Nomad Dating! Live Feed August 14, 2019

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Oh one of these days I'm gonna do this and no one's gonna show up and you're gonna be a feel all alone not cry I will actually probably cry not yet but it's only 15 seconds it usually takes a while and you know takes this long I'm there it is I got my first chat yeah I got a live chat yeah yeah it's just slow so yeah it's about 15 seconds here from when I hit live until you actually get it so that's a nerve-racking 15 seconds for anybody going live you don't know you have you what have you messed up what there's only a few things you can mess up but if it's possible to mess them up I can and do so hi everyone I'm glad you're back today we're gonna have the big oh I'm not I didn't plug in my blab mic I'm gonna plug in my lab mic cuz it's been windy on and off like now you're hearing me through the through the lights on the phone and I'm going to plug in the lab cuz with the wind I think that should help let me know if if that doesn't work please let me know that sound isn't good I am back still in Oregon oops I have my towers that way so I'm in Oregon now and I'm just outside his sisters I'll be here for a few days then like I said I'm gonna go to there's a big tiny fest tiny house festival up in Salem this weekend and on the 18th I am speaking it's kind of windy so I got a hat on just to keep my air from blowing around I'll keep I'll keep it out I'm not gonna stay out in the Sun I just burn I'll burn to a crisp and I'll get too hot so I'm not going to stay out sudden very long but I'll let you walk I'll walk around and let you see where I am I think you might hopefully you enjoy that I'm here with a friend my friend was gonna be on with me but the wind comes up and then goes down and I'm a friend I'm not set up for two labs two two lapel mics and I know the wind would be just but unbearable and there's my friend he's in the van camped over here with me and you can't see it because it's way too small but I'm looking right at the three sisters that's why we come here because we get great Sun the vans in the Sun all day and then there's plenty of shade because we're in the forest and this open field is really fantastic to get Sun so I really like it here I don't know why he does that this seems like it does it once every time I know I have a great connection I have a really good connection here and I don't know why it does it this is like the third time we've done alive from this location and it's done that every single time and I have no idea why but it does it and yeah just reconnect mm-hm and I've been you know that's great as long as I can reconnect it's fine so so I'm going to go up to this tiny house festival on Sunday and I'm speaking I believe it's a 10 o'clock Casey correct me if I'm wrong but I'm almost certain I'm speaking at 10 o'clock on Sunday and my topic is going to be why we live tiny why we live die here Casey I hear you I'm away from the we have a lot of technology here I have my iPad open and Casey is connected to me by the iPad and she's far away from here and I also have a my laptop open to do to get your question so the questions are about dating write me about dating I think I'm wandering around enough here get out of the Sun before I burn up I got to take you off of the gimbal and put you on the tripod oh she corrected me she said I'm on at 11 o'clock on Sunday and so if you're in the Salem area and you want to come and see me I'll be there it does cost mm-hmm Casey you know what the how to get to the website I think it's tiny fist Northwest oh it's in the announcements when I do it when I read through the announcements I'll find it so I'm just a minute I'll read through the announcements and I'll give you the ad the location for it okay so I'm gonna put you on the tripod I'm gonna get seated in the shade so I don't die I feel like I would definitely die and didn't write you're doing it wrong you did it wrong dipstick okay that should fix it okay okay you come back tighten that a bit tighten that a bit okay Casey is telling me that it's tiny fest Northwest calm about that tiny fest Northwest calm you can get the details the entrance fees and all that good stuff there how's that anything so bad is it you a little bright behind me but that's life isn't it I'm in the forest I mean this is this is real world you know I'm not some guy who lives in his house and complains about nomads and and teaches you about nomads butts never lived in oh man this is my life this is my only life this is the only life I want this is the real deal and being out here means being in the Sun and being in the shade and and being in when it's too windy and sometimes there are too many bugs and life is not always perfect out here but it's always wonderful a bad day out here is better than my best day that I had before I live down here that is just an absolute fact my worst day out here and I've got some bad ones has been better because I was alive I felt alive I felt cold I felt hot I was scratching from mosquitoes I was alive every fiber of my being screams you're alive you're living this isn't a living death this isn't a life you're enduring because they just don't know what else to do with it I'm alive and I feel alive and I am so grateful that one day I was forced into living in a van the best thing that ever happened to me well among the best at least okay so oh I better get on the announcements all right how's that pretty good Abner about Center dirt okay andö announcements you'll bring it pretty quick I better get a letter get a drink a Diet Pepsi okay my laptop went to sleep I found a little secret about laptops if you ever wonder about laptops I have powerful laptops because I do editing and I have a gaming laptop that draws 250 watts that's 20 amps a 12 volt that's enormous and it is so fast but I don't it's it's uh I think it's 15 inches but it sure feels like it's 17 and so I rarely use it because it's enormous and I found this little cute little thing this is a Microsoft Surface go full Windows 10 just like any other Windows 10 program comes I bought these separate keyboard and I'm running full Windows 10 it has LTE built-in so I have I have unlimited pad you know all pads come with unlimited and this is just a pad well I'll take off the keyboard and I'll show you as soon as I say that I can't figure out good so it's just a pad and and here's the Microsoft keyboard it's part of the Microsoft Surface family and so I have unlimited on my Windows 10 laptop I'm just delighted with it I really am and then I can pop the keyboard back on it just pops right back on and now I'm away uh announcements okay here's the announcements first I like to read a letter I get so that you know this is for real and I'm they're real people out there that really need the help we're giving them these are people who are living their lives now and have found a solution through they have found a solution through nomadic living on I'll try to do everything I can to change everything so you don't even know a male female or anything at all a sad story let's not recall him we have to have an abbreviation so we called them sad stories thank you Bob I feel hope for my future because of your videos all of my life I have been trapped by circumstances abuse first abusive parents then abusive spouse then children that depended on me one with autism boy that would be people with autism and parents with autism are Saints now I'm living alone in a tiny apartment that has subsidized rent and I still can't afford my bills can you imagine that you're in a subsidized rent apartments usually aren't very great not in very great places and you still can't afford to live I thought I would just die here and honestly felt like it couldn't come soon enough and boy have I felt that way myself now I can't wait for my lease runs out so I can get out of here and head west thank you so thank you for the hope I haven't felt maybe ever and I just were so relate to the feeling of hopelessness out there when I went through my divorce my whole life my first 40 years of my life were basically just hopeless trapped in a job I hated I was going to be doing it for the next 40 years and I did that all my life I lived worked at that job for 35 years so I was able to retire with a pretty decent little pension retired real early and or I would add a really good pension but man my life was unhappy and hopeless and despair despair and a monotony and drudgery that was my life and like that everything I do in this channel is to get you out of that them the soul-sucking drudgery and misery of life on the hamster wheel that's what it was for me if it's not for you I'm very happy for you but I think for the majority of people who are listening to this video that's what it was for you you're in agreement okay so announcements first we have a matching fund set up at fundly comm this is for the minivan builds we're gonna continue minivan builds we'll build them give them away our last we're going oh it's coming up I'll tell you about that we're going to giveaway coming up a week or two the first minivan build that we did it's so fantastic we did such a