It's Time To Work On What's Important - YOU!

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[Music] this is the ramsay show [Applause] you can be intentional about your character you can have money and a career you are the hero in your story [Music] live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions broadcasting from the dollar car rental studios it's the ramsey show where debt is dumb cash is king and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the bmw as the status symbol of choice ken coleman ramsey personality number one best-selling author and host of the ken coleman show is my co-host today as we take your questions about your life your money and with ken here your career all about jobs and all about careers and all about what you're going to do on the income side of this money equation as well as we'll talk to you about your life and your money open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five john is in new york city to start off this hour hey john how are you hi dave i'm doing well how are you better than i deserve what's up awesome uh i had a quick question as far as uh i currently live in a co-op and within the next three or five years i plan on moving out into a house so i'm looking at holding on to the co-op as a rental property however i just don't know if the maintenance that i'm also paying for the co-op kind of excludes this as being a useful rental property i know there's different values that you could work the numbers on but just this for the simple fact of a maintenance alone which is actually more than the mortgage that i pay i have a 30-year mortgage i'm sorry saying um so i want to know your opinion on that is it best that i just sell the co-op when i'm ready to buy a house or should i actually dig deeper into the numbers find out well what we want you to move towards because it's the shortest distance to wealth is to being a hundred percent debt free house and everything and it sounds like that keeping this co-op means that you're going to have debt on the co-op and probably on the new house as well right correct yeah so i'm going to move you away from that i would not buy rental property or invest in rental property directly or indirectly until i can do it with cash after my home is paid for and that's what we teach now that's very slow it takes a lot of time but then you don't get burnt on the properties it also sounds like that this particular property even if it were paid for and your home to buy would be paid for still might be a questionable rental because this maintenance factor might offset any fund that you'd be having cash flow wise right yeah so that's that's pretty much yeah that's what i imagined the ideal situation would be within three or five years me and my current girlfriend would be married and we would fund the house i mean it would be in new york it's tough to pay cash for what we would be looking for so i just figured i'm living in the co-op i'm by that time i didn't know if i should refinance the 15 year even as a rental but it's not like overall i would sell it and i would take the equity to move towards the house and then have a game plan for getting the house paid off as soon as possible and then start talking about saving up and investing in rental real estate but um most of the time you don't move out of your property into your home and turn the old property into a uh into a rental because most of the time that means you're gonna involve extra debt to pull that off yeah and it sounds from sounds like from a cash flow standpoint he could be breaking even or losing money given all the maintenance stuff that he began to identify there in addition to that in addition to everything you gave him yeah and i and i i mean new york real estate values obviously are it's a unique market that we're talking about in manhattan in particular and so you know probably could make up a ton of what he didn't make on cash flow with increase in value yes assuming that they don't continue destroying that town politically with covet and cops and everything else it's a mess i mean it's the worst it's been in decades and i'm a huge fan of new york city but it's a mess right now absolutely and uh so you know it's politics matter when it comes to economics around real estate sure does economics around your businesses and that kind of stuff so that that's what's in play there so a lot of reasons to not keep this co-op hey thanks for the call open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five kathleen is with us in milwaukee hi kathleen how are you oh i'm doing well thank you um i you know i've been listening long enough to know that roth is the rate is the way to go my husband has had a just a traditional 403 b for several years and now uh work does offer the roth and i i think my understanding is is that if he just stopped paying into the raw or paying into the traditional he could open a roth and works match would go into the traditional and then his um the stuff that he puts in would go into the rocks i just wanted to see we don't have the extra funds right now to pay the taxes but i just wanted to see if if we should just do that just stop the traditional start the ross or if we should if it's better to like if interest is better just keeping it compounding with no it does it does not affect it does not affect your end result it does not affect compounding at all two two piles compact that are equal in size to both the piles added together compounded exactly the same rate a hundred thousand dollars in two accounts compounds at as 200 000 at exactly the same rate as 200 000 in one account okay does not change the math okay so you just uh don't change that at all but you're right you don't want to activate and pay taxes on all of the money that's sitting there so we'll leave what he's done to this point in traditional and you're required to receive the match in traditional going forward but from this point forward his contribution should be in a wrath and yeah you're doing that exactly exactly right so ken it's kind of our rock paper scissors thing yeah match beats roth beach traditional and that's what she's already figured out yeah yeah it's it and it and it always works that way you know it's like when people figure out and the real benefits of what when we get into the roth it's because of the tax implications tax free free when you look up and you got a million dollars in your account huge difference and it's all tax free versus it's all taxable that's 250 350 000 per million issue that's a lot of money so that word roth is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars a letter so yeah you don't r o t that's 400 grand right there you know i mean at least yeah it's it's when you do it over over a period of your working lifetime it's a lot of money not to mention i just hate taxes dave so it has the added benefit not just the zeros but i just feel better i don't have to pay taxes i'm just less pissed off essentially that's the emotional and financial benefit that's it there's a spiritual benefit yeah i don't stay angry all the time yeah that's good i love it that's fun all right open phones here ken coleman my co-host today host of the ken coleman show now heard on over 75 radio stations siriusxm as a podcast and on youtube everywhere great radio stations or great radio shows are heard you can pick him up and he's always talking about your life and your career and finding your dream gig new book is out called paycheck to purpose it's on pre-sale right now we will ship them to you in the fall when we actually put them on the street and you can get a bargain on it right now with a bunch of add-ons from paycheck to purpose the clear path to doing work you love at [Music] stop paying your overpriced wireless provider and switch to puretalk they use the same network as the larger providers for much less for just 30 dollars a month get unlimited talk text and six gigs of data with no contract the average family saves over 70 a month by switching to pure top just go to and enter the promo code ramsey to save 50 off your first month pure talk simply smarter wireless [Music] [Music] ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five here on the ramsey show jennifer is with me with us in edmond oklahoma hi jennifer welcome to the ramsay show how can we help hey big stan um so i am feeling lost with my job i just started a new job about three months ago the last couple have not worked out and i'm trying to decide if i should go back to school for counseling or an mba or just look for another job okay so we've got two options there that are very different counseling or an nba and so i hear you laughing here which is okay but i mean where'd those choices come from are those just out of nowhere or something you've been thinking about for a while thinking about for a long time which one is the longest in your head and heart that's the thing i can't decide i feel like counseling is more what i'm really good at okay and if i could talk to people all day that's what i do okay now there's okay now there are the clues so let's start with talent okay so we talk about talent passion and mission these are the three indicators that every human being has when we talk about stage one of my seven stages to do what you're born to do let's get clear so let's look at the indicators talent so what talents do you think a counselor needs to have that are non-negotiable what would you say give me two or three like empathy listening yep being really good with people great okay so i would call that communication connection and compassion right all right so so you've got those in spades if i interviewed everybody that knows you would they say jennifer's really gifted in those areas yes or no yes all right so doesn't it also stand to reason jennifer that the things that we're good at those talents we actually enjoy using those talents and you you said so beautifully if i could listen to people all day long that would be great but it's not just the listening part what fires you up when you're listening to people what happens next after you listen to them kind of coaching them along giving them advice just connecting with people fantastic this is easy dave we don't really need to talk much more with jennifer because it's very obvious the type of work that you would love to do i want to know the why though is there something from your story whether you experienced it or you observed this that it's been a long time of thinking about counseling others and being a guide to them what's in your story that gives you the why behind this well i just know that i really want to help others and i know um i had a family member die from mental struggles a few years ago and you know just i've struggled with mental health and i know so many people yeah and i just know i can help them i know you can and that's what i want you to hold on to right now because in the days ahead as you begin to strike a path forward you're going to have times of fear and doubt and you've got to you've got to kind of strike those just just cross them out right align right through them whatever the voice is and go back to the why that you just shared with us so not the nba the answer is no no to the nba but yes to what do i have to do to get qualified to be a counselor to serve those people okay so you got why uh why so many jobs in the last while why are you i am currently doing um engineering and i'm just the remoteness has been really hard not talking to anybody has been really tough oh so they got your own work from home yeah oh yeah not to mention it's not work that you love you don't love the work you just kind of fell into it and you're just trying to search for something instead of you have an engineering degree yep yeah okay how old are you 38 okay but why did you bounce around what were the others it's been at the same company um the last one it just it didn't fit so if i mean another one and i agreed to it and it just it has i thought it'd be more people interaction has not been and it just has not been a good fit yeah so now we got to switch gears and you got to go get educated to be a counselor so you got to do your homework on that what's that going to cost how long is that going to take i have them that's not a bit that's not an issue for for us it's just not knowing what to do now well what to do now is is you got to plan this thing so you know are you going to go full time you got to go part time how's that going to affect the next decision which is am i working my way through am i going full time those are the things you got to pick a school do not get sucked into the brand name decision nobody cares where you get your counseling degree nobody okay do you understand what i'm saying so don't get sucked into well number time someone sits down with a marriage counselor and say our mental health counselor and says uh before we start i'd like to know where you graduated from is zero yeah that's right it's zero so the only thing that matters is the quality of the information the quality of the knowledge that okay yeah so i mean when i sit down on my dock i don't know where my doctor went to get med school i don't even ask him it's like was