Veggietales Silly Songs | Endangered Love | Larry Compilation | Cartoons For Kids | Kids Movies

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oh barbara manatee you're still the one for me the number two silly song of our first 10 years endangered love we join larry as he follows the tragic saga of barbara manatee in the daytime drama endangered love barbara manning you are the one for me please don't cry barbara you're a nice manatee you've been so good to me but i must go into the world and do noble things for the good of all and you can't come because you don't speak french but if you leave bill who will take [Music] manatee please don't go i must steal my mask [Music] you are the one i love [Music] i'll take [Music] bill i've learned french you have may we just see i always knew you could i really hoped you would now can we go into the world and do noble things for the good of all yes but first bill will you take me to the ball [Music] i can't dance you can't no i must go please don't come i must have gone i must don't tone [Music] larry what are you doing jeff watching a little tv bob well maybe you should read a book yeah okay this has been silly songs [Music] i've learned to dance and now it's time for silly songs with larry the part of the show where larry comes out and sings a silly song there once was a boy who lived in a house and the house sat under a tree by the tree and a fence that stretched far and wide around the gated community can i have my ball can you get my ball i kicked it into the tree and my ball bounced up and my ball dropped in to the gated community oh the gated community is where we like to be everything's so lovely your hearts are filled with glee and when you come to visit you can stand outside and see what a lovely bunch we are in our gated unity um can i have my ball can you get my ball i kicked it into the tree and my ball bounced up and my ball dropped in to the gated community community is where we like to be our clothes are never dirty and the long time always green and when you come to visit you can stand outside and see what a tiny bunch we are irrigated unity it community we think you will agree this pleasantly devoid [Music] [Music] this has been silly songs with less [Music] hi kids and welcome to veggietales i'm bob the tomato and i'm larry the cucumber and we're here to answer your questions yep well i think you're really gonna like this show we got a letter from caleb whittier in broken arrow oklahoma bob yeah how come you always get the letter what why is it that you always read the letter i mean what if somebody wrote a letter to me well i guess if you got a letter you could read it but this letter says great well kids this week we got a letter from elijah castillo in san antonio texas and eli writes uh can i call you eli thanks eli writes dear larry oh wait a minute larry i don't mean to be rude but caleb here has a problem and i was all prepared to do a story well little eli has a question too and it's just as important as caleb's fine larry what is elijah's question and it better be a good one cause i have a story already oh it is you see eli says here that there's a bully in a school and a bully yeah you know a kid that's real mean to all the other kids i know what a bully is larry and why'd you ask well it's just that caleb wrote about the same thing wow that's one busy bully well it's not the same bully how do you know well i don't but but you seem so certain well i am certain how do you know well larry is just highly improbable statistically speaking that one bully is bothering two kids 500 miles apart i mean sometimes being certain of something just means highly probable highly probable bob instead of talking about this wouldn't it be a better idea to answer the question you're right larry i mean being bullied is a big problem you're right larry i think we should show the kids what god says to do about bullies don't you well that's what i oh man roll them [Music] [Music] like me [Music] is [Music] the whole land there are none who are braver then [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey kid what are you doing on my playground your playground nobody owns oh hey if i say this is my playground then it is my playground sure sure this is your playground he's littlejohn you're scared well you should be from now on no one is allowed to play here unless i say so you got it sure i've got it and that goes for all he is if i catch any one of you even stepping foot in here you'll get what jr here got and worse get it so get out of here before i pound on all his have you ever been pounded a cousin of mine was his suit now bye-bye junior [Music] hey we're all heading to laura's house to play you wanna come no thanks her mom's making cookies no don't worry about it junior he's just a big old bully i know you want me to tell your mom or dad no i'm fine there's nothing to tell you could tell gordon he doesn't own the playground that's what i tell them if i were [Applause] [Music] where's bigger without my star player we haven't got a player he's here get that man a helmet junior went out 200-0 with only two minutes to play where were you there were likes to be saved coach what could he do in just two minutes just watch him just get me the ball three [Music] one time four eighteen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] junior [Applause] eating turkeys [Applause] junior there you are what were you doing up there oh just thinking what's up i wanted to make sure you were all right yeah sure why wouldn't i be well gordon's awfully big ah he doesn't scare me he doesn't what's the worst he can do sit on me he already did that and i barely felt it then do you think we could go back to the playground someday i'd go back today if you guys wanted to he's probably gone by now anyway you'd you'd face up to gordon like i said he doesn't scare me that's fantastic i'll go tell everybody i'm toast [Music] not on the diagonal that is subsequently spread with butter or jam we'll [Music] now the question is where am i welcome to the planet sand boxies population one big bull speed now for your toast space command this is junior space man i have landed on the designated planet and will now seek out the dreaded bully monster uh roger that junior space man be careful