Live A Life Of Intentionality, Not A Life of Impulse!

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[Music] [Music] this is the ramsay show [Music] you can be intentional about your character you can have money and a career you are the hero in your story live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions broadcasting from the dollar car rental studio this is the ramsay show where america hangs out to have a conversation about your life and your money my name is anthony o'neil host of the youtube and podcast show the table with the one and only me anthony o'neal and i'm excited to be uh hosting the ramsey show today solo uh dave is out our personalities are out impacting the world and um they asked me to hold the fort down and i said i could do that i could do that because i got an amazing squad you know i got kelly on the phones she's gonna make sure i'm all right you know james child is in the building helping us out and uh you america your phone calls are gonna be amazing and i'm just looking at the beautiful people out here in a beautiful weather it's 80 degrees out here y'all are smart to come today because yesterday was 90. 90 something degrees and y'all are so smart and i love this young couple out here he he held her real tight he's like that's my queen right there i like this man so listen uh we're gonna have a good day today y'all know me when i get on the ramsay show with dave with the personality without the personalities um i keep it real i keep it real relevant and relatable they call me the millennial guy i love talking about money i love talking about relationships so if you single and you got questions about what you what should you be doing with your money while you're single how much did you spend on your first date uh should you go ahead and just x her out of your budget give me a call we can talk about it all today triple eight eight two five five two two five triple eight eight two five five two two five and it's going to be an amazing amazing day as a matter of fact we're going to start off in sacramento uh california with michael a good afternoon how can i help man hey there anthony um very good to talk to you all times fam appreciate everything you're doing um i actually just wanted to repair in regards to um me and my wife we are uh i'm a father of one uh with another one on the way um our life is progressing uh we are pretty rooted here in sacramento we i have um my parents that are retired my wife's parents that are retired they both help with this with the kids so it's awesome um but we are at the point where we're deaf free we have probably about 51 000 in the bank right now um with the housing market the way it is not really looking to buy a home immediately right now but within the next two years we just wanted to see um what your thoughts are in regards to a 30-year mortgage versus a 15-year mortgage being on a you know price range is usually pretty higher than most of the country yeah yeah yeah i definitely understand um it's such a great question um so you got about 51 000 in your savings now is this 51 000 on top of your emergency fund michael uh no not on top of that so it's just 51 000 code i'd say three bucks worth of savings for us would be about fifteen thousand dollars okay see about 15 so you have about yeah just kind of getting started okay cool great so how much what's your household income uh my household income is about a hundred and twelve thousand right now 112 so that's you and your wife combined yes correct okay cool how much of a house are you looking to buy uh anywhere close to um i would say it just would need to be at least three bedroom two bathroom preferably in a better neighborhood to raise markets yeah so that's pretty much right now so that you're looking at what about two thousand square feet in between seventeen hundred and twenty two hundred square feet correct in sacramento so you're looking at about about a half a mill to maybe about 650. yeah probably about a half a mil parking budget yeah yeah probably about half a million yeah um and so you will need 20 down okay uh this is what this is what i teach this is what we all teach here at ramsay solutions uh the goal is to have 20 down uh michael now bare minimum 10 okay the 20 is so that you can avoid a pmi your private mortgage insurance so when you choose a 30 years and this is something i love to spend a little bit of time let it just marinate for people okay you're gonna be in debt for 30 years uh number one number two you're more than likely if you get into a 30-year loan you're going to be paying the pmi so you're going to be paying your mortgage payment and an interest but you're going to be paying something else called a pmi that is not helping neither side okay and so we want you to get a 15 year so that way you can get out of debt quicker you're going to get into a 15 with equity because you put down 20 and those are the two main things that you do now listen and be honest with you are we going to you know scream at you and go crazy because you get a 30-year loan no but the wise decision is to get a fixed rate over 15 years with the gold 20 sit down with the bare minimum of 10 down okay so this way you can get yourself and your family out of debt uh quicker now you're already out of debt michael so i don't want to see you go get get out of debt and then you have a fully funded emergency fund you're investing into your retirement how old are you oh yeah man come on brother you're with me maybe you're a millennial we got to do this thing right come on now so this is what i want you to do i want you to stack up to 20 because you're not in a rush and i think the market is going to be like this for the next 12 to 18 months and so what i want to do is i want to see you sit here work hard save as much money as you possibly can get that 20 get into a 15 year make sure your mortgage payment is 25 um or lower than your net pay and then choose a home that you know you're going to be in for the next few years and i guarantee you when you get inside this house you're going to see how close you are to paying it off you're going to pay this thing off you're going to be you know in the mid 40s uh 100 debt free with a beautiful home with a beautiful mortgage and um you're going to get real we're really excited and so i love it how many more kids do you all want down the road um maybe one more but we'll see hopefully so that means that you may need a four bedroom keep that in mind because you know if if you're a family man you two kids and maybe a bonus room so i've even think about that maybe you hold off for two more years on saving up so you can get you know a good four bedroom with a good backyard and make this your home for the next few years as you're raising your kids think about it you have a debt-free couple debt-free family paid for a fully funded college fund fully funded fifteen percent investment in baby step four and your kids are 18 years old going to college debt free parents are debt free that is such a beautiful legacy to start and i really want america to hear me on this i think we all should be really dreaming about the future what do you want your legacy to look like what do you want uh your generation uh that you raise that you bring them to this earth to look like i remember i was watching um a a a show with oprah and steve harvey and steve harvey was telling the story of his grandmama and she said do you know your great-grandfather's last name he said no i don't she said do you know why he said i really don't she said because he didn't leave you with anything what are you leaving your people with are you leaving him with dead leaving him with pain or you leaving with joy peace wealth land knowledge wisdom that's what i want and we do that by taking these baby steps and making sure that we're making the right decisions why because the caliber of our future will be determined by the choices we made today so let's make the right one in america you've made the right one because you're listening to your boy anthony o'neil right here on the ramsay show and i'll be right back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey folks i got a great option to help you pay for your education the army national guard the army national guard believes you are the next greatest generation because you have proven that even in adversity that you have what it takes to succeed that's why they offer benefits like tuition assistance career training and a paycheck to help you avoid debt no matter what your goals are the army national guard can help you get there visit to find out more [Music] so [Music] the name is anthony o'neil right here on the ramsey show eight eight two five five two two five it's a free call but if you call in just know keep it real relevant and relatable and we're going to go out to denver colorado with miguel we're going to keep it real with him hey good afternoon how can we help how you doing anthony i'm doing all right man how are you doing well thank you um so just kind of a little bit of a dilemma right now so i am currently 25 years old okay um i am making about 60 000 a year right now hold on we got a dilemma you 25 making 60k let me hear this dilemma all right let's see um so i'm 28 000 in student loans um the other thing is so i just recently got engaged um and this is where this all comes in i own a 2020 tacoma which i got for 47 and right now i owe 33. obviously my fiance and i we want to build our own life we want to get our own place and this and that um my dilemma right now is in if i should sell the tacoma and use that 700 a month i'm paying to pay out my student loans save up for a bigger down payment right now i am saving about a thousand a month uh but yeah that's kind of where i'm at right now how much money do you have in your savings account right now about 13 thousand thirteen thousand dollars okay if you sell this this car oh it's actually suv right um it's a truck truck okay yeah um what can you sell it for so you owe 33 on it what can you get for it um so the valley on killer blue book for the base model it is 41 000 i do have the premiere package on it um so i've been looking at i've been here and i can sell it for up to 43 45 000. so you can get forty three thousand dollars right now for the coffee yeah yeah how much do you love your wife i mean your future wife uh love it to death that's why i'm thinking of selling my babies with her that's what i'm talking about brother i'm selling that thing today i'm getting off the phone and i'm selling it and what i would do is i'll go ahead and sell it for private and see if i can get 45 that'll put you 12k and then what i would do is honestly i would take 10k of that go buy a car add the other 2k uh with the 13 000 you have saved up okay and then i will use that 15 000 to cash flow your wedding and and and again i'm not dave and this is anthony's opinion i think right now because how much debt does she have uh she has about i think it's just her car which she was about 10 000 on okay cool so and what you make 60k how much does she make so she just graduated um so she's still working at her internship she's only making about 14 an hour right now okay so she's about now once she um gets into her career field what can she make on average let's say low low end well i want to say 20 an hour 20 an hour okay cool so that expressed pretty decent all right cool so this is what i want to suggest to you man okay of all seriousness um one of the things that that i tell people your car value should never be more than half of your salary you're already there so i'm with you i'm selling this car uh today and you know what if you want to get out of it quickly so that way you're not um putting more miles on it i will go ahead and sell it for you know 43 000 uh so that way it gives someone else the benefit and a little bit of encouragement to get into it because they're saving two thousand dollars on the car so you'll get ten thousand dollars and you can go ahead and go buy you a cash car um you could buy a good cash card in between five and ten thousand dollars that's reliable to get you back and forth to work and even a decent car i mean that's a good honda it's a good toyota that's a good nissan altima i mean you can get you can get a good quality car now it may not be a truck uh but it's a good reliable car then the thirteen thousand dollars i want you to sit down with your fiance and i really want y'all to have a conversation okay and this is something that i'm not a relationship expert right but i am single and i look forward to having this conversation with my fiance whenever um god allows me and blesses me to find the love of my life i want to ask like what what what are our goals like where do we see ourselves in the next 10 15 years as a couple okay what do we want do we want to be homeowners uh do we want to be traveling around the world do we want kids and then we can when we can really identify that vision then let's work backwards and then that should be able to answer this one question how much money do we really want to put into a wedding do we really want to drop fifteen thousand dollars twenty thousand dollars on a wedding right now you know would we rather just put maybe five grand into a good wedding and then take this other money and put it towards our debt so we can move towards our