LIVE - Long Haul Budget Build - 8 Year Computer Lifespan for 2023 and 2024

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hello everybody and welcome into my latest live broadcast it is Wednesday the 8th of November 2023 my name is Carrie Holzman and today I've got a a motherboard I need to prep in in preparation for a new computer build generally these happen in three stages the first stage is I prep the motherboard which means getting the CPU RAM storage uh latest bios installed windows installed do all of that um drivers Etc once I know everything works and it's functional at that point it will go into a case with a power supply the power supply will vary depending on the needs of the customer the case varies depending on the needs of the customer this customer is in a pretty unique situation where normally I would not pair 64 gigs of RAM on any i5 processor it feels a little unbalanced to me but this customer is an exception so we are going to install 64 gigs of RAM with a 980 Pro Samsung uh Gen 4 envyme drive now this version has a heat sink on it but I think one of the m.2 slots on this board is uh bare and if that's the case as long as it's a fulls speed Port that's what we'll use we want the customer to save all their data to their network storage we don't want them saving data on their local C drive so for that reason I bought a relatively small C drive this is a 1 tbte Samsung 980 Pro I bought a uh openbox I5 13500 processor from Amazon it was uh $55 cheaper than brand new and it did not include a heat sink but I have a he heat sink from an i5 13500 left over from a build that we used a different heat sink on we put the uh I think this came from the thermal take T100 that we put the liquid cooler on so um that's going to be today's motherboard prep I've already downloaded the latest bios just a few minutes ago put it on this flash drive I don't know if this already has the latest bios but I doubt it and uh yeah so that's what we got planned for today let me say hello to everybody here in the chat oh by the way this would essentially be a current 8-year build I think when you're talking about best bang for the buck I don't know how much Advantage there is to going to ddr5 on a 13500 you know a core 5 and ddr5 does cost a bit more it's faster ramp ASRock makes this exact same board the b760 pro RS but there's another extension on the title called def 4 that's for ddr4 so it's the same exact board same layout same everything but instead of ddr5 ram it takes ddr4 Ram that can save you some money on your build may not noce any difference in performance between the ddr5 and ddr4 on an i5 platform it's just uh when you go to upgrade next time you likely will have to replace the ddr4 with ddr5 so if you're upgrading in four or five years or longer you likely won't be able to carry over the ram whereas if you do the ddr5 today you will be able to carry over the ram likely however that being said you'll always pay more for your parts now than you will if you wait so the idea about buying parts that you can continue to use in the future may be discouraging if in the future is five or six years from now and there's faster Ram larger quantities it's cheaper why would you carry over the old slow stuff right but that's for you to decide and make the decision that's right for you just know you have choices especially when it comes to this board it's the exact same motherboard they make a ddr4 version they make a ddr5 version and if it has the letter M after the b760 if there's a letter M that means it's a microatx board and they make that with ddr4 as well or ddr5 I believe so you can have the smaller board it's not as upgradeable it doesn't take as big of a case and it does cost a little less so you can save some money there I mention it because when you're ordering parts you may not notice that letter M you might think you know you're paying attention to whether or not you're getting DDR 4 or ddr5 on a b760 ASRock but you may not realize you're looking at a b760 m as in Mar is a Micro ATX so we'll pull these parts up and I'll show them to you here uh on their Amazon page they're all all the parts are listed in the video notes below the video as always and let me see if I can find where my chat room disappeared to oopsie screwed that up there's my chat room all right so let me give some shouts out to folks joining us and and people submitting super chats let's see what we have here Paul O'Brien contributed to Euro before the show started thank you Paul joining us from Ireland our good friend Buster Peter Lok with a 10 pound contribution says good evening Carrie and Marina and everyone in the chat all the best from Bonnie Scotland where the temperature in Edinburgh is 43 degrees Fahrenheit or 6 degrees C it's about two degrees warmer than yesterday Peter also sent a very generous uh PayPal contribution and thank you so much Peter had he had to let me know he's aware he accidentally spelled uh my name and Mara's name incorrectly and you know when you're giving contributions you can call me anything you want thank you so much Buster I hope you're doing well um of course we got some news yesterday that a a member of our community Michael DNE had suffered I believe it was a stroke so of course our hearts and our prayers thoughts go out to them and his family him and his family and hopefully he's recovering quickly and uh hopefully we'll get an update from them soon and I hope it's all going to be good news Ben L also also joins us from Scotland contributed two pounds says hello from Scotland thank you Ben douas brelle says hello Rick lakes and Luke green is saying hello the computers I sent out last week I sent out three machines I got confirmation from all three people that the machines were received nothing's damaged everything's working everybody's happy so far so good um let's see scrolling scrolling Stevenson says hello watching from Toronto Canada glet cryos contributes $5 in Super Chat and said here's an early access fee sponsor free free fee and just because P PK is here fee let's give Carrie a thumbs up chat yeah please do hit that Thumbs Up Button below the video certainly helps with uh YouTube recommending videos that are more popular or um yeah getting recent clicks I guess would be the best way I could explain it Josh Kinder says hello and Thomas backing Stow there he is and seen him in a few days he getting worried about you Thomas good to see you my friend and uh David Graham contributes $2 he says here's two bucks for fun hey thank you David Matthew Burton says hello Dan Nelson says hello Bill Garcia saying Steve Chappelle and Bill not say hello welcome in guys markk gains says hello Mark gains joins us from Northern Ireland Richard says hello Paul how says hello Matthew Roth says hello everyone welcome in everybody Jon Willis essential working too hard all dropping in and saying hello in the chat please uh if you're watching this video while we're live here please even if you don't normally please pop into the chat room and say hello we have viewers watching all over the world this is live unscripted unrehearsed and everything is uh kept as real as authentic and as transparent as humanly possible to cut through all of the nonsense that is your typical entertainment disguised as reviews or disguised as a vlog or it's disguised as news uh for the most part most YouTube content is some form of commercial or another now in my case I'm a working computer technician and it just occurred to me that I could create videos showing people how a real working computer technician works at least how this one does right I can't speak for all of them and [Music] um I've got to do the work anyway so why not you know make a video out of it and explain what I'm doing and the logic of it and so that's what I'm doing today this is going to a customer and I've got to build two of these and I'm also considering uh getting a 14900 K to the same customer for them to evaluate if there's any benefit for them to spend you know nearly twice as much money for a 14900 K with the liquid cooler it's going to require and it won't fit in the Corsair 200 R case so we have to we have a lot of additional expenses going that way and what's happening with computer technology at least as far as desktops and laptops even smartphones quite frankly they're starting to Plateau where well the hardware continues to evolve in and get faster and more efficient the apps that we use aren't really changing you know your email is not really taking up much more resources today than it was 15 20 years ago and what's happening is we're collecting more and more data so storage is becoming more and more important every year we double the amount of data the world has more than doubles every year and it'll continue to do that year after year after year in perpetuity so that's a something you can count on storage needs are going to continue to grow you are going to have more data next year than you have this year and by the way of if you're like most people you will double the amount of data you've got uh just by having a modern cell phone and taking pictures with it for example those megapixels of each picture get bigger and bigger and bigger taking up more and more space giving us better imagery better photographs better details better colors so you know that part is evolving and even then we're going to be reaching a point here with h digital cameras where you're going to exceed what the human eye can see so once you reach that you hit a point of you hit a plateau so right now we're reaching a point of diminishing returns and that is you can spend more and you can get more but actually how useful that extra is that you're getting how much you'll use it or how much difference it'll make it's dwindling it just continues to dwindle so unless some killer app comes out or you have a very unique applications for how you use your computer for most of us you know a computer that's 10 years old is still functioning fine today for most people that have you know typical common computer needs the issue gets to be more of a concern of security making sure making sure you're safe and of course it can get to be an issue of concern for reliability as Parts age they're more likely going to break down now that doesn't mean they're going to it just means statistically as things age the likelihood of failure increases not to 100% so sometimes it's nice to get something new just to make sure that you have a renewed warranty so you have peace of mind also to know that you've got all the latest technology in the sense of security and also in the sense of input output speed so these newer processors can process data faster the um ssds we use the ddr5 we use again bring data in and out so much faster eventually they'll probably put the RAM on the chip because that's a bottleneck for almost every computer out there is the the weight that the CPU has to sort of wait for the ram to catch up our computers could be running so much faster if we built the ram right onto the Chip And if we can do that then the next step is put the operating system on a chip then you have instantaneous boot up and you know the idea of how fast the CPU is becomes irrelevant because now you could theoretically have a CPU that is rated at let's say 1 gahz frequency and then you can have the 14900 K That's rated at 6 gigahertz and with the ram built into the 1 gz one with built-in OS it would make your 6 GHz feel like a negative 6 GHz even though it's only 1 GHz so how the processors are making things appear faster where they're being where data is being held up that is probably the future of where we're going to start seeing performance performance boosts versus just looking at the frequency of the processor's speed that's my prediction anyway uh let's see what else we got here in the chat room Michael DNE I see a Michael DNE what does he say this is Mike Junior Michael Michael the man Michael he Michael DNE is the man he suffered a mild stroke good he is alert and sends his thanks for the prayers I am so relieved to hear it's a mild stroke and here's hoping that uh the doctors get him on some whatever medication it is to prevent this from happening again that's two events that I'm aware of that have happened but within 12 months I think so make sure follow those doctor's orders that's you want to see back here in the chat room Michael DNE we're thinking about you our hearts are out to you uh get out of that hospital sooner rather than later but not until you're ready but hopefully hopefully you'll be ready soon recovered from the last event rather quickly so I'm hopeful that this is kind of the same in the meantime uh thank you Mike Jr for the update on John science rock says hello from New Jersey welcome in lrcx says hello watching with one eye closed after surgery going okay so far will recovery will be 6 months to a year before I can see normally again well I suppose without the surgery you wouldn't have been seeing normally again ever so keep us up to date on how that recovery is going and and uh if the surgery lives up to be everything they said it could be very curious about that okay well I guess I can get started with the prepping the board here I'm assuming this chip is okay this is how it was sent to me there was basically just bubble wrap around this no heat sink was included the seller on Amazon said that customer had upgraded the chip I think what it was is they sell computers and the custom customer said I want to buy that computer but I want you know an i7 or an I9 so this was according to the story a brand new chip in a brand new build that was pulled and replaced before a final sale to the customer this is our Vulcan ddr5 and this is our Samsung 980 Pro with a heat sink now if I don't have a bar m.2 that's full speed on here then I'm going to go back grab a regular um see what I've got that's around 1 terabyte Gen 4 because I want the performance of this this is uh 7,000 megabytes per second on the let's see if uh let's go to the Amazon page for the board first of all now you might have to go to B&H Photo or new EG to order this board as of today the 8th of November 2023 looks like Amazon is sold out of it find capture here we go all right so this is the board we're using today the motherboard is the ASRock b760 Pro RS now I haven't used this particular board before but I was very impressed by the price it was a very affordable board we got plenty of IO on the back and it's going to be