great job on that we didn't the people who did the build I I was I was just there they did the build and they just did a fantastic job really good so we're working on we're going to be be building another minivan to give away in in October and so if you would like to contribute you you go to fund Lee that's f you in dly comm slash minivan - build - match and we have a donor that will match dollar for dollar every every dollar you get so if you give $5 and that'd be wonderful under this donor will match five if we get a total of 3,000 this donor will put in the other 3,000 and so that's too many vans the last minute van we bought cost us twenty six hundred and we put four hundred dollars in new tires on it we put a few other little things we had to replace all the shocks and the struts they were all just shot it's pretty typical of older minivans a few little things we put on it was around three grand by the time we were all said and done so for three grand somebody has a was going to get a brand new we've chosen that person is going to get a brand new home they going to own and live in and that's thanks to all the donors this money doesn't grow on trees the donors contribute it and so that's coming right up so please contribute to the fund Lee comm / minivan - build - match and we'll have a match for everything you give maybe with you if you guys will contribute three grand the donor will event contribute three grand that's two minivans we can build out two minivans with with this one drive and make a huge blessing to someone okay we have two new applications for assistance available at homes on wheels Alliance org slash programs that's homes on wheels Alliance org slash programs the first one is for a minivan home on wheels so this time we would like to have chosen the person to get the minivan you come to the build and we ask you and talk to you will this bed be long enough will this bed be tall enough for you to set in we'll build the minivan around you very specifically around you so you need to be there so you need to apply today so that we can choose you and give you time to come to the minivan build in October you'll be there and we'll build the minivan together and we're looking for people volunteers now we don't want to overstay our welcome with volunteers we want to have new volunteers every minivan builder if you would want to just keep coming back that's fine too but we want to give everyone a chance and we don't want to overwork a few we want those two things so if you are willing to have you feel that specifically halves or knowledge carpentry knowledge mechanic if you can tear the thing apart and say okay it needs this we definitely need new shocks all these brakes look great and the brakes on the last movie on we're all perfect didn't didn't even need to begin to do anything yet just under the shocks that was in really good shape shocks and tires pretty typical but maybe you need a new brakes you can go in and tear down the brakes and put in new ones for us and before we can give away the minivan we have to have it checked out by an ASE certified approved mechanic and we'll do that you know just for legalities and liability insurance shake sakes but we'll do all that and so that first one that's up there now go apply homes on wheels Alliance org slash programs and if you want to apply for the next minivan number two for the solar panel kits in quartzite starting on November fourth we are going to be giving away entire 244 245 watt solar kits be an entire kit ready to go ready to install and we are not going to be installing them at that time we'll be giving them away if you know someplace you can go in November and get your kits installed then come and get them we'll be handing them out but you have to have to apply you have to put in an application and because although we have 45 or 40 we get which we have I get it mixed up with the number 245 and the solar but it's either 40 or 45 panels and we're gonna give them all the way and they're big panels so you're gonna have to have a lot of room on your roof and one of the things we have to know and this application is will you have room on your roof we're not going to give you a kit and you can't put it on your roof we wasted both of our times we don't want to do that to you we don't want that to happen to us so so go the two homes and wheels Alliance Town Oregon slash programs and you can apply for the kit the new complete solar kit system also we as we've been talking about we a wonderful generous donor donated ten thousand dollars and nine thousand of that is now in an emergency fund for nomads we've had nineteen applicants so far we are about to finalize the one of them he had bet he had bad tires bad tire I'll just read this is his basically his letter bad tire steel belts are coming through tires have dry rot here's a brief recap of emergency situation I'm 68 a full-time Nomad for six years like a lot of us you get into your 60s the only way you can leave is on wheels three weeks ago I spent my emergency fund savings a thousand on getting me my van fixed that's a problem even if you have an emergency fund you spend it on one emergency another van pop another emergency pops up and then your stock we understand that that can happen to anyone I was down for two weeks attached is the labor bill so he has proof that he just spent a thousand dollars to get his van running then I had a Matt medical emergency last week the operation I had and he gives them the details I'm not going to go into those this afternoon I was back in surgery he had to have surgery I'm doing well now therefore I'm requesting financial assistance to replace my tires so he's you know he his home is incapacitated without got belts sticking through and I've seen that many times and so we all we're gonna do is we're going to find a local tire store we will he'll go in to get get to get everything all set up and we'll pay will pay the tire store and you'll walk out with brand new tires and won't spit the pity and you know when you donate to the program that we're trading your money right we're not just throwing it around anybody Tom Dick and Harry we we need to know that it's an emergency we're also working out who should get the money and who shouldn't we there there are million people out there millions there are a million there probably 20 million people in the United States today that have some kind of an emergency and need help well we can't help 20-minute people we have to narrow that down we have to say this is this general scope these are the specific details well the general scope is and we we've we've kind of worked it out one is that it has to be a genuine emergency it can't be a big inconvenience we don't you know we're sorry you're going through a big inconvenience we've all had that so you've run out of gas money for the month and it's another week tell tell you get your your next check and and you can buy gas again well that's a very big inconvenience but it's not an emergency yet we're probably not going to give you money for that or or if if you your bands just shot and you Brad need a whole brand-new van now and we've gotten several letters like that you know that's that's a minivan giveaway and that's a whole different ballgame that emergency just meeting emergencies and also we've had a number of people I've had a lot of people personally write me and they're not nomads and again I they're all worthy there are I bet there are 20 million 30 50 100 million real genuine needs in America today and they can't meet them but I can't fill them all and you I can't ask you to fill them all so we have to limit our scope and we aren't we aren't helping people that aren't nomads and I'm sorry we just aren't and I get a lot of contacts from a lot of other people who are working with other needy groups wanting me to help them other causes I get a lot of people with causes that want me to join up with them I can't I can't deal with all the causes of the world I believe I have been called to carry a message of good news of nomadic living and help build a tribe build a community and to help everyone I can along the way and and that doesn't include every other cause in America however worthy the cause is and they're all worthy and I'm not a bad person because I can't take up every cause I have been called to do one thing I am doing it to the best of my ability if you've been called to another cause do it to the best of your ability but do not blame me because I have not been called and I get that I I do that people write me and say well but this is so worthy how can you turn it down what's better with you well I can't do everything I don't try to do everything I'll be a dead man if I try to do everything so like someone wrote in and they had they borrowed the vehicle the person who loaned it to them so we said okay we're not gonna if this isn't your vehicle you can't really you can't prove to us is your vehicle then we need a letter from this person say that you have their permission to use the vehicle and you have our per your we have your permission to pay the money to fix it these are kind of liability things we have to take care of you know