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from atop the saddle of his horse one chieftain following the parlay by his father subjugated tribes clans a whole civilized kingdom and brought the mighty Chinese Empire down to its knees such was the life of the first of a Manchu leaders want a tea born in 1592 in the gentle chipton tribe the young are bhai as he was called in his youth was the eighth son of nurhachi the tribes chieftain his father was a respected and inspiring leader a bhai grew up in good conditions alongside many siblings being parts of the ruling clan he showed devotion to the clan and his AB stitute led him to be favored by not Harsha in 1616 as the chieftain found in this new state the carnate of later gene he made our bhai and three other family members senior chieftains the young our bhai also became leader of one of the eight banners military and social divisions of the Egyptian people that had been created by his father he probably ruled over the board of yellow banner the green letona me of the Egyptian people unified by new rahachou on their state did not sit well with his Chinese overlords as digestion leader declared war on them they were quick to answer mustering chinese-korean and rival tribes together in a confederation in 1619 the later team Carnot was attacked by this enemy coalition a bhai demonstrated his bravery in battle distinguishing himself further in the eyes of his father he was able to bring victory to his people at the Battle of Star Hall two years later Nora had she started to initiate his son to Civil Administration giving him responsibility over some state affairs as the later Jeanne Carnot grew in size it had to integrate many different peoples with different cultures to the Egyptian Han Chinese revolt broke out in 1623 in conquered territories in the alden province that was violently repressed this led mahadji to grow distrustful of the Chinese previously had tried to integrate them into his state by giving them concessions but after this event he no longer wanted to deal with the issue instead he ordered our bhai to oversee the integration cunningly the young man preferred organizing political marriages rather than using violence of bribes to strengthen bonds between the Egyptian and Han Chinese people after a life dedicated to his work Nora had she fell ill and died in 1626 designating No for the carnate of later jean that he had founded his sons and logician princes agreed to designate our bhai young but determined to succeed his father therefore on the 20th of october he became quantity ii khan of the egyptian state he did have a not possess absolute authority yet being part of the government's called the four great Baylor or chieftains were three other senior chieftains making decisions with him like Taiji the 30 year old leader had to prove his worth to secure his rule a conquest had to be conducted the target was obvious although the later G carnate was at war with the Chinese Ming Empire it did not have the necessary resources to conquer it yet the few neighboring Siberian tribes did not pose a great threat nor had any riches to pillage and the Mongols were already friendly to digestion cause however on the other side of the Yalu River stood the Korean Chosun dynasty the country was in political turmoil and in the last year's several Korean rebels had joined the lated incarnate urging the state that opposed the newly crowned king of Korea enjoy the Chinese Empire a lion overlord of the Koreans would be too busy fortifying its own borders to send enough troops to aid the Korean Chosun dynasty and finally the Korean Peninsula had many resources that can later be useful for the Egyptian against China back in 1619 at the Battle of sorrowful the Chosun dynasty had sent ten thousand soldiers an eighth of the Ming against Egyptian so in the eyes of the Egyptian the justification for war was already set quantity started making preparations in February 1627 quantity ordered several major Egyptian commanders supervised by chieftain army to lead 30,000 soldiers into Korea they would be guided and advised by rebel Korean generals he had defected and joined Egyptian hoping to weaken and overthrow the Korean authorities as the Yalu River separating the later Jim Carney to the Korean Kingdom had frozen it offered easy access to choice on lance the koreans realized that if the borders were breached that Justin would be free to pillage the whole nation and fought valiantly at the of fortresses eventually the Jurchen army was able to break the resistance and flooded into Korea they were met with only one reinforcing Chinese general malwan lon who is rapidly defeated and escaped to his men leaving the Koreans alone against Egyptian Stampede logician then besieged the town of Anjou where after several days of fighting the Korean Garrison sacrificed itself by blowing up the city's powder reserves nothing seemed to stop the thousands of gyptian men and horses by