You Can't Have Progress Without Pain

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ramsay show you can be intentional about your character you can have money and a career you are the hero in your story [Music] live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions broadcasting from the dollar car rental studios it's the ramsey show where dad is dumb cash is king and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the bmw as the status symbol of choice i'm dave ramsey your host ken coleman host of the ken coleman show where he talks about careers and jobs and getting into a workplace that you love every day is my co-host today ramsey personality number one best-selling author of the book the proximity principle again open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five now we talk all the time ken about the outgo side of the equation okay what do you do first what do you do a second baby step one baby step two maybe step three and we also talk about things that aren't predictable which is what happens when you're in the thick of baby step two and find out you or your spouse are expecting or about the time you start working on your money stuff you lose your job that can be scary very scary and so what we do is on the ken coleman show we're coming at this big shovel thing and and and the reality is when you all listen and watch the debt free screams that happen every day on the ramsay show you almost always see an increase in income during that time and people go hey i got to go make more money to drive that gazelle intensity sometimes it's part-time jobs but sometimes they just wake up and go you know i need to talk to my boss about a race yeah or i don't really like this place i'm gonna i'm gonna go get a different job and this yeah this but the whole getting out of debt thing caused them to reassess their careers that's exactly right and doing what you love is possible in fact dave you can make the income you need and the impact you want and that's what we talk about here at ramsey solutions you you we talk about work that matters here that's an anthem that is on the big screen if you come in and like we've got hundreds of people in the lobby today work that matters this is the idea of doing something that you're good at that you love and that produces a result the product or service whatever the company does that means something to you and you can actually pursue that and you can get there even if you are walking through the baby steps and many times it is that pursuit which makes you more money which gets you out of debt faster so let's go to the other side of the equation from the that's the maximized self-actualization side let's go the other side like i need some money to eat because i lost my job that's right i need somebody to eat right now that's right so you want to focus on just getting some money that's right so here's what you do you you lock that into one part of that three-part equation you go what do i do really well those think of those as power tools when you show up to do a project at home you want the best tools because you do the work more effectively and that's what you have to offer the marketplace you focus on hey i'm really gifted here i've got some talent and if i if i offer this talent or i make this talent sharper and i turn into a premium tool guess what i'm going to get paid more i'm going to have more opportunities maybe even side hustle to make even more money so when it's just i need a better job to pay me more to get out of debt focus on that talent part that's what you were created to do because you're really good at that's where you can make money quick quick right now and get started right now and get to get the wolf away from that then we can pivot we get out of debt and we go okay now i've been putting everything in your start asking questions like when can i start when's the first paycheck i mean because i'm like i'm hungry right now that's right so what you have to focus on is what you bring to the marketplace that you do really well because people will see that and they will pay you for that and then after we get out of debt get that baby step 3 fully funded now we can begin to look at what's the transition to do work that i really love that produces the results so we're going to help you wherever you are on the journey big shovel hey let's get that shovel bigger so we get out of debt faster live like no one else so we can live give and work like no one else yeah it's all the hole that you're in is the mess that you've made and we always call it the shovel to hold ratio that's exactly you know i have sixty thousand dollars in debt okay i'll make twenty thousand dollars a year oh oh that's right or i have sixty thousand dollars of debt and i make two hundred thousand dollars a year oh big shovel that's right look you know medium sized hole yeah uh tiny shovel big hole you know i mean the the shovel to hole ratio will give you an indication how quickly you're going to get out of that how quickly you can put these financial hard times behind you that's right and so we often say stuff like you need a bigger shovel that's right one of the ways to get that doesn't always mean leaving in a career you could just get promoted that's stage five of my seven stages to doing work you love stage five is get promoted how do you promote it well you gotta know your role get really clear was the last time you had a conversation with your leader to say what is expected of me i want to win here help me understand how i can drive more results leaders don't get that conversation much and you might be surprised how they go wow that's awesome because if you're winning folks guess what they're winning and so get promoted hey here's another thing develop some qualities what are the most promotable qualities according to linkedin right now in 2021 you ready for this dave it's adaptability so hey you know what that means that's a fancy multiple syllable word that basically means i can handle change and as you know change is hard for all of us why because change makes us confront the unknown man i just i don't even want i do not make me get another phone right i have to learn quickly over again yeah put another and they just put new software on my dad blame computer this week and it's just i think i'm gonna office space the thing only with a 45 caliber oh my god i don't like change i'm not i'm not promotable i'm not adaptable i hate this crap right that's right and yet you're a ceo how important is it actually i am adaptable i know you when it comes to freaking technology that's right your squares are different colors on this computer folks shut up everybody say it for dave he's struggling right now just shut up but see adaptability adaptability is a learnable skill it's a muscle okay wait a second in in this economy with technology uh always advancing so i want adaptable people does that include the thing of uh i'll help with it even though it's not my job is that adaptability you better believe it because it's you know there was the old thing the old guy uh back in the 70s there was a sitcom and the guy would go not my job man it's not my job that's right it's not my job that's right and you're you know i'm always in so i'm always amazed when i go in some business and you can't beg them to take your money yeah you know and and you're looking at three people standing there looking at you and you're like you take my money that's like it's not my job man that's right i'm here to do something else no by god you're here because the money yes yeah yeah it is your job adaptability really is an attitude i mean we call it ability adaptability but really is an attitude that says you know what change is a part of life it's going to make me uncomfortable it's a great book written on change and that's who moved my cheese fabulous book for anybody who wants to really develop this muscle but adaptability is just one quality that makes you promotable here's another one likability how about just being more likable how about reliability don't look like you're weaned on a pickle that's right smile you talk about this all the time hey you're happy to notify your face yeah have a conversation with somebody hey leaders if you want to move up the leadership ladder here's two questions you're ready for this one hey talk to your people regularly and ask them these two questions number one how are you doing and it's not the how you doing when we cross each other in the hallway that's a greeting and everybody just goes great great and then we move on it's sitting down with them on their desk intentionally having a meeting with going hey how you doing how are the kids how's everything going how's everything going in the gig here and that leads to the second question which is how can i help you win you want to get promoted as a leader ask those two questions on a regular basis and watch your effectiveness as a leader and the impact you have on your people absolutely skyrocket because the first one's about connection dave the second question is they trust you now and they will begin to tell you hey here's how you can help me win and that's what leadership is all about so the idea is you can be shiny or you can be dull yeah you just and you just need to decide to be shiny be shiny and watch the money come in watch the because people are like bass they go after shiny stuff [Music] what makes our show unique is that we genuinely care about our listeners we're intentional about choosing the best advertisers to recommend is no exception they offer high quality window treatments at unbelievable prices and they make it simple to shop blinds shades and interior shutters with easy online ordering free shipping and a guaranteed perfect fit go to and take advantage of this week's special savings [Music] [Music] ken coleman ramsey personality number one best-selling author of the book the proximity principle is my co-host today as we talk about your careers your jobs your life and your money mark is with us in casper wyoming hi mark welcome to the show hey thanks a lot guys first of all i want to thank both of you for faithfully following god's call on your life well thank you changing lives out here thank you it's kind of cheating but it's good yeah that's great well i'll get right to it um my mom uh went home to be with the lord in april oh my goodness and uh so yeah it's still a little fresh yeah but um you know she's a faithful servant of god and a wonderful mother and uh i know exactly where she's at i look forward to seeing her again here soon [Music] now the the other side of it is she ended up graciously gifting me 20 acres with a small house on it it's just outside of this popular resort town here in wyoming now i understand that this is a wonderful gift and uh i want to manage it well for the lord i understand that you know this is god's property and i want to make sure that i do the right thing but uh you know it's a big responsibility for me biggest i've ever had and i'm concerned because i think that we may be in a real estate bubble so my question is you know should i consider selling this property at what i perceive to be a high and reinvest proceeds elsewhere or should i start developing some sort of plan to to generate a return on the property uh while it potentially appreciates some time did she live in the house she did not okay are you you got any other than the fact your mom just recently passed and left it to you do you have any other emotional ties to the property it is where i grew up so i do have oh you know a bit of emotional tie too yeah yeah that's right in the old farm that's not a bit that's real yeah okay so i mean when you sell it there's a little boy inside of you that's gonna cry a little yeah yeah that's just i mean you need to say that out loud if you're going to sell it uh the other thing is the other time that little boy's going to cries if you put a renter in there and they tear it up true it's really weird to have renters in the property that you once occupied it's an emotional experience i've done it many times but it i first time or two it caught me off guard and i went you know that was my little boy's bedroom and and now you put that crap in there i mean what is going on you know i mean it's like you know it feels weird you know so um you either way you're gonna face a little bit of that and you need to be prepared for that i uh uh real estate bubbles uh happen when something goes up and doesn't uh and then obviously goes down because it went up too fast or went up faster than the marketplace would support by and large in the us right now we are seeing tremendous real estate inflation i that is not a bubble that's not going to come back down um the only time we've had a nationwide bubble where real estate went down nationwide in the last 100 years was 2008. one time it has happened in a hundred years so i do not think that that nationwide bubble now resorts or you said is near a resort town resorts have a problem in that they're more volatile than traditional housing and that kind of thing so if the if the value that's placed on it right now is because of its proximity to the resort you know yeah that could bubble on you that could dip later so uh i i what do you want aside from the fact that you're afraid