Stop Making Excuses and Start Getting Out Of Debt!

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[Music] this is the ramsay show you can be intentional about your character you can have money and a career you are the hero in your story [Music] live from the headquarters of ramsay solutions broadcasting from the dollar car rental studios it's the ramsey show where debt is dumb cash is king and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the bmw as the status symbol of choice i'm dave ramsey your host flying solo today we're glad you're with us open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five that's triple eight eight two five five two two five john is in atlanta georgia hey john welcome to the ramsey show how you doing today dave better than i deserve sir what's up in your world uh dave uh where it is uh i work for my father and uh we're in the construction business um pretty large company we've got 40 employees um about seven million top line uh gross but anyways i'm 29 years old i've been working with them for 10 years now and uh i'm working around 60 to 65 hours a week and i'm wondering uh i've talked to him about scaling back my hours but he you know continues to emphasize you know you need to put your time in you need to work and financially i have all my ducks in a row like you teach um you know i've got emergency funds well and uh well more than what you teach and uh out of debt and i'm just kind of wondering am i wrong for want to uh drop my hours back because i have a wife and two kids and um just kind of want to know your thoughts on that yeah the only time i work that amount of hours or ask somebody to work that amount of hours is for a sprint a short season to knock something out now the short season could be for a year uh it could even be for two years but it's you know while we're trying to get something up and moving or there's an emergency uh and it falls under the heading of uh you know country sayings but you know make hay while the sun shines right and so if you got to put in 16-hour days get the hay out of the field before the rain kills it uh and kills your dadgum crop you got to go do that shut up you know and if you uh and the other one is get the ox out of the ditch meaning there's something's broken right it's something and we got to get the you know we got to get that item fixed so if the servers go down around here my guys here are here two in the morning but they're not here at two in the morning every week it's because something broke right yeah and i'm not here because i can't even spell servers so it wouldn't do any good for me to be here unless i hand in somebody some coffee but but you know so the question is is this a way of life or is this the fact that we're in the middle of a construction boom and you guys need to get the hay out of the field well it's a way of life i mean we've been doing it like i said it's uh you know and he's worked he's worked 60 70 hours his whole life and that's just what he does well i like hard-working people okay as opposed to lazy people they're handy to have around but when i'm coaching small business people if i was coaching you're all small business based on what you just told me i would say you have a breakdown in staffing whatever it is you are doing with that 60 hours you need to hire somebody to do part of it if all of that time is spent in leadership that means you guys don't have enough leadership in the organization you need to put some supers in there and have some money come out of your pocket so you get a quality of life back if you're in there swinging a hammer then you need to get somebody else in there swinging a hammer part of the time or whatever it is that you could get your life back because you know when i started this thing i mean sharon ramsey will tell you she was a single mom for two years freaking 16 hour days man i mean i was busting it but that was for 18 to 24 months to get the airplane off the ground but once it's in the air you can throttle back it doesn't take as much fuel to keep it flying as it does to get it off the ground and so that's that that's the distinction i make and but if your dad is signing you up for 30 more years of workaholism i'll pass yeah well i sure i sure appreciate dave just been stuck on the fence and just trying to kind of just get some you know i trust your opinion well here's the thing he's not as good at his job when he's working 60 hours a week year in and year out because you're freaking tired your brain doesn't work as good and so you're not as good a leader you're not as good an estimator you're not as good at whatever it is you're doing during that time because you're tired i mean you can do it for a sprint but you can't do this over an extended period of time and get the maximum use out of the business it's a bad business decision but i mean i i understand i grew up in a household where the answer to everything's work you know shut up and go to work you know so i get it i get the i and i'm kind of that way wired inside but i've had to learn to be a little bit more sophisticated business owner and say if i have a team that's working 60 hours that means i've understaffed the area yeah and and and i'll get better efficiency and better quality results out if i'll properly staff it's kind of like you know never taking off on sunday take off on sunday god said rest today you know why because your productivity goes up dramatically in the other six days if you rest a day if you bust all the way through seven days you don't get the productivity studies tell us you don't get it the results and it's the same thing here so i would make the case to your dad if i were you now we need to rethink this this is what got us here and i honor you for your hard work all these years you built this with the sweat of your brow and the calluses on your hand and i love you and i honor you and i respect you but we're our business has grown to a point we need to reach a better level of sophistication where we can have a life and oh by the way we can't attract good quality people if we work them like donkeys if we send them into the salt mines and don't let them out you know nobody wants to work for us because of this and so that that's you know i think you can make the case to him but if he absolutely just says no i own it shut up you're gonna do what i say then dude i guess you're gonna have to hit the eject button but that'll be real painful for him and you because his dream is for you to work with him and it's a joy to work with your son when you can or your daughter when you can i have the joy of doing both and uh but uh you know there's no question you have to you have to look at this through some some good strong eyes good question man we appreciate you joining us not something i usually have to coach someone on less work you just have to coach them on more work you know it's oh man open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five the bible says i've been young and i've been old but i've never seen the righteous or their seed bread also says the diligent prosper diligence is excellence in the ordinary over time diligent people prosper i've been young and i've been old but i've never seen the righteous or their seed their ch their kids begging bread you just don't want to read proverbs unless you understand work ethic because the bible's really clear that work is where money comes from and it's also where dignity comes from the fact that you throw your shoulders back and move some stuff around out in the marketplace builds your self-confidence it builds your personal value the tipping point is when you're doing it 80 hours a week since why we don't have any trouble hiring developers we can never get enough of them because we're growing so fast but we get these ruby on rails guys and these platform architecture guys because we work 40 hours a week in the tech world they all work 80 hours a week they work those guys into the dead gum dirt and they come to work here and they get to do work that matters and they're here 40 hours a week so we're a highly attractive position for people in the tech world by the way just check we're hiring at davram check it out this is the ramsey shop [Music] what makes our show unique is that we genuinely care about our listeners we're intentional about choosing the best advertisers to recommend is no exception they offer high quality window treatments at unbelievable prices and they make it simple to shop blinds shades and interior shutters with easy online ordering free shipping and a guaranteed perfect fit go to and take advantage of this week's special savings [Music] this is the ramsey show i'm dave ramsey your host one of the beautiful things about living in nashville and doing business here is i've gotten to meet really cool really famous people and become friends with a few of them and uh want them just stopped by a minute ago so michael w smith uh is in the studio 45 dove awards uh more than 15 million albums uh mr christian music for sure the worship music and stuff is absolutely unbelievable and he's got a new book out uh that caleb did with him uh the way of the father just in time for father's day how you doing brother i'm doing good good good pull that up just a little bit there you go good to see you you too man and it's been a while has been i think we bumped into each other on golf course the other day we did you you were coming out and i was going in yeah something like that but that was in millikova there was nobody out there i know and we were the but you were lone ones out there swinging uh hanging out so this is a great lessons from my dad truths about god now a lot of people don't know this but i've heard a lot of your testimony a lot of your story over the years because we work together on a lot of different things that you grew up in west virginia so tell us about paul smith dad in west virginia yeah that's there's got to be some stuff there there's a there's a lot of stuff he came from that great generation that when you were sick you went to work yeah you know blue collar oil refinery swing shift days then the evenings then you know all night you know and uh he hardly ever missed coaching me in baseball and uh dave he was like he was the kindest man i'd ever known who happened to be my dad and um i knew one day i would write a book about him uh when he got dementia in 2011 that's when i started to recollect all these amazing stories about my dad and um he passed went to heaven in november 15. and 2020 was a good time to write a book yeah so it was a good time on our hands yeah yeah yeah wow so little known fact you actually are uh good at baseball as well as music well i was as a kid i wanted to i wanted to play for the cincinnati reds i was the big red machine yes my dad used to take me to crosley field oh really yeah so that's that really shows you how old i am so coming out coming out of west virginia so yeah he had a dream of you playing baseball i think he did he he really had a dream to play baseball um matter of fact he was a great ball player and i was a i think i was a pretty good ballplayer because of him um he went to the minor leagues uh but he made a decision one day that he had to come and take care of his mom his father died of a heart attack when he was 16. and but his dream was to play major league ball but he came back and took care of his mom and uh so that's the kind of man my dad was so he kind of lived out that dream through me a little bit but he never ever pressured me to stay in baseball so when you went music versus baseball won the problem oh he became my pr agent just telling everybody how great it was all the time i said dad you got to stop that you don't have to do that all the time he said why not son you're you're the best he'd say he affirmed me my whole life yeah yeah so i remember you telling the story we had a an event that you and amy and stephen curtis did with us together which was like having the mount rushmore of christian music right there in one i remember that night yeah it was pretty pretty iconic and i remember you telling the story on uh i believe it was friends i believe uh whatever whatever your fourth that was that the first big hit that you wrote like a bazillion songs before anybody before one of them caught right i read a lot of songs they were pretty bad you know i was on the learning curve in the early days but i mean didn't you have a like you had a a seriously large catalog before anything yeah i had 150 songs yeah yeah i mean you were it wasn't like you just sat down and uh lightning struck on the first song and you're in you're a multi-platinum no that's not how it works it kind of slow what made me think about that was is his work ethic was transferred to you it was because you you applied that to your songwriting yep and you know that okay because a lot of people don't realize songwriting is is work like a lot of other things yeah and it's hard to write a good song being in the studio and getting something arranged and getting