How to easily set up your FL sizing die precisely

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hey what's going on eric cortina here all right so today we're finally going to do the video a lot of you have been waiting for which is how to set up your full-length icing die okay today i'm going to be doing this die you can see the lock ring is completely loose this is a custom die that i made for my shahan i've been shooting shaheen for about eight years and back then you couldn't really buy a full-length icing die so what i did i bought a finishing reamer and a sizing reamer and the sizing reamer is made or it's used to make full-length sizing dice so anyway let's go straight to the press and let me show you what i'm gonna do all right so i'm gonna be using two calipers you can only use one but two is easier so there's one and then this one i have it with a shoulder bump attachment okay all right so this is a forced coax press it works very similar to just about any other press uh the only difference is i don't have shell holders but other than that it's similar so what i did here is i left the ring fairly loose and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna run the uh press all the way up and i'm just gonna hold this ring and i'm gonna turn the die into a touch of the shell holder that's what i'm looking for i'm looking for contact on the shell holder again if you have just a i don't know a regular press like a rock chucker or just any single stage press you know screw your die out screw back in the point is you're looking for just contact on the show holder okay and take it out and tighten that lock ring okay double check yep you're getting some contact all right now we're going to take some breasts the first thing you want to do on this brass is you want to pop the primers out okay you don't want to resize the brass just pop the primers out use a i used a li d priming die just a universal but you're gonna need two pieces of breast i mean more is fine but you should be able to do it with two okay this is where the other calipers come in okay you can see i already have zero on the shoulder okay and do this one let's double check the other one as well same deal zero okay both of these pieces of brass have been fired in my rifle the bolt has been stripped the firing pin is out and this one does not have a plunger or an ejector so you can see it will not close on that piece of brass and obviously won't close on the other one either because they're both exactly the same see that and of course without the brass it falls straight down okay i'm using imperial dye wax but that's my lube of choice you can use whatever you want then we run it in the press like you normally would and you size that okay i'm gonna wipe that loop off and let's check our shoulder bump okay so we have four we got five thousands of shoulder bumps okay so i call that four five let's call it five thousands okay so now let's go to the other piece of breast again this one's at zero so this is what happens now you take your die out and you measure from the bottom of your lock ring to the bottom of the die we have 741. let me see 741 okay so we had five thousands we only want to bump two so we need to come off three thousands so you loosen this ring slightly i mean you want to keep it fairly snug but still be able to turn it and it's hardly anything so this is where it gets complicated if you're trying to get super precise like we're trying to do okay so i moved it too much where 732. all right let's try it again 742 see this is extremely sensitive okay try again 42 come back a little 41 40. 35 i'm going to snug it down right there because when you snug it down it often moves 38 and a half okay that should be it right there let's double check this piece of brass this one hasn't been sized okay size it wipe the lube off okay and let's see how much shoulder bump we got look at that exactly two thousands how easy was that all right but now the proof is in the pudding right so now we're going to put it in the rifle see that the bolt falls completely down but we only bump the shoulder two thousands all right now how do we know that we didn't bump it too much you see the bolt falls down the same way regardless right well slightly different pretty much falls on its own all right so here's how you check that you didn't actually bump it way too much you take some tape okay before i do that let me show you i'm gonna measure base to tip overall length right now okay i'm gonna sear my calipers right there i'm gonna put some tape on here okay on the back like that okay and then you take a hard surface okay i'm just this is from a wilson die the base but um i'm just gonna roll it around like this just press down as you roll it around okay ah it's lit on me but it's a lot easier if you're doing it let me see if i can do it on this table this is the way i usually do it on a hard surface okay and then you simply pull the tape down like this and see how it cuts it perfectly well it didn't because i need a hard surface but let me see if i can do it here all right there it is we got a little bit there but again if you do it on a really hard surface it works very well but that's pretty good okay so now let's see how much longer that piece of brass is now it is let's call that two thousands longer okay put it back in the rifle see that it won't close okay so we have two thousands bump but if you go another uh if you put 2000 tape it won't close it gets us back to the way the brass was before we put it in there i'll show you this is at