the property might be maxed out what do you want to be do you want to be owning that or something else 10 years from today okay so 10 years from today you know i i would love to be able to go back and um renovate the house and maybe live there um you know that's been a dream of mine but i i don't know realistically realistically if i'm in a financial position to own it's it's uh you know it's a trophy property what's it worth it's worth probably 1.5 million okay why do you feel you're not in a position to own it when it's been gifted to you well this is you know i'm trying to get out of my own head and look at this and the way i perceive it is if i had a bank account with a million and a half dollars in it i make about 70 grand a year right now but i work 60 70 hours a week would i would i go and buy that trophy piece of property with if i had a million point five sure doesn't have any real income on it right yeah okay yeah i wouldn't i i think you're selling it and i don't think that's unwise but i think you can expect some sadness when you do that's human nature and there's nothing wrong with that this is personal finance so i think you're selling it and um you're going to reduce your hours and you may use some of this money to do some career adjustment things if you want to oh yeah you may use some of this when you start a business you may use some of this money to buy some property and um other property that is that is income producing because this is not going to produce income with one little house on 20 acres of raw ground uh sufficient to justify me and a half dollar investment it's not an income property it's not it's not how it's designed so um my guess is you're gonna be doing a little bit of all of those things with this money and moving very very slow with the money once you get it but i'm with you i'm okay selling a trophy property at this time of the market uh it's not a bad time to do it at all actually yeah but it is emotional it is and i was gonna ask you you know how how does he square the emotion of this was a dream this was a dream to go back and live in that home uh but also square it with his mother inherit give gave him that as an inheritance it's going to change his life dramatically and receive the gift from that standpoint this is a life-changing sale and you know what enters into this in my mind too is his strong statement about his faith is mom's faith uh which means that his mom held the property probably with an open hand like he did and he's learned that from her and so he's not um you know you're not freaking out about this that that was all in his words his word choice is pausing everything was there it was all indicated there so he's got a calmness about this due to his faith and his uh yeah i'm just a manager i'm not an owner i'm a steward yes and i i'm okay what's the smart thing before the lord what's god want me to do with this yeah and um you know uh you don't have to make a decision fast there's nothing rushing you but i think you're probably selling it yeah i agree i think it's such a life-changing opportunity yeah and uh wow and receive that yeah don't feel guilty about that nothing wrong with that at all yeah summer's almost here it does not mean you can take a vacation from your money goals i know the motivation to stay in tents can go away sometimes especially when you want that beach trip or all the fun things that come with summer uh you can do this though it's about getting small wins with your money that lead to big results with your money over time and that's exactly what you'll do with ramsey plus live like no one else so that later you can live and give like no one else ramsay plus membership gives you our best digital money courses of course including financial peace university the tools that you need to keep moving forward of course including every dollar premium the world's best budgeting app your goals are worth working for all year long stay motivated with a free trial of ramsey plus text trial to 33 789 text trial 2 three three seven eight nine so i i think it's like uh you make different decisions when you hold things the way that mark was holding them if you hold your career with an open hand instead of this tight-fisted white knuckling if you hold a car if you hold an investment if you hold a business uh an asset of any kind with an open hand um and say gosh i don't really own this i'm just managing it for god what is the best thing it changes your decision-making paradigm because when if i'm managing something on your behalf ken i'm a little bit more responsible sometimes than i might be if i was managing it for myself it's absolutely the case i feel the obligation to do a good job for you that's right and so as a person of faith as a christian when you say god owns it i'm managing it for someone else what do you want you ask the owner what he wants to do with it it's a whole different thing and you know so the heat and air goes out on your house you go hey god you know you're heating air's out buddy i need a miracle i like that approach this is the ramsey show [Music] life is full of firsts [Music] as the first and longest serving christian health cost sharing ministry chm has shared medical expenses for its members since 1981. we believe you should have the freedom to focus on your health while being supported by a community of believers giving you the opportunity to create many more firsts [Music] so [Music] ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today nicholas and rebecca are in the lobby of ramsey solutions on the debt-free stage hey guys how are you we're good how are you better than i deserve welcome where do you all live gastonia north carolina about 20 minutes from charlotte oh fine good to have you guys and all the way to nashville to do a debt-free screen yes sir how much did you pay off 36 000 wow and how long did this take 14 months good for you and your range of income during that time about 50 000 good what do y'all do for a living i got a new job i work at chick-fil-a i'm an elementary school teacher oh fun what grade do you teach i teach first but i'm moving to preschool this year they don't back talk so rachel's oldest one was over at the house of the night and and she i said so uh you're going into first grade next year and she said no pop i'm going to second grade i said no baby you're going into the first grade yeah she said no i'm going in the second round she convinced me and then she's not she was completely pulling my leg i like it she's like her mother man she can talk she's amazing so that's a cute age though that's so fun so 36 000 worth of debt what was it 6 000 was credit card and 30 with student loans okay all right how long y'all been married um a year and two months oh like 14 months yeah so you get married and come home from the honeymoon and go game on we're getting out of debt yep how did that happen what got you so fired up uh well it was probably about 2019 that summer uh we were engaged my body was like hey like we're doing this class at church it's called financial peace i'm like what is that like this is going to be weird and we're like all right we'll do it so in september is when we took it and as soon as we watched it from day one we were all out wow so that got you going twice yeah we actually took it twice that's not a bad thing no the first time was in um february of that year and i was like yes like let's do this now look over here she's like no i like you now the now party yeah did you not like when you first took it you were resistant what was so tough for you um i am a control freak i like to be able to do like what i want to do with my money and it made me realize that this is what i want to do with my money oh it's god's money um so we had to make it your idea that's when you did it i like it i like it that's real that's good i love that that's really good yeah you had you had to want to do it yeah i don't blame you i like that that's smart very smart on your part so what do you tell people the key to getting out of debt is you did it well i listened to this every day i've listened to for the last couple years and i hear all these different stories but when i sat down with rebecca when we first got married i said before we sit down before we do our budget before we talk about anything we're going to give a full 10 to church we're going to tithe and that's the best thing we ever did along with budgeting god has really blessed us we've gotten things in the mail unexpected things and it's just really seen the progressive of how our life has been through marriage i get unexpected things in the mail too but they're not they're not the ones you can cash like a check yeah that's fun look at you guys i'm so proud of y'all well done man that's fun it's a big deal there is something about uh for those of us that are believers to begin to tithe a full 10 of your income to your local church if something snaps inside of your spirit when you do that that uh you just get things get loose it's pretty cool yep yeah was there a big challenge or was there something that was really hard when you guys went all in on this the pandemic oh yeah hello yeah there's that right you're kidding what was tough we got married um i'm sorry no you're good we got married the day the stay at home order started in our state so we had to redo everything we thought we were going to do for our wedding no honeymoon we did it in his parents backyard so yeah it's been a journey just you know they say finances is like a number one argument but i felt like we went into it after taking financial peace and like actually had peace about it yeah yeah you bet you had a lot of challenges yeah that's pretty amazing yeah but what do i mean gosh i mean you're gonna be like old people back when we got married it was a pandemic you know you'll be telling your great-grandkids this story yeah this is great we're gonna get married in the backyard [Laughter] is there a honeymoon on the way now that you're debt-free well we went to the well yeah but we went to the beach um just for the weekend though um back for a one year anniversary though and maybe in the future we'll do something all right good awesome well you're doing so great i'm so proud of y'all what a great start yep we actually um we got a house all right yeah so we're going to close um in june and we'll have a mortgage and we have 15 year loan and we're going to pay off super early man that's amazing well done you guys very very well done is winning right here man well done 50 000 income and all of this accomplished in 14 months pretty stinking impressive very very well done very well done we've got a copy of the legacy journey book which is your next step to become wealthy and outrageously generous and you are well on your way because you've been very intentional you guys are heroes very very proud of you very good job you took control you took control of your life you're a control freak i like it me too me too so well done and another copy of the total money makeover book as well eight million of those out there now and you'll have that one to give away to a friend and uh hopefully pay it forward get somebody else started on your journey because they're going to be inspired by your lives because your lives are inspiring so well done that's right you guys i could see the peace all over you yeah financial peace is a real thing when you can see it on somebody yeah and the t-shirts help with the living debt-free t-shirts and they're color coordinated his and hers i mean they're on top of it yeah this is this is like a whole thing here it's a whole picture i like it well done all right nicholas and rebecca from charlotte north carolina 36 000 paid off in 14 months 14 months married making 50 000. count it down let's hear a debt free scream three two one [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] oh man you know the first time that a thousand years ago that someone said you know i i really don't like you um yeah how'd that feel i thought i thought it was me that they didn't like and it's not me it's me telling them what to do yeah or me and they don't want to do what we're talking about i don't like dave ramsey which means translation and they don't even know me they're not they're not they don't like me it's like i'm telling you be on a budget live unless you make be a grown up be mature not spend money you don't have don't act like you're in congress i'm telling you all these kinds of things and that's what people don't like nobody likes to be told they can't do no and see the reality is this whole phrase the truth hurts oh i thought it set you free well there's that one too yeah okay too too long of a pause but the truth hurts and so here's the deal they hear the truth and it hurts it stings and so then they go oh dave's telling the truth i don't like dave he's he's a boomer [Laughter] he's just a boomer yeah he's just it really is true it uh it hurts i really am a boomer who yeah well you're true that's true too but uh you know it is fun to see i mean this couple it's just they're on fire there's so much peace all over them the happiness the joy and here's the deal that you know you're gonna have to accept a little bit of pain i don't know of any area of life where we get progress without some pain i just