LIVE: Building a 'garage' computer for viewer Jack in Texas!

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[Applause] hello everybody welcome into my latest live video today is the 21st of july 2021 my name is carrie holzman thanks for checking me out thanks for joining welcome to all my friends in the chat room hey guys welcome in good to see everybody got a number of people eagerly waiting for the beginning of the video and i had a little trouble getting things ready in time i was a bit optimistic when i set the schedule but here we are live one take unedited unscripted and i need to build a computer for viewer jack who wants a computer in his hot and humid texas garage where it will stay indefinitely and he wants to be able to use it for looking up parts for things he's working on in the garage like lawn mowers uh he needs a dvd drive in there and he needs um he needs something to run reliably quietly in something that isn't going to require constant massaging and maintenance in that environment and so to do that and because jack is of course he's a member of our community here an outstanding member of our community um i wanted to try and kill two birds with one stone on this build by uh offering him some of the used product that i bought from amazon returned product that has some slight damage that i would never sell as new um i showed this earlier but we have a side heatsink that has a little little damage on the fins and the top of this case has a pretty minor dent in the in the you probably can't even barely see it but it's right there but it's significant enough that when you're standing in front of it if you would just paid all this money for a new computer that would be unacceptable to me so i wouldn't sell it to somebody but i would give it away you know it's funny how the attitude changes and i mentioned the danger of accepting products for free to review from manufacturers because when i'm disappointed by the product my review is not as harsh when it's not my money that was lost so like when i did the the whole intermax build with the mitch and then the fan cracked um the cooler and the cooler didn't run as cool as i thought it should i was disappointed but if i had spent my money on that i'd have been pissed off and it's funny because people in the chat room were like oh that's unacceptable but if i said would anybody in the chat room like it for free suddenly it was acceptable see so it works uh when you give something away the the tolerance level uh as it should be is like what wasn't acceptable before us now that's just fine that's no big deal at all right like these the damage this fins isn't going to really create any difference in cooling and the dent on top of the case doesn't affect the ability of the case to hold the parts it's it's like when you buy a new car if the new car has a dent or a scratch in it that's unacceptable but if you're the one who causes the dent or scratch hey you know what are you gonna do in this case i save some money by buying these parts and uh most of the parts i get from amazon from their warehouse that are returned products have been perfect no problems these are the only two items that i could have sent back but i thought you know what these this will be a great giveaway for one of our wonderful members of our community and so this one isn't going to have any rgb the cable management is going to be real simple basic cable management on this what's holding up computers for other community members is the extreme amount of cable management that has to be done with all the rgb and it's something i don't film because it's just tedious to watch it so that's something i have to do offline when i have time so those keep getting pushed back and something i can get out of here quickly and just keep the inventory moving out is something i want to prioritize and push it out so do ask for a little more patience for people that are waiting um but there is a method to my madness and on top of that i'm running a computer business and i had to deal with uh three support calls today already so hopefully we're close enough to the end of the day that i'm past that and in fact when i'm done broadcasting i'm gonna have to get something to eat then i gotta drive across town and address i'm gonna swap a power supply out on a machine and i got a machine that's randomly freezing i already swapped the ram out of it still freezing went through the ad removed programs took a bunch of stuff out of there still freezing and it's random it's intermittent but it's happening more and more often and we're trying to avoid uh putting another machine in for all of the customization that has to be done so we're going to try the power supply and if the power supply doesn't resolve the freezing issues it's probably a motherboard or a processor which is odd because i built the computer in august i want to say of 2018 and it's been perfect and this is the first time we've ever experienced any computer related issues at the office in 15 years the systems i build are just rock solid we just don't have these problems and of course it's got to happen to one of the key employees you know what i mean like there's 15 employees there's three that are really important and this is one of those three everybody else's machine works fine now they do have spare machines brand new spare machines that you know they could swap it out but then we have to reconfigure email and printers and shares and all that other stuff which neither one of us really wants to do but if it keeps freezing and interrupting productivity i'm gonna have to take it and if i take it it could take a long time for me to figure out what's going on and all the computers there in the office have all been replaced except that one but those were all built in 2015 so it's like i told them i said you know that was the fastest computer in the office but now it's the slowest computer in the office because it's everything else is uh is an eight year build and that build was an eight year build but from three years ago let's say and uh obviously the technology is a bit more advanced now and it's not a big difference in performance or anything but you know probably a couple generations newer on the cpu with improvements in the chipsets and things like that which again you wouldn't necessarily want to upgrade to but when it comes to spending the time and money and labor to fix something it'll still be the slowest machine in the office it's a great excuse to say why don't you take one of the new ones i'll take the bad one and then i can take my time diagnosing and figuring it out because intermittent problems are the worst the absolute worst but we're gonna give it one more shot so later tonight i'm gonna go swap a power supply and we'll see what happens i mean there's not much else to change out in those systems they're pretty simple but they do need uh jack on this build he does need an optical drive and i just realized in my rush to get everything ready to go live i have not grabbed one but i just have one around the corner right over here i should probably go on amazon and order some more so my last one people don't order optical drives much anymore but they still do occasionally and i need to have at least at least one in inventory and then if i use it then i don't have any so preferably two in inventory they're only about 22 each and this is how they come they arrive in just a plastic bag if you want to buy the oem optical drive some of the reviews on amazon are like i think they sent me a used product they didn't know what they were buying so uh that's how that's where you're saving money you're not paying for the retail packaging and documentation and people are exposing to the world their ignorance and boasting about uh you know how ignorant they are it's it's a strange world we live in but be that as it may uh i might want to look and see if any of these have been returned i mean they're only 22 bucks but maybe i can get them for 15 or something i have to check amazon warehouse coming up on friday i've got a major major build planned assuming assuming there's one critical part it's a cpu and without the cpu i can't do the build and it's supposed to arrive tomorrow so if it arrives tomorrow as scheduled then friday's build with mitch is going to be unlike anything i've done a super high end components sort of an intel version of thread ripper kind of build big big money with a twist if the part doesn't come tomorrow then obviously mitch and i will be doing something completely different and that build that we're planning for friday will be postponed to next friday this will be a build that will be at least three videos long very similar to thread ripper it's big it's expensive it's complex as i mentioned there's a twist to it and i haven't spent enough money on it yet basically once we get the build to a certain point there's going to be more parts i need to order that's why this video is going to go on this build rather that i'm talking about will go on for at least two if not three uh build videos it's pretty complex and very expensive i also got a fun little thing that i'd like to share with you um you guys can't see it but if i plug it in behind me on the wall i'm going to hang see if i can get this working and i'll show it to you you get a sneak peek at what's going on back here most of my day yesterday was spent um in the drive across town and picked this thing up and it's very fragile you got to be very careful handle it properly it's very expensive and i want to hang it on the wall behind me and i'm just trying to get the other oh got a dead battery let me swap this battery out here live videos i had charged the battery but when i plugged the battery and i didn't realize the unit was left in a power on position so it obviously just drained this battery immediately so let me put this battery back on the charger oh my goodness it's one thing after another it never ends here people never ends all right yeah that's at a zero percent charge it completely drained because i failed to shut the unit off i've got another battery right here we'll take this and place it on the wireless camera so we can get this thing up and running here we go and that should be on this is on okay okay so basically i was just getting this this whole thing ready um now if i come over here let's see we'll turn the wireless camera on hey it's working so check this out i got a neon sign it's about three feet tall it's on this beautiful black background and i want to hang it on the wall behind me what do you think guys do you like it my sister created my logo and i just love the logo she did a fantastic job obviously on that and there's a neon sign shop across town quite a ways away actually and i ordered this so about three or four weeks ago and had to put a sizable deposit down and they said come pick it up it's ready so that's why there was no video yesterday that pretty much took up my whole day you guys like it what do you think pretty cool huh i don't know how i'm gonna get that to michigan when i go but you know those are good problems to have and it's bright it lights this whole room up it's crazy bright so i love it i they didn't even send me a picture of it they just i sent them a picture of my logo and they said well we noticed your logo is in black and we obviously can't do black neon so can we reverse it to white and then yeah reverse it to white i don't care and they said okay it's ready you know about three weeks later and they never sent me a picture of it which i thought was weird but they've got a great reputation they've been around a long time and they're called graham's neon out in mesa arizona and they did some neon custom signage for starfighters arcade which is how i learned about them and they just did such a nice job for them i thought well geez i wonder if i can afford one it was actually cheaper than i thought it might be but it was still expensive but totally worth it and of course uh like i said my that's my sister's design so it's pretty darn cool to bring it to life like that so i wanna i wanna hang it you know right back here on the wall i'm really not supposed to hang anything on the wall but you know what it's three little things and it only weighs about 20 pounds if i can get it into a stud that'd be good but i'm gonna go to the hardware store and get some proper anchors for it and i'll bring old mitch over here and put him to work to help me hang it get it straight and level and not too high not too low we'll figure all that out but it's coming and i'm just so excited so uh anyway looking back at uh some contributions here let me give some shouts out to people and see what we have going on in the chat room where is it okay so just uh quickly glance through the chat chevy contributes a dollar hey chevy thanks for kicking us off with that contribution there's michael dain contributing 10 bucks he says stay cool the heat is on it's going to be 55 degrees fahrenheit here in ohio tonight yeah rub it in michael michael dain he's the man thanks michael appreciate your continued support and uh hi mitch morrison's in the house welcome in mitch john craig joining us from england contributes five pounds he says intermittent you need a bigger hammer now this is my build you know it was a pre-built i'd agree with you but that's blasphemy to do that to one of my builds that's my story and i'm sticking with it and five dollars from jason willis he said that's a classy neon sign right way too classy for me but it's damn cool so i'm just real excited well you know it beats i could do like a green screen behind me and pretty much put anything uh back there but i'm all about things being real mitch morrison says he's got a stud finder i bet you do um it's pretty easy to check for studs you can typically you can typically hear them but um stud finder couldn't hurt bring it over i think i've got two or three stud finders i've got the old magnetic kind that looks for the nails and then i've got the the sonar kind you know you push the button and the lights move back and forth and i know they've got them for cell phones where they're supposed to see through walls but you got to configure it for each wall so i never did that and then of course there's just the old tapping method where you can kind of hear where the studs are so we're going to line at least one of the three screws uh into a stud that would be ideal but that may mean it may be a little off center not sure yet we'll cross that bridge when we get to it worst case scenario is like i said it's it's about 20 pounds maybe between 20 and 25 pounds it's pretty light and we'll put some proper anchors in the wall and it'll be fine either way drywall will hold that no problem but my preference is to do it a little overkill so today what i thought i would do for for jack there in texas wasn't quite sure to use an msi board or a gigabyte board i don't really want to turn jack into a guinea pig so i think i'll stick with the gigabyte b365m this is a 70 motherboard i've got a core i5 9600k you think that'll be okay for checking email and browse on the web and facebook and youtube that's way more than enough i've got a uh a 512 gig samsung 960 nvme drive that's been sitting around so that can now have a forever home brand new ram the team elite these are eight gigs apiece for a total of 16 gigs we'll throw windows 10 pro on it of course the optical drive is a cd dvd reader writer these like i said about 22 oem no box no instructions no cables you save money for that stuff that's just gonna go in the landfill anyway the case is a returned case that has a slight damage and the cooler by the way we don't need we don't need a scythe cooler on an i5 but i'm going to do it because it's overkill this little damage obviously won't make any difference at all on an i5 but this thing is going to run whisper quiet be ultra reliable and for the power supply we'll use um [Music] what do we want to use i'll tell you what i've been using this power supply right here as my test power supply the folks over at intermac sent me a bunch of power supplies to test or to review rather and so i've been using this as my test power supply this is a cyber brawn what is this how many watts 600 watts that's way overkill way overkill maybe i'm not going to use this one they can managing the cables on that uh you know what yeah let's let's go ahead let's use it let's use it that's fine we're fine um that's going to be today's bill and i think we were low i think the case missed was missing some screws but the only screws i need are motherboard screws and it didn't have those this case was shouldn't have been resold it didn't have everything those are fan screws i think i took this box out from another build this is not the box that came with it like i said it was missing nearly everything so i think that's what i ended up doing cheated a little bit because i have lots of extras so for a guy like me to get something incomplete at a discount depending on what i'm doing with it giving it away or selling it whether i'm trying to save customers some money stuff like that i can provide extra parts like the cooler didn't come with any thermal compound so what i got lots of it so for you might be devastating but i could return any of this stuff for free because it all came from amazon warehouse but i just decided it was a good deal even though it's not perfect it's good enough and you got to make a decision if you want to act like a rich person and you want everything perfect and you want it right now that's a very rich attitude you're going to pay for it if you're trying to save money and you care about the environment you want to keep this stuff out of a landfill because it's not perfect and you realize your shipping time is going to be delayed for most of these use products you can save quite a bit of money as long as you're not as long as you adjust your expectations accordingly don't don't be unrealistic don't be unreasonable and you'll be happy you'll be happier and like i said i've seen people run chairs into their cases at the office they just totally mar up the cases and they don't they never complain about it they never say hey can you take the dents out or can you fix the paint never not once but if you deliver a new computer that way and they're they're expecting a new computer that's not acceptable so i would never test those waters but if a customer says hey i've got a fixed budget can we still do something nice this is a way to tackle that potentially and still have peace of mind that we're not investing any risk so that if something turns out that it was returned because it's bad we could still send it back and we've got that peace of mind again making sure it's coming from amazon warehouse or if you are buying from a third-party seller make sure that they have a return problem check their return policy there's some amazon sellers that want a 50 restocking p restocking fee 50 5 0. that would be extremely foolish to send that back whatever it is and amazon warehouse will never do that to you so if you are going to buy from one of the marketplace sellers something used take a look at their return policy you might even have to you may even have to pay for the return shipping back on top of restocking fee you might end up buying something for a hundred dollars that cost you thirty dollars to ship back and then a fifty dollar restocking fee resulting in a 20 refund you might as well keep it but again you don't have that concern with amazon warehouse okay so there's a difference from sellers on amazon amazon is a seller and then there are third-party sellers called marketplace sellers and they make up their own rules some are better than others and it's your fault if you buy from one where you did not read the return policies okay so if you don't want to worry about reading return policies stick with only sourcing used parts from amazon warehouse and you'll have that guaranteed peace of mind that you can send it back for free typically it's within 30 days if there's any problem with it amazon will gladly take it back and refund your money we clear we good okay hey jack is in the chat room jack's the one we're building this for today hey jack i was thinking of inviting mitch over today and then i thought ah i don't want to pressure him but you know if you uh happen to stop by willem lime you can join me today luke says carrie i'm in i'm getting a system for free i think i can wait for when you have the time a living comes first my friend but takes take notes this is like waiting for a present on christmas morning well as long as it it as long as you know building anticipation and having it meet your expectations is critical it'd be nothing worse than waiting for something and it arrives and it's uh not what you thought it would be there's this beautiful diamond and it's really cheap i'm gonna order it and the diamond shows up and it's like a little speck needed a magnifying glass to see it you're like this is not so cheap after all and this is not how it looked online it's in it didn't realize that was an extreme close-up yeah stuff like that you know where uh you'll see on the boxes sometimes like for crackers they'll have like a picture of the food inside the box and then in fine print it says not actual size in image enlarged and enhanced to show texture and detail you know you open that box you're like i can't wait to get my hands on these and then you know it's supposed to be like cheese balls or you know then you open it up and they're little teeny tiny bbs what is this anyway be a smart shopper be careful i've got uh see i did a smart thing here i put this thumbscrews that go to the panels inside the case because i didn't have a motherboard box to stick them in now i do let's get started i got work to do thanks luke appreciate your patience make it worthwhile i will make it worthwhile says do you have any builds any paid builds waiting to get finished no nothing paid uh i have builds that will become paid builds right when i deliver them the customer will pay me for them and i cannot deliver them until they're built i've got two done for a local accounting agency and they're not ready for them yet they just awaiting some cable management and i have to put the panels on and put the label on the side but windows and microsoft office and everything they want is installed if they back out on me i'll just sell them to somebody else i've got um at least four other six other giveaway computers here plus the three veteran build giveaways only one of which is ready to go and another one two three four five six seven or eight motherboards that are prepped that were uh three of the boards came out from the system upgrades their uh z97s or h97s they're a few generations old no m.2 but they're still lightning fast they're