Little Joe Goes on a Western Adventure | Sunday School Lesson | VeggieTales

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[Music] a long long time ago way out in the west somewhere that's right the west there lived a group of brothers cowboy brothers uh right cowboy brothers hello little doggies with french accents what it's a french question uh okay anyway there was reuben simeon bonjour levi izzy [Music] oh and jude hey then there was a baby ben but he was too little to come outside [Music] oh and one more little joe [Music] look who finally decided to get up hey guys where do you hear about the crazy dream i had last night quiet little joe we are working here oh right little joe was a little different than the others besides talking differently god had given him great organizational abilities you should see his sock drawer [Music] what kind of work are you doing exactly we must count our sheep but every time we do [Music] well maybe wouldn't be so boring if you put the sheep in groups of five or ten then you just have to count the groups i bet you'd have your work done in no time what a ridiculous idea you know nothing about sheep put them in groups of ten so can i tell you about my dream now come and get it not so fast fellas before we eat i have a special announcement i think we all know that today is little joe's birthday i baked it myself all together we are ah you shouldn't have finally we agree on something for me what are you waiting for try it on what did we get for our birthday presents little joe is wearing a vest made from the finest calf heights perfect for riding the range or going according this is one mess that says look at me i'm something special and what do mittens say they say you are not as special as your brother and for my birthday wish i want to tell you all about my latest dream it was the strangest thing [Music] pass the mountains in the fields where the cowboys practice out beneath the desert sky stood a dozen cactus cactuses cacti khaki continue [Music] 11 cactus those are you gathered round the other they bowed your seat [Music] crazy huh what are you saying that you will rule over us like a king it was just a dream right that's not really gonna happen maybe you should cut down on the bratwurst before bed huh needless to say joseph's dreams didn't make his brothers like him any better [Music] hey why are we at this whole abandoned mine shaft ah this is where we hid your birthday present wow very uh creative it's time to get what you've got coming to you oh i can't wait i don't see a birthday present you are not looking hard enough okay no i still don't see anything reven how about now ah guys a goat must have bumped me or something little help we left you but winter busy bowing down before you hey guys this isn't funny really it's made me laugh hey who's that what are you guys doing come on joke's over ha ha real funny guys guys thomas around your middle who are you never you mine just tie the rope well finally [Music] desperados you better come to your senses little joe didn't know where he was or where he was going he'd never been away from the ranch before and now here he was on the run with dangerous men ah mr desperado did you put out the campfire last night [Music] oh joe little joe [Music] another root beer over a year ago my restaurant was going down the drain oh me losing money left and right i thought i'd go insane then little joey came along and turned the whole ship right it's been a month on sundays since we last started [Music] just have some more it looks like another record sorry duty calls my life is a disaster a sea of endless pain a picnic promising [Music] it's why my heart is heavy [Music] peanuts get your hot roasted peanuts over here i'll take one life is a joke a trifle a folly even my dog is a melancholy my happy days are sunny that's why i'm so blue peanuts get your hot roasted peanuts get them while they're hot i'm slow boy that song's getting shorter every week there you go boss oh and uh by the way the peanuts make them thirsty so get ready to sell a lot of root beer oh you're a natural milad and that's why you've earned this i wasn't sure if you'd work out when i bought you from those desperados but congratulations milad employee of the month oh thank you mr mcpotifer i won't let you down you'll see from now on i'll work harder than ever says joseph oh hello kitty that's miss kitty to you whatever you say look little joe don't be a sap no one's looking take this money and get out of here why would i do that you and i both know you don't want to be here with this much cash you can get back home i'm sorry miss kitty but stealing is wrong if i took that money i'd be disobeying god not to mention i'd probably lose my status as employee of the month good day miss kitty to show you there's no hard feelings about you know what i made some alterations to your costume for you oh well that's really kind of you but i wasn't aware that it was it's a tad heavier than before now i put some extra stuffing in it thief [Music] there's a thief among us [Music] all right what seems to be the trouble here this man has been stealing from dear old macpath since the day he arrived here little joe this does not look good how could you what do you have to say for yourself i'm innocent tell it to the judge [Music] oh [Music] a year ago my little jail was busting at the seams criminals both left and right were stacked up to the beams then little joe he came along and taught him all a trade and i just bought a stetson with the money that he's made a year ago miss kitty up and sent me off to jail and though i haven't done a thing i'm stuck here without bail but my belief that god is good helps overcome frustration so i'll keep doing what is rightness by incarceration [Music] i gotta hand it to you you've got the best attitude of any prisoner i've ever had god is good sheriff bob so what have i got to be down about well if god is really good why is all this stuff happening to you i don't know that yet but i will when it's time i just need to keep doing what's right [Music] all right men lights out another day of quilting tomorrow [Music] oh my god and that's when i woke up screaming well what does my dream mean joe and mine too what do they mean well there's good news and there's bad news you're going back to work today but you're being sent up the river