How To Make a Windows 11 USB Install Drive FREE and bypass MS Account requirement!

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foreign [Music] Hello everybody welcome into my latest live broadcast it is the 11th day of the 11th month of the year 2022 11 plus 11 is 22. it's Veterans Day thank you for your service for all of our veterans out there and I hope that you will uh take a moment at some point today to just consider that we have our freedoms because of the voluntary military service of our fellow Americans those who who choose to sign up to defend our country and we owe you our deepest gratitude especially those who've been lost in combat or injured in combat so a moment of gratitude and appreciation for them because without them I don't know I might be speaking German ah I don't know what that means anyway uh today I want to show you how to build create have your own Windows 11 installation media with the latest version of Windows 11. and how you can do all of this for free in fact you could possibly activate it for free and everything I'm telling you is 100 legal all legit there's no reason you have to download pirated software or risk getting an infection or spyware these the cost of piracy to the person doing the pirating is in most cases going to end up being far more than just getting the product legitimately and now if the product can be acquired legitimately and then activated legitimately for free there's no excuse so what's the strings well the strings are a couple of things one you can download and install Windows without an activation key and you can run Windows indefinitely without an activation key it has a watermark in the lower right corner of your desktop that will never go away until you activate it but it stays fully operational and some customization settings aren't allowed until you activate Microsoft has always allowed trial installations of Windows as far back as well at least as far back as night Windows 95 my memory really gets foggy before Windows 7 but it's been around it's sort of a standard practice for Microsoft to do this and a lot of people just aren't aware of it furthermore uh with the latest updates from Microsoft they're starting to require a Microsoft account to finish the installation on both windows 11 home and windows 11 Pro the other day when I was reviewing the SEI uh Mini PC that came pre-loaded with Windows 11. I intentionally leave the internet unplugged because Windows 10 would require a Microsoft account if it detected an internet connection during the installation well that trick is no longer working on Windows 11 but once only uh was defeated by Windows 11 home is now also on Windows 11 Pro and those of you in the chat room are very helpful in guiding me to hitting shift F10 to open a command window in the old dos days uh type in oobe which is the name almost of a subfolder in the windows system 32 subfolder that's when you hit shift F10 where you're going to go within that subfolder is another folder called oobe The out-of-box Experience is intended for uh manufacturers of PCS system integrators or sis to customize the installation uniquely to their brand and basically the these there's a there's a file it's called bypass nro and it's not an executable file it's a DOT CMD file it's a script file and in that script is nothing more than a registry change now there's a number of different ways we could have gone around typing in this bizarre command you know that we did the other day when we were trying to bypass that Microsoft account log on uh it could have just as well been edited to be a DOT reg file and in theory you could right click on it and click merge with registry I think that still works in Windows 11. or better still you can make your windows 11 installation media 100 free and legal where that's already done to the installation so you don't have to deal with that now I'm not opposed to having a Microsoft account I just can't put my Microsoft account credentials if I had any I couldn't use mine on a customer's system and I don't want to know the customer's passwords that's not a secure way to do things so for me to set up a system the way I set up a system for my customers I do all the work for them all the updates system integrators are you know these big system manufacturers like Dell and HP they have to follow Microsoft's policies in addition to following the law you and I we don't need to follow Microsoft policies if we don't want to unless you have some sort of professional working relationship with Microsoft that you could jeopardize but for individuals home users small businesses Microsoft doesn't care I mean if they had their way they they'd Force you but it's it's an unenforceable policy that um that you would pay retail price for Microsoft Windows and that you would bypass the need for having a Microsoft account during the installation process so uh getting around that there's there's about half dozen different ways to get around it but what if we just never had to encounter it at all by making our Windows installation media now some of you might have seen prior videos where I've shown how to download and install Windows 10 for free how to download and install Windows 11. I've already done it but guess what it's changed a little bit well the way I've shown will still work there's a better way and it's not any more difficult but it's a completely different process so maybe those of you who are new to computers will pick up a new lesson today and I hope those of you familiar with computers might pick up a new lesson today and my thanks to a handful of viewers out there in our wonderful and amazing community that pointed this alternative method out to me I was not aware of it until you guys let me know so my appreciation to the community for educating me and then I can take that and broadcast that out to a bigger audience because this is pretty cool now prior I would have you go to and download the Windows 10 or Windows 11 ISO image or create a bootable flash drive using Microsoft's boot media creator you can still do that today it's super easy however when you get to the installation process you get right towards the end you Microsoft is absolutely requiring you to have a Microsoft account and they're going to push for this harder and harder and harder Windows 11 has been out just over a year now and I haven't really taken much time with it this last year because I've been busy working with clients that pay me and they all have Windows 10. but as Windows 10 ages the need for Windows 11 is going to grow and especially when folks buy new computers from these system integrators like Dell and HP Etc they're going to more than likely start having Windows 11 whether you like it or not and so what's going to happen when you find yourself in that position or you build your own computer and you get to this point where you have to have a Microsoft account now look if you have a Microsoft account use it no big deal but what if you don't and what if you want to get around that Microsoft used to have a little button you could click that said skip this or create a local account instead well creating a local account will likely never go away however finding it or activating it is getting more and more Twisted Microsoft's marketing is doing a very clever job of manipulation by not even alluding to the fact that it's possible so it's only through videos like mine where you would even know it was possible and it was easy now what about this activating for free what are strings on that well here's the good news Windows 8 was a free upgrade from Windows 7. Windows Vista Windows Vista was a free upgrade from Windows 7. Windows 8 was a free upgrade from Windows 7 or Vista Windows 10 was a free upgrade from Windows seven Vista or eight and windows 11 is a free upgrade to Windows 10. so does that mean you have to install each operating system to upgrade it now when Microsoft mentions upgrades all you need is a product key so whatever product key that you had for Windows 7 Pro should work on Windows Vista pro and Windows 8 pro and Windows 10 pro and Windows 11 Pro that same product key should work if it's not been used to activate that version before you can only do this one time and it'll stay tied to that motherboard for the life of that motherboard so ideally I would use personally a Windows 10 key the likelihood of not running into issues is much greater and a Windows 10 key can cost you less money than a Windows 11 key which doesn't make any sense to me since you can use your Windows 10 key to activate Windows 11 and you should be able to use your Windows 7 Pro key to activate Windows 11 Pro so home to home Pro to Pro this has always been the case and as long as Microsoft keeps accepting it Microsoft has always said they could take this away at any time they set it throughout the entire life of windows 7. I hope none of you were using Windows 7. Windows 7 ended its support quite some time ago and the issue is well just Tuesday was the second Tuesday of the month Microsoft issued 60 critical patches with regards to security there were some zero day flaws that were discovered in chromium-based browsers like Microsoft Edge and these updates are absolutely critical to you being safe online to protecting you from what are called zero day exploits now any zero day exploits that are coming out on an unsupported operating system don't get patched they remain forever so as you can imagine if Windows 10 had its end of life last week then just a few days later we would be vulnerable and as more exploits are discovered the old ones don't go away because they're not getting patched they just discover more and more and more and if you are the person using the unsupported operating system thieves love you they love you like they love somebody who leaves a convertible car with the top down in the middle of a dark dark area surrounded by walls where nobody can see anything and there's no cameras all thieves love you because you make their job so easy and some people say I park my car with the top down in that dark area surrounded by walls I've been doing that every day I don't know what you're talking about I've never had a problem is what everybody says until it happens I assure you the people it happens to didn't expect it if they did they would have put the top up lock the doors and maybe Park that car in an area that's better lit and seen so suspicious activity would be noticed but it's your choice however you want to live your life if you don't want to lock your doors you want to just be trusting because it's worked for you so far and you think that's an indication that it's going to continue that way don't let me get in your way but for the rest of us do understand what your risk is and whether or not it's worth it for the amount of effort you'd have to exude to secure it it's very minor effort however uh some people just need to experience things and then they figure it out and when they don't experience them they somehow conclude their immune so I don't know what else to say in that regard but for everybody else who wants to protect themselves against activities you have no idea what's going on online when you're connecting to the internet you are in theory connecting to every single computer around the world that's online is the world's largest Network so if you can access the internet with your computer then theoretically the internet can access your computer unless you have all the latest updates your antivirus is it going to help you with this so uh you know you just being connected to the internet makes you vulnerable and the best way you can stay safe is to make sure you stay updated avoiding these Windows updates is is only hurting yourself and if that's what you want to do don't let me get in your way however Windows 10 is just fine to use until October 14th of 2025. now I'm not going to say that Windows 10 becomes dangerous after October 14th remember Windows updates generally come out on the second Tuesday of every month sometimes they'll come out with an update on a different day if it's really really important if it's critical we call that an out-of-band update so you're good for about a month I would say by November 14th of 2025 if you're still on Windows 10 your Security will not be as strong and every day that follows your security gets weaker you be your system itself becomes more vulnerable so fast forward a year so now we're in let's say October of 2026 and you're still on Windows 10. um you're really starting to push your luck and a lot of people when they get their identity stolen they have no idea it happened for one or two years after it occurs and it's generally when they go to make a big purchase they're buying a house they're buying a car and somehow their their credit's not good what do you mean my credit's not good Well turns out you know somebody opened a bunch of credit cards or something in your name over a year ago in many cases and cleaning that mess up that's a good full-time job for many weeks it costs an average of two thousand dollars in cases where you have to hire an attorney to help so you can avoid all of that uh an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure there's a reason that that expression exists but at the end of the day you make your decisions and you live with your consequences so all I can do is give you the information what you choose to do with it is entirely up to you I want to make no bones about that it doesn't change facts Mr Peter laycock contributes 50 pounds he says hello Carrie and everyone in the chat as we remember all those who gave up their lives for our freedom may God bless them all and their loved ones well said Buster thank you so much for your continued support and but I got to get back to that train PC and get it out to you soon I got a bunch of hoes from some friendly faces in the chat room welcome in everybody good to see everyone it is Friday and scrolling just looking through the chat before we start Chris Johnson just became a member for seven months right on Chris thank you so much for becoming part of our tech club Paul says there was no upgrade for Vista all right really shouldn't matter much anyway if you have a Windows 7 product key that you've never used on Windows 10 or you've never used it on Windows 11. you could in theory use that product key for Windows 10 to activate a Windows 10 home or Pro if it's a Windows 7 homework Pro product key and again use it again to activate Windows 11. and all you need is that product key if that product key um some product keys aren't going to work depending on the the nature of the product key like Enterprise level product keys are not upgradable and people who are running pirated software when it comes to Consumers um what I have seen come to my office for repairs when it comes to pirated operating systems is a pirated Windows Enterprise and those are not upgradable and uh yeah but the good news is you can get product keys super cheap anyway so in the video notes below the video I have a link to a company called VIP cdk deals now we've been partnered up with them for about a year I want to say it's been a year and they've been nothing but wonderful you guys have had universally positive things to say we've had a handful maybe a half dozen folks that had either made a mistake on their order and had trouble correcting it or had an issue in general and it's so rare so what about six people in 12 months I tell everybody if you ever have an issue with activating a product key that you've purchased from VIP cdk deals just reach out to them their product keys are guaranteed but don't reach out after 30 days and that's true of buying anything if you've reached out to them and your resolution is not satisfactory then I invite you to reach out to me I personally back these product keys up I back up everything I Endure so if I'm endorsing a Cronus I back up personally acronis I financially backed that up same with RoboForm the same with VIP cdk deals and even the folks over at I back it up 100 percent guaranteed I don't know any other YouTube content creator that does that so I hope you see a value in that and that my Integrity is very important to me and it's important that my sponsors understand the value of my audience because if they don't I'll find a different sponsor but mistakes happen sometimes the mistakes happen on behalf of the person making the purchase sometimes the mistakes happen on the side of the person they're purchasing from or the company and when it's a miscommunication or an error which can happen it's important for you to know you don't have to freak out you don't have to worry just reach out to them they will help you if like I said their resolution is unacceptable you reach out to me because the buck stops with me it's very uncommon that anybody would need to do that like I said maybe one person every other month is what our average is right now and that's over thousands literally thousands of product keys sold for Windows 10 Windows 11 and Microsoft Office 2016 2019 and 