Live English Lesson: Learn English through Stories | Present Simple | Common Idioms

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i think we are now live hello this is jack from and welcome to this english lesson where we are going to look at three different things today firstly we're going to do a story i'm going to read you a little bit of a story and then look at some of the vocabulary that we used and also look at the conditional that we're going to use too then we're going to have a look at how to use the present simple tense in english we can use this to talk about the past the present and the future the present simple for the past and the future so we'll look at some examples and i'm going to share some idioms with you too but if you are new here there are three things to do well four firstly subscribe and turn on the notification bell then smash that like button or you can just tap it lightly on your phone either way click the like button that really helps out me when i give these lessons because it tells youtube that you like these lessons and that you want other people to see them too then also consider clicking the join button let me know if you can see or if you can't see the join button this is where you can become a member of this channel you're going to get badges i'm actually going to add something new soon as well and you can also if you go for the higher membership get lessons before anyone else if you don't want to join but if you want to help me out then click the super chat button on the chat and then after the video watch more lessons so after this video definitely check out my other lessons here on youtube so how is everybody doing today i am in the chat we have lilly here syed sarah yamna michelle lolly lolly from france left team heidi lucas lavina lia macarena lots of people here which is great to see there are currently 94 people watching and only 51 likes so if you haven't clicked the like button yet do that now so like i said what we're going to do we're going to have a look at the present simple a little bit later on but we're also going to have a look at this story here which i'm going to read to you all fairly soon um now before we start the story i'll just tell you a little bit about why i'm really big on stories i'm into stories because stories are a great way for you to learn english now my son is currently learning how to read and he really likes certain stories i'm sure if you have children you'll know how much that they like listening to stories too so when it comes to english stories are a great way to learn what i recommend you do is you find some graded readers they're called graded readers and these are books that have been written with the english learner in mind they have been written specifically for the english learner and you can find them in text and also audio format i have also written a couple of stories and i want to do a little bit more of this to write stories for for you guys and i'm probably going to give these away for free maybe the audio version you can pay for but generally speaking i'm going to give them away for free some are going to be true stories some are going to be fiction that's the difference between non-fiction and fiction so let me have a look we're going to do one today which is non-fiction and i'm just going to read this to you so settle down feel free to relax and also know you can listen to this story again on my website there's a link in the description with the text and the audio for this okay are you guys ready i'm going to read my computer is here when i was 12 my family and i went on holiday to the south of england my cousins went to and we rented a house by the beach being kids we wanted to go to the beach as soon as we got there so we did i decided to look for crabs in a pool nearby straight away i saw something in the middle of the pool but it wasn't a crab i used my spade to lift it out of the pool of water and inspected it i said to my mum it's a wallet with money in it my mum took the wallet took the money out and counted it there was nearly 300 pounds in there what did we do with it we took it to the local police station they looked through their files to see if anyone had told them about their missing wallet the policeman looked for 10 minutes but couldn't find anything i'll start to think about what i was going to spend the money on the police dried the money out and sent the wallet back to the owner a week later we got a phone call it was the man who had lost his wallet he called to thank me for finding his wallet and going to the police station with it and a week later he sent me a check for 15 pounds as a reward i bought a computer game with the money and felt good about doing the right thing so i notice a couple of errors in that story which is fine we all make mistakes and also i forgot to mention that the policeman found the person who had lost his wallet now that is the past perfect the policeman had found the person who had lost his wallet so we're using here the past of the past the policeman had found the the person who had lost his wallet a really good example of the past perfect there but there's a question here that i think is really good to use in terms of an english lesson and i'll put it in the live chat too if you had found that wallet what would you have done with it okay if you had found that wallet what would you have done with it that is the third conditional if you had found that wallet what would you have done with it so leave your answers in the live chat i've asked this question before i'm very intrigued and very interested to know what you guys are going to say now while you're doing that i'm just going to go back to the story and go through some of the vocabulary and hopefully i can highlight it for you so we rented a house by the beach so to rent a house means to pay money for a house but for a specific amount of time it can mean to rent a house long term where somebody owns a house and you pay the money you pay them rent every month to live in it but you can also rent houses when it comes to vacations and holidays we're looking at renting a house near a beach soon that's something we want to do now a crab it's that animal that walks sideways lots of them at the beach somebody asked about a spade so spade is the same as a shovel but at the beach you use a spade