going to run windows 10 without a problem probably will run windows 11 we'll see what the requirements are when that ever comes out officially out of beta so i'm not not planning for anything for windows 11 yet because there's no set standards there's just discussion and concepts uh intent microsoft has made their intent clear but that is all subject to change until the product is officially released as a public product so until that happens there's no planning for it anybody who's planning for it at this point is uh oh i don't know you're trying to avoid a problem that may never exist you know you you might uh you might want to buy a life preserver when you live in a desert i just don't think you're that that 100-year flood is is coming this year i could be wrong but um maybe when there's more evidence that it's common that'll be the time to prep for it i'm all about preparation but i am absolutely opposed to technochondria this uh sickness it's an illness of trying to avoid problems you'll never have in spending money and of course you never had the problem so then you pat yourself on the back and say uh didn't i do a good job avoiding that problem when you never would have had that problem like wearing an electrostatic discharge bracelet your system goes together without any static you know problems and you go ah i did a good job you could have done it without the electrostatic discharge bracelet can it damage yes but when you fly on a plane are you preparing for a crash like when the when the the airline employee says you know the oxygen mask drops and they give you this mandatory safety uh instruction i don't know about you but i just tune out like it's not going to drop down it's not going to happen the opposite happens with computers people think their computer is going to overheat they think it's going to have all these problems they worry about all these things that are never likely going to happen and it drives me a little crazy because they don't have any basis of experience from which to draw upon it's just because they saw some video online and they read some article on reddit they're freaked out so you know when i get in a plane i don't i'm not like okay so when the oxygen thing comes down i better put it on the child first put it on me first and then the job then we're gonna uh even if i'm sitting on the exit door row and they're like are you capable of opening a door yes sure okay so yes planes crash it does happen electrostatic discharge happens too but i think a plane crash is far more frequent or more likely in my actual experience of doing this but don't let somebody's active imagination get in the way of facts i opened the wrong bag of screws here i'm looking for the power supply screws and the motherboard screws i thought i put them in here yeah those are the motherboard screws these are fan screws these are screws for the optical drive these are extra standoffs and these are front case fan screws okay we're good we're good i've got uh the cpu i i don't want to leave the socket open so i'm going to go ahead and slap this uh i5 9600k it's a 3.7 gig nine meg cache socket one one five one ninth gen and these are damn near imperceptible for most typical end users from an i7 most typical end users cannot tell the difference they just go holy cow it's fast it's quiet and it's super reliable so there's nothing more maddening to me and my business than somebody who doesn't have any money and has no experience and they want to tell me how to do my job or they want to buy something from me but they're going to dictate what they're going to pay and how it's going to be delivered and it's like no no no you're going to have to pay me more it's no different than people who violate the speed limit and then you get pulled over you got to pay a ticket if you're rich who cares right so money tends to solve a lot of problems you can get away with things that most of us can't get away with because we don't have that kind of money to throw around so if you don't have that kind of money to throw around and you can't afford the speeding ticket don't speed and if somebody's building something for you on a budget don't be so demanding or do it yourself doing it yourself is the best because then if it's screwed up it's your fault so i i strongly encourage all of you to to build your own computer fix your own computer and well i do make a living out of doing it there's a wonderful feeling you get from the accomplishment of building a machine and you're probably going to want to do it time and time again and that's why i make these videos but inevitably it leads to people calling me and asking if i can build him a computer okay i mean sure it's what i do but uh i'm not complaining just saying this is what it's like in my if you were looking out of my eyes and my shoes it's kind of interesting i think i have a couple of machines here by the way and i'm going to keep saying when i have time that i'm going to offer for sale to the first the first come first serve to viewers in the united states and they are uh both 9th and 10th gen 8-year builds so that's going to be a b 460 hd 3 or uh eight sorry yeah with an i i don't know i5 or i7 10gen and that we've got a couple of the h370 hd3s either i7 9700ks or i5 9600k i'm going to figure all this out i'm going to build it please don't email me and ask me for any prices because they're not done yet i'll do one at a time i need to get inventory out of here i've got to get more cash coming in this project i got coming up with mitch is going to be one of the most expensive projects i've ever done and i just need to keep the money flowing so i can keep these unique projects up in fact i'm going to guess that this project is so expensive and so extreme it'll probably be the last one i will do for quite some time not only because of how expensive it is but i won't have anything to do with it when it's done so if i'm done building this really expensive machine that is really intended for industrial work it wouldn't really be something ideal for home users and i don't have very many viewers that are like yeah i'll pay you six thousand dollars for that i mean if they do that's great uh but it'd be very large heavy and expensive to ship and fragile so likely i'm gonna be stuck with this thing and that'll be another problem i got to deal with but more importantly there aren't many parts out now that are more powerful like this is the right at the top edge may not be the top but we're right up at the top edge and uh once it's built it'll be a while before anything supersedes that in power and performance it's going to have 128 gigs of ram which i will probably expand at 256 gigs of ram because it's got eight sockets and we're going to use four of them it's quad channel memory that's quad channel 128 gigs of ram is 700 so we'll start with 128 once it's built i told you i'm going to be putting more money into it that maybe i may get an identical set of quad channel and bump it to 256. why i don't know i don't know but it's videos like that that get the most views and it's good for the channel once the system's built i have no idea what i'm going to do with it i can't afford to give it away and like i said it'll be very expensive and fragile i don't know what's going to happen to it but where do you see what it is it's pretty darn cool i think so and of course that's possible because of your contributions here you'll see that i take the contributions i put it back in the channel whether it's the neon sign or it's you know some outrageous build or a giveaway this is all possible through your contributions the amount of money youtube pays is a pittance it's a pittance i make more money uh from commission selling roboform or selling those windows 10 product keys or office product keys two to three times more than what youtube pays me and that's what enables me to make more videos more often because if i'm doing this i'm not earning a living you know in the traditional sense where i would go to a client and service the computers doing less and less of that and more and more of this and as long as this keeps generating a livable income where i can also invest back into the channel for more content i would much rather do this um but it's very expensive you know the expenses of running this every month right now with this big build coming up along with last this last month's expenses is well it's in five figures in 30 days and it's just me and i even at that i can't afford to bring any help on so so things take a little longer as a result of that and i don't know how sustainable that is i i'd like it to get bigger and bigger and bigger but it sort of depends on sponsorships it depends on the the income i'll always make youtube videos but the content of those videos and the frequency of those videos are directly related to the income of what i can afford to do and how often i can afford to do it so it's the contributions the voluntary contributions have kept me from having to require memberships which makes the channel free for everybody and enables me to do what i love doing and at the end of the day i might wind up with a few computers that are way too big to ship and way too expensive for the average person to be able to afford and they'll just become a set piece in the background of the studio i guess that's probably what will happen to it and so every set piece in the studio will have a story behind it so i won't just put like random stuff back there it'll be stuff that has a history that if you're a member of the community that you'll remember and say i remember when carrie did that like i have the side panel from the dell desktop that i shot with a shotgun it's got i used 12 gauge slugs so the great big holes that'd be a nice little set piece and that's part of the channel's history so that's sort of my big picture uh power supply i was looking for power supply screws i don't see any but they're just a standard hex head screw and even the motherboard screws would work but i prefer the hex head screw because the uh the head of the screw is larger so there's more surface area keep the power supply secured this is being shipped to texas and i don't need this power supply breaking free if it bounces around inside of the case it's going to destroy everything in the process those hex head screws are the single most common computer screw used since i started professionally in 1991 we're still using the same screws only then they were silver and now they're silver or black and i should have some in this drawer put all my spare screws in here don't mind me while i dig around this drawer is getting more and more full you know when i first got into the studio and i got this kitchen island here uh all the drawers were empty except for a couple of tools and over time you need to be starting to overflow so i get these spare screws from amazon and if you look in my video notes there's a link to my amazon store where all the tools i use the lazy susan all of that's in my amazon store league if you use my amazon link to make any purchase and make a small commission off anything you buy it doesn't cost you any more and it's another way to support the channel i don't see who buys i only see what's purchased and that's even if i go looking that amazon revenue is split right down the middle with mike smith mike and i do the tech that show together that's basically brings in no income at all so mike and i do that together at our own personal expense of course mike's got the mike tech show we share that link in the hopes that we double the revenue and then we split it 50 50. i don't know it's just how we work things out help sam it helps me and it makes no difference to you since it's all the same stuff you order anyway that's only for amazon us i don't have uh affiliate links to other countries amazon but it's a nice way to support the channel that you know maybe something you're doing anyway right you might be buying something from amazon anyway so if it makes no difference to you since it has no difference in price or delivery time to use my link and if enough people share that attitude even tiny purchases add up it doesn't take much to exceed what youtube pays that was hilarious because deadpool did a review with korg they were doing like a reaction video to the upcoming movie free guy and uh ryan reynolds does such a good job and at the end of the video which is hilarious where he's pretending to be a reaction channel reacting to a movie trailer at the end he says half a penny of you for this crap he cracks me up because he's right ryan knows the story ryan reynolds knows what's going on i wouldn't think that mr hollywood understood the struggles of a content creator on youtube but he got it he nailed it i don't know if he writes his own stuff but he nailed it he was exactly right so you know when it's coming from ryan reynolds it's coming from a big hollywood superstar you're not just hearing it from me so all i'm doing right now i know you can't see just putting the power supply in which you've seen me do a zillion times before and uh that is in and then i'm just going to come around and slap that optical drive in real quick that's super easy we'll come around here and pop this off this will just slide in note to self i need to go on amazon and order some more of these at least two more maybe if the price is good i'll get like five and i should be good for a while probably take me to the end of the year to get rid of those five that's how frequently people want them these days but they won't go bad you know if they're just sitting in inventory and they won't really depreciate in value because they're already pretty much flat out uh most optical drives power supplies and motherboards kind of the prices really don't move much on those you don't really want to carry a lot of inventory as a small-time computer shop because part depreciation on cpus ram and storage it could be pretty volatile and typically it goes down through the pandemic stuff has been going up these corsair 200r cases have become impossible to get right now but uh luckily i had a an inventory of them i still think i have a couple left and then i still have a couple be quiet cases i have a bunch of cases from silverstone for future giveaways i have some from intermax like the one mitch and i did uh friday and i have some other unique cases that are just kind of one-offs like the attack helicopter case or the xenos build or the what we call the robot's foot or that antec torque ii yeah so we have plenty of variety here i like to stick with the 200rs in business computers because they have a very professional look to them there's no rgb there's no window businesses prefer these and i prefer building on them because as i mentioned earlier i could do it quicker without all the additional cabling that all that other crap requires so the optical drive is in and as i mentioned there are some screws here now these are optional i don't have to use them if the computer was going to be something i load in my car and drop off locally i wouldn't even bother but because this is being shipped and i don't know how fedex is going to handle this it might be handled gently it might not and it's only going from arizona to texas it's not going that far but we have the screws i'll put one screw on each side just to secure to doubly secure the optical drive we don't want that braking free in shipping but if you're building at home and you're not physically transporting the computer anywhere this latch is is all it needs to hold that optical drive in which also makes it easier to service where you just don't need a tool you can just remove it and replace it i've had to replace an optical drive every now and again and for 20 bucks they're not worth fixing if it doesn't work just swap it out throw it away buy another one does anybody have any questions for me while i'm working feel free to ask i'll do my best to pay attention i know i'm going to need a couple of standoffs in here so let me there's two extra standoffs and that's exactly how many we're going to need because out of the box the 200r is ready to rock with a full-size atx motherboard this is a micro atx motherboard and so the size of the board is is smaller so therefore the mounting points uh the mounting points the board are the same across the top and the middle i think yeah it just changes towards the bottom because the board's not as long but it's just as wide a micro atx board is just shorter but it's just as wide as a regular atx board and as a result this is considered the bottom of the board right here so we'll put one one stand off there and then directly across actually i think i have to go the top one some boards the other mounting holes just slightly lower on the micro atx and then these screws down across the bottom and this far edge these standoffs we leave those alone but we won't be using the board won't go this low and it won't go that far to the right that means this case is going to have a lot of room to get your hands in there it's going to have a lot of good airflow it's going to run nice and quiet nice and cool because of how big it is compared to the size motherboard we're putting into it and i need to test fit this just to make sure i'm putting these standoffs in the right place this one's the on some boards we go this one lower but i think these appear to be on the same height level here but we'll test fit it don't over tighten your standoffs if you strip out the back of this tray it's not replaceable so you basically have to either re-thread it and use a larger bolt which you'd have to source on your own or it'll just forever spin which is what most people do or take it out entirely if you can and use a plastic standoff and let the other mounting points hold the board in position it's not like you have to put screws in all of them but it's a good idea to have some form of support in there okay zeissin says if you watch the tomorrow war yet no i'm not watching i just don't have much time to watch tv i'm pretty much just working although 60 minutes last weekend had a piece about corporations now looking to hire people with autism because they're finding their attention to detail and their focus and productivity is saving the millions of dollars correcting mistakes that regular folks make regular employees make and uh they're showing an example of a a flyer that went out that was advertising something for a certain price and uh you know if it was 21 dollars and 24 cents and it was supposed to be 29 and 24 cents that's eight dollars for each customer who takes advantage of that deal that was going to cost the company you know untold amounts of money because of that error and they said they improved their accuracy by 90 percent and so businesses even do the interviews differently for people on the spectrum to properly identify where they would best be used in the in the company and it's about damn time you know i'm telling you so many different levels of autism what they call the spectrum there's people that have it you would never know there's other people who can't take care of themselves so it's it runs the gamut of range but a lot of people with autism they they uh think differently than you and i or maybe differently than you but the same as me i'm not sure but uh that doesn't mean they're disabled it means they're differently abled and if we can harness that and exploit it everybody's happier businesses save money they're working and contributing to society and aren't made to feel like they have nothing to contribute and it's about damn time that that was finally recognized and um we're all benefiting everybody benefits from it so it's a great interesting piece on 60 minutes and then the week before 60 minutes ran a piece on the uh the solar winds hack and that was pretty fascinating um learning about that so these little 60 minute pieces these segments are maybe 12 to 18 minutes in length and that's about the extent of tv i watch i do watch a lot of youtube though and i hang around etsy too much i got the subscriber counter up etsy guy in greece makes them and i said i'll take that that's awesome unfortunately youtube decided not to give accurate subscriber numbers and they round them so it says 347 000 when it's actually more than that and it won't change until it reaches 348 000 i don't know i don't know why youtube did that kind of maddening because i when i ordered it you know the idea was people could subscribe and watch that number jump live now i can do that with a video overlay i just wanted it to be it doesn't matter i'm way off track here let me get back to what i was doing and i need to put uh i'm gonna put this cooler on and i've got the fan and all the parts for the cooler in the box at least i better hey there's oysting contributing 150 norwegian kroner thank you oyste thanks for your continuing support joining us all the way from norway michael dain said today's stardate is four seven six three four point four four captain's log stardate 47634.44 dean manley says this goes along with the savants that can hear a tune walk up to an instrument and replay it flawlessly they're superheroes where's my cape the lead singer of the talking heads some interesting interviews with him talking about his autism and how that works with the rhythm of music and everything and you know he does not have a good singing voice his father told him you know you you'd be fine in a band as long as you don't sing but he figured out a way to make that work you know that's what just thinking differently glenn wants to know if i put that neat this neon sign on the wall behind me will it affect my video when i'm filming oh yeah probably but the good news is these are pretty expensive cameras i'm using and i can adjust the video and if it turned and there's no brightness level on this uh neon cyanide there's nothing i can do to dim it other than um you know making some kind of a plastic window that i tint you know it all has to be done with uh practical what we call practical effects but i'll uh it's something to consider and i've thought about it it is bright and it's gonna act like uh look if i shine a flashlight into the camera and the camera is set to auto adjust its brightness watch what happens to the camera watch how the wall behind me goes dark so this can be corrected in the camera or at least it should be unless it's or i have to counter it with more lights coming at me i have to i have to have more light in front of me than behind me or i'm just going to be a silhouette or the parts i hold or be too dark for you to see it's all solvable but yes definitely it's a concern but i just don't know and i'm not going to have technochondria about it we'll hang it and we'll see what it looks like i don't have to turn it on you know it looks pretty good off too i mean