Real Estate Listing Presentation

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[Music] okay cool so let's get into this listing presentation listing appointment so once you find somebody that wants to sell or they've indicated they want to meet with you to talk about selling the property or whatever the case may be now it's time to set that appointment let's set a time to go meet with that person one thing I want you new people to understand really quickly is that you don't ever price a property don't even talk about price with an owner until you've seen the property firsthand it's a primary home they live there okay got to come see it you know that's that's the next thing is they need to come see it I need to come meet you I need you to show me the house so that I can evaluate it and then we can go from there so we're gonna set that appointment we're gonna set it you know whatever day whatever time all that good stuff okay so here's my listing package now know a lot of you guys have a really detailed a lot of statistics what you're gonna do how you're gonna market the property so on and so forth but I don't do that okay and here again this is just another example of me doing things a little differently just based on my experiences what works for me to give you guys a different perspective of how you can do the business and I'll tell you something else that's interesting a lot of the agents that I talk to you know when we really sit down and dig into a lot of my stuff and they ask me questions you know one on one it seems like every step of the way all of my stuff it really creates a sense of calmness like you know my phone scripts for example when people are using other phone scripts it feels like you're forcing it where you know hey do you want to sell you know and do you know anybody or whatever the scripts are they sound very telemarketer and they sound very you know non person and then when you switch over to my scripts now it's like a big weight lifted off your shoulders because it's really really laid back it's really you know low pressure you're not you're just helping people right same thing with this listing presentation a lot of people are worried and stressed out about how to do the listing presentation what do we need to do you know they want to go through this big should we be going through this big 20 page listing presentation um you know I'm not gonna forget some of the details and they stress herself out big time right and so I make it very simple for you right and you can do it like this or you don't have to do it like this but this is how I do it okay I show up I have a Remax you know folder you put whatever company that you are I have a Ricky Carruth pin right and so I show up with this folder okay just black folder they don't know what's in it right I just show up I say how you doing I shake hands I go in through the house okay the next the next move is hey how you doing we talk you know see what kind of conversation is gonna happen there then I'm gonna let them show me the property now this is my favorite part because they want to walk you through the property and they want to show you every little thing about the property and they wanna they want to tell you why this is special and that special on why this house is the best house in the neighborhood right everybody's house is the best house in the neighborhood always right so I walk through and I'm and I'm not saying anything I'm just listening and I'm saying oh that is nice oh yeah I love that I love this all that stuff right I want to be very calm I want to be there I don't want to talk a lot right here I want them to be in charge I want their were in their house I want them to be in charge the biggest thing with the listing appointments is making people feel comfortable with you this is the biggest biggest biggest thing is making them feel comfortable with you who you are what you're there for what your intentions are you know why you're doing this and if you can make them feel comfortable with you and who you are then you have really won you have written you have given yourself the best opportunity to win the listing even if they're up if you're up against they're interviewing several agents and there's some really heavy hitters you know some of those heavy hitters are not as personable as you're gonna be if you're following my coaching if you're you're listening to my videos and podcasts and watching my Instagram you you're you're in the mindset of how can I help this person it's not about the deal it's about the relationship long-term because if you help this person really help them even if they don't want to sell right now but if you take the time and you really help them they are gonna see you as somebody who really cares about them and now it's done they're never gonna use another agent ever in their life you are their agent for life they're gonna refer everybody to you they're gonna buy and sell everything through you they're gonna refer everybody they know to you so take this serious do not go after the deal be very very low pressure and let's just feel the situation out remember my quote that I did a while back be 95% low pressure and 5% high pressure okay you have to pick and choose where you're gonna be high pressure at if you see the opportunity see they've already decided when they're gonna sell it's not up to you to decide when they're gonna sell but it is up to you to notice that they want to buy or sell that they want to sell and that they're motivated for some reason okay the big big thing in the listing the listing appointment is to make you to make them feel comfortable with you and number two to find out why they want to sell what is the reason behind why they're wanting to sell that is this second most important probably those two go together there's really not one that's more important than the other being making them feel comfortable and finding out why those are those are two very closely related situations that needs to be your biggest goal to find out why they want to sell what happened in their life because something's going on in their life did they get older do they want to downgrade did they lose a job do their kids go to college they get a divorce or they just do they just want to invest what what are they what's going on in their life there's something else besides I just want to sell a house there's a reason and when you can get the answer to that reason and focus everything on that reason we're just taking another step closer to being their agent forever and we take notice of why they're wanting to sell so let's get into my package here okay so what happens is is we're gonna we're gonna let them show us the house when it when I show up I normally show up greet them talk to them and now I know when we set the folder down on the kitchen table and I'll leave it there and now I'm gonna let them show me the house and we'll leave the folder there and so what happens every single time is is they show me the house we're walking around and all that we kind of circle back to the kitchen or living room and then we just start talking you know because by