We gave FREE books to refugees in Europe!

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let me start at the beginning October 6th 2017 was world teachers day and to celebrate we decided to do a charity event to help refugees learn English to raise money we read every word in the Oxford Dictionary of English live on YouTube and we sold hot dogs and now comes the best part visiting the refugees and giving them the materials [Music] [Music] now this should be a sad story but it's not it's a story of love this is the city of Athens in Greece and for people fleeing the conflicts in Syria and Afghanistan this is their gateway into Europe down there is the Victoria social center that's where they're giving English classes to these refugees hoping to try and give them some type of future let's go and meet some people this is Patricia she started the charity three years ago with a friend why did you decide to start [Music] [Music] to do something I've been in many countries there is a lot of poverty as the main difference that these people want who are before the poor one is still in Syria because they don't have money or in Afghanistan they don't have money to pay the smugglers they don't have money to come here the poor one system is here here let's say a culture which has one or the doctors and the architects and it's incredible credible to think that this represents the rich people of that country I believe that a majority of people have a social conscience that of course I don't think anybody wants to see children dying and people suffering and no one wants to see that maybe it feels very [Music] this is Patricia's dog Puritan it's a menace to society it bit me twice in two days but it has the European passport now let's meet someone who doesn't have a passport what's your name my name is hala I love I love saying this name hala is that good fun see Asian my name is Christian Christian yes I'm an English teacher really what was the situation why did you leave Syria the world destroyed my my house and my school our hospitals and our city so I there is no there is no life there so we ran out from seeing you two came maybe to find another life here yeah I mean you know I come from Australia which is a very rich country and a very safe country and you know I can't I can't even imagine you know having your country destroyed or maybe you think like the hospitals and that's it's just like I can't imagine it for me for me the thing the question I have is I mean you're you're smiling you know and you're and you're laughing I mean how how I came here but after after what happened with me yeah yeah of course you know there is a lot of people who lose who lose that smile and we lose that love and in the world but also the word teach us we have to get strong we that bad luck and lesson for us even we are really really so young and so small what we have to we have to know that yeah me for me I am brave I'm brave yeah really brave there is there is there's people who just in the home I'm doing nothing and just say why why me why me why other people why they another country why just me for me no amazing you you are so inspirational it's it's incredible thank you so much wow what about your hobbies do you do you have any hobbies like yeah because I I am the first in my class really wow it's so good maybe the next year I will go to another country like UK or Holland or maybe Spain to continue my study I want to be surgery Oh a surgeon Wow I think you would be a great surgeon I think because you know the number one important characteristic of any doctor is compassion is love really you have to love the people and and I think you're full of a lot of love right I hope that one day in the future when I have heart problems that that you that you you are my surgeon you come in with your mask and later I got a chance to talk to the volunteers and meet Judith who teaches English to the children how long have you been here I arrived two weeks ago and I'm gonna say one love okay and after two weeks what's your what's your feeling about about being here and it's it's a nice feeling and sometimes very emotional but at the end of the day is really I feel myself really grateful with the kids yes I am only with children the whole day and yes it's very it's impressive how they talk about the stories and oh really yes how they came here and all the things it's always like yeah we came in a boat with water and yeah and they laugh a lot and you are like I want to cry but you are laughing so okay that's nice about maybe positivity yeah okay now for the exciting part all of these are the books and the teaching materials that I bought with the money that you all very generously donated the kids can start using them [Music] there's there's a lot of things here this is this is gonna take a long time to put all these away the apartment is hundreds of book so now the kids have a whole library of books from starter all the way up until level three there's all these books and these books here the next day they loaded the van with children's toys for refugee camp outside Athens called scare Magus Scaramanga is one of the two biggest camp near Athens is a building no no they call here caravans you know it's like containers and one container is used to be shared by two families they have one toilet in common two families per container [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this place is crazy like containers just [Music] containers I've never seen anything like it [Music] after giving out the presents to the children at the camp Patricia introduced me to a family living in Skara Magus how long have you been living here two years and one month and selamat are you from from Syria my village there are near the Jordan now in this area is a very difficult life very difficult and very dangerous very dangerous before I come here my son study in the sport and the Syrian sometimes the government bumped to the school I see that some children is the spin is very Oh you are you are smiling ahaha you know how how do you how are you positive now my teeth smile but my heart it's murder my heart is very sad and sometimes speak would she sometimes very dense milepoc to my heart very sad I hope my son in the future study University in the Germany medicine okay because because I've come back to Syria anytime I don't know a puppy in three years the years ten years I don't now help the viewer some people cut hand and cut an egg yo yo dad one wants you to be a doctor yeah I want to be alive yes yeah but you know that if you want to be a doctor you have to work [Music] [Music] to help them your your your Joker you're always joking and I mix my life joking and twee had been I will not jerk with be said you know I will be tired every time I have a problem in my life that I think is a big problem I will think [Music] I'm standing here on this on this pier you know on this on this beautiful coastline you know in in Greece this is the Mediterranean Sea this is Europe and and I'm here in this in this camp and I'm sitting with a guy I'm sitting with a guy who's telling me about how a bomb literally fell into his house when when he was with you very beautiful the people here are just incredible like a heart no no nobody that comes here can can can not be affected by the display of humanity and and it's not it's not actually a sad thing it's like people who've been through so much they find the strength to to smile and to laugh and you know maybe hope I don't know but it really it really puts things into perspective sitting there laughing and smiling with those people who had gone through so much I remembered something that Patricia said to me during our interview I think we are more individualist and more selfish every time and lucky and happy because only people describing what is happening in Syria for me now what happened before they need all of us should be in the street protest in and make the prostration against what is happening only now are house-sitting an hour so far fortunately we have the solution could be that simple Beadle is selfish share more don't forget about these people who need our help because one day it could happen to you before I went to Athens I asked a student of mine to translate a message into Arabic so I could play it for the refugees when I arrived assalamualaikum Anna is me Christian America mother allium and a melodica Mary fella Anton Ferdinand and I'm gonna be an Akula hidden income a tradition and a kuriboh as dakara Sokka debatable a de nada an item of kathira wa la semana de Derek working on a Yamaha American condom la cumbre say later Emily and I do my own area code Elohim and especially at La Salette desire Nadine Allah Allah moon ahuna and the Catherine mean inertia brother Adam but Sarah movie watching him or marry him the immediate alone 11 you appear on to people Kumar and it will say apartment she's an entire article lucky now yahoo noun 1 upon wanna Yehuda Minerva medica Romania Polamalu I'll be hypocritical you know when you add in my water hopefully not our method while the more one compares a unibody hurtful and I admire him before well you read one year of him so either chakra alaikum [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Canguro English
Views: 40,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canguro english, kangaroo english, canguru english, how to learn english, We gave FREE books to refugees in Europe!, books to refugees, books to refugees in Europe
Id: 5OP6EnwNIkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 03 2018
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