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the ambition of a single man has often changed the course of history in four decades of work an orphan tribesmen would successfully unify scattered tribes break free from a whole empires dominance and lay the path to conquer all of eastern Asia so is a story of nor hacci in the 16th century the great ming dynasty that had once shined as one of the world's most powerful empires started to decline eunuchs in the court centralized power in their hands as Portuguese and Spanish missionaries spread the word of Christ to the Chinese people the nation's northeast neighbors were several semi sedentary tribes known as the Egyptian confederation who in name were vassals of the Ming there was however little unity in the confederation the three main groups were each divided in many tribes that often battled each other in this tumultuous Society on the 8th of September 15:59 knew her she was born he belonged to the southern most major Egyptian group that Gendreau led by Wankel that chieftain despised as Chinese ooze rains and regularly attacked Ning villages these acts of violence escalated until one ghoul killed a Ming commander in 1573 in response the Chinese Center punitive expedition led by the veteran Lee Chong yang a seasoned general of Korean descent the Chinese general used his authority to gather other tribes against the chieftain Wankel and this general Egyptian in two years with the help of a rifle tribe when gar was captured and executed his death would have only bring more thermal with an Egyptian as the general Jurchen group was now leaderless three main contenders tried to take power wan GAO sun art i nikan while an aneroid she's grandfather co Chonga in order to increase their influence within the gentle Joe Tonga and his son taxi who were free from one girl's Authority allied themselves to the Chinese general chun-hyang as did Nika while on their service would soon be requested as one Gauss on art I launched raids against ming territory in 1582 consequently a new Chinese punitive expedition led by Lee Chong yang was dispatched in which new hatched his father and grandfather took part in 1583 tai was killed but Nora had she's descendants have also died in battle in unclear circumstances it was strongly suspected that Nikken wildin had arranged their deaths to secure his influence the young new Rahad she was now an orphan it was said that all he inherited from his late family members was a set of 13 suits of armor perhaps feeling responsible firm or in the strategic move lee chung-yong decided to foster him and gave him permission to succeed as the new general chieftain under his wing the new leader would learn chinese languages he studied chinese strategy and read classics such as Romance of the Three Kingdoms and water margins that allowed him to grasp the essence of political and military tactics these skills would later prove most useful for the young ambition chieftain who began unifying small local tribes under his banner swearing to avenge his family new ROTC at the age of 25 campaigned against rival neighboring tribes in 1584 and then again in 1587 Nikken while an the man who had supposedly killed his father and grandfather was captured by Lee chung-yong while attempting to escape the Chinese commander delivered him to do ROTC who immediately had him executed fulfilling his revenge in the following months using both military strategy and political marriages his territory and influence grew in 1589 the young leader captured a bandit lair rescuing many Chinese captives he then delivered them to mingi Thoris Eze who thanked him by bestowing in mind a rank on him by now he had several thousands of retainers loyal to him the young chieftain can now focus on unifying all of the gyptian tribes in 1591 his brother-in-law who was also achieved him demanded lands be ceded to him unsurprisingly not had she refused but in response his brother-in-law raised the coalition of tribes against him by October 1593 over 30,000 soldiers from nine different tribes led by his brother-in-law at sacked his territory rapidly nor has she deployed his general Justin and using the Chinese strategy he had studied he was able to defeat the much larger enemy coalition killing several thousands and capturing over three thousand war horses this was a turning point for the general Egyptian who had now become the most powerful of all the Jurchen tribes meanwhile great events were taking place on the Korean Peninsula beyond the sea to the east after decades of civil war the Japanese United and launched an expedition to conquer Korea in 1592 being a vassal of China Korea requested help from the Ming Dynasty that sent reinforcements Nora had she also offered his help to fight in Korea against the Japanese which strengthened China's good opinion of them but Korea however refused his assistance therefore while the Japanese were being repelled from Korea the young general chieftain continued to strengthen his tribe by war America as a result for his offer to help in Korea and for having maintained unity within the general group the Chinese authorities bestowed nurhachi in 1595 with a title