2021. so uh yes the other day I was working on this computer I thought I was done with it so I put it all back um let me go ahead and take it out of the box because this is the machine we're going to use and demonstrate this entire process on now before we get started does anybody have any questions about what we're about to do Newman Ali says hello from Pakistan I want to join this community for good well yes please do I love having viewers from countries all over the world everybody is welcome um unless you're a jerk if you're a jerk you're not welcome but that's not a high bar I assure you Nick Overman wants me to check my PayPal all right let me do that Nick um probably a good thing to do before we get started I'm assuming everybody can see and hear me okay oh I do have one message twenty dollars from Nick pokerman right on well thank you Nick thanks for supporting the channel you are I made sure you're blue in here I'm not quite sure how you how or when you lost blue but you're back to Blue now and uh Eddie Sawyers joins us Jason Willis confirms audio and video look good all right well let's uh let's get the close-up camera and let's unbox this so you guys can get a good view of that so we'll put cam girl to work let's see which one is my I renamed that camera so I won't select the wrong camera again unless I'm not paying attention it's not three anymore now it's cam Sony come on in the water's fine all right and hopefully we've addressed the issues with the focus and color on this I hope I'm sure you guys will let me know so this Cup this company uh b-link sent this SEI series Mini PC it's a Core i5 12th generation Intel chip and it's essentially an Intel Nook as you can see I put everything back painstaking either way you know the only one way you have to put it in for it to fit and now I get to take it all back out again right lucky so we need to uh what's that power and our power adapter everything else in the Box as we showed the other day it's just a couple of HDMI cables and a optional Visa Mount so you can mount this little Cube computer right to the back of your monitor and you don't even have to look at it that is optional and then let me get the box out of there yeah go ahead and get some close-ups of that and then let me get this thing plugged in and we're going to go through the steps here I will try to do an edited shorter version of this however we're going to do everything in real time so you have a fair idea of how long something like this should take when we do it all edited it happens much faster and it isn't a real example of what's actually involved so I find that when people do this it's it's a little misleading now of course depending on how fast your computer is how fast your internet is how fast your flash drive is that you're using will definitely make a difference in how long it takes you compared to how long it takes me but this should at least give you an idea of what to expect that's more accurate so there's some power and then I need a keyboard and a mouse which I have back here so we'll take that just put it up here and put my wireless dongle back here what else do I need I need an HDMI cable and an internet cable so going to the back we can use either of the HDMI ports they'll automatically activate when they sense something's plugged into them and we'll plug the internet in now this already has Windows 11 installed which is fine because you will need a computer that's functional to make the boot media whether you're at a cyber cafe borrowing a friend's computer where you have a spare computer laying around the house regardless of what operating system it's running this should be about the same process so I'm going to turn this on and you guys can see the power light is on there let's come around this way and let's go to the video for for that little box I'm just picking the wrong what am I doing we need camera one no I need camera Sony minimized come on now I hope yes this is really being touchy with me today here we go move that up and then as long as it took me to do that it's already booted into Windows all right uh taking a quick look here in the chat room I just wanna check for any other questions that might have come in Nick poverman said he's using a Nook to watch Hulu on a 65-inch TV as well as other streaming services absolutely it's so much faster more robust even the quality of the image is so much better than if you have a smart TV and you're using the built-in apps I think you'll find your picture quality and bitrate are higher with services like Netflix using a robust little machine like this versus you know just having an app in a smart TV you should try it see if you see a difference and let's see smirk wants to know if I have any more personal tools coming out I own all three so far well well thank you for purchasing Uncle carries Windows 10 Optimizer as well as the uncle carries Netflix tool and the AMD chipset Notifier I don't have anything in the works yet but they these things I come up with are to solve a problem I'm having in my business and all of these tools exist to solve a particular ongoing issue that required a number of steps that I just needed automated and when demonstrating the tool some folks in the chat said would you sell that tool I didn't even think about it and I'm so I had to talk with Nick over at d7x Tech Nick is the one who codes everything and he collects the payment runs the website for the tools they're all my concept my idea he actually makes them reality so the two of us work together using his coding skills and me being in the real world as a field service technician and computer technician in general I encounter some repetitive tasks based on Windows default settings that I don't agree with and it was really it was starts off as me just changing one or two things then the next thing you know I'm changing like 15 things and then I get interrupted and I can't remember where I left off so having a tool it just does it all ensures every system goes out consistently the same and it does it much much faster so that's why I create it I'm glad you guys see value in that now each little tweak that I do probably doesn't make much difference but add it all together it can make a significant difference but more important than that is it won't cause degradation and it won't cause any system instability so at the very least you notice nothing that would be a worst case scenario and everything that the tool changes you can undo so everything is reversible the tools under 10 bucks there's a link for it in the video notes below this video but thank you for supporting the channel in that way David Chandler says hi Carrie from South Africa hey right on hello David where are you in South Africa the Greek wants to know if we're in subscriber only mode um that's a good question I I have not said it that way but sometimes YouTube defaults it back um let me just take a quick look I don't see I do not see anything with regards to restrictions on today's video I do sometimes turn that on it sort of depends on how much of a mood I'm in for dealing with troublemakers but at the same time the vast majority of non-subscribers that come in here are definitely not troublemakers but one Troublemaker just sort of it can distract from the entire group and sometimes I'm just not I'm not in a good place for dealing with that on certain days so today it should be open for everybody it'd be very difficult for anybody to tell me it's not because they wouldn't be able to tell me and I'm looking for the setting here in the uh um the the YouTube studio and I don't see where it is it's in there somewhere we should be open as far as I know we should be open for everybody regardless of their subscribers and there are members and then there's just viewers the vast majority of my videos are watched by viewers some viewers watch Once and never come back some viewers watch Once and and watch every video that they can so it's hard to know how many viewers are returned viewers if they're not subscribers or members I see Kelly Stewarts joined us oh sorry that's Russell Stewart did I not see Kelly Stewart in there well hopefully Kelly's out there and watching X Rod 666 with a super chat contribution of ten dollars says hey Carrie hope things are going good I just ordered a 7950x AMD CPU and I'm so excited to get it hey enjoy your build enjoy your build that's a monster processor Matthew Burton says the picture looks great on this camera today well thank goodness I did make some adjustments before we went live and looks like even though I did those adjustments relatively quickly the Sony camera just has an amazing picture quality especially when you consider how tiny it is Carmelo Lopez with a ten dollar contribution hey Carmelo thank you for supporting the channel I think I've got everybody here out of curiosity in the chat room how many of you log into your Windows 10 or Windows 11 computer using a Microsoft account you can say yes or no in the chat room I suspect the vast majority of you do not log in with a Microsoft account however let's see I've got one that does two that don't two that do three that so yeah I can't count them all we have yes no no no no yes yes yes yes no no no no yes no no yes not me I do no wow it's there's more of you logging in with a Microsoft account than I anticipated it almost from the look of it seems to be about 50 50. pretty interesting so if you're logging in with a Microsoft account you can still follow the old way of making the Windows 10 or Windows 11 boot media they're both exactly the same but if you want the ability to bypass that Microsoft account login which it appears at least 50 percent of you currently in the chat room would benefit from then we can actually embed that into our installation media so first thing I need to do is download a little program that's free I've demonstrated this program for other uses in the past so we're going to revisit this program called Rufus and the way I'm going to get to Rufus is we're going to use the little computer right right down here this little guy right here that's the desktop you're seeing on the screen is the output of this little computer so I'm going to try and do as much of this as possible on this little computer so you can see everything clearly and hopefully avoid any confusion if I confuse you in the process stop and put a message in the chat room ideally we can address things as they come up rather than having to refer to something from 20 or 30 minutes ago because that does that then creates more confusion but I'll try to be very clear in this process it's quite simple and what up first thing I need to do is I need to go full screen which for me is going to block the chat room momentarily so that I can see the desktop here so The View doesn't change for you you're all watching full screen already I assume but I'm monitoring OBS I'm monitoring the chat room I have Windows and windows so when I go full screen it covers up all my other windows so I'm going to be working blind here for a few minutes and what I want to do as you can see this computer desktop is left in the condition that we had it in the other day we're going to open up a browser doesn't matter what browser you use and we're just going to type in Rufus Rufus push enter and the very first link we see should be the official website for Rufus now this link is in the video notes below the video and when we bring that link up this is what you're going to see and just hit the big download well no I take that back you go down here the Rufus 3.20 is the current version every time I make one of these videos Rufus comes out with a new version that moves all the items and options around let's see how lucky I am with the timing on this video uh generally speaking the layout of Rufus uh changes when the version changes so as long as we stay three point something you should be able to follow along exactly when we go to version four point something oftentimes the interface can change now as you can see it shows that you can create bootable USB drives the easy way and demonstrates some processes here now I've always used Rufus to create ISO to restore ISO images back to CDs or DVDs or um primarily these days USB flash drives Windows 10 and windows 11 are about five gigs in size so obviously you need a flash drive that would be at least five gigs and ideally we want a flash drive we can format that would be ideal because we need to make the flash drive bootable so take a flash drive that's empty or that you don't mind having it empty the smallest flash drive that you can use as eight gigabytes because they make flash drives in two gig four gig eight gig 16 32 64 128 256 512 one terabyte two terabyte four terabyte eight terabyte sixteen well they will eventually so the numbers keep doubling if your flash drive is too big it may not boot so my strongest advice to you is don't use anything larger than 32 preferably use an 8 gig flash drive these little SanDisk flash drives I have are extremely fast they help make my windows installs happen faster because I do a lot of windows installs these tend to be a little bit pricier but they're very very fast and they'll still run slow on old computers that can't support the fast speeds this is a 16 gig I can't even buy 16s anymore I don't think of the SanDisk Xtreme Pro USB flash drives so um if you have an 8 or a 16 I would absolutely use it that's not to say a larger flash drive will not work but there is a chance depending on how old your computer is so that being said we're going to download Rufus 3.20 right here and then this is just an advertisement we don't really need this advertisement let's close it let me close it and in the upper right corner looks like I've clicked it twice and my camera is likely covering um let's turn that off for just a second in the upper right corner you'll see I've downloaded the the tiny little Rufus file it's a very small download so it happens in seconds Now by clicking on it we're going to run this program so let me go back to full screen on my side here we go and I'll click on it and I have to click yes to allow it and I can close this browser window because I don't want this to confuse people so we'll close yeah close that out do you want to allow groupers to check for updates yes I do now because we just downloaded it I can't imagine there would be any what we want to do is create a Windows 11. bootable media and make that registry change and the process so that it won't require us to have a Microsoft account and we won't have to do that little routine to bypass it you can still add a Microsoft account if you want to this just removes the forced nature of it that Microsoft has done by default now this flash drive I've already got Windows 11 on here what I want to put Windows 11 on here with that change so I wouldn't have to deal with that except on you know pre-built machines like this one where it came with Windows 11 already installed with those defaults so I'm going to just plug this in anywhere on the front of this computer as I try to do this sideways there we go and then that'll probably open up here on the screen once it's initialized now because this already has Windows 11 on it I'm prepared to just format this and Rufus will verify that for us when we get there but you can see it does acknowledge the flash drive is plugged in now if you read what's on the screen if you take your time and slow down and look at the options sometimes people don't do that and they email me questions that have the answers right in front of them uh what I'm looking for is to create um because I'm looking to create a Windows 11 boot drive I'm going to have to download Windows 11 and that's all built into Rufus now it didn't used to be this is fairly new to Rufus so let's go to download right here and show Advanced Drive properties and options use USB hard drives I think we check that trying to remember how I did this um it's incredibly simple though and we want to make here we go what kind of media do we want to make that is so far away from me I can't see it I have to walk up closer to the screen so bear with me for a second uh we can make Linux boot disks react OS grub 2.06 we definitely want a disc image and that will be our Drive yes down here there's a button for program settings I'm going to hit that try properties we'll check just to make sure there's no other updates that's good so I've clicked so when I selected download I've now clicked the download button so after you've selected download click on it says what do you want and then these are the different downloads that are available through Rufus so I want windows 11. and I'm going to click continue and it's going to ask me a few more questions now and I think I can let me go back to OBS here for just a second while we're waiting oops there I am okay so uh now I have to go back full screen again and I went the wrong one second time I've done that Carrie here we go full screen okay so it says which version of Windows 11 do you want there's 22 H2 21 H2 21 is there two 