Learn English: Talking About Daily Routines (New Phrases + Listening Practice) 🔥

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everybody this is jack from tofluency.com welcome to you if this is your first time here if it is then please either subscribe to me on youtube if you're watching on youtube or like my facebook page i help english learners reach a high level of English in this lesson we're going to talk about morning routines and daily routines I'm going to talk about my routine and also my routine in the past because this is going to give you some really good listening practice based on different routines based on the words and phrases we use when talking about routines now also if you are new here then look in the description and click the link to get my book you can download this for free or you can simply go to to fluency comm slash book and you'll be able to download that for free and then also take my test my quiz on phrasal verbs there are 10 questions that are going to test your knowledge on phrasal verbs what I'm going to do is I am going to bring up my facebook page on my phone so that I can read the comments because know that we are doing this live this is a live lesson and it is currently five past two on Tuesday today's Tuesday today so I'm going to bring up my comments if you are here live please say hello to me I want to see what everyone's doing today and how everyone is and if you're watching the replay too please um comment in the section below as well so we have side hits here Susanna Abigail and Oleg and Susanna Kerri has joined Carrie is saying hi good to have you Carrie Carrie is one of the moderators now for my group learn English with Jack now leave a link to that group later Gabriella is from Switzerland if I recognize that flag correctly we've got arena here as well beta is here from Poland side from Kurdistan spreader from Thailand Elena is here thank you everyone for joining if you're just joining or if you're watching the replay click the thumbs up button give me a thumbs up either on youtube or on facebook so in this lesson today we're going to talk about routines I had a few lesson requests it's going to move my microphone a little bit closer I had a few lesson requests today but I decided to focus on routines I am the main reason is because my routine is changing a lot at the moment and it's going to change again in a few weeks and I will explain why in a moment but yea my routine is constantly changing and this is one of the first lessons that you have at a language school or when you take an English course every time it's always what's your daily routine what do you do in the morning what do you do in the afternoon etc but what I'm going to do in this lesson is talk about my routine and also talk about what mine was like in the past so we can practice a little bit in terms of the present and also talking about the past and I'm also going to predict what my routine is going to be like in the future because as I said things are going to change I'm just going to read some more of the comments again know if you are watching this replay then people are watching live please like my page or subscribe if you are new we have Elena is here alexandra is here physiotherapist Caroline Costa from Brazil is here fantastic Gabriella is saying yes that is Switzerland Elena is here Ludmilla is here as well made one mistake on my quiz don't worry about it learn from those mistakes and Valentina is here as well so yeah the quiz on phrasal verbs you guys you loved it I really enjoyed the feedback on this and ten questions testing your knowledge of phrasal verbs testing to see how well you know phrasal verbs so thank you for those who have already taken this quiz and as I said before if you haven't done so yet there is a link in the description so you can do that okay morning routines daily routines so as I said before my routine has changed dramatically over the years and it has changed due to a number of factors now I'm going to talk about a time when I had a very lazy morning and this was when I was at university so when I was at university I used to stay up very late and get up very late as well so I used to stay up until 2:00 3:00 a.m. maybe later on most nights I was either studying or I was partying or I was reading watching TV I stayed up late when I was at university and this meant that I got up late as well so I got up late when I was at university and my morning routine was very simple I wake up okay I'll use this in the past I used to wake up get something to eat and then go straight to university because most of my lessons were around 10 11 or 12 they started a little bit later so I used to just quickly get up and then go as quickly as possible now things have changed dramatically because uhm let's just have a look Abigail says you were a night owl when you're at university weren't you fantastic yeah I made a lesson on this Thank You Abigail for sharing and made a lesson on this the difference between being a night owl and also being a morning so I was a night owl at university I stayed up late I got up like at the moment I'm waking up a little bit later than usual and this is because my wife isn't teaching right now but when she was teaching at a middle school we used to wake up at 6:00 a.m. every day and sometimes my son would wake up earlier than that too so sometimes my son he used to wake up at 5:30 sometimes 4:30 