goals now i'm not knocking people who want to spend a lot of money on their wedding i do not but i do want to make sure that i give you the information miguel and just help set you up to make the right decision moving forward makes sense yes yeah so i would definitely save your car i would um definitely uh going ahead and have the conversation with your wife and start seeing okay what's our budget for the wedding okay and then from there you two move forward but i'm super excited do y'all have a date for y'all going get married so yeah so i mean that's kind of where we're at um plan was to do it september of uh next year um in the back of our head we were also like okay well we could spend on the wedding we could also spend on a down payment for a home and later on if we're well off financially then we can have the wedding that we've always wanted um why are you waiting so long what was that why are you waiting so long that's a that's another year that's a long engagement brother wedding wings are so expensive that we just wanted to save up and not going dead with the wedding as well you know wedding doesn't have to be expensive you you are correct you make it expensive so i gotta convince her to do the same way man you know as a matter of fact i bet you this i taught you this much okay hang up the phone call your girlfriend okay tell her to call back into the show tell her to tell kelly that anthony told me to call the ramsey show because he want to talk to me about wedding and how much we should pay for it because here's the thing america you know we do not have to spend a lot of money on getting married no we don't have to do it who cares if america says we should spend 20 grand 15 grand america ain't paying for the bill okay so here's the thing you set the budget and you get creative with that budget that's the bottom line so tell your fiance to give me a call triple eight eight two five five two two five tell her hey just tell the teller kelly that anthony told me to call and she know she already know but in all jokes aside miguel wants to stay on the line uh kelly's gonna pick up and because you're getting married i really want to help set this young couple up 25 years old good head on your shoulder um i'm gonna give you a free year to ramsey plus um i want you and your fiance to walk through that together okay together not solo but together and seriously if your fiance wants to call in and talk to me about wedding advice i i would love to give her some suggestions on how she can get creative for the budget you know but it's it's so funny you guys that every time i'm on the show with dave or even on my show the table with anthony o'neil it's so funny how this younger generation we just feel as if we got to spend a whole bunch of money on a wedding and you don't have to okay now if you want to and you have the means to do it you have the financial resources to do it cool great but if you're if you're in debt if if if you barely have a job no man my sister she didn't spend 10k you know when she got married y'all she didn't spend ten thousand dollars and she had a beautiful wedding in the backyard of a beautiful big old big old house it was like a mansion it was almost like fifteen thousand square feet and we just rented the backyard dropped a few thousand dollars over there and the most expensive part is the food now kelly this is why i think i'm gonna be single for a long time because i ain't spending a lot of money for the food you know i have this problem kelly and america probably ain't gonna like me when i say this but it is what it is okay why do i gotta pay for y'all to come celebrate me getting married why i got to feed you to come celebrate me getting married see you so i'm saying kelly talking i don't want to look at it cause she a woman i'ma look over here cause we got a debt free scream coming up next on the next segment but i don't understand that i gotta spend fifteen thousand dollars so you can eat at my wedding i'm not if i can't afford it i can't afford it that's what i'm gonna say that's exactly what i'm i'ma say but i'm excited though because coming up next on the next segment you guys we're going to the debt free stream stage we got a young couple out there i'm excited i'm pumped so uh tell your friends tell your family i tell everyone to tune in to the ramsay show anthony's on here coming up next we want to hear how some amazing young people paid off all day this is the ranch [Music] so [Music] stop paying your overpriced wireless provider and switch to pure talk they use the same network as the larger providers for much less for just 30 dollars a month get unlimited talk text and 6 gigs of data with no contract the average family saves over 70 dollars a month by switching to pure top just go to and enter the promo code ramsey to save 50 off your first month pure talk simply smarter wireless [Music] [Music] the name is anthony o'neill right here on the ramsey show and i am excited because we have a dope young couple i said dope we have a amazing young couple on the debt free screen stage uh nathan and kelly how y'all doing this afternoon hey anthony good oh man now i did say young y'all are young right yeah i'm 28. 29. yeah oh what that's gonna be so good okay okay okay so nathan and kelly uh let's start off here uh where do you all live milwaukee wisconsin milwaukee wisconsin okay cool and how much have you paid off 133 410 410 okay cool how long did it take you three and a half years three and a half years how much money were y'all making during that time uh we started at around 58 000 and now we're at about 98. wait wait wait what do y'all do i'm a graphic designer okay yep uh marketing coordinator graphic designer marketing coordinator and you paid off about hundred and thirty-four thousand dollars yep okay wait a minute okay all right let's talk about this what kind of debt is this uh mostly student loans but um in the beginning there was some credit cards car loans all the normal stuff out of the 134 how many of that was how much was that with student loans close to a hundred yeah yeah a hundred thousand dollars in student loans and then the other stuff was just regular stuff credit cards right yeah uh what else was it any cars yeah two cars two cars two cars okay did y'all sell the cars or did y'all just pay them off uh we paid them off you paid them off okay y'all y'all are all right with me so talk to me about the journey what happened that got you all on the journey so in the beginning i think i just had heard of it um i started watching the youtube videos for a while while we were both in school okay and then um he graduated before me and then i did and i finally got the book um he was like a little bit resistant but he's like well i can read a book you know so he read it and then um we both got excited about it so so why were you hesitant to read the book in the beginning like honestly dave is not here so you can really tell me i'm i'm just a spender like naturally beforehand like i was just like i didn't see like the point like i was young and i was like it'll all get figured out like i don't have to worry about it right now okay and we had a big amount um yeah it seemed impossible yeah 134 thousand dollars i mean i mean y'all did that in three and a half years but yeah y'all were grinding right now i mean what how did you do it i mean what happened how yeah walk us through this how did you pay off what was the number one thing that helped you pay off 134 000 yeah well we had a big why um we wanted to start a family and at that point in time we had no idea how we would do that and actually have the life we wanted you know um you've talked about that before you know that's like your biggest why and you know our first couple years of marriage they weren't great you know we were really broke we couldn't do anything that we wanted to do you know we wanted to take our kids on vacation and about halfway through the this journey we became foster parents so that's what we're doing now oh man that has to be a beautiful thing and you're right one of the biggest things that i teach um is is if your why doesn't make you cry then the price of commitment will make you cry yeah and it sounded like your your family your kids were uh your biggest biggest why and and i love i i honestly love that um what did it take what was like the key thing to you getting out of debt what was it was it a budget was it uh what was it um i think like the budget was key and just like good communication between each other yeah um just because like in the beginning it was rough you know like we didn't always agree on everything but by the end it was like we were in sync we were having monthly budget meetings making sure everything you know that every dollar budget using the app yeah that was really helpful now what was the hardest thing now i'm curious as a young couple going on this journey you know you're in your 20s you know and i'm pretty sure your friends are looking at you like what are y'all doing what are you talking about like what was some of the what was one of the hardest things that you two had to get through yeah i think that was the hardest thing you know we kept it pretty quiet you know in the beginning for the first couple years um i think people just thought we were like homebodies and like just didn't care about stuff but that's not really what it was you know we really just put our blinders on and i think that's the biggest key because even if we looked at the whole amount of debt we had to pay off we had no idea like how we'd ever get to that point we just had to worry about today and like the the debt we were paying off like the credit cards in the beginning and um it got hard even after we had done the cars and stuff and we had to do those big student loan payments we were like oh gosh uh yeah so putting our blinders on and ignoring it i remember like i didn't want to get a 20 haircut once since i'm like really like 20 isn't gonna fix anything but it was the principle of it you know i love it to the young people listening right now really to everyone but you know i love when i have young people on the stage um i love to hear what what's your encouragement to other young millennials that are coming up saying hey i don't have to pay off the debt i'm young i'm just going to enjoy this i'm just going to write it what would you say to that young person that's listening to you all today on why it's important to avoid debt or if you have debt paid off yeah um if you do nothing nothing's gonna change in your life um and that was we did felt almost like we didn't have a choice but to do it because we didn't want to keep living like that forever we actually got it done faster than we expected to yeah because we just focus so intensely on it yeah yeah yeah what about you man um yeah i think you know really just keeping your mind on your why too is really important like when we started our family and stuff i just knew like um i wanted to be able to give my kids like things i didn't have um i love it they're over here getting emotional y'all they better make me cry so what's next you guys are debt free uh what's next for this family learning how to have fun with that money again you know it's an adjustment you know i mean like money doesn't make you happy yeah but it buys you some fun so we're trying to figure out what things we care about that we're willing to spend money on now listen here i'm gonna tell you all right now money doesn't buy you happiness but it's sure enough can play a huge role in you being happy especially when you don't have any debt i'm really excited about that so who were your biggest cheerleaders along this journey i don't know people kind of cheered us on but i don't think they understood it they just were like oh good good job good keep doing you but you didn't really get it i love it i love it i love it i love it well you guys uh man this is absolutely amazing we got a copy of the legacy journey for you and the total money makeover so that way you all can give that to someone else since you all have already read the book and she forced you to read it so i want you to give it to someone uh alone you liked it yeah alone in your journey so all right nathan and kelly from milwaukee they paid off 134 thousand dollars in three and a half years making fifty eight thousand dollars and ninety eight thousand dollars count it down let me hear a debt free screen all right three two one we're debt-free [Applause] well you see um i love this you know i i love coming on dave ramsey show and seeing a bunch of young people out here taking this is a 28 year old 29 year old who are now 100 debt free american i want you to listen to their heart uh they are foster parents they are sowing seeds into other young people and i love that because now they can do that from a debt-free perspective they can be generous not just with their time and their home but now they can actually enjoy their money enjoy the resources god has trusted them with to honestly be a blessing to someone else i don't care what no one's saying these young people paid off 134 thousand dollars started off making 58 000 a year and ended at 98 000 as a household income and paid off in three and a half years that is absolutely amazing i don't care what you say if you say you can't do it you're lazy if you say you can't do it you're