Live Feed: How to Be a Nomad in the Winter! 2 pm Pacific Time- Wednesday, December 30, 2020.

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spinning so you are live bob it says the broadcast is live i'm going to take them at their word and and act like we are live uh and i guess there were like a hundred people here waiting for me to come on and make my pronouncements that's kind of this first that's very scary that there's any place in the world for a guy like me just to have people waiting for him to make announcements and that you're all there what's going on here at any rate i'm glad you're all here each and every one of you i am very very grateful that you are here and willing to put up with an old fart in the desert uh that's that means a lot to me thank you so much and maybe you should get alive no i think that uh we here are offering the best possible life i really do believe that with all my heart i may be deluded i might be you know full but that's what i believe uh and so by coming here you've come and i've heard from a lot of you that said it's true uh i did all this weird stuff you said and my life is better than ever and i hope that's true for you it's almost the end of the year almost the end of 2020 do i hear a a big hallelujah out there i think my goodness what a year it's been huh i mean just unimaginable unimaginable stuff happened literally you know none of us a few of us are old enough to remember the pandemic in 1918 so that's all new and this uh unrest and the politics and politics quickly we've never ever seen before well that's probably not true every so often i read politics from back in the 1800s and the early 1900s and they we had some pretty pretty wild political times so maybe this isn't so very unusual politically but it's uh it's been very different for most of us i guess but it's almost over it's almost a new year and so uh maybe it's a new year for a new you i hope so i hope this is a new year for a new you that you can you know i believe that at any time you can start just stop it takes courage it takes a lot of courage but anytime you can just stop and start your life all over again and i wish that for you if your life isn't all you want it to be i wish it was so all right um but if you followed any of my advice and you are uh thinking about becoming a nomad or you are a nomad one of the things you deal with right away is cold and heat boy that's a first thing you notice when you're a nomad so uh we'll get started on that topic i will do questions and answers and if that doesn't last long enough we'll just answer anything you got to do with questions you have but first i have to torture you all this is the torture segment of the hour i gotta torture you all with the dreaded announcements so let the torture begin all right i'll try to i'll try to get through this i say that every time and it's always 15 minutes and we'll see if we can't get through a lot faster than that okay uh first uh and i'll try and say this again because a lot of people are turning late because they already know i'm going to be boring boring bob out there blithering away on the um on the announcements uh every year at in the winter when i come to court site i'll be on court site next week uh hiding let me say that i'm hiding uh i try to get interviews shot for the entire year in other words by the time i leave the desert in next april or may uh i want to a shot in shoten i want to have shot 52 uh videos tours and as you know probably noticed i put out one every week on every friday and so i need 52 to get through the year and most of my summer and fall and spring i am gone and not around other people so when i'm here in quartzite i want to get them all shot and have them in the can and ready to go because i think the tours and the interviews are the most important thing i do just seeing you know if this guy or this gal can do this and and he or she is uh 70 or 80 and if they can do it i can do it and uh i think that's really important and then how they're doing it you know i think that's so important and so i love doing tours and uh we'll do try and do 52. all that to say if you want to be interviewed or toured by me this winter will follow a coveted safety uh if i come in your rig i will wear a mask i don't know that you have to wear a mask uh it's your rig i mean it's everything that's from you is in there but i will always wear a mask if i'm in your rig and we'll maintain six feet otherwise um and we'll be outdoors nearly all of it except when we're in the rig so uh we can keep maintain coven safety and you can contact me at crvl interviews at if you will write that we will get you on a list and we will plan on shooting a um a tour interview with you if you need to be in the area around yuma to quartzite to parker i will bounce around in there i know i'll go down to algodones sometimes so i'll be in the yuma area um i'll probably spend the majority of my time in quartzite and and parker of course you have to move every 14 days so i'll be moving um but probably in that area maybe over towards bows i do there's some really beautiful camps over at bow so i might like to go over there so we'll bounce around uh but it'll be in that area and you have to come to me um let me not into my camp my camp will be secret uh there are a lot of people want to meet me i don't know why um but there are strangely enough one a lot of people that want to meet me and so um i keep my whereabouts hidden i apologize but it's just what i have to do for my own mental emotional and even physical health i just need i need that separation so i will hide um i will be in the quartzite area until the end of january um and so call and write and then i'll be it somewhere else so you can you can just call and you can't run you can't call you have to write c r v l interviews i n t e r v i e s real simple just drop us an email and we'll set something up you'll hear back from us all right so that's going on i'm one i'm looking forward to hearing from you and uh emergency fund is still there if you are a nomad and you need you're in a desperate site situation and you need help we're here to help you at homes on wheels alliance so email you just send out an email that's all you have to do email efund at homes on wheels alliance dot org you write all that out homes on wheels alliance dot org uh wheels is plural otherwise it's just spelled the way it sounds uh and if you want to contribute so the money maintains in the emergency fund for the future maybe you'll need it one day uh go to how is the abbreviation homes on wheels alliance h-o-w-a dot rally up r-a-l-l-y-u-p dot com all this will be down in the description go down there uh the rtrs or there will not be a physical rtr this year there will be a virtual uh rtr whether it's going to offer the classes there are 13 classes over seven days uh there will be one at ten o'clock and two o'clock they will be live on the homes on wheels alliance youtube channel you can go watch them live and after the teaching session i think that's half an hour there will be a 15 minute um uh question and answer session so you can you can get questions in and and have your questions answered that's really good you can chat during that time the at the end after the teaching so uh go there and um go to the rtr's uh go to the home the homes on wheels alliance youtube channel and there's a schedule for the specific classes the specific teachers what we've tried to do this year is to invite uh other youtubers uh i'm a big believer in collaboration uh if i don't believe that it's a zero-sum game if i if you gain i lose that's not that's not the way to look at life as far as i'm concerned if i gain you gain if you gain eye gain that's the way i like to look at my life and i would encourage each of you to at least consider that possibility uh it just makes so if if in life i'm only happy when i succeed and i'm sad when you succeed that is not a good happy life but if i am happy when we all succeed then i magnify multiply by huge amounts my possibilities of being happy and contented so your success is my success that's the way i try to look at life don't always succeed but try so there will be other youtubers that will hold these classes uh there are experts in their different uh different various fields i will teach one class go to the homes and wheels alliance youtube channel you'll find it there the schedule the info is at homes on wheels alliance dot org you go there you'll find the schedule you'll know the classes you want to mark and be at the classes will replay they will be live and then they will replay um on the youtube uh youtube the homes on wheels alliance youtube channel so you can watch them there forever it's not like you have to see them alive or you never see them we will also play them on my channel all all 13 over seven days uh on my channel all right i think we're doing that i'm not exactly sure the details that's i'm told that's correct uh and so you can go there and you can see them all on