5 SMARTEST People in Chinese History

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hey guys is my chin you know one of my favorite stories of ancient China is Romance of the Three Kingdoms most people probably know of that story from dynasty Warriors hey you know what I love that game too it's my favorite story because it involves so many things I like stories of honor courage sacrifice and strategies the entire Romance of the Three Kingdoms was basically Three Kingdoms trying to outsmart each other the whole thing was like an intricate three-way chess match with each side trying to find more smart people to join their costs for example the Lord of the Shrew Kingdom the obey wanted to have genius drew Galia as his strategist and went to visit him three times in the harsh winter just to try to convince juga Leon to join him this story even coined the face Sangam al Ghul which literally means visiting a cottage three times this used today as a metaphor to describe when a person sincerely invite somebody to do something of course there are countless significant historical figures throughout Chinese history some were known for their bravery some were known for their honors some were known for their loyalty and some were known for their brilliance and in this video I want to focus on the smarts so here are five of the most brilliant people in Chinese history and we'll start with number five watt wok and this is a person whose profession is what everyone considers to be pretty smart of dr. Watts what was a famous doctor in Chinese history who was believed to have had super normal powers in which he could see through the human body and could detect people's illnesses kind of like a human x-ray machine records show Pato was the first person in Chinese history to ever use anesthesia during surgery his most famous abilities included acupuncture and herbal medicine he also developed into famous routines he wore exercise of the five animals in which he studied movements from the tiger deer bear ape and crane as brilliant as Quattro was he did meet his demise where he went to treat a patient named Tulsa who was the ruler of the way Kingdom during the Three Kingdoms era when salsa was complaining of his chronic headaches his subjects recommended watch what since his skills were said to be legendary Pato diagnosed salsa and found that he had tumor in his brain Quattro suggested to open saltos head with a sharp axe to extract the tumor butts also grew suspicious and thought Swatow was trying to kill him since Southall was always paranoid he threw hot were in prison in days later quatuor died when salsa realized that he indeed had a tumor he went to look for hotdog but it was too late and laters how tall indeed died from that tumor number 4 Chelsea at Chelsea how was the advisor of kinguin of the Joe kingdom and was know throughout Chinese history as the master of a hundred ways basically he was brilliant in everything from military strategies to how to run a country to philosophy at age 32 Yan Zi went to live on a mountain to cultivate the Dow improving himself by studying and living in accordance with Taoist teachings at the time the Shang Dynasty was in continuous state of war he went to the mountain in part to avoid the conflict after 40 years of cultivation Zhang Jie came down from the mountain is served as an officer under the last Shan dynasty ruler Emperor Jo who was a tyrant addicted to alcohol and women in disguise Emperor's was the infamous - John Xia concluded that the end of the Shang Dynasty would be near and decided to move to the Joe kingdom which was ruled by the kind in virtuous kinguin Chelsea I decided that he wanted to be king when strategist but the way he got his attention was kind of mysterious and odd the story goes Jonesy I went fishing along the river each day and waited for King went to pass by he used a straight hook without any bait in a short fishing line that I held the hook three feet above water and saying to himself constantly only those willing to be caught come to bite my hook he played until he was 80 years old when keen when finally came by one day on a hunting trip the King saw the peculiar way that Jonesy I was fishing so he stopped and had a chat with him Jonesy I said to kinguin the world is not owned by one person but by all the people of the world Jonesy I advised that a king should behave morally and cultivate virtue so that he could govern by virtuous and neverland's means king one impressed by Chelsea as views on the ruler and the people inviting him to serve as his military advisor with Chelsea as advised the Jo dynasty was established and became the longest lasting dynasty in the history of China number three Ranjan quandra was a distinguished politician and strategist in the state of Qi during the spring and autumn period of Chinese history he was appointed prime minister of chief by Duke one under guan's governance he became the most powerful state in that period after becoming prime minister of Qi in 685 BC Guangzhou started his modernization of the Qi state with multiple reforms in his policies later helped Duke 1 become a dominant leader in the spring and autumn period one centralized state power by dividing the state into regular units to be administered by a central Bureau that reported directly to the Duke ronzo completely overturned the tradition of passing down official government's roles to aristocrats based solely on family background he divided the population into four groups officials peasants craftsmen and merchants he then developed a more effective method of selecting talented officials using new training programs and thereby also spawning a generation of professional bureaucrats instead of depending on small bands of soldiers training under different aristocratic families he appealed to the villages directly to conscripted army with these reforms want help she steered the administrative responsibilities from the once powerful aristocratic clans to a professional centralized barrel these reforms were the early start of the