ALL GAME-MODS AT ONCE - Job Simulator VR #19

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nothing to see here don't forget the evidence yeah that'll be good in court that'll hold up don't worry about it what's up guys and welcome back to job simulator so I wasn't really sure if I was gonna play anymore of this game because I know we've seen and done pretty much everything there is but at the same time I've had a lot of requests from you guys to try all of the game mods at the same time and that just sounds awesome it sounds like something's gonna break something is gonna go weird with the game I really just can't resist and you guys are probably wondering why am I so small right now like why is jobbot even creepier today oh god stop staring at me like some kind of beeping tom just just go away it's for the dollhouse mode because usually when you use dollhouse mode you're higher than the room that you're in you're above the roof and it's just a really weird so I've calibrated my headset a little bit differently and this way I'm gonna be a kind of medium giant height but when I don't have it turned on I'm essentially the height of an oompa loompa my tiny little job I completely forgot how adorable you are in dollhouse mode and how weird everything else is my tiny little Trump hands we did do a little bit of dollhouse mode before especially for the office but back then you know we had gravity when you get rid of gravity things tend to get really frickin weird did you just see this toe pod I'm pretty sure that just went right through the it just went right through the wall is this place even real what is real I can't trust you am I Jayant human working in a tiny robot office hey can my magical photocopier actually make photocopies of my giant human brain come to think of it I don't really know we should probably tell first thing we're gonna do make a perfect copy of my brain just in case this seems very real so you know what I forgive you whoa that's bouncy I'm gonna keep that over there out of robot reach for safekeeping probably should make a copy of my tiny little hand as well just in case okay you can also go over there just like my mom said I always have a copy of yourself you can never be too careful I like to think that that's what I look like the job bot is essentially looking at two hands and a floating brain right now let's see if we can get a job this is already super weird this is so freaking weird I'm looking forward to your presentation today on all the business that we did last week presentation you'll need to make some slides time to learn about an ancient human technique called winging it try using this program in your computer wait you're talking what it sounds like it's coming from over there I'm not losing my mind right my video is in stereo so most of you guys should be able to wear headphones and hear that but I think the sound is reversed oh it is definitely reversed it's coming through my left ear I've only been playing for two minutes I've already broken the game now hear me out okay I see you staring at me judging thinking that I have a whole lot of work to do you just gave me a CD to make the world's tiniest PowerPoint presentation but first I really do feel like we need to try out the new game that's sweeping the nation I call it bounce the mug off the dummy's face it's gonna be a real fort night killer okay big with the kids so the high score is you know we'll split it I think that was probably five no you can't play you go back to wherever you came from weird carpet robot usually I would say that it's the troublemakers of the office that are trying to prank me but this time is probably gravity right does gravity unplug computers I honestly don't know so I'll pop you and there we're gonna have his PowerPoint presentation done in no time my controllers are so big that I can't use both hands on the keyboard password one zero one one zero one I'm already logged in okay screw it yeah they must have thought ahead so we're just gonna pick a little bit everything this is incredibly difficult to see right now hell no no oh come on I'm too big for this I can barely see what I'm doing it oh my god how am I supposed to give a presentation if I can barely read it beforehand okay you know what this is spying right the best kind of presentations are the ones that you're completely unprepared for so you ready to go through this presentation here's the clicker use the button to go through your slides oh right and once again hands aren't really gonna allow for this job bot would your square little bottom please provide me with some assistance there we go okay you can be good enough please please hold over it you guys are over here out please hold your applause until the hint and why did you all learn how to become weird toaster ventriloquist all of a sudden it's freaking me out but yeah you could be good enough not you but the two of you could definitely be good enough good enough for what you're asking well the answers to that is cheesy memes you can't be good enough for cheesy memes okay this office has gone on this way for long enough I'm not entirely sure what it is we do here we could be selling nuclear bombs we could be selling paper I'm not a hundred percent on it but right now what's important is the future and the future is in memes the meme market is exploding it's just gone up dramatically in years okay if you get on the meme train early you go viral you could be a real internet sensation so in conclusion if you're not a meme er you may be fired after lunch it was very business thank you okay that went well I just took a dramatic turn for this company and wasn't even really planning that whoo okay that was a close one Nance get another job in here where jobbot go I still can't get used to the fact that I'm absolutely massive up here lot number one zero one one zero is retiring tomorrow we wanted to give them a parting gift everyone's pitching in why don't you give me something you'd like to contribute no not one zero one one zero he's so young though what exactly does robot retirement entail you guys just become CRT monitors or what that's kind of confusing oh you want me to give you something here you go I'm hopeful I'm sure they will appreciate it yeah he'll need them be able to see anything in his alley oh come on do you realize how difficult it is for somebody my size to use a computer like this this isn't a very giant friendly office okay I'm gonna speak to my rep about that resume thank you no - get well soon note birthday note haiku angry apology love letter what do you want from me um I'm just gonna give you a haiku how about that that's all you're getting from me I enjoy my work the cubicle is my home [Music] live is to job okay yeah you know what I think that's a print hopefully you'll just accept anything thanks for helping out sure that would work why is everybody so confused when they're leaving they're not a hundred percent sure which way to go very awkward also I just realized I'm so big I can technically hidey-ho their neighbor II knows what you guys doing over here what are the odds I can screw with his game your computer howdy neighbor bro careful here well oh it's permanently on why is yours permanently on but mine's constantly getting turned off that's a very weird view of my office I didn't even know there was a clock behind me it's five after five I should be able to leave does this say can't believe you take the time to read this oh you can just go straight to hell jump up we're probably about halfway through this episode wouldn't you say would you maybe like some lunch you what you want some num nums no okay fine then see if I care how about you just give me another job we'll keep a professional I see how it is trying to make friends