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hello everybody this is jack from and this is the to fluency show [Music] this is a live English lesson here on YouTube are you guys ready to get started let's do it [Music] okay everybody this is jack from and welcome to this live english lesson here on youtube if you are new here welcome to you if you are watching life look at all these people here today we have man freezes here roberto ID or attila four fingers what a great name I'm Fred honey Ronnie lots of people are here watching live is so good to have you all here I tried to get started on time but I had some technical problems luckily I have managed to sort them out to saw our problems okay today's lesson we are going to look at the difference between the present perfect simple and continuous well also go to talk about how English speakers drop the G sound at the end of words and it's a great example of well recognized brand doing this in their commercials and then I'm going to talk about my method which you can easily follow from anywhere in the world so welcome welcome welcome it's so good to have you here again if you are new this is a live English lesson I haven't done one for quite a long time but if you're new here subscribe and click that notification bell you can see that bell and it's easy to do on your phone or on your computer you might need to do that extra step if you're on your computer and doing this means that you will get a notification on your phone or by email when I go live or when I upload a new video and if you don't have this yet to fluency comm slash book to fluency comm slash book this is my five-step plan for English fluency and it gets you through the different stages of reaching a high level in English Nathan it is great to have you here thank you for joining I'm going to add some moderators today to the chat box people who have been here for you know a little while I'm going to add them at the moment I only have Ingrid I have a couple of other people as well but I'm gonna start adding people as moderators okay I'm also going to share I'm gonna try and share an Instagram story hopefully I'll be able to do that I am experimenting today I hope you enjoyed the music at the star let's go into this again okay let's get started present perfect simple and continuous is used to talk about actions that started in the past and continued in the present so we can use both these tenses of present perfect simple and present perfect continuous to talk about actions that started in the past and continued in the present so both of these tenses can do this and we're going to learn when to use one and when to use the other and it's not completely simple there are a few exceptions here but the rule is this with the present perfect simple we use non continuous verbs and with the present perfect continuous we use continuous verbs now a quick question have you heard about continuous and non-continuous verbs before and it doesn't matter if you haven't because I want to say at this stage the most important thing is that you understand the examples and you learn the examples and that's a method I'm going to share at the end of this lesson the most important thing is that you understand the examples and you learn something about it we don't have to know the title of grammar or parts of grammar we don't need to know what it's called it's not that important but it can help it can help comments-section popular is here from Nepal one is from Melilla Spain in Africa it was very dynamic at the beginning thank you very much a lot of people are joining Mohammed yes this is a British accent four fingers say - what's going on I don't know what's going on maybe it's something to do with your computer so a lot of the time people say oh there's no audio the video stopped working usually it's because of your computer another thing I have to say is that the chat box is slow so when I say something it takes about 30 seconds or a minute before you hear what I'm saying because now we are getting the comments about continuous and non-continuous verbs I'm drinking tea black tea is very good can you raise your voice it's on full maybe turn up your audio tangia is here saying hi um hi Jack from Algeria good to see you here well let's go back to these continuous verbs and non-continuous verbs I'm going to show you an example again the present perfect simple is used with non-continuous verbs and tehn us is use with continuous verbs I mean that's pretty easy to remember and again we're talking about the present perfect simple and continuous when we're talking about actions that started in the past and continue in the present here's an example - wait is a continuous verb and we can say things like I've been waiting in line for 20 minutes I've been waiting in line for 20 minutes so that first part I've been waiting is the present perfect continuous because weight is a continuous verb here's another example she's been waiting to hear back from the University since she applied she's been waiting to hear back from the university since she applied so the time in the past or the action started in the past 20 minutes ago since she applied it continues in the present right now so this is an ongoing action something that continues to wait again is a continuous verb I've been waiting in line for 20 minutes she's been waiting to hear back from the University since she applied so that's an example of how to use a present perfect continuous hopefully you can understand those examples again that's the important thing to know speaking about know to know is a non continuous verb this can confuse a lot of people and I'm gonna tell you a few ways that learners make mistakes here but to know is a non continuous verb so when we're talking about something that started in the past and continues in the present I've known her since school I've known her since school they've only known each other for 10 minutes and they've