it looks way better on but if i unplug it it'll serve its purpose either way it's going to be just fine other questions you can dim the neon sign by shutting it off that's what frank jimmy said yeah exactly exactly so all these amd parts you can all go into the recycle bin because this cooler will never move off of this board and for the price of it they don't matter so all of these little amd parts can all go in the bag and then the bag can go in the recycle bin we're done with it these little standoffs for an intel 2066 socket never going to happen with this specific cooler um however i'm short one standoff uh oh uh oh i got one two three i gotta have four one two three that's a pretty critical piece these are for the brackets i need four of those one two three four so did it roll and fall on the floor when i wasn't looking what happened that's pretty important so here's the deal if it turns out that that standoff is missing then that means i can't use this cooler on an intel 1151 build but i can use the cooler on an amd build because the amd build doesn't use those standoffs i don't think it does pretty sure it doesn't um i swear i checked this already i checked it darn it so where's my fourth thumb screw did it fall that'll that'll shut your build down real quick and if you're gonna buy used parts you really think twice if you want to buy a used cooler because there's so many little parts you may not find out until you know you've already got it halfway installed you can't complete the installation it's not like i'm going to run down to the hardware store and pick one of these up there's a hundred dollars from frankie b right on he says here's a little something to help you out uh frankie very generous thank you my friend david dewitt contributes five dollars he says here's to keeping the channel ad free doing what i can david and your help certainly helps meet that goal so thank you david thank you frankie and uh let's see yeah it's very generous of frankie to do that and it's really strange i swear i checked that i swear i checked it these are all the smaller so again for amd or intel 2066 we're okay but that is not an option i i can't work without it um so let me just set this aside let me get in the box and pull the i o shield out yeah you know what let's put the case screws in the box and let's go ahead and notice when something kind of goes sideways on me i shift gears i do something entirely different to make progress since i feel like i'm being held back and i'm hoping in the process i will stumble onto that thumb screw because i swear it was here i just don't know if it fell out of the bag or if i put it in the wrong bag or if it fell off the counter and onto the floor and i didn't notice or hear it um but that's not good when i bought the cooler i don't care if it comes with the amd stuff because i never mounted on amd stuff i might be mounting this one on amd yeah i'm gonna look at this bag six times like it's gonna magically appear in there some scissors in here i'll use and we'll get this i o shield out of the bag this was a new motherboard this was not a returned board you can tell because it doesn't have the uh thank you for giving this product an extra life or you know sparing its life sticker on it so it's a brand new board jack and let's put the i o shield in and let's make some progress i've already wire tied or zip tied rather the rear case fan pop this bad boy in there that optical drive io shield power supply cpu is in let's go ahead and put the uh this is a samsung 960 evo nvme 512 gig drive which should be perfect for jack's needs and of course it's got one m.2 right here below the cpu and it's one screw jack could easily upgrade this in the future if need be or he can add multiple hard drives be it mechanical or solid state up to four three and a half inch drives and four two and a half inch drives for a total of eight drives as well as just pulling this one out with one screw and replacing it and you don't have to deal with any cables or wires with this one you know for something that's going to sit in the garage for the way he describes it it should be plenty plenty of space there for him so we'll just take this out put the nvme drive in let's get rid of that perfect okay so that's done i still gotta do something with the cooler oh this is the extra bay cover take off for the optical drive to go in there and yeah i wish these smaller standoffs would work i don't understand how that got by me that's okay we're still okay because we have a lot of different options on coolers here and we're not going to do anything rgb for obvious reasons there's no case window but i think i've got the right cooler to do this i've got this relatively small cooler from arctic it's the arctic freezer i13xco which i think is specific intel only this is an intel only cooler and i think hmm [Music] what do i want to do with this now if i'm missing that screw it's not like i can steal one from another well i could theoretically if it was going to be used on an amd build but i would just use that one or 2066 build well i'm a little bummed out it's moving right along had a plan i'm live unscripted and anything can happen and usually does so for now we'll just put all this back set it aside and if i stumble on it i'll use it in another giveaway build i guess but uh that's really hoping to use it today any spare screws here these will go into the motherboard box as well those are for the case and that's empty that's f is that empty no that's got a screw in it that one's empty what's this this was uh this is the extra 9700k i've got yeah so we'll just keep that over here for another build for another day this should be more than enough cooler eric wilson says carrie i ordered a sun joe electric pressure washer from amazon warehouse and it was brand new and it works great right on i hope you used my amazon link and make a little commission on that yeah you can save a lot of money with amazon warehouse that's a nice little secret i have some other money saving tips if we do this expensive build on friday tell you how i did not pay full price saved about uh 30 or more on this five thousand dollar computer so you can do the math on that that adds up to be quite a significant chunk of savings let's see let's just keep all this together let me move it somewhere maybe put it all into a giant gallon size ziploc bag or something to keep it all together and uh hopefully i'll stumble on that other standoff somewhere at some point or or i'll do what i'll use it on an amd build that's right pretty sure pretty sure the amd build doesn't use those just double checking that the boxes are empty it would have been in a plastic bag anyway so i just don't know very strange okay so here is uh our cooler quite a bit smaller than the mugen five also less expensive and if you have a case that isn't very deep this is an ideal cooler because it's not as tall this is an intel only version of the cooler it's got thermal compound already pre-applied to the bottom of the heatsink and there's a cover over it and that's keeping the thermal compound from getting accidentally wiped off getting on your furniture and worse contaminating the thermal compound with dust debris fingerprints all of that affects how effective the thermal compound is so we want to keep that free and clear of any foreign material or fingerprints and oils from your skin we don't remove that plastic cover until we're ready to put it off and we won't be ready to put it on until we set up the mounting system so let's do that now wow these parts are really tiny compared to what i'm used to looks like glenn's as i rolled the video back it looks like that standoff rolled off the bench towards your left foot take a look i'm looking by my left foot and it's pretty large let me get down sometimes you got to get down on your hands and knees and get your ah it did roll off hey guess what we're back on again thank you glenn's music paid attention okay so now i'll be damned if i'm going to try and fit this back in a box so i was really hoping to use this on a case where i have to a case where the we don't have the depth that the 200r gives us sharp eye there glenn appreciate it all right i'll just set this cooler over here for now and i'll put that away later let's go back to where we were at the moogan 5. we're back on track again one of the problems i'm getting is i have so much stuff now that if something falls on the floor there's a bunch of other stuff on the floor my goal is to get all of it off the floor so when something falls on the floor it'll be freaking obvious if you notice the way i hold parts i'm never touching the components i'm always i'm touching the i o i'm picking up the board i'm holding it by the edge my hand is on the metal bracket i'm not touching the bottom of the board so even if i had an electrostatic charge it wouldn't go anywhere it would just go to a grounding point furthermore electrostatic discharge is something you need to worry about in a factory where you're assembling the components onto a board it's very important you have electrostatic protections and precautions in the assembly factories where these parts are raw but once the parts are soldered onto the board the board has grounding circuits uh if you want to wear an electrostatic strap you can it doesn't hurt anything i've been building here on the channel and demonstrating how you can run a motherboard under a faucet soak it in water it you let it dry out if you let it dry out thoroughly it'll just turn back on it doesn't hurt the board these concerns about electrostatic uh concerns only come from enthusiasts professionals but you can you can tell a professional but from an enthusiast because professionals know the reality of this electrostatic discharge theory and again if i was working in a warehouse factory where we were soldering the components onto the board uh absolutely uh grounding is very important but you know just because you wear a strap all that does is dissipate a charge that you have it doesn't dissipate the charge the product has so this this product has a charge on it in the environment and i have a charge on me and when we're not on the same level zap that's what happens so if you're grounded right and you go touch a doorknob you'll still feel a static shock if you did before you'll say well but i'm grounded yeah you are not the doorknob so you both have to be grounded you both have to be grounded or it doesn't work so so many people think that if they just plug an electrostatic strap onto something but they don't actually ground the other thing they think this it's all delusion and that's why you can often tell an enthusiast from a hobby uh you can often tell an enthusiast from a hobbyist because enthusiasts worry about impractical and improbable things and they obsess over it and they're overly concerned where a professional is just going to be like you know whatever i got real work to do and that's not a part of my real job so please don't let the enthusiast scare you it's unfortunate that enthusiasts with the least amount of knowledge also are the ones with the most amount of anxiety and those two things go together if i have an opinion from an enthusiast and i have an opinion from a professional on a specific topic that the professional does and the enthusiast does on the side i personally find the professional's opinion far more valuable that's just me you do what you want because i have accountability to every system i build it's my financial consequence if i'm wrong it has no effect on you whatsoever and i've been doing this over 30 years never had anything damaged from electrostatic discharge and if i did i'd have to pay for it so if you want to wear one um great fashion statement if that makes you feel good you might want to spin around three times counterclockwise and wave chicken bones over your head while chanting that'll help you just about as much but hey i've only done this like 30 000 times so i just it's just anecdotal and i only take financial responsibility for it so free advice man it's worth what you pay for it once again pay very close attention to how i hold the components because it makes all of that other information if you choose to not believe it then at least you know i'm holding the board by grounded areas so even if there was an electrostatic discharge it would just go to a grounded area it won't go to a component so if you handle the parts correctly you don't have to worry about it and if you know what you're doing you don't have to worry about it too somebody's never ridden a bicycle but worry about what happens if i fall somebody who's been riding a bicycle doesn't even give that a second thought hypothesis versus theory but makes no difference in my life you know do whatever you want believe me don't believe me i don't care i'm the one running the business i'm the one making the youtube video i could do what i want and if i'm wrong you will not get the bill for it i will so relax cupcake okay so thank goodness that with your help i found that little screw there so i can go back to my original plan i don't like having to change my plan but i am live and i have to keep things moving i can't stop say sorry guys i guess we'll just do this another day oops so we want these straight ones these straight brackets the curved ones are for amd on outside mugen five we'll just put those there for now and this goes right over that latch that we just used and then exactly opposite with the bump facing up so it doesn't hit the capacitors below if you look at things and study them it'll make sense to you why they uh are designed in certain ways right if you if obviously there's directions that you should read those if you don't know what you're doing but if you just look at it with a critical mind and you look at how it's designed it's pretty obvious why it's designed a certain way once you set it down and you just you know put it the other way and watch what happens just set it down and you'll you'll quickly understand so um the biggest amount of fear comes from those least educated right the the most unreasonable concerns and anxieties are a result of a lack of experience so you don't have to have any qualifications to make a youtube video or write a message on reddit and talk with authority but that doesn't give you authority and if i was taking advice from somebody i would look into who that person is is that somebody that i know or you know is that somebody that's established themselves in the industry or is it just some rando on the internet spouting off with no accountability and no authority and usually more times than not it's just a rando with no accountability no authority and no real experience apart from what when i say no real experience i mean they've not worked for a significant period of time in the industry where they were held accountable for the work they did they're just hobbyists and you know the worst thing that happens is they screw themselves over but that's nothing that's nothing compared to screwing over a customer that paid you yeah and then when you do that more than once you probably won't be in this line of work very long so that's why it's important to consider if you're looking for opinions the source of the opinion what makes that person's opinion worth considering what do you know about the person if the answer is i know nothing about the person i would continue to do more research and get more opinions but again there's no impact on my life i won't be able to pay my rent because you decided to go a different direction your problem i have enough of my problems i don't need yours but but when i'm paid i will take on problems and resolve them when i'm paid because that does make a difference in whether or not i can pay the rent so again be cautious of that online there's a lot of it in pretty much every category from health to whether or not the earth is flat vaccinations also there's nonsense it makes no difference to me if you prefer nonsense that's your right and it's your choice i'm not held financially accountable for your judgment you're not held financially accountable for mine so i won't tell you how to do it and you'll tell me how to do it common respect common courtesy if you're my customer and you're paying me different story different story because that pays the bills you want a happy customer if you want to stay in business i know am i going too quick for you pretty complicated stuff back in my day we called it common sense but that was a long time ago hey uh any other questions probably not after that one this way thermal compound time yeah let's put some thermal compound on this bad boy this did come with thermal compound i didn't think it did let's put a glob of that right on there the sound effects are optional and let me grab one of my disposable nitrile inspection gloves these are non-sterile they're not medical gloves they're nitrile you don't want to use latex rubber or other materials because they can induce static nitrile does not and well i mentioned you really don't have to worry about static discharge especially since the only place this glove is going to touch is the top of the heat spreader which even if we static shock that would never cause any problem because it's all grounded we also don't want to provoke it there's no good reason to do that so it's good practice to do everything the same and treat everything the same and we have one set of rules that we follow universally we don't say well you can touch this but you can't touch that or you can touch this here but you can't touch it there you can't touch this other component the same it's always the same rules even though the importance of those rules varies depending on the component and then that way it makes the instruction easier so we're not teaching you necessarily how to become a computer technician or how to become an electrician we're just teaching you proper handling of the parts and like i said even though i'm not touching anything where it would matter if i static shocked it i'm still going to choose nitrile gloves because they're the right glove to use they're just as easy to find they're just as inexpensive there's no reason to not use them there's no justification to take on unnecessary risk no matter how improbable it is when there's no advantage to that risk so that's the logic there and we handle everything the same to keep it simple now the bottom of this cooler is dirty so let me clean it there's a great youtube channel and it's called just rolled in and if you it's about cars and people show up with their car and they you know say hey this thing's leaking oil i don't know why and it could be something as simple as somebody reused a crush washer or they haven't changed the oil in two years or longer or you know it's usually a diy project that no actual mechanic could legally get away with doing and then when they completely when the owner of the car who did all this diy stuff or they have a friend quote-unquote friend that was quote unquote helping them ends up where the car doesn't start or the problem gets worse where they finally give up and take it to the mechanic well they just might end up on this channel called just rolled in and it's quite humorous to see the extremes of cheapness that people will go to that endanger not only their lives but the lives of everybody else on the road and there's people just don't understand how a car work they just don't change the oil they don't understand why that's important there are people that run their own electrical wires to like to a stereo in their car and they run the wires under the car if you look underneath the car you will not see any electrical wires ever so what are they thinking when they do that it's okay to expose this wire to the elements and you know if i scrape the bottom of the car and it short circuits the wire and damages the engine control unit whatever it can cost a lot of money and you look at this stuff and you're just like these people have such a weak grasp of the complexities they don't understand why it's important to not do that and they're not self-aware enough to look under the car and go you know there's no other wires under here there's no electrical wires under my car maybe i shouldn't run one no no we're dealing with some people that you know wouldn't hesitate perhaps to get on reddit or to make a youtube video and show everybody how great their work is and those people start to do what they saw on youtube and oh round it goes this is my constant battle but it's nice to know it's not just me there's entire channels and in entirely different industries from electronics to mechanical stuff where they just showcase how bad people do stuff and how dangerous it can be and often the damage is so bad it costs more than the car to repair it more than the car's worth so look out for yourselves okay cooler is on we just gotta put the fan on there i think you think jack wants a screwdriver i've got enough of these going in the garage it's a good place to keep a screwdriver fan brackets and the fan let me should i go ahead and zip tie that fan now uh yeah i think i will grab a couple zip ties we'll take care of that before i install it we had a customer who had cox cable come out to their home and the cox employee these are contractors they're a dime a dozen often not very experienced and they work for a pretty low salary which is why cox hires them and he ran a drill from the edge of the house uh the inside wall that is also the outside well the idea being he's going to run the cable through this hole he's making came about that far from hitting the gas line coming into the house on the other side of the wall when my electrician had them install these lights we put some in the kitchen and when i wanted one over the stove but as soon as we so we did five one in each corner and then one over the stove when he cut the hole for the one over the stove gas line that's like oops so we had to patch that hole we can't put an electrical fixture anywhere near the gas line the but we didn't know until we cut the hole thank goodness he was not cutting the hole you know with some long drill bit that could go through and puncture the gas liner that would have been a very expensive fix and because i was paying him it would have come out of his pocket or he would have lost the job i would have had to pay for it and i would talk and i would warn people about him i would i would say be careful of this guy don't hire this guy but this guy did everything correctly the cox guy not so much and if that you think about what would have happened so if the if the contractor would have busted through the um the gas line could have caused an explosion certainly could have caused a fire but who do you think is going to pay for all that now if the homeowner did