it bragging rights that he went to my doctor went to who gives a crap are you well so are you okay that's true did he fix your broken whatever yeah that's what matters here can you get the help and don't fall into that and and you know take a take the track uh as a 38 year old that is not the traditional college track as well something that uh shortcuts you straight into that yeah you got an engineering degree maybe there's some stuff you can overlay on this and and get straight into that master's program pretty quick uh because you'll have to get a masters in every state in order to be licensed as a counselor ashley's in jacksonville florida hey ashley what's up hi guys um thank you so much for taking my call um i just have a quick question trying to figure out if we bought too much house in 2020 um my husband and i did baby got to baby step six in 2018 and 2019 paying off our debt um and paying off about 30 percent of our house and then decided we wanted to find a better home home for family somewhere that we could be as intentional as we were but actually enjoy where we were living but we got back into debt doing it which is terrible please don't yell at me um we got about thirty five thousand dollars into debt um and we just paid that off last month so we are happily in baby step three um but now that we're moving towards baby step four and the percentages of like how much my house payment is obviously gonna go it's gonna be more of my income since i'm going to be putting 15 into investment and i'm just trying to figure out if we bought too much house well the investment does not affect your housing formula 15 going into investments doesn't affect that what's your gross pay or your your net pay not counting what goes into 401k not counting what goes into health insurance but just net of taxes net of taxes what's your household take-home pay um and that's sorry that's after taxes i'm not great with the lingo after taxes what's your taxes i i don't know the annual income but it's about 8 000 a month okay and how much is your house payment um 21.62 that's like a fourth i mean what's the problem it's almost the fourth i wasn't sure if you know because we're about to get to baby step four and i was worried once the 15 um started coming out obviously that dramatically changes how much we could be putting towards the house and our biggest goal is kind of getting that thing paid off so well you're gonna put 15 at baby step four of your income towards retirement but that does not affect the calculation of your house payment being 25 of your take-home pay because your take-home pay is not what comes out take-home pay means after taxes and so so you're making a hundred thousand so you're probably making a hundred and thirty thousand dollars a year gross does that sound about right yeah okay yeah that sounds right yeah and so you're fine on this there's nothing wrong here you're going to put 15 away and then you're going to have to begin to chip away at the mortgage beyond that as you work through baby steps five and six kids college and anything extra you can find you put on the house but your house payment is not going to keep you from putting 15 down or 15 into retirement it's it's just not you're not house poor not even close so i i think what you did was you uh took a step up and it's a bigger payment than you're emotionally used to and it just smacked you around a little bit which is not a bad thing uh that you that you recognized it because the the people that are scarier are the ones that don't realize that there was a an emotional shift here and uh ouch you can get that sneak up on you and get you so good stuff hey thank you for the call open phones here ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today again author of the brand new book on pre-sale from paycheck to purpose the clear path to doing work you love you can pick up a copy at and uh it'll be shipped to you with all kinds of goodies as soon as it actually comes out but it's on pre-sale right now which means there's a bargain around it only 20 bucks and you get about 150 worth of goodies with it be sure and check it out ramsey [Music] [Music] so in the lobby of ramsay solutions on the debt free stage joy and her mom ruth are with us hey guys how are you very good thank you and you better than i deserve it's an honor to have you where do you guys live chihuahua mexico it's about three hours from el paso texas oh yeah wow so an international debt free screen right here very cool so uh how much did you pay off about 119 000 119 000. how long did this take about four years four years okay and uh what was the range of your income during this time was it personal debt or what is a business were self-employed it was about uh 250 000 average okay all right so what kind of business was this it's a tree nursery my mom and brother and i we have a tree nursery we grow and sell trees oh okay fine what kind of trees anything fruit trees evergreen trees bushes whatever you want good all right so tell me the story what happened here 119 000 of business debt paid off in four years yes when i was a teenager it started about before that when i was a teenager my dad at the time was listening to different people and he told us kids i have three brothers to listen to dave ramsey and you were talking about spending while living on nothing and spending less money and i thought well we already live on nothing we had no vacations and no nothing of that sort not really and um and then so we forgot about you and then end of 2016 um i started doing the business papers the expenses and all of that and i realized how very messy and unorganized it was just terrible and so i started googling anything i could find on business advice and this one day your name popped into my head i believe was the holy spirit that gave it to me and so i started listening to you searching for you and i loved it i got very excited i wanted to get organized and then about two weeks after that um my dad got diagnosed with bone cancer oh my and he did not have insurance so all the money went to that directly right away we couldn't pay off anything then in 2017 we started paying off a little bit but the majority we paid off uh 2019 to 2021. and uh i take it since he's not here he didn't didn't survive the bone cancer no he he died two years ago i'm sorry i'm sorry you guys have been through a lot yes so uh so the the kiddos step in and help run the business then that's what it amounts to yes they did i was very thankful for that amen yes amen and obviously very capable yes yes and then some capable plus yeah very good well good job so uh a horrible way to end up in charge but you're in charge at this point and uh joy and you start hammering the data i guess is what you're saying yeah yeah he was very mad at that very mad and so but your advice it was very practical for us uh i was expecting for looking for business i'd buy something high where i would not be able to reach and it was so common sense so thank you for that i i really learned a lot we all did my brothers as well they got very excited about it now i don't get a lot of calls from mexico so did i did you call in yes i did how long ago i'd say about one one to two years i okay this is coming back to me oh you were working you're starting to work the plan chihuahua and tree nursery yeah that's starting to ring a bell a little bit yeah i think i mean if it was somewhere else i might it might not have remembered it because it all kind of runs together but that does ring a bell so you called in a couple of years ago yes was that nice to you you were very nice do you remember what your question was regarding yes i wanted to ask about the business exactly because it did not bring much profit or hardly any and then so i was wondering how in the world are we going to pay the stat off if we do not have any profit and was it either to sell the business or to yeah i was clueless what to do with it and you mentioned if the profit was going to be a bit more if we could get the profit a little bit higher to pay off the doubt we should do that otherwise solid and so we tried that and it worked we we did pay off so you got to keep going what did you do to to juice that profit actually just getting organized we had so much money going out everywhere that we didn't even know about and me and my brother uh one of the the one that's with me now working on it uh and she as well we just all very intensely tracked all the expenses and income income and that gave us a little wiggle room we had been very disorganized yes and with my husband being sick um the nursery was left behind so when he died we started organizing it again it was very overwhelming too how long did it take to to kind of get the chaos out six months or a year a year or maybe even two yeah yeah and but it's a lot he's more peaceful to run it yes now without the chaos with systems and organization right yes yes and we had a lot of trouble in the meantime trying to pay off debt like the trucks were old they were breaking down and and flat tires and and the irrigation system was wasn't working we had to fix that again and again and yeah a lot of hard work mm-hmm but you made it yes and here you are with no doubt how's it feel very amazing and you come all the way to tennessee yes to do your debt-free script well we are honored we're honored you guys you ladies are your family your heroes for fighting your way through this that's pretty incredible great entrepreneurial story it really is it's fascinating to see how they turned it around just organization getting control of the outflow the expenses that's the story pretty amazing stuff and is this this has got big-time potential i'm guessing now that you've got this thing running well i really hope so that's what i'm aiming for good for you well she has a profit now that's a profit is a start yeah enables you to fix flat tires on trucks easier yeah [Laughter] oh my goodness we also cash flowed my youngest brother's wedding also in the middle of it all right so how many brothers and sisters how many siblings three brothers three brothers and you all right all right are you the oldest i'm in the middle you're in the middle okay well actually there's one boy um he's the oldest he manages all the the nursery she manages the the expenses and all the money and her she has a twin brother which we have here and then the youngest brother he works for his uncle right now okay all right cool that's wonderful it's a great family business so what do you tell people the key joy you did it what do you tell people the key to getting out of that is perseverance and determination that's it i could not have done it without i yeah a lot of stubbornness in a good way because it was hard it was very hard but plus trusting god amen learning on a on a higher level to trust god and we we also wanted to give like we during that time all of it when my dad was sick there were so many people they were generous and they came and visited and just so willing to give and um that looked so beautiful to me so we hope to be that way too we want to give and be kind to other people i wish my spanish was as good as your english where'd you learn your english both of you high school from little on just just part of the part of the curriculum yeah okay wow very cool wonderful very fun so proud of you ladies and gentlemen very well done very well done well we've got a copy of the legacy journey for you that's the uh for sure what you've been involved in here is legacy type work and uh that's the next chapter in the story for it to continue very cool um best debt-free scream in a while yeah pretty neat love this very neat very neat and also a copy of the total money makeover for you to give away to someone thank you and uh if you prefer it in spanish both of them are available in spanish just to hand out to friends or whatever that's uh happy to help you either way whatever whatever is good for you so excellent excellent excellent all right it's joy and her mom ruth from chihuahua mexico they paid off the nursery they paid off the the uh the tree business and made it man absolutely amazing 119 000 paid off in four years 250 000 a year top line on the business count it down let's hear a debt-free scream three two one debt-free and worth a trip to nashville that's fun i love it so beautiful so well done this is the ramsay show [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today this is the ramsey show open phones of triple eight eight two five five two two five amy's in dallas hi amy how are you i'm good mr ramsay how are you better than i deserve what's up in your world well okay so i've been very blessed with financial wellness mainly because ever since i was about five i was always asking my dad questions and so he taught me a lot of your principles really so when i first graduated college i figured out what i needed to live on and saved all the rest pretty much so what that trickled down to is i'm now married i have two kids and i had been investing in my company stock for a long time thinking this is going to be my kids college fund until i actually have them because i can't put a five to nine on a blank person but now that i have a good