Live Chat. Let's talk reloading.

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all right I think I'm alive I'm alive now yeah this I'm using some new software here so we might need to tweak some levels mess around with some yeah mess around with some levels that's yeah let me get my bearings here stand by for some reason I'm supposed to get the chat in this software and that's not working which sucks because I thought this was going to be easy hmm that's ok all right did he come in on the audio levels you know can hear me okay all that stuff we'll give everybody a minute to show up I'm a little bit early I expected major problems here with this new software but it seems okay so far says the bench is organized I've been scrambling it's been a dumpster fire so I was scrambling here for the last 10 minutes or so try and get some crap out of the way as you might build hey I've been working with a lot of scales I've got a scale video coming this week I'm not quite ready for it I've got let's see 4 6 8 10 12 14 on the bench right now and I've got three more that are supposed to arrive tomorrow from Amazon though holy crap it's been a long time coming I haven't really had a good scale recommendation to make for people and they're gonna need to yeah get my crap together out there I've got one that's halfway decent so yeah even if ones that show up tomorrow are terribly bad then I've at least got one hopefully we can go with see here staying by yep nope I guess this chat interface in this software is just not going work that sucks maybe I need to skittle it from that software instead of just using it as the interface all right I want to do my best to keep up with a chat and not get stuck you know but yeah it is what it is if I miss what you say it wasn't on purpose it's never on purpose just to have a hard time reading the chat trying to think about an answer and then by the time I do that and get an answer out then yeah things have moved on Klinker Clint says uh why do I think Bull powders are still popular when we have less than what your sensitive powders for several years now yeah well it's all about load ability you know it's all about running through a powder measure if you're not if you're weighing every charge and don't really need a powder measure involved like I don't really see any good reason but the I got I got to do setup to do additional temperature sensitivity testing like I've got a better method of heating stuff up and I'm I'm going to try and do three temperature points from here on out like maybe freezing 32 degrees and then probably something like 90 degrees and then 120 or 130 or whatever that we tested didn't last and I want to test more you know see like do all ball patter suck you know except for maybe this stable six top five which are six point five which seems okay but yeah I don't know just a lot of testing to do we're still a little bit early a couple minutes before the scheduled start time so don't want to dig too deep here good to see a lot of familiar faces I think I saw where to go yeah there's curtain mills you were the very first channel member unless anybody else noticed that that little joined button show up on the channel they offered me that option so yeah I went ahead and enabled it in case anybody prefers that to patreon or whatever it's there available but you were the first sir I think I saw somebody else they get that cool icon by the name I saw somebody else yep Jeff Calvert there he is appreciate you guys jumping on that I don't know if it'll be you know successful or a thing or whatever but it's there and it's available God says the audio is really scratchy there it's not good I think I heard somebody else mentioned that it was a little bit hot so I tell you what let me try and turn it down just to touch yeah there it is okay so that's a little bit lower see if that sounds any better a couple of people asked about the 350 legend it's not really on my short-term plane and actually back some of the first couple people that showed up we're talking about the 762 by 39 bolt-action rifle that's what I want advice about because I've been looking into the options here I got some notes if you'll excuse me so I think the obvious choice is a Ruger American ranch the best place I saw right now is three eight nine ninety nine so if you guys see any smoking you know Black Friday deals of this this week on the Ruger American ranch that gets down below three eighty nine ninety nine that's the best I've seen so far I'm thinking that's probably the best choice because there's the cz 527 I want a threaded barrel so I can use a suppressor so the cz 527 suppressor ready Verdun is six hundred and thirty dollars so that's that's a little bit too much and there's also the how of many the Hal 1500 mini action and just the barreled action is a is around five hundred bucks so and I don't know if Hal is getting out of those like if you look back a couple years ago there were tons and tons of videos about those like complete rifles but now the other thing I see are the build actions and then I need to get a stock or a chassis or something like that so yeah five hundred bucks is just yeah I don't know we can get a Ruger American ranch for a couple hundred less than maybe that's the better the better move so I saw yeah I think with ego i shooting mentioned yeah how a fifteen hundred is a steal right now and what sort of price tag are you talking about like this five hundred sound about right like is that about what they're going for book says the hell is very accurate Vega power says we're American rich does anybody have a Luger American ranch I mean is it reasonably accurate gun oh and you know what another thing I wanted to mention for ya we dig too deep into other crap is hopefully you guys saw that accurate put out a recall on accurate 4350 accurate 4064 and accurate I think it's twenty four ninety five or something like that a the powder I've never used so it just did stick in my brain but there's another accurate powder so yeah just go to I think it's accurate powder calm or accurate or powders calm it'll pop up it's a big warning this can of thirty three fifty is actually affected by the recall and yeah it's it looks fun it looks totally fine but I guess these these are degrading so I'm gonna tell you to fill a full water so I'm gonna fill it full of water I sent him an email the recall thing said you know send us an email and then their answer was okay call us so whatever I guess I get it got to get off phone I hate getting on the phone I Spit man says the CZE uses 310 bullets and the Ruger barrel uses 308 bullets that's something to think about boy bullets selection would be a whole lot better if we could use three of eights but I didn't really know that if that was a thing like I don't know a whole lot about sixty by 39 reloading so I thought most people used the bigger bullets but yeah if there's that River will shoot the three lates that might be a good thing alex has a holla it's accurate he likes a lot yeah big he mentions also that you gotta watch the barrel diameter eagle-eye says play with it works it's a couple hundred bucks more than the Ruger but better overall gun that can barrel swap so you know well I'm that's taken me from 350 to 400 dollar Ruger that's ready to shoot to a five hundred dollar bill to action plus a forty dollar Oryx chanting a little bit ridiculous but like I said it can do barrel swaps so that's good is it pretty easy to switch the burles in the how many actions do they have like a barrel nut sort of setup or whatever like some stuff out these days that would be nice all right trying to go back here a little bit hitting still says how old best bang for the buck yep alright so let's see big tip for the 760 by 39 is small primer brass disappear e'er to the more common large rifle keep that in mind it's probably gonna be next summer before we really get going with this or next spring maybe too many other things like to kind of clean up and get on track here this winter yeah conan says how 1504 70 cent on buds so that's uh good stuff I think of era gasps how many digital scales do I need I need enough to where I finally find one I could recommend to people and I haven't reached that point yet I'm gonna have a video coming this week just trying to find something that will work halfway decent robert says how is metric fled and no barrel nut yep Calvin says that would powdered five minutes on the phone send pictures of lot number and checks in the mail yeah I was hoping to like I went ahead and sent him a picture of the lot number and was hoping it would be easy enough but I'll call him tomorrow Tim says his Ruger ranch 760 about 39 shoots lights out with real weights that is a good thing Randall got a Hal 1500 from Walmart one year ago with the 26 inch barrel and throw out six for $240 that would be nice Paul says he'd loved thompson/center to launch the compass in 6.5 Grindle in 760 by 39 that would be extremely sweet all right I'm all the way behind jump ahead if I missed your message on Bari yeah Jiwon says grab of guns the cheapest that's exactly where I found it for 389 hopefully you know sometime this week there will be one for 350 or something like that Matthew says okay I give up later y'all must have been asking a question maybe let's see his little head is orange there it is okay going to ask once more before I give up I am new to reloading and have reloaded some 44 Magnum but it seems that the bullet is sitting right in the powder is this light or did I look did I do it wrong it's not uncommon for the powder to fill up all of the available case space again it all depends on what powder you chose what load data did you go by like are you sure did you double-check that but if it's in a load manual and you've triple checked it and you're sure that you have the charge weight right then it might just be a compressed load that seems a little weird for 44 Magnum I don't load 44 Magnum so yeah I'm not sure if there's a lot of popular powders that run compressed in that cartridge but I wouldn't think so and also you know give me in reloading and get a little patience and understand there's a lot of messages here I can't read them all taco and french fries what powder measure do you recommend hearing good things about the line to look the new lineman is pretty cheap and yeah I think you can get the measure plus the stand for under 50 bucks but to be honest the lis perfect powder measure is not a bad start like if you're just getting started and buying your first powder measure get a lead perfect powder measure because even if you buy the lineman or if you buy like an RCBS uniform like just yesterday I actually pulled out the lead perfect powder measure because I was loaded with some trail boss and trail boss has got the big dumb nuts and stuff like that it will not through a sander powder measure like this for crap