compatible with 12th 13th and 14th gen Intel chips now this is the ddr5 version the CPU is the Intel Core i5 13500 it's not a k processor it has built-in Graphics it's been locked in at this price for about six months now um I just think it's the best bang for the buck right now on CPUs from Intel that's my personal opinion so I'm building a lot of machines with this chip the ram is team group tforce Vulcan ddr5 this is a 64 gig kit of ram which is two sticks of 32 you'll see that's 150 bucks just for the ram but you know what for 64 gigs that's a heck of a price and finally the Samsung 980 Pro with heat sink you'll see these were just 80 bucks they do sell a version without the heat sink but I don't think I ordered any without a heat sink the reason I ordered some with the heat sink reason I have it uh is because I was thinking of using these like in the mini PCS where heat can be a an issue if you're upgrading faster envyme drive like the price is changing sink or no heat sink that's pretty unusual usually it's about10 to $20 more for a drive that includes a heat sink now I'm working on this motherboard this particular model for the first time so I'm not quite sure how it's decked out I haven't looked the manual or anything and we'll figure it out as we go so let's start with unboxing the first thing I like is there's no sleeve over the box like Gaz Rock has done on their z790 boards hate that sleeve I would throw the sleeve away but the box is a plain white box it just says azrock on it so it doesn't tell me what make or model it's for so I end up having to put the the sleeve back over the box and it's not just a sleeve it's got foldable ends that close up so it makes it kind of a pain in the rear end to have to get the box out to take a look up a documentation or to take a look for a screw or something and then put it back sleeve I just like the old typical the way most motherboards are always sold is just like this just in a box the lid opens up don't know what this is um again everything here is unrehearsed and I haven't used this particular model from ASRock before so we might be in some surprises what do we have got an owner wow did you see that go flying we've got an owner's manual we've got some m.2 screws we got some SATA cables how unusual that this was placed normally this sits underneath the motherboard this stuff it's not normally put in a anti-static b that's really weird so yeah this wasn't refurbished or renewed or returned so maybe they're doing it differently now let me find where that little pie the bag one here it is the one that went flying so we have m.2 screws and let's see an m.2 standoff any screws three screws one standoff in the Box we've got this piece of cardboard here protecting the top of the board that out set down it'll be fine and yeah how unusual they don't have anything underneath this is normally where the documentation and such is kept so um this board also does not have Wi-Fi built in like some of the other boards from azck we've been using as a result it's significantly cheaper it's about $100 cheaper than those other boards so let me uh what do I want to do take this and this I'll pop these in the motherboard box all the spare parts documentation that will all go into this motherboard box and this goes with the computer to the customer I always tell the customer there's nothing in here you need today but in the future if we do a repair or an upgrade I might ask you where this is because it's going to have extra parts that we might need in the future so please put this away somewhere where you can find it years from now as has their fascination with foam I'm not aware of any other motherboard manufacturer that packs the motherboard in foam there's nothing Fragile on the board it's it's all solid state Electronics um as I suspected this board will be an ideal candidate for this drive with the heat shield on it or the heat sink on it because we only have one eight sync for m.2 this m.2 was wide open this m.2 was wide open and it looks like there's a place here for an m.2 that they did not put the connector on because they kept the price low on this board so we have one two three I imagine this one up here is going to be the fastest one however um this one down here says hyper m.2 so that implies this one's faster I'll have to take a quick look at the manual but we might be from the looks of it this may be the position for our nvme now the other thing azrock does that I don't see any other motherboard manufacturers do is they use these um nylon zip ties and nylon zip tie the board to this foam so not only do other manufacturers not use this foam I've never seen a motherboard manufacturer feel a necessity or a need to zip tie it down to the foam because it's not like it can go anywhere in the Box anyway so I find that whole thing kind of a waste of resources it's not a big deal to work around it it's just one additional step or two additional steps that you have when purchasing asrock's product versus Asus MSI or gigabyte they're the only one that does this again it doesn't seem to be hurting anything but it certainly does add to the cost and it does seem completely unnecessary because nobody else is doing it I guess I can work on it on the phone nah let's there and I'm going to go ahead and put all the m. tws and standoffs in which is weird this we have a standoff here already we have a standoff here already so what's the extra standoff for I know we have to put it under here a contribution at $10 from Michael Dane Jr he says I'm going to be taking over my father's computer builds for families in need it's all in the family that is awesome can know adopt me what a what a great family activity that is so cool let me uh letbe get the overhead camera for this a better CA shot here put that from there gra my HDMI cable and plug it in over here [Music] and that way cross that on move everything over here see closeup camera yeah that's pretty good for me eyeball in it there okay so I'm kind of curious what's underneath here and whether or not we need to add that little standof if so I want to do that now um rather than putting these little tiny screws on the box which is probably going to be misplaced so these are things that I want to install whether or not we even need them yet just put them on the board so when and if that day comes the customer wants to add another envme Drive we're not looking for these really tiny screws which different manufacturers of boards will use different sizes and lengths of these so it's not like it's one size fits all I like that many of the board manufacturers are going to a sliding lock instead of a screw but I think it's going to be a while before that trickles down to the budget board but it's moving that direction now I'm going to grab my uh JIS screwdriver here Japanese industrial standard because it just fits in these little tiny screws perfectly now again we're dealing with some super tiny screws here that unfortunately do not get held captive but again we are on a budget board so don't expect those features on what is essentially a an entry level board now as you can see these two standoffs here these hold the heat sink in place and right here is normally where a standoff for an m.2 would go so that's why they've given us just this one standoff it's weird because we already have a standoff for this m.2 right there and we have a standoff for that m.2 right there so I don't know why that one's different and it's not consistent so I'm going to make it consistent we also have an m.2 Wi-Fi slot here where we can put a laptop style Wi-Fi card you can run the antennas through to the io Shield which has um holes that are completely empty right now but at least it's wide open and you can get in there see way there's holes here for antenna you could also just slap a a pcie card Wi-Fi adapter in there or you could use a USB Wi-Fi adapter there's lots of different ways you can go to add Wi-Fi if you wanted to I'm going to put the little standoff right there these are 5 mm so I have a tool it's a 5mm socket specifically for this purpose cinch that down okay that's not going anywhere and then I'm going to go ahead and put the heat shield back on we're going to leave the tape on we're not using this today but at least when and if that day comes we won't have to go hunting for the oh wait I'm getting ahead of myself I also want to put the uh the screw in there remember they've given us 3 m.2 screws and I want to put those in right now so again these are parts that are very easily lost nobody knows where the Box goes so if we just and I really wish the motherboard manufacturers would uh simply ship screws in place save a lot of uh confusion on behalf of new system Builders as well as free up wasteful Plastics going into the landfill another I'll put this one over here and I don't tighten those down too tight I just want to make sure they're not going to fall out you know if the machine gets moved around or in this case it gets shipped I don't want it to vibrate loose in shipping so I will just tighten these down until you get to a full stop but don't overtighten them could cause damage to the board and these are very tiny screws so please make sure you have a clean work area they're very conscientious of where you're setting screws down going to be painting life when you're trying to find these super tiny little screws uh when there's a mess to dig through they they will effectively disappear vanish like magic so here's our lastto screw I'll save these little plastic baggies for sometimes when I get extra screws they come in handy now with regards to um the speed sometimes these are rated at different speeds so let me pull the manual out this board is so light kind of surprised it I went to pick it up and I'm so used to dealing with those 790 series boards and they're so much heavier um see what we got right up in the front of the board it should tell um right up in the front of the manual it should tell us about all the ports on the motherboard such as recommended memory configuration the uh front Port header location for the cables and when it comes to the SATA port or the nvme ports this gives us a little information about the Speed and Performance of our PCI slots on the board but let me look in here for talks about the TW I might here's sort of a diagram or layout of the major components on the board and of course you can pull the PDF file right from the manufacturer's website versus me going old school looking at physical paper and what does it say about the M2 be in here somewhere Ram been through all of this lot of fan headers on here it's good to see ible [Music] RGB installing a Wi-Fi Bluetooth [Music] module okay so we have a whole section here all the way at the back it's normally at the front on M2 SSD module installation guide and you'll say that's m2- one each each of these m.2 slots is U Got a unique name so probably 2-1-2 and D3 would be my guess let's just see what the manual says here this just goes through the installation okay so M2 D2 and M2 D3 it says here it says it's a small sizeus Conn supports 2260 and 2280 so that's 22 mm wide 60 millim long or 22 millim wide 80 long which is the most common that we see say it's gen 4X 2 hyper m.2 socket supports gen 4x4 Okay so this one in the middle is going to be a half speed so if you put in a you know this says it can do 7,000 megabytes per second and we put it in this slot it can only do 3500 in this slot this one here the hyper m.2 is full speed so we can get the full speed out of it hence that's why it says see where I'm pointing that's why it says hyper m.2 there and as for this one up here is that a gen five does that say no it's also gen 4x4 so these two are the same this one here and this one here are both gen 4x4 just that that one comes with a heat sink and since our envme drive already has a heat sink use this slot it will perform exactly the same all right so I think I'm done with that let's get this box opened up here this one's already open I I must have opened this for something else hopefully I erased it if not I'll be erasing it now I'm going to put Windows 10 on this for this customer but obviously you could put Windows 11 on it if you want so there's the drive and there's our documentation documentation is going to go into the motherboard box again any documentation or spare parts spare screws will go in the motherboard box we'll take this drive here place it in the slot grab our final little m.2 screw yeah that looks great that is a good looking drive for this board if the board already had um you know heat sinks down here then obviously I want to use the motherboard's heat sink for the m.2 drive if it's provided because it will always be superior to the heat sinks manufacturers include on any nvme drive next we can put the CPU in so we can drop that ift this we just take this whole we have to put this away because if you ever have to send this board back for warranty you're going to want to take all your parts off of it your RAM your CPU your storage even take those little m.2 screws because they won't give them back to you but there's 1,700 little delicate pins in there and if you don't cover that up your warranty is void they will not you know if if you're sending your board in for warranty work without that covered it'll be rejected in Kick Back to and the warranty will be void on the board it's very very delicate now this is our returned CPU see it had thermal compound on it there's a little cutouts so you can get your fingers in there and there's even little dips on on the sides of the socket so that you can uh that right in there very gentle you'll see there is a little Golden Triangle on that corner right there but usually especially on a fulls sizee or a microatx motherboard the writing on the Chip is going to uh face me if you are in my position looking at this board with um the bottom of the board bottom of the boards right here and the writing is facing me it only goes in the socket one way lower that bring this down now this is going to push down on that CPU and make connection with those 1700 little pins before when we set it in the socket it was resting just a hair above those pins so if you put it in on an angle or you allow the sides to go down outside of the frame could damage the pins and then well you know that's not a warranty issue if you did that yourself now because this is a US CPU it's going to need to be cleaned so I've got my isopropyl alcohol