we've already lost several good men on this mission will do over and out yep he's toast [Music] [Applause] [Music] take this new intergalactic bullying [Music] oh yes once again junior spaceman save the universe thought you could sneak up on me oh hi dad uh just playing in the old sandbox so who did junior spacemen vanquish today mount gordon a big old bully on a playground far far away far far away huh yeah when you were a kid were you ever afraid oh you bet i wasn't always the strapping specimen that i am today dad i remember there was one guy in my class who always picked on me what did you do oh i tried ignoring him hiding from him hoping he would go away but he just kept picking on me until finally i faced up to him you did what happened oh he pounded me but after that i was never bothered again because he knew i wasn't afraid of him junior god hasn't given us a spirit of fear but of courage so if i were junior spaceman i'd stand up for myself but what if he pounds me ah him well then you turn the other cheek turn the other cheek sometimes a spaceman's just got to do what a spaceman's got to do and remember son god's rules don't just work down here they also work on playgrounds far far away laura says you're gonna go back to the playground well i are you crazy he'll squish you like a pee where do you want to be soup well are we going or what he's probably not even at the playground anymore come on [Music] [Music] hey he's not here see what did i tell you [Music] why if it isn't junior and his peewee friends what did you do come back for a second helping of pounding god gives me courage not fear gordon [Music] gordon no one owns this playground it's big enough for all of us to share you tell him junior hey when i'm done pounding him i'm coming after you you're not helping so little boy who's going to make me share my playground um i can't make you do anything if you're gonna pound me go ahead but what's it gonna prove that you're three times bigger than me but no matter what you do it's not gonna stop me i'll be back tomorrow and the next day and the day after that and you'll have to beat me up every day because i'm not afraid of you or you could just stay here and play with us there's plenty of room for everybody you know what i think i think i'm going to enjoy beating the living daylights out of you every day [Music] then you'll have to beat me up too and me and me and me too wow this is lame i don't even like this lousy old playground i'm going home to play video games [Music] you think he'll ever come back well if he does i hope it's because he wants to be friends you were really brave junior well sometimes the guy's got to do what a guy's got to do [Music] [Applause] is [Music] i stand for what's right i know not to fight [Music] and now it's time for silly songs with lady the part of the show where lady comes out and sings a silly song got the munchies on that fateful night around eight o'clock so i phoned in a pizza for delivery but i had a feeling that something wasn't right because i waited for hours no pizza i set the table with a paper plane how would i know that it'd be late it's taken so long [Music] tomato i'm on my knees [Music] did it get lost did they just forget should i have ordered on the internet ready for dinner now i'm not so sure i think my soda's room oh [Music] [Music] yay [Music] going crazy [Music] i opened the door in expectation but it was the saddest sight i ever saw i could still smell the sweet aroma of deep-dish goodness but the box was empty [Music] the house number was broken so i couldn't find you i was getting kind of hungry so i hate ate your pizza sorry about that you don't need to tip me or anything [Music] [Applause] [Music] you'll live forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'll never forget you pizza angel [Music] minnesota cute calling martin come in martin i can't see anything are there any landmarks around here nothing minnesota the satellite imagery is pretty fuzzy i'm getting a glare they use your cap to shield the screen it's not a cat it's called a fedora you just keep a sharp eye out and this is an important find for the children's museum martin yeah is there anyone else up here uh no that mountain is totally uninhabited hey minnesota i think i found something look over by the rock to your left do you see anything i'm on it [Music] the golden carrot knows of the indomitable snowman of the north [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh man i got it marty no worries [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] professor ratan once again mr cucumber finders keepers [Music] i'm minnesota i forgot to tell you be careful that the snowman might be a little unstable [Music] i had it martin the golden nose of the indomitable snowman of the north was in my hands it's okay minnesota you did your best then he was there forget about professor rattan our children's museum will be fine we'll get some stuff for the display soon he's taken away all my greatest finds ever since the second grade remember when he took salvador's dolly that hurt and just to sell it on the internet rattan's just a big bully minnesota you have to ignore his type and go on with your life it all started when he switched the gummy worms in my lunch with i know real worms but i didn't find out till after i ate them as long as that that bully is out there i'm not searching for anything again i'm staying right here mr cucumber yeah i'm with the new york parks and recreation department and i have an emergency with which only you can help talk to the tomato i don't go out anymore i just gave him some space oh what seems to be the trouble we at the nyp and rd believe that a rogue canadian group of barrel makers have launched an attempt to take both sides of niagara falls both sides but they have the best side already i thought you were sulking dastardly isn't it well how can they do this oh they can't yet they aren't strong enough but they're leaders looking for an item that will empower them beyond belief i thought other canadians like this what are these barrel makers looking for they are searching for none other than the legendary hairbrush of samsung you're kidding the samson what who's samson who's samson samson was none other than the strong man in the bible god used