hit it off already they've only known each other for 10 minutes and they've hit it off already to hit it off means to get on really well to have a connection when you like someone and they like you in this case they've only known each other for 10 minutes and they've hit it off already so hopefully you can see the difference there between continuous and non-continuous verbs and just how to use these two tenses in general a lot of learners want to say things like I know her for ten years I know her or I am knowing her for ten years but in English use the present perfect tenses when we're talking about these situations I want to say right now I want you to do something if you are watching live leave me some examples of how to use these two tenses in the way that we use in them so describe an action that you have been doing that started in the past and continues right now and think about whether it's best to use the simple form or the continuous form so have get some practice okay this is a great time to practice and when we have done this in the past these examples help other people too because you supply the examples based on your life and it helps everybody understand how to use it in different ways and if you make a mistake that's okay I will correct it for you I will correct it for you let's see I've been studying for two hours what oh I had been studying for two hours what tenses that past perfect continuous it's I think it is the least used tense in the English language and is only used in a very specific situation I've been learning English since childhood fantastic I've been studying English since 2014 if more than 20 minutes over 10 years do we use the present continuous no I know I've been waiting for 10 years I've been waiting for 50 years to go to California for example we've been waiting for Jack since yesterday great example I've known to fluency calm for three months very good I've learned English about two years we've learned it's more common to say learning because this is a continuous verb I've been learning English for two years I've been watching your live lessons since you started it very good example where have you been there I've been doing my shopping very good I've been studying mice oh I've been teaching my son since this morning I've been teaching my son since this morning I've known Jack since I decided to dramatically improve my English I've been in school for 10 hours she's been cooking for 30 minutes but she hasn't made enough food I've been crying since I saw you oh that's a sad example I've been watching English videos for an hour I've been living in Spain since 2012 fantastic really good examples so those ones that I read out of great examples for you to learn so a very common one is when you're talking about yourself is to tell people how long you have been learning English for I've been learning English for ten years I've been learning English since I was a kid etc so that's a great example that everyone needs to know because you talk about those kind of things I use this example all the time I've been in America since 2011 or I've been living in America since 2011 when it comes to knowing a few people ask this question when it when you need to know if it's a continuous or a non continuous verb it can get quite complex there are different rules but there are exceptions and here is an example of that okay when we use the verb to have it varies because there are different ways that you can use this verb different meanings I've had this car for 10 years in this example this is possession I've had this car years that is in the simple they've been having a great time this morning they've been having a great time this morning in this case it's more of an experience to have a great time and with this case we use the continuous form so I've had this car for ten years they've been having a great time this morning so some verbs can be flexible depending on the meaning of the verb other verbs can be flexible mainly depending on the type of English being used so look at these two examples on your screen I've wanted to do that for a while that's the most common one in my opinion in America you'll hear people say I've been wanting to do that for a while I've been wanting to do that for a while now one is in the simple one is in the continuous they both mean the same thing they both mean the same thing but in American English in American English very often these non continuous verbs are used in the continuous form they are used in the continuous form there's an example from a big brand a big company which had a slogan using a non continuous verb in the continuous form the first person to guess that wins a prize or just wins there's no prize you just win the competition and you can be proud of the fact that you won the competition so which company is that which company is that I'll just go back to the comment section you look a bit weak from the last time I saw you I hope you're not talking to me people like to comment on my appearance a lot it's kind of interesting it's kind of interesting I think I look strong how it was drawn I've been working for 10 years great example I've been really improving my English since this year since the start of this year okay I've really I've been really improved my English since since the start of this year I've been in London for ten years okay see all these different things who's Adam what you working on Adam who's Adam unless you're just give it an example how long have you been living in the u.s. good example I've been living in the US for seven years nearly I've been working as a programmer for ten years ciao a tutti de Italia McDonald's Pavel you got it you got it Pavel you won the competition sorry if I shouted a little bit too loud we wait for Justin's concert for ten years so when we're talking about a period of time for like two weeks ten years three days ten minutes we use for when we talk about a specific point in the