it themselves yeah it's their problem but when you pay somebody and then the person you're paying causes damage that's called being held accountable and that's why when you listen to advice from people you should consider who they are because most people who get paid for their advice don't give it out for free would you so who are these people answering these questions online it's just something to think about about another uh tech channel i like on youtube here called tech team gb i enjoy watching him there's a couple others too but that one for some reason just popped into my head jeff jenkins says i watched the moon landing in grade school oh that fake moon landing of course it was real people are crazy people think we never landed on the moon we send rockets up in space and you can watch those rockets take off but for the rocket to go as far as the moon no that's not possible friend of mine argued that spacex cannot land the rocket straight up that's all a visual effect i said you know what you need to do you need to go to florida and you need to watch the spacex rocket take off and then you need to watch the booster land in front of your own eyes bring a telescope and then explain to me that that didn't just happen that was all a visual illusion the guy who said that has no degree in aeronautics or engineering but that didn't stop him from letting me know that's not possible that's defying the laws of physic he doesn't know what the laws of physics are not a clue furthermore and this is what i told him i said even if you're right what difference does it make what difference does it make are you suddenly now going to lead a better life you're going to be able to afford a nicer car you can go get a steak dinner tonight anything at all does it make any impact in your life one way or the other let it go if you're that convinced go down to florida watch it happen and tell me what you saw yeah people with the least experience are often the most opinionated the people who are very uh confident in their answers don't care if you believe them or not it doesn't matter people who fight for you to believe in them are probably looking for that approval because they lack the confidence that they can just say well i don't care the confidence if i don't care is something that is telling of any argument you're having with anybody if they're fighting too hard for it they're probably insecure in their belief if you were absolutely secure in your belief it wouldn't matter you wouldn't need approval from other people to confirm your belief make sense if you know it doesn't matter if other people agree with you it's only when you're uncertain that other people's opinions matter that they agree with you keep that in mind the next time someone's arguing about something online unless they can provide a evidence but unbiased third party reputable third parties evidence or it's just noise more noise just dogs barking in the night each one wants to be the last bark every time one barks the other one barks back neither one of them stops nothing's being said okay i've got two sticks uh they're eight gigs each of uh ddr4 ram team elite i've been buying this because it's a really good price i think these are like 70 bucks 60 70 bucks and i've had really good luck with the reliability and compatibility so it may not be you know sometimes there's ram on sale that could be a couple of dollars cheaper i don't care about two or three dollars it's not gonna again change anything in my life for three dollars only to experiment with some other brand and have some problem and i did that to save three dollars i i had to get gas in my car today just to give you a side example of this logic and i like to go to costco to get gas the gas at costco today was 2.95 cents a gallon and the cost of gas at the qt station was three dollars and three cents a gallon so i'll do the math for you that's eight cents a gallon difference costco is two miles out of my way qt was on my way home and i'm in the mustang and it's going to take about 11 or 12 gallons let's just say 12. costco usually has a line i have to wait in you don't unless i go late at night just before it closes there's usually a line to get gas so if the car needs 12 gallons i have to drive out of my way to get it i'm gonna save eight cents a gallon that's a total savings of how much let's just call it a dollar does that sound okay we'll give the benefit to costco one dollar to go out of my way wait in line to save one dollar or i can just stop at the qt on the way home fill up get back on the road get home sooner what's my time worth same quality gas now if i'm filling up a big rig or an rv or something i'm buying 50 gallons different story see people wait in that costco line to fill up their honda civic and the line is six cars deep just shake my head i don't get it i just don't understand people save that dollar save that 96 cents i'm gonna spend my time and save my money trying to save my time spend all right now i want to check to see if i put the standoffs in the right place earlier so i'm just going to gently set the board in place line it up with the i o shield here make sure i'm not trapping any of the grounding straps and i need my my glasses get my glasses and let me get my flashlight i'll use this flash i love this flashlight this thing's magnetic see put it on here it swivels it tilts it can even charge other things you can plug your cell phone in here or whatever and use the battery in here to charge something it's got two brightness levels super bright and bright and then off and it's got a glow-in-the-dark ring that glows green for a little while after you've had the light on or had it in sunlight okay one two three four five and then the center post i lined up correctly i done did it good this time [Music] and then i can go grab those motherboard screws that i prematurely put back in the box and i'm going to pull five of these screws out two three four five see that i can count to five i've proven it and well you should not use an electric driver in assembling your computer if they're fine to use for taking it apart i'm a professional with thousands of hours of experience and again i am taking the financial risk and i'm trying to avoid repetitive stress disorder so i have a clutch set on this 130 electric screwdriver which is not cheap because i'm not just using any electric driver i'm using one that meets my standard and you know this magnetism is really weak on here so i'm going to attach a little rare earth magnet from inside of an old hard drive and that's going to strengthen that magnetism oh that's way better and not to worry about dropping the screws the screw can scratch the surface of a circuit board i'm using a magnetic screwdriver should absolutely be mandatory just not necessarily a electric driver unless you're willing to accept your risks don't blame me if you screwed up not my fault oh you know what one other thing i want to put the power cables on this before i secure it down because this uh i also noticed i got the fan on a little bit a little bit tilted so i'm going to correct those two things here before we secure the board before i get too far ahead of myself because it is a tight fit combining the mugen uh this the mugen five the scythemoon five with a corsair 200r you know it other cases like be quiet case give us a lot more room to work in for example so i need to fix this before i get too far ahead of myself here so let me just go ahead and take this board out shouldn't even be trying to do this in the case and just put this out and do it right over here let's get this magnet out of the way five screws out of the way notice again how i casually hold the board i don't even think about it it's such a habit for me to not touch the components so again i don't have to worry about the ghost of esd the coast of esd is coming to visit it's going to cause latent damage someday in the future maybe or not so make sure you take proper precautions okay so the main cable i want to plug in that i'm concerned about is this one right here this is the cpu power it's very difficult to get my hands in there the good news is i don't have to worry about bending those they're already bent this is the one i want right here i'm gonna go ahead and run that out oh right about there i guess does that look good let's say it does these innermax power supplies and i'm not a big fan of how they do these cables see how they're like two separate cables instead of one like on an evga and that's just more cable management to do later but i guess if you only needed four of those eight pins you'd separate this and then you could completely remove the one cable and tie it down away which you cannot do with evga but it's pretty rare that i encounter a board nowadays that only has a single four pin usually they're two four pins forming this large eight pin and on every power supply these eight pins they split into two fours but these are connected together to form an eight pin and we'll just go ahead and put that in there right now this down pull up slack now i'm going to set the board back in real gentle lag so i can reach over here and i want to do two things i want to plug this eight pin cpu power connector on and then i want to plug the rear case fan on because there's a fan header right there that i want to use it's nice and hidden that makes our cable management look nice and pretty and even though there's no case window if you ever have to work on this in the future or if i ever have to work on it it'll be so much easier to work on without a bunch of cables in my way tucked up and out of the way and it's super easy to do before i mount the motherboard those are both on super easy barely an inconvenience all power supplies have a split eight pin connector there's no such thing as a solid eight pin connector for cpu power it's just simply not made unless unless you bought a proprietary computer pre-built right then who knows the stuff dell and hp does that's not standard it's not it's not meeting any industry standards it's just uh it's all about making profit but if you buy a power supply just a standard ordinary power supply um i'm sorry i'm just checking the io shield i just want to double check right now before i go too far then i don't have any grounding straps blocking anything yeah every uh power supply you buy now that's a an industry standard all of those eight pin power connectors are they can split in other words they can be broken apart sometimes they don't even attach together you have to push them together with your hands on this one they were they had a connector which is nice it's a lot easier than trying to well you've seen me struggle with the evga dual four pin but you know it's kind of a one and done thing this uh driver is just not long enough believe it or not the uh the clutch is getting in the way or not the clutch but the uh you know the thing this piece it's getting in the way so i will use the side driver is it magnetized yeah this one in by hand oh that's a tight fit hooray don't over tighten uh the motherboard screws you want them to be snug you don't want them to vibrate loose and with the electric driver as i mentioned they have a clutch setting and it turns itself off when the clutch tension has been met that's not critical it's just uh something that keeps my ocd happy there we go motherboard power right here we're going to run that out through this hole like that all these are well not all of these we have to get power to the optical truck but i'll do that later now what i like to do is just grab a wire tie i save the wire ties or it's just such an occasion where i can now take each one of these spare cables which is very long sort of bundle them together neatly not tangle them up just like that one at a time nice and neat in an orderly fashion fold it in on itself grab one of these wire ties these ones that come with power supplies are big and they're strong for right now sort of like a hair beret i'm going to tie them up out of my eyes right so i don't want my hair in my eyes i'm going to just temporarily wire tie them that wire tie will computer will not ship with any wire tizen we use nylon zip ties only these wire ties they get brittle over time they break and they start floating around in the computer case if they short circuit because they are metal if they fall against something that's behind a certain motherboard for example and smoke comes out well it's not going to be a happy customer let's see if that fan looks straight yeah that's true okay so i ran the 24 pin out here and then we'll run it back in right up here again i apologize you're not really getting much of a view here but i will just plug this large 24 pin connector on i have lots of other videos that detail close-ups of that now we just have to plug in the front port umbilical cables and give it power i'll do the dvd drive later because then i can begin to install windows 10 and make sure that everything functions properly we're just about ready for our first boot up and we are we are under two hours in the build hour 43 minutes so that's 48 minutes under two hours because eisen says do i remember marathon candy bars uh yeah marathon candy bars are sold as curly wurlies in england and so if you want them today just do an internet search go on amazon and look for a curly wurly that's a marathon bar and you can have it shipped to you i wouldn't ship in the summer time it'll probably be a melted mess but they're still made today in england curly wurli's americans know them as marathon bars i used to eat those a lot when i was a kid i need to get a cold gatorade and then i'm going to step around and do this front porch management front port management did i just say that you know front port cable now i'm not even going to do cable management i'll hook the cables up i'll do the cable management all the way at the end of the build once everything's done and make sure everything's working nothing worse than having to undo cable management that you spent so much time making perfect it's the very last thing we do so here's our usb 3 cable and we have a usb 3 plug right there so that can just snap on this only goes on one direction it's got a little notch on it we just align it and push it on that's it we'll take the extra cable and push it out the back of course we're going to have our front port audio cable that's this round one right here and we will route that around all these other cables and even squeeze it right at the end of the power supply it's a little gap sometimes if you have a short power supply get lucky there's a pin missing that pin is located on the bottom row it looks like on this board this will only go on one way it's a friction fit which means there's no clips or anything but make sure you get it on both rows of pins or it ain't gonna work right i better get my glasses and my flashlight cause it's dark in there could be monsters i don't know is it monsters in there that one's on and then of course we've got power switch reset switch power led and a hard drive led just these four wires are all that's left we're gonna just make sure they're running around everything i don't want to interweave the cables together this is the time to correct any of that now or i will have to undo it later to fix it i think i kind of want it like this and do a little crocheting while we're here remember that remember crochet isn't that a game you play with mallets and a ball in your backyard that's croquet oh isn't that a french roll no no no okay all these connectors are the same on industry standard micro atx and atx boards that's where the hard drive led goes on the first two pins on the bottom the the connectors only go on horizontally they do not go on vertically we do not connect the top and bottom rows of pins together next to the power switch is the reset switch so find the one labeled reset sw positive or negative does not matter on a reset switch we put it on the next two pins to the right of the hard drive led bottom row only power switch goes directly above the reset switch horizontally only does not connect bottom and top row ever strictly horizontal and then we have the power led and the positive is important so we make sure the positive power the positive led the positive led the positive cable of the power led goes towards the edge of the connector on the top row directly above the hard drive led which also has its positive connector directly below so both positive connectors are above each other we only connect the rows horizontally we do not connect them vertically instruction manual will also detail this that's it we're ready to turn it on now's your time to place your bet will it turn on did we do it right the bands are hooked up these two fans will work that fan will not be hooked up all that's going to do is bring dust and crap in the case if we had a discrete graphics card in here we'd want the extra airflow but because we don't this will just sit as a brand new fan so when this one dies and it will die jack will have a spare he could swap out without having to spend any money also the system will run cooler it won't get all the crap in it when that crap comes in it's an insulator like wearing a jacket makes parts run hotter also makes it messier to work on so um i've been doing this for over 10 years i don't hook front fans up for that reason and i do hook front fans up if there's a graphics card installed but we're using graphics that's built into the cpu so no big deal there so let's do our test fire and you can make your wager is it going to blow up is it going to work i don't know jack's still with us what do you think jack you have faith when we do a test fire we only want to plug in the absolute bare minimum of anything needed for the system to boot up so we don't want flash drives or printers we don't want network connection or speakers none of it we just want monitor output we've got to have power and we're going to need a keyboarded mouse so let me grab a keyboard and mouse and uh we'll fire this bad boy up see what happens gee i wonder if it's going to boot right on the first try oh i don't know anything can happen never done this before i'm going to plug the dongle that is for the wireless keyboard and mouse together i'm going to plug it into the front usb ports and that way it kind of gives me a way of testing those without going out of my way to test them and i'm going to plug it in anyway now i'm going to flip the switch to on and we'll turn on the hdmi input which is behind me so i have to put myself in the corner don't put baby in the corner go right here look at me i'm all mr mr technical editor guy switches on and then i'll hit the power button right here and we should get fans spinning lights on it's going now this could take up to two minutes all right on the first boot it's training the memory it's training the cpu it's seeing what's installed that first boot can take a nail biting length of time so relax chill out be cool be patient give it time to introduce itself hello mr cpu it's nice to meet you hello mr ram and mrs ram you're a very cute couple let me make sure i'm accommodating everything correctly for you what is your performance what is your cast latency let me make those adjustments for you i'll be with you in just a moment seems like it's taking a really long time though doesn't it this is like oh man this may not be working i uh maybe i screwed it up oh no idea maybe i forgot to put a cable on or i didn't flush like press the cable in all the way maybe there's something wrong or maybe i have issues with anxiety and i need to just take a chill pill and just give it a minute this can take an eerie long period of time however i am getting a little concerned but i'm not freaking out about it you know it's not going to turn on i'm missing something or i haven't seated something right relax it's fine it's gonna be okay still waiting not giving up yet sometimes i don't have my hdmi cable plugged in all the way sometimes it's not plugged in all the way on the back of the capture card i want to just double check that because i have made that mistake enough times that i don't want to make that mistake anymore but it feels like it's well seated in there and now by now by now we should have seen something it should have given us a post screen now as far as i know this board is brand new it should work the ram is brand new we have used the power supply in the past so we know the power supply is good so going off of that we know it's not going to be the case and we know it's not going to be the uh heatsink right because those things wouldn't affect whether or not the system posts a post is a power on self test now when things go wrong that's when you learn if everything worked exactly like it was supposed to then we didn't learn anything we just confirmed what we already knew there's a difference now it's pretty clear to me this isn't booting there's something wrong so i'm going to just try one more time just in case the cables weren't seated all the way i want to just push down on the ram make sure that that's fully seated i want to check my power cable and my cpu power cable i'm going to pull on them and see if they fall off they're not falling off they feel secure and uh everything else should be good to go there's much fewer things to diagnose because i haven't plugged a bunch of unnecessary crap in like flash drives and printers and network cables right that's why we do this and then we're going to turn it on one more time power light does come on so i've got the power led on in the correct orientation and um the fans are spinning so the computer is reacting to the power switch the way that it should that indicates generally speaking that things are functioning properly but as far as the motherboard goes it's highly unlikely that we have a bad cpu that's pretty rare and we know as i mentioned we've been using this power supply as a test power supply without issue now i'm seeing something blink right right about here on the board i'm not sure what that is that's blinking there's something right in there that's flashing orange i don't know what that is and uh this is where things get fun for me oh look look at what i i talk to you about patience right that this isn't going to be the way it boots every time what might be happening is that solid state drive is a used solid state drive and there might be something on it that's holding the boot up but that's okay you see the system shut itself off that's also okay it's trained the memory and it's adapted to it now that it's adapted to it it reboots with those adaptive settings and now it's uh there is something on this flash drive it's booting in the windows it's not supposed to do that and it's even in uefi mode i don't even know what this flash drive is so that's kind of weird so