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okay guys it's finally happening I'm putting you out of your misery it's finally time to play a little game cool little nightmares you guys have wanted me to play this for so long I've been getting comments for the past two weeks or so especially asking me to play this game all I know about it is it's a creepy horror game involving small gnomes a small person in a yellow jacket and I'll uh gleep ugly creepy guys so sounds amazing you guys put me up to this I will put a warning at the beginning of this video I'm just gonna put it out there that this could contain dark and weird things hey I hope you guys like dark and weird things let's play I literally have no idea what to expect by now it's creepy I know it's weird and from one of the levels that we played in troll face quest I know it's got some ugly chef in it that's literally all I know but it's a super atmospheric game it's very much like among the sleep that we played before and who is that it's a very tall lady good for you lady could be Oh heroes definitely a lady it's like a kimono wearing yeah 100% like a Geisha who are you okay I was dreaming fantastic good start we're sleeping in a suitcase that either means that the suitcase is tiny or we are absolutely massive and the tiny little can here as well which I'm awkwardly tripping over so we can jump we can crouch we can kind of do a little jog as well we've got a beautiful little raincoat on amazing right this is carry on cuz I have no idea what's going on oh wait I think these are the gnomes yes they are look there they go it's so fast wait up where are you guys all going to are you going to a party that I'm not invited to if so that's very mean you should invite everyone really especially your fellow little people what is this it looks like oh I did not know you could do that so B allows you to lie flick your lighter on that's pretty cool and we can light up these lanterns that makes it so that we can see ourselves a little better do we have a face we kinda do I think I'm a girl I'm not too sure but hey let's go through here see what happens how do I grab things okay grab things up right trigger let's just open this we know how to crouch and let's follow these gnomes to this birthday pie that we're not invited to I'm guessing their homes they have pointy hats in their little so I'm gonna say that they're gnomes right how do we get out of here okay I kind of want to go out there though ah that's better you can put my little lighter on and why do I have a lighter especially since it's it's wet outside just probably shouldn't work but we're gonna carry on going anyway and see where on earth this leads to where are we why can't I get through hello oh hey I made it to another dark and creepy room with a fantastic oh this is gonna this is gonna jump scare me at any moment isn't it I'm actually slightly terrified it's super atmospheric though look it's spongebob store I swear I said this in another game recently was it hello neighbor SpongeBob's door is turning up literally everywhere and we are wearing the yellow coat as well so we kind of look like him I against I can't hear you oh it's very echoey less distractions more walking up a very very rickety looking staircases and those chains are massive so maybe we are tiny it's so creepy though I love the art style of this game by the way it's absolutely amazing but wait a second I was about to say can we grab this we can but it doesn't move whatsoever I'm gonna keep my oh can we open this what's inside absolutely nothing okay let's not do that again this oh it's way that's the Geisha that's the kingship from before I'm pretty sure can we grab it yes we can okay let's grab it this pick it up is this one of our parents siblings mom dad it'd be weird if it's dads I don't know why I'm taking this with me I don't even know if I need it let's just let's just take up a company okay this is so odd it's like a chair hanging above us a rickety old sofa what is that oh it's like an ashtray okay that makes sense I've fallen in the bucket whoops thing is I can't grab this lady and also all that light just went out well there's something watching us that definitely yeah definitely someone walking past use like four times our size from a little bit scared right I'm not sure I need you I was going to drive here in the bucket but I kind of failed let me see if I can put you in you ready you ready Hut yes score you stay there or let's go a little eye on the bottom as well at least we know if we need a tiny little doll we know where to get one from don't we it's also a bed let's just climb up here and carry on I have no idea what's happening oh no oh no this dude why are is legs so long is that even a real person yoke out there so he's not saying anything guys can I get a slipper yeah I'm gonna take this you won't need it anymore you're wearing shoes anyway so I'm just gonna take this slipper and throw it yes Queen set up on fire that'd be amazing and also kind of disrespectful right let's get out of here before we cause more trouble oh oh no I have to use his chair to get up there oh that's kind of upsetting this is a really cool stylized game though like the controls feel really natural I am using a controller because I saw in some of the reviews that was way better to use one otherwise the controls are a little bit a little bit tentative so to speak right can we grab it yeah into the door with the creepy-looking ion what could possibly go wrong poor Jesus goop oh it's like bendy and this game is way older than bendy can you hear it oh that's grim that sounds disgusting maybe Bendis here this is like Bendis origin story there's a fridge