yeah what happened take a look at these employee evaluations I told the man they might be fired after lunch we just had lunch time to get firing so who isn't a Mimar at this office we have bandit bar we get Safari Bob we get fancy but we got cowboy Bob you know what I don't think any of them are just gonna fire everybody how about that I do that I wonder that wasn't yours that there wasn't yours get back here know this yeah it's a rough life man I'll see you later about these two no I guess I'll just get theirs later what does that say ideas optimized synergize profit eyes merge more do more job why would they go to all the eise's and then just give up we through I also have never seen that there's a fire extinguisher over there the odds that I could reach that excuse me buddy just gonna get in your personal space you're real quick yeah you're smelling great today like dust and Static nope nope sOooo lost my hand um um I'm not controlling that anymore hands hand please come back to me oh there he is okay let's not do that again well like I was saying before we were interrupted by all the work some of us aren't too good for lunch so maybe I'll just maybe I'll just release the tiniest of pukes all over you I still love the fact that little pieces bounce off his face and come back because of all the minds god this is so weird okay give me anotherjob bring something else in here a little cactus looks like a did you mall honey office workers would converse around the liquid dispenser nobody cares man did you hear that two - seven - it was pretty touchdown I keep thinking you idiots are behind me will you stop throwing your voice and what's with the ditto you guys are freaking me out okay you want me to drink some water - leave me alone pouring water is difficult when you have no gravity is that is that all I get I'm thirstier than that come on come on here we go okay down the hatch I can't see the photos I can't handle this this is there we go okay yeah they're lovely no I don't bear children leave me the hell alone what do you want for as great great actor the computer um which ones have I not used before I'm gonna go at this one yeah why not what is this I think this is being job arts kid at that dude listen man I didn't touch your wife okay you see any go see you later drop pot once again the plan for this episode was to do one or two tasks and then move on to another job but I find myself wanting to finish this because I'm having way too much fun why don't we let the magic one ball decide huh should we move on to another job ask again did you ask again another task how about that what were you going were you running off to well yeah Hey look I've got some papers I need you to shred it has to be you for legal reasons I don't really want to get into it here just look in the case shred everything just get rid of it I don't know how I feel about this I mean this is the world's cutest little shredder but at the same time okay just kidding haha dummy do I need to explain the joke to get a smile out of here or something like that it was funny I made you think I was losing my human hand oh you guys don't have hands you've you probably didn't get the punchline okay well what if I photocopy the evidence I don't think we've ever tried that before I'm just gonna make a copy of everything and then when the police come I'll give them the copy it's ingenious I'm gonna keep all of the evidence that's actually a really good idea I'm amazed I haven't haven't thought of that before having some issues with the photocopier come on there we go I'm also curious what happens if I try to remove gravity great because there is no gravity right now but we've come to realize that if you do the first swipe over and then remove it which is a make any whew okay and we'll take one copy of the money how about that the quick little cop nope come on come on photocopier need to copy the money show me the money there we go then dressed and go in here company books and stuff like that yeah I'll toss them over into Steve's his cubicle is snowing on the digimon cactus has got to go gotta go that'll be good in court that'll hold up don't worry about it you're going away for a long time boss but never gonna see you again that's for sure hello human CEO bot here's the thing needs to go away for a while and you've been doing a really good job so I'd like to offer you a promotion [Music] this would mean so much more to me if it sounded like you're in front of me and up behind me well at the candles huh um wait do I do this I don't know how to blow it okay you know what what if I just thank you oh I thought the president was the cake does this plenty of cake for me guys don't even worry about it is now you're within reach no no no this is my last day okay I'm getting promoted and then I'm done I'm gone I'm out of here you can suck handle what was in this this is beautifully wrapped by the way thank you I'm even gonna do a little yeah I thought it was a pair of gold knock points I wanted to blow in his face but I couldn't because it's kind of difficult to figure out exactly where your mouth is I think we managed to wing it where was it oh yeah we're closing [Music] but but I'm the boss and we just right oh hey it's five o'clock work is over be the music guy did you just cut it off or you left on Saturday well there you had a human I hope this has given you a better idea of what it was once like - office worker I'm confused didn't that guy leave the museum if you want to I'll just be hanging out here while you do whatever you want oh don't worry I didn't miss that you just teleported you were standing there and celebrating and stuff and then pop disappeared came back I don't get it I will stuff my face with with Cheerios essentially let's be honest these are not big enough to be donuts I keep hitting myself in the face with my giant hand so maybe I'll just uh here we go oh they're not in finished are you kidding me every other time I've gotten a box of donuts they were infinite they were bottomless doughnuts and now when I get a promotion you can only go and pay for a six-pack you kidding me you cheap little TV I think that's gonna be it for this episode of job simulator guys and I keep meaning to do a lot more in these videos because it's like I said I know some people have kind of gotten tired of job simulator this is like my 17th or 18th episode or something like that I've done pretty much everything there is to do in the game you guys have seen this before what I end up getting into it and it's such a weird perspective and bouncing stuff off of things and low gravity and being so gigantic and just kind of get lost and then end up playing a lot more of one job than I had expected so if you guys want to see all of the job mods for the convenience store or the chef or something like that then leave a comment let me know and if people aren't interested then people will just have to wait a little bit I'm pretty sure vacation simulator is coming soon and you've know I'm gonna be playing a lot of ads things weren't watching this video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 2,452,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: job simulator, job sim, job simulator vr, job sim vr, job simulator virtual reality, job simulator all game mods, job simulator all game genies, job simulator game mod, job simulator low gravity, job simulator bouncy mode, job simulator dollhouse mode, job simulator all mods, job simulator all modes, job simulator funny, job simulator funny moments, job simulator playlist, job simulator walkthrough, job simulator playthrough, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: HHIE6s6N9cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2018
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