it's it's a litigious world people are wanting to sue over any little thing and we have to be careful we just we have to be it's just the way the world works now we have to put on stupid warning signs that we all will smock well what kind you have to do that to in a different way so we couldn't help this person because they couldn't come up with a letter from the owner of the vehicle with just we I'm sorry so we did take care of three people we're taking care now in the process of the tires one person need a new house batteries and another person had just written in saying hey I have an extra set of house batteries they're only two years old they're in great shape we put those two people together this person you know they helped each other that's the goal here as much as possible to put you together whereas someone else I'm not probably not supposed to say this but I think I can someone else was working as I have furrow burr and and their car broke down and they just had to replace it and at the same time in the same city someone else wrote in and donated wanted to don't own a new Prius well we're a little reluctant to give Priuses to people because once we analyze it a Prius I mean we don't have an Angus Prius we think they're great to live in but we're kind of reluctant to do it but we put these two people together this guy had the joy of helping this person so much now this person had a way to continue making money and living on the road in a Prius so a lot of what we want to do is put people together and you take care of each other so we're hoping to do much much more of that and we're hoping to set up programs to make that happen we're just not quite there yet okay I think I might be done here am I done Casey oh okay is that on another email okay yeah I'm not gonna give more details okay that's boy that took 20 minutes 25 minutes okay oh it's on it's only email okay yep of course all right so we'll start answering questions I someone wrote in and somewhere else and said you know this is something Bob should be doing is it too as a as a panel cuz I don't know anything about dating everything I'm gonna tell you is how to do it wrong I can tell you everything about how to date wrong but I can't really tell you how to do much right and that's you know that's of some value I'm no dating expert and and this / - this purse this thread it was on another somewhere else and they said well you know that there should be a older woman and a younger woman and another younger guy and and some middle-aged people and a whole bunch of people with a lot of different perspectives and that is really a good idea which had done that the trap problem is I'm a no man I live alone in the van in the middle of nowhere I look around here and there's only one other vehicle not only that but today we got wind I we got a pretty good breeze blowing right now but you're okay because there's one laugh laugh is this microphone under there I don't think you can see it but me see my beard kinda covers it and it's got a furry on it and it really blocks the wind but if we had five people we have to Mike five people we've got the wind noise we'd have to move them the camera around and they don't have to be physically present that's just isn't going to happen I'm not going to get together five people every Wiz D for for a panel discussion we're working really hard on putting it together and ability to hold lives remotely so five of us could be at five different locations and we'd still be live on YouTube exactly like we are now we think we know exactly how to do it we've paid for the service now we just have to figure it all out and we're through all the bugs and then we'll be doing live panels and that is my goal it's always better if there can be two of us and I can interview someone that ones infinitely better but if we could have a panel of four or five on the topic of dating that would be fantastic so we will do that but we're not quite there yet okay what am i doing I'm going to okay and I lost my place I got to open up mail again okay I'm doing it quick boy and I'm sorry I've spent half my time almost and have an answer to question although I I'm really gonna be embarrassed I've been on the road for 11 years and I have dated three times I've had three kind of steady dating relationships they haven't particularly ended well for various reasons I'm principal I still friends with all of them but they were you know I didn't really work for me and they didn't really work for the person I ended 1-1 another person into one and one just never really caught we both really liked each other but now that we dance the dance and it just never worked then we said hey it isn't really working so we'll just be friends we're great friends let's just say that and so that's that was great and it's just one of I think of her as one of my best friends okay so I'm gonna start reading the questions anonymous do you think it is better to live in one van or two vans when dating or in a relationship and why I first I but my best advice is don't sell the rig if you have two rigs and you want to try one then I hope that wind isn't too much I got a real strong wind now then it and if you really want to try being in one instead of two you put one in storage you can get outside storage for a van for about 40 bucks 40 bucks a month and I would definitely do that I would not sell it until you know and then find out first two people in the van is hard yeah but on a new relationship it's really hard and so that would be my advice not to sell the rig put one in storage if you have to and that'll shake out the relationship you'll know a whole lot more if it'll really work if two of you can live together in the van yeah that's pretty good sign that will work out so but yeah or if you have one RV then and one person is an RV one person's in the van I know a guy a youtuber I didn't really know him but I just knew him through YouTube and that happened he found some who lived in an RV and they lived in travel and he put his his van in storage and he they lived and traveled together for like a year in her RV and then it's yeah they parked it put it in storage and then they lived and traveled together in his van and so that would be something I'd recommend and they compared them you know they they got to know each other they didn't make any major decisions till they really knew it was gonna work and that would be my big advice to you to everyone out there don't make any big big major decisions until you know it's gonna work Ethan good morning I'm a single guy and like to date more but not sure where all the single nomads are that is a good question that I wish I knew too well the piers here is the way nomadism works in the summer we scatter across the country we all have a beautiful place we want to go bunch of us are working bunch of us are still young and after work or our bunch of us are old and still have to work so a whole bunch of us go off to jobs across the country and and and we just like going different places so we all go to a different place a few and then in the winter and we'll just talk and really broad strokes and so here's so here's summer all over the country and then in the winter we all converge usually in the desert southwest or in Florida whichever coast you're on and I only know about the desert southwest cuz that's where I am and there's all there's so much camping in the desert southwest throw a rock and you found a great campsite and so we that's where you're most likely to find someone you know we go to the basically the same places we all go to Arenberg we all go to - quartzite they're there like three or four really well-known places around quartzite you go there you'll find a lot of single there be mainly singles at those places our viewers tend to be couples van dwellers tend to be singles and so if you're in our veer single then you really are going to want to look for other our mom where you going to look because most our viewers are our couples but not all there are lots exceptions of course there are a number of groups there's the wandering individual networks they're a great organization I think there are vowed not to be a dating site they don't want you to be a dating site but it happens it just inevitably happens and they travel and do a lot together the Windsors are a fantastic so if you do a google search on wins went wandering individual networks you'll find them their website is a different name someone someone write in and tell me what their website name is it's different it's Harvey singles maybe it's not just win so maybe they maybe that wasn't available they're a great organization there's also loners on wheels that's a great organization escapees have birds of feather and I think ID escapees is great if you're an RVer and you're looking to to meet people I would definitely say join lows winds and escapees that's going to put you together what's probably the maximum amount of other our viewers and I think they have singles groups on on all those I'm not an escapee so I don't know but they're a great organization I have nothing against the escapees at all I think they're fantastic ittsan I don't get