but alley perfect powder measure it runs right through it so yeah get London and the lead perfect while you're at it let's see Glenn Davis s do I think I'll might with any 6.8 spc maybe eventually but it's not on the shortlist either like I've done so many of the AR cartridges and it's yeah I have nothing against 6.8 spc seems like pretty good cartridge I just think there's a lot of overlap with like stuff I've already bun in other cartridges and I'm kind of on that 6.5 Grendel bandwagon and it's I've got a comfortable seat and everything so all right I'm missing a lot but I'm gonna keep up I'm gonna try and keep up with the trash yeah I guess talking about scales Conan mentions that the wao a double use had some differences they absolutely did like the early wao aw scales with are the ones that look like this for the most part they read to one tenth of grain and they were amazing and a bunch of us bottom and we've all had good good luck with them but they later switched to a version where it reads 2.02 grains and they're just not quite as good they're a little bit twitchy the the love sale the electronics the way it's programmed whatever it's not quite good enough for a point zero two if they would a data point or a five scale it probably would have been good as well but yeah is what is these nuts asking a migrant bust out the motions again I shot my Russian Mosin today for a video that's come out tomorrow or Tuesday it's not about the Mosin it's about something else I needed a gun to shoot for another video and picked up the Mosin so yeah wait until you see that video I'm thinkin I'm hoping we'll have a lot more mill Sur videos coming in the future I've got something that I think is gonna help a lot with that and I'm pretty freakin excited about it so yes more modes and stuff in the future PC bullet on empire says the side chats crazy it is man try replying to it it's impossible to keep up Lucas asked am I going to get on the 6.5 PRC bandwagon maybe at some point I've got a couple I got a couple guns I need to figure out what I'm gonna do with the first is my tikka I have a tikka t3 light in 308 and barrels too small it seems really susceptible to barrel heat like that one in particular just seems to walk around whenever it gets hot and I need to reburial it and I'm thinking that might be what I turn into 30.6 so I'm thinking tikka in an Oryx with a nice three out six barrel on it but but what the hell where was I without answering now I forgot the freaking question I won't say it sir thank you Eric I appreciate that do I wipe off case Lube or just roll with it I'll walk off case Lube and even further than that I generally end up like if I'm using lanolin Lube and I know I've got a bunch down in the down in the necks and stuff and down inside the cases I'll go ahead and wet tumblin after I've resized and everything I'll bet in wet tumbler just to get all Blubaugh but I've been using Hornady one shot quite a bit lately it came in that Hornady kit that was sent to me a while back and I figured I'd give it a try and it fit really good and multiple times I have went ahead and loaded it because it dries you know it's not greasy or anything so there's multiple times where I haven't wiped it off or anything I've just gone ahead and loaded and everything's been fine so far so I guess it really just depends on your Lube Andrew Huggins asks thirty-six won't work in it yeah won't work your action oh that's where you're wrong sir I do believe the only difference with antica actions at the boat stop from what I understand so a lot to do is modify the bolt stop or get a long action bolt stop and you're rockin and rollin Bob Berg says oh six no don't do it well I don't care what you say I'm going to do it because I love 30.6 I grew up with 3.6 it's one of my very favorite cartridges I've got it ringing the load 30.6 I've got him one grand in 30.6 so I'm already geared up and I love it I love cartridge so I want a really nice bolt-action thirty-aught-six then it'll freakin shoot bug holes so it's going to happen Andrew Geary asked how do I like the new Lyman press the all-american 8 so far so good it's yeah it's a it's a ready d7 clone the only difference is the way that you know the spent primers are cutting a cup where the t7 they go down into a tube I really prefer that tube but then again it's half the cost so and the little cup the primer cup that catches the spent primers you know it's big enough it works fine so yeah nothing really to complain about yet with the with the All American hate Aaron says 1306 is fine I like the 2250 though well I'm ready to rock on on 22-250 series I have my brother's 22-250 used to blow on my to my grandfather it's got really nice barrel on it I expect it to shoot amazing and that's coming like right now I just I wanted to get the all this crazy 300 Win Mag garbage I've been working with on its stock trying to get that stock bedded I wanted to get that behind me and next up is 2250 so within a week or two you should see the first 22-250 video and that's what I need I don't know we'll see if maybe that series goes and then maybe I'll buy my own 22-250 as well I'm not sure because that's another gun I've got a winchester Model 70 pre 64 that belong to my grandfather that was all my life it's been a 220 Swift and that barrel got shot out and he ended up putting barrel back on it that he had got with it back in the 70 I think is when he bought it it was barreled and it was chambered in 25.6 and he immediately took that off turned it into a 220 swift for a for a varmint gun and then yeah once this 220 swift barrel was shot out and he ended up putting the 25 out 6 back on there and putting it back in the original stock so I have plans to reburial that into 20 swift again and kind of like his original setup that you know he used as a varmint gun so if I go true 20 swift then 22-250 is it's a little bit redundant I'm not sure that I would want to do both long-term let's see somebody was asking so I'm asked multiple times here so I think it was the Forester micrometer there we go Rob asks can you share your opinion on forestry of micro adjust versus Hornady micro adjust bullet seeding dies sure so I've got you know I like the foresters they're good but be honest I really have come to prefer the Horn ADIZ they're cheaper and more importantly with the Horn of these is forget about all of them for any caliber you're shooting they offer multiple seating stems so you can find a seating stem that fits your bullet nicely and all of that crap with Fuster you're stuck there is a the ultra micrometer dies kind of come with the VL deep stem and there's bench rest dies that kind of come with the bench rest stem for you know normal ogives so those are kind of your two options and yeah you're more flexible going with the Hornady how would they the Foresters are better dies they're better made the the sliding chamber in them you know supports pretty much the whole case instead of the Horn of these it just really supports the neck so yeah it's a hard decision if you if you feel certain that your bullets are going to fit the foster die then it's a great option but then when you run into the ones that don't fit you're kind of screwed see I'm Oleg mill rad says but the Horning doesn't fit our CBS or reading the Lyman I have no idea what you're talking about presses of course they do they all use standard yeah standard through dye threads now my chat is hanging up here z fail asks is our CBS charge master fifty hundred still best automatic automatic metering scale for vice money haven't restore scales lately no there there's been a couple new ones there's a new are CBS that has the two spouts that's supposed to be pretty good somebody else just put out a new one as well so like there's some new powder dispensers on the market here just in the last six months or so the Lyman Jim six still it hasn't been out all that long still a halfway decent one it's always done a pretty good job for me I don't know I haven't had a chance to try the new RCBS I might do that at some point my class have I tried stable and Grindle yet I did test it up to 31 grains only 2,200 feet per second no I haven't got a chance to try it yet that one video where I did the civility test was were the only those are the only stable ones I've loaded so far Ezreal ass any interest in 25.6 yeah a little bit like I said that that Winchester bolt action rifle I have is currently barreled and ready to go in twenty five on six so before i reburial that gun I will do a series on 25 up six and we'll we'll try it out a long term I don't think so like I'm kind of more of a thirty out six sort of dude but yeah twenty five out six certainly has its place and will be will be tested it out I've got dyes and all that crap you have my back there's a set of leak all it dies for 25.6 Matt says the wooden dies are the best of both worlds can change seating stems and support the case click the dust sighs and dies pretty neat yes I want to try a set of wid dies really bad like I've come this close to ordering multiple times and actually I'll tell you what speaking of knife dies like I want to get a like a custom set of wooden dies maybe where you send them some brass and they they make you some yeah some custom ones I just bought this kit for 6.5 Creedmoor this is the the Wilson kit so this is a bushing type sizing die and then a seating die that you use in the arbor press my next sick went five Creedmoor video I'll go of this I ended up yeah I Brandon just died problems in 6.5 feet more the last time I was loaded and loading some it was my fault but wool yeah we'll talk about it later I please try out the - to the b23 Sabo's 4:30 hut 6 + 300 mag would like to know if you can make them accurate yeah that sounds like a fun video I'd love to try that oh yeah let me write that down - 2 3 Sabo's 4:30 cow I'm assuming you probably need to keep the velocity in check and use fast burning powders so that Sabo doesn't just strip right past the rifling I don't know I think I missed a super chat sorry about that yeah Peter thank you very much sir he's wondering if I have or would consider doing a savage rifle and if so what kind of caliber would you want to get in the future I would absolutely get ass abs like oh yeah excellent rifles from everything I've ever heard like there yeah nothing negative to say about Savage at all just don't have any experience with them and I kind of got suck in that thompson/center compass groove you know the last couple I bought but there are some really affordable savages as well that would have been another you know good path to go down that's kind of what we were talking about a little bit like what caliber to get into in the future I've got to stuff 2:57 Roberts died back here and what those are for I've got an old arasaka mill sir sporter that my grandfather had bought he bought it it was already sporter