past last week Monday in 2011 we use since it's a good example to know very good Oh Gemma but this is wrong grammar isn't it no okay the key to grammar is this there are rules about grammar but there are always exceptions and it it's just about who uses it and how they use it so this whole I've been wanting to do it for a long time it might be incorrect grammar in grammar books but people use it all the time people use it all the time and it's not one of these things that people use that is a mistake this is just the way people use language now it's important to know that so somebody gasps McDonald's you know look at this burger this is a McDonald's burger I used to eat these all the time I used to eat these all the time and I don't know why but anyway McDonald's has that slogan I'm loving it now notice on my screen no it's on my screen it has that little red line to say Oh have you made a mistake there let's see what happens when hopefully you can see this there you can't adult thing you can see that but what happens is it gives me the corrections and it tells me how to write it correctly which is loving I'm gonna ignore spelling and then hopefully that red line will go away but McDonald's have this slogan I'm loving it I'm loving it okay doo doo doo doo doo and I think it was Justin Timberlake who had that that kind of song now but the key is this love here is being used in the present continuous so what it's saying is that we can use it in the continuous tense and you do hear Americans say sometimes it's sometimes it doesn't sound right but because I'm British but they say I'm loving this weather I'm loving this weather or I'm loving this soup I'm loving this soup I'm loving this beer and it's just to say in a way it works because you're saying it in the continuous form which means in this moment I am loving this weather in this moment I am loving this beer because if you say I love this weather it means in general this weather is good but not what you're experiencing at this moment I love this beer could mean generally speaking I love this beer in this moment it's not specific so it does work in that kind of sense there's also something interesting about this notice that there is something missing what is missing here there's a letter missing what letter is missing it is the G the G so you'll notice is I'm loving it not I'm loving it loving loving loving loving I thought is giving some good examples in Portuguese engage okay just add in some money moderators Gemma you need to be a moderator to and anyone in the to fluency program is going to be a moderator G is replaced by apostrophe exactly the comments are coming in see the comments ggggg yeah exactly so the G is replaced by an apostrophe and the reason it's like that is because in spoken English in everyday English English speakers drop the G for the gerund so when it's ing they drop the G loving loving okay loving loving got some more examples for you so the first one loving loving going going be in being you're being silly you're being silly now in very quick English you might hear you been silly yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah instead of your yeah you're being silly you're being silly yeah yeah you're being silly you're being silly I'm not sure if that is a British thing but that is what you will hear when people speak at natural pace so instead of you're being silly you've been silly you're being silly you'll be yeah yeah you're being you're being you're being you're being you're being can make a song little remix yeah yeah you're being silly you're being silly try repeating it you're being silly you're being silly and this is one of the reasons why listening to movies TV shows and conversations can be very difficult because we replace all those sounds with different sounds and we drop sounds and it's very quick and it links together it's very difficult for a lot of people to understand but the more you know about this is going to benefit you let's have a look I've been studying grammar with you since 2016 Mohammad is that okay for formal situations in most cases yeah it just depends on how what kind of situation it is if you are someone stays here if we pronounce a G it is gonna sound weird I don't know if it sounds weird but it's it's very common just to get rid of the the G okay what about you're being silly no that doesn't work that doesn't work because we're using the in this case we're using the present continuous you're being silly you're being silly okay the vocabulary used in certification tests is not the same using normal classes it is unfair well it depends on the certification it really does depend on it because this is why for your certifications and anything else you need to know what they want and then learn that and then take lessons that are specific to that certification of that dye exam rayon sayz um singing yeah singing singing sing instead of singing singing singing singing so yeah this is a common thing that happens in in everyday English and again if you decide to do this it's up to you but what's more important is knowing that it happens and then how to listen for it because any kind of conversation you're going to have relies on you being able to speak but also being able to understand what people say and a lot of the time when people speak in fast everyday English it can be difficult if you don't know these things so practice in them doesn't necessarily mean that you have to use them but knowing them can help you understand them hopefully that makes sense who is here who who else is in the chat let's see Luke Cho is here genius here four fingers I've been watching for one hour keep giving me examples of an action that started in the past and continues in the present using the present perfect okay using the present perfect okay good all right your phone is ringing your phone is ringing good job your phone is ringing now in my to fluency program and if you don't know about this