enough value for I'm not I don't live in a van I don't live in an RV I might find Moe's a lot of our viewers kind of tend to look down on Dan dwellers not all this broad broad overgeneralization but man there's a little bit of truth to it and so I tend not to be with with the escapees very much and then there's the new one that young working escapees escapers that's something for you to think about so organizations singles RVing organizations but we all come together in the desert that's where you're most likely to find someone be in the desert be where we all go join one of my caravan said the caravans were all large I think we had about I think at the the second time last year in the desert we had for our caravans going and they were averaging 30 40 50 people each so that's a lot of our veers and you could go to different ones and see if you didn't find I mean I I don't there's nothing wrong with that we're not opposed to that if you're looking for a someone to date if you're looking for someone there's that's nothing to be embarrassed about that's kind of human nature and we're not opposed to that in any way and so if you go there and there maybe you'll find someone I don't know a lot of singles I know you will find a lot of singles I wish I had a younger millennial here because they're a different group and they travel in different circles and I really don't know enough about them to give that advice and I'm sorry and if I were if I had a single older woman a single younger woman we would get really you'd get much better different advice that I'm able to give you I'm sorry I should have thought ahead I'll if I when we get this put together with alive we'll redo this and I'll find a bunch of people that are willing to do it in fact right in in today and a few moderators will pay attention if you're interested in being on a panel on dating a lot of snow in the comments when you write when you'd write in with your chats and we'll put together a list of people and when we're ready to do a panel from all around the country on wide feet on YouTube we'll contact you I'd like to do that it's good Jennifer are dating I don't know where to begin I don't either I think the more meetups the better for people do to know each other I think the caravans are a big thing or the RTR is a big thing you know if there are 9,000 10,000 other are veers there most of us are single the vast majority of us at the RTR are single you're gonna have a much more likelihood that's so that's so I didn't finish my really finish my sentence what happens is in the in the winter we gather together in small groups big groups 30 50 100 there's always a group that goes to the slabs and they're together so they're safe you're safe if you go to the group with the groups as the slabs you're gonna be safe and you meet a whole bunch of other people you just the more people you meet the more likely you're to run into someone oh you must have crashed are you were there Casey oh my shoulder why aren't you connecting oh are you there I bet we got such a bad connection we're not making it sorry about this okay see I don't think we're gonna keep the connection let me see if I can change it put I'm not getting it very far I really feel like I'm not okay I'm going to close I'm gonna close this and see if I can change the connection okay so Casey if you're listening I put you you are on AT&T I have an AT&T iPad and apparently lost connection and I'm putting her on Verizon I have a Verizon you got a good one now now where are you okay so uh you're there are we gettin are we talk I don't see you okay I don't know how this keeps happening I'm calling you back just answer yeah we're good together okay season can I tell you where they are people where you are can I tell them where you are you don't mind she's generally somewhere out west how's that she's in Colorado she's somewhere cool in the country that's burning up in point I think the more meetups the better for people to get to know each other that's really at the meetups I'd love to do a I'd love to do a summer RTR I'd love to do multiple summer arts yards I'd love to do them across the country I'd like to do a summer RTR in a winter art tr8 total in every corner of the country I would do that in a heartbeat if I could finding place it needs to be free it needs to hold a bunch of people it needs to have decent internet we can't be hassled it can't be a turn working with the BLM and the nut and the National Forest is just becoming a nightmare and so I just don't know how to do and meet all the needs it has to be free I can't charge you know a lot of you a few of you could pay and be glad to pay I'm going to some a big another big van meeting that's called descend on bend it's here in Oregon it's coming up in about two weeks and it's $100 for five days well what if I charged $100 for five days and that's what I'd have to charge if we rented a place and it eliminated all these hassles well how many of you can come if it's $100 for five days so I you know I just don't know how to do it but the more meat I'd love to have meetups constantly the closest I can get is the caravans it's free it's on public land there's some place you can go and meet someone that's the best I can do have been able to figure out to do right now but it's still excellent and in the winter they're big 30 40 50 people and that's a lot of people and you can go to visit all of them except the women's group men can't go to the women's group and maybe maybe you'll meet that person I hope so um I've been on the face group for single our viewers and come across a lot of guys my dad's age that send me messages and they lie about their age we all I don't we do you know if nomads guys lie about their ages - of course they're we're a cross-section of the population some of us are gonna lie about our age I never I'm not one who does I tell you I tell you my dating strategy just tell you every reason why you wouldn't you want to run away from me and if you're still there then maybe we got a chance I don't want you to find out hard all the reasons you should run away so my dating relation idea is just the opposite tell him I'm gonna tell you right up front these are all the reasons you should not you should run away the sight of me should just make you puke and run away and then it makes a lot of women puke and run away anyway I don't need me to tell him but yeah so I don't do that golde myself up what's the point you're all gonna find out the hard way and and she goes on to say do you know of are they looking for a relationship or just in it for the C replaced the C with an end want to see if I replace cookie with in there because there's no key oh I said the word cookie yeah there are a lot of guys out there looking for deke there's no doubt about it there's another thing they messaged me about off of Facebook that gets them blocked right yeah that's all you can do is just block him they're jerks every every population of men has jerks I think there are many less jerks among nomads banned Weller's than other I honestly do but I'm prejudiced so who knows we're probably just a normal cross-section of the population there's a certain number of jerks certain number of really great people really great people I think the really great my experience has been overwhelmingly and I think if I could take a poll there are many more really great nomads than there are jerk nomads but there are some I really want to know if the dudes are ok with taking time to know someone before the physical stuff some are some aren't um I think the majority are I think the majority are actually looking for a relationship out here by this time in their lives but of course not all and you have to figure out which one is which and that's not easy ok I better keep moving lots of good pickup line trust me I live in a van and poop in the woods is not working at all you got to be kidding I'd fall for that trust me I live in a van I'm poop in the woods well you know if you'd be another woman van dweller single female van dweller ah I think just I just think the attitude you know what's your attitude we have an attitude of how we want to live the freedom that we want to live with and I think that if if they don't just see that attitude in you and and it would it appeals to them and it's what they want then nothing else matters it's not gonna work no matter what that attitude of I want to be free I want to be in nature I'd like to share it with you are you interested can we make this work I think just honesty just out front no playing games I'm interested I think games are the death just the death of relationships are there any single people age 15 over mostly most van dwellers are single people in my circles in my community most of us in my community are single people age 50 and over by far the majority yeah no question among our fears traditional our viewers I think that's not true it's mostly married couples 50 and over okay okay see I assume there's another one card number two teri Novak it may be cool to have a separate section for singles at RTR well we are doing trying to do singles nights singles get-togethers and you can will at the RTR this is you