eyes he's not the one who ruined it but it's a it's an arasaka that has been sported eyes and chambered in 257 Roberts and I found a cracked piece on the boat the last time I took it apart so that's why it's been out of service and everybody always asked about those 257 Roberts dyes and asked whether I'm going to whether I'm going to get into it so that that's another cartridge I'd really like to try and then that might be the way to go so I know you know a lot of people or several companies are making the you know the tika barrels that you can change with the barrel nut and all that stuff maybe that's what I should do with my tika is put it in a nice chassis or something and then go with one of those setups where maybe I could get a 257 Roberts barrel for it and a thirty out six barrel for it I don't know I was thinking about this the other day just kind of thinking long-term on what I wanted to get into next or well with the Thompson Center compass now I'm stuck I've got an extra stock so I've got the works chassis plus I've got another stock for the short action and like I was actually had written that down like looking at the options I could get a 2250 compass or 243 or seven millimeter o8 or 223 or 308 I know you know several people have had problems with the 308 so I don't know so many options so many different different cartridges to get into [Music] blue says say yes average is great for easy caliber ranges with the barrel nut yeah exactly that's awesome and like I mentioned there are some people who are making that sort of a system for the tikka so that's really the way I should probably go with my tikka era thank you very much sir he says do you do I do any 17 or 20 caliber loading I don't and that was actually another one that as I was dimensioning the compasses they they offer one in 204 ruder and I've had a couple of people asked about that before but I don't know like I it'd be fun I'm sure to mess around with but I don't really had a use for for that stuff so thank you very much berry and Thor's axe thank you guys I really appreciate that yeah see there are several people chiming in that they'd love to see two of four guru gur yeah yeah like I could do it I don't know what the hell I do with the gun but it says 204 is a blast you can see hits in the scope before we go maybe I'm going with it or something PC boy Empire says yeah loading for two or four Ruger's of pay me ass after I just finished that fricking 25 ACP videos yeah like reloading in miniature yeah I'm gonna need a little blob before I jump into one of those again Mike says 200 for reloading is a challenge it'd be fun I like a challenge ever says could I send you three AR uppers with the reloading supplies in different calibers for you to develop loads and I'll cover shipping and whatever materials brother that would be a big big job like that's I got too much crap on my plate to tackle something like that I would be extremely likely to have all of your stuff for like eight months and still not be done and then you're pissed and I'm pissed advice passed and yeah I appreciate that but it's a really nice offer but I got too many half-finished projects to take on anything like that right now all the while of course we're talking about all these different guns on a body but yeah dreaming never stops but I don't know when I would ever get around to reloading for after the crap I'm talking about MOA mil dad asked why do you only shoot 100 yards my performance really shows better at 500 okay hey hang on let me double-check something here stand by one jacket I need to freaking cease anyway so let me mute myself here for a minute you that never mind I can't uh yeah I can't finally I was looking at I shoot 100 yards because that's what's in the backyard I can get 200 up there but I just don't you know I don't live out in the desert - yeah there just is what it is well I was trying to find like are you the guy in the last video the 25 ACP video who made that comment of what the hell are you doing this for this isn't your audience you shouldn't be doing this or something that's why I'm kind of being a dick you because I think yeah if I got you mistaken for somebody else I'm sorry but trying to tell me what my audience wants that didn't sit very well with me alright thank you very much to the green decoy thank you sir sorry I'm getting so far behind Jeff Happy Thanksgiving to you too sir Peters trying to get me get me into the 204 Ruger yeah if I get it to a full Ruger he's wanting me to get a savage yeah like I've got that compass stock ready to go so I'm kind of to be honest with you I've kind of encompassed out a little bit like I'd like to move on to something else but now I've got this extra stock that I feel like I really need to use so yeah we'll see how it goes things s is the sound work yeah I have your muted for a minute jerry 1911 already thinking about changing his new 308 to a seven millimeter late not if not satisfied with the accuracy in 308 I'll tell you what in my experience accuracy in 308 had been a challenge such a challenge I finally bought that Krieger barrel and everything's great now with my AR 10 but you know we went through that JP barrel we went through a ballistic advantage barrel my tikka 308 has never really shot as good as I always thought it should 308 stuff like I think there's just a lot of really crappy chamber jobs out there with really long throats and just jacked up you know throats and chambers ben says heard you say you wanted to hunt with the game-changers have you gel tested I did gel test some gank changers and at the same time I gel tested the bull dot rifle bullets I ended up killing two deer with the hundred and forty Green six point five millimeter gold dots they weren't amazing complete pass throughs and fist sight holes on the way out which is exactly what I want I want what retention extreme penetration and it smoked those two light tails so extremely happy with the terminal performance on the the gold on trifle bullets and I gotta be honest with you hopefully they expand line and these are on the the market for a long time because I might never hunt with anything else like they're amazing actually yeah right here is one of those 140 Greeners let me switch over or make sure I've got it in view here I'll come on your piece of garbage oh well my camera's going to be stupid but yeah the gold dot live bullets expand they hold their weight amazing they don't have crazy high ballistic coefficients or any of that crap but I don't shoot long range for hunting anyway so this so much job asked can I be loaded 25 ACP again nor cannot I'm done I'm done with that it says more to Rand and I saw so that's actually I was scrolling back to see if I could find that comment about the Grand Isle it's its heart it's in pieces it's been sitting at frickin box for like two years now I toured apart to refinish the stock and I got that pretty much done and then just never like you know it's three hours of work life from being done I just need you that's another one we need to get that put back together back in service I want to get all my guns where they're shooting and that's one that's been bugging the crap out of me so coming soon absolutely coming soon John says let me send you a couple packs of the three of black gold dot 150s would like to see how they do and maybe a gel test completely unnecessary sir I happen to just buy a couple boxes like last week because I was I may end up going back to a 16-inch three and a black eye barrel I really missed my 16-inch three and a blackout and at the same time I was kind of looking at barrels and stuff and I was loving the spear gold dot rifle bullets I just killed two deer with them I thought the exact same thing that 150 it seems very heavy like I don't see how we're going to be able to get enough velocity to get him to expand really well but maybe they're you know maybe they took that into account because my burrow is specifically made for three on the back out so maybe it's kind of lower expansion threshold so yeah that's coming really soon few weeks maybe something like that my next three and a block out video will be the 150 gold dots somebody asked can we find a melting range land and casting bullet series anywhere else since you had to remove from YouTube due to being dinged no not right now I just haven't put it somewhere else like I'll have to do that and yeah it's just kind of every time I kind of think about that a lot of those videos were old and the quality was really bad and it's like man do I really want to go through us work to upload them somewhere they're gonna get three views or whatever you know off of YouTube and they kind of suck anyway you know they may need redone so yeah I'll get around to it and I'll let it be known that those are available somewhere the the other one I really need to get more yeah these sound effects on this streaming software backing me up yeah but what the ones I need to get up are the ar-10 build videos where I actually built the ar-10 those got yet so those I do need to get up and I'll throw the lead wound up as well whenever I get a chance so yeah I'll do it soon Thank You Joseph I think you remember number four appreciate you guys app says if I get into em on gram videos be willing to donate from 69 67 69 LCM to ball if it would be of any use I still like want to [ __ ] up my grand from the the CP I bought one of those gigantic bags of amo or whatever so I've still got a lot of factory amo a lot of factory ball into so I think we're good there I appreciate that offer Robert says he's ordering the gold dots now for 65 Creed and 7 millimeter dude you will not be disappointed I've dealt tested the 62 in 22 the 75 and 22 the 120 and the 140 and 6.5 and what was it a 168 grain 30 caliber they're all amazing all of them are freaking awesome most of them shoot really really well I think the Grendel would yeah there was one where you know the roots were kind of a verge but most of the groups like that all of the Creedmoor group are like out of this world amazing so I don't think you'll be disappointed sir I think I've missed some some super chats here folks I'm sorry about that Ben thank you very much sir I really appreciate it there's Aaron's joined Joseph's joined yeah I appreciate you guys I can come up with like for the memberships and stuff I can come up with some better like icons and whatever what emojis and all this other garbage like so maybe octopi but maybe they wouldn't appreciate upload and crap like bullets and stuff yeah I don't know as far as like graphics and emojis and icons and avatars and all of that garbage have I tried to eel DX Tron several an eld X the 147 in 6.5 Creedmoor I think yeah there's one for three or is it both I think I've tried some of all of them in yeah I've tried several of them in six point five millimeter and they were good like they're good bullets