here and some Q-tips and let's go back to the main camera here temporarily back to camera one set this aside for we'll come back to that in a thermal compound the purpose of it is to help assist transferring the heat off the top of the CPU which is called a heat spreader onto the bottom of the heat sink which can often be called a block in the case of a liquid cooler and the job of the thermal compound is simply to fill in all these microscopic little nooks and crannies and scratches and little things like that that help assist with the two you know the bottom of the heat sink and the top of the CPU heat spreader um having as much contact as possible to transfer that heat as effectively as possible I think any thermal compound all pretty much work the same some people are fixating on thermal compound and they will absolutely be convinced that you know you should spend outrageous amounts of money on thermal compound um I would strongly encourage you if you believe there is a difference in thermal compounds I would strongly encourage you to verify your belief that is buy the cheapest thermal compound you can bu the most expensive thermal compound you can that is designed for use you know in CPU cooling and then see how your system runs temperature- wise between the two and then you'll know the truth you don't have to worry about what you're choosing to believe you can just see reality and join the rest of us in it if you choose to now the bottom of that was really dirty one Q-tip left in that box I got to refill that later so I'll set that there as a reminder we're done with this this um isopr alcohol is 99% alcohol the higher the alcohol content the better for cleaning Electronics you want a lower alcohol content for disinfecting wounds but a higher alcohol content specifically for cleaning Electronics because it won't leave um you know additives behind and it evaporates so you don't have to worry about drying it air will it'll dry itself just give it a minute and it evaporates off so with that let me grab my my glave and we'll put our thermal compound down whatever thermal compound you choose to use please don't mix thermal compounds together they don't go together unless you're putting the same thermal compound like let's say I run out in this tube I would not add more from this tube this is a different type of thermal compound but as long as I have another another tube and I do I can add these together because if they're both the same they're just separated into different uh containers what I like to do is I'll put a a little smudge down there and I don't crush the thermal paste because I don't know where it's spreading to I don't know how anybody can just do that and have any peace of mind that they've got 100% CPU coverage but I don't have to support them and I don't have to take their phone calls when they have problems but on the systems I build I'm the one who's going to get the cause of their problems so in order for me to be assured that I have good thermal coverage across the entire surface of the CPU I put my thermal compound on I use my glove to finger paint and then I tap on it which makes these little Hills and Valleys so there's still a crush um effect where it levels out and you know removes air bubbles and things like that although this stuff does become quite viscous when it gets hot so air bubbles can come in as well so there's a lot of misinformation and a lack of basic understanding of thermal dynamics that exist on a lot of videos on this topic once again I encourage you to um experiment yourself it's not really important what thermal compound you use so much as you know you're using a thermal compound designed for this purpose and that you don't use too much or too little of it too much of it really can create a mess some theral compounds are conductive they could fry your motherboard ironically so we want enough to basically cover the entire surface of the CPU and um at a bare minimum whatever that's going to take so we can't see through it now the stock heat sinking fan that comes with a 13500 will already have thermal compound pre-applied and it's pre-applied in such a way that when it's installed it's got like three lines of thermal compound that melt together that the Intel Engineers have deemed to be the ideal thermal compound applied on the heat sink but because this is a used heat sink we've already wiped that thermal compound off and we're going to reuse our own thermal compound so with that being said let see set this down here and just push down these little plastic Towers in opposite Corners you should hear them click into place and then we have our CPU fan power cable that's going to go on one of these two headers which one is the main CPU fan one is the one closest to the CPU and this is also a good time to grab a nylon zip tie and tie up the CPU power cable slack CU once it's in the case that'll this is a hard area to get to so we can nip that in the bud right now so let's see I need my wire cutters and I might I might need my uh needlenose pliers to pull on the zip tie to tighten it but essentially what I want to do is fold the power cable in on itself and ideally not twist it like a rope but to actually just layer it flat onto itself in order for the cleanest aesthetic so this is a personal preference this isn't a nothing technical about this this is just about what you think is going to look best now the case that this is going into does not have a glass window so no one's going to see it anyway but I also want to make it in such a way that it'll be easier to work on should this come in for service should the customer need to get into it I want them to be able to get into it easily without having a bunch of cords getting caught up on things so it's kind of a double it's it's mostly done most people do this primarily for the aesthetic for the look but there is a benefit to having your cables organized when it comes time for any work repairs upgrades maintenance yeah it can make that much less stressful yeah I'm pliers to get the strength tighten these Island zip ties down there go cut the pigtails off off just a much cleaner look and if we ever have to remove that heat sink you know it's nothing to pop that off and put it back on again without dealing with the cable getting you know sometimes the cable will drop onto the CPU and get thermal compound all over it you'll never get it off so by cinching that up we have what we need nothing extra it looks good easier to work on Etc just looking through the chat to see what I've been missing while I've been focusing down here on the board planet cryus with a $2 Super Chat thank you Planet crimes all right so now uh RAM I guess I can put the ram in and then we can do our test boot so this up Ram modules turn this off and see let's see here we go sometimes getting the parts out of the package is harder than installing the parts all right and our go faster sticker this will go in the Box Con on it but there you go now the board does identify which of the four memory slots to use if you're only using two modules the board is got got it etched on the board right here on the side and in the owner's manual it will say as well so we've done enough of these lately I pretty well have it memorized that we skip the slot nearest to the CPU we don't use that one we use the next one in and again the memory only goes in One Direction once it's seated correctly then I use Force to push down one corner in the other Corner then we skip the next slot which leads us to the very last socket Which is closest to the power connector and that is called your first channel and that's how we have dual Channel Ram so we skip the slot nearest the CPU the system would still work if we put it in the opposite slots but they suggest that it won't work optimally I'll follow their directions it's got to go in two slots doesn't matter to me which two I put them in but you always put it in one slot and skip a slot some manufacturers will identify which slots to use if if you have four slots but you only have two Ram modules other manufacturers such as gigabyte comes to mind where they say it doesn't matter you can use either pair the first one skip one and then the third one or the second one skip one fourth one either way but since ASRock goes out of their way to specify that there's got to be a reasoning behind it I don't need to know why like I said it's got to go in two slots anyway doesn't matter to me this little piece is important so so as I mentioned can't send the board back without that piece in place so we make sure it stays in the box with the rest of the spare parts and manuals with that I think we're ready to test fire so I'm going to grab my little power switch here I'll plug that in go over here then I'm going to grab see I need to grab a power supply now this isn't going to require much in the way of power we can get away with probably our 400 wat power supply on this build how it is right now if we're going to add an exter um a discrete GPU obviously you're going to need way more power or if they're planning on adding a lot of drives or any other things that consume power then obviously you've got to make sure you have power supply that can deliver the enough wattage for all of your Hardware this this is a relatively simple workstation build everybody at home could easily build this it's very affordable you should be able to put this together for right around $800 with the power supply the operating system the case the ram the storage the CPU you could probably get it down to closer to 600 doing it yourself and not going so extreme with the ram so extreme with the storage you could get that price down as long as you're willing to accept less you pay less and you can have yourself just as reliable of a machine still remarkably fast so I'm going to use the standard uh Silverstone 750 W power supply I've got laying around here it's interesting to me that there's two EPS power connectors on this board I'm very surprised by that because it's typically only used for overclocking typically only need one I'm sure this would probably work fine using just one but if you can if if your power supply does provide two use them if you got and don't worry if you don't have them just one or the other should work and be enough on a standard build this is really just when people are going extreme okay so that provides our power switch Supply so now I need to hook up a keyboard and a mouse which I here here turn these on that and let me step around and we'll plug in the HDMI port and the USB dongle for my keyboard and mouse here HDMI we'll plug it to the board the board has a display port and an HDMI and it also looks like just peeling some tape also check any heat sinks for any tape you want to remove that tape because first of all it's going to yellow and bubble within a couple of weeks or months it's going to look terrible it also acts as an insulator so well it may not cause the machine to overheat it certainly won't be cooling as effectively it's funny to me when people go over the top with their thermal compound and they think they're making a difference or their graphite p they think they're Superior to everybody else or they're smarter than anybody else like you do you it's fine but you're not fooling anybody at least you're not fooling me when the CPU is running within its operation uh operational temperature range no improvement you're going to make is going to make that CPU any better any more reliable this is really the those extreme type Solutions are for extreme type people doing extreme type things it does not represent the majority of computer owners so please don't be intimidated by them or feel as though they're letting you in on some secret information um these are the same people that'll leave the plastic on stuff that will cause the system to overheat or ignore the suffocating power supply but you know what we run into on the Internet is we run into all these self-proclaimed experts and look you know they can build their computers however they want to build them if I have to support it and it's my reputation going on the line I build it the way I build it I explain to you why if you don't like the reason why too bad you know not building it for you so uh I do hope that those watching the video who get any sort of um confusion or concern over conflicting information in the chat room you can choose who you want to believe but consider who your source is and then of course whatever decision you make is on you um not responsible for it but when people buy systems from me I am responsible for it and so through me showing showing you what I'm doing I'm not looking for your approval I'm not looking for for you to agree with me I'm simply showing you what I do for a living because I do it for a living and I've been doing it over 30 years if you want to dismiss my years of experience you know please go ahead now um we can turn this on let me turn the power supply on here uh I need to put power to the power supply plug that in here and then I will flip the switch to on we do have a little RGB on this board right here on the edge you probably can't see very well again this will go into a Corsair 200r um it's a business computer case it's no glass on it no RGB on so whether or not this RGB is left on or turned off in the Bios no one's going to see it either way uh Planet cryos contributed $5 he says more support from The One and Only clet cryos from upstate New York thank you for that uh what are they saying in the chat room here see if there's any questions that have come up that I can answer K blinsky says my Windows 10 Pro is not receiving updates I get an error that says 87,000 D for 2023 10 cumulative update 102 H2 not aware of anybody having any recent install problems with Windows updates so I don't have an answer for you but if anybody in the chat knows I'm sure he would appreciate any assistance Gary Tatum says these ASRock are turning out to be great boards well that's why you're seeing me using more and more of them where gigabyte I felt was the the best bang for the buck I feel like the gigabyte boards are too expensive now ASRock has become much more attractive to me this board is one of if not the cheapest full-size ATX board um that's a 760 chipset Michael DNE Jr with a $5 contribution said my father's diagnostic heart condition is called aib don't know what that means but it's nice that they can identify it and know how to treat it Robert Hooper