congratulations so sorry anyone here oh yes dear baker i have wonderful news that the mayor has given you a full pardon he wants you to resume your duties immediately and i'm extending an invitation to you mr blacksmith to join my chain gang up the river [Music] how do you do that hmm oh well i've always just had this thing for dreams just another way god made me special yeah and he loves you very much i've heard little joe really believed god loved him still every now and then he'd wonder what god was up to hey god little joe here not to complain or anything but what's going on i tell people what their dreams mean and they always come true but you gave me a dream a long time ago and i'm in jail and i didn't even do anything i'm trying to do what's right but i'm a little confused well please be with paw and baby benjamin and most of my brothers okay in judeo good night god the very next day who should show up but the mayor himself ah as i believe we can all see here the town's reserves are down a good 25 due to the fact that our bank is robbed on average every other week hey ah pizza roll [Music] it was horrible just horrible and it was so real like it was really happening oh that sounds dreadful at any rate as i was saying about our bank but what did it mean is there anyone in dodgeball city who can interpret dreams begging the mayor's pardon but i know someone who might be able to ah help [Music] my banker tells me you can interpret dreams no i can't sir what i can't interpret your dreams but god can he'll give me the answer you're looking for right well he better or i'll put you back in that jail and you'll never get out let's get started earlier today i had the strangest [Music] dream cows sat on a hill so big and fat i got my grill i was thinking about a barbecue then seven scrawny ones came along and gulped the big fat cow were gone and then i dreamt i was in front of a large group of people in my underwear what's that about [Music] so come on start interpreting well it's really quite simple the seven fat cows mean seven years of plenty are coming more food than you can imagine and the seven skinny cows mean seven years of terrible famine famine so bad the good years will be all but forgotten if this is true what do we do well during the good years you should store away as much food as possible to give back to the people during the seven bad years and dodgeball city will be saved of course you'll need someone with great organizational abilities to make sure it all works koji what's the state of your sock draw ah a little disorganized i'm afraid that's what i thought cucumber you're in charge excuse me what are you doing standing around here you've got a city to save so the mayor made little joe the most powerful man in dodge ball city after him of course and just like always little joe got right to it doing things right and making stuff work [Music] [Music] i certainly hope so everyone's out there oh nothing's gonna grow in that soil for years you did it little joe you saved the town yeah oh what is it little joe what's wrong well sir i've got a family out there somewhere i just hope they're all right oh i'd be surprised if this drought was that widespread i'm sure their riot is rain [Music] calm down brothers things still look a little bleak but if we stick together we'll get through this as a family right paw [Music] we are [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] howdy strangers i run this here town what can i do you for we here tell you've got yourself some food stored up so we reckon we'd come on down to see if we could buy some from you hmm how many in your family just the 11 of us now one of our brothers got ate up in a wild gopher accident but that was years ago mighty sorry to hear that we have regretted it every day since he was my closest brother and i barely even remember him [Music] where's your where's your paw he could not make the trip he's hot he's broken you'll see the sheriff he'll take care of you [Music] give him whatever they need but don't let him go till i say so are you okay a little joe i'm fine but whatever you do don't use my name around him whatever you say i need to know if my brothers have changed i need a test [Music] you strangers ready to go i reckon so your man gave us everything we need we tried to pay but he would not have it now i wonder why he wouldn't take money from a bunch of low down nerdy thieves you heard me you all came a long way just to get caught robbing me now see here we are not thieves we can't buy some food but if this is a problem lemme pepperonis partner [Music] that's been a mistake you bet there's been a mistake your brother tried to steal from me and we don't take kindly to stealing around these hair parts you don't understand my paw has already lost one boy a boy he loved very much and it was my fault i cannot let him lose benjamin too keep me prisoner and let my brother go free all right all right everybody get out of there little joe we got a problem little joe so you'd really sacrifice yourselves for your brother it's time to tell you who i really am brothers it's me you are not still upset about that little mineshaft joke are you little joe i am to blame for what happened to you punish me but i beg of you let my brothers go [Music] hey jude what you did was wrong and it hurt me very much but what you intended for harm god used for good to save you all to save everyone to save paw how could i not forgive you you boys forgot your mittens little joe my boy that's the story of how a very bad thing became a very good thing and led to the happiest family reunion the west had ever seen you
Channel: VeggieTales Official
Views: 642,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Veggie tales, veggie tales silly songs, veggie tales full episodes, silly songs with Larry, veggietales, veggie tales songs, barbara manatee, veggie tales cheeseburger, where is my hairbrush silly song, veggie tales where is my hairbrush, veggie tales hairbrush, veggietales theme song, veggie tales Jonah, belly button song, veggietales anniversary, veggietales movie, veggietales rap, veggie tales christmas story, veggietales silly songs, the ballard of little joe
Id: NEitrIAknAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 41sec (1481 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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