Want to Speak English Fluently? Avoid THESE 3 THINGS if You Want to Succeed!

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okay this is jackfarm2fluency.com and welcome to you if you want to learn english and make the next few months the months where you actually succeed with this then watch this video because it's really going to help you think about and create the plan that you need in order to reach your goals now i've got quite a lot to share today and i'm going to go into some depth in some areas so we're going to talk about certain things in depth so this is a really important lesson that i think you're going to really enjoy now i've got something to share we're just going to get straight into it instead of messing around so if i go to my presentation and to the start what we're going to do is briefly talk about my book the five-step plan for english fluency now i highly recommend that you download this book it is free to download there is a link in the description so click that link enter your details and you can start reading this book today but very briefly what this book talks about and what again what we're going to do is talk about why most people fail when it comes to learning english so why people start learning english maybe you have started in the past you gave up and now you're starting again and this is what i call the cycles of learning english so maybe you're trying again but most people won't succeed in learning english to a level they want to reach within the next gear and i am going to tell you exactly why that is the case why that is true and what to do instead so going back to this get my book the five step plan for english fluency and we're just going to briefly talk about what that book is about and what the five-step plan is about now so firstly i talk about your goal and your why your goal and your why and i put these two together because they that you can really start your goal with your y or create a goal with your y for example your goal might be to have a c1 level of english to be able to use english freely fluently and confidently in all different types of situations you might make mistakes but that's okay you're at that c1 level the european framework level i like to call this advanced but you're not perfect yet no one's perfect but you're not at that stage where you're speaking perfectly and people are thinking where is this person from are they native english speakers or not a c1 level is below that but it's a fantastic level to have that's what most people want to to achieve now that's your goal and your why is the reasons why this is important your motivation this is such a key point why you want to do it so these two go together because your why creates your goal so you want to have a goal learn english speak english freely and confidently and your why is that is the reason why now once you have that you need to learn what you need to do in order to achieve this goal what you need to do in order to achieve this goal so this just means the types of things you need to study the types of things you need to do on a daily basis in order to achieve this so important because as you're going to learn later this is i think the number one reason most people the number one reason i think and i'll explain why as we get into the latter part of this lesson so what you do is important this might mean taking english lessons studying grammar reading books listening to music listening to podcasts watching movies working on your pronunciation working on your fluency learning new words and phrases all those different things it's what you actually do now the next step step four is how to do this how to actually do the things you need to do so this basically for me means how to create a study plan that fits in with you the rest of your life because these days we're all busy we have family we have friends we have work we have school we have hobbies we have interests we have time when we just want to lie on the sofa and do nothing so you need to think about how english is going to enter your life when are you going to do it how are you going to do the things you need to do so this means creating a study plan a schedule and actually doing the things you need to do and then the last step of this is to take action so to to start to start this you you've got your plan you're thinking what i need to do the next part is to take action and to stay consistent okay to take action and stay consistent because let me tell you this if you have a plan that's going to work a powerful learning english study plan we'll talk more about what that means later but if you have a powerful english study plan then you do it every day consistently and you do it for 6 to 12 months you're going to achieve success you are going to be successful because it's just a matter of time a matter of that patience to allow everything to come together so again if you consistently do the right things if you consistently study english in a powerful way then you will achieve your goals in the long term but if you do the wrong things okay if you do things that don't make a difference every day you're not going to achieve your goals if you do the right things powerful english learning strategies if you do those things but you don't do them consistently then you won't achieve your goal so we both need a powerful study plan an effective study plan and the consistency to do it that's what my goal looks like here now i'm going to talk about reasons why people fail soon there are three reasons i have to share today but first i also want to show you this picture of somebody working out deadlifting because what we're talking about here is not just about how to learn english it's how to achieve anything in life it could be to achieve muscle on your body to become super fit it could be to achieve a successful business or to be able to play the guitar so there are all these different things that we can think about and different goals and i'm going to use this um gaining muscle as another one now i mentioned this before and i think it's really worth mentioning again the cycle of learning the cycle of learning okay where a lot of people when they first start out they get something called newbie games all right now this is some some slang here some technical or yes slang related to weightlifting so if you think about somebody who has never lifted weights before okay and they're going to do some overhead press like this and press up the weight like this they've never done it before the first few weeks they're going to get a lot stronger because their baseline is zero they haven't done any strength training but as they start early they're going to get some good gains so they're going to get strength early on but if you've ever done weight lifting before there comes a time when six weeks later it's you're not putting on new strength it's harder for you to gain strength so that is