with black camp oh did you trip you okay you're not wearing any shoes to be fair we could have taken the ermine oh oh another known came out what are you doing in there buddy I feel like there's something at the top what is that there's more shoes I just about to say I could use some shoes because I've got bold feet going on can i grab the shoes I'd really like some if we can find some tiny known shoes maybe we'd uh not fall over as often by the way I have no idea where I'm going I'm just kind of Oh what is that oh oh no it's like a leech no absolutely not no no no no no no can we run oh we can run we hold X to run and a to jump but yes I must have done some kind of gymnastics class because that was a pretty decent jump or parkour school either one the the yellow hooded parkour school where's that the yeah they're disgusting this is reminding me of like an old game called Abe's Oddysee it's a game I used to love when I was younger and considering is quite weird surprising that I found it that interesting Lars younger but the main character farted so that's probably what I found most interesting about it like I think we're safe from the leeches there's we grab this yeah see I can be told if I want to but not as tall as that other guy and actually that other guy must have been a human so we are definitely ways smaller than a human so maybe we're part know I'm not really too sure but I guess we're gonna find out okay we've got newspapers a wheel we've just been locked in which is fantastic I can't quite grab the wheel no I can't grab that we've got newspapers as well we grab these yeah oh my goodness I am strong for my size yes okay more gnomes coming up I'll chase pop okay that is not good what am I covered in oh geez I'm covered in it I'm covered in black run run little guy oh Jesus leeches everywhere oh no no no I need to get out of here how do I get out of here I'm gonna I'm gonna subscribe cuz back ah no gummi know how ten minutes in and I'm dead already man I knew this would happen to me but how on earth did I get out though cuz the door was geez the door was locked you said pretty sure the door was locked maybe there's a lever or something we can pull well can we just grab it grab it grab it I can't even grab it no oh my goodness where do I go I should not have fallen down here there's so many of them I'm gonna go this way oh I'm actually creeped out why is there so many no constricting me in real life it's making people gross why can't I get through that door it's so odd so odd oh maybe I'm not supposed to wake them up I'm not sure when I get out oh wait oh I could just push it okay simples let's just go I don't wanna be around too long / to find out what happens and watch out for these planks too because apparently they like to just break from beneath your feet its hold on a second I just noticed I couldn't do this just wanna light up the whole scene a little bit actually they's the checkpoints they might be the checkpoints but I'm gonna make me jump they're all going somewhere but it all kind of scared at me at the same time I would have thought if I was part of the gnome family then they wouldn't be that scared of me maybe it's cuz I didn't buy them a gift yet should I buy them a gift for their party as if it's someone's birthday party there's gonna be a little bit um a little bit awkward if I turn up unannounced wearing an outfit probably no one else is gonna be wearing and also with no gifts that's gonna be a little bit bad isn't it now I died three times that was the easiest jump in the world is this the checkpoint on trees and back here no come on let's get back to where we were because it's not miss around now oh I'm almost catching him up he's so fast though I thought I was fast I know he's gone it's just so weird right let's not mess this up this time there we go easiest jump in the world didn't kill me this time ah okay looks like there's a locked door through there so let's just go this way it's also getting a lot darker I'm not sure if I like that what is this if there's a lever my rule is to push it pull it whatever you do with a lever let's grab it and see what happens oh oh it opens okay all this gonna close right this run run jump go quick before it closes because that was close haha yes we're one step closer to the gnome howl and there's another one can we run after them that's what that's so fast their legs are less than half my size and they're still outrunning me it's kind of embarrassing actually I'm not even sure if I'm supposed to be up here I can get up here though yeah definitely I supposed to be up here right through the giant mouse hole we go and a step closer to finding out what these gnomes are my goodness it's so mechanical is this a prison oh dude look there's a guy up there and a giant eyeball yeah that's definitely creepy so creepy that's climb it and see what happens this definitely looks like someone's escaped prison but we're breaking into prison I'm not sure that's the best idea but we're gonna do it anyway we are tiny enough to fit through the bars so we can always escape back out of prison okay maybe not we're too small to get out I thought my arm size is gonna be advantage but it's definitely not okay that's like the lantern not actually sure why I'd do that what sort of rat know the rats the rats are gonna be like way bigger than me let's see what happens guys oh no these are the toilets yell at the rats are massive are you kidding me they're absolutely huge I've got a toilet roll though and the toilet roll I must be tiny because these toilet rolls are huge right what have we got here we've got a vent and what looks like an electrical door oh hold on a second let me close this