it right i know nothing about music but i know a lot of folks in the music business and they work right and you're on the road it's work right it's it's fun and you get the you you do a whole lot of stuff to get to spend three and a half minutes on the stage right yeah you know i i a lot of my work ethic comes from my dad yeah and uh he was a hard worker um you know the way he loved my mom loved my sister and i the his community he worked in the homeless shelter he's always giving himself away the thing that used to drive my drive me a little crazy i built two houses with my dad and if it was off he was a perfectionist if it was off just by like one thirty seconds of an end he would take it apart i said dad it's okay nobody's gonna notice not right it's not right so he was that was the only thing that drove me crazy about my dad but his work ethic was pretty incredible the book is the way of the father by michael w smith lessons from my dad truths about god so how did he transfer truths about god to you he showed me what god was like i think on so many levels he um he's always was for me my whole life it was never based on performance you know i got that whole story at the beginning of the book where i was on this little league team and he's coaching us and and we had 16 games and we were 0 and 15 we were awful and if you won you got to go to dairy queen then we got beat 30 to nothing that first game 30 to nothing i remember it i was eight years old thrashing and uh and my dad walked in that dugout you know we got our heads hung like the it was into the world my dad walked in says boys we'll get him next time let's go to dairy queen oh and every time we went to dairy queen 15 times in a row and then that last game we won we won i remember at the exact remember every detail i was on second base somebody hit a run i was scoring run three to two we won the game and we were just thought we won the world series my dad walks in the dugout and says boys great job let's go to dairy queen we go to dairy queen the times we lost those the you know the winning team would be in there going what are you guys doing here we just annihilated you but he took his dairy queen 16 times and i tell that story because he never based his love um for me and my teammates it was never based on performance he just he just uh affirmed us all growing up so the michael w smith your soundtrack your your music is the soundtrack for so many of our faith walks so many of our lives your family five adult kids sixteen grandkids they call me g daddy's seven man papa dave's got seven but i think that's sixteen wow you can catch up be fruitful man i'm telling you do these are your family members and did your dad did they grasp how big this your music career had become how many because it went so exponential you've touched people you'll never see never hear i mean there's just bazillions of connection points out there right did they get do they get it and did he get it yes yes and yes um but but you would you know i live a very normal life but i live an extraordinary life too but at home i've just i'm just dad just dad i'm just you know i don't have bodyguards and i don't live some crazy lifestyle of of the rich and famous i just i'm just dead and um i go to the store like everybody else does you know so if you would talk to my kids i think they would all tell you i think this is true that they were more important to me than my career we always did the two-week rule never away never away from home more than two weeks ever and we've we've held on to that rule sure that's why i've been married almost 40 years september yeah me too me too and both because both of us married up yes we did what that was we did so talk about him i love this scene in the book where he's dancing in the aisle while you're singing yeah we look out there and all these you know back in the day these all these kids are just going crazy and there's this old guy out there go who's that guy and go oh my gosh that's my dad he's out there singing every word to every song and dancing with these teenagers i love it fatherhood is something that's uh going to be one of the things as it comes back as there was a revival in fatherhood that heals this culture we need our dads yes we do we need our dads the way of the father michael w smith lessons from my dad truths about god pick it up i highly recommend anything my friend here does and this book is no exception be sure you check it out this is the ramsay show [Music] [Music] so [Music] we were drawn to christian healthcare ministries because we both had young families and we wanted to have more children and we had also just started a real estate company and needed to find health care coverage that would meet our needs we were attracted to chm because of its low monthly costs and the ability to negotiate medical costs down established in 1981 and accredited by the better business bureau chm is here to meet the needs of your growing family or small business check us out at backslash budget we absolutely believe in it [Music] in the lobby of ramsey solutions on the debt-free stage joshua and ashley are with us hey guys how are you hi hi dave welcome welcome where do you guys live uh middleport new york which isn't quite buffalo it's not quite rochester it's just out there in the middle so go bells middle port middleport new york all right cool i got it so welcome to nashville that's a bit of a hall i can tell you that yes long drive so how much did you uh how much did you guys pay off 87 0026 months good for you and your range of income during that time 100 to 110. all right what do y'all do for a living i am a food scientist for a chocolate manufacturer yum yes so am i after that how do you follow that right yeah oh my gosh way to go you guys so how what kind of debt was this 87 000 it was our house look at the weird people yes yes we've waited a long time to hear you say that how old are you two uh i'm 33 i'm 32 and you have a paid for house you sure do in middle port new york what's it worth uh one time probably 20. yeah 110 120 and it's yours it is shut up wow excellent job guys so what in the world happened what inspired you guys to be so weird yeah it was a long journey back several years ago when we were living just outside of st louis um you know working hard every day and just didn't have the money to do what we needed to do and and really didn't understand what was going on and we said we need to make a plan because we knew eventually we wanted to move back to live with our family and we weren't going to be able to do that if we didn't get our finances in order so we just kind of we heard about your book read a few pages tried to get and really weren't on the same page so we kind of hemmed and had for a few years on that and didn't make much progress and then we got the opportunity to move back home and from that point on we said okay we really got to make a change here so just after our youngest daughter was born i had an opportunity to go back to work and uh it wasn't something that i was expecting but we said you know this is what we need to get that house paid off and and to do what we what we want to do and uh if if i work and sacrifice that time with my children then uh we're gonna make our money work yeah we're gonna get tracked we're gonna do what we need to do yeah so yeah i think it was a lot of chaos uh uh we always had good intentions but no plan yeah it was never a uh so what about that decision made you guys get on the same page when you didn't before uh i think it was you know it was um we went to a wedding on new year's eve and um you know we were talking about what are our goals for this year what are we gonna do and you know josh said well this might sound a little crazy but we really need to pay the house off when we moved back we had paid off all the rest of our debt and uh you know it was just that mortgage and we just we still felt that burden of it and he said you know we really we really need to make this happen and so on the drive home from that wedding on new year's day we we got out the every dollar app and we we built our first budget together you know we both had kind of tried to do things here and there on our own before and we said nope this is it and it probably took us the whole car ride an hour and and we said okay we got this now and you know we we fumbled for the first few months but that was it once we had that plan and we knew where we had to go we said we got this too that she had gotten your book before and read it while we were still by the illinois side um i'm not much of a book reader to go with so i was like okay whatever it was until we moved home i heard you on the radio and i came home like you gotta listen to this guy yeah he's a genius she's like i read his book that's the one in illinois i tried to give him i was like oh yeah well there we go yeah there's that the combination between the rave show and the book is an audio learner once again everybody's got their own way of getting at it that's awesome then we found the everydollar app and that just that that just turned everything around yeah just every dollar got the rid of the credit cards and uh just did the debit card and one bank account and from there it was like boom game high it was it was crazy well it was a process yeah what took us you know nine years loans and a car loan um we did our house in two years you know and we make less now than we did before so go figure that right well it's amazing what a plan does it's the difference in being on the same page yeah having a plan and sticking to the plan yep yeah that's everything yes you don't have a payment in the world nope how does that feel it's just light there's just nothing holding us back you know and it was it took us a while to get here but it's something that we did together and now when i turn and look at him i i just i feel unstoppable like we can do anything together we've done this and there's you know there's going to be more things that are going to come our way and uh we're going to get it we're going to get through it because we know how to work together now i had you plugged into my ear for about two years working you know just every day listening to these podcasts it was awesome those debt free screens helped me go crazy yeah my work got the most out of me as they could 200 percent of me probably yeah definitely every every overtime opportunity the big thing the big why right i got three wise sitting there there to the right of me right now and let me tell you that'll spark some uh something for you yeah absolutely yeah absolutely we'll bring them up what are their names and ages all right so we've got uh noah hunter and evelyn and noah sometimes is a little shy so he might choose to sit back so this is hunter is five and evelyn is almost three and she's not shy she does not no she don't care she's ready for the camera thank you for her too she's cute well done well done you guys well we're so proud of you guys i mean you are absolutely stellar early 30s with a paid for house not a payment in the world and you know making 110 000 you guys can do anything you want to do like you said you're unstoppable now it's all good yeah who was your biggest cheerleader uh outside of you guys uh our families were very supportive i mean you know josh took every opportunity he could for overtime and our parents stepped in helped with babysitting and just said go you can do this you got this actually some co-workers i would converse about you and actually probably got them on your plan too so yeah well that's healthy this you won i mean yeah i paid off my house i mean how do you debate this right you know right it's kind of like done then that's like done mic dropped yeah but it was healthy discussion right like oh yeah hey what are you doing what am i doing like how much did you get when you're carlo and awesome you know keep going yeah it's a nice friendly race i guess yeah accountability encouragement competition all that yeah very good good stuff all right we've got a copy of the legacy journey for you because that's the next chapter like you said these are your whys your legacy and uh make sure you change your whole family tree never go back in debt got a copy of the total money makeover for you to give to somebody pay it forward and maybe you can get them to read two pages and then they'll be standing here a few years later with a paid for house you never know it's a magical book you read two pages you get all this results pretty cool good stuff i'm so proud of y'all thank you well done you are you're an inspiration all this material for us well you're an inspiration joshua and ashley noah hunter and evelyn from middleport new york 87 000 paid off house and everything in 26 months making 100 to 110 count it down let's hear a debt free scream right three two one we're dead [Applause] that is how it's done that's how it's done wow you know uh if your why has some nobility to it if why you're doing something is more noble than just selfishness it