let's see what can I show you who it is to fluency comm slash TFP I go through all the sounds in English someone was mentioned about the IPA symbol I've actually used a combination of symbols from different structures based on what I think is best so I've actually got a lesson on all the fouls out and all the consonant sounds including the schwa as well where you'll be able to know how to make every sound in English and then how to bring those sounds together using drops consonants drop vowels the schwa intonation rhythm stress etc so that you can produce these sounds in a way that native speakers do and then once you go through that section of the course you'll be able to better understand people when they speak and then you'll go on to the last part of that which is this these are the memory packs ok memory card sorry well we have a conversation my wife and I and then you can download these fluency phrases and practice them and get long term repetition this is for example this is a lesson I have connected speech and relaxed pronunciation again where you're going to learn about this and you're also going to get lots of examples that you can download and then you can upload your version of it so I can give you feedback so learn more about that to fluency comm /t FP and if you become a member you're going to become an moderator a moderator on YouTube which is kind of cool Gemma is a member I also saw a couple of other members before see scrolling all the way up CT is here here you are CT add you as a moderator you know can also put people in timeout which is really cool all right let's go back to this in the comment section we've been waiting for you for ten minutes we've been waiting for you for ten minutes so include that preposition Jack have you ever had a really long beard I had quite a long beard in 2012 maybe but it wasn't that long I've been waiting for her for three hours but she hasn't come very good very good okay good the changes you made into the course of fantastic great job Jack congratulations thank you so much Gemma yeah the course is great it is really good you should all definitely check it out now the course as well is based on this method where you listen to a phrase or a vowel sound you repeat it you record your version of it and compare it to the original and then once you can produce it in a way that you're happy with once you can produce the sound correctly that's when you get long-term repetition so again go to to fluency complex TFP to UM to join that course it would be great to have you alright this is the time of the to fluency show where we are going to do question and answers I'm just going to take a quick 30 second break so now's the time to ask any questions that you have [Music] [Music] all right I'm back it took me forever to work out in fact I can just do that it took me a long time to understand how to get the music into this and it hasn't worked in the past but I like it I like it um alright comment section oh not music let's have a look it's a website earthquake it is earthquake in good question um no no you say like there was an earthquake you know there's an earthquake that's what you say there's an earthquake I'm in Turkey it's 8 p.m. here good to have you here wow your glass is so big it is isn't it huge I really like it it's a huge glass I know I think it's 32 ounces which is 2 pints which means I can have a lot of tea because most cups for tea let me just move this over a little bit most cups for tea are just too small and you can't really drink a lot I like a big cup of tea a pint of team it's my favorite I'm watching your video from Brazil very good I'm watching your video from Brazil good to have you here how would I motivate myself to be fluent in speaking there are few things to say um go deep which means really know the reason why being able to speak fluently in English would change your life think about that and remind yourself of that every day but it's also important to know that motivation in most cases only lasts so long or it only can do so much what you have to do is to enjoy what you're doing and to make it a habit and the best way to do that is to create a routine doing different things on a daily basis and doing things at work if it works then you're going to do it you're going to continue doing it if it's fun you're going to continue doing it if it's a habit you just do it without thinking but if you try to force yourself to do something every day and you don't have time and it isn't working it's not fun it's not working then you're stopped would you explain meaning of prepositions in phrasal verbs yet so phrasal verbs I think technically speaking it's like a verb and then a particle it could be wrong here but basically it it's just another word it's the best way to describe it it's just another word to use and some are literal some are idiomatic so if it's idiomatic then you don't know the meaning based on those two words it just has this different meaning like for example to make up a story which means to invent a story you know get up is more literal because you know get up out of bed since I was young I have wanted to learn English but I did not know it was possible by YouTube until the star of this year very good thank you jack this is very important lesson thinking how I learned podcasting I don't know I'm learning how to podcast myself how can I go from immediate to advanced take my program take my program it's going to help you in a huge way especially if if you like if you know grammar rules or you are good at online exams where they test your English in is it a B or C or D but if you want to be able to produce English without thinking about the rules and using the correct sounds my program is for you do you guys think that people in distant future will talk only in one language to communicate this really interested in that because I think the trend is toward one language uhm one culture etc and also Google released