so we had to get up with him so when my wife was at school she woke up at 6:00 we all woke up at 6:00 and my mornings were quite good fun to be honest now what happened was this my son his daycare started at 9:00 so from 6:00 to 9:00 I was looking after my son to look after someone so I was looking after my son and we used to just have a great time we played soccer we put on music we danced in the morning had some breakfast he had a bath we got changed and then I walked over to his daycare to take him to daycare so those mornings were great the problem was after three hours with my son I felt really tired so it was difficult for me to work it was difficult for me to start working to make videos to do these life lessons because I was so tired but since my wife finished school finished teaching it's been great we wake up around 7 this morning was earlier this morning was about 6:00 but generally speaking we wake up around 7 we both get up with my son we go downstairs we have a lazy breakfast ok we're not rushing we have a lazy breakfast we play we read books and then I come to work around 8:30 or 9:00 a.m. so my morning routine at the moment is fantastic because I'm not stressed both my wife and I are helping my son and I'm not in a big rush to leave the door because I work for myself I don't have to come to work at a specific time before I go on I'm just going to read some comments lamella says to stay up late is bad for your health yeah and it can be I think it's better to get a good night's sleep we try to focus on sleeping as much as possible chung is here from Vietnam and Nurse Aides I usually get up at 4:30 a.m. every day now this is a good comment you said it is so tired but what we're saying here is I am so tired or it's tiring okay to be tired I am tired or to explain a situation it's tiring another good example of this is I can say oh I'm bored I'm bored I feel bored whereas I can talk about a lecture and say this lecture is boring that lesson was boring I'm describing something else so that's a good difference to know Ludmilla says is true looking after small children is fun and towering at the same time exactly when you have young children it's both fun and it's both tiring it is really tiring it makes you feel very tired so this is another good example it's tiring I'm tired okay it's tiring I'm tired now that's normally what happens okay we wake up at 7 we have a lazy breakfast we play and then I go to work at a certain time but there are certain days when my son is sick or my wife can't sleep or I can't sleep and things are a little bit different so sometimes I stay at home a little bit longer so my wife can sleep longer too so that she can have a lie-in so sometimes it is like that now M what I'm going to do here Oh actually someone just has a really interesting question and I'll read it and this is that gal mizzen says to me it's so hard to get up early can you give me some advice I'm 20 when I was 20 as I said before I was at university and I couldn't sleep before 12 I never went to sleep before 12 so maybe you just need to wait until you're older but heard some advice for you and if you want to wake up early you have to get into the habit of doing it that's what I have found from my own experience and this is a good question for you guys to answer what advice do you have to anyone who wants to wake up earlier what should they do but for me it's about getting into the habit making it a routine so you wake up at a certain time and then you do the same again the next day and the next day and the next day and then soon it will become a routine also it helps if you wake up and you're excited about doing something you're excited about getting up to do something for me I'm so excited to get up to play with my son and then to start work because I love what I do so for me I have a very strong reason to get out of bed a very strong reason to get out of bed quick question as well to make to give you a simple question for those watching life what time do you normally wake up what time do you normally wake up now what I'm going to talk about now is something that is going to change our routine I don't think I have shared this on either Facebook on YouTube but my wife and I are expecting another baby okay so we are going to have another baby in about four weeks that is the due date now this is a good difference between British and American English okay do date or due date do or do so this is D u E and this is the date when the baby is expected to come okay so it's the date that we expect the baby to come on and that is in for five weeks something like that so very soon we are going to have a new baby and this is when the morning routine is going to be completely different in fact our daily routine is going to be completely different so I am expecting some very very big changes coming up soon to my routine my wife's routine my son's routine and it's going to be very different for us so I can talk about this in the future I can say I'll probably have to wake up earlier okay so in a few weeks I'll have to wake up earlier I'll also have to do more at home I'll have to help out more at home so I won't be able to come to the office everyday especially for the first couple of weeks or so so I'll have to stay at home I'll have to help out I won't be able to come to the office as early I won't be able to come to the office as often so you can see here I'm using I will