I'm you know I think a lot of people were out there killing stuff with them so I think they're doing pretty good 2:08 a max in 30 is discontinued what's my opinion of the eld I think when they first came out I was shooting 300 blackout and I was shooting the 208a Max and tried to eld they were very very similar I think some of the eld czar just did you know just the new tip in the same bullet and shape I know some of them they changed but I think maybe the 208 is one that didn't really change I don't know it's been a while but you should be able to get as good or better performance out of eld I bet if you're happy with a max I'll chat Smoove them crazy here thirty huckleberry says more 6.5 Grendel with 130 grain bullets yes we found that well actually speaking of IL DS Mir that 120 eld shootin likes out in that 625 Grendel I need to get to Grendel yeah rolling again the the grin will always ends up getting put to the side because I've got so many problems to deal with in other cartridges Grendel is always just there ready to run ready to shoot good groups it's kind of like the most dependable of my dependably good shooting of all my guns these days so yeah I love I love the 6.5 Grendel I really do TBS can I send you a powder funnel if yes which caliber yeah you send me an email didn't you well we're all so sorry I'll answer that email let me write that down and make sure I'm sorry about that all right it's trying to get Tommy to gun asked why why is the lace trend hunting with match ammo I don't know man and to be honest I guess I'm kind of talking out of my ass here a little bit you know I always say you shouldn't do that but I've never really gel tested most of them like you know serum at Kings and stuff like that I've never gelled tested them so I always thought you know the dad could stand there going to freaking grenade like well I mean they're going to basically act like a birder probably so people like the brother hunting bullets so maybe people just like that explosive expansion I don't know I'm sticking to hunting bullets man Oh missing so much try we get let me get caught back up here Lyonne thank you very much sir appreciate that Brian thank you very much sir motivation for a gel bead DIY ballistic gel video by a back when I cooked up my own batch of of gel with actual gel to me it was out God forsaken mess no way no chance am I going back on that road Oh dark spirit had actually bought the the clear ballistics gel that I've been using since then and that I'm still using so it's I'm not going back to DIY ballistic just stuff I think about a video it's in my I think it's in my 300 blackout playlist it was a mess they it was such a mess I have a hard enough time melting down the clear ballistic stuff that you know that melt down easy and is easy to work with it's all it's still paying the ass Dain acid I have any more plans for stable six five I've got tons of plans for state ball six five I want to test it in every cartridge it'll work in I want a temperature stability test it in everything I want to yeah if I made a thousand more videos I would still have ten thousand more things I wanted to do I'll get to them all eventually I got a good 40 more years 50 more years to live so hopefully that's enough time we'll get to everything yeah Chico I says the DIY ballistic gel not so fun I've heard many times I did snot bill yes am I done with two to four Valerie no I'm not I've still not that barrel that white oak government gave me the shorter one I think it's an 18-inch er I just need to put it back together and and shooting some more the problems the brass like the brass crap two or three firings the primer pockets were gone in all of my testing so I was kind of putting it to the side and hoping some new something would come on market you know if somebody would maybe be figured maybe be figuring it out I don't know same deal 22 Nosler I'm not done with 22 Naza I've got a bunch of that six millimeter Hager brass that we need to form and get used them in 2000 are lots lots of stuff to do PC bulletin par says he likes Al comp in 308 cast bullets I'm like three away I like AR comp and just about everything it always seems be a good home Tim's be a good powder good for accuracy you know when the burn right stick about right it's good and I guess in 308 it's just a touch fast maybe you know just a little bit faster than your then your Vargas and whatnot so probably just about ride for gas bullets I would think that's the other thing one of these years I'm just going to devote a whole year to cast bullets I'd love to see CW says I'll comp works well for me and Grendel had tried it yes yeah a allcomp grating the Grendel it's good for some good good velocities but that's where I've had pressure problems with it so but that was back in the day when we really had no load data for the Grendel or very little and we were just kind of making it up as we went along so you go I should he says the temp since passed with stay ball made me consider an egg in convenient purchase for my ammo what I'm getting were these little portable ovens that Mike it's supposed to heat up your lunch or something Karin brings her you know pickled salmon or whatever and at her desk she plugs in this little mini stove and then it stinks up the whole office the whole day like love those and it'll get up pretty damn hot so I bought two O's or three of those and some some of the basic temperature controllers because yeah I was using my PID controller before and the thermocouple on that is really meant for higher temperatures so I got just one of the some of the basic I think they're 20 bucks or something on Amazon for controlling that temperature so I'm all set up I just need to you know make the time and start making those videos I want to test them all like I want to do a video on okay they all comp versus rotor 15 reloader 16 versus reloader 17 we loader 22 versus we load or 23 like many of the temperature stable we loaded repellers versus they're not temperature stable counterparts I want to do that the entire Hajus extreme line I think I've got all of them except one or two so I want to pretend to test all of those same thing with Hostin endurance series and plus you know a bunch of ball powders to see ok just how crappy are these things man you could have a successful YouTube channel just temperature testing powders I think assuming you know the results made sense and it you know worked out the way I think it will it's pretty fun stuff oh let's see here gyah and asked if i have any thoughts on the 350 legend not really yeah not much seems to be a lot of people hopped on board with the 350 legend so there's a good amount of info making its way out there but I just haven't really been paying much attention to be quite honest with you bin says he would love to see more reloaded or 26 maybe in the Grim Doyle crazy right yeah its we're just not gonna be able to jam enough in there I'm willing to try it like I'll cram a vase full and see what sort of velocities we get but I bet it'll be 1904 second or something just not quite enough room to get in there but I've got to get myself a got to get my hands on some real oder clean sticks I missed the last batch that came out in August or September and now it's all gone hands so I'm gonna the next batch that comes out I'm gonna let's get one eight pounder because it's a good powder I just I wish I wish they would have a more consistent supply last do I plan on doing some primal hardness tests I'd love to like I would really really love to that was fascinating in the 25 ACP to find that this federal primers were just an automatic fix the issues we were having with the CC is I would need to come up with you know some sort of test protocol where we could yeah be able to get repeatable results that were easy enough to interpret and get on film so I wanted to think about that I mean I guess the first thought would be like Brinell hardness testers that people use for lead like maybe take some of the primers render them inert with water or oil or whatever and then use a Brinell hardness tester on them like one of the lead hardens testers maybe I'll think about that I'll add that to the list oh I said so I should track down some realtor 26 noted you should like you're you're uh you're a traitor right you're always on Facebook trading stuff even if you don't have a cartridge for it then it's still plighted to keep around for trade but it's a little bit slow for 308 if that's what you're thinking you're looking more reloader 15 for 308 pay or comp like pc bullet power was mentioning and then maybe some wheeler 17 especially with heavy bullets you know you can heavier your bullets get the slower your powders you can you can try a so Larry Palmer says he's looking for Black Friday deals for his ar-15 build we need to yeah well I'll bet guess there's like over on reddit there's like the gun deals subreddit where you can find stuff the that'd be good place to track this week but it's hard to it's hard to check every single place jaywalk des real ever 25 is very close to 26 used both in six five PRC yeah it's just 25 is supposed to be Mont temperature sensitive or not temperature stable and reloader 26 is supposed to be stable I don't know I haven't tested it myself it's kind of like 22 versus 23 25 versus 26 16 verses 17 those who are the deals I think 26 is just supposed to be the newer one with all the bells and whistles holy crap Curtis William teach - thank you very much sir grandfather's model seven model 70 barrel caliber Restoration Fund I appreciate that I've got luckily I have the old barrel and it's a it's a heart barrel heavy profile heart barrel of course so I probably just need well I say I want to do a little bit of 25 on six on six testing with the gun and then you know get it rebelled in two to twenty Swift to 20 Swift is just insane crazy cartridge but thank you very much sir I appreciate that Oh too much too much to keep up with Sean mentions that lead neckties work well for for him like the the call it dies I think I'm going to need to get one for the 300 Winchester Magnum after I had those case case heads operations which we're going to talk about in the next video we're going to you look at those a little bit closer and considering in that last video like how hard that brass was to resize I think I'm just getting a whole lot of work to that body and I really need to look into next sizing for that cartridge or like we were kind of mentioning earlier with the wind dies what I might do it's not cheap but it's something I've been wanting to try anyway and this might be a really good opportunity to do it is you take a couple pieces of fireblast you send it off to them and they make you a custom die a custom full-length die and they can do full bushing die so that might be a really good opportunity to try out a custom a custom die but yeah I've always heard