LIVE - ASRock Z790 Riptide and i9-14900K Build - Can We Cool the CPU?

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[Music] [Music] he hello everybody and welcome into my latest live broadcast today if I can get my voice today it is Friday the 8th of December 2023 I'm just getting over a little bit of a cold that's why I didn't do any videos earlier this week um something got me but it seems minor whatever it is and so if I'm clearing my throat I'm just struggling with a little bit of congestion other than that I'm fine and uh The Show Must Go On as they say today I want to pick up where I left off with this uh 14900 K Bill where we tried the be quiet cooler there's not an air cooler that I'm aware of that will cool the 1400k when you push it hard so I decided to look around for what all-in-one liquid coolers might be able to do the job and you know it's going to have to be a pretty serious heavyduty liquid cooler or this high-end Flagship Intel chip that is a very high power and high heat generating when it's pushed so if you're just idling at the desktop it's not a big deal and if you're never really pushing your computer that hard very often an air cooler will be fine it's okay for it to get hot and cool back down what we don't want is we don't want it to get hot and stay hot for a lengthy period of time which some people do uh on the tasks that they ask of their computer they could be quite resource intensive so uh I'll let each of you decide which category you fit into for you to decide whether or not an air cooler would be good enough for you I decided to try this EK nucleus allinone this is the cr360 dark I decided I don't want any RGB on this build I want it all completely blacked out kind of old school and I was looking for the parts list and just ran out of time so after the show today I will gather the parts list for the CPU the ram the motherboard the storage the cooler the case and then whatever power supply I decide to use the case we're using today is the uh um NZXT H7 it's a pretty large size full tower case I could have done the H5 it will fit in there but I just thought is kind of a beast of a computer so let's put it into a beefier case that'll be a little easier to get in and out of and little more breathing room it's not that much the H7 is not that much bigger than the H5 and I really like the look of it and it's a pleasure to work in that case I should say NZXT do has never ever sponsored this channel they've never sent us anything for review everything I use from NZXT I purchase with the funds generated through super cheat contributions and through memberships and other YouTube revenue and uh they're my choice when I'm picking a case for myself or for customers NZXT makes some of the best cases in my opinion except that they all have glass so in the CA in the in a scenario where a a business client wants a computer the NZXT are not the best choice however uh for everybody else they're a pleasure to work on and since most people watching YouTube channel uh YouTube videos are going to be hobbyists and enthusiasts anyway um it's a good solid value for what you're getting for the money and as I mentioned it's a pleasure to work on worked on a thousand different computer cases of different designs and there's very few that stand out to be a pleasure to work on or work in let me give you a shout out and a thank you to the contributions so many generous people have contributed prior to the show starting so a shout out and thank you goes to we go to the beginning Paul O'Brien contributes fiveo he said let's get this party started with the fairy tale of New York in honor of Shane McGaw a legend of Ireland right on all right planet cryos with $5 says it isn't Friday without this in our life good to see everyone thank you Planet cryus thank you Paul O'Brien 3D everything renews membership now a member for 18 months that is awesome thank you so much for continuing to support the channel 3D everything says hello Uncle Carrie and aunti maralina in chat welcome in welcome in thank you for renewing your membership Ben La joins us from Scotland with a 5 pound Super Chat contribution and says hello all from Scotland our friend planet cryos again with a $2 Super Chat he says you want it this is where you get it that's right that should be my slogan Mike danne Jr with a $10 Super Chat said this is from my father saying thank you to everyone for their prayers he will be back on very soon that is awesome that's great news we can't wait to see him and thank you for the contribution and the update on your father's status planet cryos again with a $2 Super Chat so let's get the show started hello Carrie and all I love your enthusiasm thank you again our friend Rick Lakes from Minnesota contributes $5 in Super Chat and says hello our friend Mark gains joining us from Northern Ireland with a 10 pound contributions says hello Carrie maralina and everyone in chat hello mark thank you my friend Slappy became a new member here welcome in Slappy to the tech club remember every Monday we do members only videos and those are available only to members never available to the public however if you become a member you can go back and see all the members only videos you've missed um the beauty I think of the members only videos is the one-on-one interaction with a much smaller crowd so you have a much better chance of interacting with me and things are a lot less formal since I don't have to worry about uh public harassment so there are some items for discussion on the members only videos that I would not put out publicly for my own security I know the people there that are members are not out to harass me they support the show and uh one thing I know about the harassers is they won't spend a dime so it's a very simple solution to being able to isolate and separate uh the people who are here for the right reason from the people who are here for the wrong reason some people just assume a content creator just wants more viewers the downside of having more viewers is you get more harassment so I would rather have a smaller group of of uh dedicated or kind viewers considerate viewers than they have a million where it's you know half jerks and it's a little of everything quite honestly and you can't tell the good from the bad it's really hard to know what somebody's intentions are when they leave a message that isn't very clear if it was meant as a joke if it was meant uh as an insult and then the chat room gets very chaotic and it can be very frustrating for both the content creator and the viewers who feel like they're not being heard or seen when the content creator is getting overwhelmed with requests so bigger isn't always better not in my mind I'd much rather have a smaller tight-knit community community that looks out for each other and I thank you all for being a part of that and again for the members that tightened Community gets their own video and their own uh way to contact me more directly without me wondering what their intention is so uh bear that in mind and again with your membership you're helping keep me free from being a corporate spokesman having to go out and promote products to pay the bills um I prefer to showcase the work I do in my real life it repair business and uh manage service providing business well at the same time uh sometimes there are computers we build here for viewers and that also is just another source of content same with repairs sometimes viewers will send their computers in for repair it doesn't often make sense when so many viewers are on the East Coast I think two 23ds of the United States population lives on the Eastern side of this of the country so to ship your computer to the exact opposite side it takes quite a while and it can be quite expensive uh depending on the computer it could be worth it and of course shipping it to me and then me shipping it back introduces additional damage back and forth so uh assuming it's packed well when it's being shipped to me of course of course I pack it the way I know how to pack it shipping it back still a chance for damage and that would be a shame to go through the effort the time to get everything all fixed up send it back and have it damaged in shipping on the way back so it's obviously better if you find somebody locally however I've had some people that say look there's nobody around me I trust it's worth paying the extra money to have you do it and besides no one else is going to make a video of showing the diagnostic for free so I'm like yeah all send along so as long as people have the right expectations understanding the time and the expense involved uh we certainly enjoy uh helping out our viewers as much as we can and the viewers enjoy helping each other out so if you have any problems or any questions always be sure and jump into a live show and just ask the chat room you don't necessarily need to ask me we have a very smart group of people here who are also very courteous and they'll do their best to try and assist you with whatever computer problem you're having some people try to reach out to me privately and that's fine if you're a member but if you're not a member I just I don't have enough bandwidth to deal with all the incoming requests but I always make time for the members and I always make time to support the people who support me that's really important for me to let those supporters know how much they're appreciated and to let others know that if they want to encourage this community and they're seeking free help they can jump into a live chat if they want my personal help they can become a member or um uh they can hire me so a lot of people don't get that they're looking for free advice and they don't seem to appreciate the community we've got here so if they don't appreciate that it's not inclined to help right uh in some cases people are looking for a solution to a problem they stumble on one of my videos and they immediately email me without knowing anything about the channel without offering anything they immediately start asking me to do things for them I don't know who they are and uh it's very time consuming and there's only so many hours in the day so if you want that kind of support and you want to be able to reach out to me I can guarantee as a member I always always return emails to my members I make the time and uh and I want to show my appreciation and make sure members know just how important they are to this Channel's existence uh you YouTube's money is pathetic so without the membership contributions uh I'd be lucky to make two three videos a month uh this month it's actually been a little bit slow for my content creation because of the number of of uh repair jobs I've had work that I have getting in the way and then on top of that like I said I sick so this week has been sort of a Down week for me thankfully that doesn't happen very often and thankfully this wasn't that bad of a cold whatever it was it kind of came and went in about 3 or 4 days so I'm grateful for that I think by Monday I'll be 100% for sure I'm almost there now so to get on with today's build I uh initially built this with 32 gigs of RAM when I intended to build it with 64 and then realized I didn't have 64 gigs of DDR so I went online and I bought some non-rgb course Vengeance ddr5 64 gig and just pop the ram out and put that in there so that change was made off camera I haven't tested it or anything I just put the ram in there and primarily so I didn't forget to do it later there's nothing wrong with the ram I was using I just wanted something that was uh all black and was double the capacity so that's what we've got in there now I can't remember what SSD I put in here uh we do have the 14900 k it took over a week for this part to arrive so a lot of this was just sitting waiting for the EK nucleus uh I've never used ek's all-in ones before I didn't even know they made them I've heard very good things about it so that's what we'll be installing today and uh that's all going to get put into an H7 NZXT case now I was going to set this up on the counter without installing into the case just to see if it's going to do the job and then I realized if I do that it's going to be very difficult afterwards to put it in to the case with the water block and everything mounted down to the board and then also even if it's not going to keep this chip cool I don't know of a better cooler than this so at that point I'm going to have to go into the BIOS and start turning some things down so one way or another I guess I'm sticking with this cooler so we might as well just go ahead and build it into the case so that's what I'm doing today and uh again take a look here in the chat room a shout out and a thank you to our good friend Peter Lok watching us from Bonnie Scotland and Peter thank you as always for your generous contributions William Lynn said who is this PC for uh this PC is for no one this is a channel build as such it will be available for sale to anybody who wants to buy it in the United States uh for the cost of Parts this is a pretty expensive build we've got a $650 CPU a $200 motherboard H1 $200 wor a ram um the case isn't too bad I think the case is $150 something like that the cooler I think is2 200 of course we'll grab Windows 10 or Windows 11 and we'll grab a license over there at VIP cdk deals I always grab a Windows 10 Pro license and use that to activate either Windows 10 Pro or Windows 11 Pro the license code will work either way so even though they will charge you more for Windows 11 Pro product key it doesn't make any sense why anybody would buy a Windows 11 Pro product key when the Windows 10 product key is cheaper and works exactly the same but to each their own so those are currently us doar $16.16 for Windows 10 Pro product key over at VIP cdk deals using the coupon code Carry I've been using their product now for over two years I am ecstatic to be uh partnered up with them and to be able to share this discount with you guys because this is the real legitimate deal these are real license Keys there's they're not stolen Keys they're not um um like Enterprise keys or nothing like that these are the real deal the same kind of keys HP and Dell use and in fact priced about the same as what HP and Dell pay so it's a a a great deal to take advantage it's over 90% off the retail price which is insane and of course if you are skeptical be sure and just ask around in the chat room if anybody's got any thoughts about vipcd K deals and see what they tell you all the products are guaranteed so if you get a license key and you have a problem with it you have 30 days to reach out and say hey I need some help with this don't hoard the license keys and then try to use them six months from now even though they're probably going to work fine if they don't and then you reach out for support that's suspicious that looks like some kind of scam you're trying to pull hey I bought this product key six months ago and doesn't work what what are you talking about who does that so much like any other purchase you make at any store at least here in the USA it's a 30-day standard return period so if you have any problems you will be less likely to run into any obstacles or frustrations if you do it within 30 days uh as I mentioned in most cases you're not going to have any problems but in the rare circumstance that you do I