English Lesson: Learn These 50+ Essential Phrasal Verbs

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okay I think we are now live this is jack from tofluency.com and welcome to this live english lesson here on youtube now we are going to do quite a lot today we are going to practice phrasal verbs we're going to use this lesson to help us with this and I've actually written a blog post since I made the lesson where I give an explanation about the phrasal verb and then also another example so today you are going to learn and practice a lot of phrasal verbs and I've come to realize I've come to realize that phrasal verbs are very important when it comes to everyday English whether this is speaking or just trying to understand what people say but first before we get into the lesson I do want to share this milestone with you so look on your screen now we have two hundred thousand three hundred and fifty-five subscribers so today or last night we reached the 200 thousand subscriber mark and I feel very proud I feel very happy and very thankful for you for being here and watching my lessons so I'm very excited about reaching this milestone milestone the milestone is like an important number okay so I have reached this milestone and we have reached this together so let me know how many subscribers I had when you first found me because there will be people here who joined when I had a thousand subscribers so let me know how many how many subscribers I had when you first found me now before we go on just a couple of pieces of admin administration and the first one is this if you're watching the replay then click live chat on the YouTube app so you can follow along with the chat this is where I leave example sentences how I spell words and it's just a way for you to follow the conversation from people who watch this live if you are new here then subscribe to this channel and also click the link to get my book the five-step plan for English fluency you can download this book for free all you have to do is click the link in the description and then enter your details here and then I'll send you the book for free now if you want to get some premium resources and to really focus on improving your speaking and being able just to speak freely without thinking about grammar rules then join the to fluency program again there will be a link in the description for you to do this and I have just recorded about a hundred phrases based on this lesson so tomorrow I am going to upload these to the program and you will be able to go through these if you are a member if you're not a member then join here too to fluency comm slash TFP there will be a link in the description for you too ok so that is some of the admin let's go to the chat before we practice our phrasal verbs now malloon is here from Pakistan a lot of people are saying congratulations thank you so much monster was here at ninety thousand subscribers Sergey was here at less than a hundred thousand subscribers to David says congratulations on this important goal thank you we have Doan Diego and all exam topics a very cool name Maria is here saying good afternoon and Mary says I'm very happy to be your sub scriber fantastic I first watched your video when you lived in England well I've only had this channel since I've been living in America but I did make some videos from England so maybe that's what you mean now if you don't know who I am or if you need a reminder I am originally from a place called Lancashire Lancashire and this is a county in England now I have been living in America for nine years nearly now so now I live in North Carolina and love it here love it here then today's weather is just fantastic it's about 26 degrees it's sunny and I'm going to the park with my children soon we have none a poet here from Thailand good to have you from Francisco from Venezuela good to see you as well monster-sized this channel is very useful for me very good okay so quickly yes or no have you watched this lesson yet it's on your screen it's the 52 phrasal verbs in under five minutes meet Dave okay have you watched this video yet this has been a very popular video I wasn't sure if people were going to like this video or not and we're going to watch part of it in a second and just talk about the phrasal verbs and practise them today and but I wasn't sure if people were going to like it this is a good example of using two things in the past so you can say this I'm not sure if people will like it okay I'm not sure if people will like it I wasn't sure if people would like it so you can use this in this sense another good example is um I think he's going to come I thought he was going to come so just learning these types of sentences can help you speak about more complex things in the past some people are saying yes some people are saying no and not yet Chacho says it was really useful for me and kaiba is here good to see you again Kaiba so what we're going to do is we're going to watch some of the the video here together and then what I'm just going to explain the phrasal verbs and give you more examples this is going to help you understand these phrasal verbs and just to give you some more context now the reason why I made the video in this way is so that you can learn phrasal verbs in strong context because if I say something like oh so add in means this or to drop someone off means that then it's not very memorable put that in the chat memorable it's not easy to remember this raise our verb and how to use it but if you see this as part of a story then it's really going to help you so I'm going to make more videos like this okay let's just have let's go through some of this and I'll explain some of the phrasal verbs today is Tuesday or Tuesday in American English and Dave's alarm goes off at 4:30 a.m. as soon as he gets up he turns on the coffee machine but today he has run out of cream so I'll pause it there