drives you harder it'll make you sacrifice deeper if the only reason you want to be out of debt is so you can get rich so you can buy a filet mignon for yourself that's not evil that's not bad it just doesn't motivate you like looking into your kid's eyes and going their kids are gonna be changed because of what i'm doing right now when you start talking about changing your family tree uh if you're a parent and you have like a heart that beats in your chest hit changes your level of commitment it changes your level of sacrifice to win if your why has some nobility then your why has some power this is the ramsey show [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] this is the ramsey show we're glad you're with us america thank you for joining us open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five jennifer's in minneapolis hi jennifer how are you hi dave it's an honor to speak with you today you too how can i help we have a question about baby step 3b because we want to move significantly up in house a question is in this market we understand contingent offers are generally not accepted so we have been advised to consider a bridge loan what would you say i would say the idiot that advised you that should agree to pay the payments okay um here's here's the problem stuff like that doesn't work unless everything goes perfect and everything never goes perfect okay okay let's just pretend that something like a pandemic happened okay i don't know i mean i never never experienced anything like that but let's say you were right in the middle of this and you had one foot on the boat and one on the dock and the boat was leaving you know where you're going to end up and that's in the lake meaning you're going to end up with a bridge loan payment a house payment and another house payment okay can i get your numbers in our scenario and you can tell me kind of what you what i would do is sell your house and go rent something while you buy if a contingency won't work okay and that's i that's what i personally have done by the way because see i'm more i'm worse off than you because i don't borrow money at all sure and so i if i have to have the money out of the house to buy the next house i can't buy it until i get the other one closed and so that that entails a double move or a contingency offer okay and so that's the only way around because and and i've done that i've i mean sharon and i have done that not a whole bunch of times and it's not ideal it's not my favorite but uh and if you can get a really good solid offer on your house it's a cash offer you know because the market's so hot people are waving they're waving appraisals they're waving everything and they're just making offers right waving inspections they're doing everything and you get a good solid cash offer on your house then you can make a really good solid contingency offer and talk them into just waiting until yours closes right quick because they ought to be able to close them both within a week or two and just run them back-to-back dominoes it can be done but it's uh it's very it is very hard it is very hard and it's harder it's more work for your poor little realtor bless their little heart and so they're gonna get two commissions the sale of yours and the purchase on the other side and so they're just gonna have to do their little work uh instead of you getting a bridge loan and getting caught in the middle please don't do that everything that can go wrong well you're gonna meet mr murphy john is with us in cincinnati hey john how are you thanks thanks for taking my call um this call is more about an opportunity and with the real estate market so uh my situation is i'm a pastor here in cincinnati um i've got about four or five more years till my wife and i retire right now our net worth is probably about 1.5 um we thank you we own our house in cincinnati um its market value is about 500. our only debt is our second home in florida and we built the home two years ago for 260 and our realtor the realtors down there i mean obviously the market's very very hot and the current market value of that host right now is about 450 000. now they're getting cash offers you know and it's only the 1400 square foot house i think our long-term plan is when we do retire we want to move to florida get something a little bit bigger to for our family but i'm uh at the point right now i'm just kind of like trying to discern you know should i be selling my house maybe take that money pay off obviously the market could paid off and put that money more towards investments and you know see what the market correction does um it's just you know when it when the house was worth 350 i was like tempted and then it went up to 400 and now it's up to 450. so just looking for some guidance about what would be the best thing for us to do especially looking at retirement in four years is this property like beach property no actually it is in um it's in support florida and and they have put in some obviously some nice developments it's a resort property but it's uh single family houses uh you know several resources centers the most volatile type of real estate is resort property beach mountain resort whatever in other words it goes up super fast and down super fast much more so than traditional housing does does that make sense like i've got a lake house and right now there's a there's just absolutely no property for sale on that lake and people will just give you anything it's just because it but you know like in 2008 you couldn't give away a house down there i mean it was just the market just disappears because resort property is luxury money it's toys and the first thing people quit buying when times get hard is toys and the thing they overspend on when things are prosperous as toys and so it just shoots way up and way down is what it does so i think you're riding the curve up it sounds like you don't want to rest in this house when you retire anyway it's only 1400 and you want something bigger yeah i'm cashing out then okay on that yeah the only flip side to the whole thing was you know i also stole the business uh and so this year i'm looking at um you know looking at a uh payout on the business for this year about 250 000 and then obviously capital gains because it's a second home in florida so just trying to you know i know there's no way we can hedge taxes but it just seems like you know well your capital gains rate will be 15 on your gain okay and it may not be after next year after biden gets done okay because they're talking about jacking it up and you know yeah i know you you rich people that have worked all your life and built up a million and a half in a little beach house you should be punished and washington's going to see to it so um that's what the word is now they've not actually proposed any legislation but they've they're making a lot of noise about how much they're going to soak the rich so and you qualify my friend thank god and um so anyway i don't know uh here's the thing given that that it's a 15 rate and it might not be next year given that this is volatile property and it could be peaking it could go on up from here before it peaks but we don't know given all of that if you had 450 000 sitting in the middle of your kitchen table plus or minus some taxes and you didn't own this house would you go buy it and everything you told me says the answer is no yeah absolutely and if you wouldn't go buy it right now for 450 that means you should sell it for 450 doesn't it yeah definitely okay i see what you're saying yeah i mean it's you know it's only like i said 1400 square feet i mean it just it just ballooned florida is crazy right yeah so and it was crazy down just a few years smart decision yeah i mean right after a hurricane or right after 2008 it's crazy down and you can't you know you can't give stuff away down there they have entire condominium projects just sitting like the wind is blowing through them when times are bad but then when times are like they are now i mean it's the any old dump will sell it's crazy so and obviously you don't have a dump you've obviously got a sweet little house there so very cool way to go pastor proud of you man you've done a great job handling your money and building wealth i would cash out based on what you told me if i were in your shoes and those are the reasons so folks you can always do that reverse engineering thing it's called a sunk cost analysis if i didn't own it and instead i had that pile of money sitting in the table in front of me on the table in front of me would i go buy it you can do that with a boat looking at the boat in the driveway i could sell it for ten thousand dollars okay get ten thousand dollars in the middle of the table if you didn't have a boat would you take that ten thousand dollars off the table and go buy a boat no i haven't used the stupid thing in three years okay then that means it's time to sell the boat son you know you reverse engineer the whole thing right or the other way around you go uh if you know if i didn't have a boat would i go buy one yes i'd go buy one our family uses it every weekend it's where our family loves going the lake and by the way that's the ramses we love going the lake and so uh you know that kind of thing so yeah you would keep it then because you'd buy it again and uh you know you just have to ask yourself that question if somebody put that much money in front of you would you go buy that item again you can do it with an investment you know and what it keeps you from doing is like you bought something it you bought an investment a stock at 70 a share and it's down to 50. and you go i'm gonna wait on it to come back up although i don't really think it's gonna come back up how's that logical if you you know if you wouldn't buy the shares at fifty dollars because of what you know now then sell them at fifty dollars and get out regardless of what you paid for what you paid for them is not relevant it's what you think is gonna happen in the future that's relevant and that analysis makes you think through a future lens a sunk cost analysis reverse engineer the process great decision making tool this is the ramsey show [Music] hey it's kelly associate producer for the ramsay show this episode is over but if you heard about an event product or service and didn't have a chance to write it down don't worry we list everything you've heard about during this episode in the podcast show notes section or head to the ramsay thanks for listening this is the ramsay show [Music] you can be intentional about your character you can have money and a career you are the hero in your story [Music] live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions broadcasting from the dollar car rental studios it's the ramsey show where debt is dumb cash is king and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the bmw as the status symbol of choice i'm dave ramsey your host flying solo today ramsey personalities are all out working not a bad thing oh so here i am hanging out with you guys open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five that's triple eight eight two five five two two five anita is with us in pensacola to start off this hour hi anita how are you hi i'm fine thank you very much good how can i help uh well here's here's the little rundown on it my husband and i are 65 and we hope to retire in about five years we're we're planning to work until 70 or if one of us should get disabled and we would retire then but we are out of debt we have our emergency fund and 15 is going into retirement good right now good uh we're at a point that we were thinking uh to go ahead and start paying off the house good but here's the thing since we only have about five years to go and i i don't know i haven't looked at the at the figures just in the last little while uh last year when we met with the smart investor pro we had a little bit less than a hundred thousand i mean 200 000 in retirement but that was just as we were starting the 15 so at this point we don't know we have a like i said we have a small mortgage and it's at 4.875 in other words four and seven eight um so we're trying to determine whether we should just start putting all that extra into retirement or paying off the house uh you should put 15 of your income away and everything else you can find in your budget you used to pay off your small mortgage what's your household income uh about 75 000 between the two of you right okay and how much is the mortgage balance the mortgage balance is about 63 000. okay all right and so uh if we really lean on this mortgage because it's an emergency because it kind of is uh if you if you paid you said 63 000 right right you make 75. so 31 where 32 would pay a year would pay it off in two years 21 would pay it off in three years okay so sounds like two thousand dollars a month on the mortgage while you're putting at least fifteen percent away now that puts you in three years that puts you three years later your house is paid off because here's