what a newbie game is like it's the same for learning english you start a new course you haven't learned english before or you haven't learned english um in a a very specific way for a few months you start learning again and you think i'm improving look at this i'm getting better and better and better okay well this is also a newbie game and what you're doing let's just say you started learning english a year ago you did it for three months from january to march then you stopped you stopped you gave up which happens to a lot of people and then you start learning again in january it seems like you're improving your english but you're relearning what you learned last year same with strength training you do this for six weeks you gain strength you stop for six months you go back and it's a lot easier to gain that strength again muscle memory you have memory that you can reactivate when it comes to speaking english too so the cycle of learning i'll go back to this a cycle of learning is a good example is new year's resolutions when people say okay i'm going to learn english this year they do it from january to march then they stop then they start again in 2021 january to march stop then they start again in 2022 january february march they stop i'm sure you can think of times when you have done this with english and with other things too now i have done this with the guitar it's probably probably the best example in my life where i start playing the guitar i love it it's great fun i'm learning and then i stop i do nothing for months or years and then i start again stop playing the guitar stop again and what i'm going to explain next is how to overcome this how to overcome this and i'm going to explain why i stopped playing the guitar are you ready so i think there are three reasons for this okay first one don't want it enough don't want it enough the desire to learn english the desire to learn the guitar the desire to put on muscle and this goes back to your goal and your why my goal is to learn the guitar why because i like it i think it would be cool however this is the reason why i don't play the guitar now i don't want it enough i don't have the desire to do it and i think it's important to be honest with this i don't have the desire to learn the guitar right now i don't want it enough to change my life to change my routine to stop doing other things in order to do the guitar because our life is um our time is limited i'll tell you what i do desire okay so things i do want to do are become fitter which i've been doing for the last two years very well and to learn about history and to build my business those are the three things that i really like doing and desire to do where i want to build my teaching business to help english learners like you i want to become as fit as possible where i just feel great about the way i look and how i move with my body and also to learn about history those are the three things that i desire the most i don't have enough time to also play the guitar in that it's just not important to me enough so when it comes to this and learning english it's important to think if you want it enough and i'm sure if you're here you do you do want to learn english and what we can also do is think about our why why we want to learn your goal and just go really deep with it and think about how it's going to change your life because learning english is a fantastic skill to have this might be for your career it might be for yours studying it could be just for fun or for practical reasons in different ways where you learn english because it's so important to you your why so that's number one think about your desire do you want it enough but let's say you do let's say you do want it enough number two is this you've underestimated the journey you have underestimated the journey you didn't realize how long this was going to take you didn't realize how long learning english was going to take i'll get it on my screen so you start out and you think okay this is good i'm learning english i'm learning new words and phrases but then you think oh god what is this what's what's the third conditional or the past perfect and collocations and phrasal verbs slang and then people use english in the uk versus the us in different ways and you think oh my goodness this this is such a big task to do it's the same with working out you start working out you start getting those all right i've gone from 10 pounds to 15 pounds 20 pounds and you think in order to get the muscle i want to have i need to do this with 100 pounds i didn't understand how difficult it was going to be to get there with learning the guitar you learn a few new chords you think oh this is great i can sing an oasis song okay and then you think oh what's this chord and how do you do this strumming pattern this is difficult this is a long journey to get to where you want to be so number two is underestimating the journey underestimated the journey so that's where you don't understand how difficult it is or how long the journey is now and i'm thinking here my wife is uh texting me she always texts me in a live lesson okay so this let's just say you have the desire you want to do it you know the journey because you've tried learning english before number three and that's what we're going to focus on today is you don't trust the process you don't trust the process okay so you don't trust it and this is all going back to what to do what to do to in order to achieve your goals now think about this for a little bit i'm going to do working out so let's say again you want to gain muscle and you're using a fitness plan to get there but you're using the fitness plan and it's you just think is this working is my workout routine maximized so that i'm spending my time in the right way okay the same with the guitar you buy a course on how to play the guitar and you start doing the course but then you think is this the right course to take am i wasting my time because let's say it's not the right course and you have spent 10 hours a week for six weeks doing something that isn't helping you now that feeling is not a good feeling and it leads people just to say oh i can't play the guitar i can't gain muscle i can't learn english i can't do it whereas the key part to this is changing the way you learn to trust the process in terms of what you're doing is going to help so this is such a key part of it and there's different points here where you need to to be able to follow a plan so that you give it time but also not to keep doing things that don't work now i'm going to give an example of um when it comes to learning a language in things of in my past when it hasn't worked so for me what didn't work for me or what didn't work enough was spending my time with grammar and exercises where i took grammar books i learned the grammar and then i did exercises it helped in a way but what really changed for me was when i