my channel they'll be uh amended they'll be uh briefer i think we're gonna keep them 15 to 18 minutes instead of the whole thing so for the whole thing go to the homes on wheels alliance channel or watch them live but this will get them all out and you'll find them where they are all uh they'll have ads run through them and all income from those on on my channel my channel is monetized of course and all income from that will go to homes and wheels alliance so if you go and watch it and on my channel and uh my channel is so much bigger that they'll be a lot more per you'll make a lot more money for howa if you watch it on my channel and you watch some of the commercials then that money will all go to hell every penny will go to hell okay uh now because we're not doing a virtual we're only doing a virtual rtr we're not doing a physical gathering we encourage you to camp together to find each other to come to the quartzite yuma parker lake havasu area there's going to be tons of us and you can you got to be bold but you'll find people that look just like you and the same kind of rigs and uh go up to them and say hey my name is and uh do you know guy named bob start out like that i mean you can't go wrong and he'll say ooh uh that weirdo then you'll you'll know something won't you um but you know forget me just go up and make friends and be friendly and that's the goal of the rtr is community and tribe and friendship and so come to this area if you're a nomad and make friends to arrange to camp together with nomads we have two two facilities we have a facebook group called we camp together and we also and that is on i'll give you the uh how to find it groups it's a group slash we camp together that's all you have to remember or just go to facebook on the search bar type in we camp together and it should come up also on my forum forums plural uh we have a thread of where you're camping and how you can meet together get together and and uh do that and of course the classes are going ongoing not just at the rtr we have constant classes we have constant uh uh fireside chats just chances to visit uh go to caravans to learn find the classes we offer year-round now and also the uh virtual caravans uh virtual care campfires where you can just meet and visit and get to know people caravans m-e-e-t dot com slash caravan spelled plural just sounds like it sounds all right i'm almost there that is almost there okay um now we're not going to do a physical rtr we cannot do an rtr with with kovid with its big surge all the traveling going on i don't want to be responsible for a super spreader event of a of a gathering so i can't my conscious i don't want that on my conscience that's i'm very selfish of myself i just don't want that harming people on my conscience that's just not how i want to live i don't want to live without the rest of my life so instead we're canceling the gathering physical gathering but here's something i personally am doing and my friend suanne carlson who is the executive director of how is personally doing uh i'm going to go camp in quartzite and i'm going to put out the location i'm not going to be camping there because i need my privacy i just don't have the mental physical emotional energy to be surrounded by people all the time i've got to get away and recover my recharge my batteries i just can't do it i'm going to be in hiding in the area and i will come over to um to camp uh and i'll give you a location and you can all just camp all over it's gonna be out scad and wash if you know courtside at all past rtrs have been out scad and washed it'll be in one of those same locations we had it at this location i think for eight years uh seven or eight years be the same one and you can go camp there it's a big area you can spread out all along scad and wash i will i will let you know when i will be at skadden wash at the old rtr site and you can come and meet me and uh i'll be there and but that's not the goal the goal isn't to meet me it's to make friends and build community if you're all out there in this area uh chances are that your friends you should get to know each other you should be bold and go say hey my name is and uh i'm kind of looking to meet bob do you know who he is and or that you know just something break the ice or just start with the weather can't go wrong with the weather crazy weather what we're having huh and also at the same time my friends suanne carlson will do the exact same thing at the same time a little bit before my friends to ann carlson will do the same thing for women only out on plumosa road we had a women's rtr there one year and so uh you can go there for uh and cap with the other women same thing this is not an organized event there will be no activities there will be no schedule there will be no teaching it's camping recreational camping only recreational camping only nothing else we're out camping and are going to be camping in the same area i'm going to be there if you're there we can meet and if you're not there we won't meet nothing else same thing with the with the uh women's with uh suanne uh okay i am going to be from january 28th to february 3rd that's january 28th through february 3rd come camp with bob january 28th february 3rd no activities no organization just recreational camping suan will be uh off plamosa road january 21st through the 26th uh you can find information about her gathering not her gathering her camp her recreational camp on her facebook page which is suanne carlson facebook page so go there hey swan carlson facebook page all right i think i'm done no more all right so we're going to talk about uh winter camping and i have questions some of you have written quit in questions already and i will um just talk about uh if you're a nomad how to stay warm in the winter that's basically what we're talking about here um so the most important thing is to be a a snowbird if at all possible and i know some of you can't be snowbird so this is advice number one rule over overcomes everything else is to be a snowbird move up into the cold uh in in the summer when you want the coolness move out of the cold into the heat which is either florida or the desert uh in the uh in the winter so it's just be a snowbird follow the snow birds uh if they fly south for the winter to somewhere warmer that's what you're gonna do and if they fly north to have their young and and to fatten up over the summer that's what you're going to do you know you probably aren't going to be having any young or you might fatten up but you're not going to have any yeah um and so it just be a snowbird and it's easy to do uh one year you don't have to drive thousands of miles and it's easy to think well that's so far i gotta go all the way up to montana or i gotta go to alaska to get cool not true at all uh one year i spent the whole year this was back in i think 2014. i could be wrong but back in that time frame i spent the whole year in arizona just to satisfy myself that i could be comfortable with the temperatures and never have to drive more than 300 miles and i did it so winter in quartzite or in yuma or in parker or lake havasu those are all warm places they're basically all the same temperature you could even go over to uh you could even go over to what's the name of that town i forget the name of that town uh you can only be over here fairly near phoenix not real close to phoenix but kinda closer to phoenix and be warm uh basically warm november through february or march then you get into the spring and it's starting to get hot and october can be hot and march and april can be hot so but you've got good three or four months of pleasant mostly pleasant weather we do get rain we do get cold uh you know it's even snowed very rarely down there not on i've not seen snow where i camped but i've seen snow in the mountains on a really exceptionally cold year but that's very unusual it can be cold it can be very windy it can be rainy um come prepared for cold because it can be cold 30s i've even seen it in the 20s in the quartzite area so it can be cold the desert once that sun goes down the desert it gets cold so come ready for cold but you're not you know it's not like minnesota i mean or new york or montana or even seattle the cold dreary misery of seattle uh it's a hundred times better so even though it will be cold occasionally you can cope with it pretty well so uh and then i spent the whole summer up in the flagstaff williams show low payson all the way over to snowflake uh and st john's that's what it's called the mogeon rim is uh it's a huge uplift and it's very high country from six five six thousand up to nine thousand that part of arizona gets up to nine 9000 feet you can be very comfortable so you have to move every 14 days so you just kind of move around it's kind of shaped like a banana from uh the grand canyon up near the utah border all the way over to the uh the new mexico border just kind of this curve a smile up in northern arizona and it's all high it's up in the