the thing okay you need both going into retirement and let me walk you through why you need a paid for house and a nest egg because a paid for a house is your your housing is your most expensive line item in your budget if you don't have it paid for if it's re if you're renting it goes up every year while you try to live from 70 to 90 over 20 years your rent's gonna go through the roof so number one you own number two you get it paid off and then you've gotten rid of the biggest item on your budget your house payment okay okay so you've stabilized your golden years by getting the house paid off and then of course we need this stuff like food and electricity and gas for the car and that means we need to have money coming in from retirement which is the nest egg side and so right you know but i think you're going to be fine here here's let's run some numbers out let's say you did 21 000 a year uh or you did 2 000 a month you can do that you're just going to get on a tight budget and watch what you're doing because this is important that sounds tough it's very tight it's very tight tighter than you've ever lived on i know that because you don't have any money much and you're 65. no so it's time for you time for you to tighten the screws up it's college i i know but here we are today it's time for you you you got to do this now there can't be any more reasons there can't be more reasons you got to do it so two thousand dollars a month put you out of debt in under three years slightly under three years okay okay and now the 200 000 you said was two years ago uh well about a year and a half ago okay if you didn't add anything to that and you will be that 200 000 will double about every seven years if your mutual funds are earning around 10 or more and they should be okay so 200 is going to be 400 when you're 70. okay because there's two years ago seven years to 70 right right so that's 400 plus you're gonna be putting in another thousand dollars a month which is twelve thousand dollars a year which is fifteen percent of your income into retirement and you've already been doing that so you've already got a little more and you're going to be doing that for the entire five years oh wait no you're gonna be doing that only for under three years and then there's no house payments so now you can go to two thousand dollars a month going into nest egg oh okay and two thousand dollars a month twenty four thousand a year plus twelve thousand a year for three years there's another fifty thousand bucks plus what it grows okay so by 70. by 70 you should have six seven hundred thousand bucks in a paid for house if you do exactly what i told you but if you go screwing around and keep messing with this and coming up with excuses you're gonna have a mess so you need to act like your hair is on fire for the next three years two thousand dollars a month plus a thousand dollars a month into retirement that's three thousand dollars a month by the way three thousand dollars thirty six thousand out of seventy five thousand that leaves you that leaves you enough to live on okay but you ain't living large you're living small no no so we never have lived large yeah so that you can have some golden years from 70 and on right okay yeah this is this is within your reach the math says you can do it now personal finance is 80 behavior it's only 20 head knowledge we just gave you the 20 head knowledge now you got to go do the behaviors which by the way is the hard part i mean the math of becoming wealthy is not hard it's sixth grade math but nobody does it so hey good question thank you for joining us here's what's interesting if your mutual funds average 12 percent which the stock market has averaged a little over 11 and a half since it began so if your mutual fund slightly outperformed the market and you made 12 and you put a hundred dollars a month away from age 25 to age 65 100 pizza breath you spend that on pizza dollars a 100.00 every month from age 25 to 65 is 1 million 176 000 everyone in america should retire millionaire if you grasp that knowledge oh wait you have to do the behavior oh there's the problem the idiot in my mirror is a problem child if i could get this guy to behave he'd be skinny and rich but he's got issues the behavior people it's the behavior it's not the math the math is not hard we make enough money in this country to be wealthy but it's controlling our little selves me too baby that's the problem this is the ramsey show [Music] hey folks i got a great option to help you pay for your education the army national guard the army national guard believes you are the next greatest generation because you have proven that even in adversity that you have what it takes to succeed that's why they offer benefits like tuition assistance career training and a paycheck to help you avoid debt no matter what your goals are the army national guard can help you get there visit to find out more [Music] [Music] [Applause] have you ever considered how your spending habits influence your kids rachel cruz says in our book smart money smart kids that more is caught than taught if the way you medicate stress is you go shopping and you laughingly call it retail therapy as if that's harmless guess what your teenage daughter just watched you and as soon as she feels stressed she's gonna do what daddy did or mommy did so you gotta get you want your kids to turn out you gotta turn out that's the first thing and and also you got to teach them we've dropped our prices up to 80 on our best-selling kids products so you can have a fun and educational summer the adventure pack is a family favorite for the little guys it includes the story time collection with junior from financial peace junior the actual financial peace junior kit which teaches you how to teach kids how to handle money the smart saver bank and also if you've got teens the anthony o'neill's teen entrepreneur toolbox is the perfect safe and flexible way for them to create their own business as their summer job so it's a kids and teen sale up to 80 off in the store at be sure and check out the store right now at our question of the day comes from they have a 100 satisfaction guarantee even if you mismeasure you pick the wrong color have you ever screwed something up like that like you you go to home depot and you buy the thing it doesn't fit like every time gosh i'm sorry am i venting here well they have they have a guarantee at that when you do that they will give you a new blind free if you mess it up i mean who does that companies that are great like i've been endorsing this company a long time and the reason is they're incredible use the promo code ramsey when you go there you can save all kinds of money today's question my husband and i are 27 years and 28 years old we each have our own small businesses recently began our debt-free journey we're in baby step two getting out of debt and not investing i'm wondering what is the benefit of investing into a retirement account that you can't touch until retirement age as opposed to other mutual funds with similar growth that you can access more freely taxes let me explain to you let's say you know right before the break i said if you put i mean 100 100 a month away uh from age 25 to 65 you'd have 1 million 176 000 if you put 2 away you'd have 2.2 million 2.4 million okay so 200 bucks which for most of you once you're out of debt and have your emergency fund doesn't even even equal as much as you should be which is 15 of your income but let's just use two million dollars you get to retirement casey and you have been taxed all these years on all of that money as it has grown and so in other words for you to end up when you would have ended up with 2.2 million dollars for 200 a month during the in that example you would have ended up with a million dollars okay let's say you put it into a roth ira now 200 a month is 2400 a year for 40 years is like 80 grand 100 grand okay but there's two million dollars in there you put in 100 grand the rest of the money from 100 up to 2.2 so 2.1 million dollars is growth on the account if it's in a roth there is zero taxes on the growth if it's in a traditional ira or in a mutual fund as you would know out retirement protection a hundred percent of the growth is taxed when it comes out if you pay taxes on 2.1 million dollars it's gonna sound suspiciously like five or six hundred thousand dollars so this word roth in this one example where you're only saving 200 a month which is not much this word roth is worth around six hundred thousand dollars so this i want access to because i might wanna buy something cost you six hundred thousand dollars okay so no you you you do roth iras first and foremost when you get to baby step four because the tax-free growth and the fact that the vast majority of what is in your account when you get to retirement is growth only a hundred thousand out of the 2.2 in that example was principal the rest of it was growth and zero taxes on the growth is a six hundred thousand per two hundred thousand dollar discussion a per two million dollar discussion so it's a lot of freaking money in order to have access to it now here's what's interesting though casey when you start saving 15 of your income and you have no debt and you start doing baby step 5 and putting your kids college fund away and baby step 6 you get your house paid off oh then we can start investing more and some of that will be money that you have access to i'm not 65. i just turned 60 this year and i've never touched my retirement accounts and i've done tons of other side investing because i've been out of debt for 30 freaking years and you can save invest a lot of money in addition to your retirement if you just saved a house payment so that's what changes the entire equation right there so it's a big deal it's a big big deal antonio is with us in charlotte north carolina hey antonio what's up in your world hey dave how are you can you hear me okay absolutely sir how can we help um i'm happy i found you about a year and a half ago i feel like i made a kind of terrible terrible decision i was down to my last two deaths i'm on baby step two i had a personal loan with about five fifty three hundred left and a car loan that was about fifty three hundred left my car was giving me a lot of issues i had gotten a lot of work done to it and so i decided to ideally gave me an offer more than the blue book value board so i kind of took that money and the money they paid off the rest of the car um i took that money and um paid off the personal loan um so now i'm you know i was left with you know the money i was left with instead of going out and buying a uh four or five thousand dollar car um i decided to go to the dealership and i bought a used uh 2014 ford escape about 28 000 miles on it um i financed it which was a terrible idea and now i just feel it's the only debt that i have um now but i just i just feel terrible getting into a finance car for another five years um interest rate in about a four hundred dollar car payment six percent interest rate in the 400 car payment so i just wanted to know your thoughts if i should i got it a week ago just wanted to know if you know if you think it's worth keeping with it being my only debt now and just paying off as fast as possible or try to try to sell it sounds like you need to give up drinking [Music] [Laughter] i'm kidding but you woke up with a serious financial hangover didn't you yeah absolutely terrible decision yeah so you either go back out partying again tonight or you avoid the alcohol because you gave you a hangover translation you sell a stupid car dude yes sir i mean you knew that right i didn't have to tell you that you just want me to say it out loud for you i i i i believe so i i felt terrible about it every time i'm not going to shame you because i've done dumber stuff but the trick is here's the thing what i try to do when i do something stupid and man i have paid so much stupid text in my life i have a phd in dumb man i have done so many stupid butt stuff i've done stuff that makes you look like a genius okay and you're not okay [Applause] but uh so i mean it's okay we've all been there there's a point now the question is this i always ask myself when i do something stupid and it leaves a mark like this where i like oh crap that was so dumb you know what i'm saying i try to like mark that down in my stupid book because i'm gonna do something else stupid i know i am but i just try not to do the same stupid thing again right and what you did here was you repeated a stupid thing because you got a car payment in the first place and you went and traded it for a different car payment that was bigger which is obviously perpendicular to your goal of being out of debt so the big lesson here is you looking in the mirror and going i'm going to get control of you that's the big thing you do what you want to do brother i'm not here to beat you up i've done dumber like i said but if i woke up in your shoes i'd sell that car this week and then stay off the