LIVE - ASRock B760 Pro DDR4 - Motherboard Prep featuring Samsung 990 Pro 4TB - Happy Thanksgiving!

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hello everybody and welcome into my latest live broadcast today it is Friday it's Black Friday the day after Thanksgiving it's the 24th of November 24th yeah it's the 24th of November 2023 my name is Carrie Holzman thank so much for joining me I hope all of us here watching in the United States at a happy healthy delicious Thanksgiving and uh uh I hope you're recovering nicely from the overeating and the uh time with family and for everyone else around the world welcome in our thoughts go out to our friends in Dublin who who have uh been dealing with some riding and such over some I don't know the whole story but you know can't be right in the head to be stabbing at children so not sure what that's all about but it looked from the footage I saw Paul O'Brien sent some footage there and it looked like Los Angeles during the riots so wow holy cow it's uh never good when the stuff we see here in the United States starts being copied over in Europe however uh hopefully that's not a new trend and of course I hope everybody there is uh staying safe so um today oh I suppose I should say hello to everybody hello to all my friends in blue joining us in the chat room and uh our friends also in green and in white in the chat as well as a thank you to those who have contributed prior to the show start starting with their super chats which include our friend Paul O'Brien with a twoo contribution says let's get this party started hello Carrie and Marina thank you Paul Craig cabona with a very generous $20 Super Chat thank you Craig and Ben L joining us from Scotland says hello all from Scotland with a two pound contribution right on thank you Ben our friend uh Peter lck Buster sent a very generous PayPal contribution earlier today and certainly our thoughts are with him is is uh had some some medical issues there with some siblings but they've had them they've had other medical issues they've uh come back home from the hospital to deal with so hopefully this will be another of the same uh it seems like he comes from a a line of very strong individuals so of course our our thoughts are with him at this time and and hopefully it's just more the same where they give him some medication they send him home let's hope all right and uh that's what it's been every time so hello to uh let's see we got Les Stevenson Andy Woodbridge Charles vanula and Robert McCord mumi George fuia and David Grim Daniel Bird and mattz Olaf Rickson Matt soloff joins us from Sweden and uh scroll scroll Raj D welcome in Brad Revel and bull 142 all jumping in the chat there's Davis Parsons and Patrick rusa Jeff H and Douglas brelle Jason Willis and Ross bner along with Patrick Manny R2 renon K binsky and Garfield rupe Leslie Calin and Paul Garrett Pete tracker 34 Mark gains joining us all the way from Northern Ireland Zack Bishoff renews membership now a member for 11 months right on he says hey there Carrie almost a year-long member hope everyone as well well thank you for continuing your membership here Zach we appreciate that very much as we try try to maintain our independence away from corporate sponsorships that can control what we show you how we show it to you when we show it to you what we are told to say and what we are told not to say the vast majority of the YouTube Tech content videos you are watching are corporate paid commercials I just don't think people realize and it's okay if you enjoy that type of content it's usually very well done there's editors and there's scripts and everything is polished and there's a staff and it's a a multi-million doll business you know just look to other big Tech Channels with over a million subscribers and look at the kind of money they have uh I don't do that I keep everything sort of at the uh uh what's what do they call it the uh keep everything pretty much the way you would do it at home keep it all very real and if we just happen to uh fall into becoming as big and profitable as the other guys we we'll be doing it a very different way um basically I'm a um I'm trying to keep this channel as a real as possible I want to show you the equipment I use myself in my business I've been in the business over 30 years I've been self-employed for oh about two and a half decades now and uh it's a tough thing to be self-employed if you've never done it and the idea is that you've got to sell product that you can make a profit from that you don't lose a lot of money in support and warranty and you've got to be able to establish a good rapport with your customers that you've got to be trustworthy you need those customers to come back again U just having a customer once isn't going to cut it unless you just want to go through a whole bunch of customers and burn everybody and then how sustainable is that to stay in business on the other hand if you're trying to buy the cheapest product possible so you can earn the most amount of profit then you're probably going to have a bunch of upset customers you're going to do a lot of warranty returns or Free Labor or you're not going to do any of it you're going to lose the customers we right back to customers never coming back again that's not sustainable it's going to be shortlived so any parts that I show you are Parts I actually use whether or not someone uh at watching any of you watching have a preference for a different manufacturer uh don't care I mean good for you there's nothing you don't have to agree with me in fact I'm not seeking your approval I think some people think they know better than me and perhaps they do and um and I hope their business is doing better than mine in the meantime I because nobody else but me is responsible for my business and my customers and paying my bills all I'm doing is turning my camera on to give you an inside look at how I choose to run my business my way you can run your business any way you want and uh some people some viewers uh seem to think they're helping me by telling me everything I'm doing wrong and yet I'm still here so the way I know if I'm doing something right or wrong is based on how much money I earn at the end of the month it's based on how many customers I've gained or lost uh it's based on how many repairs I've had to do for free or warranty work and all that has to be identified as early as possible in order to uh maintain a good relationship with the customer and keep me profitable those are the measurements that matter to me and for people at home watching uh it doesn't matter I'm not looking for your approval at the very least I would hope that you'd walk away from it saying well that's interesting so you want to start a camera up and show everybody how you uh run your business I think that would be great and I would subscribe to you speaking of which we do have a few members here in our chat room I don't know if they're in there today but the regularly in the chat room who do run their own YouTube channels such as our friend planet cryos uh our friend Doug bets over at live Windows training with Doug bets and our friend Jim kj3 N you can be sure and check out all their videos as well and uh we'd encourage you to start your own channel and if you do please share it with us so other members can enjoy your content all right so today uh I've got a board here that I'm very impressed with I think it's a good bang for the buck this is the ASRock b760 Pro RS D4 now you if you're regular viewer you might be saying haven't you already done this one no I've done the b760 pro RS isn't that what you just said no I said this is a b760 pro RS D4 well what's the D4 ddr4 that means this is essentially the same identical motherboard but it takes ddr4 Ram instead of ddr5 and I think it might there's one other difference like that's not coming to me at the moment it's one less m.2 slot or something anyway this board sells for $129.95 or $129.99 over at Amazon at New Egg I think Amazon sold out on it but no egg still has them in stock now there is a microatx version of this board as well there's a b760 m i want you to understand that a b760 m is not the same as a b760 without the m and the pro rsd4 is not the same as the pro RS so when you're ordering your parts it's important you pay attention to detail or you may not get what you thought you ordered so order slowly and carefully and double check before submitting your order or you're going to be going through a return and delaying the satisfaction of your new computer until you get the right parts so it's much better to go slower so that you can complete your build faster now the b760 pro rsd4 is one of the few motherboards that supports uh 12th 13th and 14 gen processors that's a full-size ATX board that's under $160 this is motherboard prices have gone crazy and I and power supply prices I don't know why but if we take a look over at um at new EG let me go over to their site no I don't have any affiliate links for Newegg but uh you know again I'm I'm not a commercial YouTuber so um you know if I can make a profit at links like I do on Amazon that's great and everything however um I'm not going to hold back a deal from you guys because I'm not making any money on it that ain't right so this is the board here the ASRock b760 Pro and on this case it doesn't say rsd4 it does say it on the box pictured but up here in the title it says ddr4 now the advantage of getting it with ddr4 is that ddr4 Ram is cheaper and the motherboard is a little cheaper than the ddr5 version if you want the ddr5 version you'll pay more for the board and more for the RAM and I don't know that you're going to notice one bit of difference in the performance whatsoever uh the reason is we're not looking to build the fastest thing that's out there because that's also the most expensive thing that's out there instead um let's see what we've got here there's my Amazon links now I do have links to all the parts below and for all these parts at Amazon I do make a commission on if you purchase them nothing is on sale for Black Friday um that I regularly buy and some things that were listed as with a red tag that said black Friday deal were the same price they'd been all week I don't understand that at all this is a core i5 13500 it comes with its own cooler Intel sells more core i5s than any other processor that it sells to the consumer uh maybe not necessarily the 13500 it might be you know 13600 k or something but regardless com combined this is Intel's hot seller the I5 and you can see why you're going to get six performance scores eight eight efficiency cores almost 5 GHz turbo speed for $247 49 now these did go on sale about 6 months ago for 209 I was hoping they'd go on sale again but still at 247 248 I think it's a great deal it's a very very very fast processor and it's also a lower wattage processor which means you don't have to worry about the heat you don't have to worry about a third party cooler you don't have to worry about the noise or the power consumption power bill now we're going to pair that with the Samsung 990 Pro this is the only 4 tbte envme Samsung makes so this is an example this was on sale for $249 for about the last two weeks today or yesterday all Amazon did was they added and it was probably not Amazon it's probably Samsung that does this they added a red tag that said Black Friday deal with the same price of 249 I think 249 is a good deal for this drive it's a 4 tbte Samsung 990 yes you can get cheaper 4 taby drives but not necessarily from a big name brand that has the the performance and the support that comes with Samsung you can see raid speeds up to 7,450 megabytes per second that's going to be Gen 4 well this motherboard will support a Gen 5 I'm not going to waste my money it's we're reaching a point where the speeds are now becoming more of a contest of who can go faster rather than offering any meaningful performance Improvement to the daily routines and tasks that people put to their computers there are some people out there don't misunderstand please there are some people out there that may that use their computers for such tests where these slight performance gains are worth it but it's not likely anybody watching any of these videos some some people watch these videos strictly just to figure out what the fastest and best is and then go and buy that you know that's a game I'm not interested in playing uh have at it if you want to I want to be able to sell my customers Quality Equipment at great prices where I don't have to be killed with free warranty work and support calls so these are the parts I'm currently using for what I would consider to be the 8-year build and um this there is a version of this comes with a heat sink by the way you'll see here um with a version with a heat sink and that is available at 335 that's way too much money added for the heat sink know it's a $3 heat sink if that however um keep your eye open for specials and wait till after the hype about the shopping dies down that's oddly when the specials tend to happen is when people aren't all working together as a mob looking for for deals but when it's just a regular Tuesday afternoon sometime you'll see some amazing prices all year round at places like new EG and Amazon now for the Ram uh the Ram's gone up a little I take it back it's gone down so the 32 gig kits used to be 100 bucks for ddr4 we're getting a full 64 gig kit because quite frankly it's only $108 I mean that's an $8 $9 difference from what I was paying for 32 gig last year this is $3200 megahertz it's two sticks 32 gigs each that leaves us two more sockets open and available so if we wanted to we could actually double that put 128 gigs of ram in but it is only an i5 and I think it's kind of foolish to be putting that much RAM into an i5 processor it's each own you know you might put hub caps on your lawnmower who am I to judge it's your money you want to burn it burn it now um again I come from a background of wanting to sell uh equipment to my customers that I'm going to be proud of that they're going to want to uh you know order again for me that they're going to want to um hopefully