Among Us with Mods is So Funny!

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today we are back in among us but this time it's modded this mod adds over 10 brand new roles but they can all be active in the same game and things get crazy what the before the video starts it would be awesome if you could just check below the video and see if you are subscribed if you're not just hit the subscribe button it's completely free and really helps me out and you can always change your mind later enjoy the video jester pog let's go okay we need to get vote out we can't do tasks but we have fake ones this should be easy right we just need to find a dead body and hang out near it um and act like we're suss that's what we need to do we're standing will is dead in med bay um um bass i just ran past you buddy i was a dorco can vouch for me i was doing weapons yes on the right side and then i ran over to the left hello yeah who who who came down from there because you went into o2 but hold on a second hold up i'm confused i'm very confused i didn't see anyone how did raz report from this cafeteria to navigate how did razz report the body are you sprinkling some stuff no i'm a crew no you're not serious you're not trust me trust me i just wanted to i wanted to know who came down from where we were because i was with you and then somebody else came from the direction from med bay can i uh can i ask a question of course daniel i was standing on a da's dark blues body for ages yeah why i saw kemlin but you reported it i'm confused hamlin so i come i come down into med base see the report button i stand on the body for ages and kevin is just standing above it if that's even him i'm confused i didn't see razz so is raz is razz is morphed as kemlin is that the truth well no baz just passed me so he should be able to attest that i am me yeah no but i was standing on the body while it was reported i didn't see you why why are you just standing on a body that's that's even more sus i was waiting i was trying to figure out why light green was still there um it sounds like there's some heavy sauce on kremlin daniel and myself oh people just straight up voting oh i forgot anonymous wasn't on oh okay okay yeah i'm glad i've turned it off dawko okay that was weird that was very weird so basically i don't care being sus it's fine i need to get voted off so um i need to just keep acting weird and i've got this this is easy so easy i think razz was like because the more fling can morph into other players i think that's what happened here because i didn't see raz i did not see the boy but he could have been out of my vision i'm not sure the thing is i need to get voted out to win so i need to find a body so i can act weird around it i see a body there's a body there's definitely a body where is it where was that i thought it was down in the very bottom is that storage like the giant very bottom area okay right at the bottom no no it was in this it was in storage but like nearest to the hallway okay because i i went down there into electrical so i missed that there were like a million yeah like a ton of a million people like ran past me while i was doing like the oh what do you call it like the guys i'm trying to think of a plan i can't just be like i stabbed him because i'd be like just the question mark storage i did but i went storage i went to the right i think i did navigation thing whatever then i went down i saw yammy and comes and i went up saw salmon doing admin stuff and yummy was in there again i had to do my card swipe then i ran past human cafeteria went to the left did the reactor and that is when this was called in so any person i saw was dawker we crossed at the top of storage just before the body was called oh my god my plan is working perfectly it's working perfectly okay they're gonna be suss of me this is good this is very very good sprinkled in the sauce on myself i could do this i'm always uh i'm always sauce as a crewmate bazz uh red storco bazz i just got my colors i need to be sauce i need to be suss i need to i need to make it seem like i'm going to kill him can i just finish my paths mate where was the body yeah i thought you said that was the body no uh it was uh it was in storage by the uh entrance to oh i was in storage i was in storage as well hiding and i ran the doors were closed and i ran up with one of the greens i think it was dan but i don't know yeah i can't yeah i'm just of dan and baz i was a [ __ ] for no reason jesus christ was that a burp what was that man that was just it's a thinking noise a loud thinking noise i got trapped in electricals dan dude that's so so small yeah there was like three of us i watched dan lee first and there was yeah there was three people so maybe you didn't get to do what you planned i think it was i think it was dan and i was going for a double kill i i didn't personally see anything but i i was in the same room as where this body was uh we should guys i'm just saying dan was chasing me dan was chasing me no no no no no i was just following him i was just following oh my god keep laughing fellas keep laughing keep laughing come on my jester king come on come on come on no keep laughing fellas keep laughing [Music] i was like i'm gonna follow dokka i'm gonna chase him i i i i i i okay i'm i'm not used to this i'm gonna try and play off the jester and make people think i'm jester again there's so many people in