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[Music] imagine a man who in his lifetime mastered martial arts literature calligraphy painting and administration the man who would launch his nation to the strongest position it had ever been through history in size economy and military power finally imagine him becoming the longest-living leader in the history of his nation such can be described the fascinating life of the Chinese emperor qianlong in 1711 future emperor qianlong whose personal name was homely was born in the jung-ho Palace of bating he was born outside not only the Forbidden City but the Imperial City as well as he wasn't the son of the incumbent emperor kangxi homey was in fact his grandson through Prince Imran who would later become emperor zhongzong Kangxi adhering strongly to the values of Confucianism aimed to be a benevolent leader and have a flawless frame he therefore look for similar qualities within his descendants Kangxi reportedly met his grandson Hong Li for the first time and he was 10 years old and immediately took a liking to the boy who proved to be very bright whom Lee showed indeed great intellectual capacities having been given a great education thanks to his father Prince intron being tutored by high-ranking officials an anecdote recalls that around the age of eleven whom Lee went on a hunting trip with his grandfather kunshi they were suddenly surprised and attacked by a bear while the animals being killed the child firmly managed to stay calm and kept riding his pony maintaining his mount on the control this was noted by kunshi who developed a preference for his grandson the Emperor however died soon after in December 17 22 and his son Dean John managed to ascend the throne becoming Emperor Yong drunk home Lee was now an imperial Prince at that period only one elder brother to him Hall sure had survived infancy however because emperor zhongzong saw home sir as unworthy due to his behavior he already secretly favored homely to later sex him this choice was further reinforced by the fact that while alive kunshi himself preferred homely to other grandsons consequently songstress added who his uncle prince insula young drums brother and political rival in his first months of rule and prey jung jung focused on securing his unstable position to do so he banished some of his rival brothers including Prince insula from the Manchu Imperial ice enduro clan in the Imperial decree ordering this Ian's slow was stripped of his title and imprisoned and young drunk trying to repudiate his eldest son added Huang sure can become insular son if he wishes to associated with his disgraced uncle Fung shooey fell out of favor and was prohibited from access to the Forbidden City possibly out of pride or spite he refused to repent and ask for forgiveness to his father which enraged young drunk in 1726 the emperor struck his eldest son's name from imperial records a year later Hong shrah died probably having been forced to commit suicide so that Hong Li could become the next in line to the throne young tons are the son Hong Kong younger brothers only did not care for politics and stayed out of the rivalry all was set for homely to succeed his father in 1733 nearing the end of his father young trans reign Hong Li was elevated to the title of prince of first rank this position allowed him to start dealing with state affairs directly learning the skills of governance when his father was away he regularly appointed homely to rule in his absence to ensure a smooth succession between himself and homely and pro Yong Chun devised a new method of choosing a successor the secret designation of the Crown Prince that I've discussed in my jung-geun video links in the description below for more than two years the young prince would live comfortably in the capital practicing martial arts calligraphy and managing several state affairs in 1735 when Hundley was 25 years old his father young drunk died after 13 years of rape through the secret designation of the crown prince whom Lee was revealed to be selected as a successor and ascending the throne becoming Emperor Qianlong thanks to his father's political and economical measures that seeing Emperor now held total authority the economy of the Empire was strong and its population content the Qing officials were eager to see how Shen long would rule as they would discover the emperor would partake in many military expeditions that would later be branded as the ten great campaigns they would however be more or less successful the first issue of the young Emperor's rule was a rebellion of me all people in the south of the nation soon after his ascension to the throne the local king authorities were rapidly overwhelmed by the tribes sudden uprising against the dynasty's rule and prepared to make concessions to the rebels however upon learning of the situation Shen long wishing to prove his worth sent for trusted generals to crush the uprising over the next two months eighteen thousand yarbles were killed and by late 1736 order was restored in the region opposition was nonetheless still strong in the Miao people's who would rebel again later in history this first success allowed Shen long to be well perceived by many officials the Emperor however would not rest on his laurels it was now time to deal with an old issue that had begun under his grandfather country's reign the Donga mongols now led by their khan Gulden's Aaron had been periodically quarreling with the Ching dynasty since 1689 Shenlong wishing to pacify the borders of the Empire organized talks with the dongers