contributes uh five bucks he says I'm sorry I don't contribute on a regular basis but I'm sending five bucks hey that's cool I appreciate it nobody's look these contributions I consider them like a tip they're never expected but they're always appreciated the equipment that I'm buying has to come from somewhere so either companies can send me equipment and tell me what to say and how to say it and when to say it and then they pay me which is what most YouTube Tech channels that's the business model for most of them or I can continue to be independent and the parts I showcase are Parts I'm genuinely interested in or parts that I genuinely and sincerely sell to my real life customers so you don't have to worry if my attitude or my um if I'm biased in any way other than I think it's a good deal so again you can take that for what it's worth dismissing it you know like I said I have to support everything I sell I want my customers to come back again so I want to build something that's still affordable to the client but at the same time isn't going to put me out of business with support calls because of reliability issues and then on top of that damage my reputation where the customer loses confidence in my abilities these are things a home user does not have to worry about but I can assure you that if you follow the same steps and the same reasoning it would benefit you even if you're not running a business okay so let's uh turn this on and see if it works go to HDMI input I'm going to put camera one here in the corner and then we can determine what version of bias we have and updated if necessary so here we go hit the button and spinning it's firing right up but the first boot may take 2 three minutes it's got to train the ram figure out what the heck did you just plug in what CPU did you put in what Ram did you put in how much RAM did you put in what are the specifications of the ram how does it communicate it what speeds and so all of that gets determined in this very first power on where it does something called training the CPU and RAM and then it's going to take what it believes are the answers to all those questions apply it into the bio all automatically and then restart again with those settings and then we should get our power on self test which would be the motherboard manufacturer logo now because our solid state drive in theory it's erased it worries me because the box was open yeah so there's no operating system on it to boot from and uh it just takes us right into our bios here now this says our bios is version 1.08 and I think the latest bios on this is 6.12 like that's significantly different so I might be remembering it wrong so what I'm going to do is I'm going to just go to Google and in Google I'm going to type I don't have to put in the word ASRock the the model number of wrong Keyboard b760 PRO RS and then the word bios and the very first link Google Google offers us can't speak for other search engines uh the very first link takes us right to the b760 pro RS product page at ASRock so I can share this with you right here and then we would go not up here this is General support we want specific support for this board which is down here and then under bios 1.08 is in the list I always look for my current version that was our first release bios then there was another bios update another one another one another one and then finally the current one I don't need to install any of these I only need to install the latest one I've already downloaded that file and I put it on my little flash drive right here right here and I'll step around and plug that in give that a second to get recognized by the system and then see Let Me Go full scen scen there it is and we'll go [Music] to it says instant flash I'll click that make sure bit Locker's off we don't have an OS installed so that's fine we cck yes it automatically found the BIOS file on the flash drive that is the name of the file click update sure you want to update yes and now just sit back relax hands off uh oh after pressing enter the system will automatic boot okay that's fine and leave it alone this system will likely take about three or four minutes to do the full boot U bios update process some systems may be a little faster some systems maybe a little longer but regardless you should maintain distance from the machine don't touch anything don't mess around with the mouse or the keyboard if you want this to be successful uccessful you need to leave it alone until it's done just get out of its way and let it do its thing so it's you know good time to get a drink stretch your legs use the bathroom make a phone call whatever you want to distract yourself for a couple minutes the reason most bios updates fail these days is people don't have the patience to let them complete they think something's wrong and they panic and they start resetting the computer and whatnot when they didn't give it enough time and then they end up damaging their boards so if you don't want to break it don't mess with it not during a critical stage like a bias update now if a good 10 15 minutes goes by and the system appears to be frozen it likely has frozen that that case you can shut it off and start to interact with it again but in most cases um your freak out is your worst enemy so just have a little faith and give the system a little space and let it do its thing allow it to do its work and in most cases you will be successful if you follow that technique Planet cryos contributes $2 in Super Chat he says ASRock just came out with a motherboard with six m do2s wow yeah wow is right that is uh that's a lot of storage aib is a fast irregular heartbeat oh well that sounds a little scary b42 says his wife has the same health problem and Gary Tatum apparently has this as well I guess that's a bit more common than I John Paul bacon says wants to know does this motherboard have bios splashback uh typically that's a feature you find on more expensive motherboards uh bios spashback as far as I know is not on entry level in mid tier boards uh again this is an entry-level board it's very very affordable when you compare it with other boards of a similar chip set in features just comes in $30 to $80 cheaper than competitors as a result you're not going to have a lot of bells whistles and features expect you know when you're up over the 200 and into the $300 price range a bios flash flashback featured might be there but uh generally speaking I have never seen personally a socket 1700 motherboard with a bios flashback option even on the high-end boards I've used so even on the highend boards I've used they're not high-end enough that they're including that feature okay so our bios update is successful we can see because we left it alone it booted back into the BIOS we now have version 6.12 which is the latest and greatest our cooler type changed to Auto which is fine we can leave it there I can unplug the flash drive now I do have another one of these boards which is likely going to have an old bios on it and I will use this flash drive again on the twin board I have so I got to build two of these identically otherwise I would just erase this flash drive and put it away once you flash the BIOS you never need it again I'm an exception because I have to build two of these so I likely be using that bios again if this one had the original bios on it likely the other one that because I ordered them both at the same time they arriv together they're probably identical and what bios they ship with so in any event I'm going to hold on to that now now we can grab our Windows uh what are we doing Windows 10 where's my Windows 10 here we go this customer wants Windows 10 and Windows 10 is fully supported by Microsoft until October 14th of 2025 so we're just under two years of life in Windows 10 remaining and that gives them plenty of time to consider what they want to upgrade to there's a rumor that Windows 12 is coming out in October of next year if that rumor proves to be true then the people who have not upgraded to Windows 11 and bought into all that marketing gimmicky stuff that Microsoft's doing will benefit they will be the Smart Ones in my opinion because you'll Leap Frog and Skip right over Windows 11 um I could be wrong as I mentioned it is a rumor but in either case in the year 2025 January 2025 at that point if you're running Windows 10 in January of 2025 you will have 10 months to figure out what you want to do to replace Windows 10 whether that means going to Windows 11 at that time or the potential of leap frogging over 11 and going right to Windows 12 uh a lot of people who went to Windows 11 early are paying the price with slow SSD speeds and all kinds of little issues and features that were taken away from the operating system that have a lot of people upset and as a result it's only only about 20% of the windows installations are windows 11 it's about 80% are still using Windows 10 so in January of the Year 2025 at that point we can discuss you know I need to discuss with my clients who are all universally running Windows 10 what OS we're going to move forward to there's no benefit to doing anything now there's no benefit to going to Windows 11 it's just a downside as far as I'm concerned um and Windows 10 is still getting updates every month and will continue to throughout uh October of 2025 so no reason to panic no that's just the marketing company doing its job getting you all worried and freaked out and letting you falsely believe that the operating system isn't supported they they're very the psychological warfare that marketing companies play onto the public once you see through it you should be offended by whether it's a movie trailer that has scenes in the trailer that are not in the movie you know it's like false advertising or it's the way they phrase something that can be very very tricky and be open to interpretation um people feel you know fear of missing out there's nothing wrong if you have Windows 11 I wouldn't downgrade it to Windows 10 but if you have Windows 10 I would not upgrade it to Windows 11 and as I mentioned many of my business clients absolutely do not want Windows 11 they feel it's going to be negative to the productivity and since it's not giving them any benefit you know they're still doing the same work on Windows 10 that they would be doing on Windows 11 it's just a retraining of employees that cost money and then the IT department that has to do the upgrades costs money so the company doesn't want to spend and all that money upgrade all their computers and then turn around and have to train the employees and end up nobody is any more productive than they were and everything they were able to do before they can still do now home users maybe with nothing else better to do want a little project and they throw Windows 11 on you know look I envy you if that's all you got to do all day is find stuff to do I I have a line of customers waiting and I do my best to get through everybody as quickly as possible so just keep in mind we might be from two different worlds and the reasoning behind why I make the decisions I make so let me go to reboot this now and it should then boot off of our flash drive so I think we'll just leave well let's load the BIOS defaults just to be sure so let me go over to advanced mode exit load UEFI defaults back to main I just want to make sure that uh go back where did the uh coer style CPU Cooler type is left on auto perfect that's great okay so I can go over here to exit save changes and exit and now when it reboots this time it should boot to our our Windows 10 installation meeting let's see the chat room now Nick poverman said when you have to add a computer to a network Windows 11 is a nightmare and that's why the company where he works has stopped using Windows 11 it's it's got a number of issues um again as a home user a home user would be more likely to see a benefit to Windows 11 anybody using their computer for work or in a business uh it's just a big waste of money and time but it's sort of like a it's a personal preference for home users no no home user should feel compelled to have to use it because of the Doom of Windows 10 that Doom is still two years away but if you want to there's no reason to shy away from it it's not terrible it's just not beneficial okay so there's our beginning of our install I'll click next install now and don't have a product key is what I always choose here Windows 10 Pro is what we want accept the end user license agreement custom install does see our 1 terabyte Samsung 9 980 Pro and now it's going to format and part partition and then format those partitions and then copy over the files necessary to install Windows 10 then it will reboot and begin the Windows 10 install at that point we don't need the flash drive plugged into it anymore but I usually just leave it plugged in just because now you know people that go online and they want to insist that something is better than something else um I don't know what they're looking for like they're looking for some kind of validation or approval from others they want people to agree with them I think that's a sign of a significant weakness and a lack of self assurance and confidence you use whatever you want you don't need my permission you and I can see things completely differently you're not my customer I don't support you I don't care what you do and I don't care if you agree with me if you think something is superior you are absolutely uh you have the right to think that and if I disagree with you that doesn't mean you're wrong it just just means you and I see things differently and they're both perfectly acceptable I don't have to live with your decisions and you don't have to live with mine so please stop looking for approval from others if you're confident in what you like and what your choices are you should not be reaching out to other people trying to find other people to agree with you because that suggests to me you are not confident in your decisions sounds like you're certain and you need other people to agree with you but even if other people agree with you it doesn't mean you're all correct you can all agree on false information it doesn't make that false information right so just be aware of that as you interact and you know do things online a lot of very opinionated people and a lot of people who absolutely insist that you agree with them or will do whatever they can to prove you wrong and I mean if you got nothing else