cafeteria but i'm terrible in imposter you guys know this in pasta i just sabotaged correctly what the what just happened i just got rewound to rewound whoa okay timeout then hang on me and daca were in the void forever i've still got a black screen oh you were you were just sitting at the desk for me yeah i just want to tell you what happened because i i was in um i was just outside electricals with baz for a little bit and when he hovered over me he like dragged me over to the left-hand side the game yeah we got rewound yeah someone rewounds someone rewounds but then so then i'll tell you what happened i went in i went in and then i started doing a task and bazz was like at the left of me as soon as i finished my task he was like gone and i couldn't even find him down at the bottom i have high sus that you vented oh okay i see what you're doing here haven't you oh yeah i see what you're doing here like being the logical one here i see what you're trying to do vapor's body is in cafeteria dan i just saw you run up that way wait i thought i reported the body you report it so you're on the left i was about to suss you out because you went past the body on my screen oh i we must have clicked report at the same time yeah probably i don't suss you dan but i was just wondering why you never mentioned anything well we cro because i thought um i thought i'd reported it that's why okay okay okay um during the time rewind just to sprinkle a little uh seasoning on the salmon it looked like you came from an event whenever we went time oh you're the time master huh no i'm so confused how did raz report the body how did that happen when ivory round time oh you're the time master no that's funny okay there's two sausages i can't remember their colors i think it's light weight it's baths yeah bazi is one of the sauces how does that keep happening big pogs big bugs bodies found this this time thing is crazy i can confirm one thing raz is the time shifter he he did he kind of admitted it okay but i just like to think that i'm involved anyway [Laughter] that was uh that was in storage at the very top storage at the top so i crossed i crossed you yammy but then it rewound i don't know i don't know where i ended up because it just got reported yummy were you in the reactor yeah you're unlocking the manifolds with me then because i was unlocking the manifolds and then i went down and that's when the rewind happened i saw razz oh i got suss on you who's sauciest at the moment then you're saying yummy yeah i'm thinking yeah but why why why why are you saying well because we were both at the reactor doing unlocking the manifolds and then when i went down the rewind happened i saw raz at that point the two closest together were yammy and razz and in the fight each time that um there's like an emergency it's instantly fixed because i'm the engineer so can you can you fix from anywhere that's engineering yeah you can just press the button hmm okay sauce is placed so yammy just admitted she's engineer which we know is true so she fixes lights wherever she is and if she dies it's mad sus oh that's horrific well there's so many people in caf oh god i found a body oh where it was above med bay of med bay the hallway of med bay wait what i just passed through there the medical thing where you can check these samples yes because i literally just walked i didn't see anything like did you see anyone walk past you because it couldn't have been anyone i assume let me be clear cameras let me be clear no one is rendering for me there is no one i am in a barren ship and i just come back bro i think he's actually i think he's bluffing i hope so i really hope so reported was i think lewis who's at the top of the cafeteria yes because i've got a black screen and i'm not moving ah well still so you're [Laughter] the mind games okay uh it's two it's still too early like it's if nobody's got any elevators we should probably don't yeah we need info cutie okay he killed and reported and is saying he doesn't have anything on his screen interesting all right let's go yammy who's that oh there's two people there someone's on cams bro someone's on cams it's over [Applause] i just saw you do that you were blaming me from the very start with lewis and then you can wait big pog they're blaming each other no everyone knows i'm the engineer no you threw that roll off you threw that all off how so you just did i was right with louis this whole time and then you come in and then you kill him so why were you hanging around with a guy because i've done all of my tests i've done all of my tasks i've been waiting for everybody else to do their tasks in the clutch okay so who so yammy you're accusing uh d.a and me and the opposite and i'm the cute and i'm accusing yemen are you from the start for nothing yeah no not for no reason i had a very good reason for the last time and now we're on this one we definitely need to vote here too um everyone knows that i was fixing the lights instantly nobody else stays there and you know no you were i said you were already on that from we were suss on that during that other round though mm-hmm you can kick me go right in there what are we saying salmon camelin what are we saying i don't have the thing oh so simon we need to vote for the same person definitely simon what are you saying i'm gonna go d.a you gotta do it lock it in lock it in i'm just trying i'm just trying to follow my