21 H2S different build numbers I'm going to highly recommend you select the one at the top whatever that number is in the future you want the latest one and then click continue now it says which edition of Windows 11 are we talking about Windows 11 home Pro well guess what you don't have a choice I don't even know why it asks let's hit continue on that that's going to be based on your product key which one you get language um we can let's see there's English International sometimes there's a specific English for the UK and English for America but I guess English International is what we want and hit continue and you will notice there's a little bit of a delay uh as the system processes our answers to the questions now we can optionally download the iso with a browser but I'm going to just select that we're a 64-bit not 32-bit which would be x86 they're not even offering anything other than 64-bit which is good now hit download now we need a place to save this so it's going to default into the downloads directory I'm fine with that we'll hit save and this will take a while depending on the speed of your internet connection for some of you it's going to happen quickly and for others it's going to take a while again this is going to be mostly dependent on the speed of your internet connection and if everybody's trying to do this at the same time then Microsoft servers may get um a massive amount of traffic that slows down their responses and while we're waiting for this to download we don't there's nothing more we can do until we have this file so I'll go back to answering any questions that you have and you can come back come back over here there we go I'll do my best to answer any questions that you have in the chat room while we await the download to complete it says about five gigs Joni nyaminen contributes 5 Euro says salary raise is a good reason to give to Coke or two hey right on is it Joni Johnny thank you so much for supporting the channel and Steve dot became a supporter of the channel became a member of our tech club welcome in Steve thanks for joining us here Nick pokerman said Kerry is going to do what I just did this morning I made a USB for a friend this way yeah and the good news is your friend could have done it themselves it's so easy as you well know um but very nice of you to do that John Williams says Carrie since I have a Windows 10 Pro activation key from VIP cdk deals and the PC is capable of running Windows 11. when I upgrade to Windows 11 will I need to create a Microsoft account no no absolutely not you can create one if you want one one of the things you can do is upgrade the system you have now by installing Windows 11 on top of it you can just do that through Windows update or you can do a fresh clean install a new can pave and use this process to make your media so you don't have to go through the shift F10 and running the registry change when you run that registry change which is called bypass nro I don't know why they made it so wordy it would have been nice if that was a short and easy to type file I mean they could have made it a batch file like they could have just simply made it a DOT reg file and then you would just right click on it but nonetheless the oobe slash bypass nro if you were to encounter the requirement of needing a Microsoft account in this process and you didn't do a clean install with this already done during the configuration of the boot media what that does is that Imports a registry key or change into the registry that requires you then to reboot and that's all this dot CMD file that's called bypass nro it's nothing more than like a batch script so it's not rocket science it's not like machine code you can literally open it in notepad if you have Windows 11 now on any computer you go to your C drive you go to your windows subfolder you go to your system 32 subfolder within that folder and then within system 32 you will see oob e openobe and you will see bypass nro you can right click right click on that and choose to open it in Notepad and you can see the registry key that's being changed the shutdown or restart command it's very basic but if you want to avoid those steps then doing a clean install of Windows 11 using the process I'm showing you already puts that registry key change into the default installation so that it's a step you don't have to do and then if you want to add a Microsoft account after your install is complete whether that's five minutes after your install is complete or 10 months or whatever a couple of years you can add it at any time that's what I love about Freedom having the having the ability to customize not only the hardware of your computer but the software and the configuration of the software so that it fits right for you it's just like adjusting the seat and the mirrors in a car you'll have your position where you're comfortable I'll have my position well I'm comfortable neither one of us is right or wrong and neither one of our preferences is likely ideal for the other person that's why these adjustments are available but if you don't know how to adjust it or you didn't know it was possible to adjust it you might be driving uncomfortably because you didn't know you could adjust lumbar or you could adjust the tilt of the steering wheel or the tilt of the seat or the angle of the mirrors so it's these kind of things that we adjust individually to our own needs and comfort there is no right or wrong answer here now for me again as a system builder I can't sign into a Microsoft account on my customers behalf and I'm not going to sign into my own Microsoft account and I don't want to give them a computer that requires them to you know do work when they get it Beyond putting the computer to work in other words if you go to the store and you buy one of these pre-built machines from Dell HP Asus you have to go through the rest of the installation they take it about three quarters of the way and stop you have to agree to all the end user license agreements you've got to grab all the updates you have to sign in and create an account I do all that for my customers it's part of my service so when the customer gets a computer from me they just literally plug it in and start setting up their email their printers whatever it is they need so they can get to work sooner I'd also assure as I don't get a support call because an update's not installing correctly or the customer is not hasn't updated it and it's the update that fixes the problem they're having so it saves me a lot of time and it builds up great customer report because it's pretty much not done in the industry I'm sure there's little guys like me single self-employed you know what I mean single employed um folks out there that offer a service like this but not the big system integrators they they have to follow Microsoft's policies because they have a relationship with Microsoft all right so let me just look back in the chat I can see the progress meter as it's going to take a few minutes so while we're waiting again a great opportunity if you have uh technical questions if you've got a problem you're trying to solve even if it's unrelated to this we're gonna just bite our time and and talk with each other about what's going on what's on your mind and uh when this progress meter is done we'll get back to switch cameras your hands get two percent so I figured let's see you know what the process yeah you know what that's a good thought uh we'll go back to camera one go ahead and step off to the left and we will get camera one turned on yeah you're clear thank you and I don't know you want another battery for that thing is that going to make you feel better all right I have a bunch of these little batteries these things look how tiny these are we can get about a little over and we're getting about an hour and a half I think out of them so definitely not as good as the camcorders which on their batteries can run some of these will run 11 hours on just the battery alone so some sacrifices on that little camera but the picture quality that comes out of it I think we all agree it's pretty impressive all right let me get back to scrolling down here scrolling down to the other comments I have missed we'll see if we have any questions I've missed Mira or I just became a member for six months and says I'm attempting to log in with no at thank and it still works on 22 H2 for making windows 11 let you create a local account during the oobe yes as I mentioned earlier there's about a half dozen different ways to resolve it but by simply creating your boot media the way I'm going to show you none of those six ways well none of those five ways will matter because it just won't require it anymore but yes if you have an existing install and you you just want to get past it you don't want to start over again the shift F10 with the registry key change and reboot does it logging in with an invalid account will time out and say you know get will then offer you the local account Microsoft might take that away then here's the good news if Microsoft takes that away this video becomes even more valuable because this is staying at least until Microsoft disables that registry key which I don't think they can do at least not on the pro version because corporations need their employees to log into servers and not Microsoft service necessarily we want to keep the business stuff within the business not into the personal accounts of employees so it's absolutely required in Corporate America but uh yeah we're glad you extended your looks like you've extended your membership which is awesome thank you for that new Manali says I have an issue with a Microsoft account in edge browser every time I remove them my passwords automatically sync from nowhere I'm not signed into any other devices is there a way to fix this I'm not familiar with that but if anybody in the chat is um yeah please speak because uh Newman we have a very knowledgeable people in our community and oftentimes when it's an answer I don't know there's at least one or two if not more in our chat room that do know and others still that will Google it as I'm talking and just copy and paste and answer whether or not it's true so just watch the chat room for suggestions when you're asking questions I'll do my best to provide an answer but sometimes there's more than one answer Richard culture says I got my go faster stickers today right on um I don't ship those out that's all done by my sister so I had no idea if people are ordering any of the merch from uh Carey that's all handled by my sister and she processes the payment she sends out the items I am so busy I don't sometimes I'll ask her how things been going you know with the it tends to get really slow and then it'll Spike all of a sudden it'll get slow again and um some new products I think we're going to be offering there soon some pretty cool ideas one in particular is a an idea for my sister that I think is very clever and we'll we'll revisit that when the time is when we're ready I was gonna say when the time is right but when when we're ready to move forward with offering it and when I say we I mean her because she's the one that's going to have to make them they have to be custom-made for each person um it's pretty cool I think you'll agree once you know what it is something for you to look forward to Greg says he creates a Microsoft account for my clients and give them the login information the problem with that Greg is they might already have a Microsoft account and then you are guaranteed to have a support call from a customer who wants to get rid of it wants to change it to theirs or at the very least needs reminding on what you told them how to do it a week ago because they didn't write it down so of course how you choose to run your business is entirely up to you but for the reason of the ongoing support potential I don't want to go down the road Jason wants to know if I'll make a shorter video about this uh yes if you go back to the very beginning of this video I've explained we're doing everything in real time because when they polished edited video comes out it gives viewers a false sense of the commitment of time that's required to complete the task so generally speaking videos like this will have a shorter version for the people who don't want the education they don't care what the time is they don't they just say just give me the crumbs I don't need a full dinner I'd rather starve look I don't think it's ideal to do it that way but I do understand that people will go through a lot of effort to not have to put in any effort so because that does result in a number of views that make it worthwhile I do intend when time permits that I will update this to a shorter video however things are constantly evolving and changing and the problem is if you spend too much time on the video it's possible that days after I release it the version of Rufus changes and now you can't follow along because the interface is different or another update to Windows 11 comes out that changes some option or creates another potential issue for people when they're installing and so for that reason in order to keep things constantly updated I have to shoot them live to get the information out sooner if this has to wait on editing before you can get the information it will likely take a a month to two or three months depending on all the other projects I have to do so the good news is for people who watch this video after it was live which then becomes a pre-recorded video you could play back you can just skip through it to the parts you're interested in again I strongly strongly discourage people from doing that when you're fast forwarding through information you don't know what you're passing you don't know what you're missing and it often ends up with somebody asking a question in the comments section below the video that was answered in the video but they were too impatient and it's like they want me to repeat myself specifically for them as though I work for them like I'm their Butler or something so I strongly encourage people to stick through the entire content even if you're just listening in the background while you do something else because there are little there are Little Gems often in these videos that you won't be able to find they're not indexed or marked sometimes it's a response to somebody's question that I don't even know is coming and other times well I'm filling up the Gap like in this case the time that's taken to download this five gig ISO file the information that I'm using to fill time could be absolutely critical or useful to you but if you skip through it or if I edit it all out it's sort of like encouraging ignorance I have a hard time with that but people have their reasons and I only have so many hours in the day the short answer to your question is yes I intend to make a shorter version of this video but I don't know when I'll have time and I don't know how long that video will remain relevant before something in the process changes so every day it takes to get this video out is a day closer to the next change these changes happen rapidly and once again if you're using an out of date operating system one that's end of life like Windows 7. you can just imagine how much you're missing simply because you think you're beating the system by not upgrading it never mind the security exploits there's a number of changes that occur in features and enhancements to Windows itself especially with Windows 11 as they start to differentiate it with features that Windows 10 doesn't have they're doing that slowly and you know over the course of the last year since Windows 11 came out it there's many things in Windows 11 today that we're not a part of Windows 11 when it first came out in another year there's going to be more Windows 10 is just staying flat nothing new is being introduced it's just being secured and they don't want to introduce anything new to give Windows 10 any more value they want to force you into Windows 11. they want to convince you you need it by eventually offering a feature that will appeal to you now Windows 11's 22 H2 update has caused some issues with gaming and Microsoft has paused that update for several um for people who have a certain configuration now Nvidia has addressed this with a driver update but Microsoft still has a fixed the root cause if you're a gamer you may not want to go to Windows 11. they've had issues with solid state drive performance degradation that was addressed in an update eventually they've had issues with certain printers not working after an update and these are isolated strictly to Windows 11. it's still evolving they're still figuring things out and with regards to this 22 H2 causing uh severe lagging in games if you have a Nvidia graphics card make sure you get the latest driver they've basically put a workaround on it but it's apparently on Microsoft's end and they're still trying to figure out what it is they don't even know if what they're saying is true then they really don't know what it is and