better to do I I will just generally ignore these people some cases I will mute them or block them they don't have anything beneficial to add it's great if you want to share your opinion uh or your reasoning but demanding other people agree with you or forcing somebody to uh see your way it's a very insecure and immature thing to it's not benefiting anybody it's no way to make friends that's for sure look how fast this is installing that's why I'm telling you this 13500 is such a great choice for a chip right now um in many ways this 13500 is faster than i7s from say eth or 9th gen depending on how you're using it say I don't have internet right now so I can create my local account guess I'll just put the word user in enter and enter leave the password blank like to leave location settings on but all this other Telemetry I turn off customers can change this when they receive the machine if they prefer other other options and then uh T I'll say now most of my customers rely on me and trust me to set these things up to their best Advantage they don't know one way or the other they don't want to know that's why they're hiring me and so well my choices may not align with yours unless you're hiring me it's irrelevant last drive so we'll put that over here and I just want to emphasize that right when you're getting paid and you're held accountable to do a job it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks but your customer got to keep the customer happy if the customer believes you're selling them crap or you're overcharging them or you take too long or you don't know what you're doing it won't matter what other people say online they're not the the one that you're working for so just keep that in mind and uh when you're looking online for assistance or help always consider where the source is coming from right what this person that's giving you this information this advice who are they and what gives them the authority for them to suggest to you what the right answers are so if there's somebody who has a history online of being well known and well respected you should be able to verify that if it's just somebody sitting in their basement who just is overly confident behind a keyboard you know it doesn't affect their world if the information they give you completely turns your world upside down they don't care can't really sue them or do anything about it because you didn't pay them for so always consider your source and uh when you do hire somebody then it's reasonable to expect that person does know what they're doing can do it at a reasonable cost and a reasonable amount of time that you work out between the two of you and it doesn't matter if of other people even in your family let alone online agree or disagree with it now I'm going to plug this network C cord in right now I don't know if our Network C driver loaded or not so let me oh yeah obviously it just did here yes we will do the autod driver installer start it that just get this out of the way quick that's loading this complete setup continue with signing in Click yes on the device driver installer right click on the taskar under news and interest I'm going to turn that off update okay so my internet here is pretty slow so this might take a few minutes the system is whispered quiet it's everything I was hoping it would be I know my customer is going to be really happy with this machine and I'm going to build a second one exactly identical to this same everything and it will also go into a Corsair 200 R I haven't decided what power supply I'm going to use but it'll probably be like a 500 watt non-modular just a standard $50 $40 power supply and I suspect that that system if left alone in other words if they're not opening it up and messing around on the insides and this company that I'm selling it to doesn't do that they're I'm going to deliver it they're going to hook it up and if they have any problems they're going to call me I should be the only one working on um I think in all the systems I've ever sold them they had one power supply go bad that they fixed themselves and didn't need my help but overall uh the systems will run for years and years and years to the point that they will return the system to me we will likely get this system back in about six or seven years that's going to be my guess and we'll you know if YouTube's still around and I'm still making videos you're going to see the system seven years from now likely six you know 2029 somewhere between 2028 and 2030 we're going to get a system back for an upgrade and it's going to be running just as perfectly then as it is now now so if you want to build a system that's going to last that long make sure you choose quality components I like to use team for my Ram I like to use Samsung or Western Digital primarily for my solid state drives and uh I like to use Intel processors they tend to hold their value longer I don't have to worry about you know adrenaline software and all stuff that comes along with AMD and um my clients who have uh tried AMD absolutely aren't going to go back so they my clients insist on Intel my personal rigs are all Intel I've had some real ups and downs with AMD with regards to driver related issues memory compatibility issues Ram um sorry not Ram but uh bios updates and and you know chips not running if they're averti speeds so I'm kind of done with them me personally kind of feel it's more of a hobbyist home user chip but you know that may be me just being a snob I don't want to support them the calls I had for support on the AMD builds I did thankfully I only did a couple of them because if I did a bunch of them I'd probably be out of business I mean I I couldn't afford to keep fixing them their warranty so I just feel in my experience the Intel chips you know clearly they hold their value much longer and uh historically they've proven to be really robust and relatively maintenance-free so that's why I choose that now if that changes of Intel becomes unreliable or less value then of course I will change my view but for right now in 2023 uh given the status of everything Intel is my choice Intel is what my clients insist on Intel doesn't pay me AMD doesn't pay me I don't hold any loyalty to either company I just want to buy what's ever the best value regardless of who the manufacturer is there's no blind loyalty to any man I have to stay in business and that's more important to me than staying loyal to particular manufa um I'm glad AMD is in in the running and I'm glad that it's forcing Intel you know to have some competition but I'm not buying them I'm so done with them but who knows maybe the next line chips will be better maybe things will turn around I used to only install AMD Athlon XPS because they were better faster cheaper than Intel's chips at the time so you'll notice as time goes on depending on what the state of electronics are in manufacturers I'm going where it's profitable not because I'm team blue or team red that's just nonsense tribal cheap think have no interest in that sort of Primal caveman likee thinking uh let me grab a cold Gatorade some people feel a need that they have to belong they have to be in a group they have to be accepted if there's one thing anybody should know about me is I don't give a rats behind if people accept me or not I'm doing things that I know work for me that I know can pay my bills nobody's offering to pay my bills for me so at the end of the day I'm the one who's got to make sure things get done that I want to make sure that I can eat tomorrow so the work I do today doesn't come back to bite me in the butt so my motivation is always to do it right the first time take as much time as I need to get it right I can't avoid a 100% of problems but I can certainly um put the odds in my favor that I'm less likely going to have support call and uh most if not all of my work is through referrals where people recommend me I had spent money on Advertising that was a big waste of money and referrals are so much more effective and all you need to do for a referral is be consistent do what you say you're going to do meet the expectations that you set and uh you know be priced reasonably and if you can't stay in business doing that I don't know what to tell you what we doing here what's going on I thought I hit update I guess I didn't all right so that'll run let's take a look at the chat room and see what I've been missing Peter VZ contributes one Euro thank you Peter Matt oloff joins us hey welcome in Matt oloff Gregory Howard joins us Gregory Howard contributes $20 in Super Chat hey right on thank you Gregory he says here's my late fee hello Carrie and all in chat Nick poverman wants to know what I think of the core I 513 500h on the minis form npb 5 it's not as fast as the 13500 desktop chip but it's it depends what you want to do with it so for me personally I it's it's not my preference for my own personal use but I'm a power user and I'm going to want an i7 or an I9 a personally I have a lot of mini PCS to choose from I do have a couple of 13500 T's from HP the HP Mini Elites and I have two of those with uh I think they have 64 gigs of RAM and a Western Digital 4 tbte I mean these things are little rocket ships they're about ,000 a piece used so if I have those and you're asking me how I feel about anything less than that going to come up short for me but overall you know it's well built anything from min's forum is well built and the only question really is does it provide you enough power for the amount of money that you're paying to meet your needs and your expectations and for some people that answer will be yes for some people the answer will be no but overall there's nothing wrong with it there's no reason not to get it but the 13500 H is not going to perform the way a 13500 desktop performs just know that other than that like I said I do have the 13500 I think it's the T that HP uses and it's just ridiculously fast Paul O'Brien contributes two Euro hey thank you Paul David moris said he heard in newspapers that a petition was to ask Microsoft to extend the life of Windows 10 past 2025 yeah we covered that here a couple shows ago but uh you can Google that if you want to sign the petition I don't know that it's kind to Happ this generally happens every time Microsoft retires an operating system especially if it's been out as long as it has like Windows HP the same thing happened they did end up extending the support on Windows they also wanted support extended seven I I don't know if people are forgetting all of this we have short-term memories or you're new to computers but this is just standard part for the course stuff most of the time Microsoft just ignored Microsoft's going to do whatever the sh sharehold what's ever in the best interest of the shareholder They Don't Really Care what's in the best interest of the customer it's it's irrelevant what the customer think the people who are the investors that are putting the money into Microsoft are really the people they need to keep happy and that's true of any publicly owned Corporation it's that's who they work for they work for the shareholder at the end of the day you know you can sign petitions and unless you know they get such bad PR that it's affecting the share or the value of the company it likely just gets ignored well o' Brian City's got an azrock live mixer z790 with the I5 13500 chip 32 gigs of RAM he says it's working great he built it three months ago and it's fantastic oh I suspect it's going to run many many years and uh yeah if you keep that configuration if you're not constantly opening it up and you know trying to overclock it or overvolt it if you leave it alone it'll probably run easy 10 years James Bond says what's your loyalty to team viewer uh I think you should just do a Google for Carrie Holzman and team viewer and you could very easily answer your own question that's a company I refuse to do business with it's been removed from every one of my clients computers and I I haven't touched it in years I don't miss it spending way too much money and didn't like the way team viewer was treating I likeed the product just did not like the company so I don't give them my business anymore too many other competitors in remote access space I like instant house call um that Cory fruitman offers there for a very reasonable cost it's it's about 90% less than the cost of team and I also like remote PC from but that's not good for unattended access I mean for for attended access like for repairs and such instant house call is much better tuned for that and then there's also Ultra viewer. which is free it's kind of limited and Flaky but it's free there's just so many to choose from so at the end of the day what I think about something doesn't matter it's what you think about it if you like it use it you know I can despise team viewer you could love it that's all good that's what makes the world go around man b l says whatat about a Quantum Mini PC yeah I wonder if we will see those that would be be great to see Quantum PCS that uh people could buy and use it that would be one heck of an upgrade Tim teal says hello welcome in Tim yeah I I don't know how many times I have to say it um but I don't really care what your personal references are unless you're my customer uh if I have to support it uh you can't force me to support something you can't tell me how to run my business and expect that I'm going to listen to you if a customer wants something that I think is unreasonable or I don't want to support I will simply tell the customer that they should go somewhere else uh that I that they won't be happy with the service I provide um that's the beauty of being self-employed is I have the ability to maintain a certain level that I absolutely require of quality and it's my definition of quality not yours your definition of quality plays no role in the success or failure of my business so I need you to keep that in mind well you may not like some of my opinions that's the way it's supposed to be if we all thought the same and we all agreed on everything we'd have no reason to talk there wouldn't be much to talk about so embrace our differences in enjoy the things that you enjoy and allow people that same respect to enjoy the things they do without implying they're wrong or your Superior like I said it's no way to make friends nobody's telling you what to like I simply answering your questions and there answers you don't want to hear then I don't think you