don't want you to have to deal with trying to explain why you had a product key for months that you bought and sat on so that they they're convinced you're not trying to pull a scam it's just frustrating for everybody so I say wait till you need the product keys buy them as you need them that way if there's any problem you can reach out to their support they will help you right away they will resolve the problem one way or another uh if in in a rare circumstance that there's some miscommunication you guys just aren't communicating well reach out to me directly and I'll make sure to get to the bottom of it I want to make sure that you know anything I'm promoting here on the channel I personally guarantee I don't know any other content creator that does that um this is a business I'm running here and the YouTube channel is sort of a a spin-off of that business so you can see the inner workings of the logic I use when I'm buying parts and some of the frustrations and challenges I face as a system builder and then doing technical support that you may not have ever are considered being a home user you may not think a lot of the stuff is that big of a deal until you run at its scale you may not think uh a $10 difference is that big of a deal except when you're buying 20 30 40 you know multiple quantities that $10 becomes 300400 $500 and you're dealing with a product that doesn't have good support then it makes it look to my customer that I'm not offering support even though I'm the one that that's not getting support from the manufacturer the customers didn't buy from the manufacturer they bought from me so if my hands are being tied from the manufacturer what do I say to the client nothing acceptable nothing the client's going to find acceptable so when I'm looking for parts it's got to be a good value there's got to be the ability for me to make a profit in it without having my computers cost so much more than anybody else's the products have to be reliable because there's so little profit I need to be able to to you know once the system is sold as much as possible not deal with any support calls if I get one support call there's no profit in it now I'm breaking even if I get two support calls now it's costing me money to send the you know to sell a computer and on top of that I'm getting frustrated the client's getting frustrated and there's a good chance neither one of us will want to do business with the other one if the client is in my opinion being a pain in the rear or they're just grossly unlucky uh that is what comes along with this business so I've got to be very careful over the parts I'm selecting because they're representative of the quality of what I build and if there is a problem with anything I need to be able to fix it quickly both for the cost that it's costing me the time that it's cting me I need to minimize that as much as possible and for the inconvenience to the client who's down until the machine's back up and running and even when it's covered at no cost to the client they're still not happy about being down so even that can cost the future business of a client so all these things and there's so much more that home users don't have to worry about but uh that's why I make these videos that's why I have this channel it's to open your mind and open your eyes to the business side of things because if you operate your own home as a business as most of us really do I mean you've got payables you've got income and you've you've got bills you are running a business if you're running a household and if you follow business practices when you choose your parts instead of just going for what's cheapest or off of eBay I I would never buy anything off of eBay that I was going to resell unless it was something new from New Egg or something sometimes uh new egg has product they sell on eBay and it comes from New Egg in a new egg box but I would not put my name behind something where the source of the product is questionable that includes used products again I don't get the support I can't pass it on to the customer well that might make my price more attractive if it has problems I'm stuck even to the point of having to replace the entire unit at my cost in order to honor the warranty if I don't do that then the customer can come after me legally and at the same time badmouth me and most of my business comes from referrals so the only way you're going to get those referrals is you're meeting your customers expectations so these are all things that I consider when I'm building not only for my clients but for myself and I strongly recommend you guys do the same it will save you money in the long run you might think well I could get this part cheaper but at the same time without the peace of mind and support behind it it may actually end up costing you a lot more and again if you run that at scale and you do that with 10 parts 20 Parts 100 Parts it wouldn't take much to go out of business so it looks good at first when you get the sale but then when the problems start coming in yeah you're not going to be liking life all right let's see oyin joining us all the away from Norway welcome in oyin RAR man says hello there's Les Stevenson and essential working too hard there's our friend Frankie B joining us in the chat room and 1210 saying hello Robert mcord mumi says hello welcome in Robert again if you have any questions during this broadcast be sure and just type your question off topic is fine into the chat and then watch the chat for responses I may not necessarily be able to get to your questions but the chat room definitely will and uh they're a very trusting source of information they just want to help so uh you know be sure and and ask your question during the live broadcast not after it during the live broadcast if you've missed this live broadcast and you're catching the replay come join us every Friday we're here at 1:00 Phoenix time time it's a 12:00 p.m. Pacific Time 3:00 p.m. eastern time and you don't need notifications you just know every Friday at 1:00 Phoenix time I am here the live chat is happening so just wait for your next opportunity if you want that kind of support there the community is more than happy to help you and of course if I see your question I'll do my best to answer it if I know the answer or to point you in a direction of where I think you can find the answer planet cryos with a $5 Super Chat said I almost got the EK all-in-one before I wanted my system to be mostly all Le un Lee great cooler it is did you just become Yoda um yeah well that makes sense if you want everything to be the same manufacturer for the aesthetic and everything fitting well I could totally get that see some people talking about using VIP cdk deals and nothing but Kudos Andy Windridge says hello all from the Netherlands especially Mike Dane welcome back right on well thanks Andy thanks for joining us all right uh PSC computers Missouri with a $5 Super Chat thank you PSC computers Missouri for your Super Chat support Dorado systems with 2499 r n Romanian r n forget what uh what r n is Dorado systems says hello Carrie all the best from Bucharest right on well thank you Dorado systems and thank you for supporting the channel I got to look that up I can never remember this currency Romanian blue Romanian Li Lei Romanian Lei well I got the Romanian part right all right well thank you for supporting the channel I love that we have viewers all over the world from Roman Mania Switzerland Sweden Norway Canada the UK uh Australia New Zealand Japan and uh yeah if you want to shout out where you're watching from put that in the chat room it's always a thrill to see how many people are watching live around the world it's pretty darn cool this would it cost like $85 a minute back in 1985 and the quality wouldn't have been anywhere near this good D Dan Nelson saids he's watching us from Sweden Mark baggot is from wa watching from Massachusetts Rick Lakes from Minnesota oyin from Norway Ryan one full from Hamilton Ontario or as we say here the hammer Ben L is watching from Scotland Paul O'Brien from Ireland Ron Mur is joining us from Liverpool in England Eddie kasanova is in Philadelphia Bryce hosking is in New Zealand Scott Cowell is in Scotland John Williams is in Madison Wisconsin Gard Huff is in Germany Matthew Burton is in Massachusetts William Lynn is in copertino California the home of Apple Douglas Bell joins us from Oakland California Thomas binos Blow from bellafont Sylvania Jim KJ 3n says east coast USA where most people live most Americans most Americans live two-thirds of the American population live on the East Eastern side of the country I guess that makes sense because that was the first side right those those states are there the longest uh let's see see Michael DNE the man says I'm back and here to stay and get back to help fixed income people with their computer needs after the new year right on there he is There's the Man Matt oloff says Carrie I am here too right on hey Matt oloff good to see you my friend John Paul bacon says hello Tim teal says hello from Idaho an N says at Cassie Grand Arizona rason sharesh is joining us from London in the UK Marine Raptor says Alberta I don't know what Alberta does he mean Alberta Canada RAR mans in New Mexico and Thomas mte is in Florida Tom Jackson's in Denver and game verst is in Sweden Charles eck's joining us in Northern California Martin wilford's in the Asheville area of North Carolina Wayne Bennett is in Nova Scotia in Canada Keith Landers joins us from Tulsa Oklahoma Paul Connelly from Sydney Australia Australia Sean Ballard says greetings from Chicago with a warm 57 degrees Fahrenheit keeping building my kid a zeeon workstation she likes to study sewing patterns happy holidays and all that mad genius right on thank you uh let's see Ryan onef fall says half the Canadian population lives in Southern Ontario I heard yeah I don't know anything about that poorly boy says hello from derish derbish Shire sure in England Sean Flynn joins us from Tucson Arizona Jeremy joins us from Denver Colorado Richard cook from North Carolina 55 sting dude from Southwest Oklahoma Ron Barnes joins us from Ohio all right literally a worldwide audience got just a little bit of everything a little bit of everybody from a little bit of everywhere that's pretty darn awesome if you ask me okay so as you can see I've got the tape or the cellophane still still wrapped in plastic I've not opened this at all I have no experience with this manufacturer so this should be interesting Ian G with a 10 pound contribution says hello Carrie and greetings from London hey thank you Ian cheers my friend and uh thank you for the contribution let me clear some space because I need to put the case up here so I guess it'll be time to get the Lazy Susan out and the H7 again it's a blackout we're not going to do any RGB so this side panel even though it's glass because it's so Darkly tended as long as there's no RGB going on inside this may at a casual glance just appear to be solid panel depending on how it's placed but that's the H7 again one of my favorite cases to work on and they don't pay me to say that because that's not an option uh bear with me here just a second okay move this over here and oh I have landscapers coming today and you know the landscapers they could have showed up Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday with no recording happening here they could have shown up before the show started today no it's almost like they know so bear with me for just one second because I want to make sure the windows are closed here I don't need to hear the gardening tools uh blasting in the background so bear with be here for just a second okay sorry about that I had a feeling a lot of times they're here early in the morning and you know we do these shows live on script unrehearsed all in one take and as a result sometimes we get deliveries sometimes we get other interruptions to the broadcast and I apologize but that does ensure that everything you're watching is genuine and real this is not simulated in any way this is real life and this is what it's like running the computer repair store quite honestly it's like a you get interrupted by customers constantly when you're trying to help customers AR customers keep getting in the way getting work done course I kid uh thank goodness for the customers or there wouldn't be much of a business to be showing you okay so let me uh let me turn my alarm off on my phone oh I see our friend Kelly Stewart messaged me Kelly says I just want to let you know I'm still around I hope you're doing well I'll try to watch your Friday show tonight right on well thanks Kelly I hope you'll tune in and watch and hopefully he's not getting too much of that rain up there in Northern California and see what else we're missing Frankie B with a $200 Amazon gift card that's very generous Frankie thank you so so much all right that is awesome your contributions are what keep this channel moving forward with all new content and uh the type of content that I make the equipment that I'm using is what's within budget and how much I can stretch out you know if I've got a little pile of money can use that to buy maybe one thing that's expensive or five or six things that are bit cheaper and make you know one video versus five or six videos and that's something I have to determine as uh we move from Project to project here which again wouldn't be possible without your contributions and yeah I need to turn this alarm off because it's going to drive me crazy so let me go to uh button right there I think should do it okay yeah so when the when the landscapers are here all the cameras go off like crazy because they're walking all around the heart and so the phone starts beeping and I have it so that if there's any movement around the building even though the phone is normally put in a do not disturb mode that can breakthrough do not disturb because it's pretty important for me to know somebody's hanging around or if I've got a delivery coming etc etc so when the landscapers show up all the cameras start wigging out so that should take care of that while they're here and we'll do our best when they get to this side of the building it might get a little loud but we'll we'll deal with it okay so to prep the case let's see we're going to start with taking the panels off which I don't think we've got any screws I think you just push outwards on the glass I think yep then and then what do we do does it go or doesn't go goes up so the top the top snaps in and the bottom has a little track that sits on so when we put this back on we'll set it back in the track then lift it forward and it snaps into place that way it's been a while since I worked on the H7 and I couldn't remember you definitely don't want to pull it away when it needs to be pulled up or you can bend and possibly break off the little Nubs that align it with these mounting holes down here and then we do the same thing over on this side you'll see there's a little pull handle here we pull that away and this side should come off exactly the same way where the top un snaps just with a just by pulling it away shouldn't be this difficult it's got me a little worried I'm assuming it's tight because it's new um when you there's a certain amount of force that if exceeded makes me a little nervous but again