at the terms of the negotiations both sides accepted to designate the Altai mountains as a boundary between both territories and the jungle Carnot officially became a tributary state for the Ching dynasty gold and Saran would then develop the economy and military of his state of the help of a captured Swedish officer which would lead to other events later on the mail people made another insurgency in 1740 that was rapidly quenched general wood now focused his first period of his reign on making reforms in the military and solving economic issues in the northern regions food became scarce and prices reached concerning amounts fearing this would lead to a famine the authorities were anxious to take action Shenlong first considered the situation was caused by breweries using grain to make wine so he prohibited the activities of breweries this was of little effect and soon food prices soared evidently food production had to be increased in a first measure the emperor allowed hun populations to emigrate along the Liao river in its river valley in Manchuria a territory normally reserved exclusively to ethnic Manchus Han peasants once relocated in those regions began farming the land consequently practically 600,000 acres of agriculture were formed as a side effect Han Chinese populations slowly grew to become the majority group in Manchurian urban serves replacing the Manchus over the next few decades as farming Commerce and crafted good production increased the Treasury and population of the Empire reached unprecedented amounts in 1743 shen long organized a journey to visit the imperial mausoleums of his forefathers centered around nor hacci predecessor to the Ching dynasty these were the youngling tomb containing the remains of nurhachi father grandfather and great-grandfather buddha had she's own falling mausoleum and his son want id's jollying mausoleum the emperor conducted their sacrificial ceremonies to honor his ancestors he then stayed in Multan mande Shenyang the capital of Manchuria and composed of a kind of long traditional poem in classical Chinese to express the beauty of the region and claim that Shing dynasty would prevail through time back in Beijing and protium long converted the youngja palace his birthplace in to an imperial building replacing its traditional turquoise tiles by Imperial grade yellow tiles his father had converted part of the palace into a Tibetan Buddhist temple but Chen long made all of it a religious building hosting many Buddhist Lamas the young club became the National Centre for Tibetan Buddhism proving that the Qing Emperor's presented themselves as patrons of the religion during his reign Shen Nong would further proved to be a strong supporter of Tibetan Buddhist arts translating many canons it is even suspected that in his life chen long slowly came to embrace tibetan buddhism as his religion has many artifacts and scriptures in neither Chinese nor Manchu but Tibetan would be discovered in his tomb later in history in parallel persecution of Christians began to increase at a significant rate Christianity had indeed been outlawed by young drunk in 1724 due to the Chinese rites controversy and repression of Christians was now beginning to take place throughout the empire the only ones that were spared from this persecution were Jesuits scholars working in Beijing the Jesuits had fallen out of favor of the papacy and were facing criticism in the West ironically they were well perceived by Chen long for their knowledge the emperor particularly enjoyed Jesuit painters as he appreciated the European perspective on this form of art one of them Jews epic as Tea Leoni was particularly appreciated by Chen LAN he had arrived in 1715 in China back on the country's reign but it was under the current Emperor that he really rose to prominence Chen long would commissioned from him a series of painting depicting his military conquest as well as many portraits of himself and of his concubines the Emperor also commissioned many European clocks to be made from Jesuit artisans quite fond of European art he would also recruit Jews epic Castiglione to work on the sea on low or western mansions european-style Imperial buildings on the ground of the old Summer Palace in Beijing they would later be destroyed in 1860 during the say and opium war the Emperor's attention would however be brought back to the military again as a new rebellion broke out this time the problem was in the gene Tuan region in the south west of China during the Ming Dynasty to ensure smooth Confucian ruling over the local people who practiced Tibetan Buddhism a system of tribe leaders called Tulsa had been put in place rivalries between the different tools are developed so on the young dongs rule bureaucratization of the Tulsa on that Singh administration was began it was not well-received by the Jean Tuan tribes one of their chieftains vlog bomb aimed to rebel he attacked a rival protesting tribe and prepared an uprising the Grand Council central military institution of the Ching dynasty mobilised 30,000 men in 1747 to pacify the area unfamiliar of the hostile terrain and not expecting that the team Tuan tribes had planned out and built strong fortifications the first hing wave was defeated the year after in 1748 Shan long ordered 40,000 men to be sent as reinforcements in search one province the expedition was once more unsuccessful this time for a variety of reasons disagreements within the leading personnel of the Qing force a gene to inspire in high position and an inexperienced commander led to the disorganization and