whack yeah i said it okay if you say you cannot get out of debt it just means you simply don't want to get out of debt then if you believe you can't do it i challenge you to give me a call if you can prove to me that you can't get out of debt i'll bow down but everyone all things are possible i'm about to go out here and celebrate with these young people this is the ramsey show [Music] [Music] so [Music] so i just had to let that ride out ramsay uh bob's in there killing it i like this guy i like this music right here on the ramsay show huh i ain't saying that oh i said bob why did i say bob ben i'm so sorry oh lord hey y'all welcome back to the ramsey show uh ben is sitting in for our producer james child and i said bob i don't know why i said bob i'm so sorry ben you're amazing that's all right man yo you're killing the music man actually you're better than james on the music i'm gonna be real don't tell them though um uh yo triple eight eight two five five two two five is the number to give us a call uh my name is anthony o'neill filling in for the other ramsey personalities and the lead personality dave ramsey and all of them are out impacting the world and so they asked me to do the show and i said sure thing uh so don't forget you guys to find out for yourself why is the number one online retailer of custom window covering you get free samples free shipping and with the new promos they run every month you'll save even more use promo code ramsey to get the best deal rules and restrictions to imply so today's question america comes from sophie in alabama she says i'm a college student and about to get married well congratulations my fiance and i have good savings but neither of us have a credit card good they just have debit i love it do we need to have credit cards to establish credit or is it enough to just be debt free i took a family finance class and was told i need a credit card but my mom said that she heard from this show the ramsay show that it's not necessary whoever told you that you need a credit card wrong okay you don't need a credit card what you need is financial peace what you need is financial freedom what you need is a savings account what you need to be doing is investing into your future you don't need debt you don't need a score uh you don't need a credit card so you could become an adult no what you need to do is to live below your means and pay for cash for everything so that we can have financial peace so you can have financial freedom okay that's what you need you don't need credit score it bothers me when i hear people say um you know that um it's it's something that i need you know and here's the truth you know here's the truth america here's here's the truth here's the truth i was told the same thing and i went out there and got a credit card because they told me well you need a credit card for emergencies so i did just that and you know what became an emergency taking her out to dinner that became an emergency you know what else became an emergency buying her roses from 1 800 you know what else became an emergency is buying her a purse that became an emergency i didn't need that no no a credit score doesn't mean that you are successful i know so many people who have a 800 credit score but don't even have 800 in their savings account let me say that again i know so many people who have a 750 credit score and don't even have 300 400 in their bank account do y'all know i'm gonna teach a second i'm sorry i gotta calm down this is the rams show but do you all know that nearly forty percent of people in america today don't even have four hundred dollars in their savings account nearly 52 percent of the people in america do not even have a thousand dollars in their savings account but we want to talk about having a credit score no what you need to do is put money in your savings account what you need to do is get out of debt what you need to do is live below your means that's what you need to do and i wish somebody i was somebody taught me that information let me tell you what else you need to do okay you need to dream a little bit you need to dream about starting a business especially ladies i believe when you start a business you have ownership okay and have you been dreaming about starting a business or maybe you have a business and you want to take it to the next level well no matter what stage you're at it's time to make money doing what you love and the business boutique conference will help you make it happen on october 14th through 16th rockstar speakers including the one and only dave ramsey christy wright jasmine starr my big sister nona jones and including myself that's right we'll cover topics including social media branding goal setting in accounting and more because here's the truth running a business can be overwhelming but it doesn't have to be get the inspiration and the practical steps you need to chase your version of success so i want you all to join us for this three-day event in person in nashville or chrissy has set this up so you can you can attend this event via live stream now early bird passes for business boutique conference are on sale right now so just text boutique boutique to 33789 to learn a lot more this right here will help you accomplish the things that you need to be doing which is financial peace financial freedom if you can start a business the number one rising entrepreneur are ladies ladies get to this conference if you can get a business started a side business started without racking up any debt this can produce income to help you pay off your debt to help you go after your dreams and this is something that i want you to do so text boutique to three three seven eight nine uh connor's with us in sioux falls good afternoon connor how can we help hey thanks for taking my call hey thank you for calling in man you just made my day how can i help you man all right so i'm gonna i'm gonna be like a junior in high school this coming fall and i have like fifteen thousand dollars and i really don't know what to do with it don't just slide through that connor you got fifteen thousand dollars cash yeah i've been working since i was ten i said most of it can have like 20 by the end of the summer what were you doing uh worked at trap grounds until i was 14 and worked fast food the last two years and got promoted recently and yeah and you just saving the money pretty much yeah do you have a car yep what kind of car you got uh 07 impala did you pay for did your parents pay for my parents paid for it i love it you going to college yeah i'm thinking of engineering just day school engineering how's your grades uh fourth i know 4.0 i like this yo man 4.0 student 15 000 cash in his bank account and he's already working this is a millionaire by the time he turns 35 guaranteed so here's what i want you to do connor with the money man what i want you to do is keep that money in your savings account all right when you get a full ride to your school school of choice all right i want you to go through the first year without touching that money in the savings account i want to make sure you can get through college 100 debt free okay if you can get through the first two years and you are guaranteed you don't need any money to get through the last two years as far as in you got transportation you have food you have everything covered that you would need gas all that type of stuff then i would start investing into a growth stock mutual fund which is a roth ira all right i would start doing that but i do not want you to start investing this money until you know for sure 100 that you can graduate from college 100 debt free if you think there's going to be a little cause i want you to keep that money in your savings so for the first two years of college don't touch it leave it there make sure your grants your scholarships um and everything is covering everything if it doesn't then yes i want you to use that money to make sure that you graduate college 100 debt free because your greatest investment right now is in yourself okay when you can sit here and graduate college 100 debt free you're going to be 21 22 years old i think you're gonna graduate college in three years where you're going um so you'll be 21 22 years old debt free a little bit of money in your savings account you start investing around that time uh 15 percent right man you you're going to be successful you're going to be successful i i wish i was thinking like you at 15 when i was 15 years old i was running my mouth chasing the ladies playing sports and um trying to hide from my parents you know i was not thinking the way you were thinking so man thank you so much for calling in thank you so much for uh representing uh the young people correctly and i'm telling you right now man your future is going to be so so bright well that's a wrap for this hour you guys i want to thank ben and kelly daniel for taking care of me this hour and it's going to be a good one this is the ramsey show [Music] this is james childs producer of the ramsay show did you know the ramsay show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world subscribe or follow today wherever you listen to podcasts [Music] this is the ramsay show [Music] you can be intentional about your character you can have money and a career you are the hero in your story live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions broadcasting from the dollar car rental studio this is the ramsey show where america hangs out to have a conversation about your life and your money my name is anthony o'neill host of the table uh with anthony o'neil yes the uh youtube show and podcast show and i am hosting the ramsay show by myself today america so you get me uh our personalities and the lead personality dave ramsey is out impacting and uh helping people um get out of debt build wealth and so they asked me to fill in i said absolutely why not um as long as kelly and ben are here james missing i don't know where james is and but it's all good ben is a better uh music producer than james don't tell him though and we'll be all right but hey the number here is triple eight eight two five five two two five triple eight eight two five five two two five um whenever i'm on the show you guys i like to keep it real relevant and relatable i love having a conversation um about all things really you know i am the only single personality and so i love actually encouraging and talking to single people so if you're a single person and you're having questions around how to date around money how to um you know make good relationship decisions around money or you're just a single person how do i start attacking my debt or getting out of debt and building wealth as a young single person yo give us a call if you're anybody um you want to talk about you know whatever life money relationships give me a call you know it's going to be a fun hour here and i would love to talk to you triple eight eight two five five two two five it's a number and zayn is going to kick off this hour in phoenix arizona and uh thanks for calling in zane how can we help hey yo my man thank you so much for uh taking my call today it's an absolute honor to be talking to you oh man it's an honor to talk to you man thank you so much for calling in how can i help you today bro yeah thank you so a little bit of background about me um i just graduated uh from arizona state i'm 23. i'm single graduated with a degree in supply chain management um i have currently about twenty two thousand dollars worth of debt um after graduating i got a job working in consulting um so currently making sixty seven thousand dollars a year okay um so during school uh really you know important for me my parents made the sacrifice you know they let me live at home um and so i made i had a good job i worked as a server and made a lot of money and so made a really stupid purchase um i purchased some jewelry um that's that was um you know it purchased it for about four thousand dollars and now it's worth about ten thousand dollars and um currently trying to just clean up this debt and so wondering if i'm getting close to um you know clearing that debt up like i said i have that eighteen thousand dollars to throw out the pile um and so wondering if i should maybe sell this jewelry to close that gap or if you know maybe hanging onto the jewelry isn't such a bad idea after all did you just say you had 18 000 uh to throw at the palace that's all of your jury added up is about 18 000 oh no no so um i have eighteen thousand dollars cash that's not including the jewelry um the debt is twenty two thousand dollars uh it's not including my uh emergency fund or anything um but i was wondering if i should sell the jewelry to kind of close the gap between the 22 and the eighteen um you know to kind of make that up or if to you know maybe just kind of keep going along the path i was already on cool so let me make sure how this is correct you got 22 000 in debt you have 18 000 sitting in your savings then you have jury that's worth 10 dollars which means technically you have about twenty eight thousand dollars uh to your um advantage with a twenty two thousand dollars in deficit with debt correct correct i'm selling the jury gotcha instantly i'm gonna sell the jury um because that's just something that you know we did a millionaire study um last year