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Thanks OP, this channel is really good!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/budihartono78 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] the chaotic civil war that followed the end of the Han Dynasty and proceeded in the three Kingdom era was a time of incredible events and fees in this troubled period many spectacular events took place one of the warlords of the times would live the greatest social ascension possible going from weaving mats and making sandals to survive to becoming an emperor this man was your Bey [Music] before the country was divided into three kingdoms China was in control of the Han Dynasty the basis of Chinese identity from its capital Loya the nation was divided into nine main provinces each subdivided into commanderies in the year 161 ad yabai was born in draw County in the hearts of the trawl commander II near modern-day Beijing his family although quite destitute was an imperial Sian linking back to Emperor Jing of Han the sixth emperor of the Han Dynasty this was however over a century ago it is rumored that Emperor Jing qu's grandson yo-chan failed to pay the imperial tribute consequently he was stripped of his noble title condemning the niall family to financial hardship for the future the old family had lived in draw county ever since the obeys grandfather and father had served as clerks in the commander II the job enough to provide but not to prosper when he was still a boy his grandfather and father died leaving him and his mother alone in order to survive they sold sandals and straw woven mats life was difficult in the obeys neighborhood a huge tree of about 15 meters tall grew near his house in the shape of an imperial chariot the obey regularly played with the other children around here on one occasion inspired by it he declared before all that he would one day ride the Imperial chariots as the Emperor proving from a very early age his ambition the obeys legacy was set in 175 when the obey was a teenager his mother sent him to study under the administrator of the city of Jang a scholar named Luger alongside another family member and another slightly older boy named gongsun zan who he admired and became friends with growing up the obey did not show much interest in his studies enjoying music hunting and competing with other teenagers he was described as often silent but eloquent always calm and Cantor's friends such a behavior led him to be well liked by most in the community but all was not well in the fading Han Dynasty political turmoil was reaching whirring amounts discontent within the peasants against the Han Dynasty increased over the years famines and floods were common leading many in the population to believe that the dynasty had lost the Mandate of Heaven centralization of power and the hands of the eunuchs had increased in the last year's in 180 for a full-scale rebellion known as the Yellow Turban rebellion broke out it was in this context that the Obey became politically aware whether it be in the opposite of personal profits or obedience to the dynasty the young man began raising a militia to help the authorities suppress the rebels his task would be greatly facilitated when two rich merchants came to draw County for business and impressed with the determination of the young man offered him financial aid it is possible that it was at that time and his two most loyal followers join him Guan Yu and Zhang Fei they would prove strong allies in the future all was now set the band was ready to fight the young commander and his militia next headed to join hang colonel dojin serving on the head to battle the yellow turbans in one battle at pinguin he was seriously injured and practically died the rebels were however defeated several other battles probably took place but soon after as a reward for his efforts the Han government appointed Leo Bey as prefect of IC County in the dong Qiang commander II there was however discord within the Han Court and then appear you'll decrease soon overruled the previous ordering the dismissing of all the minor officials who obtained their posts in rewards for the military efforts the Obey well-informed and cunning realized this would apply to him when the official in charge of dismissing him arrived in an XI County where Leo Bei was now prefect he tried to have an audience with him preemptively to they go she gates his request was however promptly denied as the official claimed to be ill understanding that there was nothing left to do the obey and his loyal followers later returned to city official broke into his residence and proceeded to tie him up and beat him after begging for his life he was bell the lobe a militia left and she County and moose after she province in the south to continue fighting the Yellow Turban rebels gaining fame followers and experience in 189 the Han Emperor Ling died dong Zhou Chancellor of the state jumped on the occasion to reserve imperial power through a puppet he eight year old Empress Yin dong zhuo subsequently endorsed the rule at the state as a result of this event in the year 190 major warlords of each province gathered into a coalition to fight off the tyrant this was the guangdong coalition historically the Obey did not take part in the campaign against on tour though he may have raised troops for the occasion the guangdong coalition failed to the feed the tyrant but donk draw was assassinated