beautiful ponderosa pine forest and uh fantastic place so all you have to and it's like 300 miles so you don't have to drive thousands of miles to be a snowbird another place you can do it exactly like that is california because in california you can go down to slab city uh which is at some poor or death valley and actually be below sea level the warmest place on earth i think is death valley you could camp in that area uh and then for example from death valley over to mammoth springs mammoth lakes uh 150 miles to less than 200 miles so you're up at 7 000 feet in the summer and then you're down at below sea level in the winter and that's not traveling far california is too expensive to live in so that's not what i would ever do but you can't do it arizona isn't the only state so your first choice is to be a snowbird if you can't be a snowbird that's where the rest of the today's advice comes in now i'll start answering questions uh sprocer mike's broser just spent excess with my family in sandy oregon trying to make it to court site without hitting snow good luck currently coming down the coast that's your best shot yeah you should do it i'd like your advice because i know you might make a similar trip this time of year also yeah i just drove i've been uh i spent christmas with my sister and mother you might have seen that live feed with my mom uh just last week that was last week uh christmas just got over and i just drove from medford oregon down to prompt i'm in from nevada here for briefly i like prompt i spend some time lots time in prop um it's cold here that's generally why i don't stay in pram for too long it's cold here um i did run into snow and it's really hard not to run into snow the only way you're really sure of not running into snow is taking 101 down the coast uh otherwise you go over passes and the passes have snow actually northern nevada in the winter is going to get snow it should be an unusual year i drove down i-5 through sacramento over took 80 over donner pass i took it because i watched the weather really closely and i knew it was a sunny day we had a break it's been a lot of sun been a lot of snow a lot of cold rain and i got a break just a brief break and so i dashed out of medford over sisacu pass which always has snow and then uh through sacramento and then up over donner pass which is higher and with snow a lot snow all over everywhere up there this is 7 7 500 feet lots of snow but i went through on a clear day so i had no snow no ice no precipitation but then oddly as soon as i dropped down into northern nevada i ran in snow all the way to uh from reno to tone up 195. um and i ran into snow almost the whole way it was so warm it was never stuck to the road uh there's a lot of traffic on 95 and uh it never stuck on the road at all so it wasn't dangerous to me because it was during the day a lot of traffic but yeah it's hard to avoid the snow now if i had continued down five interstate five uh once you get south of reading reading is the very base of the foothills of sissecue pass where you will run into almost always run into snow you're going to be required to have chains in the winter uh very risky over cisco you just never know um on i-5 uh and you know or if you come down off of 80 or 84 no it'd be 84. coming off 84 out of seattle area uh you're going over all kinds of passes you're going to go through salt lake city and there's general i plan to go to salt lake city because uh there's someone there i wanted to shoot a video and it was going to be in the teens and i didn't want to camp in the teens so i avoided it i really wanted to make it all make it back this spring uh anywhere else but on the coast the coast uh is gonna almost rarely get snow it'll be rainy a lot and unpleasant a lot but not snow and um and i can't tell you anything about the east coast i can't even begin to help you there um if you take i-5 south of redding you won't run into snow it'd be very unusual that's low country a couple hundred feet five five hundred feet maybe no more than a thousand and uh you won't run snow you have to to get to quartzite you would go all the way down five or 99 either one and then cross over it to hatch a p and attach a piece high enough you could see i've seen it snowing i've definitely been attached to p pass when it snowed but that's rare and you could go all the way down to san diego and take eight across and you're not gonna see any snow down there so yeah you got a good plan anywhere else snow's you just gotta dash through it when you've got a good weather forecast cedric fisher how do people keep their waste tanks from freezing i don't know i'd never owned an rv i i lived in an rv in anchorage alaska for one full year in an rv park i couldn't keep anything from freezing i gave up it was 30 below i lived in anchorage alaska and at 30 below it was just a lost cause and i used the bath house i use the bath house all winter unless it warmed up you know we had anchors get swarm snaps even during the winter when they would all thaw up and i still wouldn't use it because it would re-freeze uh once another cold snap get i don't know i don't know how you do it i don't that's one of i'm not a fan of rvs and uh um mainly we talk about vans but if you're going to be in an rv i i don't have an answer for you dude how to keep your tanks from freezing anonymous i feel stuck in williams with all this snow and ice yeah yeah your williams is a bad place to be in the winter how do i get out here with no experience towing a trailer well wait for a break in the weather uh you know you'll take i-5 uh not i5 what are you on you're on i-40 um you'll take i-40 uh and i would just take it all the way down to uh to 95 and head south on 95 on on the arizona side so you're it's mostly downhill williams is it 7000 feet and you're going to end up at 1000 when you cut south what's the name of the kingman just you take really it's just a matter for watching the weather really closely and getting a break when you know there's it's going to be sunny and there's no no snow in the forecast and you're pretty confident in that accuracy of that and that's just how i got from medford to here just waiting for a break in the weather and as soon as there was a break you go there's so much traffic on 95 that it won't ice up if uh the heat of the tires melts it and it's so non-stop with the big trucks and everything it's it's not gonna freeze up there um it could get cold enough i mean williams that whole area gets down below zero if it's below zero it's gonna be ice and snow but that's why you're waiting for a break in the weather when it's above freezing and the traffic will keep the road from freezing and then make a dash then sit tight until you get that break in the weather and then dash down once you're to kingman once you're most of the way seligman once you're past that you're not real at risk of of snow and ice anymore and then from 95 lake havasu park or quartzite uh no you won't be issues with snow uh no experience towing a trailer well you're just gonna have to learn i'm sorry i don't know what else to say you just have to learn uh but if you wait for the break in the weather the weather won't be working against you rob reynolds how do you heat a small car what type of heat can you use in such a small space and i don't have an answer i'm afraid um there is no good answer people try the candles with the overturned uh the ceramic pots uh you try that and and it's such a small space i know people who say it works that the ceramic heaters or uh the candle lanterns have two or three or four candle lanterns going and they're pretty safe and secure and that even some candle lanterns of course you're buying a lot you're buying a lot of candles or the little emergency uh candles that might be a way to go too excuse me you know the emergency candles are these little cans they're about like this and they have three wicks in them and they'll run even with three wicks i think they'll go a dozen hours and the three wicks might put out a lot of heat and then if you work devise the the plate over them the the ceramic terracotta plate over them uh that would confine some of the heat down there you're gonna have to have ventilation they're putting up carbon monoxide they're putting out smoke uh you'll want to cover it because they'll be soot on whatever you cover with and if you don't cover it it'll be on your car the flying puts out soot it just always it has to um and so be careful of that and you got a real fire hazard you you know you get to bouncing around and must not watch what you're doing and you gotta open flame you could try a stove in there i would not i would not try a stove uh it's too small and confined i don't have an answer for you if you had a ton a ton of solar which how you're gonna have a ton of solar on a car you could try a little electric heater you know the little tiny 400 watts or less 12 volt heaters but it's not going to work uh that's not going to do you much good i don't think but you could