the first one is alarm goes off now this can be for your bedside alarm or you'll alarm on your phone or it could also be a fire alarm there's a fire alarm going off somewhere or can you hear that car alarm going off can you hear that car alarm going off whose car alarm is going off right now so it could be four alarms fire alarms car alarms or your alarm by your bed now getup is one of the phrasal verbs you learn in your first lesson we also have turn-on which i think is quite easy for most people turn on TV turn on a light turn on a coffee machine turn on the car it's to start something and then this one run out of something so to run out of something means that if you are running out of something then it means you something is nearly gone it's nearly finished she's not for milk people always use milk as the example but you could do it for gas or for petrol so we're running out of gas I'm going to run out of gas soon I don't want to run out of gas let's fill up fill up is another phrasal verb so let's fill up cobra says what's the title of that YouTube video 52 phrasal verbs in under five minutes there is a link in the description so you can watch that after this lesson or if you prefer you can go to my website and watch the lesson there and then read the description and the meaning of all the words okay so today he has run out of cream he usually likes cream in his coffee so he's not had the best start of the day but he drinks his coffee anyway and now it is time to work out now most people if they work out in the morning they will just do a few exercises but Dave is different okay so work out to work out this is a good one and the goods production says I'm running out of my smart phone battery is that right no you would say my battery my phone battery's going dead to go dead is a little bit more or you could say well now my phone battery is running out yeah or it's about it's about to go dead it's about to go dead so to work out like again do say is to exercise that is correct to exercise it's very common in American English and it's it's mainly used for things like gym but it's talked about issues to talk about things in general okay to work out so my wife can say I need to work out more I need to I want to go for a run tonight because I need to work out more so it just means to exercise in a general sense now if you are enjoying this lesson then please like and share it so just click that like button and then share it with your friends there are how many people are watching live right now I can't see though that information about 100 I think so please like and share this video with your friends let's continue he sets off on his 20-mile run breathing in the ocean air as he runs along the ocean okay so there are few there to set off breathe in and also run along so to set off means to start a journey or a run we're setting off at 7 a.m. in the morning so let's get to bed what time should we set off tomorrow what time should we set off tomorrow to start a journey usually in the car or if you're going for a run to breathe in inhale breathing in the ocean air and then to run along something means to to run next to something to run along the waves to run along the coast to run along the train tracks for example again his goal is to run 20 miles after 15 he's running out of energy and motivation so we're using run out here but useful energy motivation and a very common one in class as you'll hear a teacher say this I'm running out of patience I am running out of patience which means you're starting to get really angry with the students to run out of energy to an hour of motivation to enough patience but this is Dave so he doesn't give up to give up to quit not cool not quite sorry quit so you can give up exercises you can give up a career you can give up running quickly you can also give up smoking as well or give up alcohol give up meat give up anything which means to stop doing something after his run he burns out 100 pushups without stopping okay so to bang out something in this case means to do something with lots of effort and to do it quickly I can say sometimes I say to my wife I just need to bang out a few emails before I leave so it's saying I need to send a few emails before I leave I need to do this quickly and do it with lots of intensity so it's used for exercises and it's also used for essays emails and work projects things like that he takes a quick breath and then carries on doing it another o carries on to carry on doing I missed that one so to carry on doing means to continue carry on carry on doing let's carry on he gets home turns on the shower jumps in dries himself off and then so turn on shower start the shower and jumps in so I always say you like I'm just going to jump in the shower I'm just gonna jump in the shower now the some there's a lesson here when it comes to pronunciation you can say and just gonna gonna gonna and then jumpin jumpin becomes one word when you say yeah the shower I'm just gonna jump in the shower I'm just gonna jump in the shower I'm just gonna jump in the shower now leave questions about general English learning until the end okay you're doing great carry on thank you it's now 10:00 a.m. and it's time to focus on work he opens up his computer logs into his emails and responds to his so opens up his computer just when you have a laptop you open it up and then logs in you can log in or log on to log on to a website log in to our website login to your account log in to your emails log in to youtube log into Facebook his clients questions in this inbox there are six speaking opportunities he turns down five as they just don't pay enough you good so he turns down five he refuses to do five he says no two of five of them turned down is a common phrasal verb to turn something down briefs to do one as it pays him exactly what he is after but he has to iron out a few details I love this one I in out a few