Live Feed January 8, 2020 Open Q and A

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hey everyone hope you're out there we've gone live I hope we've gone live we do this song dance every time hopefully we're live yeah it's January 8th 2020 happy new years everyone happy new year's resolutions just have hope you're having a good time and all is going well for you in your life I hope I'm live we'll find out here in a second I'm out in the middle of the desert not a lot of places to get enough video bandwidth on cell phone oh there we go we're alive and so hi everyone we're in a I'm in a place that has a good good cell signal there's a tower nearby so we're gonna go live today it's just gonna be general questions and answers I try to do that pretty often I know a lot of you have questions and we are always wrapped up in in lots of activities for homes on wheels alliance homes on wheels Alliance is a nonprofit that my good friend and I Sue Ann co-founded and so that's most of my activities now only with a cheap RV living YouTube channel go along with Homes & Wheels Alliance so it's big a big part of my life and we're doing a lot of good work for a lot of people so it just comes up a lot so we'll do announcements and then we'll just go straight into questions and answers I'll try and keep my questions and answers briefer okay so that I can get more maybe not as in-depth but more I say that and think that every time and it doesn't seem to ever happen so we'll find out a bit of a breeze I'm concerned for wind so I'm gonna stay inside the van today we won't have to have any worries about when that way gotta get my oh there we go I should work I hope I just put that down a bit up a little bit about in the middle hopefully that's about right not looking too much up my nose nothing Pleasant in there I can assure you okay announcements oh well whiskey let's see Christie beavers hi from Georgia Debbie coconuts from Rhode Island Jonathan blazer from blazer from Switzerland let's see how long you've been living on the road tgd well uh well let's see I lived in six years in a van in Anchorage Alaska and then for twelve years in in the lower 48 all boondocking so stealth camping for six years boondocking for 12 years so 18 years total Joel Peterson Oh oh-ha from Reno Nevada cold country I'm glad I'm not in Reno other gets might get a lot of good snow up there it's been a lot of snow Diane Snyder hi there hi to you good evening Bob from Maryland Sandra King Rick Compton va ken from Collinsville Illinois artist on the road New Hampshire Larry Schumacher hi from Ohio Kathy king or hi from North Carolina we're all over the place that's good I like that Matthew M your joy I'm joining you soon Bob good news more the better I know I can people still stop me and grab me and say hey stop telling everyone the places are getting full plenty of room out here folks don't lies don't believe them don't believe them we just can't all pack into the same SKU few tiny places got to move around B give that land a little breathing room Frank backe Frank from st. Paul cold place Karl horn from Alaska - 40 for real cold place I mean I I spent a lot of time I lived I lived in Alaska all my life and my hotter cold times there okay I better stop that now we'll do announcements get some more questions done the first I am going to after the RTR in February I am going to a RV village rally in Live Oak Florida big big Music Festival place where they have camp book camping RV parking of course and boondocking so I'll be going there February 12th through the 16th I speaking on Saturday 16th my speaking this is say here somewhere 15th on Saturday the 15th I'm gonna be speaking on the philosophy of nomadic living I don't know much enough about RVs to speak there because it's mostly our beers and I know there's a bit of a cultural divide there they tend to be icy seems like that's too close it seems like it's sitting right on top of me a bus over the rest of the night you know me it seems you know there's a kind of a cultural divide with us and some RV communities they're older they're in these big nice RVs and but I really like to see us break that down that's really artificial it's not real underneath we all have this love of being on wheels and moving and I like this to find our similarities and kind of break down our differences ages and and incomes and all those things they're real there I'm not denying that they're real but that doesn't define us it doesn't doesn't have to define us so if you're a lot of you on the East Coast if you want to come and hear me speak come and add to the our village they're giving a lot of seminars if you are in the RV and a bunch of you are out there and so there are the experts I'm not an expert at our visas at all they have 80 acres available for tent camping and boondocking I don't know that there's a lot of boondocking nearby there are Tallahassee national forests is quite a distance to the west there's good boondocking in the Tallahassee National Forest I've boondock there but it's still I don't know how far maybe an hour to over there and they're offering a discount code to our group discount code of 10% off of everything by using the code CRV l10 that's boondocking water and day use so 10% off if you use that code here is a link to the rally web website you want to know more it is at our village rally all one word our our village rally only one our RV I ll a GE R al ly dot-com and then all your information is there strands going also and while we're there we would like to start working on structure we I've always wanted to work in the East I get I get people ask me a lot why aren't you on the East Coast there's tons and tons of nomads on the East Coast why aren't you there and I want to be but I you know I there's only one of me and I can't be in both places so and my heart is here in the West it's not ever going to be in the East so I am I'm in the e on the west but that doesn't mean I don't want to work and serve and help people out East very much but I just don't have the time and energy to do both so what Sue Ann and I would like to do while we're there this is one one of our prime motivations in taking the trip is to create a leadership structure not just looking for volunteers but but people who will help us to create an organization you know we all hate the idea of an organization we don't want you know we just just help people that's all you should do is just help people you should have no employees you shouldn't have a website you all nothing else soon as you get money you just give it to people nothing else that's wrong that's not the way America in 2020 works it takes an organization and a structure I believe me we I wish we could get away from organization we have meetings coming out of the yin-yang and we got to do it all these things were doing take time and organization and structure if we have a hundred our volunteers at the RTR we have to have a list of all of them we have to have their contact info we have to have we have to have their emergency contact info if there's an emergency problem we have to know who to call on and on and on and on there's an unlimited amount of bureaucracy required and all these things I wish there wasn't but there is and we can't do a van give away in a van build without an organizational structure of some kind so we don't we can't do anything without some kind of organizational organizational structure back east so I'd love to do a an RTR there and more events small local events but that means there has to be someone there to search out the site to interact the owners of the site if it's public land with the BLM the National Forest the Corps of engineer who it is the state park system we have to talk to them they need contact they need information we need to do a lot of research we need someone there who will be the legs on the ground there's got to be boots on the ground and it's not gonna be me because I'm busy busy busy where I'm at so and we don't want to overwhelm people that's one thing we've seen is we can't we can't overwhelm people or they won't they give up on us and rightfully so you don't you're not looking for a job that's the problem when I talked to Sue Ann about doing this with me for the hawa she said I have to say I think of this as make this decision I'm not retiring I'm working full time plus and literally plus 80 hours a week for the next three years and no one's gonna do that and and Sue is not being paid not I'm not being paid but I don't expect any of you to do that so we need a large group who will share the load no one's working too hard maybe you each put in ten hours a month and you can live with that so we need a