to dig sand and to dig holes so that's something else um this is a phrasal verb to take out money to take out money from the wallet to remove money from the wallet now this is um another phrasal verbs i was starting to think about what i was going to spend the money on so to spend money on something we're spending a lot of money on food at the moment we're not spending a lot of money on the gym right now and then here it is a week later and that should say wallet a week later we got a phone call it was the man who had lost his wallet so that's using the the past simple again a week later he sent me a check for 15 pounds as a reward i bought a computer game with the money and felt good about doing the right thing so let's go back to the chat now um i would have done the same returned it to the owner uh a fun athanasios says i would have kept it so we're using i would have i would have i would have kept it i would have gone to the police station i would have taken it and bought a lot of bts things what are bts things what is that i would have done exactly the same i would have sent it to the police station i would have given it to a policeman or go or gone to the police station with it so good it's a great way to practice the third conditional is to create these scenarios with it but i remember at the time i was so excited about finding a wallet with lots of money in it and what had happened was this guy was at the beach it was near bournemouth i think it was called pool p-o-o-l-e near bournemouth and he was sailing at sea and he his wallet fell out in the ocean but the tide brought it in the waves must have brought it in which is quite astonishing really and then i remember being very excited about it i think i was probably around nine years old so you can imagine a nine-year-old finding 300 pounds which is about 500 and what 20 years ago it's a lot of money nearly 30 years ago wow uh i think i would have spent the money because a child does not have knowledge about the law now i would give it to the police i would have returned it to the owner i would have tried to find the owner oh bts is a korean band i had no idea i had no idea bts was a korean band okay if you are joining please press the like button we are going to do questions and answers at the end before we do that i'm going to do this next which is the present simple and i was thinking about doing this because i have a very popular video which talks about daily routines and i talked about my daily routine which i'm going to talk about again but what we're going to look at how we use the present simple for um daily routines habits future arrangements or i've worded that differently i'll have a look at that in a second past stories and also the first conditional and what i'm going to do is i'm going to tell that story again but use the present simple to do this and maybe the present continuous as well so firstly the present simple and this is important because i like to focus on how to use verb tenses in which situations and to give you examples getting the examples and getting lots of sentences that is going to teach you the grammar rules the structure okay for example i go he goes we go they go etc it's something you're going to learn naturally if you get lots of practice so i'm going to focus and i always focus on when we use different tenses and the first one is a daily routine so look at this picture now look at this picture you can see somebody doing different things during the day so we have a guy here and we can form sentences talking about a daily routine based on this and you can just add your own times here but the first one is there's some sentences here we can say things like his his alarm goes off at 6am his alarm goes off at 6 00 am so the alarm to go off in the present simple goes off his alarm goes off at 6 00 am and then he gets out of bed to get out of bed he then brushes his teeth and takes a shower now you can also say has a shower take have but takes a shower we'll use that for this example after that he gets ready now we've already used get get up and get ready get up get ready he gets ready and then goes to work he then looks at his emails or he he does emails in the morning and then after that he meets clients so i think that's what that picture is to meet a client so he meets clients then he has lunch with his colleagues after getting back from work he watches tv before going to bed so that last sentence is a little bit more of an advanced structure where he watches tv before going to bed so that is how to use the present simple with a daily routine now i'm going to tell you about my daily routine now because that is one of my most popular videos so i'll explain what my daily routine is right now and i'm going to change the screen so you can see me so most days i wake up around seven o'clock at the moment my children don't have school right now so they are sleeping in a little bit later but most days i wake up at about 7 a.m or more specifically my children wake me up my children wake me up at 7 00 am and then on most days i go downstairs make myself some tea make my wife some tea and get some breakfast for my children then i tidy up get changed and go to work and go to the office when i get to the office normally i take around 20 minutes to check my emails to look at some news and sometimes check some soccer stuff as well and then i start thinking about what i'm going to do for the day normally what i do is make videos or go live on youtube or create some new courses for example but mainly what i'm doing is very creative i don't normally have lunch at work instead i just drink a lot of tea and then around three o'clock or four o'clock i either go to the soccer field or the football pitch in british english and play a bit of football or i go to the pool with my family and then after that we normally meet some neighbors and our children play together and then i prepare dinner we have dinner together we read some stories my wife puts the children to bed while i clean the house downstairs and then my wife and i usually have about an hour together where we might watch something or just chat and then we go to bed so that is my daily routine at the moment um it's a good idea if you want to practice this to write down your daily routine and then to get even more practice write about what you did yesterday so we