right we studied over 10 000 millionaires the number one millionaire study in america nobody treats what we just did and when we talk to these people one of the top things that they said they do not invest into is jury they don't invest into gold they don't invest into things only time they invest in the jury's because they want to get a wedding ring and get some jury to actually wear on their their their fingers and stuff like that so um i will go ahead and sell the jury this is going to put you at 28 thousand dollars boom i'm gonna pay off the debt of 22 000 i will actually go ahead and take that 18k take 17 of that go ahead and put that towards that once you sell the jury pay off the rest of your debt and then go ahead and get you three months are you still living with your parents right now uh i am but currently i'm about to move out in about a month okay um sixty seven thousand dollars a month i mean a year uh you live in arizona so rent's gonna be rent's gonna be good okay yep uh do you have a car note oh i do yeah five thousand five thousand that's a part of the twenty two thousand dollars of debt it is yeah and then the rest is student loans okay okay cool i'm a um yeah i'm gonna pay off pay off your car today i need you to hang up for me go pay off your car today okay today yes sir yeah yeah i mean as a matter of fact uh follow me on instagram send me a screenshot um of you paying off your car five thousand dollars i'm gonna give you uh two hours to do that i expect by the time i get off for the ramsey show uh that you've paid off your car um you got it man um i want proof of that okay and then from there um i want you to pay off the rest of this stuff and then this is what i want you to do um have you taken uh because you're young zane have you taken uh financial peace university through our ramsay plus uh no i haven't no you haven't okay would you like to yes sir if if i step down the limb and asked kelly to give it to you for free uh will you do it yes sir absolutely let me ask you this question why would you do it well you know big uh a big motivation for me growing up so my dad was a taxi driver supporting a family of five um and so kind of watching him struggle uh growing up has been a big motivation for me and kind of put a fire you know under me um and so you know kind of to honor his name and and you know change my family tree is kind of is is the reason for sure okay all right i like your why i like your why here's the thing zane i want you to stay on the line kelly's gonna get you a copy it's gonna be one free year all myself to put you through ramsay plus for free you're going to get the every dollar budgeting tool for free as well you're going to get on clear budget man and you are going to live below your means you are going to hang up for me and within the next two hours you're going to pay off your car and then you're going to get on instagram and you're going to screenshot it and tag me in it at anthony o'neil look for that blue check mark that's right and i'm going to reshare it and we're going to show the whole world that this young 23 year old just paid off his car and within the next 30 days he's going to sell his jury and be 100 debt free and then you're going to give me another instagram when you pay it off and i'm going to bring you into my show and we're going to talk about your journey and then i'm going to walk you through how do you become successful how do you build true wealth if we can start at the getting these young people at 20 23 years old thinking about the future thinking about legacy thinking about generational wealth thinking about building true wealth man america will be in a much better place so saying stay on the line kelly's going to take care of you she's going to give you a free year subscription of ramsay plus you're going to hang up from her you can go pay off your car you're going to screenshot that and share it to me on instagram stories then within the next 30 days you're going to pay off your debt you will be a millionaire within the next 20 years and you probably won't be single too much longer because ladies love a debt-free man this is the ramsey show [Music] life is full of firsts [Music] as the first and longest serving christian health costume ministry chm has shared medical expenses for its members since 1981. we believe you should have the freedom to focus on your health while being supported by a community of believers giving you the opportunity to create many more [Music] [Music] verses [Music] [Music] welcome back to the ramsay show america my name is anthony o'neill ramsey personality uh doing the ramsay show by myself today now according to the united states census bureau nearly one in ten people relocated last year and you guys that was in 2020 that means this year there's a good chance you or someone you know is planning a huge move now i know it feels like there are a thousand unknowns you're juggling when you're relocating but you cannot lose focus of one of the most important personal and financial factors in your move your housing now i recommend hiring a quality real estate agent like one of our endorsed local providers or elps to help you find the right home in your city eops are top performing experts in their local market and have years and i mean years of experience helping folks just like you and i to make a successful move okay uh it's just easy to get it's easy to get instantly connected with an indoor circle provider agent just go to for sas agent to talk with ramsey trusted agent about how they can help with your relocation again that's for sas agent and one of the main reasons why i uh endorse and promote um our eops is because i've used them for both times i i built a home and recently i moved during i sold my home during the pandemic and moved into another home during the panty make and um man my elp indoor soccer provider you guys i actually made about an extra thirty thousand dollars on a house and than what i thought my house was worth uh he priced it right and he told me to be patient and within a matter of two hours we had a offer above asking and then we went back and they came back and offered me some more money now here's the best thing about it with our elps he said okay now we've sold your house we got to get you into another house and so we went down to downtown nashville to get us a nice little um town home with a nice little rooftop balcony you know and the house was a little bit too expensive you know i was like i don't want to slow down my budget now if he can come down to my budget i'll do it but you know me okay um i gotta be within my budget bottom line i cannot go over by a dollar he said okay i got you and y'all within a matter of three days he calls me back and he says hey i got i got the house down to your budget we need to put an offer in and i said okay cool let's put the offer in they accepted my offer uh below the budget so not only did he make me money he also saved me a lot of money and i walked into my new home uh with equity in it and so on these eops you guys we're not just saying this just to be throwing fluff out there no i'm actually living this out okay i use my elp i've used them two times um and when i move again i would use honestly the same eop because i just i trust them they are good they are experts and so i really want to go to for slash agent if you are a family member is moving let us help you save money and make money nathan is with us in omaha good afternoon nathan how can we help hey um thanks for picking my call yeah um so i have an interesting kind of situation coming up here it's like a financial crossroads you might say okay so my parents are looking at selling their house this year because the market's nice and hot and they're probably going to get the most premium for the money on it they want to give my wife and i 60 000 off of that sale we currently have thirty five thousand dollars in savings and by the time we'd like to look at buying next year we should have between a hundred and ten hundred twenty thousand dollars in cash okay we just paid off all of our credit card debt we're working on getting the vehicles paid off we're projected to have those paid off by the end of the year which just leaves my student loan student loan is at 120 000 so we're going to hit a point where we're going to have 120 000 in cash and 120 000 on student loans pay off your loans pay off alone i mean pay off jobs but i want you debt free you know and i know nathan is not a popular thing i know you're like oh my gosh man i i could be i could be man i can go no no no listen here man how old are you and your wife uh i'm 30 the wife is 26. oh yeah so you're young so what you think about this how much do you all make in a household right now last year we made 156 000 this year we'll probably make about 175 and we both put in for promotion so next year i think we're going to be right at 200. okay cool and you're in omaha what's what is the average house goal for us like if you went to go purchase a home today um how much would it cost you like what what's your dream home we're looking in the range of uh 200 to 300 000 so average i mean 225 250 okay and how long do you think it would take you to save up 20 of that so i'd be about 50 000. so if we were debt-free today saving that up would probably be seven eight months yeah all right so let's let's let's let's let's dream here brother i want you to follow me you get this money from your mom from your parents you're going to have about 120 thousand dollars right yeah you already have 30 000 you said 35 000 in your savings account right now right right okay immediately i'm going ahead and just dumping all of that into paying off your debt now then when you sell the house right i'm taking that money putting that towards the debt so if i'm hearing you correctly by the end of by the beginning of next summer you can be 100 debt free correct yeah okay then by the end of next year you can have 50 000 sitting in your savings account yeah okay cool so this means within the next two years you could be into your home and the only debt that you have is a mortgage now here's what i'm saying within the next two years because it's going to take you one year to pay off the debt then i need you to spend at least three months stacking up at least a three-month emergency fund okay then you need to go ahead and save up that 20 so that way you can uh put down on that then us on top of the 20 you probably need to stack up at least another 10k for moving expenses and some extra things to get into your home so by the time you turn 32 years old and by the time your wife turns 28 you can be 100 debt free home owner millennials killing the game that is beautiful to me i would rather do that than to rush into a home and then i'm still bound in debt nah man i want you to get into the home have freedom have peace enjoy your wife enjoy your life y'all can get out there and just have the financial peace and you wake up on the first of the month and the only thing you have to pay for is your mortgage utilities and insurance bills and eat that's it that's it that's peace man and then from there here's the thing nathan i want you to get into that thing 15-year fixed rate and when you get there man i want you to attack this mortgage can you imagine being 100 debt free on path to being a multi-millionaire by the time you turn 45 years old yeah that's what i'm looking at that's what i'd like to do that's it no no no no don't say that's what you like to do say that's what you will be doing think about it your wife come on now let's be real man can can i be real with you nathan i only got like 30 seconds can i be real with you ladies love financial security let's just be honest okay they love it you know when you're a man when you're leading you know when y'all are leading together when you're providing you know financial security emotional security white ladies love that so go ahead and pay off the debt and the man when y'all pay off that house man take her to wherever she want to go say baby girl where do you want to go wherever she says she want to go take her if it costs you 10 grand you take her there okay i'm telling you right now that's if i'm in your shoes that's what i'm doing i'm doing that right there man i'm excited for you man we good nathan yeah that sounds good all right man it's a big pill to swallow you know but i guess you just gotta rip that band-aid off and get it done hey man listen here successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do nothing extraordinary happens with inside people's comfort zone it's going to be uncomfortable but that's what you're here for to be uncomfortable so you can be successful don't allow your comfort zone to become your kill zone don't allow what's comfortable to you to kill your dreams and your goals and your vision nah step outside of your comfort zone be uncomfortable for the next two years in the next 15 years you're gonna be amazing you're gonna love it you're gonna love it well i'm loving this boy i'm loving this james i'm gonna tell dave he can take off all he wants i'll tell the other personalities too hey this is the ramsay show we'll be right back [Music] [Music] welcome back to the ramsay show my name is anthony o'neil ramsey personality and i am so excited because during this segment we have mitchell and