lot of people the bottom line is I talk way too much there didn't I we are looking for an organizational structure we are meeting we'd like you to contact us you'd probably should contact us through how I write sent a cheap go to homes on wheels Alliance dot org and contact us the contact information was all there and we will talk to you and set up a time to meet with you we're having a general informational meeting on February 22nd do we have a date and location February 22nd be near Live Oak because that's where the our village rally is so we'll be in that ballpark maybe somewhere between Tallahassee and what's the next big town over there I fir yeah well Jackson Bellavia on the other coast so yeah that somewhere between Tallahassee in Jacksonville that's a big probably near Tallahassee although that might be colder up there but there is a lot of boondocking in the Tallahassee National Forest and you're right on the coast and so somewhere will now set later but if you're interested in coming and meeting is please do Saturday February 22nd Bob wants to let's see okay I am doing tours and and videos of rigs and if you would like and I'm you know being pretty open pretty much doing anybody that says I'd like you to shoot a I'm willing to have you shoot a tour and interview with me so if you would like to be be having me shoot a video with you what I try to do is shoot a ball on January February and March and then I don't have to shoot any more of the rest of the winter rest of the year because we're all here in this one spot it's easy to do it here I did for a couple days ago and I did three yesterday I think I'm gonna probably do two or three more tomorrow or on Friday so I would like to do a bunch of them when I leave here come when it comes spring when it gets too hot I'd like to have at least 50 interviews shot and in the can and then we'll start slowly editing them out and dispersing them so too if you want to be on a tour with me I'd love to the more interesting your rig the more interesting your story the better people will you know and and my goal is always to teach and inspire so if you have an inspiring story if you've done something a little different then that is that is really what I'm looking to build the community as a service to the community all these things are I see his services to the community I just did one where it was a no build build she had all furniture she had gone to the thrift store and bought all of her furniture including her bed and at a thrift store and it was fantastic cost her less than two hundred dollars for the entire interior so things like that that are helpful teachable you contact Trina see RVL at that's TR e in in a and then the letter see RVL no spaces at TR e in in a CR VL at we'll have a list we'll put you on the list and we'll get in touch with you you need to be in the ballpark of courtside Parker I might get down to Yuma and do some down there okay we have the RTR pre event is coming up on January 13th so 14 14 15 16 17 is the WR TR and then the RTR mixed group starts at the 18th so but the 13th is day before you can come up and we're gonna have booths tables they're not really well maybe it'll be booths I don't know set up all around with different regions the difference so there'll be a booth for the plume Ossa area for the scan wash area for the roadrunner area for the dome rocker area what am I missing what's the one in but halfway in between there hi dolly so I have one of those set up and if you're camping in hi dolly go there sign up and you can meet people that's what we want to put connect people together just informally we're not doing anything formally or then we need a permit but if this puts you together this says who else is from our group is meeting and where can I go camp with them and make friends and that's the whole idea build bonds build the community and it believe me it's an amazing thing I hear over and over again I went to the RTR I met people just grabbed me in and took me in and we became friends and we've become bonded buddies and we stay in touch we didn't travel together all year but we stayed in touch and now we're back together again and I'm not alone and I've got friends and a community to go to some people even travel together all the time it's it's just really up to you you can arrange car pools on the pre-event on the 13th you can just learn the lay of the land and with before it gets busy you can get your name button every one week hand out name buttons you can pick up your stickers if we're asking we really are asking you to give a $5 donation everybody gives a $5 donation then we'll be fine I'm altogether too aware having done this 10 years that most of you won't so please if you can give more please give more but please it's not too much to ask for a $5 Natick donation we'll give you a sticker a CR VL and RTR or a how a sticker and so that's 5 bucks that's so it's free please support us this thing costs a lot of money we're paying the art we we still have to pay for the fairground that isn't free they're not just handing that out and they're not providing the toilets we're still we're still paying for for a porta poppy pup for porta-potties and the pumping and the cleaning at the porta-potties we're hauling our own trash so we still have a lot of expenses and the mines coming from somewhere and if we if the RTR can cover itself or even make a little money then that money will can go to giving away minivans or buying land for all of us to use it can go to a lot of good reasons but if we're putting it all into the RT r and that's just the way you can support us please do we also have t-shirts for sale another way you can support us you get something real and tangible for your support directions to the fairground are available at homes on wheels alliance dot org slash 2020 r t r s go there and and all the information you can need is there the women's RTR starts Tuesday January 14th it's four days sessions include and it's mostly smaller it's all small groups and that you don't you have one organized big meeting yeah a one organised big meeting every day and then there are lots of small groups they do small group sessions we're doing that also at the RTR or the whole mixed group as well a lot of small groups I think that'll work really well some sessions include women's hygiene women's safety basic car maintenance basic solar safe food storage without refrigeration that'll be interesting do-it-yourself van builds food preparation on the road a sound journey with Gong gypsy and I did that sound journey with Gong Gypsy and it was the most one of them one of the most amazing experiences of my life really amazing and much more it ends on Friday January 17th with the potluck at 11 a.m. more information homes on wheels Alliance dot org slash 2020 RTR s support the RTR wrt are the five dollar donation we estimate our expenses this year be fifteen thousand dollars please donate five dollars if you can many won't I just tell you that I know it for a fact from experience and so if you can give 5 10 20 100 if you are in that situation then please do to help up for some of those who won't who can't and can't and if you can't don't I'm not asking you to don't don't take care of yourself first if you would like to go to support to support the art dr NW RTR with a $5 donation or even more go to howa dot rally up comm slash 20/20 RT r s and we are doing sweepstakes at the RTR way to support us to to friends of howa and the nomad community are donating products for us to do run as sweepstakes you can win and a electric off-road bike by e electric ebikes that's a bike i tested some time this last year you can go and see that test on on my website on you on on the website on youtube electric ebikes it's a fantastic little bike and they're giving one away all you do is have to do is buy a ticket and you can get it or we roll out of Florida are donating one of their trailers now it's not a completely converted tray but it's a lot of the heart the hard stuffs all done you just have to move in move your furniture in as well they have insulated they put a floor in they've got windows and a event that's all in and done and that believe me that's the hardest by far part of converting a trailer is doing the insulation the walls the vent and the windows you got you really got to have windows I I that was the first thing I did was put in windows at my cargo trailer and to enter I go to http / hawa h OWA the initials dot rally up comm will use rally up there an sweepstakes organization that way we have nothing to do with it we don't you know no one you know one can say it's fixed it's rigged we have nothing to do with it we set it up