door looks like it's hiding something and everything kind of has an eye on it as well so maybe that's a clue look around by using right stick okay oh I can see a toilet rolls toilets that are Wade you clogged and this I can't reach subin grab this yeah never in my life in a videogame do I think that I need to use a box of toilet rolls to help me advance to the next goal but that doesn't say that day is today no no no run run run something's happening don't let electrify you go Brian I don't know what's happening this is like a playground don't oh look at this dude can i grab him I can't grab him but he's like a weird doll Oh guys I think I've messed up and this drawer is shaking let's open it hello is there a gnome inside okay won't actually let me do anything we'll look that door a drawer shaking a hundred percent I climb this yeah I can be careful be careful actually works as well oh so I've seen an abandoned playground before it was unlike a really old TDM vlogs in my other channel and um it's creepy seeing like an abandoned play part this is something really creepy about it and that looks like what we're experiencing right now if we ride the train yeah should have done that should I okay that looks electrified wait how do we get back to the the switch if we've electrified it already get up get up okay it's not gonna get up I'm not sure what we can do now I think I might have to die and start again what happens is there anything to do with these let me see what happens if I touch this yeah - live whoops oh my goodness that was kind of dark and grim only only words right we're back it's okay I wonder if Rick hold by the way I'm not wearing like any kind of clothes it's super weird all right let me do this bit again and I think I know what to do next okay I think we need to run run run run oh no no no we got too distracted by the playground last time just go I think I've messed this up go I don't have time to grab my lights look how creepy this is it's so creepy the trains still broken as well let's go yes we made it yes okay right that was definitely what we needed to do all the power was off so the train was broken that makes complete sense are these cells what kind of prison is this a cult all the doors are yeah this is definitely a prison I kind of like these blocks like if I was a child these would be the kind of blocks that I play with from creepy eyes on them that's a little bit weird isn't it okay I'm gonna walk past all these I don't want to know what prisoners are around oh hello friends okay definitely not friends I am trying to hide I'm just gonna hide behind here maybe have to turn this off no no no no no don't look at me don't come in there's nothing here oh wait look I can hide behind this post he can't actually see me right yes all have they been turned to stone no way that's fine that's right ah ah ah yeah don't turn me to stone they've definitely enjoyed the start oh my goodness that's like the ashes of some people look oh that's grim why are there other tiny people here though just gonna have to time this right go oh no no no no that's not it that's not it go go go tiny human you're not running I used the wrong button oh I made it whoa you can't turn me to stone quick enough you little punk thank goodness for that I told you this game was creepy guys actually you told me this game was creepy we've got another save point it shows the little eye on the bottom right-hand corner so I'm guessing that some kind of save point I don't there's a gnome in there can I climb this doesn't know I can climb it properly wait how do I go over there I don't know how I go over there I can't climb this bear little gnome how did you get up there what's the secret oh there's a is that a hanging cell dude this is so creepy maybe I have to go down around the corner it looks like there might be something around the corner actually all right I can climb this okay this person has definitely gone to some kind of parkour school this is this is phenomenal for the look phenomenal parkouring well I'm gonna do a little quick peek EP grounds here I'm kind of interested as to what prisoners are inside this prison and I feel like exploration will be rewarded okay maybe we should have explored too much that's that's weird that's super weird what's all this black goop and there's more handprints eyeballs tons of handprints and another kimono lady right I know where to take you you're freaking me out so I'm gonna throw you off the edge you ready see you later I don't want you anymore see you later mum if you broke do you see that dust what did I do so you can break them I wonder if there's a reason as to why you'd want to break them though I'm not too sure but this game is cool I am liking it if you're liking it as well leave a thumbs up that would be perfect we just need to save this little gnome dudes don't we let's go to where we're supposed to because I feel that we got a little bit distracted there is that what is that what is that tell me what that is he's got a fedora on hello I'm trying to see what he looks like Oh No look at his hands are you kidding me I'm going I don't even know I don't want to know it looks like let's just go let's just go let's just go let's just run run run little person I don't know what your name is I feel so impersonal but we definitely need to run oh this is a dead end fantastic the ceiling climb this before that guy comes back oh that's our first creepy monster that we found so far but I'm telling you parkour queen over here or king whichever one so good job you're small actually it's a good job feel small because you can get through these vents but it's a bad thing because everything else including the creepy