they're researching it so there will be another update and we'll fix that and then when they do that it might break something else so um something to keep in mind if you want to go to Windows 11 it's still evolving all right uh how are we doing on our oh our installs about uh maybe about a third of the way downloaded so like I said this process this is the longest part of it is downloading the iso image I don't have the best internet connection here I'm sure you guys can download this many of you probably have much faster Broadband connections than I do and I'm also streaming in 1080 and of course that's taking up some of my bandwidth and doing so it does affect my downloads me Jim says a year later in Windows 11 is still broken every single operating system is broken if that's how we Define it we're really good at designing the hardware you know get that Hardware right get it out the door and it lasts for years it's the software it's under constant attack and barrage by hackers and thieves people abuse it and Microsoft then has to resolve that it's not necessarily that Microsoft released a broken operating system is that people are breaking it and Microsoft has to react to that to prevent them from breaking it in that way they didn't foresee somebody doing that that's sort of like somebody taking a screwdriver and and using it as a hammer or using it as a weapon where the screwdriver manufacturer gets sued because they could have made a slight design change that would have prevented it from being used that way so that doesn't I mean it's not a great example but if everybody was honest if there weren't any thieves out there trying to take advantage of people if people weren't so darn nasty and felt this disillusioned empowerment for being anonymous online these updates mostly wouldn't be necessary with regards to security and things of that nature which are the bulk of updates and it'll never go away software is never ever done as a result it's hard to predict the behavior of humans and the creative ways at which they go about trying to break it and why are they doing that typically to get your identity to drain your wallet install ransomware to compel you to give them money and it's just a very unfortunate state of the planet we live on it's Universal across every country in pretty much every neighborhood there's somebody who just seems to get a thrill from taking advantage of others and all you can do is protect yourself we can't stop them we can't get them to change their attitude but we can protect ourselves it's like car insurance you know you can't force drivers around you to have insurance whether it's the law or it isn't if somebody hits you with a car and they are not insured or they drive off what do you do what if you have a very expensive car are you going to pay for that repair out of pocket ideally you'll have car insurance that will pick it up since you can't control whether somebody's going to be honest whether somebody is going to be responsible whether somebody's going to behave like an adult so in that case you just protect yourself and that's what all this is about this is about you protecting you since we can't stop the actions of others in the world around us and when we're plugging our computer into the internet we're plugging into essentially every computer plugged into the internet if you can access Google then anybody else who can access Google has the potential to access you directly think about that it's kind of freaky so the ways that people get in don't necessarily mean that you have to click on anything it could just be an exploit in the operating system or an exploit in a program you have installed like Adobe Acrobat and that's why you'll see these updates will come from Microsoft Office they'll come from pretty much every single piece of software ever written therefore every single software ever written is broken even Rufus I mentioned the version 3.2 else if I would have tried to make this video with version two we this process wasn't a thing as far as I know and what's going to come in version 4 of a Rufus I don't know but I guarantee there will be a version four unless the company goes out of business so I don't even know what their business model is it's a free application somebody's doing a lot of work and I don't know how they're getting paid but it's for right now to your and my advantage take a look here and see if you have any more questions for me in the chat room as we continue to wait uh one more check-in over here on the desktop not quite halfway there John Lewis asks have you had issues with your Dell notebook Windows 11 update Dell update and Intel driver update download an older video driver and back and forth I wouldn't use Intel driver update on a laptop I would only use the manufacturer's update so if it's HP or Dell use the HP update tool the Dell update tool Asus has their own update tool yeah the Intel driver utility is for people who build their own computers and there is a disclaimer where Intel advises you not to use it if you're using a system integrators motherboard because they might have made changes that make it incompatible or remove some features that the system integrator uniquely added to add value to their platform so just stay away from it and only use the manufacturer's update site and that's generally true of all pre-built machines all laptops are pre-built there's no other way to get one this does hold true for many pre-built desktops as well unless you want to go around in circles or just keep getting errors on the installer only use the manufacturer's update tool if you want to use your own you know if you want to control that yourself then you need to do that on a computer you build yourself that's why when I show it here you'll see I use it specifically on systems I build you don't see me use that on laptops I don't know if you've noticed that before but feel free to go back and look at any of my videos with laptops you'll never see me use the Intel driver update on it for that reason Luke greenia said I sent you a little something via Paypal well let me check my email Luke Luke joins us all the way from Vermont which I imagine is very beautiful this time of year it looks like a couple other contributions uh there's 25 from Luke thank you Luke 10 comes in from David Coleman he says thanks again for all you do thank you and our good buddy Gia Dorney giordani sends twenty dollars to support the channel let's write on oh Terry Hughes says I am a six-month member as of today please take my earned VIP cdk deals and give them to other veterans who can use them I have purchased all that I need from your offers and here is a 10 Amazon gift card well that's awesome thank you Terry um yeah right on thanks to all of you I'm glad I checked that Richard said carry those tools are an absolute must-have bit of Kit well they are for me you know that's why I had them made and I'm glad others are finding value in them but I wouldn't say that there must have for everybody but clearly if you're doing work for others or you you're tinkering a lot that would justify you know needing to use the tool over and over and over again it certainly pays for itself after after you've used it once saves some time massive amount of time and there's no limit to how many times you can use it or how many computers you can use it on so I want people who support the channel to be able to use it in any way that they need and not nickel and dime them for everything is not my style so I'm glad you see the value in it Marco apparently is in Italy now he says Carrie the last time I saw you was from the U.S of a well maybe someday I'll be able to travel and step foot in Italy it's a it's a bucket list item for me go to Naples and get myself a margarita pizza they don't know what it's supposed to taste like I have an idea based on what I'm told there's a lot of pizza places that claim that they are certified I forget what it's called there's a certification in making pizza the classic Italian way and uh I don't know if it's accurate or not because I've never been there Marcus says there's space for you in my container that I've reserved it just put me in a shipping container Matt Zoloft joins us all the way from Sweden so we've got we've got South Africa in the house Sweden Italy of course we have the USA Canada I'm sure Wales Scotland Ireland England Norway rajdi says Kerry what do you think of one password I don't look at any of those other applications if if the one password service if it's free I wouldn't use it for anything as important as my passwords you really should be paying for something where you have support and you have a finger to point if something goes wrong and roboform's been in business like one of the original password managers never had a security issue with them the product has never caused my system to crash you pay for the license with RoboForm and you can install RoboForm on all your devices your laptops your desktops your phones your tablets yeah you can install it with that one license which is pretty cool you could install it on a thousand different devices as long as you're logging in with your name and your password you don't have to buy a license for each machine you install it on you only need a license for each user so if there's a family of four then ideally you would have four different RoboForm licenses but you if you was one person with four computers you'd only need one RoboForm license for all four so I that's very logical to me it makes sense it seems fair to me and I don't really look at other password managers I don't have any need to there's no reason for me to move away from RoboForm Marco said he's been using and suggesting RoboForm for 15 years I think I'm about the same I think it's about 15. maybe a little longer it might be closer to 17 or 18. possibly 20 I'm not sure but been using it a very very long time I'm very familiar with it as a result of being familiar with it I'm quick I need when I want to log in somewhere I can get it done fast if I have to learn something new of course it's going to slow me down I have to repeat it until I memorize it and why would I go through all that unless I had some incentive so for me it would take quite a bit to pull me away from Robo form it's inexpensive it's reliable and it's historically known to be secure Robo forms never been caught selling users data and stuff like you know we've certainly read enough I don't need to name names do I I would be very cautious of using anything that's free when it's something as important as your passwords and your security once again anything that's free is probably spying on you that's they got to make money somehow and if there was a breach there's not much recourse you would have on a free product I'm sure all free products will say there is no warranty or guarantee if anything negative happens as a result of using our free software you agree in the end user license agreement not to hold them accountable they bear no responsibility enjoy your free product but don't talk to us we don't want to hear from you sounds about right for free product really does so let me take a look at um any other questions I might have missed if you've asked earlier I didn't see it I'll need you to ask again we're still just waiting for our download to finish which which is where where's our progress on this oh about halfway there this is absolutely required we must download the iso image and Rufus is grabbing that ISO image directly from Microsoft if you don't believe me you can simply download directly from Microsoft and then down have Rufus download it I'm going to do a file comparison and do a hash checksum and you'll see the both files are 100 identical and in fact have come from the same source Vincent wants to know did they get the Kinks out of Windows 11 yet Windows 11 didn't have any kinks in it the day it was released it was more beta tested than any other operating system and is nothing more than really Windows 10 anyway with a different interface on top every piece of software has Kinks You will never get a piece of software that is kinkless it's no such thing we're still very early in the evolution of technology and as long as people are out to attack innocent other people with absolutely no provocation or justification for trying to steal from people and and trying to cause other strangers complete harm typically to their financial advantage then this software will always have to keep responding to that and then as new hardware comes out software has to be adjusted to take advantage of it like performance cores versus economy cores is one example or the latest versions of Wi-Fi or Bluetooth or any new technologies that come out including new iterations of USB and nvme even nbme itself was not a thing a few years ago and now it's fairly ubiquitous who knows what tomorrow holds but it will continue to grow and progress and as it introduces new technology we have to introduce the software to support it and in doing so we often find little flaws that occur that weren't foreseen and it's typically caused in a very bizarre configuration that very few people would have which is why it didn't show up in early testing or it's a result of somebody uh violating the operating system in a way that hadn't been considered and so now that they're aware of it they then respond to that with what we call a patch every piece of software ever written has patches or the companies out of business there's no such thing as a piece of software that's done and I can't imagine we will ever see such a thing in our lifetime can you use Windows 10 Optimizer on Windows 11. uh I haven't tested it personally I mean it's called the Windows 10 Optimizer it's not called the Windows 10 and 11 optimizer I've had people report back that they used it and it works just fine I don't know uh because Windows 11 is essentially just Windows 10 it shouldn't cause any harm but whether or not it creates any improvements you'd have to use it and let me know I have no idea Paul in the chat said I've had Windows 11 since it came out on day one I've never had a problem with it and this is my only ex this is only my experience yeah sure some of the issues that they've been exposed in Windows 11 like the SSD slowdowns the um the current issue with lag and gaming is very dependent on the game so just because there's enough people that Microsoft is acknowledging it doesn't mean it's affecting you it's not it's not saying it's affecting the majority of people but it's affecting enough people that justifies Microsoft putting some money into research and development to address it so yeah don't get technicondria it's like reading about diseases and then suddenly you're like geez I think I'm hot it's this weird psychology happens to us um you'll know if you have a problem you shouldn't have to go looking for it unless you enjoy that sort of thing you enjoy a computer that works fine but is running Windows 11 and you heard that the windows 11 is causing gaming lag issues so now you think you have a problem no you would know if you had a problem you wouldn't be reading about it but preventive maintenance is always good so things by staying updated is very important Don Allen with a 20 contribution says hi a chat and Carrie hope everything is going good for all here's a donation for delivery charges when needed well thank you Don yeah we have two more veteran giveaway computers to ship out I obviously can't do that today ironic isn't it post office is closed I will however try to get both of them out next week I absolutely want to get as many computers shipped before Thanksgiving as possible because then shipping times start to increase the lines at the post service or FedEx they get longer as more people are shipping things as gifts it all starts pretty much on Cyber Monday and it just gets worse until after the first of the year in fact they'll be delivering packages late this year I predict that UPS USPS FedEx they're all going to be burdened with packages just like they were last year and they will probably be working very very hard long hours the closer we get to Christmas the try and get those gifts delivered assuming that they're gifts and will likely be so backed up in packages the packages will take longer to arrive and likely um will take them about a week to get caught up so it's usually around sometime after the first of the year that things start to settle back down again but you're not free and clear after Christmas people are starting to send stuff back yeah shipping just keeps getting busy busy busy during the holiday season I hats off you know to the people especially the holiday help that are hired at these shipping Services because they're going to be working hard this holiday season I guarantee it and thank you for the contribution Don 3D everything with a 20 contribution says before I forget what wait I forgot thank you 3D everything thank you for supporting the channel Patrick Manny just became a member for seven months he says he misses seeing the doggies yeah