emerging philosophy of legalism in which the monarchy should be absolute administering strict control over all activities with a uniform system of rewards and punishments for everyone during his 40 years as Prime Minister Guangzhou implemented a series of reforms measures in both domestic and foreign affairs with his assistance she was prosperous strong and politically influential Guangzhou is credited as the author of Kwanzaa the earliest known book on legalism and had a large impact on the economic development of ancient China number two Zhang Liang channel was known as one of the three heroes of the early dynasty he was a chief military strategist minister and advisor to Leo bong the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty charlie'll was famous for his ability to win battles 1,000 miles away without ever stepping outside the command tents along with his great talent and specialized military strategies he was also known for his tolerance and respect for the elderly and for his modest and a frugal way of life charlie'll was born into an aristocratic family in the Han state during the warring States period for five generations his ancestors served its ruler with the States was dissolved by Chi Chuan founder of the Qin Dynasty Zhang spent his entire family fortune for an assassination attempt on shisha walls life however the attempt failed and jon was forced to flee to another state Wow a fugitive Chung now traveled about one windy and snowy day he was strolling near a bridge where he saw an old man sitting on the bridge when the old man saw Jon down he deliberately dropped his shoe which rolled to the bottom of the bridge then he asked Zhang Liang to go and fetch him for him despite the slippery conditions and being unhappy about the situation Charlie I'll not only fetch the shoe but also knelt down and put it back on the old man's foot seeing John's respect for elders the old man smiled and told him that he would be worth teaching he instructed Jon out to meet him the next morning for a lesson so the next morning Jon went to the bridge before dawn yet he found that the old man already was there waiting the old man angrily scolded him for keeping an elder waiting and told John to come back tomorrow although John went earlier than the first time the same thing happened again so the third day Charlie I went to the bridge at midnight and waited until the old man arrived finally satisfied the old man gave John a book and told him when you fully understand this book you will be able to serve as a teacher to an emperor if you need more help from me I am the yellow rock at the foot of mount school Chung according to a classic Chinese folk tale the old man was actually a DAT called Lancome the yellow rock ancient the book he supposedly gave John Lang was called the strategies of Hong Kong war Tyga's art of war after study in the book John became known for his military strategies and his ability to manage changing situations thanks to John nails Council on political Paulo and military strategy the Obon war many battles and became the first emperor of the Han Dynasty and finally number one and probably the most well known true Galia the famous - Galan was a chancellor living in the Three Kingdoms period around 180 ad and was known to be the most accomplished strategist of his time and is often depicted wearing a Taoist robe and holding a fan made of cream feathers while living as a young Hermits - Galan was known as Willem were crouching dragon he wasn't known as Hidden Dragon because people actually were able to find him the person who found him was the obey a warlord of the eastern Han who visited him three times to enlist his help googly-eye finally agreed to leave his solitary life to assist the obey whose ambition was to re-establish the Han Dynasty to his former strength juga Leia was the mastermind behind the alliance between the Obey and world war to swim trent their decisive victory over salt saw in the Battle of Red Cliffs led to China's division into three territories setting the stage for the later formation of the three kingdoms of wei xu andrew in the spring of the year 222 the Obey became seriously ill and some of the Deucalion from Chengdu no Bay then told him you are ten times greater than salt salt and are capable of securing the country and accomplishing the mission if my son needs assistance then assist him and if he is incompetent that you may take over the throne to which Julian replied tearfully I'll do my utmost and serve with unwavering loyalty until death true galell is known for his great military achievements but he was also a famous inventor he actually invented the mantle the land mind the special true good crossbow in an early type of hot air balloon the stone since no maize which is an array of rocks and boulders said to produce supernatural phenomena and is based on the bagua which was also believed to be conjured up by juggling in Chinese culture two golems name is associated with unbeatable strategy devotion to the state and the embodiment of wisdom so there you go guys those are some people who are widely considered as some of the smartest in Chinese history I mean these guys are are insanely smart if you read some of these stories they could basically epilate people's minds and some cases seem to be able to even see into the future and we'll definitely cover a lot of those stories on this channel thank you all so much for watching this video see you later
Channel: The Chen Dynasty
Views: 415,639
Rating: 4.8316326 out of 5
Keywords: smart, chinese, chinese history, warrior, amazing, intelligent, asian, asia, war, history, information, great wall, illness, supernormal, ability, king, doctor, emperor, rule, law, heaven, crash course, ancient, video, video game, three kingdoms, romance, zhu geliang, herbal, herbal medicine, chinese medicine, smart people, ancient medicine, legend, chinese food, mantou, asian american
Id: ApwpKb1FOoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2016
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