him to fight against the philistines who were bullying the israelites a strong man that fought bullies huh didn't you ever go to sunday school well what's the deal with the hairbrush well the story goes that samson's amazing strength came from his long hair well kinda it was real and when samson's hair was cut he lost his strength this hairbrush is believed to be the very same that was used during the infamous steering so these rogue canadians believe that whoever is possession of the brush will also gain samson's amazing power [Music] but if i find the brush first i'll have the power then i can stop pretend from bullying everybody be careful minnesota this isn't a chance to try to get even with rattan you know it's more important than that it would be a lovely addition for your children's museum you are our last hope mr kuke i may have blown the nose caper but this time i'll have the goods on professor ratan i'll go but minnesota where are you gonna start there's only one person who would know about a brush this important but min she isn't an archaeologist anymore she gave it up when i'm going out for ice cream [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello julia minnesota i always knew that someday you'd come walking through my door it's been a long time look i need a couple things for me julia first a chocolate malta malt right chocolate no it's malt not malta what malt is a dessert malta is an island but with an italian accent they're both the same [Music] i'm looking for clues jules you're not the clueless type i'm on the trail of a hairbrush same song second verse it's a special brush belong to a fella [Music] blind to a fella goes by the name of samson you heard of it i've heard there are a lot of guys after this brush it's too dangerous kuke stay out of it and let those canadians take over no way somebody's got to stand up for the little guy you are asking for trouble puke [Music] all right try this address 206 via de cortes de pelo there's some fellas there who might help i knew i can count on you yo cuke you forgot your malt i didn't order it for me [Music] you need something to go cute will it be sir i'll have what your friend was having the address please i'll never tell you oh i think you will [Music] okay martin i got an address 206 via the cortes de paylo i'm on it and i have more information about samson for you spill it well god wanted samson to be extra special so samson had to make certain promises to god promises yeah he couldn't touch dead things eat grapes or cut his hair that's weird but sampson didn't always keep his promises very well you see one day okay martin could you hurry this up i need you to find that address for me but minnesota there must be a mistake i i can't find that address anywhere in malta hmm i must have got it wrong i'll go back and check [Music] [Applause] [Music] julian hold on [Music] [Music] you all right i didn't tell cuke didn't tell what there was a man he wanted to know about the brush but i didn't tell him anything the canadians we gotta find that address is it nearby cuke we're going to send [Music] you've been using my razor again why i want to use your razor leo my razor suits me just fine i'm just saying i can't find my razor and you're the only other one here so you're positive that guy was canadian i can't be sure he didn't look canadian hey bon giorno mi amici have a seater right here so sorry senora we only do the man's hair leo hey figaro look who's back hey leo what do you know mia piccola farfalla how you been julia you've been eating well you're looking what's the matter you she looks great okay better i know of course she looks so wonderful you meet ball i only mean she's a look fellas we came here to ask you about something no problemo what you want to know hey pazzan i believe she's talking to me i never said it maybe this was a bad idea are you sure these are the guys i need to talk to of course gentlemen i need to know about a hairbrush samson's hairbrush he's okay what well is not a cap it's a fedora you just sit down and listen to figaro and lilo la spazola di samson the hairbrush of a samson she's not a drinker to be trifled with you know maybe your girlfriend forget to tell you figaro and i are la fratalanza de la spazon the brotherhood of the hairbrush for centuries our papas and our papa's papas have protected the secret of the whereabouts of the brush we cannot let it fall into the wrong hands capiche yeah the peach why you want la spazola di samson i need to find the hairbrush before the canadians do they plan to use its power to take over both sides of niagara falls mamma mia no well don't you worry my friend the hair brushes are somehow safe where nobody but nobody will ever ever find her where down down down underneath the city there are secret catacombs cat combs i'm not looking for a comb it's a bro not catacombs catacombs and down in these ancient catacombs there is a secret chamber and in the secret chamber lies the one and only speciality sansa see samson's a hairbrush she lies safe but what if somebody finds the cat combs nobody can find the catacombs silly mozzarella not without me you get him nobody follows me understand especially your minnesota fluke one second you lose one either let me out of the chair hey figaro figaro [Music] he's gonna get the hairbrush first i gotta call martin martin martin my dear cuke what's wrong uh did you get a haircut never mind that where's the part guy huh he was here a second ago i guess he slipped out and tell me what's going on good he wouldn't want to hear this anyway it's bad news martin would you just tell me already he was here martin and he's after the brush oh professor retired okay now don't panic minnesota remember he's a bully we can deal with just a bully he's more than that he's my enemy calm down the bible says we should love our enemies love love our enemies everybody can't go around all the time trying to get even that would leave the whole world in a mess let's just figure out what to do next i'll tell you what we're gonna do martin i'm gonna get that brush first and i'm gonna use its power to defeat all the bullies in the world i'm gonna teach them a lesson they'll never forget but minnesota and the funny papers martin [Music] all right where are those catacombs i'm a