they all you send all your money to them they disperse it to us then they get a percentage of course oh and the drawing is on May 13th in / up they can come can't they yep you can where you can you can join us on May 13th for that drawing we're gonna do it in Pahrump Nevada oh let me quickly say that the the electric bike will be with us in prompt but because that's easy to drive around but the we roll trailer you must pick it up in Ocala Flordia yeah Tom the owner of great guy who's supporting how us very strongly we really are indebted to to Tom at we role so we we encourage you to look at their products and and give serious thought to to buying a we roll trailer you'll have to pick that up at Ocala that's the word you're gonna have to pick it up at or you could arrange shipping but shipping is expensive which is why we're not shipping it so that's how wa h o w a dot rally up comm are we an are we announcing minivan build yet yeah we're planning a minivan build and we like to do them in the spring in the fall will the fall will oh they're both in Pahrump aren't they we have the situation for us in Pahrump works really well so that's where we like to do them well the big thing is there's a home depot right there and so that's really important and so we believe everything is in set and in motion to donate to us to donate to you two minivans we're probably not up to start taking applications are we know that we're gonna have that app up yet after the RTR will do that's too busy right now and also I think there's a very distinct possibility that we'll have a box truck to give away the although I deaths not in any way certainty but I shouldn't be saying that oh we are gonna sort out that won't happen so that's too bad but we'll have we hope to have too many well we either will or we won't we won't do it if we don't and we should have two minivans and I'm the details aren't certain enough for me to be too firm with that yet blend that will be the last two weeks of April in Pahrump and then on May 13th we'll do the giveaway of the electric bike and the we roll trailer okay I think I'm done yeah everyone oh there's one finally will you ever stop answer my question that's all I want Bob just answer my question okay I'll go see Sundance Carmen I'll be doing my own simple van build-out I live in Florida how should i insulate this is controversial I'm going to give you my own opinion you have to understand it's my own opinion it's my own preferences it's my own I could be wrong take that how about if I just say that I can be wrong I think if you live in a when heat is your major issue and in Florida it's about your only major issue it does get cold you mean it gets freeze warnings in Florida and that's a big thing if they get a freeze warning it goes out to everyone in the count in all the counties where it's going to happen because all that all those oranges are gonna freeze and your flowers are gonna freeze and people go out and cover their bushes it's big deal it doesn't do it very often but it does do it your heat is the deal I would suggest that you do not insulate and I know a lot of people will disagree if you live in a cold country and and it's equally a problem with heat and cold yes insulate you can't you cannot keep the heat out of a rig unless you are using air conditioning to create cold inside it somehow so if you're thrown in air conditioning then you should insulate wherever you are if you are going to heat it and ins and cool it with air conditioning you should definitely have heat if it's mostly very little cold don't insulate here's why the heats coming in you can't keep heat out if it's 95 degrees outside it's going to be 95 degrees inside and 95 is routine and and the humidity oh my goodness ninety ninety-five and ninety ninety-five percent humidity it's miserable beyond words in a van I can't imagine how anyone does it in Florida I was there long enough to have experienced that and I was at my mom's the first year she was diagnosed with her Alzheimer's and so boy would I couldn't be on the van I just couldn't be in the van it was just too hot it's going to get that hot it's going to be at least 95 if you're in the shade and you insulate and you've done everything you can do you cover the windows yeah you hang tarp all over it whatever silver around it it's going to be 95 degrees and then it's going to everything inside the van is going to absorb that eat and it's going to slowly release it overnight and it won't ever cool down because it's slowly releasing and the insulation that didn't keep the 95 out it cannot unless you have air conditioning it's going to be 95 inside then they then the heat will keep the heat in it'll do a good job of that I don't recommend insulation if you're only in hot country but a lot of people will tell you I'm wrong so you are on your own forming your own opinion I would say put in a reflectix with the half-inch air gap between the the metal side walls and and a half-inch yen put in the reflectix I think that will cool the van but it'll still be 95 degrees the van will always be 95 degrees if it's 95 outside you can't do it you can't stop that from happening I've insulated my vans and they always reach outside temperature it might keep it from being 120 when it's 95 outside it will do that but if it's 95 it's gonna be miserable overnight because you can't release the heat that's my opinion and take it with a grain of salt Eugene brindle solar question I purchased their energy system 200 watts of solar panels feeding 200 hours of AGM batteries there was a fused width of the kit that I bought but no switch disconnect fuse width of the kit what is the purpose of a disconnect switch and if I don't have one what are the problems I might have in the future PS I'm not running an inverter on this system well the fuse is the disconnect I'm assuming that it was either a couple of ways that you could have got a fuse with a Renault G kit you they could have given you a inline blade fuse ATC is that what that's called whatever it is it's an automotive type fuse it's got the little two blades and you push it in and pull it out that's the disconnect you pull that out you've broken this connection there's no more power that's the disconnect the other common aridity i know also sends out a fuse that that is goes directly into the NC 4 connector and the fuses in there and again the way you would disconnect is just pull though because it's you just pull it out the MC 4 and you can always disconnect the panel's almost all panels anymore come with mc4 connectors you can just always disconnect the NC 4 up on the roof and you're disconnected so no I don't think a disconnect is any issue all the fuse will act like a disconnect and if not the MC for there are people that put in a fuse block going into this from the panel to the controller at uses a disconnect it seems like redundancy to me I don't think it's any big deal but it's there I mean it's not that hard you just a couple of strip and crimp a couple of wires and and there you've got a disconnect and and you can use anything as a disconnect you can you could use an a/b switch a cheap a B switch you can put in one of the little you know the automotive switches on and off rocker switches like maybe they're called that I don't know it's no big deal you just cut the line and before you before it's all connected cut the line wire in a simple on and off switch and and strip and grip them on and then you got an on-off switch I don't like it's any big deal I wouldn't worry about it I have never done that I've never put in an on/off switch on any mine Vaughn Norton any advice for the people trying to downsize declutter but are getting overwhelmed with the whole process keep-keep yes that's a hard one and I understand it is a really hard one it's hard one for all of us you aren't alone in that there are a few people who are inherently minimalist and frugal but living like that but for most of us it's a learned thing we we make ourselves do keep the end product in mind that this thing keeps you from what you want so you're not there's nothing wrong with stuff there's nothing wrong with having stuff not having stuff won't make you any happier and that's really important people miss that buy more stuff will not make you mow happier you think it will we all hope we only keep trying and it always fails getting rid of stuff won't make you happy or either and and there's this eye illusion that we have a lot of us have I think that if I get rid of stuff I will be happier and you won't it stuff can't make you happy or make you unhappy the debt can make you unhappy but it just doesn't it's and you stuff too power it's the goal you're