now morale was practically broken on the Korean side Pyongyang surrendered without resisting a few hopeless battles took place but eventually the king of Korea enjoy who had escaped to a fortified island dispatched envoy's to negotiate for the negotiations huang taiji or than army leader of the invasion to impose a peace treaty its conditions with states that Korea no longer would accept Ming Authority send hostages to the later to incarnate and respect the Egyptian Authority and territorial integrity huang taiji authority within his Egyptian people who was now secured shortly after I mean had began the invasion of Korea Huang Taiji lost his own campaigns against Ming China leading 40,000 men at the heavily fortified city of Jindo where 30 thousand Chinese soldiers were entrenched white idea was unable to achieve victory and had to war the retreat he then tried to besiege in England where his father had been defeat of the year earlier the same local Chinese commander who had driven off his father UN tronco Wan had however extended the defenses of the city and like he had done previously here in London his powerful artillery once more the gyptian were upheld quantity rallying his forces attempted two more attacks on Jindo but was again unsuccessful brute force could simply not overpower the Chinese artillery in late spring 1627 he had to resign himself and return to gyptian lands where salmon and banditry had spread due to a harsh winter and the war as he would not accept defeat he started planning a new attack making changes within his army taking example on his enemy the later Jean Khan organized the development of his own artillery force he ordered the purchase of powerful European cannons they would be manufactured and copied and later are operated by Han Chinese defectors who are much more proficient in engineering by 1629 thanks to his determination and success in the invasion of Korea hime Taiji managed to become the supreme leader of the later Qin state now making decisions on his own that same year time had come for digestion to attack China again fight IT led his forces and successfully breached a great wall and captured control and several of attempts a Chinese rapidly realized that the Jurchen had this time calm not a pillage but to conquer losing control over the situation the Chinese defenders were repelled towards baiting of course counter-attacks were constantly launched against addition eight banner army but each time a Chinese general sent his men to repel the invaders he was defeated inevitably the Egyptian hordes got closer and closer than an Inca battle inside the Imperial City within Beijing the tonton Emperor grew profoundly uneasy as nothing seemed to stop the advance of Whitey's army but while all hope was fading for the Chinese an unexpected reinforcing army was on the march to stop the Egyptian reentering one who had already beaten Huang Taiji once and his father before him had gathered some 20,000 veteran soldiers from the UN with the resolve to drive off these barbarians will die fighting outside the walls of Beijing where Huang Taiji had arrived who in Changwon faced the unstoppable Egyptian army that numbered over 100,000 men with vinícius strategy in planning and to the surprise of many who entering one was victorious once more interestingly at the battle one of the only female officers in the whole history of Imperial China Qin Yong you led troops from her native search one province to fight against egyptian huang taiji he had to withdraw with his halt but in his retreat back to later jean territory he pillaged chinese cities for money resources and equipment a few northern Chinese cities nonetheless stayed in later Jin control now pause of the Egyptian state revenge from Quan not wasting any time then ordered the northern cities in China to meet her enforced turning them into real fortresses the brilliant Chinese general would however be victim of conspiracy accused of having betrayed the ming dynasty and secretly collaborating of the egyptian he was sentenced to death by the Tongan Emperor without flinching the innocent general was resigned to his fate and he wrote a death poem in front of the public he went from one suffered the death by a thousand cuts and took over a half a day to die from the torture if you're curious about this method of execution don't hesitate to go and watch my video on Ling Shu links in the description below back in his Egyptian state huang taiji rallied his forces he kept developing his artillery force by now possessing dozens of European and Chinese cannons the occasion to test this new kind of warfare appeared soon by late 1631 at the Battle of darling ha huang taiji could finally test his new cannons on the large scale the fighting between Chinese and Gyptian was fierce and a large part of the eight banner cavalry was lost but eventually the Egyptian put food in an attempt to destroy their enemies newly aquired artillery that proved powerful