chunk of money in there because i didn't take it out because it was just skyrocketing so i figured i'd ride the wave but now i have a my daughter's five and my son is two i'm thinking you know maybe i should withdraw some of this and pull the trigger and pay off the house which is our only debt and front load both of their five two nines so that i don't have to think about it ever again do you have enough stock to do both of those things it's about 450 000 so yes and how much is do you own your home 70 000 yeah you need to do this tonight okay i figured you'd probably say that but i was just a little worried about the tax implications of a big lump sum of money getting being given to me well what do you think the uh what do you think your gain on it is what do you have invested in this 400 000 yeah honestly i think the gains are like 300 and keep in mind i don't have to sell all of it because obviously if i front load a 529 i could put like 90k and 1 and 30k in the other and based on calculations i think that'll be okay when they turn 18. um and then 70k on the house and so i should still have like 200k left over in there but on the gains of that 200k especially if i strategically sell like not the ones that were purchased within the last year uh you know i think my gains on it it's probably a hundred thousand dollars yeah you yeah you select it's not that big a deal it's a 15 capital gains rate you've owned it more than a year and so it's 15 grand per hundred grand it's not that big a deal okay so yeah you need to you need to do this yesterday and then you know and when you're selling it you select the shares that you last purchased last in first out is the accounting principle on this meaning that the most expensive shares the ones you have the most invested in will create the least gain and that should be the last ones you purchased so that you know as you know as you're and then as you're dealing with it you want to go with last in first out okay then what do i do after that because now it's like well then you have 200 000 sitting in stock still do you want that i don't i don't invest in single stocks and i don't advise people to more than 10 of their net worth so is your net worth over 200 000 i mean i'm sorry over 2 million over 2 million 1.3 i think so so i think you're a little heavy in a single stock even after we execute the debt free on the house and the kids uh at five two nines are set up i'd probably go a different i'd probably liquidate some of that and move towards mutual funds i i'm i'm not as big a player as you are i wanna i don't want that much risk claire is in denver colorado hey claire welcome to the ramsey show hey dave thanks for taking my call sure what's up okay so i have a little bit of like a double life going on um i am an accountant and i'm also a professional mma fighter and i'm having some you're an accountant wait a minute wait i don't want to drive past that too quick you're an accountant by day and an mma fighter by night yeah it's like a superhero yeah like a superhero right clark kent yeah but uh yeah yeah so so what happened this week is um so i had a little bit of a head trauma nothing super serious but it was unexpected and i was having some side effects so i had to go see a specialist um so i went to see a neurologist and basically um all of a sudden i had a 2500 bill uh and that's for my whole treatment like it was actually a very reasonable price and whatnot um but i only had a thousand dollars in my emergency fund so i used that and then i had to unfreeze the credit card that i was paying off and put the balance on that card which you know is not something i was wanting to do um and i'm still paying off debt i've got about 22 000 left in my debt uh so yeah so at this point um i'm just trying to figure out if maybe i need to pad my emergency fund a little more for the time being before i can get to that third baby step or how i should handle this wow okay so uh head trauma is not an unexpected event when you are an mma fighter right that's a predictable event right i mean logically yeah i've never participated but i've watched what you do and i'm scared of you right now [Laughter] uh so uh uh have you made money fighting so i'm at the point right now i'm actually in a really good spot i fight for a good organization but the way mma works is you're making very little money until you're making a lot of money so right now from fighting i make about 15 grand a year okay let's bank let's bank that as a business let's bank that to the side as a business and hope you break even with medical bills right so take a take run your life on your accounting income and set the mma aside as a as a small business idea and say this small business is going to break even if we're lucky okay okay and then you can just bank that money and they and instead of changing the baby steps let's just qualify this as a small business because it legitimately is it's a side hustle and uh you know and so how long have you been doing this i'm interested uh i've been doing this for i think about six years all together i had a long amateur career and i'm a professional so it's been a journey so how long have you been pro i've been pro uh for about i think it's only been about two years right now so far how old are you i'm 25. okay so you you figure you got what five years on the ring more you know i'm hoping ten more years so that's also why i'm taking this brain stuff real seriously and you know after that i want to do accounting for the rest of my life so yeah so you really can't afford to get your eggs scrambled doing that then right yeah exactly exactly i just wonder i've got to ask this is quick do you allow the frustration of the accounting to get you mad enough to punch somebody or do you love the accounting you know i really love the accounting i honestly i feel like i'm living the dream i love god for you that's great that is so fun yeah and so you're so you're you're probably a very technical fighter then yes yes exactly yeah very cool well fun claire well that's neat first first mma fighter question we've had so yeah you're the first shooter i'll have more moving forward especially when the money starts rolling in so i'll probably remember the call because it's it's it's not one i get all the time so you call back anytime we can help that's interesting very fun aren't you a little scared right now ken oh god there's no question in fact in fact i just wonder how long i could last in the ring with her i think three times it's too late you already you couldn't it's over not till you finish the sentence yeah you'll be done as long as it would take for her to catch up to me it's the real answer tap out from his head hitting the ground she wouldn't even have to strike me i don't think is the real answer they don't allow guns in there so i'm not going in there [Laughter] i'm too scared i'm just really scared that's fun that is awesome oh man i'm a tough lady yeah that's that's an interesting way of looking at something though i mean she's looking at this business through the eyes of an accountant what a real question what an interesting thing that's very cool well that puts this hour of the ramsey show in the books ken coleman uh my co-host james childs my producer kelly daniel my associate producer and phone screener i'm dave ramsey your host and we'll be back [Music] this is james childs producer of the ramsay show did you know the ramsay show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world subscribe or follow today wherever you listen to podcast [Music] this is the ramsay show [Music] you can be intentional about your character you can have money and a career you are the hero in your story [Music] live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions broadcasting from the dollar car rental studios it's the ramsey show where debt is dumb cash is king and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the bmw as the status symbol of choice ken coleman ramsey personality number one best-selling author is my co-host today as we talk about your life your money and with ken here particularly your career his new book is on pre-sale right now soon to be a best seller from paycheck to purpose the clear path to doing work you love it's on sale for twenty dollars at along with about 150 worth of goodies and all kinds of good things happening there so open phones here at triple eight eight two five five two two five ken the exciting thing about the sale of your new book has been not only the sales are amazingly high on the book we knew it would be popular it's a an area of life that people need help in from paycheck to purpose but the assessment that our team and you put together um the details and the uh algorithms and the stuff behind the scenes you didn't do the team did but it was done with your input to get the uh to get people to recognize their talents passions and missions it's a thirty dollar assessment it's called the get clear assessment matter of fact for thirty dollars you can get the assessment and the book and all the goodies if you wanna do it that way as a bundle at ramsey solutions or you can just get the assessment for 30 bucks if you want which would not be the right way to do it really but you could you ought to get the book and stuff free in a sense if you're absolutely the other way but anyway so uh this is a tool for people that are trying to figure out what their career should be what direction they should be they need to get clear right that's right or it could be confirming a path that you're already on and you're experiencing some doubt so what we do is this is the tool in the first stage of the seven stages the clear path that we're talking about here in the book from paycheck to purpose the baby steps is a clear path and then we have a clear path and stage one is get clear so what you're doing is you're gonna look at uh your talent this is what you do best thing of your talent is tools so you've got your hard skills and then people skills then you got passion and and that is the work that you actually love to do you love the work you show up because the work itself is something you get great joy out of and then of course all work creates results and that's what we call mission so what's the missional result that you want to put into the world through your work and so the assessment dave is going to give you a detailed report on your top talents your top passions and that that really that top mission result that you want to put out then we take those results and we put them in a purpose statement and it becomes a guide for you it becomes a north star that no matter what decisions you're confronted with with opportunities to move up in your career you can always come back and say is this something that is in my purpose statement my professional purpose we call that that sweet spot where people look at you and they marvel and they say you were born to do this and so that's what the the assessment does for people dave is tremendous clarity which as you know breeds confidence in people to step out and do that work and here's what else clarity provides it also provides courage in those moments where fear and doubt or failure pride stick their ugly head up and kind of say you can't do this you shouldn't do this and that's what clarity does for you so it is a wonderful tool that will keep you clear throughout your career the get clear assessment at ken um what occurs to me here is is that uh the first thing you have to do when it comes to a job is you have to make some money to feed your family provision absolutely and prevent pay the bills keep the lights on keep the wolf away from the door so go make some money yes but pretty quickly after you're making money you know regardless of how much money it is you can be making a lot of money if you're in the wrong thing that you weren't designed to do uh it starts to become dissatisfying even though all the bills are paid it's exactly right it starts to twist up inside your stomach and it's the old maslow's hierarchy of needs you reach the point that you can self-actualize which means that we're going to go do something that is a higher calling than simply earning money to eat or pay off debt there is nothing dishonorable about earning money no just to pile up debt and and or to pay off debt and to pile up some money uh but as through this particularly on the short term yes that's not a bad thing at all go make some money you know for provision purposes but it doesn't but sooner or later hopefully sooner you're going to look up and go i don't need to spend my whole life just chasing the almighty dollar that's exactly right and this is because we as human beings long to make a contribution so the title from paycheck to purpose really addresses those two primary needs around work we need to provide and we need to contribute we just do nobody ever has to teach a human being to to ask the question what should i do with my life you know i got three kids dave you have three kids you got all kinds of grand babies now i can't even keep up nobody has to teach a kid to say no he's just adult they have to teach a kid to steal a toy from another kid it's just who we are and the same is