moving toward it's that life of freedom and travel and adventure of true community that will make you happy truly happy spending that time in nature that will make you happy and these things prohibit you from that life so focus all your thoughts and energy on the life you're going to have the joy of waking up in a beautiful place the joy of traveling to anywhere you want to anytime you want the freedom of that life that's what you're after and then compare that compare and that and making friends and that connection and then compare what you're moving toward and this thing that stands in your way it should if you've got the right vision in your mind what your life can be it should make this thing pale in comparison so much that you say oh I don't care about this let me jump that right now I hope that will work for you it doesn't always sometimes it's hard to it's such a new life that you haven't really visualized exactly what it's going to be so the vision of what you're moving toward isn't as powerful but I think that's the best thing I can offer you it just got to go one thing you can do is have a video with Tommy where he built in his vent his bedroom of the van move into the van and see how little fits in there boy build you know I just he said a dresser at one end is the back wall and put I think some boxes or something in the front wall and and then he made the other wall and that was his van and he had to live in there and everything had to fit and that will show you just that all this stuff you love keeps you from your goal from your ultimate best life I can have this crap or hand my best life what's most important to you and you have to build that vision up in your mind and make it worth it and at work it may work for you and it may not I can't promise you but I hope that helps Deborah Hopkinson in the handicapped parking area at the fairgrounds is it just car van parking or is there space for wheelchair users with a motor home but no towed there's plenty of room for RV parking I mean handicap parking for RVs yeah plenty of room not not an issue we are very concerned with handicap parking there will be enough for you even if you're in RV and no tone if it is just carve and parking is there loose sand we get oh how about getting a wheelchair powered wheelchair in so answer with me she knows all this stuff I'm dama dumb big dummy she says it's almost all packed hard packed and and you won't have any problem we are thinking about you it's serving the handicapped community is very important to us and so I mean we're all just one minor accident away from being where you are so we we it will be okay we we promise you if it's not we'll we'll work really hard of finding a way to make it okay but we believe it's not going to be a problem at all maybe next year people with wheelchair vans list could volunteer as shuttles from the parking areas to the event area is it very far they have to go suanne yeah I don't think I think you may have be exaggerating in your mind how big of a problem is going to be I we were thinking about you come and give it a shot and if you have a problem let us know we'll work on the way to fix it we don't think you're going to have any problem okay Jill asked please address how safer state parks in New Mexico are there a lot of issues there regarding homelessness we are looking forward to our being in the state parks and our new bees Thanks I haven't spent a lot of time in their state parks so I can't really give you an absolute answer I can't say most of them are kind of remote I can't imagine there being homeless there the state parks are where it's pretty a lot of them are on surprising number of them are on lakes and they're just they're not right in down they're not in downtown Albuquerque I can't imagine that homeless would be an issue I really I really can't the cost although like if you buy a if you have a rig and you buy the $225 Park pass and if you're a resident it's even less I think it's a lot less then there are technically they're not homeless anymore we're the homeless according to them where the homeless ones because we don't have homes so are you and I gonna be a problem I don't think we will be I think that is really a fear that you're kind of conjuring in your mind and I would really encourage all of everyone out there avoid conjuring any more fear up in your mind then you really need to it just it doesn't make for a good life I don't think you're going to have any problem I've never heard anyone say they had a bad experience with just awful it's a good place it's a great program I think I think it's gonna be just fine dan noodle canoodle I'm sorry danam slaughter in your name I'm sure I can't come to the RTR until Saturday the 19th how can I get my sticker and find somewhere to camp with well we have the we have a page on the website the homes on wheels Alliance org website where you can go and people are there listing or their locations and you can go and join them and the the booths the tables will be up all through the RTR won't they no just the 13th right you can get the sticker at the how a booth that's not a problem so come on on when soon as you get there come by and you'll get a sticker and what's the whatsits homes on wheels Alliance org slash virtual - bulletin board what bulletin dashboard I I'm not my memory is not not a thing a joy to me at all okay let's say that all over again homes on wheels Alliance dot org slash virtual - bulletin - board is that right almost perfect I got it how about that I got a laugh of myself or I'll be crying a lot my memory is bad enough that it concerns me okay and yes so the virtual bond board is where you can go and we have a lot of people connected and you drive around I think if you drive around with a CR VL sticker you're gonna see a lot of them people will take you in this is this is such a loving and caring community loving isn't the right word we're just we're in this thing together it's a bonded community I think that's a better word we're it works all I know is we're a community the way in the truest sense of the word community teri Novak can we get our sticker if will we mail stickers no we won't you can go to teespring well if you've if you've paid your five dollars as a donation I know you have to come and pick it up but you can go to teespring I wonder what the address is does teespring can you look it up for me Oh teespring calm slash stores slash T par V living store that's all one word you can go there and buy a sticker and have it sent to you but yes I think if you got a flying crap I think if you sit there five dollars in you won't get one you have to pick it up in person at the RTR sorry about that but I hope I'm hopefully you're you're glad you supported the RTR anyway Night Shade do you ever get lonely if I was ever alone I would this life I've chosen for myself it's bizarre as I get older and the more I've around people and I have to be around people a lot I have a I've just a craving need to get out and be alone so no I am never lonely my need for alone time is never satisfied [Music] but I wasn't I know loneliness has never well it was a big issue for me before I became a nomad but since I've been a nomad no it hasn't been an issue okay you got to go on you go away since I've been a nomad loneliness has not been an issue for me at all you don't have to be and you know the big thing about you know I say when I call the relationships we build out here as nomads bungee cord relationships and and that bungee cord can stretch a long long ways thousands of miles and great amounts of time and then when it draws us back together usually every fall in the desert it's like we never parted so it it really kind of eliminates that loneliness because I am bonded to so many people I mean when I say that I mean you if you come out here and you will allow yourself to do it you can be bonded to so many people these strong rub bungee cord relationships that you don't have to be alone you can be alone and flourish in your Alumnus and then when you can come back together you can flourish in your group and I know that sounds weird and it sounds make-believe but there is a Kyle right there that's a Kyle right there I wonder if I can get that can I make this thing turn around yeah yeah there is a Kyle you see the Kyle right there right there I've never seen anything like it I never thought I can't turn them I'm never I've never well that's not true I used Cody code no code come on come on sorry folks I'm sorry about that much been on although how strange I got a Kyle right here why don't you go how strange okay well III can't control the lenses I have a white longer telephoto lens on this and I don't