don't know of an area if you want progress whether it's money whether it's in your work whether it's in your uh your health relationships if you want to keep progressing keep growing and head somewhere worth going it's gonna be tough and these baby steps time in time out day in day out they work and it is painful but boy what it produces on the other end is just pure unadulterated joy and we're looking at it yeah i remember rachel was a little baby upstairs asleep and we were going broke uh denise was a toddler upstairs to sleep it's three o'clock in the morning i had my bible open romans 5. rejoice in your suffering yeah and i went i don't think i will no thank you it's not a good idea rejoice in your suffering because suffering produces perseverance yes perseverance character character hope and hope that's what's all over their faces that's exactly right that one was the scripture said i just thought of that though this is the ramsay show [Music] ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today open phones at triple eight eight two five two matt is in charlotte north carolina hi matt welcome to the show hey dave hey ken thanks so much for having me today sure what's up um well first of all i love that story from the debt free stage my wife and i also had a pandemic wedding and it was a great excuse to spend very very little on a wedding i think between the wedding and the honeymoon we spent about five thousand dollars and we did it on a fishing pier at a local park with my buddy who was an army chaplain so i think i think that was really awesome serious fun yeah definitely so dave the reason that i called in today i just wanted to say first you have helped me out so much my wife and i are 29 we're debt-free accept the house with 150 000 in savings and i'm at a point now where i really want to start giving back but i feel as though all i have right now is knowledge and time um and i want to do something that i love in my spare time when i'm not working and i truly believe in the old adage of teaching a man to fish right and what i'd really like to get involved in is um educating youth talking about middle schoolers to high schoolers um on financial independence and you know financial responsibility because as you know financial education is you know pretty wanting in the education system right now i'm an educator a trainer and a leader at heart that's probably comes from my time in the army and what i'm curious to know is is how would you go about this would it make sense to set up a non-profit or become an independent contractor and try to sell my services to school districts and then if there are any licenses that you think i would need or resources you think i should you know tie myself into um this is something that i'd like to do on the side as a way to give back but i'm just looking for some creative thoughts from your from from your angle yeah um you know i i always recommend just start and don't i wouldn't worry about some massive marketing or legal strategy or structure i would just call some math teachers and say hey can i come in one day and talk to your kids about finances and um i am on my off time and uh you know you don't charge for it you don't you just go in there and do it uh and just kind of just start um that's how we have a high school curriculum and a middle school curriculum that is now taught on finances now taught in 48 percent of the high schools in america so um you could give our guys a call and find out some of the teachers that are teaching our stuff and um you could just go into those classrooms and volunteer to answer questions for kids and you know you know do a live presentation because the presentation's with me on video obviously might me and the ramsey personalities coleman's in it and all that you don't have to do that but i'm just saying that's somebody's where a door is already open on the subject and you could supplement just to kind of get your feet wet and get started and then you'll start to figure out maybe ways to form your business model and that might inform you as to whether it's a a business that's a ministry or whether it's a non-profit that's a ministry and um but you've got certainly got the the bug and that's a good thing and you have identified the truth and that is that the educational system needs a lot of help with this subject i've been working on it for 20 years and i'm still only 48 in i mean it's it's it's a lot of work and a lot a lot of people need help and so you know i'm happy to help you guy help you do that help you move forward and do all that um it is um ken he's followed your stuff to a t and that he he figured out what he's good at yeah and he's figuring out a way to do it in a way that it makes him happy yeah i wrote down matt what you said all i have is knowledge and time and i want you to rephrase that and say i have knowledge and i have time and i think you first start with how much time do i really have when you've got a big heart like this and you can just feel the desire coming out of you to help people that's a wonderful thing so let's slow down our emotions and let's go okay how much time given the fact that i'm married i got a full-time job how much time do i have a week i think it's a great exercise let's just say for example purposes dave it's five hours uh and so you come up with that uk i've got that time and i certainly have the knowledge and you have passion by the way you can hear it all over you so now to dave's point i love the volunteering put yourself out there and just start start actually helping young people i would look at multiple different places in your zip code by the way too not just the classroom and dave's right the foundations and personal finance we've already given you the curriculum our video team is world class you could press play and then instruct a little bit based off of that answer questions and really provide a wonderful service i would look at uh churches uh other non-profit organizations that are serving young people so you have a heart for young people so i would ask in charlotte north carolina or your zip code where are the young people who is serving them that becomes your list so it's not as intimidating when i go oh there are multiple organizations and multiple sectors in my area whether that be a ymca or a government agency that's serving all those places one of the first places i taught what the bible says about money was a youth group yeah at our church i sat down with 25 kids in the youth group and showed them what what the scripture said about it and then i taught a college age group yeah and that actually uh formed into a an adult group but i was one of the first places i ever did it yeah the thing is if you're if you want to be a writer start writing yeah if you want to be a runner you should run this morning you know if you want to be a if you want to teach personal finance and help kids you should just start doing it that's right and you don't need to wait till you have a non-profit form you don't need to wait till you have the figured out how to charge for it just go do it some do it and it'll you know as you interact with the educators as you interact with the kids you're going to start to see what's working what's not how to charge for it whether to charge for it whether we're going to bring in underwriters and sponsored as a non-profit or whether we're going to actually you know charge the school system a fee that's exactly right and by just looking at all the different places that i was talking about there and asking yourself who are the kids i most want to help yeah your heart's going to begin to fill in the answers and dave is absolutely right matt just start and then what you're going to find is it's almost like going through a maze as you begin to walk forward you're going to walk into a wall move left move right keep walking jennifer's in philadelphia hi jennifer welcome to the ramsay show hi thank you for taking my call sure speak with you um so let's make this quick my husband and i took financial peace university two years ago i've been really working to get out of debt i have been wanting to go to your ontario leadership summit since i've learned about you and and then now we'll be totally debt free at um by october possibly december but it looks like october or this year so i'm calling to see can i buy my ticket to summit that's coming up in orlando or should i wait until we're totally debt free and then we buy the ticket next you know for the following time because if i don't do it now i'll have to wait till next you know i just been putting off year after year i'm you know just getting excited i'm close i appreciate that and i'm really honored that you want to come it would be very hypocritical of me to tell you to buy our stuff while you're getting out of debt and i tell people not to do anything like that but our stuff our stuff's different no you you really shouldn't you know that's why i was calling but you know i'm excited for you i want you to come too um and uh so you know i but but it's uh it's an expensive ticket i mean they're what three four thousand dollars right right and uh that's an expensive ticket and i i just go right right it would be it would just be completely lacking in integrity for me to tell you to do that so no i would not do that i would wait until you're out of debt before you spend that kind of money on uh you know education uh and which is what summit is it's teaching world-class leadership uh it's one of the best leadership we just came back from dallas it was absolutely incredible and uh it's it is probably the best leadership event on the planet right now it's absolutely incredible there's not a lot of leadership planning events left yeah but it is even when there's a lot it's it's a one the only one doing it so we're definitely the best but uh yeah but yeah i uh uh you know we welcome you when you're able to do it in the right way and i i i cannot in good conscience recommend that you do that while you're working your baby step two but thank you for the call yeah that's some and the thing is i i was uh listening to actually the entree leadership podcast this morning on my run and we had a guy on there talking about sales and he's going you have to believe so much in your product i do believe in that product i think it's worth a whole lot more than what we charge for without question and it's going to benefit her more than that but i'm still not still not going to tell her to do it no but here's the deal turn that into an extra motivation she's already gazelle intense she's almost there she can see the finish line add that is like after the old marathon i'm going to go get a big pizza whatever you got to do turn it into motivation there you go this is the ramsey show [Music] have a friend or family member that needs a daily dose of ramsey advice in their life let them know about the ramsey call of the day podcast it's a quick hit of advice about life and money in under 10 minutes check out the ramsey call of the day podcast wherever you listen to podcasts this is the ramsay show [Music] you can be intentional about your character you can have money and a career you are the hero in your story [Music] live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions broadcasting from the dollar car rental studios it's the ramsey show where debt is dumb cash is king and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the bmw as the status symbol of choice i'm dave ramsey ken coleman ramsey personality host of the ken coleman show is my co-host today open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five that's triple eight eight two five five two two five ken talks about careers and jobs i talk about money and together we will just talk about you right in front of you the phone number triple eight eight two five five two two five curt is in fort lauderdale florida hi curt how are you hey dave how you doing better than i deserve man what's up how you doing um i'm 25. i'm not filled with my job and i'd like to move out of my parents house potentially looking up north but i have about 50 000 in investments and 90 000 in my savings and i'm blessed to have no debt um should i move with the current housing market situation should i wait if i should wait should i move some of that savings money into investment make some money while i'm waiting well um the housing market is as you mentioned is quite hot in terms of buying a home uh some areas the rental market is also closed up and it's very difficult to find a rental and so rental prices are going up as fast as real estate prices are which there should be a correlation between the two that makes sense so uh you have done a wonderful job saving money sir well done you save all this money or somebody give it to you um i'd say about half maybe a little less than half of an inheritance from my uncle arrested all just me saving uh my my father and my mother since i was young have always told me you know spend half save half and i just was never really a big spender so i saved more than half of that point um and so i've just been saving uh for i've been working since i was you know 16. so i've been saving for a while now and i'm just i've always been looking forward to buying a house and i just was feeling that was the