true of this longing that we have as human beings to make a difference and the idea here is is that you can make the income that you need and desire and the impact that you desire income and impact through your work is purpose and that's what we're about here ramsey solutions you know you walk through our our building and hope you come visit us sometime and you'll see on the giant screen just you know off through the glass there work that matters we're all about doing work that matters and we see a contribution through everything we do at ramsey solutions as it relates to providing people a clear path to hope and and that's missional and every human being wants to show up and do work that matters to them it's it's just life's too short dave to chase a paycheck and just try to make it through till friday at happy hour and what's really interesting and you know intellectually it's easy to grasp this but i think emotionally i you only grasp it maybe when you get the other side of it is if you will find something that you're talented at that you're missional about and that you're passionate about um you actually if you'll just pay attention to the process you'll end up making a lot more money doing that a lot more than you would doing the thing that's supposed to be money-based that's right but you're not good at or you hate that's exactly right here's why because you suck at things you hate that's exactly right and listen you won't press through yeah you won't fight it you won't fight through that like you know if we look at your story dave somebody comes at this place i got a thousand people going after their throat oh yeah because they're all ready to fight i mean it's a crusade here well this please don't mess with this place because this place is blessing people and helping people and loving people and and so somebody comes at the place all thousand team members are like that's exactly right but people know your story this place was built on your passion and mission yes you had the talent you've always been a good communicator and a teacher it's one of your top talents but the reality is is that you care deeply about guiding people and instructing people and the mission was hope and peace and so now when you see all this it's worth fighting through your side hustle which becomes your own company one day or it's worth fighting through the ladder of getting promoted and staying with it long enough you'll suffer because of passion and mission suffer through patience suffer through perseverance check out the get clear assessment invited as a bundle with the from paycheck to purpose book the clear path to doing work you love all at [Music] [Music] we were drawn to christian healthcare ministries because we both had young families and we wanted to have more children and we had also just started a real estate company and needed to find health care coverage that would meet our needs we were attracted to chm because of its low monthly costs and the ability to negotiate medical costs down established in 1981 and accredited by the better business bureau chm is here to meet the needs of your growing family or small business check us out at ch backslash budget we absolutely believe in it [Music] [Applause] ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today thank you for joining us america open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five that's triple eight eight two five five two two five duane is with us in boise idaho hi dwane how are you i'm doing better than i deserve how are you two doing today just the same sir how can we help dave um been able to listen to your show on and off for the last couple of months and i've been trying to work these baby steps and i got rid of all my consumer debt so i paid all that off and the last debt i had was a truck that i sold back to my i got rid of my pickup last week to the dealer so i have no debt wow so i'm debt free but what i do have is i have two rental properties in a neighboring town to boise here and one of them i owe 54 on and the other one i owe 120 on and they're both at 475 or 489 interest rate because i've had them for many years but they are they have been rented by the same tenants for a long time the one that i owe 54 000 on is rented by an an 80 something gentlemen and i promised him that he could live throughout the rest of his life there at that house and i what i want to do is i want to find out is it's smart for me to take an equity loan out on that house and pay off the other property complete there's enough money there to do that um well with the equity line would the equity line be a cheaper interest rate oh absolutely absolutely it would be down to three 3.6 the guy told um my mortgage broker told me so um what's that property worth of 54 000 on it um about 225. 225 to 240 and you'd be in it at 270 right or 170. yeah but it would pay off the other property which i want to keep that's i want to keep the one that the 120 on it's a lot nicer property that's where my wife and i plan to live once we retire the other property when this gentleman either moves out or passes away i want to sell that property so there's the dilemma my financial situation the way we're at it's just my wife and i we don't have any kids i got about 25 grand in the bank and we rent currently so why but i want to i want i want that property debt free okay why do you rent uh we just moved back into boise for the last 20 years i've been traveling around the country for work and we we just that's how i wound up with two rental properties so um we're looking right now i can use my va to uh buy a property here locally so my wife and i would like to buy a house here locally because the two rental properties that we have they cash flow themselves they don't cost us anything in fact i make money on them what's your house what's your household income uh 150 000 my wife is a stay-at-home housewife and bible instructor she hasn't worked in almost 20 years and so the income is all mine that comes from me cool good stuff guys well done all right well so the goal you're just like you said you just got plugged into us so the the long-term goal where we're aiming towards with whatever move you choose to do is that you own your home paid for and you own your rental properties paid for that needs to be the long-term goal okay okay um and so no i would not use a va loan i would use a fannie mae and scratch together some down payment because it's cheaper the va loan is a more expensive loan interest rate and fees uh you can yes you can do nothing down but i'm not going to recommend nothing down because the goal is we're going to try and get your house paid off so let's work that through then if we uh with that in mind if you buy a house on a 15-year fixed where the payment's no more than a fourth of your take-home pay and you say all right i'm to start scratching towards that house and then when the gentleman moves away from the other property uh you sell that property and you use that money to pay off your rental and pay off your home right correct yes that's going to be the game plan that's where we're headed um what does it change to go ahead and pay off that other rental now with a home equity loan it only changes the formula about 1 of 120 000 so about 1200 a year that's the only thing it moves to move the mortgage over there doesn't really do anything except about a thousand bucks a year so uh which is what you'll save in interest by moving it over there if you don't get into a bad mortgage deal of some kind and um uh so i i probably wouldn't screw with it i'd probably just sit on it it's not that big a savings if you want to move it over there you can because it is going to be cheaper but it's not it doesn't move the needle here there's no uh big thing that happens that's good as a result of doing this the big thing that happens that's good is when you sell one of these properties and clear your house and clear the other one yeah i i the uh something wrong in here check it again there try one more time nothing try plugging it in [Laughter] okay uh ken's mike's uh got unplugged in here it's got an air gap [Laughter] so anyway that's what you're going to want to do sheldon uh uh i'm sorry dwayne that's the direction you're going to want to go and um that that's the process so uh yeah and i think the game plan is is that the guy that's 80 years old it's going to be a fairly you know probably in the next five years or so you're going to execute the uh getting rid of that and making that happen so good question man thank you for joining us open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five you wanna check it nope all right uh let's go to sheldon in los angeles hi sheldon welcome to the ramsay show hey dave how you doing better than i deserve how can i help um so basically i'm in a dilemma right now um so i have i have a 2014 volkswagen jetta it is financed uh it is on a five-year finance uh apr is nineteen percent yes i'm paying 330 basically 334 a month um on it so uh my engine basically is is done i need a new engine um i spoke to the mechanic so they are saying the estimate was gonna be uh it could be in the range of like five thousand dollars so on that note i am working part-time uh and literally i know that's something that i can i do not have at this moment in time so my question is should i sell the vehicle even though it is finance should i sell a vehicle and uh again i've been staying up on you know what you were saying as far as you know putting cash on a vehicle and also i was wondering should i do that or you know what the other solution would be what are you making what's your income um right now i am at i'll say what roughly a month is uh is at 800 a month why are you not working full-time um at this moment in time that's what i'm actually just working towards working full-time why are you not working why are you not working full-time i was working full-time i ended up basically uh getting something that could be better potential as far as benefits and all that for myself as a full-time job that i did have they didn't have benefits yeah but your job sucks 800 bucks that's the poverty level yes you're starving to death man you know yes if the other job you had was bad and this one's worse you need a different job and you're not even working full-time yeah why i um i'm in a process though i did interview could possibly have something full-time um within a week oh god it's just something that could be better yeah actually so it's basically it's in the company that i'm at um i work for the city so i work for city working my way up so it could possibly be a full-time job that is with ben it needs to be a full-time job by friday dude i mean you're starving to death um so you probably need to sell the car as is with a bad engine and you're probably gonna have to borrow some money to cover the difference because you're in the hole but get getting rid of a 19 car loan and get you a thousand dollar hoopty to drive around while you get yourself some good employment but uh man you can get a job you're starving that's really and there's lots of jobs out there ken and i'll talk about that a little bit when we come back here this is the ramsey show [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] auto insurance companies love to play the game where they see just how high they can jack up your rates seems like for no reason doesn't it it's a fun game for them it's not hard to beat them at their own game though all you gotta do is check on your policy every year and make sure you're getting the best price for your coverage that's it how can you do that well the easiest way is let someone else shop it for you go to one of our endorsed local providers one of our elps they're independent insurance agents which means they actually work for you because they're shopping a bunch of different companies to get the best price and then you'll take the deal that's the best price that they help you find you don't have to do anything but call them a lot of people going to our elps end up saving on their auto and homeowners as much as seven eight hundred dollars a year and it doesn't cost anything to shop it so just ask text auto to 33 789 and put a ramsey trusted elp agent on your team text auto uh 233789 and i were talking going into the break actually i was talking we were fixing ken's microphone yes yes yes but um i was talking to ken anyway even though he couldn't talk back and uh the jobs numbers are out so i was a i'm aware of those numbers because we had been talking about them an hour or two ago actually off air and then the guy calls in and he's working part-time and he doesn't have the money to fix an engine in his car and he's got a 19 interest rate needs to get rid of the car and all i can talk about is get a job get a job get a job and that's not because i'm a heartless jerk it's because dude you can fall off a log you can get a job right now the jobs and numbers are i mean you can be dumber than a log and get a job right now because the jobs numbers are i'm it's bizarre what's happening out there record numbers so the june labor department report came out monday and we've got 10 million plus jobs open available right now in