want it done you do it don't come to me and say Bob I want this done so you do it because that's not going to happen I'm doing plenty we're doing everything we possibly can but if you want to do it and you're willing to make it happen maybe do anything you want we're completely open within a reason so if you want to have single's night every night of the RTR will announce it will give you the location you tell us I'm going to host a singles night every night of the RTR and it'll be in different locations we're gonna play different games and these are the 10 different games we're gonna play or or we're going to meet together and then we're all gonna decide we're all gonna go out somewhere for pizza which would be silly Allison in court site or visit courts I don't know if it'll be in court site or not I don't know where it will be let me just say we're working hard on the art are there will be an RTR but I do not know where or when it will be so folks don't write me and ask me where and when it will because I don't know yet as soon as I know you will know there will be one that's an absolute while we're covering all our bases but we're dealing with government agencies and nailing them down it's just pouring womp you know it's just like herding cats this is hurting cats so uh yeah no I don't think we can do it separate singles I think the majority are singles I think what wouldn't be possible but if you're willing to host a singles night pick a day and if if 10 of you are willing to host a singles night and pick the day and we'll work with you as a group to have a singles night singles gathering every single day of the RTR I would love that then you guys can do anything you want I think I'm all in favor don't ask me to do it because I'm not going to don't ask one of the volunteers do it because they're all too busy don't ask the coordinator to do it because she's too busy you have to do it if you're willing to do what it'll happen yeah I think that's a fantastic idea and then you'll get to know each other yeah by going you're kind of saying yeah I'm looking we're all a lot of singles there but if you're going to one of these gatherings you're probably saying yeah I'm looking no fear to track good name dating or hookups please define which one you're talking about then you have to decide that huh I can't define that for you you need to find it why do I have to define your life I'm not here to define your life in any way shape or form I'm here to present you options and tell you what I see is the pluses and the minuses I don't do hookups if so I'm not talking to you about hookups that is never that has never appealed to me I want a relationship I don't want you to hook up but if you want to do a hookup that's fine with me I don't care just be honest with where we're talking about about every kind of relationship is an honest relationship the lying crap the game-playing crap that's bad I'm completely opposed to that you're going to save people deceptions wrong if you have to live your life so that the only way you can live your life the way you want it is to deceive people you need to make serious changes in your life you need to look at your heart and say what's wrong that I can't live my life as an honest open book my life's an open book Casey is I lost you again oh okay I've just lost video Casey because she gets into my email and so one day we're talking on Kate on FaceTime on iPads and I'm writing to someone and she says you're writing that person and I'm aware that my life is so much an open book that as I'm typing an email case you can see it I live my life as an open book and I am I'd be ashamed to live it any other way there's nothing I'm doing that I want to hide you're only as sick as your secrets and if you have to keep secrets secrets to be able to date if you can't just come out and say man I'm not really interested in relationship but I'd love to I'd love to spend some time and do a hookup with you if you can't say that then there's something wrong if you have to keep secrets your life is your something wrong you need to get that squared away rojo dosa says a date with Bob would be a good fundraiser oh well I think you Rosa I really really appreciate that that's very kind of you to say it's actually not a bad idea I think again let me let me tell you all the reasons why you should run away puking at the very thought of a date or a relationship with Bob my life is my work I work Casey how many hours of work do we work a week you work 80 hours a week Katie Casey works 80 hours a week she works harder than I do that's not enough you need to be working more I work non-stop my life is work Sue Ann works 120 yes she's she probably works as much as Casey and I put together and Phyllis works a tremendous amount to I know she does but I work all the time my work comes first it's a priority you'd be a distant second my life is an open book I'd be glad to date you and everything I you could know anything about me you want to know I'm employed I'll be as transparent as I can humanly be but man I'm not a I'm not a prospect love is a weird thing one of the things I have decided about my life is I mean I don't know what love is you know we have this romantic idea of love I don't even say love I don't use the word love I was in a group meeting we were talking about something and I never used the word love and it upset somebody and he went on say you know we all have to say love it's so important that we say love I never once used the word love I don't I hate the word love it's so overused and so misused and I I want to talk to you about compassion and empathy I'll talk to you about kindness love is a verb don't talk to be about a noun talk to me about a verb talk to me about your actions and so I don't know that I know how to love in romantic sense I've really much decided that so I'm not a romantic I'm not a good partner I will I will act loving and kind as much as I can be as unselfishly as I can be but I kind of come to the conclusion from all my failed relationships that as unselfish as I think I am maybe in a relationship I'm very selfish and I just can't see it it's a it's a baffle relationships or a baffling thing to me so yeah we might make a lot of money with me as a date with me as a fundraiser but I think you might end up puking at the end of the night Terry see what a proper date out there boondocking look like little outside the table a little table outside the van with candlelight and stuff yeah that would be a good date hike for me it's always a hike or or one one one lady I wanted to to let her know I was interested I said hey I'm going into town tomorrow and do some shopping get some water and dump my trash do you want to go that was the date so we stopped at at a fast-food restaurant and and and went to Safeway and shopped and found a dumpster and dumped our trash and went somewhere else and got water and that was our date but you know that was kind of a date that's that's kind of our I know mad life isn't it that that define the nomad life and it was a little tiny town we were a little tiny town of 5,000 people at the most and that's about all there was the nearest town with the rest with a well there were a lot of nice restaurants it was a tourist town and I think we ended up going for Nate dates we started going to we went to nice restaurants and we went for we won't for a walk every night that was mainly our dating we would go out and and watch the Stars and we just go out at night and sit in our chairs and talking watch the stars yeah that's what it looks like for Boone Dockers it looks pretty different Merritt question regarding dating is a full-time Nomad how does one connect to a community where we can meet others other than big festival type events the caravans right now is my only answer go to the desert Southwest in the in the winter and there are a few places where we all go and hang out and we tend to that's the great thing about the caravans the understanding is the caravans you're there because you want to be social and if you're way off on the outside of the group and no one ever sees you they'll just leave you alone they know that's what you're looking for but if you're kind of closer in and you come out and you come over and meet and they almost always build fires at the caravans and they come over and you know they have a fun evening for fire and they and they make plans some of the caravans were really active they they planned hikes they were that were just there wasn't an organized event they just have they just have a campfire and they say hey well there's a really good trail over here why don't we go for a hike tomorrow and maybe 1015 people go for a hike the next day the caravans are my solution to this problem and I think they work I'm hoping I hope you're hearing this KC is the sounds still good good yeah these lab mics really work and so I think the caravans are my answer at this moment they peter out in the summer because we scatter to the wind across the country we go to jobs we go to pretty places we want to go some people just go to one place and spend their summer this air or maybe they just travel all over the West or all over