try it say you have a 300 watt panel on your roof and a couple of good couple of good batteries you could try it see how that works a better idea is to keep yourself warm and for that i would look into it the 12 volt heating pads if you have enough solar and you've got enough battery and you can just run the alternator if you're charging off the alternator uh you can cover yourself with a 12 volt heating pad and i think that our heating blanket you know the they buy the truck stops all have them amazon has them just google it and um i think that would be keeping yourself warm of course your fingers are still cold and your fingers have to be outside because you're breeding a book or you're typing on a computer and your nose gets cold and your face gets cold and you're wearing a hat that's not a good way to live but you can do it you can do it i just don't know of a good source in a car they're just too small you what you have to really be careful is the clearances because uh an intense heat enough heat to make a difference will catch fire whatever is too close to it will catch fire you have to keep the clearances i just don't have an answer uh i do have an answer and that's to buy a hybrid a prius if you live in a prius they're designed to run very very efficiently on idle and now they have to be on it's not like the air conditioner which is electric um then you're just drawing off the battery and the engine only comes on to recharge the battery that works really efficiently but with heat uh even a prius the engine creates the heat just like you're in your car and so when the engine creates the heat and blows it out you're using the battery with the blower um and so the engine will run quite a bit more but they're designed to run a lot more they're basically a generator enormous generator with an enormous battery pack on wheels and so they're designed to run and you can run you could keep warm pretty well for not much money in a hybrid particularly the prius um and so that is really the only answer that i have prius is a remarkably reliable car cheap to run uh the prius would be something to really give serious thought to if you had to live one in the winter they're long now they're not very tall but they're very long you get a surprising amount of stuff in them uh there is no good answer i'm sorry i just don't have a good answer if you're living in a car keep yourself warm sb i don't understand what is a vapor barrier and how it is applied in your van um most places you live your if you create heat you've created moisture there is moist in warm it moist warm air has moisture in it and you've you ever had been in the house with a glass of iced tea and put it on a coaster and before long the outside of the glass is covered with condensation well how how did that happen did someone put no someone didn't come and pour water on it it's it's a vapor barrier it needs a vapor barrier so warm moist air hits a cold surface whatever the cold surface is in your van it's your walls your vans steel and or a car when a warm moist air hits a cold steel it drops its moisture and now all of a sudden you've got that condensation all over your walls well it's not going away it's not gonna eventually it would it'll dry up but it's gonna drip and run down and it's gonna accumulate on the floor and your walls are gonna be covered with with um and you're keeping it warm so that's why you have warm air hitting cold walls and so that is a breeding ground for mold and that's the risk with um with with vans is you'll get mold on the walls so the idea behind a vapor barrier every house has a vapor barrier but your house isn't moving and shaking down the road at 80 miles an hour either is it and uh the idea behind a hot wall a house is i've built a couple houses so when you put up a wall you've got a long wall of two by fours or two by sixes you take take a big sheet of plastic one long continuous sheet and you staple it into the um into the uh uh studs you staple right into the studs you put the sheetrock or the paneling or whatever you're using on the inside up on top of that and then as the warm moist air passes through it doesn't hit the cold surfaces because that sheet of plastic isn't cold it's warm it's got warm coming into it from the inside of the house and so it never drops its condensation that's what a vapor barrier does the idea in the van is to create a vapor barrier so you have your walls you'll have the red the rim ribs the ribs of the van and then you put a vapor barrier all the way around so that no warm moist air ever hits the walls and so you don't get condensation the problem in reality is it's impossible to do that and what happens is if you put up this is my personal opinion and a lot of people disagree with me my personal opinion is if you put up a vapor barrier and it does have a flaw and they will the warm um you just can't create a vapor barrier in a van that's going to stay there and work 100 not even half percent is my personal opinion the warm moist air is going to get over the barrier it's going to hit the cold steel it's going to drop its warm moist air and it's going to condense on the walls you're going to have wall you're going to have condensation all over the walls and then the vapor barrier is going to make it harder for it to escape it will attach it there and keep it there i think the vapor barrier makes it worse so either the vapor barrier has to be 100 percent or it has you should do no vapor barrier because that midway thing that nearly all of us end up doing the barrier in vans i think makes things worse and gives you more mold i really do believe that um so my solution for you is that your insulation either just don't do anything and then the warm moist air will hit this wall and then it will when it warms up it'll dry out now i spent my winter in the desert the desert isn't hot and moist uh it's dry it's very dry air even in the winter the air here is dry and so it wants to dry out so the idea my idea is that just to let the what either don't put up any insulation no vapor barrier and uh let the let it condense and then let it dry out it'll just dry out because it's such a dry area it will it'll pull it off the wall and it'll dry out or another idea and i think is just as good is if you take whatever insulation you use has to be attached firmly against the wall so that the the more moist air can't get behind the wall this is the ideal answer so use like a half inch sheets of eps that's the pink or blue styrofoam half sheet half inch sheets are pretty flexible they will curve with your wall cut it in between the ribs and spray glue it onto the ribs and put a couple layers the one inch layer won't won't curve the half inch layer will curve it will conform to the wall and then you glue it up on the wall and then no air or moist tear can ever hit the steel wall it will only hit the insulation which is warm and there won't be condensation that's the answer the the insulation is the vapor barrier and it's flush up against the wall even if the wall is curved it curves up against it and no warm moist air ever gets behind it uh and then when you put on your final paneling you that's why you use two half inch because they'll both conform and then they will both the paneling will hold it up most ribs are about an inch uh and so you're filling up the rib uh you will get a little bit of condensation on the rib itself but as a percentage that is a very low percentage and getting a little bit of condensation on that shouldn't be too bad and in the desert it will just dry up and it won't be a problem that's probably a longer detail that more detailed explanation than you really need but there's a lot of confusion about vapor barriers and what why why you need one and what the pluses and the minuses are uh now on the other hand if when i lived in alaska i lived this for six years in a box fan in alaska and i never looked at the uh walls i never took the i insulated heavily but not in the way i described i bet my walls were covered with mold uh because i ran heat all winter anytime you burned fuel you create heat burning fuel well of course it creates heat it creates moisture and uh so if you're running a mr buddy heater or if you're doing like me and you're running your stove you're pumping moisture into the air you have a lot of warm moist air and if it hits the wall it will condense you're gonna have a wet wall and you're going to have uh uh mold eventually and that's the that's the risk mold mildew so uh gluing the insulation directly to the wall is really the answer in a van we have a lot of questions oh i know what i got it's i'm taking so much time uh what cheap insulation to use in an suv well you don't have it's so hard to insulate these small small spaces you know with a van the ribs are quite far apart and you just cut a piece of styrofoam and you press it in half inch will conform to the wall you spray it you push it in there and then you put your paneling over it to hold it even more in place and you're