the ming soldiers set fire to the dry grass so that it would spread to all the cannons and destroy them in a surprise turn of events the winds change direction bringing back the fire and the ming soldiers had to escape many of their officers were captured most of them defecting to quantities army the Gyptian leader pursuing in the momentum moved Southwest into China while advancing in Inner Mongolia the later Jean Khan encountered the chera Mongols whose leader League Dan Khan had broken off diplomatic relations with one side his father nor had she a few years earlier the few skirmishes occurred between the chatter and Gyptian but eventually the chat had lever leaked on Khan already facing war on other fronts with rival Mongol tribes fled with a hundred thousand men sauce sieving a great part of his territory to the Egyptians fear of influence in parallel several more ming generals defected to the egyptian by now the balance of power was beginning to shift towards one Taiji site league dunk on the cha have leader died in exile in 1634 and by the next year the remaining Charter Mongols led by his son were completely subjugated to Gyptian rule in their surrender they offered quantity the Imperial seal of the UN dynasty greatly boosting his influence in the eyes of all the Mongol peoples huang taiji had now amassed immense political power that same year in 1635 in order to solidify the unity within his people and confirmed total autonomy deserving the Chinese qty decided to completely reform his society now rejecting the Chinese appellations of Gendreau or jitan he adopted for his people a name from his own language under an official decree logician had now become the Manchu people with fresh common core the mantras could now burn together for the same goal much like the name of its people the later Jean Carnot was also coming to an end this was not because it was failing but on the contrary because its prestige had grown so strong that the Manchus could not contend themselves over mere carnage in 1636 Mongol loyal Han Chinese and Manchu nobility assembled in the capital of Mukden modern-day Shen yang and after discussions they suggested that the can Huang Taiji become an emperor himself conspicuously rivaling with the Chinese Ming Emperor Heda sold a state his father had established only to proclaim the founding of the great ching dynasty he would be the first of its many Emperor's through the disbelief of the Chinese it seemed that now nothing could stop the momentum that the Manchu were following well subjugated Mongol and Han Chinese people recognized his legitimacy as an emperor the Chosun Korean envoy's refused to bow down at his coronation as they still only saw them in Emperor as legitimate the kingdom of Korea that had been subjugated years earlier in a flank tidies first campaign was furthermore suspected by the Manchus to house Ming and Manchu fugitives it also still supported the ming army subsequently violating the peace treaty that had been established back in 1627 finally when two official manchu delegates were dispatched by the new qing emperor to meet with the king of korea he refused to receive them even refusing to communicate with letters this was too much of a humiliation for huang taiji it was time for another demonstration as Korea had to be subjugated again the new Qing forces saddled up after having sent forces along the coast of the peninsula to ensure the minke had not send reinforcements by crossing the sea but second invasion of Korea could begin in December 1636 Manchu Mongol and loyal hand forces under the 8th banner of the Ching dynasty started marching to Korea this time the Chosun fortresses on the northern borders that had been reinforced held on preventing a full-scale invasion from the north the Manchu forces however also landed by shifts into the peninsula this time they ensure the king of Korea in jaw could not escape to a fortified island as he had in the past encircled the king found refuge in a mountain fortress attempts by the Chosun army to relieve him were overturned by the swift Manchu cavalry nonetheless the korean mountain fort was held on by january 1637 the korean army even managed to destroy Manchu siege weapons furthermore Korean Musketeers and cannons that had been constantly perfected in the past years proved effective against the Qing forces nonetheless it was only a question of time until the Koreans would have to surrender the King's second son and consorts were captured by the Manchus who using them as hostages and threatening to destroy royal ancestral shrines forced negotiations the king injo finally surrendered under the new peace treaty that was signed Korea effectively became a tributary state to the Ching Empire offering supplies men warships and money to its new overlord Nepal flank tidies main objective was still China he also worked to pacify and integrates the Siberian Amal River Valley where many tribes and peoples such as the events dulk