KREW is ANGRY in Pico Park!

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[Music] welcome to Pico park now um last time we can use the power of teamwork in order to get ourselves across the map now I'm gonna use the brake power of what are we doing family world three this is called time limit I don't know how will we'll do Under Pressure you know we're doing super good Under Pressure Jack are you eating chips yes we gotta collect all the money funny this is your job okay we have to collect the money in order we love money money money yo get that um go make a staircase you guys come over here just get it oh no we're not gonna make it just get it we're not gonna make it believe it yourself we're gonna make it we're gonna make it easier one more one yes jump jump come on okay we have to be clean it's just split up everyone go to the last part left first that's true I'm gonna do Pico Parks first is he eating chips why is his mouth yeah what are you doing just in the middle of a busy time it's not time to argue it's time to collect all the oh my gosh we're never gonna make it I need two people on Top Gold why aren't you moving don't have time we have the three stacks just get it just go run right oh my goodness okay everyone please get on top of my head three stack stay there how about light yes we will listen okay let's watch oh go stop right there you've got I cannot stack rainbow oh my gosh I'm just moving I don't care anymore okay go jump on come on oh my gosh we're losing so much time here no no you got this right okay serious he goes Assemble because let's do it um let's just go just go down wait no sure my faster it's awesome go get it last one yes Luna you got this that was so stressful I don't know if we can handle time limit too guys that was too much make a stop right sooner [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] this is a lot and then there was three level three is probably gonna be even harder oh my God what do they think we are rabbits I'm getting hot rabbits flashbacks yeah someone bounce left someone you guys gotta bounce off my head yeah Luna go up yeah okay oh yeah oh this was easy Seconds come on let's go I said let me in my caged off time is of the essence ready go okay oh yeah that was very close okay this is the last time limit I don't why did we pick time limit first it's too stressful I feel you like the dress watch the buttons oh I see how it is up there where's the door where's the door the door five seconds all right we'll go okay someone climb on me and up go go everyone go up and down stand up another one up another one hurry okay rainbow rainbows [Music] push or jump this should be challenging yeah once you get there right you push each other we all need to be here everyone wait all right and then push each other go go jump [Music] it got Funny's ears we all line up on the platform we carefully single side across remember this little camera we all move go just be orderly okay [Laughter] pay attention come on we are in a line we move in a line a perfect line okay yeah yeah yeah because just leave them let's go come back it's me and you we left the hardest levels for last obviously we never even Facebook friends when she jumps when she jumps yeah guys you can't jump before the platforms [Laughter] what are you doing [Applause] gonna push it out all right we're back at the tower you know how this works I push you stay yes okay okay buddy stop pushing oh no oh no oh no rainbow I'm sorry baby don't touch the colors climb the tower carefully now go push it buddy beautiful Coco stop careful doing good we're doing good we're doing great we're doing excellent this is you guys have this field trip test this is so slow conga line let's go that took that took a long time that took a very long time and now we're on three and three is probably gonna be even more challenging even a longer but so far they've gotten easier so maybe it's easier everyone wait there's always a trick like this everyone Waits Jacko is there okay wait yeah [Laughter] jump jump yeah nice [Music] ignore that ignore that cut that out hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it jump yeah oh this is easier I know I was blocking the path excuse me I did that purpose I just wanted to see you shall not pass four I hope it's more pushing than jumping that was easy hey don't push now because they told me not to block Draco don't let him move [Laughter] stop stepping on the button you guys got to be slow and steady oops oh what did you do did you track I was trying no I was trying to jump over it have to touch the button I get it touch the button stop it I want to be locked in here do you want to be at this level all day do you want to just want to be that petty no I don't want to touch the button I'm not Petty hey you let's go did you like And subscribe hey did you like to subscribe and subscribing I say we all run and just jump in first you really want to be here for 30 minutes huh I see yeah hey hey look at my little leg look at my little leg do you see that you see that I don't care yeah I don't care about yourself hey hey wait look at my little leg okay I want to jump yeah they're cute they're broken cute little legs let's go let's go [Music] oh this one's difficult excuse my little legs as you say does anyone need a booster seat are we rabbits we're cat I thought we were cats we're Picos careful good job [Music] don't touch the button we can get it see if it's getting trickier while not pushing are you ready [Music] parkour skills time oh this is one at a time people [Music] we're going too fast all right go go I got the key I don't we don't need you thank you what the why was that so good why would you say this is a game about teamwork why would you say you failed Nina we're pushing all the buttons that was super toxic rainbow goodbye sorry yeah sorry stop it stop pushing that I'll step on the button stop I want to get out of this level say you need them why'd you get rainbow you guys we need you guys it's not it's not it's not crew without five yeah I thought you're gonna say it's not family without fun oh my God no family this is a not that's enough lunar you're a nightmare your constant meaning is killing us can't