i'll tell you what i i don't want to know i don't know what this is i'm going to just force a power off which you shouldn't do unless you don't care about your data and i don't care about this data because i want to format that might be a clone of somebody's hard drive they could have private information on there so i want to shut it off before it loads a desktop that might expose somebody's personal information so i'm going to take my windows 10 flash drive and i'm going to plug it in right here um we're going to do two things right now um we'll take this back i'm not going to do that i want to go check the see if we have the latest version of the bios installed so we're going to turn on flip the switch we're going to turn on one more time okay it should boot up much much faster and we're gonna go into the bios and we're gonna see what version of bios that we have installed right now so i'm gonna just turn off camera one here so we can see the screen full screen and i also need to make an adjustment on my side so i can see what you're seeing so just bear with me for a second this is sort of a behind the scenes technical thing i have to do and now is my mouse working i have to turn the mouse on there's a power switch on the mouse for that to work and it should move now and i want to look at bios system system says we're running bios version f5 now we want to check and see if there's a newer bios than this and to do that i'm going to go back to the streaming computer over here and let's go full screen for you guys transform the screen there we go hey how's it going i'm going to bring up my browser and i'm going to do a little browsing if you like browsing so i'm going to open a tab and that's going to bring me into google and now i can share my share my window with you here again another behind-the-scenes technical part of running a youtube channel that most people hide from you and you i don't have a choice because if i don't do it myself it won't get done so you get to see how the magic is done there we go now we're going to go to google search and we are going to type in um we didn't even have to type gigabyte because this model number b365m ds3h that's a gigabyte model number nobody else makes it the first link that comes up is from gigabyte if i click on that you'll see it says support up here and it says support over here so this support is generic gigabyte support and this support is specific to the product that you're on the page for on all motherboard manufacturers the big four asus asrock gigabyte and msi all have dual support options i don't know why they do this but when one does it the others follow so we'll click on support and right over here under downloads we're going to just scroll down and look under bios and it says the latest version is f6 e that's we do have f5 here so we're going to download f6 e and then we'll extract that to a flash drive now i think i might have already done that i don't know for sure let me plug this flash drive in and see if i've already got f6e on there i do i do look at me saving time the reason i have it already in place is because i've got multiple b365 md s3h motherboards and i knew i was going to need it again so you know thinking ahead man just thinking ahead so with this uh flash drive it already has the files on it plug it into any available usb port in the back we want to use the smallest flash drive possible i have i use a two gig flash drive you definitely want it to be formatted fat32 especially the older the motherboard is it may not see your flash drive if your flash drive is too big so we want fat32 which is a maximum 16 gig so preferably you get the smallest flash drive you got finding a two gig flash drive even a four gig flash drive these days is pretty tough an eight gig will work just make sure fat32 format you should be fine or you're just you know you're going to email me and go oh i can't see my bios i don't know why then i'm going to point you back to the this point of the video and say watch this again and then we'll go around in circles until you follow the instruction and then you'll say hey got it it's never ever happened to me before from viewers reaching out now um let me go back to my screen here yeah yeah yeah okay good good sometimes oops what did i just do just move something oh what did i do there it goes i guess if i double click on audio mixer on obs it pulls it out into a separate window which overlapped the window i was trying to use to select my inputs multiple skills fixing computers doing marketing and uh producing and editing video well it's live content what do they call it i don't even know jack of all trades and master of none no no that's not right because i'm pretty good at it except when i make mistakes uh anyway i digress well we're going to go down here wrong mouse we're going to go down here right down here i'm going to go to q flash and i've given it time to recognize the flash drive i hope we'll say update bios and it says unknown device i don't want that there's a mass storage device so 365 m see i've got three bios's on the flash drive i advise you to only put one bios on the flash drive and nothing else so you don't make a mistake if you only have one file to choose from you can't pick the wrong one i'm a little smarter than the average bear when it comes to updating bios's so on occasion i do have a flash drive with multiple bios because i have boards that i'll be using again in the future and i'm going to need the bios and i don't want to redownload it again so anyway there's the 365 that's f6e we'll give that a double click click get it click it fast i guess there it goes verifies it and updates it now just be patient what i say about patience and i want to do this properly before i install windows 10 so even though that that drive i'm using had a previous install of windows 10. i'm sure it's like 1909 or something old and it'll be faster for me to reinstall windows than to try and update this windows and furthermore it'll have incompatible drivers and well that might just be fine my preference on a new build is to not experiment with my customers and make sure all customer builds have fresh clean installs of windows and we're not doing any shortcuts that could have long-term effects that result in system instability or performance issues that could go undetected for a long time so as long as we always consistently do them the same what that means is when we use use storage we always reset it we clean the storage and we install windows 10 fresh and clean every time we never reuse a windows 10 install on a new system build and the only exception to that role would be if a customer says look i want you to take my current operating system and programs and move it all over to the new system to which i say i can try but you're not going to get the guaranteed performance and the guaranteed stability you might you might not but i can't guarantee it in other words if i have to come out and address issues it's not under warranty i'm going to charge you for that but if it works and you know everything copies over there still may be some applications you will have to reactivate and it does work more times than not but it's definitely never as good as a clean install never as good as a clean install just about done with the bios update your hands off at this point not moving the keyboard we're not touching uh not moving the mouse we're not touching the keyboard just keep your hands off the whole time and then let this do its thing it's going to restart itself without us doing anything and and it's probably going to try and boot into windows now i think about it because i still haven't reset the uh the flash drive uh the solid state drive in there so when it restarts i will need to go into the bios by hand by pressing delete when i get the bios post screen power on self test screen with the gigabyte logo and i'm going to start pressing delete right now catch it before it tries loading into the solid state drive and when we're in here we'll go back over to system and see that we've got f5 let's say f6e yeah f6e that's done good good good okay all right still with me so let's go back to camera one now here's what we do from this point because we're done with the flash drive we can unplug it now my windows 10 flash drive can be plugged in i want to use one of the blue usb ports because this is an expensive flash drive that's fast i got to get stuff done i don't have all day so i spend more on my flash drive so i can do more in my day with that i'm going to hit the reset button which is a good way to test the reset button and i'm going to start pressing f12 on the keyboard and we're going to go back to see what it's doing here f12 should give me the boot menu and then i will be able to select the sandisk flash drive uefi version sometimes you get a uefi option here yeah uefi that's the one i want and now it's loading from the flash drive instead of loading from the solid state drive now whenever we want to wipe out a drive without using the dos clean command since it's the only drive in the system i don't have to worry about wiping out the wrong one so we're just going to do the standard steps you see me always do on a windows 10 install but when we get to the point where it asks us where we want to install we're going to see the installed drive has a bunch of partitions on it that we don't normally see on a new build so after i enter the end user license agreement here it's going to take me to the you know screen i just discussed where it wants you know where do we want to install so we do the custom always do custom that doesn't change but you see all these partitions that's from some previous install that belonged to somebody else a long time ago we don't need this anymore we're going to go through each one and select delete like that until there's nothing left well there'll be one thing left it'll say disk uh drive zero unallocated space this is what it would look like if it were brand new and never before used out of the box so we returned it to that condition now that it's in this familiar condition we hit next but we have erased everything off the drive it's all gone now bye bye-bye so don't do that light-heartedly because you might end up accidentally erasing something you didn't mean to so you know be careful we're going to let that install so while it's installing if there's any questions i can i can answer please this is the time to ask we've got about oh 572 people watching live around the world right now how cool is that welcome in everybody thanks for hanging out with me today it's uh middle of the week it's wednesday it's uh 6 24 p.m arizona time right now well we're live doing this machine here for viewer jack in texas how you like it so far jack oh i should have um i should have loaded the bios defaults i forgot to do that uh don't have to worry about system date and time that's going to autocorrect once i once windows 10 is installed i will then plug the ethernet cable in and when i go to windows update it'll synchronize the date and time for me so you don't have to worry about the date and time you'll see we're already doing our first boot it's pretty fast and dead silent glenn's music says you seem to have gotten over your cold thank goodness john wilson this is who we're calling jack john wilson says cool beans that's who the system is for ali assam says i love kerry and i'm from egypt right on ali thanks for joining us here why the bio state is 722 2021 uh probably because the board was assembled and configured in taiwan and i would imagine taiwan is i'm going to guess more than 12 hours well at least more than six hours ahead of the time zone i'm in which means that the date is a day ahead over there so that's probably why the manufacturer sets the default date and time based on their time zone so if the manufacturer was in australia or something you know it's within reason of time zone differences does anybody know the maximum time zone difference anybody at all so will if you're within that window of time zone difference then that would explain why the data set that way for example in belgium right now it's 3 26 a.m according to patrick and it's only 6 26 p.m here in arizona so patrick will be on july 22nd we're still on july 21st because patrick's in a different time zone this is all standard stuff i always answer the same way i keep it unplugged from the internet during this initial setup otherwise it forces me to create a microsoft user account i guess we'll just call this uh jack i can't see the screen though so let me make it a little larger so i can see it on my side yeah i spelled it right push enter and we'll keep the password blank and you know me i i turn everything off but location settings leaving that location setting on is what's going to set our time and date for us automatically once i feel that it's okay to plug it into the network so that'll happen here in just a moment in the meantime i can go ahead and unplug this windows 10 flash drive because we're not loading from that anymore after your first boot you don't need it it doesn't hurt to leave it in either but you know patrick said the maximum time difference is 23 hours so if your time and date is set within 23 hours of when the manufacture based on how it comes out of the box that's within reason that they're in a different time zone up to 23 hours difference from where you are nothing to freak out about nothing to worry about and uh nothing you really need to pay attention to quite honestly obsessing over things that don't matter is is really a form of illness so i would advise you to practice uh learning the difference between what's important and what's not important and focusing your energy and your efforts on things that matter but that's just um uncle carrie's advice about life i have enough stuff in reality to worry about like a lot so if there's stuff that i don't need to worry about i gladly let that go because uh it's overwhelming as it is it's no reason to keep piling on and it furthermore dilutes the value of things that you really should be worried about just taking away your time and attention from important things to worry about important things now that we've come up to the desktop here now now i can plug it into the network which i will do it will grab those windows updates and you'll see that date and time will auto correct itself as soon as i find a network cable oh yes hidden under the chainsaw isn't that where you keep yours everybody's doing that we'll plug that bad boy in again i'm still not plugging much in no speakers no printers we're still in the setup in the test phase so if anything goes wrong we have a very limited number of items to diagnose this he leads to less stress less anxiety and a faster repair if a repair is needed now that's loaded and now we'll go to uh windows update here just go right here and update security and check for updates and this is where it will set the date and time for us matt says actually there are weird places on earth that are plus 14 utc time zones so 26 hours is possible more or less if you're within two days of your date of any product that comes pre-assigned with a date and time it's very reasonable to con conclude that was just the date and time of the factory the time zone where it was uh in its final you know whenever the date and time is applied which i would guess would be somewhere down the line of the quality control check down the line of manufacturing towards the end i don't know but regardless time zone is a time zone so yeah let me take a quick look at what this is asking me it looks like it's already ready to restart but it's still downloading and i hate to interrupt it it's giving me either restart now but it's still in the process of working so i want to be patient let it finish that i don't want the app center so we'll cancel that i can open the browser just to get rid of the annoyance there so we open this up complete setup continue without signing in this gives us this welcome tab so we have two tabs that open uh all right whatever close it and then let's reopen it make sure it's we're multitasking we're not interrupting the updates at all about slowing it down that's better that's good and then we'll let that run okay so back to looking at the chat room let me see if there's any questions here can i overclock my ram and a dell laptop should be 24 megahertz but task manager reddit is 2133 and i think you're worrying about something that doesn't matter your ram doesn't run faster at 2400 megahertz it can when you set your ram faster you're setting your ram's maximum speed you're not setting the constant speed so if you're never pushing the ram to begin with you'd never reach the speed anyway you also would likely see a zero difference of performance impact and this is information poison you see you have you have been given information that has poisoned your mind you have something that's working perfectly well but now you've been given information that results in reality of maybe a fraction of a millisecond of difference in performance if you push the computer hard enough to result in that which no human being would ever notice only benchmarking software for the most part would notice such an insignificant timing difference the frequency of the ram and your laptop is functioning 100 so why would you screw it up why would you do that my my advice to you is stop poisoning your mind with information that is giving you technochondria there's nothing wrong with it now if your dell laptop was advertised at running at 2400 megahertz ram then you need to contact dell support see a lot of laptops don't let you get in there because it results in customers self-inflicting errors and resulting in costly support calls for dell so they restrict a lot of bios settings from their end users who self-create problems and then want to blame dell for their issues if it's broken fix it but if it's working don't fix it there's nothing to fix you've poisoned your mind with information if you were happy with your laptop and then you saw this little bit of information that's totally insignificant to reality now you're not happy with the laptop you did that to yourself so i the reality is you you're not going to really see any difference in the difference between 2133 and 2400 you're just not going to uh it's just information on your screen if that screen came back and said it was running at 2400 if it lied you'd be totally happy right now because you wouldn't know the difference you wouldn't be able to tell from how the laptop feels therefore this is all self-induced self-inflicted completely voluntary and it's almost like your laptop's running too well and you're bored and you're looking for something to challenge it to break it so i'm not going to condone that and i'm not going to encourage you i would suggest again if dell advertised it at running at 2400 megahertz and it's not running as advertised you take that up with dell the amount of people i see online that cause self-inflicted voluntary problems for no good reason drives me crazy drives me absolutely crazy but if anybody has a real problem i'd help i'd be glad to help you with a real technical problem not an imaginary one not one you're afraid of having in the future but one you actually have right now an actual problem i would love to help you resolve that it's pretty rare that anybody actually asks one though anybody any real actual problems anybody has victor wants to know what model of usb flash drives i use we use the sandisk extreme line sandisk extreme flash drives they're available up to one terabyte in size still installing here so just let that run a little bit longer media says it's is it like having a one terabyte ssd but it only sees 935 and having 16 gig but only sees 15.9 no uh a one terabyte hard drive is a one terabyte hard drive windows reports the size differently than the manufacturer but it's the same size you know if i said i weighed 16 stone right i don't even know what a stone is but uh you know if i said i weigh 160 pounds we're reporting the same thing two different ways so it's not one is it's not like you have less it's the same when it comes to ram the reason that we only have a certain amount of ram usable is because we're using built-in graphics if you ever buy a graphics card the graphics card will advertise how much ram it has on the graphics card well we don't have a graphics card with ram we have a graphics card on the cpu and it's got to get ram from somewhere so where is it going to pull the ram from what would you do you take ram from the system it's already there stop rocket science i have these videos called quick tips where i've addressed both of these questions they have over i want to say over 20 000 views please please check out my quick tips videos where i answer the most frequently asked questions in under 10 minutes just type in carrie holzman right here in youtube search carrie holtzman is one word space quick tips and there's i don't know 100 videos that are under 10 minutes each with a few exceptions where i answer the most commonly asked questions please please watch them because that way i don't keep repeating myself let's see how we're doing here on the screen so it says it's still downloading although it's telling us we can restart it said restart for quite a while and it well it said that and i've ignored it it went ahead and finished downloading and installing other updates and if i wait long enough it'll start to install this one as well but i'll go ahead and restart now it doesn't hurt anything it wouldn't offer us the option if it was going to damage anything but it does postpone whatever progress it made to start over again on the reboot so my preference is to let it sit and do all that if it's sitting a little too long and i get impatient i just go ahead and say that's fine i'll start it over again whatever so we're gonna go let me let me go to delete did i i didn't catch it i need to reset the bios the load optimize defaults i just forgot to do that i'll do it next time hopefully the date and time are correct now hey look at that date and time are correct i didn't have to touch a thing we're going to go back to windows updates why does it say windows insider program i don't want that windows update yeah see it's kind of stuck where it was before we'll go ahead and grab these driver updates here that are optional it's probably a lot of intel driver stuff those are little tiny downloads we'll grab those and install them real quick and we're just gonna have to be patient here for a minute and let this uh whatever this is this cumulative update it's going to take a little bit this download error is nothing to worry about here that should self resolve after whatever this is is done i like to clean up the start menu while i'm kind of