me too I agree but the doggies are doing well I bought some treats for them the other day so I assume they're happy to see me because they love me but it's possible they know I bring treats so I'm okay with it either way I suppose I'm gonna see it the way I want to thank you for becoming a member Patrick and uh and for seven months it's uh folks like you and the contributions that keep me independent so I don't have to make commercials for big companies simply to you know cash checks Elko said I've decided to skip Windows 11 I'm now running Windows Server 2022 standard I don't advise to do this for Consumer grade Hardware unless you know how to modify dot INF files Richard said to be honest I hated Windows 10 with a vengeance over Windows XP but now after using Windows 11 I kind of miss windows 10. yeah that's all perspective isn't it how we choose to see things or you know may not realize we're choosing to see things in a certain way and it's sort of like uh the picking the devil you know versus the devil you don't kind of a scenario but since the world moves to it you choosing not to do it is just like you choosing not to participate in society right and there are people that decide that there are people that say I'm not going to engage in uh Society I don't I don't get on board with what society's doing so I'm just going to stay in my house and if I have to go outside I'm not going to make eye contact or start conversation with anybody but you're not changing the world I mean it's just something you do to yourself and that's your choice just looking to see if I've missed any other there any other questions once again if you've asked a question that I've not answered it's probably because I didn't see it so please do ask it again and how's our download doing I think it's time to check in it looks like we're about 60 65 of the way downloaded there are some more questions that will be asked after we've downloaded and we're getting ready to make our uh bootable USB drive for Windows 11. Rufus is going to offer us some questions to modifying that installation and one of those options is going to be to not require the Microsoft account and we're going to go through those here just as soon as it's ready for that foreign do I know a good PC utility software well if your goal is to cause your computer to crash then any piece of utility software will do a pretty good job of that my advice is don't look to software to solve your software problems if you want a stable computer you start with a clean install of Windows get it updated activated get your applications that you want on it whatever antivirus or malware protection you're going to put on there and leave it alone don't modify the registry in any way don't change your swap file settings away from Windows default and don't install any software utilities at all under any circumstances unless you want to start going down the road of making your system unstable this is not Windows 95 this is not Windows XP Windows 10 will maintain itself and will do a far superior job than any third-party utility any third-party utility will only potentially cause your system to be unstable so I strongly recommend if you're running Windows 10 or Windows 11 only use the utilities that are built into Windows 10 and windows 11. I focused on one from Microsoft what was that called PC manager and that's a free piece of software for Microsoft and all it does is it brings all the built-in utilities that you already have in Windows 10. it brings them together into one interface it's not introducing anything new it's just instead of going over here to find this option and going over there to find that option it puts them all in one window with a couple of tabs and it's completely free I strongly advise do not use any PC utility software and do understand the risks you are accepting if you do so now if you have a computer problem you are trying to resolve let us know what the problem is we can tell you how to properly solve it likely if you're putting piece of utility software on most people are doing it to a computer that doesn't have any problems and they just think they're making it better when in fact you're punching little holes in it that's effectively what you're doing and if you punch enough little holes in it the whole thing just collapses so how long that takes hard to say some people may never have experienced it but it's all in their head that they think they're making any Improvement to the machine strictly because it didn't cause the machine to crash yet doesn't mean that they've made the system less stable simply because they haven't utilized that function so I strongly strongly recommend use the system utilities that are built into Windows 10 and windows 11. otherwise the risk you take is your own and once damage is done it's more than likely going to be a lot faster and easier to just do a wipe and a reinstall of Windows to undo the damage Because by the time you notice the damage you probably would have run that piece of utility software more than once and the longer you've been using it without problems once the problem happens it's just all going to collapse in on itself so it wasn't just that last time it was the straw that broke the camel's bag Windows 10 and windows 11 are fantastic at maintaining themselves if you just leave it alone but if you are having a problem come on in here and let us know what the problem is let us help you solve that problem if you want to have a problem then by all means download the PC utility software and when it causes your system to become unstable my recommendation is you do a wipe and a reinstall that's how you're going to fix it universally every time can you still download Windows 11 from hiatoc yes yes of course like I said there's about a half dozen different ways to do what we're doing because I've showcased all the other ways I don't see any reason for me to repeat what I've already done this process I'm showing you today is something I've never done a video on before and so it is a I think I've done three other ways of doing this so this is like way number four and then there's still at least two more ways for videos I could create for alternate ways but in my opinion as far as creating a Windows 11 install media goes this is the only way that that I prefer even though I could choose five other ways this is my preference because I can bypass that Microsoft requirement Do you have a a Microsoft account to finish the install which is absolutely unacceptable for me in my business I can't do that to my customers so I mean if I got out of the business wouldn't be such a big deal Taffer in the chat wants to know if I've had any issues with a Cronus cloud backup with the operation failed during an upload says it does it once in a while no I don't use a Cronus cloud backup I don't have very good internet here and it would take a long time but I would recommend that you type a Cronus space Reddit into Google and the first link that shows up is a Reddit Forum where a representative from acronis monitors that forum and provides answers to people who ask apart from reaching out to acronis directly Through official support chains you can go to Reddit and also get answers from other acronis users watch for McGowan who is an employee of acronis who part of his job is to participate in that Reddit forum and monitor it and offer people answers to their questions and so if you want an acronis expert to weigh in on your acronis question and you don't want to deal with email and you don't want to deal with phone call Simply go to the Reddit forum for acronis and you know what while you're in there look at some of the questions people are asking it might just address some other questions you didn't think of yet Kyle says Carrie what's wrong with logging in with a Microsoft account I'm a system builder if I'm building you a computer do you think I'm going to sign into my Microsoft account when I'm getting the computer ready to ship to you do you think I'm going to ship you the computer without an operating system in the hopes that you're going to know how to install it just to have a support call back to me and maybe even send the computer back because it doesn't work because you don't know what you're doing the whole point of buying a computer for me is that all of this stuff is done for you I cannot log into your Microsoft account you may not even have one and I'm not going to log into my Microsoft account so what I have to do is I have to I have no choice I can go out of business or I can create the local user account as I've been doing since the day I started this business I'm not about to change that when the customer gets it into their hands they're certainly more than welcome to sign into their own Microsoft account if they have one or to create one if they want one or to leave it as I've said it that's all for the customer to decide but at least they won't have to do all of the leg work to get the computer up and running so that they can finally start to use it for the purpose they bought it and that's just a benefit of buying from me smirk wants to know what's a good method to use when trying to pair a GPU and CPU that will work good together and not counteract with one another I've never seen a CPU and GPU counteract with one another so I don't know how to answer your question can you give me an example of what it is you're trying to avoid it's very difficult to tell you how to solve a problem you don't have if you're wondering which CPU would Benchmark a GPU or or not um would bottleneck it or the other way around it depends on how you use it just pairing a certain graphics card with a certain CPU does and guarantee a bottlenecking situation if you're not using it in that way so if you have an actual problem that you're trying to resolve we'd certainly be happy to provide an answer to you but if you have an imaginary problem that you want to avoid having I'm not exactly sure how anybody can help you avoid that if you're trying to avoid inexperience then you're trying to avoid education and I would suggest that it would be in much better interest for you to actually have an experienced and to live vicariously through others assuming that what they experience would be identical to what you would experience the fact of the matter is we all use our computers differently and we all have different hardware and different software it's unlikely two systems are exactly the same outside of a corporate environment so my suggestion is there's no reason for you to have this anxiety um if you have a specific concern for example you want to be able to play a certain game at a certain resolution and you want to know which CPU and which GPU are best in that specific configuration that can be answered however understand that using a completely different CPU in a completely different GPU that game's still going to run it's just under different configuration settings and that's what will create a bottleneck in such a scenario which is not guaranteed because we don't know how you use your machine and what other software you have on the machine that's just not as easy as that but we can certainly make it good for a particular um usage but in doing so we could make it worse for a different usage so back and forth at the end of the day it typically involves how much money you have to spend so whatever your budget is is likely going to dictate what CPU and GPU you can afford and at the end of the day any of your other expectations can't be considered if you can't afford the solutions Sergio kochet says I have a b link to that little rubber thing underneath is to pull down the cover so it just bothers me when people don't watch my videos right I said that's what the little pull tab was for initially when I was reviewing this computer I took it out of the box I said I don't like this little tag I don't know why it's there later in the video when I take the unit apart I realized that the tag was there and I said very clearly oh I understand why this was here I take back what I said I like that it's here I've had four people reach out to me and tell me what that little tag is for which tells me four people didn't watch that video they watched part of it so I have to keep repeating myself over and over and over and I sometimes wonder why I do it because if you didn't hear me the first time why do I think you're going to hear me the second time so I'm going to try and do a better job with not addressing some comments where they've already been addressed it's already been talked about because it does get a little frustrating from my perspective I do encourage you to ask questions but I've already just answered it or that whether it was addressed in the video you're referring to in the same video you know it's profoundly frustrating for me Nelson Contreras says hello Kerry good to see you again hope you have a great weekend yeah I hope you too hope you all have a very good weekend those of us here uh in America is Veterans Day and maybe a day off for you maybe a good three day weekend let's see how we're doing on our progress here almost there looks like we're about 80 percent done and we'll be able to con continue beyond that I do believe DVR mode is turned on if you're just joining us you should be able to rewind this live video as you would any video to go back and see what you've missed or of course just stay with us and go back after it's done Elko says here in the Netherlands today is Saint Martin's day huh I don't know who Saint Martin is there's an island in the Caribbean called St Martin Peter says if you're going to do an installation of Windows always remove the internet cable during the installation so you don't need to get into the Microsoft Account requirement that no longer applies with the latest version of Windows 11 whether you're plugged in or not it will not proceed the completion of the install it absolutely forces you to have a Microsoft account so in making the media the way we're making it today we're going to address that so that we're going to put it back the way it was and once again in doing it this way it won't matter if we're plugged into the internet or not so that rule strictly applies to Windows 10 and as 10 gets updated that's probably going to be the same as Windows 11 and Microsoft will continue to try and force you into Microsoft account we can still bypass it now but who's to say if we're going to be able to bypass it in another year or two so there will be updates to these videos for that reason as Microsoft changes the requirements or the demands then we will continue to update our videos in response to those challenges or obstacles or unwanted uh change challenges from Microsoft that we did not request and we don't want and so long as there's a way I will be here to demonstrate just how easy it is and anybody who's interested could easily follow the steps so well once it was true to Simply unplug from the Internet it's no longer true anymore at least not with the latest version of Windows 11. and that's why it's important to stay up to date with this technology a lot of knowledge that you want to pass on to others may be Obsolete and no longer applying so that's why this is my seventh or eighth video on how to make a Windows installation media because every time the OS changes or gets updated it's due for an update because then people can't follow along step by step when the steps change and the steps continually change that's the way it's going to be for the rest of our lives so be sure to let go of old information the the if you have information from 10 years ago in regards to computers it's worthy of verifying if that information still applies today before offering it to other people online and if you're receiving information online from complete strangers I strongly recommend that you check to see if the information is still true or ever was true before you implement it or make an assumption that what you're being told is accurate we have Google available to us all and it only takes a few seconds to verify if somebody is giving you outdated information or has no idea what they're talking about or they're just messing with you or if in fact everything they say is checks out so don't assume the people offering the information have validated it anytime recently or that they're not messing with you that's on you to check hey there's our friend Michael Dain joining us in the chat feral Sparky says Windows removing local accounts was a mistake well they haven't removed them they've hid them and so you'll be able to use a local account one of a half dozen different ways currently and the way I'm demonstrating in making the boot media for Windows 11 makes it so that you don't have to go through any other steps we we inject the change in the process of making the boot media so as long as we use that boot media we can always create a local account without having to go around any convoluted technical steps let's see Damien jazz in the chat says Carrie is Asus a good motherboard manufacturer in your