know I don't they I can control it while I'm live and he's out of sight now anyway I started moving around i spooked him Wow I've never well that's not true I've been a camps where I've had coils writing camp before well I had my last dog let me turn this around now you're gonna be looking at my nose when I had my last dog Homer he I don't know why he really attracted coyotes he was a very big dog he was 80 pounds of pure muscle very very athletic dog amazing dog I loved I loved Homer so much and for some reason we had coyotes around all the time I don't know why it was impromptu maybe that's why it was we had so many clients or I wish I could I wish I could have had probably now listen to me I lost a clip I just don't plug it okay okay come on he runs away I'm gonna force him to be on camera silly dog okay sorry I was hoping I could show you guys yeah they were here they're definitely here and turned off my dad so I lost my place what are we talking about okay do you ever get lonely no loneliness Edna problem guy Orvis hope to meet you someday Bob still looking for a Vance Chevy how much should I have in reserve for emergency is a motor replace that worth etre should I buy another van well that is a really hard question it's a good question I just I'm not sure there's a good answer and I don't think the answer is the same kornel going got a fly buzzing around me still uh I I recommend three thousand as the minimum urgency fund I've been saying that for a decade that will the thing now is you can buy a really good minivan for $3,000 we've been doing it for homes on wheels Alliance and we decide we're gonna do a minivan build we start looking and and finding a minivan mm and this is our qualifications mm and or 100,000 miles or less looks good drives good nothing wrong with it that we can see we take it to a mechanic he checks it out and if he passes it we're prepared to give that away we can find minivans like that dime a dozen for three grand almost anywhere we bought the first one in Bedford Arizona Medford Oregon we bought the second one in Nevada Reno I think or somewhere up there and we had several donated so but we have never had a problem so if you have $3,000 you can just simply walk away get salvage value for your old van and but there it is right there there's that kind of that's really amazing and get salvage value for your your old van whatever that whatever that is sell it for whatever you can get and and have a brand-new minivan for 3 grand and and I showed in that one video and no build build 100 bucks 200 bucks you can build out the whole whole the whole interior start all over no problem Soler's more hopefully can take the solar off your old van and put it on the new van but boy so it's just really hard to if you have three grand you're set he went into the far wash I just saw him as he was going into it did you see him yeah he was a big one and he looked good didn't he he was healthy he's had a lot of dogs to eat they do he dogs I mean no doubt about it they will in fact there are a lot of major coyotes are really an amazing thing I love coyotes you know we wiped out wolves in a heartbeat in this communication there wasn't a wolf hardly left anywhere and we cannot kill those crazy coyotes what's the difference they're just they're adaptable nature it's the survival of the adaptable and it really is true and if you and I are gonna survive and and I think things are gonna get really really bad climate change will make things really really bad and those who are going to survive are the adaptable and that means being able to move where the climate is better not having to be stuck Noah's going to thrive in the coming decades of humanity ok so they survived that can't survive because they were so adaptable and they were kinda the wolves worked so they were easily wiped out mmm and they do and there are a lot of big towns of New York San Francisco there's there's bunch Geils they're looking on cats and dogs it's price shouldn't laugh at that I love dogs and cats bull okay so mergency fun guy Orvis ass uh I would say a three grand I still recommend that you can buy brand a brand new minivan got a whole new home no matter what happens you're going to have a home just live in so that is really a good good thing I don't recommend older RVs at all I'm sorry I kind of used to I have a friend who and every saw and I do know people who buy older RVs and they're great but for every one of those that I know people by older RVs and they are garbage pits they pour the money in and then they throw the RV away all that money with it and so the odds of buying a really good older RV are just really poor the odds of buying one that is a money pit and you lose all your money and you're wiped out are very good the odds of that are very good so I just don't recommend him my one friend bought a um an eighties Chevy older eighties Chevy 350 engine over ten years ago now was 2010 so it's been ten years and he put in one new engine and he's having some engine problems now and he's gotten really good service out of it nothing else has really been a problem but that's not the norm he takes he's one of these guys that take good care of his rigs he goes up and he everything finds every all the caulking come loose and any hint of a problem he fixes it right away most of us don't do that we just wait until we got a leak and by the no time we know there's a leak we've got a disaster and so for most of us it's just not a good idea I know who wants to live in the space of an or of a minivan but it's just really the practical long-term sustainable way to live and if you can find a nice good use van do that full-sized man you get more room you don't get the gas mileage let's get an awful lot more room so yeah if you can find one they're just getting harder and harder to find and they're more and more expensive to find a good to find a used van full sized van that would be as good as a $3,000 minivan would probably be six to ten thousand dollars just because they're so scarce and yeah so it's just gonna be that much more and if you can afford it then go ahead mark Swasey what year make model engine is your van I have a 2015 GMC savana pretty much identical to chevy express its the 4.8 v8 so it's four point eight liters and it's the smallest v8 fantastic engine I've been very very happy with it I thought I was worried it was a little small it's a 3/4 ton cargo van I thought it might have been a little small but it's been just fine and I love it I think it's I only have I think I've got about 65,000 miles on it it's just trouble-free I got it with 12,000 miles I paid 19,000 for it it had 12,000 miles it was a rental a rental outfit had bought it ran it for a year and a half or so and then sold it that's a common story it was nineteen thousand still had warranty on it still had bumper-to-bumper warranty and drivetrain warranty and that did expired I think at 36,000 miles so it's over now but I had a full warranty when I bought it how far wrong could I go I'm a big fan of doing that and because Chevy is now the only it's such an inexpensive van compared to the Transit the transits like forty forty five thousand and you can get a Chevy cargo van for 3035 and so there's so much cheaper there are a lot of companies still buying them and they're still out there the Chevy Express cargo vans are common being sold from rentals and I recommend them this one's been superb for me you have to spend that much money so you're gonna get a you could spend forty five thousand for a transit and it's bigger and nicer and newer of course where you can spend nineteen thousand for a Chevy van with's and then four thousand more and get a high top put on and I this that's my comparison so then you have less than 25,000 with a high-top come with maybe 12,000 miles on it compared to a brand-new Ford Transit high-top 445 or more to me it's good comparison and the Chevy is so proven this engine transmission is so proven it's bulletproof bullet proof you get two hundred thousand trouble-free and going and those you can't say that about the transit yet we don't know it hasn't been in the Mart US market that long that we can say all is bulletproof okay Beverly Watson I have a question is it true it is illegal to live in a van no it's oh this is a whole video and I keep doing you do this I saw a YouTube video that someone made saying that is illegal and as me and his van was converted and I didn't look like someone lived in it oh it's just not and it's not it is unfortunately there's a small element of truth at the local city level I only some cities in some towns have passed laws saying you cannot live in your vehicle doesn't matter what the vehicle