Little Nightmares II (I Played It EARLY!)

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Cool so we have to avoid spoilers for the next 3 months

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Dream-Chojin 📅︎︎ Oct 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
oh boy i am incredibly excited for this and i know you guys are too welcome to little nightmares 2. i am lucky enough for bandai to send me this game early this is a preview like demo version to show off i think about 30 minutes of the game before uh before anyone gets their hands on it so massive shout outs to them and if you don't know what little nightmares is it's a really atmospheric horror slash puzzle game with a really cool story which um it's a very loose story but it kind of makes you put the pieces together it's just really good this is a great game and i played it over two years ago if you've been waiting for little nightmares too you're about to see some gameplay for it and i am more than excited are you ready i'm just gonna upload this as like a completely uncut experience of the game i think we should just jump in and play if you're new around here leave a like if you're excited as well and um most of you aren't subscribed to the channel when you're watching the videos why so if you go ahead and check under the video check if you're subscribed if you're not hit that subscribe button that'd be greatly appreciated and let's go oh oh it starts off spooky straight away of course it does oh wait who's that long time no see yellow coat and now we've got brown dirty ah headless mannequins sat in wheelchairs didn't have to start in a sight in an asylum um oh this is already creeping me out just just a little bit uh yeah i'd sit back down too to be honest with you wait we playing oh we're playing no way i can't believe i'm playing this right now to be honest with you uh it kind of come out of the blue i didn't know when this was coming out but usually we control the person in the yellow code forgive me i will have um forgotten some of the names of the characters and stuff and maybe a little bit of the story as well but i just wanted to play this with a fresh mind oh just having the the headless mannequin is super creepy and this one over here has no limbs poor guy poor guy so we got some controls over here so we've got grab i can grab their hand oh that's mad cute oh that's so cute look come with me come with me you're gonna be safe it's gonna be fine it's really cute we also have ah flashlight oh look we've got like holes for eyes which is kind of nice then we can move the flashlight around which i think is a new feature in this game oh look at the shadows the shadows of the uh the creepy ah it definitely shouldn't do that oh crouch and i think you can slide as well if you sprint okay cool oh so you can like you can to get the the person to follow you i think just a little bit quicker and then you've got jump as well okay i think we've got this i think we've got this let's go let's get up these stairs so this um the brief i've been given has said that this starts with you kind of quite far into the game the gem is playing among us you didn't see that you didn't see that play this game instead yeah it starts a little bit further into the game so there'll be some bits that potentially don't make sense but let's try and grab this or anything you can grab wait i don't think you can grab with your flashlight out so we need to put two things in here obviously we grab this we can help me help me put me down i'm not heavy enough oh no is there any controls i'm missing sprint flashlight grab look around no i don't think i am okay we need to find something else for this what can we use to uh it's a straight up mummy straight up mummy a mummified mannequin maybe a prison cellar as well okay maybe we need to find like some batteries oh i should have done that i thought i died i'm okay i'm okay are you coming down okay look at them go i'm sorry i'll light the way for you uh we can go left i didn't see what was this way there is a door no i can't open the door okay right let's go [Music] go through this door maybe so we've got cannes leg and i think we can we can pick stuff up right yeah there we go okay that was that was not the best idea in the world was it let's see what else we can grab please let me grab the leg if i could grab the leg that'll be phenomenal maybe i need to i might need to grab that at some point okay this was not useful whatsoever whatsoever what is there i can use i know there's like there's speakers up top i think i've got to open that door but oh wait wait wait wait wait what if i grab the hand of yellow sorry i completely forgot their name is it like six or something uh what if i grab their hand grab me and there we go yeah that definitely didn't work oh wait there's an opening here go through the door the leg factory this is where mannequins go to die well actually it might be where mannequins go to um to be reborn and repaired that's creepy this is like this is where they make animatronics we found it here we are wait a second i should have i should have re-watched like my old episodes but did we meet this character that we're playing as right now at the end of the previous series at the end of the previous game or did i just make that up that could be completely made up or i remember oh hold on a second yeah that's what i'm talking about how do i oh that's dope oh that's really cool but