you see look at all the dogs having a nightmare about it then take the job seriously you're also gonna keep using it okay okay fine okay let's work together slowly now rainbow jumped over rainbow good job [Music] um do you know why we failed do you know why we failed why family why because family now I saw gold smack the rainbow right there because gold didn't wait for rainbow to clear she just jumped on her head guys stop I'm gonna be here forever let's go go go don't stop don't stop oh everyone go but we are speed running speed running come on but it's ready push the button just blame the Pico butt oh my legs are stubby this is a dangerous time for us we just got to get the key okay okay one more time for everyone where are you going buddy you guys know we can't clear the level without each other right just go please please I will match this up for you I'm going to go clear the level without me right now you have your job you left me here I never want to play that again hand gimmick level two okay packing me up how do I back press e guys press e okay come here funny yeah what about the others okay ready okay don't worry rainbow you are the Savior today oh Luna now this is real family right yes this is how your family this is a trust What's Happening Here let me go okay grab yeah I'm so sorry okay okay this time I promise what okay you gotta hold on okay dangerous [Music] rainbow let me go okay I have a better idea thank you let me go I know how to go girls hold funny there [Laughter] pull her I'm gonna ask you to listen to the instructions and I've got it or do anything okay I'm saving you you do oh wait you can just jump just jump through we can make a bridge let's make a bridge you make a bridge I'm the blue damsel to make a bridge everyone holds on to each other's booties okay okay all right gold you hold on to funny I'll hold up only if she just doesn't move and keeps flicking e already oh don't touch anything okay Draco yeah yeah okay where are you going Lune let me go whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay okay now go forward go forward go forward go forward no one drop no one drop I will hold this family together because I am family okay there's no I in family yeah together wow that's me and family [Music] let's go who let her go I thought rainbow had gold so I let go no you're both supposed to hold on you don't understand it's gold gets one across and then we get vacuum each other and then the others get across it's that easy okay I will keep this family together go get a man come here okay hey what are you doing over there family he's a traitor okay I'll go in the back let me go in the back you go first okay yo get the rest of the time suck me up let go of me gold so first flowers that little little gold across yeah right yes you want too much as family lunar I will vacuum you to the other side put me to the other side okay okay pull me pull me okay good job hold them okay get me it's longer than it was supposed to do yeah do we really want to do three yes yes why why haven't you got the guns again you're mine you're all mine I have this block but I guess I'll share here you go yeah [Music] now you can't go up now you can't go up use your block use your block but I want I got you thank you doesn't she want her block back oh wait do you want triple no you don't need the block you don't need the block okay I'll shoot funny you ready [Music] shoot her okay [Laughter] I'm not dealing with this stuff oh I bring the block up I get it for what reason leave me for what reason go down jump three two sorry good job oh I know what you're supposed to do here did you not use your brain funny one in there one person has to carry the team okay one person is carrying all of us funny you guys stuck up you gotta drop it off we're depending on you okay you gotta go and go out yeah [Applause] yes [Music] the power of teamwork I am rainbow the rare okay rainbow jump jump and suck a bunny ready oh so you think this has to be timed you guys have to play okay you drop everyone get ready to shoot and one of us has to get here okay okay I've been trusting my Pico life do not betray me all right I will cry okay no no dude at the same time okay ready you ready okay guys um come on guys come on I capture yeah nice that was close that open the door please live that extreme lifestyle of a piece again thank you it's over now yes we're three four okay oh there's four oh help the vacuums again so do I this button does wow there's a timer for it probably releases this thing and then someone has to grab us number two oh I don't know release that Kraken two one oh what happened what what happened to the block come back oh oh I think I think two people are supposed to hold on the Block hurry hurry you guys moving seconds hurry hurry hurry hurry grab me guys foreign no you don't have to hold that button it's a timer oh okay you ready ready for one Luna get ready we're gonna come pick me up go go push push it away no we have to okay oh no it's the most terrifying is okay I got the block okay ready okay go I'm scared okay go all right teamwork come on all right okay okay okay we haven't been everyone yeah the platform looks like it goes fast but trust me it doesn't go that fast okay okay all right stick hold tight hold tight again okay nice okay with me go go let's go [Music] no pressure at all I mean that one again let me off let me drop rainbow get off my head five seconds after you went past the button why okay because you want to be Pico Pros okay ready all right you ready yeah we got this why don't we wake up goes back slow Namaste today [Applause] I'm staying here I'll get the key okay [Music] anymore yeah what the heck okay bye me really okay please I'll block you have a girlfriend you guys are so funny foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] what are you gonna do I have to press the button again [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,977,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, pico park, pico park krew, pico park itsfunneh, pico park funneh, pico park funny, pico park gameplay
Id: UxuHNXhtY70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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