Giants are just even more creepy where is this gonna lead us where are we even going how do we even get into the situation who is the kimono lady and why are there rats are the rats going to the party as well because I don't mind rats I don't mind them at all know what you're doing are you hungry I think you're hungry I mean the only thing we found so far a rat so unless you like eating rats don't get it get it get it right I can't run oh no that's bad if we come across anything bad as well always the kitchen good time to get hungry I don't die don't die please please don't die come on you've got this you're okay the kitchen is just there you chose a good time to be hungry sir I don't know who you are can you give me some food I can see on your plate help me help me I'm so hungry please sir I know you're there just throw me the food don't mock me Annie yes yes what is it that looks disgusting but I'm gonna eat it anyway nom I'm gonna so you're gonna eat it in one Oh dude is that person even real I have no idea it could be a ghost but least the food wasn't ghost like who are you I can't see your face he doesn't even have a face oh he does have a face it's like an old man but it's all covered in black oh my gosh did I take his last piece of food I actually feel kind of bad now but you know what I ate so I'm not too bothered could have ate me something nicer like a nice sandwich or something like that okay a noose fantastic not sure if I could go anywhere near that this is a shower as well I mean I've got a raincoat so I could probably stand in this without getting wet you know you should definitely have raincoats that look like mine gray just isn't your color you should go for a little happier yellow then maybe people will feel a little bit nicer about being in your realm I wonder if we're gonna come across any of the any other of those crazy monsters well is it weird that this kind of reminds me of getting over it because of the tall mountains of just junk properly reminds me of it right I'm just guessing that I need to go this way by the way I'm not 100% sure oh no no no what do I do now can I get up there ah I can jump off them okay that's cool I didn't know that got loads of hanging baskets a checkpoint at least I think these are checkpoints or save points they might deceive a save points to be honest just the I on the bottom right happens every time can we just get in this locker and just forget about the world forget all these gnomes forget about the weird monsters we climb this yes I told you absolute gymnasts gymnasts parkour master we ever you want to call them they are greater it and it's a good job too otherwise we'd be in even bigger trouble than we are right now oh there's a switch down there I'm not sure if I need to go this high yeah I definitely don't you go that high I'm gonna hurt myself if I go away too high it's like when you climb too high on some kind of like apparatus when you're younger and then fall off and you know you've gone too high it's like yeah I know I messed up I think it's actually gonna test our parkour skills here and I also feel like so I feel like we're in some kind of sewer but I also feel like we're in we're quite close to the top now jeez I did not mean to do that I need to get to that switch cuz I'm then we need all this - which one do we pull first one of them's the power I know what this is it doesn't even budge maybe I just put the power on first there we go this doesn't move what do i do what do i do I can't even I can't jump that you kidding me that's right oh I can jump in yo why would I need to though I feel like there was a there's an electrified thing and the bottom wasn't there I could door why would I need to get up here I only think I need to because it's just a pulley at the top isn't it yeah yeah there's no way I need to go up there oh don't do that again jeez is a quicker way of getting down though why would I need to do this was it blocking something before whoa okay that was close I'm also confused by that other lever as well I don't know if that opens anything turns anything off so I would assume that I need to turn the power off Oh comes this way okay that makes a lot more sense let's bring it back up this way come back come back okay alright let's do this and run run run run yeah oh what a champ and now we can climb the chain yo this is cool I love the controls I know a lot of people said the controls are a little bit weird but they're perfect on the controller it feels super natural and super weird we found a filing cabinet how interesting I don't know what kind of files they put together such a weird thing to say can I open this certainly can how long's it go it could be one of those like joke ones when they just properly come out like all the way we go running jump yeah okay this is cool there's most like ashtrays there let's go let's go let's go run make sure you get your little lights out so I don't know if I'm supposed to come this way it'll go the other way yeah that's like this up although there's a gnome stuck in a cage buddy I'll help you I hope yeah yeah you know gonna say thanks no he's not gonna say thank you at all what a pleasant human being well it's not even a human being he's some kind of weird gnome is name I'm assuming so anyway right I think we need to push this what is he gonna do I could have just broken yeah I'm not going on that absolutely not maybe I have to if I grab it it might take me down right so any one way to find out it's definitely not big enough for my neck anyway so we should be fine oh no oh no oh no no no no I messed up okay it's not bad oh geez the Y's are gonna take me back to where are we wait where are we hello I don't know