now i'm by myself um oh i don't know if that was a good idea it's auto saved and there's a headless man hopefully a mannequin but if that's a headless man we could be in big trouble here okay that's definitely a mannequin i'm gonna put it out there not sure that's a mannequin hand that this could be a person why did i have to come in here by myself we're in the we're in the mannequin graveyard oh and it's creepy okay we need to get up here definitely this is like set up for platforming problem is you can't um i don't think you can can you grab and use your mannequins at the same time i mean grab and use your jump the grab at the same time yo be gone be gone oh my gosh i probably shouldn't be going over this way that looks like you should be jumped on and now i definitely don't want to be jumping on that so let's crouch under here instead it's gonna attack me isn't it it's definitely gonna attack me run run run run run let's go let's go quick quick quick i don't like this slide why don't you slide why don't you slide i'm here rumblings oh you can slide but it's not letting me have to go over oh this is terrifying what are you doing leave me alone ah no no no no no okay i don't think i can attack though yeah you ain't coming to get me now let's go run run as fast you can that was a terrible slide oh i'm dead i'm so dead i'm so dead thanks haha you idiot let's go it's so gross look at the way it's can it come up here look at the way it's like coming back at you it kind of reminds me of the tarantulas from animal crossing in a weird way um oh there's there's no way out here i'm gonna have to figure out how to kill this guy i think uh where could i go or maybe i could go over here yes hog well that thing's creepy do i have to can i jump on it yep oh no it suffocated me with its bare palm i'm sorry little man i'm i'm so sorry that was completely my fault i need to i need to figure out if i can get a um a weapon i think you can attack on the controls it does say jump throw and attack so let's see if we can just straight up whip it ready yeah we can't we definitely can't did it just grab an arm as well had an arm this time wait hold up oh no it's definitely going on definitely going on okay let's go this oh it fell off i'm trying to grab stuff but it ain't working run little bean this is definitely the safest place for us but where else can we go oh wait go go go go yes please don't follow me ah it's following me go no no no no no no no no no what are you doing terrified i'm actually terrified i'm terrified from a plastic hand keep going just run just run it's gonna be fine it's gonna be absolutely fine hello oh it's in the vents oh i do not like that stop stop this i'm sorry i'm screaming so much i haven't played a horror game in a hot minute and this one's like it's not just horror it's like it's kind of soft horror where it's like an experience at the same time and the ambience that it creates just makes it way scarier i got my eyes on you there it is be gone get away from me you five fingered wait you four-fingered beast definitely forgot how many fingers are on her hand um you're up here nice i love how like how beautiful this game is as well i'm a big fan of like spookiness so and this game oh no jump jump please he's coming oh if i messed up or is he going to get some of his friends if i go past if i go past here and there's like 10 of them coming at me i'm gonna i'm gonna be real mad all right i think i need this hammer quick quick it takes ages to pick up all right if you come over here sir that's right that's right come at me come at me oh it's disgusting don't you pick up the hammer there we go right now i need to pick this up pick it up get up get up yes oh wait it's still alive oh it's gone um yeah you come back you come back i dare you i dare you yo okay you want to come back out mistake big mistake oh in mid-air get crushed just make sure it's dead hit it more than once hit it a few times just make sure it's dead is it definitely dead it's like when you squish a spider and then you like force your foot down as hard as possible even though you know it's dead okay oh gg's though man ggs that was terrifying i love that though that was great did that hand come off the man i can't actually remember oh maybe we can smash this glass too we need to get reunited with our buddy and i'm already loving this i don't actually know when this game comes out i'll see if i can find out before the video ends but i think i think it's soon and considering it's spoopy month i'm hoping it's very very soon so let's just smash this up real nice but careful don't you don't you cut yourself hello friends are you oh i hear creaking are you okay friend oh no friend's gone brenda's most definitely gone this is not a good sign is it please don't make me fight a mannequin please don't make me fight a mannequin oh oh you're just you're just playing hello are you okay let me you need to hold your hand are you good what were you doing why didn't you choose the hook the hook was the obvious choice here is that my flashlight one keep up oh we needed some i completely forgot that we needed something here uh oh hold on a second can we use the arm that they just made i forgot that we were looking for some kind of power i got completely distracted by the the other stuff we were doing there must have been something in there maybe up here look at the duck all of these body parts and there's a duck that's fantastic what do