the East or we go back and visit family that happens a lot in the summer it's family visiting time so in the summer it doesn't work well you can't hardly find people in one spot but in the winter we'll all be in the desert Southwest will be around Yuma will be around quartzite will be up in Anza Borrego will be around the slabs will be around Arenberg there'll be a lot of us around Parker a lot of us around Lake Havasu Lake Havasu is a great one Oh thought you could find out where that boondocking places are and you'll find a bunch of people there and then you got to be you got to be aggressive and I don't mean negatively aggressive I mean you've got to be willing to go out and say hi to people we all have kind of our first thought and as a boon docker is you're out here cuz you want to be left alone but maybe you don't want to be left alone I'm but out of respect I will leave you alone so you have to communicate I'd like to meet people not necessarily that I'm ready or I'm easy or come get me but just I'd like to meet people while we did at the RTR one year and I think where is we're gonna continue is we handed out we bought surveyors ribbons you just know what surveyors ribbons is it's they go out and they wrap purple pink yellow green ribbons to mark things mark trails mark trail wrap trees and spots and all that stuff we put up a we handed out red and green or pink and green cuz somewhat poor kind of pinkish but it was red and go green green is go red has stopped and so if you had a red ribbon or a pink ribbon that meant you weren't interested I'm busy I don't want I want to be left alone and if you had a green ribbon and you could just put it on your door handle you could put it if you had about most of us have a not always anymore but a lot of us still have antennas radio antennas so if you add it up on your head or antenna or around your mirror or just somewhere you had a green ribbon you just said I'm friendly come visit and so I would say let's try that as a community you get anywhere Home Depot sells it just just ask somebody I need surveyors ribbon Ace Hardware sells that nice has the cheaper you can get it from Amazon I just go by a roll of pink and green and some days you're not gonna want company put out pink put out red and say I don't want company but some days man you'd be glad to me you'd be glad as someone came and knocked on your door and said hi my name's Bob I just parked over here am I too close I don't want to be too close and you say no you're fine right there you get to visit you say Howard you just come from oh I was just up at Lake Havasu oh I love Lake Havasu where'd you camp up there and then you have a conversation going and now you've got a friend and it's just that simple but we're afraid that we're out here because we want to be left alone and so we don't bother each other and sometimes just have to take a risk Goldin we'll take the risk knock on the door be respectful but when I approach any camp I say hey anybody home I stop about 15 20 feet eight I just don't walk up and stick my head in the door don't ever do that that's bad manners they might be in there pooping they might be in there changing clothes to take a nap they might just be waking up yeah it gonna be anything going on in there they might be having sex with her boyfriend or girlfriend don't just go up and stick your head in the mirror in the door or look through the you know now I don't ever do any like that stop 1015 feet being respectful be kind be considered treat other people the way you want to treat and say hey anybody home I'm Bob I'm just camped up the road wanted to say hi that's all you do that and you'll find out right away if they want to be left to known if they come out and they look at you like deer with cotton ear caught in the headlight then you know this person wants to be left alone and I'm intruding and you say hey I'm sorry I don't want to bother you just came to say hi if I can do if you need me help just let me know and I'm camped up there talk to you later that's it you know you're minimal bother you Joe respect you you tried and so it's it's really incumbent on you to in a boondocking situation to respectfully make connections because otherwise will and I've seen this happen and this is when we're at Arenberg I used to camp a lot of the Arenberg and I don't anymore we wouldn't know one we're gonna come out of the rigging we'll meet each other and I knew we want to do I just knew everyone wanted to so I would announce pizza party you know you can buy a five dollar pizza add at and Arenberg you're right outside of life and there's a little Caesars in earning buy a five dollar pizza and that'll feed two or three people so I'd buy ten pizzas and thirty people would come out we'd all have a pizza party or what we did for a while was arranged a a morning coffee and we all met outside one of our dear friends had a big class C and if the wind was blowing and or it was Sun was hot we'd set in the shade and the side of the van and get out of the way under get out of the Sun you know and somebody bring a cheap bag of cookies and somebody else would bring a cheap box of doughnuts and someone to make coffee make just bring over a pot of coffee or two or three extra cops to share and so you create you create a community it's up to us in most times to great community I'm trying to communicate community and that's the goal of the caravans but sometimes it's just up to you to look around and it's being surrounded by people and never say a word to them it's up to you to go to say a word be careful be respectful be kind but do it okay so that's my answer to you Merritt just to UM to go find in the winter into the winter in the desert they'll find groups of nomads together just go up be polite be respectful go meet each other I don't hide okay card number three oh man look at that is somewhere out of time you find that most people out in van life are really enjoying being single don't want to date I do think so hmm dating is hard whether it's a little gonna be a long another long answer I'm sorry I'm just not getting through meeting your questions I got a drink something uh the hard thing about being dating is as a van dweller is this you love their freedom I love being able to go where I want to go when I want to go and if you date and if you merge two camps into one you can't go where you want to go when you want to go why you want to go you have to ask and I I personally find having to ask a hardship and so there's more selfishness in Tanis in me and I've devoted my life to rooting out self-absorption in myself but every time I kid in a dating relationship I find it and I find lots of it I don't want to have to ask if if it's my fancy to go up to Wyoming and and and see some Wyoming I want to go to Wyoming but I can't I have to ask you and if it's your fancy to go to San Diego and see the zoo the the marine zoo and I I hate going to more cities and and marine zoos I think they're evil we got a problem don't we and we have to merge our lives and we we have to give up for freedom and so it's pretty hard for nomads to give up their freedom that's really the bottom line is you got to give up half your freedom half the time and a lot of us just aren't willing to so I think there are a lot of nomads who would like to find their soul mate who you don't have to make any choices because you always want the same thing but that doesn't really exist and yeah I think the majority are single because they really want to be single they would rather merge lives but they're not willing to make the sacrifice that merging lives entails and let's face it in our society merging lives for the most part means the woman gives up her prerogative for the man and I would resent that if I were a woman and I resent that in myself because I do want that I resent that in myself that I want that it's wrong for me to want that but I do and so it creates this conundrum of selfishness that I hate this selfishness I find in myself and fight against it and yet it just pours out of me in a relationship so for me I'm in the Sun my my beard glows in the dark here and I hate the selfishness I find in relationships and so I would almost rather be alone than to be confronted with my own selfishness it's a hard one it's a really hard one I don't have good answers okay Bob do you have a hard time dating women that are not in the lifestyle that is Susie in oh no that was mark mark Lane I don't date if they're if you're not a nomad you're and I have no interests end up there's nothing in being a living in a home that interests me if you don't live in a van haven't lived in a van for a while you don't love living in a van there aren't we don't have enough connections to even start just in automatic disqualifications - if you're not if you're not a nomad you're not in the running Susie n asked well you have a nomad singles get together at the RTR yeah I'm sure they'll happen but again you have to you folks have to make them happen I know I'm not I'm not planning myself I think of the caravans as my effort to put singles together you go to the caravans and you'll find a whole lot of other singles maybe you'll find someone