refer me to their friends or anybody that says hey that's a really nice computer where did you get that that's what I'm going for I'm not going for setting any records it's too timec consuming it's too difficult to find customers that are willing to spend that kind of money and if I allow myself to be monopolized by such individual and they keep me busy I'm no longer self-employed I'm basically working for them now so in order to appeal to the masses what I'm out to do is try and find that best bang for the buck at whatever period of time we are in the technology in that it's going to last them a very long time recently a customer returned some machines to me for upgrading and if you watch that video from last week those were core i7 4770s that were running fine one of them wasn't turning on but then after I went to demonstrate it it fired up just fine so no idea what was going on with it but they work great and they will continue to work great as long as Windows 10 is supported until the end of 2025 so we still have uh just about two years left of Windows 10 um if you want to upgrade to Windows 11 please don't waste your money on a Windows 11 license windows 10 licenses work to activate Windows 11 you do not need to install Windows 10 first and they sell for Less in fact our friends over at VIP cdk deals which I have up here somewhere here we go uh I would be remiss if I didn't tell you about this because this is where I get my licenses this is how I save money and these licenses are 100% legit legal licenses they are OEM licenses these are the kind of licenses say HP and Dell use don't expect to move them around to different computers you're going to pay for the license once you're going to activate it once and at least in the case of windows it's going to stay tied to that motherboard forever for the life of the motherboard anytime you need to reinstall Windows you simply don't put a product key in during the install and when you uh go to Windows update it'll reassign the product key right back to you you don't have to do anything it autoactivates and everything the life of the motherboard if you get a new motherboard buy a new license they're cheap see here at 2309 see this Black Friday deal for 202% off don't do that if you look in the video notes below this video if you enter the coupon code carry you're going to get 30% off any product here I'm not promoting any of the other products other than Windows 10 Windows 11 office 2016 office 2019 and office 2021 office 2016 is the last one you can activate with just a product code 2019 and 2021 require a Microsoft account to activate these all activate online automatically you never need to talk to Microsoft they're all 100% guaranteed to work but you must use them within 30 days if you expect any customer support no different than buying something at the store so uh they do sell like a two pack of Windows 10 licenses where you can get a little you know Save A Buck or two but it's one license that can be activated twice Windows 11 Pro costs a bit more more and I don't understand why anybody would pay more for it why would you pay more for this when you could just buy the Windows 10 Pro license now it does have to be Pro to Pro you can't use a Windows 10 home license to activate a Windows 11 Pro computer but a Windows 11 home it'll activate just fine one time one time so uh don't be like the Sheep save your money knowledge is power my friends one of the other great things is not only is office 2016 Pro act you can activate it with a code without a Microsoft account it's also one of the cheapest so this comes out to about $27 after the product code the 30% off using uh code word carry again please look at the video description below this video for all the links and all the coupon codes and uh they're all these codes are all guaranteed to work they have great customer service 247 customer service if you run into any issues just reach out to them they will resolve it if you're still having an issue reach out to me personally I personally back up anything I'm promoting here and I have a super thank you and gratitude to the folks at VIP cdk deals for backing us here on the channel so again we don't get controlled by any corporations I say what I want to freely of VIP cdk deals and what I can tell you is unscripted and I mean every word that I say I use these products myself I probably bought over a 100 keys and I pay the same way you do I come in here I click buy now I have to sign in after you sign in then you go back and choose what you want to buy go to checkout at checkout it uh I'm sorry before you check out there's a says apply coupon code put in carry c a r e y then add that coupon and it applies the 30% % discount I use PayPal because this is a purchase in Hong Kong my credit cards might freak out if I'm making a purchase outside of the United States and then I have to call them and say yes that's really me and it delays the purchase so I just go through PayPal because PayPal deals with International transactions you know that's common place for them and so uh transaction goes right through I usually get my product key within two to three minutes and then uh I use the product key on whatever product I don't I don't buy it two weeks ahead of time I want to make sure that if that product key doesn't work for any reason if I have any trouble I want to immediately contact them well it's fresh you know what I mean and say hey this isn't working and anytime I've done that um they typically just issue me a new key and I try that one and that one works I think that's happened to me three or four times out of literally hundreds of times I bought the keys so uh it's funny because I see the retail Keys being promoted on Black Friday at places like new EG and they're ridiculously expensive and it's the same thing except the retail key could be moved from one computer to the other but for what it costs you could buy a new key every single time you wanted to move it and you you could buy Eight Keys before you'd reach the price of one retail price of uh like Windows 11 home it's ridiculous how much profit there is in that for Microsoft so uh you do you if you want to spend that kind of money don't let me get in your way I won't spend it because then my customers wonder why my computers are so much more expensive and I also won't Source it from eBay or Facebook or you know I I need a legitimate seller that's going to stand behind what they sell and VIP cdk deals has been in business for like 15 or 17 years they've been doing this a long time anybody who thinks it's illegal or wrong Microsoft has offices in Hong Kong Microsoft has offices in countries around the world with legal staff and whatnot there's no way there's no way company's selling these keys where Microsoft you know company that's big Microsoft is well aware of it clearly they don't have a problem with it the keys activate automatically so uh if you still want to argue that then buy your key somewhere else because at that point you're no longer even paying attention to reality uh it's frustrating sometimes being on the internet as you can imagine there's a lot of people who know a lot and they want to make sure you know that and uh it seems to me in my experience the the more confident they are in what they're saying the less likely they have any clue so bear that in mind when you're getting information online always verify information do your own research if it's important to you and certainly before you go uh plagiarizing it out to other people at the very least make sure that you have some verification from a reputable source that the information you have is accurate please don't get your news from the internet uh hopefully get if you're going to get it get it from a reputable news source for whatever that's worth everything's biased but I I'd rather have the bias of a new news agency than some cult activist online but that's just me all right so um let me take a quick look here in the chat room just to see before we get started what's going on William gaale said VIP cdk deals are excellent I've never had a bad key yet yeah well again how would they stay in business it's what I'm saying is it's possible that there could be an issue and it's true of anything you buy anywhere at any time uh whether it's food at a restaurant or it's uh you know something online a motherboard sometimes things happen the important thing is that will the companies stand behind the product and VIP cdk deals does so in the unusual and unlikely uh event that you would have a bad experience you can have peace of mind they're going to take care of you they will take care of you alen lindos was $77 27 cents says here is my late fee again well thank you alen and Happy Thanksgiving to again everybody here in the US let's take a look here Nick Caffrey says carry VIP cdk do much more than what's in your video notes just so that people know to go to the site and find the other stuff this is true but I'm not personally backing any of the other stuff that's between you and them but that is true they have other software as well Ross Bitner mentions that if you buy Windows 10 Pro you can install it without connecting to the internet windows 11 requires an internet connection to complete the installation good tip did not know that personally because you know I always connect them to the internet to get the activation techno wants to know about buying the fanging 4 terab nbme Drive I remember you used one in one of your builds do you still recommend them uh I've got a stack of empty fasing boxes about this tall in the other room I've got no complaints some people will make a big deal about whether or not an uh a storage drive has Dam or not and to me this is silliness uh the difference that Dam makes in IO is relatively minor uh if you have a fast drive and fast IO like a Gen 4 Drive the dam seems a bit unnecessary to me however if it's important to you then you'll definitely want to you know look at the specifications of envme drives before you buy them to purchase ones with Dam personally I I think you're wasting your money but it's your money uh again I'm always trying to find find what's reasonable and practical for the Gen um the general population I'm not interested in appeasing extremists I'm not interested in appeasing people that are just Benchmark chasing they're a waste of my time they're difficult people to please they are the most who will complain and they are the most who will complain about something that doesn't really have any impact on how they use the computer outside of benchmarking so I don't have time in my world for those people there are YouTube channels that cater to them some of those YouTube channels may even be responsible for creating these monsters however when you want practical down-to-earth information I'm your guy and good luck finding that online because it seems that a lot of enthusiasts are quite extreme so I try to bring common sense and practicality back to the population it's it's funny to me that that's something that needs to be done that our culture has changed in the world where everybody's excited about the latest thing every 10 minutes it never ends but there was a time that I remember in you know the 70s the 80s the 90s when this stuff was truly exciting uh there's a great documentary called firsters shooter uh the ultimate documentary or something this documentary is 4 hours and 30 minutes long or thereabouts and it goes through all of the technology enhancements and how amazing it was to see the graphics and the 3D perspective of Castle Wolfenstein and how that improved in Doom and the ability to look up and down what you couldn't do before or or the ability to add shelves or the ability to to add Landscapes or the ability to move around 360 like in descent the the first time you heard a voice in a video game where it was talking like Duke Nukem 3D it was so amazing and these Technologies didn't come out every 30 minutes as the games improved as the graphics got better the gameplay got better the storytelling got better it was something to get excited about was like wow I've never seen anything like that before we had nothing to compare it to you know watching the old dark Forces game from lucasfilm with the midi sounds to what you can play today or you know the the music in Halo what an amazing game Halo was and it was just like mindblowing and the same can be said before that with arcade games where we had vector graphics with games like berserk or we started getting into uh 16bit sound like with Marble Madness there was nothing else like it you couldn't compare it to anything you've never seen anything like it before it's truly mind-blowing but now for the last 20 years we really haven't had much in the sense of mind-blowing what we're getting now is more of the same only it's faster and perhaps smaller so the CPUs today are smaller and faster the storage today is physically smaller more capacious it's more capacity but you know in the size of a stick of gum that's pretty cool Wi-Fi is out 20 years ago but it's still Wi-Fi it's just a little fast it's a lot faster a lot more capable look at how far smartphones have come everybody had their candy bar phones for a while you know they're nokas and then now everybody's got a smartphone which is basically a computer you keep in your pocket that can make phone calls it's a pocket computer with a phone app is what it is so now smartphones have also reached that point where again it's more the same the last few galaxies and iPhones all look alike they have uh perhaps better battery life um better screen quality better picture quality faster processors but it's not like oh I've never seen anything like this before and it feels like those days of being blown away by something that's unprecedented that you have really not much to compare it to are behind us unfortunately so it's hard for me to get worked up and excited spend 7800 on the latest core I9 processor that's difficult to cool that obviously runs very hot the fans are going to be loud and then when it's all said and done and you're actually using it doesn't really do anything much faster noticeably by