a question of which do you want four-wheel drive or a higher top I mean even on a low top van you get more standing room more in a slumped over room than you do in an SUV it's tough it's the height of the roof that to me is the big big disadvantage of of an SUV so that's that's the big drawback you get great stealth that no one thinks you're gonna be camping in an SUV you can easily get them with four-wheel drive you can even get Suburbans and the expedition and whatever the other big one is in diesel the diesel of the Duramax you could probably find a 7.3 which is a superb engine in one an older Ford Expedition or whatever those are excursion expedition XP yeah an excursion those are the two and they're great you know if you get a 7-3 in there you can get decent gas mileage you run forever wonderful engine so that's not really think about and in the foot in the Chevy the zero max is a great engine so that would work well and then the smaller ones I have you know people ask me that all the time Bob why don't you ever have any videos and SUVs so I went and made a playlist I probably have six or seven videos of people in SUV's I'm a fan and if you have a good decent running SUV go go in it take out the back seats lay them down take out the front passenger seat just so you can get a long enough thing you can sleep comfortably stretched out that's the whole key to living in a vehicle if you can't do that I think it's going to be a hard way to go and that's one of the reasons I don't recommend cards for the most part because you can't do that if you can any vehicle can be a good home if you can stretch out and sleep but the SUVs are even better I'm a fan of SUVs and and I guess I don't talk about them enough and people don't know that I'm a fan but I am and I don't know how to do someone to do find you're someone to do your conversion I'm afraid the big companies that have shops they're outrageous twenty thirty forty fifty thousand dollars outrageous and I'm afraid I don't have a good answer my answer would be to put together a a spreadsheet on homes and wheels Alliance page put people together and so far I just haven't something I haven't gotten to Cynthia what is the difference between the class being a protic I don't know the protec is price advantages Cynthia I don't know what a pro tech is no idea a Class B the the traditional one you think of is the road tracks Road track took a regular Chevy or Dodge or Ford mainly a lot of dodges well mainly the road tracks older road tracks you'll find will be on Dodge bodies and and I just cut the top off and turned them into to be to homes and RVs and I'm a big fan of class B's I think most people should be looking at a Class B first unless you just have to have a lot of room and a lot of comfort the class B's are so crowded they feel crowded I have a friend in fact he's camped near here who has a Class B and he told a cargo trailer the cargo trailer has become his mancave he happens to be a man but it could be your lady cave I guess and so he he does his cooking and sleeping in the Class B and he spends all of us hangout time in the cargo trailer and and storage and he's really happy with that and that might be something for everyone to give some thought to now I'm a fan of class B's you're it's very unlikely the roof will leak unless like fiberglass cracks if you have windows in the roof you know you have to you're gonna have to pull the cocking off it and recaulk it every so often like anything with Cox with Cox with caulk in it you have to you'll have to take care of the caulk that's no big deal you get used to that the roof isn't just gonna get torn and start leaking and be a disaster like it will be eventually on all RVs except and this hasn't come up yet and I'm gonna cover this now except the lazy days and the born free and of course the fiberglass SIG's lazy days and Born Free both have a one-piece roof and I think it's same thing as with the fiberglass AIG's it's dropped on as a cap and I think it virtually cannot leak and so class the lazy days are my first recommendation you okay here's the vehicle to buy with the least likely to problems lazy day well fiberglass eggs because they're affordable they're still they hold them they're so popular and great they really hold their value and they're they're going to be expensive even used maybe being find an older scamp or an older burro and those are great rigs but find a casino if you can and then so my first reliable RV to buy in terms of reliability is a fiberglass saying any good one and on they're all good and then a Lazydays is made better than all the others it's much more expensive than the all the others that go together don't think you're going to get something for free you buy a 12,000 brand brand $12,000 brand new RV it's crap and that's why they're selling it for $12,000 because it's crap that Lazydays is over a hundred because it is not crap it's great and so you get what