the united states and you compare that to 8.7 million people that are still unemployed many choosing to be unemployed they're still getting the federal unemployment benefits that are set to expire on labor day ironically enough wait wait a minute wait a minute the unemployment ends on labor day yeah yeah so maybe it's time to start planning to labor yeah yeah sometime before then yeah and the opportunities are endless dave million plus jobs here's some good news in this job report because you hear a lot of doom and gloom so the ramsey show is going to give you the truth this is straight from the labor department if you look at the jobs 227 000 professional and business services jobs opened up in the month of june now that's your white collar i think corporate jobs this is really encouraging 133 000 jobs in retail that speaks to consumer confidence that's a good sign and then accommodation and food services that's 121 000 jobs added opened right now uh it's really unbelievable and and here's the thing you and i were talking about during the break you got companies like walmart mcdonald's and target that have all announced in the last 10 days that they're offering tuition they will pay for your college tuition and these these are these are jobs that dave are starting at 15 an hour it's not a this young man could go get employed right now and not just make financial progress but make some career progress so 15 an hour working 40 hours a week only yes just 40 which is really not working that hard um is 31 000 a year and free tuition yeah can really jump start your life it's better than eight hundred dollars a month a year which is what he was making so that was my point is there's 8.7 million people unemployed there's 10 million jobs it sounds like we don't have any unemployment it just sounds like we have people not working that's exactly what it is there's a difference and what a great time to go get hired right now my goodness employers will throw jobs at you to your point earlier yeah i mean we're in the process of hiring now we're in a different league yes because of the type of elite person we're looking for at ramsey solutions but we're adding 300 positions this year and we've got a tons of um bazillions of applications yeah and uh so i mean if you can go work at walmart make 15 bucks an hour work 40 hours and go to school full time which you can do by the way yes simultaneously uh go through and get your degree don't tell me you have to take out a student loan and don't tell me you're starving to death that's just ridiculous that's exactly right and here's the deal those dominoes are still beginning to fall you're going to see a lot of other big companies that are going to offer tuition it's going to become a thing sadly that people expect but companies are in a position right now where they've got to attract people i mean this is literally when we've got 10 million you have to attract jobs not from other companies you got to just attract them off their couch that's the problem because they're sitting there making listen let me just talk to you if you're sitting on your couch living off of unemployment right now i'll just help you with this okay it's not shaming this is just factual life from papa dave okay there is no dignity in your life when you are not accomplishing something with your life even if you are making a few dollars more sitting on your couch then you could be working you are not moving your life your career your wealth building the dignity of your relationships ahead by sitting there even if you make more isn't it well i'm not going back to work i make less work well i mean now how much less really but maybe you ought to work more so listen there is a a tremendous correlation between the things that happen uh chemically inside your body your mental health your spiritual well-being the quality of your relationships not to mention the actual mathematics of going to work that's exactly right you could find yourself theoretically getting ahead i wouldn't say by much but getting ahead financially but uh falling behind emotionally falling behind spiritually falling behind professionally look depression is a real thing when you're not doing something that you feel like i'm accomplishing something that really starts to set in and you've got to be very careful and i think this is where we get into where we've got government policy that is disincentivizing people to get out and to contribute well to become what they were designed to yes that's not designed to be a couch potato no you were created to contribute to work there's no question about that and and i think you're absolutely right it's just how many of us i mean even if you're doing something like even just cutting the grass i'm not saying i'm not saying for money necessarily i'm saying when you do something that and you can look at the the fruit of your labor yes and you feel a sense of accomplishment there's all kinds of things that happen not only in society but inside of you that are positive that do not happen when you're sitting on your butt one of my favorite things to do around the house is pressure washing i get tremendous joy out of seeing the before and after and it feels really good to sit back even though you know it may be hot when you're doing it you say look this is better now because i actually applied you know some basic diligence here to hold a wand and shoot water pressure at something you're right there is a sense of accomplishment accomplishment and there's things that that changes the way you walk yeah it changes your posture it changes the way you relate to other people it changes your ability and your quality of your generosity yeah it changed i mean there's a there's a whole soup of things here it's not as simple as oh i'm beating the system i don't have to work and the government's going to take care of me i and listen if you if you're down on your luck i get it i'm not mad at you i'm not here to pick on you that's not the thing the the the point is though that that choosing and we've got these numbers that are telling us that there's a large number of americans they may not be listeners to this show sure i'm probably not attracted to this show probably but but there's a large number of people based on those numbers that could be working and just are choosing not to that's exactly right and when you're working you're making progress whether it's paying off debt or are funding your weight or getting qualified to do the work you want to do you're going to have to work at some point you're going to have to and sitting at home right now and here's the other thing this is not going to stay this way this is not going to stay this way forever this is a great time to move to actually get hired and i think of a young person you think of somebody right now going all right i went to college or i never got the chance to go to college i couldn't afford it instead of community college why don't you go work for a big time company he's going to pay your way to get a degree they're going to fund your future i don't know why you wouldn't do that who cares if you don't love stocking shelves i'm stocking shelves for my future yep yep it's perspective it's just a great place to go when you're broke to work this is the ramsey show [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today as we talk to you about your life your money your career the phone number is triple eight eight two five five two two five open phones and up next is nick in hartford connecticut hi nick welcome to the ramsey show all right thank you for taking nicole sure what's up so i'm starting a new job next week for making forty thousand but i have a hundred thousand in debt almost all the student loans about five thousand was on credit cards i just started watching your videos on youtube and realizing wow you know really dumb mistakes um and so i know i need to go through the baby steps and take all that what i was going to do was restructure my debt to more favorable favorable terms but i wanted to see what your opinion was on that to make sure i'm not making another you know big mistake restructure your student loans yeah so my student loans about 67 000 of them are private with a high interest rate um and i've gotten a quote on how i can get you know refinance that into one at a much lower rate do it yeah lower rates not bad as unless there's a prepayment penalty make sure there's no prepayment penalty and then get about the business of cleaning these things up uh once you get settled into this new job i want you to pick up a second job and uh make another 40k and throw it all at this dad i want you to be debt-free in two years okay i mean really get after it man i mean nick i want you to go cray-cray man i want you to go nuts where your friends think you need counseling because all you do is work and pay debt okay i mean it cause wouldn't it be cool to be done with this in two years definitely yeah that's 40 45 000 a year gets you there and so that means you got to make 40 you got to live on less than the 40 that you're making now you need to go make another 40 on top of this as your extra part-time job and you'll be done in two years but all you're gonna do all you're gonna do for two years is work but you're gonna clean up this whole mess in two years and you won't even be what 25 years old will you i'm 26 now okay well then you'd be 28 years old and you're completely free or you can be 38 years old and still screwing around with this stuff like most people okay that's really your two options you got to get with it or not and what ken and i were just talking about there's lots of opportunities out there i mean again you can pick up 40 hours of extra job at walmart at 15 an hour that's 30 000 a year which means i know you can do better than that even so that's just exactly what i was talking about yeah and 80 hours a week i don't want to be working holiday you're not going to be workaholic you're working for two years with a goal a workaholic is someone who is mentally imbalanced and gets all of their uh you know gets all this they're addicted to work mentally that's not what we're suggesting working hard is not workaholism working a lot is not workaholism it's called getting out of a gum mess and you just get back you get with it i mean he can do a lot of stuff oh tons of stuff i mean again the the look the minimum wage is out of place right now that if if you don't uh find something it's because you're not looking that's the reality if you want to find something to get out of debt it's there big time you show up with a smile and and some character you're going to get 15 an hour or more and you can get out of debt quick i'm telling you if the demand is so hot right now it's unbelievable yeah if you don't then you're gonna just wake up 10 years from now and here's the thing two years from today the market won't be like this it will not the job market comes and goes like all parts of the economy it has swings to it mary's with us mary is in austin texas hi mary how are you hi i'm fine thanks for taking my call sure what's up um my husband is retiring from the military and he's going to start another job with a government agency we have a tsp and i was wondering if you have any advice on whether we should roll out our tsp into a separate retirement account and start a new one at the new job or do we can continue to contribute to our current tsp uh i would roll it to an individual ira there's no taxes in doing that and because you can find mutual funds in the open market that outperform the tsp options okay the c plan is not bad we tell folks to put 80 percent in the c 10 in the s and 10 percent and the i is how we tell you to allocate your tsp but you can get mutual funds that will outperform that mix if you go to a good investment advisor like one of our smartvestor pros so just go to click smart vester and find one of the pros in your area sit down talk to them understand what you're doing and what i would do is roll it over to an individual ira a traditional ira and put it in four types of mutual funds growth growth and income aggressive growth and international and then when he starts the new position he can start the tsp fresh and just again 80 c 10 s and 10 i is how i would allocate that and that's going to give you the best rate of return okay okay thank you so much thanks for calling in open phones here at triple eight eight two five five two two five sawyer is with us in hickory north carolina hey sawyer what's up hey dave how you doing i appreciate you taking my call sure how can i help uh well i've got a question for you uh i've recently it's me trying to make a decision on something uh so i have a possible expense uh that i would be committed to for a year it would be roughly 400 a month so my current home expenses are a little less than half of my current take-home pay that's including you know rent the only thing i owe for is a is a truck and uh the truck payments are a little over 400 a month but uh i did that specifically because i'm trying to get this thing paid off because i've been i've listened to you for a long time i don't like being in debt if i am i don't want to be long how much do you owe on