waiting so just unpin some stuff here i do that because my customers universally hate these tiles i hate them i don't have one customer who likes these so i unpin them and if the customers you know if i should ever encounter a customer that wants them they can put them right back the benefit of doing this of course is that when i close the start menu now and open it from this point forward it looks more familiar as a narrow start menu i can also go back into the control panel right back here it's going to let me yeah we'll go to apps and we can uninstall some little tiny files here that microsoft puts in there stuff i know we don't want like proof music we're gonna use vlc instead of groov music vlc will also replace the uh movies and tv and this microsoft office is just like a thing to sell you office and it stays on even after you install office so we'll get rid of that mixed reality portal we get rid of that i don't have anybody who wants it or even most of my customers don't know what it is and don't know even if i explain it to them they're like why would i want that you probably don't this xbox live stuff i can remove but i can't remove the other two xbox things or no there's just one other one i can't remove that one let me just take a quick look through here if there's anything else i want to dump out of this just clean it up a little bit here looks good and we'll go back to windows update that's still running in the background we'll just let's see i'll skip for now on that go back over here update and it's going to just continue where it where it's left off my hard drive light is blinking like crazy so it's doing something so we'll just let it sit for a while and eventually it should begin installing john wants to know i've looked at classic show we used to use classic shell in windows 8.1 to get that start menu to look back like windows xp or windows 7 but after windows 10 classic shell required an update it started causing problems for customers for a lot of customers it just went away it just didn't work anymore it just sat is it was consuming resources but it was doing nothing and because the windows the 10 menu is so much better classic shell is no longer necessary and it's just another piece of software you have to update that could potentially break your system after an update so i no longer recommend classic show but if you're still running windows 8.1 then i would recommend classic shop because it was a great solution in windows 8. in windows 10 it's unnecessary if you know how to configure the windows 10 start menu it's much more it's much easier to use than windows 8 start menu and the need for classic shell you know if this was uh eight years ago i'd be all for it but today not so much but you know look it's a free application and if you want to inject that onto your machine uh feel free but i don't condone it i don't recommend it but to each his own patrick says i use the microsoft media creation tool and when i go to use it it does not give me the option to pick home or pro it will only install home my guess is you're installing your product key and when you put your product key in that product key is good for a specific version of windows only if you don't have a product key then microsoft doesn't know what version of windows to install now if you have a pre-built machine that has a product key built into the bios an embedded key then it's possible it's pulling the embedded key in the associated product garciaboy80 says after building my new pc i have lines scrolling down my screen on occasion what can cause this interference something is causing your your screen to display uh interference and that could be some some big electrical equipment that might be near you could be an air conditioner on the other side of the wall some big power magnet is causing this uh disruption to your screen signal so the easiest way to fix that is to pick up your screen and move it to a different wall physically relocate it that'll probably fix it or you could have a bad cable the cable that feeds from the computer to the monitor may be bad or not plugged in all the way double check that it's fully seated at both ends and you don't do that by pushing it in you do that by pulling the cable out and plugging it back in on both sides you could also buy a more expensive cable stop buying cheap crap buy an expensive cable that's shielded that could also help that problem however however if it is something that is affecting the screen that's not coming in from the feed then only physically moving the monitor away from that source of interference will result in that issue you describe or perhaps buying a different monitor that has better shielding would also fix that problem but the cheapest solution is for you to just pick the monitor up and move your desk relocate it to a different wall something on the other side of the wall or in the wall that when it's turned on is causing those lines to appear we call that interference patrick russo says he's not putting a product key in so this is a pre-built machine patrick i guess windows cannot know what version of windows to install without a product key so maybe you've got a stuck mouse button try a different mouse or maybe you didn't use i don't know where you sourced your installation files from but if you do it the way i do it you're going to get the same results i get so my question to you is what are you doing differently are you trying to install on a pre-built machine did you source your files from a different source did you follow all of my steps and are you using the current version of windows or did you grab it from hiadock or something and you're trying to install an older version of windows there's a piece of information you're not providing me and that's why you're having the problem and you don't know to provide me that piece of information because if you did you would solve your own problem so that's where we're hung up but there's a piece of information you're not giving me right now there's something different about what you've done or where you sourced your files that is not the way i show in my videos that's why you're not getting the same result as i am here we go now i think i can restart this computer shannon says she thinks she's the only girl here i don't know patrick says i followed your steps in the video uh no you didn't i can almost guarantee you did not you didn't follow them closely you didn't pay attention to a detail you're the only way you're going to get a different result is if you're doing something different which means like i said if you're installing on a pre-built machine with an embedded product key code if you source your windows from a different source uh if you uh have installed it in a different way so i'm sorry but you're not doing everything to the exact detail that i do it and i don't know what it is you're doing like i said it's uh there's a piece of information you're not giving me that much i know for sure don't know what else to tell you patrick until you provide me the rest of the information i can't carve out any more information for you if you do everything precisely the way i do it you will get precisely the same results so you're doing something differently this is a question you're going to have to really look at yourself start over again follow my videos precisely because you're not i'm telling you right now you're not i i've had this discussion with so many people i did everything right never once never once well one time one time customer did everything right and that was uh when we had that year 3000 problem remember that that's the only time in recent memory a customer did everything right followed my steps exactly and still had an issue and that's when i said i have to see it so patrick like a problem like yours patrick i have to see it but 99 times out of 100 people say exactly what you're saying until they realize what they've done differently and then they apologize to me so i always say some the quality of the answers is very much dependent on the quality of the information included in the question it's frustrating for me craig casabana contributes five dollars scary have you ever had a usb 2.0 problem on a gigabyte motherboard no nope me just a second i just want to restart that while we're uh back to your question uh i just want to know because i have a usb 2.0 problem with the aurora sealy version 2. yeah so gigabyte doesn't manufacture boards with usb 2 problems that how do they stay in business but sometimes a board has an issue sometimes the user creates the issue i've seen where users have something stuck in the usb port it could be a piece of a usb drive or they have children that jam something into it or they've bent something or the grounding strap has gone into it when they put the i o shield or when they put the motherboard in it didn't line up correctly and they're unknowingly causing their own damage in cases like this i recommend you talk directly to gigabyte it is not an issue that is typically uh you have a problem with the board and i don't know if it's a factory problem or a user-created problem until i see it but it is not something normal david zinns with ten dollars says carrie we have a metal fabrication business with eight computers in the office with a server now our it guy is dragging his feet updating a computer from windows 7 to 10. are we jeopardizing the security of the server yes of course you are windows 7 is not a supported operating system anymore absolutely yep yeah and thank you for the contribution uh and craig thank you for the contribution and vern going back to that monitor question vern says you know your monitor could be going bad that's a valid point vern that's absolutely uh possible it could be having a monitor that's starting to fail so sometimes you get the lines in it yeah good point vern thank you for for uh pointing that out okay we've got all our windows updates installed i still want to go into bios and reset defaults on it so i think what i'll do is i'll load my uh windows 10 optimizer and netfix tool on here real quick we'll get those out of the way let's get rid of this thing news where's the news and interests turn off get rid of that let's get rid of the microsoft store just unpin it please don't use this built-in email program people so um yeah go here here we'll grab uncle perry's windows 10 netfix tool and windows 10 optimizer oh let's install vlc real quick put this on this replaces microsoft's built-in media player so we can play music and movies and we don't have to worry about ever downloading any codecs that's how people get viruses if blc won't play it it's probably not a valid file try and force it to play unless you want to risk getting a virus so that's done we'll run the netfix tool this turns all of the sharing settings on in case jack wants to share this on his network he would still have to choose what to share so it's not like we're opening his computer up to hackers or anything like that just enabling like the discovery service and things like that so we can see the network which by default are turned off for security reasons it needs to restart to apply these settings but i'm going to postpone the restart so i can then run the windows 10 optimizer tool which also needs a restart so we'll do that real quick and then while that's running i can eject again i don't need to safely eject but we'll just pull a flash drive we're done with that and now we'll reboot and now i will go into the bios and set those optimized defaults it should occur here in a moment so as soon as that gigabyte logo right there i'm going to start pressing delete that's going to take me into the bios i'm going to move all the way to the end here where it says save and exit at the top of the screen and then i'm going to select load optimize defaults and press enter twice and then i will save and exit setup now whether or not this made any changes i don't know but at least i know it's right i don't have to guess anymore so that's tuned and optimized now we can see what our actual windows boot time is going to be not too bad jack huh it's pretty quick we've got all our windows updates we've got vlc on there so we still have to activate windows we go through a couple of little things here that wants me to sign into account protection and stuff like that and you know i like to change the default homepage to google the default search engine to google those are my preferences it's usually what i do for customers and that's pretty much all i have to do everything else is cable management we can get it buttoned up shipped out pretty quickly i can get another computer out of here which makes me happy and uh yeah let's go back to camera one camera one full screen oh it's full screen for me not for you transform to full screen bit to screen there it is there's a button for that control f i should have just did control f okay and here we are alex polk contributes five bucks he says i just used your link to purchase microsoft office and thanks for the discount here's a small contribution towards your future builds right on alex thank you so much i hope you'll join us friday mitch and i i hope i get all the parts in tomorrow waiting on one part and waiting on the cpu it's a pretty expensive part and i can't do the build without it no substitute compatible cpus so i hope you'll uh tune in john wilson the guy who's getting the computer says right on my friend you have said it just the way i like it that's awesome john i know john wanted a he wanted a graffiti on his computer oh he wanted two things he wanted um hand crafted by kerry holtzman badge only people i build computers for get those they're not perceived you can get it inspired by kerry hulsman badge at or sold there they're 20 bucks a pop and the proceeds go towards the channel but they're metal with double-sided sticky tape and a silver sharpie for a personal autograph let's come around here and um i don't know where you want this jack i usually put it on the back like that because i think it looks good back there this is what it looks like close up like i say the only way you get one of these is if i build your computer this camera isn't focusing there it goes it's a metal badge uh engraved with double-sided sticky tape on the back i don't know where you want it i just think it looks better back here personally but nobody's going to see it if i do that let's unplug that and unplug that you can unplug that turn this around you know what i could do you know he's got an extra one of these i could write on this and then if he doesn't like it he could pop it out he wants this on the front i suppose we could put it down there i'm going to do this i don't normally write on my knees oh let's see it's july and this i'll go right down there that looks pretty good we can push it down hey never coming off is that all right jack i can't tell you how much help jack has been to this channel his support and his contributions have been extraordinarily generous and it's because of him that nearly every veteran giveaway that i had to ship has been more or less financially covered by the shipping costs financially covered by jack just so you guys know red horse says hey carrie mine is running great right on good to see ya what time tomorrow uh not tomorrow friday friday at one o'clock i always do videos live friday at 1 pm and usually if mitch morrison is joining me it's the fridays at 1 o'clock mitch i i don't have a normal set schedule except fridays at one as long as the channel remains a free channel uh unfortunately because i'm not being paid i can't prioritize it over other work that comes in so the regular work comes first and if time permits i make a video except fridays i hope to expand that if the channel grows if maybe i start memberships and people start paying for the content then we can do more shows more often on a schedule that's expected but for free it is what it is uh as time permits and then uh as i mentioned when uh the the fridays at one o'clock are the only exception but i'm looking to expand that i used to never even have a set schedule at all so the fact that i'm doing and dedicating myself to fridays at one is a step in the right direction i told everybody that was coming it's been that way for about three months and i intend to keep it that way except if i'm on vacation or something like that mort mott says hey that's a nice build carrie hey martin we got to get one done for you too thank you carrie why not link amazon us affiliates with uk and then you will earn commission off all of us i mean i do have a number of viewers in the uk uh but i have not had the time what you're what you're asking me to do requires filling out forms and getting approved and then putting the links and none of that is doing any work it's not getting my customers taken care of it's not making any videos so unfortunately it's just too time consuming for me at this juncture but maybe something i'll revisit in the future i've got viewers in france i've got viewers in canada i've got viewers in australia i've got viewers in india i've got viewers in japan and in sweden and in thailand so i mean if i can do amazon links to all of them why wouldn't i but each one requires you've got to fill out these forms and you're going to keep it all straight and generate links individually for each one it's it's just a royal pain in the butt so that could be a part-time job just doing that just behind the scenes administrative youtube nonsense so i appreciate the thought it's just very labor intensive and i am way too busy right now tony wallace says that's a great build hey tony thank you matt power says it's 12 faster now that i've got the go faster sticker go faster sticker yeah like i said i've got so many computers in here i am getting overwhelmed so i need to address this and get these things moving out of here the ones that are the easiest or the ones that are generating money are going first and then the ones that require a bit more time and care i'll do those as time permits i want them all out asap so i know people are anxious to receive them and i'm anxious to get them out to you there is only one of me so as a reminder to myself i do need to hook this optical drive up still and then of course we've got the cable management to do and get that little dent up here but it's barely it's significant when you're standing in front of it but from a distance you can barely notice there's a little dent in there i hope that power supply works well for you jack i'm sort of experimenting with the innermax it's got a good warranty on it and it's easy to exchange if it should die on you but i think it's probably going to be fine quality of these has been so far as i can tell identical to the ebgas that i've been using so time will tell joseph zins contributes five dollars again he says hey carrie are channels like linus tech tips applying thermal compound incorrectly putting a glob on versus you spreading it out uh you can pretty much put it on any way you want to whether you spread it out or glob it on or put a pattern of a z or an x it all pretty much does the same thing the reason i spread it out is i need to know that i'm covering 100 percent of the heat spreader because nearly 100 of heat spreader is now covering dies so back in the day it was only the middle so as long as you covered the middle the edges didn't really matter so now it's important that the more important now than ever before that you have thermal compound across the entire heat spreader so how do you know that you're covering your heat spreader properly if you just put a glob and push the heat sink down what's going on under there i mean you'll know if you put too much on because it'll ooze out the sides but what if you put too little on how would you know but ultimately at the end of the day probably doesn't make much difference but i have a bit of ocd and i like to make sure it's all done correctly the to my standard not to linus's standard not to your standard not to anybody's standard and i recommend you put your thermal compound on to your standard and if it worries you that much then get off your butt and test it take your cooler off try different methods of thermal compound application try different thermal compounds if you want the cliff notes on it it's not going to make any significant difference one or two degrees maximum of one way or the other and your room temperature is changing sweet and that's a one to two degree variance at room temperature so you're probably at a nil you're back at zero on the difference but if you don't believe me try it yourself and then you won't have to ask people but at the end of the day it probably doesn't really matter do it however you want to do it linus can do whatever he wants to do it remember i'm held financially responsible for these machines i'm held accountable and the consequences affect me directly so i don't care how anybody else does it because i'm not held financially accountable for their work planet kryos with a two dollar contribution hey thank you plan cryos and joseph thank you again for your contribution and your questions and jack contributes a hundred bucks he says so as a vet i will pay for the shipping to me hey right on john i don't think this will cost a hundred dollars from arizona to texas it's probably about 80. but uh thank you thank you very much as always jack rakshit patel contributes 3.99 he says thanks again for the wonderful content hey thank you for hanging out with us today rack sheet and cause ice and says thank you for oh at joseph sins he says thank you to joseph for providing a way to keep these streams free for everyone right on that's exactly what it's about the small contributions add up if 508 viewers all gave a dollar today that's 508 viewers gave a dollar i would be 508 dollars richer and it would exceed the amount of revenue we've collected during today's live stream by nearly double for one dollar however i'm not charging for the content it's purely voluntary it's like a tip basically never expected always appreciated that's all so thanks to jack for today's content so you can say uh it's john wilson in the chat room give john a thank you he's hanging out in there now because without viewers like like jack there's less content that i have and without viewers like jack there's less financial means for me to take time away from work to do this so on on two levels uh jack has been very supportive here to the channel by providing the ability to make the content on top of providing in this case the content to make so that's unusual and i appreciate it very much and you guys should know that if you guys like the content like this and you want to see more like this you can let any content creator know if you want to see more of their content a similar style of content to