i need then i definitely need power i need two but then i don't know where i'd get it from oh that's one okay that's not cool that is definitely not cool why is that there this is hovering do you wanna you want a high five or something i think i might be able to grab maybe grab that box if you grab this box over here we should be able to grab that power core sorry i'm shining it in your eyes come on quick as you can i know you're tiny but i wonder if the gnomes are in this game the gnomes are super cute the hand is freaking me out i'm playing this at night i'm gonna go to bed soon i don't want to dream about that hand especially the way it moved they nailed the creepiness of that right puzzle game knowledge activated let me get up here there we go right now we grab this i did not mean to throw it but let's let's do that anyway it kind of works might even be quicker than just um maybe quicker than ah than just running with it right we need to take this to the uh the power core let's go little one let's go yeah now i just moved i just moved i don't i don't want to i really don't want to fight another mannequin but i feel like this there's potential for a huge very creepy boss fight very soon so i think what we need to do is power these and then the elevator will work but let's see what awaits us on the other side real quick just need to pop this in in here [Music] high five actually let's just hold hands instead there we go it's so cute hello it's corn look at this piece of corn look at it look at it look at it it's beautiful so i didn't actually think i'd be able to pick it up but let's take it with us just in case we need to bribe something that's alive okay there's another power core oh okay um yes let's jump up here we want to put the corn through the oh don't put the corn through the hole hey bad bad if you do that again i'll shine the light straight in your eyes once more okay that's your punishment don't do that again you've got it stuck behind the bucket this was your fault oh no oh the corn is gone oh butts what's in there is there an animal in there uh oh no no no no no no this just didn't just happen didn't just happen i actually can't get it corn come to me accio corn right i'm going to continue just in case i can finish it without the corn i'm so mad at you yellow coat did you have to do it that way give me a boost god make yourself useful boost please boost please need a boost there we go okay that was a terrible boost right i'm shining the light in your face again that's more like it if we need the corn i'm gonna be incredibly mad at you okay i'm mad at you i'm mad at you already right away 100 just ran away boosted me over into a locked room and ran away that's not cool man that's not cool at all right i don't have any other option normally i wouldn't advise pulling random levers but we're gonna do it yeah yeah don't do that normally you want to hold hands oh oh oh she's coming over oh great oh fantastic they're haunted this is terrifying you can't see me you can't see me are you kidding me um you do you have a head she was fast bro i think it's something to do with the light maybe but i'm gonna go this end of the room okay okay it's even telling me what to do i need it to like come come at me come at me you don't have a head dummy dummy oh stay back taste my light you punk can i close this i desperately need to close this i don't like that i don't like that at all i think you got stuck though right bye idiot see you later who left their toilet on the floor oh there's another hand another mummified man why is there a mental asylum i try and avoid all horror games and mental asylums [Music] but i've broken that today i think it's gonna be worth it though so where's my friend gone i'm gonna have to go i'm gonna have to go up here aren't i hello friends how are you doing hope you're doing okay i just need to get through this door right oh thank goodness you're wearing some form of boxers because this could have been incredibly embarrassing for you i'm out let's go oh okay big man why have you got two hooks he's gonna chase me isn't he i'm going i'm running i'm actually i'm very scared there's too many of these guys way too many stay back beast huh what oh my goodness no there's more than one there's actually more than one that's not fun at all get your flashlight out come on flashlight it's your greatest weapon they don't have eyes but for some reason they can see the flashlight it is kind of hard to point the flashlight like i'm trying to point it but it's really difficult i need you to stay still send you oh geez no no no no oh no i have to like aim it at their heads but also right at the same time that's cruel that's cruel and mean let me see if i can do this i do a quick burst past this one i was shining it in your face which you don't have i was shining it at your open neck okay i think i can do this we don't actually have to get too far but maybe running isn't the best option i managed to run backwards before i'm not quite sure how i oh there we go oh it kind of changes that's nice stay back beasts i'm sorry your friends died on this bed but that ain't nothing to do with me don't get angry with me that's not my fault okay i've got this now it's the ones in the dresses okay it's not the other ones with the dresses it's whichever ones want to grab me oh it starts me here yeah that's pretty mean too oh man i don't even know why we're here that was terrifying okay let me