set man with the with you don't have the big gaps between the ribs and um i don't have an answer for you i don't know that i would i think if i were going to be in an suv i just wouldn't even try to insulate it uh this is a huge advantage to a cargo van so insulate the wall i would insulate the windows uh cut a piece of uh styrofoam half inch styrofoam that'll make it a miss difference uh and put that into the windows and um that's about all i would do uh if you got a you will have us i'm sure you'll have a headliner if you can get a half inch piece of uh styrofoam up on the headliner that's the best thing you could possibly do or even uh take the headliner down and get as much insulation across the top as you can again it has to glue right up against the metal or you're going to get mold behind it you're not going to create an airtight vapor barrier so it's got to be pressed right up against the metal and that's what i would do and and then the sides cover the windows there you'll lose most your heat and i just write the rest off i wouldn't insulate anything else uh mona and the fur crew gang i do my best to stay out in winter weather but there's always a cold front other than layering i know my vehicle doesn't have enough insulation other than layering on blankets or sleeping in my zero sleeping is bag is there anything i can do you don't say what your vehicle is i have heavy curtains and foam core cutouts for my windows you're doing everything right uh if you have the room for to be safe you can run a mr body heater you can get a olympian catalytic heater uh if so you don't say what your vehicle is do you have a van if you have a van i would add heat i would insulate it and add heat um why not uh again so i'll just go down the list real quick list of all the heat types sources that you can get number one what i'm doing i'm just running my stove for heat um it works well for me again i'm in the desert where the moisture isn't an issue because it's so dry here um so uh run a a stove uh a little buddy heater an olympian olympian uh catalytic heater uh a good really good source is if you have the room this is for a van sized rig big enough that you can get clearances around the heat source i've had this happen i i once uh when i lived in alaska in my box fan i came home i came out of the shower my towel was wet of course and showered and i hung it above the um above the uh uh stove i had olympians i used lipid cadillac heaters i ran them year day all day 24 hours a day um and it fell in front of the heater not even on the heater but in front of the heater as i left and the heat hitting the towel dried it out completely really fast that's why i put it up there uh but it caught fire and um and i came home in time to find the fire and and so it was just so close enough and it was cloth to catch fire another time my dog i had uh i had the heater running my heaters ran 24 hours a day my dog kicked off abby her name was abby uh kicked off one of my pillows and it was just sitting in front of the heater and it caught fire now it was and i must have been anti-fire because it never burst into flame but it was just smoldering and charred and i don't know what would happen if i left hadn't come home when i did so it's really important clearances are crucial and of course carbon monoxide is crucial you've got to have ventilation normally in a van you open both front windows an inch that's probably going to be enough but you can't go wrong by giving yourself too much ventilation give yourself plenty of ventilation but but then i'll have them open and i won't do any good of course it's going to do good those things are pumping out a lot more warm air than that inch up front is going to take away and uh so don't worry about that don't think that just think about ventilation without ventilation you will die think that um my not the most efficient use of heat yes you will die without ventilation get enough ventilation and uh the same thing if you don't give up the clearances you will die without clearances you don't tell me what vehicle you have so i can't answer your question if you have a van i would get a probably buddy heater i really think the olympians are far better but i would get a um an olympian okay so going through the heat source uh another one is the diesel heater i think that the chinese diesel heaters i think they're worth spending the money on um i have a video i just put out not too long ago about the chinese diesel heaters and i know some people now that have them and installed them if you're up to doing the install i think they're worth the effort i think i would try them if i were you and then finally a wood stove wood stove is a very valuable option again you don't tell me the vehicle so i can't obviously you're not putting a wood stove in a car uh but if you have a full-size standard length van you could fit a wood stove in there and that might be something to consider it's ideal you don't get carbon monoxide or do you you probably do but if it's vented properly so you don't get smoke i think you're safe and but you don't get that moisture it's a very dry heat that's the main thing or you know if you've got a big rig you could put even an rv furnace in there i'm not a fan of rv furnaces but you can put one in all right all right uh gallagher one of your videos mentioned some kind of custom made window covers for caravans that just snap into place that are reasonably priced can you give us more info on brand name and where to buy them the only thing i know of like that is uh if you if you own a chevy or ford van or dodge i'm pretty sure you get these for the dodge vans too and now they're coming out for the sprinters the rams and the transits uh they're they're so popular now you could probably get them made for that too this isn't even a snap-on it is an it's an outside cover it's a white vinyl cover it right i'm in my van now it wraps around the entire outside and that is a really that's going to help a lot you lose so much heat through these and the main reason you want them is in the winter they keep the light out and the heat out uh that's so in the winter they're in this in the summer they're fantastic to keep the heat out but even in the winter i think even that vinyl outside around would keep a lot of warmth in now passive heating i'm glad we i thought of this passive heating is very very important if you go to the desert uh it was cold here last night i don't think it was freezing but it was in the 30s um and but if you will point your van into the sun as do south so that the sun tracks shining in in the winter this is only in the winter and then in the summer you would do the opposite due north but in the winter you'll get all this sun coming in through all this glass up and that will really warm the van up it will warm the things in the van up and then you will have thermal mass thermal mass is very important so the heat coming in through the windshield will warm up all the stuff inside it'll go into the back it'll warm up the stuff in the back and then overnight all this stuff that absorbed heat will slowly release it and let go of it that's thermal mass that's thermal heating that's passive solar heating you can build whole houses out of passive solar heating and do a remarkable job so what you park is very important park your nose into the due south catch all that sun and as soon as the sun goes down you're not getting a viable amount of heat on it cover them up so the heat doesn't just pass back through and that's how you would do it you would use one of these covers also i have a friend who found a um for the cars these are those are made specifically they're designed to fit around uh ford dodge chevy and uh they're basically designed for rvs with van noses and so you can go buy an amazon i've got videos about them i love these things they're great this summer they're great in the winter so after the sun's starting to set no more heat coming in from the sun cover your front windshield you'll keep that heat more heat inside cover everything up i've got a blanket i won't go back and show you but i've got a big heavy blanket doubled over that i pull down and keeps a lot of the heat in back and then the outside cover here helps and then you'll use reflectix on the windows a better idea is to get some go to home depot any hardware store or buy some sheets of um uh it's called the best kind is eps it's the blue one or the pink one different brand names are exactly the same stuff um half inch and three quarter one inch whatever whatever you can get cut it exactly to fit inside your windows and man that will really make a difference overnight um and then reflectix is always a great thing if you're if you have a heat source the reflectix will bounce that heat source back in reflectix is a very good insulator in that case it has very little value if you have no heat source okay i'm in a good one going uh that's the only window cover that i know of that i do use and a friend just showed me uh oh i