you pay for and most of us can't go order a new Lazydays and wait wait there long long wait times even as expensive as they are there's long wait times why because they're quality people are willing to pay for quality so lazy days and born free is the same they're out of business and have been for a little while I think the Chinooks are good they're better made than most so Chinooks Lazydays first born freeze Chinooks I think of all the RVs Winnebago is made a little better I would that would be my next on the list and a Class B is would be first because it'll be cheaper maybe may not even be cheaper there's just so much less to go wrong the the roof won't fail you can find a good used one you can fight you with a little luck you could find a good used Road track from the 90s for 10 grand 15 grand of course now they're gonna be transits and and RAM Promaster 's and I don't know enough about them to say how they're gonna hold up it's a little too early yet I think at any rate I don't know protec is I can't comment on it Donna what is the best what is the best to keep a van cool in the summer I don't have a good answer you know ventilation shade moving air fans well of course the best is just go to a place where it's not as hot go above 8,000 feet and it won't be nearly as hot and you can be comfortable that's about the only way there's no good there is no good answer to keeping a van cool in hot country you just can't do it unless you run a generator and put it on a rooftop eat either a rooftop AC or a window AC if you haven't it's almost impossible to have enough solar to run an air conditioning on a van it is possible you can get 900 watts on a van and that will run NAC a small AC unit and if you insulate it well that will keep it cool for a long time that's about the only way to do it and if you're out in the forest park in the shade I have a generator run your generator run a window air conditioner window some might even known people who had and I knew a guy in an ambulance and he ran a portable air conditioner it worked really well for him Sam Miller so I there is no good answer it's they're gonna be hot van in the summer will be hot if you're in a hot place get out of the hot place Sam Miller what are the advantages and disadvantages of buying a diesel van ah the gas mileage should be better although that's marginal any more you know a good Chevy or Ford or the latest generation will should get you 17 18 19 miles to the gallon on the freeway you won't do much better than that with a with the with the diesel thank you I got a hurry up I'm sorry folks I'm not answering enough questions I don't recommend Diesel's anymore they're just not worth the effort the per big disadvantage is they take up the entire they take up the entire interior of the nose and working on them is a nightmare and you got to find a special mechanics I don't recommend diesel vans I do offer them you know I want everyone to know they're exists and it might be something for you to consider I personally would not own one and don't recommend them but they're people who love Diesel's and will tell you exactly the opposite so you make your own choice they're out there I don't I don't think I recommend them Milwaukee brew Ford Transit tall roof what are your thoughts on the space you get from a transit fantastic that's all you could say look at all the room you get in one of those things Wow that and the Promaster and I think the Promaster actually has a little more interior room they're just so new that as I'm oh I'm an old fart look write that down bob is an old fart and so you know it's such a different engine and different way of thinking it's hard for me and but bear that is a mine in mind that that's an old farts struggle with newness and write it off as that man there the interior of those things are so fantastic and you know III was might I was tempted to say well you can trust forward and then I think back to the Ford six liter diesel which is the worst engine ever made and put in any American vehicle and they did nothing to back it up and I think of the spark plugs popping out I have friends whose popped spark plugs 500 bucks when they didn't have a penny to their name and I we all cursed Ford that day because Ford did nothing cared nothing about its customers they'll get wound up so do you Jeff trust Ford or Dodge it's up to you that their new engines are gonna be good last forever it's so too early I can't really tell you they love them in Europe they've been around in Europe for a very very long time and they have good reputation as a good good records by Ford if I are gonna buy one of the other I'd buy Ford I don't think I'd want to feel Matthew what do you think about cheap solar panels on rvs great the solar panel itself is a commodity it doesn't even matter anymore really the price of the solar panel cheap that cheap or expensive the difference is going to be very little by a Pauline or a mono even