right time but with this housing market i'm just it kind of shot down my house you said you might move up north what are you going to do for a living when you move i'd stay within the same industry but right now i probably go more analytics that's what i like to do right now i do more risk management um so encourage you know get into more analytical so i'm glad we've identified this because moving up north i think you had in mind there's some companies or a company or a specific job and i think that's the part we want to work on first is you're not happy in your job and so you know the good news is you're clear you know what you want to do you have a good idea of the analytics is where you want to go i think i determined that where's a good place to land there then i'd make my housing decision based on that okay so do you have a good idea of some companies or do you have something when you say move north or you just think in an area or are you thinking company that's pulling you north um i was thinking more just orlando or jacksonville because i have a current social networks there that would you know in finding a job there's obviously a lot of within my industry there's a lot in orlando and jackson right i was looking there just to kind of get away from where i was where i've currently been where i've lived all my life you know sure well that's really good strategy so kurt i i think you now you need to take some action steps and so i've i would begin if you haven't already you obviously have the social networks there i would actually begin to engage those social networks around those companies you identified both friends connections and uh several companies that are in your industry at least you know that it's pretty hot there i'd start making those connections i'm going to give you a copy of my number one bestselling book the proximity principle which actually walks you through step by step how to make those connections who specifically you're looking at because i think if you get really serious about that kurt right now you're in great shape financially let's find those opportunities let's go ahead and get interviews let's land the gig and i think the housing decision uh will take care of itself because you've been really smart with your money but let's land a job and then let's make a housing decision as a part of that yeah here's what i i will just add to that let's take that i'll take the back end of that strategy so start working the social networks you're only a few hours from those towns get the job landed then go rent an apartment for six months then during that six months start looking for property don't overpay you there's no reason for you to have house fever you can take your time and if the market's quite hot and you have to dramatically overpay to get a house then that's god's saying don't buy a house right now just wait take your time sit in that apartment in the new job in the new city and take your time you've got the money you can pounce when you see the right thing you're in a position to do it but don't get the fever and pounce especially on your very first home purchase and overpay after you've done such a great job saving money so very very well done sir good job anita is with us in dayton ohio hi anita how are you i'm fine thank you and thank you for taking my call sure what's up i am getting ready to retire and i have about i'm going to take a plop of 84 000. and i wasn't sure where to put that money okay no i was is that your only mistake no no i have um my husband and i have a couple hundred thousand in uh annuities and i have a fifty thousand dollar emergency fund and then we have about um right at two something in uh just uh invested okay all right well i'm definitely the 84 000 is coming from a lump sum from a pension plan rollover or what yes yes i would roll it to a traditional ira that way there's no taxes on it and i personally would put it in good mutual funds so again just invest it you've been doing investing and i would just continue that with this particular money [Music] if you pull it out you're going to be taxed on it and if you're uh over if you're under 59 uh which it sounds like you're retiring so i doubt it but i'm if you're under 59 you'll be penalized as well so no need to do any of that let's just roll it and let the whole amount work for you in a traditional ira uh in some good growth stock mutual funds that's the best way to go open phones here at triple eight eight two five five two two five you're talking about that peak real estate man real estate season is here if you're thinking about buying a home this year here's a piece of simple advice that could save you from making a six figure mistake don't buy something you don't understand if you don't know where to start and you're unsure financially you don't know if you're ready for a mortgage you're confused about how the buying process works start by connecting with one of our endorsed local providers these are high octane high protein real estate agents that we have vetted that we trust our elps will help guide you through the entire home buying or home selling process they're here to teach you every step of the way so that you feel confident in this big money decision go to agent and connect with one of our trusted elps that's ramsey solutions dot com slash agent [Music] [Music] [Music] hey folks i got a great option to help you pay for your education the army national guard the army national guard believes you are the next greatest generation because you have proven that even in adversity that you have what it takes to succeed that's why they offer benefits like tuition assistance career training and a paycheck to help you avoid debt no matter what your goals are the army national guard can help you get there visit to find out more [Music] ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today sarah is in milwaukee hi sarah welcome to the ramsey show hi thank you for having me sure what's up so my husband and i have a disagreement about how about our mortgage so we qualified for a 30-year mortgage but our plan is to pay it off like a 15. my husband in the budget recommended to me in our last finance meeting together that whatever extra money we have in our budget we should put towards the principle of our mortgage and i'm like well honey um we only plan on being in this house for five maybe 10 years because we want more kids and we need more space and he's like no no no we really need to pay towards the principal we need to own more of our house and it's cause there's huge risks in our relationship why is it causing a huge rift in your relationship what do you want to do with the money um i would like to put it towards trips or improving the house that we already have okay that's a fair that's a fair argument then okay um so uh the answer is you need to do some of both you're both right okay i wasn't expecting that answer yeah you're out of debt right except your house oh yeah okay and you have your emergency fund are you putting 15 of your income into retirement um we're about there yes okay are you putting anything aside for your kids are you putting anything aside for the kids college yes we are good okay that's baby steps four five and six baby step six is pay off your house early now what you're supposed to do is to do baby according to what we teach in other words is uh is to do baby steps four five and six simultaneously so you're putting 15 of your income away for retirement you're putting money on your kids college and you're supposed to be paying down the house um you know reasonably aggressive now baby steps one through three you do with gazelle intensity like a gazelle running from a cheetah wide open scared to death going crazy baby steps four five and six are not with intensity they are with intentionality and baby steps four five and six is where you buy a couch where you fix up the house where you go on a trip and where you work on these other three goals of retirement kids college and and reducing the mortgage and so yeah i'd love for you i think it's wise for you to reduce your mortgage uh but i also think it's wise for you to enjoy some money during these steps as well and that would include some reasonable renovations that you do with cash no debt some reasonable trips that you do with cash and no debt if you consume all the money and do no mortgage reduction that would be unwise but if you put a hundred percent on mortgage reduction that's not what we teach okay so i would just figure out some how much money are we talking about that's in play here a month how much a month does he want to put on the mortgage and you're wanting to spend um i think it's about 500 to a thousand dollars we have extra okay in our budget okay well to start with the fact that you don't know that is a problem you need to know that you need to know what's going on and 500 to a thousand it's not it's one or the other or it's 642 or i don't know i mean you have a budget and you have an amount left over that we're arguing about and we don't even know how much that is so right now we're just having a vague argument so the two of you need to sit down and say okay exactly because he's the nerd and you don't nerd out on details but you need to know enough of the details to know what you're arguing about right right i agree okay so you jump in there you get figure out and if it's uh 750 dollars and you say all right we're going to put 350 on the mortgage and we're going to set 400 aside for fun and that fun this month is i'm going to start we're going to start saving up to fix up this bathroom and i want to spend 4 thousand dollars on it so it's going to take 10 months of doing that you know or whatever the thing is i don't care what you do but um if it's a thousand dollars and you want to split a 50 50. i don't care you know if you split down the middle or what you do but the point is is that you have a valid a very valid complaint here a very valid argument that you should not only do the proper smart things with money and never enjoy money that is not what we you you're not going to get there doing that you need to enjoy some of it but on the other hand he's got a valid point that we need to put some on the mortgage and we don't need to just consume all of our access and so some of both is where wisdom lands and that's where i would send you to good question it's a really good discussion and i think that people get a lot of confusion around that because we teach you to do live on rice and beans don't see the inside of a restaurant don't go on vacation when you're in baby steps one through three yeah i love the way you worded that the intensity in baby steps one through three turns into intentionality which is we've got a budget but we can sit down and go hey we need to get a whole new living room set because the dogs have ruined it so we're gonna save up for that so that intentionality is still the budget sounded like that might have really happened i did you nailed that we had to do that uh recently because the uh doodles uh big dogs come with big dog problems but anyway the point is is that i really like that differentiation there that you have laid out that's that's really the tone you go from intensity to okay now we can be intentional and still enjoy life oh and i'll just add one more thing to it it doesn't have to be all or nothing in a month and i mean it doesn't have to be split down the middle of the month you could say uh this month we're going to spend it all all right next month we're going to put it all on the mortgage that's that's exactly right you know you can you can go back and forth a little bit or we're going to for two months we're going to set it all to buy this furniture and then for the next two months we're going to do the mortgage i don't care how you do it but some of each needs to occur yeah i really like that that that's a really great breakdown of how you do that and it allows people to breathe but you know there's something about the human spirit dave when they get all intense it's hard to turn that down especially those nerds like me right yeah i mean we're so task oriented and man that's what her husband's doing jennifer's in sacramento hi jennifer how are you hi i'm doing good how are you better than i deserve what's up well i am i'm trying to figure out what i should do with my extra funds that i um have i currently have a psp account it's about 156 000 and um i have uh some of the half of the funds uh in g fund 84 000. yeah i know but the other half the csmc fund it's about 72 000 and i currently compute about 20 of my uh checks uh into my tsp but i'm thinking i need to make some sort of change because i'm putting i'm also putting out 500 a month savings just to a regular checking account and i want to maximize my retirement you're you're a rock star man you're getting after it kiddo what do you make i make about 79 000 a year good for you do you own a home well uh my husband he uh he just paid off his house like two years ago i'm sorry do you live with your husband yes i do he i say his house because he bought it before we were married oh but now it's your house okay yeah okay so you so we just paid off our house so you're debt-free house and everything your your family is correct yes correct neither one of you