What Is the Perfect English Language Learning Routine?

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hello everybody this is jack from tofluency.com we are going to talk about the perfect English language learning routine the perfect way to spend your day so that you can make really fast progress with your English but before we get into that if you are new here at welcome my name is jack from tofluency.com be sure to check the description and get my book it is free to download the five-step plan for English fluency so recently I've been getting a lot of emails from people who are learning English and they're telling me that they have a specific level but they're not happy with the way that they are progressing so I asked them what are you currently doing to improve how are you spending your day to help you improve your English and the answers have been very revealing they have told me a lot about what they are doing to improve and I want to share with you what I think is maybe the perfect English learning routine now firstly it's important to know that I need your help with this too I need your help so please tell me what you think people should be doing in order to improve additionally what's perfect for you might not work for everyone and we are going to say that this is for people who live in non-english speaking countries people who live in non-english speaking countries okay because that's important to know if you live in the UK and you have a job where you work in English and also you have a British wife or husband and that's very different because you have the environment in which you can practice every day and listen to people every day but what we're going to discuss here is somebody who has a job where they don't use that English right now isn't it so they have a job where they don't speak in English where they live in a country where they can't use that English on a daily basis and also somebody who has a family too because these are all restrictions that that can really stop us from just spending the whole day learning if you can spend the whole day learning and you do that great but most people can't do that most people have jobs commitments families and other things that they have to do so I'm just going to go through some of the comments if you are watching the replay then you can look at the live chat comments there should be a little button on your phone that says live chat so click that and you can read what people are saying at this specific time of the video so Jo sap is here from Spain Gilmar says I I walk twice a day listening to podcasts and got syrup from Turkey Gemma is here aasaiya is here from Guatemala very cool jo said once a week I speak with my English teacher okay yeah Ahmed says in short they don't use English you know they don't use English as part of their everyday lives we have somebody saying listen to the British radio 24/7 miracle it's important to practice at least once a day I've been living in a country and nobody speaks English yeah so that's what we're going to focus on focus on if you live in a country where you don't speak English where people don't speak English as the first language and just quickly the microphone is it loud enough please let me know I didn't sell the settings to make it louder how is the microphone okay so let's just talk about the traditional way of learning so before the internet before everybody has one of these phones to learn English you went to a language school that was the most popular way to learn so if you thought okay I want to learn English you go to a language school and you take a lesson maybe once a week twice a week three times a week and you would use a textbook notice I'm using wood we use wood to talk about past actions okay past actions things that we did in them in the past so you would go to a language school use a textbook the teacher would teach from that textbook then you would practice a few exercises listen to something and then maybe practice a little bit of speaking so that is one of the things that most people did in the past but now I think the number one thing that English learners do from speaking to people and asking them questions is watching YouTube videos okay so watching YouTube videos leaving the chat box and tell me how many hours per day or per week do you watch English lessons on YouTube okay and this could be English teachers it could be just watching anything you like but it's in English how many hours a day do you spend doing them so Yoshi says 1 somebody else says to leave your answers 10 Oh about two hours a day twice per week between one and two hours per day but once two hours a day 15 hours a week one I watch videos daily but I'm not making any progress a lot about for two videos per day only your videos go watch of the people - 10 minutes per day an hour a day maybe 3 hours a week I think 3 hours so I'd say the average is about 1 to 2 rollin let's just say 2 hours a day 2 hours a day watching YouTube videos which is really good it's really good and let's just put this together as one watching TV watching YouTube videos listening to podcasts listening to audiobooks so anything where you're listening in a passive way let's say that is one thing that you can do so that's one thing you can do and I've always said listen as much as possible so listen to as much English as you can because it's easy to do this while doing other things so as you know you can listen to a podcast when exercising you can watch YouTube videos while washing the dishes you can watch YouTube videos when you're lying in bed at night you can listen to audio books while you're cleaning the house so this is something that most people can do more of and it's important to listen because it gives you the input it gives you the input and you can internalize grammar learn new words and phrases and get used to people speak in English by listening so listening is an important part of this ok so really important part listening and watching watching TV series at night and think about it this way if you are and if you're living in Spain and you have