of general of the dragon tiger that no Egyptian before him had ever obtained his power was only growing as a chieftain he understood the economy and created a monopole on trade of furs pearls and ginseng he also realized that much like the advanced Koreans the respected Mongols and of course the mighty Chinese as strong States could not be established to avert a written script he ordered in 1599 two of his translators to create a transcription of the Egyptian language adapted from the nearby mongol script now with sufficient authority and wealth nor had she pursued his campaigns to unify the Jurchen tribes of the two of the major groups the hi-c Gyptian were the closest to him starting in 1599 he began fighting the Hulan alliance of four tribes essentially composing the hi-c junction the ever-increasing number of soldiers within his army however led to a new problem up to then the Gyptian would fight in hunting parties of ten to twelve men each but with thousands of soldiers such a force could not be controlled effectively between 1600 and 1601 the leader had to reorganize his warriors who had she split the whole army into four divisions each following a colored banner yellow blue red or white these were further divided into companies of several hundred men under this new organization war on a larger scale could now be conducted as new hachis power was strengthening his foreign relations changed his respect towards his Chinese Sue's reins diminished the neighboring Mongol tribes recognized him as a Khan and the Koreans grew intimidating ensuring peace on both his eastern and western borders at the beginning of the 17th century the general leader began to integrates the two other main Justin groups the high suggestions and the world Gyptians the latter was subdued in 1611 and the four main high sea tribes of the Hulan alliance did not fare any better the hada fell in sixteen the high in 1607 and the all are around 1613 only the year her tribe now remain - integrates and all of the Egyptian people would be unified on the North achieve that tribe however had strong types of the Ming Empire who were concerned of new hachis power when he tried to subdue the year her the Ming sent reinforcements which allowed them to resist the attack frustrated the chieftain had to withdraw reforms were needed to better manage his increasing banner army Nora had she split the four divisions into to creating eight groups each one on their a unique colored banner the general gyptian were no longer hunters and tribal warriors this was the eighth banner army that would exist for centuries the leader signed the treaty with the Chinese defining official borders there for imposing authority on his domain he also decreed laws and appointed magistrates build fortresses and strongholds the general Gyptian under his leadership were flourishing tom had come to officialize his state on the 17th of February 1916 nor had she declared himself a Khan and found in his own States the lated scene this was a turning point for history as he was now officially a monarch of an independent state he would no longer send tributes to China as a vassal to consolidate administration and stabilize his state he began to develop a bureaucracy with thousands of soldiers and a solid war Abel State it was time to assemble the eight banners and go to war after years of careful planning Nora had she made his move the Ming had to be fought on the 7th of May 1618 he announced a manifesto of seven grievances against the Ming both justifying war and declaring it's on the Chinese Empire war on the scale that Justin had never seen before would be fought the Khan launched his first attack on the Chinese and for Shan an isolated fortress from his experience with the Chinese he knew that only a light garrison was stationed there and soldiers in the region were underpaid and underfed with 20,000 soldiers murdered she attacked the fortress after a few days of fighting the local commander Lee Jung Hyung decided to surrender he and his men even defected to the Jean Carnot's they would be the first of many the conquests of the Ming had started in the following months several other cities in southern Manchuria were captured but the year had shifted tribe was still not under his control in 1690 nor had she launched his forces against the year her knowing this would also provoke their ming allies without fail the Chinese Ming dispatched troops and also called on their career vassals consequently the Jean capital city got besieged from all sides against North had she's army counting about 60,000 troops mainly cavalry stood Chinese cannons korean hand cannons and matchlocks and drive addition cavalry from the year her tribe the combined enemy army counted well over 100,000 troops this was the Battle of star who not had she knew that standing his ground was not an option as the cannons would shred his forces he therefore decided to send his cavalry to charge in every direction this proved to be a wise move as the assailants were unable to stand the brute force of thousands of war horses each enemy company fell one by one either retreating or surrendering the khan returned triumphantly