glad too dangerous jules i gotta go alone be careful [Music] [Music] it's the story of samson i'm on the right trail what a guy what's this all about samson lost his strength after a haircut poor fella so [Music] worms would have to be worms [Music] samson's hairbrush congratulations mr cube professor rattan make this simple mr puke please hand over the hairbrush why would i do that i have the brush i have the power really of course watch what's wrong you have no hair right you have more power because you have no hair but now please mr kuk if you will just hand over the brush never retan i won't give it to you or the canadians or anybody it's mine oh but i think you will puke julia mr park man you say julia thank you i don't know hello minnesota he works for me you see it was you minnesota who told me the address of the barbershop and you who led us straight to the brush it's a simple trade minnesota the brush for the girl don't do it puke [Music] trade [Music] you'll never get away with this everyone says that but i always do goodbye [Music] we have to stop him why because he's a bully jules i gotta get even with him why if it's the last thing i do i'll track him down and repay him for every time he's been mean to me you've changed cuke you don't care about the hairbrush anymore now you only want to get even i don't like that in you puke you're you're nothing but a bully julia i'm sorry i you're right julia being mean back to a bully just makes me a bully too but it's too late now i can't do anything that you martin i've been trying to get a hold of you you'll never guess the park guy isn't from new york he's really working for professor rattan who's been following me this whole time and i don't think there really is a rogue band of canadian barrel makers they made that whole thing up to trick me now our dad can rule the world because he's got all the power wow yeah i mean no uh cuke and that's what i've been trying to tell you the brush doesn't have any power but the bible said that samson's hair was the bible said that god gave samson his power not his hair or his hairbrush but what about the haircut that made him lose his strength that wasn't about his hair min sampson lost his strength because he didn't keep his promise to god and the best part is that god gives us strength too what yep he gives us an even greater power than samson's the power to love our enemies and even be kind to them this isn't gonna be easy but i know what i gotta do ready you bet [Music] hold it right there it can how did yeah stand back i have a brush and i know how to use it you think he's crazy enough to try something you betcha canadians no no my friend they're the good guys we call it a cavalry yeah nobody comes to the rescue better than the royal canadian mounties eh get him ah there's nothing you can do against the power of samsung's airbrush but it has no power you know nothing of course it has power watch it doesn't work what's wrong check the batteries perhaps doesn't have any power never has wait why are you taking him away well because he uh he stole a hairbrush uh yeah he saw a hairbrush eh no he didn't i traded him for it you mean yep you can let him go [Music] now's our chance let's go no wait this doesn't make sense no one has ever been kind to me why did you do that because god gives us the power to love everybody even our enemies here you drop this i don't think i want it after all sure you do look you can use it to cover up that little bald spot you're getting oh nice hey i'm sorry for everything i've done i think i'm gonna like being friends what an adventure and professor rattan let you keep the hairbrush after all well he didn't need it since he gave up that whole world domination thing i'm just glad it all worked out you know kuke i never got to tell you what's that jules i'm real proud of the way you handled that bully oh julia moose lake children's museum yes what it is sounds dangerous well let me ask him hey cuke think you can find noah's umbrella where's my cat it's called a fedora i'm on my way [Music] wow that sure was fun yeah and exciting i hope you liked it too caleb oh and eli you know i think he prefers to be called elijah well how do you know highly probable well we're over here by qwerty to talk about what we learned today [Music] why don't you like that song bob i see we know that god's word i do like it it's just that not now bob it's time to talk about the lesson today we learned that there are bullies everywhere and sometimes you can't do anything to change them and no matter what god doesn't want us to try to get even that just makes us bullies too but god does want us to love him and like junior learned it's a good idea to talk to your mom or dad that's right well let's see if qwerty has a verse for us today but i tell you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you matthew 5 44. wow that doesn't sound easy no it isn't but just like in the story god has given us the power to do good to those who aren't good to us which just goes to show you god made you special and he loves you very much well it's time to go now see you next time bye and now it's time for ukulele karaoke with bob the part of the show where bob comes out and sings an ukulele uh what's going on you are doing the ukulele karaoke huh no i'm on a break yeah this is the pirates yeah busy with the rest of the show but i i i i don't even know the song your lyrics miss you bring in the props but wait i think [Music] you're all embraced hold on a sec i'm totally unprepared to do a solo your backup singers what isn't that the three they are the wiggly turtle tubies the wiggly turtle tubies they look taller on tv but really this is larry's gig i can't just sure must go on me sir quick that is your cue just follow along you would be [Music] well i keep a little turtle at my uncle and my aunts my auntie's name is myrtle and my island turtle's name is lance he doesn't wander far even if he has a chance he just plays his ukulele and he does the hula dance [Music] he threw a luau barbecue one breezy summer night invited all his turtle pals to come and have a weeky bite the turtle started walking there as lance began to swing the one that lived across the street arrived there in the spring oh i get it turtles are slow so i took them a long