alexa on the debt free scream stage how y'all doing great how are you man so where y'all from ann arbor michigan ann arbor michigan yes okay so let's go ahead and get straight to it um how much did you pay off i paid off just over 68 000 and i want to say that it was my debt-free journey but since we got married three days ago it became our legacy what three days ago three days ago like three days ago from today from today i love it all right so how long did it take you with her praying with you it took me 20 months 20 months all right cool beans and how much were you making during those 20 months i started netting 30 and finished with 45. what 30 to 45 and you paid off 68 000 in about a year and eight months man so uh what do you do for a living i own a lawn and landscape company oh man this is amazing the last young kid was just talking about he wouldn't do a launch oh this is amazing landscaping man i wish you live closer i'll hire you today so all right so what type of debt was it that was everything it was tires phone lawnmower loan from my parents student loans two vehicles everything you had with you were single you had two cars i had two trucks yeah two trucks one for the business and one for the personal yeah okay okay okay and tires yep that was probably the first dead i ever got was getting new tires oh man so 20 years ago what got you on this journey what what say you know what hey i need to get my life together um so it started a little bit before 20 months ago alexa sent me a quote live like no one else so later you can live like no one else and i was like cool sounds great and then one of my clients that i mowed for he actually like he asked me what do you listen to while mowing lawns and i told him just country music whatever and but i do get sick of music very quickly because i listened to it all day every day and he said you should try podcasts so i was like all right i went on spotify looked up business podcasts and uh dave ramsey was the first one to pop up so i started listening to him and i was like dang i could do this i need to provide a what kind of life do i want to provide for my future wife because we were dating at the time starting to get serious and yeah like do i want to go into marriage with a ton of debt or be debt-free so when did y'all start dating alexa started dating in 2017. so it's been a while yeah so what made you give him the you know the dave ramsey book and you know stuff like that what what were you trying to send him a little message or were you just like this is pretty cool or really hey you need to get this fixed if we gonna get married well so i had taken um in my high school they offered the um the class for financial peace and so i took that as a senior in high school and uh then i actually had paid off some of my student loan debt as well all my student loan debt um the first year i was out of college um and so that was which also that was at the point that he was starting to uh to get into it too and i had a chunk of cash sitting in my bank account and i had student loans that i could pay a large chunk of so i did that but then really just uh you know just when we started thinking about the future and what our legacy was going to look like like doing that together and just having that vision for the future really so what was your why like why did you be like hey i i i want to get out of debt my wife is 100 standing right next to me are you serious yeah i mean do i want to do we want to go in struggling with money or do we want to go into marriage completely free and i think that's why she said yes as quick yeah it's been awesome like since or leading up to marriage and getting married we paid for our all of our furnishing in cash paid for the wedding in cash paid for a truck in cash like we've it's been awesome we're free to do whatever we want because we're debt free and have good incomes this is this is lovely i love it all right so let's rewind um what did you do to get out of debt because you were you started off making 30 000. now let's be honest that's not a lot of money and everyone who says well 30 000 i can't i can't pay off no debt but then you you did it so give us that journey a little bit how did you do it so um we stopped going on as fancy dates no no that sucked for her a little bit but she knew why um i that dream truck that i had the sweet lifted hemi all the good stuff i sold that i'm so sorry it's all right and then towards the end of the journey i also moved back in with my parents lived rent free i am so sorry yeah i was living alone for quite a few years and it was a little tough moving back in home but it was worth it it was definitely worth it man i hear you now uh what would you say was the hardest thing i'm asking you this um alexa watching your fiance at the time your now husband go through this journey what was one of the hardest things you think he had to endure and encounter during that time i would say like definitely just i i haven't experienced living out of my parents home until we got married here but i think that moving back home was a huge sacrifice and that was also i'm actually from jackson michigan so about 30 40 minutes from ann arbor so and he was going back to ann arbor with his parents so we were for both of us it was difficult being 40 minutes apart after being so so close together for a few years um but yeah i think that really just i think that the lord really just helped us during that time and our i think our relationship both through the debt-free journey and then also just just that distance just helped us grow even closer and stronger before heading into marriage so no i love it i love it uh so what would you say is the key to getting out of debt um definitely stick to the budget that helped me a lot and then have your why yeah like i couldn't have done it without knowing that i was doing it for alexa and our future family yeah i i really do love that so you went up by fifteen thousand dollars what'd you do to go up just acquired more clients the business has just been booming and then this year it's gonna be even greater it's been insane how much the pandemic has helped and it's just gone up from the start and it's looking like it's just gonna keep going up yeah yeah i'm looking for a guy like you to come out to my house man i wish you lived in asheville hey it's only a eight-hour drive i can come do it for you hey man listen we'll talk after we'll talk on a break so um who were your biggest cheerleaders on the way definitely alexa pushing me through it um i have another friend named tom that he's doing his debt-free journey right now too and we kind of just talked and every every so often just check to see where we were at um and he definitely was cheering me on too and my parents were supportive i mean they let me move back home so i couldn't have i mean it was towards the end but still that push of not having to pay rent made it that much quicker and out if i didn't move home i don't think i could have done it before the wedding yeah yeah yeah you moved back in your home made some extra money stopped going out on fancy dates um had to tell people no so you can eventually tell her yes oh yeah this is our honeymoon we've haven't held back too much because we got the money to got the money to do it got the money um did people think you were crazy i got a couple naysayers and a couple like i mean not to make him feel bad but my brother made fun of me a lot well your brother's gonna be loving you now you're you're debt free and he's gonna try and follow your footsteps and i absolutely love it so how does it feel to be 100 debt free newly married walking into the future with no bondage i mean it feels amazing like he said i think really just the one the lord's faithfulness throughout this time but then also just um like he'd mentioned you know being able to pay for the wedding and cash furnishing with all new furniture our home our first home in cash and uh you know him buying a truck recently while us buying a truck and cash i think has just been really a testament to the lord's faithfulness um really and just you know being good stewards of what he's given us so i love it no i really do love it well you guys i'm just excited to hear your story and excited to hear your journey so we got a copy of the legacy journey for you and the total money makeover since you all have both already read it we want you to pass it forward to someone else maybe to your friend or maybe to your brother does your brother have any debt yeah he he's got that he needs the book we'll give him the book all right so we have mitchell and alexa from ann arbor paid off 68 000 in 20 months making 30 to 45 000 a year count it down for us at debt free stream three two one we're debt-free let's go man this this man this today has been an amazing day you know uh seeing two people do a debt free screen this is what it's all about america keep a lot cause when we come back we have some more good information for you this is the ramsey show [Music] [Music] welcome back to the ramsay show my name is anthony o'neil ramsey personality filling in for the other personalities and our lead personality dave ramsey in their absence today it's been a great day it's been a great hour um i would encourage you all uh if you are a young person and i'll say well i think everyone's young but if you're in the 20s and the 30s i want to encourage you to go over to my youtube channel and watch my show the table with anthony o'neil this week i am talking about the 10 things to not do with your paycheck um and the reason why i i i did this video um is because i remember getting my paycheck when i'm 20 when i was 25 years old and i would get my paycheck on a friday and by the time it turned around to like next the following wednesday i was broke i didn't know where my money went and i did all kinds of things with my paycheck i didn't invest it i didn't budget it and so i really spent about 45 minutes at the table i pulled up the white board and i literally write down do not do this with your paycheck do this with your paycheck this is what you need to do this is how you invest it this is how you start paying off your debt here's the four things you need to be spending your money on first and i really want to encourage you to go over to my youtube show because i'm trying to be very very detailed and making sure that i'm creating videos and show topics that that are really helping young people really identify how to really become successful and there's four things that i'm really focusing on within my brand within my show and the number one thing here is everything starts with a spiritual uh foundation okay and then when you have a good strong spiritual foundation we're gonna talk about your network okay who who's speaking into your life who's life are you speaking into what kind of friends are you surrounding yourself with who are you dating are you dating the right person no i'm not a relationship expert but i do understand that your network impacts your net worth see where i'm going so that's the next thing that i talk about is your net worth how do you build a positive net worth you do this by getting out of debt you do this by following our baby steps you do this by having a plan for your money that is congruent and working hand in hand with your life with your vision for where you're going but you really can't know where you're going if you're not really putting something positive into your mind and that's the last thing that i talk about is our mindset i'm teaching people to mind their business not really to mind their business as far as instead of other people's business which we should be doing but i'm teaching them that their mind is a business and if we can be hyper intentional hyper focus around our spiritual walk around our network around our net worth and around our mindset we will be successful and so in this week's video i really lay down the 10 things you do not need to do with your money when you get paid and these things are crucial and i made all of these mistakes and so if you are somebody who's 20 years old 30 years old or if you know someone in that age bracket please go over to my youtube channel watch the video share the video and i promise you you will learn something on this again that's the youtube dot com forward slash anthony o'deal it's called the table with anthony o'neil we have almost 300 000 uh subscribers over there um and i'm just so happy that you all are trusting me uh with giving you the information so aaron is with us in pensacola florida good afternoon aaron how can i help hey good afternoon anthony well i have a problem with my wife and buying a new vehicle our family recently expanded in the last three years we've had three children and we purchased a new car uh my suv two years ago when we only had one child we're running into the dilemma that uh we might need to uh get a minivan that sort of thing um currently we can't fit everybody into the suv including my mother-in-law and the dog and i'll go somewhere i own two cars right now uh both free and clear i paid off the uh the uh the new car and i have a a legacy vehicle passed down from my grandmother uh that's in uh pretty good shape but it is 20 years old my concern is is if i sell this recently purchased car from the last two years um i've gotten some price quotes and everything