and so lowly people lived in the late 1630s the Manchu Emperor sent four successive expeditions to conquer and integrate the local tribes who rapidly all became nominal subjects of the Ching dynasty only the events under their leader do la bamba war successively drove off Manchu armies but as time passed many of his soldiers switched their allegiance in August 1640 the event leader was forced to flee he escaped to Mongolia but was eventually captured brought to the chin capital of Moncton and executed with his death the last remaining peoples in the Amal River Valley was subjugated to mantra rule Fung Taiji had no more opponents in the north the Mongols in the West were loyal to him and the Koreans to the East had been vessel iced all military efforts can now be focused on the Ming Empire that was already stricken with domestic rebellions in 1638 the Qing forces launched raids on Chinese territory swiftly retreating after each attack to plunder and weaken the Chinese the Ming Emperor Tong Tong ordered his armies to focus on the domestic rebellions rather than the Manchu race who he judged were not the priority whether he had already realized it or not the days of the Ming Dynasty were numbered in the beginning of the 1640s the qing emperor organized new campaigns against the chinese huang taiji always working on perfecting his strategy designed supply lights to carry month-long sieges against enemy cities at the Battle of seongjun the Qing forces besieged in tow as reinforcements over 100,000 elite Chinese troops from Songshan led by famous general Hong Kong Hall came to the aid of the besieged city but were crushed by the 8th banner army Jeanne troll surrendered the Qing forces then besieged the mostly empty city of song shan and captured it - finally the chinese general Hong jeong-ho and his remaining men defected to the Qing forces feeling a great blow to the Ming Dynasty review ntral Wan long dead and the other great Chinese generals now loyal to the Ching it was only a question of time until all of China would be on the Manchu rule but as quantity was making plans to conquer baiting his health began to falter the death of his primary consort who he loved dearly overwhelmed with grief as months passed he showed no signs of recovering his health in fact worsening gradually the Emperor realized he would not live much longer and declared steeper the mountain is the more it might collapse taller the tree grows the more it might fall the wiser we grow the older we are it is what they will of heaven imposes on us huang taiji started to delegate more and more state affairs to Boulder's and spent much time praying eventually under ninth of August 1643 the Ching Emperor died at the age of 52 his body was transported to the Manchu capital of Mukden and interred in the jowling mausoleum that can still be visited today much like his father huang taiji died without designating in there as accession crisis therefore broke out as his half-brother Dorgan a mighty commander who had participated in most campaigns and his eldest son holger were candidates the tense situation was eventually solved as they both received noble titles but Han tae ds9 son the five year old became the next Emperor he was crowned on the 8th of October 1643 under the ruling name of Emperor Xuan drew and would later in his life be the first to reign from painting in practically seventeen years of rule huang taiji continued in the steps of his father to bring forth the Egyptian people by establishing the Manchu culture and seeing dynasty and even strongest states that his father's later incarnate he further improved the Manchu writing system and bureaucracy and subjugated the Mongols Korean and Siberian people to Manchu rule his strategy of integrating the subjugated people and treating them well prevented resistance in conquered lands and his decisions to enroll defeated Chinese generals into his own army was probably the best way to bring down the Ming Dynasty to its knees with a Ching Empire ever growing stronger and a united army at the manchu chinese borders the nearby beijing now only seemed to be like a fruit to pick off a tree for the man to people thank you for watching my video I hope you enjoyed it if so please leave a like and subscribe to the channel if you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comment section below [Music]
Channel: History of China
Views: 55,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tai chi, hong taiji, qing dynasty start, qing dynasty founding, qing dynasty documentary, manchu dynasty, manchu qing dynasty, manchu invasion korea, later jin, later jin invasion, manchu invasion of china, manchu documentary, china qing dynasty documentary, manchu dynasty documentary, qing dynasty documentary bbc, hong taiji qing dynasty, hong taiji documentary, huang taiji, Qing Emperors series
Id: 0Jj-xaJyP1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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