details now if I go to this page here and just put I in and so it's to resolve or to agree to some details this is something you're here let's iron everything out in the morning okay yes I agreed to do this but let's iron everything out in the morning or somebody who hires people will say okay um we'd like to offer you the job we just need to iron out a few details we just need to resolve a few things when it comes to pay time off those types of things okay so - I now a few details he remembers that he has a speaking engagement next week so he looks up flights to New York where the speaking engagement is so this is a very common one look something up he looks up flights to New York he researches flights to New York so you can also look up something in a dictionary and you can also look up facts so my wife might say she will never ask me this but just as an example who are pressed and playing this weekend who are pressed and playing this weekend I said I don't know I'll just look it up I'll just look it up very common phrase to have I'll just look it up now speaking of Preston this is the football team the soccer team I like we'll just have a quick look at this Preston won again yesterday we're off through to the third round of the Carrabelle Cup after a perfect shootout with five from five Alan brown with the decisive penalty after Connor Ripley had denied Tom Eve's from the spot get in get in is is a saying and it's like an expression when you're saying good we won't get in yes get in so if you don't have a soccer team in the UK support Preston North End that's why I want you to do support Preston North End very good we have 96 people watching live please like this video this lesson and also just click that share button okay and here's an example I looked up train seats to Jakarta for departure of the 31st of August 2019 yep it's very good I looked at train train tickets I looked at train tickets to Jakarta for the 31st of August can-do says get in the car also that's right so get in over the exclamation mark is something people say when soccer team score a goal get in get in or if you're really happy about something get in Eva is from London drinking a cup drinking a cappuccino right now what is everyone drinking what is everyone drinking let me know and also leave examples of these phrasal verbs in the chat it's really going to help you practice your speaking and just practice how to use these phrasal verbs and he realizes he doesn't have time to shop around for the best deal so instead he feels that the forum and books the flight business class it's not okay to shop around not super common but it's used in in this specific case so to shop around means to look at all the options available for you whether this is flights or train tickets or buying a new camera or buying anything to shop around means to look up or look at all the options when you're buying something or just getting something ok so it could be purchasing train tickets or purchasing these tickets to New York I'm time to get on with writing his presentation he doesn't want to put this off until tomorrow or until next week so we have get get on with which means to put your focus and energy on doing something or just simply to do something let's get on with this lesson let's start this lesson let's I need to get on with this essay tonight I need to spend time doing this and then put off is a really good one to put off doing something means to delay doing something so I keep I keep putting off doing some admin I keep putting off making this new lesson or in learning English you might say I keep putting off trying to find a speaking partner so Valentin is just sipping a cup of tea that's very nice and Rudolph is drinking coffee very good I'm just I've more or less finished my coffee it's quite tasty now in the past he would have a cigarette while writing his presentation but he gave them up a few years ago because this is Dave the new game it's time so to give up again give up before we talked about giving up his run or giving up his exercising but in this case to give up cigarettes or to give up smoking means to quit to stop doing something I'm to prepare his lunch so he wants that leftover pasta from the night before and once it's ready he digs in and finishes it within about three so to warm something up it doesn't mean to cook so let's say you have raw chicken you don't say let's warm this up you say let's let's cook this chicken but to warm something up is a warm up something is when you have cooked chicken in the fridge it's now cold so you want to warm it up you put it in the microwave and warm it up for a few minutes so other things that you can warm up soup pasta anything that that is in your refrigerator usually it's leftovers now I don't always warm up chicken or pasta sometimes I have it cold but and yeah you might want to warm it up so doan says I warm up coffee and drink it at once so yeah if you have if you're making coffee then you make coffee but if you made coffee and now it is cold you can warm it up in the microwave okay good so we've gone through a lot of phrasal verbs so far if you are just joining like like 399 English welcome to you we are celebrating 200,000 subscribers it is gone up by about 30 and my wife always texts me during a live lesson but anyway it's gone up by about 30 since we started so if you are new here then please subscribe to the to fluency channel and help the channel out by liking this lesson sharing this lesson and also um if you want to donate to the channel you can send a super chat it's that little dollar sign at the bottom Soji says there's a lot of leftover food could you make a cup of coffee please my mother warms rendang beef up as it gets cold very good I prefer to warm up food than to cook yeah it is easier isn't it if you have cooked food then you can just warm it up um very good okay so let's go back to this the afternoon is dragging