you or your husband have any debt then uh well i uh i just wrote a check i'm planning to uh pay off my lexus i owe about fourteen thousand dollars but i'm gonna go ahead and check off today good and i do have a ten thousand dollar extra um that i'm saving for my daughter but i think i also need to move that to somewhere else as well okay how old is your daughter what are you saving for college um just i guess for her future whatever she needs like a vehicle or college i'm just worried about college putting into a 529 plan or a college savings plan if what if she doesn't go to school why wouldn't she go to school i don't know just worry yeah put it in 529 keep the government's hands off of it get with a smartvestor pro at they'll help you do that as far as your tsp goes i recommend eighty percent into the c twenty percent into the s and twenty percent into the i the s is the small company the i is the international c is the common stock that little portfolio mix right there will outperform any other mix in the tsp and it's you could put it on the sea but i want a little of the sauce in there the small and the international as well [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today on the debt-free stage in the ramsey solutions lobby sam and jasmine are with us hey guys how are you good how are you welcome where do you guys live san antonio texas oh fun welcome to nashville good to have you guys so here to do a debt-free scream how much did you pay off paid off 135 000 whoa how long did this take uh 21 months wow whoa and your range of income during that time we started at 123 to 204 just within the last few months though that's uh kind of ridiculous i love it so what do y'all do for a living i work in the i.t industry for the us government okay and i work in management for a shipping and delivery company so who got the mammoth raise both of you a little bit of both of us yeah big sam big sam i.t stepped up here with big sam way to go sam thank you man that's cool y'all so what kind of debt was this 135 000 um it was a little bit of medical two vehicles and my student loans what was the big chunk my student loan and what did you owe on the student loans um about 70 000 okay so about half of it was that okay cool cool how long you guys been married one year tomorrow one year oh congratulations so you started on this before yes and finished after you were married yes yes okay so tell us the story how did this all go down so yes i did start it uh myself um we had heard a very good many principles through our pastor at church and we just never really applied it to our lives and over time we saw that he would offer financial peace university um once again we didn't apply it and months later a co-worker actually gave me your book um once again i didn't read it didn't apply it um it wasn't until um we got engaged that i started watching your youtube videos and that's when it finally clicked that i really wanted to follow these principles and that meant that i would have to or we would have to combine our income um and that i would actually have to reveal my debt to him so you were already engaged before he found out how much debt you had actually knows right before it was before okay that was actually once i saw once i had it in me to tell him and i saw that he didn't have a negative reaction to it like i thought he would um that's when i knew that we were in this together and okay so you had 70 000 student loan debt you had a car loan and sam had a car loan yes yes okay and sam what other debt did you have that was it just like it was just my car yes and how did you own your car uh at the time twenty thousand okay so you should this uh beautiful woman is looking at you saying uh with all this beauty comes a hundred thousand plus in debt yeah yeah and i was you know what'd you do before i asked you oh my god no you know i said there was a lot of prayers to god so i mean a lot of it was a faith driven and i knew what i was getting into before i popped the question so he was in love yeah he was well listen we get anybody that can see you out punted your coverage so i got a question sam did you had you heard a financial piece we know she had i'm assuming you're in the same church or am i assuming wrong okay yes i had um throughout going to church um and then when we met we got together um we started going to church together and for me it was just kind of a oh i never really had a solid plan but i was never really in debt aside from just a car so um i had savings but i never threw my savings to pay off my car and so it was it was kind of a different yeah yeah sure yeah different situation yeah for sure which church um revolution church oh yeah in schertz texas fun it's very cool well way to go you guys y'all are impressive impressive young couple very well done who are your biggest cheerleaders outside the two of you going yes you can do this you know we didn't really publicize it um we feel like we just kind of had our heads down and none of your family knew you were working on this um we kind of would mention it if it would come up in conversation and they were they were supportive but but nobody's just like yes yes yes right correct oh wow very cool so you guys just struck out how old are you two i am 36 and uh before her um it's her birthday today happy birthday all right she's 28. all right very good very birthday the day before the anniversary yeah very nice well you won't forget that that's i was getting ready to see you exactly helpful it'll be helpful in your in coming years they'll be glad for that now you're not a budget it's because that's the double hit right there you got a plan for that oh yeah it's a big month yeah i've got to ask him dave what i mean that's a lot of money 135 000 in 21 months what was the biggest sacrifice what was the big hard part the hard stuff uh to be honest there was no hard part for us it just wasn't having a plan and so when we discovered the um baby steps your baby steps and followed through and implemented with that plan we had the discipline we had the attitude and the willpower um everything just clicked and fell into place wow so and like i said when i started i didn't really have a plan i had savings but only had a car debt and you know i didn't know where to go yeah and so when she discovered the baby steps and everything and said hey let's get on board with this i couldn't fully commit because we weren't 100 we weren't married and that was part of the principle to combine our finances we had to get married and so i knew part of what god gave me the vision to do was hey mary this marry this woman if you really love her and you know and that's that's where we went from there well done good for you good stuff guys very very cool you guys are absolute heroes so proud of you so what are you gonna do fun next now that you're finally out of debt we actually um are in the process of building a home so that's what we're looking forward to good very cool when will it be completed um hopefully by the end of this year this year okay all right so perfect timing good for you guys thank you and you're doing everything right you are really rocking this is good stuff well we've got a copy of the book the legacy journey for you that's the next chapter in your story to continue to build out your legacy to live like no one else so later you can live and give like no one else and uh of course also we're gonna give you a copy of the total money makeover book the one that you didn't read and uh the first time anyway but now you can give it away to somebody and they won't read it and the total money makeover is the most used coaster on coffee tables all over america it sits there people put coffee cups on it don't read it until the time is right and then they crack that thing open and it blows their minds and they go do it it may sit there three years and collect dust and coffee cup rings but finally it's there so it's just for you guys we love you guys i'm so proud of y'all you guys are impressive very impressive very very proud of them good job good job good job all right sam and jasmine from san antonio 135 000 paid off in 21 months making 123 to 204 count it down let's hear a debt free scream three two one [Applause] [Applause] man that's fabulous and not only are they impressive they're pretty yeah i'm not sure sam's okay with that adjective but uh yeah he understands what you mean but yeah what a great couple what a sharp sharp power couple right there man a lot of fantastic going on lots of future there that's going to be unbelievable and you know what's so interesting is we give people uh you know our last debt free scream in the other hour fifty thousand dollars here this couple making 123 up to just recently after they're debt-free moving on up to 204. all kinds of incomes do this yeah people do it that are young people do it that are old uh people do it that uh live in the west people do it that live in the east uh people even people in california do it yeah it's absolutely it's amazing i mean people everywhere it's it's amazing you can actually do this stuff these baby steps work this is a proven process financial peace university is a proven process in ramsey plus you can get in it you can change everything folks so the only question is when are you going to do it the people that are listening right now i'm talking to you [Music] when are you going to take control of your destiny it's up to you the cavalry's not coming biden's not going to change your life you have to do it and the great news is you can this is the ramsey show [Music] [Music] ramsey personality ken coleman host of the ken coleman show now heard on over 75 radio stations a very popular podcast and siriusxm radio joins me today answering your questions about your careers your jobs your life i'm here to help you with your life and your money and together we're going to make it done get it get er done for you open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five father john is in oklahoma hi father john how are you i'm good dave how are you better than i deserve what's up hey i'm a big fan my parents learned me on the ramsay method when i was a teenager and i i'm definitely convinced that uh your methods really changed the trajectory of my life so i just wanted to say thank you well thank you i'm honored how can we serve you today sir so i'm uh i'm a roman catholic priest and i live in the housing that's provided by the parish and so i don't own a home i've never been in debt and i i am kind of in between baby steps uh four and five and i was just kind of i was just sort of wondering because of how busy i am with ministry and and also the possibility of kind of you know i could get moved anytime anywhere on the western half of the state um i just that's that's the primary reason why i decided to kind of not take up a mortgage and not get a home and and i haven't decided necessarily you know if i'm i don't have children of my own and so i'm not sure if i'm going to be saving up for my nieces and nephews or not but i guess what i was just wondering was so right now i just i'm you know i'm paying into uh retirement and uh and just kind of saving money i own my car and i'm just wondering you know is there any reason why i should uh why i should get a home or i'd be i just yeah i figured that there's some kind of now i uh uh so there's two questions i have that i'm not familiar enough with the roman catholic priesthood to and you'll have to help me with this in my ignorance how often do they typically move you so we can be moved uh well for us younger priests we can get moved pretty pretty regularly but um probably anywhere between five to ten years so you usually stay in a place five or ten years yeah okay okay that's the norm anyway i mean obviously they can anytime is what you've said twice but the point is they typically don't on the on a whim and you got a five years so you're there long enough to own a property um if you want especially once you've settled into a parish that you think you're going to be there for an extended period of time that might be a little bit later in your career now the second thing and this is going to sound really dumb but i just don't know so i have to ask okay you said you're saving for retirement i don't i didn't i don't know if catholic roman catholic police should retire do you quit well yeah see that's the thing it's kind of uh uh retirement and air quotes um okay we kind of just i was kind of under the impression you didn't no you know the the retirement age technically speaking is 75 but i mean i just plan on dying with my boots on so yeah yeah that's the the priests that i have known that's what they've done but i'm not uh roman catholic and so i wasn't up close enough to know what the flip was really going on so okay all right that makes sense all right so yeah you're saving for retirement now here's what the reason i asked that is as you move into uh maybe the second half of your career a you're more stable in a location and b you're going to want to stabilize the most expensive part but potentially of your of your retirement years i mean if you step out of the parish and don't have parish housing at 75 but continue doing priest priestly work of some kind but you don't have the housing furnace you're going