nothing but great things about the Lee call it neck sizing dies and whenever I cranked up the 22 to 50 series just coming next I've been saying that for a little while but seriously it's like all the crap is sitting here it's ready to go hmm where did that [ __ ] die set go yeah here we go so we've got Lee call it dies for 22-250 and we're going to be using those quite a bit in that series probably Boise killer ass Hodgdon Bourget what's your thoughts like it's it's probably the most powder or the most popular powder and bet for performing powder on the planet on target age forty three fifty and like you're done you can you can load just about any rifle cartridge almost with those two and we need something a little bit faster maybe like yeah I don't know what the third powder will be in that list but Morgan's as good as it gets everybody loves it that's great in 223 all your medium life cartridges so you're a guy that wants to have one powder and that's all you load far gets a pretty good choice assuming that the burn speed is you know is right for the bullet sizes and all of that stuff that you want to that you want to shoot yeah sofa says his pumpkin sitter compass in 6.5 quick more shoots point 7 M away but the one I have in 308 has been a 300 MOA gun her yeah 3 my I've heard nothing yeah I've heard that over and over 243 outdoors bought one and had nothing but problems I think eagle eye shooting here in the chat pad one I don't know if he's still got it or if he got rid of it maybe that's what I need to do get one of those because to sell me there or send me theirs or something just to see if it also sucks for me the aapko dimensions h 4895 that's another ad another great one and that would be just a bit faster they have argot so that might be good like if you're a free powder guy gives you some age 40 to 95 bargain and age forty three fifty and you can load damn near anything bill says when you start the 2250 keep in mind the Hornady 35 grain v-max will tolerate forty four hundred feet per second I believe I have some of those 35 sir and that's definitely going to be one of our first objectives in this series is to blow past 4,000 feet per second is that fun thing if we've shot anything over 4,000 feet per second on this channel before I don't think so not that can remember yeah just last to 20 swift over 22 Creedmoor I don't know anything about 22 Creedmoor yeah I'm just sticking with the set for history that's what my grandfather used his two men groundhog guns were a 220 Swift and a 22 250 so the one we're about to shoot in the series that belongs to my brother and then the the 220 Swift that I have that I'm looking to get back to 220 Swift but I haven't seen the numbers how they compare to one another I mean 220 Swift yeah yeah it's an absolute freaking barrel burner like you want to talk about Bill Byrne that's a barrel burner people say in 6.5 cream or or something is a barrel burner like no no now would you teach what he slipped his barrel burn I've got three or four thousand rounds on my compass easily at this point and it's still shooting lights out so yeah that's not a barrel burner people love calling everything Earl burners oh my god that overboard total Bell burn whatever man just an opportunity to upgrade barrel more often Cecil asks what do I think about the Hodgson CFE powder series powders I'm saying like overall I guess you know like yeah CFE 223 can get amazing velocities in lots of different stuff so heavy bullets in 223 all the way up man yeah just check to look at the Hodges and loaded data it's the top velocity powder and just about everything it's listed for it so it's a little good powder really good burn speed I just I need to test its temperature sensitivity I assume it's extremely you know consider I mean it's extremely sensitive to temperature swings and I struggle with accuracy with - sometimes my god can't remember the last time I a shot oh good grief CFE 2:23 and was really happy with the outcome it always kind of shoots a decent groups but decent groups get the job done especially for plinking and you know some hunting stuff it's a ball powder you can run it nicely through a powder measure so it's got a lot of got a lot of good things go back I think I missed a atom thank you very much sir 2250 FPS for the win here can we hit 4500 feet per second I don't know though Stephen thank you very much sir any place to look at 6.5 by 47 just joined the stream sorry if it said been asked before he hasn't and when I'm when I decided to get into 6.5 Craig more several years ago I really wanted to get a 6.5 about 47 but the Creed one was more popular and I think that I thought that videos would be more popular and drawing more viewers which is basically why I went with the with the Creed moreover the 6.5 about 47 I'd love to have one that's a fascinating cartridge but just a whole lot of overlap with the Creed more as far as you know everything just about and think again sir os asks something that is very relevant have I ever tried a sinclair mandrel die for neck expansion instead of the expander ball in regular dies for thinner black I haven't but that's a thing like it's it's something to look into like if you're going down that path then I've heard good things about the Sinclair's I think Mopar madman over at lecture reloading has kind of gone to a lot of the manual dies for his neck expansion and I just bought this right here this is a K&M kit I've had the neck turning tools from Kem for a long time so that's why I went ahead and finished out this kit and I bought a mandrel for ya 224 so I bought a 22 caliber mandrel for doing a similar sort of deal and that's going to show up in the 22 250 series if I give you results like that might be something that I adopt across a whole lot more cartridges of using a mandrel to really get you know fine-tune that neck tension just the way I want so yeah if you're looking into that you're on the right track there's no downside right perfect neck tension is better than not perfect neck tension but ordering you know you're probably going to order one and it's not exactly the way you want it so yeah that lost video didn't we kill the battery you alright crap crap crap we killed a battery well he kill a little battery getting the camera so yeah alright hopefully we're back and you hear me now sorry about that and that's especially crappy because right now my microphone is going through to the camera so you could hear me you couldn't see me not good yeah it looked like we're streaming I think Oh looks like I'm back hi Joseph thank you very much sir I've gotten into trouble with power varmint using five five six look data in a 24-inch tt3 wild barrel I don't remember any backs periences with varmint I guess it's good stuff I really like it I'm a huge fan of accurate 25 20 and varmint is kind of similar to it so yeah big fan of power probe varmint thank you very much Anthony Brown I think I've missed somebody else there we go there's Jeff chipping in for the 65 expand or die and I think I saw both action reloading back there somewhere yeah there he is bolts and Clair vandal drives work great haven't tried them in 300 blackout yet David wants to see more 760 by 54r reloading which is coming the next video you're going to see me shoot a few rounds through the Mosin have I ever used IMR 3031 to reload 760 by 54 I haven't that's a little bit on the fast side but I mean 3030 one's good in tons and tons stuff I think it would probably be good in 76 to about 54 hours well I'll put that on list of stuff to test my mule same page that's 270 Winchester please sir please thank you very much sir I'm going to get into a to 7:00 here you know someday there's nothing wrong some 270 I'm a fan of 270 I don't know it's it's not in the super short term plants gray night asked I ever do an episode on shot shoulder loading I would and I've actually got everything I need to reload 16 gauge blue or not and that's another video where you know I've always meant to make that video I've had all the stuff for about a year and maybe I will I have never learned of a single shotgun shell ever so it would be a bit of a learning curve and it's just a little little lead load all job that it's pretty inexpensive nothing could be fun Psalms asked labrador worth the money and I thought somebody else asked about that as well here yeah I need to make that video cuz uh yeah Dom father he's been bugging the crap all over me about that as well in a good way like over on Instagram he he's constantly asked him look when we get in the lab rayar vs. magneto speed video it's coming soon the lab right arts Lincoln amazing it really kinda is but there's a lot of people who have mentioned that they have problems with Bluetooth activity with it and I never had any problems I had a Samsung Galaxy s8 and that worked fine and on ipad that worked fine and a cheap Android tablet that looks fine and then I ended up getting a my old galaxy s7 I ended up going to it because I'd cracked the screen on my other one the s7 is garbage it will talk to it at all and you know connect every once a while and then it immediately disconnects so I finally have a platform where I can demonstrate that problem in the video but it sounds like it's you know like I said I'm three out of four on devices working well with the with the Labrador so yeah if it's not working and on a buy cheap tablet maybe or something that will gary says if you've had a 220 Swift heart barrel unless it would be too short does have it cut and retain bird my brother I've got feeling that this thing has no rifling left like I don't know you know I don't know like a really badly shot out bill I don't think new chamber in wood would work it would you know it wouldn't put us back into a good place I think that burl is still shot I don't know for sure and he's asked thank you very much sir said do you lap your rings when mounting scopes you have any experience with quick-detach mounts and how well they return to zero I do not lap my scopes the last couple set of rings I've bought four bolt-action rifles has been the Weaver skeleton you know two-piece rings no lapping no anything and they just shoot fine and on the quick-detachable mounts I've got a couple of the Burris pepper mounts they're really cheap Burris you know Picatinny quick-detach one piece jobs and they've been awesome yeah I've shot them on some you know the ar-10 does just fine with 308 6.5 Creedmoor no problems whatsoever so I do have an odd mount base which is a big beefy $300 or $400 I even remember how much it was but it was a crazy expensive base that I had bought back when I was building my first 6.5 Grendel and I thought I might need that light I thought I might see some gains from that but then later on I ended up buying a cheap Burris pepper mount and it shoots just as good as that you know extremely beefy odd mount base so yeah the Burris