and I can also use going to I'm going to have to stay at home more often you know I'm going to have to help more so what I'm doing here is I'm talking about something in the future and I'm talking about my daily route and my daily schedule in the future as well and I'm just going to go back to the comment sections everyone saying congratulations thank you so much and this is very very kind of you and I'm going to read some comments now 6:30 so Gabriela wakes up at 6:30 liudmila says it's just a matter of habit great comment when to go to bed and when to get up it's just a matter of habit a matter of routine because if you if you try to go to bed earlier without waking up early it's going to be very difficult and Giulio's or Julio says I would like to say thanks a lot for everyday sharing knowledge with us it's my pleasure I'm added here as well he wakes up at 6 a.m. Ronettes wakes up at 8:10 a.m. I would love that Gabriela says congratulations Thank You Kelly Mazon says 1:00 p.m. so you are waking up very very late gala Mazon so I will start trying to wake up at twelve eleven ten nine eight seven six and then get to put 5:00 a.m. fantastic waking up early Valentina says I usually wake up at seven Susanna I wake up at five because my work day starts at six it's very early I began says congratulations thank you very much and she says bad news if you're tied now you're going to be three times as tired then but it's amazing Ludmilla shed due date here thank you so much Ike Mel wakes up at 6:00 a.m. you need at least 21 days to change your bad habit Chung's days this is true yeah there's different research isn't there some people say 2130 there was another one that said over 60 days as well Gabriela says great news thank you Carrie says about 6:30 I don't need to use an alarm clock anymore to wake up great sentence so I don't need to use an alarm clock anymore to wake up and we don't set an alarm these days great air frames here to set an alarm I asked my wife did you set an alarm did you set an alarm buy some and the Miller says congratulations good news thank you Marta says I normally start my day at 5:50 on the weekend I have a lie-in I have a lie-in Elena and Monica says good news thank you so much mara says I'm not the one to give advice because you're struggling with that too I feel more productive at night I wake up at 8 or 9 a.m. but I'm still on a summer break by the way congrats Amara says here be TW and this is short for by the way great phrase to know Gabriella has a great question is your son looking forward to the baby he's very excited I don't think he understands exactly what it's going to be like and we don't either you know you get used to having a son you get used to the changes he is now three and then things are going to get very very different so yeah thank you so much for those comments so just to summarize talking about daily routines okay morning routines and there's one more thing I want to share about this but I'll give us summary first so at the moment I'm waking up at 7:00 and you can talk about this in the present simple and Present continuous especially if it's more of a temporary thing at the moment I'm waking up at 7:00 I normally wake up at 7:00 and then I spend some time with my son we play we have breakfast and then I come to the office sometimes like yesterday I stay at home and work from home for a little bit so now I can spend some time with my wife or with my son and and multitask little bit and in the past I used to stay up very late and I used to get up very late so my morning routine was very rushed I woke up I got out of bed I got something quick to eat some quick breakfast I usually had a cup of tea and then I went to university and then in the future things are going to be very different because of our new baby and I'll be spending or I'm going to spend or I'll spend I'll keep it simple I'll use will I'll spend more time at home I'll be helping a lot more and I won't be able to come to the office as often especially at first okay so that's a really good summary of morning routines and fantastic I'm just going to read a couple more comments side says I'm looking forward to getting married congratulations and Julie says I wake up at 4:30 a.m. or 11 a.m. it depends on shifts okay I got very confused then but Julie works shifts and to work shifts means that you have different times when you work so Julie might work an early shift or she might work a late shift and if she works an early shift then she wakes up early thank you very much Mohammed as well for that kind comment so one more thing I want to share about this and this is something that has become very popular and people talk about how you start your day determines what the rest of your day is going to be like so if you have a really good routine in the morning then the rest of the day is usually going to be good as well and the key here is that we all have different responsibilities we all have different lives and jobs and Families and everything else that we have to do and we might have to wake up really early or we might have to be somewhere at a specific time so whenever people talk about improve your morning routine think about how you can adapt this to yourself how you can make this specific to you now when we're talking about learning English what I recommend is this do something in English early in the morning do something in English in the morning I actually