can go back to this structure here on keynote um and just look at this again and instead of saying it in terms of a daily routine we can talk about it in terms of the past so yesterday his alarm went off at 6 00 am and then he got out of bed he brushed his teeth before having a shower he then got changed went to work did some emails met with clients and then had lunch with his colleagues when he got home from work he watched tv before going to bed okay so you can see here how this is really good practice because what you're doing is you're going from the present simple to the past but the first step is to write about your present routine what do you do on a daily basis what is your daily routine and i recommend using something like grammarly when you're writing this so you can see any mistakes that you make and if you want to get personalized feedback then find a teacher who can give you writing feedback and this is how you're really going to go from taking vocabulary that you know or you think you know to producing sentences in a way that will help you express yourself while speaking so that's a little that's a little task for you some homework to do but write about your daily routine and then if you want to go further write about what you did yesterday okay let's go to the chat again i'll read some of what people are saying here i get up i brush my teeth and take a shower after i have my breakfast somebody asked do you have five o'clock tea no i used to or i used to have six o'clock tea where um we had dinner and this is talking about a daily routine in the past when i used to live at home with my parents we had dinner and then we had tea after dinner black tea but right now i stopped drinking tea around or caffeine i stopped drinking caffeine around 2 pm and then i normally have what's called a bedtime tea before bed thank you for the kind words adam that's really nice um i'm used to getting up at five o'clock and then i get ready to go tutor yeah in this case you just say i normally get up i normally get up at five o'clock that's the way to talk about it in that sense um if you're just joining live please click the like button if you haven't done so yet this really helps me reach more people thank you so let's go back to talking about the present simple so so far we have used it to talk about our daily routine we can also use it to talk about fixed events in the future okay this scene might seem strange to you that we use the present simple to talk about the future but we do so you can see a lady here is at the airport and you can also see a couple kiss kissing isn't that nice they're just kissing at the airport which could be because one of them is leaving on a plane very soon but anyway look at this first example quick i fight leaves in 10 minutes quick our flight leaves in 10 minutes what we're doing here is we're talking about a flight in the future but we're using the present simple okay our flight leaves in 10 minutes and we use this specifically the present simple to talk about the future when there is a fixed event in the future usually public transport flights classes meetings etc so let's look at the other two examples first one is a question when does the class start teacher when does the class start we're talking about a future event but we're using the present simple and the next one i have a meeting tomorrow afternoon i have a meeting tomorrow afternoon so again we're using the present simple to talk about an event in the future this is specific we don't use it to talk about um actions so we don't say um we don't use it in terms of like i dance tomorrow at 9pm you would say i'm going dancing at 9pm but we use it when things are on a schedule events events events as cubra said but that's right someone says here the train comes at seven pm exactly my meeting is at seven pm and adam we don't use it to talk about dinner okay a good way to think about it is when it's the same time for everybody so the flight is the same time for everybody the class is the same time for everybody the meeting is the same time for everybody but when it's something more personal for example if you are driving somewhere and it's not on a timetable you say we're leaving in 10 minutes come on hurry up get ready we're leaving in 10 minutes because it's not on a schedule you're making the decision to leave at that time come on hurry up we're leaving in 10 minutes for example okay let's go back to the um the the chat sarah has given us her daily routine i wake up at 10 45 you wake up at 10 45 a.m that's quite that's quite i haven't actually i did i woke up at 11 a.m about a month ago but it's very rare that i wake up at that time anyway i'm gonna read this i wake up at 10 45 a.m brush my teeth and after that i go and check if there are any whatsapp messages after that i have breakfast i usually a sandwich with a cup of hot chocolate and check what'd there check there's nothing else uh shazza well if anyone has questions we'll talk about that at the end we'll stay on topic for now hurry up the train leaves in five minutes the train leaves in 15 minutes i go to yoga class at five o'clock yeah so yoga class you can say i go to yoga class on tuesdays at five a daily routine the yoga class starts in one hour a future event my course starts at three o'clock this is a great question but the fixed events has to be repetitive or it can it be a one-time event it can be a one-time event for example i can say my class starts in 10 minutes it's one time one-time event oh let's see in jack in russia we have the same rule about the present simple when we're talking about the future that's good that makes it easy or easier easier i usually get up at around 9am i take a shower brush my teeth and take my coffee or smoothie have yeah so here when we're talking about coffee breakfast have have my breakfast have a coffee have a smoothie have some cereal have some beans on toast have a full english breakfast that's how we use it uh talking about food in the morning have is very useful have lunch have dinner have breakfast have coffee have a beer have some wine have some water have a banana etc so that's a really good example there monica says i wake up at five o'clock in the morning it's very early and i do a 30 minute workout and after that i have a shower make breakfast and lunch try to get ready as soon as possible and