used by amused we just guy just gave us a whole bunch of used solar panels we're gonna give away as kitten kits use solar panels are just fine noop new cheap solar panels are just fine don't don't hesitate solar panels are commodities jay-j Lee's Chevy or Ford which have more of a square interior oh well right now the Trant the before it always has Chevy's always had a more rounded interior I have the Express which is from ninety nine on very rounded terrible the Fords better and the new transit is far better than any Chevy because they don't have a year old van yet so a Chevy or Ford which have a bit more of a square interior Ford yeah and then if you throw in the Dodge Ram Promaster vs. transit I think the pro masters squarer and bigger if that's your main consideration then that's the answer the answer Emily do you recommend buying a plain cargo trailer or one that's already insulated like a we roll if you could do it yourself you're gonna save so much money I love the we roll because for people who can't do it themselves they don't have the skills they don't have the time they don't have the money they don't have the energy well if they don't have the money they can't buy it we roll the we roll does all that for you but if you have any skills and it's not hard to install insulation in in a cargo trailer I just used mine came with 3/8 inch plywood on the walls and I bought sheets of styrofoam and drove screws it was a it was a 1 inch so I got an inch and a half screw that went through the 3/8 inch plywood and I put a washers I just went to Fred my anywhere you go anywher buy a box of flat washers that's what they're called at least an inch and then you just drive sheet metal screws en not even shooting on sheet metal screws you can even drywall screws drywall screws will rust don't do that and then just you can just screw six screws would hold a sheet of ply of styrofoam insulation and it's it's insulated that easily anyone can do it then you have to cut the rest what the 4-foot piece will fit in so you have a six foot tall trailer you'll have to cut the other one right down the middle or you could buy two foot sections instead of four foot and hopefully it's exactly six foot and you can pop it right in otherwise you might have to cut it and that's no big deal it's really easily to insulate with insulation with panel with sorrowful cutting the windows will be hard you have to know what you're doing to cut a window or to put in the vent that's where the we roll pays off is that he's already peeled put in the vents he'll put in the windows and the insulation and he'll give you some kind of an interior covering if that's worth the extra money it's a lot of extra money so if you buy a six by ten cargo trailer for twenty five hundred no more than three grand with a tall roof and despair and and everything and he's probably six or more and for that you get the insulation it's aluminum its lighter if you could do it do it yourself I do like the we rolls I'm very glad you have that option for those of you who can't do the work but I do recommend you do it yourself if at all possible ah so I do recommend the plain cargo trailer and not the okay Oh tak you girl otaku otaku what do you think of passenger buses I'm afraid and and I'm this isn't gonna be popular nearly everyone I know that buys a bus pours money in and that doesn't make sense indices have industrial diesel engines they are made the best of any motor vehicle in America to withstand accidents they're they're made to endure any kind of their bait to hit be hit by a train and there are kids that will walk away even after being hit by a train they'll roll over and most everyone will walk away they're so well made and great industrial the best engines and they're don't hold up I think everyone I talked to a bunch of the guys before the first school II Palooza in quartzite I was on their website talking to them about and working coordinating with the RTR and they everyone would say who's coming if we held it there who would come and I'm telling you two-thirds of them answered and said well if I can get the bus running and I'm thinking it'll be reliable I'll come there by they all come and you know that's the way it is with these buses these old school buses passenger buses can you get them running reliable and my I'm afraid my answer is most people can't I had friends has just bought a good youth school bus I think they've spent five on it 5000 and it immediately failed the engine blew up and then put a brand new $10,000 engine in it my goodness I don't as wonderful as they are and as much is this gonna make so many of you mad I don't recommend buses I just think you're gonna end up pouring money in you've got a family you probably no choice I'd still buy a step van I'd still buy a step van with a bus over a bus the shuttle buses are better I'm thinking meanly oh maybe that's what you meant a shuttle bus a saddle bus I think