time that's pretty good [Music] but lance just kept on cooking he was grilling full of glee he was marinating ribs cause he likes uh syrup with his feta cheese uh i'm sorry i lance's purple turtle shell has ketchup if you please pineapples are shiny spotted tiki bumblebees oh man [Music] wait a minute hey guys i don't think this is right it doesn't make any sense it works [Music] chocolate fingers spinning slowly in the school malay kalikimaka fluffy bunnies driving in the pool don't worry a thousand igloos wax the beach spray luggage in the tree raining puppies flying clown flossing poona hayley how oh forget it [Music] tune in next time when bob says i'll be in my dressing room dance dance dance and now it's time for silly hold it and now it's time for silly songs with scottish larry the part of the show where larry comes out and sings a silly scottish song i can't tell you how proud i am at this moment i dance on stilts while he knits quill nice quilt i sing with simulated scottish highland little how beautiful he plays his bagpipes the tag is smells good we feel so smart in our red tartan scottish kill sing it live technically you stitch a quilt but otherwise lovely happily morning to you i'll have you know that's not inspiring [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] still [Music] top [Music] [Music] this has been silly songs with scottish larry tune in next time to hear eddie say just get him some scotch tape and butterscotch he'll be fine ah my bunny lies over the ocean hi kids i'm bob the tomato and welcome to veggietales uh larry said he'd be right back said he had some kind of a surprise or something oh [Music] larry oh what are you going to look out for the sink [Music] where did you get do you like it i saved up 500 box tops from frosted flaky flippers cereal and it's finally here my new ukulele uh that's a unicycle larry but aren't those things really hard to ride well i guess at first but i got the hang of it no big deal i think i'm gifted you can't even reach the pedals how are you doing that i'm telling you bob i got a gift and you know what i'm gonna do with it uh your gift yeah rich and famous bob give me a month and my ukulele and i will be on the cover of veggie beat magazine it's a unicycle and are you sure that's what your gift is for well what else would it be for you know that reminds me of a letter we just got from dylan clark of altoona wisconsin can dillon ride a unicycle well no but dylan can build things better than anyone else he knows his mom says he has a gift dylan wants to know what exactly a gift is and what is he supposed to do with it rich and famous dylan wait a minute larry we have a story today that can help both of you it's about a boy who received an extraordinary gift and had to figure out what it was for it's full of elves and dwarves and flobbits what's a flop it you'll find out in a minute dylan get ready for the lord of the beans [Music] randolph you're late toto baggy pants i am never late i arrive precisely when i intend to [Music] um [Music] oh got the fireworks oh yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] well done randolph yes they seem to enjoy [Music] so when's your uncle gonna make his speech here he is now dear floppits today is my 12 32 birthday 122 years is too short a time to live among such fine folk i'm twice as tall as half of you and half as short as twice of you but i'm growing tired you see i'm feeling stretched like chocolate pudding scraped across too much ham [Music] my life has been a series of adventures a string of journeys quests and curious trips i've done all right you see gathering riches just for me all to bring the cup of joy up to my lips i grabbed a little more of this and a little more of that i wanted to be happy but instead it left me flat share with me the secret if you can the key to be a truly happy man i didn't mean to interrupt your feasting or bore you with my silly little speech so dig right in my friends before the celebration ends and the plate of pleasure [Music] and a little more of that hope it makes you happy but it only makes you fat and now it's time to beat you all adore but not before a present just for you [Music] my birthday cake [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uncle girl boy [Music] oh bill boy you old rascal they never saw that one coming you think you're awfully clever don't you randolph my old friend why you haven't changed a bit nobody you have you must be twice as tall as when last we met well you know clean living and your clothes very fine for a flop it oh rags really in this house i don't remember that dance what randall or that or that well business has been good and what's this an espresso maker oh you really must try it i tell you it makes tea taste like bath water i wasn't sure i'd like it at first it has quite a oh kick billboard baggy pants there are many powerful beams in the world none of them should be used lightly oh being friends with you can be such a bother all right here it is i found it on my adventures it's given me everything i've asked for everything i could think of anyway but something's missing i can't put words to it but i intend to find it whatever it is that's why i'm leaving i'm leaving tonight and i don't believe i'll be coming back and you're home to toto my nephew i'm giving everything to him what about the bean yes the bean too what i'm looking for i don't think it can give me you'll see to it that he gets it won't you yes of course well i must be off farewell randolph hmm oh yes farewell billboard until we meet again [Music] uncle bill boy i saved you some cave i got one with a big flower randolph your uncle isn't here toto he had to leave he said he was looking for something he talked about leaving i guess i knew someday he really would he's giving you everything his home all his things this beam why would i want to be this being is not an ordinary being this mean is not an ordinary bean it's not no it's not many many years ago when center earth was thick with snow four beams were given i said four beams were given long before the shine was made where floppits flaunt are in the shade four beans were given powerful beams were given [Music] special powerful the first beam could grow any kind of food or drink you could imagine the second