children and your children watch maybe put it in English instead so your children are getting exposure to English television now want to watch more of it because they like TV and you're also getting that listening practice - but just think about your day and how you can spend more time listening and I think it's a good idea to do this while traveling commuting because commuting means going to work or or to school traveling tends to suggest that it's for a holiday so while commuting listen to things it's a great thing to do when you're doing housework you can listen while you're exercising you can listen and also just when you're feeling tired before bed or maybe on your lunch break you can listen them first but I noticed that a lot of people told me I don't have time to study but I'm watching YouTube videos 1 or 2 hours per day so people are spending their time watching YouTube videos maybe instead of doing something else now just let me know again in the chat where do you watch or when do you watch most of the YouTube videos you watch so do you spend most of your time watching videos on the train or at work or in bed in the evening tell me when you actually do this when when do you spend your time watching YouTube videos so Miriam says I'd know but not before sleeping at home mainly in the afternoon on the train at night Jack's videos in the evening in bed in the evening in bed and sometimes while driving while commuting her before bed I usually watch it work in the afternoon at work at home in bed in the morning three days watch your video in the evening at my desk in bed during the commute when the boss is out at work in the bath in the morning at work so this is quite common isn't it so a lot of people are doing it at work in bed in the evenings and while commuting which is really good and which is really good so the next thing to think about is when can you spend your time doing something that is more active when can you spend your time doing something that is more active and what I mean by that is usually like speaking with somebody or practicing same things out loud using the to fluency method or writing so how many how much time per day can use actually spend when you are doing deliberate practice where you are focused on something and you're you're either speaking or writing or or doing something to learn not just the passive way but in an active way so how much time per day can you spend doing that I mean really intrigued to know these kind of comments so we have two to three hours two hours per day twenty minutes half an hour about an hour per day thirty minutes per day good clicking minutes one hour two hours two hours in the morning thirty minutes two hours three hours an hour an hour between five to eight hours well all day with some of my friends eight till twelve ten minutes one hour 20 minutes 60 minutes one hour what's really interesting here is that these answers vary greatly some people are saying 15 minutes 30 minutes other people are saying all day I can spend all day learning English so this is important to know is that going to hide that little message it's important to know that the perfect English learning routine depends on you and your schedule it depends on you in your schedule so for the people who are saying 30 minutes a day also think about if you can do more and this is really important to think about whether you actually do more and if you want to do more if you want to do more because if you really want to learn English then you might be able to find more time to study to do something more active so have a little think about that is there a time of day this is something that you do that you can stop doing so you can do more English and I'm not saying that's exactly what you have to do but it's important to know that the more you do in this regard the faster you'll make progress so it just depends on you and your goals that's why in my book the five step plan for English fluency it's free to download in the description I talked about your why and your goals because if you for example if you have an IELTS exam next week and you have to pass it so that you can have a new amazing job that you really want you will find more time to do it this is a really strong way a really strong way a really strong reason to do more in English on the other hand if you think yeah I want to improve my English but I don't need to do it this week I don't need to do it this month I'll just do a little bit now and see how I go so in that case your reason to learn isn't as strong and therefore you won't try to find more time to do it so sarah has a really interesting comment here maybe I can do more the important thing is how I spend that time without interaction communication any amount of time will be wasted so really good really good point there and again in my book I talk about in order to make fast progress it's about the time you spend learning and what you do with that time what you do with that time because we want to be efficient we want to be efficient English learners we want to improve faster and the things that we do are really effective because that's what you should be doing that's exactly what you should be doing and especially when you think about the fact that we all have different things in our lives going on this is true for things like exercise where you can say okay I am going to exercise in the most effective way possible maybe doing intensive training for a short amount of time or lifting weights and then you can think okay how can I be more effective with all of this and it applies to learn in English too so we okay I'm just going to burn a couple people how do I perfect okay so let's now talk about some effective methods so as we said we need to get that input we need to be able to listen to things and watch things and that's something that we can do in different times of the day like in bed before before we go to sleep on the train when we're commuting work while we're traveling abroad just watching TV in English instead of in your own language those kind of things are quite easy to incorporate