higher of just a lot of you could probably find a good shuttle bus with a 7-3 which is a great engine yeah maybe the shuttle bus is maybe that's a better idea steve is the minivan big enough to live in full time it absolutely is we just built a minivan we're going to give away to someone that's what we're going to be giving away from homes on wheels Alliance we're going to buy I bought a $2,600 Ford Windstar minivan is a time Oh poop oh I hate quitting I hate not answering people's questions I don't know if I can do it this is the rat let's see if I can okay there she goes this is the rat you folks saw I mean this is a little rat I'm a rat lover and that's because I am a rat I guess she's so cute this is can I say who it is this is Kona and Kona belongs to KC Nocona is a wonderful little dog she's a real bossy little thing this is her forest this is her forest and she just lets you in it she wants everyone to know that but she's a real cutie and we've come pretty good friends and I've bonded worked pretty well to her you could tell I'm not abusing or anything she's having a good time here okay I love minivans we just bought this $2,600 it's a 19 it's a 2000 even 2000 ford windstar had 92 thousand miles on it we had a mechanic we had a certified mechanic who worked for dodge Dodge Chrysler in Anchorage he was there while I was there and we didn't know each other and so he's an expert master mechanic look this thing over and said it is in superb shape this thing will last a long long time for someone so I and that was 2,600 we put new tires on it for 400 bucks for $3,000 this is going to end up with ninety two thousand miles someone's going to get years and years of great service out of this minivan great home we dealed it we built it I did I've got vlogs and we did a I guess I don't have a complete final vlog let me get that final vlog all cut netted and ready to go and go put it up we'll do a series on building the minivan and we're gonna have a PDF you can download of exactly how we build it I think it's superb everyone that set down inside that minivan said I am amazed I could live in here so you still here with me she just done she's a cuddle bug this is a real cuddle bug here everyone who's went in there and sit down afterwards and said wow I'm really surprised I think I could live in this minivan so yes I am a huge fan my recommend is everyone for three grand you should be able to find a really good reliable minivan and then for another grand you can put in solar do a no build minivan of a no build build will do I want to do that I want to show you a no build build just a cot plastic drawers plastic plastic everything for a few hundred bucks you want her back huh oh yeah I can't hold the questions okay alright I do miss her here she goes the little rats go on now rug rat I have a very limited budget what type of trailer do you recommend I recommend minivans first a cargo trailer yeah do you mean brands what was mine poop I can never remember the brand Wells Fargo is a real popular knit brand name you know cargo trailers are kind of what's the name of the dexter the one thing that people will tell you about cargo trailers is dexter trailers are better i'm not a trailer guy i'm not an expert and i'm pretty sure and if I'm wrong if that's not the name of the really good brand of axle did i say that dexter axles are better if i'm wrong rot will you right in and correct me I believe it's Dexter I think Dexter is a serial killer but I think so it's Dexter and if as long as that has dexter axle that's something that can go wrong I mean there are really pretty basic things I can't remember the name of the one I bought it was very good oh it was an interstate and but it wasn't an interstate it was a different model of interstate and I forget sorry my poor Pete isn't doing it uh okay I think one more I recommend minivans first and then a cargo trailer they're kind of commodities just do a little bit of research make sure it's a good name and this best name if you do a google search on best trailer axle it would probably come up and I think it's Dexter if anyone if someone corrects me please let me know I might have that wrong I'm not a real expert on cargo trailers I thought I had one I lived in one for five years and I loved it anyone say what do you think about Toyota are reasons good question black i'm so sorry i'm not answering all your questions the end why are there so many vans with under ten key 110k a dealership up I'm not familiar that why are there so many vans at under 10k at dealerships probably they were rentals my van which you see behind me they're an Albright was a rental it went to budget rental car and they sold it at 12,000 miles I bought it new with 12,000 miles on it with full factory warranty both the drivetrain and the bumper to bumper warranty were still good and transferable and automatically transferable anybody who came in with it could get full wording so my