keep doing what they're doing by giving the thumbs up button a little clicky cost you nothing you just do this and click once it's pretty easy it's a lot easier than actually making a live stream so it's a nice gesture if you feel like you want to be nice share a little love on the internet there's enough hate there's enough spitting venom if you want to share a little love with any content creator you just click like cost you nothing it really doesn't result in much difference honestly it doesn't pay me any more money it doesn't make me any more popular but it shares love and kindness even if the video is terrible you can still share love and kindness and of course if you enjoy the channel and you've not yet subscribed be sure to hit the subscribe button and if you want to be notified anytime i have a new video hit the bell icon and that will notify you however you choose to be notified you go into your youtube settings and you can pick if you want messages on your phone if you want your phone to alert you you've got to download the youtube app and sign into it and make sure that you go to your phone settings and allow notifications from youtube so that's one way to be notified uh otherwise you would as i mentioned fridays at one o'clock uh mountain standard time which is currently also pacific time right now changes halfway through the year but right now one o'clock mountain standard time is the same as one o'clock pacific fridays you'll catch me and mitch morrison doing a build this build coming up this friday i'm telling you man i so hope i get those parts out because this is going to be outrageous stupid stupidly outrageous mario l contributes five bucks hey marty thank you so much travis mcvay contributes 20 hey travis thank you he says you are amazing oh thank you uh you guys are sharing the love ready or not contributes 10 bucks he says thanks again business marketing contributes five dollars blanet cryos another contribution twenty dollars this time and he said well with that said here's a tip hey thank you planet cryos fred sunderman with ten dollars said here you go carrie i'm glad to support a worthwhile cause and viper js or j5 sorry contributes two dollars he says this is the best youtube channel ever thanks carrie and richard angeline with five dollars says free content free five bucks i like the way you think barry ruska jimmy's two bucks and he says thanks so barry richard viper fred prios business marketing ready or not travis and moddy thank you guys so much i really do sincerely appreciate your generosity you're doing something you don't have to do and uh it means a lot to me because i know you don't have to do that and again time i'm not working time i'm spending here on youtube i've got to justify that i've got bills to pay like everybody else and um i would love to do this full time and i'm working to that end that's my goal to be able to do this full time but for right now still do my regular day job and this job i work two jobs and uh i'm loving it absolutely love it so thank you for letting me what's the word uh you're enabling me to pursue this your support whether you're using amazon links whether you're just sharing the videos with people in social media or you are contributing financially or you're buying a system or whatever way that you're contributing and showing your support is greatly appreciated because all of it matters all of that matters um or i just go back to making videos you know like i used to which is you know once a month and i just make a video for the hell of it but uh i obviously enjoy it i enjoy hanging out with you guys and uh you know even though sometimes there's some questions i get asked repetitively over and over and i get a little sort of like oh here we go again you know i get a little frustrated with it it's still good as a reminder for people new here that i have a lot of content but sometimes your question might already be answered and you don't necessarily have to sit through a three hour video to find it the quick tips are intentionally designed to get you the answer fast so you're not you know suffering through my soapbox my soapboxing but anyway uh they're massively underviewed videos in my opinion and the quick tips channel has its own channel carrie holzman quick tips has its own channel so uh subscribe to that if you enjoy getting you know cutting to the quick if you will then that is a channel right up your alley and information is extracted out of these long videos and then titled thumbnail and and all the administrative work that goes into a youtube video is all done for that one little quick video that nobody watches very few people watch let's change it maybe i just need to quit doing that what about the four-man build this is the four-man build yeah it requires the efforts of four people to do this build on friday it will require a little help from planet cryos to help create a thumbnail for me it's going to require a camera operator to be able to move around the room well mitch and i can focus on doing the build together so that mitch and i are not operating the camera as well and then of course there's mitch and i so that's one two three four four people they don't have to be men it just has to be four people and uh that's presuming i get the parts but that's the build up talking about yeah michael dain said he's getting ready to start on his 60-second computer giveaway that he's giving to a family in his community how amazing is that 62 computers that means michael has given away 61 computers to families in his community and uh he's on number 62 right now that he's going to deliver to another family in need in his community and he's a member of our community you know very lucky to have him and we're very very uh humbled i am humbled by you know i try and give away a lot here but i can't keep up with michael he's a machine wild one says carrie i upgraded windows 7 pro oem to windows 10 for a customer now i replaced the motherboard so i bought a new oem pro key okay let me just stop for a minute you've really confused me here why are you telling me about something and then saying forget everything i just told you let me so whether or not you upgraded from windows 7 to 10 is irrelevant you didn't need to tell me that he says he replaced the motherboard and he bought a new windows 10 pro key okay that's where you needed to start your question but microsoft says it's the wrong type of key i've not done a clean install as it's time critical any ideas oh yeah you got to do the clean install so now i understand why you told me you upgraded it because you didn't when you replaced the motherboard you really shouldn't carry over the operating system i understand it's time critical but you might find out that you're spending way more time than if you just do it the right way uh you're trying to take a shortcut and sometimes shortcuts take twice as long you should be able to continue to use the product key you have well not the one you bought recently but the one before that um and you need to call microsoft and talk to them and explain that you had to replace the motherboard but honestly it's amazing to me how much time people will spend on something because they don't want to spend less time starting over i think you would start over and have this all done right and not only that it'll be more reliable more secure since you're not carrying over the upgrade right you have all these extra windows seven registry entries and files laying on that drive which are a serious security concern and a performance degradator degradator yeah it's degrading your performance that system will never be as reliable or as fast until you do a clean install there's no exception so if you're willing to sacrifice your performance and your security and your time so that you don't have to spend the time doing it the right way this is a choice you made this is typical and this is to be expected unfortunate and microsoft is locking down these product keys so they're getting more difficult to speak to but if you call microsoft you know there's a number that says activate by phone when you try to activate windows set it back to the original product key and then uh explain to microsoft that you just had to rechange your motherboard out and you you know you've only installed this on one computer because it looks to microsoft like you're trying to use the same product key so set it back to the original product key activate by phone and you need to physically talk to somebody on the phone and then they should be able to give you a code but i don't advise you to do it i just think it you're just all you're going to do is create another problem down the line statistically speaking they're going to have more problems you'll make it work today but it probably won't hold up over over the weeks and months ahead you'll start being weird crashes and weird errors that's usually what happens just so you don't so you can set your expectations maybe you get lucky but that's your that's up to you um i i've been down that road man i've been down that road so many times now i don't want to go back down it you want to go down that you go down that road without me this is why i'm so negative about that because i've had a very negative experience over and over and over to the point where i don't do it anymore or if i do it as i mentioned earlier i tell the customer if i do this it's no guarantee i can make it work i can get it activated it's a pain in the butt but i can do it but after that it's back on you so if you have a problem tomorrow or next week or next month i will help you with it for a fee but i will not do it for free i do not like green eggs and ham jack wants to know on the streamer what is the rgb waterfall thing next to the ram oh that's just a rgb uh cable it's a it's a kit you can buy this one's um a strimer from leon lee and it's like a power cable extension unit and what they've done is the you take the the big 24 pin connector off your power supply and instead of plugging it into the motherboard you plug it into this and this has power cables but on the other side it's got these clear tubes and then this side plugs into the motherboard and then the light shines from this thing and they have to be plugged in and it just lights up in different patterns and brightnesses they're about fifty dollars they were all sold out they were limiting one per person for this nonsense garbage so it's just nonsense garbage you might as well put hubcaps on a lawnmower but you know i'm streaming in front of thousands of people and they like looking at this blinky shiny stuff i give them what they want i would never do this if i wasn't live streaming if i did or if i wasn't making videos for the public if this was in my house for me i wouldn't put all that crap on there it's a big waste of money but as a youtube content creator people look at it it caught your attention it's a marketing thing it's uh it's just marketing man it's intended to do just what it did it's no difference on performance reliability or security it's just a hit in the wallet for some blinky lights eric hoffman says carrie i love watching your channel my son and i both decided we should donate to your awesome channel plus we both felt it necessary to donate a little to you tonight oh that's kind of you it's never necessary you know never feel like you have to that's not right but you know we're all a community here you want to show a little support i i appreciate that but never feel like you have to please larry witt said he enjoyed tonight's build hey thank you larry trevor says likes help the youtube calculator for your channel no they don't no that's a very common misconception it typically comes from people who've never made or never been a content creator and have a very loose understanding of how youtube works the likes don't really help the way you think they do primarily what the likes are doing is providing suggestions to you it's sort of like netflix might ask you did you like this movie do you like this content um or spotify did you like this song or you never want to hear the song again the more they know about you the better the suggestions of other content they can make for you so it's the exact opposite of what you think it is it's not about me it doesn't really benefit search engine optimization for having likes and dislikes that's a common misconception and if it does have a difference it's maybe you know eight percent of a difference of your searching of your youtube's not recommending me based on likes or dislikes to that level they are recommending videos to you based on what you like and dislike right so by telling youtube you like something then youtube will offer more content that they think you will also like that's all it does that's all it does but it's a nice little show of love to a content creator to give them that thumbs up because there's so many haters on youtube i think the best way to conquer hate is with doing the opposite which is showing some support being kind some people could say that's love whatever you know it it just not hate don't hate it's its own poison when people do that it's it's like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die it's a very strange behavior that's only self-inflicting to the person doing it so you know a lot of lonely people out there and they're pretty active online so to counter those that's that little minority of loudmouths together all of us showing support can drown them out so that they can find a more we can encourage them to find a more effective means to come out of their depression and to escape their loneliness to feel like they're part of a community because that feels way better than whatever the joy they're getting out of getting a rise out of people you know eric says we don't suffer from your live streams my friend we have a small little business that does what you do i love working at my business and i keep watching hey that's awesome eric thank you coming from a pier that means that much more chillwill says i just went to the website and bought a go faster sticker and an inspired by kerry hulsman badge love the channel thanks joe will appreciate that hope you enjoy your badge makes your computer go 10 faster it's not true and fred has provided jack the link to the video where i reviewed the uh the led thingy kate corteous technology contributes 20 bucks he says carrie i just want to say thank you have a blessed day well thank you okay courteous thanks for your continued support john powell says carry on an old hp elite desk pre-build is uefi better well ua5 is better regardless of any anything you said prior to that uefi is better yeah but by better it's just a more evolved more advanced form of bios that allows a little more control from the operating system and it's a little more to it than that most people would never notice the difference quite honestly but if given a choice of having something better regardless if you recognize what's better about it i choose the better thing if the cost is the same why not greg i just missed it where did he go john williams says i love the new windows keys you provided at a great price for windows 10 pro thank you so much it's great i love your live streams thank you john i went through a lot of research and effort i had all these people just going just believe me because i said so oh they're fine just believe me but nobody was willing to explain or justify how they were proving it at least the people i talk to and they're just like well then just don't buy it if you don't right and so i'm like well if i buy it and it's fraudulent are you gonna refund my money no well then you know obviously you don't even believe in the product yourself so when i i had to start from scratch and i had to look at all these companies they're all reaching out to me they all want me to sell their stuff and i had to find one that was legit so it took a lot of research and a lot of time because i got no help from other content creators they just say it's real and you're just where's your evidence where's your proof and will you refund my money if i buy it it's not real or i have a problem with it will you refi and every content creator respect you said no of course i'm not going to do that i said well then get out of here so when i do it i'm like i know these work and i'm going to make the same guarantee i make to my customers in real life i can't do that to customers i'd be out of business so i personally guarantee those keys are legitimate and they activate and they are legal and they are totally 100 percent saving you money with no consequences right the same as any other oem key with the same restrictions i don't know you know i just don't know why other content creators if they're so believing in what they're doing why won't they put their money where their mouth is right and if one of them would have done that maybe i wouldn't have had to have done all the research but because none of them did it i couldn't believe them they didn't give me anything to justify anything they were saying they were just pulling stuff out of the sky i'm like well i guess you just pull it out of the sky just take your word for it it's my money not their money so what do they care so i guess i'm kind of a weirdo i want to make sure people aren't getting ripped off from anything i'm endorsing it's very important to me so i'm glad you appreciate that because i put a lot of time and effort into that all alone without help greg guy says i sent you ten dollars be a paypal for the vets from the vet hey greg thank you yeah we still have three veteran giveaways to go yet again it's one thing to say something it's another thing to put your money behind it right i'm not saying take my word for it i'm guaranteeing it put my money where my mouth is that means you're going to get a working key or you're going to get a refund one way or the other show me another youtube channel that does that i've never seen it but they're all offended how dare carrie say these things hey it's your behavior i'm just pointing it out man you want to act that way don't act that way change do what i'm doing personally guarantee your stuff i'll give a lot more respect for you you can't just demand respect for me because it hurts your feelings you didn't get it you know if you're if you're somebody that i'm criticizing because you're exhibiting that behavior as a content creator change your behavior crying and whinging about it doesn't change your behavior it makes you worse john's he's jack says i did put hubcaps on my lawnmower no he did he's just kidding do i still have the streaming pc in the 200r it was a ryzen yeah so that streaming pc is gonna go up for sale i have to blow all the dust out of it pull the capture card out of it reinstall windows 10 on it and then i'll make it for sale yes that will be one for sale thank you for asking michael dain says he gave away besides a computer uh to a neighbor of his he's a veteran he gave him an ipad pro a 12.9 third generation and uh gave it to him so he can access the internet and even gives them access to the internet so yeah is there any more he could possibly do flag doctor says carrie do you recommend buying an intel 12-chan cpu if it fits your needs and your budget why not would it buy whatever fits your needs in the budget money uel contributes 10 bucks he says hey bro in chat hello marty thanks again marty and a couple more bucks from moddy thank you uh some requests people are missing nutty on the cooler why you guys want to see nutty oh there's a setting in here the overlay no is it i'll start it settings it's been a while since i've been in these settings lighting games no system specs no pc monitoring no overclocking new lighting there's the display i found it there he is there he is so stupid ah yes eric coppin says i still need to try and get you some hp elite desk mini towers to you well all of them have a core i5 6th gen intel should i use your email for tech vets to contact you i bought over 20. wow um uh use carry at the tech vets email i don't check it very often so yeah kerry is the best way to reach me thank you we'll talk about that people talking about tpm windows 11 doesn't require any tpm if you download the official beta the actual real beta for microsoft it does not require tpm in its current form so i don't know what everybody's talking about i mean i know microsoft says they intend to require it but they don't if you download the official windows 11 beta it does not require tpm furthermore tpm is already built in like this motherboard right here has tpm in there it's part of the it's on the tpm is on every cpu made in the last six years pretty much some cpus goes further than that so you don't need a physical i don't know why everybody's making a big deal over something microsoft is not enforcing although microsoft has said they intend to but you know they're not and furthermore it's built into your chip it's again we deal with people who have the least amount of information who have the most amount of anxiety those who educate themselves on subjects have less anxiety less technochondria education is so powerful it can affect your health you're having anxiety over this you're getting angry over something that does not exist currently so if we bring up this system like this is just a random computer i didn't even think about tpm just to prove a point this has tpm it's built into the intel cpu it's built into the amd ryzen cpus it's all built in it's been there the whole time i don't know why this is such a big deal i really don't understand the insistence of fighting for limits let me fight for my limits carrie don't empower me i want to continue to complain because i lack proper information and i will use that to justify my anger it's a very bizarre world man it's just weird all right let me just turn this on and get this out of the way because it's driving me nuts let's turn this on hopefully it'll come on here in a second plug it in here we go we'll hit delete oop wrong keyboard my bad hold on a minute this thing boots too damn fast so i missed it okay uh i need the other mouse yeah you need to go full screen so i can see it we shut it down and then we'll start it up one more time and i'll use the proper keyboard this time okay so i'm going to turn it back on hit delete and we're going to show you that you're making a big deal of nothing as usual this is very common on the internet there's a lot of people who like to scream and shout about nothing and then you educate them when they go oh sorry let's go into the bios so frustrating people don't listen i don't even know why bother i really i mean it's so frustrating they don't listen they got their mind made up i'm gonna stay uneducated and i wanna stay angry i wanna be angry why are you stopping me from being angry