to need a home at that point and that is the biggest line item in your budget at retirement that's now destabilized because now you're a renter and if we don't plan for this so i want you to plan to buy a house 65 years old and pay cash for it okay or something something like that you see what i'm doing here so that you're we know by then you're probably in a location you're going to stay and we know by then that there's a possibility somewhere out in the fairly near future that you might need housing does that make sense yeah that doesn't make sense i just i kind of you know i'd always i was like you know do these how do i navigate these steps you know housing's provided and how old are you now i i'm 30 today cool well happy birthday yes all right thank you well thanks for your service to the lord sir and uh thank you very much david yeah and so yeah so what you're gonna do is you're gonna start paying a house payment into a mutual fund and that's your house fund that you're gonna pay cash with 30 years from now okay okay awesome well thank you very much i appreciate you all taking my call yeah thanks for bearing through my ignorance because i don't know how these things work so cool that's fun it's really fun because i want people to grab that when you start putting a house payment right now into a mutual fund 30 years from now he's going to have plenty of housing he's going to be in really good shape he's going to have a lot of money on morning age yeah that's exactly right that's a wonderful opportunity but his his is truly a life of service yes most of our lives should be but he's um yes a different different kind of commitment that he stepped into there before god and very powerful very cool what a nice young man very sharp open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five tina is in cincinnati hi tina welcome to the ramsay show hi there um i have an insurance question um i'm going to i'm going to be 59 and my husband is going to be 49 and we took out 20-year term policies that are going to be running out in about six years so i'll be able to retire at that point but then my husband will still have 10 more years of working and he won't have any term insurance left now our house will be paid off next year and we're otherwise debt-free and we have about 650 000 in our retirement accounts right now so he doesn't think that we'll need that he'll need to replace that insurance because the house will be paid off and our savings will take care of any needs what is your 650 000 invested in um it's our retirement plans our 401ks i know what's in mutual funds yeah okay if it's in good growth stock mutual funds that are averaging if they were to average 10 about every seven years they'll double if you don't add anything to it so seven years from now when we're discussing about this six year policy running out you should have 1.3 million dollars in a paid for house if your husband dies honey i think you're gonna be okay watch what he says well i mean you think you could struggle through on a million three in a paid for house yeah i probably could i just was just a little nervous just not knowing you know how things go so it makes me feel i mean if you have if six years from today if the money has not grown you can revisit the discussion right but yeah but hypothetically you should be you should be uh you know self-insured meaning no debt there's no money that you need and you have a huge pile of money over here to live off of the income that it creates so what's your household income now so right now it's about 200 okay all right you would have to live on about 130 if he died and you only had a million three but you wouldn't have a house payment correct yeah i don't know if you can do that or not you think you can i think so [Laughter] well here's the thing your fear is justified and it's a good fear the trick to use the fear for is to dig in and go okay what are the facts and can the fear go away once i understand the facts yeah and that's what i'm trying to lay out here is because it is very wise of you to be concerned about this issue people who are not concerned about how things are going to go if someone dies are the ones that end up messed up they end up in a really screwed up situation so you're very wise to have that fear but you're then you you know then what you have to do is you have to do the actual analysis and it's okay for you to not say oh i don't necessarily trust it just because he says it um you know you need to look at the actual numbers don't do it because dave ramsey said but if you say okay looks like we're going to have a talk to my financial advisers we're going to have a million and a half paid for house six years from today we'll let that drop i think we'll be okay and you can you can let that release down inside of you then beautiful thing thanks for calling [Music] hey it's kelly associate producer for the ramsay show this episode is over but if you heard about an event product or service and didn't have a chance to write it down don't worry we list everything you've heard about during this episode in the podcast show notes section or head to the ramsay thanks for listening this is the ramsay show [Music] you can be intentional about your character you can have money and a career you are the hero in your story [Music] live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions broadcasting from the dollar car rental studios it's the ramsey show where dad is dumb cash is king and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the bmw as the status symbol of choice i'm dave ramsey your host ken coleman ramsey personality host of the ken coleman show where they talk about careers and finding your passion in your work is my co-host today we're taking your calls about careers about money about life open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five that's triple eight eight two five five five karen's in lubbock texas hi karen how are you hi dave hi ken it's an honor to speak with you all you too what's up um my question is this i am in baby steps four and five and i have a 23 year old son he will be going to graduate school in dallas um in august and he's going to get a free scholarship for all the two thousand dollars of his graduate school however i'll be helping him pay for his rent and when he gets rent there when he rents his house he will be having roommates and if i am asked to co-sign i know i've heard you say many times not to co-sign for somebody when they're renting for your child so my question is what can i do um if i'm asked to co-rent what other options would i order to co-sign what other options would i have are you paying the rent um i'm going to help him he'll probably be paying some of it but i'm going to pay um help him with a lot of it do you have the money yes i do i'm on baby steps four and five and um cash flowing he's 23. okay and what's his grad work he's going to a graduate in music performance okay is he working while he's in doing his grad work yes he will be he's in undergrad he did a lot of gigs and um you know he did a lot of work and he did he paid for most of it most of his rent and um yeah i paid for minimal of his school so i won't be paying a whole lot but the issue is i i'm just concerned that when he gets a roommate he doesn't have any credit or credit cards thank god but if i'm asked to co-sign for him the answer is no i would not co-sign for anyone under any circumstances the reason i was asking so many questions i was trying to figure out where you were in a couple of things on parallels so um one of my kids at college moved into a house with a bunch of other kids and a i didn't want his name or my name uh tied to being liable for the whole rent if the other goobs didn't pay their share right which happens in college situations all the time okay yes and so what i did in that case was i called the landlord talked to him and i just prepaid his rent for the year okay no signature required uh no lease required that we're he's liable for the whole thing because he's not liable for anything his part's already paid and i'm certainly not signing anything yes i yeah that's what um that's what i i just wanted to be prepared when that question arises so and i don't want to burst your bubble but i do want you to be thinking about something and your son why do you need graduate level work and performance in the music business he his ultimate goal is to be a professor to get a doctor okay then that would make sense all right that's the only reason i can think you would want to get that but you certainly don't need it to be a performer like the number of performers who have a graduate degree that stand on the stage and perform music is zero in fact there's a high percentage of those performers don't even have a college degree right um dave i had a question there you know i'm a little old school i i don't know why the 23 year old's not able to pay his rent a hundred percent i appreciate mom she's awesome she's amazing she wants to help clearly this young man did a great job in college of paying for most of his college and he has no debt but at 23 i want my kid if he's going to grad school i want him paying his own rent am i am i an archaic old no i mean if she's funny no no you're not that that's preferable and she she's you know she said he's a hard worker and he's basically yeah he's absolutely responsible he's not his kid's not him right he's not a parasite so um you know yeah i i think uh but but to say absolutely zero you know i might help i might have helped one of mine in that situation but my first and best choice for them is for them to figure out a way to cut cut their own way through the forest yeah you know get get the axe out get the machete out time for you to do your own thing baby doll yeah and uh it's good it's good for that that's not a bad thing at all patrick's in tulsa oklahoma hi patrick how are you hey mr ramsay thanks for taking the time to talk to me today sure what's up so my question um fundamentally is i finish your total money makeover book my mother wants me to have a credit card i do not want to have one how are you i don't want to uh 28 soon to be 28. so background information that's sweet that you're what your mommy wants but who gives a rip right right so background background my mommy wants me to buy a red car too but i'm 28 and i'll freaking buy a blue car okay so i just finished medical school i'm going to start residency here in a little bit i have 158 000 of debts i haven't had a regular income based job i've been able to pay off my undergrad loans but now i'm just with med school student loans and my parents have been gracious enough to put me up and basically pay for all my costs of living while i handle tuition so i want to be able to answer my mom respectfully other than hey i'm 28 it's my life thanks for helping me through but i'm not gonna do that yeah um you know all you have to do is turn up the respect one quarter of a notch to what you just said and you'll be respectful uh because she's out of line she's out of line yeah i've got a 30 year old i would no more tell him that than fly the moon you know and i'm freaking dave ramsey i mean really so um you know so that that's just that's that's a boundary violation and uh and so uh but anyway we want to be mean to her they're being kind to you they've been good to you and we want to be loving and and gentle that that that's not i'm not trying to be sarcastic and mean but so the answer is mom i've been reading through this and uh this new material and i've become convinced that our debt-based way of doing things in america is a bad plan and so i'm just really scared about these student loans that we're going into here and one of my first goals is going to be get rid of those and i'm swearing off a debt i'm not going to go anywhere near debt and so i've got a debit card it'll do everything a credit card will do except go into debt and i'm not going into the debt mom and you ought to really be proud of me for that because it means you raised me well and uh that's it nice ton of discussion yeah and if she can't put it down and she won't um then that's on her at that point that's not on you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] stop paying your overpriced wireless provider and switch to puretalk they use the same network as the larger providers for much less for just thirty dollars a month to get unlimited talk text and six gigs of data with no contract the average family saves over seventy dollars a month by switching to pure top just go to and enter the promo code ramsey to save 50 off your first month pure talk simply smarter wireless [Music] so [Music] ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five that's triple eight eight two five five two two five you jump in we'll talk about your life and your money chase is with us in dallas hi chase welcome to the ramsay show hey dave and ken thank you guys so much for taking my call sure what's up well uh first off i wanted to thank you uh for last year i called in in february last year with the business question i was looking at a partnership and uh you strongly encouraged me not to do it and uh i wanted to thank you because my business has about tripled in size over the last year wow and um it's been it's been a