i'll probably lose about seven thousand dollars uh from what i paid for it i want to purchase say a pre-owned minivan for around twenty seven thousand dollars and uh the gap that i would have in selling um my recent car would be about seven 000. now my thoughts are that my wife thinks we should i should sell my older legacy vehicle uh i believe i should keep it and we should you know sell our our newer car because it's paid off we have cash and um to go ahead and and buy the new one so um i really don't know what's probably the best decision um you know money wise uh we have about 17 000 in savings um you know if we would have to come out for the the new vehicle um we'd want to pay for cash but we're really just not sure should i keep the newer vehicle because i mean it's only two years old it's still under warranty it's reliable or should i just try to uh sell it and keep my legacy asset and uh get my wife a new car um okay cool let's start with the basic financials um what are you what are you making a year right now household income uh i make around 50 000 a year and that's going to increase to about 55 000 um starting in a month from now i'm going to be on a new pay scale um i i work for the government go uh love it all right so right now you're making 50 000 okay which could go up to about 55 000 is your wife working at all no she's a full-time stay-at-home mom and um you know with the three kids love it you have any debt right now aaron uh we have zero debt uh we own our other than a mortgage uh we took out a year ago and uh we've been we've been paying on that um like double payments when we can um and then also i i contribute to a tsp uh for my savings i put about 15 percent of my income into that um so we've got a pretty pretty good cushion real quick aaron we're about to go uh to a break um if you sold your your old car legacy how much could you sell it for i could i right now i could sell for 22 000. for 22 000. uh no uh the the old car i'd probably get uh maybe in this market fifteen hundred to two thousand dollars uh it's low mileage and in excellent mechanical condition okay cool um here's what i do if i'm in your shoes um you can't go wrong with either or okay um how much is the other car worth your new car uh right now if i were to sell it i'd get twenty two thousand for it twenty two thousand articles so here's here's the thing that we teach we wanna make sure that your cars values do not add up more than fifty percent of your income well you're only making fifty thousand dollars so this means that uh the the new card you have is is is worth more than half your income uh but since you already have it paid off i like the fact of you having a reliable car i do not believe we need to spend twenty six twenty seven thousand dollars to get a brand new car be the brand new s uh uh van for your wife i think you can go out there and find you a good reliable car for about in between ten and twelve thousand dollars so if i'm you i'm selling the old school legacy card because it's gonna require you to put some money into it in future months to keep it running and going okay so i would take that money put that on top of the ten thousand dollars and then go buy a quality used van now you have two quality paid for cars and you're not buying any more cars no time soon okay because your income just doesn't justify it all right and so what i would do that's what i would do now if you want to sell the new car and keep the used car then you need to up your savings account go buy it go buy a van but you got to up your savings account because you're going to run into issues with that older car so with it already being paid for i like keeping the quality up underneath warranty card get you a good quality van and then really focus on getting your income up and focusing on um building your wealth long term so those are my two cents on that um i definitely um appreciative of you calling in um it's been amazing you know it's been amazing america talking to you all throughout this hour james chad our producer is back in the building he decided to take off half of the show but i'm happy to have him back and kelly daniel is still with us hey that's the wrap for this hour we'll see you all again soon [Music] hey it's kelly associate producer and phone screener for the ramsay show if you would like to do your debt free scream live on the show make sure you visit and register we would love for you to come to nashville and tell dave your story [Music] this is the ramsay show [Music] you can be intentional about your character you can have money and a career you are the hero in your story [Music] live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions broadcasting from the dollar car rental studio this is the ramsey show where america hangs out to have a conversation about your life and your money my name is anthony o'neil ramsey personality and also the host of the youtube and podcast show the table with anthony o'neil and i am hosting solo today dave ramsey and other amazing personalities are out here impacting the world and they asked me to step in and i told him sure alone gets james child and kelly daniel and ben is in the building not bob but ben triple eight eight two five five two two five is the number anytime that i'm gonna show you guys know whether i'm with dave or any of the other personalities or by myself i like to keep it real relevant and relatable for all people and i have a special heart you know for younger people who are in her 20s and 30s and i love all people you know but as the only single personality i really love talking to single young thriving uh people who want to be successful and so if you want to call in today's show and talk about your money talk about a single life what should you do how should you date how should you even go about adding dating to your budget that's right because i'm on a mission to get our young people dating on a budget stop dating above their means a date within their means so if you're young if you're single or if you're older and you're single you just want to get some advice give me a call i love talking um i believe that the value of uh my advice is exactly what you paid for it nothing i'm just playing hey bailey is in oklahoma good afternoon bailey how can we help hi anthony thank you for taking my call i have a health buying question i hope you could help me with um my husband and i uh just found out we were expecting our third child wow um congrats and thank you um and so we're trying to our house is very small we're uh wanting to get it on the market um and sell it but we don't know if we should um rent with the market being related or if we should purchase um okay all right all right so you may have said this but i might i might have slipped up and missed it are you currently um uh owning right now are you renting um we own the home um when we sell it we expect we're kind of waiting on um everything like um we're gonna get a smart buster pro and um we're expecting maybe to get 100 110 is what we're thinking they'll get for it which would be best with maybe a 70 to 80 000 down payment on our next house so you're expecting about a hundred and ten thousand dollars in equity correct um well the house is about twenty thousand dollars from being completely paid off okay okay and how much are you going to sell it for well that's that's what we're hoping to get 100 or 110. it's not in the market quite yet okay okay okay okay so you have about 70 to 80k to put down okay sounds good um and then uh tell me this do you have any other debt right now yeah we are debt-free i love it you are 100 debt free okay and what are you all making um a year right now household 100 120 000 okay 120 thousand dollars in household income and if you were to go buy a house today how much do you think you would have to pay um like what will be what are we speaking budget for a house yes ma'am okay um very top 250 um we're probably wanting to keep it down to the 220 230. yeah 220 2 30 in oklahoma city right now in this i mean i think that that might be a little tough i'm not saying it's impossible uh but i do believe it's a little tough um like me being cheap we could probably do 240 250 range but yeah well would your household income at 120 um 25 of your net pay yeah you could probably afford right around there up to about 250 uh in a very comfortable comfortable situation um let me ask you this what's wrong with renting until this housing situation gets a little bit better because here's the thing i don't mind you selling your house and getting every dollar for it and then some but i do have a problem with you overpaying to get another oh yeah yes we don't have a problem with renting we've just we've been working and it's hard to find our houses are kind of hard to find right now how old are your kids um baking four and two so you have four two and a newborn on the way yes okay so if you have two dogs and two dogs okay so what do you think how many bedrooms do you think you have to have for the let's say if you're going to sacrifice for the next two years save up some more money how many bedrooms could you get by with three okay you need three minimum okay and can you find a three-bedroom apartment well i have a very very large dog and we have a lot of equipment and stuff and so be hard to store that an apartment yeah i understand i have a very large dog too she's very large and so i totally understand about that but i could still if i had to i could still live in an apartment but i understand you have two kids one on the way um here's my thing i i'm gonna suggest that you rent uh because i don't i don't see you paying right now um i don't see you getting a good deal i will not move into the house if i'm paying a hundred percent of what the house is worth i i'm going to get a good deal even when i built my house they gave me a good deal on building the house when i just bought my new house within the last few months oh they came down quite a bit on the price uh because i want a good deal i'm not going to give you 100 and i'm definitely not giving you a hundred and one plus percent and so what i'm saying look at your options give yourself a timeline a deadline i'll say okay if we can take this the equity that we're gonna get from the house if we can find a house that's within our budget that's for a great deal let's move forward not saying that it's impossible i'm just saying it's going to be hard because as soon as the houses are going on the market right now they're selling like cut cakes and for right now a lot of them selling for more than what they're actually worth um and then let's say for example if you don't find something by then then just go rent something and i think i'm estimating about 12 to 18 months we should see the housing market kind of shift a little bit and then from there you and your husband be in a better situation because you all actually now have more money in your savings account but i want what i want to recommend to you under bailey is to um spend these next if you go into an apartment i want you to spend these next 12 to 18 months trying to live i mean extremely way below your means so this way you can go out there and get the house that you really want and get the house that you can raise your kids um up in while as was going through middle school and in high school you know and so i'm i'm thinking maybe bare minimum a three bedroom four bedroom house you know 16 to 200 square feet nice backyard for your kids and for your dog and i think if you can just sacrifice for the next 12 to 18 months you're not racking up any debt you're dropping money into your savings account you're eating at home you're out here shopping and looking around i think you'll be happy over the next 18 months when you get that house that you dream for but don't rush into it just get into a home and overpay but spend some time think about it pray on it and you never know what god what god would do ah man triple eight eight two five five two two five it's your boy anthony o'neil the host of the table with anthony o'neil and i'm on the rams show today taking your phone calls give me a call i would love to [Music] [Applause] what makes our show unique is that we genuinely care about our listeners we're intentional about choosing the best advertisers to recommend is no exception they offer high quality window treatments at unbelievable prices and they make it simple to shop blinds shades and interior shutters with easy online ordering free shipping and a guaranteed perfect fit go to and take advantage of this week's special savings [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the ramsay show my name is anthony o'neil ramsey personality and and then and in the last segment we were talking about the housing market and how hot it is because it is the housing market is hot and your house could be worth a lot more today as well than what it was when you first bought it so that means your old insurance policy might not give you enough coverage anymore and what's the point of paying for insurance that won't swing the cost to repair or rebuild your home if your home's value has gone up or it's been over a year since you checked your homeowner's policy talk to one of our endorsed local providers these independent agents will compare multiple quotes to find the best coverage for your home