understand the point of the question all right so I've opened the chat up you know publicly this time and uh I was looking to see if we're going to get any troublemakers or Bots or spam and so far it's been really good but I think we have some folks that are new here they don't fully grasp the concept that I've been doing this for over 30 years and I just might know what I'm doing and my preferences uh don't have to justify to anybody the the worst part about answering somebody's question is if they don't get the answer they want and they throw a hissy fit so when I see that I just shake my head because it's very childish if you're confident in the things that just you feel are a better value or you know whatever it doesn't play a role in anybody else's life so not telling you you're wrong let me go to Windows update now oh wait let me check the device manager first and make sure that all of our drivers are installed yes everything looks good and then I'll go to the system properties make sure we're seeing CPU Ram correctly yes it's all there Perfect all right so now we can hit Windows update dismiss that for updates close that I will go power options because I don't want this thing going to sleep on us while it's updating set that to about three hours perfect okay so as I mentioned you know I'm happy to answer your questions in the chat room and if you don't like the answers you know you can ask for a refund I guess but I I can't emphasize enough I have a business to run and I've been running this business and I've been in business over 30 years so I think you should weigh that into comparing how much weight what I'm saying carries versus you know how much is on my shoulders and how much responsibility I take on for other computers hundreds if not thousands of computers that I bear responsibility for versus a home user who's got one computer and very limited experience with builds um and so we have different opinions for varying reasons and mine is I need to stay business I don't know how much more I can emphasize that and unless you have some impact unless your opinion has some impact on my ability to earn a living it's irrelevant in much the same way I encourage people to not worry too much what my opinion is it vares Bears very little relevance to your world so at the end of the day we make decisions and we live with our consequences when somebody's paying you then they're paying you to take that responsibility and there's nobody online who's going to guide you through um all the right answers for you to maintain your business and keep your customer handy like if you have to go online to find those answers you probably shouldn't be self-informed you know if you need the approval of others you know like I said the only approval that matters are from people that are paying so if somebody's not paying for something then they don't have any right to demand anything they should be grateful for anything they get for free or they should just walk away from it but they shouldn't take it for free and then complain about that's how I was raised anyway Gregory Howard with a $10 Super Chat says I have way too many computers and parts I'm remodeling the kitchen and adding on I need room to walk oh sounds like you got the same problem I have over buried in PCS um I've got the new RTX 390 put into the serve the Home Server it's working great so the next thing I've got to hook up the USB ports and I've got to do the cable management and then put the side panels back on so you will see a follow-up video on that as we finalize that it's coming out great I'll also probably take the 4 ndme Drive add-on card that came with the motherboard and throw some drives in it and add it in there and have like a D drive that's 16 terabytes or something and uh yeah then that system is going to be completely done we've also got the system that'll need to be finalized another day where we put it in the Corsair 200 R case probably an EVGA 500 or 550 non-m modular power supply and I've got a build two that are identical I'm waiting on a liquid cooler to come in on the 14900 K build which I'm hoping will keep it cool and then I've also got a changeed liquid cooler out on the 12 12 900k build to see if I can get that cool because both the 12 900k and 14900 K so far the coolers I've used have not been able to keep them cool to my standards and my requirements so still some work ahead of me there on top of that the nas data recovery I finished that last night for my client so after the show today I've got to go deliver that Nas they'll set it up in the office which will save me the trip and once they've got it plugged into the network I'll be able to log in remotely and do all the configuration that needs to be done so that they can start using that network attached storage right now they're out in the cloud and the data transfers very slow and um they're also having an email problem I've got to help them with on top of that there's um in the other room there are three more unfinished builds that aren't going to any customers at this point they're not reserved for anybody so they're just kind of As Time permit for the channel and then we have a couple more mini PCS waiting to be reviewed so and there's a little bit more on top of that but that's the gist of what's going on Jim kj3 says I don't build anything unless I have a buyer I'm not going to wind up like Carrie with more stuff than I can get rid of yeah I strongly advise you to wait till you have a buyer and build what they want I building um because I need Channel content you know YouTube is a has become a good 50% of my income stream I'm counting on and so if I don't have anything to build it makes sense for me to go and buy something that I can utilize because the build videos tend to get more traction uh the repair videos get the most traction but I don't get enough repairs in these days uh certainly not enough where people will permit me to film The repair the problem is they may have files on their desktop or on their drive that they don't want people seeing and a lot of the stuff is lawyers and things like that where legal documents and they're absolutely cannot film this and they need it fixed so most of the repairs I've been doing since the pandemic I've not been allowed to show you in fact since the pandemic is when everybody started getting all sort of paranoid about it so if the customer doesn't want us to show it we don't show it it's that simple but if and when repairs come in that customers allow us to show those videos always perform say this is missing important security updates and fixes looks like our clock is off here as well let's rightclick adjust date and time turn this off turn it back on now that should be to Phoenix time yes yes it is very good why it says that we're missing important security fixes and then doesn't offer us any I think that means we need to reboot is what I oh and then we got this little icon down here on the search bar and on Windows 10 get rid of that's real simple we just rightclick go to search show search highlights just uncheck it and let's restart and then we'll check for updates again lrcx wants to know do I think an i5 13500 per forms better than the i7 10700 well we can look that up at uh CPU cpub and we can see what their results are they're going to be close um I suspect the the I the 10700 is probably a little bit faster it's got a couple more cores I'm not sure let's go over here open up the browser and we'll just type in 10700 versus 13500 that's all you have to do and you're going to get this user Benchmark website that typically comes up first and you'll see their priced very similarly in fact the 10700 appears to be selling a little cheaper at manufacturer suggested retail price and then if you look at the overall score you know because they break it down into different categories and typically there's not a there's not sort of one category that fits all so depending on how you're using the chip the overall score score here is 57 on the 10700 and 85 on the 13500 and you'd say well that seems like a pretty significant Improvement on the I5 but you can go through and look at the details because it may be improving in in areas that you don't use your computer for so instead of measuring is this CPU better than that one what you should be doing in my opinion is asking yourself could my computer be performing this task I need it to do better I get the feeling lrcx just chases numbers for nothing else to do with sort of like a hobby but if you're actually using the computer to accomplish a task and you want to know if it's worthwhile to make an investment that would improve the productivity of the computer so we could accomplish test faster so you could get more done in less time that's typically why customers call me um the the hobbyists that you know the people that watch the Youtube videos are primarily hobbyists might just be going after numbers and that's just you know the chasing the dragon that you're never going to catch it because every time you upgrade it's only a matter of a year or two before what you've got isn't going to be leading the way anymore so you're always just chasing chasing chasing when I talk to clients who hire me it's typically about how can we do this faster or how can we reduce the delays you know when I click this and I'm waiting and that's typically where you know depending on what that task is we can isolate a specific model of Chip that would do better at that that isn't necessarily buying the best chip buying the most expensive chip but rather buying the chip that's best for that need but in general again if you look at the specs here and how they're rated they're very similar in prices what a $12 difference between them now and um in areas like I'm trying to see here you're you're going to see some areas likely where the 10700 is superior and some test results where the 13500 is superior and that most of them the 13500 appears to be doing better however that doesn't mean it'll make any difference to you if the purpose behind your computer is browsing the web and surfing and doing basic things putting a faster chip in it is likely going to have zero result zero and since the chips are not compatible with the motherboard in other words a 10700 is a different socket type you have to replace your motherboard and if you're going to replace your motherboard so you can do the 13500 you might as well go ddr5 so now for no reason in particular you're spending you know upwards of $200 on a board 250 on a chip and you know maybe 100 150 in the ram so now you're up close to $500 after sales tax for no reason at all other than well it's faster right and it's your money if you want to do that I was raised without any money we were broke so me throwing money at stuff without any genuine return on investment I'm going to discourage you from that say Hey you probably could be using that money in a much better way but maybe there's something I don't know with how you're using your computer where you feel that it's lacking but by the time you replace your motherboard your RAM and you'd also be going to Gen 4 storage which the 10th Generation didn't support you are a effectively building a whole new computer you might as well not even upgrade the 10700 at that point you might as well build a second computer because you're just a case and power supply short of a whole another computer and then sell the other one or pass it down so it's not just a simple matter of swapping out a chip and then once you're done with that you're going to be asking me about the the 15th gen and if that's better and it's going to be and then you'll be whole new motherboard again so at some point you've got to realize what you've got uh is meeting your needs or it's not if it's continues to meet your needs I can't see any reason to make that investment let me go to Windows update again and we'll check some more essentially you know customers call me with a problem and they're looking for a solution we need to do XYZ and I provide them that solution at the most costeffective price I don't want to undersell them where things are going to be lacking and I don't want to oversell them where you know I'm o putting an equipment that's way more than what they need because it generally the more higher end equipment generally generally requires more maintenance nobody buys a Ferrari for reliability you know what I mean so when we get to that bleeding edge stuff like the 14 14 900k or even the 12 900k and you see the struggles I have cooling it well that's what comes along with that Enthusiast level chip when you have business to do and you need to get things done um the 13500 is much more straightforward chip much more forwardable we can bang these much much faster and not have a fraction of the issues that the bleeding edge chips are going to inevitably have so again I'm trying to stay in business and I'm trying to remain profitable trying to keep my customers happy and coming back so overselling them charging them a lot of money taking too long to get the job done um and ultimately not solving the problem they hired me for to their level of satisfaction that's me failing so if a hobbyist says you know is this faster than this but the only reason they're asking is because they're chasing numbers it goes against everything I do because my initial instinct is to say what's the problem you have now what is the issue with the 10700 because I'd like to know what the problem is so I can help you solve it because simply asking me is the 13500 faster or is it better well for what reason because in some cases the 13500 may be faster in some use cases the 13500 may be slower so I have to understand what it is we're trying to accomplish before I can make a recommendation and that's where my my hang-up gets there like why are we doing this why are we even engaging in this discussion to what end um there's always something faster and there's always something better it might go a few months King of the Hill but he'll come out with something new Intel will come out with something new it's how they keep generating profit and staying in business bikeman says he's got an Intel 10700 and so far meets his needs for everything he does he's going to wait for 15th gen for the next system refresh so I don't understand why this system is telling us your device is missing important security quality fixes and yet is an offering us anything can't say I've experienced this before so