most human beings in most tasks than what we're about to build to today so with that this is today's Bill and this is all the justification behind it I will be building a lot of these this year I suspect that uh much like the gigabyte h370 I think I built about 20 of those that year I will likely be building at least a dozen of the b760 from ack why did I switch from gigabyte to ASRock price and I've been very happy with the ASRock build quality and features and overall look of the board the gigabyte boards the ack boards they've all gotten too expensive for me again I'm trying to stay competitive in a marketplace where I'm competing with customers just going to Best Buy and buying a machine so um I will say the customers that do that tend to have more problems with their machines uh uh you could say I'm bragging I'm just telling you that's how it is when I build a machine I very rarely hear from a customer until it's time for a new one very rarely um I've got a customer who had two machines built by me and they went to another tech for help and that Tech sold them a new machine but the other machine that I built they're still using today so I'm like why why did you guys replace my machine you know why didn't you just have it fixed oh the tech told them they only had a year left on it with Windows 10 expiring that's two years away what are you talking about well they don't know they believed him and the guy took it as an opportunity to sell them something they didn't need and now they have a dell and then they have a machine built by me and guess what I got a call from earlier today which machine do you think has a problem so that was beyond my control you know anyway now they're back they they left and they came back it's a great compliment it suggests I'm doing the right thing I'm on the right track and uh I just feel bad that they bought a machine they didn't need to buy and they're having problems they didn't need to have but when they went a different direction and they decided to trust in somebody else what can I do uh these machines that I'm building today do not have a buyer yet so if you're interested in purchasing one of the machines one of these b760 Pro rs's reach out to me the email address is in the about section on my YouTube channel uh you have to be in the United States I do I really don't like to ship between this time of year and the end of the year because shipping gets crazy it gets expensive I think UPS just hired 60,000 or they're hiring 60,000 temporary workers just to help with the holidays and then after about about the second week of the year it's all back to normal again so what ends up happening is packages take longer to get where they're going because they have way too many the people working don't really care a lot of them don't because it's not a career for them it's just a temporary holiday job and all they're trying to do is move the packages it doesn't matter if they throw it kick it for a lot of them not all of them but it's pretty common who cares right just move the package um it's not like they got a career on the line and the prices also go up so if you were to buy something from me between now and the first of the year and I have to ship it let's say to the east coast it's going to probably take several days longer cost more and a likelihood for damage in shipping is much higher will I do it I'll do it but I strongly advise patients in waiting for that to pass now that's not to say every package will arrive late or every package will ared damaged but the likelihood goes way up compared to just about any other time of the year and it's never fun you know if uh you have to return a computer 2,000 miles somewhere you ordered it they were excited to receive it and filing an insurance claim with a shipper you're not going to get your money anytime soon if at all the insurance like any other insurance they look for every way they can to not pay it so well I do know some people have gotten paid from insurance from carriers most people get denied and a lot of people just can't be bothered when you see how much work it is all the paperwork and everything so those are all the the business reasons why you know I'm not making any money at that why would I want to have to deal with a system coming back just because the delivery uh system was overloaded and just was careless with the packages that's not my fault but from a customer's perspective you know they bought the machine for me and the machines not didn't arrive in the condition it's supposed to so that's something I have to deal with for free so you can see I wouldn't be a big fan of working for free and if I do that I'm kind of rolling the dice and hoping it's all going to be okay I'd rather not shipping a computer is always rolling the dice for me but the odds are usually in my f all right so let's see what we got here uh William Gail says we could do with a carry here in the UK I wouldn't mind being in the UK MGD 1963 says greetings from okanawa right on well thanks for joining us one of the things I do like about the mini PCS is they're very difficult to damage in shipping they're much smaller and they're less expensive than a full-size desktop so shipping Min PCS is no big deal that's no problem at all aside from the fact it might take longer to get where it's going I don't worry about them breaking and the overall cost of shipping a Mini PC is about a third the price of shipping a full-size desktop all right so um what we get from ack in the way that they pack pack this stuff is pretty unusual at least from my perspective when I'm used to dealing with gigabyte you get an anti-static bag that has your documentation your SATA cables your m.2 screws in it why they didn't just use a regular Ziploc bag I don't know it's not even sealed closed now you might say well why would it be it it's not like it's got to be kept fresh yeah but that's not how they do the motherboard so it's inconsistent they do this one way they do the motherboard and Overkill um way we've got this piece of foam here which is entirely unnecessary then when we take the board out you know how I know it's unnecessary because if you buy a board from literally any other motherboard manufacturer most of the boards won't have any of this they'll just have the cardboard and they arrive just fine what's interesting though is that so the this is normal that there would be some piece of cardboard that hugs the motherboard and then the rest of the box is empty and we'll build on this box but what I find interesting is that this packaging must cost azrock more money and yet asrock's charging less money for the boards then the companies that don't go through this extra packaging effort which again I think is unnecessary it adds to the landfill I don't believe these boards require this level of protection it's a solid estate electronics and nobody else does it this way uh it maybe on some motherboards some real high-end boards that are maybe a little bit more delicate but the C ASRock go through this added level of protection I find it a little unnecessary and [Applause] annoying because if I'm building 12 of these that means I've got to go through this process 12 times that I would not have to do with literally any other board manag what's the process well not only do they put foam here again nobody else does that you might get a sheet of foam but you don't get this full wrap around with walls that's furthermore zip tied down not with one zip tie not with two zip ties not with three zip ties but with four and sometimes five completely unnecessary zip ties where do they think this board's going to go once it's in the Box why would they feel it's necessary to zip tie it down to the foam pad there's nowhere for this foam pad to shift or for the board to shift where they would no longer be in alignment and the foam would not be doing its job this is all landfill that's all this is and this piece underneath it is landfill as well it's as far as I'm concerned completely and totally unnecessary and if you buy a board from uh Asus gigabyte or um MSI especially like a b760 something along the same caliber like I said you may have just a foam pad none of this landfill stuff so again if you're just building one who cares but if you've got to build 12 of them and you need them built this week you're going to be cursing out all the extra work you're doing which is adding up to wasted time and and added Labor uh it's just not real beneficial to have it it's not worth it to me like as far as I'm concerned if if somebody needed a bunch of systems in a hurry I'd have to consider all the added labor and you might say well it's not that big of a deal it might be an extra couple minutes per build but again depending on how many builds you're doing couple minutes can turn into a couple hours which can turn into effectively the time it would take you to build an entire system that you're just spending onboxing now these are things you likely don't have to worry about I share them with you because I'm in a unique position of things I need to consider when I'm building so if you're wondering why I make certain decisions I will keep going back to put your mindset if you're running a business the value of your time and if you care about the environment at all the added cost and uh the landfill and you know waste that being said it is good quality stuff and if you're at home and you're just building one who cares you know it's not making any difference to you now in these little bags this also drives me crazy why couldn't they just put all these little screws in one bag it's like an inventory control thing where it's waste above uh there there's many different ways you can choose to run your company this is not the only way to control inventory of these little screws and these little screws don't even cost very much this tells you a lot about a company when they are effectively spending more money and labor to get these screws packaged and inventoried than they are paying for the screw so these screws should just be they're so inexpensive that I don't even know why you would calculate them even at scale for ASRock building thousands of boards a day these tiny little screws are fractions of a penny but they start making them more expensive when they start controlling the inventory like they're trying to control cost but it's likely costing them more money to do it this way it it it drives me crazy sometimes the way some companies manage their companies um it's a very inexpensive item and there's no reason you couldn't have a package with four and just include it with every mother board whether it takes four or three or two give them extras who cares that shows good customer service in this case they give us exactly how many we need and they're very small and easily lost and difficult to replace because not all the not all motherboards use the same size m.2 screw if you want to go on Amazon and buy them they're even more expensive you can get them assuming you know which size you need and likely you have to buy them in a kit nobody's going to sell you one screw likely drop it an envelope stamp it address it go through all that effort to send you one screw for you know 3/4 of a penny plus the price of the stamp which is probably going to be close to a dollar anyway plus the price of the envelope anyway um I I just can't make heads or tails of that logic I don't know why they do that so ASRock could be saving a lot more money without the added packaging and the zip ties plus all the labor involved cost of materials and then going through this level of inventory to to make it uh you're counting every m.2 screw the counting the m.2 screws costs more than the m.2 screws that's why I it doesn't make sense to me but it's our company that's how they want to run it just know what to expect if you're buying from them and they're not the only ones who do that but just stands out as a bit excessive and costly and I can't help but wonder how much better the environment would be if they kept this stuff away from the landfill and how much potentially cheaper the board could be even if it's only a dollar I'll take it again if I'm building 12 systems that's $1 if I'm bu 20 systems that's $20 that adds up so I'm just putting the little uh standoff for the M the Gen 5 m.2 up here I think that's a gen 5m two I could be wrong the heat sink looks a little weak for a Gen 5 this is promoting ECI e gen 4x4 um this one may not be Gen 5 I'd have to look at the specs maybe that's one of the differences between the rsd4 and the RS the b760 pro RS definitely has a a Gen 5 and you'll know because the heat sink is like massive given the size of this heat sink I think this is just going to be Gen 4 and that's fine in fact uh we can go ahead and put our our m.2 Drive in right now because this m.2 drive does not have a heat sink on it I don't want to put it on either of these two m.2 slots if this did have a heat sink I'd use this hyper M2 it's labeled hyper M2 right down here at the bottom and this one up at the top with the heat sink I guess I'm going to have to look at the documentation see what that is because I'm I want to make sure that I'm not putting in in a slower slot given it's got a heat sink though that suggests that it's a faster slot slot than the bottom one but the bottom one says hyper m.2 and the other two don't say that so now I don't know uh storage the m.2 supports PCI gen by 4X two 4X two is half speed which one is that M2 D2 so one of these is half speed I think it's the middle one one PCI 4 gen 4x4 that's m.2 D1 is it the bottom one or the top one I don't see where it's written on the board but there's usually a diagram that highlights where m2- one-2 and-3 are so M2 D1 is the top one that's up here and yeah that's not g 5 and it makes sense because the heat snc is too small to be Gen 5 and then M22 is got to be the middle one that's half speed gen 4X two and then the hyper M2 is Gen 4x4 and supports 64 gigabit per second mode oh that's interesting both the top one and the bottom One support 64 G gbits per second mode but the top one has a heat sink and the bottom one doesn't so I guess if your Gen 4 nvme