I think it's just because it's new everything's really tight so with that separated then we can lift up and there we go so you'll see that side is solid it's the only ex just the the other side that's glass which is pretty common most cases don't have glass on both sides because there's really nothing to see on the other side this is where all your cabling is going to go and uh I have seen cases where they put glass on both sides and it makes the case really heavy and I've even seen where they paint the glass black on this side so you can't see in so now you've just added a fragile panel that adds a lot of weight that would have been much cheaper to use a metal panel and it would have been lighter and no harm and worrying about you know packing it so that makes no sense to me uh when case manufacturers do that however some people like that so to each their own this is our documentation that comes with the case and then down here this right here this box contains all of the screws and mounting hardware to put the motherboard and parts into this case every case comes with its own mounting hardware because every case has different options for mounting different Hardware right some may allow for several 3 and 1 half inch and 2 and 1 12 in Drive installations and others may allow for zero and the screws they use may vary well the drives themselves all use the same screw obviously the drive cages rails um motherboard standoffs all of that will differ depending on the case manufacturer the reason I mentioned this is you're going to want to hold on to all the extra screws because if you ever want to do work inside of this computer case in the future it's not like you're just going to run over to your local Home Depot and buy these little tiny screws they can be quite difficult to find we've got a couple of 2 and 1 half inch Drive Bays here and it looks like these you would AIX you would attach your 2 and 1/2 in mechanical or solid state drive your SATA drives onto these little plastic carriers and then the carrier will slip into this holder and lock in you've got a space for two of them and then down here you've got a space for two 3 and 1 half inch drives in this cage down at the bottom uh one of the reasons I picked this case was as I mentioned earlier it's big and um I want to make sure that I'm not going to have any any issues putting this giant cooler inside now this isn't the biggest cooler they do sell a cooler that's 4 20 mm this is a 360 so this is just a shade from being the largest we could buy I don't know if this would fit a 420 I think it will and it looks like there's really no mounting for the cooler up on top I thought there was oh yeah there is the reason I don't see it is the top lifts off there another there it goes this pops up okay and then that tell you what we'll set that over here for now that reveals up on the top this filter Now understand that we're only filtering air that goes into the computer so if our fans are pushing air out if we've got our radiator mounted up here and our fans blowing air out the top you want to leave this off on the other hand if you're going to be pulling air in if I if we have our fans facing uh the opposite way so that typically we don't do it that way at least I don't um if the fans are reversed and so the fans are effectively going to be obviously there's no room for fans to be mounted up here they'd have to be mounted under the radiator and typically we want to blow the air out if we want to pull air in then you would want to put this piece back on and filter the incoming air so the other consideration that we have with this case is we don't have to put the radiator on top we can put the radiator right up here up front we have this big area here in fact we could use both we could put a radiator on our graphics card and a radiator on our cooler and run two separate water cooling systems if we wanted to or build our own custom Loop etc etc this case is big and it offers a lot of options in that regard so if we wanted to put the um the radiator up front vertically that that's an option my preference is to go on top either way it's probably six of one half dozen of the other I don't think it's going to make much difference in performance and in either case uh when it comes to mounting the radiator up front I would be drawing air in and pushing it through the radiator this way so if I if you notice the way this fan is installed right here I don't know how well you can see that that is an intake fan it's bringing air in from the front of the case and blowing it in into the case and in this fan is pointing the air in the same direction so all the air flow is moving from front to back that's how it should be the only way to improve that would be bring the air in down below down here and then have it move across the case and exhaust up through the top so it kind of makes an S shape you want all your air moving all together you don't want air buffeting against each other or you end up with dead spots where you're not going to get much cooling it's not efficient so uh we could go either way as I mentioned we can mount the radiator on top or we can mount the radiator up front out of curiosity which would you guys prefer do you think it'll look better with the radiator up front let me take the front off there's a pole handle right up here okay this obviously takes some muscle okay that's not supposed to swing open like a door there it is you can see the little metal Nubs that lock in almost like a old school cabinet door and when I turn this around you'll see the depth that we have to place a radiator and fans in there they again one of the reasons I like NZXT so much is the consideration they give to the Builder some builds are just interested in getting the lowest price and doing everything as cheaply as possible and there can be a complete nightmare to work on NZXT even gives us Cable Management tracks back here which make cable managing an NZXT computer a pleasure I don't despise cable managing on an NZXT case it's quite satisfying uh you'll see the computer case came with two fans one up front one out in the back both facing the same direction this fan is bringing air in this fan is blowing air out and you can see the direction of the air flow and if we want to put our radiator up top to we don't necessarily need to keep this rear fan probably won't hurt to have it but it probably won't help to have it either so we could take the rear fan and move it to the front but unless we're cooling a GPU in here that's probably pointless as well so I'll leave that to you guys to decide how you want to handle that uh if you decide to get a case like this just so you know what your options are and you choose what's right for you bikeman says I think based on watching this video so far I might invest in an NZXT case if it would be suitable for a microatx motherboard this case will hold a microatx or miniitx motherboard they're just going to look a little silly being so small with glass panel you're going to look in there you see that just it's relatively empty inside they do sell microatx cases that look exactly like this just smaller the H5 and 510 I think are full size uh the H5 I think is full ATX and the 510 I think is microatx so it's going to be a bit smaller if it is a bit smaller do know that not not quite as easy to work within because it's a smaller space to work in but it's not that much smaller but sometimes that little difference can be all the difference in the world especially uh when it comes to cooling when you're in a smaller space cooling becomes potentially more of an issue so if we have a larger case and we're only using like a small motherboard in it and we have really good air flow and it's super easy to get in there and work on it even though it might look a little silly that's the downside of having the glass panel in that situ situation right if you had a solid panel no one would look in no one would know all food for thought to your own personal preferences but certainly things worth considering Slappy says he prefers mounting the all-in-one radiators at the top that's my thing too Matthew Burton said I would mount in the front for a push pull configuration you certainly could do that and in most cases I would say that's probably not going to help the difference in temperature between a a push or a pull or a combination in other words sandwiching fans on both sides of the radiator where the fan in front is pulling air in and the fan in the back is also pulling air in so again all the fans are moving in the same direction and pulling the air through the pushing the air and pulling the air through the radiator might result in a couple degree difference on a Super Hot Chip it just turns out we have a super Hut ship where that may actually be beneficial but we'll wait and see I wouldn't do it until I've decided if I need to I wouldn't just spend money on fans and do all that extra cable management when it would potentially be completely unnecessary a waste of money and a waste of time fans are going to be one of the components that are going to fail first statistically speaking anything that has a moving part is likely going to fail long before anything's solid state so by adding more fans you're adding more noise you're bringing in more dust and um you're spending more money and the difference in cooling may be inconsequential maybe negligible where all that time and effort spent resulted in a a zero performance difference so I would do the three fans and if they're not you know if this cooler is not doing as good of a job as I think it should be doing if I'm still running into uh situations where the chip is potentially overheating under a high stress workload and I would certainly consider trying a push pull configuration to see if that cuts it but it would be a chip of this nature this high-end chip high voltage you know um runs hot Flagship performance chip it's sort of like trying to get good gas mileage out of a out of a a hot rck out of a a sports [Music] car landscapers are here let me mute this for a second and I'm going to start putting the uh motherboard into the [Music] case okay so this motherboard has an extra mounting point right there usually on these full-size ATX boards you'll have three mounting points top middle bottom and then again in the Middle top middle bottom and then on the far right side top middle bottom on some boards they'll add this additional hole now these two are usually only used on microatx builds where the board doesn't go down the far where you don't have that third mounting hole so on this side we're actually going to have four and the that's breaks away from the standard so the way the case comes shipped it's already got the standoffs in position the nine standard standoffs three three and three so I just added the fourth one they've given us one extra along with this little socket that I don't use that goes over the standoff and then you can use a philp screwdriver to tighten it which is way better than using pliers which scratches it all up not that anybody's going to see it but OCD what do you want all right so let me set this in here now hoping that worst of the noise is behind us but we still might be in for some surprises yet today now this is the first motherboard that I've seen that's Wi-Fi 7 so that'll be very interesting to see what our connection speeds are to the Wi-Fi 7 router which I got back in what February March and I've not been able to hook anything up via Wi-Fi 7 because I haven't I think we had one Mini PC that came with Wi-Fi 7 I think I can't remember which one it is now and I never did get around to testing the performance on it so in the rest of the bags we have screws for mounting the power supply which we're not going to use cuz the power supply will come with its own screws and they're the same screws we've got um couple of M3 5 mm [Music] screws these are used for your 2 and 1/2 in hard drives solid state drives these are kb5 by 10 mm these are your standard fans scw so if we wanted to add fans across the top uh across the front they give you a lot of screws for that since each fan would require four screws did it say how many screws they've given us looks like enough looks like about 16 screws and for four fans and then these standard screws these are 632s by 5 mm these other ones these are the ones that we'll use to secure the board down I I have this magnet uh that helps keep the screws onto the end of the screwdriver and it it's grabbing onto the side of the case that's a a unique problem with this case design I don't normally have that issue and of course I can temporarily remove that anyway it'll stay magnetized it's just not quite as strong but uh as I'm getting close to this edge of the case it's pulling the driver it's a strong magnet so remember I'm going for a blackout okay so when I lift this up you'll see why I went with the the Black Ram and why I went with this specific motherboard you look at the color of the board and the way it's designed it is ideal for a blackout case as you can soon see for yourself s now keeping in mind that big silver thing is our CPU which we're going to have covered up with the water block so it'll all be black I like to hold on to the Ziploc bags from other pie see case manufacturers that are including their screws because when I have to cut these bags open there's no way for me to reseal them and then they'll just run loose in the box and then it's like well how many do I have left you have to dig around and the screws will get in the manuals and such you got to shake things to figure out where all the screws went so if I can keep these screws segregated in their own bag that's resalable it's solves that frustration from later on if we need these screws these are the same screws that would be used on 3 and 1 half in Drive installs at least with this case again different case manufacturers may use different screws or at least the the motherboard mounting part they will all use essentially the same screws for 3 and 1 half in Drive installs unless they have special rails in which case they may have special SC screws with shoulders on them the rest of these screws we won't need and so I'll just put those aside with they'll go into this motherboard box along with any documentation or spare parts throughout this build you'll also see um our back IO Shield how that's blacked out another nice touch not that anybody's looking at the back but keeps my OCD happy what can I tell you okay so with the motherboard mounted I think putting the radiator in next would be a good place to go so let me move this box over here this is a problem with a small workbench I'm constantly having to clear some space and as the parts get bigger and bigger the space I have gets smaller and smaller Davis Parson said if anybody gets this NZXT H7 a word of warning that you cannot get the front cover on I think he means the side panel if you have an RTX 490 unless you have a 90° power connector I guess the power connector sticks out too far interesting I mean I'd love to have that problem of having a 4090 saw those were on sale at um what's it called Navy Express for $1,599 limit one per household who's got that kind of money to pay for a graphics card not me construction said I've heard people say there's less stress on the pump being mounted on the top with