this new device where you can speak in it automatically translates or something like that I didn't read too much about it but it's a really interesting thing to think about but I hope no because languages are incredible and they can really you know show different parts of culture and when that dies out then that is all lost and it's an incredibly something to think about what's your nationality I can't hear the different accents so I'm from the UK but now I live in America and I've been away from the UK since 2000 yeah present perfect simple I've been away from the UK since 2007 really I wouldn't lived there for a long time since then the best way to learn phrasal verbs is in context yep I'm watching and listening this time good to have you here Carlos is here lives in for talita I'm not even gonna try how to use ain't and is that a good manner in speaking yeah ain't is like is not try to avoid it if possible but it can be used in fun situations and that's just you know without thinking too much about it can phrasal verbs be invented by anyone who lives in the USA or how are they spread what a great question I don't know how they are spread which means like how they start with someone and then how they go to other people and people start using them a lot of language being invented right now is based on social media technology you know like a selfie a selfie um I'm trying to think of a a phrasal verb like new verbs come about like to Google something google it to google it which means to use Google to find that information to Google it so these new verbs do come about but I don't know how how they start usually it is because of a new trend or social media these days how big is the impact of listening with learning English if we compare it with other ways of learning well personally I think it is more powerful than than reading but it's also something that you can do passively which means that you can listen while doing other things and this I actually got these recently these are air pops or over here so these are the Apple earpods I listen to things all the time I'm constantly listening to podcasts YouTube videos and lots of other things and um what was I thinking but I do this while I'm doing the housework while I'm driving while I'm at the gym and you can listen to English while doing those things as well a B L a B I'll always be listening always be listening so do as much as you can listen as much as you can I'm really confused when I should use the past perfect and simple past someone said Oh someone came onto my program I said are you live right now I'm just gonna answer them so if you go to my program page you can don't know it's not opening you can chat with me but ask me questions about the course not about English in general so please give Facebook ID I'll type it in here for you FB TF we go what's the difference between late and past can you give me two examples there are many British there's a lot British slang which is hard I like British slang but sometimes when I search on YouTube I found some slang so hard to understand yeah with slang it you don't need to know every slang term and a lot of the times people want to learn slang but they can't use simple sentences and I think it's important to think about that you know can you speak can you use the present perfect simple without thinking can you talk about the past without thinking about rules and if not that I'd focus on that first instead of learning lots of slang what do you do in the USA English teacher or only on internet as hobbies this is my full-time job in fact I'm going to make a podcast episode on what I do and the business side of teaching English because I started in 2011 as a one-to-one teacher then I created these programs and I also helped English teachers as well so I have an online business which is doing very well and that's what I do full-time after you were great really glad I found your channel thank you for being here as a beginner which one of the best to do practice speaking or grammar first good question and I'd say as a beginner learn phrases learn sentences and internalize grammar so when people say I want to learn grammar the first thing they think about is grammar rules but you can learn how to use grammar without looking at grammar rules we make a podcast episode on that team I'm not gonna read all those light last year or late year last year if you're talking about thank you CT if you're thinking about something in the past you know last year last year I did this last year was amazing we went to Florida last year yes that's right Jemma says audiobooks are a great resource yeah this is something I've talked about um you know audiobooks and read it and listen at the same time is really good Antonio have you ever taught an English speaker and not understood what the person was talking about yeah all the time all the time happens a lot usually it's because of strong accents and people don't understand what I'm talking about because of my accent here in America I watch movies I don't know what the same and I think I made a video on this where if you're listening to a movie and you don't understand what they're saying know that a lot of native speakers might not understand certain parts of that either and movies are really hard to understand really hard to understand I can't speak with confidence about people in English how to break the barrier well can you speak with confidence in your native language in front of people if not then it's not an English problem it is a general confidence and public speaking problem so if you have problems in your native language that's a different issue if it's because you don't think your English is good enough then there are two things to do firstly get somebody to evaluate your English and to see if it's acceptable for those kind of situations and secondly just improve if you improve your English you feel more confident if you learn new things you feel more