comes with a heat sink use the bottom hyper M2 if it doesn't come with heat sink then use the motherboard's heat sink because it's going to match the design of the board it's going to look good and uh you're going to achieve the same speeds and then be able to control the heat both ways anything really Gen 4 and above you're going to want a heat sink for the motherboard heat sink pretty much is universally far superior than any heat sink that comes with the drive so if your motherboard does have a heat sink and you're not sure which one should I use always choose your motherboard's heat sink it's almost always far superior to whatever a manufacturer includes so don't pay extra for the heat sink when you've already got a heat sink on the board beyond that the original heat sink board looks better to match the rest of the board the random heat sink you're getting from the manufacturer on the m.2 drive likely isn't going to match anything but when you're going down here at the bottom where there is no heat sink then any random heat sink on these that the manufacturer includes will look good there ask me how I know because when we did the builds over the weekend I put some Samsung uh 980s that had heat sink down on the bottom looks fantastic but Gen 4 and above you do want a heat sink on that MD nbme Drive especially if they're high performance drives you will see some mini PCS coming with some Gen 4 drives that are pretty low-end performers and that's why they don't have heat sinks on oh oh I've been putting this little uh standoff here thinking that that falls in line with the uh m.2 drive there actually doesn't this is for a shorter maybe a 60 2260 will I'll be you know what I can leave it there it's there's no circuitry underneath here if we were to this is a 4 terabyte drive gu there are some chips under there I guess I'll take it out I guess I will I hate to take it out because it could get easily lost but I think that's the only place that will go mean I see a spot here for one but I don't know what that's for I also see a spot here for one and I don't know what that one's for either okay lesson learned we're going to take that back out I did not need to put that in and uh pretty much the 2280 is the size of m.2 Drive you're going to see most often that's 22 millimet wide 80 millim long and those are the most common ones you're going to see so I guess huh I've been putting these on get anticipation that if the owner wants to add the drive later it's already there it also shouldn't hurt anything for the drive to sit over it um or it's intended to go somewhere else I don't know uh again news to me so that's all right though we're going to go ahead and place this one in the socket so even when there's a heat sink that sits above it they still usually secure down but in this case the heat sink secures it down in most motherboards I've worked on some people mistakenly believe that's the way it works but it doesn't that this strive usually has to be secured down on its own and then the heat sink secures down on its own but some people they just take the lazy way out and they just like well the Heat sink's going to hold it in anyway and here they're actually doing it on purpose so there you go remember when I said that all all motherboard manufacturers don't make or use the same size m.2 screw well ock's doing a lot of things differently than other manufacturers I've been using so it's kind of throwing off what what I consider to be normal I guess that's the best way to phrase it yeah I mean it's down it's not moving a lot of times when you just put the heat sink down on top of an m.2 drive that that is supposed to be secured that m.2 drive will will move up and down a few millimeters that could be a problem um especially if you're shipping a computer like like I often do and I ship them 2,000 plus m miles away that can be a concern could theoretically dislodge and pop out now it seems unlikely and in this case it's designed to go in that way there is no movement and it is solidly secured so I'll keep documentation out which as you can tell was in this package like this just put this back in a piece that'll go back so you can get yourself a really sweet computer with 64 gigs of RAM 4 terabytes of very fast gen for storage with a very fast nearly 5 GHz processor for what is around 800 bucks now granted we don't have a power supply or a case selected yet that'll be in part two but those parts you know depending on what case you go with depending on what um power supply you go with could be as little as an extra 100 bucks or as much as an extra $1,000 so it's really up to you and how you want to deck this out but if you just went with a 500 watt 80 plus name brand power supply prob do that for 50 60 bucks and you could probably get a decent case for around 80 so I still think you'd be around the $800 price range when it's all said and done um granted the that storage Drive was on sale for 250 and the CPU was $ 250 those two items are $500 the board being 129 the ram was 110 and then you've got the case and power supply and then you can get your operating system really cheap over at VIP cdk deals you're done because the cooler comes with the power supply you don't have to buy a cooler and it's quiet and it totally keeps that CPU cool even under Prime 95 for 20 minutes not a problem and it'll likely be the fastest computer you've ever seen don't let the fact that it's an i5 uh cause you to think that it's less than in many ways I think it's far superior to the i7s and i9s that cost more money to run because they use more power and they cost more money to cool because you often have to buy third party cooling solutions and even with third party cooling solutions on the I9 you still may not be able to cool them under heavy intense workloads if that's how you intend to run them um unless the only heavy intense workload you put on your computer is a benchmark then to me that's like you're cutting yourself like why would you do that to yourself why would you spend money for parts you don't need to get temperatures you are somehow Cy logically fixated on it's your money and it's your time take it all back apart put it all back together so you can go you know 3 degrees cooler I think that's utter Madness it's certainly no way I could stay in business doing that taking it apart putting it back together charging the customer extra and at the end it's making you know a few degrees difference like that's not that's not something a business cares about so I don't waste my time with it I don't recommend you do either if it doesn't make good Financial sense for a business it likely doesn't make good Financial sense for the end user just that businesses are usually better with their money than most end users so again it's your a money and it's your a decision so this does have an m.2 Wi-Fi slot here and what I'm doing at this point is I'm just taking all these little M2 screws and putting them in all the empty little holes here so that when the end user wants to add any of these little take advantage of any of the m.2 slots or m.2 Wi-Fi slot they don't have to wonder where the screws are the screws will be on the board where the customer will be looking for them and we won't have to deal with trying to figure out where we can buy these that match this particular board from this particular manufacturer and then wait for them to come in because they most assuredly won't be able to be purchased locally we'll have to order them off of a site like Amazon and then wait for the mail and then that upgrade could finally be done what a hassle right so by just screwing these down now that is a support call I guarantee I'm not going to get or if the call is where as the screw I just it's on the board it's a very fast support call I don't mind it if the support calls quick remember I'm My Own employee so if there's a support call it's interrupting whatever I'm doing and if that Interruption lasts for an hour then whatever I was doing likely isn't going to get done that day and whatever I had scheduled the next day likely isn't going to get started that day and that's how I end up if you guys wonder sometimes things seem like they take a long time I'm juggling what did my friend say I'm spinning a lot of plates um okay so we' got one screw there one screw there one screw here we have an extra screw and an extra standoff that's what it is those two go together and uh we'll just put that let's do this we keep all the documentation and spare parts in the empty motherboard box which won't be empty by the time we're done in there documentation can go in there this documentation can go in there SATA cables can go in there and then the customer can get all that this is all just recycle bid so for 248 I think it's a even though I've gotten this for cheaper price I think the regular price is the best best CPU you can buy for the money uh price per gigahertz I think it just can't be there there's no better alternative in my mind uh even from AMD so this is what I choose this is what I choose for my customers and this is why uh if you like AMD better then you know buy AMD it makes no difference to me this is what I use we have a little go faster sticker on here there's a little documentation that comes with the CPU we'll just throw that in another Blood Box customer can have that now here we've got the Intel CPU which we can slide out right through the top it's in a package like this and then in this uh rest of the container we have the heat sink which already contains pre-applied thermal compound so you don't have to add any you don't have to spend any money you don't have to worry about the which who's right about how to install it none of that applies here this is very simple again as a system builder want to build these quickly but reliably and consistently and not dealing with the thermal compound is a major benefit it's less messy every system gets the same amount and again the odds of a support call come in with any relation to heat problems is practically zero so we'll take the CPU out align it properly into the socket as we've shown countless times on this channel we'll drop that into the socket we don't push any we don't push down on it because there's 1,700 little delicate pins underneath and those pins are going to be made contact with with this lid when we close it and secure it down save this piece in case you have any warranty issues you need to take everything off the board if you're sending it back including those m.2 screws and then you have to cover those pins because otherwise if someone picks up the board and their thumb goes in there you've just voided your warranty by not covering that every manufacturer will avoid your warranty so we're going to go ahead and close that retention plate down and when we close this lever going to take a little bit of strength there's a lot of resistance and get it hooked underneath so it makes contact with those pins underneath and then we can take our cooler which comes remember with the $250 CPU you're not just getting a CPU you're getting a a goodlook high quality quiet cooler that is more than adequate to keep the CPU cool under any workload for any length of time thermal compound is already there I always arrange it so the cable the cord is coming out towards where it's going to plug in you don't want the cord wrapped around it it uh can get caught up and and get caught in the fan and it looks ugly besides and we just push these little plastic towers down and I push them down doing opposite Corners so that we have the uh bottom of the heat sink doesn't get Warped if you go around in a clockwise or counterclock clockwise it might sit tilted and you can't tell from looking at it on the outside we can't see under it so always do opposite Corners whether they're screws or push pins so that you make sure that your surfaces are leveled I always cut this little tag off because I think it's ugly and it kind of interferes with my otherwise attractive Cable Management thank you very little and uh I've got some scissors in here found them I'll just cut this tag and I just peel the last part of it off there we go that will go in the trash can now this is a good time to do a little cable management for this CPU power cable which is going to go on this header right here it only goes on one way basically when I plug it in I can get an idea of just how much extra cable I've got and this well this motherboard is out like this it's easy to get to this cable and that's why it's a great time to go ahead and grab a couple wire ties and clean that up because once we put this into a case that'll be darn near impossible without taking it back out again so I'll go ahead and put these things back together here just to re up some space on my bench so well we do need to save save this we do not need to save that unless you want to um but the customer absolutely has to have this now a lot of times when I give the box to the customer I always tell them you know put this away there's nothing you need in there today but in the future you might need something and you're going to want to know where it is 5050 customers know where that box is in two years or longer 50/50 very common they have no idea what I'm talking about you don't remember the box I gave you when I sold you the computer no you didn't give me a box yeah I gave you a box I told you to put away somewhere in case we needed it in a couple years it's got all the spare parts in it it doesn't matter it just means I can't complete the job because I don't have the parts I need so I'll have to order them and we'll have to reschedule another visit to get the job done or if it's a machine that's dropped off it's going to be about a week before we get the parts that we need so we can do the job it delays the job it makes it cost more even if you're doing it yourself you can't find the screw and the screw's in the box and you know where the box is you're going to be ordering one so whatever it was you were planning to do can't be done until you get the screw first and it cost you a little extra money you're going to have to wait a little extra time so either way not my problem when