you like maybe you all but that's my effort to match singles together and it's not a direct effort that's not the purpose of the caravans the caravans is so you don't have to be alone you can have friends you can build community but part of building friends and having community is finding a mate and so I consider that to be a big part of the of why we we have the caravans what can you do if you were very introverted and shy you got us you just got to push yourself out of it there's nothing else I can do I just had a long discussion about if you go into a group there's a whole bunch you go camping Arenberg and there's a dozen people around you you can see all a pretty good distance away you're going to have to go and knock on a and I just told you how go watch this again I'm not going to tell you again be respectful be kind but you're gonna go out to knock on the door and introduce yourselves and say hi and you can if you're gonna wait for someone else to do that then it'll never happen and you'll be alone and so you're gonna have to just screw up your courage and go do it that's all there is to it just find that wealth of courage overcome your introversion in your shyness we have so much in common build on the commonality we have on go talk about where to go to camp you know you go where have you camped I'm looking for new campsites where have you been then I might want to go go find a common cause Commons interest and talk about it you just have to go do it that's all and I know that's hard advice that's all I've got should you sell your egg if you fall in love or what can you do with it I'd put in storage until you're absolutely certain you can usually unless it's a really big RV you could put it in storage for 40 no more than 50 bucks I would think and in the small towns we go to quartzite Flagstaff Prescott little towns around them I think you could find storage for an RV for no more than 50 bucks spend the 500 bucks for a year and 550 usually get a free month if you pay for rear and then once you've proven your track record did sell not before Jessica Nelson I'm gonna take a brief drink I'm talking too much I'm out of time I'm going over Jessica Nelson speaks wide very wise words dating is hard enough dating as a nomad is even harder it sure is you really have to find someone on the same page as you yes you do and there aren't many about there why do you think it is so much harder as a nomad what can you do to make it easier for yourself again it all comes down to freedom you're coming out here because you want freedom and merging your life with another person limits your freedom how much freedom are you willing to give up again you want to go to San Diego I want to go to Wyoming or Montana opposite directions you want to go to an RV you want to go you want to spend your time in RV parks I hate RV parks you can afford to pay I can't afford to pay you can afford to go need out a lot and I can't afford to go out needle on you have to merge and give up your freedom you have to swallow your selfishness and merge your lives and form one new life that isn't exactly what either of you want that's kind of the essence of marriage isn't it except in America it's bit understood that the woman would sacrifice herself to give to give the man what he wanted now good men would yield all they could but it was still an understanding the last 200 years 300 years with cooked women couldn't even vote 100 years ago a hundred years ago when we couldn't vote in this country it was an understanding that women's sacrifice women there are a lot of countries a plek states where a woman could intend to enter into a contract they they weren't qualified they weren't smart enough and old enough why don't we open the doors why do we hold the doors open for women because the assumption is there's two childlike to open the door themselves and we got to help them there in the old days there used to be big heavy doors and they kind of couldn't open them there were some validity to that this society to a degree much less degree thank God still expects the woman to be the one who yields and most women especially older women we have lived their lives in service and sense and servitude and sacrifice are not ready they're done not ready to sacrifice anymore and for the band to ask them to I believe is wrong and so for me that kind of holds me back my work demands my schedule and so I have to demand of you to conform to my schedule and that just feels wrong and I'm not able to do that and so I recognize reconcile myself to being alone because I don't want to have to confront my selfishness and I don't want to give up my freedom any more than I already have I've given up most of my freedom for the tribe I don't want to give up a little freedom I have left so that's why it's so much harder you're not willing to give up for freedom and and and being in a relationship requires it another a campervan channel is Bob available for a date yeah if after all I've said you're still interested in a date yes I'm open for a date okay are there any more case here should we call it done are you there we call it done it's already ten after okay uh should I keep answering questions how many people are online there are 1720 people out there okay if you're out there and you can endure it more on my babbling away I'm willing to go on lifelong travels ask Bob where would your girlfriend live if you had one she'd live in a van and she'd live in a van wherever she wanted to live because that's still a woman I'd be interested in uh and how about the wind the wind's really blowing hard now Casey may come on the wind was really blowing can you hear it oh this lab really works well huh I hate selfishness in myself and yet I keep finding it and if if I were gonna have a girlfriend she'd have to go where I wanted to go and it is so wrong for me to treat someone that way it's it's a conundrum it's a conundrum I have no answers Corinne Lauder what do you do if someone won't go away but that's a hard one I you might have to start a discussion about a restraining order I mean if they're if if that's where you're at if you've communicated that you don't want them in your life and they will not go away then it might be Tom time to start talking about a restraining order it would be time to sneak away in the middle of the night or you're talking about someone who might be dangerous and I would start treating them like they're dangerous I would find friends if at all possible to camp with and to be with and to leave that person with if they won't go away and you've made it very clear you want them to go away your danger and treat treat it like you're in danger there's a sheriff somewhere near you that you can go talk to and explain to this person I'm going to talk to the sheriff and hopefully hopefully something good will come of that I I don't know but yeah don't ignore it don't just hope the problem goes away take steps find a friend bring them into your life try to sneak away there's no I don't think there's any shame in sneaking away if this person is behaving that badly you need to get away and you need to get away safely so they don't find you I wish you well you might even be looking at going into a shelter try to sneak away maybe go into shelter take care of yourself take care of yourself there are bad people out there there are crazy people out there and so taking care of yourself as a top priority and don't women are told to please women are trained from babyhood in this country to please and so there's a part of you that doesn't what I'm assuming you're a woman does it say what would you do Corrine so I think you're probably woman there's as for in every woman trained in you especially if you're older the training was worse that a woman's job is to please and so and to obey and and so somewhere that that evil and that is evil lives in your heart it lives in the heart of nearly every woman digging it all out is nearly impossible every woman has an infection of misogyny that this country is placed in her and and and it's a lifetime just like I know how selfish I am and I have devoted my whole lifetime to finding that self is just ignoring and digging it out I'm not having much success I'm having a little well you've got to work hard at this thing I need to please the man you don't have to please this guy you don't owe him anything uh again I'm just assuming it's a guy maybe it's a girl you don't hold her anything you don't know anyone anything your obligation is to yourself and if this person is dangerous and not taking no for an answer do whatever is required to get away and be safe that's my advice Wow lo traveler would you ever have a singles Caravan yeah actually that's a very good idea yeah I wouldn't very much like to have a singles caravan no let's even plan on that yeah well that we definitely do that thank you it's good idea oh well I think we have talked about it sueanne's My partner and everything and all our decision-making and there's a board we have a board of directors of homes on wheels Alliance the caravans are now I think now officially under homes on wheels Alliance and not cheap RV living let's say it's a decision