see my master this technique i'm not gonna run i'm just gonna try and point you point there point here oh that's yeah that's actually really good it goes like a backing up kind of motion right let's uh let's pre-point at this man right here i don't think so sonny jim you said what even do you have as a head that's ridiculous oh oh that's actually terrifying i better be going the right way oh i've gone the wrong way i've gone the wrong way stay back stay back i'll kill all of you with this beam of light every single one of you all right run run get through the door quick you're pumped you're all punks idiots a lot of you i probably shouldn't anger them should i i just came for a power core that's all i need and this is definitely the wrong way that was close oh my goodness look at his little hairs look at the tiny little amount of hairs he has embarrassing i don't know why i keep uh saying things about them because they definitely could kill me at any any moment okay this is weird my friends not here at all it just straight up abandoned me excuse me friends have you seen yellowfriend anywhere oh this is really unnerving that's a very thin door oh wait i'm an idiot let's go this way up here be reunited with the person that i want to go here actually because i don't want to do that again if there's a power core here i don't think there is oh wait never mind is there something something in the fence oh prison cell now that now that takes some doing oh wait yeah that's disgusting that's very oh geez give me that cheese let's go i'll repel them they don't have a nose but they're gonna know when this cheese hits them this place is disgusting first person i see him throwing cheese him i said i'll do it i said i'll do it cheese hey my business what do you want why are you here why are you i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running why are you here why are you trying to touch me oh no stay back stay back right now oh they're crawling that's i've got the shivers yep yep yep okay i'm dead how do i get out of that one are you kidding me the cheese didn't help whatsoever but i do question why there's an eye above it i might actually take the i'm gonna try the cheese one more time i'm gonna try the cheese strap one more time let's go look at him oh grab me grab me i didn't actually think they could grab me okay i was not ready for this at all i do i don't know why the cheese would have an eye on it if it doesn't do something i'm gonna try the cheese strap one one more time no i'm saying i definitely need to stay away from those hands my goodness stay to the right or like it maybe they really like cheese and this is a terrible strategy maybe i just can't run fast enough with the cheese right here we go jeez i threw the wrong way back i don't actually know where i need to go that's the problem okay let's go this way yes finessed absolutely finessed get under now if these ones could just not come to life that would be perfect oh uh hello i think he's bob here oh no i've messed it up i messed it up i messed it up oh he grabbed me out of the air did you see that i i think i panicked too soon the cheese is 100 useless i think i needed to run up to the bed i think that's what i needed to do let me get back to that section real quick why use this section to realize where i need to go i feel like the bars up there are probably the best or is there something i can do over here oh wait i can find this fine climb climb they can't get you they can't get you just manifested they don't exist they do not exist we're okay it's fine all the showers oh and another mysterious lever to press i wonder what could happen here that's a huge sponge by the way it's literally the size of my body do i pull it i think i've got to pull it i have my friends still alive oh the soap's down here too all right see what happens yo what you only live once in my case this could be the death me oh there's like a oh can i throw the soap i remember this from the first game like throw things at buns yup look at me look at me remembering things oh what happens oh that's that's a tragic end right there hello please don't come to life either of you i don't fancy fighting either of you if you could just yeah stay there that'd be perfect you're gonna stay there right maybe i could give you a little shove can i pull him i can actually move him grab this man i can't grab this man oh this is actually creepy jump scaring coming i can feel it so we've got let's sing oh i need to go over there oh i need to pull this dude right how do i pull it though i can only grab him from the back because i feel like if i can i climb you i actually can't climb you um what could oh this get out of the box of soap this is not the time okay i can't grab that can grab this though that hit invent to oh maybe this is the way i need to go actually have a look i'm hearing some buzzy flies where there's flies there's stink i'm not quite sure what that is but that is not a mannequin what earth is this pickles bananas what happened in here maybe just maybe i don't want to know um i don't think i is this an easter egg i can't even get up here i'm climb look at the toes on that thing oh gross i'm just gonna leave this slightly awkward you look busy i'm just gonna leave it's okay i don't think i need to go there at all i think that's just a little easter egg creepy a very very fine easter egg let's go all the way to the other side with this box and then i that