and here's the key word your budget text home h-o-m-e to three three seven eight nine again that's home to three three seven eight nine and talk with a trusted insurance pro about finding the right coverage for you and your family uh chantelle is with us in houston texas good afternoon chantel how can we help hey good afternoon um thank you for having me i'm a huge fan of yours and the dave's show um so i'm gonna try to keep it concise for you okay i'm 33 year old woman i live in houston i am i'm single and i make i'm a full-time teacher i make uh 56 for okay um i do uber sometime on the side and i have a health coaching business that i've um started that i i'm not currently making any money in but i'm i'm working on it um and i feel like i've been budgeting i've been doing the things but i'm not saving anymore and i'm not um and i'm not paying any extra towards my debt because i feel like i'm really just getting by um and so i'm trying to find ways to reduce my debt right now because it's really making me feel like a little desperate i do want to be debt-free and i feel like unless i it's just a lot of stress around like trying to grow a business that's not making any money and trying to find ways to hustle to pay off this debt without taking away from that and so i came up with the idea yesterday of what if i sold my vehicle i have a i have about 80 000 in debt okay um 20 900 comes from the vehicle um 6500 comes from consumer debt which were investments that i made in coaches to help me grow my business and the rest of student loans um the vehicle itself has about it's worth about fourteen thousand dollars but being a dumb kid in my 20s and rolling over into my 30s i've rolled over my old debt into a new vehicle and so i'm negative in that vehicle and so what i thought about doing is going to a dealership and trading it in for a used used car um to lower the actual debt so it's all in with the negative equity and the car payment being under 10 000 i feel like i would be able to get rid of that sooner than the two years that it would take to pay it off um yeah but what you're going to do is just roll over that negative equity as well though into that so i think what we got to do is just step back and reassess the entire financial situation so you make fifty six thousand four hundred dollars a year right yeah yeah uh when you do uber like if you were to get hyper intentional uh how much extra can you make a month ubering well i just started that back because i was really relying on my business growing um but if i wanted to really go full time into doing that especially being offered a summer i could add about another thousand or so um safely yeah a month probably even more i mean yeah i was gonna say you can do a little bit more than that well yeah but you know in my mind i'm also thinking it costs for gas it costs for all that stuff so even though you make money you also lose it by having to replace the gas and stuff like that but yes i could probably do about 2 000 extra a month okay 2 000 extra a month right there all right during the summer for sure yeah and then you got your school teacher so i i definitely appreciate your service and helping our young people thank you yeah for sure um now okay so we got two thousand dollars extra month that we can get right there right um so that'll bring you up to right around like 70. and then you have seven thousand dollars in debt twenty thousand dollars nine hundred dollars in a car what kind of car is it it's a 2018 jeep cherokee um you got a lot of miles on it it's only 35 000 miles on it um yeah but you wrote in a lot of negative equity about six grand and so that i'm actually in the carmax bathroom because i was gonna go get it appraised to see if i could go trade it in for something lower because i feel like if i had a lower like overall you got car max right now yeah oh no no no no when we get off the phone listen listen here santel you're gonna walk straight out walk right past the salesman okay i will tell you do that right now but you know i need i need to hear you clearly so i'm going to say right there in the bathroom this is dope i like this i'm talking to her in the bathroom this one i'm talking about she's serious about this lifestyle i gotta talk to anthony i need to get out of debt that's right girl you stay right there in the bathroom i do i need to get out of debt all right so let's do this all right how much money do you have in your savings account right now um 1500. okay 1500 okay you're going to keep that and you're going to keep that in your savings account right now all right um so you have you have a couple of options you have some options here um right now what you got to figure out is that car that car is a huge problem so i would not suggest trading it in and then stacking on more debt what i would advise you to do is sell the car okay and then whatever you can sell the car for then go take out a personal loan for the difference now listen what i'm saying here is if you can sell the car for 16 000 then what i'm saying is go get a loan for 4 500 bucks to to do the difference or whatever that math is so you go down from 20 900 in debt to only 5 000 debt now the problem is going to be that you need to pay cash for a used car this means that you're not going to be able to drive a car max car because you're going to drive past carmax when you get off the phone with me okay yes right so so that's what i would recommend is go back to kelly blue book see what you can privately sell the car for and then whatever they say private sale is you sell it for that then i am okay with you going to get a personal loan to replace the difference okay and then that goes inside of your debt snowball but then the next thing is you're going to use your emergency fund to go ahead and buy you a cash car and i'm talking about here a chantel you need to be spending right around two to three grand to get you a cash car okay so this means that you may need to keep your car um so you can get a little bit more money up to get a little bit more money up to go buy a cash card but that's the first process do not trade this in because a car salesman is going to talk you into something that's not going to be a wise move for you all right okay then from there you're just going to take the debt snowball method you're going to line up all your debt from smallest to largest make all your minimum payments you're going to be out there ubering chantal like you're going to be out there ubering from sun up to sun down you are 33 years old you're single you have any kids no yeah so right now you have no kids right now you have no kids you have no friends you have no boyfriend you don't have nothing you don't have time for nothing right now the next two years is about you getting out of debt if a man come into your life chantal and and he talking about i want to do this no if he ain't helping you get towards your goals you don't have time for all right bottom line so this is what i want you to do i want you to stay on the line i'm gonna have kelly give you access to ramsey plus okay the very first thing i want you to want to go sign up for that and take our classes okay i want you to sit down with us get connected with our community then the next thing you're gonna do is you're gonna go home and figure out how can you sell this car and what kind of car can you get for right around two grand twenty five hundred dollars then after that you're gonna go back onto youtube okay and you're gonna subscribe to my channel and i'm gonna walk you through this journey okay now get out of carmax get out of the bathroom go straight to your car get in your car go home okay go home connect with us we're going to walk you through this process i'm giving you this ramsey plus for free on me because i want to help you turn your life around america this is what it's about man this is what it's about call me in the bathroom that's what i'm talking about that's when i know you intentional about getting out of debt this is the ramsay show [Music] [Music] [Applause] welcome back to the ramsay show my name is anthony o'neil ramsey personality and uh arturo is with us in salt lake city good afternoon arturo how can i help hey anthony how you doing man i'm doing all right man it's been a great great great day man how can help all right um so me and my wife um are both on our way out of the military we're currently on terminal leave so we have about a month left of pay and i'm looking to do a career change right now but just looking for some advice and guidance as to if now is the right time um so we recently just moved to utah which is a new state for both of us she has some family out here so far i love it um and i want to be a real estate agent i just don't know if now is the right time whether i should jump into the game now or you know go back to school use my gi bill focus on being a full-time student okay so let's look at all of our options here uh bro if you went back to school and you were a full-time student how would you and your wife survive and before you answer that question thank you so much uh for serving your country we value and appreciate people people like you and your wife so again thank you thank you so much um for your time and service um but if you went back to school full time i like the education because i it's free education but how would you pay your bills right so um if we both go back to school full-time uh using uh our gi bill they will pay us a monthly housing allowance which for both of us it would be uh or actually each of us it would be fifteen hundred dollars a month and uh i brought my monthly expenses down to be just above that right now so obviously i would still wanna work part-time so it'd be going to school full-time getting that housing allowance and working part-time jobs so fifteen hundred dollars for two is three thousand dollars and you're saying that you're right around what sixteen seventeen hundred bucks for your housing uh for your living expenses right now uh that's for each of us right so so we're right we're right at that mark where we could live off of you know uh off of our housing allowance but have nothing for any extra or it'd be very strict yeah yeah okay and if you went to school what would you go out of school for um i am looking for something in business uh right now i'm thinking finance okay and what would you use a finance degree for uh so if you know i said i wanted to be a real estate agent uh i'm kind of using my finance degree too where if that doesn't work out i'm looking for something in either an hr position uh marketing something like that yeah because you don't need a degree to be a real estate agent right right correct yeah i'm kind of using the degree as you know they provide that monthly housing allowance but it's also like a backup plan i got you so you you're going to get you want to get the degree so you can get the three thousand dollars um which which i understand it's free education and you getting three thousand dollars so i can understand that i think for me is how much debt are you all how much debt do you all have right now so we've paid off all that except for our cars uh which total for both of us is around just under 26 000. okay twenty six thousand dollars in cars how much money do you have in your savings uh yeah to add to that um instead of continuing with our debt snowball since we were close to getting out um we kind of just started saving and building our emergency fund so we have right now right around 25 000 hopefully once the navy finishes paying us and reimbursing us for moving expenses all that we should be at about 30. okay so there you all right all right and let's say for an example and i'm just trying to make sure let's say once you get off in a month and you don't go back to school what's your what's your goal what are you going to do for income so if i weren't to go back to school i would just jump straight into the real estate field do that full-time and that's sort of why i kind of plan to use that emergency fund because i know you know the real estate field not stable income so i'm gonna have to you know be paying myself for a little bit a little bit until that income starts rolling in uh it's just i feel like that uh i still i still have that car debt over me so i don't know whether i should you know just jump in full time uh keep doing what i'm doing or take a step back go to school pay off our debt and then build another emergency fund you know when i listen to you man i'm nothing that you've said respectfully uh has got me really excited you know um you know the real estate industry right now it's gonna take you six months to a year to really start building you know a solid stable income sometimes a bit longer than that it all just it really all depends um and so i'm a little nervous about that then i'm a little nervous about depending on me going back to school to provide for my life now i do like the part of you getting education especially a free education especially to get paid to get your education i like that but here's what's not making me as excited we don't really have a clear path and this is something that um my counterpart ken coleman talks about is really getting a clear path and identifying exactly what you want to do and i think before we can really help you i think you and your wife