is it has nothing to do with your van it could be an RV a lot of cities have passed our laws saying can't live in your RV but it's but they don't they don't discriminate like that they just say it's illegal to live in your vehicle so that's your car it's for minivan it's or SUV it's your RV it's your van and those are it's all done on a town by town basis I'm only aware of one County and there may be more it's just what I personally am aware of one county that passed that law in the u.s. maybe there are more but it's unusual it's usually town by town so yes there are towns where it is illegal to live in your van you know what my suggestion is don't live in that town there's lots of towns where it is what my real suggestion is don't live in a town and it's my suggestion but I know some of you don't have any choice you're forced to go to a town where it's not illegal they're few and far between even in California well there's I'm in California I imagine there's a bunch of them in Florida Florida's a very anti homelessness state those people hate the homeless there they're just haters and those of you aren't I hope you can do something about it because you you're lumped in there's a bunch of haters and I know you're not all haters in Florida just just the ones that running the government the most of them that are running the government cuz you're in charge so um and that made a bunch of people mad I'm good at that I tried to keep amending it but I still made a bunch of you man it is true Florida hates the homeless in Florida if you were an organization that helps the homeless gives them food you can be arrested and locked up that's how much they hate the homeless there's just something profoundly inhumane inhuman about you try to help someone and I'll lock you up okay and that's what this is they're they're out wherever these towns are they're they're against the homeless and so the next step up from the homeless is to live in the vehicle and it's a big problem there's no question the homelessness is an enormous problem people do poop on the streets they do dump their tanks there's a big problem hating them I don't believe is the answer passing laws making them illegal isn't the answer the courts are ruling more and more even this very conservative Supreme Court just struck down a law summer I believe was probably California that made no I think it might not have been I might have been in Idaho Boise Idaho I read the I read the article on it might have been in Boise Idaho they passed a law making it illegal to live in your car and I believe the Supreme Court passed struck it down oh but it was see it's also technical that law says that if the city provides shelters then you have to go to the shelter if there aren't enough shelter spaces you can live in your vehicle so even that isn't a clear statement that you can live in your vehicle and I'm just going on my memory on this article that I read about it's a Supreme Court judgment it's its final law and and by just Trump Court this last three months I think but if there's a lot of ins and outs on even that law that says you can't live in your vehicle but if there is a shelter space available you have to go live in the shelter space in that town there just started of shelter spaces and there never will be so people were living in their vehicles and that law said that it was legal and that would then become the law of the land Supreme Court precedent sets the precedent so that's going to change things it's it's a very evolving situation the ACLU is fighting all of those you have the right to live in this country to be alive and part of being alive is the right to have a place to sleep and the courts are pretty solidly coming down on that being a basic human right to live and sleep and that is being generally interpreted as the right to sleep in your vehicle nothing is settled but the bottom line and for your question is there are a few towns in America where does it legal and only in those towns is it illegal nowhere else it's not an issue that's broad it's only covers a few specific towns in America so mostly what people are saying this fear-mongering is just that fear-mongering there's no truth no validity to it there they take the slight element of truth about these few places and exaggerate it and so everyone fears get out of the fear folks don't listen to the fear mongers if you live in that town is valid but there aren't many of those towns Gayle Williams best way to keep my minivan cool while camping in summer heat you can't do it you just can't do it I'm sorry to say that if where you're living it gets up to 100 during the day your minivan will be 100 inside unless you can run an air conditioner how can you run an air conditioner you can have an enormous amount of solar which you can't have enough in a minivan to run it you can run an AC I mean you can run a generator to run your AC that's the only option I have you can go to an RV park and plug in and run an AC I don't have any other options for you there just aren't any your van will be a hundred degrees in the heat wherever you if it's a hundred degrees outside eventually your van is going to be a hundred degrees inside now if you don't take all the steps put covers on bark in the shade it'll be a hundred and thirty the best you can hope for is keep it down to the inside and outside temperature I'm sorry that's just the best there is Brett Stewart asks what is the cell service in general around the Quartzsite area I have AT&T and need to stay in range how is cell service at the RTR first at the arc yard pathetically bad I'm so sorry we were down to plan Z and plan Z was a fairground and the fairground has very poor cell coverage don't plan on having cell coverage at the RTR event in the fairground in quartzite both AT&T and Verizon are good and usable but what happens is so many people flood into quartzite and and then every evening they all logon to the AT&T and the verizon tower and it slows down to an unusable crawl so at the peak of the big tent which starts on the 18th that's correct so and it starts on the 18th and really the week going into so starting 12th 11th 12th 13th it's gets slower and slower and slower and at the 18th it bugs down to nothing it just it becomes unusable I remember the last year my 8th my verizon was just unusable AT&T isn't as bad because most nomads used Verizon so AT&T isn't as bad as Verizon it may still remain musical do you remember was AT&T usable all last year in courts I didn't have it for the most part AT&T is as good as Verizon in fact in that case it would be better what when Verizon really slows to a crawl at the big tent I'm on Verizon on my phone but I have my iPad is on AT&T right now it's good it's perfectly good I can watch videos on right right here and I'm next to a Verizon tower I don't nor the nearest for AT&T towers it's not right here but it's close it's good yeah it's gonna be bad AT&T might be better might be good and usable the whole time but it'll be bad I'm sorry but at the fairgrounds its non-existent don't count on using it Carl J Brooke ass is their drug and alcohol free camping area drug and alcohol aren't a big issue there will be camps where people will drink you know there'll be there'll be camps where people drink a lot but there'll be camps for maybe one you'll be dozen people in your area and one here and one there will be drinking it won't be an issue no we don't have we're not first off we are not scheduling any camping we can't we didn't we'll need a permit so we aren't controlling camping but we do know are there can we say that there are people who are what we have we have caravans we have the virtual bulletin board has caravans and they're not drug and alcohol free we're not the police but drunkenness wouldn't be put up with right that's fair to say if you're out there drunk every night at the caravan we're gonna have a problem and we'll probably see if we can't fix that people don't want to be around drunks all the time not in the caravans so the caravans would be fine although I think the caravans will all be full won't they are we promoting the caravans [Music] right now okay I hope you probably can't hear what Sue Ann told me you right now none of the caravans are even half fool they can only be they have a limit because then we need a permit and we're not getting permits because it's impossible to deal with that BLM in Yuma they're BLM and Yuma's just simply will not deal with us and it's impossible we don't even try we gave up on them that's not true of most BLM offices just the Yuma swear they really truly seem to hate it I'm burn bridges Sue Ann just told me not to burn bridges sorry deep breath count