pepper does it for me I think it's still still on them on the market I haven't bought one in a while Coenen says he doesn't leather it's probably kind of like stock bedding like okay about to Boyd stocks the Creedmoor shoots great no betting work the 300 man shoots terrible no betting work and you know I need to bed that one and it fixed it they fly the same way with scopes and and lapping your rings and all that stuff if you get rings that are all janky and putting all sorts of weird stress on your on your scope then yeah you PI see a huge gain from lapping but you know nine out of ten times or ninety-nine out of a hundred times it's not going to make a big deal and I've seen a couple many people mention 30 30 today is uh yeah like I have never owned a 30-30 I would love to own a 30-30 I'd love to shoot 30 30 I'm just around here where I grew up it seemed like that most people they either shot 30 30 lever-action or they shot a 30.6 and I my dad shot 30.6 and then later on I got a 36 and my brother out of 30 odd six we were just a 30 on 6 family so we looked down upon the piddly little 30 30 shooters since then i've wisened up now I appreciate the you know the value of the 3030 as a cartridge and it's it's legendary it's killed more deer than anything else you'd have to think I mean that Beckett said a whole lot but I don't know but I don't own one maybe someday because I love lever-action rifles I'd like to get an old an old lever-action 3030 and just see what it would do joke baker ass any word what all the donations are going to if it's for that coyote Boyd's that coyote Boyd's at one for the 300 Win Mag compass I'm in man I don't want to be betting another stock right now like I'm yeah that's when our cameras not focusing things get out of yeah okay whatever yeah I wouldn't want to buy that because I wouldn't want to go through that process again of betting that one so I've got the Prairie huh no yeah I've got the Prairie hunter stock I've cut it bedded it should be good we're not touching that gun even though you know the at one's pretty dang sweet and plus I've got an extra board stock right now for the short action compass and that's what I got to figure out what to do for that so a bunch of people were talking to talk me into 204 ruder so that that's probably where so these this money will most likely be except for like you know some people call not exactly what they'd like me to put it towards and but yeah in general the extra cash these days is going towards seven six to about 39 bolt-action rifle because I'm going to be getting into that early next year hopefully and yeah maybe another compass and either 204 Ruger 7 millimeter Ola 22-250 I'm not sure but Tommy says Thompson said a short action go to 43 Ezreal says lure tikka rifles maybe next one for the channel I've got a tikka that I need to yeah get fixed or you know it's a tikka t3 light in 308 that I don't really shoot so I think I'm going to get something I'm probably going to turn that into 30.6 and try and get one of the quick change barrel systems for it so that maybe I can also get a 257 Roberts barrel and shoot that cartridge again so that's kind of the plan for the tikka so eagle-eyes want my spear stock I don't know man buy another gun is a lot more fun than giving giving you my stock I don't know I'll think about it that's probably the smart option is to is di and he said he Bree Mary Ribeiro his compass to whatever cartridge that that I choose yeah I'll think about it Brenton asked what was my favorite Bob's 55 grain load it's been so long I can't even remember we need to get back remember we had a whole 55 Rin Full Metal Jacket shootout and going on and everything was great like that another one I buy I bought that new 223 barrel from what if karma meant the predator barrel and we made one video with it and haven't shot it since so got to get that guy back out see how it shoots in 55s fire up the mark 262 series again we need to try out different stuff like well the the stay ball six five I'm it's looking on the load data like it might be pretty decent for heavy bullets so yeah I just I got to get back on a roll now and I'm almost there right I mean I've done several 50 percent over the last week I'm just gonna keep cranking out a couple of weeks before you know what we're gonna be caught up and yeah right now it's a little bit overwhelming with all the crap I need to do to get caught up yeah gary says a lot of people have a lot of ideas for videos and projects the dudes already got some sweet pokers in the fire let's see what he cooks up exactly I need to get back to like where I'm wondering what the next video is gonna be I've got a long list and really like I mentioned 76039 is would be next year so I'm buying one now just because it's Black Friday and I figure this is probably gonna be the best deals of the year so did we ever come to a consensus on that earlier on I was asking for advice on that the obvious choice is the Ruger American ranch it's out there and grab a gun right now for 389 99 I'm hoping maybe there's a $350 deal out there this week at some point and yeah the cz 527 is just a little bit too pricy and a lot of people trying to talk me into the haula 1500 min so yeah if y'all got any advice on that I'd love to hear it or if you know of another 760 by 39 bolt-action rifle I should consider Tommy says go dot all the calibers for a big old dot showdown that sounds fun to me I know thank you very much sir I appreciate that yeah there's a happy commotion Ruger American ranch he's down for that and then Stan immediately says the hell many so we load her 762 says he reloads for 76039 but it's for three different SKS rifles this is not going to be only a bolt-action thing I have an SKS chilling out in Baz Moline right now I've never fired so wouldn't be cleaning that guy up that's gonna be kind of our mill syrup option I want a bolt-action and I'll probably get a cheap AR bow well maybe build an AR so yeah people have been asking about 70 60 by 39 for so long whenever I do it I want to do it right I want to yeah balls to the walls free guns let's see what this thing can do david says the Santa axis 760 about 39 the problem with a lot of the other 760 about 39 is the the lack of the threaded barrel like I really want a threaded barrel so I can use my suppressor no that's annoying that Adam noise often people when I say that but I just I like shooting suppressed Tim said military arm channel bash bash cz a little bit check that V out I will I will definitely check that out oh she be outdoors says he has some good and bad videos on next 39 loads often check those out as well sir guy actual would like to see a large cow like 438 or 416 like here's the deal if we you just go back a year to whatever a live stream just like this everybody forced me getting the 300 Winchester Magnum I'm not a big gun guy I don't like recoils not my thing I considered big Magnum cartridges unless you were shooting like extreme long-range something or killing [ __ ] moose or hunting something huge yeah if you had a three in one bag you just apparently had a tiny penis or something like I just I've never understood the appeal of it but now that I have one and now that I've shot it now like I enjoy it so much like I enjoy the crap out of 300 Winchester Magnum it's fun to reload for it's a new you know it's a whole new range of powders that I'm not familiar with that I've never were shot at any other cartridge so that's a lot of fun heavy bullets and and new powders and yeah so yeah a year ago I would have said there's no chance I would get into something big you know like the 338 or whatever but it might happen now cuz I'm kind of I'm getting hooked on the big stuff I don't think I missed a couple yep md's any big bore or a arse in the future I was surprised by the accuracy of my cheap 450 Bushmaster upper I just bought sorry if you answered already I would like to do that eventually it's kind of a yes initially yes definitely I think it would be a lot of fun I just haven't even I don't even really looked into it like there's there's several of them right isn't there like isn't everybody who's a hearing it might have been on full had stalkers podcast or something they were talking about the Yeti there's no that's a little bit smaller right the Yeti a lot of people talk about how awesome the yen was and I don't know if it kind of belongs in that group with the 450 book master and what's the other big one so yeah yes in the future definitely just you know I need to I need to get caught up before I tackle anything big right now toss that shooting suppressed is a lot of fun it really is man I've got all that money I'm actually thinking about get a second suppressor and I'm considering well I guess if I did something like a 450 Bushmaster could I get a 45 caliber like 45 ACP can and shoot bad through it I don't know how did you know that would not be a bad idea to get a big bore suppressor I was also looking at the is it the Omega 9k that I could use on my pistols and stuff and also use all the way up to 300 blackout and it's much smaller profile than the Omega I've got right now that that's yeah I'm not probably not going to pull the trigger on that real soon but I'm thinking about it yeah gkf is love the cherry will keep it up FII Hornady micro just sita mal has good black and silver contrasts easy to read also Hornady cedar plugs and 65 have put numbers on them now really that's amazing I knew about the the micro just because I ended up buying a second one and yeah here it is right here now ice filled in black what's the first one I had this was all silver and you could barely see it wasn't you know laser etched and not filled in but I didn't hear about the seating sim so that is fantastic news do you happy says yep we enabled your large-caliber addiction it happened I can't believe it that happened I can get into fender Wetherby now step it up gradually dad I'm going to have to plant a moose hunt or something if I keep doing this like I need to have some sort of reason I don't have that any bringe available to shoot really long range so I can't use that as an excuse and you know black bear are the biggest thing around here hey William CJ bud says we barreled my grandfather six PPC and 76039 and see what caliber can do easy swap see I would love to try something like that I think that would be fascinating just a full-blown you know bull barrel benchrest setup with a completely common cartridge like 7.62 by 39 that everybody says is garbage or to see like okay how would that gun shoot you know the cheap stuff surplus ammo that sort of stuff that would be funny don't the pass me we might do that sometime how many gun safes do I have unfortunately I have got one that is jammed cram packed and some stuff ends up going somewhere else to get locked up so I need about three and I've got one yeah Cody says the Bowers