I might have to look into that we're are two hours now into the show so I think it's about time to wrap it up anyway um but overall I think if you're looking to build a budget computer that can last a minimum of eight years right now as of November of 2023 my personal opinion as a professional system builder with more than 30 years of experience in this industry and the systems that I recommend to my clients the systems that I choose to support to keep me in business I think this is a solid configuration here of course you can change the nvme drive to anything it won't impact except maybe you know some drives may have longer warranties than others and some may perform a little better than others at the end of the day whatever RAM and whatever storage you want to use you can certainly mix that up to uh whatever suits your particular desires I would just stick with name brands I would not be purchasing Parts on AliExpress or Ebay I would buy quality known Brands and uh and when I put it together I wouldn't rush it together I would enjoy take your time enjoy your build and when you're done if you do it properly like the way I show you you should have the same end results I get which are systems that run reliably for many many year I can't control when people take shortcuts and when they take shortcuts and they don't get the results I show and they email me and they wonder why when you vary from the recipe I'm giving you it's going to affect the output of what what you're building could be better than what I built but in a case that it's worse there's not much I can do to help you except to say rewatch the video again follow my advice next time that's about all I can do for people when people hire me I don't deal with that right when people hire me I build it the way I build it I don't take shortcuts to myself and don't listen to myself and then cause myself problems and have myself how to fix them so when customers hire me it's my job to build it the way I build it how I build it choosing the parts name brands that I choose in order to meet the requirements that the customers budget allows for and U being able to deliver the final product it doesn't do me being able to deliver the final product within a reasonable period of time to the customer it won't do me any good to recommend these are the best parts that are not in stock that doesn't help my customer this might be the best bang for the buck motherboard but if it's not an inventory I got to choose a second best you know what I mean and we have to go with what's available if in many cases we are constricted by time so in any case that's why when I buy some of these parts I'll buy them in duplicates or in triplicates so I don't have to worry about price fluctuations or inventory fluctuations that impede my ability to do business but I can't buy so much of it that I end up holding on to it unable to sell it and over time it just loses value so by the time I've sold it now I've already taken a loss if I do too much of that I will go out of business but if I don't do it at all and I don't have anything to accommodate a customer who needs something today I miss opportunities and those missed opportunities they don't come back so lose it you lose it again if the goal is to stay in business it's about finding that delicate balance between how much you're investing in inventory how long you're holding on to it how much of it you can afford to sell it what sort of a loss and you know the other issue is when you have older inventory you sell at a loss the question I have to ask myself is yes it's it's painful to sell something for a couple hundred dollars less that I invested it's very painful but then I have to remind myself next year it'll be worth even less so if I think it's painful now if I don't cut my losses on some of the equipment that's been around here longest it's only going to get worse so best to just you know accept the loss be glad it's not worse and be able to keep churning inventory that's very important to keep churning it out sell what you have always bring in new and always try and push the oldest stuff out first it's most likely to sell because it's cheaper and uh with the economy the way it is right now um the minute I have a system under you know if it's a 100 bucks or less it sells like that but if it goes to 120 or above like on Facebook Marketplace or somewhere like that it can sit for months so it also depends on who your customers are right so when we're talking about the general public there's not too many Big Spenders out there for high-end systems or very demand they they're happy to go to Best Buy and buy an HP or a Dell you know uh and many people many home users can get by on their phones so that's why you know home users and hobbyists they're not not as um an easy way to stay in business because they're too infrequent of buyers and they can often be support heavy and if they're going to require a lot of support then I got to get paid for that and then suddenly that bargain on the hardware is not there why are you charging me this much it's you know well because you call a lot and you have a lot of questions somebody's got to pay me for my time or the other thing I need to do is Institute a um something like HP does where when you call for support that you know have your credit card ready to pay for the support when I build the system I have to support them that's just implied it's a warranty and I always do support the systems as best I can but when people buy from out of state I'm very limited with what I can do and I always make sure they're well aware of that before they buy for me but if you're local I can take care of any problem but if I have to mail this you know to the opposite Coast or to any other state the only way you're going to get any repair from me under warranty is you're going to have to mail it back and that's typically $100 or more in shipping and it'll likely take upwards of a week for me to receive it once I have it I probably need it a week at the very quickest and then when I ship it back I'm paying another $100 if I sold the system at Cost I've just lost an additional $100 plus all that time so you have to understand that's you can only do so much of that and then you just close your doors and find another business to get into or you have to start charging more for the equipment if people are going to expect that kind of support so it's still kind of delicate there's the plus side you know of not selling the systems is I don't have to support the systems I don't sell and then there's the downside which is I have inventory sitting here it's depreciating but at the same time I'd rather have the inventory depreciate than have it cost me actual time and money for somebody to take it like that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard of of like someone I'm going to sell a system for $200 below what it cost me maybe I include the shipping for free and now somebody wants their handheld with support questions that was basically tutoring or they're having problems with the system and I don't know what they did to it I know I sold them a working system that's built the same as all the other systems I buil and they don't have these problems they're always welcome to mail it back and if they do I'm obligated to fix it and I'm obligated to pay to ship it back so before long it doesn't take you know if I'm already lost money on the build it doesn't take long before I'm now paying somebody to take a computer and then if that happens I can just close my doors there there's no way to run to business that uh so primarily I I prefer selling locally so that way if there is any problem we don't have that added expense of the shipping it's bad enough I got to lose the time I'm getting my time taken away from a profit making project do something for a system I sold at a loss for free yeah that's a tough spot to be in but these are things you need to think about if this is a line of work you want to get into it doesn't really make a lot of sense for me to ship systems out of stateum unless somebody's fully comfortable with being able to work on their own computer essentially what I tell people is I'm not really selling you a computer I'm building it for you and you should consider the warranty as though you built it yourself so if you built it yourself and you had a problem with one of the parts you'd contact the manufacturer directly and deal with them you wouldn't drag me into because that's going to be faster and cheaper if you're out of state but I I don't tell them no like if they want to pay the money to ship it back and risk damage getting it to me for me to fix it and then risk damage again sending it back it's 100 bucks each way plus the downtime of at least three weeks between the shipping time time that's what they want to do I mean I'm not going to tell them no but it doesn't make Financial sense to do it's a very expensive system so welcome to the world of business again these aren't things hobbyists need to concern themselves with you can sit at home you can mess around and you know dump money into unnecessary things RGB all this other stuff you can break your system it inconveniences you maybe you enjoy it gives you something to occupy your time but in you're running a business you won't be in business very long if that's what's happening because it's not sustainable and I just try to make that well known to the audience because you don't typically see this on most other YouTube Tech channels the side of it isn't really discussed but it's a great business to get in I certainly don't don't want to discourage you from it just want you to be prepared so you'll be successful or the odds of you being successful will be greater prepared I am still curious what's going on with this uh device is missing important security and quality fixes I'm going to try something here and that is we'll run storage sense and we're going to just clear out all of the downloaded files turn this on monthly and then once that's done I'm going to run dis cleanup close that type in disk clean up here go to cleanup system files here a check in every single one of these boxes so it's going to free up and okay and then we need to restart the computer it there may be some files it can't delete because they're currently in use it doesn't tell you that but sometimes after you run this and you do a restart it'll say finishing installing updates and it's really just the disc cleanup that's finishing we'll see if it does it this time I don't know that it will no it hasn't and then you get an idea of our bootup time also since we're watching this live unrehearsed unscripted you can see how quickly it boots or how slowly it boots depending on your perspective and we're already at the desktop I'd say that was pretty fast just waiting for yep the address assigned and let's head back over to Windows update and just see if that's made any at all clearing out that cat check again you are not up to date don't understand that's an interesting one uh have any of you encountered this before I I think this is the first time I've ever seen this Dan Bob joins us from New Brunswick Canada welcome in I don't know what language Matt Olaf was talking to Dan nson in but it's fascinating dick Perman said this is the Windows update problem we were discussing earlier in your stream I thought you were discussing a specific update that's not installing did I misunderstand that I thought there was a knowledge based article number because I'm not seeing any particular failure of update or did I miss it because normally we'll have a well here let's go to our see something here let's go to Advanced options receive upate for other Microsoft products oh I'm G turn that one turn this one on then we'll go back [Music] to update history successful successful successful successful successful successful successful so you got me on that one you know the other thing we can do just just to check is we could do the Intel driver installer just in case it's a driver related issue um again this is something you can do with Intel that's not really offered by AMD it's just another benefit uh at least I see it as a benefit downloads and this is a brand new build and so if other people are having the same problem that's clearly an issue on Microsoft side that you and I are not going to be able turn off auto launch let's close there we go I don't think I was reading that correctly the first time um so anyway we go to the downloads folder and'll run that Intel driver assistance just in case it's driver Rel and supposedly azrock gave us all the latest drivers automatically but doesn't mean there's not newer drivers from the menu this is free and trustworthy so it doesn't hurt to run it if you have an Intel system or you have any intel you know network card or GPU shows there is a new GPU driver so we'll grab that then we have information on the board here this is the other great thing about the Intel driver assistant is it kind of works like CPUs where it can tell you all the details of your board your chip your BIOS version all of that your memory um the SSD I wonder if Samsung magician is compatible with the I guess there's one way to find out Dan Nelson said he's speaking Swedish with Matt Olaf well given that Matt oloff is in Sweden are you in Sweden as well Dan diesel doctor says what's the best bang for the buck LGA 1700 series motherboard that's for you to decide depending on what features you want for me personally Al for a fullsize ATX board this board here I think is the best bank for the buck if you can get by with a Micro ATX you can save a little bit of money there if you can get by with the same board in ddr4 you can save some more money both on the RAM and the board but that may not be a better value for you at the end of the day you'll have to decide which things you're willing to sacrifice you need to have ddr5 or dd4 or a fulls size ATX board I would just stick with a major brand manufacturer you know one of the big four ASRock MSI gigabyte or Asus and they might even have one that's on sale which wouldn't normally be the best bang for the buck but might be well it's on sale so it's very difficult to nail that down specifically depending on the expectations that the end user has but you can rest assured if I'm building with it it's probably what I believe is the best bang for the buck for that customers build so all of these components on right here for example I think make