failure of the expedition angered shen long had the commanding general executed and replaced by more experienced general for hong who was able to remove the gene transpose reorganized the campaign and pacified the area in 1749 this was the first of the ten great campaigns although in reality it was a very costly war in both lands and resources since his great-grandfather chandra had embraced chinese identity a century ago shen long now realized that the manchu heritage was slowly being diluted into chinese culture in order to preserve his people's identity shen long ordered the compilation of many works concerning its history and genealogy in 1747 he secretly commissioned the compilation of the shamanic code as shamanism was still the dominant albeit fading religion of the Manchu people much like Kangxi journal often organized inspection tools through the country during a southern inspection tour in 1748 shenlong's primary consort empress entran fell ill and died the emperor was devastated and apparently stayed heartbroken for the rest of his life but the emperor had no time to dwell on such events after a period of mourning he returned to the affairs of the state following the steps of his father young Truong who had awarded true Julian supposed heir to the jewel family reigning family during the Ming Dynasty the hereditary title of Marquis in 1725 Shen long enhanced the title into marquee of extended Grace in 1750 this title would continuously be inherited through the jewel family until the death of its final holder around the mid 20th century the Ching Empire was growing stronger and stronger new problems however appeared in Tibet an area on the protectorate already troublesome for the Qing at that time there were three figures of authority in the mountainous region the regent Paul Anna's who more or less freely rude Tibet as a tributary state to Beijing from the Tanya Ling temple to UM bangs Ching officials who supervises activities and could enforce teaching policies from the yarman residence and the seventh Dalai Lama religious leader of Tibetan Buddhism from the potala palace the Regent had bad relations with the Dalai Lama when he died in 1747 his more assertive son aluminum Jung succeeded him under his rule relations with the Dalai Lama worsened even more and the young monk suspected that the new Regent was preparing to take over Tibet by isolating the Dalai Lama and rebelling against a Singh in a preventive move the young man's decided to deal with the new regent they summoned him in 1750 to the yamen residence for administrative purposes and assassinated him while they were clearing up evidence his Chamberlain who had survived was able to escape and promptly spread the news in only a few hours hundreds and hundreds of outraged Tibetan men gathered in front of the residence of the young monks as efforts to mediate the conflict failed it was clear that the Qing officials would not survive the right one unban killed himself in despair and the other died fighting the insurgents who then began attacking han chinese residents of lhasa upon learning of the situation shen long was furious and despatched several hundred men to march on lhasa in 1751 the tibetan regency was dismantled and the seventh Dalai Lama became the main political authority in tibet however new taeneung bonds were sent to lhasa to supervise his action chen long made efforts to make the Ching dynasty and China the same entity he insisted that China was not only China proper and populated by Han Chinese but everything within the borders of the Ching dynasty in the multi-ethnic state he declared in 1755 that exists a view of China according to which nan Han people cannot become China's subjects and their lands cannot be integrated into the territory of China this does not represent our dynasty's understanding of China but is instead that of the earlier Han Tung song and Ming dynasties shenlong's attention would however soon be recalled to the military as he would organize three more of his ten great campaigns God then surrendered that song goes well who the Emperor had negotiated a peace agreement earlier in his reign had died his rule had maintained unity in the area and a violent succession dispute erupted amid swished Uighur Lords rebelled against their song gar Mongol overlords the carnate was in chaos but as Unga noble Dharwad she managed to claim the title of Khan his main rival armor asana fled to the Ching Empire in 1754 and requested an audience with general he decided to swear fealty to the dynasty and managed to convince tianlong to launch a campaign to overthrow dawat you fighting in dzungaria would require intense preparations over the next two months a multi-ethnic army of over 50,000 men was assembled comprised of Manchu Heung Mongol and Uighur soldiers and led by Mongol general Bantam they departed in 1755 in less than a hundred days during which skirmishes and battles took place along the Elia river that seeing armies were at the gates of gorgeou the capital of the car neighs now what she surrendered to settle the instability in Hungaria Shen long the salt that Tsonga Carnot's into four regions according to the full alert Mongol tribes he appointed amar sana as leader of one of the four tribes but this would lead to another problem as the jungle Lord had wished to take over all of Hungary ax the vast majority of the Ching army then withdrew from the region leaving behind only a small garrison in couldja shortly after Amuro sana allied himself of an other mongol lord and openly rebelled against it Shing and his aim to rebuild the