sort of a gravity pull helping yeah these are these are all theorists there's no real science behind what they're saying and these pumps they don't last forever um eventually the pump dies or the liquid inside evaporates or it becomes gummy and it doesn't flow well or there's some corrosion that builds up so I don't think you're buying enough time if that were true that it really changes the lifespan of the pump regardless one way or another you'll be changing that pump out an average within uh 3 to five years five years has taken it pretty far now just because your pump is working doesn't necessarily mean if it's an allinone pump it's actually got any fluid left in it or that it doesn't have a massive um evaporation where there's you know fluid in it but it's not filled anymore it's not filled all the way up or you also don't know if there's corrosion in the pump so you know ignorance is bliss with the assumption that it's working if you're never pressing the CPU hard then the pump's you know probably doing all it needs to do it's not working that hard so just because you're not having an overheating problem doesn't mean your pump is automatically working or even if the pump is working it doesn't mean that the fluid is Flowing so I would become concerned about that after three years it's definitely worth looking into if you're a heavy intense PC user the problem will be pretty obvious when it happens but if you're a regular pc user and you've is overblown you know and overs spent for Overkill parts may not mean much difference you know in other words does it matter if your pump isn't pumping adequately because of the loss of coolant or the pump failing or they're built in you know the corrosion that builds up over time does it matter if you're not working the system that hard no it technically it doesn't matter but then at that point you didn't need to buy that expensive cooler you could have gone with an air cooler so you know maybe you did it for Aesthetics or maybe you did it because you watched some YouTuber and and thought well I got to have that but the fact is you may not need it so it all depends on which chip you've got and how you use it but regardless of that regardless of how you mount it the lifespan stays the same I've not seen any proven evidence to suggest otherwise and being in the business I've changed out liquid coolers mounted in the front mounted on the top mounted in the back mounted on the bottom I don't notice any difference in their ability to cool or the longevity it's mostly a cable management and aesthetic and so that's my opinion okay here we go we look at the that it says welcome oh polite okay we've got some documentation wow is this so thick well now I know why this was so expensive that is a heck of an installation manual holy cra out seems a bit overkill for a liquid cooler got this piece here which I'll just put over there and then inside we've got our three fans our radiator and our water block this already has the fluid in it it's all sealed at the factory there's nothing for you to do but to install it when it uh dries up or gets corroded on the inside or the pump fails you just replace it there's no repairing these so these are a temporary cooling solution now in here well that's a hefty box I got to say I feel like this just came from Beverly Hills this is the fanciest packaging of any liquid cooler I've ever seen look at this would you look at that bring this up to the camera how impressive is this how happy is my OCD right now where everything's got its own little spot different standoffs thumb screws thermal compound uh looks like some kind of screwdriver here more screws this has got to be the back plate of our uh our Cade here wow that is super nice oh I am I am impressed normally when we open these coolers up they're in like an egg carton they all kind of the same even the expensive ones like the NZXT Kraken back here are pretty much all packaged the same they really put an effort into the unboxing experience here I can't say that money well spent because you're going to unbox it you're never going to unbox it a second time so to just have this moment this experience you're paying for that for something that's different I appreciate it but if I were building these on scale and I had to go through this with everyone I I guess it's not too terrible but uh it's just different now look at the size of this radiator we've got here there's our radiator and our pump that will go up here now I'm going to set it on top but we're actually going to mount it from the bottom but I just want to get this out of the way because I don't have much room on the bench so we'll just get that up there and then we've got our three fans oh these have a very unique connector on them I'm not sure I like that proprietary connector that does not make me happy this is like a uh like a bizarre eight pin I don't know why it's got eight pins on it feels very heavy duty but I'm a little puzzled why we're going with a non industry standard power connector because that means when when these fans not if when these fans go out then you're going to have to buy a fan with that same connector it looks like the fans plug into one another which could make the cable management a lot easier although I like Leon Le's fans that click into each other in fact we demonstrated that here with the uh what was the name of that cooler uh the one from AliExpress that's kind of the new thing where the fans lock into each other and as they lock in there's contacts where basically the one on the end the fan on the end has a power cable and then the rest of the fans that connect to each other then share that power through a connector that makes contact when the fans are locked in together that makes the install a lot easier makes the cable management a lot easier so when we go to a proprietary power connector like this it just becomes more of a difficult thing to support because it means I can't just change these fans hands out with any fans or to do so they're all going to run at different speeds right you want to have the same make and model of fan in order to get the same rotational speed going through the radiator for consistency to have any sort of attempt at controlling your temps so let me get this giant box out of the way wow that is a monster so this is is a 360 mm radiator so it's 360 mm long and the way we get there is each one of these fans is 120 mm so when you put two 120 millim fans together that's now 240 millim in total length and they do sell radiators that are 120 240 and then if we add our third one 360 now there are also 140 mm fans so there'll be 140 mm radiator a 280 millimeter radiator and a 420 millimet radiator using the larger um 140 mm fins so that radiator will be a bit wider just as long a little bit longer and it looks like we're at our maximum now that I've placed this up here 420 would be too big certainly appears that the 360 is the maximum length there's no room to even go not even a centimeter more on one side or the other so a 240 would fit in there quite comfortably now with regards to the front could we fit a 420 in the front that actually looks doable so vertically I think a 420 will fit I'm sure the documentation or the website uh for the NZXT H7 will identify which coolers it's compatible with what size coolers so maybe something you want to look into okay so take this back out of here now that I have some room on the bench and it's got some plastic all around it we want to peel this plastic off it's just there to keep the unit from getting scratched up in shipping keeping the plastic on is never a good idea you might think you're keeping the unit clean but in many cases this plastic will yellow and bubble within a matter of weeks and it looks terrible and in some cases it can impede the cooling ability especially when it's on a heat sink so again this stuff is just there to protect it in shipping much like if you've ever seen a brand new car being shipped you'll notice they've got plastic wrapped across the typically the front fenders they want to make sure that as the car is getting transported that any rocks that might get kicked up from the road or whatever don't damage the paint on a brand new car we've got more plastic here on the Block and more plastic on the Block now what's interesting is not only did they give us that tube of thermal compound it appears we already have thermal compound applied on the bottom of the block and we don't even need the extra thermal compound that is a nice touch all too often I see cooler manufacturers being really stingy with the thermal material which which makes no sense to me because it's very inexpensive to include the thermal material with the purchase of what is often an expensive cooler so why would they cheap out on something that doesn't cost them that much and then it kind of leaves it to the end user to have to go and buy more thermal compound potentially when the manufacturer doesn't give them enough to fix a mistake so it certainly seems that EK has done a great job here in the packaging and in providing you know incred documentation we still have one more piece of plastic here on the front I I might just become an EK block fan after this we're off to a very promising start here I was disappointed that unlike other items at Amazon I could not get this in two days it was going to take I think it took nine or 10 days from the time I ordered it whoa what is this huh that's weird it's just a magnetic top that goes on there which I guess you can rotate around okay again nice consideration nice touch so when we go to mount this cooler if we mount it on top that means I want the fan power cables to come out this side and I also want the fans to blow air out the top now the problem with a top mounted radiator is the customer needs to be aware that if they put anything on top of the computer they are potentially going to block that radiator and cause their computer to overheat and if they've left the room like if they set a bunch of books up here and they're completely blocking the airf flow and then they've left the computer on they leave the room and they come back I don't know hours later it's possible the machine could have overheated in that time and shut itself off it shouldn't cause any damage but it could so one downside about putting a radiator on top is to remember to keep anything off the top of the computer that would otherwise block the airf flow so with that consideration putting the radiator up front might make more sense and that we won't have to worry about that scenario um H decisions decisions so what we would do here is we would take this fan out and that would just be an extra fan we wouldn't use this fan and these fans would mount in on this side with the radiator on the other side and we would just use one screw then well four screws for each fan but instead of mounting eight screws or what however many it is two 6 10 12 screws across the front so if we were to in other words if I were to put this Radiator on top I'd have to use really short screws to mount the radiator to the case and then I'd use the long fan screws to mount the fans to the bottom of the radiator so we would have screws on both sides for a total of 32 screws on the other hand if we mount it in the front and we're only using one set of screws that will both hold the fan onto the radiator and hold the radiator onto the case all with the same screws a little more efficient in that design the more I'm speaking out loud the more I'm talking myself into perhaps mounting this radiator up front for those reasons I have been guilty of setting things up on top of the case and not realizing I'm blocking a radiator if the case had a slanted top where you know if you put anything on it it would slide off that'd be a different story but with the case being completely flat on top it's very inviting to use it to set stuff I do it all the time like if I put the motherboard box up there to keep it together I'm effectively blocking the air flow and it doesn't matter if that air flow is pushing or pulling it's blocked either way and it will a uh very much impede the ability of that radiator to cool so I think we're going to go with the front mount okay so to do this let's move this aside got to take this fan out first how the heck have they mounted this fan oh so this fan and in many cases not all depends on the case design these fans use the Short fan screw and the screw goes from the inside towards the outside but when we change these fans out we're going to be going the opposite way as I mentioned we're going to be running these longer screws to go through the fan housing through this metal support bracket in into the radiator all with one screw except it's not just one screw there's four per family but they'll all do exactly the same thing it's going to be very securely held in position here there are some things um that don't become apparent to me until I have a machine in front of me sometimes you people are asking for help um they're often not descriptive often they're not descriptive enough for me to help them because they're not seeing something and if they're not seeing it they can't describe it to me right they don't know that they're missing critical information so when I have a machine in front of me I can often see things the customer either isn't seeing they're seeing past it or they don't know that it's significant and if they don't share that information with me it can make trying to help them remotely very very difficult so when I have a machine in front of me like in this case here my initial thought was to put the radiator on top but as I'm looking at it and I'm seeing how it's all going to fit together I've changed my mind and decided that putting the radiator in front would make far more sense and again that may not be a conclusion I would come to if you were emailing me asking me my advice it's something that once I have it in front of me it becomes very obvious okay so if we place the radiator see how we're going to do this in here like this oh no 360 is it here as well this would not fit a no no I don't think this would fit a 420 again I'm sure in the specifications of the H7 it will it will tell us what size radiator it supports in fact I've got the documentation right here I could just look 360 looks pretty much hard to say I'm I'm not sure how much longer the 420 is it's possible that a 420 could fit up front but it would be an awfully tight fit it shows 480 millimet from front to back in case length 230 mm case width and 505 mm case height Richard paler with a $5 Super Chat said here's my late fee thank you Richard so just a lot of the same information in different languages here I could probably find this information much quicker if I went to the website okay here it is it will support a 420 mm up front but not on top if you look at this diagram right here let picture looks terrible you'll see it shows the 3 140s fitting across the front and only two 140s across the top 3 120s across the top or 3 120s across the front and a 120 or 140 in the back so yeah there you go answers that question Shane shellenberger says wow this baby will be hovering about the room before this Live cast is over well I think we'd have to add a few more fans for that Steve in the chat wants to know if he can change a CPU without having to reinstall