go to work at seven a.m wow you are very busy in the morning that's that's amazing that is amazing somebody says it is called a collocation yes we're talking about collocations have a bath have a shower have breakfast have a smoothie have some coffee have a cup of tea have a rest exactly we're talking about collocations i love collocations they're so useful they're very very useful um because this is how people speak in a more natural way [Music] okay let's go back to this now um fixed events so yeah we talked about fixed events we're also going to talk about the present simple when talking about stories okay now i'm gonna save this for after the break we're gonna have a quick break maybe one to two minutes and then when we come back we'll talk about the present simple to talk about the future sorry the past and then also using the present simple to talk about the first conditional okay so let's have a quick break and i'll be back in one to two minutes [Music] i'm so sorry if you see it first here i am me okay i am back um lolly says what a great song love it yeah it's a fantastic song and i think i'm going to do a lesson on it i just need to find all the lyrics first but it's a really good song um i'll get the the artist and also the uh the name of the song for you but if you haven't clicked that like button click it now also like i said before you can join to fluency youtube channel as a member i'll go back to this page you can click the join button to become a member do you see a join button let me know if you don't see it and then be sure to watch more lessons after this one so what we've done so far is we've talked about the present simple for daily routines this guy has a very average day wakes up at six o'clock goes to work he has lunch then he watches tv then he goes to bed but that's his daily routine then we talked about using the present simple for future fixed events quick a flight leaves in 10 minutes when does the class start i have a meeting tomorrow afternoon and then we can also use it to talk about stories stories in the past all right are you ready so i get to the campground and i realize that something is wrong straight away i look in the trunk and can't find my tent luckily i have a hammock and sleep in that it's a very simple story but do you notice we're using the present simple to talk about something that happened in the past i get i should say two to the k to the campground and i realize that something is wrong straight away i'm going to actually change this ah that feels better and i realize that something is wrong straight away i look in the trunk and can't find my tent luckily i have a hammock and sleep in that so we're using the present simple to talk about a story in the past and it's normally done with the intonation of when you are around people and you're telling a story that is interesting or it's funny or something happens so you can imagine it more like this so i get to the campground and i realize that something is wrong straight away i look in the trunk and i can't find my tent luckily i have a hammock and sleep in that again not the most interesting story in the world but you can tell by the intonation and the way i'm telling this story is that you want people to listen okay you want people to listen somebody asked what the trunk is in british english it's called the boot the boot the storage at the back of the car the boot or the trunk now what i can do here is take this story and talk about it using the present simple now i haven't practiced this so it might not be perfect but here it goes my parents and i go to the beach with my cousins and i'm really excited about trying to find some crabs so i find this pool of water at the beach and i go over there to look for crabs i look in the middle and i see something in the middle i think is this a crab so i take my spade and i dig out the crab i bring it closer to me and then i realize it's a wallet with money in it so i give the wallet to my mum she looks at the money and she counts it out there is 300 pounds in there now i want to keep this money but the right thing to do is to go to the police station and to see if somebody has lost this so i go to the police station give it to the policeman he looks through the files of missing things from the beach and he says i can't find anything with the wallet so what we'll do is we'll dry out the money because it's wet through and if we can't find it then you can keep it you can keep the money so he goes and he drives out the money comes back and then he goes through the book one more time and then he says look i found it does somebody who has lost their wallet right here so he calls the person they say yes i've lost my wallet and he sends the wallet to the person who had lost it a couple of weeks later i get a phone call and it's the man who had lost his wallet he says i would like to send you some money because you found my wallet i'm going to send you 15 pounds as a check and i take this money and i buy a computer game with the money okay so that is the story using the present simple to talk about something that happened in the past and if you notice the intonation it's different to what i used when i talked about it using the past simple before now again i'll leave a link to the story in the description so you can read it again and look at some of the vocabulary but you might have noticed as well that at times i used the past simple so it's not a strict rule where you just use the present tenses to talk about something in the past but it allows you to just be more expressive it generally speaking makes the audience more focused on your story okay so it makes them more focused it makes them more attracted to what you're saying because you're using the present simple to make it sound more immediate more real like they are there at the same time so it's a really useful way to talk about something in the past if you are an english learner then don't force this but just know that when people use this this is what they're talking about don't get confused when they're using the present simple or the present continuous to talk about a past event all right let's go back to the chat somebody says my wallet is lost right now well that's not good i hope you find it i hope you find it someone just said i hope you find it which is great the wallet story is stellar