opinion well if you look at my channel you'll see how many systems I build and with every system there's a parts list would you say you've seen any particular motherboard manufacturer that you recall on this channel more than another I think that speaks for itself there are four main motherboard manufacturers MSI Asus ASRock and gigabyte at the end of the day they're all so close the biggest difference is going to be price for the features and whether or not they offer good support in the country you live in it's really like how going to a restaurant and asking if the four items of on the menu if item number two was good it's the same restaurant it's you know somebody's gonna think it's good somebody's gonna think it's not good whether or not it's good is really your opinion and only your opinion uh for me personally they're not my favorite however um well I do mostly use gigabyte motherboards I have to support the systems I sell I need support from the manufacturers I choose to build with or it makes me look bad to my customers the reason I think something is good and the reason you think something is good have completely different prerequisites and expectations for completely different reasons so um I would say if I couldn't get a gigabyte board Asus would be my second choice and then boy I'd have a tough call between MSI and ASRock they'd be numbers three and four but I don't know what order but definitely for me for my business and for my needs gigabyte matches that much more closely than any other manufacturer but that is subject to change right management can change ownership can change and something that I don't use this year might be something I use exclusively next year because I have to stay in business I have to keep being flexible in and adjusting and pivoting as the manufacturing processes change and maybe even as support processes change a company that's really good with support today may be terrible with the support next year I've got a business to sustain and I've got hundreds of computers out there that I have to support and if I'm using cheap or unreliable parts or I'm using parts for manufacturers that don't get back to me in a timely manner or make um support issues rmas and things painless and quick I have to survive and I have to cut them loose ASAP and find a replacement I don't have that much profit in this business that I can sustain those kinds of losses you upset your customer they're already upset that there's a situation that they shouldn't have had but now in trying to get a resolution if I'm being held back because of the manufacture of the part that I selected when I built that machine for my customer all my customer knows is I built the computer it's got a problem it's not getting fixed fast it's my fault and they likely will never order another computer from me again so the amount of losses that I have aren't just the losses of getting it fixed but the potential future losses which are immeasurable so it's just when I'm measuring or determining the value of something it's completely different from how you measure the value of something Okay so to each their own on that let me see how are we doing is this thing downloaded yet it's taken much longer than I thought I was going to take oh we're getting close we're getting real close I think what I'll do is I'll just put myself in a corner so we can keep an eye on it and that way we can pick up where we left off as soon as it's ready wait looks like we have a few more minutes Carlos said I was lucky last week when I installed Windows 11 I hit the Escape key three times fast and went to the name window right away hmm well we could try that but again if you make your boot media the way I'm showing it's completely free you had to install Windows 11 from boot media so if you're going to install it from boot media anyway why not just make your boot media in this way I'm showing takes the same amount of time this download isn't happening slowly because of Rufus that download is happening slowly because my internet connection here is not ideal and I'm also using a bulk of it right now to transmit this stream and that's making this slower than it already was so that's that's on me that's not on Rufus and it has no impact on the actual amount of time it would take to make the boot media regardless of your source Richard says greetings from Nevada all right Richard welcome in yes when I when I open up the chat room for everybody this is inevitably what happens uh the more popular my channel becomes uh the more opportunity they see to ride my coattails to because they're not successful they want to write on my success as is a way of like boosting them so I appreciate you guys in blue putting those um removing those users Banning them from the chat room it just encourages me to lock the chat out to members only however it hasn't been too bad today but again the more popular the channel gets the bigger this bigger of a problem this becomes and it's just a shame that we have collateral damage when we do that to the many innocent people who will end up getting locked out because of the actions of the of the Bad actors so uh just looking the other way today it's Friday it's the end of the week those people want to you know try and spread their toxicity they're not going to get too far here with the thanks of my friends in blue keeping it civil I appreciate that very much so let me go full screen back over here to my little computer it looks like it's just about done full screen there it is yeah we've got just a little tiny bit left there we're almost ready to continue with this but this is the real process and well I can appreciate people want sort of a cliff notes people want to see it happen quickly this is a live video this is happening in real time you should expect this is what you're going to endure if you choose to repeat this process and when we can edit it and we can shorten it and make the video much tighter it's still going to take you this long so I don't want to lie to you I don't want to deceive you into thinking that you're going to do this in the length of time of that edited video there's too much of that on YouTube and on TV it's very unrealistic so I much prefer to keep things real and it's surprising to me that sometimes I hear from people who are upset they're forced to watch something that's real that they think that's some kind of a punishment or they they don't see a value in it so my channel is not for everybody right it's for people who genuinely want to understand what the process is and that includes the patients you may need for some of these tasks now the good news is once you make your windows 11 installation media you can use it over and over and over and over and over there's no limit to how many times you can use it so this little investment of time that we're putting in now will pay for itself especially if you're building a lot of computers like I am I'm going to use this installation media dozens of times so it's going to save me a ton of time and not having to go through that whole bypass process for the Microsoft Account requirement that's now being forced upon everybody universally on Windows 11 Homer Pro so when another version of Windows 11 comes out like another major update then I will do this again and if they've introduced some other lockdowns and there's ways around them then I'll make another video and it'll probably be this long to show you how to get around that and then we could appreciate the benefit of that until the next big change and around the wheel goes but you can see this is a very very different process of making a Windows media installation USB flash drive than I've ever shown before and that's why I'm doing it it's different and wasn't an option until recently so depending on how we Define recently all right it looks like the download is done so let me go back full screen on my side once again so I can read it okay looks like we're downloaded I think trying to remember how I did this until I hit start oh I gotta use the right Mouse my bad file system in TFS these are the format options is going to format I think when we hit start it's going to ask us some questions let's see yeah I want you to take a look at this screen I need to actually get a little closer to the screen to read it we've got what appear to be five differences that we can make on our installation media that Microsoft doesn't offer you these choices when you download directly from them using their boot maker tool so we can disable data collection which means to skip the Privacy questions we can set a local account using the same name as this users we can set Regional options which I again since I'm building computers for customers that doesn't really benefit me or my customer to do any of those things but we can remove the requirement for four gigs of RAM secure Boot and TPM 2.0 I don't want that I want to absolutely make sure that any machine I install Windows 11 on is compatible this is ill-advised the only box I want to check is remove requirement for an online Microsoft account for me personally I can only see harm being caused by this and harm meaning getting a support call there's very little profit margin in building computers and as a result any support call I get digs into what little profit I made to the point where it'll start costing me money so for my reasoning I just want that one change and I click ok now it's going to warn me that that current flash drive which has a Windows 11 install on it now it's going to get completely erased so if there's anything on there you need stop now because this is only a Windows 11 installation flash drive and no other data exists on it I'm simply replacing it with an updated Windows 11 that no longer requires the Microsoft account so that's fine with me I click OK and down here we're going to get our updates of what's going on this is a fast flash drive so the good news is your waiting point from this point forward isn't going to be anywhere near what it took to download that file over my slow internet connection we're almost 10 percent of the way done we're at twenty percent of the way done we're 30 percent of the way done we are 35 done as you can see it's moving very rapidly to writing that five gig image file that we downloaded onto this flash drive now if you have a slower flash drive or you're plugged into a slower USB port whichever is slower this process may take you longer it's also possible you have a faster USB device than I have perhaps you're watching this video in the future and you have usb4 like a fast usb4 flash drive with a usb4 computer I would anticipate this would be even faster we're almost in this short period of time at 60 percent of this process being complete it shows the file size is 4.5 gigs I've been rounding it up when I say five gigs but 4.5 regardless of 4 gig flash drive will not be large enough you'll have to go to eight or 16 and I would certainly not recommend anything over 32 32 would be in my opinion not only the absolute limit because it may not be compatible on some systems to boot from but also uh you potentially have a bunch of wasted space on the flash drive not that you couldn't use it but it would just be amongst the windows install which is bothers my OCD shouldn't be in there where 96.5 percent of this process and as you can see from what's Happening down below those files that are flying by those are what's being written to this flash drive and that's looks like I think it's done yeah it's the the green light has gone back to the state of ready so that means our flash drive is totally updated now and this will install Windows 10 Windows 11 home or Pro depending on what product key you end up using now how do we try it we definitely want to make sure it works and demonstrate how if you watch the video of the review of this from the other day how I was absolutely forced to create a Microsoft account without doing a little hacking which is ridiculous and unacceptable now we should be able to do a complete reinstall on this system whether we're plugged into the internet or not shouldn't make a difference we should have an option that we didn't have until we hacked it that says create a local account might be in fine print down at the bottom but it will be there I haven't done this before so we're going to do this live unscripted let's see what happens first thing I want to do is shut the computer down I can just hit the power button on any computer press and release it'll go through a proper shutdown cycle if a computer is frozen or locked up not responsive you can hold the power button in any desktop or any laptop after around 10 seconds it will force a power off with the machine completely off I'm checking to see if the lights off it is off we're going to turn this machine back on and we want to force it to boot from the flash drive instead of from the internal hard drive which I'm not quite sure how to do on this little b link I'm about to find out it's usually F10 or F12 did it serious um it must have went to sleep rather than shut down so here's what I'm going to do first of all as I mentioned I have to go full screen to see this video the way you are looking at it we should be able to go down to this corner and we'll choose shutdown we want to make sure that I think it just hibernated before so you shut down anyway okay now I just saw the networking lights turn off so I'm going to turn this back on and then it's the F10 or F12 I'm going to kind of bounce between those two I'm getting nothing and it's likely booting from the internal drive we'll know if it brings us to the desktop it booted to the internal drive but it brings us to the windows 11 setup screen then it booted from the flash drive I could also go into the BIOS which is what it looks like I might have to do or because we're in Windows I can instruct Windows to boot from the flash drive on the next boot so I'm going to show you how to do that right now and simply by going to the start button and going to the settings icon and on the left side we're going to go to Windows update and then we're going to go to oh did they move it Advanced options update history I don't want any of that where have they moved it in Windows 11. let's type in recovery if I can spell it reset this PC Advanced startup options restart now we'll restart your device save your work is it really just restarting it's not going to bring me the advanced menu wow so they've moved it in Windows 11. I'll have to do a little bit more homework it's I'm sure it's still there they've just moved it let me hit delete and we'll force it by going into the BIOS and I'm going to move over to save and exit and scroll down to boot override for UEFI SanDisk Extreme partition one that's the flash drive that we just put the boot media on and now when it boots it should be booting to our Windows 11 setup and what we're going to do is we're going to completely erase this computer and start all over again with another install of Windows 11 just to verify that we don't have to create the Microsoft Account like it tried to force on us initially so with all these default options um I don't I can see now I could have changed the language it's defaulting to United Kingdom United States can't read it that far away what is that I think I'm in 4k mode again which is just oh that says United Kingdom extended that doesn't even say United States Kerry that's not even close um I gotta use the right Mouse don't I do you see United States in there United States international is that what that says yeah and then also up here so I would remake this media again I've obviously chosen the wrong language definitely like why is it not changing for me is that not an option where that's next box down no that's the next box below it that's what I'm trying to say it's not offering us anything here I don't know why so that'll be something I will have to correct in Rufus I'll have to make sure I'm selecting see and I mentioned that I was looking for that distinction between U.S English and UK English but for just to make sure that this process is going to work I'm going to just move forward with that and it's a minor correction that requires me to to um to remake the media with so that these I don't have to change these I want these to be the defaults for us English now what's that last box say I can't read it keyboard or input method hey look yeah us English yeah so everything's U.S English but the top one which isn't late it's not even offering me an option there interesting and good to know something to watch for when you make your media we'll go ahead and hit install now and we're going to erase the existing partitions on this computer this is a brand new machine it doesn't have anything on it so I'm not going to lose anything I'm going to say I don't have a product key we're going to skip that step and we want Windows 11 Pro which should be right there yes and we'll click ok and then we have to agree to the end user license agreement choose custom and we're going to delete these existing