Windows uh yeah that should be fine yeah if all you're doing is changing a CPU um the even the Windows activation shouldn't change because that's tied to the motherboard if you're not changing the motherboard then you're not changing the obviously the drive controller yeah it should be a painless upgrade okay let's see what our documentation says even though I don't think I need to read it we've got three different uh we've got two different back plates one for Intel's 115x and socket 1200 and one for Intel socket 1700 which is what we're using here today then there's an Intel mounting bracket and an AMD mounting bracket a tube of thermal paste a b mounting screw tool that was that weird piece here that I was pointing out I thought was a screwdriver the heck it's just like a little pipe and I guess this is for the standoffs so when you put the standoffs in or not oh yeah there it goes col ever all right so we're going to have a lot of screws as I mentioned this we're putting screws on the front and on the back like in a push pull configuration you'll need 16 screws for each side for a total of 32 and it looks like they've given us one bag of 16 long screws and 16 short screws and then another matching bag of 16 long screws and 16 short screws the difference however is these long screws in this bag are threaded from front to bottom top to bottom and the screws here in this bag have a long shoulder on them let me bring this up to the camera and I can show you I'm not quite sure why you would use these screws here that are threaded from top to bottom that seems I don't know unwise just that you could go into deep into the radiator versus these screws here that have a long shoulder and are just threaded at the end which to me is much safer on the radiator so I'll be using this bag not this bag however I might take a quick look at the documentation since this is unlike any other uh liquid cooler I've installed I've not seen one that comes with a these two different um types of long screws it's very bizarre Philips head screw UNC 632s by 34 mm and the other is shortly slightly shorter at 632s by 30 mm so it's not the screws that have the shoulder on them are slightly shorter in length interesting so it goes about installing the back plate and prepping the water block which I'm not really I don't want to do it in that order I want to attach the radiator and fans first so we're going to skip ahead and I'm immediately into another language so wow Spanish French Japanese Polish Russian zh what is zh I don't know looks like Chinese all right well I guess the uh only pages of this instruction manual that are in English it's right here so out of this whole booklet that they're including the only part of it 1 two 3 four five six six pages double-sided this 12 Pages total huh I'm just curious if it identifies how we know which screws to use so they're talking about using the screws with the shoulders when installing the fans to the radiator which is my preference but at what point would you use those other long screws where would that be acceptable or necessary it also looks like a Moun bracket goes onto the bottom of the water block and will secure on with screws as well yeah I do not see an example of where those longer screws would be used so these are the AMD instructions AMD mounting and I have yet to see them show the full length fully threaded long screws in use in any of these documents so I'm not sure what they're for I suppose if I were mounting in a push pull configuration I wouldn't have much choice but to use the other set of screws in that situation because I won't have enough of the shoulder based screws to do both sides but we're not doing both sides at this point anyway so it's not an issue for us more just a curiosity which will remain a curiosity for now because uh I don't really want to spend more time digging into that since it's irrelevant for us on today's build C this stuff out of the way here okay wow do I make a mess or what okay so this is an extra fan I'm going to put this aside find another place for that to go these fans are all the same it doesn't matter which one we want to use first I definitely want the spinning part of the fan see how that Center spins on this side the center doesn't move this is the side the air is going to be coming out of so we want the air to be drawn in from the front and get pushed through the radiator and it eventually get pulled out by that rear fan and we'll have nice air flow Roy star man says the long screws are for going through the case you're going to do the extra 4 mm allows for the extra length of the cas Cas yeah I don't think that's necessary with this case but we're going to find out then I have to think about where the cables are going to come out so we're going to come out on this side I've got cable management holes right through here so we definitely want to be on the right side my right looking at it facing it whe I need a colder Gatorade it's getting hot in here thought my voice would be better today based on how I was feeling yesterday I'm a little sad my my optimism didn't pan out to reality but uh hopefully it's not too annoying okay let's see how do I want to do this definitely want to make sure that the in my case using an electric driver you want to be careful that um the material the radiator is made out of is a very soft metal it's very easy to strip these screws out so I will make sure that my torque setting is set way way low and yeah you know what I don't even think I'm going to use the electric driver here only because it's going to be quite a handful to try and align everything at least to get the first couple of screws started this is where it would help to have a an extra set of hands and these screws with the shoulders there's not much thread on them so they're not going to going that far so that's a bit of a relief when you got 16 of them to do I guess we've got 12 4 8 12 it's the shorter screws that it doubles up in some areas where it uses uh how many did I say four five six oh I guess it's 12 off either way well I don't have something lining up correctly here see it's going in you don't want to overtighten your fans that will lead to uh causing the frame to warp over time which will result in the fan um failing that much sooner so you want it to be snug but you don't want it to be overly tight okay so with the first fan on it's holding the radiator in place for us which now means adding the other two fans will be so much easier now that the radiator is being held in place by that first fan these screws here are extra I'm going to just put them in this bag for right now actually no grab one of my zip locks here okay so got the other two fans to add here and each fan is going to plug in to the fan above it with the last fan either at the top of the chain or the bottom of the chain I don't know yet will be the only cable we run then to power but why there are seven different Power connectors puzzles me unless it has the ability to control each fan individually I would think you would want all the fans spinning at the same RPM it's not like one side of the radiator is going to get warmer and you know tell it which fan to speed up that would be a pain because then you'd have to align and know which fan is at what point of the radiator top middle bottom so I'm not exactly sure why they did it that way engineered in Slovenia full pressure technology okay made in China engineered in Slovenia there you go we got any folks watching from Slovenia right now when we're getting these screws started you don't want to tighten them down until all four of the screws have have been started first because again you can warp the frame and if you tighten one side down too much you could warp the frame enough where you cannot get one of the screws to align with the mounting hole anymore that's how much you can warp it and believe it or not it doesn't take that much warpage so take your time enjoy your build don't try to rush it [Music] through haste makes waste as they say and again we just want to Snug these up we don't want to torque them down they just want to be snug and then we've got our power connectors here we one fan plugs into the other fan so it's easy just one fan to go and that's convenient by lining these up this way the female connectors hanging from the bottom with the male connector up on top so those align perfectly well thought out so there was a new documentary kind of like a documentary uh dramatization with an actor playing the part of uh Harry Grant Carrie Grant's a little before my time I mean granted the guy didn't die until the middle 80s but 1980s um having the name Carrie one of the ways you know when people hear it they're not sure if it's Gary so say Carrie like Carrie Grant and most people regardless of age know who Carrie Grant is and Carri Grant is not his real name his real name was uh Arch bold leech so they called him Archie and he's British and uh har Grant was a character he played so I never really knew much about him I've seen a couple of movies that he's been in and he kind of reminds me or it might be more fair to say George Clooney kind of reminds me of Carrie Grant and that he's very swaave and you know looks like he's really got us act together and has doesn't take himself too seriously he's got a good sense of humor about himself and all those just just reminds me of George Clooney in a lot of ways so anyway there's this four-part miniseries that just started airing what was it on Brit box and uh As Told by his ex-wife Diane Canon so I guess it's it's a little biased from her perspective of things but nonetheless it's fair to say she knew him quite well but if you're looking for some TV to watch there's not a whole lot on lately so that just started the first two parts aired and then there'll be two more parts which I'm going to guess are going to air next week sure what the schedule is okay so that is our radiator and you can see how everything is blacked out and how I think that looks really attractive now to mount the water block we're going to need to get back here so I wanted to make sure when I was putting the board in that I had a big enough opening back here to do that work some cheaper cases and lesser known manufacturers will give you that cutout but it'll be too small or it'll be shifted to the left or the right or too far up or too far down requiring you to take the motherboard board out Mount the back plate and then put the board back in which defeats the whole purpose of having that cutout so not the case with the NZXT it's again name brand case and the quality is there in the ease with which it is to work on and this is an example of that you can buy cheaper cases made of thinner more bendable materials that are more easily scratched can more easily cut you with sharp edges and then don't have the openings in the right location to assist with the ease of installation to for back plates so this is a prime example real world example of where your money's going when you're buying name brand versus the cheap stuff the cheap stuff will almost always make you work harder and um will almost always cost you more in the long run for one reason or another that's been my experience anyway so now to mount the water block oh there some tape I missed on the Block to mount the block we're going to have to get the back plate installed and see here wear socket 1700 oh that's what this connector is for okay so what this cable is for is we will connect this to either the top fan or the bottom fan on that proprietary connector and then this is a standard four pin fan header that plugs onto the board so even though we're powering three fans we're only using one fan header so then all those fans are going to run the same speed which is what you want which again doesn't make any sense to me why we're going from a four pin fan header into a six pin cable because there is only four wires on this end actually there's only four wires on this end but when we get into the fan connector itself the fan connectors have six cables so I don't know where the other two cables this one has eight cables yeah I don't that makes no sense to me how we're splitting four into eight or why especially it's it's four if you look inside inside the connector there's only four connectors being used and the other four are empty so once you plug into the fan they're using all eight it makes no sense I'd have to reverse engineer the fans and figure out what they're doing it's not hurting anything but I just don't like the proprietary nature of those fan connectors okay so when it comes to the back plate attaching the back plate to the motherboard so in this Orange Box here we should have oh yeah we got a lot we've got our um bracket that goes on the bottom of the of the block so one's for AMD and one's for Intel and then we've got our back plates here these are for intel only this is for socket 115x and socket 1200 this is for socket 1700 and what's great is it's stamped right on the back plate so you're not guessing like on um and other cooler installs we've done where the documentation hasn't been very clear and the parts labeling hasn't been very clear you'll see right here on the back is it g to focus wow never seen it have that hard dou of time to focus before and this one says LGA 1700 it's stamped right in there there it goes and this one says LGA 1200 and 115x so because this is Socket 1700 we are not using this back plate on this build and then when it comes to the bracket we're not using the AMD bracket which is this funky one that's kind of got curves see how the way it bends and the Intel one is completely straight on the edges so let's see so to mount this bracket I'm going to come back here and place the bracket you'll notice there's holes cut out in the bracket for the screw mounting points for the CPU socket itself so that's how you're going to know you've got it in correctly or lined up correctly and then as far as securing this now we're going to use either these long standoffs here or these long standoffs here they're very similar me bring it up to the camera and show you closeup up the primary difference between them is the the size of the the grip here they're very similar and one is used on socket 1200 115x and the other socket 1700 they're very very similar um let's see which one of these do we use the big one or the little one I guess would be the best way to describe them mounting thumb screw for Intel well everything has been very clear up into this point so let's go back to the parts list and see if they're described better okay so the mounting screw for LGA 1200 and 115x oh they're all using the big one this little one this is for LGA 20xx that's your Zeon chips so the one that has the shallowest um thumb scw is for the most expensive Intel chip so we're going to use the large ones the ones here up on top of this uh packaging and these are going to be used on both Intel and AMD uh whether it's an Intel socket 115x 1200 1700 or am4 or am5 socket you're going to use these larger ones not the smaller and more narrow ones those are just specifically for Zeon and nothing but zeeon or the chips the Intel chips that have an X in the name so the short end if you look at these bring this up to the camera again if you look you've got one one side that's pretty short and one side that's long that long