could change your looks your height your hair the third produce the finest clothing and the fourth small kitchen appliances small kitchen appliances small kitchen appliances toasters blenders fried added neem fryers you name it is whoa one of those beans no no oh where'd those beans go unfortunately the poor fools who received them had no idea what they'd been given and cooked them up in a stew not bad but there was another [Music] anything anything from blenders to bagels hairdos to hats the power of all the others wrapped up in one bean one being one bean the most powerful bean in the world now take it out and look closely i don't see anything no wait what does it say it says if you can read this you're too close other side [Music] wisely [Music] [Applause] it's an amazing gift toto and it's yours the bean is yours i'm not so sure i want it fillboy's giving me plenty of stuff you take the bean randolph the bean is your gift toto every gift is given for a reason we can't choose which ones we get only what we do with them well what am i supposed to do with it i don't know beans what if i use it wrong can mess everything up randolph you're wise tell me what to do with it well i uh to be honest i don't know i paid better attention in fireworks class than in bean class it was a good show though wasn't it i think i know someone who can help though the elders of the raspberry forest their knowledge of mysterious plants and beans goes back ages the raspberry forest that's on the other side of the mountains of much snowier the journey will be difficult but the wisdom you seek cannot be gained without work there are other dangers your gift is not unknown the dark lord scary man would give anything to have it for his own scary man that bean could feed and clothe his armies as they ravage center earth right now his minions search for it minions yes foul creatures that feel nothing what kind of vegetable are they oh they aren't vegetable at all unnatural creatures forged by scary man himself have spooned and born sports they are no one would blame you if you just put the bean in a box and forgot about it [Music] i've been given a gift and i want to know what it's for i need to know what i'm to do with it but i don't think i can make the journey alone you won't have to i took the liberty to invite a few friends fearless ranger irricorn [Music] you have my sword sharp shooting elf legoland you have my bow and gruff but lovable dwarf grumpy hi could we have parked any farther away oh yeah you have my axe not that it'll do any good oh that's my brother he didn't have anything to do this weekend he's another elf what does he do ah he's pretty good in the kitchen and the other elf these fearless men have agreed to accompany you on your quest to brave much snowier and keep you from scary man's clutches as you seek the purpose of your gift i give you the fellowship of the bean [Music] got any waffles [Music] why didn't you go before we left i didn't have to then i'm good now i can hike forever [Music] [Applause] much snowier that's a lot of snow oh we covered a lot of ground today what say we bunk down here for the night it's not even lunchtime and [Music] it'll be fun he says fresh air he says you'll get out of the mines he says and for this i'm missing toggle night [Music] that that was it now i can go for hours [Music] [Applause] raspberry forest we did it we're not there yet you all wait here while i look for a safe route down if you're clever these things can even keep your nose warm [Applause] how's your nose feel now still warm [Music] i'm starving where are the raspberries not that kind of [Music] raspberry raspberry well what's that supposed to mean hey kid you got any food my stomach's growling just stay old biscuits did you eat all yours i got them right here and they don't agree with me i was thinking more like a uh a nice chicken burrito sorry fresh out of burritos hey you got that bean right yeah it can make anything anything we want i guess perfect so make me a chicken burrito with lots of guacamole i don't think i should why not i was given this gift for a reason and i don't want to use it till i know what that reason is man if i had a gift like that i'd be using that thing to get rich after i made a few burritos [Music] listen we are nearing the elders who will know the secret of toto's bean with them your behavior will become critically important try to hold it together what do you mean critically important the elders of the raspberry forest are ancient somewhere around the 4th millennium they lost their senses of humor you may not laugh in their presence you may not even smile no matter what happens the consequences if you do will be great [Music] so these elders must be as old as the trees no they are the trees hail elders of the raspberry forest may your fruit never fall in vain [Music] welcome randolph son of mandolf keeper of the flame of remorthia oliveth thank you for your welcome lord faluminion pteroglyph son of therabil and lithimon that is a beautiful jewel you wear yes a gift from a friend i have an eye for beautiful things but tell me randolphson of mandal did you come here to admire my jewelry no lord falaminian pteroglyph son of therabil eliphamon it is the matter of a being that brings us here a bean that i believe [Music] you mean randolph son of mandolf the bean of power yes lord faluminion teroglyph son of therabil lithamon it has fallen into the possession of a young flop who seeks your wisdom in knowing for what purpose it should be used he should take the bean through the blue gate to the land of wall randolphson of mandolf there he will find his answers nag it off they're just saying hello uh but but the land of woe is a cursed place filled with evil what would he do when he gets there it will be obvious i believe we must be going thank you for your sage advice get out get out get out [Music] oh that kind of raspberry i said no matter what happens don't laugh or smile didn't i say that well you didn't mention they were going to talk like that so how long will they keep us here the last fellow i knew who made fun of their language was up here for 12 years then they let him go no he was blown off in a windstorm never seen again to have a gift is a wonderful thing your spirits will lift [Music] though