to ten serenity now remember the sign bill episodes or the dad always was going around saying sorry now serenity now [Laughter] yes go to the virtual bulletin board you can learn about the caravans the caravans I would say would be there not alcohol and drug-free we're not your the police we don't tell people how to live but I don't think there'll be wild drug parties either I think that's fair to say not a bunch of drunkenness all night along either it's not a drunken party people there wouldn't put up with it it's not an issue people worry so much about this stuff if you get there and they're drunk it's a drunken problem drive somewhere else it won't be it's no big deal uh maximalists minibus for kind of a cool name kind of juxtaposition there it's a it's a hire it's a real mark of hire thinking to be able to hold a paradox maximum minibus I like that for those of us on the East Coast who would like to sort space toward an RT R type an event on this side of the country how large of a space should be looking for ideally that's a good question and we would love to do again I'd love to do an RT are on these coasts I'd love to do RT ours all over the country all year around what we need are if we and if we could a bunch of them they wouldn't be huge the reason we have one huge one is because we only do one a year if we had for a year on the west coast for a year on the East Coast none of them would be huge that we wouldn't need to find a huge space but the reality is if we announced an RT R on the East Coast it would be huge right now so it needs to hold 10,000 people it has to be free it has to have internet it has to have interesting areas things to do there can't be shopping can't be too far away yeah those are those are requirements let me go over them again slowly has to hold 10,000 people I think any RT R we we we put together right now would have 10,000 people with the goal of getting that down but that's the way it is now it has to have internet also this aren't going to go where there's dinner that has to have a place 30 or 40 acres where we can all meet and gather we're probably I don't think any of our gatherings have ever had more than a thousand so the gathering space isn't all that large 30 acres 40 acres will do a gathering space we just need camping for 10,000 that's the hard part the fairground is plenty of space it's probably 30 or 40 acres and it's plenty of safe space for the event it's just all the camping around it well we can't get anybody camped around up there installed too rough and it's mixed ownership so if you could find a place where 30 or 40 acres where we could hold the event and people could do what we're doing now just dispersed camp all around it in national forest land or a corps of engineer land what else is there back east or even state park land there state parks where people came dispersed camp then we then it would work but there needs to be internet there needs to be shopping nearby it needs to be interesting something to do at the Arts you are the big tents going on all the vendors are there I think quartzite it's an interesting place so that's why mainly why we hold it there and it's set up for our being you know you can get a dump stations they're done bunch of dump stations there's a bunch places to get water there's the free landfill there you can get you're trash the LTV A's are there you can go camping the LTV and have all all those services and you can get a two-week pass at the LTV a for $40 and then you get all the services you get the dump station station you don't get hookups no you don't ever get hookups at the LTV A's but you get a dump station you go dump and you get dumpsters where you throw your trash you get that and if you're in a van you even you get porta-potties not porta-potties but one of those called toilet so your toilet so let's just say that so that's what we needed to on the East Coast for RTR okay what is the best source system for a van and which one is the easiest to install Scott asks it's really impossible to say the easiest to install is a folding suitcase because there's no installation you fold it out you plug it in you put the alligator clips on the battery and you're done that's the easiest and you get a couple three of those and and that's plenty of power for all of us and then you need your battery I put the battery somewhere in there and and run a cable off of it with a quick connect and you're good to go that's it's really pretty basic that way assuming you want to mount it on your roof which is by far the better way to do it a kit the easiest way to do it is to buy a kit if you have a full sized van you can get a ladder rack and just buy a 2x4 and paint it Wyatt treated 2x4 paint it mount it on a ladder rack and then just bolt right into the I mean literally you can just drill a hole bolt it right into the to the 2x4 on the ladder rack I did that on a van this couldn't have been any simpler anyone can do that anyone can install a ladder rack you can buy a ladder at 400 bucks you've got to have the drip cranes drip things I forget memory but they're no big deal if you got a full-size van almost except transit some pro masters they did away with them stupid any other van would have them and so that's easy it's really easy then you just have to find a way to get through it worse comes to worse you could through the door just close the door on it eventually that's going to damage it and write it but you do it for a while and then it's really simple connections it's red red to red positive to positive all the way down from the solar panel to the controller mount to control or in a good convenient place but the battery underneath it red to red red to red and you're done strip and crimp a few cables and you're done it's really pretty easy I always put in a fuse kit by if I go by a ring as you can't that's what I'd recommend by far the simplest make sure you buy put in a fuse soon Andrews how old is the old too old for a female to start this lifestyle well ageism you know the old saying age is a matter of opinion mattering it's all in your head it's your body your body can limit you your age shouldn't limit you I mean there are 80 year old women who can easily do this but your but your body a 90 year old and an 80 years old your body could be that of a 60 year old so that's the issue when your body will allow you getting in stooping lifting things as long as you can do the physical things as long as you have as long as you you know you're safe to drive not you're really safe to drive you're not just pretending that you are but you're really safe to drive you have the mental acuity to to safely drive across the country to deal with problems as they come up problems will come up then you're not too old your body and your mind are young enough and that can be until your old age you've been big on the person so yeah I don't don't let your number stop you honestly consider your ability to deal with with you know the physical requirements which really aren't very high what's the heaviest thing you would lift well 5 gallon Joe the water that's very heavy but you don't even have to lift that you could buy one gallon jugs of water and carry him one at a time you can carry a one gallon you can carry a one gallon jug of water around in each hand able to do it can you get in and out are you at risk of falling that's a big one that's one of the worst things that happens to us as we get old we tend to fall down a lot as long as risk of falling and getting in and out exacerbates that makes it much more likely that you'll fall over quarter after I see I got it it's quarter after that acquit two more full cards to go well here's a good question to come up with answers yet oh-kay Seattle's isn't finished is it the next question Denise Cline Thatcher what is the best way to find out if it is legal to live in your vehicle in a town warren of BLM land etcetera very good question i'm gonna give you a weird answer go to the local police station and ask them i know your first thought is I can't do that and then you've got to stop and think why can't you do that there's no one at the police gonna arrest you for asking the question they're not gonna beat you and throw you in jail if you go in and ask them if it's legal and they should know so honestly I would I'd use common sense I'm on being completely serious here I'm not being a smartass park your van farther away so you don't draw attention to yourself walk a block up to the police station walk in and say officer I just have there's usually someone there that can answer a question a lot of times are just buzzers you but you're you're a citizen you can ask a question and hopefully