another thing we can do is to read more by reading the news in English and basically what this is is just instead of doing things in your native language do them in English instead that's quite a simple concept instead of doing things in your native language do them in English instead and that's something everyone can do change the language of their device into English read the news in English listen to English listen to English music watch English TV we all love people who are on this channel no to do that that's step one but that's just input we need to also do other things to work on the way we speak of fluency our accuracy and our writing too so I want firstly everybody this is a free tool and this is my affiliate link because there is a paid option the first thing I want you to do is go to to fluency comm slash grammerly and download it I think this is one of the best apps an English Learner or anyone can have who wants to improve their writing so I use grammerly to make sure that I don't make mistakes when I write it's not spell checker it's a grammar checker it is fantastic so whenever you're trying to practice your writing write something using grammar Lee and it's going to give you feedback on the way that you write on the grammar you use if you make spelling mistakes if you use a wrong preposition so yeah that says I've used it for more than two years I just think it's a fantastic tool and writing is a very good activity for you if you want to be able to express yourself in English you can think of writing as a step before speaking so let's say you have learned a few new words and phrases and some new grammar and you want to be able to use it properly a great step is to write it down to use grammerly and to write sentences it will then it will then correct your grammar so if you've learned about prepositions and you want to practice it tells you when you use the wrong preposition and what the correct preposition should be if you say something like he had he have gone hey it will tell you know he has gone he has gone it's such a fantastic tool so maybe think about incorporating five minutes of writing per day if you can do more great but every day try to do five minutes of writing and you're going to get feedback on your writing using grammarly so it's a fantastic tool to use and we're just trying to to think about our perfect language learning routine yeah so do a little bit more writing what else can we do we have input we have righted we have input and we have writing what else can we do what else can we do in order to learn some people are telling me that the link doesn't work sorry about that just go you don't need to use my link just go to grammarly and download it so we've talked about listening we've talked about reading as well because where we can just do what we do in our native language but do it in English instead so we've talked about listening reading writing it's the obvious one now gwiyomi says I've just tested it and it works fantastic so Sara says how can we practice speaking from home and Felipe says speak speak yeah so let's talk about fluency now let's talk about speaking and I made a video a couple of weeks ago where I talked about the difference between accuracy and fluency accuracy in fluency and it's important to work on these two things so fluency is is the effectiveness of what you're saying and I think it also includes your pronunciation too like the way that you say the the sounds of English in the words and phrases so fluency is important accuracy is saying the sentences correctly so it's about using the right grammar and vocabulary both of those things are important so how can we improve our speaker how can we improve our fluency and our accuracy when we are speaking let me know in the chat box and also click that like button and feel free to share this with your friends too so and one asked me that question a little bit later so how can we improve our fluency and our accuracy when speaking what kind of things can we do to improve this most people say have verse Asians so have conversations with people get a teacher and speak to them on a daily or weekly basis to listen what we speak sure you're gonna tell who's recorded listen that's one way I'm gonna tell you a few of the ways to can you actually learn it by just watching YouTube videos reading books and stuff like that this is called the silent method where people say for a year or two you just listen you never speak you never practice you just listen and then after a while you'll be able to just speak and use it normally I don't I haven't done enough research into this but I also think that a combination of listening a lot and doing very specific speaking activities can help so I think that combination is good I also think that I would say listening is is more important but in order to in order to have conversations it's important to understand what the other person is saying not many people think about this but it was obvious to me when my wife and I lived in Bilbao and she wanted to learn a little bit of Basque the that's the language that people speak in the basket country in northern Spain so it's very different to Spanish so she learned what is in this because we went to all these pinche restaurants and they had different items of pinchos with lots of different ingredients so she wanted to know what's in it so she asked this question and then when they started speaking she realised actually it's really important that I understand more than I can speak because you can what you say but you can't control what the other person says so let's just say somebody let's just say you feel tired you can simply say I feel tired today and that's effective it's it's sane exactly what you want to say but if somebody else says I feel exhausted I feel knackered and cream crackered okay I'm cream crackered this means I'm tired and it's it's slang in the UK so I'm knackered I'm exhausted I feel depleted all these different things mean I'm tired but it's important to understand what they mean but if you don't have to use it so you need to understand