started to do different things instead when i really started to work on my speaking as a way of learning and when i put the focus on sentences but what i want you to do is don't just trust me when i say these methods are going to work instead test them yourself first and then continue doing the things that work so when it came to working out i followed different exercise plans and for example i've i've really had an issue with my knees where when i played football my knees hurt for two or three days later or when i tried to do squats my knees were hurting so much and i tried so many different things in order to get them better and if i kept doing the old things then i would never have reached where i am now now i don't have any pain in my knee because i found a new method that was incredible and it changed the way i worked out where i went from having so much knee pain to zero knee pain in two or three weeks i didn't trust the old process but now this one this knee program i completely trust because i have seen results from it so now i'm continuing this knee program in terms of helping me become more athletic so you can see now that it's working i want to continue doing it the same thing for learning english if you find something isn't working over two or three weeks i'm going to tell you how to test this then stop doing it and do it do something else instead okay here's how to test yourself so how do you know it's working you test yourself test yourself or you you do certain things to see if it's working so a good way i like to do this is for example pronunciation okay so how you're speaking in english the way you can test this is to record yourself record yourself so my method for for this to help you speak english more accurately is to take an uh an audio phrase in english where you listen to the audio phrase then you repeat yourself saying it but you record yourself then you listen to it and then from there what you can do is you make changes you think okay i need to open my mouth more that's that sound is made by you put my tongue behind my teeth you learn how to do it and then you record yourself again to test yourself and then you do it again record yourself to test yourself and then that way what you're doing is you're understanding you can trust that it's working if you see yourself improving so what you're doing is you're recording yourself to test yourself to see if this is improving now the next one to test another one is based on what i like to do is if you're learning new words test yourself or document how much you have learned i'm going to say um test how much you have learned and you can go back and create your own test to see okay did i remember that word did i remember that word can i use it in a way that it should be used am i using it properly learning new words so i like to learn new vocabulary through sentences and that's not just vocabulary but grammar sentence structure it's such a powerful tool now if you want to get this method go to my channel homepage and click the featured video where i talk about exactly how to use this method but what you can do is say okay i want to learn 10 new words this week and then you write down the words you want to learn then you find sentences with these words you use the sentence method the technique on my home page on my channel home page and then two weeks later you test yourself to see if you have learned those words that's how you can trust the process that's how you can trust a process so what you're doing is you're testing yourself in the moment when it comes to speaking you're testing yourself with new words by setting a challenge every week and then that is giving you the feedback to tell you you are making progress with your english okay and then a bigger test which i think you should do every month or so is to have a teacher evaluate your english so to speak with somebody who can say okay i've noticed that you've made progress that you have improved in these areas i've noticed that you've improved in these areas but also i think you're going to find that if you use the right methods you're going to just know that it's working if you are making progress you're going to notice that it's happening and that is so important you have to trust the process you have to trust your study plan in order to feel like really confident about doing it but also so that you actually do it because if it's not working then you're not going to spend time doing it it's a waste of time it's a waste of time so the methods that i think you should follow or test try yourself my lrc method listen repeat record compare do this for specific areas of pronunciation but also do it for speaking in general and then also the sentence method where you're learning new phrases and sentences all the time you're repeating them so that you commit them to your long-term memory again for this just go to my home page and watch that video it's such a key video and then finally to have very good listening practice where you're listening to things that you can understand and getting lots of that practice and then what you're going to find is again you listen to a podcast listen to it again you notice that you are improving by listening to it twice get lots of repetition with this so this is what i want you to do next okay is to firstly watch this lesson again because it's important to understand that in order to succeed in the long term you have to understand it is a long journey that is going to take time that you need to do the right things and you need to stay consistent okay and that if you're doing the wrong things then you're just going to fail because you're not going to want to you won't want to learn if you're not making progress that's why people give up and then to test different methods to see which works best for you so to test the methods i've talked about listen to other teachers see what they say test those methods and then go through and think okay am i improving am i making improvement with this so your action plan download my book the five step plan for english fluency it is free to download you can do this um while watching the stream or if you're watching after the fact i'll leave it in the chat there's a link in the description too go watch my video on my home page about that method and try it for the next two weeks and then test to see if it is working for you okay test to see if it's working for you and then if it is great keep doing it keep doing it do the things that work don't waste time on things that don't work okay
Channel: To Fluency
Views: 45,952
Rating: 4.9578753 out of 5
Keywords: learn english, to fluency, english, learning english, speak english, free english lesson, english lesson, speak english fluently
Id: TbKc0ABB4xA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 43sec (1723 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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