heart here and if you're every sorry i'm wrong i'm gonna start i'm gonna start drop kicking people no i gotta are you kidding me [Music] [Music] how did you get victory kellen i think there's something wrong with your mod i think there's something wrong with your game possible and how you're running it because it was not a victory there so let me just quickly explain what happened just in case you're confused because i certainly was i thought we'd won so as imposters normally we would have won this game after d.a got voted out because there would have been two impostors left and also two crewmates which normally means the imposters automatically win however baz has the new executioner role and the executioner role chooses a player in the lobby and your goal is to get them voted out no matter what and then the executioner wins in this situation bazi's executioner target was d a so even though baz had already been eliminated and killed from the game as long as his target gets voted out he still wins so he meets his win condition before we meet ours so in the end baz won just before we were about to claim our win a crazy scenario which can only happen with these mods i was upset okay i'm normal i'm normal let's oh you can't see you can't see i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry so um i am i'm normal crewmate i'm chilling we're normal we're actually in gc colors right now this is great yeah you know what it is weird with the um oh come on it is weird with the vision so hello i'm gonna go to med bay if i die gokou you gotta you gotta stick up for me all right so many people wait there's so many people in there oh my jesus i took my life that's what so the body the body was in storage right i was chilling during lights lewis why are we why were you running away from lights uh because i was i didn't want to go in i didn't know who was in there and i got coward come on part of the crew part of the team and then i looked in and loads of people were there so i felt more comfortable can anybody say yes the storage like near it that's it that's all that's the last person i saw well where was the body because i came down from uh cafeteria on my way to lights and i think raz already like took care of it and then i started going back to the right back up to the cafeteria to do my thing did i kill on the no because i because that's when we had like keller says what what oh there was only one kill technically because uh disconnected i also need to remember where i've been and stuff boco light green trash man oh my god that scared me oh dear all right so i found the body in admin oh god i just passed yammy so yummy um admin yeah yes so i was coming from in cafeteria doing the garbages and i went down to do another is it download upload i don't know which one it is of that and then i saw her right at the swipe as she was playing you were electrical some razz was there okay so vapor was the second the last person i saw yammy was unfortunately the last i was going up to cafeteria i could vouch that maybe vapor might have like come up and done it if it was did you ever go in electricals that round negative no he didn't he just went past it i was literally in cash where did you go after after comes after your download where did you go uh i went up and then i didn't do anything it wasn't that quick was it and someone's trying to say it's vapor we need to vote someone oh man no one acts us on here or everyone work acts success okay i'm gonna wrap around oh no no no green i saw green i love this side of the map yeah i always have this side of the map oh he's just self-reported uh top right uh right at the asteroids there's a vapor i mean i'm just a [ __ ] of him yeah i i i i think the safest vote here is probably vapor all right i'll vote for myself is this another joke no no no no no another one his silence is saying a lot he voted for himself as well wait so yeah we're dead right because there's two imposters if they get a double kill then it's over is it dorco though definitely not dorco oh he's dead there he comes like hey what the what are you doing love couple wins wait what that is who was the other imposter it was vapor oh it was fine it was yeah yeah we got him wait so how did that work the two lovers were the last two left yeah it was it was um oh wow there was four left when i reported the body so an imposter a crewmate and the two lovers uh gigi's lovers again let me just explain what happened here because it can be confusing the lover's role links two people in that lobby together if one of them is killed by the imposter the other one automatically dies too however if those two lovers and one imposter is left at the end of the game they automatically win which is exactly what happened here the imposter just killed the wrong person this among us mod is completely nuts and it was a ton of fun playing as well if you did enjoy the video then please leave a like that would be greatly appreciated and again most of you watching this video aren't subscribed so if you could check just below the video and hit that button that would be awesome too thank you again so much for watching and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 1,701,039
Rating: 4.9644394 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, funny, among us, mod
Id: 343kv8xVo7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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