confident because you're improving were you from Preston Lancashire England Preston well I get the chance to talk to you on skype probably not I don't speak to people on skype I just don't have the time to do it is it difficult to break personal barriers and give inferiority complex sort of like personal barriers and yeah so that inferiority complex this is a different issue then could I learn by movies sentences yeah I think TV shows are a little bit better because the dialogue is more conversational is there any daily cycle step by step to learning a language for example start your study session reading then do some listening and perhaps right afterwards I think you I think every learner should be responsible for their own study plan because you know your own weaknesses and your strengths you know what you need to improve the most you know what you should learn what you need to do in order to improve more quickly you should also know what you're going to use your English for so if you're only going to write in English then focus on writing if you want to improve your general conversation then improve your your speaking and learn new words and phrases and follow my method you know my method is one of the most powerful ways to improve your English so it's good it's good I thought we can learn grammar rules in context without notice in it for me it's working like that that is so important once you realize that you can learn grammar rules in context without noticing it that's when you're going to just make amazing progress because you're not thinking about rules instead you're just using it do you practice your speaking when you live in non-english countries do you have any advices yeah that's what my program does I read Jane Eyre and I came across a lot of unknown words I tried to learn them all I think I'm going crazy I made a video on this about Jane Eyre about Pride and Prejudice go watch a video I made two weeks ago which is recent about reading in English because that is using language that people don't use now so if you want to learn words and phrases to use in everyday conversations don't use Jane Eyre as a way to learn those words and phrases because they speak in this outdated way when they use vocabulary that people don't use anymore and if instead if you want to read that novel to learn English okay to be able to use words and phrases and to learn new words and phrases look at the graded reader because that uses everyday English and words and phrases you have to know could you please make a video overcome the confusion of past perfect and simple past I'll add it to my list how can I prove my reading skills read a lot and watch that video as well can environment affect my English how can I avoid mistakes they make so are you talking about how I'm not quite sure what you mean but environment is key in life it's key in life if you're surrounded by people who are so negative always negative and they tell you negative things and they don't like if you're successful that's gonna affect you as well when say someone's age is a right say years old or year old years old 12 years old and but in most cases you just say the number he's 12 my son is 4 you don't need to say years old and I can't think of a situation where you say it in fact you would say you know my kid is 12 months or my kid is 6 months 6 months old but you would say she's 1 she's - she's 3 and everyone knows that you're talking about years all right ok CT thank you so much for these kind comments um that's a funny user but anyway thank you so much for these kind comments everyone thank you for being here live it's gonna remind you all because we all need reminders we use the present perfect simple and continuous to talk about actions that started in the past and continue in the present - wait is a continuous verb I've been waiting in line for 20 minutes to know is non continuous I've known her from school I've known her since school sorry to have varies depending on the meaning and there are certain verbs that have this I've had this car for 10 years they've been having a great time this morning - one is flexible has the same meaning it can be used in both in America it's more common to use a continuous in the in British English I've wanted to do that for a while in American English I've been wanting to do that for a while in a lot of cases we drop the G drop the G love in going be in you're being silly you're being silly you're being silly you're being silly my master desist listen repeat we caught a compare get long term repetition inside the program you're gonna get these tutorials on pronunciation you're going to be able to download the audio and send me your examples and you're also going to get fluency phrases and memory cards find out more about that and to fluency calm / TFP if you're new here please subscribe and click the notification bell and if you don't have already get my budget fluid five-step plan for english fluency / book okay the one thing if you have to check something out TF p TF p i'm gonna have one more question when are you going to take the net when you're going to do the next live lesson not quite sure it'll be next week probably Tuesday at the same time I think I'm going to do these again okay everybody thank you so much for being here it's such a pleasure to have you if you've liked this click the like button share it with someone always share the lessons if you find them useful and I will speak to you soon bye for now you
Channel: To Fluency
Views: 14,224
Rating: 4.9064326 out of 5
Keywords: learn english, live lesson, tofluency, jack from to fluency, fluent in English, present perfect, speak, talk, lesson, live, questions, english, class, free, ingles, hablar, anglais, fluency, to fluency, learn, grammar
Id: fBQlDv9dmVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 32sec (3212 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2017
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