car lot this is the ramsey show [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the lobby of ramsey solutions on the debt free stage wayne and sherry are with us hey guys how are you very well how are you very welcome welcome where do you guys live we live in kingsport tennessee oh yeah awesome well welcome to nashville and all the way over here to do a debt-free scream how much did you pay off we paid off 131 000 and it took us four years good for you and your range of income during that time 80 to 110. okay cool what do y'all do for a living i work for eastman chemical and i just retired at early retirement i just i love it yes retired from what what did you do i had a small dog grooming business okay because you don't look like a retiree to me really i'm not but i just done it anyway i like it very very good good for you what kind of debt was the 131 thousand we had some a couple of vehicle payments a pool loan and credit cards oh okay is she kind of normal mm-hmm that's all right how long have you guys been married almost 24 years it'll be 24 years in september okay what happened at the 20-year mark four years ago that made you decide we're cleaning this up it hit me when i was 40. i didn't want to do it no more huh 40 year old birthday was a wake-up call it was it really was i was wasn't getting any younger and we had a lot of stuff but we had no money and we was tired of living that way so make plenty of money and don't have any exactly just like working for everybody else it just hit us at the same time we was just ready to do it and get it done so what did you do how did you connect to us and what's the story we sat down and tried to do a budget on our own and it wasn't working and i was at my brother's house and his wife linda mentioned your name yeah so we we went uh got home that night got on youtube and seen some dave ramsey rants and we were hooked so we so we uh signed up for financial peace university oh wow and our first budget we was in the negative i don't know i don't know how we made it i would borrow from one credit card to make the payment on another credit yeah yeah done that and it it was over dave it just couldn't live like this anymore enough enough you really disgusted and said disgusted yes absolutely and i after we attacked a smallest death it was a qvc debit card that was mine that was hers and i can remember one night she was doing the budget and woke me up and said we are in the green it was seven dollars to the green but it was a great feeling but we didn't owe more than yeah then we was making so and after that we wore it out yeah we just came on turned up the dog grooming turned up the overtime turned and turned down the spending and here we go sold my purse collection oh yeah that was hard at the beginning but it worked how much did your purse collection sell for about it was under three thousand but it was about maybe twenty five twenty eight hundred dollars girl you had some purses i had about 50. well you just needed your life back anyway that was my stuff that was my stuff wow good for you that's fun that's fun so you uh what do you tell people the key to getting out of that is budgeting absolutely budgeting use your envelope system stuff it full of cash and when it's empty it's empty you don't go use your well of course you don't get your credit cards but don't use your debit cards even when your envelopes are empty you're done go home go home we stopped worrying about everybody else too what other people think right yeah it's almost impossible to win financially when you worry about what other people think it is that's what we just don't know a lot of there's a lot of pressure there that's interesting very cool yeah you guys had a complete uh complete redo here this is very cool so uh when you're going through financial peace university nine weeks nine different classes which one of those classes did you go oh i knew this and now i'm gonna go do it pretty much all of them it was just like a wake-up call we were like what were we doing and then we would go to one of your classes and we're like ah yeah do that what about you wayne the the budgeting part was really what that was the one that's okay yes sir all right yeah you're getting that stuff under control very good well done guys very well done so in 24 years of marriage you spent the last four years getting out of debt is this the only time you've been debt-free in 24 years yes only time okay only time i'm proud of you thank you very proud of you will you ever go back absolutely not no not living like that never good answer and i hope our kids follow in our footsteps now not in the past right now start right now yeah we're going to start you on this tomorrow wow well way to go you guys who were your biggest cheerleaders outside the two of you uh my mom and dad yeah they they pushed us a lot okay and our three girl we have three daughters and linda linda's got to be cheering well yes she's she's kind of the starting point she was she was yeah that's neat that's a that's a a neat testimony for her yeah yeah so well done you guys well done well we've got a copy of the legacy journey for you uh that's the next stage in your uh walk here as you become wealthy because you are heading that way now no payments and now you have control and now you have conviction and now you've got common sense and man you're ready to go can i say one thing the only the only argument we have about money now is which savings account we want to put it in so [Laughter] yeah that's that's pretty good argument there's worse arguments to have that's for sure that's great very good all right we've also got a copy of the total money makeover for you so you can give it to someone pay it forward and uh maybe start their journey maybe you're somebody's lynda and i get things going yes way to go you two wayne and sherry from kingsport 131 000 paid off in four years making 80 to 110. count it down let's hear a debt free scream three two one we're not free [Music] [Applause] that is it baby that's it hey if you guys want to plug into financial peace university like they did you can do it you don't have to live like you're living you can stop going in circles you can start making progress check out ramsey plus the membership will show you how to make the changes you need to get the results you want gives you complete access to financial peace university to every dollar premium teaches you how to do the envelopes like she's talking about i mean we're going to walk you we've got community there for you to plug in get support and encouragement accountability we got coaches you can plug into all of this is in ramsey plus and you can get a free trial for ramsey plus right now what's the downside of a free trial no downside you got to get in there and look at it and you know you can go in there watch financial peace university start watching it tonight you know it's that easy so start making real progress free trial what you do is you text trial to 33 789 text trial two three three seven eight nine you know what's interesting in their case that applies to you yeah i'm talking to you nothing changed in their life they just woke up and decided no more there was no big job crisis there was no big medical crisis there was no big i turned 40 and i'm not living like this anymore that's all it was and sometimes you you have to get disgusted with yourself to change something you know what i mean you got to get a little bit pissed off at yourself and go self you're stupid self you have to stop this see i just did that because what i do when i get when i'm working like a maniac and i'm working a bazillion hours which is what i was doing doing kova to try to keep this place open i was working 100 hours down here man and we were i lived down here just about me and the leadership team were trying to keep these thousand people paid and keep the revenue turned and we're pivoting and unprecedented and all that bs that we all just went through in the last year and what i did was i ate everything in sight i mean there wasn't a chocolate donut left within a 50-mile radius of me i sucked them all down i got so fat it was disgusting and i looked in the mirror and i went you're disgusting so since i got disgusted i lost 37 pounds see you can just decide okay you can just decide look stupid stop it you can just decide that that's what i did and it's what they did and it's you know we all we all screw up the question is are you going to live like that no stop it this is the ramsey shop [Music] [Music] so [Music] common sense for your dollars and cents it's the ramsey show proving that common sense is like having a superpower eric is with us eric is in san antonio hey eric what's up hey dave how you doing first time caller here got a question for you about um career okay so effectively i'm i'm in a role as a business analyst and i'm kind of i'm kind of trying to exit this career field and become a financial advisor i just find that that's what gives me the most joy uh dopamine surges in life is helping people with their finances um that being that being said my wife and i are still in baby step two we're down from about a hundred thousand to forty thousand remaining we got a bit to go we just recently had a baby so our income has been cut just to my income at about sixty thousand but that being said i um i have this home who reached out to me with an opportunity uh it's again a business analyst role for about a hundred thousand um i just wonder you know if i should take it even though i'm trying to exit this arena um you know just to get that increase in and pay be debt free in a year flat and then move on with my career aspirations or if i should not be pursuing something that is not in line with my long-term goals uh so so uh if you move to a financial advisor what do you make you know i think it largely determined it's largely determined by the um the commission that i would be able to uh to learn um i think starting out from what i've seen it can range from 60 on up through i mean theoretically sky's the limit i mean if you're just going to be a you know just just a total superstar i mean you can read quite a bit um so it you know i think starting out it may be comparable though to what i'm meaning now okay comparable except that it has upside based on your performance correct yes sir and it's in and it's doing what you love idea yes well go do that right so you would not take the uh go do that and make a hundred 60 60 is your downside if you go do that and you make 70 or 80 versus taking 100 and then you turn around walk back out on those people who hired you a year later that's kind of why no i'm until you do that i i should clarify it was it's a contract it was a one-year contract so it's like i i would kind of have the red carpet on the way out really you know because it's a one-year contract i i thought that would have been tacky too if i just quit after yeah okay that's helpful that's helpful information that makes me more tempted to do it but i tell you what i would do i would sit down with your financial advising firm that you're talking about going with and say okay i got this i got this carpet ride for a year for 100. i got a brand new baby my wife's off i can knock out my debt doing that but if i can see my way to making 100 here if you can show me what it takes to do that and i can believe i can do it i'll probably just come do that okay and if not if not i'll probably see you in a year right right okay you kind of use it as a leverage so if they say if they say look the top uh the top three percent of people hired into this role go you know they don't make 60 they make 100 the first year don't do it take the carpet ride but if they say you know half our guys make 100 the first year well surely god you can get in the top half yeah i would hope so you know that's what i'm you know that's the way i'm looking at it that's why i would look at it if it was me doing it i just go you know i think i can get in the top half i don't know if i can get in the top three percent i may not be that smart or or may not work as hard or i may not have the golden touch i don't know whatever three percent would bother me but but if there's a it's a 50 of the people that try this can do it and make 100 first year then i'm i'm dude i'm doing what i love because you have a high probability of doing what you love of earning more right so right either way 12 months 12 months from now you're doing it right right you know that's that's my goal unless some unforeseen event comes in and i just fell in love all over again with business analysis which i just don't know yeah i don't think that's gonna happen um so what what runs through my head is if you call me up and said i make 60 and i got a part-time job offer for 40 uh or i can quit my job and go make 60 and not have the part-time job i i you know and i hate the part-time job i would tell you go do the part-time job and get out of debt for a year you got a baby clear your debt up and get yourself going right and in