the truck uh the truck is about 14 000 left and your household income is what uh roughly a month it is uh right at 2700 a month pretty expensive truck yeah it uh i was not at the well the reason i ended up looking for a truck was thanks to a girl that rear-ended my old one but uh i was originally looking for an older truck and uh really after listening to you for so long but uh it ended up being that i got this truck and uh so i've got a little over three years left to go uh on it because i got it for four years and uh specifically wanted to if i was going to get something like that i knew i'd have higher payments but i wanted to get it paid off as quickly as i could but the expense that i've got coming up though that i'm trying to decide on is uh i told the lady on here that you might find slightly amusing is uh there is a hair type product online like that's supposed to try to help you regrow hair and it would be almost another four hundred dollars a month so i tried to do my numbers on my current expenses and so my expenses per month are roughly a little over 1200 a month that's including that truck and that's also including me putting back for a retirement fund that i have so that's all of my expenses except for say holy how old are you sawyer 27 okay all right cool um well you make thirty eight thousand dollars a year forty thousand dollars a year you have a fourteen thousand dollar truck and you're putting money into investments and you just went and bought the truck on payments um and 100 of the things you've described are things that we tell you not to do right is that right i mean do you how long have you listened to the show well for for a long time but it has actually been several years since i've got to listen again let's to be fair to you then let's recap all right what we would tell you to do is to become debt free first after you have one thousand dollars saved you have any money in savings uh yes you're about fifty five hundred dollars good okay uh you now have one thousand dollars and you put forty five hundred on your fourteen thousand dollar truck and that leaves you ten or nine thousand five hundred dollars left on the truck uh you also have an extra job now and you're gonna pay that truck off in a very very short period of time when you do that you're gonna finish your emergency oh by the way you stopped all your long-term investing temporarily today too because you're going to work the baby steps and then once you're debt free and you have your emergency fund in place then if you want to do the hair regrowth program and you want to pay for that that's when you would do it at that point i'm not sure i would do it obviously i haven't done it so i was going to ask him it was it was a no-go i was going to ask for you if i did not try it but if i had tried it obviously it didn't work you can listen to all our shows with the ramsay network app on your smartphone browse by topic or even sync clips to your friends download the ramsay network app in your favorite app store today [Music] this is the ramsay show [Music] you can be intentional about your character you can have money and a career you are the hero in your story [Music] live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions broadcasting from the dollar car rental studios it's the ramsey show where debt is dumb cash is king and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the bmw as the status symbol of choice ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five that's triple eight eight two five five two two five you jump in we'll talk about your life and your money so college has gotten crazy it's crazy expensive we've all known that we've got this epic student loan debacle pandemic financial pandemic that is eaten eating away at the very fabric of our culture and as of 2019 if your kid went to a four-year school tuition ran somewhere between 20 and 40 000 bucks somewhere around there um and depending on the you know that that's the average that would include you can go for about 10 12 000 a year to an in-state school tuition certainly private is going to be a lot more than that and all kinds of ranges on the private side but if you're going to save for college we have always taught to use the 529 one particular type and the particular type of 529 there's several types the the only one you want is the type that allows you to select the mutual funds and allows you to move the mutual funds if you don't like them you don't want to get into a fixed plan uh you don't want to get into a plan that automatically does your investment mix danger you don't want to get into a plan that's prepaid tuition you want to get into a plan where you pick the mutual funds and you have the right and the ability to move them you always have that right and ability with the esa the educational savings account both the 529 and the esa will grow completely tax-free and that tax-free growth makes a big difference if you when you start with a baby and you're saving for 18 years because you could have 100 150 000 in there and really over half of it be growth and no taxes that matters oh big time so we want to get the tax-free bonus the tax-free growth and so we always have taught you to go in baby step five the first two thousand dollars a year you can do as an esa it's real easy to set up and it grows tax-free it's basically a roth ira for college the 529 if you want to do more than 2 000 a year is available if you select that particular type of 529 and uh you got to be careful you got to watch what you're doing and you need some help in this to walk you through it and the trick is to get with one of our smart vester pros and let them lead you through the process i mean we've got the book by anthony o'neill debt-free degree there's a lot of ways that in today's job market uh we were talking in another hour walmart target mcdonald's some of these 15 an hour jobs now and in this current environment they're paying um you know they're paying for tuition yes but if you're not in that kind of a thing and you don't want to depend on that kind of thing always being there so you want to save for your kids college in baby step five so that it so you don't become your kid doesn't become a statistic of student loan debt so text invest to 33 789 and we'll hook you up with a ramsey vetted ramsey trusted smart vester pro now what the smart vester pros are is these are investment brokers that we have vetted they have a the heart of a teacher they're going to teach you the 529 teach you the esa teach you the mutual funds to put in it and show you how you can get the tax-free growth going in your favor and um two really good solid savings options there and how the mutual funds work so that you know what you're getting into in the whole process here so if you're ready to get your baby step 5 going you're ready to start saving for your kids college new baby on the scene that kind of thing you're ready to go text invest to 33 7 89 and between doing that and using some common sense you should not have student loan debt under any circumstances correct and how about this let's just throw something else in there parents we've got to ask the question uh if our kiddo has an idea what they want to do now they've got to get clear on this is it the only way is it the best way it's a two-part question is traditional college education the only way is it the best way uh it's still a great experience you know the liberal arts are wonderful experience for people to learn but we've got to make sure that that we're choosing or helping our kids choose the right path to go do what they want to do and you know between community college maybe a two-year associates maybe all they need and then some specific certification and training to go a path too so we've got to look at the big picture and not just assume that higher ed is the only way my kiddo or that we if we're transitioning from one crew to next is the only way we get there sometimes it is there's absolutely no way around it here's what's interesting when you spend money that you have saved diligently over a number of years you are much more careful that's exactly right with the purchase sure than you are if you just go yeah get a sign on the dotted line and borrow the money and walk out of here and impulse my butt into something and that's what people that's how people pick the wrong college yep the wrong university that's too expensive that they can't afford that's how they pick bad degrees because they just go well i just signed up i just went there was very little thought that went into it but when you have saved for 18 freaking years in your esa for your kid and your kid comes in and wants to do something stupid you say no yeah you slam the brakes no you're not doing something stupid yeah you're not going to study some nuanced ridiculous degree in left-handed puppetry and spend the money that i've saved for 18 freaking years to do that here's another one i cited the wall street journal article uh on columbia uh various you know you know big time name brand in new york and they followed a story of a guy dave who got his film degree a graduate level degree in film from columbia and he's 333 thousand dollars in debt he's working in la making 60 000 a year well i got news for you you don't need a columbia grad degree in film studies to get a 60 000 job in los angeles you just don't you could use my proximity principle book which will sell you for a great discount at ramsey less than 333 000 we will less than 333 thousand dollars and this this considerably considerably but this guy's talking about he says i'm in debt for life yeah and you could hear it even though it was a written article you could hear the pain coming off this poor young guy and here's what's happening i bring this point up to say that the name brand school there's no statistical data that i'm aware of there's no piece of research that i'm aware of in 30 years that says that the the the sexier the name of the school the bigger the paycheck nobody cares in the horrible in the borrowed future podcast uh seth godin calls them famous schools fema he's right famous schools they're famous schools that's all they are you went to a famous school yeah you know that gets you bragging rights at the cocktail party nothing else nothing does it get you more respect or more pay i you know i yeah for fun i got a sweatshirt when we were in boston it says harvard on it yeah i remember do you cut the grass in it you don't even cut the grass what am i talking about i don't even have a sweatshirt oh you just bought it i bought it but it didn't last i mean did you burst wasn't funny did you burn it in efficiency me wearing a harvard shirt was just not it was not believable oh no no chance no one no one would everybody would look and go no that didn't happen this is the ramsey show [Music] what makes our show unique is that we genuinely care about our listeners we're intentional about choosing the best advertisers to recommend is no exception they offer high quality window treatments at unbelievable prices and they make it simple to shop blinds shades and interior shutters with easy online ordering free shipping and a guaranteed perfect fit go to and take advantage of this week's special savings [Music] [Music] ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today author of the number one bestselling book the proximity principle and a brand new book that is on pre-sale right now called from paycheck to purpose the clear path to doing work you love boise idaho andrews on the line hey andrew how can we help i'm doing well thanks for taking my call today sure what's up um so my question is is it worth leaving a job that i don't hate that also is not fulfilling if i have to take a pay cut to do so well i just have a question on that is that the only option you have to leave this unfulfilling job is a job that pays less well it would be it would take me two or three years to get back up to where i am now in a new field why um because i do not have the um the technical skills in that field so i'd be switching from uh sales to accounting do you want to do accounting long term or take accounting and take it higher um i want to do accounting long term as a cta working with small businesses okay great and so what's the qualification process look like how much financial is that going to cost you um so depending on the year but um 30 to 60 percent pay cut so i guess this year it so i make my base salary is about 65 000 a year yeah and then i bonus um this year i'll probably bonus a little over a hundred thousand so you make a hundred sixty five thousand dollars a year uh no sorry um with the bonus total with the bonus statement okay so you make a hundred thousand dollars a year yes okay and you're how old uh 30. okay okay so the question i have though is there's some training not just experience how much is the training going to cost you the certification to become a cpa what's that actual cost um so i have some school towards it already right so i'd have about two and a half years of school left the programs i've been looking at it would cost me probably about 15 thousand to twenty thousand to finish up okay so the reason that i don't think you