more then you can actually use to say so go back let's talk about how to improve your speaking and we're thinking about fluency and accuracy here so Yoda says I think nothing works better living in an english-speaking country and actively engage in daily problems of speaking and pushing yourself to improve I agree I think it is the one thing you can do to improve your English however however the majority of people watching this video won't be able to easily do that the majority of people won't be able to just move to an english-speaking country because of these are problems family problems probably problems because of their family and because of their job so what we're talking about here is if you live in a non-english speaking country tilson what we speak to record ourselves speech yourself shadowing I think it's to speak with a native thinking in English watch movies speak more than listen so yeah there are a few things we can do and I think it's important to get a combination of these things another thing we need I'm going to discuss them very quickly but another thing to think about is being able to use correct English when speaking so I think it's important to be efficient with the way that you practice speaking so to be efficient with the way that you practice speaking to learn words and phrases that you are going to use to learn words and phrases that you are going to use because again we are restricted by time we want to ensure that we are doing things really effectively okay because we are restricted by time so learn conversational English phrases keep it simple keep it simple and there are different ways to practice we can use them in normal conversations so we can learn these phrases and then use them with our teacher or with a conversational partner check out hello talk I've never used it but a lot of people say that it's fantastic so I'm cognizant here hello clock tell them that Jack from to fluency I sent you there hello Tom so I think it's a great way to practice the other way is shadowing and this can help me off fluency the fluency and I think shadowing is important too shadow audio that is easy for you to follow if you try to shadow a fast speaking conversation it's going to be very difficult and it's also really important to shadow and shadow things that you understand so do it so that you can easily follow and so that you are accurate when you are saying it now guna gunas i wonder how is fix my accent come up to that in a second another thing to do so important is to learn the sounds of English and how to make them so to learn the sounds of English and how to make them so things like learning the difference between the a and the e sound sit seat sit seat and knowing exactly what to do with your mouth in order to make those sounds correctly then also things like relaxed pronunciation and stress and things like the schwa all of these things are important to do and it's very rare that a student tells me that they are actively working on this that they are actively working on how to say the sounds in English correctly but it's such an important part of speaking especially when it well both when it comes to fluency and accuracy so what we can do is incorporate a few minutes of that everyday into our learning now it depends doesn't it because if your pronunciation is perfect it sounds amazing you can say the sounds perfectly then maybe move on to things where aren't that are a little bit different okay so we've talked about shadowing speaking with somebody and learning the sounds of English and learning them and then my method as well that's a fluency method where you take conversational sentences and listen to them you repeat them sometimes you record and then you compare so why you could say a sentence correctly then just repeater and use things like Anki to get that repetition go if you want to learn more about this method go to fluency comm slash speaking will talk about too much now because you can learn more about it there oh that method is fantastic and that method also allows you to internalize new words and phrases and grammar because when you are repeating these phrases you are naturally internalizing them and that helps you learn grammar this is such a common I'll come back to that question dad Neal but blood my life Pacey says when I hear a video YouTube and also your videos I understand all your conversation more and I try to speak with someone in English it's very difficult for me to speak fluently it's exactly what we're talking about now and why most people need to incorporate more of these things I'm talking about into their daily learning routine because a lot of people are very passive with their English and I want you guys to be more active more active and to incorporate more things that are going to help you with your speaking especially but also your writing and your grammar and vocab learn all of these things will will help okay so the to fluency method learn more about that to fluency calm / tweaking somebody asks what is shadowing shadowing is where you listen to audio and you repeat that you don't stop you don't pause it so you're constantly just repeating after what somebody says and I'm starting to like this method a little bit more but I realized it's important that you use the right type of audio if it's too difficult for you it's not going to be good so we're from things like graded readers okay graded readers another thing you can do is that it we've talked about shadowing conversations to fluency method learning the sounds of English and just pronunciation in general and [Music] there's one more writing as well but right is a little bit different so it's important now to think about how you can incorporate these types of methods into your daily routine and which ones are going to be the most important for you okay which ones are going to be the most important for you be sure to check out the description to learn more about the methods I have the program I have and also if you are new here then you can get my book for free is there anything else that you you do that you think is important