some might use it to live like a king first i want to know what it's for will i ever know what it's for there's gotta be some way to get down from here none that i know of you know maybe we could build up [Music] the eagle's coming [Music] everyone stand on the edge of the platform next to me now when i give the signal we're all going to jump together trust me this'll work okay ready jump [Music] what was that oh there's a bird let's jump on him maybe he'll fly us wherever we want to go maybe he'll serve us drinks and little bags of peanuts get your own ride [Music] i thought that would work at least we didn't wake the trees randolph son of mandolf you have left your detention why yes lord glyph son of therapy run [Music] that went well hey at least we're out of that tree where are we the blue gate entrance to the land of whoa the blue gate why do they call it blue you ask perhaps for the sorrow that blankets the land beyond perhaps for the sadness of those who toiled on this cursed wall perhaps for the river of tears that flowed from that or that there's no handle how are we gonna get in look for a doorbell there's some kind of writing over the gate i can't read it there are few who can it is the tongue of woe and if i remember my seventh grade diabolical languages class it reads he who seeks to pass this gate a riddle first must solve the answer that will seal his fate must all his wits involved what thing with awesome strength is blessed yet quakes before the smallest pest stands so high yet sniffs the ground without so much as stooping down has no home or chair or bunk yet holds his bath inside a trunk if your first guest ringeth true passage we will grant to you but if in air you guess my friend the door will bar your journey end it said all that it's a highly efficient tongue you can fit a whole book on a napkin so it's a riddle eh awesome strength yet quakes before the smallest pest tall yet sniffs the ground a cow an ostrich with a suitcase bacon it's a long shot we have one chance to get this right a vicodin ring binder an elephant it's strong but it's afraid of the littlest pest a mouse and even though it's tall it can sniff the ground with its long trunk which also holds water when it takes a bath elephant man this bacon all right only one way to find out is it an elephant [Music] [Music] it's too small we ain't gonna fit no wait it's a trick it's an optimal illusion it only looks small because it's so far away watch [Music] i'll couldn't do the wrong maybe if you ran faster try it again how are we gonna get in the only one who'd fit through that door is you toto you don't need to do that toto no one would blame you if you just went home and put the bean in a box i knew this was a lousy idea right from the start oh well we tried you know it isn't like we didn't try no i want to know what my gift is for toto the lands beyond this door are filled with evil it won't be easy i want to know they say a creature lives there in desperate for the bean i want to know maybe you could swap it for another gift you know a gift exchange every gift is given for a reason we can't choose which ones we get only what we do with them that's one brave flop i got dibs on his espresso maker well that's that so we can go home now right we failed the fellowship failed we were supposed to help toto and now he's in there on his own we may yet have another chance to help him i'm a lucky fella i'm a lucky boy i've got a new umbrella and it's me pride and joy when the rain may come in the sun may go will be won't be driving me head to toe [Music] what are you doing [Music] ah we were just trying to get in oh well all you need to do is go down a couple of miles to the red gate it's wide open the red gate i've heard of it but i thought it was just a myth just came from there you'll know it when you see an angry murderous band of spawks headed through to find a small flopper and a bee with instructions to bring him back dead or alive do you like me and brad gotta go oh i'm a lucky fella i am a lucky boy i've got a new um [Music] we gotta beat him to that gate ah i think i'll go with umbrella boy come on hi and tonight was meatloaf night and now it's time for silly songs with elves the part of the show where iroquois comes out and sings a silly song for elves i asked my baby my baby elf a couple questions about myself if i was handsome if i was nice i was looking for her advice she looked at me and shook her head and this is [Laughter] [Music] full of tears [Music] [Music] upon my shelf i'm always dreaming about my health i won't forget the way that she says don't know exactly what she said [Music] hey i knew it i knew it what you should be ashamed of yourself you're no elf you're an elvish impersonator you second me deceitful one oh right like you're a real elf give the guard a bow and arrow and he's a real elf this has been silly songs for elves my bow shall sing with your puppet don't you point that thingy help [Music] [Music] hey [Music] hello is someone there what a load of trouble you turned out to be if i had half a mind i just throw you and it did you be done with you oh oh that's gonna leave a mark what's that who's there oh my precious they stole it from me who are you it's mine i tell you it's mine give it to me what is you mean the bean it's my gift it was given to me i'm taking it to the land of woe to find out what it's for no don't do that that's a terrible place give it to me i know what it's for it's for me [Music] you are pretty speedy but you'll never make it by yourself these woods are crazy you you need a guide oh [Music] you know they they say you should balance out your aerobic activity with a little weight training let's say we break and do some squats bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what's your name i am named for the sound i make with my throat a ham yes what do you want your name is a helm my name is ahem so have you always been like this oh no i was once a normal floppit you were a floppit that's right a perfectly normal flop named spiegel spiegel you were that floppit that floppit who bought everything mail order that was me it's amazing what you can buy to the mail i was a collector of labor-saving devices but everything that i bought i had to pay for this was a limiter to my life of ease then