tunngle Carnot commanding general bandy caught off guard was encircled and decided to take his own life this new rebellion was unacceptable for the Emperor in 1757 after more preparations Shenlong launched the second campaigns against its own cause Chow Wei a seasoned general who had seen action in the Qin chuan campaigns was appointed after several battles amar sana was defeated and fled to Russian Siberia where he died of smallpox Chen Wang then the man and his body be transferred over back to team lands for posthumous punishments but the Russians refused in retaliation general arrested several Russian Orthodox monks in Beijing and threatened to cut off trade between China and Russia in the end a merciless body was never transferred and the diplomatic incident was gradually result with dzungaria pacified once more three of the ten great campaigns had been completed frustrated by all these events shen long stayed outraged that did some guard abelian they had indeed cost a treasury tremendous amounts of money and unstabilized the empire wishing to make an example of the remaining younger men he declared show no mercy at all to these rebels only the old and weak should be spared our previous military campaigns were too lenient if we act as before our troops will withdraw and further trouble will occur if the rebel is captured and his followers wish to surrender he must personally come to the garrison prostrate himself before the commander and request surrender if he only sent someone to request submission it is undoubtedly a trick tailed single job Massacre Aldus crafted dzungars do not believe what they say in retaliation for the two campaigns that jungle mongols were almost entirely wiped out scholar wagon estimated that 50% of the hunger households were killed by smallpox 20% fled to Russia or the Kazakh Carnot's and 30% were killed by the Ching army leaving no Yotes in an area for several thousand Li except those of the surrendered in this event baptized the tunngle genocide roughly eighty percent over half a million people were killed including women children and the elderly the vastly the populated area was soon settled by Han Chinese people peace in the region was however not yet achieved - we good Jota or Muslim Lords - her brothers would they come the next opponents of Shenlong they had previously been captives of the jungles but after Chen Long's first expedition in 1755 they were freed and soon after began raising troops during the second expedition against amor sana they had taken advantage of the political turmoil to secure control over the southwest part of Hungaria now they ruled over the area with a ninth fist and rebelled in turn against the Kings claim on the region in 1758 soon joined by remnants of the tunngle Carnot been Kiki's allies they managed to overwhelm the local shing authorities who had to call for help from Beijing in 1759 at this point Chen LAN was fed up of the issue in order to pass by the region once and for all he dispatched over 10,000 elite soldiers from the eight banners as well as the famous Camel artillery led by General John Howe within a few months the Muslim brothers were defeated although the rebellion had been put to an end it would inspire a continuous Muslim jihad against the Ching that would last for over a century nonetheless the pacification of this new region annexed into the Empire under the name of seems young or new frontier was complete for now in 25 years the Emperor had already done more for China than many other emperors in their entire life Shen long would however accomplish much more in his long reign his ambition would lead to the fifth grade campaign that would take place in the jungles of Southeast Asia as one of shenlong's main priority was to tighten control on border regions tensions with neighbors could easily appear this would exactly be the case in Yunnan Province where the Qing shared a border with the kingdom of Burma while that nation was preoccupied with internal rebellions and Wars China could effectively secure control over the border region and several of the multitude of Shan States petty kingdoms inhabited by Shan people in parallel by 1750 to a new dynasty the Cong bomb took control of Burma its leader the new king along Boyer then sought to re-establish Burmese authority in the border region and Shan States after he invaded them their local rulers who had more or less become subjects at that Shing fled to young man and thus the Chinese forces to intervene the you nany's authorities relay the message to Chen long in 1759 he was quick to issue a new Imperial edict the border states would be captured from the Burmese however as the mighty Ching dynasty would realize this new conflict would prove disastrous for the Chinese thank you for watching my video I hope you enjoyed it if so please leave a like and subscribe to the channel the second part will be available shortly if you have any questions or requests feel free to leave them in comment section below [Music]
Channel: History of China
Views: 231,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: qing dynasty, history of china, chinese culture, qianlong emperor, emperor qianlong, emperor qianlong biography, qianlong dynasty, qianlong emperor wives, qianlong emperor biography, qianlong emperor documentary, qianlong emperor tv series, qing emperors series, ten great campaigns, yongzheng, kangxi, jesuits in china, history of china documentary, emepror qianlong documentary
Id: TDYhARiwd14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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