carrie i wanna be angry can't you tell why do you think i'm so upset over something that is clearly not an issue hold on kind of screwed this up a bit in here just turn it back on and you're going to see no signal on your screen that's the signal coming out of the computer i'm booting from right now which is the computer we just built just just in this video earlier and in just a minute i should get the power on screen or the power on self test the gigabyte logo will come up uh why is it taking so long now but have i done i think i'm going to put camera 1 back on so you can see that i haven't lost my video feed and i'll just put myself in the corner so at least you have something to look at did i did i knocked cable loose what have i done okay that's in that's in we cut the power and turn this back on now see it just powered right on i don't think i had it on log off long enough let's see see if it boots yeah it's absolutely maddening people want to they just people want to be mad they just want to be outraged and when you show them there's nothing to be outraged on they don't believe you they just refuse to accept it so on youtube i have the ability to show people whether it's about thermal compound or washing a motherboard in the sink or blowing out the dust with a leaf blower oh it's going to damage your fans oh you got electricity all these people talk about something they've never experienced in their life never ever has anybody experienced that and yet they'll come out here like it's a real pandemic it's a it's a real issue to be concerned about it's it's ridiculous it's stupid it's all purely imagination hey look how creative and imaginative i am i could come up with all kinds of crap hey good for you now let me show you reality you know wrong keyboard again okay see i get so upset it affects my ability to work think straight now i could get rid of camera one so let's look under this bios hey i i don't know where it is in here but it's somewhere in here we can turn the the tpm on if we want to turn it on it's not it's not a big deal it's a firmware tpm you don't have to have a physical hardware tpm let me see if i can find it in here it's in here somewhere that's all just boot options i think csm support has to be off i think i don't use tpm here's trusted computing what's the t stand for so you've got a security device support okay so that would be the module uh we don't want the module we want the firmware remember not remember i've never done it before i'm trying to figure out where they put it it's in here oh well i looked and i didn't see it i talked to support they told me it wasn't there yeah supports an idiot support support when you call support you're reaching out to the lowest form of technical ability that a company hires that's a starting position it's in here somewhere let's see where did they hide it again i think i think csm support has to be off let me just do a little cheating and let's go to google let's enable firmware tpm um gigabyte so it's called gigabyte it shows it's under peripherals and it's called ptt so under peripherals ptt hold on let me look back at the screen again that's the second thing under what our boot options are this one is a little different we've got onboard lan controller ah right here intel it's right in front of my face it's right in front of my face the whole time what does this say can anybody tell me what this says uh my computer doesn't have it yes it does intel calls it one thing amd calls it something else it's it's on every board made if you look i can't speak for like hps and dells and pre-built because they lock a lot of stuff down so they have it but they're not giving you access to it maybe but if you built your own computer in the last six years i promise you it's in there your inability to find it doesn't mean it doesn't exist i realize a little kid i'd say mom where's the milk it's in the fridge i'm looking in the fridge it ain't there my mother would stomp out all irritated and she'd take some stuff and move it out of the way and she'd say it's right there the whole time you just have to move some stuff and then so now i'm that way because that was done to me it's always been there it's always been there you don't have to buy anything oh my gosh what am i gonna do man what am i gonna do it's a world i live in just filled with people i just wanna just give me a reason to be upset carrie it doesn't matter if it's real why is that so much to ask for why why does it bother you that i want to be upset all the time i guess i'm weird and i don't like it when people are upset i like people to be happy and smiley and you know if you're going to be upset about something at least make it real so um the cpm has been part of a processor a cpu from intel and amd for about six years and uh intel also said they weren't going to intel microsoft said they weren't going to support uh the original ryzen processor but now they say they are so that's why i'm saying you guys are getting all worked up over something that isn't happening it's not happening microsoft has said what their intent is but the reality of it you know microsoft can say whatever they want to say but at the end of the day it's what is microsoft doing what microsoft is doing today is if you want to download the beta of windows 11 officially from microsoft it does not require a specific cpu or tpm the way you guys are saying it will so apparently your crystal ball is better than mine or you believe all the nonsense microsoft tells you regardless um windows 10 doesn't um expire until october of 2025 or something like that so it's not like your world's gonna end number one if you cannot install windows 11. number two nobody has yet been able to tell me anything windows 11 can do that windows 10 can't already do so this need for it is also just an abstract imaginary and voluntary uh individual illness like i don't know what else to say you're just sort of swept up in some marketing hype and you're letting yourself be manipulated by a marketing company to a point that it's getting you upset and anxiety over whether or not you'll be compatible over something you don't need that doesn't solve any problem you have and you want to be able to avoid potential problems that don't exist and you want to spend your money to do that today and i'm the one who's got the problem okay so good luck to you for the rest of us we're going to live in practicality and in reality of what is what is now right now right now windows 11 doesn't require that and you know if you're running an old old old cpu of course you're not going to run windows 11. duh i mean what do you expect the stuff it's it's preposterous have that sort of logic to go well you know i bought this 80 horsepower car and it won't pull my three-ton yacht i'm so upset hey that thing wasn't designed to pull a three-ton yacht genius have some realistic expectations get rid of the yacht or get rid of the car or replace the car with something that can do the job that car wasn't designed to do so it's really really frustrating dealing with people online sometimes they just want to fight for their limits they want to double down and insist this these are my limits carrie how dare you push me beyond my limits i will fight for my limits you do that for the rest of us you know the truth and don't be don't be brainwashed by these people that's all i'm saying the truth is out there there's evidence in reality nothing in here joseph sins contributes five bucks he said gary does it matter a whole lot what great hard drive i have in my pc i've got two seagate nas hard drives no raid because you listed it on a video in 2013. nas hard drives work fine in a desktop they're really intended to be left on 24 7 for the best uh reliability but uh they they're intended to be at a nas right but that worked fine in a desktop they cost a bit more you probably spent more than you needed to that's all thank you for your question and contribution kevin smith says hey remember the i7 4790k i'm still using it with the 2070 and it runs every game it's still a great cpu and hopefully it'll work with windows 11. who cares again what's windows 11 gonna do for why do you guys want it why can anybody tell me why you want windows 11 why why do you want that it's weird a company comes up with a product specifically designed to drill more money out of you and you're like yes please can i have some more what's going on what are you thinking they're shoving a product down your throat and you're just like asking them for more it's weird man just tell me why can anybody explain this behavior it is strange what is windows 11 gonna do that you can't already do anybody anybody at all i issue you this challenge tell me why that's a hill worth dying on come on you're smarter than this i want it because it's new that is the attitude of rich people and if you're a rich person you won't be trying to run it on a 10 year old computer because you won't own a 10 year old computer because you're rich i need windows 11 for security updates past 2025. now you're going to be dead before then you got your focus on the wrong thing man there's something coming just try and survive okay when you get there if you make it to 2025 we'll have that discussion but if you're not gonna make it i think you're worried about something that ain't gonna happen i don't know if you're gonna live or die i'm just making that up if everybody else is making up stuff i mean if you can't beat them join them john williams says carrie you're the best i hope to see you again tomorrow as it's my birthday and it would be awesome hey john williams happy birthday to you my friend thank you some comments in the chat room we got some funny people in the chat okay cordia says i didn't mean to stir the pot i it wasn't you okay courteous it was somebody else he says i was asking if you enable tpm for encryption on business clients uh no that wasn't you i was referring to uh no i do not enable it for my business clients no mike smith i believe does because he has that you know finra level of compliance that he has to comply comply to compliance anyway mike does that kind of work i don't do that kind of work we'll talk about that more on a future tech beds rich people don't buy computers instead they go to the public library and surf the net for free i've known a few who who would do that i know a guy who bought a tesla model x you know with the goal wing doors you know it's over a hundred thousand dollars for this car and he takes it down the road to charge it where it costs him nothing to charge it he also picks up aluminum cans out of the road maybe that's why he's a millionaire i don't know many millionaires like that but they're they're out there mib pro says carrie will you be installing windows 10 pro until the end of life uh no i'm sure i won't be doing that um when windows 11 is mature and it'll take about i'd estimate six to 12 months from its release then we can evaluate any return on investment of upgrading clients to it there may be some issues regarding requirements to certain compliances or applications that decide that you need to have windows 11 that are critical to the operation of the business it doesn't usually work it usually works the other way around usually businesses need to hold on to old operating systems to avoid the expense of upgrading applications but sometimes it works the other way like turbo tax it's not going to install on windows 7 for example it's just not going to work certain hardware is not going to work and that will become more and more frequent the more windows 11 matures but out of the gate um i'll let you guys do all that nonsense you can deal with uh all the problems and then wait for the updates to address those problems so they'll take about six to 12 months on any new product and it'll mature once it's mature then we can more successfully more accurately gauge if it's worth the time and effort to go from windows 10 to windows 11 in a business environment where there's the investment right the investment is in labor the investment is in potential training and changes to the employees have to learn navigating the operating system and whether or not those there's benefits to that investment if there is not enough benefit to justify it then we wait and we check in on it maybe in another year we re-evaluate again cost to benefit ratio and if there is a a time where windows 10 security starts becoming an issue that ships the value of windows 11 or if windows 11 can do something that windows 10 can't do that makes the office more money more productive more secure then of course again we look at that roi we look at that return on investment because we're not just upgrading one machine at home we're upgrading you know anywhere from i'd say a minimum of eight computers to upwards of hundreds or thousands of computers this is nothing to be entered into lightly and certainly nothing to be jumped into on a brand new product unless we want to jeopardize filing for bankruptcy in our corporation so we want to make sure as it staff that we're keeping our clients safe secure and productive at all times at the least amount of cost possible but the most amount of performance the most amount of security at all times so windows 11 is going to have to prove itself in time to be reliable to be secure and to offer value over and above what we already have it has not done that yet but we there's a lot we don't know and the product is not done and there's a lot that can change so we're not gonna sit here and play these games we have work to do and uh microsoft will do what microsoft is going to do and then we'll wait and see how that plays out and we'll adjust accordingly we have responsibilities to our customers we have responsibilities to our investors and that is first and foremost important because we want to stay employed and we don't want to be living out on the street simply because it's new it doesn't follow any form of any logic of real life unless you're rich so that's my opinion and that in four dollars i'll get you cup coffee all right i guess we'll wrap it up i want to show you this neon sign it's getting a little dark in here so maybe maybe it'll shine a little brighter i don't know let's see if i can uh highlight this thing a little better let me get my camera my camera out here let's get this bad boy turned on we'll fire this up and let it synchronize with the uh receiving unit and then i'll just cut the lights over here in the hopes that it'll really make this thing pop because this thing is just so cool let's turn this off and let's come over here and i'm going to turn it's going to get really dark here for a minute guys oh it's that's a lot of light coming off this neon sign holy cow but you see the lights behind me so now i'm more silhouetted let's go back to uh the wireless camera right here there we go see how i threw the garbage on the floor those are all the spare cooler parts come on how cool is that i love it that is so cool graham's neon out in mesa arizona did that and i just love love love love it i kind of wish that the youtube logo down there was red but it's not red in my logo and they stayed true to the logo and there's this background this this black plastic you can see these are the hooks there's three hooks to hang it on the wall making a big time ma i got my own neon sign just like i always dreamed of big time playing with the big boys now okay let me go back to uh my main camera i don't know i just think it's cool i don't know maybe it's just me that old school neon it just it just tickles the brain man it's just so cool so cool and graham's neon what a great job those guys did i kind of want to have another one made just to give them another project that's how good they are and you know what i was really surprised because when i was looking for the place i was driving there the other day and i'm like how am i going to find it i'm looking for addresses you know the addresses on the side of a building is about like that graham's neon's addresses are their address is like each number is three feet four feet tall lit up in neon and then the doors in the back and they've got these painted on the side of the building entrance and big words with arrows and i'm like well this place is really easy to find and it's pretty easy to know where the entrance is then it occurred to me they are a sign store like if you have a hard time finding a sign store they're not a very good sign store it makes sense when you think about it they had great signs the address was a great big sign you can't miss it the entrance you can't miss it it's very clearly pointed out in signage anyway it's pretty darn cool so thanks you guys thanks for hanging out with me and and i hope you learned a little about tpm and windows 11 and i hope you don't buy into that nonsense that some of these people would have you believe and uh relax chill out no big deal nobody ever answered any legitimate reason why they want windows 11. nobody has ever given me an answer to that question that's legit that justifies their angst and it doesn't justify their anger it's just bizarre behavior from people that have nothing else better to do as far as i can tell they just want to be upset about something it's very strange when windows 11 is actually released we can talk about you know what any if any restrictions what they are and there might be some workarounds for it if people really want it but we still fall back to what what are you going to do with it what are you going to do with it once you have it that you can't do now and i'm still waiting for that answer and uh if anybody could let me know in the comments after this video airs because it's it's never ever been a question anybody's ever been able to answer then i can explain to me you know why you want it what is it about windows 11 that makes you want it because as far as i can tell it's just windows 10. so i i don't get this whole this whole existence it's a very small group of people they're very very loud they're so loud it's like they know they've got tiny numbers so they make up for it by being loud they think they can trick you by being loud you'll think there's more of them don't fall for it thank you guys so much for hanging out again thank you to all my contributors tonight uh thanks frankie b and and john jack wilson for providing the content and the paying for the shipping as always thank you to everybody who has contributed uh mahdi and uh uh geez countless other people youtube used to keep a running list of everybody who's contributed during a live stream and for about a month and a half it stopped it it just doesn't work anymore it's supposed to keep a running record of super chats it's just gone it's just not there so i used to like to give a shout out again to everybody who's contributed and i would read through the list it's gone and it hasn't come back and i don't know why but tony thanks to tony thank you to all the people i'm forgetting at the moment who've been very generous and the kind in their support and thank you for everybody who's asked questions even if my answer was a little bit abrasive i appreciate your question i'm glad you asked because if i've got quick tips videos you're not watching how else are you going to know there's probably a lot of other questions you don't know enough to ask yet that i've already answered in the quick tips so i encourage you to check that out and um uh with windows 11 let's wait till we get information if you want to download the official beta of windows 11 microsoft is not enforcing sorry microsoft is is not enforcing any tpm requirement on that so uh we'll see what happens in the future but for right now you can just download it if you want to play with a beta piece of software knock yourself out have a good time there's no restriction on it to that level that people are making a big deal about okay now when it happens we'll talk about it when and if that happens but until then it's just all of them and of course tpm's already built into your bios if a system you built yourself within the last six years it's gonna happen it's going to have it so that make any sense jeff jankowicz says he's 64 years old and he's still on the job damn right i don't want to retire i want to work less but i don't want to retire because eisen thank you g watson matt power glenn's music jeff jenkins arnold schmidt bob connors mack geek solo frank m marco maelstrom m-i-b pro eric fletcher fred sunderman brad revel frank m sam kowalski jeff ryman michael dain derek weymouth trevor dunn trevor dude bob shoemaker mort motz and uh super marula greg guy selden bell who creates seldon created the rotating cube that's normally on display that i've replaced with nutty i should put that back before i go because i'll forget let's put put that back where it was that's better yeah selden created that jason erbank and planet cryos as well as because eisen and tim too much john paul bake and eric kaufman thank you guys i'm just shouting random names up by the way so thank you guys so much for hanging out i will see you all i don't know if i have time tomorrow i will try to get back tomorrow but friday friday at 1. if all the parts come in a build unlike any other i've ever done join me and mitch morrison friday 1pm pacific time for a build unlike any other i hope as far as tomorrow as far as thursday if i can i will go live i have a ton of content to shoot i have no shortage of things i want to show you i have a shortage of time so i'm trying my best thank you for your patience thank you for your understanding thank you for your support thank you for just being cool people big thank you for being my friend thank you for putting up with me i will see you all very very soon one way or the other until then oh wait go shadow contributes two dollars you just snuck right in there he says he lost 40 pounds to covet so far it's great weight loss well i hope you're gonna be okay i've had the flu pretty bad where i've lost weight it was like yeah maybe that wasn't so bad to get the flu but then i just put the weight right back on again so it was nice while it lasted but you know what doesn't kill you makes you stronger so let's get stronger how about that thank you thank you for your support and we wish you the best that's going to wrap it up for me i'll see you all again very very soon until then bye for now foreign you
Channel: CareyHolzman
Views: 28,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Holzman, motherboard, cooler, small, how-to, DIY, build a computer, build a pc, build, assemble, create, computers, windows, microsoft, samsung, ssd, storage, install
Id: 3s5F-oGdT34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 19sec (14299 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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