should be able to help me i don't know why you would be able to grab the wheelchair if you couldn't move it let me see if i can this is as fast i can put it i'm a very tiny person with very tiny arm so let me see if i can pull this over why is this soap so heavy i don't know if this is going to be high enough this is some real heavy soap also i i wouldn't be inclined to use it because it looks like that other person used it and it didn't end well for them maybe the soap is full of flies i need my friend to boost me i don't think it's gonna work can i get up here wait let me shimmy a little bit that's more like it we actually can't get in oh no what do i do i definitely do this for something but we don't have to pull the bathtub dewey i fancy doing that holy cow okay come this way i'm this way i'm this way come this way i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running so what i did was did do nothing did i i think i'm gonna get caught here i think i'm oh no yeah i'm gonna get caught okay so what i did was i turned the lights off and then he gets up out the wheelchair that's how this works problem is oh wait it's reset the whole thing grab this throw that up i need this guy to come out of his wheelchair it's so fast come this way stop i'm just gonna i'm just gonna grab this stay where you are you punk that's what i'm talking about a little tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle kneecaps and then i'm out you can run no man it's okay right now we should be able to grab the wheelchair and get out of here so the box was for nothing the box is gone i'm this way easy peasy never mind i've just trapped myself or we should be able to get out this way right yes huge brain huge brain moment oh there's just like more and more body parts here that one has teeth look at its teeth oh oh they're all moving they're all moving stay back sit back i've got a flashlight i ain't afraid to use it bro there's so many i was scared of the one with the teeth but at least that one didn't come out he said there'd be some kind of like light i can turn on or something because this just doesn't seem fair um let's try no let's not try going this way can i run and do it okay i definitely can't run and do it no that's that that's definitely not a thing this is tough i have a mug can i pick up the mug i can let's throw the mug at them he didn't want the mug that angered him even more ah they come from like all angles i feel like it's quite a hard mechanic to to get used to but you stay back that's right stay back stay back i was trying a circle strap i was just going round around in circles yeah that didn't work either worth the try it's going to take me a few times to do this definitely so you move first and you move i need to just get the ones closest i just shone that in your face you actually have faces this time this has to be close to the end because it always ramps up in difficulty and then you have a room like this which is really tricky means it like locks on to certain ones this one keeps grabbing me and i don't know how because they move faster than you and it takes a little bit of time for your flashlight to move around as well i just need to kind of words backwards oh my gosh i almost made it i was so close this is gonna be really hard yes yes you will not touch me you want to touch me it's easier when there oh no oh no it's easy when they're all in one place oh i got this all the chills i've got the chills up the spine we made it idiots all of you i'm out of here oh we're here oh wait okay is my friend here are you hello hello you how are you doing so we need to not set off the electric chair we need to do something with this ball and i'm guessing the ball is going to go in there right unleash i don't know what this is for what was the point in that um are you gonna you're gonna do anything apparently not great uh hopefully i haven't failed let's try turning this on maybe i hope i didn't need that basketball because that's gonna be infuriating but i can't actually move this can i i think i can move this i'm going to do a running jump i think we need a short circuit this maybe hey okay big guess is coming out and then we just throw the same thing in that the basketball was just the test hopefully i don't know how i'm gonna get back to the other side though oh because it'll be active yes imagine if that went straight in finally you've made yourself useful well done right now we can take this out i think and then this should be able to activate the elevator right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah come on come on yellow coat we got this oh wait they're gonna oh just about to say if you could bring the other one that'd be sweet and they've only gone and done it helpful friend helpful friends let's go whistle whistle i'm gonna lob this in here okay that was do do better than me [Music] what's gonna be awaiting us now i'm i'm wary this is only a demo so i is this gonna be the end we hold hands hold hands hold hands you need to hold hands we're doomed oh that was so good that was really good hold on hold on hold on there we go very cute look at him that's really cute i like how one of them is like a baghead and one of them has got like a triangle shaped hood well um jumpscare incoming toes incoming look at those they just oh those toes are the worst those toes are a bit better break these toes out of ten i don't even know what body part that is i don't even want to