anyway by his own men in 192 with a 10 year old Shen Emperor on the throne and powerful warlord in every province the country inevitably descended into civil war the obey moved up north to join his old friends gongsun ton with who he had studied back in his teenage years the man had become a prominent general controlling large territory in the north of China seeking a law to fight for he decided to serve on the head together they fought against warlord un shop probably the most powerful General of the time who rivaled with gongsun ton for control of AG province in 181 the two childhood friends inflicted a great victory on their enemy this success led gongsun ton to nominate Leo Bey as governor of ping Yuen the following year a task that he would take very seriously he moved in with his small army reportedly he was well-liked but the population so much so that when one of his subordinates out of spite or jealousy paid assassins to kill him they could not bring themselves to do it and confess the plot it was also said that although an official he did not hesitate to eat and sit alongside peasants this was probably because he grew up in poverty as a governor he made sure to protect the population from bandits and directed intelligent economic measures bringing prosperity in the region war was how were still raging in the country locally two alliances of warlords formed fighting each other gong from done towards him and you ensure on one side we are sharp and thoughts are on the other our Chen was the governor of su province when his territory was attacked by toad saw in 194 he quickly called for aides in the Alliance the obey he still served on the council dan answered and marched south deshi province reportedly he now commanded a hundred riders a thousand warriors and several thousand peasant soldiers this reinforcement was not enough as tarts all seemed to be on the road to conquer all of Xu province but a rebellion within his own camp forced him to retreat this was the work of nubile the treacherous but talented general party responsible for tyrant Punk jaws demise Tod Shen was safe for now the obey deciding to stay in Xu province changed his allegiance from gongsun ton to toxin the latter happy to find a close ally gave him an additional four thousand soldiers and sent him to be posted in CLP under his tutelage the obey would learn the Confucian way of ruling a governor of XI province however died in 194 leading to a power struggle between his sons and yabai who many judged fit to succeed the position although reluctant at first knowing the situation to be very unstable the consultation of many scholars and other warlords led him to finally accept to take over XI province the obey had started a new chapter of his life meanwhile to the west duple the man who had betrayed tartar by rebelling was starting to lose against them he escaped East issue province to seek refuge under Leo Bay in 195 the new governor of hue province accepted to host him in his capital of Shebib this would later prove to be a mistake the Year 196 marked a turning point for the Han Dynasty walnuts are salted the child Empress yen into the heart of his own territory making the new capital city and subsequently increasing his authority over all lover warlords that same year the old based territory was invaded by intruder in response the obey naturally went to lead his troops about thirty thousand men to counter-attack leaving his trusted follower junk fee to administer the capital of the province ERP while he was away junghae who had a short temper got extremely drunk during a banquet in an intoxicated States he got into a fight with one Sal bar the local Chancellor and killed him as a result order in the city collapsed booboo treacherous as ever jumped on the opportunity to federate defectors in the city's garrison captured your base relative and seized the city for himself junk they escaped and went to inform his leader of the events upon learning of the news the obey immediately headed back losing a large part of his forces due to desertion along the way he was unable to eat a CRP and retreated south to Guang Ling commander II there he and his remaining men were besieged and defeated by you ensure the lis obey army then retreated to yet another area in hi-c county completely outnumbered surrounded and starving his forces had to resort to cannibalism to survive such a situation would have been the end for practically anyone but he obey was no ordinary person after meticulously thinking he decided to go back to shabby and surrender Tinubu the traitor accepted releasing your base family under the condition that li obey help him resist even sure who kept advancing aiming to conquer all of hue province the obey now serving nubu was sent to shall pay where he was able to raise ten thousand men thanks to his fame do ball however got concerns about the facts that he obey was gathering so much power so rapidly in fear that the man he had betrayed would attack him he changed his mind and betrayed the obey again by attacking him of all his forces in the optic of defeating him before he got too powerful the obey and his most loyal followers had no choice to escape and leave hue province they found refuge on their own old enemy tal tal the warlord who now secretly controlled the court holding the chien emperor in what was now the new capital of Cu Chung welcomed your base group seizing the opportunity to gain a subordinate Tartar