guess is the ones you're finding at dealers at better 10k are rentals I've been extremely extremely happy with mine I mean somebody had it for $12 in fact I think I've seen a sign somewhere that was painted over but I could make out that it was budget I believe budget rental I had it and had 12,000 miles on it and I think that's what you're running into it could have been a lease that was returned I don't know but probably a rental I'm very very happy with mine th asks our step vans as expensive as having to fix an RV a lot of them are standard engines the other five for they'll have a 5 3 or the even the older ones will have like a 350 or 351 and those are just fan engines they won't be expensive to fix I don't know if they're harder to get into or out of that I honestly don't know the comments is a great engine you'll be lucky if you can find one with the Cummins six or four four six cylinder or four cylinder the 4bt 6bt any diesel is gonna be more expensive than a gas and again I don't really recommend Diesel's I don't recommend Diesel's but a lot of people love them and want them so go ahead snicker scamp versus casita both great scam should be cheaper because casita is out of business I think it'll be just as good easy to repair or easy to keep running if you don't see anything obviously wrong with it generally it's gonna be good I'm a big fan again of all the fiberglass eggs scamp or casita Cassini is still in business you can still get parts may be a slight advantage to the casita but the scamp will be cheaper and they're great there's no not saying anything about it's bad about scant scamp in any way can see it is probably little better Linda there are no lemon laws for RVs just a common comment another question absolutely in fact the RV industry association are the RV ia has been fighting every state that tries to implement a a lemon law against RVs the RV I a has fought them it's poured money in from the manufacturers why because they produce crap and they don't want to fix it and they don't want to be forced to fix the they make it's just that simple uh what's that guy's name there's a guy who puts out a newsletter every Saturday and he is the leading voice against the crap RV right in it what are you right in on the what's his what's that RV what is his I should support him he's doing really good work I forget the name kill me I subscribed it was every Saturday it comes out it's a newsletter on RVs if somebody would who knows would put that in the comment and we'd get that out he he's fighting them that's how I know the RV IAS is fighting their lemon laws because he's fighting for the lemon laws and he's fighting against them and they're attacking him and trying to destroy him because he's trying to get lemon laws to protect you and me so I wish I can remember his name and I would I would like you all to know and go subscribe and send him in a few bucks or use his link to go to Amazon of course support me but this guy's doing really good work and you we should all support him what is it RV okay it's our Beach I knew it was a really simple name that's why I thought I could remember it but I can't remember anything it's RV travel calm try that it's his Saturday newsletter signup buy some things off of Amazon from him buy more from me but buy some from him and send him a few bucks the guys fighting a good fight for us and he should be supported CTV do you plan on doing any videos and what a SUVs are the best choice I have actually have a lot of SUV videos UV videos I bet I have six or ten of people who are living in SUVs um I'm a Chevy guy so right now I would still back Chevy's but you know if you're a Ford guy the expedition and the excursion are great I have friends that have them both and love them I'm a big fan of the suburban the suburban that's their big long four-door v is the longest model in America ever they've been making Suburbans for longer under that name for longer than any other model ever even I guess even the one the f-150 because that's its standard fame claim to fame I am a big fan of the suburban and you can get them with the diesels if you wanted Duramax Duramax is a great engine I don't I you know like all the most of the Fords get bad NOx except the 7/3 and I've never heard a bad knock on the Chevy Durham axes they're good engines know I'm a fan of SUVs which one wouldn't be the best I'm a Chevy guy I'd buy a 5-3 that's simple I'd buy a Yukon Tahoe suburban if you want a full-size with a with a four-wheel drive and the five three or the four eight they're so light of 4-8 would be plenty for eights a great engine I have a four eight in my van and it's fine even for my van and it's heavy it's a 3/4 ton other than that what do I recommend I tell you what I would buy is the I believe they're late 90s Wranglers Jeep Wranglers they're the boxy ones I'm a big fan of that SUV I don't know why I have a friend my friend Forrest says is is the biggest Motorhead