that's cool um what does hammock mean so in that picture there was a picture of a hammock if i turn on uh this one you can see she is currently drinking i don't know what but in their hammock now the reason i talked about a hammock and camping is because i went camping at the weekend so it's something that i'm thinking about now right i'm going to answer again i'm going to answer questions at the end so if you have any questions please leave them to the end especially if they're not on topic now the next way that we can use the present simple that i want to share today is the first conditional okay so this is how we can use the present simple as part of the first conditional so if you just see this first example if i have time i'll do it if i have time i will do it a lot of people make the mistake of using i will and i will when we're using the first conditional but we use it using the present simple in a lot of cases so if i have time i'll do it if you see her let her know the next part of that one is the imperative the command let her know if you see her let her know if you see her let her know they'll come if they remember they'll come if they remember now notice the comma here we use the comma after the if clause if it's at the start but you don't use a comma in that third sentence because the if clause is at the end you can switch it round i'll do it if i have time let her know if you see her if they remember they'll come so you can swap those sentences round but the first one if i have time i'll do it this is what a lot of people use when it comes to you know trying to make excuses for not doing something lolly says if you see my sentence i will be happy that's very clever if you see my sentence i will be happy so that's the other way we can use it when we're using the present simple as the first conditional now the first conditional is used for real situations not hypothetical but just real situations in the future so if i have time tomorrow i'll do it if i have time tomorrow i'll definitely do it if you see her later let her know if you see her let her know that her dog is missing they'll come if they remember they'll come to the party tomorrow if they remember they'll come to the party tomorrow if they remember good so that's how we can use the present simple um again just as a practice go to this daily routine and write down your daily routine use grammarly to help you with this and also get feedback from a teacher now if you want to get bonus practice then talk about what you did yesterday and try to use some of the same verbs some of the same sentences we'll just mix it up a little bit mix it up a little bit okay so we are at the time where we're going to do questions and answers so if you have any questions about what we have talked about today about me about learning english then now is the time to ask them um winston smith here which is probably a reference to the book 1984 says by the way jack would you like to make a lesson about english punctuation i don't manage to find enough clear information about it thank you very much it's a really good a really good topic it's going to make notes now i have i use um apple notes for a lot of things for example this is my camping list and it says pack bacon number one thing is to pack bacon to make sure i take bacon next one is sausage and then sandwiches remember to bring charger and also remember to pick my football fantasy team so my priorities are pretty strong but on here what i do is i have a list for english lesson ideas and then i make a list of lesson ideas and then i make them which is kind of cool but i've added it to the list um english arts academy is here good to see you again i'm glad you have made the second half someone says these topics are quite easy please go through something difficult if that's the case then watch my lessons the conversation lessons those are using faster english i'll leave a link in the chat here if i can remember my secret code i think it's play conv no anyway go to my channel after this and find the conversation lessons because they're a little bit more challenging what is your top tip to learn english it's a broad question i know yeah my top tip is to find sentences that are specific to you as an english learner and find the audio too and then listen repeat record compare so listen to the sentence repeat it record your version and then compare the two and then get long-term repetition when it comes to the sentences so use something like anki it's a big method but it's a fun one it's a fun one to use jack have you taken photos of landscapes around your city yeah i used to do quite a lot of photography uh i haven't done so much since well city photography since children just because of priorities and time restraints but yeah i love photography and i might share some photos in a live lesson that could be quite good fun um to do in the future what do you think about the presidential election in poland do you prefer dude or i'm not quite sure i know it's there's a populist candidate who is currently the president and the media are saying it's going to be very close usually when that's the case i think the populist president is probably going to get a second term if that's the second term going to win the election that's my thought i don't know hardly i don't know a lot about polish politics though i've watched so many videos about wood versus could versus can wood could and can and i still can't understand it this is where the sentence method really helps because what you can do is take sentences using would should can might etc modal verbs and then get lots of repetition with these sentences the first part is to understand what using it means so how to use it in the right way and then get lots of sentences because from those sentences you're going to internalize and really know the meaning i'm very weak in english vocabulary should i learn essential english yeah learn basic basic sentences learn everyday english sentences and then learn vocabulary that way if you go to my channel page the first video you see is all about this method i've talked about so i leave that video there so people can easily watch it what do you think about the american election i think it's going to be very very interesting and i also think it's very divided that's all i'm going to say uh click the like button to help