group makes a big war suppressor I'll have to check that out man well I asked 6.5 Grendel lost popularity in your opinion I don't think so I mean I guess it you know I I do Grendel vids so I get comments about Grendel and people ask constantly talking more to me about Grendel so if it is I'm not aware of it it's still awesome to me I don't care if it loses popularity I'm gonna keep on shooting it cuz it's pretty darn amazing and especially with the complete flop of like the two to four valkyrie blasts being crap and all of that plank if you want a long range or 15 right now I don't know what else do you would want to choose I mean Grendel is an easy choice there unless like one of the other Wildcats right now the six Grendel or anything else like that my cat came up to say huh you want to say hello there's a bunch of people who want to say hi to you look right here say alright pick pick pick a good scale over there pick a good scale you like the linemen okay hey look over here yeah I'm trying to talk to people right now you're welcome to say you know you lay down chill out if you want to but I'm just saying I can't give you all of my attention right now yeah I saw somebody there said they were on day three 31 for their suppressor yeah I was looking at the wait times and it's bad right now it seems like it's only going to get worse I'm sure and that's that's the problem is I'll put it off because I don't want to go through the wait time again and then six months later I'm look again it's like why did not order six months ago so I'd be halfway through my weight the prices have have chill a little bit like suppressors aren't quite as bad as they were I think I paid a little over a thousand bucks for my for my Omega back in the day but I think they're like 700 bucks now or something like that so it seems like the time to buy well he says I have not seen you check your concentricity of your reloads my question is does it matter a whole lot it matters a great deal it matters a lot I need to do a whole series on that and that's part of yeah it's a whole subject but it's it's a very deep hole you're looking down into you know you better be sure you want to jump because you're going to end up buying a whole lot of stuff trying to chase absolutely perfect concentricity what I need to do like right now the only a concentrate tricity gauge I've got is the Hornady and it does okay for you know kind of what it's designed for but there's a lot of stuff it can't measure I need to get a better concentricity gauge that's probably why yeah that's probably what I'll do Jay DHS what is the kiddies name he doesn't really have well I just call buddy hey buddy I know him buddy when people ask me I'll call it Bob and what's the name his name's Bob so we'll just call him Bob the cat God says 338 Lapua Johnny I know you want one yeah I've been watching bolt-action reloading I don't know if y'all saw his video yesterday he was shooting 338 Lapua oh it's tempting especially cuz I think he got a smoking deal I'm a gun and picked one off the right time Adam thank you very much sir thank you again and again sir hopefully that's not actually Joseph Billy says if you pick up a savage barrel swaps are easy exactly I really I should probably do is get one of the savages what is it the 1:10 like you know the one of the nice savages with that accurate rigor whichever one's the good trigger and the nice replaceable barrels what would be the best model to go with there that might be what I do because it's either one of those or might Iike that I want to get kind of set up to where I could do my own barrel swaps and try weird stuff you know yeah try weird stuff without having to worry about a gunsmith I think we got a little fight going on here about 2:00 to 4:00 Valkyr brass that brass is awful man or either you the brass is awful or the cartridge just has a fundamental geometric flaws that cause the primer pockets to crap out no matter how good brass is because I'm installing you know they're not the pool but then the good brass and when they started making the Valkyrie brass I was thinking you know I was really really hoping that I was gonna be to fix the problems but it wasn't really any better than a federal brass could not he primer pockets together to save my save my life sophist says the cat's name should be mustachio well when I picked him up from the from the shelter they called him Clark Gable so I guess he didn't could his name's Clark if you want to go back to the original and I guess they did that because of the mustache it is it's a business tractor wool must actually got going on there 110 is short action 111 is long action 12 F V axis to 12 mile 10 or 12 I guess maybe this is my problem there's too many freakin models man like dang so all those have they they're replaceable they come with a barrel nut already they're ready to rock for hillbilly barrel changes in the garage eagle-eye says target model savage 110 thank you very much Joseph savage has a single-shot 338 Lapua for a good price yeah absent like those single-shot 338 and 50 BMG's and stuff though those would be fun talk about something that's seems to have all like its popularity you don't see people doing the goofy 50 BMG videos anymore I guess maybe everybody got that out of their system well I'm running out of gas here folks will tell me is it 9:45 we will go about another 50 minutes probably stop at two hours just quit while we're ahead I guess so 12 is varmint cartridges thanks again Joseph 10 is short 1 10 tennis short one 10 is long both have the barrel nut gotcha yeah I'm big he says 10 11 12 short action 110 111 112 long and see what was it eagle I was saying savage names their actions 10/1 tend to cover both long action and single action in their catalog so you were saying you can you can throw a short action barrel on the long action at home yeah there gets long action with a short action Bale yaks I would want the magazine capacity I don't mind if you know there's unnecessary bolt travel or I don't know whatever I guess as long as it basically feeds off the magazine I'll take a big honking long magazine any day of the week I like load and stuff long well Jason asks what are my thoughts on the river American ranch in three black versus seven sixteen by thirty nine versus 556 for a one gun option one gun for self defense one gun for dear nuttin one gun for squirrel huntin one gun for plinking you know that's uh you're asking a deep question probably yeah man I don't know that's tough uh I mean me personally I would probably go three hundred block out I think it's yeah well man five five six you can do a whole lot Ida what's the twist rate on there five five six barrel if it's a one in nine or worse or slower then you'll be limited from the heavy bullets in five five six that I like to shoot and their four hundred block y'all hopefully it's an at least an eight twist they would allow you to shoot heavy bullets and light stuff and I just you know I haven't shot seven sixty by 39 so I don't really have I don't got the love of the cartridge yet maybe you know six months from now after I've shot at some maybe my favorite but so for that for that list I would probably go with 300 blackout you can get hunted moderate ranges you can get you know subsonics and stuff to do you know fun plinking and stuff and deep linking ammo is starting or has been available out there and it's a lot of fun to reload for really small charge weights bulk 30 caliber bullets can be had for a reasonable price so yeah I'm finna black out and the cat's back what do you want bud you getting mad you want outside don't you I'll let him outside sometimes that's usually when he gets to really really bugging you guys he's Joe hit one gun for money morning when gun one for Monday midday one for Monday night exactly your basic 21 gun setup all right you can come back up here yeah team ball cards as 300 is just so varied and so fun to load that that's it because precisely it's so much fun a lot of people hate on it but Jake asked what twist for the 220 Swift that's something I don't even know I want to look at the existing barrel and see what the old twist was and I'll probably want to go with something faster but then the problem with that is you're pushing bullets so freakin fast that if you went to a like if you did a true fast twist 7 rate 2020 spliff no you couldn't keep bullets together like bullets would just be grenade on you left and right I would imagine I mean that's that's a guess on my part I just haven't really researched it yet yep Rob said he me out his support of 300 black I heard it too Hey you all right now Beck needed a drink I didn't want to subject your gross drinking sounds yeah mo mil rad sis to 20 swift 1 and 14 I think that's that's the standard like that's what I would expect it to be but my Annie would be a lot of fun to shoot up 90 green sierra matchking and 220 swift see what happens could you get the velocities high enough to where maybe a nine or 10 twist or something like that could possibly stabilize something look at it I don't know that'd be fun okie are says that meow was was rushing for X 39 yeah bill asked do I own any CH for D dies or have an opinion I've never heard anything bad whatsoever about CH for D the last time I looked at their stuff I think it was I was looking at board swaging stuff I think I don't know it's been a while and you know I never even got started swaging with the dies I already have but I was thought that CH 4 D made the best bullet swaging dies for for home use you know non-commercial I guess you'd say just standardized for normal press but ya never heard anything bad about him and now that you bring them up I haven't even thought out him in a while I will starting about maybe getting a custom die for my 300 Chester Magnum I'll have to check them as well see what how the prices compared to Whidden and some of the others and I think yeah let me see if I can find it I saw it right over here yesterday oh there it is then we lose another battery here a screen went blank okay dude wait all right so if you guys remember this guy The Herald's precision tuner break I think Harold's precision also makes custom dyes so I need to need to look into that and I'll be sure to check CH 4d as well I don't know why my camera freaked out a minute ago it's freaking me out man hopefully you guys can still hear me mike says 20 Creedmoor needs a one-in-eight for boats up to 90 grain that's be cool I'll have to I'm to look into the 22 Creedmoor see how it compares to the Swift I don't know if they're in the same neighborhood or not Idaho Rogers ask anybody load for that in five seven that's an interesting little cartridge I have it personally Gary 22-250 in the future heck yeah I've got a 2250 yeah right here it's not in arm's reach but it's pretty close that's actually like within within a week or two you're gonna see 22-250 