people don't put stuff away but it's to your own benefit um for cost wise and time wise I live in a world where everybody wants everything immediately as soon as they've made up their mind they want it they want it now they might have lived without it their whole life but as soon as they decide okay I want that it's now how fast can I get it it's kind of crazy long as it wasn't on their mind they weren't missing it then they decide they want it well by gosh they better have it immediately upon demand and so you can imagine how frustrated and disappointed the customers are when I can't complete the the requested task or if they can't even do it themselves because they don't have all the parts they don't know where the parts are and I have to tell them I gave you those parts and I told you to put those parts away because when this day came you were going to want them and of course they don't remember that conversation so there's nothing more I can do at that point conversation's over um at that point they might bring it to me I might have the parts here and can get it done many cases they're in such a hurry now that they've decided they want this upgrade done they'll bring it to me since they don't have to wait so it costs them more money okay okay we can put the ram in luk greenus says Carrie I know right where the box is that I have for the musex build it's in the filing cabinet next to my desk it's not my problem man that is to your benefit not to mine all right so we've got a go faster sticker and teeny tiny documentation so this is ddr4 Ram this is 3200 speed and we're going to go into the uh second socket away from the CPU which is there and then we skip a socket and go to the very first socket here the one closest to the edge of the board that's what but ASRock recommends if you're only using two DDR 4S it's the same with ddr5 too it's the same sockets it will work if you put them in any socket but it won't work as efficiently or reliably so you may not know any better you might just think you know better and plug them in any socket the system's still going to blow your mind with how fast it is so you won't think you did anything wrong but it will be technically faster and more reliable if you do it the way the manufacturers suggests but ignorance is bliss and that's an example of that kind of mentality I see this all the time when systems come in for repair that people have built themselves oh it's been running great for you know x amount of time and you're like yeah well it's been running modestly could be running faster it can what do you do just move this part over to here that's all you have to do doesn't cost anything no you just install it right wow all right so I want to grab a power supply we'll turn this on we're probably going to have to update the BIOS which I think I still have left over on here but I'm not sure we'll find out I've slept since then so I can't remember and then we're going to plug this in here I don't need to use the other uh four pin if your power supply reports it plug it in but if it doesn't have it most power supplies don't that's really just there for overclocking and we're not overclocking a chip like this wouldn't be doing it on a b760 board anyway that's something else that doesn't make sense to me but azck does some weird stuff but it's good quality motherboard at a great price so I I put up with it because it's it's not hurting anything it just seems like a a waste of time in money to add that again the board if the board didn't have that I think we could still fully populate the board and not have any problems as long as we're not overvolting it and we wouldn't have to pay for that part price of the board would be cheaper but only bu a few pennies but if they did all those cheaper things by a few pennies adds up to Dollars and then when you're buying a dozen or two dozen motherboards or 100 motherboards it it adds up significantly in power SA um cost savings I was looking at the word power switch and I said Power Sav okay so uh keyboard and a mouse and then power keyboard and mouse here this is just an external onoff switch I bought from Amazon I have a couple different designs and they sell them for people like me that build computers repair computers or computer enthusiasts that like to mess around with stuff like this in their house lots to choose from there they're about 10 bucks or so oh well I'm over here let's go ahead and plug video in going to use HDMI right here and I'm not going to plug the network in power cable we make sure the switch on the power supply is in the off position just for safety once we're plugged in and it's good and secure then we'll flip the switch to on you'll probably see some RGB light up here on the side of the board I don't know how well the camera can pick that up see my hand it's reflecting it it's changing colors uh you can turn that off in the Bios and uh yeah I think if we go over to our HDMI input on OBS here take camera one and put it in the middle I mean in the corner just put me over there hit the power button fan turns I did not hook the light up for the power button so yeah that's why you're not seeing the little light light up I couldn't be bothered uh let's see we should hopefully get a power on self test here there it is there's no operating system installed yet so it should just take us into the BIOS there's nothing to boot to oh interesting we're at version 4.0 one and I think the latest is 6.08 I think I have that on this flash drive it's one way to find out if not I'll go and download it from asrock's website it's whisper quiet you don't hear a thing it's rocket ship fast this thing is unbelievably quick all right let's do uh instant flash there that's what I want uh oh can't find it no file name selected so that means if it was on here it isn't anymore because it would Auto find it I do have one more over here but I think this is for the z790 once again back in the day this you had to be really careful over which bios you selected these days it's got it won't let you flash the wrong bios it just doesn't allow it so I'm just going to check this one that appears to be it update here we go so as long as we leave the system alone and let it do what it needs to do these bios updates are always successful always you just don't want to interrupt the computer you don't want to be messing around with the keyboard or Mouse uh you don't want to interrupt power so as long as you leave it alone not 99.8% of the time it's going to be just fine so if you're one of those people that can't leave stuff alone get up and walk out of the room go find something to do for at least three minutes don't come in don't look if you're the kind of person that has impulse control problems add leave the room and you know what if you don't want to come back for 10 minutes this is the most patient thing in the world if you want you can leave go to the store go shopping come home go to bed wake up tomorrow have a cup of coffee it will still be waiting for you when it's done it's okay to let it sit it's not okay to be impatient and to push it along you will create a problem that will likely result in you spending time on the phone or through emails investigating how to fix it yourself giving up then sending in forms for the uh online forms for the manufacturer to approve an RMA and packaging it back up taking it back apart uh taking it back over to the post office getting it shipped with tracking all because you couldn't be patient you decided that you wanted to go through hours and hours of this nonsense so I cannot emphasize strongly enough that if you're going to do this do it right or don't do it if you feel like you cannot leave it alone please do not upgrade your bios all right let's see what I'm missing in the uh chat room Carrie did you remove the plastic from the cooler there was no plastic on the cooler these uh Intel CPUs when they come with a cooler they're now being protected by the little cardboard flap there's no um anytime generally speaking anytime there's pre-applied thermal compound there can't be any plastic on it or when you take the plastic off it would take the thermal compound Intel used to have a little formfitting hard piece of plastic that covered the bottom of the cooler but they don't even use that anymore they've cut down production cost it's just smarter manufacturing uh it's just put naked into the box and when you take it out of the box it's open to the environment so you want to be very cognizant of that thermal compound being exposed once you remove it from the box but again when you have thermal compound pre-applied you'll you'll never have any piece of plastic you've got to remove not in the sense of like a film the system is going to shut itself off and restart a couple times that's all normal leave it alone DJ Matrix says I hate Intel's new box design does anybody here buy the CPU for the Box this is going to go in the landfill who cares I'm Buy for what's in the box I I don't understand consumers sometimes I'm only looking at the box for a few moments from the time it takes me to take the product I purchased in the Box to then Dy the recycling or or throwing away the box that's a bizarre very bizarre thing to care about uh let's see I don't see any computer questions here if you did ask a computer related questions um be sure and and ask again so I can see it imagine guy wants to know if you have more of those motherboards can you label that flash flash dis with the BIOS update um if I were doing these you know by the dozens every day I suppose I could label it however the BIOS updates change so the last thing I want to do is use a bios update that I've downloaded for more than a couple of weeks because there's a good chance there's a newer bios and if I'm not looking because I already have it then I may be putting an old bios on so I think that would be a bad habit to get into however uh that's a choice you would make it's a choice I choose not to make because I very rarely work on the same board for more than a couple of months and then I move on in that couple of months there could be multip multiple bios updates depending on when I do the build from the first build I do to the last one there may be at least one if not more than one bios update and if I already have it for example this bios update I already have how do I know that's the latest one I did not go and look it's entirely possible ASRock has released another one and that I'm effectively putting an old bios on so not a good habit to get in if I were you but you know you do you but that's why I don't do it that way in case you were wondering Peter VZ with a one Euro contribution thank you Peter Paul O'Brien with two EUR says buy yourself a lollipop and pretend to be Cojack am I bald well there's still hair up there for now anyway who loves you baby all right uh I don't see any other questions being asked recently so that's our bios update done presumably the latest bios as I've already explained so uh I do have another one of these boards so I guess I better keep that I want to put that over here here because that's what I thought that one was these are just really cheap flash drives and they're great for bios updates I can't recommend using the cheapest piece of crap flash drive for a bios update using the latest and greatest flash drives may be too large of a capacity or a different format than the motherboard can read and you're like I can't see the BIOS yeah because you're not following the instructions so uh cheap older flash drives you don't have to worry about following the instructions they're so basic there's no alternate to being Advanced so uh it makes the BIOS update process much easier universally regardless of the age of the motherboard being new or ancient they can all read these old flash drives these old cheap ones like two gigs and smaller they all read them universally now um I'm going [Music] to put Windows 11 on here Windows 11 yeah I think I'll put Windows 11 on here so now that we've got the BIOS updated I've got my windows 11 flash drive you can make one of your own legally by downloading Windows 11's Microsoft's media what's it called Windows media creation tool it's completely free available to the public they want you to download it they want you to create this you have to provide your own 8 gig or larger flash drive for this and the whole process is automated for Microsoft it won't activate unless you pay for the activation key that's the trick so Microsoft has done this at least since Windows 95 maybe even Windows XP they're like take the operating system please take it we'll we'll even make the media Med for you we'll walk you through the download and the creation and then when you want to buy a key that's how you activate it and then you can save money by buying the keys as I mentioned earlier from our good friends at VIP cdk deals and be sure to take that 30% off with coupon code carry and don't buy a Windows 11 Pro product key I'm not gonna I've never bought I don't I think I bought one before I realized what am I doing Windows 10 Pro product keys activate Windows 11 Pro and they're cheaper ends with the same result so I don't know you you guys want to throw your money away throw it away I don't care I'm just trying to help you out man all right so I'm going to uh just take a look here processor is the 15 13500 64 gigs of RAM is being seen perfect so I'm going to hit uh what am I going to hit F10 is it no Escape discard changes um think I need to get rid of camera one because I can't see what's behind camera got to go full screen so I can see this the way you guys at home can see it oh now I can see okay so go to save save configuration changes and exit yes and now it's going to automatically boot to that flash drive I don't have to make any changes whatsoever ever to the BIOS I don't have to set the date and time please don't leave it alone windows will take care of that on its own it can be off by years it's not a problem if it's off by a hundred years that could be a problem but the way it comes out of the box brand new it's going to be set to the date and time of the country it was manufactured in so in my case