is there another learning strategy that you have used that is going to help you let me know in the comments Katherine says I love your videos come to Brazil I've been to Brazil I have been to Brazil asthma says you don't answer me I don't see your comments that's a question again yeah so Jemison a ton of free resources on the internet are so pointless about maryam says teacher jack do you have conversation cards PDF oh no I do have audio form and the phrase is written down in a PDF as well in the in the program you are cool gihan thank you Amira from Egypt hello Malika come to France please my parents live in France and we might ghost there sometime this year is there anything I've missed is there another thing that you can do to work especially on your writing and speaking is there anything else that we can do asthma can I shout out even audio I don't understand late news I'd say try it but I think it's important to understand what you're saying because if it's too difficult a lot of people mumble so they'll listen and they go like so they'll mumble because they can't make these sounds correctly so I think it's important to fix the way you speak learn the sounds of English and then start shadowing so it's like you if you get the accuracy part right and then you start the fluency is there anything I've missed anything of missed not many people are commenting about that said that says I'm going to conversation classes to improve my English speeds before you try to do other things too because the conversation classes can help your fluency but not always your accuracy can you why the vile I in the words give and time has a different pronunciation yes because English is not phonetic you can't read a word in English and know how to say it it's really annoying in Spanish you can read a word and know exactly how that should be pronounced but in English you don't have that luxury you don't have that privilege instead you have to learn how words are pronounced and I think that's why listening is good but also a good tactic for that a good technique is to listen and read to something at the same time so if you're reading an audio book so I read in a book and there's an audio version you can read and lesson read and lesson and what we're talking about here is some activities that take more effort so to listen and read at the same time takes more energy and effort than just listening on the train therefore I think about the times when you can focus and do some deliberate practice okay so do some deliberate practice Gemma is known here for saying I don't agree jack not always well what percentage of Spanish words can you say and where you're not using relaxed pronunciation what percentages of Spanish words can you say just by looking at the word okay do we say turn on english subtitle or English subtitles yeah turn on English subtitles Ingrid says to sing songs while reading the lyrics yes I like that that's another way that you can learn songs are good it just helps you it helps you a lot with like the the stress and the intonation of the language I love your British accent I used to watch skins from the UK okay everybody again please like and share this video with your friends so more people can learn about the methods that I talked about and yeah just in summary we can listen a lot we can listen and watch things because it's very passive it doesn't take energy and we can do these things while doing other things and it's important to get a lot of input but to be more efficient think about ways that you can incorporate more writing more work on your pronunciation more work on your fluency and all the methods I've talked about here so that you can make real good progress really good progress it's very American real good really good progress with especially your speaking because most people want to improve their speaking and also think about how you can learn the type of English you need to know for example if you are if you need your English to work with Taurus because you're a tour guide in Italy one of my old students was a tour guide in Italy then learn the types of words and phrases you'll need to communicate with people who are Taurus and then listen to videos where you see tours so you can listen to the types of questions that English speakers ask when they are on a tour so really important get very very focused in there a dario heaven say hello English learners grumbly is a free app to learn there's a free version and a paid version what to do if you get tired of learning English think about the reasons why you need to learn and just start having more fun different things so for example another way to get more input is to play computer games if you play computer games play them in English this is such a fun way to learn and the go to me days where you feel lazy when you don't really want to focus and to listen to your own voice just do something but also don't make excuses find the time to do the things I'll go to help you okay everybody again thank you so much for being here if you are new subscribe to the to fluency channel and go download my book the five-step plan for English fluency if you are if you've been here for a while and you're interested in my program there's a 30 day refund policy so you can take a look around download the memory cards if you don't think it's going to be good for you then you can it get a refund but definitely check it out read all about it and see if it is for you or not again the link for that is below and then if you're looking for something else to do right now go watch my last two videos my last two videos I talked about how to learn new words and phrases and I can't remember why else but it was a good video so go check it out okay everybody thank you so much again and I'll speak to you soon bye for now
Channel: To Fluency
Views: 32,360
Rating: 4.9328465 out of 5
Keywords: language, learn english, speak english
Id: zPcajl9OZFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 40sec (2680 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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