just put out a video called the 10 best things and i'm pretty sure we covered this it was thicker it was silver on the outside and on the inside but it seemed to have some real insulation in the middle and it was cloth and that's what you she's covering her car with and i bought one because i liked it so much uh and i think that would really serve to insulate outside i'm not sure how it's going to hold up in the weather and the wind and the rain the vinyl holds up extremely well against both sun wind and rain so i love the vinyls and i've got one right here and i'll put it up in the summer and in the winter um but this thing is much thicker and i think i'll do a much better job of keeping cold and uh heat in and cool down you can go and look at that 10 gifts for christmas that i just put out in the last month i live in extreme cold i want to know what to expect and how to prepare for van life how hard is it to keep a van warm in -10 weather well like i said i have done it i've kept the van warm routinely at minus 30. uh it takes a lot of heat source and you got to keep the heat in once you create it 10 below zero anytime the temperature gets below zero inside a van you can feel it creeping in it's almost like a living thing and it just you can feel it creeping in through the walls it just seeps in and i ran olympian and i recommend olympian as now these didn't exist when i back in these days this was in 95. i lived in anchorage alaska in a van from 95 to 2001. i would give very serious thought to one of the chinese diesel heaters if you have the money buy the real thing i think we bestos we bestestus is one of them and there's another it's an e it's a german company uh that make the real thing they're like a thousand twelve hundred dollars and so the chinese have made clones for a couple hundred dollars um if you could afford the real thing buy the real thing they're gonna be far better uh but if you can't i would definitely these these chinese are 150 200 bucks and if it lasts you a season and you throw it away i think that's well worth it and they'll run off diesel they make some mainly their diesels if you don't have a diesel and you can tap right into your tank if you can um if not you they make gas ones gas is so much more flammable i'd be very reluctant to have a gas one but diesel you know gl diesel just doesn't want to explode on you it'll burn up kill you the diesel is kind of hard to get to ignite and uh so i definitely recommend the diesel heaters they come with a gas tank you can mount somewhere and you can just i think they're two three four five i've got a video go look at the video don't i won't try and explain to you if i were going to live in extreme cold again i'd get the diesel heater that's exactly what i do or a wood stove i'd give very serious thought to a wood stove because you get the dry heat um yeah the great thing about the diesel heaters any vented heater is it vents the exhaust outside so the warm moist air goes outside with the exhaust no carbon monoxide inside unless you've installed it wrong and then any appliance any heating appliance you install wrong will kill you just know that you've got to install them right but if you install it right it's a hundred percent safe so um installed right they're very safe and the warm moist air goes outside lemonade should eliminate the problem with mold your body puts out a lot of moisture but shouldn't be too big an issue because you're keeping it warm yeah if i were going to be an extreme cold i would definitely go with one of those heaters got a good move on card two oh man i'm out of time have you seen the new mr buddy flex it's a portable heater and you can also cook on it it's about 160 happy new year from cleveland it caught my eye and i looked at it and no i there's not a good idea it's a bad idea and i can't remember now why it's a bad idea i looked at them thought finally something new and great that we can all latch onto and i looked into it the flex is it doesn't use its own propane you hook onto another one i i when i was done reading about it i said this is terrible no one should buy this and that's all i can remember i don't remember the details of why i thought that my skies 5d question how do we keep the moisture out of our vehicle when using propane heater inside you can't it just isn't the only way to keep that moisture out is with uh again i think in the desert it's no big deal because it's so dry um that it's not a problem but if you're anywhere else but the desert then it's an enormous problem and you can't keep it out then i would look think seriously about a wood stove if you have a big enough vehicle and think really seriously about one of the diesel eaters buy the buy a real one if you can brand name i forget what the brand names are if someone will write in and tell me the brand names that would be a good thing uh so i can i should just remember them and things are easy it's easier to say i'll remember than actually do it okay uh move on uh you can't keep it out it's gonna be hot it's gonna be moist in there i i talked at length about condensation go back and re-watch this later for that conversation what are your thoughts on the wood stove in a van or tent i'm a fan in fact i'll just let you know i have just bought two teepees and with one of them i bought a wood stove and i'm going to test them i have two people already who are going to take them one of them will get the wood stove and we're going to test teepees one is a canvas how much do i pay for that thing i can't remember how much i paid for it it was either 1200 or 2200. i think it was 12. i think i was wrong i think it was 1200 might have been 22. i can't remember it was a um tent tp by mansfield outdoors it looks like a great canvas tp and so we're gonna try it and i also bought a lux l-u-x-e nylon tp i think they're great teepees but the sun's going to kill it and if you're just spending trips in one of these i would buy the lux i think because the sun's not going to kill it but if you set this thing up 300 365 days a year the sun's going to kill it this nylon nylon just can't stand up to to the sun and the rain and the wind it's not going to hold up but i wanted to prove that that's just my personal opinion i just gave you we're going to set them both up once person is going to live in them year round and we're going to find out a nylon versus canvas is it worth that extra money but they're they're big enough they're both seven man they're pretty big you can they'll sleep seven that's very optimistic they'll sleep two and a dog in all your gear very comfortably and three or four pretty comfortably and your gear and a dog maybe uh so they're big tents they're i think they're like nine or ten feet tall at the top and i bought a wood stove they both are have wood stove jacks um uh yeah i'm a fan of uh and if you would like to try a wood stove in your van uh i'd be willing to buy a wood stove for you to try so contact me at crvl interviews and if you have the skills and the room and you're going to mess with it it's a commitment i'm not just giving you a wood stove because i'm a nice guy i'm not a nice guy i want to i'm a nice guy and that i want to help people live their best lives in as nomads and the way i can do that is actually test things so i will buy you thank you casey you're really sharp that's where the uh that's where the um you write to if you're interested in a wood stove uh for in your van or trailer uh or write me and let me know i might be willing to set you up with one to test uh valerie from oregon when does quartzite start staying warm at night well for the most part it's warm but it has cold snaps and the cold snaps are in the 30s but warm is 40s uh is would you agree with that suan most of the most of the winter it's in the 40s and then a cold snap is in the 30s so compare that to minnesota or canada or alaska or oregon uh or washington and medford is kind of in the i was slept cold i was bundled up i slept in my van at my mom's i love my van i love my vet my bed in my van so i slept in my van every night man i was bundled up uh really bundled up it gets pretty cold there uh so for the most part uh i think it's warm enough and then the cold snaps you've got to be ready for them and have a method to stay warm in them uh 30s maybe really unusually into the 20s at night that's pretty unusual uh when does it start warming up january and february will both have cold nights by march you should be done with the cold nights but the last couple of winter of sun winters the cold stayed an unusually long time so it's hard to for me to give you an exact time but um by march you should be looking at mostly warm nights nicholas long i am in the 2012 chevy express passenger van would you recommend would you recommend covering some of the windows with insulation and walls or just making removable covers for them all uh if you're in a cold place yeah you definitely got to cover them because you're losing enormous amounts of of heat right through that