me out we're very close to 200 likes so let's get more than 200 likes before it ends have you worked out this week yes i have um i did some pull-ups and push-ups yesterday and i'm going to go to the soccer fields today and do about 45 minutes i that's what i like to do the most is play football play play football soccer play foot sock that's what i like to do most um what about to write the same story but in different levels that's a good idea either winston says jack we know that you have a dog even two dogs unless i'm confused would you like to talk about them and show them just kidding yeah we we had two dogs one died in december i think which is very sad we still have one dog he's fantastic um i was thinking about doing a video where i it's called how to talk to your dog in english and have our dog in the video do you have any do you have any videos about reported speech i don't i don't think i've done anything on reported speech i actually find that topic a little bit boring i know that's it might not be the best thing for a teacher to say but personally reported speech you know i don't find it that interesting but i will look into it [Music] well let's just see what we discussing about it is question and answer time we have 202 likes thank you so much everyone short stories will be very helpful too can you teach us um in the future when someone has lost his wallet and reporting to the police yeah i think that's a little bit you know when you're talking about stories i don't think you talk about them in the future um i know you love soccer do you know olympic de marseille in france yeah i do know a little bit about marseille i know people say they have the best fans in france so they're the loudest in the stadium in france but i don't know too much about how they are doing in legal today um so i'm not quite sure about that what's your favorite tv show i haven't seen a tv show for a while i just watch history documentaries at the moment i spend a lot of time on history documentaries margaret says idioms please all right seeing that you asked for them i'm gonna give you three idioms today here they are first one all about time these ones better late than never okay better late than never so you can use this if you do something and it's a little bit late for example you might give your teacher an essay and it's a little bit late and the teacher says um this is late and you say well better late than never which to say is it's better to do it late than not to do it at all better late than never the next one is all in good time so you can say here all in good time which means just be patient we'll we'll get this finished all in good time just be patient about it and then the last one is time flies time flies when you're having fun time is flying by at the moment time flies which just means time goes very quickly very quickly so yeah time flies there you go some idioms are prepared go back to this i'm new to your channel sir well add it welcome click that subscribe button and turn on the notification bell and then we can uh we can go from there then then you can know when i go live i want to go live every tuesday at two o'clock that is my goal we're gonna see how that works out it's all about trying to make sure i can definitely do it every tuesday so then i do it instead of missing a week and missing a week [Music] so yeah jack could you please speak an american accent for us i did it in a recent video where i did it in the new york accent a little bit it's that good and then i tried to do the um banana southern accent that they use around here or that the texture section it works a little bit more in your mouth but then i can't i find it difficult to do a regular a regular american accent i have to emphasize it and go silly because i can't do it otherwise um when i watch your videos time flies isn't that lovely loli that's why you're a an admin here on the channel lolly from france today is my first day it is interesting lesson i like it mimi welcome to the channel please um i'm gonna have to sorry somebody just keeps posting the same comment but welcome to the channel mimi it's great to have you here can you tell us a quote in this lesson um i don't know what you mean by that but how much how different is british english to australian it is they are quite similar in certain ways and it depends where in australia people are talking from so i know brisbane can be quite i think can be quite strong but maybe somewhere like sydney is a little bit more neutral and the australian accent can be quite similar to the london one at times and again it depends which british accent but generally speaking they are more similar than the british and american ones if you could travel to any country which country would you travel to first probably um probably england because i can't travel anywhere right now so if i could travel to england i'd go there yeah to go back home for a little bit we should be in england now you are huge motivation to my more natural english learning process i've also discovered you recently i'm so glad well again thank you so much it's my first day live on the channel so many people who are new here it's great to have you all here we're going to do this every tuesday okay and before you leave please share this lesson with other people so just click that share button and share it with others and like i said before let's go back to this are you ready there are a few things that you can do to help me smash the like button before you leave click the join button to become a member if it's available in your country and watch more lessons after this one if you want something a little bit more informal more advanced then look for the conversation lessons just go to playlists and you'll be able to find those all right everybody again thank you so much for being here it's been my pleasure to teach you today and um yeah if you could share this lesson i will be very grateful okay i'll speak to you all soon bye
Channel: To Fluency
Views: 29,564
Rating: 4.9544101 out of 5
Keywords: learn english, to fluency, english, esl, online english teacher, present simple, learn english through story, how to learn english
Id: BXKruhje9Tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 8sec (3488 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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