appointed him governor of you province in 198 granting him an army of several thousand men he obey now powerful once more and still holding views on Xu province returned to shall pay with his new army gooble invaded made peace and even allied himself with lian-chu the allied force then besieged we obey at shall pay and once more the obey was defeated he returned to Shu Chun where turtle growing impatient with Louisville gathered his own army to deal with the issue once and for all Santonio bate marched on two prophets and besieged boo boo at chappy in late winter 198 for weeks boo boo held on until tailed Sol cunningly decided to flood the city by diverting two rivers into it in early 199 Lubell surrendered once held captive thoughts are considered recruiting him as a general that his advisors reminded him that glueball had betrayed every warlord he ever served after consideration tarts are ordered lubbers execution on geography [Music] yet the traitors story was over hue province was finally pacified after these troubled events thoughts are appointed a new governor of issue province want wrote role he and Gil Bey then returned to the capital city of su Chun the obey remained there for several weeks where he was now stationed on the direct influence from topsail but wishing to remain as independent as possible he longed for the opportunity to leave the city this came rapidly you ensure who had declared himself Emperor two years earlier in an act of treason against the Han Court had led to the gathering of an enemy coalition against him as he had just been defeated he prepared to escape north to join his cousin un sha using this pretext the obey requested South's are to allow him to lead forces against the escaping UN sure in order to intercept him leaving Cu trunk he and his men marched south when you in shrew understood that his path was blocked he turned around and died shortly after of illness the mission was a success but instead of returning to huge hump the obey took the opportunity to free himself from telesales influence and take back to province he ordered the generals Loyalton star to return to su Chun while he and his men went to the capital of XI province where the new governor Trudeau who had been appointed by turtle ruled rapidly the obey killed the governor to troll and seized the province re-establishing his authority in CRP where he left his trust in general Guan Yu he then went with Jung fate I shall pay in order to secure his border with South Seoul who would certainly try to avenge this betrayal as you ensure he had pacified the North who was preparing to fight salt salt the Obey allied himself with him now toss I was surrounded by you and Xiao in the north and the obey in the East he however new UN shall well counting on his defensive attitude he launched his forces against the obey instead in Xu province although your Bey defended himself the best he could he lost shall pay again and had to escape possibly alongside his follower John fate although this is not certain she happy the city defended by one you later also felt themselves armies the obey was defeated and Xu province was once more in control of tartar the mighty warlord took were you into her service you should wash rice wine the giant red-faced warrior knew this situation would only be temporary but he agreed to follow it at all meanwhile the obey and junk they escaped North to join the ally you in shock Sal Sal can now focus all of his troops to the north as a better strategist he successively defeated we had shouted in several battles but as he was advancing away from his territory the revolt against his rule led by bandits and Yellow Turban rebels broke out in four none they obey seeing the opportunity purge you in short to lend him men so that he could go aid the rebels involve an ally Renshaw would continue to hold the bulk of tot sales forces this was agreed therefore none rebels alongside Leo Bey were able to kill one of Tatars generals making significant progress however as soon as a coming warlords also won a decisive victory at the Battle of Guam booth leading to their shells death a few weeks later he began sending all his forces back staff to deal with the rule nan situation in 2:01 the rebellion was crushed the Obey had to escape again it is believed that why you left salt saw service to return to his friend around this period the obey and his friends and followers were now reduced to tiny band of soldiers with no place to call home as desperate as the situation may have seemed your Bey was not ready to give up clinging on to the oath he had made as a child of becoming Emperor he went south where he would find just what he needed to fulfill herself thank you for watching my video I hope you enjoyed it if so please leave a like and subscribe to the channel if you have any questions or requests don't hesitate to leave them in the comment section below [Music]
Channel: History of China
Views: 7,827
Rating: 4.9003115 out of 5
Keywords: liu bei, total war three kingdoms, three kingdoms, cao cao, liu bei biography, liu bei three kingdoms, liu bei trailer music, three kingdoms war, three kingdoms explained, liu bei lore, liu bei campaign, shu han kingdom, romance of the three kingdoms, guan yu, han dynasty, dynasty warriors, liu bei documentary, chinese history, zhang fei, total war
Id: KjxxEjbVQ_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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