a sense that's kind of what we're doing we're taking a one-year part-time job that's 40 over what you're being paid on contract and it's okay to be on contract because you're bailing anyway 12 months from now to go into the advisor side of the world because that's what gives you the juice right yeah so it sounds like from from what you're saying that there's depending on the numbers and the circumstances either of these decisions could work out being the the wiser choice there's not one if you've got a reasonable probability that you think you can hit without being ego based or weird you know of hitting it at advisor go do it as an advisor but if the probability is very small like almost none of our guys make 100 the first year go take the hundred do it for a year clean it up do it for your young family that's like working an extra job it's one year it's one year you can do anything for a year and and then you're done but yeah just talk talk it through with your the company you're talking about going on with us with as an advisor i think they can give you real numbers and if they're just trying to blow smoke then you know you got to get somebody to really tell you what's really going on in that world i don't know is the answer from me i i don't know what you can do there or what their commission structure is or how they pay they may say no you're not allowed to do anything that increases your income you're locked at 60 for the first 12. oh well in that case i'm for sure taking this carpet ride ashley's with us in las vegas hi ashley how are you hi thank you for having me i'm good good how can i help so we decided to sell our home because we're kind of in a pickle um the market's good for selling our home but our question is kind of what do we do with the equity afterwards my husband and i have split stock what's the pickle so i so i started doing real estate and i dropped my job completely that i had well i didn't really have a job since covid i was in the serving industry and then my husband has a job where he makes about 600 a week and then our mortgage is over i want to say is 13 a month which isn't a bad mortgage but we kind of just can't keep up with all of our bills we're about 40 grand in debt um 24 credit card 20 for cars and motorcycle and our best option really is to sell our home i am getting another job right now to be on top of real estate um but we're unable to kind of figure out anything i guess would be almost like a quick fix kind of deal how much do you owe on your motorcycle six grand what do you owe on the cars you said 20 total right yeah i want to say it was it might be a little more than 20 for everything to do together it might be about 18 or 17. on the car yes a car yes okay you have a car you can't afford that you need to sell and a motorcycle you need to sell believe me if i could get rid of those two things um yeah that would have been my first choice and i that is your first choice yeah you can go home under we have our home under contract um why are you calling me then you're already doing what you're doing what you're gonna do no no the question i have is so we have we'll have equity afterwards yeah sell the motorcycle and sell the car afterwards right and use the equity to pay off all the other stuff and get yourself situated with an emergency fund and get your career straightened out because your problem has been an income problem and you keep buying crap you can't afford right and so if you stop if you fix the income problem and get rid of the toys that you bought that you can't afford then you position yourself to make some leaps forward but otherwise the home equity is going to go to pay for stupidity right so after everything said and done even after paying off our debts we'll still be out about 120 000 that's how much we're taking oh wow that's wonderful yeah we're going to have a pretty that's after paying off my grandmother she loved us 50 grand for the home loan originally yeah so yeah clear off all debts then and get you a paid for car and get your career going get settled into the career rent something park the money in a savings account in a money market account for one year while you save up even more and you get your career stabilized before you repurchase and you do all of that debt free with an emergency fund in place and you'll have a good down payment yeah that's what you're doing but you need to sell the car and the motorcycle they're ridiculous [Music] did you know you can listen to the ramsay show on your smart speaker just tell alexa google assistant or siri to play the ramsay show podcast check out all ramsay network shows on your smart speaker today [Music] this is the ramsay show [Music] you can be intentional about your character you can have money and a career you are the hero in your story live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions broadcasting from the dollar car rental studios it's the ramsey show where debt is dumb cash is king and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the bmw as the status symbol of choice i'm dave ramsey your host thank you for joining us america this is your show where we talk about you right in front of you the phone number is triple eight eight two five five two two five that's triple eight eight two five five two two five matt is in lancaster pennsylvania hi matt how are you good how you doing dave better than i deserve what's up awesome uh first i just want to say thank you uh in 2015 uh me and my wife found you and paid off 120 000 uh in 2018 so thank you for that good for you yeah look forward to seeing you when the mortgages paid off um currently uh i'm a nurse at a hospital in lancaster that is going to be mandating uh the covert vaccine which i'm not sure if i'm going to get it yet so i'm looking at possibly doing a career change we have an 18 month old and our second baby is due august 24th if i don't get the vaccine it would be my firing date would be september first we're in baby steps four five and six we have about uh fifty five thousand in retirement with my work um we both have iras that have about three thousand each we're putting in money for our first child's college fund uh monthly and we're putting about four hundred dollars extra on the mortgage uh so i guess my question is how much is in the emergency fund uh the emergency fund right now has fifteen thousand dollars and what's your household income uh i bring home gross about 63 and then take home from my wife she intern business she's bringing around like a thousand to hundred a month take home i don't know what her gross is okay but we would probably bring home about 4 500 a month okay so august july in the rest of june so you've got 75 days correct yep okay all right um for them to either change their mind or you get a different nursing job why don't you just get a different nursing job um it's a shortage two i know um so the thinking is that's possibility um so i'm really into finances after discovering you um and i have been in talks with my financial advisor about uh becoming a financial advisor myself if that's all through and i'm also looking at other nursing jobs uh the only issue that i see with that is it's one of the largest companies hospital-wide um in pennsylvania um on the philadelphia side and i believe everyone's kind of just watching to see how many nurses and people leave well that's happening that's happening everywhere okay yeah and the point is and you you're well aware of this i don't need to tell you this but i'm just going to remind you of what you already know they have there's a lot of places that have nurses that are not hospitals yeah that's true yeah so i guess i could do that yeah yeah because here's the thing here's the thing you need to make the jump to financial advisor from strength not desperation and weakness and yeah so that's my i also yeah so i've been offered from other people that know that i'm in to finances and stuff they have talked to me about training me to be an accountant and stuff like that and i don't want to that's what me and my wife have discussed i don't want to be taking any kind of job out of desperation just kind of like listening to you and stuff like that yeah i think you need to finish out getting real clear on what this next move from nursing is and you need to make the jump from nursing um so what i think is going to happen is i think you're going to find another nursing job in the next three weeks okay because you're actually going to start looking yeah do you think no do you think i should wait like say my start date would be in september no i think i think if these bozos are willing to put you on the street i'm willing to put them on the street okay that's kind of my feeling too do you think um now with that would you stop investing because we're investing 15 no i think i'd go get a job making more than i make now and quit the bad job with the bad people okay all right so here's what's happening okay you're this is happening all over america yeah you know we're we've got large companies mandating vaccines and people are leaving them in droves okay so hospitals i've talked to uh 20 people in healthcare in the past three or four weeks and what's happening is that they're doing stuff like they're talking about doing with you and and the nurses are saying uh uh i'm not taking this thing i'm out i i listen i'm not signing up so then what happens is they take where they've already got a nursing shortage at that hospital and they exasperate it and then they're once they once they make the decision then they go back and undo the decision because they realize how screwed they are because half their people walk out it's like causing a strike yeah and that's what's kind of going on here yeah i got a feeling as soon as you find a job they're going to change their mind yeah but i'm not sure i want to stay there anyway if they're if they're willing to put the muscle on me like that yeah that's so again being in the financial situation we are thanks to you guys um i feel like i can leave well definitely a lot of my co-workers that feel yeah you can leave because you can go make more yeah because you're in you're in a fabulous field nursing is a fabulous field you you know you're only as secure not as some company providing you security you're only as secure as your ability to go land another thing doing it and nursing you can always land another thing doing it so you've got security because of your knowledge base and because of your licensing and and because of your willingness to do what you do and thank you for doing it by the way but um yeah i had a friend of mine the other day he's working for a huge corporation he'd been there for years and he was going to retire in two years and they said you have to have a vaccine to come back into the office and he said okay i'll just retire now and he's one of their top sales guys and they lost him you people in corporate america are idiots y'all are idiots you're just dumb it's unbelievable and it has nothing to do with you really think somebody's going to get sick you're just virtue signaling you just want to look like i'm sensitive you're not sensitive you're corporate america you're idiots you treat a guy like this who's been serving people like a slab of meat and you know what he's going to do he's going to walk on you that's what he's going to do and that's what you deserve golly unbelievable look if you want to take a vaccine i'm not mad at you but somebody mandating that you have to do that or you lose your job a they deserve to lose the talent they deserve for talent to turn on their heel and walk out the door wire see around ramsey we got a rule we don't have a rule [Laughter] you can wear a mask if you want to you don't have to wear a mask if you don't want to you can take your temperature at the door if you want to or you cannot take your temperature at the door if you want to and everybody's getting along and nobody died hitting this is a wonderful thing and just but just don't be pissing and telling everybody else how they got to live a bunch of people telling everybody else how they got to live it's a debt mind your own business this is the ramsey show [Music] [Applause] [Music] stop paying your overpriced wireless provider and switch to puretalk they use the same network as the larger providers for much less for just 30 a month get unlimited talk text and six gigs of data with no contract the average family saves over 70 dollars a month by switching to pure top just go to and enter the promo code ramsey to save 50 off your first month pure talk simply smarter wireless [Music] [Music] [Music] the cost of college has gotten very real serious dollars especially if you're going to a four-year school right you need a plan to pay for college you got some littles you want your littlest to go to school you need to plan baby an esa an educational savings account a 529 they're both places that you can invest after tax dollars and they grow tax free age and income restrictions on the investment options