side is going to face up and we're going to go through the CPU mounting hole through the motherboard secure onto the back plate behind the motherboard in that direction and it won't go in the other way it's a completely different thread type so if you try to put it in backwards it won't let you so once again it helps to have a couple extra hands here to do this and might be easier to lay the board down than to work on it upright like this but when have I been known to do things the easy way I start now okay so if I spin this around what you'll notice and it might be hard to see because it's very dark in there is I have started the standoffs in opposite corner so that aligns the bracket for me so putting in the last two will be very easy since it's already aligned so we've got that one there and that one in that corner there and so putting in those last two will be super easy now this add-on tool for tightening these um I don't know that that's necessary I'm going to try it just for Grins and Giggles but these don't have to be that tight but still it's a nice thought that they given you that tool just give you a little more leverage tightening these down a little bit more you can crush the motherboard motherboards are several layers of circuitry it's not just on the top and bottom anymore so I would not go overboard on on tightening these standoffs they should be more than snug but again you don't want to be crushing so here's a little tool if I slide that tool over this standoff okay it doesn't really give you that much more leverage so it's fine I'm I suppose if you were to stick something in the tool it looks like you could use this like a T Bar put something in there and then use that is leveraged to torque don't do that then you would almost guaranteed overtighten these and cause potential damage to your motherboard so I realize you can't really see what I'm doing here but the problem is everything's very dark inside and then once my hand goes in there you're just going to see the top of my hand anyway but essentially I take this piece slide it over the top of the standoff and just spin it and do that and do it in opposite corners so go one corner opposite corner opposite corner opposite corner just to make sure that you're not warping that back plate and as far as your fingers can tighten it that's as far as you should take it you should not be using any tools to tighten this down still pretty neat idea and a lot easier on the old fingertips to use this so these other four standoffs we're not going to use those in these two brackets these are for AMD and for the other Intel socket so we're not using those not on this build this piece here this bracket is going to AIX to the bottom of our cooler and to attach this we have to take this cover off and this cover is protecting our thermal compound which again I'm surprised they've applied thermal compound for us now with regards to how this goes on it looks like any direction and then I've got a guess with regards to forward or backward I've got a guess these intents are going to go towards the motherboard but let me just see if the documentation clarifies use four m3-build okay uh let's see use 4 M3 d m 3x4 which screws are those there 63 seconds 630 seconds mounting plate Philips head M3 by 4 mm okay oh okay so in this other bag with the long screws without the shoulder it does not have 16 of these small screws I thought this was the same thing these screws are very similar to what's in this other bag but there's only four whereas this one there's six uh 12 or 16 1 2 3 4 yeah there's 12 and in here there's only four what are you guys saying in the chat Borton said I'm putting that allinone on my list I would get RGB fans for well there's an RGB version of it I didn't buy the RGB version so it would probably cost you more money to get fans separately than to just buy it as a kit and I think their fans uh are designed specifically for airflow for pressure pushing through the radio whereas if you're just buying generic fans you may not get as good of air pressure out of them so two reasons to uh you know just buy it with the the fans you're going to want to use rather than sourcing the fans separately e otter said did you say britbox yeah I think it's a service called britbox that has the the show Archie on it about Carri Grant okay let's see so if I put this piece on here like this doesn't seemingly matter what direction it goes on except I want the curved metal facing down and then in here these screws are slightly different and that they've got a thicker head on them than the ones for the radiator and these are also shallower much shallower one two three could have one more in here somewhere four and let's see I'm going to need a screw driver here I think my JIS driver ideal for this one there here I I am more than okay with this cooler installation method it's very well thought out I am impressed I hope it works as good uh you know is well thought out of a design and how it works with at least with the thought process of how it installs very happy with that okay so now this piece the water block will go go right here on top and then in The Orange Box we've got our thumb screws with springs that come out not accustomed to the springs being removable so we just want to get these started one two yeah you don't want to lose these Springs nothing's holding them in three oh that's going to look fantastic so I have to tighten those down but that gives you kind of an overview it's really a blackout case for sure so now we want to tighten these down in opposite Corners as evenly as we can to get the you know most level install possible now these thumb screws turn quite a bit okay finally we're getting to them uh bottoming out wow surprised at just how much those have to be turned and again opposite corners and try and do them all this evenly doesn't have to be precise but relatively evenly so we're not tightening down one screw and then tightening down the others we sort of want to tighten them down a little bit each one and going in opposite corners that secures us right there so all these other screws we've got left over we're not using on this build and then I can take again I'll take one of the little plastic bags here I know what I can do we can grab you it's got a hole in it I think it'll be all right take these put them in here take all these extra screws you'll see we didn't even use that tube of thermal compound that would only come into play uh if we have to take the cooler off and make changes I think that's it aside from plugging the water block into the uh into the motherboard fan header and then of course the front fans need to be plugged into the fan header I think that looks good now vertical placement recommends the tubing coming out of the bottom of the radiator not from the top so if we look at the diagram here it's not that it won't work the other way but their preference let show you the diagram here in the book is for the tubes to be at the bottom I would be a little concerned if we have enough space if we have clearance for these tubes to come out from the bottom to reverse this the other way means I have to pull all these fans off flip it around the other way and put the fans back on so for right now I'm going to leave it as is and I will flip it around later just having done all that work I don't want to undo it and you know that's the price I pay for not looking at the directions ahead of time I've installed rage feeders in this orientation uh both with with the fans on the ho hoses on top and the hoses on bottom I've not been able to tell the difference but if they're going to recommend the hoses on the bottom my only concern is that these hoses aren't sticking out so far as they get in the way down here of getting enough clearance because remember these are going to be these hoses are going to be all the way down here way way down here so they've got to have clearance to come out through here and um you know this is not an NZXT water block so it's not like they took this case under consideration the more I look at it the more I think that's not going to work it's going to bend these hoses significantly up it's going to put a significant grease in the hoses getting through this narrow passage here and there doesn't appear to be any way to widen that so probably going to leave it like this uh I might turn it around just to test fit it but it looks to me like that's going to be too narrow if it was a 240 mm cooler it wouldn't be a problem then the hoses would be coming down here but with the hoses coming down all the way below here and given how stiff they are and they're not on a on a swivel that's really going to pinch those cables or those hoses I should say now we're going to need a power supply and I wasn't quite sure what power supply to use in this build but let me see what I've got back here well I wouldn't mind using one of those NZXT oh wait a minute I do have an NZXT power supply what is it oh it's only a c550 what's this one it's also a c550 kind of wanted more than 550 Watts I've got an EVGA 750 don't think it's modular and I was thinking of using a modular power supply for this build what is that a 650 I might go on Amazon and order another NZXT 750 modular they're about $130 but the worth every penny I think they have a 10-year warranty um and because we're going so highend on everything else why cheap out you know on the power supply I want this to be GPU ready if if uh we want to add a GPU to it so well a 550 wat power supply is plenty to turn the motherboard on uh it'll be lacking if we're going to add a GPU okay so with regards to the water block trying to see if this motherboard has an all-in-one pump header yeah it does it's chassis fan 2wp which would be water pump and that would tell us that that's going to be on Full Speed oh I also see another one uh CPU fan 2 's water pump and that one is much closer now I'll have to do a little Cable Management to clean that up but uh We've also got our front Port umbilicals so our power switch reset switch power LED hard drive LED are all on this one connector something that I love NZXT does it puts that all on one connector and then all you have to do is push this one connector on and there's all your switches and LEDs now why other case manufacturers can't do that there's a puzzle that remains and shall remain um I'm not going to hook up the front USB or the front audio at this point I'm too anxious to want to get this fired up so I think I'm just going to use a temporary power supp supp until I get that NZXT power supply ordered and delivered this will work for now so let's see we'll Orient it with the fan facing down and again this is just for today I don't intend on keeping this power supply in here this will get the job done almost nothing7 contributes $5 in Super Chat thank you almost nothing okay here's the screws for the power supply right here that came with our case as I mentioned the new power supply will have the screws in the box with the power supply and you can use either either the screws that came with the case or the screws that come with the power supply for this example they're the exact same screw the exact same color exactly the same but I do want to secure this power supply in here even though it's just temporary I don't want it to slide around in there good way to get stuff accidentally damaged you're moving things around and you're like ah it's just temporary I'm not going to secure it then it ends up sliding and sliding into another piece of Hardware that's going to give you a heart attack and these things are so easy to take in and and take out ain't no big deal I'm not going to tighten the screws any further than that because it's not a permanent install but at least it's secured okay what do we have here this is our Graphics power so I need to grab a wire tie and just clean up this CA and it's very long this power supply was obviously intended for a large case so for now I'm going to take all the power supply cables we're not using grab one of these wire ties here and again just to temporarily tie them up and out of the way so they're not dragging across the bench and potentially knocking stuff over or getting tangled up and stuff and then the last cable there's just a couple more cables but the last power cable is going to go up here to our EPS power connector CPU power right up here look at how open that is what a pleasure like I said working with these nzx 2 cases so much less frustrating look at the ease with which I'm able to reach into this top now granted if if the radiator and fans were there that would obviously block some of my motion but still relatively simple to get up into that corner uh these fans need to be hooked up up front so we'll come out from the bottom yeah you know what you come out from the top or I can come out from the bottom kind of feel like it's f hand header do we want to use hey there's Gregory Howard with a $20 Super Chat thank you Gregory and Victor cender with a two pound contribution says hey Carrie and chat here's my late fee again thank you Victor thank you Gregory Gregory's still patiently waiting for me to finish his coffee machine build surprised he's not chewing me out by now uh let's see appreciate your patience Gregory so this fan we can bring it [Music] in just come in here I suppose plug that in there and then front fans for the radiator think will come in from the bottom and then we'll run this cable through this management hole down here right through the front here and we have a fan header approxim L right here so you can see I brought that up through here and then into the fan hitter on the bottom of the board so with regards to the U front USB and front audio I'm again I'm going to postpone hooking those cables up because I'm just too anxious I want to see this see how this block works how it's going to cool so after all this time and effort let's find out if it was all worth it power supply on off power cable HDMI port will go here this has the built-in Wi-Fi 7 lot of IO in the back here and I need my keyboard and mouse I think we've already got yeah we've got the operating system installed already so let me move this stuff over here keyboard and mouse Daniel contributes a $1.99 in Super Chat chat thank you Daniel Richard palmantier said I've been a member for three months but my sticker says too yeah YouTube doesn't give us a sticker for every month they give us a sticker for a new member your first month your second month and then it won't change again until your sixth month and then it'll stay saying six until you reach the 12th month and it'll stay saying 12 until you reach your 24th month and it'll stay saying 24 until you reach your 36th month and that's as far as YouTube takes it right now if you hover your mouse over the badge it should actually show you the number of months if I'm not mistaken I think just hovering the mouse over the badge will show you the actual length I think Michael Brown wants to know if Uncle Carry's Windows 10 Optimizer works with Windows 11 yes I've used it and demonstrated it here on every Windows 11 installation I've been doing for the last year and a half so I guess you haven't been watching too many shows as I've done that a lot I don't know how much benefit it provides but it certainly doesn't hurt anything and and I always run it on my