for the homes on wheels Alliance and Sue Ann is executive director and myself as president we'll have to go to the board and have a discussion about the caravans and out the direction but yeah I think a singles Caravan is probably good idea um take a drink just me and asks it would be fun to have a dating game at the RTR get to ask separate panels three questions a person and decide by answer if each is a possibility plus it would be fun okay I got to tell you I don't understand that we'd have separate panels three questions a person so we'd have five pape on a panel and we'd ask each the dating game is this a dating game oh that's just exactly what she said a dating game so you mean like the old big game show the dating game oh okay also we would try we would have also we would try we would have three like the wait the dating game literally was three guys or gals I think it was gals wouldn't it two on one side and the opposite sex or same-sex we can do same-sex on the other and they each asked three questions and chose a date oh okay that'll be fun that's something about again we don't have time putting on the RTR takes all of our time and energy it takes all of our time and energy for starting in December starting now we work on it year around with starting in December we work on it nearly full time we work on it non-stop a lot and we're not going to do that you have to do that you want something to happen at the RTR you do it you write us and tell us I'm going I would like to do this what do you think and we will either give you a blessing and say yes go do it and we'll give you a space and a time and we'll make announcements or we'll say ah we don't think we can get behind that and to be honest with you I don't know if we'd get behind the dating game or not I like the idea it'd be fun and hoped ideas to have fun in and maybe some how would we decide on contestants and who got the date out of nine thousand people you know there wouldn't be very many people happy about that but it'd still be fun you write us and tell us how you want to do it and we'll talk to you about it and we'll make a decision then I'm not breaking any promises it wouldn't be fun okay uh we the animals can we use your form for dating and finding friends yes the forum actually has a sub forum on dating it doesn't get used much and I'm not sure it's been very successful but yes on the forum which is cheap RV living calm slash forums plural there is a dating sub page now the way that page works is you don't write back and forth on it is for you you place your ad for yourself and people private message you p.m. you so when you place your ad your p.m. is goes with it and as someone want if you're a man and then you wait for the women to PM you and if you are a woman you post you tell enough about yourself and what you want what you don't want and then people men or women whatever you're after male or female whichever way you go and they will PM you so it's not updated back and forth site it's only for you to place and wait and see if anyone's interested and yes that's already there in the forms and you're glad you're welcome to use it Cathy Kent Kathy Clifton said regarding love this is a very good quote Arthur of Kurt Vonnegut said a little less love please and a little more common decency I'm a big fan of that I I don't use the word love I literally try to avoid using the word love it's overused I've overused it I've told a million different people that I love them when I didn't I didn't know what it meant I don't know what it means romantic love and the sense that we all this we have this huge built-up thing in our mind about what loving another person really is I have no idea what that means love's a verb it's something it's an action you take I will promise to you to take actions I won't promise you any grand la grande supernatural emotions no promises about that ever I don't I'm not sure I'm capable of a little less Club plays a little more common decency a little more kindness we can all use and I've also seen how love turns into hate like that Oh like that love turns into eight people have written me these amazing letters and then I set them just how great I was oh you're so great Bob I don't know no I'm not and then I say something they don't like and they hate me love turns into eight really really easily that's not love obviously Richard Biggs says love is sharing a poop pumpkin thumbs up thumbs up Richard love is sharing a poop bucket yeah I with one of my girlfriends I went to Alaska with her and in her van we sit to save money we only took one van when it was a hardship you know it was a hardship yeah two people in a vans are good to go and that's something I think I'm probably willing to do okay Troy asks if you were to meet him if we were to be it in person what a hug be appropriate yes I have learned to hug it's selfish not Doug and so I I hugged okay Casey are we done okay she didn't send me any more questions cuz he said we're done and we are done okay I'm sorry I this would have been a lot better with a panel and III apologize crystal I apologize because this I saw your thread and that was really a good idea and we're we when I say we I mean Casey Casey is working hard on putting together the ability it's actually a webinar we go through zoom and we they put on webinars and a webinar can be hosted to live to YouTube so we're probably gonna host panels as webinars so maybe we'll invite for other people three or four other people and we'll have a webinar and they'll be across the country and we'll go live on YouTube each of us with our smartphone in front of us and it will go into zoom and then zoom will go into YouTube but we have to figure all that out and we haven't done it yet it'll be it'll be a Achor to learn how to do all that and so we will Cody will you jump up on my can I told you up here people haven't seen you he doesn't he gets mad when I try to Oni lays down okay I don't take the camera off the tripod and show you Cody come on it okay Arius let me show you code wrong hand I can't grab it with that ham where are you code are you there now I can't see it mmm-hmm are you there there he is ere's code there's my guy he needs love too you know the one thing I know absolutely how to do is love my dog that's the one thing in my life I'm pretty darn good at I'm I think I'm a master at loving my dog he thinks so too cuz he hangs around he seems to love me he seems to love me a lot I know I love him a lot come on that's going on here alright well that's the best I can do I'll quit I'm sorry folks I'll quit look at all that wind it's really blowing here yeah okay can't go without bubbles bubbles ran off okay I'll go ahead and quit that's that's pretty good enough isn't it I tried I did I tried I did my best that's that's all I can tell you is I did my best and I don't know anything about love or dating I've done it always bit done it badly I've been married twice both failures I was the failure I was the failure never never had a successful relationship I'm the failure and I and it's really if I guess if I really am dig down deeply and honestly with selfishness and and I really hate that about myself but it's true all right so I'm gonna say goodbye folks okay see you remember what we're talking about next week cooking yeah I've done a lot of cooking I'm not a great cook August 21st is cooking you know what I even thought about doing is a live feed of from the tiny fast I might do that do you think we could do that Casey do a live feed from the tiny fast yeah I think we can do it pretty easily Oh we'd have to be further away from depends on the internet I have to be fairly close to the van to be able to connect to the to Verizon yeah we think we can do it I might do a live feed walk around the the the tiny fest in Salem it would be a really good idea we'll try that let me get let me get rid of the bubbles they go away going okay all right folks thanks so much for for listening bye bye Casey and solar Mike wherever you are what is it tiny fist a tiny fist is a in Salem Oregon at the fairground there a bunch of people with tiny houses are coming and they're celebrating tiny houses and they're having seminars and I'm giving I'm speaking at a seminar on why we live tiny but there'll be seminars on the legal ramifications of living tiny there will be seminars on traveling in a tiny house just codes working within the codes with a tiny house all kinds of things about everything about tiny house living that you're interested in there will be a seminar and a million tiny houses there and so it'll be a really good thing that's the tiniest and I'll be there next to Saturdays no the next Saturday Yeah right the 28th whenever the 28th is there must be two Saturdays okay I'm done bye folks [Music]
Channel: CheapRVliving
Views: 229,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live, living, car, van, RV, Full-time, nomad, gypsy, camper, camp, boondock, travel, snowbird, caravan, tiny, house, tribe, RTR, adventure
Id: isSgs8UfDdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 25sec (5065 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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