that's around 12 or 13 hours difference forward or backward I don't know I can't remember but it doesn't matter it's close enough Microsoft's windows will automatically set the date and time for us once we're installed and connected online and go to Windows update we can adjust the date and time automatically which automatically adjusts it in the Bios through Windows it does them both at the same time all right so next install new people often fat finger the date they get it wrong and they make it worse that's why I'm suggesting just don't even bother I click I don't have a product key cuz we're not going to do that till later I always install Windows the same we're going to do windows 11 Pro hit next because I'm going to be buying a Windows 10 Pro product key agree to the license agreement and we always always always always choose custom install it sees our 4 terabyte drive right there and I just hit next if I had multiple drives I would not be hooking them up yet otherwise I'd have to be very careful over which Drive I was installing my operating system to and if if I had a very small drive for my operating system it might utilize and make partitions on the other drives to spread the load uh if it doesn't have other drives as an option it forces the install on the main drive that you want it to be on and those other drives won't do you any good it's like people think they're saving time if I just put it all together at once but you're actually probably creating your own little nightmare because of all the problems that can um result in including something not working correctly now you have a lot of stuff to diagnose versus diagnosing just what you put together so only put together what you need as you need it and then when all of that is verified and complete then add one thing verify and complete it add the next thing verify and complete it if you want to work efficiently and not drive yourself insane because most of the time you're going to find you did something really simple and really stupid and it'll take you way too long to figure out what that was when you could have avoided it all together if you just took the advice from Sage Old Uncle Cary who's been doing this for over 30 years there is a method to my madness I don't want to work any harder than I have to and I don't want it to take any longer than it needs to take I have customers just clamoring when is when is it ready when is it ready and look at how fast this machine is we're already through our first boot up of our window 11 install I mean how many minutes was that was that even 2 minutes and now it's going to reboot on its own and it's going to start installing Windows 11 we can eject we can remove that flash drive if we want to everything it needs to complete the install is now on the internal drive I usually just leave it alone don't touch it just let it go eventually it's going to ask us for a connection online or to create a username and that's when I will then start touching stuff again so hopefully this will be ready here in just a moment we've been what an hour and a half 90 minutes on the video you'll see the build only started half an hour ago doesn't take long to build a machine like this we've only put in three parts in a cooler it's pretty simple stuff and they're good name brand parts don't go cheap unless you like problems and frustrations and things unreliable um you are going to pay for it with your time and you can buy good quality stuff and not pay a lot of money for it that Samsung Drive I think at 250 is a really good deal you can buy cheaper 4 terabyte drives if that level of performance and that level of warranty isn't that important to you it's not going to save you a lot save upwards of 50 bucks maybe for some people 50 bucks might be the difference between uh whether or not they go to the club or something so whatever to each their own but uh if you do it right the first time you shouldn't have to do it again for another eight years so if you're buying cheap parts or you're buying them from like eBay or other questionable sellers you just don't know what you're getting you don't know why somebody's selling it you don't know if you're buying stolen goods I would simply buy from reputable resellers where there's a very uh liberal return policy like with Amazon and new way both but Amazon has free returns for 30 days reputable manufacturers that do answer support calls and those are the kind of Manufacturers where you generally don't have any support questions the ones you're going to have the most support questions for are the ones that have terrible support they're the ones you paid the least for all right we're going to go United States here and us here and Skip any alternate keyboard layout like I don't have internet and continue with limited setup this way I can create my local account which I'll just call user leave the password blank and I turn everything off but location settings and I still have it unplugged from the network at this point once we get to the Windows desktop then I can plug it into the network safely go to Windows update do the time change Etc and let Windows control all of it and it automatically does it in the Bios Force at the same time just working smarter now working harder that's what it's all about it's all about getting right the first time and um making sure that you know there's profit in it for me because if I have to go back and redo anything or if my customer is inconvenienced with a problem that could cost me future business from that customer and it takes me away from whatever I was doing earning money to going to fix something where I'm not getting paid so the customer is never happy about it I'm never happy about it and if it happens more than once oh boy there's going to be hell to pay in my world because it's too costly there's not enough profit in this business to afford to be able to do that I think I can turn camera one back on if I can find it hey there I am then I can go back over to my chat room here and see what you guys are talking Shane Perkin says I think the memory is running at 2400 in the Bios I better hope so we don't want to be tuning up anything and overclocking the memory until we know what we've got is solid and reliable you don't want to be turning everything up to full speed until you know it's running at normal speed reliably first if you ever bought a car the last thing you want to do on a brand new car is slam down on the engine and just totally ruin your brakin now these days I guess it doesn't really matter much anymore but back in the day you know one of the concerns I had about buying a used car was not knowing how the engine was broken in most people don't know you needed to break them in so you want to make sure that the engine's solid and things are broken in properly before you go tuning everything up and you know redlining the engine it's a great way to just ruin stuff and that's true in general with everything thing you know if you have a really really super hot uh I'm sorry if you have a really cold oven and you throw your food into it without preheating it first you might find that the food doesn't come out correctly like it it gets overdone on the outside and undone on the inside or it takes longer to cook etc etc etc so in a way we we absolutely want to verify our foundation before we build a house on it otherwise all of your effort in building the house may just come down collapsing on you it's not critical uh going from 2400 to 3200 it would not speed up the installation of Windows it won't encourage us to do anything any faster nor will we notice any difference based on what we've done so far we're not going to get the drivers installed any faster so that is again a fixation on a number based on a benchmark that makes very little difference in in reality for my customers I can turn 3200 speed on in other words I can turn on XMP or not turn it on and one of things happens if I turn it on the customers that use their computers they're not running benchmarks they're using their computers they don't notice it at all or I start getting calls that the computers are crashing so if you want to turn on XMP that's your choice I will turn it on here as long as everything's fine but if I turn it on and things start blue screening it's coming right back off again because aside from Benchmark fixations it on an Intel platform it makes almost no difference whether it's on or off if you can turn it on and it's not crashing anything causing any crashes enjoy it but we won't do that until long after our drivers are installed our Windows is activated our system will be in the case and we will know that if the only change we made was turning on XMP and now suddenly the system is not reliable there's no doubt or question as to what the problem is the memory controllers these days are built on the CPUs and so therefore every CPU is different and one may clock higher than another or accept a higher clock speed for Ram and a lot of people will buy different sets of ram thinking it's the ram it's ultimately the the Silicon on the chip that's causing that compatibility or incompatibility but again customers can't tell the difference when I turn it on unless it starts crashing and then I get calls you know what I have to do I have to go and turn it out it's uh frustrating to create support problems and that's both Intel and AMD it's the same people might see a difference with uh AMD with regards to uh GPU performance the built-in Apu performance on the um AMD side but the these are Gamers so I I don't really care about a gamer's performance that's all silly nonsense with people with nothing better to do they're welcome to chase after those benchmarks to go after those frame rates I wish I had the kind of time where someone else was paying my bills and I had nothing else to do but to fart around with gaming I was a teenager and I enjoyed it and I enjoyed it probably up until I was about 30 the game I like playing now is to build the computer and sell it to the customer to fix any problems the customer has and to get paid to pay to go to work to pay to do challenges and overcome challenges silliness to me like I can't understand why anybody would pay money to go to work it's weird I'm used to getting paid for work so uh again for children I think gaming is great for adults who maybe spend an hour or two whatever I don't want to be too judgmental about it but I know there's something around the house that needs to be done that's more important as a homeowner I can tell you there's always something that has to be done and if I'm gaming that time could be spent fixing or doing something whether it's laundry or the leaking f it or mopping the floor sweeping the floor taking out the trash bringing the garbage cans out bringing the garbage cans it just it it's a NeverEnding list so if you have the freedom where other people are taking care of that stuff for you I guess I'm jealous uh let's see I think I've got it plugged in now so I can go back [Music] to yeah you know buy a con cons is all I'm saying go buy your Xbox or Playstation and have at it makes more sense to me all right now I'm going to click yes on the autod driver updater and then I'm going to go down here to the clock right click oh I guess I want to start this first because my internet's slow we get this driver stuff started uh well that's thinking let's come down here just date and time sure it's going to do it as soon as I lose my patience all right and then we'll turn on set time zone automatically set the time automatically this should go to 240 there it is and that adjusted it in the Bios as well as in Windows just so you know so we're going to go ahead and download these drivers automatically which is a nice little thing ASRock does there's no bloat wear in there that's just the drivers so I appreciate that saves us a step and then once that's done we can go to Windows update we can start grabbing updates as long as everything's running fine and not crashing we can proceed with putting the motherboard into the case with the power supply and then uh at that point if everything's still good if we want to turn on XMP and then run it through some more testing just to make sure everything's still okay uh all well and good if somebody wanted to turn this into a gaming machine just buy a bigger power supply than what I'm intending to use I'm only intending to use a 500 watt go ahead and get yourself uh something uh bigger than that this is a 750 I'm using here uh you'll easily double or triple the cost of your computer with the price of a GPU these days if you're buying anything decent I just can't get over the it's just upsetting to me like I I used to have a rule I wouldn't spend more than a hundred bucks for a graphics card you can't even get a basic graphics card for under 250 bucks seems like anyway and even then it's going to be pathetic compared to other Gamers they're going to just look down their noses at you so I I got other things to do I I really don't care if I have a business that needs a GPU for rendering something that deals with productivity that's a different story sometimes I need graphics cards because customers need four monitors hooked up simultaneously for Wall Street trading day trading things like that um and that's that's a whole different balla wax because they don't care about the performance they just need the outputs um it's just such a gross expenditure for something so I don't know it's got a very limited lifespan a GPU you're not likely going to have it more than 10 years and I just can't see investing 2,000 $3,000 in a graphics card strictly because I want to play a game or flight simulator I don't even like flying I don't know why I'd want to simulate doing that but that's just me oh good let me just sit here staring at the Horizon for three hours as this real life simulator simulates me flying I now I do enjoy flying I enjoy the inertia and the excitement of takeoff and and Landing I like the thrill of the you could diet any minute you don't get any of that from a simulator you get no inertia you get no gravity and you get no real sense of danger so to me it doesn't quite cover