zero nope this one's at zero let's see how it behaves ah see see where the bolt knob stops let's do the one with tape now same place okay but if we remove the tape all right so my camera actually died right at the point where i pulled off the tape but uh anyway we're back you can see it's two thousands bump uh let me click on here there it is there's two thousand bump one thing that i forgot to mention is that sometimes you have to bump it more or less than two thousands it all depends on where your head space is between your breasts and your chamber before you slice the brass mine just happen to be perfect you know at zero uh but if yours is longer than zero if it's really tight you may need to bump in more than two thousands to get the fit that that uh that i was able to get on my rifle so uh again if the bolt doesn't close on it freely bump it more okay and then you can always do the uh tape check to ensure that you didn't bump it too far okay so uh don't just fall for the 2000s bump if your brass is very tight you may need more okay so keep that in mind put it back in the rifle closes just fine okay uh one thing i did not mention is you need to anneal your brass before you do this or um at least prep it the way you would always prep it okay if you don't kneel then don't anneal it but it needs to be just the way you always prep your breasts alright so there you have it that's how you adjust your uh your dye as you guys saw that was fairly quick fairly easy right it's a lot easier than having a as you know put the the die in bump the case check the case pull the die out all that good stuff like we typically do another thing i like to do is right when it's done or right where i want it is i like to put a witness mark anywhere on the die but just put a die a mark right there and then a matching mark right on the ring like that okay and that's going to kind of give me a witness mark of where it's set up um again that was fairly simple right uh just use your measurements use your calipers measure the the die and i mean you can get there pretty quick and extremely accurately uh we have one piece of brass that has excessive head space well mark that piece of brass uh next time you go to the range you can actually just fire form that piece of brass back to your original size i mean it's only i mean we bumped this one an extra three thousands it's not catastrophic that's about what you would bump if you bumped it back to semi specs so of course this is a shame there's no semi-specs but the point is uh it's not catastrophic to go you know five thousand shoulder bump you know especially if you're only gonna do it one time okay um well i hope that was useful again this is how i've been doing it for a long time because my goodness that that whole idea that that uh you know you back it out a quarter inch or half an inch or a quarter turn or half a turn and then just creep up to it and you'll see as you're measuring from the base to the ring you'll see how difficult it is to nail the 1000 you know i've been seeing comments about people wanting me to do this video because they said they have just the hardest time in the world getting it dead on and that's because i mean this ring has 14 threads per inch that's about 72 thousands in one revolution so i mean having to move it one or two thousand six is extremely difficult especially because once you think you got it once you tighten the ring it it moves on you it actually doesn't move but when it snugs up against those threads uh see those threads have some play right or whenever you lose in the ring now you have play in the thread so anyway it can be extremely difficult but like i said if you do it just the way i showed you a while ago it's fast and it's easy and it's accurate which is the best thing of of it all all right guys thank you so much all you guys are supporting me on patreon here i really appreciate it there is one thing that i forgot to mention all right is that you don't want to trust this tool 100 of the time that's why you want to measure the bottom of the ring to the bottom of the die and you want to do the tape test on the back of your case to make sure you don't have excessive head space okay as you saw we have perfect 2000s where the brass is pretty much right there the shoulder not excessively you can close the bolt extremely easy but yet it is not oversized uh this uh shoulder bump comparator they come in a million different flavors so what i did on mine this used to be a wooden well it still is a wooden but what i did is i actually ran my reamer in here from my chamber so my chamber reamer is the shoulder on here so it matches perfectly to my case as you saw i mean it's precise okay so if you have one of these and you have a gunsmith maybe have then just run just the shoulder of the reamer into yours so that it matches perfectly with your case okay that's gonna give you just much better results all right i'm gonna go edit this video right quick and then i'm gonna go figure out how to do a giveaway on patreon and then i will post the winner of the concentricity gauge it's a 21st century so it's good stuff all right thank you so much and i hope all your groups are one whole see ya
Channel: Erik Cortina
Views: 242,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Erik Cortina, Cortina, EC Tuner, EC Precision, Precision, Accuracy, Long Range, Sniper, full length sizing, f/l sizing die, fl die, body die, shoulder bump
Id: htvk1UYOXm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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