need to take a pay cut is we we can stay in an unfulfilling job if it allows us to make the kind of money we need to cash flow and not go into debt or pay off any other debt that you have to be able to move into the accounting field but if you take a significant pay cut it takes everything much longer do you understand what i'm saying i do so with the pay cut i would be um i would be able to still do it within the three years um i want to do it in one year and not take a pay cut fair enough that's i think you've created a false narrative okay you don't have to take a pay cut correct um the struggle i have now is i work about 50 to 60 hours a week and so finding time for school i have young kids at home finding the time for school is difficult if that makes sense it makes sense but it's a separate conversation you know that first it's like hey so i take a pay cut i don't think you need to take a pay cut you shouldn't take a pay cut uh but but but you still have got to figure out what what do i have to do to get where i want to go and i get that you got small kids but they're small kids they're young kids they don't know how much time you're spending with them is this comes down to how much you really want to get where you want to go and what sacrifices you're going to have to make you know in this particular situation you're going to have to sacrifice financially uh in that you're saving up money to pay for the qualifications you need you're gonna have to sacrifice some time with the kids uh that's just your reality but that's a short season this is not for five years yeah for 12 months yeah right the kids will be the opportunity um with this particular accounting firm is now i guess that's kind of the so what that's not the only accounting firm that will hire you and give you the opportunity to climb a lab it's not an opportunity it's a curse it takes you backwards fair enough are they gonna you know the opportunity would be great if they offered you 80 grand and paid for your tuition and you worked 40 hours a week so that you could go ahead and instead of 60 hours a week at your sales job take a small pay cut but when you're talking about taking a 40 or 50 or 65 pay cut that's just as silly man this doesn't work that's so far backward that that you're you're you're short-circuiting the whole process by doing that but if they you know if these guys really want you then hey they're going to pay you you know they're asking listen listen let me just tell i'm an employer okay we are 300 people this year the number of people that i hire at 65 000 a year that took a pay cut from 165 000 this year will be precisely zero i wouldn't hire you fair enough because it's silly even if you're going working for ramsey i've always wanted to work for dave ramsey he's the best guy on the planet i think he's the most wonderful bull crap you're taking us 165 to 65 cut or from a hundred thousand down to sixty five thousand dollar cut and you know i'm a great guy i'm not that great don't do it yeah uh andrew final word on this you've got to change your mindset about this current day job that's unfulfilling it doesn't matter you do what you have to do so you can do what you want to do and you got to change your mindset change your entire attitude i'm grateful for this job because it is setting me up for a future that has to change and then lay in place a game plan that you strategically get after making this accounting process happen for you go get your cpa go get it yeah go get it pay the price pay the price to win and you know uh but i think you go back to this accounting firm and you say look guys i'm not moving from a hundred thousand to fifty thousand it doesn't make sense yeah what kind of an accountant would i be if i thought that was a good idea yeah it's absolutely right you should be able to do math to do accounting and so yeah i mean so i can't do that and so if you guys can give me a much less hit down to about 80 and you'll pick up my tuition and help me get the cpa then this is then it's worth taking a little step back to move forward but yeah this is just too deep a cut i wouldn't do it no you do what you want to do you called us and asked we're both telling you no dave here's something here there's some psychology around opportunities and this is a great situation here to to unpack this just because it is an opportunity doesn't mean it is a good opportunity we just walk through this this is a bad opportunity it is yes it's an opportunity to do accounting work and to get there but it revolves around too many other harmful decisions slow decisions poor decisions however you want to classify it and so there's this psychology of us humans we want something really bad we're not in fulfilling work and we see an opportunity we make it shinier than it is you've got to look at the entire picture around it you know because it's not the only accounting firm it's not the only entrance it's not the only ladder whatever metaphor you want to use and if it's a bad move it's a bad move even though it's an opportunity it's not the only one you know this involves purchasing things it involves any kind of situation where you're having to make a decision one rule and i teach this in entre leadership when i'm teaching leadership lessons to business people one rule of decision making if you want to make a high quality decision the there's almost no times that you make a high quality decision when there's only two options you need more options yes lots and lots and lots of options and as you look at the different options you go well that's that's a really bad option and that one has got some good points to it but it's still a bad option and that option that option and you lay them all out there and if you got 10 different ways you can do something 10 different job offers on the table 10 different places you can purchase a car 10 different cars you can purchase and you're starting to compare across them instead of going oh they only have the black one over there and the black one and if i don't get the black one and it's that one thing and it's a very special oh it's a freaking car and we get all fatalistic about it and that's right right about that time is when you get stupid so you need more options so that you find a good one and that's the process this is the ramsey show [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today this is the ramsey show in the lobby of ramsey solutions on the debt free stage tim is with us hey tim how are you i'm i'm well gentlemen thanks for having me honored to have you sir where do you live uh on rockford minnesota okay minneapolis area yeah a small town a little west yeah cool welcome welcome to nashville how much have you paid off 77 479. excellent and how long did this take you 13 crazy months and your range of income during that 13 crazy months i went from 49 000 up to 75 000. wow what do you do for a living i'm an elementary school physical education teacher and then for the 13 months i was delivering pizzas for dominoes and i worked a golf course for a while wow anything it took huh yeah pretty much scratch and claw and get it done yes love it what kind of debt was the 77 000 i had a little over 8 000 in a car loan and then the remainder was student loans student loan student loan student loans here we go i love it very cool so what happened to you 13 months ago that made you go crazy like this so uh before i can kind of share the the debt payoff story i want to tell a story that kind of informs how i had the energy and the motivation to do it um coming out of high school i was close to 400 pounds very unhealthy just not really taking care of myself and back then is when i kind of first discovered what gazelle intensity was before i even had any idea of your teachings um ended up getting into the gym and you know just working hard seven days a week and and i was able to get myself down to to a healthy range and and uh take care of things there and um that's amazing oh yeah thank you so much so you lost over 200 pounds yeah yeah unfortunately after that some life happened and i did go back up a little bit i was i was up to 336 pounds again but then it was three years ago or so i got back on it and you know got back on the right path and now i'm back down to where i was pre putting it back so fast forward to the debt uh i had a conversation with my cousin's husband alan he had uh read your book and did debt payoff of his own and uh he asked me if i had any sort of plan in place for my student loans or if they were just going to hang out forever which at the time my plan really wasn't a plan i was signed up for the public service loan forgiveness and i just assumed you know i'd make minimum payments and eventually it would be forgiven um alan pointed out that something like one percent of people who had applied that were were receiving forgiveness and it wasn't much of a plan at all and that's where we put together a budget and came up with a plan at the time we said was going to be 24 months to get rid of it um i already had close to 10 000 in the bank so that was just pay off the car got your emergency fund figured out and we were off to the races from there yeah okay cool so he he lined you up on how to do this then yes sir all right very cool and then how did you connect up with us just through him yeah so he gave me a copy of your book i read the total money makeover and went through financial peace university and it was instantly hooked just as fast as i took to the gym years ago i just dove in and got to work okay so yeah you had already figured out through your weight loss and everything and your your career choice and everything else that you can control the guy in your mirror yeah and that wasn't a revelation to you you just had to apply it to the money piece yeah yeah i just hadn't done it in the financial side of things before so it was a somewhat easy transition in that sense yeah i got to ask you because you you shared uh uh i was really compelling how you went back a little bit on the weight yeah did you have that happen on this debt-free journey or were you just laser focused and you never stopped were you kind of like a wood chipper just throwing logs in there yeah it was it was wood chipper this time right for the for the debt uh there was really nothing stopping it the only there was only you know a couple of times along the way where i just felt tired but never never really wavered or went back how many hours you just described for us pizza working at a golf course how many hours did you log what was the longest week at the peak of it i think i put in 85 86 hours and i was doing consistently 80. um very fortunate to have understanding and patient friends and family and my wonderful fiance who i met actually during that time um how it doesn't seem like you had any time to meet a woman i know online dating it worked out oh okay all right good for you man that's incredible and waved and went on to your next job we had to get creative in finding ways to find time for each other but uh we made it now we're here and now you're free how does it feel to be free oh it's incredible i i can't it's hard to describe honestly will you will you go back will you add this back into that no sir never yeah all right good good i'm glad to hear that you're a hero man proud of you very well done thank you very very very proud of you excellent excellent job so what do you tell people the key to getting out of debt is you know for me it was honestly just letting go of the idea that there was a magic pill silver bullet or white knight coming to save me there isn't there's nothing but you and good old-fashioned hard work and you just got to put in the time also finding what's important and making sure that they remain a priority you know during that time i was working 80 hours a week but i did see my girlfriend at the time fiance now and made time to see family and things like that so very cool it's all about the balance right very cool well done man well done very well done excellent excellent job what was the hardest part the hours yeah it was tough well and um so as as the relationship with with bree grew um i was just i started to get her to get to know her kids more and things like that and then they are starting to want more time with me and that's when i knew it was time to quit the dominoes um you know when got little girls at home wondering when tim was gonna be around i was like okay we're done with that but um so the last couple of months i it was just my teaching salary that that we did it with okay so you kind of that's cool very cool when you can see the end it's easy to make some adjustments yeah and you gotta bust into it until you can see the end yeah very well very well done good job man hey thank you well we got a copy of the legacy journey for you and uh that's the next chapter in your story for sure to build and create a whole new legacy with this new marriage coming up and everything do you have a date set not yet this is actually very very recent uh i proposed on my trip here so this just happened we actually went to ruby falls and yeah chattanooga oh so beautiful proposed down in the cave i didn't have a ring at the time because it wasn't