someone will answer your question and officer um I'm I'm kind of in trouble I can't afford to live pay rent I'm a good citizen here's my name here's my driver's license you're not IDing you're not cheating and is it possible I can live in my van in this town I don't I mean no harm I'll do anything anything you require me most of those cops are good people they've got they've got moms and and brothers and sisters who get in trouble they mean well but most of them mean really well for all of us few bad ones of course but we there's no getting a few bad ones but most of them are really good people and they don't mean you harm at all and you'll find out and you'll know exactly that's kind of BA ballsy to walk into the police station and ask and I'd be willing you know and you know what I hear you'd be surprised how often they'll they'll start if you've come to them you know in an emergency call it's the person who calls given the benefit of the doubt first so you've gone to them you're not ashamed you're not hiding you're standing in front of him saying I'm doing this how can I do this so that I don't get in trouble you're not a bad guy you'll be surprised how the word won't get out and especially in a smaller town this person is there living in this van she's okay he's okay no problem if you keep your eye out and protect them they're a good guy offer to be eyes and ears in that area I've had police come to my door when I lived in Anchorage I stealth parked for six years and I've had police come to my part on my door and say hey um I was I work nights a lot and so I'd sleep during the day and I'd be go to the city park it was legal it's not illegal to be in a park during the day even if you're asleep it's only illegal to sleep overnight in the park and I had cops stop me and say you can't sleep here and I said officers during the damn am I really doing anything wrong and he had to admit no I wasn't I don't sleep here at night I leave and I went to work but when the by at sundown I left and that wasn't illegal and so I incop scum to my door and say hey we had a crime over here did you see anything you could be their eyes and ears and if you're the good guy you might find that you get cooperation they will tell you yeah this is safe here go there we'll make sure you're stay safe and they'll be they'll be working for you not against you I think there's a very good chance that can't happen worse comes to worse he says no it's illegal if you do it anywhere we will catch you and we'll chase you away and but at least you've had an honest conversation you know what's going on and why not do that now say that's too too hard for you and that is pretty hard go and ask the local Walmart if they enforce anywhere they'll enforce at Walmart if they're not enforcing at Walmart they don't enforce anywhere if they are enforcing that still doesn't mean you can't get away with it it just means that they enforce a Walmart try Sam's Club if there's one in town it's amazing how often the Sam's Club will be across the street from a Walmart and you can camp at the you can park overnight you can't ever camp don't ever camp but you can park overnight quietly stealthily not doing your name draw attention to yourself at the Sam's Club across the street I've done it lots of times we're posted all over the Walmart no camping drive across the Sam's Club no one says a thing oh there's that coyote kid man he's hanging around I hope we get done here in time I'll get my camera I don't have any good shots of a of a coyote oh that's just amazing how he's hanging around here another so go to the Walmart and ask them go to the Home Depot go to I tell you one of my favorite of all time favorite stealth parking places is in a 24-hour grocery store because there are employees in there overnight they're open there have to be employees the cops come and go and and because their employees if you find where the employees park and you observe it for a while and you'll see you park with the employees and no one knows if the employees won't even know yeah they don't know who drives a lot some I knew when I worked overnight I knew several of what they draw the other my book co-workers were drove in but I didn't know where all of them work so that would work that's my favorite if you go and ask a store manager at a grocery store 24-hour grocery store can I camp overnight here you say sure gone I don't care go ahead you'll be fine he's behind the tree now he's on the other came up from the wash and he's behind the tree it's really cool I never I I'm really amazed by this he's come back oh yeah me too Cody's inside oh yeah I'm not gonna get to all of them I the last one that was the good question I answered it but card 3 had one that didn't look good but I didn't it didn't finish it oh now I've got it is it safe for a single woman to have something that can't drive away in through I think I was thinking classy but here's stories about the mini breakdown she can't drive away in so I think what you're asking and this is a very good question Melissa for everyone it's not just women if you are if you're in a trailer and there's something going outside at night that scares you to get it and drive away you have to leave the trailer walk up front get in the car drive away you have stepped out into the danger if you're in a van or a Class B or a Class C or a Class A you don't have to get outside to go to the door to drive away you if something is going on outside at night it scares you just drive away you can just work your way up front get in the front seat turn the key really fast drive away really fast and you're safe so there is a strong element of safety having said that I don't know anyone who has ever had to do that do you know anyone who has suanne you've had someone that kind of you had kind of happen to you that you did it with a tent right it's rare than it happens but and I know you've told that story before I won't tell it again but it you know it serves the youth there's an element of safety that makes you feel so much better that you um it's it's it is definitely safer now your second part of your question is if I buy a Class C I can do that in a class see and that's the one of the great things about a class see do they break down a lot I hear they break down a lot older RVs the biggest problem over RVs is leaking but that would never keep you from driving away that would just be something you had to get fixed right away before it rots and becomes an enormous problem that's really the issue and also a lot of the if you buy a cheap Class C they put in cheap materials really cheap materials and some of them pay a lot of money you get really cheap materials sometimes and things break and things are always breaking but then again you can buy one and then never have a problem with it even ever so who knows there's no there's no generalization I mean depends on how much you can spend and and luck did you get an RV to check it out I mean RV tech to check it out I know someone who got an RV tech to check it out and he said everything was great and everything everything broke within the year even after the text said it was all good it all broke it was amazing it was a stunning I was there when the RV tech told her everything is good and she said I'll pay you to fix anything broken he said I can't take your money everything works great all of it broke within the year so it's it's a crapshoot it's crap she bought that person bought her next RV and it's been trouble-free which which is the right which is the truth which it will be your experience I don't know I just don't know the safety is a big issue and it will really help and I think it'll help you feel better which is as important as anything just to alleviate your fear and class sees don't have to all break a bunch of them dolt will yours I don't know I'm sorry it doesn't help you I got stuff it's weight late fourth twenty boy we went really long okay folks thanks so much for watching I hope you got something out of all this if you did like us on YouTube subscribe to the channel oh I got to put on bubbles there's bubbles bubbles and I'll dance I can't go out without dancing this is the this is how I dance best I can do all white men can't dance releases old white man can't dance and we'll talk to you later
Channel: CheapRVliving
Views: 38,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live, living, car, van, RV, Full-time, nomad, gypsy, camper, camp, boondock, travel, snowbird, caravan, tiny, house, tribe, RTR, adventure
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 19sec (4999 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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