made a video on this where I talked about waking up 20 minutes earlier to do something in English and I'll leave a link to that video in the comment section later so waking up 20 minutes earlier to do something in English and the benefit of doing this two main things the first thing is this you actually do something in English you do something at the start of the day before anything else comes in the way before your job starts before people call you before the world starts and things get really busy so it ensures that you do something everyday in English now you might not have to wake up earlier to do this just think about your routine and how you can do something in the morning within the first hour so it helps you get into the habit of doing English and it helps you do something in English before you get really busy now the second benefit of doing this is that when you do something in the morning something like studying English you're listening to something in English then you're more likely to do it again later you're more likely to do it again later because you wake up you do something and then you're in that English mainframe you're thinking about English so doing something in the morning means that you're more likely to do it again later you're more likely to do something else in English later because it's in your head it's in your head so there are two strong reasons to do something within the first hour after waking up to do something in English and I know that when I have a lovely morning you know the perfect morning then I have such a better day so days when I'm really stressed and I'm rushing and you know things aren't working very well maybe my wife is sick and maybe you know something happens and I know the rest of the day isn't as good but when I wake up and I have a fun morning I play maybe I read I you know do something that's productive then the rest of the day works really well fantastic it's going to read a couple of comments before I go this is so many great comments Elena Saenz before we talk about it my shift last 24 hours by the way wow that's incredible Mohammed says yes I totally agree thank you that's great to know Valentin a good beginning makes a good ending mara says I always checked my social media in the morning which is in English this is such a good example it doesn't have to be intensive study it could just be reading social media posts in English or listening to some music in English while you get ready it could be anything there's no need to put pressure on yourself to make it really intensive Valentina it says I'm lucky because I speak read and write in English as I'm an English teacher at school so you're constantly thinking in English say says I often watch your video specifically about phrasal verbs in the morning this is another good example watch one of my videos on Facebook or on YouTube usually the videos are three five six minutes just commit to one of those videos every morning and then continue for the rest of the day Ludmilla say is to improve mindless I watch hard talk on BBC with Stephen Sacketts my evening routine I love it it's getting those routines Abigail I used to listen to BBC news podcasts on my way to work do you mean I usually I usually listen or I used to in the past let me know Abigail Terrell says I was late again to your life lesson no worries learning English in the morning is much better than any of the time of the day yep it just gets you off to a great start great great Adam here get you off to a great start get you off to a great start it means that you have a fantastic start to the day and it helps for the rest of the time and I really enjoy your videos could you make a video about reading books in English for me it's so difficult to do yeah I do have a couple of videos on that if you go to youtube.com slash to fluency my YouTube channel and then just search my videos for books or book books or book one of the two you should be able to find two or three videos where I talk about how to read in English and how to learn English through reading mara says you can make a video on this idiom maybe Mara thank you for the suggestion I might have to do that and then I can link it to this video well everyone I'm going to end it there we've been going for 30 minutes nearly so thank you again for being here if you have found this useful then please give it the thumbs up and please share it as well share it with anyone who would find it useful either post on Facebook or maybe tag a friend in the comment section below and tell them to watch this lesson and if you new here get my book to fluency calm / book there's a link in the description it's a five-step plan for English fluency currently you can download this for free and then take my quiz on phrasal verbs it's been a very popular quiz I think you're going to like it as well so everyone tomorrow morning wake up do something in English and then comment on this video and tell me what you did okay guys I will see you in the next class and thank you again for being here bye everyone
Channel: To Fluency
Views: 301,172
Rating: 4.9313407 out of 5
Keywords: learn English, daily routines in English, phrases for daily routines, vocabulary, esl, english grammar, english vocabulary, english, jack from tofluency, english daily routine
Id: e_b_spcXCrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 30 2016
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