guess i just oh there's blood on the floor there's blood on the floor there's blood on the floor who's laughing oh wait someone's they're crying i think they're crying we're holding hands because that means that we're the power of two instead of the power of one are you ready are you ready little one let us go without you following nice hold hands again hold hands hold hands there we go we're in this together who's gonna be through here because last time it was like the uh the japanese style oh why did you let go of my hand never let go of the hands oh oh oh oh oh ah no okay no you should not pick that up holy cow right i did not expect this come here boy that's right i'm gonna pick this bad boy up yeah come at me come at me i dare you squish come on in come on in i've got a pipe last time i had a hammer i had a hammer this time you taste the pipe i missed i missed no no no no no no no no no no i think you tried to save me that's kind of nice very cute the bond is strong with these ones my bad i miss swung the pipe the second time let's try that again i know it's coming this time so i'm just gonna quickly grab this that's right are you coming from punk huh where you coming from i'm going to catch this pipe coming in catch his pipe catch his pipe oh no oh i missed it again i'm such a dummy big dummy dumb okay this time i ain't missing also we're gonna have to to challenge whatever is in um that draw at some point as well but i have to be a bit more patient i need to wait for it to like go up when it's it's palm is is that what you say come on in challenge me i dare you oh no oh wait wait wait wait oh there's two oh no i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running oh how am i supposed to do this can you help me oh you're not gonna help me at all oh this is bad yeah i got a pipe what are you gonna do about it oh no i knew that was gonna happen i don't know if you can fight them there if you need to get the um you need to get the first one with the clean three-peat and then take them on one by one there's no way i'm taking on two and then we might just have to run away from them maybe that might have to be what happens right here we go i'm ready for you i'm on him do it do it come at me yes crack them knuckles because i noticed that the the one in the yellow goes ahead and tries to open those planks that's two yeah this one opens i think i need to crack this third one yes here we go i got it i got it i got it what do you want huh you want to be the same fate as your friend do you smack yeah you run away yeah you work on that work harder oh yes okay one more smack can we good hopefully there's not another one that just jumps out on us got it yes they call me the hand crusher oh they were never going to open this by themselves anyway oh embarrassing that just hit them squaring the jaw i'm out of here wait we need to shed some light on these bad boys look at these aren't these the characters from before or am i tripping because the people you know right at the end of the last game we're on like some kind of boat thing and there was a celebration um i'm pretty sure these are the people aren't they with their masks and stuff and there's something real angry through here it sounds like it's in a cage or something oh it's oh it's huge right yellow coat i know you can't see right now and this isn't the greatest time to not be able to see but we're gonna have to run we're gonna have to run fast ready 31 go go go that was a terrible slide is that just a hand oh it ended it ended no that's the guy right there look at his teeth what fantastic gnashers you have all the better to eat you with i guess oh man that was good that was really good i can't believe they ended it there i was ready to do the rampage the run the run to freedom it says copyright 2021 which makes me nervous i'm gonna quickly look up if um if there's a release date for this thing little nightmares to release date please please please please please 11th of february 2021 november december january february we've got four months four months to wait for this incredible game oh i had so much fun playing the first one and this one was this was great i absolutely loved it again thank you to bandai for sending me this early i thank you guys for watching as well if you're excited let me know in the comment section down below and if you haven't have to like that yet then please do leave one and um if you're new around here as well hit that subscribe button because in four months okay three and a half three and a half it's the 11th february it's the 22nd now let's say three and a half let's hype ourselves up a little bit uh in three and a half months i'll be playing the full game definitely on this channel and um i'm excited for it the atmosphere is exactly the same if not better the music the sound the graphics it's a beautiful game and it's a really really fun one to play i love it and i hope you loved it too guys i'm gonna see if i can sleep at night i'm gonna have these creepy hands just jumping on my face anyway regardless thank you so much for watching have an amazing day and i'll see you soon goodbye you
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 2,771,393
Rating: 4.9645462 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, little nightmares 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 56sec (2756 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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