into his capital city celebrating his brilliant victory against the coalition he wrote a letter to the king of korea intimidating him further and asking why he had contributed to the attack the response was a humble letter congratula the count for his brilliant victory not heard she knew that Korea would no longer dare attack the team who have now unbreakable morale the jean forces continued their attacks in late september 16 19 at an ultimate battle the year her tribe was finally subdued logician will now all United of the new hachis Jean Carnot's the leader ambitious as ever would now attempt to conquer all of China in early 1621 he conducted the conquest of all of Yeldon Peninsula capturing Shen yang and Leon from bombing everywhere the Khan led his forces Han ethnic Chinese soldiers and commanders died fled all surrendered and were integrated the capital city was moved to Shenyang to centralize power the city got its manchu name that is more famous in the west Buckton there the imperial palace was built known today as the Mactan palace all of Manchuria was now firmly in control of the gene carnate at the age of 66 nor had she prepared to launch yet another campaign against the Ming at the coastal city of Ming UN on the Chinese side morale was wavering the local Ming commander ordered all remaining Chinese forces to withdraw behind the Great Wall consequently abandoning Ming um but we in Changwon the local commander at Ning UN however opposed this decision he was consequently left behind with 20,000 soldiers alone against all of the gyptian hordes upon learning that most of the Chinese forces had retreated notice that she led his men over 100,000 gyptian soldiers and horses trampled the ground south along the Yellow Sea coast not had she following his integration tactics tried to intimidate you and Zhang Quan into surrendering claiming to the twice the amount of men he really had the true inch from Kwan's loyalty and sense of honour were incorruptible he responded by saying he and his men would fight to death adding an old saying those who seek life will die but those who welcome death will prevail the Chinese commander ordered to burn everything outside of the UN in a scorched earth tactic he deployed Portuguese cannons along the walls of the city and patrolled them checking for any defect finally the day before the battle UN tronco Wan made the blog pact with his soldiers if Ning even fell Egyptian would flood China the Jin army finally reached the city and the soldiers started to set up camp they were however too close and the Portuguese cannon started bombarding their position inflicting many casualties before the Jean hastily retreated later Notah had she personally led the attack on the UN again the cannons incessantly detonated on the Jin cavalry it had to attack from another angle suffering huge casualties the team finally arrived at the base of the walls but the defendants lived trails of saltpeter creating a barrier of fire around the city burning oil and poison bombs were launched from atop the walls the siege was failing for the first time in his military career nor thought she was losing on the 10th of February the unthinkable happened amidst yet another attack the team leader was wounded by a cannon shot consequently he called off the campaign and retreated to his capital apart from a few mana battles mahadji's conquests were ending in July the leader fell ill as weeks followed it appeared he was unable to recover from the disease and finally while on a journey back to his capital city at the age of 67 the great Egyptian leader died on the 30th of September 16:26 although having many children he did not designate an heir to inherit the leadership of digestion people died son his second son and a brilliant general using his influence assembled all the Egyptian princes they agreed to designate a bhai Niraj she's eighth son as his successor better known by his Chinese name quantity in the course of one lifetime nor had she cunningly unified all of the different tribes developed a writing system for his language berg free from chinese dominance founded a strong state and lay for his descendants the path to conquer all of China his son would renamed Egyptian as the Manchus finally defeats the once great Ming Dynasty claimed the Mandate of Heaven and established its Shing dynasty the last dynasty to rule over China thank you for watching my video I hope you enjoyed it if so please leave a like and subscribe to the channel if you have any questions or requests don't hesitate to leave them in the comment section below [Music]
Channel: History of China
Views: 84,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: qing dynasty, qing dynasty documentary, nurhaci, nurhaci indiana jones, nurhaci manchu, nurgaci, chinese history, history of china, manchu language, manchu, ming dynasty (royal line), qing dynasty (royal line), jurchen, jurchen history, jurchen tribes, Jianzhou, nurhaci emperor, ancient china, china (country), jin dynasty, later jin, later jin dynasty, Qing Emperors series
Id: 1qZgXl2P1cA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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