banner year i run an appraisal firm and it's been very busy so good for you thank you for that first i'm so happy for you my question oh thank you so much my question today is um we are thinking about getting into a bigger home and honestly i'm a little bit nervous we are on baby step four five and six and we currently have a home that is it's a very affordable home i don't even think about my mortgage but it is in a school district that we don't really love i have four kids that are starting at ages three and go up to eight so we have a lot of little kids at home and we got them piled into the three bedrooms so it's a bit of a mad house and we are looking at moving to a better school district but the homes there are quite a bit more expensive than what i have and um we have an opportunity we had not only did we find a house down there we found a house on land um that needs some repairs done to it but the house is down in their range from kind of the 350 to the 475 range and after repairs and everything this thing would be right about 350. so it's kind of a kind of an ideal situation my question is should i wait and be a little bit more conservative because i'm a business owner or am i in the right place to start moving up in house as long as the mortgage is on a 15-year fixed or less and it's no more than a fourth of your take-home pay i'm good with the move okay okay um well the only thing that kind of put a little monkey ring to that is that i know that you're you're not big into uh financing or doing any kind of uh uh anything for repairs on the house and the house does need that we need about seventy thousand dollars of repair but we could put that into the 15-year fixed rate mortgage and i would just have yeah that's like doing a construction loan to build a house yeah at that point and i don't i'm not against that it just all ends up in your permanent is what it amounts to now what is your what is the years left on your current mortgage how many years left so i've got about we we refinanced to a 15 year last year so i've got 14 years i only owe about a hundred thousand dollars on it the house is worth about a little less than 200 000 okay and you're gonna throw that hundred in the mix and so you're gonna finance 250 give or take on a 15-year fix instead of a hundred so you're going up a hundred and a half and your household income is what well my household income i don't know if i should judge it off this last year but we again it was a big year so it was about 250 000 um this last year the year before was about 200. yeah you're more than okay dude i mean you're in great shape my wife is going to laugh at this call she thinks i'm the most conservative person on planet earth i build our budget around 100 you're not but if they die you could be left with that title oh no you're you're doing good you're just being very careful and you're very wise you're you're an appraiser and so you're a numbers guy and you're you're a detail guy and you and you analyze things on the left side of the brain and that's awesome there's nothing wrong with any of that it's gotten to work gotten you to where you are dude so it's not a bad gig you're doing a really really good job i'm proud of you um you're in good shape here the trick is to just not get in patterns that roll you into more debt all the time and so this is this is probably a a big move for at least a decade and you're probably going to get this house paid off in about less than 10 years that is the plan yeah that's a you're in good shape dude chase one last piece of advice it'd be good to go home and tell your wife that you talked to dave and she was right let's get some bonus points there but you're still a good dude you're doing great you you've done a great job analyzing it and your your conservative nature has gotten you to where you are but it's also good to uh bounce things around and you're open you're humble enough that you're open to input from her input from other people and just to kind of bounce things around think it through with other people that's very wise very very wise good question man thank you for joining us congratulations on all your success very very well done folks if you're tired of feeling stuck with your money like you'll never get out of debt or you'll never save enough for the future maybe you'll never be in control like that guy was listen it doesn't have to be that way you can make progress with your money and you can make it faster than you think the only way to make it happen is with a budget and that's why you need a ramsey plus membership you'll get access to the premium version of our every dollar budgeting app which is world class you plan out every dollar you'll spend you'll save before the month begins connect your budget to your bank so you don't miss a transaction custom budget reports access to financial peace university access to coaching access to group discussions it is an amazing process to get into ramsey plus when you budget and you get intentional with your money you're going to make progress fast and you can start budgeting for free today with a free trial at ramsey plus text trial to 33789 text trial 233 seven eighty nine our question of the day comes from they have a 100 satisfaction guarantee that means even if you mismeasure or you pick the wrong color they'll remake your blinds for free you get free samples free shipping and with the new promos they run every month you'll save even more use the promo code ramsey to get the best possible deal dave today's question comes from kendall in kentucky i will get my bachelor's in business management next year and i have roughly 40 000 invested in the stock market and three months expenses in my emergency fund i'm considering going straight into a master's program in data business analytics i don't think i will have the skills to confidently walk into a data analytics job with a bachelor's degree should i stay in school to get my masters or should i work full-time in a different role for a couple years and save up more money to go back to school for data analytics well the first thing is uh let's get for sure when somebody says i don't think i'll have the skills i hear a little bit of doubt and the way we deal with doubt is we go get some facts and i think there are many entry-level jobs that will lead you into data analytics and so i would do my research you've got a school that can help you and get you a ton of information plus you have relationships will allow you to talk to people who are winning in data analytics that's the proximity principle it says in order to do what i want to do data analytics i got to get around people that are doing that work and in places where it's happening that is your number one homework assignment let's get very clear on whether or not you must get a master's degree in order to do the work you eventually want to do anybody that gets out of college has got to jump in at entry level and i don't think you are not going after this master's degree because you need a master's degree you're going out this master's degree because you're scared to be a grown-up yes you want to hide in the education because you're afraid of stepping out there in a real freaking world dude throw your shoulders back son and go get you a job and get into data analytics data analytics is the hottest i mean that and and and security cyber security right now two of the hottest fields out there you're going to make so stinking much money and you're gonna learn on the job because data analytics is moving at light speed faster than the professor is teaching at the master's level he already doesn't know what you need to know a month from now yeah you can't keep up by going in and doing formal education in that field son you're gonna have to get in the field and you're gonna get out there kick the can and cause stuff to happen don't be scared go do it throw your shoulders back and step into it son you can do this yeah you're just trying to hide behind you you know people don't want to go out there they just keep going to school it's time to quit time to go do it yeah and listen they're training you on the job as you say and and they'll pay for your masters if you need it you don't i got data analytics people all over this building and they're smarter they're smart than smart and smart and smart almost none of them have a master's yeah that's exactly right they're they're running freaking data for ramsey i can tell you that and we are data bonkers around this building man they're teaching me stuff every day i'm so impressed with them they're very smart people but they are not masters degreed that's absolute bs a bs is all you need not the degree so i did there i like what you did all right this is the ramsey chef [Music] [Music] ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today in the lobby of ramsey solutions on the debt free stage lee and heather are with us along with their daughter sophia hey guys how are you hey dave fantastic welcome where do you guys live uh franklin indiana uh 20 minutes south of indianapolis so indianapolis very cool now and your how much debt did you pay off 91 251.95 love it how long did this take 25 months good for you and your range of income during that time we started at 143 went up to uh 162 and i actually just got a promotion last week so we're at 171 now wow what do you do for a living so we both work for the department of defense i'm an hr and i'm an i.t very cool good for you good careers what kind of debt was the 91 000 my student loans all of it all of it the only debt you had the only thing we had oh my gosh so what's your degree in hr uh yes i have an mba in hr good for you good for you that's a great degree yeah that's a great field good for you that's so fun so uh how long you guys been married yeah almost 10 years all right good good and what happened two years ago that set this on fire well it actually started about 14 years ago i first no it didn't you've been getting out of debt for 25 months i first heard about you then and my life was a mess i had credit card payments and you know medical bills and everything else listened to fpu and thought this made sense this is smart biblical wisdom started getting out of debt and met this handsome guy here and he was completely completely on board yes he uh one of the stipulations to being together she said you got to read your this book and so it was total money makeover you've been married 10 years yeah we were so what happened two years ago i thought you got out of debt in 25 months we did so i'm so confused so we decided you know um after we were un we actually were both laid off for a year and a half after he came back from iraq he was injured and couldn't work i lost my job at the same time so we kind of had to stop everything and rebuild our careers and all our assets and then 25 months ago we said enough on the student loan we're sick of it we need to get rid of it and we went nuts the first year we paid off 25 000 and then last year we paid 66 000. amazing that's impressive okay so you went through a career downturn and a reset of your whole lives and following that is when the 25 months started right and now i'm getting my story yeah i got a degree a bachelor's degree in the time because i couldn't do my job so the va paid for it uh and i was like what do i what do i want to do that i love so that's why i chose it good for you that's smart good choice uh i got a ray i got a promotion like a 20 000 promotion and 17 and then we're like you know we're barely paying on this debt so let's pay we make money let's pay what the max yeah and so that's when we kind of like yeah what are we doing let's get let's get that book back out now yeah okay all right cool so you were in the military then uh yes i was okay and how did you get injured um overseas my back um oh yeah i just kind of messed my back up so i had three back surgeries one hip surgery oh i have a service dog actually uh he's at home so yeah i was a mechanic and that's what i was doing i injured myself and i just couldn't do it anymore uh so va say we'll pay for your degree uh so i chose it because i really i loved yeah i.t and so i really very wise thank you for your service yes sir very neat i want to point out something really quick here for folks that are listening lee had a a physical change and so he had to make a career change as a result of a physical thing that's not something you picked but that mechanical brain tied in beautifully to the i.t fixing problems the way you can break stuff down is that right it was a really nice easy transition for you though yeah like it's still technical and stuff so that's right it was just a different kind of technical yeah good for you man great transition there's the heaviest thing you have to lift the keyboard though yeah that's good i like it that's smart man i love it you guys are incredible you're heroes how does it feel now that you're finally free unbelievable kind of still it's still kind of new so maybe after we scream we'll know i don't know yeah we're just like okay we're just going to go continue it's like nothing's changed we need to do our savings we need to save up for things so we don't want to lose that momentum we did uh we went out to eat uh you know we said hey we deserve let's go out to