glass it's likely nothing um i would personally if you can do it you know the money the skill i would put um i would put up uh insulation i'd buy a half inch sheets of eps that's the blue and the pink insulation that's the thickest that's the best not the best per inch but pretty close to the best and you can get them or or even better really what's far better is poly iso poly iso is the best and it's really common to get poly iso with a silver side so uh i don't know how thin you can get them and i don't know how bendable it is that's why i do recommend eps more because i know half inch bins pretty well it will conform to a curved wall um and i don't know that the poly iso will uh depends how thin it is uh but it almost always has a silver side so then you would push that in leave the silver side out in the in the winter in this in the winter silver side into the van and the summer silver side out of the van and that worked really well summer and winter yeah i would definitely do that and if not reflectix works really well uh i would definitely put reflectix in it no matter what if you didn't do insulation uh cardboard or the cardboard bowl or or i tell you what i never have done it i don't know if i know anyone who's done it but somebody to think seriously about is uh choroplast choroplast is plastic cardboard um corrugated cardboard but it's plastic it's not there's no paper it won't you could pour it out in the rain and it won't dissolve uh and you get the you get the insulation channels of the corrugation and um you can buy it you can buy it pretty often it's what uh yard signs are made out of you know if you've ever seen a political sign vote for joe um it was almost certainly printed on choroplast and it it's very durable and it's tough and i think it would have some insulation value and i would want to get two or three or four layers of it to make it really accomplish anything but it would last forever and it's really easy to work with you can cut it with scissors mold it in there i think i would think about chloroplast maybe that would end up being more than insulation probably would be um i don't know something to think about but more scrubs the worse just use it's just use cardboard two three layers of cardboard and and wrap it with with aluminum foil uh and spray paint one of them black or glue spray glue on uh black flannel and i think that would give you a lot of good insulation it's practically free uh so that's something to think about too okay oh i don't think i was done with that one what are your thoughts on a wood stove when does quartzite i guess i was done with that card three you want to go over because it because of announcements yeah i go so long on announcements we'll go over folks uh can you use uh stuart forsyth can use expanding foam for awkward spaces no and i haven't got absolute proof of this um and i've tried to find it but it is my understanding and so that's why i said so firmly no now what are we talking about we're talking about the great great stuff is a spray foam uh you buy it at home depot and you you spray it in around your windows and it expands and then once it's expanded you can just take a knife and cut it so the overflow is gone great stuff is great stuff but it is my understanding and i could be wrong i can't find proof of this i've looked uh that it causes rust on metal severe rust on normal and uh and by forum we've had a lot of conversations and people have come in with uh said i thought great stuff would work really great for it so i sprayed it in and they had a before picture and then a month or six months or a year later and it's just covered with rust so i i've seen enough anecdotal evidence not direct scientific evidence that makes me think you should not use them and of course it works great in house construction because you're putting it into vinyl and you're putting it into wood or you're putting it in a painted steel door maybe around the door jam and even that's nearly all wood and this doesn't harm wood but it rusts metal so to the best of my knowledge right now without any hard scientific proof uh do not use those they will cause you rust um autumn skies i'm curious i've seen people insulate and put up walls and floors yeah my question is what are they attached to are you punching through into the metal yeah you want to you want to definitely want to attach it to the metal uh that's why i love a cargo van that's why i live in a cargo van because when you move into a cargo van there's nothing on the walls you're looking at the ribs you've got this long piece of sheet metal all the way up and down a van but it's attached to something and they just i think they spot welded onto the ribs and there's a rib that goes all the way around the two sides and up and around and it's the structure you got to have a structure and so it's perfectly fine uh if you know once you know where the ribs are to screw your um so i screwed my paneling right into the ribs and uh i made a diagram i knew where all the ribs were once they were covered you can't see them anymore can you and that's the problem with the passenger van you don't know where the ribs are and if they got all these windows well then well they have to be in between the windows depends on how many you have but uh yeah that's makes it a lot harder to pass your van you can't find the ribs you don't know where they all are uh and it's covered with all this plastic you can't see any of the metal on a passenger van usually and so that's a pain that's a real pain as far as i'm concerned that's why i i buy cargo vans to convert because you see the ribs once you see the ribs do a diagram out so that when they're covered you still know where they are and then when i attach build walls build furniture build shelving units i screw right into the rib and i know i'm safe and of course you gotta use the right size crew if you're attaching a three-quarter inch screw piece of plywood say to a a rib well then you have to know to go through the 3 8 inch plywood a little and a half inch beyond that and that's probably going to be plenty so you'd have to have a three-eighths and a half inch uh not a three it's almost three-quarter i'd probably using a three-quarter and a half inch um so that'd be an inch and a quarter screw and you'd use sheet metal screws personally i use self-tapping uh with with hex heads you'll find hex heads all over my van that's what i usually use to attach that's how you do it um there was a repeat question on that we're on card four oh agt wnc uh hey bob question why does my air mattress lose air when it's cold i have three brand new ones and they all go flat while i'm sleeping all right let me let me clarify uh what you mean by an air mattress if you need an air mattress the 30 thing you buy at walmart to throw down on your floor in your apartment uh don't buy that okay don't buy that it's going to be cold it's going to be miserable they're going to just going to break don't buy that it's cheap i sleep on and strongly recommend backpacking self-inflating pads that's the description they're designed for backpackers and they're self-inflating they'll have valves on both ends no no that's not always true sometimes it's only one valve mine has two valves um and you open the valve and uh it will self-inflate it will just slowly re-self-inflate and they have insulation in them and that's the key thing is that they have insulation in them so if you're sleeping on a standard house air mattress there's no insulation in there it's just air and there's no insulation around it so whatever the temperature is the air mattress is going to be the temperature inside the air mattress because there's no insulation and so if you're sleeping in the winter in the cold and it's 40 degrees inside your van the air in that air mattress is going to be 40 degrees and when you lay down on top of it with no insulation your body heat is just sucked out of you wherever it touches it into that and it's very cold i don't know why it loses air it's probably just got a slow leak uh that shouldn't be an issue that's just a slow leak and i don't have an answer for that but don't buy these things buy these self-inflating backpacking pads mine's a thermarist therm-a-rest is the oldest i think they kind of invented the things but there are tons of brands and they're all good i'm not saying thermarest is better so buy it reo rei probably is the best bang for buck because rei makes high quality products and you can go to to find rei they'll have their own brand name they'll be a little bit cheaper they'll be just as good a quality that's the thing but a big agnes is another name i bet all i think all of them make them nemo is becoming a big name in outdoor gear these are quality products if you're out on a one month hike you can't have your your your air mattress going dying on you it's got to be top these are tough things made to endure and i sleep on a therm-a-rest mondo king it's four inches tall it's uh my they have different sizes mine