should really sit down and be like hey hey what do we want to do or what do i want to do when i leave the military um do i want to be a real estate agent if that's what you know you really want to do then what i would say is get into that industry but man you need to figure out a job that will provide income because you got twenty six thousand dollars in debt my goal is and what i would love to see you do is take this this thirty thousand dollars pay off all your cars so you have no responsibilities no debt and then you just have your housing your food and your utilities that you need to pay for which that shouldn't be expensive at all and then if you have a job generating between you and your wife making at least another three thousand thirty five hundred dollars a month together combined in a household while you're in real estate because if that's what you want to do i want you to go after what you want to do there is money in the game but it's going to take a while for you to build that money but if you're saying hey i really do want to go back to school and i really want to pursue this okay cool let's talk about that option as well but what i hear from you is like well i want to do this but if this doesn't work i can do this then if that doesn't work then i'm at least to have school paying for this now i need to hear passion in your voice i need to hear this is what i want to do this is what i am going to do and i'm going to do everything that i have to do and so i really think uh that you need to get connected with ken coleman okay he is our expert in this field and so what i want to do is encourage you to call into the show tomorrow ken coleman show um go to the and you'll be able to see exactly what time his his show airs and call in and tell him hey your friend anthony told me to give you a call this is where i'm at can you help me walk through a clear path to identify what is the best route for me to do with me getting out of the service and then when you do that i mean i'm telling you right now um it will be absolutely um amazing um and so artero i'm rooting for you bro i really am but i really can't help someone who really doesn't know what they really really want to do so go to and and look up at his hours for when his show is going to be running he does it live on youtube and he does it live on series xm tell him that anthony o'neil tell his screen phone or that anthony o'neil told you to call they'll push you through and i want you to run through the same scenario with ken and ken is going to walk you through a clear journey in this journey is the best journey out there period you know um um i i like the education part but it's not exciting me i like you selling houses but it's not exciting because i don't hear the excitement inside of you um but give ken a call give ken a call this is why i love what i do because i'm not an expert in everything we can talk about money all day long but ken coleman is the expert when it comes to getting that career right when it comes to building that shovel now once you get that career right and you got some money coming in and then come back and holler at me and dave we'll walk you through this path we'll get you some money we'll show you how to flip that thing and pay off the debt uh but america if you're struggling right now if you're not happy in your career space check out my boy ken coleman the author of the proximity principle the number one radio show out there when it comes to getting your careers and building your shovel then come holla at me at the table let me help you get your money right and maybe dave too this is the ramsey show [Music] [Music] welcome back to the ramsay show my name is anthony o'neil ramsey personality and our scripture and quote comes from ephesians chapter 4 verses 32 and it says be kind and compassionate to one another forgiving each other just as in christ god forgave you john maxwell says you build trust with others each time you choose integrity over image truth over convenience or honor over personal gain taylor is with us in dallas texas good afternoon taylor how can we help hi anthony how are you i'm doing great now that you've called it so uh how can i all help so i'm calling because my question is mainly centered around the amount of our debt that my husband and i and i have between the two of us okay you say car debt yeah well yeah so we have recently decided to be smart and get out of debt we have a total of 141 thousand dollars in debt and of this a hundred thousand and a hundred thousand of this is car debt no it's not yes no no no no this this you're not you're not being for real right now are you no i i am being serious um i am definitely being serious what are you all driving well we both have luxury vehicles that we both love and so the thing we have been going back and forth on if we should sell the cars and get something you know cheaper or just pay it down we think we could be debt-free by the end of 2022 um maybe maybe a little bit sooner so we're you know trying to decide if we could pay this off and we give ourselves a goal of you know anywhere between a year and a year and a half if it's worth it to keep them because we both love our cars but we also don't like the idea that we paid over a hundred thousand dollars for two vehicles for two vehicles all right uh before i flip out what's y'all's household income so our base inc between the two of us our base salary is 275 but on an average year it's usually around 320 but can go as high as 360. okay so all right all right all right i was i was about to flip off taylor i i was about to go off a hundred thousand dollars in cars i was about to have a heart attack over here but okay you all are making 300 000 plus all right so uh the scary part for me is you know um how much do you all have in savings right now i'm curious we have about 50 to 60 000. 50 to 60 000 so you all have enough money in your savings account right now to pay off one car and it'll be down okay so what's the problem like what y'all disagree with getting out of debt all right i mean what's the problem well so i think that we should sell them and get something a little bit more reasonable i think we suffered from lifestyle inflation as our salaries have increased um i do love my car he loves his car he doesn't want to sell him he just kind of wants to pay them off over time we have two kids and they're both in daycare so that you know kids are just expensive okay and so trying to convince him that we could be debt-free a lot sooner because we work with them and get them get you know something around 20 to 25 that we could just kind of pay cash for okay so here's the thing let's let's let's let's let's break down the basics because i think a lot of people in the ramsey world are like oh my god a hundred thousand dollars of cars let's be real okay we teach that your cars should not add up to be more than 50 of your income your household income so you all are making 300 000 so you are well below that okay so let's let's go ahead and just say you're in a safe place where i do agree with you is if you genuinely want to be 100 debt free quicker than yes selling the cars would be a good option now here's my thing if i'm in your shoes and i love these cars and i'm making your income okay as a husband and wife and i have sixty thousand dollars in my savings account i'm generating a good amount of money every single month okay right i'm taking that that i'm taking 59 000 of that i'm paying off one car today and then me and my wife are going to be very gazelle intense over the next seven months to pay off the rest of our debt we're going hard like we're we're not going out on dates we're we're not you know doing vacation here this summer we're not doing a lot of things we're going to eat comfortably we're going to live comfortably but we're going to be very focused on paying off all of our debt okay that's what i would do if i love the cars like i got a very nice car too you know and if i was in your situation i would just say you know what i'm gonna focus and pay off this car if i'm making that kind of money and so for you and your husband i think this is where you two come together sit down and have a clear conversation if your husband wants to um keep his car then hey take that 59 thousand dollars go pay off the car and then you and your husband said all right cool let's get on a clear budget let's get start living below our means and let's pay off all of our debt and then get our emergency fund back up now that's one route now if you want to get out of that quicker and be debt-free within the next six months yeah sell both of the cars buy buy a couple of cash cards pay off you know the rest of your debt and boom great uh but i think you all are in a financial place to where you two can choose because if dave was here this is what dave was saying number one your cars are less than 50 percent number two you can be debt free within the next two years so the option is on you okay um i genuinely believe so if you take if you take 59 you guys got 141. that's 61.20 something's gonna have about eighty thousand dollars more you all are making three twenty three fifty you saying on the high end 360. so i mean within the next nine to 12 months you and your husband can be 100 debt-free how old are you two um so i'm 28 and he is 30. oh y'all y'all millennials making this kind of money oh my gosh i see why y'all got this card i mean listen y'all need to come over here and rock with me on my show so when you hang up for me you need to go hit subscribe on my youtube channel uh because i'm i'm gonna help you all out some more okay you need hit subscribe uh to the table with anthony o'neil get you and your husband and i want y'all to go and actually watch this week's show because i sit here and tell you all what not to do with your paycheck all right so that's number one uh number two have you two uh taking uh financial peace university inside of ramsay plus no no we haven't okay cool this is my third one today i love giving away dave ramsey stuff you know you know i love it so i want you to stay on the line kelly is going to give you a um a free trial to ramsey plus i want you and your husband to take it um and honestly you two can choose uh taylor what you two want to do you two are in a good financial place to where you can be debt free within the next nine to 12 months and i say if you two love the car and you know you can keep this car for a very long time i may side with your husband because i do like nice things i'm not gonna front and and if i can pay off these nice things within a matter of two years and be debt-free completely i'm just gonna go that route um so i think you two sit down and figure out what do you both want and just have a good conversation from there all right well that's good to hear it just sounds crazy to me to have cars that are over you know six figures it just sounds crazy i mean it it it sounds crazy but you're in a good and healthy place financially to do it um and and that's just from what we teach you can be debt-free within two years and your cars both of your cars are not worth more than your household income okay so you are in you're in a good place financially but i totally understand how you feel and again this goes back to just you and your husband sitting down having a conversation if you all really want to become debt free and not have a hundred thousand dollars in cars uh then y'all can be debt free within within a matter of the next you know nine months and if y'all really go hard yo you could be debt-free within a matter of the next six months you could be one of your cars and you paid off today that's what i would do i'm i'm calling the bank and paying it off today today you still gonna have ten thousand dollars i'll take the other nine thousand dollars and put that towards the savings account not savings account towards your other debt and just really start attacking that stuff so you all can be financially free well today's been amazing i want to thank our producer james child that's filled in for half of the show i want to thank our associate producer kelly daniel who's been rocking with me the entire show and america i want to thank you for being the number one group of people out there in america so don't forget that the caliber of your future will be determined by the decisions we made today and you all you made the right decision by rocking with the ramsey family we'll see you on the next show have a friend or family member that needs a daily dose of ramsay advice in their life let them know about the ramsey call of the day podcast it's a quick hit of advice about life and money in under 10 minutes check out the ramsey call of the day podcast wherever you listen to podcasts you
Channel: The Ramsey Show - Full Episodes
Views: 24,975
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Keywords: dave ramsay live, dave ramsey, dave ramsey channel, dave ramsey live, dave ramsey live show, dave ramsey live stream, dave ramsey podcast, dave ramsey radio show, dave ramsey show, dave ramsey show full show, dave ramsey show live, ramsey, ramsey solutions, the dave ramsey show, the dave ramsey show live
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 10sec (7330 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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