a great generic 8-year build you know generic in use if you wanted to add a graphics card to it and turn it into a gaming machine it's it's going to do that just fine in installation Samuel kowaski says check under Advanced options for any optional updates so optional updates appear as a link on Windows 10 the advanced options to find optional updates is only on Windows 11 we're not running Windows 11 so that advice does not pertain to us oh oyin oyin said it was Swedish too oyin of course joining us from Norway probably speaks four different languages right how many languages do you speak oy and what are they I know a lot of people in Norway and Sweden because Sweden I think has three languages that are used in that country three or four like German and French and Swedish and something else oh English more T said he's looking for a motherboard to go with a 13700 K what are you going to use the system for for gaming for video editing what what's the use of the system going to be Thomas backen Stow has two systems from me and he's talking about you know everything I said about support is true he's in Pennsylvania and I had to ship the systems to Pennsylvania but he understood the conditions and expectations of my limit ability of supporting him when he's so far away but he says thankfully uh he says Carrie has always been there to help and I was well aware of the cost but thankfully no issues on either of the two systems shamim says that's Switzerland carrye well that figures I always confuse Sweden and Switzerland I'm so American sometimes yeah that's definitely a carry thing confusing Switzerland and Sweden that's like no matter how many times I screw it up I just can't seem to can't seem to keep it straight will the Intel driver assistant work on AMD builds if there's any intel Hardware yeah you can install it if you're not sure and it'll tell you if there's anything you know if there's any Intel driver Hardware on there it won't hurt anything and then you just uninstall it no harm in trying okay now has that resolved any issue let's go back over to security so I fully expect this to be cached right so until I refresh it check for updates again on a clean build there's no thirdparty software there's no bias modification everything's running stock this is likely a Microsoft problem that we can't fix the good news is all my other windows 10 systems are running all updates just fine this is um this is new and it only impacts this one computer so I don't know how widespread I aside from Nick poverman is anybody else at any Windows update issues lately AJ Hamp says I only speak Dutch English German and a bit of French wow I barely speak English well 142 Carrie thanks for your honesty if I have a problem it is mine well there's just a obviously anybody who buys a system from me or anybody who's a member of the channel always welcome to reach out email or even a phone call if you want an opinion or some guidance but it's frustrating for me when I can't have it in front of me because the problem could be really obvious and you're just not seeing it and that can drive me crazy sometimes but uh don't think I'm sending people away or anything like that it's just the the practicality and the challenge of working from thousands of miles away is extremely limiting and can often be frustrated but I don't want you to think that your your question it's a support related question is unwelcome that's not the case at all I just sometimes get a little frustrated but that's my problem that's not your problem uh let's take a quick look here just to see close that let's go to Google get that error message exactly your device is missing it's last year this one says it's been solved there corrupted system file we shouldn't have any corrupted system files on the Windows update troubleshooter reinstall the most recent security updates reset Windows update Services enable the Telemetry settings yikes uh well we should not have any missing or corrupted files regardless I'm not quite sure how helpful this is going to be and this is coming from dri Driver Easy so a lot of times this is like clickbait program strongly advise you against and this is last year this one is from August looking to see if there's anything recent like September October me that's August that's that's probably the newest rubbles shoot update I suppose I couldn't h i unless there's an incompatibility with this Ram then we could have corrupted files and you know I'm wondering I should run m test 86 because if there is an error in Windows update on a brand new build that's likely an indication that one of your RAM modules is bad detected okay problem fixed what was the problem what did he detect it tells us nothing well that was not helpful don't believe it I don't think it fixed anything not up to date that is probably we need to reset Windows update but again the question would be how did the files get corrupt unless we have bad Rim timing is off so I'm going to grab m test 86 here which I have a video that shows you how to make a mest 86 bootable flash drive for free and then we'll plug it in back here and restart and just do a quick preliminary test because if there's a major problem it should appear rather quickly on the other hand if nothing appears this could take two or three hours to run and we're not going to I'll let it run but I'll end the video in the meantime we're not going to watch the whole thing and then we'll go over here just to uh settings dates recovery restart now then I'll go to troubleshoot Advanced options it's not offering me to uh see more recovery options yeah I know what all right never mind start and what is the to trying to think with the function key is for the boot menu as f11 I thought yep and then we Z and power petion one that should boot us into m test 86 off of the flash drive and if we leave it alone it'll auto run with all the default settings which is what we want to test all the ram but if we get uh any errors Ram is not repairable we'd have to replace it and if you bought Ram in pairs it has to be returned in pairs even if only one stick is bad they are matched together and need to go back together just how they were sold and then the manufacturer will replace it with a new set now given that this is brand new Ram I just ordered I'll just send it back to the retailer it's probably easier on the other hand if it goes through all of this without any errors our problem is somewhere else and uh I'll have to dig into that and get back to you guys because I've never seen that before I just want to see it go through um well I already did test one and now it's on test three and so far it's not detecting any issues okay so I guess this isn't it for the long haul then I suspect the ram is fine because it's good quality name brand Ram that I trust but until I let the test run fully I just I'm making an assumption and I need the fact if the Ram comes up clean I'll have to uh reset Windows update you can follow steps online for that see if that fixes it I hear the fan cranking up so whatever m test is doing it's causing the CPU to work and uh we'll follow up with this and let you know the end result turns out to be let me go back to camera one full screen and I think that'll wrap it up for today and that's another reason why I haven't put it in the case yet because if I have to end up ripping Parts off of this thing it's easier to do it in the in an open setting I don't expect there to be any bad parts it's pretty rare again unless I'm buying from a questionable Source or some unknown manufacturer I don't have experience with in this case you know everything's named brand it's all equipment I've used before this is a brand new problem which um like I say if the ram after it's done testing which will likely take maybe two hours to test 64 gigs of RAM is a lot of ram to test if it comes up without any errors I'll be pretty confident it's not a ram in which case it's likely a corrupted file somewhere which is concerning because uh it's a brand new build no way there should be a corrupted file so I'll just have to do a little research and play with it and we'll see what we come up with there's a part of me that hopes one of the ram modules is bad so I have a definitive conclusion but there's a part of me that then says come on this is team group Ram this never happens also sometimes people don't have their memory seated all the way down sometimes taking the ram out putting it back in again can solve problems of result in file corruption but it's usually Ram related on the other hand I just noticed I just remembered you know the CPU was an open box return that they claim was taken out of an upgraded machine maybe there's something wrong with CPU because it was not a brand new CPU anytime you're using any returned parts or used parts that should be the very first thing your mind goes to if there's any problems it's nearly always the U the used part that's the fault however saying a bad CPU is very very rare so like I said I'll have to do some more research on this and uh when and if I find the solution well I'll follow up in a future video what I ended up doing and Jim K j3n is promoting his YouTube channel absolutely if you enjoy this content I think you'll also enjoy Jims he's got a great YouTube channel be sure and check him out and uh give him a thumbs up and a subscribe on dog wants to know if there's any possibility the storage Drive is causing the problem at this point anything is a culprit could be the motherboard the storage the ram the CPU the power supply the keyboard one of the cables anything USB any of that is a potential so yes definitely possible is it likely or probable no but it's possible until we prove otherwise everything is suspect and we work through a process of elimination till we isolate the source of the problem and sometimes that can happen fast sometimes it can take a long time but I think that'll wrap it up for me for today uh Thomas Rec pulling a stick of ram out restarting it I'm not going to go through all that since we've already been on two and a half hours so we'll wrap it up for today and uh thanks for hanging out with me today Gregory Howard with a $5 Super Chat here at the end says good night all from Southwestern Ohio where the temperature is 73 degrees Fahrenheit oh you lucky duck we're in the 90s today man wish it was in the 70s and um for the Super Chat contributions where's my mouse a shout out and a thank you once again to everybody who's contributed during today's stream includes Gregory Howard Planet cryos I oh I missed one from Paul Connelly with 10 Australian dollars earlier thank you Paul uh Paul O'Brien and Peter VZ uh Gregory Howard with a couple more planet cryos with a couple more Michael DNE our thoughts and prayers are with you my friend we hope to see you here in the chat room very soon thank you for your Michael Dee Jr's contributions and keeping us up to date thank you to Robert Cooper and David Graham Ben LA and of course our good friend Buster Peter lck watching us all the way from Scotland check my email here one last Quick time just to see if I'm missing any other yes holy cow Jefferson creel with a generous PayPal contribution says get the pups a treat and take the camera girl and yourself out for dinner the rest will help with shipping on the next giveaway that's from Jefferson creel very generous thank you so much I no idea I was sitting there waiting on me and a $25 Amazon gift card from Mr b508 in the chat room well thank you Mr b508 and that's it all right well and I've got more work to do as I mentioned earlier on with all the different builds and process Pro things in process happening the last thing I needed to do was add another project but this customer doesn't need the system till December so we have plenty of time to work I'll probably work on it while it's on the bench um but one way or another I have to clear the bench to put another system up that's more time critical and I'll keep you informed on I'll let you know what I thanks again for watching thanks for everybody who's a member all my friends in blue for helping keep it civil in the chat today and uh hopefully I'll be back live on Thursday tomorrow at 1 o'clock Arizona time that's 12:00 P PM Eastern I'm sorry 12:00 pm Pacific 3 pm Eastern because of the recent um time change and um if not I'm definitely always back every Friday once again 12:00 p.m. Pacific Time 3 p p.m. Eastern you can always find me here on Fridays and on Mondays if you're a member I do membersonly videos every Monday 12:00 p.m. Pacific starting to get the gist of this right 3 p.m. Eastern and those videos in chat rooms are only available to members it's our own little informal get together and um my thanks to the members especially because they're responsible through their contribution of being members they're responsible for half of the content you're seeing without the members if you count how many videos I've made in the last 30 days cut that right in half that's how many videos I would be able to to make based on um the budget so by expanding that budget we can expand the number of videos as well as um some of the expense of higher-end stuff higher-end routers and things that we can get into um with budget allowances as such so I can't thank the members enough and of course just for people watching and participating and being a part of this amazing Community um don't think that that's not enough because it is the community is the most valuable part of this entire Channel and I thank you all for each being a part of it that'll wrap it up for me for today thank you for watching and I'll see you all again very very soon until next time bye for now he
Channel: CareyHolzman
Views: 6,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: careyholzman, careyholzmanlive, careyholzmanbuild, ASRockB760ProRS, ASRock, Intel, b760, asrockb760, Corei513500, IntelCorei513500, budgetbuild, asrockreview, computerhardware, computerbuild, pcbuild, howtobuildapc, pcbuildguide, budgetgamingpcbuild, boardprep, asrockunboxing, asrockgaming, stockcpucooler, intelcpucooler, howtobuildITXpc, howtobuildATXpc, buildatxpc, TForceVulcan, TEAMGROUPTForceVulcanDDR5, SAMSUNG980PRO, 8yearoldgamingpc, longlastingpc, 8yearbuild, eightyearcomputer, 8yroldpcbuild, Corsair, Corsaircarbide200r
Id: EIQByu9YlvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 18sec (9678 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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