on a bit so he makes another coffee the afternoon is dragging on a bit now if we go over here to my website I say if something is dragging on it means that time is going slowly or that things aren't going as quickly as you like so the afternoon is dragging on a bit it's going slowly he's constantly looking at the clock and thinking ah I need to work a little bit longer it's a little bit slow so he makes another coffee to it to have a break but here is another example man this movie is dragging on this movie is dragging on so it's slow it's boring it's taken too long for the story to be told it's dragging on it's a good phrasal verb to know this time yeah honey he spends the rest of the afternoon finishing up his presentation okay so add in a little honey this means to add something to a recipe or to coffee or to cereal it's something where it's already made but you add something extra in and we use the objective little a lot here so add in a little wine to that pasta sauce or you might say hmm I'd add in a little a little pepper to this add in a little pepper too to the recipe so you can see these two examples and adding in a little honey is where it's extra to the recipe or to what you are having good and then finish up finish up a presentation to complete it once that is done is now time to chill out for the rest of the evening I love this one chill out just chill out chill out let's chill out today let's chill out okay so it's a really good um phrasal verb used a lot let's just chill out tonight at home let's chill out this weekend let's just chill out tonight it's been a stressful week let's chill out I can't wait to chill out later so people use this a lot okay to chill out but as I say here and it can also mean not to worry so you can say chill out it's not a big problem calm down chill out it's not a big problem my mood says adding a little water yeah so something is quite dry you can say yeah this pasta sauce is good it's just a little dry maybe add in a little water or maybe add in a little bit more tomato paste or tomato paste so he decides to taste his friend to see if she wants to hang out for the rest of the day so hang out for the rest of the day to hang out with somebody means to spend time with them in a social way to go to the park go to the cinema go to the house watch TV with them go to the bar so to hang out together it's used mainly for friendship not so much for romance romance so if you want to ask someone out you wouldn't say let's hang do you want to hang out next week you say do you want to do something next week or would you like to go out next week go out next week so you can use it in that sense as well but to hang out is mainly used for friendship sit back and chill out with Jenny says hang out with friends I like hanging out and drinking beer very good she agrees and he heads out just before 5:00 and sets off for his friend's house so heads out means to leave we're going to see another example of this later and this is another example of set-off so to set off to start the journey he hasn't seen her for a while so he's looking forward to catching up I think okay so looking forward to now when you use looking forward to it's always the gerund catching looking forward to going except for I think in very formal situations by letter or email but the vast majority of cases will be the jemand I'm looking forward to going looking forward to seeing looking forward to watching I'm looking forward to playing give me some more examples of looking forward to in the live chat riyadh says it's 103 a.m. in indonesia Darwin has a great example hang out and grab something to eat yeah let's hang out and grab something to eat it's informal but it's very common I used to hear a lot for my son to chill out yeah chill out mum don't worry chill out everything's all right mum stop being so angry chill out I'm looking forward to going on holiday go in so that's a good example of going you can also use the noun I'm looking forward to dinner I'm looking forward to my holiday when someone leaves the house he can say I'm headed out yeah okay heading out now I say this all the time okay I'm heading out now all right I'm heading to soccer all right I'm heading to my friend's house all right I'm heading to the pool do you want to come my gpa's looking forward to eating I'm looking forward to watching your next video I'm looking forward to meeting you next week I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon I'm looking forward to going shopping very good I'm looking forward to hearing your news great example these are really good examples I'm looking forward to my future I love that one looking forward to the summer I'm looking forward to the new the start of school where the start of school is like the noun I'm looking forward to my okay I'm looking forward to speaking fluently I like that one I'm looking forward to or you can say I'm looking forward to the time when I can speak fluently I'm looking forward to the time when I can speak fluently so that's more using the noun structure but good all right so look at this next one grew up together and he's worried about them growing apart so they grew up together they spent their childhood together they were friends when they were younger now if you have a look here here's another example where I'm using this as like a a noun growing up in northern England meant playing outside in the rain growing up in northern England meant playing outside in the rain I'm just going to text my wife so growing up in northern England meant playing outside in the rain wish I did I did this all the time I've played outside of the rain all the time okay good let's just go back to the chat I'm heading out and looking forward to meeting an old friend very good I'm looking forward to finishing my nightshift great they grew up together but they still have what they have they still have different personalities I'm