you're given are a little bit different and to get a better understanding of the choices that are right for you you need to talk with a real expert financial advisor someone with the heart of a teacher text the word invest to 33 789 and we'll connect you with one of our smartmister pros that we have vetted they're trustworthy they will guide you and you will make your decisions about getting your college plan started for your little invest text invest to thirty three seven eight nine invest two thirty three seven eight nine and we'll hook you up with the smartvestor pro blaine is in tacoma hi blaine welcome to the ramsay show hey dave it's truly an honor to speak with you you too what's up hey sir so um i had a question concerning how do i best navigate the baby steps in regards to purchasing a home i am active duty military i've been in for 12 years no debt i've got the fully funded emergency fund and i've been saving for a down payment for a home a little over two years um i've got uh just over 20 000 saved um you know but i'm looking at at least eight years before i'm ready to purchase a home as i'm going to be moving every couple of years so i guess i wanted to get your thoughts on am i should i do the all cash down approach is that the best way yeah just start just throw that that 20 grand into a mutual fund uh get you can get something like an index fund uh which is like an s p 500 it'll have no commission on it and there'll be no taxes on the growth until you pull it out if you leave it alone or hardly any taxes maybe tiny bit um because it's got a low turnover ratio and then just keep piling money in there and that's the i'm going to buy a house for cash when i get out of the military fund now am i while doing that um am i still investing in retirement yeah so i'd be putting 15 of your income into retirement while you're doing that this is like your baby step six it's like paying off your house early okay so baby step four is fifteen percent of your income going over time at five is kids college and six is pay off your house early so money that you would normally if you owned a house you'd be with a mortgage on you'd be chunking above the 15 above the kids college you'd be chunking money on there to get rid of that house mortgage as fast as you can okay okay so do my so do my minimum 15 treat my down payment for a house as if it were a mortgage and just follow the steps uh you know in that order then yep pile up the cash man thank you for your service we appreciate you open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five jason is in san francisco hi jason how are you oh not too bad how about yourself dave better than i deserve what's up all right so my question's somewhat similar uh to the previous caller um and that i am also planning to buy a house in the next one to five years um i have a 401k with my previous employer uh there's about 145 000 in there right now um i'm contemplating or i'm going to roll that over into an ira account um i'm contemplating if i should put that into a raw ira or a traditional eye right now no because it's going to cost you 40 grand in taxes correct so that's that was my question so i have no debt um i have about of my own own savings i have 190 190 000 in my uh currently in between my brokerage account and my roth ira um 15k net uh nest egg um and then i and then i maxed out my 401k my roth ira every year you're killing it you're killing it where'd it go thank you um my parents have given me 250 000 to essentially buy or support help buy a home um that currently right now i have as cash so i could take yeah me too right so i can take some of that money to pay the taxes if i convert no i would only do that after your home is paid for and you're not going to have a paid for home you call me from san francisco well that was my thing so i'm not going to buy a house in the bay area or in california i will for sure move out of here before i do that i don't know when and where i know within the next five years but the housing market's high right now and i have to get that plan figured out so this part just park it in a money market or a mutual fund or some combo of the two while you make that decision but either way it's a down payment or the ability to pay cash for a home if you move to a much cheaper area to buy a home right and i don't want you i don't want you messing up up uh the down payment or the the killer thing on the home uh by having to pay taxes on the roth you can always go you can always flip it from a traditional to a roth later so here let me let me walk you through here here's what i think you should do when you flip 140 000 to a roth and it activates 35 or 40 000 in taxes that's like investing 35 or 40 000 more into your retirement account effectively mathematically does that make sense yeah and i would only want you to do that at baby step seven gotcha after i have the home exactly and the homes paid off because if i got to choose between investing more or than 15 or paying off the home well that's not our steps paying off the homes baby step six and so that's how i'm working this through from a critical thinking so i'm making this decision while i'm talking to you is i'm treating you like you need to flip this to seven you need to flip this to a roth when you get to baby step seven and you have the extra cash to pay the taxes it creates gotcha gotcha okay so anything that impedes you being at baby step seven is is in the wrong order and so that that's that's that's how i'm working this through in my head hey man thanks for the call you are too and man oh make sure mom and dad got some tax advice because you can't give somebody 250 thousand dollars you can give them 15 000 without if tax being activated at 55 percent you don't want gift tax there is a way they can do it but they need to get professional tax advice if they haven't it's called a unified estate tax credit and they have to do a filing with their get in the year that they give you this gift um it's a wonderful gift but they need to do it with intelligence otherwise the tax man cometh and he always taketh kelly is with us kelly is in indianapolis hi kelly how are you hi how are you dave better than i deserve what's up okay so this kind of just came to me today um but i'm really looking to start a side hustle to try to cut through some of this that i have i have around 6 000 in debt and i love photography i take pictures of my son and all of my friends i've thought about purchasing a really nice camera with my savings so i have 2100 in savings right now and the camera set is around 1200 for a really good set so i'm wondering if purchasing that set to continue to bust through the set faster while also replenishing my savings would be smart what kind of camera have you got now i have a canon but it's not like a super nice one i'm looking for i'm looking at the nikon ds3500 right now take your canon and go make a thousand dollars with it okay and use that thousand dollars to buy the camera okay so you know you haven't made any money taking pictures yet you don't buy a 1200 camera set when you haven't made any money making pictures yet right i want you to this is called proof texting in business we put the we put the idea out there and we make it actually make money before we expand it okay so how do you go about taking you know upper level pictures with a bottom level camera oh now your cannon you can make a thousand dollars with okay nobody nobody is hiring you've never done it before no one's gonna hire a brand new beginner for 150 000 and expect you to come in with 300 000 worth of equipment they don't do that they expect you to do what you're doing and so yeah you this is all about whether you got an eye and whether you know how to handle this equipment that you have or not that's not the deal the equipment is not the issue you are the issue you are the secret sauce in this formula this is the ramsey show [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in the lobby of ramsey solutions on the debt free stage tj and amy are with us hey guys how are you great honor to be here thanks for having us well we're honored to have you guys where do you all live california what part southern orange county oh yeah fun well good to have you guys welcome welcome i just talked to a pastor friend of mine out there i'm going to come out and speak in september in irvine okay so well welcome to nashville and all the way over here to do a debt-free stream how much have you paid off 39 000 all right and how long did that take 10 months good for you and your range of income during that time we started at about 13 000 and got up to 160. there's a story there yeah okay so what kind of debt was the 39 000 hi that was all me um yeah it was almost my name yeah i brought in all the debt to the relationship and uh it was actually her that was like yeah we're going to take care of that immediately okay i'm not living like this and so you just got married i take it yes okay and how long ago a year okay so immediately after you come home from the honeymoon 10 months boom we're knocking this out yes oh yeah so uh what it was what kind of it was you but was it student loans all student loans okay all right cool what's your degree uh business good and what about yours education all right fun fun yeah okay so you're dating and you discover he has this problem yes pretty much we were in college together so it was a conversation yeah okay i knew i was getting into okay before you before you were even dating you knew yes oh yeah okay so uh but then when it starts getting serious you she starts saying we're doing this immediately yeah um i mean my parents were doing everything they could to help me out through college but i still had some debt coming out and uh and she just basically told me uh this needs to be handled immediately and we're not moving forward until it gets handled and you're putting all of your fun little hobbies kind of to the side and you know we're crushing this cool and you did you crushed it yeah i mean you hammered it yeah so you came out of school and both of you got jobs and that's how you go from 13 to 160 yeah kind of okay what's the kind of part so it was a year after we got out of school that we got married so before that he's a professional hockey player so he had played in sweden and then by the time we got married he was unemployed in between seasons oh okay and then covet hits and uh you know and there's all hockey players are unemployed yeah pretty much i couldn't get back overseas and it got to a situation where you know she's teaching online and i'm training in the morning and not working and to cope with the stress of not having a hockey job for the first time in my life i'm just spending money engulfing oh and uh there it is after a couple months which is what all hockey players do right exactly yeah and uh she sat me down and was basically like uh i'm doing everything here all the work and you we gotta get a plan we gotta get a plan going so so all the nhl players i know are really good golfers yeah by and large i mean a few of them still try to slap shot with a driver but it's a fairly easy eye-hand connection there yeah exactly yeah good stuff so are you playing now uh so i just signed back in sweden a team called tiering soss which is about three hours south of stockholm uh in the meantime a guy that i know through hockey for the past 10 years he is a manager at tustin hyundai out in california so i was just kind of venting to him when we were skating together of if i don't get a job my wife might kill me that's not quite true but well that in the golf right i'm spending money not making money so he's like why don't you just come sell cars and inside i'm screaming no because like that's just not what i ever pictured myself doing and i thought it's going to be a sketchy business and then we i go to tustin hyundai after a training session and i'm thinking i'm just going to see the place i'm not going to commit to anything and he had me in a flash interview and hired working tomorrow before i even left there uh so i kind of didn't really have that big of a choice in it but uh ever since i got there it's been absolutely amazing and i i've loved the family there the management's great the people are great so it's worked out not sketchy at all no not even a little bit good so how does the sweden thing work are you commuting i mean yeah we live there halfway oh yeah we're going with them okay yeah okay so i teach all online so i have my own business teaching homeschool students so i can take it anywhere wow well then this is just a great adventure yeah yeah pretty good that's fun that now we can take freely without debt you know yeah i absolutely gives us a little more options and you now that you're making some money instead of spending it all yeah all that stuff yeah that's good that's good well good for you guys good for you where'd you play your high school um i moved away at 16 to play juniors in minnesota the manitoba virginia um and we both played college