windows 11 builds as well as my Windows 10 builds um if you enjoy this content be sure and hit the thumbs up button and be sure and hit subscribe if you're not already subscribed so that you can be made aware anytime new content is posted or new live videos uh new videos go live and uh also with my public post so you can be alerted to that as well all that's free and then if you become a member that's $9.99 a month and that entitles you to direct contact with me if you have any problems or questions as well as the membersonly video content we always do a membersonly video every Monday at 1:00 Phoenix time currently that's 12:00 pm Pacific 3 P.M Eastern and uh sometimes throughout the week I will do bonus members only content and again members only content remains members only it'll never be released to the public it's a benefit of membership and uh the members only live videos are less crowded so it's a lot easier to interact with me when the viewers are fewer okay uh so the keyboard and mouse are plugged in well that looks good when I said subscribe did the Subscribe button light up supposed to do that now don't know if anybody can confirm that for me Ben L said it's 8:00 pm UK time so 1 pm Phoenix is 8:00 pm in the UK thank you for that Ben all right we ready to do this checking to make sure I have shouted out everybody who is so generously contributed during today's broadcast and making sure I'm clicking the little heart icon next to each one lacks in my duties today Nick Caffrey contributed 15 Euro he says oops I'm late again hey Carrie and chat waiting for the last component of my first build case arrives tomorrow hi to Paul o'ban Les Stevenson and Richard paler right on well hopefully you'll have a good build Nick let us know how that goes and thank you for supporting the channel okay Douglas said no the Subscribe button did not light up when I said to subscribe supposed to darn YouTube nothing ever works oh I'm not going to give YouTube a break for nothing all right let's see uh we'll go to HDMI input let's turn that on let's take camera one and I it just a little because I want to see what this looks like again it's all it should be blacked out we shouldn't get any lights or anything there our power button here so I guess I need to turn power supply on and power there it goes so there is some RGB on the motherboard that I will have to turn off in the Bios my cable all wrapped up here wasn't too smart of me okay so with that let's turn off camera one oh lucky me updates are underway well it's whisper quiet I'm happy with the sound of the fans I've had some liquid coolers with the fans are ridiculously loud okay here we are with our Windows 11 I guess I can plug the internet into it so let me step around and plug the ethernet cable in and what I'm curious about of course is going to be our Prime 95 uh results with our um thrashing the CPU here seeing how it performs heatwise under a heavy workload for an extended period of time now did I activate this I think I activated this let's go down under search and type in activation see if Windows is activated no I've not put a product key in here yet so that's okay something more for me to do after the show I'll buy a product key for this I want to turn this feature on and go under Advanced options and turn this on turn this [Music] on notify me we'll turn that on and then these three optional updates I want these I don't even care what they are blindly select them because I consider all updates important so unless it's like a printer driver update those I might avoid because it can change the printer software and then the client gets all confused and says how do I do double-sided printing the feature went away and it just that they moved it and so other than printer driver updates I will normally do all other driver updates and any other updates so this is a slow internet connection that's going to take a while but I suppose we can torture it at the same time so if we bring up HW monitor start this I should also verify it's seeing my new Ram okay go back to right click system yeah 64 gigs it's all there I9 14900 K that's where all my money went all right let's see voltages temperatures shouldn't be worried about the temps on the E cores it's really the performance cores that are the ones that are going to get hot and these temps I'm looking at right now are very impressive the fact that we're in the 30s and not in the 40s right out of the gate is a good sign so let's bring up Prime 95 yeah we'll run Prime 95 well we torture it download updates at the same time why not and uh what is it 3:39 my time so just round it up say 3:40 so by 4:00 that would be 20 minutes and we'll see if this temperature gets concerning between now and 20 minutes from now so now it's a waiting game while we're installing updates okay so while we're doing this if you have any questions this is the time where we can interact as we uh wait to see the results of this test but I am blown away by just how quiet this cooler is and the entire installation process was a pleasure uh the only concern I have are those proprietary fan connectors which is a pretty serious concern but these fans should be easy to replace if need be EK is a big company but it does kind of lock you into them Morton said Carri that's a nice build oh wait do you see it when it's done yeah we put the panels back on it and get the cable management all nice and clean in there all blacked out I forgot which SSD I used in this build um take a quick Gander here two terabyte what is Gen five yeah this is a t700 Gen 5 envyme so that's a 12,400 megabyte per second read speed okay our temps have climbed quite quite a bit here uh I'm a little concerned about that package temp but each individual core doesn't look bad at all course we've only been running two minutes so let me take a look in the chat and see what you guys are saying Richard palmantier said I ran Hardware info and my cores are running 979 9 and 104 that's way overheating it is way overheating Ben lard mentions Windows 10 support can be extended after 2025 uh not for regular folks just for large corporations that have hundreds of thousands of dollars to spend for that support that is not for regular folks unfortunately you cannot purchase that Aaron Warner says hello hey welcome in Aaron Michael Brown said the Subscribe button did light up when I mentioned subscribe subscribe subscribe subscribe subscribe see if I can get that thing to turn into a disco ball Morton wants me to check my email all right great idea mortant taking a look here at our temps still looking really good here 3D everything with a $20 Super Chat contribution said I love being retired but I only took a week off to ease myself into it I think I need more time testing this Richard Paul moner says do you think I need a better cooler well what's CPU and cooler are you using now and Morton sends a $100 Amazon on gift card well thank you very much that's very generous and uh yeah well I have to do shows on Fridays more often I just got a Jimmy update over there at Studio A he looks like he's being spoiled okay well thank you again uh Morant and thank you as well to our good friend Frankie B you guys rock all right yeah so after the show I'm going to go on Amazon I'm going to order that NZXT 750 wat power supply fully modular I I say they're about 130 bucks I think that's going to be a beautiful fit for this case and this build uh with the parts all in line you know high-end motherboard high-end chip high-end power supply high-end Ram high-end SSD I'd say high-end case but I really wouldn't consider this high-end financially but high-end as far as build quality ease of working on it um it's a great value for the money so again NZXT isn't paying me you think that they are the way that I'm talking them up but that's just truly how I feel about them after working on so many crappy cases over the years it's few and far between that cases come in that are a pleasure to work on and NZXT is lately have been consistently easy to work on oh we going to sleep what's happening oh I think that's installing a video driver that's why that's blanking out temps are still okay I mean 87 87 isn't great I mean I prefer to keep it under 85 but this is a flagship chip it's going to run hotter so I'm going to give it another 5 degree variance so as long as we keep it at below 90 if it gets to above 90 then I'll be concerned but I still won't stop the test unless it exceeds 96 or 97 at that point then it needs to be addressed so I get a little concerned at 90 I'm still okay if we Peak out if our maximum stays under 96 it's fine it can be left alone it's adequate and it'll absolutely take care of itself it shouldn't have any overheating issues this is a very unrealistic test to torture the CPU for this amount of time we've been going I think eight minutes so we still have the majority of the test time remaining only about 40% through this test Richard paler said he's got an i5 12400 with a stock cooler well that's very unusual for a 12400 to be running that hot it sounds like the CPU Cooler is not firmly attached so I would take the cooler off and I would inspect it to see that the thermal compound um has been spread out you can tell if it's not um if the CPU cooler is not seated flat against the top of the CPU then you'll notice like half of the compound is untouched and that'll be your sign that you haven't got it level so I would take the cooler off you know you just twist the little tops of the towers a quarter turn and then pull them up and then be sure and turn them back in order to lock it back down but the quarter turn will put it in the unlock position so you can lift up on each tower that releases the peg from the alligator's mouth they call it the connector at the bottom of the board and release that expect inspect the bottom of the cooler and see that it looks like it's flat and it's you know touching completely if it's not then you know you did not have it straight so I would do that first because otherwise something sounds majorly wrong with your build but 12400 should not be running that hot and certainly not while doing something like watching YouTube that's a relatively simple task that would have me concerned David Graham said that happened to me and I had to reset my cooler hey it's happened to the best of us he says all the towers clicked when I installed the cooler that doesn't mean that they all went through though so I again just because they clicked that's a good sign but it doesn't guarantee that it's sat flat so again the only way you're going to know is to take it off and inspect it clearly something isn't right something if you're running those temps and you're not overclocking it you're not over overvolting it it sounds like the Cooler's not on correctly George fuia says how do I send you a copy of my latest build you can put the information here in the live chat if you like Daniel emberly says I find with the push pin coolers you can look at the back of the motherboard and see if the push pins went all the way through yeah you'll see me doing that here all the time uh I don't just trust the clicking I visually inspect it to make sure that all four of the of the uh ends are coming out the same distance if one of them uh isn't coming out as far as the other three then your Cooler's on crooked it can be very subtle too because they only come out a couple millimeters said I am liking the azrock motherboard more and more yeah well you know when we give these other manufacturers a chance it's interesting you know as time goes by to see how they've changed their designs and their design philosophies sometimes they change them for the worst sometimes they don't change them at all or sometimes they change it once every 10 years I agree I think asrock's moving in a very good direction here and especially with price they've become my Gigabyte replacement you know gigabytes very incommunicado with their customers there's just no discussion you don't really see gigabyte really promoting or sponsoring Money YouTube channels they're a very difficult company to get in touch with or to have them respond to you now granted if you have a support ticket something like that that gets handled in a routine way but uh I have to say communication with gigabyte has always been their worst um Achilles heel of that company so they were making good products at a good price but if you wanted to communicate with the company they weren't going to to talk to you that's been my experience and it's never changed it's always been that way um Asus is very much into the uh YouTube community and they sponsor a lot of videos but they're effectively paying for people to make commercials for them and then there's that's a whole another issue MSI does the same thing where they effectively think of a review as a commercial and there should be no confusion if you're getting paid you're not doing doing a review not in my opinion uh and there is some concern over even getting the product for free in exchange for review that should also be disclosed because when you're spending your own hard-earned money and something doesn't live up to your expectations it's a lot easier to get pissed off than if the product was given to you and it has some shortcomings you'd say well you know you're a little more forgiving because it wasn't your money so it does absolutely affect the review there's no doubt about it so MSI and assus like to pay for effectively commercials disguised as reviews gigabyte very rarely participates with anybody ever and ASRock I I don't quite know yet what their particip participation level will be like but um I'm just now starting to sell ASRock boards to my customers that's how impressed I've become with them and I think it's been over a year since I've used a gigabyte board in the last assus board I had doesn't always turn on it's got something wrong with it and I'm going to need to RMA it but I've got other bigger fish to fry so you know the board's under warranty for a couple years and I'll get around to it all right what's our temps now we're looking at 74 a Max of 87 hasn't gone we see 90 down here here okay all right it's a little concerning we still have six more minutes to go on the test that'll actually put us to a 21 minute test so it'll take it a little further but the fans are still whisper quiet I'm not hearing them ramping up at all I can feel the fluid going through the pipes there's a vibration to them and the pipes are warm so we know that it's staving that heat off and doing what it's supposed to be doing and I don't believe whether these hoses coming out of the top of the radiator or the bottom are going to make any difference whatsoever to the temperatures we're seeing I don't know how important that really is I think the concern is air bubbles and what that does is it can introduce noise but other than that I can't imagine there's any problem I still may turn it around just to see if it'll fit but I have a sneaking susp suspicion with the hard drive cage down there that those hoses simply are not going to go to the bottom without the rest of the case panels getting in the way so I think it's probably going to stay just like this Peter VZ has now been a member for six months right on thank you Peter bikeman said he had an Intel 10700 and he was using a stock cooler and it was going 90 to 97 