the experience any more than uh a Lego house is like a real house it it isn't it doesn't have air conditioning or Plumbing it's just yeah someone's going to send me a link to somebody who built a real house on of Legos but you know what I'm talking about so for me the feeling of driving a race car is great but the feeling of playing Forza or I don't know whatever the latest driving game in Gran Turismo it it doesn't feel like driving at all not in the least bit there there is no feeling it's numb it's relatively quiet there's no real sense of danger because you know it's not real it's like a child holding a stick and telling you it's a gun okay if you enjoy that you have had it I takes more than that to excite me it's just children's pretend and it costs a lot of money I go outside pick up sticks for free that's I'm saying I could pick up a stick and say it's a steering wheel and pretend I'm driving kind of is the same thing uh life is so much better when you actually live it versus sitting around simulating it but that's just how I feel you might feel [Music] differently I thought you said the ram was 3200 speed okay so that's like saying a car can go 165 miles an hour and you get in the car and I'm driving 55 and you're looking at me going I thought you said this car could do 165 yeah and this Ram can go 3200 what part of that are you not getting there's a baseline speed in the case of driving the car it's the speed limit if you're on your own private property or somebody's private property like a racetrack then the speed limit doesn't apply and you can open that up I guess the speed limit now is what 75 maybe even 85 in places in Texas but the point I'm trying to make and I computer went to sleep the point I'm trying to make is that the default speed is where you want to be running it when you build it and then if you want to overclock to the excessive speeds where you want to put your foot down and exceed the speed limit because the car can do it if that's your justification because it can you need to do that safely that's all I'm suggesting is we make sure that we're doing it safely that we're not going to cause any crashes um because the ram can run that fast doesn't mean that the Silicon on the chip can handle that and in many cases Intel May avoid the warranty if they find out you did it so that's kind of up in the air not quite aware of anybody that's had a um a warranty claim on a CPU let alone had it declined because of XMP use however technically it's possible so and once again you're not going to notice the difference like if I'm in the car and I'm doing 90 miles an hour and then I'm going 100 miles an hour in my car you cannot feel the difference inside the car it feels exactly the same now it might look different on the outside but you as a passenger in my car you cannot tell what speed between 90 and 100 you cannot tell so does it make sense to go that extra speed with the extra danger that it has um especially in this case if it's illegal and you can go to jail for that in this case here it could cause damage it could cause instability in most cases at least with ddr4 you're probably fine on the Intel platform but you also probably aren't going to see anything other than numbers and if you're fixated at looking at numbers then you aren't really measuring reality you're not measuring the actual difference it makes in how you use the computer and I've yet to really find anybody that can demonstrate it to me and show me how their productivity increased because XMP was turned on outside of the AMD platform on the Intel platform it's pretty well invisible and people just get fixated at looking at the numbers if the if the numbers are lying they don't even know they're just happy that they see the number they want to I don't run my business that way I don't go chasing after numbers I'm chasing after profits I'm chasing after customer value those are the numbers I'm chasing after this kind of benchmarking and fixation on things that don't make any real difference to most people in reality uh seems unjustifiable to me if you have a justification for it I'd love to hear it far as I know one doesn't exist it's just because it's there best I can figure and uh I can't make heads or tails of that it's not practical that's why you don't see me make a big deal about it because it isn't it's not a big deal you wouldn't be able to tell outside of your benchmarks outside of seeing the BIOS you're looking at numbers and you are deciding if you're in a good mood or a bad mood based on what the screen tells you you're allowing the computer to affect your emotion it's supposed to be the other way around computers and Technology are supposed to be there as our slaves there we aren't supposed to become slaves to them and yet that's what Society is becoming the phone beeps you stop what you're doing and look as though it's the most important thing that's ever happened this is the big one this is this is the this is the thing that's going to change my life I better stop whatever I was doing and address it immediately people in our culture and our society have become delusional with self-importance over numbers and technology versus using the technology to actually Lev raise themselves up to levels where they would become important and be making a difference in our society to others besides themselves right to to focus on other people um and I just I don't know I just think it's shocking that it technolog is doing the we're treating it the opposite of what it was intended to do and if this continues and especially with AI and this inherent laziness of humans that I'm witnessing in our culture it's frightening to see what our culture is going to voluntarily choose to do with it it worries me but uh the good news is I probably won't be around long enough to see it so I do hope there'll be some people saying left in the world that understand the value of life versus the value of tech tech has a very limited value and it's only helpful um for whatever that task is or forever the series of tasks are for that time and then it needs to be replaced or updated or the tasks change we could have automated making horseshoes I don't know how much benefit those machines would do us today okay I think the machine keeps falling asleep on me I need to change that setting because it's going to drive me crazy uh the reason that's happening is I'm looking at a window within a window I can't see the screen full like you guys can at home unless I intentionally Go full screen when I do that I cannot see anything else but the screen so I can't see what OBS is telling me I can't see what the chat room is telling me aside from the tablet here um and so I'm I'm my default is to leave it small because I don't necessarily need to read it but if I need to make a small settings change and the font is this tiny it's 10 feet away I need the screen full so I can read it so I'll just go down here and type in uh edit and then edit power plan came up it will change this to 3 hours and put the computer to sleep never it's not a laptop it's not running on batteries no reason for a plugged-in computer to ever go to sleep now a plugged in monitor can go to sleep and that's recommended but the computer itself uh unless it's got batteries I would not put it to sleep unless you live in a country where electricity is very expensive otherwise you're likely going to run into problems as a result of it okay it looks like installation has been successfully completed good timing we'll click okay and I guess it's going to reboot to apply those drivers I hear the fan ramping up so something's happening is it rebooting oh Fan's getting a little louder but it's still Rel relatively quiet real Tech audio control that I don't like the little icons that appear down here so to get rid of those I just search for search permissions restart required there it goes so if I could do this quickly under more settings I turn that off sounds like it's trying to do something I hear the fan going up and down and I can't tell if it's doing it it's on its own or it wants me to assist it if it's doing it on its own I want it to finish before it restarts but if it's waiting on me see I didn't fully read what the what the window said let's go ahead and restart once the desktop comes back up we can go to Windows update we can start downloading updates once all that's done I know the system works well then and only then will I buy the product code to activate it I don't want to activate it until I know I don't need to send the motherboard back for any reason because there's no way for me to get the product code back the product code stays tied to the motherboard for life so that's one of the very last things we do it's sort of like painting a car you want to make sure that everything is straight and going to work before you go through the effort expense of painting it I used to test fly my uh model rockets before I painted them because I would paint them and put all the decals on and then launch them and never see them again so I said you know what I want to make sure the thing flies and I get it back before I spend any time or effort painting them so I learned that lesson pretty early in life when I was launching Rockets all right now our boot time might take a little bit longer while it's finishing the installation of the drivers or it might not I mean it's still a pretty fast boot time system is whisper quiet um when the fan does ramp up you can hear it but it's not loud and then we're going to go over to settings and we're going to go over to Windows update and install now okay I guess we're restarting we've got about a few minutes left we're going to wrap things up here so if you have any final questions or concerns this would be the time to talk to me this is YouTube it is meant to be interactive if you're not going to talk to me if you're not going to interact with our community you might as well go watch TV because that's what you're doing and that's not what this is you're not really taking advantage of how amazing and awesome it is to be able to Comm communicate with other like-minded individuals and to be able to hear opinions or recommendations and use them as a means to help you make decisions perhaps or guide you they're not necessarily intended to make the decisions for you but uh perhaps share in the conversation of things you may not have otherwise considered or took into consideration you viral doggo says hello please comment on AI I think AI is going to be amazing in so many ways and scary and so many others in the field of medicine AI may bring us Solutions and cures to things that we've been working on from Alzheimers and Parkinson's to cancer and and even uh you know things like Ms and other U things that research is going to happen very very quickly uh in weaponry research is going to happen very quickly so there's going to be advances with AI that are going to happen so so fast once it gets rolling the human race is going to evolve very very quickly technologically medically technically but it will also be used to fool people to scam people to take advantage of people but you know look cars are a wonderful invention they're a great way to get around they've also killed a lot of people who were getting around whether they were driving intoxicated weren't paying attention had a failure or made a bad decision behind the wheel and are no longer with us as a result the good outweighs the bad and that's why we continue to drive these dangerous things I mean we're surrounded around metal from the shoulders up it's all glass and we're driving them at incredible speeds that are likely not survivable so we get in there and we act like it's nothing we become numb to the danger of driving and people will text and distract themselves and do everything but drive because driving is so easy but when two people do that next to each other they often Collide and may not be around any longer so there is a downside to it the screwdrivers that I use to fix things can also be used to stab somebody and that's certainly been done so you know the steak Knife you use to cut your food or to open packages could be used to injure somebody in much the same way AI is going to be the same but the scale of it is going to be much larger being able to tell real from fake is going to get more difficult and there'll have to be authentication systems put in where you're going to be forced to identify yourself you could say goodbye to your privacy or you can say goodbye to knowing the truth because no one's going to believe you're even a person until you're able to identify and prove and in doing so you'll lose your anonymity but at the same time you'll be able to confirm you're actually a real person especially when it comes to acquiring certain things that AI will not be allowed to own so in much the same way there's good and there's bad and I'm all for the good I think the good far outweighs the bad um I'm not worried about the technology turning on us or anything like that I'm worried about how people might use it in a nefarious way and um there's a lot of bad people out there look at how many scams are going on right now middle of the holiday season just started and I'm getting scam emails that the post office tried to send me a package they couldn't deliver my maffy renewals come in this is the same old crap from 10 years ago so I hope nobody's falling for that crap so unoriginal it's just Child's Play and just ignorance at its best what are these ignorant people going to do when they have ai it's gonna it's going to make them look like they're not ignorant anymore it'll be completely AI it won't be them at all but that's the downside or the scary side of it but in exchange for a cure for cancer and Parkinson's and Alzheimer's and Dementia and you know even forms of uh the can't together a word where you can't move your limbs things like that are potentially curable it's just we can only do so much you know look how long it took us to find the the uh the shot for the pandemic look how long that development took and they say that's record time with AI holy cow could do that in less than a day good and bad