eat you know so yeah and then we did that and we're just gonna continue to go yeah moving on along so yeah finish up baby step three now get your emergency fund in place and then become wealthy oh yeah very well done good job you guys what do you tell people the secret to getting out of debt is i'd say the budget communication and prayer really works yeah all right hey man yeah i would say uh just sticking to it you can have a you can have a budget and you have your blueprints but if you just put walls wherever you want it then it's not nothing's gonna matter so you just gotta stick to your budget and so uh that's one of the key things i i notice people they're like oh yeah we have a budget and they just spend and spend and you just gotta really keep to the budget yeah okay if it's on paper this is what we're going to do and just keep them going heather you really focused on prayer for what you really locked in pause there what'd you pray about specifically what prayers were answered in this process strength there you go that's a good one um just intentionality and just understanding that this is a season and that god has so much more planned for us as a family and how much we can contribute now that we don't have this chain around our ankle anymore wow that that'll preach i think our jobs too because we were in a situation where we didn't know what we're going to eat we had to go to the like the the food market pantry to get some food sometimes wow we were unemployed and i just had my the va was paying me to get a degree it was the only thing that really helped us and so it's like you know we thank the lord every day for our jobs our house our cars all these things yeah and so it's just amazing how like to reflect on that hey man very powerful good for you guys way to go i'm so proud of you who are your biggest cheerleaders outside the three of you um well i i physically facilitate financial peace at church so um constantly doing that uh we just wrapped up our 10th class yeah so you got to do it when you're gonna do it yeah when you're leading it that's the ultimate accountability right right but the class is cheering you on too right yeah absolutely because i know you're here today they do i love it and we've met so many friends through the class and now they're in our small group uh because of that class and then become like our best friends yeah because it's just this class that we taught and so it's amazing how the lord works in that way too amen amen you know some of the very first people that i taught years ago with a bad suit and overhead projector i still stay in touch with them it's pretty cool and that was 30 years ago awesome way to go you guys got a copy of the legacy journey for you that's the next chapter in this story to live like no one else so now you can live and give like no one else leave that legacy well done and an extra copy of the total money makeover for you to give away sounds like you got lots of places you could possibly do that and uh pay it forward get somebody else involved and that's good stuff so congratulations all right lee and heather and sophia from indianapolis 91 000 paid off in 25 months making 143 to 171 recent raise count it down let's hear a debt free scream hey three two one [Applause] that's how it's done interesting how much adversity they came through and how the entire time they're talking about they're smiling yes absolutely there was there was no sour yeah you know not weaned on a pickle it was like yeah we did that and we did that and we did that and i'm like my god and you're still smiling you're smiling about it i mean it's pretty impressive it you know it's it's a result of the sun comes out after the storm and they're in the sun right now and and that feels really nice when you've been through the wind and the hail and the tornadoes and the hurricanes and all that to come out on the other side it's sunny and joy comes in the morning that's what we see there amen this is the ramsey show [Music] [Music] so our scripture today philippians 4 6 don't worry about anything instead pray about everything elon musk says when something is important enough you do it even if the odds are not in your favor amen and amen good stuff open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five whitney's with us in las vegas hi whitney how are you i'm well how are you better than i deserve what's up thank you for taking my call so i just had a question so i'm debt-free besides my mortgage i actually just bought a house um i contribute i match my company's 401k and i just started go um contributing to our iri i was wondering if you were familiar with or you know of the app acorns i've been also like putting money into that and i was just wondering your views on that if that's a good if you've heard anything about it if you would suggest doing that or no well the premise is that it's a small amounts that go in correct yeah so it'll it can round up like connected to your bank account but i also put in money out you know a couple hundred or if i have extra i try to put it in but is it you know something that would be good on i feel like it is just like an s p right it just follows the same market but you're not putting amount enough money in there that it matters i mean i've got a coffee cup um an old coffee cup that sits on my dresser and i put the change out of my pocket in it but it's not going to make me rich right but if it's something it kind of grows i mean no it doesn't it's not going to make me rich it's just it's a coffee cup full of change what makes me rich is what you're doing on the other stuff when you're putting thousands of dollars in your 401k in your roth iras not nickel and dime roundups right okay so it's almost just kind of just like another joke yeah it is because it's a small amount and if you put in a small amount even if it did really well it's going to end up being a small amount the the only danger with it is it makes you feel like you're actually doing something right right and that's laughable would you suggest getting like what the smart investor pro and then starting like the mutual funds that you said if you want to put more into investments you need to do real investing and put a put a substantial amount in what would you say is like a substantial amount i mean i mean you're putting 15 of your income away and you're in baby step four right yes so you would not put more away now other than kids college unless you have a more if you have a mortgage to pay off do you have a mortgage to pay off i i have a mortgage yet then you need to be putting all extra nickels and dimes towards the mortgage above 15 of your income towards retirement absolutely let me tell you this is not just dave ramsey so let's back up okay that there's a reason that i'm telling you that and if you understand the reason maybe it'll be helpful okay we did the largest study you've probably heard me talk about a thousand times ever done on millionaires in north america over 10 000 millionaires were surveyed the typical plan that came out of that was the vast majority of them they had two major components of becoming millionaires they were investing steadily a large chunk of their income like 15 as an example into their 401ks and roth iras the second thing they did was they had a paid for house those two items added together made up over a net worth of over a million dollars for the vast majority over 80 percent of them followed that plan and out of 10 000 of them that we interviewed the number that said that they became millionaires because they saved nickels and dimes with acorn was precisely zero right okay but would did you say once that investing in your 401k you should only go up to what they match and then you know do an ira yeah you should do if you should do match first roth second traditional third does your 401k have a roth option yes okay then you would do your 401k with roth take the match if you're for does your 401k have good mutual funds in it to select from that i don't know i would have to look okay if they're good mutual funds you max the whole thing out and if that doesn't get you to 15 then you can reach over into a roth ira in addition to get you up to 15 of your income but the best thing you can get is a match the next best thing you can get is tax-free growth which is roth the next best thing is tax deferred growth okay so match beats roth beats uh traditional okay exactly that's the deal so you know take that match for sure and and then look at the mutual funds if they're decent mutual funds just load that 401k up what what is your income um i'm in sales so it varies but 90 to 110. okay you could you could be done with your 15 than in a 401k okay yeah you don't have to reach you won't have to reach over the roth if your 401k has good options because you can put 15 000 401k allows up to 19 000 some change this year so you're you're fine yeah you can do it all right there and i imagine you've got decent options in that 401k most of them do now there's a few amount where we run into our lousy mutual funds but most people do a pretty good job of putting a decent selection in there the four types we talk about growth growth and income aggressive go but you don't really need a side investment fund you need to be throwing those side dollars that's a mortgage that's my point it's a distraction dave it's good marketing they've made people think oh this is really wise and there's just not the roi in it it becomes a distraction well yeah it's you know if you plant a few kernels of corn you're going to get not much corn right there you go if you plant a few acres you're going to get a couple of trees yeah yeah but if you want a whole forest boys and girls yeah okay you want the tree farm you better plant a lot [Laughter] big money in tree farms dave so i hear oh i got a friend of mine that's mega wealthy he bought tree farms years ago told me i was an idiot for not doing it and he was looking like a genius he's growing gold bars out there right now dead gum lumber it's not just a metaphor it turns out there's actually real they're gold bars with branches i mean they're just unbelievable lumber prices are through he was already a billionaire and he is twice over not just because of stupid trees it's unbelievable i'm so mad at him and such a good i'm so proud of him but he did make fun of me and now he's really proven that he was right when he made fun of me just i'll never forget it and give him a hard time at dinner the next time i've seen him uh michael is in boston hey michael welcome to the ramsay show hey dave thanks for having me on sure what's up um so i have a question on tackling baby step six so i recently paid off about 50 000 of debt 25 000 thank you i have 25 000 in my emergency fund and i have close to 15 of my income um since uh since i can't do full 15 because i would hit the 401k cap um and when i'm looking at babysit six my mortgage is like this massive thing since i just got it in 2019 and just the thought of putting everything in there would take me years uh to do to pay it off so my question is what's your income um i make 170. way to go what's this mortgage um oh stop your whining dude you can do this you could totally do this you make 170 000. but wouldn't you want to do some sort of thinking fund for unknown expenses or would you no an unknown expert you make 170 000. you're a single guy you're so awesome way to go man well you have a fiancee well you're okay you're not re you know is she gonna mess this up or is she gonna work with you oh we're working together what does she make 50. holy crap you're gonna be making a quarter of a million dollars and you're young not even 30. yeah um so i guess then that's the answer then just put just throw it away seriously seriously a hundred thousand dollars a year in four years you're done this is not exactly overwhelming and then put everything and then you'll be debt free and you'll just be making a quarter million dollars and become unbelievably wealthy and unbelievably generous and if you don't do a hundred thousand dollars a year and you only do 75 000 it's gonna take you five years dude you really got this this is very very very doable your stud act like it you got this ken good show thank you sir always fun james childs great show madison great show i'm dave ramsey your host we'll be back with you before you know it in the meantime remember there's ultimately only one way to financial peace and that's to walk daily with the prince of peace christ jesus did you know you can listen to the ramsay show on your smart speaker just tell alexa google assistant or siri to play the ramsay show podcast check out all ramsay network shows on your smart speaker today [Music] you
Channel: The Ramsey Show - Full Episodes
Views: 46,750
Rating: 4.794251 out of 5
Keywords: dave ramsay live, dave ramsey, dave ramsey channel, dave ramsey live, dave ramsey live show, dave ramsey live stream, dave ramsey podcast, dave ramsey radio show, dave ramsey show, dave ramsey show full show, dave ramsey show live, ramsey, ramsey solutions, the dave ramsey show, the dave ramsey show live
Id: 0nULv1wssAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 50sec (7310 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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