is 36 inches wide and 6 feet 72 long i believe i'm always five eight so that's plenty uh and it's fantastic it is fantastic and they'll self-inflate a little ways and most people didn't have to open them up and puff give it a little more air i generally have to to get it as comfortable as i want but if you want to sleep hard then you puff more air and you make it hard if you want to sleep soft you open the valve and just let it sleep down on it and then you close it you try that and if it's not soft enough a lot more out you put more in you can make it as hard or as soft as you want they're full of insulation they're completely warm you'll never be have cold underneath you and one of the problems with mattresses is your warm moist air on a foam mattress goes right through that and then it condenses we've talked about condensation a lot there's no vapor barrier here and so the warm moist air goes through the foam and then hits that cold plywood underneath and condenses and then you've got a moist spot and then eventually you've got mildew on your foam i've seen that i've had that that's all the time uh and but that's the beauty of a therm arrest is it's a vapor barrier the vapor can't get below it it hits it's kind of a plastic nylon thing but i find it very very comfortable and if you spill on it you don't care i mean i s i do all my work i sit on my mattress all day that's where i lounge and work it's my office and my recliner it's everything to me i sleep on it i lounge on it i work on it uh and um it's waterproof and so if i spill something on it i just wipe it off uh it's everything's everything has all the advantages they're expensive the mondo king is the biggest of the best and i think it was like 200 to 250 dollars which you can might you can buy them i think thermarest has a luxury model they call it and it's like two or three inches and it's 100 150 and you get them in different lengths and the bigger of course the the bigger and wider it is the more expensive they are but they're fantastic i really recommend them uh that's the only thing i recommend that's my number one choice for something to sleep on they'll last you forever scs diesel heaters in a minivan do they put out smoke and one stealth park with a diesel heater that's a good question thanks no they're vented they're vented heaters that's the big thing they have a combustion chamber they they come if you have a diesel vehicle you can tap right into the diesel tank and you never have to have tank outs diesel fuel outside of the gas tank um if you know how to do that and if not they will all come with a diesel uh tank i think it's two three four five gallons and you mount it somewhere on the outside diesel is not real explosive that's the beauty of diesel uh it's not like the vapor the gas barriers from the vapors from gas which is highly highly explosive uh and so it's really a different different ball game and so no they have a combustion chamber and it burns and then it is vented outside so you're gonna have to cut us a hole in the side of the van you'll put a cover on it and it will vent outside and it has electric fan it has a thermostat you you move it up and down with a thermostat and um they're good they're really really good the chinese diesel ones are clones of these really expensive did anyone ever come up with the name for the the good expensive ones i'm pretty sure one of them is we bestos does anyone know the other one they really are the clone one it starts with e and it's german i forget oh my dog once in a poor guy uh so yeah the diesel heaters are great the diesel heat i'm not a bad but never a bad mouth diesel leader you've got to install it but i've got a video i've got a video put out with lex my friend lex who did it herself and you can do it you can do it i promise you can do it and um so well i can't promise you that for forget everything i just said that was i wasn't thinking i don't promise you can do it i don't think i would do it uh but you can hire someone to do it uh and if you don't want to do it then don't but the diesel heaters are very good and that's the thing the carbon monoxide and the moisture goes out of the van there will never be smoke if you got smoke in the van from a diesel eater evacuate you're about to blow up because they're not supposed to be there uh ibestos is it this one bob on the screen that's it ever esper the other one is esper i don't know what that is but it's probably esper and their german name or something e-s-p-e-r or a-r and they're gonna be a thousand bucks twelve hundred bucks uh they became famous with the volkswagen crowd and uh they can be mounted almost anywhere and i think the volkswagen crowd they're the ones that made them famous they would band together and and import them from germany back when uh you know when reporting things from germany was expensive so they'd go together and buy a dozen of them as a group and then they would talk about them they made them famous the volkswagen groups and uh i think a lot of them mounted them under the front seats if memory serves oh i follow a nomadic couple called van wyvs and they put one in their sprinter and i believe it's mounted underneath the front passenger seat uh yeah they're great they're great they're 1200 bucks that's why people buy the clones and i think the clones are okay if it lasts you a year and you have to throw it away 150 bucks for heat for a year that's pretty cheap i'll probably go along with that okay i'm going to stop it's 3 15. yup do you want to look at any on card 5 from the live chat well i was thinking uh let's do this again next week let's because there's so many more that i'm getting to what do you think about doing another one on heat and cold there's a lot of interest in those what do you think yeah sounds good okay we'll do this again we have these questions uh uh i'll answer i'll do these again because this is a big topic and i i do get carried away i think it's important to know the reasoning what is the vapor barrier why is it important why doesn't it work what would you have to do maybe you're smarter than i am the rest of us and these are the problems and if you know the problems this think you could think of a whole new solution um but so i think it's i love knowing and understanding things the puzzling it out and i enjoy that more as much as i know the ant i like to know the answer i like to i like to be able to share all of it with you and i know it's long boring explanations sometimes but hopefully you learned something from it okay we're going to stop my dogs oh yeah let me say that again here's the uh let me two things i'm gonna do well we have bubbles playing along uh i'm gonna start doing tour and uh and uh interviews with people and if you want in court quartzite over the course of the winter if you will write to me at c r v l interviews at someone will write you back we'll set up a time and there'll be times when i won't be there it'd be times when i'm too busy and but we'll set up over time i'm going to plan to be doing this now through march and april and so if you know you're going to be there in march uh let us know we'll just kind of pixel you in that far off but really just close uh and so we've i'd love to do an interview with you i got to build up 52 for the coming year i like to build them all up c-r-v-l interviews at and also don't forget uh both suan and i are going to be camping and you can come camp with us at the end of january and i'll put out a video on mine coming up and so on okay i think i'm done that's all i'm going to talk about my voice is going on me okay there there are the bubbles there bubbles everyone uh so i hope you got something out of this i hope there was uh good information in there that you can you can make use of and maybe what i found is over the years of figuring things out it's you learn a little piece here and a little piece there and before long you start to put together the puzzle and that's what i try and do so i probably gave you way more information that you needed but if you can remember some of it and in the future it will fall a be a piece of the puzzle that falls into place and that's the good thing about having a long-term teaching relationship because that's the way most of us learn the pieces slowly start to fall into place and that's how solar that's how i learned solar it took me years but i learned a little bit and a lot of them didn't understand and then the little bit of started my that i didn't understand made sense suddenly and fit into the puzzle and so i hope that will be something i can do for you all right i'll stop if you got anything out of this video like us on youtube subscribe to the channel hit that thumbs up button and we'll talk to you later bye now
Channel: CheapRVliving
Views: 107,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8BmjcHEVNRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 12sec (4812 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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