partitions in doing so we're erasing everything and these are all Drive zero right there's no drive one it's all just drive zero so Drive zero is our internal drive drive one would be our flash drive I want to make sure I'm not erasing the flash drive and once we've got them all removed we've effectively wiped all the data off of that internal hard drive and now there are no partitions and therefore no data and we can allow Windows 11 to go through its installation process which is very familiar it's exactly like Windows 10. only this time when we get to the point where it's wanting us to create an account we will have the option of creating a local account without having to do any song or dance routine so apart from my little flub and not selecting the proper English language I will make that correction later I'm not going to force you guys to wait for another download but that's why it's important if you set it up right right out of the get-go you can have all those defaults the way you want them so you don't have to make any changes that's the benefit of making your own Windows 11 boot media outside of Microsoft's boot utility where they're kind of trying control and not make options available to you the installation process by going to a third party such as Rufus those options can be made during the process of creating the installation media and then you never have to go through it again until you need an updated Windows 11 such as 23 H1 or 23 H2 whenever that comes out that said U.S English for Arabic table well it is it is Arabic isn't it American English we use her Arabic numbers yeah some things between uh English uh in America in the UK is just a simple spelling and use of words whether they use the word aluminum with that extra I versus aluminum the word Tire t-i-r-e in Britain is t-y-r-e Flavor Flavor color English add to you before they are Americans we remove that you it's not like they're going to be using language necessarily you wouldn't understand but the spelling is going might throw you off you might think how did Microsoft allow this spelling error to occur but uh no it's just uh we we have many of the same words we spell them differently we sometimes pronounce them differently um and sometimes we speak put them in context differently he went to University he went to hospital we would say the university the hospital little things like that and some of the dialogue in Windows May reflect those changes which if you're in Britain look perfectly normal and if you're in America you think why is this broken all right just in case you were wondering a question nobody asked isn't the iso in the download folder yes the iso is saved in your download folder but it's saved under the language we downloaded so it's not just a simple matter of using the same ASO we have to if you download a different language ISO that language is in the iso image it's not just a preference it's a separate ISO file so we need the American ISO not the British ISO it is not a change within the iso that we can do after the fact we can't take a British ISO and make it American so or Japanese we need when we're creating the ISO we're answering those questions whether you're doing this directly from Microsoft with their media installation tool or you're using Rufus those questions are asked universally to understand which ISO file to offer you to download and let's see how we're doing here we've got our was this our first boot I think so again everything's going to follow the same process as Windows 10. and now it wants us to choose our region I think is my camera covering something up here let's get rid of my camera there now you guys can see it full screen so yes United States is what we want thank you keyboard player layout will be or do we use deforac yes no we don't use divorc we use Query q-w-e-r-t-y um Dvorak isn't QWERTY dvark is a different keyboard layout but it's not in other words Dvorak for me to spell Dvorak D is in the middle V is on the bottom o is on the top right q w e r t y would be well but we should see q-w-e-r-t-y I see us let's just do us and we don't want to add a second keyboard layout and once again simply by selecting the right language during the iso selection this these are changes I wouldn't necessarily have to make all the defaults should be us if I had done it right so that's a that's my bad now this is interesting it wants us to name the device I've not seen this come up I'm going to leave this alone and say skip for now how do you want to set it up set it up for personal use or set it up for work or school they're all different questions let's add your Microsoft account so this is where Microsoft forces it but we should have the option available sign in with a local account do you see that option on the screen and options sign in with the security key don't want that don't want that let me go back I thought I would see something down here personal use next I can't read what that says that just says enter a valid email username so normally in this scenario I just put the word user and hit enter and hit enter for no password and I am not seeing interesting well this isn't working the way it's supposed to say they put in know it no that's not working either it may be because I'm plugged in to the internet that it's forcing this maybe if I unplug the internet connection ah user that's what I wanted to see okay well good to know in some cases whether or not you have the internet connection in these latest this latest Windows 11 update and Windows 10 update um prior it was forcing the account when you had the connection and was also forcing the account when you didn't have the connection and that's the point I was trying to make earlier is that by unplugging the internet doesn't give you the option of creating a local user account but because this media file the media boot disk we just made has that change in the registry it is working the way it used to which is if it senses the internet connection it's defaulting for you creating a Microsoft account so once again we could have had all this disabled automatically but I like the location settings left on that way the date and time can be set correctly and when somebody's doing a Google search for you know restaurant near me it knows where you are right it can provide the answer you're looking for so overall I will need to do this again being more careful to select English us as the iso image I need to download I can't use the iso image I've downloaded I cannot change the language in it so well there are options for selecting languages once we've going through the process I want all the defaults to be what they ordinarily are and it was just my going through this live I've not rehearsed this I've not gone through this process before but I understood what it was going to take I knew what to expect but it's only through having the actual experience that I can see now that uh that's a critical step that I I shouldn't have gone I shouldn't have dismissed it as easily as I did but overall that is the process and Rufus is a completely free tool the windows image that you're downloading is not only free it's also completely legal legitimate and when it comes to registering using getting a product key to activate your copy of Windows 11. you can use a Windows 10 or a Windows 7 product key for sure if they haven't been used to activate Windows 11 of the same version before so if you've already used that same product key to activate Windows 10 you can still use it to activate Windows 11. as long as the key is for the same version if it's for a pro version it'll activate a pro version if it's for a home version it'll activate a home version and it will only do it once for Windows 10 like a Windows 7 Pro product key will be work will work once to activate Windows 10 it will also work once to activate Windows 11. once that's been activated you can never use it to activate again it will stay activated and tied to your motherboard in perpetuity so are there any questions or is there anything that anybody is confused about if I left any stone unturned I guess that's my question Ben says I think I'll stick with the media creation tool yes well I have videos that show you how to use the media creation tool but that means you're signing in with a Microsoft account or you're more than happy to go through the shift F10 and you know or any of the other options to bypass this for me is absolutely critical to the way that I do work it's going to make my life easier Windows 11 is becoming more popular the more the the more Windows 10 ages more brand new computers are being sold every day they're having Windows 11 on them pretty much universally now with a few exceptions by this time next year it'll probably be very difficult to find a brand new computer with Windows 10 and in another well certainly by October of 2025 I would hope that you've been on Windows 11 for a few months by then or Windows 12 if such a thing comes out between now and then so this is what's coming if you're avoiding it you can continue to avoid it but you cannot run from it forever unless you abandon Microsoft as your choice of operating system you won't really have any choice other than again going to Apple going to Linux so and that's fine if that's right for you it's not for me to say the vast majority of the world is running on windows so for me to stay employed and to have job opportunity it's what I need to stay on top of disservice um if the majority of the world was running apple or Linux I'd be doing that just following where opportunity is so to each their own I have my reasons you will have yours and they're all equally valid all I'm trying to do is provide you with the information so you have the right expectations and can know what decision to make that's right for you that's that's all I'm doing so yeah I absolutely have to redo this so that it's going to be in you know American English because I don't want to have to change those defaults every single time I need to install have you counted how many windows installs I've done since I started this YouTube channel in 2008 probably more than you've done so for me I hope you understand why this is so important to me does doesn't mean it has to be important to you but it's not a preference it's a requirement at least if I want to be profitable and efficient so land Carr says I've downloaded Rufus and there's still no option for download just to select so make sure you're going to the website that is the proper website for Rufus and not some other file distributor make sure you got Rufus today as I'm making the video live November 11th 2022 current version of Rufus is 3.20 ensure you that you have 3.20 and take a look as you as I mentioned before you can rewind this live video you can pause it on the Rufus screen when I'm there and look at the way I've got my options set so you can identify where which Step you're missing so make sure you're using the same version and make sure you're setting the same options and the best way you can do that is to pause the video take a look at it and compare it to your screen you're doing something wrong you're missing a step and once you identify that you will have learned how to do it and that whatever that hang up is it's it's a learning process it's it's not a it's not that there's anything wrong or necessarily different that you're not following the same process now when it comes to getting the product keys if for any reason you you have a product key that's not activating the good news is you don't have to spend a hundred plus dollars for a Windows activation key any longer with our partnership with the folks at VIP cdk deals um you know first of all they've been around like a decade and a half maybe close to two decades and they offer what our OEM product keys meaning you have to provide your own support well let's face it I don't know how many people get support from Microsoft regardless of how they get their key I highly recommend you use your key within 30 days of purchasing it so if there are any problems you'll get support it starts to look like somebody's trying to be a scammer when they're trying to get support for a product that they bought over 30 days ago the consumer is worried about buying from a seller that's going to scam them and the seller's worried about um accepting business from a person that's trying to scam them so everybody's constantly paranoid and skeptical of the other person especially when it comes to online transactions on the internet so I cannot help alleviate all of your concerns Beyond telling you that this company is reputable they've been around a very long time they are 100 guaranteed and then I further back that up personally so there you should have absolutely 100 peace of mind if that doesn't satisfy you that's fine you need to buy your key from where you need to buy your key but for the rest of us who want to save money and have peace of mind that it's guaranteed to work um I'm sure many of you in the chat have already purchased keys from VIP cdk deals in the past and you know you're certainly welcome to share your experience I know you had a good experience I know for a fact and if somebody in there is saying they didn't that's news to me and I'm sure that they don't represent the majority or even close to it I really honestly don't know of anybody who's had an experience with a VIP cdk deals utilizing my discount code in my link that resulted in them either getting exactly what they purchased having any problem resolved or having their money refunded so no matter what they should be satisfied and so like I said beyond that there's no more reassurance or peace of mind I can offer and if that's the case you should probably buy your key elsewhere now I I say that because there's very little profit being made on the sale of these keys and so for somebody who's going to be extraordinarily demanding they can pay full price and those people that are making that profit can can handle whatever the time involved is that somebody like that would require but if we want to keep these Keys as cheap as possible then we absolutely want to make sure that people have the right expectations to ensure that they will be happy with their purchase and understand that they're saving about 90 percent off of the MSRP of the product you could buy this product 10 times at least before you reach the price in most cases of Microsoft's recommended retail price and it's the same product and it's all 100 percent legal so any more than that if that's not good enough please please buy your key somewhere else now for the rest of us all the links for Windows 10 Windows 11 office 2016 2019 and 21 severely discounted legal product keys are in my video notes and if you run into any issues if mistakes are made let the folks at VIP see VIP cdk deals let them know contact their customer service and give them an opportunity to help you fix it if that fails you reach out to me directly The Buck always stops with me and very few people have ever had to do that like I said I think about six over the last year so if it was the other way around I wouldn't associate myself with them I have a business to run and I don't have a backup so if my business fails um I'm in a lot of trouble financially as a result I don't take endorsements lightly if I'm endorsing something then it's meeting my qualifications uh if that's not good enough for you I'm sorry but good luck to you now for the rest of us um you can see this process you know if it's edited down could probably be a three minute video but it would be very unfair for people to think that you could do this in three minutes regardless so watching the video it's easy enough to fast forward through the the part the lengthy part of downloading the file and lucky for you uh I get to do that again off camera so I can get the right language ISO file so I need to pay a little closer attention to that and I'm not normally 10 feet away from a screen if I'm sitting down in front of a computer the screen's right in front of me likely the way yours is and as a result it's a little bit more difficult for me to see what options are out there especially in a new experience where I'm not exactly sure what to expect so you notice a couple of times I walked around the counter went right up to the screen I probably should have done that when I was initially setting up the language on this because clearly I made a very minor mistake however it didn't cost me anything but my time and we get the education from it we know what's going to happen now if we do that and it's not the end of the world it's not a big deal but it will now double the length of time but again at zero expense so that that that's pretty much it Windows 11 22 H2 with the option to create the local user account and in this case with this fix do not have your internet cable plugged in until after you get through that after you create the username the local account then you can plug your internet in and start beginning to download your windows 11 updates and of course then you can put