video it belongs to my brother it used to belong to my grandfather and it should be a really good shooting gun I've got a million bullets picked out I've got a million powders picked out we're going to dive in pretty deep with to the 22-250 I'm hoping to get that 62 6260 three what's that hi BC v-max yeah there it is 53 I'm hoping these fifty threes might shoot pretty well in it because yeah the ballistic coefficient on those is crazy and I think we can get some pretty good velocities out of the 22 250 no doubt about that Emily mil rad 220 swift stabilizes the nine-grain fine with 14 twist yeah I doubt that maybe I doubt it Craigie Cletus asks why do I have more digital scales than any normal human being should have because I'm about to do a scale video I've got three more coming in tomorrow from Amazon I'm trying to find a freakin cheap scale that I can recommend to people and I haven't had one that I really believed in for a couple years now so I'm buying one of everything basically and I'm just going to see if I can find one or more of them that are halfway decent my boy says he runs us 53's for our coyotes and all he can say is poof yep they ought to get the Bob done great night asked what if any was your least favorite celebratory load that easy you just saw the video I'm at 25 ACP was that he's paying the but I think with the matter of shell Homer it would have been okay I did dump I probably don't as I was waiting powder I probably done fifteen charges just from fumbling and bumbling with those tiny little cases and the tiny little bullets but it was a fun challenge so yeah I don't really have a least favorite cartridge to reload they're all special in their own little way right more scales than a coke dealer yeah Jim man says he likes the Frankfort Arsenal scale you talkin about this little guy cuz this little guy is bad it's really put bad they've got some news though like there's a there's a loot Frank for Arsenal I don't it made it may still suck but it's like 80 bucks for a kind of basic digital scale I'm not paying that just to find out it sauce I don't know Robert ass not even the hum geek yeah the hum geek right here they're gonna bad but the problem all of these kind of look like this are pretty good but the ones that read point 0 2 just aren't quite as good as the old ones that read to a 10th of a green it's hard to explain I'll try and do it during the vo but those original ones man they read fast you can trickle them like they keep up with trickling that he's never drift zero you never even have to calibrate the stupid things so and the new ones are just a little bit pitchy you know they're they're doing all sorts of weird stuff sometimes but the vast majority of time they're okay Joseph said he likes the climb in Gen 6 it's a good little disp ender I just my main problem with the n6 is I'm generally loading 25 rounds or less with a powder and it never seems like it weren't worth the time to fill it up but for you know yeah if you've got a favorite powder or two or something a powder dispenser - let go buzz says I don't need a scale with powder scoops exactly says I should name the cat Grindle that's not a bad name Grindle's the cat's name now I like it we'll make it official his name Grendel buyer boy says Jim Percy 50 I went through - Tim Pro - 50s I liked him one of the lab it was my fault and the second one broke then him they've just been bad and they weren't available anymore and I bought a gym pro 300 and it was crap it garbage it's worse than any of these you know $15 Amazon scales so if you can still find the gym bro 250 or if you've got a gym or 250 then it's good stuff yeah mr. Page says he liked to a 300 Win Mag vo he'd heard the heavier bullets work well on 300 and you proved it I like shooting the heavy bullets I'm always kind of been a heavy bullet guy for the most part yeah I'm really happy to see that that gun is easily able to stabilize the 2 and 40 grain errs and shoots amazing I want to try the heavy like one of the next when my videos were doing is with the yeah what I do with him crap they were here somewhere the Horn of the a tips and I bought 135 grain news because I was afraid you know I might have trouble stabilizing the heavier ones but next time we might end up by and I think they've got a 150 250 something grain 1 or something crazy like that man I kind of got lost myself there for a minute I don't know what the hell I was talking about my Malad says even at sea level the 220 Swift will stabilize the 90 grain in a 14 twist so that his is pumped up but if you try it then I'm wrong I'll buy rifle all right I'll give it a shot sorry I'm late I was wondering what 3 hour blackbullet do you prefer for what force subsonics I've always had the best luck with the 220 grain sierra matchking and the 200 grains here I'm asking I think been pretty good for hunting 110 and 120 grain barns tack TX they are in a category all on their own they are amazing so I killed some hogs with 120 version I was actually looking for something the other day and couldn't find them in stock anywhere hopefully they're still out there and available so yep just for general plinking I don't know whatever sheep dynasty thank you very much sir for all those nights he was stuck in a hotel room and I helped him keep his sanity I appreciate that I'm glad to help I spent a lot of well actually bullion whenever I had this channel I was still traveling for work and I spent a lot a lot of time in hotels and YouTube does help you keep your sanity a little bit David I said I have tried the primary arm scope no I haven't and I've kind of a bit look I look at scopes or once in a while and almost buy some and then yeah I don't know but yeah the the ever a while back everybody loved the fixed power primary arms I think it was and I don't know if that was because they were giving them away to people and they were just saying they were good or if they were actually really good you never kind of know you all you gotta be careful on YouTube you never know what thing that seems like everybody loves it's just that's what he's getting given away at that point to them so yeah Joseph asks how do I keep from tearing up my hand when trimming with the Frankford case trimmer 50 cases has my hand cramped and roll yeah like I'll get like a groove right on the finger where the where the rims kind of digging in from turning I didn't keep a set of gloves up here I don't know if they're anywhere I can reach them but like you know mechanics gloves or whatever that helps a lot but some of the little stuff like 300 blackout it's frickin impossible it's a pain in the bud and that's that's the situation where you know just I'd rather pull out the drill and use like the Lee case Lee gauge and show holder set these are awesome but the frame fortunately is pretty awesome as well especially larger cases where he can get a hold of them it makes quick work of him yeah Jared said did I miss any other message did you clarify exactly which bullet you were looking for I'm sorry if I missed it but hard to keep track yeah I am about ready to wrap it up I'm kind of running out of steam everybody needs to get to get bed getting bed for work tomorrow anyway right when he asked did I do a review of digital calipers no I haven't see if I've got him here I've got two pairs I think the other ones are downstairs crap well maybe I can show you the problem here I'm having problems with both of the ones I bought that I thought were really great they'll just start the numbers will just start dancing around like crazy and they won't stabilize it only happens every once in a while but man it always seems to happen at the wrong time so yeah there's a caliper video coming probably before too long I still like this is the eye gagging the eye gauging one from Amazon 30 bucks or something like that they are so much better than your cheap ten dollar pair whether it's like a Harbor Freight pair which is which is great you know those will look fun but a lot of times when you're making like cartridge-based ogive measurements or cartridge-based - shoulder pads base measurements like they have so much flex in that direction where these a lot tighter and it makes that measurement come out more consistent but yeah I'll have a video before too long on that subject Josef's heading out with sun shoots from 10 ride tomorrow that sounds a whole lot better than work diner says my solder just taught me that finger cots help with grip and protect your fin is to have to wear those stupid things all the time at one point in time the right after I got out of the military I worked for Nokia down in Texas and I'm working on tiny little cell phone circuit boards and crap had to wear the stupid finger solid dom and soldering through a microscope we had rework like like i think you're talking about sutter girls that do the rework stuff but a lot of times we have to do a little a little bit of stuff ourselves or lift a pen or something and wow how did I get off talking on that but yeah that might not be a bad idea might give you a little bit better feel than gloves but the gloves these days are a lot better than they used to be right those mechanics type gloves and stuff some of them are pretty thin give you a pretty good grip during 1911 with Harbor Freight digital couplers in nineteen bucks and I have one that's 15 years old still arkin absolutely they'll get the job done Curtis headed out sorry I didn't see that bye if you're still here I'll see you later see if I can find hair here yeah I think these are Cabela's branded but you know they're the basically the exact same as the Harbor Freight sand that's kind of what I was talking about it just there's just so much wiggle there where some of the other ones that you know just a little bit tighter and it's hard to explain how much difference that makes especially when you're out long measuring something you know headspace or something like that but these have never been yeah these are still perfectly functional 100% good do a great job all right folks I think it's time to wrap it up yeah pc bullet Empire's heading to bed so I've never fought yeah a better go the same way so appreciate all you guys joining me thanks so much for all the super chats and new memberships and all of that stuff and great questions and I sincerely apologize because I missed 90% of the questions there's no way I can keep them doing that but yeah so that's it folks I appreciate it and I'll see you all next time look out for video either tomorrow night or Tuesday night at 8 p.m. and it should be good when hopefully till then
Channel: Johnny's Reloading Bench
Views: 31,768
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Id: iHwiOy9kvJg
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Length: 141min 27sec (8487 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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