looking forward to traveling to the USA I grew up with 10 brothers and sisters Wow I'm looking forward to sleep good yeah I'm looking forward to sleep I'm looking forward to sleeping I'm looking forward to going to bed that's what people say a lot I'm looking forward to going to bed and then the other one we saw was he's he's yet a grow part which just means if you grow apart from somebody it means that your life goes off in a different direction so I grew apart I grew apart from a lot of my friends at University because our lives went off in different directions some people stayed in Leeds some people went home we all got different types of jobs and you know some people got married very quickly etc so to grow apart from somebody means that you you don't stain contact that you do different things in your lives growing up in the north of Brazil meant feeling hot all the time I'm looking forward to the time when I give up smoking that's an interesting one very good I'm looking forward to hearing from you I grew up with my siblings I'm looking forward to learning English so he's very excited about Sina when he gets there he pops in for a few minutes they decide to eat out so they head out to this new exciting the restaurant to pop in to go in somebody's house for a short amount of time join a pop in later doing a pop in and you can also pop round so I need to pop round to my friends house to pick something up you want to pop round for a little bit join a pop round for a little bit now I'm giving you these phrases in real English now part of the to fluency program and I made sure I really did this this time in fact let me open up some of the files that I made but I have recorded I think a hundred phrases from this lesson um so I have to text back my wife so yes I recorded all these phrases and I did them in real English so I used things like phrasal verbs the phrasal verbs relaxed pronunciation connected speech and the intonation that you would use so just to give you an example of this let's see where I yes you can see this lesson tomorrow definitely you can if you need to go you can go but for example I said I can't speak right now I'm just heading out I'm just heading out just heading out just heading out he pops in for a few minutes pops in they decide to eat out they're always eaten ow and um I'm gonna get extra chips as I know she'll pick at them so this is the way that I've recorded the audio for you if you are at a fluency program member so that you can listen to this and copy it in a way that helps you learn everyday English and also I slowed down the audio so then you can get used to things like relaxed pronunciation and linked in an intonation without it being at real-time so you can practice at the slow pace and then speed up your the way you speak by going at the normal pace so that's what I am included in the fluency program okay I'm looking forward to driving home I popped in mini market to buy some snacks I'm looking forward to seeing you soon these are all great phrases is popping the same as drop by yes so drop by and pop round very similar so to pop round means to go to somebody's house very quickly to pop round informally so it's it's the opposite it's if you compare it to hang out then to hang out with someone means to spend some time with them but to pop round means to go around for a short amount of time informal okay so the example I gave was I'm gonna I'm gonna pop round to Dave's house Dave's house later to to pick something up I'm going to put round to Dave's house later to pick something up to pick up a froze over okay so eat out they decide to eat out this means to eat at a restaurant so they they head out they leave could also be head out to this new exciting the restaurant they order some appetizers Davis starving at this point so he moves them down Sarah only picks at them do you think okay so wolf down isn't that common but it's it's used when you are eating something very quickly so to wolf something down if you're really hungry you say I just need to wolf down all this food and now to pick at something when it comes to food means that you just take a little bit you eat a little bit you wait maybe 30 seconds you eat something else it's the opposite of wolfing down it's the opposite of wolfing down now I'm laughing because um it's a bit of a stereotype where a woman or the woman in a relationship or say no I don't want to order fries with my meal I want to have a salad but then the woman will pick up your fries and I do the same thing think I'll say yeah I'm not going to eat fries tonight my wife will order fries and I'll pick at her fries so I'll take one I'll take another so to pick out something and go through the menu again and pick out the main meal to share now so go through the menu again to go through a menu means to look at the options to look at the options so I haven't gone through the menu yet have you gone through the menu to go through something but then to pick out a meal to share so to pick something out pick out a meal means to choose a meal I've got another example here where she takes forever picking out an outfit she takes forever picking out an outfit this is one of the phrases I've left in the to fluency program because listen to this intonation and the stress and the connected speech here she takes forever picking out an outfit picking out an outfit picking out an outfit so all of this just comes together nut jobs here wild jack congratulations so nut job is somebody who has been here more or less from the start and hope you get a million soon thank you so much jack greetings from Romania and good says I always wolf down my mum's cooking yeah my mum's cooking I always a wolf down my mother my mum's cooking Sarah they're not back a couple of very expensive hotels where dangerous drinks water who's trying to cut out alcohol during the week which is pretty smart okay so knocks back it's the same