your product key in and activate your windows 11. now if you had installed Windows 11 on the machine prior like this machine had Windows 11 on it before and it was activated the minute we go to Windows update and reboot the machine will automatically be reassigned the product key that it initially was putted on the prior installation and it will automatically activate now Microsoft doesn't tell you it's doing it but all you have to do is check your activation status after visiting Windows update and if the machine was ever activated in the past with Windows 10 or Windows 11 it it reassigns well if you're reinstalling Windows 10 without a product key this is what Windows 10 does as well we reinstall Windows 11 without the product key but hit prior and register to product key and activated with it I don't know why I said registered that we activated the product key it stays tied to this motherboard so therefore as long as we installed the right version of Windows 11. so if I had Windows 11 Pro activated on here and I just put on Windows 11 home it will not reactivate without a Windows Home product key so when you enter your product key early in it's already selecting the version of Windows that product key is associated to I only do pro versions because it's like a two dollar difference and there's no downside to a home user having Pro but there is a downside to a producer having a home so I just give everybody Pro and I already know when I'm selecting my operating system I want the pro version if it's 10 or 11 it's always Pro and if it was activated before if I haven't said it enough times once you go to Windows update it will reassign that product key right back to that machine you don't have to re-enter it ever again for the life of that machine unless you try to reuse that product code on a different machine and then all bets are off so again we're just about setting proper expectations and it can make your life so much easier if we go to Windows update right now on this machine it will automatically reassign and activate this machine and when we reboot it'll show that my only concern at this point is that version of Windows is a little bit different so if it doesn't work I imagine that would be why but it just to prove it to you if we go back over to to this desktop which did it go to sleep on me there it is and let me go full screen full screen from Carrie and I better plug my so now I have to plug the internet cable in so we can go to Windows update this would be the steps that you would apply on all new installations of windows in my opinion this is the process of course you can use any process you want this is the process I use and that's the reason why so I'm going to go back over here to settings and Windows update where what's our activation status right it should be unactivated right now the windows is activated well look already activated with a digital license even before we before we completed our first Windows update it already happened so it reassigned the product key back to this operating system that it was originally activated with and not only reassign the product key activated the product it didn't tell us but you can see that it happened automatically and that's why we don't put our product key in until after Windows is installed all right so let me turn that off and go back to camera one that's going to probably wrap it up for today's video unless there's any final questions when is Windows 12 coming out uh they're it's all just rumor at this point Microsoft certainly doesn't if if Microsoft is working on a Windows 12 they don't want to tell you that because they don't want you to not buy Windows 11. so that's going to be a company Secret so right now Windows 12 is only a rumor when Microsoft does officially announce it or if Microsoft announces it we will be sure to let you know but right now it's just people talking there is no evidence to support that Microsoft is working on Windows 12. other than some reputable Tech websites saying they have a Insider speaking off the Record that could be true or it could be completely fictional so for now there is no windows 12 and there are no plans for Windows 12 officially and there's no evidence to prove that not to be true there's only rumor shamim says Carrie I purchased my Windows 10 key for my Intel Nook Mini PC from VIP cdk deals with your code and it's working perfectly fine of course it is of course it is but I appreciate just in case anybody you know thinks I'm making stuff up having uh folks in the chat room share their experience may help alleviate any concerns people have but again I don't want to twist anybody's arm if you feel like you don't want to make that purchase then do us both a favor and don't make the purchase because it's just not enough money in it to deal with somebody who's being demanding demanding people need to pay more right if you're going to be demanding about the kind of service you get for your car I hope you buy a very expensive luxury car because if you're going to be that way with a very cheap mass-produced vehicle you're going to be very disappointed that you think you're going to get special treatment people generally who get special treatment are the people who pay top dollar they're paying for special treatment if you want a discount and you want to be able to help yourself then it's up to you to pursue that and have adjusted expectations accordingly all right and again any last questions we'll address otherwise we'll wrap it up for today Kevin Barry says I just did the Rufus download I've got a one gig download boy I wish I had that I've got like a 100 Meg down he says it took a minute if that I did select English instead of English International so you have to watch for that on the list we'll test on an upcoming Bill well thank you for the feedback Kevin I appreciate that John Kennedy says I love this channel thank you Carrie well thanks for being a part of it John John bought a computer for me what 10 years ago and now he's building his own always good to see you John lawn dog said yeah I have purchased six Keys over the last year from VIP cdk deals absolutely went smooth the keys were perfect no issues whatsoever and I used Carrie's discount code good it saved you an extra 30 percent what is a cheaper alternative to a Nook I saw your reviews and the ace magician amr5 I just want to watch 4K videos and surf the web just buy a fire stick and be done with it for 40 bucks at Amazon greetings from Traverse City Michigan says Joe oh man I wish I had the kind of money it would take for me to live in Traverse City maybe Joe will loaned me 50 bucks till Tuesday I'm jealous Joe I'm jealous love Traverse City morning says he got a six-month badge today right on thanks Morton thanks for continuing to support us here search Texas thanks Kerry always always a positive learning experience and peace and Al has says yes this channel for the win Carlos Hernandez is great video I liked it glad you liked it I apologize that my download speed isn't any faster but that's reality reality is real sometimes it's not um the way we would like it to be but welcome to life I'm glad you enjoyed it Joe says sending cash now all right well I won't hold my breath Joe Phil 1961 says remember for five months and 29 days it's close Jose donito says greetings from Chile Uncle Carrie right on the greetings Jose lawn dog says can you give us a hot sauce update have you found anything worth sharing with us just uh Stevo's hot sauce is pretty good I haven't really done much with it lately things have been really hectic so I'm hoping to get more Amazon videos done it's something I'm more or less neglected for the last couple of months and um I'm just thinking what I mean I've had some hot sauce between them but I my default hot sauce is always going to be um um well no not Texas Pete if I'm going to the store to buy hot sauce trapeze Red Devil is by far my favorite that's my favorite Texas Pete's fine when I'm like a Chick-fil-A I want that Keynes always has that Louisiana hot sauce which I just cannot stand and then there were a couple other hot sauces I picked up that I've got in the refrigerator that have probably gone bad by now but they were I was just in a mood to try some but you know I don't like things to be super spicy I like something to have a little tingle and flavor not just heat and lately I just haven't had any time but I do enjoy that David Herzog says great show as always keep the great content coming yes sir thank you Lon dog said I heard Stevo's can be a little bit painful uh well see Stevo has two do I have any over there do I have Stevo's I think I have a brand new bottle time it won't be big like it's going to be like a normal Tabasco size um so Stevo has a hot version and then he's got his regular version now the regular version might be a bit much for some people who don't eat a lot of hot sauce but if you regularly partake in hot sauce stevos is pretty well a medium and then he's got one above that which is painful I don't enjoy the one above it you can see my reviews on those over at Amazon .com forward slash shop forward slash Carrie Holtzman oh that's the bomb now that okay well if you guys watched hot ones here on YouTube they've been focused this is year after year they change their hot sauces but this one generally stays in year after year and this one is crazy hot I don't know why anybody would get any pleasure from this what surprises me is that it's Smoky it doesn't necessarily have that metallic taste that some hot sauces have and this is probably expired what does it say on the side of the bottle there used by I can't read it what does that say you're supposed to refrigerate hot sauce after you open it and I didn't refrigerate that one of course they also say You're supposed to refrigerate ketchup and mustard really they say You're supposed to refrigerate ketchup and mustard after you open it but if you go to a restaurant they usually have ketchup and mustard sitting on the tables that sits there day after day after day yeah they usually do say refrigerate after opening and I did open that and it's been sitting there for several months so I think it's probably too late we can throw it out oh all right didn't expect that question and Patrick has provided a link to my Amazon shop which also you'll see the videos I've done on Amazon as well the one chip challenge you know I've never seen the one chip for sale until until we did the Michigan trip and they wanted this place wanted uh 12 for one chip oh that's Stevo's yeah this is the regular stevos that I like this one right here that that was in the refrigerator yeah what's interesting and you can tell by looking at it all the different seasonings it's got in there this has some amazing flavor and and I use it very lightly because if you do put a lot of this on it does get a little overwhelmingly hot and then let me give you this one back and I'll take these two this company I think is out of Hawaii I can't remember how I found them but that one is a Smoky ghost pepper goodness flavor and this one is this the pineapple oh this is the jalapeno sauce this one's super mild very mild yeah and then when I was ordering on Amazon I just kind of stumbled on this company and the flavors all sounded good I couldn't make up my mind this one that says Chili Pepper water this just tastes like wing sauce just like regular ordinary wing sauce it's not hot to me and then this is Hawaiian ghost pepper sauce so yeah if you're looking to try something new look for this brand adobo Loco and they have about eight different flavors I think and then let me know if you find anything good or you have any recommendations Chris Garrett said mild may be hot to some yeah absolutely it's definitely perception and uh what is hot to one person maybe mild to another Andy says great Joe Kerry and great shots from camera girl right on yeah agreed thanks for hanging out with us Arnold says try the barren West Indies hot sauce I have to look into that appreciate the suggestion Barry Klein said he's been a member now for five months and 30 days that's awesome Barry thanks for staying a member I'm still working on special content and special giveaways for Members Only so I promise your patience will pay pay off and in the meantime do know that you're helping support the channel that allowing me to make content I wouldn't be able to make obviously I can talk to the camera for free but if I'm showcasing any hardware or products unless a company is paying me to basically chauffeur them or in the case of this product they didn't pay me but they sent me the product um you know it it doesn't happen very often and so I have to either make fewer videos or start you know coming up with money to buy things that I can review and use on video and it's through your support that I'm able to do that I want you to know that at least at least 50 of this content would not be possible without the money that was required to get the parts that were the subject to the video and of course my thanks to VIP cdk deals it's because every time you buy a license from them you're supporting this channel so with them associating with us they're a reputable seller they offer our viewers a wonderful savings at legitimate product and it's true of RoboForm it's true of acronis we're going to bring a Cronus on very soon we're going to offer a discount like we've always done for a limited time and we're going to talk about what's new in the latest version of a Cronus and I am honored and humbled to officially be associated with a Cronus RoboForm and VIP cdk deals and it's because of them that I can make the other 50 of the content quite frankly so that's how it happens thank you guys for watching so much I appreciate each and every one of you thanks to all the contributions our buddy Buster in Scotland Peter laycock of course our friend John Jack Wilson Luke greenia of course Michael Dain he's the man Rick lake so I don't see him there today but hopefully we'll be watching the video later and of course all the contributions that have come in uh where's planet cryo sat I didn't see him in today everybody who became members whether that's uh Jason h88 or extended their memberships today Patrick Manny as well as uh Mira Aura Jamie McGregor Steve Dodd Chris Johnson thanks guys for becoming a member of our tech club and when you're a member of the tech club you will have my ears so if you any of you want to reach out to me for a question well I don't normally do tech support for free I will offer tech support for free to my members I just need to verify that you're not just a subscriber but a member and then just reach out to my email address I assume you know what that is but just in case you don't we'll throw that up there and yes I would verify if you're a member and if you are then I will assist with your support questions I prefer to answer questions while I'm live but I realize some of you cannot catch me live to the time zone restrictions um so my email address as soon as I find it in my listing there it is but yes don't assume I know who you are please introduce yourself to me and if you remember tell me how long you've been a member and then I can go and verify that and I want to be sure that the people who are being generous extra generous to me I'm going to be equally extra generous back to you and if money was no object and there was 200 hours in a day I wouldn't have to restrict it down but it's sort of the cost of getting bigger so I just can't give everybody all the attention I used to when there was just a handful of people back in the 2010s but it's a good problem to have I think and I appreciate you guys being a part of it especially those of you who've been here you know practically since the beginning Andy Kane with a two-year-old contribution just because hey thank you Andy all right that's going to wrap it up for me thanks you guys so much for watching I will see you all very very soon check out the notes in the video notes below this video and uh I hope you found the information beneficial helpful you know what to watch for you know what your options are and I hope it helps for you to make the decision that's appropriate for you until next time and uh thank you to the camera girl you're welcome I don't know if you should tell people you're a cam girl they may not understand that in the correct context well I might have other jobs okay discussion for another day only fans all right guys we'll see you next time have a good good weekend once again thanks to all of our veterans and uh you know again I do encourage you to just take a moment just to appreciate our freedoms because of our veterans both past and present bye for now [Music]
Channel: CareyHolzman
Views: 61,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live stream, video, difference, fix, diagnose, storage, network, networking
Id: kNsQUYIfnzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 30sec (10590 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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