that I've ever known and he thinks they're fantastic they made for a few years they made that Wrangler the boxy Wrangler I think it's run ran from like 97 to 2000 something like that I forgive me if I'm wrong I think they may and it's a good Scott had their old standard I think was the 250-258 but no maybe it's not it's the 4 liter it's the 4 liter which is a great engine and for a while they put five speeds in them and that five speed and the four leader would get high 20s while still gallon consistently and run forever and that's what I really recommend and the and the transmission on the automatic is a Toyota they literally bought this transmission from Toyota and I guess it's a great transmission and and the four litre Jeep engines a great engine and I just I think I think the most of those a lot of them there's parts you can build them up and turn them into super back off-roaders I think that your Jeep those model years of jeeps where would be my recommendation and then there was the Cherokee that was a Wrangler no one the Wrangler was a Cherokee I'm sorry I don't know my poor brain that's an SUV I really like and recommend if you can find the five-speed they're hard to find because everyone wants one because they get such fantastic gas mileage and I only know all this because my friend forced the Motorhead raves about them I think the Explorer is a good SUV uh I know you know and I don't know much about the SUVs I'm sorry okay I'll tell you this I was married my last wife had a Pathfinder and it's on Pathfinder we finally got rid of that thing at 300,000 miles and it was still virtually it was the best vehicle I've ever owned at 300,000 miles it was fantastic finally needed the clutch the clutch was gonna be $800 and I didn't know how to put it in the clutch and so he gave it to a friend and you know it's it's got three its was probably twenty was probably an 89 or something and what's it in 90s it had full fuel injection so I was probably mid 90s and it was old and had 300 thousand miles and it wasn't worth anything wasn't worth $800 for a new clutch we gave it to a friend who put the clutch in because he knew how for next to nothing and he's still driving as far as I know it's a fantastic Masson Pathfinder was an amazing rig I would give the thought to that yeah that's a good question what see su v--'s are best you know what my friend Forrest I should sit down with him and and do a video on on which the vehicle cuz he's the guy that I think is an expert I think I'm done I think I'm out of questions and it's been along I've gone over I've answered all these I'm gonna stop because you're probably all bored okay cone okay I know Hulu you log here I know you actually love let's see let me do the bubbles oh but how are cone and I gonna dance we got a dance gonna cut you want to see it going in I danced to the bubbles oh let's see will she dance with me do you think we got bubbles I think can't kono will dance with me it's the only way I can get anyone to dance with me is my cute little partner so can you see us so did cut in Kona that's dance Kona hear you I don't know you can't hold it yeah well let's turn it around you can't see me so we'll turn it around Oh Oh what did I do that is something bad it's on me oh no oh we got turned around you turn around the camera around can you see me look at the camera can you oh I tried to turn it around so she could see it yeah well I'm not in the screen I think I turned around I know I was but I turned it around cuz I wanted her to see it okay well this is wasting time okay I'll do it again I'll take it cuz you can't see it alright take it again and then I gotta adjust it yeah I gotta learn to adjust it right okay let's try that okay there we go okay so going tonight so what are we gonna finally a bad dance partner I've been looking for a long time oh I should be moving her little paws around oops she's got all the moves she gives me class okay we better stop I'll give it back to you okay uh I think that bubbles oh no I turned the camera I'm sorry I turned the camera on you I screwed up okay I'm done folks thanks so much for watching sorry I didn't answer more questions I get so I get so long-winded I want to tell you everything I can and so I try to try to do good and sometimes they mess up well we'll do this topic again because obviously there are more questions we didn't get to we'll do a cycle of topics will do more topics every time and then we'll come back and cover this one again ok folks thanks so much we'll talk to you later
Channel: CheapRVliving
Views: 270,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live, living, car, van, RV, Full-time, nomad, gypsy, camper, camp, boondock, travel, snowbird, caravan, tiny, house, tribe, RTR, adventure
Id: iehYHtyM5Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 55sec (4615 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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