i found it found what i was opening a new crock pot when i found it hidden among the packing peanuts it was small like a packing peanut but it was no peanut it was whatever clothes you want bang you got it any kind of food there it is you want a fountain of great knee height and shoot right out the ground no problem a life of ease right in the palm of my hand wow so what happened to me one day before 10 am i had created and consumed a 200 pound marshmallow peep unfortunately i fell into a sugar coma when i awoke three days later the bean was gone and now look at me i'm falling to pieces my clothes are gone even my hair is falling out have you tried washing it what and work once you taste the life of ease my friend there's no going back so now why did you want to come to the land of wall don't bother waiting up for me the red gate it's yellow oh they say it was named for the color of the sunset on the day they hung those doors don't be so literal randolph the sparks [Music] there's only five we can take them no problem grumpy yes all right then for toto and then [Applause] [Music] [Music] i gotta go [Music] okay you've seen it found the goal i'm supposed to do something here do what this place is no good i don't know they said it would be clear [Music] oh well a drink would do me good forget about it it's been dry for years where do they get their water they don't have any i'm telling you this place is no good can you help us please help us [Music] this is not good while we still draw breath hope is alive we need a plan we'll create a distraction does anybody have a banjo or an inflatable turkey did i mention it was meatloaf night look at this isn't fun finish them quickly [Music] have you ever actually fired that thing what sure plenty of times not a [Music] a cookie oh we ain't had nothing but maggoty bread for three stinking days [Music] nothing tastes better than a cookie baked in a tree like cookie help us can you help us please my daughter is hungry i don't think these people are evil i think they're thirsty and hungry okay maybe but let's talk some more when we're out of here no that's why they sent me they wanted me to help i can help them what nobody being you can't it's my life of ease it's not for them it's my gift and the elders want me to use it to help they've got their own gifts let them help themselves [Music] don't worry about them turns out they love cookies randolph i know why the elders sent me here they want me to help good thought but wrong scary man the elders sent you here because i told them to what what everyone has something they're sure they can't live without for some it's fame or fortune for others a life of ease for a certain ancient tree it happens to be jewels something of which i have in abundance you bribed them yes they got what they want and i get what i want ha use your gift to help people how quaint i hope you've learned your lesson boy life is short if you have a gift use it for yourself before you've lost it and it's too late [Music] ah too late [Laughter] you're wrong scary man what who said that you're wrong scary man show yourself where are you [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello not so fast scary guy sporks save me yes without the bean it didn't take long and your clothes were for a much taller flobbit when you gave me the bean you lost everything yes i did but i found so much more clothes and toys and fame and they all feel good for a minute but the happiness they bring passes in a flash like straw in a fire when i left i was looking for a happiness that lasts and i found it here of all places how by helping by using my gifts to help others rather than myself i hear you figured out what your gift is for i thought i had but the elders were lying it was a trip they may have been lying but they couldn't keep you from finding the truth so what would you like to do with your gift i want to help [Music] i want to fix this land wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] to have a gift is a wonderful thing your spirits will lift and your heart will sing [Music] your gift makes you feel like a king when you see all the good and the help it can break and joy will bloom like the flowers and spring when you finally know what it's for yes that's what it's done [Music] when you finally know what it's for [Music] wow that was amazing elves and dwarves and flabbits and trees that make funny noises i hope we didn't offend anyone we're over here by qwerty to talk about what we learned today [Music] they took the what if we learned song how could they but bob you didn't even like that song well yeah but after a while it it kind of it grows on you bob we gotta finish the show without the song i don't know okay let's see if courtney has a verse for us for we are god's workmanship created in christ jesus to do good works which god prepared in advance for us to do ephesians 2 10 so god made us and gave us our special gifts and talents so we could do good works for others isn't that right bob huh oh right larry lots of people just use their special gifts for themselves to make money or to get rich or famous helping ourselves might make us feel good for a while but it doesn't last happiness that lasts is called joy and it comes from using our gifts the way god intended from seeing the difference we can make to the people around us so dylan maybe you'll be building houses someday for poor folks maybe in another country and i'll be riding my ukulele for science well sure or to entertain sick kids in a hospital that too we're out of time for today remember god made you special and he loves you very much goodbye [Music] [Music] celery
Channel: Mini Moments
Views: 1,510,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Veggie tales, veggie tales silly songs, veggie tales full episodes, silly songs with Larry, veggitales, veggie tales songs, the pirates who don’t do anything, pirates who don’t do anything, barbara manatee, veggie tales cheeseburger, where is my hairbrush silly song, veggie tales where is my hairbrush, veggie tales hairbrush, veggietales theme song, veggie tales Jonah, belly button song
Id: am5cvCViOic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 33sec (5853 seconds)
Published: Sat May 19 2018
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