planned but i'm like i'm never going to be able to beat this moment down in the cave by 100 foot waterfall so i just decided to do that and then we went ring shopping the next day oh that's great congratulations oh thank you very much congrats that's excellent best part of the ring shopping thing was uh i told the gentleman that i was going to be on your show and he started to talk about and he caught himself as he was explaining like financing options i'm like [Laughter] yeah i don't think that's going to work out [Laughter] that's fun very cool dude well that is fun and we got a copy of total money makeover for you to give away to somebody as well so legacy journey total money makeover thank you man we appreciate you very well done very proud of you and congrats and thanks for uh thanks for making us part of your whole story here that's a beautiful story i appreciate you guys thank you very cool all right tim from the minneapolis area 77 000 paid off in 13 months how 80 hour weeks 49 000 to 75 000 during that time and now he's free and can work however he wants to work nowadays count it down let's hear a debt-free scream all right here we go three two one i'm debt-free [Applause] that is how it's done right there you know it's it's almost as if today our theme has been hard work yes through all three hours today and we've seen examples of people who have done it and examples of people who couldn't figure it out don't want to try it don't even want to work hard and this guy man he's a machine and turn around looks these two two little girls they're starting to count on him this relationship is growing and says uh i'm going to dial it back now that's right because i can see the finish line and get on across the finish line that's huge it's really huge what you see there is the the commitment to a future a desired future and then all of a sudden uh the relationship piece comes in he goes okay i'm gonna dial it back and i'm still gonna finish i might finish a little bit slower time if you will but it mattered so much because of this beautiful relationship and those little girls i mean this is what it's all about it's so much bigger than us you know money uh it holds us back from really the desired future that we all along for what an incredible story what a hero 85 hours at his top week that is that's busting gazelle if there is a gazelle that's it that's getting it that's getting it i love it this is the ramsey show [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] our scripture of the day proverbs 9 10 the fear of the lord is the foundation of wisdom and knowledge of the holy one results in good judgment one half of knowing what you want is knowing what you must give up before you get it mitch album said our question today comes from great american company find out for yourself why is the number one online window retailer window custom window coverings this is an incredible company you get free samples free shipping and with the new promos they run every month you'll save even more use the promo code ramsay to get the best possible deal today's question comes from rihanna in toronto she says i'm 28 years old i've been in my retail job for 10 years i've gone from a temporary associate to supervisor but now that i've made it there i'm miserable to pay down debt i recently started a second job as a hotel night shift auditor and i love everything about it i think it's my calling my day job pays more than my night job would pay in a full-time position should i stay at my day job until i'm debt free even though i hate it well dave a lot of layers to this onion uh but yeah you should stay at your day job until you can replace that day job with something that you enjoy a whole lot more but to move into this new found i think it's my calling job uh that pays a whole lot less is not a good move while you're paying off debt this gets to what we were talking about earlier that you know when we find something that we enjoy we want to do it the reality is there's always a financial cost whether it's to get qualified or uh in taking a pay cut it's just not a good move in her situation you've got to get debt free when you get debt free keep walking the baby steps out and then we can begin the process of moving into a similar work to that night auditor that pays a lot better they got to look into what is the work the part of the night auditor job that i love so much let's find similar work like that that has a ladder of opportunity that's what i would tell her yeah and then let's get up that ladder yeah because i think auditor would pay more than retail supervisor yeah they should yeah they should i mean i don't know what type of auditing you're looking at but there's a lot of different categories that that could fall in that's right and that would probably scratch the itch that you've got the thing that you like about the job yeah john is with us in reno nevada hi john welcome to the ramsey show hey ken and dave thanks so much i'm pretty nervous so um i'm gonna try to summarize my question real quick so i work for a company i'm a manager i report to all of the corporate leadership equally and uh right now i'm kind of struggling in my job because there's a lot of factors but basically i'm finding that my values are at odds with theirs and how i want to do my work the way that they have me do my work i'm not proud of it and it's really really highly stressing me out my wife and i are on baby step number two and we um i we make 150 about 150 000 a year total together what do you mean so my question i make a hundred thousand myself okay and what is it that they're asking you to do that you don't want to do so it's just there's nothing immoral or unethical it's it's kind of the way that they want me to do my work for example look at me a project i'll be almost 90 done with it then they trash it and it happens over and over again they're very disorganized the corporate team is is this unified they have clicks that disagree with each other and i'm caught in the middle and i i'll follow orders from this person then the other person will tell me stop so i have to stop i've asked them to get unified but they it's just their modus operandi it's the way they've always run this company and i don't see it changing what do you do um i'm a i'm a i'm a medical clinic manager so give me an example of they've asked you to do a project you do it and or you're 90 done and then they trash it i want to know the why they would trash it in that example yeah a good example would be uh they wanted to start a pharmacy department so i was laying the groundwork for that compliance-wise hiring-wise uh we were in our final interview with the pharmacist you're gonna hire and the next day they canceled the project the reason was finances and that's understandable to me it's just a complete lack of planning and total disorganization they don't really have a they don't really budget carefully and they don't really follow their plans okay so when they communicated that the finances weren't there you understood that but but the issue is they just kind of set you off on this path and they didn't do the planning that irritates you and you're getting to a point where you're getting really frustrated so you're working for you're working for a group of medical people and your job's to run the business yeah my job is to run the clinic here and it's uh separate from where the corporate office is yeah huh so what was your question you're about ready to get to the question and we asked you some questions what was your big question yeah my big question is um how quickly should i leave because i'm pretty sure i'm gonna need to leave i just don't know how hard to push it i would like to leave right away my heart's kind of left yeah but uh you know we're in we're in step number two and uh we're making really good money and if i were to leave we i want to get out of um i want to get out of the state we're in and uh if i were to leave it would be a move and a pay cut at least at this point because i'm very inexperienced and i don't have a degree so entry level i basically be an entry level manager at whatever position i take up well this is a math thing so we don't leave until we've got a something good to leave too i understand that you're in a really tough situation where your hearts left you and in a normal situation if you had no debt and you could just move quickly then i'd say leave quickly but i think that you've got to keep this path going to where you're paying off the debt you guys are making really good money i would challenge your assumption that you moving into another opportunity where you're running a clinic that you'd have to start all over i mean you've got some good experience been running this clinic yeah a year and a half then why couldn't you go run another clinic who says you can't go who says you have to take a pay cut that's absolute bs yeah i i guess the root also the root of my question is just how you know the company really loves me they're always telling me they love me they're putting a lot of trust in me they've depended on me a lot i don't think that matters i think you left yeah you're you're sick and tired of their disorganization and the chaos yeah and the disrespect of your work yeah it's only going to get worse for you unless they somehow they're not going to not they're not going to fix this you're gone so where are you getting this idea that you have to take a pay cut just uh jobs we're looking at in other areas we'd want to move they usually start around 60 000 up to 80 or 90 000 and um so i think you need to get an 80 or a 90 000 job lined up and so you quit your hundred thousand dollar job and then 90 000 has an upside of 120. yep and you don't you don't think it's like i guess i'm really emotionally like you're shot right up in it because the company's been so good to me other than okay they have not been good to you yeah there's some guilt you're dealing with because you think that they've done all this for you and you leaving them is going to make you a bad guy that's simply not the case you don't owe them a life of mediocrity their disaster you're going to end up resenting these people that you're worried about disappointing resentment well yeah yeah so i mean yeah there's no reason for guilt none none this is not your mama it's your boss yeah i mean you know go you just it's a job go you know go get a position with somebody that's organized and that has a game plan and has a mission and you can lead the charge in the mission and go land a job and then turn in your two-week notice and move out of nevada to the place that you're gonna go work yeah i have one other thing on this my family is telling me i need to stay because i'm the kind of person that will help them get organized your family is not in charge of your life you are in charge of your life yeah i know i just and you spent the last five minutes telling us how crummy a place this is and how stressed out you are and then you spent the next three minutes trying to talk us into how wonderful it is i mean how you're a superman and you're there to save them you're the savior this is a bunch of crap man you need to quit yeah i get after breaking the news dave his family is not telling him to stay because they think he can turn it around his family's told him to stay because they don't want him to leave breaking news right there i know i know oh they're in nevada yeah yeah his family is saying i think you should stay because you're the one guy who can turn these wildcats into properly trained felines no they don't want you to leave we're gonna get these butterflies to fly in formation right family doesn't want him to leave yeah that's so sorry or they're just afraid also and that's okay yeah so john you need to go get another job make a 90 with an upside of 120 in a state that you want to live in and you need to take accept the position and then turn in your two week notice sir that's the answer to you you're not you're not gonna be happy five years from now if you stay in this job it's not going there that puts us hour of the ramsey show in the books we'll be back with you before you know it in the meantime remember there's ultimately only one way to financial peace and that's to walk daily with the prince of peace christ jesus [Music] have a friend or family member that needs a daily dose of ramsay advice in their life let them know about the ramsey call of the day podcast it's a quick hit of advice about life and money in under 10 minutes check out the ramsey call of the day podcast wherever you listen to podcasts [Music] you
Channel: The Ramsey Show - Full Episodes
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Keywords: dave ramsay live, dave ramsey, dave ramsey channel, dave ramsey live, dave ramsey live show, dave ramsey live stream, dave ramsey podcast, dave ramsey radio show, dave ramsey show, dave ramsey show full show, dave ramsey show live, ramsey, ramsey solutions, the dave ramsey show, the dave ramsey show live
Id: gWMvbzbT0Qs
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Length: 121min 20sec (7280 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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