where we are oh this is this is where we're supposed to be right or are we really really far back okay there's leeches this is the same place but with leeches is it cuz it's dark it must be because the power's out and maybe I get it now so we can go through this yeah cuz the power's out okay stop running so much you're getting tired maybe you can run too much maybe that's what's happening here and then maybe you get hungry through that Oh No oh okay it's gonna make me do this stealth activates I am so intrigued by this game it just like sucks you in oh no get behind this get behind this you're okay it's fine don't worry I guess this is like classic this is like Metal Gear Solid stuff over here yes go to freedom oh that was professional it's just like it's gonna be like a prison for no one's been here oh no no no no I can't even jump anymore I'm gonna die look at a time no no don't do it don't do it come on I could survive if I could survive how many times have I died now like five times so bad for such a casual game I keep dying at least I'm back here though and now I know what to do I need to just run I need to get past this guy first no no I've been caught oh dude that's weird but like also super cool at the same time they can actually turn you to stone with just a stare can you imagine if I was in real life like a power that you had they'll be unreal right I've made it let's run this should run as fast as you can don't worry about hunger we'll sort it out later huh yes made it let's go oh geez okay he's gone hear that yes our life has been saved cuz here and I like to help you end it so often I've actually saved you for once oh look here are the gnomes we found them hello did you invite me to the party I just I don't know if you can see this but on the bottom right it's just giving me an achievement called the prison so either we've now entered like the deep prison or we've just completed the prison level I have no idea but I think we're about to find out and hopefully we're gonna no party on our hands I'm almost the same size as you so oh okay I was expecting confetti lights a disco ball maybe but this is quite the opposite isn't it like completely the opposite it's dark it's gloomy and you make me run up so many stairs come on gnomes actually where do I go now through here Oh what's through here it's like a kitchen or an office looks like there's multiple floors to this place multiple floors multiple spongebob doors which is always gonna make me feel super creepy let's go through here instead let's actually go through the office and see if there's anything here oh there's no go why are you so fast are you going to Narnia you kidding me you can actually go in here hello wait a second what I saw I just saw you go through here and now I can't go through here these gnomes are weird so weird Oh wait he's opening it IRAC okay we need to put the chair on there I was like why are you just y-you just opening it when I'm running away you don't want me to be here do you you really want me segregated from the rest of the small people it's not fair what is this a big bun I think I said it in another video it might have just been yesterday if there's a big bun you have to push it go oh wait at me that might be me that might be me through like looking from like a third that out-of-body experience you know what I mean where you're kind of looking on yourself - that could be me that's super creepy oh look we're alive though he definitely moved there's another gnome as well wait why'd you keep why are you following me I think actually maybe they're um they're kind of trying to help me out giving me clues of where to go so they can find out about how on earth I'm here and it is cool little nightmares so this could be a clue as to what we're experiencing right now we're asleep or seemingly asleep in some kind of like dark place by ourselves with other children and we're having like a dream right now I'm not too sure but we're gonna have to wait to find out guys I am very very intrigued by this game I'm glad you got me to play it it's not actually that long of a game I don't know how long we've been playing for right now I might be about thirty minutes or so I'm pretty sure it's about three hours long so we'll finish it pretty quickly probably about the same length as among the sleep which you guys absolutely loved I can already see you like foot among the sleep you guys do a lot of fan art so I can imagine that the fan arts that are made for this one let me just say little yellow raincoat I look forward to seeing them but I'm guys if you want to see more of this and you enjoyed this video because you're the ones that really wanted me to play this then please do a big fat like on this video that we'd greatly appreciated and the more likes it gets the quicker I will upload the next parts cuz I really want to finish this game and find out what on earth is happening with our little nightmares so yeah everything felt like if you enjoyed it if you're brand new to the channel and will like to see some more stuff like this every single day then please do consider subscribing to join team TDM today for daily videos and I'll see you guys in the next one but [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 5,107,269
Rating: 4.926949 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dantdm little nightmares, little nightmares dantdm, little nightmares, little nightmares dlc, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app, thediamondminecart
Id: -x6XfYygBF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 24sec (2064 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 12 2018
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