degrees CS just doing Simple tasks finally upgraded to a tower cooler well not the best Tower cooler interesting Gregory Howard's got a link something here what is this no yeah that is one ugly cooler I guess if all you want to look at inside of your case is a cooler the ice Giant Pro siphon Elite CPU Cooler for Intel and AMD got 114 ratings with 4 and a half stars that that is one ugly ugly cooler G okay so it looks like our updates have finished installing I'm going to say not now so we can allow our test to finish because we're just a few minutes away and if that's as hot as we're getting I mean we're right up to the wire here at 92 is that what I see the maximum 91 yeah there's a 92 on course 7 like I said 90 94 95 that's a little close for comfort for me so I hope it doesn't get any warmer than to yeah there's a 94 right there on core two wow that hit 94 yikes we only have about three more minutes left to go oh that's 84 not 94 got to put on my other balls phw okay thank goodness so 84 this whole right side are all the maximum temps we've recorded so far for each of the cores as you notice the E cores the efficiency cores you usually don't have to worry about them as far as heat it's those performance cores that are going to get hot so the temperature on the left is the current temperature for each of the cores the temperature in the middle is the minimum temperature that's been recorded since we started the software and it started reporting the temps and in this right side is the maximum temp that it's recorded since we started the software Joe Justice said his temperatures have gone up to 90 degrees C but got it down into the 70s by using a Grizzly contact frame yeah I'm I'm never seen where those contact frames have made more than a two or three degree difference not quite sure how use they are if you've dropped your cooler by 20° by using a contact frame it sounds like something wasn't sitting correctly but as long as you got it sorted guess it's all that matters George said his build was an azrock Pro RS motherboard with an i5 13500 32 gigs of Vulcan Z Ram a terabyte fauda 530 envme drive and an NZXT H7 case well that's pretty much my 8-year build right there what do you think of it George is it not the fastest computer you've ever used these 13500 i5s are insanely fast faster than yesterday's i7s and um far exceeds the needs of most computer users you know to go above that is pretty much Overkill and unnecessary for the vast majority of computer users there are some hardcore users out there obviously that need higher performance and higher frequencies and maybe some Gamers but for the most part you're not going to really experience for most people any performance difference between that i5 and this I9 that I'm using today in regular everyday tasks all right we just now turned at 4:00 that means we've been running the full 21 minutes here on the test and our fin fin temperatures I'm still going to let this run while I walk up here our hottest temps looks like 92 I'm okay with 92 if that is the peak ultimate hottest temperature we reach if it won't go above 92 under the highest stress test for over 20 minutes then I think it's never going to overheat unless the customer is doing something insane with the computer so I am very happy with this cooler uh I'm happy with its performance I'm happy with how easy it is to install I'm happy with the um uh the look of it how quiet it is I'm not happy with the proprietary power cables on the fans that's the only part of this I don't like I really don't understand that however bands don't go out as often as they used to they're making everything better these days so maybe that's an issue I won't have to deal with when I hit stop on the test and we will watch these temperatures drop ridly on the left side given that these liquid coolers only last as I mentioned you know three to five years there's a good chance that the cooler itself will need to be replaced and when doing that I would replace the fans at the same time obviously with whatever whatever cooler I replace it with is going to come with new fans so there's a good chance that these fans will never live long enough uh to wear out given the length of time a water pump usually lasts now that's an average some people will have them last longer other people probably most commonly people are under the assumption their cooler is working when in fact it truly isn't anymore or evaporation that has occurred over the years and corrosion that's occurred over the years years so it's not until somebody really analyzes it that we can determine if there's a problem and honestly if you're not pushing your CPU that hard to begin with it's an irrelevant moot point chase after a problem that isn't really a problem based on how you use the computer okay so now we're going to reboot with these updates taking effect and trying to get my OBS screen back doesn't want to come back there it [Music] is yeah well that's a great experience with the EK uh water block maybe we should reach out to them and see if they have some other products for us to review I purchased this water block I've not reached out to EK because I've only known them as being a manufacturer of open loop Parts where you're going to build your own custom water cooler I'm not interested in doing that as I've jokingly said I don't want to become a plumber so I'm never considered EK uh prior to solving this problem and researching what other people are doing to cooler 14900 K processors this cooler was mentioned uh a number of times by people who are clearly enthusiasts and quite excessive in their computer usage and demands so if it pleases these people I thought well it's worthy of giving it a shot and evaluating it for ourselves and I'm glad I did uh I suspect you'll be seeing more EK water blocks in the future I'll just have to be sure to order them well in advance that shipping time of 10 days is ridiculous but worth the wait and the price was reasonable you know considering how big of a cooler it is and how easy it installs as long as it's got legs on it you know that it'll last more than three years it's good we've had some coolers that have only lasted a year or less than a year before they die uh those are typically the cheaper uh lesser known Brands uh and it could have just been bad luck you know was to say Anthony Pete has just become a supporter hey thank you Anthony all right well that's basically three hours of today's show and let's see we'll go full screen here on camera one check the phone one more time and again I will likely go into the BIOS and turn the RGB off because I think it's going to look great just all blacked out oh I have an Android update waiting to install wow I just got one on the first thank you again Frankie B and Morant for your generous Amazon gift cards thank you for everybody who's contributed in Super Chat and thank you to all the members for again uh keeping us free of becoming a corporate puppet um I very much enjoy working with components I'm genuinely interested in that I would potentially or do already use in my business and would recommend to my customers and that's the same information I want to convey to you guys the same that I convey to my customers just on the bigger scale and you guys make that possible so thank you for that I think that is going to wrap it up for today's video said I'm glad you reviewed it trusted Source yeah I they have a couple other models that might be worth looking at including the RGB model and different sizes of coolers um this is a great uh you know what they say about First Impressions you know this is a great first impression I'd be very open to trying some of their other products that are all-in-one products I'm not interested in building my own cooler so open loop coolers you can easily spend $600 to $1,000 just buying all the parts to put your cooler that's just the cooler an inal with potential leaks and then you have bacteria that grows in your coolant that has to be drained once a year and refilled which again is messy uh it can again open an opportunity for more leaks when you're disassembling and reassembling it what a hassle so if I'm using a liquid cooler I only use an all-in-one liquid cooler the people that do these custom Loops are generally doing it for the aesthetic where they want a special look and they have to melt the pipes and and bend them to fit the uniqueness of the case and the design they have in their head I have other things to do that doesn't interest me as I mentioned that's Plumbing so uh I'm glad to see and to learn that EK offers all-in-one Solutions because I wasn't aware of that until I went looking for a cooling Solution on this 14900 K and I'm glad to to report that seems to be working quite well so uh I'm having trouble cooling the 12 900k and I might just get the smaller version of this like the 240 given how well this works um that goes into the johnsboro case which still hasn't finished yet because of the uh 12900 K being a challenge to cool if you use any processor that ends in 900k plan on using a liquid cooler just saying all right [Music] um let me shout out one more time all the contributions today Ryan Ryan one full with a $1 Canadian contribution thank you for that Peter VZ renews membership and Anthony Pete became a member thank you guys 3D everything thank you for your contribution and Daniel thank you for your contribution and Gregory Howard Victor calendar almost nothing Richard palman tier Nick Caffrey Ian g planet cryos PSC computers Missouri Dorado systems rason sesh Ryan one full again Slappy became a member today thank you Slappy Mark gains and Rick Lakes thank you my friends planet cryos again Mike Dean Jr and Senior Ben la 3D everything in planet cryos again and our friend in Ireland Paul O'Brien thank you guys for making these videos possible and thank you all for be just being a part of this amazing community that we've created here that's unlike any other community I've ever experienced on the internet friendly supportive kind guaranteed uh where else are you going to find that if you're watching these videos for the first first time I hope you'll consider joining us in a live video and joining on our chat because the interaction between the viewers and myself and the viewers and themselves changes the dynamic of watching a video because now you're involved in it you're you become a part of it and it's a piece that you won't get until you try it everybody's always welcome to join us in our chat room there's no payment required if people want to support us we can't thank you enough for that but it's never expected it's always appreciated people do support us and as long as you're a nice person it doesn't matter how old or young what religion or race what gender none of that matters all that matters is that you're nice it doesn't matter you don't you don't have to be super smart um in fact we'd rather that if you were super you didn't have to tell us all about right so however you are is perfect as long as you're nice there's no pre-qualifier for anything else other than being nice so if you pop in into the chat say hello it's a very simple thing to do nobody's going to chew you out and it's really cool to have people around the world responding to you and many people have made new friends here in the chat they they live the world apart and would never meet each other otherwise and have these virtual friendships were the only time they get to see each other is here in the live chat which is so cool right and that's just not even discussing the video content hopefully you like the content as well uh there is I do have systems available for sale a couple of the 13 500s as well as this system will be available for sale it's not a cheap computer but I will sell it at cost which means all the labor is free and I'd even include the shipping within the USA because this is so expensive I'll eat the shipping so it'll cost me money to sell this computer at Cost after I pay for the shipping and I've done all the labor for free the idea being that the money I make from the video will hopefully make up for it but that means for somebody out there you're going to get a heck of a deal on a brand new machine the same is true with the 13500 builds as well so if you want to reach out to me privately and uh let me know what it is you're in the market for see if we can hook you up use the about section in the YouTube channel and the email address to reach out is right there and uh just let us know what you're in the market for what your budget is and we can let you know if we have anything here that will fit that we're not going to list all the parts we have quite frankly it's just too much to do it's a lot of work to inventory everything but you will see the the last couple 13500 builds that we've done the Intel i5 13500 those systems are all available so just so you know that'll wrap it up for me for today thank you again to maralina for setting up today's video um there'll be a thumbnail added and tags and keywords I'll put her to work on that I guess I'm thinking it would Advance because actually I set this one up very generically because I wasn't sure what I was going to be doing today in fact even when I woke up this morning I wasn't sure but I've been leaning on this for about two or three weeks really wanting to see what the end result was and what this cooler was like and I'm so glad I did it I was hesitant because I knew it was going to take a few hours but totally worth it so thank you again to each and every one of you I will see you all again uh I don't know if I'll have time on the weekend depends on how I'm feeling definitely for members on Monday at 1:00 I hope I'll see you then and every Friday at 1:00 I'm always live and then with regards to Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday that kind of varies from week to week depending on my work schedule uh I haven't the last two weeks have been very distracting for me for making videos that's why it's so important I at least stick with the Monday Friday thing as a definite and then everything else is as time permits and uh as I mentioned if you subscribe to the channel you can turn on notifications to be made aware anytime I'm going live or new videos are posted again be sure to hit the Thumbs Up Button if you like content like this you want to see more like that you can let me know by using thumbs up or thumbs down and uh with that I hope you enjoy the rest of your Friday have a great weekend I'll see you all again very very soon and until next time bye for now [Applause]
Channel: CareyHolzman
Views: 13,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASROCKZ790, ASROCKZ790Riptide, NZXT, NZXTH7, H7, ATX, NZXTcase, CrucialT700, IntelCorei914900k, i914900k, NZXTC750, CORSAIRVengeance, EKNucleusAIO, careyholzman, careyholzmanlive, careyholzmanbuild, CPU, budgetoption, GamingPC, BudgetPC, GamingBuild, Gaming, GamingComputer, Intel, i914900K, BudgetBuild, pc, buildguide, build, howto, Howtobuildapc, Pcbuildguide, Stepbystep, Pcbuild, computer, personalcomputer, computerhardware, gamingpcbuildtutorial, partsofapc, howtobuildapc, howtobuildacomputer, computerbuilding
Id: 0oJAAPj5k8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 36sec (11676 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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