hockey in upstate new york and then transferred together to play in pennsylvania so we've kind of been all over yeah okay cool cool well very cool good for you guys so how's it feel to be debt free after all this gyration you've been through such a relief yeah uplifting for sure so amy where did you get this idea that this is just unacceptable and we're gonna crush it i found the podcast the youtube channel in college just kind of trying to figure out what the heck like how do you handle money when you have bills and like real things and what can we afford and my dad's an accountant so money was talked about in my house but like the logistics as far as how are we gonna handle that so google couple google searches later and your name pops up pretty quick so then i got him to listen it became mandatory lessons yeah and trap him in the car and you know yeah but it was kind of like that mandatory job it didn't turn out so bad exactly exactly yeah pretty equivalent yeah all right very cool well i'm proud of you guys very well done who are your biggest cheerleaders outside the two of you looking at you going you got this you can do it and it's important we had a lot of support i think my parents let us live in their house for rent free you know which helped us a lot make progress and we're super supportive my parents were supportive as well and then also have to throw out the name of my former teammate in college brett johnson who is a big ramsey uh supporter and is currently debt-free himself using the same plan wow yeah very cool so in college we both got at t.j a little bit you got to get honest i was in the middle and finally cave in and i'm happy i'm happy i did yeah oh that's great that's great we could use some hockey analogies about you getting checked in the corner but we won't all right guys well done very well done well we've got a copy of the legacy journey for you because that's what's happening you've changed your entire legacy by learning to work together and you've had such a good sense of humor about it and uh you poked fun at each other but also got serious and crushed it yeah and uh very very well done that's good communication style everything's awesome you guys are rock stars very very sharp young couple also got a copy of the total money makeover for you to give to somebody pay it forward maybe you get someone else's journey started with that and that's the idea so what do you tell people the secret to getting out of debt is now that you've done it i think for me you have to have a really clear vision of what you want like some of our best dates i think we're just sitting down and talking about what we want our future to look like and feel like and things we want to be able to do and having that really clear vision then you can kind of work backwards and and work your plan as a clear like steps to get there you know but you have to have that clear vision and not just kind of wander through it and i i found a lot of similarities like through hockey my whole life my whole thing has been to learn to enjoy the sacrifice because you know that the payoff is going to be fantastic and in hockey for me everything was worth it so i knew that it was going to be the same way getting out of debt um so just to learn to enjoy the pain and and the suffering because you know what comes at the end is is really worth it yeah no discipline seems pleasant at the time but it yields a harvest of righteousness well done you two very very well done all right it's tj and amy from california sweden 39 000 paid off in 10 months making 13 to 160. what a great story count it down let's hear a debt-free scream three two one we're debt-free this is how it's man oh man oh man everybody here in the audience is looking at them going their future is bright everybody watching on youtube is going their future is bright and if you look deeply into your radio or your podcast you can look at them you can see them right now and say their future's bright their future is amazing absolutely incredible what a cool couple power couple for sure very fun stuff very fun stuff this is the ramsay show [Music] [Music] [Music] our scripture today second corinthians 4 7 but we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this is all surpassing powers from god and not from us john quincy adams says judy is ours results are god's it's our duty to plant the corn then god sends the rain and the sun we don't get to cause those two things but guess what if you don't plant the corn there won't be any duty is ours results are gods linda is with us in gilbert arizona hi linda welcome to the ramsay show hi hi what's up hello what i was calling because i have a little boy well he's not that little he's 15 years old uh he's gonna be going to 10th grade um he got his permit today uh so basically in six months he's gonna be able to drive by himself um i i drive a bmw and i'm gonna pay it off by next month july it shouldn't be paid off um so i was i would you should give it to him uh or or not his dad passed away when he like five years ago and i get um social security for him i get like 13 like 13 40 a a month and i don't know if you guys should like uh like what should i do with that money should i put it in in fidelity like that money should be part of your budget you spend more than 1300 a month to raise a child okay that's part of your budget and then part of your budget is to raise the child and part of your budget is to take care of the child and think about college and think about cars and think about those kinds of things that money is not separate it's part of your life so because that's what i i i'm planning to do just keep saving saving the money like like once i paint his car which is next month uh you know first god if he you feel my life um are you doing a monthly budget now uh i'm in a start like yeah it's what if i pay this car you can start tonight you start tonight when you get home go to every dollar and download the every dollar budget app it's free to start using or go to or go do a ramsey plus trial for free which is even better you can get the every dollar premium version to start your budget all of that and um you know that'll make all the difference in the world so you get that going and then as a part of that you put this 1300 in there as a part of your income you get take your income in the 1300 and that's what you have to operate your household with and you pay off the car as fast as you can possibly pay it off and then as soon as it's paid off you pay save up and pay cash for of uh something for the 16 year old to drive what year is this beamer it's uh 2016. and what do you make a year i made like around 51 a year yeah and so this beamer's worth what i think it's worth 20 grand this one was like 41.41 something like that you don't give a 16 year old a 41 thousand dollar car they'll tear it up like that because i was feeling like basically houston okay he needs has he has he has he worked at all and saved any money he wants to work but he's only 15 so he cannot get a job he can cut grass they'll pay you for doing all that he needs to make some money and you can put some money with it and let's get him a little five thousand dollar car and you pay and you pay cash for it okay okay you drive the beamer so you don't think that i should like as soon as i hit this car like just sell sell it and then buy another one that is affordable like with that cash you could if you want to if you want to sell it but don't put a 16 year old in a 20 000 car [Music] okay i've had 16 year olds i've raised several of them they don't drive well they bump into stuff and tear it up and you know your first car you know just get something to get them around you know they'll be proud of it it'll be fine and and don't talk to me about it's not safe it's safe you're talking to a guy who used to sleep in the back window of the car and they slam on the brake and we'd roll down into the floor so you know and i survived it at least some people think i did um we're not sure about the brain damage part but but anyway yeah no hon just get him a little car and if you want to move down in car in your situation you're welcome to i don't care but don't hand a 16 year old a 15 year old keys to a 40 000 beamer no bad plan chrissy is with us in vegas hi chrissy welcome to the ramsay show hi dave hey what's up how are you good how can i help um okay so i'm on the collection portion of my dead snowball um and um i just wanted to know how i'm supposed to tackle it because none of these um places are actually like contacting me or anything it's most of them are like two years or more so i only have their address and then one of them is also an amex that's not on my credit report anymore so i just want to know how to tackle them because i have all the money already to pay them okay good and you don't have any debts that are active only old debts that are in collection that's correct okay list them as best you understand the balances smallest to largest contact the smallest one and find out what you can settle that for because you may think it's a thousand dollars and they may have run it up to three thousand and you'll have to negotiate and get it back down to a thousand uh what if they don't have a number it's only an address on the credit report you got to find them gotcha just jump online and start looking for a number they're out there they got a phone number gotcha again for the next that's not on my credit report anymore same thing it doesn't matter if it's on your credit bureau report or not you still owe it got it and they can still come sue you got it so here's the rule okay call them and they're going to act like that all of a sudden they're they're uh going to get aggressive which is humorous considering they haven't even contacted you in years right but they're all sudden going to go and you're gonna go no no no no no no so it's not a thousand it's three thousand now well i'm not paying three thousand i i have a thousand dollars that says you'll take it and you negotiate with them and they say okay we'll take a thousand dollars then you have to get that in writing say in writing chrissy christie in writing if it's not in writing it didn't happen when you're dealing with collectors you can tell they're lying if their mouth is moving it's a scummy business okay in writing and then do not give them electronic access to your regular checking account because they'll step in there and clean your butt out okay okay so you in writing and you can do a wire transfer or prepaid debit card or something else but no electronic access to your checking account do not let them have get into your account because they'll pull three thousand out after you agree to a thousand and you're gonna have trouble getting it back right so in writing no electronic access to checking account how many of these debts are there um just three and oh it's actually four including the next okay good whole lot because it's gonna be a hassle it's not going to be any it's not going to be like one phone call and it's done you're going to argue with them and call them back and hang up on them and they're going to call you and it's just going to be a mess do not give them a bunch of information on you where do you work none of your business i'm here on the phone trying to give you money that's all you need to know you got it and you listen i i know you're you're a sweet person i can tell by talking to you i need the not sweet version of you on the phone with them okay okay because they're gonna be nasty now you don't have to be nasty but i mean you gotta be tough you with me yes okay in writing no electronic access to your checking account that's how you do this stuff and you settle this and you work it through so good good stuff well that puts this particular hour of the ramsey show in the books our thanks to james childs our producer kelly daniel our associate producer and phone screener i am dave ramsey your host we'll be back with you before you know it in the meantime remember there's ultimately only one way to financial peace and that's to walk daily with the prince of peace christ jesus [Music] have a friend or family member that needs a daily dose of ramsey advice in their life let them know about the ramsey call of the day podcast it's a quick hit of advice about life and money in under 10 minutes check out the ramsey call of the day podcast wherever you listen to podcasts [Music] you
Channel: The Ramsey Show - Full Episodes
Views: 33,419
Rating: 4.8175673 out of 5
Keywords: dave ramsay live, dave ramsey, dave ramsey channel, dave ramsey live, dave ramsey live show, dave ramsey live stream, dave ramsey podcast, dave ramsey radio show, dave ramsey show, dave ramsey show full show, dave ramsey show live, ramsey, ramsey solutions, the dave ramsey show, the dave ramsey show live
Id: mEay63JLr0c
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Length: 121min 50sec (7310 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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