then I've opened them up they feel comfortable with me by that time and I've probably popped the question of you know why are you guys want to sell or what's what's causing you to want to sell or you know I'll fill out exactly how to ask the question wait to the answer to the question tells you a lot it tells you how motivated they are when they want to sell if they really want to sell sometimes they may say you know you say hey what's cause you need to want to sell they might say well you know we're just kind of thinking about it right then and there you know that they're not super motivated right or they may be in not telling you you can still fill the situation out you're always feeling the situation out don't ever believe anything you hear you know just go with the flow of it but we're gonna circle back around we're having this conversation and then at some point the conversation is gonna break and it's gonna be about the price you know like what is the price you know like we're talking and you know we're talking about you know fishing and stuff and then you know this and that and then you know we start you know thinking about well you know what you know what's the house worth because that's what we're really there for we wanna know what the house is worth gonna a meet Ricki see if he makes us feel comfortable see if he cares about why we're gonna sell the property and then we don't know what the house is worth so we can make a decision right what's the house worth in the current market okay so that's when I grab my folder open the folder up first thing I grab is the comps okay so what I like to do with the comps is I like to put it on one sheet of paper I got that I got the active listings here and the closed listings here I like to put it on one sheet of paper like this where I can just compare everything I've got you know price subdivision bedrooms baths your bill of size selling price closed day days in the market price for a square foot I like to do it like that because it's easy to read you can look at all the properties right there you're not flipping through this long you know this long deal with all these properties it's one page boom now a little side note if I'm dealing with a unique house and I need pictures I need to show them pictures we need to cook we need to we need to like compare like real pictures and you can't do that on one sheet of paper if it gets that deep or I feel like I really need to bring my computer I'll bring my computer hook up to their internet I'll pull up MLS right there and we'll go through everything if they want to see everything and it's a really really unique house then then we can do it you know most houses are in subdivisions where the price per square foot is normally you know work you know you can kind of tell what's up with the price per square foot or if it's a condo it's really easy because there most all the same same floor plan and so forth so I like to do one page comps and so what I do and they start talking about the the the price I start I just say okay because I've seen the house and I know about it I also bring the tax I like to bring the county tax evaluation of their property I didn't put that in this folder for you guys but I like to bring the tax evaluation that shows the square footage when they bought it how much they paid for it all that stuff that way they can't argue with me if they say they bought it for a different price or if it's a different square footage it's like here's the county information right here like this is where it what it says so I'm gonna go through all these comps and I'm gonna kind of formulate in my head what the place is worth what we could ask what we could get okay because that's what they want to know so we talked about that then I just kind of take the conversation from there right whatever direction they want to go in you know let's talk about okay what is that what you thought you know what where you know what do you want to do you know that it could go so many different directions from there based on what they say you go with the flow of it and just try to help them accomplish what they want to accomplish other things that are my folder so they get to keep this entire folder the comps and everything in this folder the the pen I actually leave it with them just like this when I leave it's theirs okay so other things that are in this folder this is a one-page resume I don't do this anymore I just put this in here for you guys because I do think it's a good idea to have this I don't do it anymore because I'm just I'm such a people per I just want to connect with them like it's just me and them and like our personalities I just want to show them how much I care based on how I'm acting and what my body language and tone is and and how how in tune I am with them and why they're wanting to sell that's my thing and I think it should be your thing but I do have this one-page resume that shows some things also I bring a blank listing agreement always bring a blank listening agreement because I don't know if we're gonna list the property or not if we don't list the property they can have this so they can kind of look through it and then you know they can kind of know what's in the contract you know and we can kind of go from there and then I always have a twenty dollar gift certificate to a restaurant tacky Jack's is the one I do because there's three locations down here it's a pretty popular seafood restaurant in my area so regardless of where they are on the island that could be in Fort Morgan gov Schwarzenegger to them so always give them a twenty dollar Taiki Jack's card and I give these twenty dollar tacky Jack's cards when I show property every single time I show property you have a listing appointment I take a techie Jack's card and they can have it I also do these folders for my buyers I'll have all the properties we're gonna see I give them the folder I give them a little sheets every time we go to a different property and they can have everything when they leave also there's business cards in here okay so nothing fancy it's more about connecting with with my with my potential client than anything and you know that's it guys that that's the listing appointment I'm gonna go with the flow from there I'm gonna see what they think about the price I'm gonna see how they feel about the entire situation and then just just see what I can do to help them from there that's really the whole process the biggest thing is making them feel comfortable and finding out why they want to sell and focusing everything around that and then just trying to connect with them long term I mean that that's the name of the game [Music]
Channel: Ricky Carruth
Views: 45,957
Rating: 4.8618422 out of 5
Keywords: listing presentation, real estate training, Real Estate Listing Presentation, listing appointment, real estate coaching, real estate, real estate scripts, real estate agent training, how to get listin, listing presentation real estate, listing presentation objections
Id: BwYewo8b0BI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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