for wolf down but for drinks mainly alcohol is very specific this one so don't try and use this in in different ways but you'll notice people use this in TV shows and movies Wow you're mucking about that beer wow you're knocking back so it's used in that way and then the other one was cut cut back on so to cut back on something means to reduce it trying to cut back on drivin tryin to cut back on alcohol tryin to cut back on sugar I want to cut back on vegetable vegetable oils for example very good okay keep leaving me examples of these phrasal verbs before heading back home who decides to take a walk along the ocean and they actually run into an old friend from school okay before they head back so to head back means to go back home head back and they decide to stay out to remain outside the house and then they run into an old friend from school which is very cool isn't it to run into somebody it means to see somebody by chance they didn't arrange to see this old friend from school but it happened by chance it happened by chance okay who is there with other friends around a campfire they decide to stay out a little bit longer and then they drop Sara off at her home and drives back home when Dave gets home he has enough time to write down what he can oppose it okay this is quite a lot there drop off means to in fact let's just get the definition here to drop someone off means to take them home in a car I used this phrase on Sunday because the soccer team I play on won the Cup so we won a trophy we won the final game on Sunday we won 6-2 which I was very excited about and then we celebrated after the game now my wife dropped me off at the the restaurant and then a friend dropped me off home and I said Jordan can you drop me off I don't have a car can you drop me off now lolly says bump into equals running to yes okay so I bumped into at the restaurant guess who I bumped into guess who I ran into it's the same thing bump into during that day in his journal you don't turns up the lights yeah so turn off lights opposite of turn on a sense of bed and passes out immediately so to pass out to go to sleep very quickly usually you use this wareness I just passed out last night I'm so tired I just passed out or I was really tired on the airplane I just passed out passed out on the train and I miss my stop and I dropped off my girlfriend on my motorbike yesterday is it okay yes it is so you can drop someone off on the motorbike as well but mainly it's it's a car in that's how it's normally used with the car to to drop someone off drop someone off I drop my daughter off in front of a school perfect perfect this is a really good phrase I dropped my daughter off in front of her school and if you're being less specific you can just say at school I dropped my daughter off at school do you drop your son off do you drop your daughter off at school that's how you can ask the question very good so um if you just join in we have gone through the phrasal verbs from that lesson I recommend that you go to my website there's a link in the description I'll leave a link in the chat so that you can learn all about these phrases and see more examples for yourself so go through the description and then watch the video again turn off the subtitles this time and just listen to the lesson so that you can just really internalize these phrasal verbs this is going to help you in a big way now I chose these phrasal verbs because they're commonly used in everyday English there are two or three that are very specific like wolf down or knock back and they're a little bit more informal just more specifically used for eating food really quickly and drinking something really quickly but the rest of them are just we use them all the time to drop off turn on turn off run into stay out pick out go through look up eat out pop pop in is more specific grow up look forward to head out hang out chill out finishing up add in drag on dig in more specific again to give up very common put off very common get on with people use this all the time fill out the form around iya now you know all these phrasal verbs you're going to hear them all the time in movies TV shows and when you have conversations with people so just as a reminder we are celebrating today 200,000 subscribers thank you so much for being part of to fluency I've been making videos now for four years five years and sometimes it takes time for a channel to grow so I'm very grateful that you decide to learn English with me now again if you are new here then go to to fluency comm slash book I'll leave a link in the live chat as well where you can download the book for free and if you want to dramatically improve your English speaking grammar and vocabulary from anywhere on in the world on your own time then go here and the phrase of their blessings are going to be uploaded tomorrow to the to fluency program Jack thank you from Finland thinking no I'm the late person I almost missed a live lesson well you can watch it again go back and watch it again can I use these phrasal verbs in IELTS exams yet just be careful because phrasal verbs are more informal so be aware of that thanks it's been useful your lesson is so useful thank you so much for the lesson you are all very welcome so yeah go to those links join the program get your book for free and go watch this lesson again the 52 phrasal verbs in under 5 minutes ok everybody it's time for me to go and I'm going to make a new lesson soon which is going to be I think about collocations of time it's going to be good fun ok thanks again everybody and I shout speech you soon bye bye for now
Channel: To Fluency
Views: 8,673
Rating: 4.9566002 out of 5
Keywords: learn english, to fluency, speak english, phrasal verbs
Id: EtHa8BYF_e0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 50sec (3290 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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