good and bad uh let's see see we're downloading that looks good that looks good okay oh I'm going to get to Advanced here and I want to turn on this I want to turn on this and I want to turn on as far as optional say they're ready no there are not cool paralysis was the word I was trying to think of yeah there may be some forms of paralysis that are reversible we're going to be very surprised with what AI finds in the medical side of things Jim kj3 reminds us he's got a YouTube channel be sure and check it out right on Jim and of course planet cryos and of course our friend Doug Betts over at live Windows training with Doug bats Nick Caffrey says how many bios updates should I expect after the first on a new motherboard that's like asking me how many times should you expect to be sick when you moved into a new town in the first year you lived there how could anybody answer that question with any level of accuracy the BIOS updates aren't coming out scheduled they're coming out as a result as a response or reaction to something that was discovered or a change that was made like a new line of processors that the CPU manufacturer decided to come out with to be compatible that nobody knew about the manufacturer kept it secret so like 12th and 13th gen boards or even some AMD boards some AMD boards if you update them to the lest bios may not work with your older CPU anymore so you don't just blindly just take any new bios you uh on the Intel side you're fine but on the AMD side you could just brick your motherboard or require yourself you might shoot yourself in the foot so you have to go and buy a new chip uh it will warn you about that though before you apply the bios so uh a bios update is basically like an inoculation to a problem and so you're asking me how many problems should I expect on a new board you know after I buy it which is again it's like me saying well how many times should you be sick now that you move to a new town and then you can pick any frame of time you want so nobody can tell you that it's not really all that important if you're not having any problems there's no reason for you to worry about the BIOS update once I do the build because I'm building a brand new machine here I want to make sure everything is current and up toate brand new once it's sold it may likely never get another bios update and won't need one if it ever comes in for maintenance or repair or an upgrade as part of the process I upgrade the bios for security reasons um but again it's probably entirely unnecessary it's part of what I do as a business it's part of how I add value to my customers to ensure that they are getting stuff for their money that I'm not just taking their money and giving them back the same thing I have to show that I've done something for the money and in most cases uh when it's done by a professional you don't have to worry about any of the downsides because the professional takes on the liability uh financial responsibility of causing any damage and just let somebody else do it so once these are updated and I want to emphasize once these are updated they're updated to today so that when I sell it to a customer I can assure my customers they have the latest and greatest features and security available at the time this was built that's it that's why you see me doing it and when I come in for repair or upgrades again it's there to make sure they have the latest security the latest compatibility like with ram and things like that even though especially if we're not upgrading the ram that likely will have no impact on the customer whatsoever but it also shouldn't hurt any thing unless as I mentioned on some AMD boards it may make the board incompatible with your current chip so don't just assume by doing something it's always good there's very few things in life I can consider everybody should always do all the time without any consequences there's nothing but an upside there's a potential downside to everything we do in life and you should research and understand what your risk is and what the benefit is and determine if that's a risk you want to take if the risk benefit analysis is in your favor do it if it isn't don't and I cover that with everything you do in life from getting out of bed in the morning getting in the car getting in rush hour traffic trying the sea the sushi at the gas station look you make those decisions you live with those consequences it's never always good can't think of one thing that's always good ready for a restart in general and I can't stress this enough as a PC repair technician if everything's working leave it alone just use your computer for why you purchased it so unless you purchased it to just give you something to fix all the time you're ultimately potentially creating a uh taking a working solidly built reliable computer and through boredom with nothing else better to do damaging it and then having to look for help and then perhaps being stressed or having anxiety about no longer being able to use the computer for how you were using it over something you didn't need to do because you thought you were going to make it better the best way you can make it better is to leave it alone if it's working now if there's something that's not working about it we'd certainly love to help you with that so people that come in here and they ask what would happen if I'm not a gypsy like I can't can't read the future I I don't have a crystal ball that works so I can't tell you what'll happen if you do that why don't you do it and let me know and then if you screwed it up and you want some help we'll do our best to help you but if everything's working and you like that maybe just use the computer for while you purchased it I know it's a crazy thought but I don't own computers so that I have something to fix I own computers because they run a several tasks I need them to run for me I use them primarily as a form of communication and if my communication is down I'm missing a lot of communication in a day if my if I can't get my email right one of my clients emails went down for weeks for their business and it just sunk the business it was bad it's working again but holy cow did not have that and so to vot that's something beyond their control but if that was voluntarily created by somebody going I wonder if I could make the system better by updating dating the BIOS and they took the whole system out in the process when there was no reason to do it I think that's pretty foolish so it's your system it's your time I don't know how you value either one but if you value it and it's working enjoy it don't try to make it better don't try to fix it if it ain't broken and if you are having a real problem not an imaginary one like I wonder what would happen if I hate those questions those are very easily answered by you what would happen if I did it well do it and let us know don't ask me tell me and if you're not willing to do it and try then don't ask me don't waste my time but if you have a real problem whether it's accidentally self-created voluntarily or something unavoidable that wasn't you know anything you did either way we'll try our best to help you here with any real problems that actually exist and with regards to the imagination and anxiety that's something something you need to see a doctor for we can't prescribe anything here just leave it alone or set your expectations accordingly if you choose otherwise it's yours to do with I am a terrible salesman I should encourage people to get under the hood when they don't need to probably generate a lot of business for me and I could probably make a lot of money from but it's just not it doesn't sit well with me to make my money that way uh I think that'll wrap it up for us uh thank you guys again for hanging out with me this Black Friday anybody find any good deals today I haven't seen haven't seen any good deals I don't see any good deals myself I have items on a wish list on Amazon that I'm keeping an eye on and none of those prices have changed some of them they just put Black Friday sale but the price is the same as it was all year long so I don't I don't know I guess that's fooling people crazy 66 says I feel like times are changing I have to stay on top of updates because companies are putting out unfinished products so that's a generalization and it's really an attitude issue that's not a technological issue that's fixed with updates that's a problem that's fixed with your attitude if you're absolutely convinced that everything you buy is unfinished like I went to the grocery store and the chicken wasn't cooked I can't believe they sold it to me it wasn't ready yet there there's certain areas of Technology where that may be rampant like in um software but generally when it comes to CPUs and Hardware um it's pretty well solid but the truth remains if you buy a like let's say the Cyber truck's coming out or any brand new firste car it's going to have issues any brand new product that hits the market doesn't have to be a technology product it's likely going to have little rough be a little rough around the edges and if you want to be one of the first people to own that then yes you should expect to have to get updates and patches and you know bring the car back to the dealer for things because it's a brand new model the Ford Bronco its first year had all kinds of issues that's just standard that's for any new technology it's not limited uh to computers that's for anything brand new that just comes out it'll always get refined over time so the Intel platform were on the 13th generation it's had 13 generations to be refined if it was the first generation I'm behind you but now that's all long in the past if it's some brand new game that just came out it was probably rush to Market and if you want to be one of the first people to buy it then you should expect to have to do updates my point is if you have a system for three or four years and you watched one of my videos and go oh I never updated the BIOS maybe I should maybe you shouldn't if it's working and it's fine leave it alone but if you're one of those people that have this mental sort of um anxiety that nothing is ever complete and everything is always sold undone I can't help you with that there are doctors that can help you with that that only applies generally to brand new products that you are the first to buy and anybody body who's going to be a Pioneer should expect to get some arrows in their back it kind of comes with the territory otherwise it's delusional to think that a product that's now in its 13th generation is going to have any major issues whatsoever that are likely to affect anybody so but that's just my opinion as a technician keeping everything real and in practicality when a new generation one of something comes out you'll notice I don't buy it right away when uh Windows 12 comes out which it likely will I'm G to give it at least six months because I don't want to go through all that nonsense I got other things to do if you've had something for a while if the technolog has been polished this is a non-issue so that's my opinion on that I don't want other people to have that thought it's toxic and it's it's very very infectious so I just really hope people reject that this is this is my inoculation to my viewers to not adopt that that mindset if possible it doesn't bring anything good there's no benefit to it Carrie Paul says I bought a Wi-Fi 60 router for 23 Euro but I already had a 240 PB topup balance sounds like you paid a bit more than I get you though that's cool John Williams says thanks for the live stream have a nice weekend DOA 2000 says oh the bar is closing yeah you uh don't have to go home but you can't stay here all right all right guys I do try to releasee a little bit of uh logic and practicality in my videos and it just drives me crazy sometimes because it seems so simple and obvious to just do the simple thing and stop making things overly complicated and creating issues but some people are just built that way they just can't leave well enough alone if I can discourage you you know from unnecessarily doing work that doesn't need to be done to cause problems you don't need to have I really want do that even though it goes completely against my line of work so in any event I hope you appreciate the message even if the message sometimes comes across a bit harsh it's because I feel very strongly about it and um and I hope that the emotion I put behind it makes the words hit a little harder a little more meaning and maybe get through where they otherwise wouldn't in the meantime my thanks to everybody who has contributed today a shout out again once more to our all of our members or subscribers a shout out to our good friend Buster Peter lck out there in Scotland or thinking and my friend I hope you're doing well I hope your brother uh gets home soon and we will see everybody uh well I don't think I have videos this weekend it could be wrong I don't think I have anything scheduled until next week on Monday I always do members only videos every Monday 1:00 Arizona time that's 12:00 p.m. Pacific 3 p.m. Eastern and that's for members only every Monday and if you're a member I hope I will see you then until next time oh and thanks of course tomorrow for the thumbnail in the video notes for today's video bye for now I got the wrong Mouse okay here's a quick [Music] outro
Channel: CareyHolzman
Views: 6,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: careyholzman, careyholzmanlive, careyholzmanbuild, motherboardprep, ASRockB760Pro, ASRock, Intel, b760, ddr4, asrockb760, Corei513500, IntelCorei513500, ATXgamingmotherboard, budgetbuild, Review, computerhardware, computerbuild, pcbuild, howtobuildapc, pcbuildguide, budgetgamingpcbuild, boardprep, asrockreview, asrockunboxing, asrockgaming, stockcpucooler, intelcpucooler, aircooler, howtobuildITXpc, howtobuildATXpc, buildatxpc, howtoprepamotherboard, teamgroup, TForceVulcanZ, TEAMGROUPTForceVulcanZDDR4, SAMSUNG990PRO, Gen4
Id: y_TgixgxqsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 14sec (8294 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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